Experiment Lab Report

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Name: John Ceilo S.

Tomamak________ Date Submitted: 11/7/2023________

Course/Year/Section: BSCpE - 1_______ Rating: ___________________

Laboratory Report
Experiment 3. Metals and Some Aspects of Corrosion
Objective: Compare the corrosion rates of different metals and corrosion effects of
different electrolytes.

Sample Electrolytes Result Explanation
Iron Nail Bleach Solution Rust forms on heads Corrosion often
and points first then begins at points of
spread uniformly on vulnerability and
the surface. (see fig then spreads from
1.0 and 6.0) there. With the help
of electrolyte,
corrosion can be
Iron Nail Salt Solution Iron nail have The rust formations
developed visible is a result of the
rust on its surface. presence of salt in
And a brownish the solution, which
solution in the end. enhances the
(see fig. 6.1) conductivity of the
water. This
accelerates the
process where iron
reacts with oxygen,
leading to the
formation of rust on
the nail surface.
Copper Wire Bleach Solution The solution and The blackened
some of the copper appearance suggest
surface turns into a that the copper wire
black with a little of has undergone a
green covering that form of corrosion,
can be observed which could be
(see fig. 6.0) related to the
reaction with the
bleach solution. The
greenish covering
could be a particular
type of corrosion
product during the
Copper Wire Salt Solution Gradual formation of The slow
a greenish covering development of the
on the surface of greenish covering
copper wire. Salt on the copper wire is
solution turns green an indication of a
over time specific type of
corrosion. The green
coloration of the
solution may also b
due to the corrosion
reaction that's
happening on the
copper wire

*Attach daily log and pictures of significant changes of the set up.

Lab Report:
Metals and Some Aspects of Corrosion
Objective: Compare the corrosion rates of different metals and corrosion effects of
different electrolytes.

Bleach Solution: (500 mL water,H2O with 50 mL bleach,NaClO,Sodium Hypochlorite)
To illustrate, the iron nail and copper wire that was immersed in a bleach solution that
mostly contain 25mL of bleach and 250 mL each( see fig. 1.0), since there's two metals
that must be observe from corrosion.
1. Iron Nail
 Corrosion in iron nail is very fascinating corrosion compared to copper wire in
bleach solution. The corrosion however doesn't occur immediately or instantly but
rather a substantial accumulation of each reaction. Rust formation was also a bit
different than iron nail in a salt solution, the formation looks a bit more solid or focus

on one manner (in this case both the heads and point of the nail, see fig. 2.0).
2. Copper Wire
 A distinguishable corrosion that makes the solution and the metal to turn into a

blackish colour(see fig. 3.0), there is also some small bubbles that can be observed

near the metal. In any case, it has a really big difference in the corrosion of copper
in a salt solution, different solutions produce different effects of corrosion in the
metals. The pace of corrosion is faster than the copper wire in salt solution. While
there's also a big deformation in the last day of corrosion. A small portion of green
colour corrosion can also be seen in the surface of the copper. (compare fig.1.0 and

Salt Solution: (500 mL water, with 2 Tbsp salt,NaCl,Sodium Chloride)

1. Iron Nail
 In observation, iron nail in a salt solution was the first corrosion that interest or
intrigue me, considering also that iron corrosion can be mostly observed
almost everywhere, but not in presence of electrolyte. However, I didn't know that
the corrosion of an iron can be hasten or quicken in such a way, or with
electrolyte(compare fig. 1.1 and fig. 2.1) . There's not much deformation that was
recognized but rust are observable in the surface of the iron metal. Unlike in bleach
solution the rust wasn't form or concentrated in just one site(see fig. 2.0 and 3.0)but
rather the whole iron nail area was corroded(see fig. 2.1 and 3.1).
2. Copper Wire
 Out of the four corrosion experiment, copper in salt solution is the most calm or
slow in terms of corrosion, it's not appreciable and the difference cannot be
distinguish easily, the solution was still somehow clear or cannot be compared.
Except for the fact that only if I compare the initial and final results( compare fig. 1.1
and 6.1), I can differentiate the reaction. There's also some green covering(patina)
in the surface of the copper wire, somehow both copper wire in different solution
produce a green covering, though different solution, both still have similarities.

 Firstly, the metals involve and their reaction produce some amazing results that
makes me think that different metals undergoes different corrosions and different effects
as well. For example, Iron nail was really ready to react on the solution, hence produce
almost immediate results but not instantly, copper wire on the other hand is a bit more
corrosion resistant? I barely see any difference in the copper wire in the bleach solution,
as it was almost like there's not much distinguishable difference from initial and final
results that leads me to think if there's a reaction at all happening in the jar.

