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NoZ t6{r2,U0IE02GCHS.V .

Gorrcrancnt ofladh
Minig of Heatth and Family Wclfarc
(CHS Division)

NirDrrr BbrrE, NGi Dclhi - t I oot 1

Ddcd tlos Dcceobcr, 2o2l
Of,lcc Mcmonndqin

SlbJcc! G-rif.di4. for tutftrrborrilg of Ccutl icrtn Scrvtca (gES) docroruog.

-Ib.--grtlis ar
ir bmoly
(cHs) ]rhof$
ad wm bc in noer&ion
uovisions of thc Ccahrl Hcafth Sqvicc
Rutcs 2014
tbr cvcd of aay conflic! CHS Ruics 2014 ard "u i*Ji* "Jer6rr,rTirf,
lio *;*
penil owt tbcsc guirkliocs. ".4;;iffi"dlT#" "
ur" *u

-- pcettrcc guirlclincs. Itr odlrto clsur!
Servic6cubcrmsfcrcd anywhe(c
Etnini.rrd;" ;ga"bffiy;;;#or".*
ue Fsbd io Ccotal cov€rruEt Hcatrl Scrvicc+.
tiEG to tin€ will b€ applicablc rs lgng as
rffi'p.Uiir-__aa "Ao
uey are tn CGHS
f. Priadptc:
l.l Maintain equitable distibution of Mcdicat Ofrcers across mits to eDsiu€ optihr!
1.2 For a_ satisSing carcer prog*sion and varied
cxposurc, it is d€sirablc that offic4rs
ur sitably rotrtcd anong wious assignmcnts
Acoordiagly, all Mcdical Oficcrs can be tansfcmed
"rd*y"t ;4.".;;;;L.
1.3 oqmizarioraf htmsr shdl bc giyen highest ".
*Oi" ,n" i*ry.
**ia.Joo ffi-a"Lrf* -a
. frt'ng cxcrcisc. Transfer to r psiicular unitc€nnot be
.I .4 "H-eo aimrr "f;sha
as -
S€oiority, pcrformaoc€ and integrity wilt b€
rhe b.rd p"r;;f".ffi; of Mcdicat
Officers to seoior adminisuativc poss.

2. Iltfritiom
2.1 uDifi roiified by cHS Rulcs 2014 from time to time. (Refcr
schedurc tr of cHS
Rule$ 20t4)
22. Prnou xiah dilbirity: As defincd uder the Rights persois
of wio Disabilitics Asq
2.3. &riou! rtredicd rilmco&: As listcd in Annerurc
Notwithstanding anyhing that follows, thc competent
aDy bansfcr ary timc iD
Authority reserves the right
rd,i,ilrrsriye etigefu " *" '* to efect
";j ilil;ir;;;.

3. CeDtrrl Hcdth Serrice Cqdres

The{€ ale four sub cadres in CHS:

Ceneral Duty MedicalOfficer (GDMO)-
iii. Non -Tcoching.
iv. hrblic Hcalth
Tic dctails ofposb 8c rs g'vcn in CHS Rulcs 2014 as amcndcd Aom tims to timc.

Prhciplcr of Trurfcn
a) Tcnur bssed
b) Requst t€sed

(r) Tcnurc bucd

i. Tbc tsaosfct/ponirg siall bc considcred with an objcctivc ofrotatiooal posring in
differcor unia. Nomdlr, l0 percq ofthc <toclon !n a unit nould bc shift.d to
another udt as I pon ofmtation exercise ou mnud buls.
ii, Rottioosl trnsfo ofnnployees workiug in scositive posts is cssential pursurd to
thc in*rrioos iieEd by thc Ceotal Vigilaacc Coomission tcncr no.
004/VGL/090 d!l!d I 1.09.2013. The maxfunurn teour ofa medical officcr u,ill bc
3 ),rars in cnss hdlhc is hotding scnsitivc posB as givco in Alrcr!rc tr, Ths
ocdical ofrccr vill hc shiftcd to a noo-scnsitive poct on complaion of hrr/bir
tc[urc 8s &r as possiblc I! c$e of devirtion propcr jurtificrfion for rrtrirhg
on r rc itivc po.t lqond 3 yeanr rhdl bc pLccd brfore Oc Tnr;fcr
iii. AII ennud irurfcr ordcn rhell be normelly bc irrucd by 3ld Mrrch, rnd ir
rry cuG, Eot lrtcr ltrr 3llr Ap.il of thc yr.r.

