Is 774 2004

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IS 774 (2004): Flushing Cistern for Water Closets and

Urinals (Other Than Plastic Cisterns) - [CED 3: Sanitary
Appliances and Water Fittings]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

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IS 774: 2004

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Indian Standard
( Fifth Revision)

ICS 91.140.70

© BIS 2004


NEW DELHI 110002

December 2004 Price Group ..


( Fifth Revision)

(Second cover page, Foreword, Para 3) - Delete.

(CED 3)

ReprographyUnit, 81S, New Deihl, India

Sanitary Appliances and Water Fittings Sectional Committee, CED 3

This Indian Standard (Fifth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Sanitary Appliances and Water Fittings Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering
Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1957. The first, second, third and fourth revisions were issued in 1960, 1969,
1971 and 1984 respectively. In this revision, flushing cisterns of 6/3 Iitres capacity have been included. Other
changes keeping in view the current manufacturing practices in the country have been made.
Two years from the date of publication of the standard, single flush cistern will be withdrawn from the scope of
this standard.
for the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2: 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)'. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded oft value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 774 : 2004

Indian Standard
( Fifth Revision)
1 SCOPE IS No Title
engmeenng purposes - Specification
1.1 This standard covers requirements for manually-
(third reviSIon)
operated high-level and low-level flushingcisterns of
2556 Specification for vitreous sanitary
capacItIes,S htres and 10 lures, both smgle-flush and
(Part I) 1994 apphances (vitreous china) Part 1
dual-flush types and 6/3 htres capacity dual-flush
General requirements (thud revISion)
CIsterns, for water-closets, squattmg pans and unnals,
2643 1999 Pipe threads where pressure-tight
together with flush pipe details
JOInts are not made on the
1.2 Plastic flushing cisterns are not covered In thrs threads - Dunensrons, tolerances
standard and designanon (second revISion)
1 REFERENCES 7328 1992 High density polyethylene materials
for moulding and extrusion -
The standards given below con tam provisions, which Specification (first revISion)
through reference In this text, consntute provisions of 9762 1994 Specification for polyethylene floats
th IS standard At the time of pubhcation, the editions (spherical) for float valves (first
mdicated were vahd All standards are subject to revISIon)
revrsion, and parties to agreement based on this 12234 1988 Specificanon for plastic equihbnum
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibihty float valve for cold water services
of applying the most recent edinons of the standards 13049 1991 Speciflcanon for diaphragm type
Indicated below (plastic body) float-operated valves
IS No Title for cold water services
210 1993 Grey Iron casnng - Specifrcanon 3 TERMINOLOGY
(fourth revision)
3.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following
404 Lead pipes - Specification Part 1
definitions shall apply
(Part 1) 1993 For other than chemical purposes
(third revision) 3.1 Ullh-Level Cistern - A cistern Intended to
407 1981 Speciflcanon for brass tubes for operate at a mmunum height of 1 250 mm between
general purposes (third revision) the top of the pan and the underside of the cistern
513 1994 Cold-rolled low carbon steel sheets 3.1 Low-Level Cistern - A cistern Intended to
and stnps (fourth revision) operate at a height not exceeding 300 mm between the
1239 Mild steel tubes, tubulars and other top ofthe pan and the underside of the cistern In case
(Part 1) 1990 wrought steel frttmgs - Specificanon of Orissa pan/squatting pan, muumum distance
Part 1 Mild steel tubes (fifth revision) between top of pan and the underside of the cistern
1477 Code of practice for pamtmg of shall be 700 mm
ferrous metal In buildmgs
(Part 1) 1971 Pretreatment (first revIsIon) 3.3 Coupled Cistern - A cistern Intended to operate
(Part 2) 1971 Pamtmg (first revtstom
to snnng on flat surface provided at the back portion
1703 2000 Water fittmgs - Copper alloy float of wash-down water-closets
valves (horizontal plunger type) - 3.4 Dual-Flush Cistern - A construction that enables
Specificanon (fourth revistont the user to cause a short flush ofpartial discharge when
2267 1995 Polystyrene mouldmg and extrusion only unne needs to be flushed away anstead of the
matenals - Specification (second customary full flush
revIsIon) NOTE- A typical illustrationof siphomc dual flush cisterns
2501 1995 Solid drawn copper tubes for general IS given In Fig I and non-siphomc dual flushcisternsIn Fig 2


