Unit 3 C Prog

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Unit - III
Decision Control and Looping Statements, and Arrays
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1. Introduction to Decision Control Statements
2. Conditional Branching Statements
i. if Statement
ii. if–Else Statement
iii. if–Else–If Statement
iv. switch-case
3. Iterative statements
i. while
ii. do-while
iii. for
4. Loop control statements
5. Arrays
i. Declaration of Arrays.
ii. Accessing elements and Storing values in an array.
iii. Operations on Arrays- Traversing, Inserting and Deletion of elements in an array.
iv. Operations on Two Dimensional arrays.
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Engineering 1. Control statements
• Control statements are those, which exhibits controlled execution of statement/statements block
in the program such as decision, looping as well as loop regulating statements.
• Control statements help to jump control from one part of the program to another depending on
whether a particular condition is satisfied or not.
• C programming language provide three types of control statements.
–Sequence Control Statements.
–Selection or Decision Control Statements.
–Repetition or Loop Control Statements.

Control statements

Sequence Control Decision Control Loop Control

statements statements statements

If…else if…else
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Engineering 1. Introduction to Decision Control Statements Go, change the world

• Normally instructions in the program are executed in the same order in which they
appear in the program. But in some cases we need to execute a set of instructions based
on certain criteria.
• If you look at our daily life we all need to alter our actions according to the changing
• For example if the weather is sunny, then you will prefer to have cold drinks or juice
but if the weather is cold, then you will prefer to have coffee or hot soup.
• As you notice that the above decision depends on the condition of weather.
• In the same way as above, sometimes depending on the situation we may want to
execute a one set of instructions in one situation and in some other situation we may
want to execute another set of instructions.
• This way of controlled execution of statements can be achieved by using decision
statements in the program, hence they are called as control statements.
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Engineering 1. Introduction to Decision Control Statements…contd., Go, change the world

• Execution of different sets of instructions at different times is totally based on

relational/logical condition.
• Relational/Logical expression returns either true or false. If the test expression
(condition) returns non-null and non-zero, then it is assumed as true, and if it is either
zero or null, then it is assumed as false value.
• Decision making statements use the outcome of Relational/Logical expression
(true/false) and based on outcome, a specific set of instructions is executed.
• This allows a program to take different courses of actions depending on different
• C language has such decision making capabilities and supports the following
statements known as control or decision making statements.
i. if
ii. if-else
iii. if-else-if
iv. switch-case
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Engineering 2. i) if statement Go, change the world

• When you want to execute a statement or statement block based on condition, then if
statement can be used.
Syntax of the if: entry

if (test expression) test expression

statement 1;
statement 1; false ............
next_statement statement n;
............ If (statement) block
statement n;
Flowchart of the if statement.
• Use of curly brackets ({ }) for the statement block is optional in case if statement
block is having only a single statement.
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Engineering if statement….contd.,
• In the syntax, if is the keyword, and test
expression(condition) is an expression that
Syntax of the if: returns boolean value (true/false i.e., 1/0
if (test expression)
(example., a<b, a!=0, a>b && b>c etc.,)).
statement 1; • If test expression is true, then
............ statement/statement block immediately followed
statement n; by if is executed, otherwise statement/statement
} block is ignored.
• Then control passes from the if statement to the
next_statement in the program unless one of
the statements contains a break, continue, or goto
• Note that there is no semicolon after the test
expression. This is because the condition and
statement should be put together as a single
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Engineering Example for the if statement