O) Rcqucat b.r&h
i, Tratsfcr iequcsts ofncdical officers will be decidcd upotr otr thc basis ofvac€ncy
pgsitiol at lh€ rc$rstrd unit and the traosfeEc utrit

ii. Thr applicadofEcrrvillgivc achoice of3 unitr/offies in the order ofprcfernce.

A ltrrrfcr CoD[ittlc shall rrcornmend rsnsfcrs for ()cnt8l Healih Service officErs.

Thc Tra$f€r commiitec will lavc the following composition: -

i. DirDctor Genersl ofHealth Services Chaimun
ii. AS&DC (CGHS) or his reprcs€ntative Membo
iii. Joht S€cretary (CHS) Member
iv. D€puty S€q€tary/DiEdor (CHS) Member-SecrEtary

TheTrusfer CorDmittee is rcorunendatory in nature. The final decision rests with rhe
ConFtlot Aulhority.

6. Goncral priDciplc to bc followed by Trmsfer Committee while giving

rcaoEmcrdrtioo! to conpdetrt ruthority
i. Transfers ofCHS docton will be done aonually by the TraDsfer Comminca.
ii. If tansfer is neceGsitd€d in between due to any emergency / artminictrstive
cxigcncy, the samc caa also be coruidered by the competent authority without
necessarily routing thrwgh the Transfer Comminee.
iii. Ifposts ate vacant for a long period of time, then doctors may be posted there on
priority. Similar principle applies in the case ofexcess man;nwer.
iv. As &r-8s pocsible, doctors retuming fiom
dcautarion4otg tcavdsnrdy lcevc of
oorr rhr"oDc ycar duration may not neccssarity
tc posui to thc smc pfo as
v. Whilc rccom'rlcudi'rg taosftr/posting cases
o! owtr rqucst basis, th€ Commiuee
rritl tccp ia vicw thc vacancypositiio
Jrh-iiiffiH* * prf"rry ,i
prticular vacancy is received:
*h;1, ,o*
consida thc ransfa rcq"6t ir'"as"s" "roog
iili'"} ilii"ai* to, *"
r. Spolt. grou& Ar hr er po$ible pgst both thc hurb.rd
.d wifr rt |t.
. lenc .trdoD .r pcr DOpT guidifi,{cr (for rporrc ,oAloc
in C.nh.l
Govcrrm.nt/Sirtc Govcnncutlpirbltc Scctor UufEting
pcl[lrcEt buir) prcvidcd ii i, not thc rrmG urlt on
.b. Ifthc modica.l doctor is a pcrson with disabilitv
c. If tbc Spouse/CldldEn of rh^: med*I pcrsons with disability.
d. Serious mcdical ailmcnt ofthe medicaliocron'are
oti"o fi.rca l" ii*"i"r" r
c. Scdous mcdical ailncnt ofrhc spousc /chilAo.,-oi-meaiof-oHc."
firt a
i! Alrqurc L "s
f, Ctildrcn Educrtio!; Rcquclt for rctcntion rt I prriiculrr
rbtion up to
tie cad of thc prrdcdr r'qdcnic ycrr on th. g"io"a
O"t hb I n",
b ttudyilg iD Chrt-X or clrr'-Kl- "iiU
7. Pl,ocadult for requc!&

i. Allapplications sbould bc forwadcd in alachcd proforma

through ploper cbroncl
witt rccomncodation of thc Head of the ReDortirio UiI
ii. Ttc,r€porlhg unit slrould forward thc trarsn-:r,rq,iJri,f,a
doctor to th€
CHS division withiu l0 days ofrcc€ipt
All rcquests rcceived til tulolf dae will bc compiled
and placcd beforc the
. Trosftr Comnitt€c viich will be convencd .oooJf .---
iv. Thc rccommendations of the Transfcr Coa.-ioE',niU
be placed beforc the
compctenr authodty on tlrc next wo*ing d8y
Tresftr Comnitt€e.
subs€quent t tlli*fuS th"
8. Deputrtiotr

