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August 25, 2023

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(Subject Code)
(Descriptive Title)
First Semester, AY 2023-2024


Curricular Year : 3rd Year
No. of Hours/ Sem. : 54 HOURS
Credit Unit(s) : 3 UNITS
Prerequisite(s) : NONE

Vision of the University : CTU as a premier, inclusive, globally-recognized research and innovation, smart, community-responsive, and sustainable
technological University

Mission of the University : The University shall primarily provide leading-edge degree programs, innovative professional, entrepreneurial,
and technical instruction as well as research and extension programs that address both the needs of the region
and the nation in the context of the global knowledge economy, fourth industrial revolution, and sustainability.

Goal of the University : By the end of 2024, CTU will be globally recognized for its quality. Specifically, it will:

 Obtain a Philippine university system status with a CHED SUC Level V recognition or equivalent:
 Be ranked among the Top 10 Universities in the Philippines:
 Be included in the list of internationally recognized ranking of universities (including Quacquarelli Symonds, Times
Higher Education, Shanghai University Ranking, World University Impact Rankings);
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 Pursue efforts to pave way for the development of new programs (including natural science and Doctor of Medicine)
and Transnational Higher Education;
 Achieve world-class performance and excellence in total quality management; and
 Lead in innovations in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Core Values : Commitment, Transparency, Unity, Patriotism, Integrity, Excellence, Spirituality (CTU PIES)

Graduate Attributes : Three to five years after graduation, CTU Hospitality Management graduates will be:

1. Highly Skilled Individual, a globally competitive individual equipped with essential knowledge, skills, and attitude
relevant to a successful career in the hospitality industry;
2. Ethically Imbued Professional, who adhere to the principles of empathetic and respectful service in diverse and
multicultural context;
3. Service Oriented Worker, who is an active leader in promoting the country’s hospitality and tourism events and activities
in local and global arena based on the principles of tourism sustainability; and
4. Effective Communicator, who involves in promoting the country’s hospitality and tourism events and activities in local
and global arena, as well as contribute to the sociocultural, environmental, and economic impacts of tourism industry.

Program Learning Outcomes: The graduates of BSHM should have developed the ability to:

1. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using English, Filipino, mother tongue language, and an appropriate
Foreign Language required by the industry;
2. Work effectively and independently in the multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
3. Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility;
4. Understand the key feature of strategic management in the tourism and hospitality industry.
5. Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing, finance, human resources
management, production and operations management, information technology, and strategic management) and employ
these concepts in various business situations;
6. Know the role of operating systems in delivering customer service.
7. Apply the role Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the development of operational system.
8. Perform the standardization and its impact on operations, service and consumer satisfaction.

Course Description : This course examines application of tourism and hospitality strategic management concepts and practice to the
operation of key organizations and various to tourism and hospitality sectors. It aims to provide you with advance skills
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and knowledge necessary for swift critical analysis and sound managerial decision making in the context of the
challenges in these exciting, rapidly expanding industries.

Course Learning Outcomes : At the end of the course, the students can:

CLO1: Understand the key feature of strategic management in the tourism and hospitality industry (PO B4)
CLO2: Know the role of operating systems in delivering customer service. (PO B6)
CLO3: Apply the role Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the development of operational system.
(PO B7)
CLO4: Compare key features of services and their implications to operations. (PO B2)
CLO5: Perform the standardization and its impact on operations, service and consumer satisfaction. (PO B8)