• Program given on the left side, we
int main() take a variable ‘x’ and initialize it to
int main()
{ { 10.
int x=10; int x=10; • In the test expression, we check if
Same as
if (x>0) x++; if (x>0) the value of ‘x’ is greater than 0.
printf("\n x = %d", x); { test expression
• As 10 > 0, the test expression (x>0)
return 0; x++; evaluates to true, and the value of
} } ‘x’ is incremented (x++, i.e., x=11).
statement block
printf("\n x = %d", x); • Then the value of ‘x’ is printed on
return 0; the screen. The output of this
} next_statement
program is 11.
• Observe that the printf("\n x =
Example - Program to increment and print
a ‘x’, if value of x is more than 10. %d", x); statement will be executed
even if the test expression is false.
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Engineering Additional examples for the if statement
Example 1. Write a Program to check if withdraw amount Example 2. Write a Program to ccompute income tax
is more than balance or not, if withdraw amount is more based on income and print net income tax to be paid
than balance, then notify user for insufficient balance. based on income.
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h>
main() int main(){
{ float tax = 0, income;
int balance=20000,w_amount; printf("Enter your income\n");
printf(“enter amount to withdraw: “); /*ask user to scanf("%f", &income);
if(income>=250000 && income<=500000){
enter withdraw amount*/
tax = tax + 0.05 * (income - 250000);
scanf(“%d”,&w_amount); //read withdraw amount
if(w_amount>balance) /*check if withdraw amount is if (income >= 500000 && income <= 1000000)
more than balance*/ {
{ tax = tax + 0.20 * (income - 500000);
/* if withdraw amount is more than balance, notify him }
insufficient balance*/ if (income >= 1000000)
printf("Sorry, insufficient balance.!!!"); {
} tax = tax + 0.30 * (income - 1000000);
//otherwise do nothing and exit the program normally }
return 0; printf("Your net income tax to be paid is: %f\n", tax);
} return 0;
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Example 3. Write a Program to check he/she is passed Example 4. Write a Program to check whether
or failed based on input marks. he/she is eligible to retire or not.
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h>
main() main()
{ {
int marks; int age;;
printf("enter your marks"); //ask user to enter marks printf(" enter your age: " ); //ask user to enter his/her age
scanf("%d",&marks);//read marks into memory scanf("%d",&age); //read age
if(marks>50) //check if value of marks is greater than 50 if(age>=60) //check if his/her age is more than 59
{ {
//if marks is greater than 50, print “you are passed” /* if age is more than 59, then notify user “you can retire
printf("you are passed"); now*/
} printf("you can retire now");
if(marks<50) //check if value of marks is less than 50 }
{ //otherwise do nothing and exit the program normally
//if marks is less than 50, print “you are failed” return 0;
printf("you are failed"); }
//otherwise do nothing and exit program normally
return 0;
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Engineering Nested if statement
Syntax of the nested if:
if(test expression1) • Use of if within the body of another if is called as
{ nested if.
if(test expression2)
{ • When a series of conditions are to be evaluated for the
inner if block; value of a variable, we may have to nest an if
inner next statement;
statement, i.e., need to use inner if inside the outer if.
} • As per syntax of nested if, if the test expression1 is
outer next statement;
true it continues to perform the second test (test
entry expression2). Otherwise it ignores the inner if and
false test true continues to execute the outer next

true test false

• If the test expression2 is true, it continues to execute
inner if block inner next statement
the inner if block, otherwise control jumps to
the inner next statement and it is executed.
• After executing the inner next statement
then the control is transferred to the outer next
outer next statement statement then it is executed and reaches the end
Flowchart of the nested if statement.
of the program..
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Engineering Example for the Nested if statement
• In the following example of nested if, the test expression1 (no<0) is evaluated first, if
the condition returns true, it continues with execution of inner if. Otherwise control is
transferred to printf(“\n Outer if is ignored.”); statement and it is executed.
• During the execution of inner if, the test expression2 (no%2==0) is evaluated and if
this condition is true, then the control is transferred to printf(“\n The given number is
positive odd number.”); statement and it is executed.
int main() {
• Otherwise, the condition of inner if is
int no; false, then control is transferred to
printf(“\n Enter a number: “);
scanf(“%d”, &no); printf(“\n Inner if is ignored.”); statement
and it is executed.
• Now the control is shifted to printf(“\n
printf(“\n The given number is positive odd number.”); Outer if is ignored.”); and then it is
printf(“\n Inner if is ignored.”); executed and it reaches the end of the
printf(“\n Outer if is ignored.”);
return 0;
Example - Program to check input number is positive odd number or not..
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Engineering 2. ii) if-else statement
• In case of if statement, when the test expression is evaluated to true, the
statement block1 followed by the if statement is executed, otherwise the
statement block1 is skipped by the compiler.
• if-else is an extension of the ‘simple if’ statement and suppose if u want to execute a
separate block of statements in case if condition returns false then we have to use if-else.