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IS 774: 2004




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4 MATERIALS corrosion by equally efficient coating. The cistern shall

The materials for manufacturing various components be free from manufacturing faults and other defects
of the flushing cisterns shall conform to the affecting its utility. All working parts shall be designed
requirements given in Table 1. so as to operate smoothly and efficiently. The cistern
shall be mosquito-proof; it shall be deemed to be
NOTE - Where the requirements for the materials of any mosquito-proof only when there is no clearance
components or the relevant Indian Standard designation for
any materials are not specified, these shall be as agreed to anywhere in it which would permit a 1.6 mm diameter
between the manufacturer and the purchaser. wire to pass through. The outlet of each siphon or stand
pipe shall besecurely connected to the cistern by means
5 CONSTRUCTION of a lock-nut. In the case of plastic siphon, it shall be
5.1 Cistern provided with suitable means of ensuring and
maintaining water-tight and air-tight joint to the cistern.
The thickness of the body including cover shall be not
less than 5 mm and 6 mm for cast iron and vitreous 5.2 Cover
china cisterns respectively. The body of the The cistern shall be provided with a removable cover,
pressed steel cistern shall be of seamless or welded which shall fit closely and shall be secured against
construction. The body and cover of the pressed steel displacement. In designs where the operating
cistern shall be of thickness not less than 1.6 mm and mechanism is attached to the cover, the cover may be
1.25 mm respectively before coating and shall be made in two sections, the section supporting the
vitreous enamelled or otherwise protected against mechanismbeing securelybolted or screwedto the body.

IS 774: 2004

Table I Materials for Various Components of Flulhlnl Cisterns

(Clause 4)

SINo Components Material Requlremeat/ to

(I) (2) (3) (4)
i) Cistern Cast Iron Quality not less than Gradc
fG ISOof IS 210
VitreoUS china IS 2556 (Part I)
a) Pressedsteel IS 513
b) VitreoUS enameilina IS 1239 (Part I)
II) Flush pipe Steel tube, seamlessor welded, medium or Ilpt. completely IS 1239 (Part I)
protected Insideand outside by hot.cllpaalvanlzlng, electro-
platina or VitreoUS enameilina
Lead pipe IS 404 (Part I)
Copper alloy tube IS 407 or IS 250I
Hip denSitypolyethylenepipe
UnplastlclzcdPVC Pipe
III) Cover Same matena! as that of N body
IV) Cham Hot.cllpgalvanizedsteel Wire,mter-lockednon-ferrousmetal
or any other corroslon-reSlstant material
v) Overflow pipe Non-ferrousmetal. high dcnslty polyethylcne,unplasncued
PVC or any other corrosion-reSistant material
VI) a) Siphon Cast IronNltreoUS chana Grade ro I SO or higher of IS 210
(where provided) IS 2SS6 (Part 1)
b) Siphon/valve Hllh denSitypolycthylcnc(HDPE)! IS 7328
Polystyrenc,high Impact! IS 2267
Glass fibre reanforced plastiC (ORP)!
Acrylonltrlle-butadlcnc styrenc (ABS)
VII) Lever Cast Irani Non ferrous mctal or any other corrOSion-resistant Quality not less than Grade FO 1SO
material of IS 210
VIII) Float valve IS 170311S 12234/1S 13049
IX) Polyethylenefloat for IS 9762
float valve