Secondly, electrolytes or the solution was also a really big help to speed up the
process of the corrosion, it helps for me to see the results in a way that I'm not going to
wait in a long time. Different solutions also means different effect in the metals. For
example, bleach solution was also mind-boggling, since that was the first time I saw a
different rust formation, the rust don't spread in the solution but rather it's focus where
the rust forms and the blackish colour on the copper wire is not expected as well. While
salt solution is different, since it gives a spread corrosion in the iron nail surfaces but the
copper wire was a bit disappointing cause it the reaction cannot be seen that much.

Lastly, my thoughts and opinions was iron was very easily corroded while copper
provides some resistance to the corrosion, either way, it was an amazing and not what I
expect would happened? I thought it would that it would just look as it was from day one
and day 15 and no reaction at all, especially that I didn't know that salt can be used
other than ingredients for a food. Chemistry is indeed and surely, amazing.
Date Bleach Solution Salt Solution

Day 0: Initial

Figure 1.0 Figure 1.1

Day 1: First

Figure 2.0 Figure 2.1

Day 2: Rust

Figure 3.0 Figure 3.1

Daily Log:
Date Bleach Solution Salt Solution
Day 6: A

Figure 4.0 Figure 4.1

Day 12:

Figure 5.0 Figure 5.1

Day 15: Final

Figure 6.0 Figure 6.1

Daily Log
Metal sample: Iron nail
Electrolyte: Bleach solution and salt solution


10/11/2023 Rust slowly forms from both The salt solution has now
heads and point brownish colour, probably
because of rust.
10/12/2023 Another Rust form in the Solution is now more
middle of the nail besides brownish
the heads and point.
10/13/2023 No changes, or may not be Still looks the same as
noticeable before
10/14/2023 Another rust formation in No changes, or may not be
the body of the nail noticeable
10/15/2023 The rust spreads in a Iron nail surfaces is now
uniform manner covered by rust
10/16/2023 Rust can be observed in the Solution is now more
body of the metal brownish than day 2
10/17/2023 Corrosion spread in a Rusts continues to form in
similar manner its surfaces
10/18/2023 No changes, or may not be Corrosion spread in a
noticeable similar manner
10/19/2023 Corrosion spread in a No changes, or may not be
similar manner noticeable
10/20/2023 Corrosion spread in a Corrosion spread in a
similar manner similar manner
10/21/2023 Corrosion spread in a No changes, or may not be
similar manner noticeable
10/22/2023 The rusts spreads Some rusts can be
completely on the body of observed floating in the
the nail solution and the solution is
as well more brownish
10/23/2023 Corrosion spread in a Corrosion spread in a
similar manner similar manner
10/24/2023 Corrosion spread in a Corrosion spread in a
similar manner similar manner
10/25/2023 Final appearance of the Final apperance of the rusts
rusts with bleach solution in with salt solution in the iron
the iron nail nail.

Daily Log
Metal sample: Copper Wire
Electrolyte: Bleach solution and salt solution


10/11/2023 Bleach solution has now a Salt solution has now a
blackish colour, surface of slight greenish colour,
the copper wire turns black some of the surface of
copper turns a bit green as
10/12/2023 No changes, or may not be No changes, or may not be
noticeable noticeable
10/13/2023 Some small bubbles near The solution colour is
the copper can be slowly turning a bit of green
10/14/2023 The solution is now more The solution is greener
black than before than before
10/15/2023 Corrosion spread in a There's still not much
similar manner Green spot in the copper
wire can be observed
10/16/2023 There's still some bubbles Some green spots in the
and the solution is now copper surfaces starts to
more black than before spread
10/17/2023 Corrosion spread in a Corrosion spread in a
similar manner similar manner
10/18/2023 No changes, or may not be No changes, or may not be
noticeable noticeable
10/19/2023 No changes, or may not be Corrosion spread in a
noticeable similar manner
10/20/2023 No changes, or may not be No changes, or may not be
noticeable noticeable
10/21/2023 No changes, or may not be No changes, or may not be
noticeable noticeable
10/22/2023 The bottom of the jar is The green spots now starts
also now black due to the to get a little bit bigger
10/23/2023 Corrosion spread in a Corrosion spread in a
similar manner similar manner
10/24/2023 Corrosion spread in a Corrosion spread in a
similar manner similar manner
10/25/2023 Final appearance of the Final appearance of the
copper wire in bleach Copper Wire in salt solution

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