Syntax of the if-else: entry

if(test expression)
true test false
statement block1;
} statement block1 statement block2
statement block2; statement x
statement x; Flowchart of the if-else statement.

• In the above syntax, if the test expression is true then the statement block1,
immediately following the if statement is executed, otherwise the statement block2
is executed. Then control is shifted to statement x.
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Engineering Example for the if-else statement
Syntax of the if-else: • In either case, either statement block1 or statement block2
if(test expression) will be executed, but not both.
statement block1; • Control is then passed from the if statement to the statement x in
} the program unless one of the statements contains a break, continue, or
{ goto.
statement block2; • After executing either statement block1 or 2, the control will move to
statement x; statement x. Therefore, statement x is executed in every case.

Example, • In the program given on the left side, we declare variable

int main() ‘a’ of int type and read the value of ‘a’ from the user.
{ • Now the control moves to the if statement, which checks
int a;
printf("\n Enter the value of a : "); whether the condition (a%2==0) is true or false.
scanf("%d", &a); • if condition (a%2==0) is true, then printf("\n %d is
printf("\n %d is even", a); even", a); is executed.
printf("\n %d is odd", a);
• Otherwise, printf("\n %d is odd", a); is executed.
return 0; • Now control moves to statement return 0; after if-else
Example - Program to check input number is odd or even..
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Engineering Additional examples for the if-else statement
Example 2: Write a Program to check age of the user, if user age is above 17 and
Example 1: Write a Program to check age of the user, if age is
above 17 print “You can vote” other print “You cant vote”. below 71, then print “You can drive”, otherwise print “You cant drive”.

#include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h>
main() int main()
{ {
int age; int age;
printf("enter your age"); //ask user to enter his/her age printf("Enter your age\n");//ask user to enter his/her age
scanf("%d",&age); //read age scanf("%d", &age); //read age
if(age>17) //check if age is greater than 17 if(age <= 70 && age>=18) /*check if age is above 18 and
{ bellow 70*/
/*if age is greater than 17, then display “you are eligible to {
vote”*/ /*if age is above 18 and bellow 70, print You are above 18 and
printf("you are eligible to vote"); below 70, you can drive*/
} printf("You are above 18 and below 70, you can drive\n");
else }
//otherwise, display “you are not eligible to vote” else
printf("you are not eligible to vote"); {
return 0; //otherwise print You can’t drive
} printf("You can’t drive\n");
return 0;
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Example 3: Write a program to check input character is Example 4: Write a program to check percentage of marks scored,
uppercase character or lowercase character. if percentage marks is less than 40 or Physics, chemistry and maths
marks are less than 33, then print failed, otherwise print passed.
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h>
int main() int main(){
{ int physics, chemistry, maths;
float total;
// 97-122 = a-z ASCII Values
printf("Enter Physics Marks\n");
char ch; scanf("%d", &physics);
printf("Enter the character\n");
scanf("%c", &ch); printf("Enter Chemistry Marks\n");
if(ch<=122 && ch>=97) scanf("%d", &chemistry);
printf("Enter Maths Marks\n");
printf("It is lowercase character"); scanf("%d", &maths);
} total = (physics + maths + chemistry)/3;
else if((total<40) || physics<33 || maths<33 || chemistry<33){
{ printf("Your total percentage is %f and you are fail\n", total);
printf("It is not lowercase character"); }
printf("Your total percentage is %f and you are pass\n", total);
return 0; }
} return 0;
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Engineering Nested if-else statement

• Use of if-else within the body of another if-else is called as

Syntax of the nested if-else: the nested if-else.
if(test expression1)
{ • When a series of decisions are involved, we may have to
if(test expression2)
{ use more than one if-else statement.
statement block2_true;
• As per the syntax of if-else, if the test expression1
else is false, then the statement block1_false will be
statement block2_false; executed otherwise it continues to perform the second test
} (test expression2).
else • If the test expression2 returns true, the
statement block1_false; statement block2_true will be executed,
otherwise statement block2_false is executed.
• Then the control is transferred from the inner if-else to the
next_statement after the outer if-else.
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Engineering Nested if-else statement….contd.,