X) Bolts and nuts Non-ferrousmctal or hot.cllpgalvamzcd steel

XI) Couphng nut and lock-nut Non-ferrous metal hot-dip galvamzed steel hot-dip
galvanized malleable iron or any other non-corrosrve metal
or injcctlon moulded HDPE/PVC (see 5 J I)

5.3 Flush Pipe 5.3.1 Flush Pipe Connection to Cistern

The flush pipe (except plasnc flush pipe) shall have The flush pipe shall be securely connected to the
an Internal diameter of 32 ± I mm for high-level cistern outlet and made air-tight by means of a
cisterns and 38 ± I mm for low-level cisterns The steel couphng nut The nuts made of mjecnon-moulded
flush pipe shall be not less than 1 mm thick, whereas HDPEIPVC may be used only, If the end pipe ISalso
the lead flush pipe shall have a mimmum thickness made of'plasnc The nommal mternal diameter of the
of 3 5 mm For high density polyethylene and cistern outlet shall be not less than 32 mm and 38
unplasncized PVC pipes, the outside diameter of the mm for high-level and low-level cisterns respectively
pipes shall be 40 mm When PVC plumbing pipes are The screw threads for the flush pipe shall conform to
used, the outside diameter of the pipe shall be 40 mm size I ~ (see IS 2643) and the matchmg nut of the
for high-level Cisterns, and SO mm for low-level same matenal shall be used and there shall be no
cisterns In the case of high-level flushing Cisterns, a leakage under a full load of 10 htres The above test
pipe chp fitted With a rubber buffer shall be fixed to shall be conducted 10 times by removing and refixing
the flush pipe to prevent damage either to the pipe or the nut In the case of polyethylene and unplasticized
to the seat when the seat IS raised No flush pipe IS PVC flush pipes, the upper end of the flush pipe shall
requIred for coupled cisterns be provided With suitable means of ensuring and
NOTE - Thc muumum thlcknesscs speclficd are for normal mamtammg a water-tight and air-tight JOint to the
conditions of service where highly corrosive atmosphcresare flushmg cistern and the flush pipe shall be detachable
expected greater thlcknesscs arc recommendcd from the flushing cistern When ordered for use With

