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Circular: No.002/2021 AND

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Circular No.002/2021

, offic€B, Ratinssi and those.oncehed wnh haritimekaininc.

ThsNoti.esecoutandexpainstheresuatoryrequiremeitsregardiigthe mpementarorDr
tiin ns e ementapplnab e uNler chaoterrrofthe sTcw convention and code 1d.uis the
trainryaidce^f . lonreq!remenrsrorsearare6worktiBonshtps
STcw EEm nat ons aid rlris cn' ar n,n.E.dc a L o,er.Lrc! 3^ \tr,$. prclio's r. r r r \

l. Certificltiotr ofRatipss Formine Pan ofa Navisational Watch

L\$l rdinB lbmrirA pan ola narigarional sarh on. seaAoirA ship ol 50r) !r.sr
01h.. rhan ratinss trnder1r.i.in! md arings whose duLies rhile on x \1r.r xrr
or'xn uNkillcd ndure. shall be dul] ceniic.r.d ro prtim suchduries

l.l fneia litr ccrtincation of rndrgs lonnin! pan ol! na\ildiLrr

The eli8ibility
qatchundcr$epro!isionoISTCWRcgrl ionII/,1nrallLrcastbllo\:

li.l} \.!l!r!r 1nr c.rliJlcdnnr sh.lL

I b( nor less rhJn l8lLna olJger

I have conrpLeted .pprcved scaeoine seni.e ol al lean 1l nronths dLiori
resch of 500 goss unnase or more. durins rhc lasl file lir !(rs ul
dcck cal,acity): inclodtug not lcss ths sir
onrhs ol appro\el scrloin!
sc^iccassociared lhbrid8e-aarch as rraineerrrnlgfomii! D.\ilnrn) )

i. clse oldeck cadet. shrlL have coinpleted atpn^ed sealoina s.n !o oi'
!1 le.st llEe onnronboard vesselsoi 500 Arcss tonnaac or Du..ltr'iir!

rl lca{ 20 nouN s.criD! cc(iti.atel

1 hare valid Medical l]nnc$ cenilicme alonr rvith cycsishr Md h.x'i'r!

liom Me.cantilc l\'larinc Depadne.ri

5 harePe6on.lSalelyMdSocialResponsibilit!Cenincdc:

6 la\c Pc^! nrl \uni\r Techniq Es CeaificJtri

h,!e Fne Prevenlion and Firc FiCl n! Cerrilicare:and

1l ha\c ElemeDtary lirs Aid ccnincate

c.nrlid.rcs \ilL be ganred inonrhs renissior in approled scag.ids \.\i!.
piuided h€ holds a CP-IU c.niricare issued br rhe Appmvod tnn ules iI nutrLt.

l1 .hdidales \no conpl) Nilh rheellsibilit_\ requncmens sripuLard itr prr. I I \il
he a$esscd rlyoueh $e oral exdrnraion under provisnnB oflhc sllilus srl irl
r\n.ex I and sccrion A-ll/,1orthe STCW Code 1973. as anrended ltlm 1in. k,

(r(rtification ofllrtinss As Ablc Scafarer Deck

l:\.,\ rbc s.alliu dec[ seNin! on a sc.goins shif o1500 rross ronnagr or n.'. rr,] i

t.t lh. cligibiliry c teria lir ccdilication ol dinas fonni|! pan ol x oxLildi,),.
$!1ch underdrc prorisi.norSlCW Reculalion ll/'5 shall be as lnLlo\:
candidale lnr cenificarion siElll

,1 be trol lesslhan 18 Ycars ofase:

have d Cenificlt of aRatine Fonnnr-t Pan ola N'!igrtiorilwxt'h:


. 1i'o' 'o. \ 8mr! i,'i ''