As per CHS Rulcs 2014 upio 100 CHS posb can

be filled up on dcputatiotr-
I! c€se ofdocrors
on deputarion to cHs, they wourd be otiered porq"e." -""u17,,i[iJr**tlii*ro"y
bc@ adv€rrised. Therc8fler. rcouesl for cr,rrri"
[" -u" r,
rdmirbtntive cigcncy with Ge approval of rhe
,riit,-i authority.
"r comlEcnr ".*Ii",J il-pliit _"..u
CHS docrors who have been on deputation will have
to undergo a mandatory cooling
yean beforc proceeding on any funho deputation. offof 2

9. Othcr hrues:

i. Medical ofiices shall not bring in any outside

influence regadirg their Eansfer
and postings: If such influence fiom exraneous
sourcc in iavouiof a uedical
Oflicer isreceived, it willbe prc_sumed rhat the."."
ard knowingty by the Medical Officers atrd w,,
f,^ U"""i."rif,jn
be liable for dilciplhrry .ctioo.
b",i"*;;;;;;dy "uuUorrly
and he wi,
ii. It is incumbenr o0 rhe Head ofoffice.ofthe CHS
Unit ro rclieve the Medical
within 7 working days of issue of the transfer orders Officer
and sul_iiii"-*_pri_""
Ispon !o tbe MoHFW hiling which be will be liablc for sppmpdatc actiou Fgainqt
Oncc a tansfcr order ofr Medical Offic€r bas bcen isucd by the Competent
Ailbority,lhc Medical O6cer coacerncd will not be grantcd leavc ofany kind by
his / hcf cpntoling aulhoiity strd !o rcprenentrdo! whr8osver lhdl b€
cnbrtrirad bcfore hc / $e joir rt new phce of pclthg.
IlG UDit to ufui& thc ltldicsl Ofrcer hrs beeo taosforod qhlll kcep the Mhisty
of Hcalti & Funily Wclfanl informd about the status ofjoining of tbe nedicol
UaiJ Oma.ra u-rfor"a ard oot rclieved withir 7 rtays ofsucb taosfer orders
shall bc uEdod ss deercd relievcd.
vi. In cosc thc mcdical o6ccr srill docs notjoin thc lcw ilaca of posting or gives
tcavc alplication or my ottcr rcpr6cDtrtiotr, hc / shc slull be teatcd as being
wilftlly abs€ot to!0 day and will be liablc for disciplinary adion.

10. Porcr olRdrtrdor of GdrHbB:

Ndc,itiEdirS oyeirg oomiDrd in thc guidclin.s5 the Compcttot Autbority in tc
DoIrfAl nry tudt my l{cdic.l OEca to 8ny plrcc itr rclurrioo of auy of thr abovc

U. Dfof6c.t
Ilesc guidctbes will becone effecivc &om thc datc oftheir issuc. All thc requcsts of
taosfcrs, rccciwd dudrg the past six months, if nol acled upotr carlier, will bc heat€d as
having bcen submined undcr thcse guidelincs and will be acted upon as sucb.