IS 774: 2004

a lead flush pipe, the outlet connection may be mosquito...proof device secured 10 a manner which Will
supphed with coupling nut made of a copper based permit It to be readily cleaned or renewed when
alloy or other non-corrodible material and a plamzarl necessary No provision shall be made whereby the
piece havmg a rmmmum length of 6 cm The centre overflow from the cistern shall discharge directly mto
of the outlet hole shall be generally central to the the water-closet or SOil pipe Withoutbeing detected
length ofthe cistern The length of the outlet shall be
The mvert of the overflow pipe In the case of high-
37 ± 2 mm
level and low-level cisterns and the top edge of the
NO 1E - 111e length oflhe cistern outlet shall bethe dimension overflow pipe 10 the case of coupled cisterns shall be
from the bottom surface of the cistern to the end of the outlei
19 mm minimum above the workmg water level In
after the cistern With Siphon/stand pipe has been duly fitted
wltfi all washers lock nuts etc case of overflow due to any reason, water should dram
out through the overflow pipe and not through the
5.4 Inlet and Overflow Holes SIphon pipe (see 7.3)
The cistern shall be provided With inlet and overflow 6 FINISH
holes, situated one at each end which shall be capable
of accommodatmg an overflow pipe of not less than Cast Iron cisterns shall be painted inside With suitable
20 mm nommal bore and a 15 mm size float valve anti-corrosive paint and with a protective coat on the
(see 5.5) The holes shall be cleanly cast or drilled and outside before delivery Mouldmg sand shall be
the adjacent surfaces shall be smooth removed from the surfaces before application of the
protective coating Painting and fimshrng shall be
5.S Float Valve done 10 accordance With the recommendations made
m IS 1477(Part 1) and IS 1477(Part 2) Alternatively
The float valve shall be of 15 mm nommal size and
cast Iron cisterns shall be protected against corrosion
shall conform to IS 1703 or IS 12234 or IS 13049
by a coatmg of enamel
5.6 Lever
The levershall not project beyondthe Sideofthe cistern REQUIREMENTS
for a distance greater than 350 mm measured from the
7.1 Flushing Arrangement
centre of the cistern to the end of the lever arm The
lever arm shall be provided With a suitable hole near The cistern under work 109 conditions and With the ball
the end through which a split nng or S-hook can be valve In closed POSition shall operate on a smgle
inserted A cham shall be attached to the rmg or hook operation of the lever Withoutcalling for a sudden Jerk
WhenS-hook IS employed, Itshall be effectivelyclosed In pulling If a valve IS used anstead of Siphon for
after assembly to prevent accidental disconnection flushing purposes, the valve shall be completely
In the case oflow-Ievel Cisterns, where the mechanism
IS handle operated, the handle, whether situated on the 7.2 Working Water Level
front or at the end of the Cistern, shall be wrthm the
projection limit for lever given above Particular The working water level shall be a minimum
attention shall be given to the ease of operation of the of 6 5 cm below the effective top edge of the cistern
handle and shall be legibly and permanently marked on the
inside of the cistern
S.7 Chain
7.3 Freedom from Self-Siphonage
The cham shall be of such a strength as to sustain a
The srphomc system shall be capable of be109 rapidly
dead load of 50 kg Withoutany apparent or permanent
brought mto action when the water IS at the workmg
deformation of the shape of the links
water level, but shall not self-Siphon or leak mto the
The cham shall termmate 10 a suitable handle or pull flushpipe when the water IS up to 1cm above the Invert
made of hot-dip galvanized Iron or non-ferrous metal of the overflow pipe
or a moulding 10 any heat resistmg and non-absorbent
plasticor any other equally suitable material The finish 7.4 Reduced Water Level
shall be smooth and all burrs which are liable to cause The discharge shall operate satisfactonly when the
injury to the hand shall be removed cistern IS filled to a level up to I cm below the working
water level
5.8 Overflow Pipe
7.5 Discharge Capacity
The overflow pipe shall be of not less than 20 mm
nommal bore and shall incorporate a non-corrodible Whentested In accordanceWith the proceduredescribed

IS 774: 2004

In 8.1. cisterns of5 lures and 10 htres capacities,when nommal internal diameter of 38 mm In case
requiredto give a full flush.shall respectivelydischarge of Orissa pan/squattmg pan, pipe shall be
5 lures and 10 htres with venation of ±O5 htres Dual minimum 700 mm long
flush cisterns of 10/5 htres capacity shall discharge 8.3 Endurance Test
alternatively a half flush of 5 ± 05 htres Dual flush
cisternof 6/3 htrescapacityshall discharge6 ± 0 5 htres A sample of flushing cistern picked at random from
and alternativelya half flush of3 ± 0 5 htres production shall be first checked for conformity to the
requirements for materials (see 4) and construction
7.6 Discharge Rate (see 5) and operational and performance requirernents
(see 7) and If It comphes With these requirements, It
When tested In accordance with the procedure shouldbe operated3000 times Afterthistest,the cistern
described In 8.2 the discharge rate shall be ) 0 ± 0 5 and ItS component parts shall not show any damage or
lures Within 6 sand 5 ± 05 htres Within 3 s for cisterns defects and all the parts shall be satisfactory, necessary
of capacities 10htresand 5 luresand6 ± 0 5 htreswuhm checks shall be made for this purpose If a valve has
6 sand 3 ± 0 5 lures With In 3 s forcisternsof capacity6/ been used anstead of siphon, dunng the test run of3 000
3 lures The cisterns shall be so designedthat there IS no times the valve should show no sign of leakage when
appreciablevariation In the forceof the flush dunng the the cistern IS operated to Its rated capacity
dischargeof the requiredquantityof water Forcoupled
NOl E - Thrs IS a type test to be carried out by n..cognized
- cisterns, this test shall not be applicable testing laboratory and shall be conducted whenever there
are changes In the design materrals munutacture and
8 TESTING construction

