Fracture and Oxidation
Fracture and Oxidation
Fracture and Oxidation
Fracture is a phenomenon you are quite familiar with in your daily experiences. Very often
you break a wooden stick or piece of chalk into two or many pieces, crush a stone/boulder
into small pieces to form ballast, etc. Each time you break a single object once you create
two new surfaces. We can thus define fracture as the separation of a surface into two
Generally, there two types of fracture: (i) ductile fracture, and (ii) brittle fracture.
The ductile fracture is generally characterized by the cup-and-cone shapes of the two new
surfaces created. Materials, (basically ductile materials such as steel, copper, or mostmetal)
which exhibit ductile fracture also show extensive necking prior to failure (fracture). Brittle
fracture, on the other hand is accompanied by very little, if any, necking. It occurs quite
suddenly without warning and in the case of tensile loading; the fracture path is nearly
perpendicular to the axis of the specimen. Examples of material whose fracture is brittle
include ceramics (e.g., chinaware, clay pots etc), glass products, and metals that have
been subjected to very cold temperatures (liquid nitrogen temperature ~ - 196 C or
77 K). Figure 5.1 shows schematically these two types offractures.
Shown in figure 5.2 are photographs of components that have failed in either ductile or
brittle manner.
Fig. 5.2 Tensile failures in steel specimens showing necking in mild-steel, (i) and (iii),
and brittle failure in high-strength steel, (ii).
Experience has shown that brittle materials always fail by brittle fracture. The origins of
the brittle fracture are mainly sharp microscopic/minute cracks (invisible to the nakedeye)
present either on the exterior surface or in the interior of the materials. These sharp cracks
act as stress concentrators (i.e., points around which the there is already very high stress)
such that when an external stress is applied to the material, the strength of the material is
easily exceeded even for small values of external stress, which otherwise would be
inadequate to cause failure. When the material strength is exceeded in the vicinity of the
crack, the crack begins to grow, leading to failure. Since the stress at the tip of the crack
is inversely proportional to the square root of the crack-tip radius, it isnow obvious that
one way of preventing brittle failure is to blunt the crack tips, particularly those of the
exterior microcracks. This can be achieved by etching using appropriate chemicals. Note
that etching is a process where a mildly corrosive liquid is applied to the surface of the
specimen and attack occurs along the grain boundaries or microcracks. The microcracks
are enlarged and blunted at the same time.
Before we proceed we shall define some terminologies that will recur frequently in this
You are very familiar with rusting of iron or steel items. This is just an example of
corrosion. Corrosion can be defined as the degradation of metals by an electrochemical
reaction with the environment.
Metals are very important natural resources to human beings. It is therefore pertinent that
we understand corrosion and how to control it in order to sustain our technological
development and diminish the financial or material waste or inconvenience cost associated
What, in your opinion causes corrosion to proceed?
You will learn in thermodynamics that there is a strong tendency for high-energy states to
transform into low energy states. It is this tendency that for metals, they combine with other
elements found in the environment, which leads to corrosion. For example, an iron oxide
is a low-energy state compared to pure iron. We now state that the driving force for
corrosion emanates from chemical energy. It is important, however, to point out that prior
to a reaction occurring, one or more of the reactants must be excited to a higher energy
state as shown in Fig. 5.4. The rate of the forward reaction is controlled by the number of
molecules which possess enough energy to surmount this energy barrier, that is, the rate
Fig. 5.4 The energy profile for the reaction that converts reactants to someproducts via the
transition state
All interactions between elements and compounds are regulated by the free energy changes
available to them. If we denote the net energy change by G, and together with the fact
that natural changes involve transitions from high to low energy levels, then by convention,
we denote energy absorbed by +ve sign, and energy released by –ve sign. Forspontaneous
reaction to occur then G must be –ve.
If G is +ve then corrosion is unlikely, and further if the free energy of activation (energy
required to overcome a barrier) is too large, the corrosion rate may be too slow or corrosion
may not proceed.
When a metal atom corrodes, that is, undergoes a corrosion reaction, it is converted into an
ion by a reaction species available in the environment. If we denote the metal by letter M,
then the corrosion can be represented by the equation
M M Z Ze (5.1)
where Z = 1, 2, or 3, and is called the valency. High values of Z are quite rare. Equation
(5.1) is the general form of a corrosion reaction. In the above reaction, the metal has been
When nickel (Z = 2) is heated in oxygen (Z= 2) to form nickel oxide, the reaction can be
written as
Ni Ni 2 2e (oxidation)
O 2e O2
Ni O Ni 2 O2
These include:
(i) Temperature of the surrounding;
(ii) The diffusion rates of the reaction products;
(iii) The equilibrium concentration of the ions or reaction products in the solution;
(iv) The pH value of the solution;
(v) Electrolyte velocity
(vi) Solid or dissolved pollutants
(vii) Relative humidity.
Why and how do temperature, and the diffusion rates affect
There different types of corrosion and these are
(i) Uniform attack-where the entire surface of the metal is corroded uniformly,
(ii) Pitting- a localized corrosion that preferentially attacks areas of metal
surfaces where there is a scratch or broken protective film or compositional
(iii) Crevice corrosion- localized (limited to crevices) in nature initiated by
differential concentration of oxygen or ions in the electrolyte,
(iv) Intergranular corrosion-takes places when the grain boundaries are more
reactive than the rest of the metal especially in alloys,
(v) Stress corrosion-a form of Intergranular corrosion associated with the
simultaneous action a static tensile stress and a specific environment,
(vi) Corrosion fatigue-this the action of corrosion in the presence of cyclic
(repeated) stresses. Corrosion fatigue is highly non-specific, and therefore
a common and highly dangerous form of corrosion.
(vii) Fretting or erosion corrosion- occurs as a result of relative motion between
the electrolyte and a metal surface
5.2.3 Prevention of corrosion/Corrosion control
While corrosion may not be practically prevented, it can be controlled. The most
important ways of control are:
(a) modification of the design particularly controls the geometrical shapes and
structures. Sharp curvatures or processing techniques that increase stress
concentrations are avoided;
(b) modification/control of the environment;
(c) application of inhibitors using particularly materials that will form passive
layers or barrier (protective) coats (e.g. paints);
(d) appropriate selection of materials, e.g., noble metals are more corrosion
resistant, whereas the inert ones are rather expensive, and by avoiding
unnecessary bimetallic corrosion cells or use insulating layers to separate the
different materials;
(e) cathodic and anodic protection
(f) control the pH value to make the solution more alkaline with the effect that the
corroding electrode more passive.
1. Cite examples where the above methods have beenused
to control/prevent corrosion
2. Why is the presence of corrosion likely to cause
3. Define fracture. Explain why steel, which under normal
conditions is ductile is more likely to suffer brittle fracture
rather than ductile fracture when it is cooled to liquid
nitrogen temperature.
4. Discuss the role of oxygen in the corrosion of steel.
5. Explain the mechanism of rust formation beneath adrop
of water on a steel surface.
6. Distinguish between anodic protection and cathodic
protection against corrosion.