" RJi" ' "'"! r.
::;:,;::.':j,,.-i;;J:", d' enifcde,'''n ,

NJv'!d'ooJL $ Lh: Jnd

E$cic Dcck Hand ftun '\rnr'\'J

,] ha!€ conrpleted approled tunri's o l
lnstitules in Public or P urc'

ceniticlle olprolicieDc) in Survnal CElis and

Rcslr BorN oll[r
lrale a
rhxn Fast Rescue Bols

r.ocr ur' b'.'.1 p'd""'rer'o''rere"''''1r'""'

d -^
;:;.-r"""i,'"., ri;r,r 1'," req' ''dr P-' " ':::
siPujarcd in !irx l'r \Lll
randid,ics \ho cotuplY niih the eligibilirt Equnemcnls
,, ;., du\: r'( \'
.\, ,od 4'\ x '
;ii. ":- . '"",i"ri"" i

C€rtifi cates olElqf .s!.9!sl-s!di4!9

& Ir/s of STC\{!q.Y!!li9!
I/ll ol STCW CoNenliof 1978 as amend'd' th'
Under l{egulation
.'ulidaiions of'abole cedficates are no1 rcquired houcver c'l1illctt'i
'#;:; ;; '00u .\J oe conioerd c"'ccled dr('" rl
:'il-1"1",..."" .on,enLion roos dmelLr en ' inc 'ri":o ' '
i.iliiiliiiliiii"-ir"""; r'sued prior Januarv 2006 shal be re e\amircd 'n(L
issue new ccflilicate of profi ciencv'
alleL lhc
'l I Thc candidates willing 10 ger new certificare nve vears
l;*."'i," issl'd n$
,u-" c-errinc-ares of Proficiencv' mav becomplctd
a"i" .r isslrance provided candidale has ll
"".,i,*," ',jtl *.,.c o' 5\'p' o' 5U0 C I or m^re' ll'cdno'd'r" i r'
*,i* t"c re c\amineo d d nes e'a'r'na'io''
.,,:;". '*
ANNtrX _ I

1 lo!I,^\in! lbu CoDrpele.cies Requncd bbcascenaincdi

I Sreerthe shipandahocomFlt*nh$e helmordesnlrhc[ngLish l- !rx!':

I Keet a proper look-ourbl sirhtlnd hca rgl

:l ConlriLrure 10 nron oriiu! .onlroLling' sal! iatlh: and

I Opcmre emcLaencl equipnrent md apply cnrerge'cI pDcedrrcs

2 (i{npeleNi.s Na) be ascetui..d bv asline quesrions oI the lollovinslopius

.l Srccrins ordes. change orer prccedure lofr auro to manul or lice

vc'sx {ltc l
f rl
hro.tine_oreL/ rakirgo!*procedurc' lvpes olconrpasscs dutics oll'ok
la,lct lqoni ng Procedu rc:

' ldcndncalion olla oustYtesof $ipsdunngd'r aod'ig[l:

.r ,{lphabclical ilags color. shapes. and n.aningsl

I iuanoverboaid action when onbridseualchl

.i 1)pes aDd uses ofvlious p,Yrclechnics:

6 LJs€ dILPIRB & S RT:

? TypesatrdNesolalltueertinguishersi

.8 Dulies ofqarchkeeper in pod. ol anchorage. a'd duiog hunker operaliof: rxl

9 Types ol drilh cMicd oul on board


L lo b\n1!cisbr ConrDerenoies requned ro bc ascc aiied:

I Conri butc ro a sa a€ navi sar ion,l varch

.l (inn,jbutetobe hnrs. anchoriig. and orher tooornrs opcrarions

: roi..i ' c.rt. t.,J''."..t .n--o_d.,o,cs

I Conl bure to nr s,lc opertion of deck equipmcnl and tua.h,ne.y

. \-p \ o, cdrJ' ,1 ..( .r1 _ arerr p.c-r. or

6 r\ptl!lrecaurionsand contrib ebrhearerention oapollLtrion otr[.n]a' n.