Cisterns shall be tested an accordance With the test 9 SAMPLING AND CRITERIA FOR
procedures given m 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 The tests m 8.1 CONFORMITY
and 8.2 may be combanedin one operation, Ifdesired
The samphng procedure and criteria tor conformity ot
8.1 Test of Discharge Capacity a lot to the requirements of this specrficatron shall be
as specified In Annex A
Withthe watersupplyshutotTor thecisterndisconnected,
and With the ball valve fitted, fill the cistern With water 10 SUPPLY CONDITIONS
up to the marked water lme Operate the flushing 10.1 High-level flushing cisterns shall normally be
mechanism and on completion of the flush, measure supplied Without flush pipes If agreed to between the
the quantity of water that has to be added to refill the supplier and the purchaser, the flush pipes can be
cistern to the level of the marked water hne supphed With high-level Cisterns, In which case these
Alternatively, any SUitable device may be used for shall conform to the requirements given In 5.3, 5.3.1,
measurmg the quantity of water discharged from the and Table I
cistern I he cistern should have a flush pipe fitted but
10.2 Low-level flushmg cisterns shall normally
need not be connected to a pan for this test
be supplied With flush pipes conforming to the
8.2 Test for Discharge Rate requirements given In 5.3, 5.3.1, and Table I
Connect the cistern to an appropraate flush pipe 11 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR DUAL-
('iee 8.2.1) Fill the cistern to the water lane as for the FLUSH CISTERNS
capacity test and place a vessel under the open end of 11.1 Every cistern of the dual-flush type shall bear an
the flushpipe Operatethe flushmechamsrn andas water legiblelettermg In a conspicuousPOSition the operatmg
appears at the open end of the flush pipe start a stop instructions specrfied 10 11.1.1 to 11.1.3 and these
watch At the end of 6 S 10 case of cistern of 10 htres mstrucnonsshall not be readily removable In addition,
and 6/3 htres capacity, 3 s an case of cistern of 5 htres when so ordered by the purchaser, a separate self-
capacity,rapidlydrawthevesselclearor otherwise divert adhesive or other SUitable label shall be supplied fOI
the flow of water Ascertain either by measuring or use In association With the operatmg handIe when the
weighmg the volume of water collected an the vessel cistern IS mstalled In a concealed POSition Flushmg
8.2.1 For the purpose of test, the followang shall be cisternsof6/3latres capacity shall be used With samtary
deemed to be the appropriate flush pipe apphances of equivalent capacity

a) A vertical steel pipe, I 250 mm long, havmg 11.1.1 High-Level Flushing Cisterns
a nommal Internaldiameter of32 mm, an the The mstrucuon shall read
case of high-level Cisterns, and Half-flush PuIIand let go
b) A vertical steel pipe, 300 mm long, having a Full flush Pull and hold

I~ 774: 2004

And shall appear as follows a) Full flush 10 ± 0 5 hues 01 6 ± 0 5 lure...