U[der Secretary to thc
Tel. No. : 0ll-2306 t986
A[ pa icipating units of CHS (As per list attached)

Copy to:
iii. Js (cHs)
iv. JS (CCHS)
v. ftecro (CHS),
vi- Us (CHS.VID, US (CHs.lIUv), Us (v/vD
Copy also to:
PS to HFM i PS to MOS (AKC) / Sr. PPS to Secretary (H)
Profonirr fgr Scekhs Tnnifer of CHS ofiiccrs amonq the particioatinq udt!
part I
(Io be frled by the6E-rcer reeking tranrfer)

1 Name of the Offcer

2. Designation

3. Dare ofbinh
4. Date of appointrnent in CHS

5. Qualification

6. Sub-cadre in CHS

7. Prcseot plac€ ofpostitrg

(sincs when)
8. Plsce !o wlfch ttrlsfei
9. Tra$fer Hislory From To
Place Date Plac€ Date

10. Reasons for seeking prrsed

(Attach supportiog documents
if the rransfer is requesred on
medical grounds)

I undertake thst rJe abovemeotiooed details are true and corEct to my knowledge md
Oe contents arr based upon the record available with me and nothing material has been
deliberately coocealed therefton I also undertake that in casc the rcquest for tralsfer is
rccommendo4 I will not make 8ny request for cancellation ofthe sanie,

(Signaturc of the Officcr)

Amerure I
Llrt of Mcdicel Allncnn lor the oorooac of jonridqfetion of Trurfcr/portiag of CflS
l. Crnccn: AII typcs of cancen lcading to permancat disability of more than ,10/0. The
tcrm cancer includes [.uke,rnia, Lynphqma and Hodgkins Discasc.

2. Itegcocntivc & Prcgrcllivc Ncurologicd dllotdcrt:

a" Paralytic Stokr (Ccreho Vasculsr Acci|cots): CVA inclrvting Ccrcbral
Hacmonhagc, Ccrtbml Thrombosis and O:ribral embotisn causing eorr thar
,(P/oTohl Pcm.nqt Disability.
b. Motor Neruou Diseasc: Irreversibly pmgrcssive Motor Neuron Diseosc coofirmcd
ty a NcumlogisL It should be duly supportcd by MRI, EMG and Nervc Conduc-tion
' $udics.
c. Pa*i$on's Dis€as€: Slowly Progressive degencrative ncurological disorder causing
Trcmors, Rigidity and disturbance of balance ad must bc coufnncd by i
d. Cercbellar Ataxia aod Neinopothies lco,ting to morc ihalr 40/o disability-
3. Pcnor livirg with SMIDS (PLHA): A person dinooscd with HIV AIDS and
undergoing trerunent.

4. Chronlc Reorl Frilurc: Chtonic Rcnsl FsihEe with inevcrsible drrnrgc to tnth
kidneys rcquiring RRT. Hacmodialysis/ RT aDd it musr be well documentcd with
rclevart lab iavestigations and certified by Nephologist

5. Ctronic Rcspiratory Failure Chronic Respiruory Failue with inevcnible ,trrnage

to both lungs rcquiring demiceler oxygen or ventilator suppot

6. H€rn Dircales lerditrg to Chro[ic Heart Failurq Cotonary Atery Disease an{
Vdvular Hean Diseascs which may be trEated by CABG or Valve Rcplscament
Surgcry wilt be cntided for three years from thc rlate of actual open heart surgery. Coses
involving non -surgical tcchniqucs likc Angioplasty will be eligible for on€ yee ftom
lhc dstc of htrwention. Unsucc€ssful surgcry or Fardiomopathics leading to H€aft
Failure will also be included.

7. Thrh.remir Mrior atrd othcr Blood Dyscrasii: All Blood Dyscmsias including
Thalasemia nujor rcquiring r€cunEot Blood Transfilsions.

8. Dirbctcs vith coDplic.tiotr!:

(a) Chrcnic Renal Failure; (b) Pemanent loss bf vision; (c) Ceuulitis requiring
Amputation oflimbs; (d) Cerebro Vascular Accidents; (e) Coronary Artery Disease;

9. Any other disease leading to more than 40olo Physical or Permanent disability c€rtified
by the Medical Board wirh larest recordvreports within past three months.

with Menul disability of 40olo or more as certified by the Medical

10. A.ny other disord€r
Board & accompanied by UDID Card.

I l. Acid anack !ictims.


Aucrurc tr

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