7 Opc'are suNival cmti and iescue boals

\ roor b e,o lrr..d,i.r(o..'(earorcp,.'

l. Conr&nciesnul beasccnai.ed bl askins queslions on $c tbllowing loptc\

.l nlenning ofconlnon narti.al re.ms.

.l lhc ndmes and functions olva,us parts and equipnBr ol d \hi|- nn c\rn|i..
deck. Lrddse. holdr b.L peaks; D.B t.nls: balla$ tanls. bjlses. rjr D 0.. {tr n
hoxes. anchoLs: sindlass: snrches md derii.ks:

.l ,\bilntb sreer a slrip on a given cou6e. on lransit oron ihsrLdions tioDi rr.

'I Abiliryro maimaii !n elficienr look-oul:

i Mirkirgoldrcan.horcable.
6 lhdc,dandnlg hehn ordcLs. use ofDrae.ctic a.d slro-co pasc\.
7 The $e ollilcsarnrs.nd firc nshdns.pplian.cs.

8 l;\.and.are.lmpesand(ir$:

L0 Knol\.hl'clres. and bends in coonnonuse:

i) Reelknor ii) Bowlineand bohlnrc on $c bi!h:

lii) Tinberlilch: n) sbeer bend.doublcaDd siirsl.:
!) Clove hilchi vi) drccpshmk:
viil Rollinghitch viii) roundlLmand N. hallhnches:
ix) wallandcrlwn x) M&linsFikc hirchl

1l 1o iparopc'sendand seizinson 6pdand $ne

I 1o put a soppcr on a r.pe or wne hasser, anJ de,rick lill

Ll sliDgingand oreisidesrdgc. risaidgi hosun schlLl prlor laddcr. oxl h.isl:

.1,1 i\e oldifleEnt r)pes ol blochs and shackles. bonle s.r$vs. brlLdos srill\.
lhnnbles. monkey plalcsi

Lj Preclu'ions ro be laken $hilc Norking overeide orar a h€isht and *hllc.nrcri|! I

l6 ldentif calion olcommoDly-usod signal leller llssl

17 Opcning and closnre ol harches. rsinB np dcrick, generrlrrccaurions b bc
raken b€lirrc and duriDs rhe operarion ofa winch whelrrused $o ihg ci.so Jn

l8 lhc lse lnd opeulionola*nrdla$ iranchor$orkor \rrrrins. Slrt h.fllif!.

sinch sel hensionnrs {i nches. l,iec aud on s o be tal,en in scctrrin-! r[.
anchoB for sca. back spri.e. sliF wne, rcte sloppe6. and chain noppcr:

It) Ccrill inainrcnance witb panicultu rclerence ro ryircs. blocls- lnd shac( cs trr'

.10 l he sdli hudliirr of ne.ha.ical harch coves:

ll Ch.osc ovcr fton.tloorllic pilor to hand srccring and \i.o \eN.

.ll Shipboard rems a.d definitions.
.?l L se olant(prilte iinernal cornrnunicdion and.lamr systcnN.

l1 Basiccnynonmcntal prolcctionpmccdurcs.

.lj Ktro\rledge ol e.lfgdn. v d ulie s and alam signals

16 Knouledge ofplrotechnic dhlEssi-qnah. satelhc EPlRlls. and SARIs

.17 roidance ollahe dkrrc$ alcfts and acrion ro bo raken in ove.t olxcciderln

.18 Sccurine nr anticiparion ol rough sea

It) (Dosledce ol hoislinr .Dd dipping flags and lhc nraii singlc iagri!oxl\

r0 Kno$ledge.nd pmcedure lnr saac I a.dlin g. sro*age. lnd securinr oidxn-r.r.u:

and hannlul subsllnces rnd Liquids. (ldenlilicarion ollMDG labcli.g)

.ll Occup.tional healrh and salcty rrrecautions likej

i) pdmnlo $oiksyienl
ii) cleclrical and mechanical safert
iiil .hcmicaland biohazard s.lety
i!) lilinrslechniquesand mcthod oaprelenting bxck iiriLtrt

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