a) For reversible cisterns - On or near the b) Halftlush 5 ± 05 lures or 3 ± 05 lines
lower edge of both long sides ot the cistern
shell, and
12.1 Each cistern shall be indehbly marked With the
b) For non-reversible ctsternv - On or near the manufacturer's name or trade-mark on the body
lower edge of the front of the cistern shell either mside or outside a" found convenient to the
11.1.2 Low-Level Flushing Cisterns manufacturer The drschai ge capacity (\ee 7.5) and
operatrng instructions (.\ec. 11) "hall ,11'0 be 11131 ked
The instruction shall read on the cistern indelibly
Half-flush Press and let go 12.2 A suitable declaration shall be put on each unit
full flush Press and hold mdicatmgto theconsumerthe last of componentssupplied
And shall appear on the upper half of the front of the 12.3 DIS Certification Marklllg
cistern shell
Each cistern may also be marked With the Standard
11.1.3 Where half flush and full flush IS operated by a Mark
knob, the instructions given In I I.1.1 and 11.1.2 shall
12.3.1 The use of Standard Malk IS govei ned by the
not be applicable Operatmg mstrucuon specified
provisrons of Bureau of lndtan Stondat d\ Ac.1 1986
In shall however be followed
and the Rules and Regulation made thereunder I he Each cistern shall Incorporate a dual control details of conditions under which the licence tor the
method of operation, that IS, one mmating a full flush use of Standard Mark may be granted to rnanufactui cr-
and the other initiating a half flush Discharge or producers may be obtained trom the BUICdll 01
capacities shall be as follows Indian Standards

IS 774 : 2004

(Clause 9)

A-I LOT requirements (see 7) for which a number of cisterns

(sub-sample) shall be taken at random according to
A-I.I All the cisterns of the same type and level
col 4 of Table 2 from the sample cisterns found
(see J), similar m respect of materials, design and
satisfactory In A-2.1
construction and produced essentially under similar
conditions of manufacture shall be grouped to A-2.2. t The lot shall be considered to conform to the
constitute a lot operational and performance requirements If
the number of sample cisterns not meetmg these
A-2 NUMBER OF TESTS AND CRITERIA FOR requirements does not exceed the corresponding
CONFORMITY number given In col 5 of Table 2
A-2.1 For deterrrurung the conformity of the lot to the A-2.3 For endurance (see 8.3), the test shall be
requirement of matenal (see 4), construction (see 5) performed whenever there are changes 10 the design,
and finish (see 6), a number of sample cisterns 10 materials, manufacture and construction From the
accordance with col 2 of Table 2 shall be selected at first lot after such a change takes place, 1 cistern at
random random shall be taken from those already found
A-l.I.' The lot shall be considered to conform to the satisfactory In A-2.t and A-2.2 10 respect of all other
requirements ofmaten ai, construction and fimsh If the requirements of thiS specificanon If this sample
number of the sample cisterns not rneeting all of these cistern passes the endurance test the lot to which
requirements does not exceed the correspond 109 the sample belongs and all the subsequent lots
number given an col 3 of Table 2 manufactured under the same conditions of design,
matenals, manufacture and construction shall be
A-2.2 If the lot has been foundconformmg in A-2.LI, deemed to conform to the endurance test till and
It shall be tested for operational and performance change takes place

Table 2 Scale ofSamphng and Criteria for Conformity

(Clauses A-2 1, A-2 1 1, A-2 2 and A-2 2 1)

M No of ( asterns For Material, "or Operational and Performance

No in the lot Construdlon and Fmlsh Requirements

,....SampleSize Acceptance No" ,....Sub·sampJe Size Acceptance NO'

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
I) lip to 50 8 0 ~ 0
It) "ilto 100 13 0 8 0
III) 10110150 20 I J3 0
IV) 15110300 32 1 20 1
v) 301 to 500 50 2 32 1
VI) "i01 and above 80 3 SO 2

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS IS a statutory Institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the acnvines of standardization, marking and quahty certification of goods
and attendmg to connected matters In the country


SIS has the copyright of all ItS publications No part of these pubhcanons may be reproduced m any form
without the prior perrmssion In wntmg of BIS This does not preclude the free use, In the course of
rrnplementmg the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and SIzes, type or grade designauons
Lnqumes relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Pubhcations), BIS

Review of Indlan Standards

Amendment" are Issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments Standards are also reviewed
periodically, a standard along with amendments IS reaffirmed when such review mdicates that no changes arc
needed, If the review mdicates that changes are needed, It IS taken up for revision Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are In possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest Issue of
"BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards Monthly Addinons'

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No CEO 3 (60S9)

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No Date of Issue Text Affected


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