Course Content:
Within the semester, the students are
expected to:
Within the semester, the students are ORIENTATION PPT presentation
expected to:
(2 Hours) Oral questioning 1. Vision, Mission, Goals, and Office Files
Discussion / PPT Objectives of CTU/HM
 Explain the VMGO of the 2. Orientation of the Student handbook
University. And relate the Vision, Program/Course
Mission and Goals of the College 3. Classroom rules and
and the University to the course polices
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 Understand the content of the

syllabus, course requirements
and grading system.
 Know the classroom rules and

At the end of this lesson, students will be Oral and written exam Power point and video
able to: about strategic presentation about the
(6 Hours) management and concept of strategic
strategic competitiveness
 Define strategic competitiveness management
PPT Presentation
strategy, competitive advantage, and concept
above average returns and the mapping, open
strategic management process conversation and Strategic Management and
 Describe the competitive Research assignment about brainstorming on Strategic Competitiveness
landscape and explain how the processes of
the work of strategic
globalization and technological leaders
changes shape it.
 Define stakeholders and describe
their ability to influence
 Describe the work of strategic
At the end of this lesson, students will be Oral and written exam PPT Presentation
able to: about the importance of
(6 Hours) analyzing and Website
understanding the firm’s PPT presentation,
 Explain the importance of external environment. Student-teacher The External Library Books
interaction and idea Environment:
analyzing and understanding the
Study and formulate an speed dating on how Opportunities, Threats, Multi-media
firm’s external environment. to improve Industry Competition
idea of how to strengthen
functional areas of a functional areas of a and Competitor Analysis
 Define and describe the general business
business from the
environment and the industry
previous survey made
environment. locally.
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 Discuss the four parts of external

environmental analysis and

 Name and describe the general

environment’s seven segments.

At the end of this lesson, students will be PPT Presentation

able to: Oral and short exercises
about the internal PPT presentation, Website
(6 Hours)
organization Student-teacher
 Explain why firms need to study
interaction about
and understand their internal
organization. Library Books
 Define value and discuss its
The Internal Organization:
Research assignment Resources, Capabilities,
 Describe the differences between about the strength and Group work and Core Competencies, and
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tangible and intangible resources. weaknesses of a certain brainstorming Competitive Advantages Multi-media
 Define capabilities and discuss company. activity
their development.
 Define outsourcing and discuss
reasons for its use.
 Discuss the importance of
identifying internal
Prelim Exam (1Hour)

At the end of this lesson, students will be Oral and short quiz and PPT Presentation
able to: exercises about the
(4 Hours) different business level PPT presentation, Website
strategies and the Student-teacher
 Define business level strategy. relationship between interaction about Library Books
customers and business business level Strategic Actions:
 Discuss the relationship between level strategies. strategies. Strategy Formulation Multi-media
customers and business level
strategies in terms of who, what
and how.
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 Explain the difference among

business level strategies.

At the end of this lesson, students will be PPT Presentation

able to:
(5 Hours) PPT presentation, Website
 Define competitors, Oral and short quiz and interaction about Library Books
exercises about controlling
competitive rivalry, competitive competitive rivalry and Multi-media
behavior and competitive competitive dynamics
dynamics. Video Presentations
about awareness, Competitive Rivalry and
motivation, ability as Competitive Dynamics
 Describe market commonality
drivers of
and resource commonality as
the building blocks of a behavior.
competitor analysis

 Explain awareness, motivation,

ability as drivers of competitive

At the end of this lesson, students will be Oral presentation, short PPT presentation, PPT Presentation
able to: quiz and exercises about Student-teacher
(4 Hours) corporate level strategy. interaction about Website
corporate level
 Define corporate level strategy strategy. Library Books
and discuss its purpose.
Case study analysis about Corporate Level Strategy Multi-media
corporate level strategy
 Describe different levels of
diversification achieved using
different corporate level

 Describe how firms can create

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value by using a related

diversification strategy.

Mid-term Examination (1 Hour)

At the end of this lesson, students will be PPT presentation, PPT Presentation
able to:
(4 Hours) Website
 Explain the popularity of merger Oral presentation and Student-teacher
and acquisition strategies in exercises about merger interaction about Library Books
firms competing in the global and acquisition strategies merger and
economy. acquisition strategies Merger and Acquisition Multi-media
 Describe the reasons why firms Strategies
use an acquisition strategy to
achieve strategic Interactive
competitiveness. brainstorming on the
 Name and describe the attributes Oral recitation and short reasons why firms
of effective acquisitions. quiz about the attributes use an acquisition
of effective acquisitions. strategy to achieve

At the end of this lesson, students will be PPT Presentation

able to:
(4 Hours) Website
PPT presentation,
 Explain incentives that can Oral reports and Student-teacher
exercises about interaction about
influence firms to use International Strategy International International Strategy Library Books
international strategy. Strategy

 Identify three basic benefits

firms achieve by successfully
implementing an international
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Group work and
 Discuss the two major risks of brainstorming
using international strategies.

 Describe the three international

corporate level strategies.

At the end of this lesson, students will be PPT Presentation

able to:
(4 Hours) Short quizzes about Website
cooperative strategy
 Define cooperative strategy and Library Books
PPT presentation,
explain why firm use them. Student-teacher Multi-media
interaction about
 Define and discuss the three cooperative strategy Cooperative Strategy
major types of strategic
Oral recitation about the
three major types of
strategic alliances.
 Name the business level
cooperative strategies and
describe their use.

 Discuss the use of corporate

level strategies.

Semi-Final Exam (1 Hour)

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At the end of this lesson, students will be

able to:
(6 Hours) Oral Presentation and
quizzes about corporate PPT presentation,
 Define corporate governance and governance Student-teacher PPT Presentation
interaction about Corporate Governance
explains why it is used to control
corporate Website
and monitor top level manager’s
decisions. Essay writing on why Library Books
ownership is largely
 Explain why ownership is largely separated from Multi-media
separated from managerial managerial control in
control in organizations. organizations.

 Define organizational structure

controls and discuss the Organizational Structure
Oral Presentation and and Control
difference between strategic and
quizzes about
financial controls.
organizational structure
 Describe the relationship controls and the difference
between strategy and structure between strategic and
financial controls.

At the end of this lesson, students will be

able to: Oral Presentation and PPT presentation,
(3 Hours) quizzes about strategic Student-teacher PPT Presentation
leadership and describe top interaction about
level manager’s strategic leadership Website
 Define strategic leadership and
describe top level manager’s
importance. Strategic Leadership Library Books
 Explain what top management
Create an own tourism Multi-media
teams are and how they affect
and hospitality related Business plan
firm performance .
business plan and design writing for
strategies and techniques implementation
of what to implement.
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Final Examination (1 Hour)

Course Requirements:
1. Attendance
2.Participation/Interaction /Return Demonstration
4. Worksheets
5. Projects
6. Assignment
7. Major Exams (Prelim, Midterm, Semi-Finals, Finals)

Evaluation Procedures: (Approved Grading System applicable to the course/program Based in the CTU Student Manual)
Lecture Class

Class Standing
Term Examination ……………….. 40%
Daily Quizzes ……………….. 30%
Graded Oral Participation……………….. 20%
Project ……………….. 10%
Total ……………….. 100
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 What is Strategic Leadership? (2014, January 27). YouTube. retrieved January 10, 2022

 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Explained Defined & Examples | Animated. (2020, May 10). YouTube. retrieved
January 10, 2022

retrieved January 10, 2022

 FIVE STAGES OF THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Strategic Management in Tourism and Hospitality. (2021, May 10). YouTube. retrieved January 10, 2022

 What is Strategic management? Strategic management Process, types. (2021, October 18). YouTube.
retrieved January 10, 2022

 Okumus, F., Altinay, L., Chathoth, P., Koseoglu, M. A., & Köseoğlu, M. A. (2020). Strategic Management for Hospitality and Tourism. Routledge. retrieved
January 10, 2022

 A. (2020, September 13). Complete Guide to Strategic Management for Hospitality and Tourism. Welp Magazine - Business Strategy, Executive Software,
Growth Hacking and More. . . January 10, 2022


Revision Date: August 25, 2023

Submission Date: August 25, 2023

Page 12 of 12 pages

Consultation Hours: Please see attached time utilization form

Upon Recommendation by the Committee

Ph. D Argao Campus Barili Campus San Francisco Campus



University Dean of Instruction

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