Syntax of the nested if-else:
if(test expression1) false test true
{ expression1
if(test expression2) true test false
{ epression2
statement block2_true;
else statement block1_false statement block2_true statement block2_false
statement block2_false;
{ next statement
statement block1_false;
} Flowchart of the nested if-else statement.
next statement;
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Engineering Additional examples for the nested if-else statement
Example 1: Write a program to check the input number Example 2: Write a program to find biggest among three
is positive or not, if positive then check input is odd or numbers.
even number. #include <stdio.h>
int main ()
#include<stdio.h> {
void main() int x, y, z;
{ printf ("Enter three number \n");
int number; scanf ("%d %d %d", &x, &y, &z);
printf("Enter a Number\n"); if (x>y) // first condition
scanf("%d",&number); {
if(number>0) //The code of this block will run when the first condition is true
{ if (x>z) // second condition
if(number%2==0) { printf ("Greater value is: %d", x);
printf("%d is even. ",number); else
} printf ("Greater value is: %d", z);
else }
{ else {
printf("%d is odd. ",number); /*If the first condition is False, then the code of this block will run.*/
} if (y>z)
} printf ("Greater value is: %d", y);
else { else
printf("enter a valid positive number") ; printf ("Greater value is: %d", z);
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }
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Example 3: Write a program to check based on age of user, Example 3: Write a program to check given three numbers are
whether user is minor or senior citizen or eligible worker.. equal or not.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
int main() { int main() {
int age; // variables to store the three numbers
printf("Please Enter Your Age Here:\n"); int a, b, c;
scanf("%d",&age); //take input from the user
if ( age < 18 ) { scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c);
printf("You are Minor.\n"); //if else condition to check whether first two numbers are equal
printf("Not Eligible to Work"); if (a == b) {
} //nested if else condition to check if c is equal to a and b
else { if (a == c) {
if (age >= 18 && age <= 60 ) { //all are equal
printf("You are Eligible to Work \n"); printf("Yes");
printf("Please fill in your details and apply\n"); } else {
} //all are not equal
else { printf("No");
printf("You are too old to work as per the Government }
rules\n"); } else {
printf("Please Collect your pension! \n"); //the first two numbers are not equal, so they are not equal
} printf("No");
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }
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Engineering 2. iii) if-else-if statement
• if–else-if is also called as else-if ladder and used to test
Syntax of the if-else-if: additional conditions apart from the initial test expression.
if(test expression1)
{ • When there are more than two test expressions (test
statement block1; expression1, test expression2.... test
} expressionn) to be evaluated, we need to use the else-if
else if(test expression2)
{ ladder.
statement block2; • As it is given in the syntax else-if ladder is a chain of if’s in
} which the statement associated with each else is an if (i.e.,
. else-if). And if, else-if, else all these are having statement
else if(test expressionn) blocks associated with them.
• As soon as a true condition is found, the statement block
statement blockn;
} (statement block1 or statement block2 or
else statement blockn) associated with it is executed and
{ the control is transferred to statement x.
} • When all the conditions become false, then the final else
statement x; containing the default_block will be executed. Then
control is transferred to statement x.
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Engineering if-else-if statement….contd.,
Syntax of the if-else-if: false
if(test expression1) test expression1
statement block1; statement block1 true test false
} expression2
else if(test expression2)
{ statement block2 false
true test
statement block2; expressionn
. statement blockn
else if(test expressionn)
statement blockn;
default_block; statement x
} Flowchart of the if-else-if statement.
statement x;
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Engineering Example for the if-else-if statement
• C supports simple if statements., so it is not necessary that every if statement should have an else
• After the first test expression, the programmer can have as many else–if branches as he wants
depending on the expressions that have to be tested.
• In the following example, the program tests that the
#include given number is equal to zero, positive, or negative.
int main()
{ • Note that if the first test expression (num==0) evaluates
int num; to a true value, then the rest of the statements in the code
printf("\n Enter any number : "); will be ignored after executing printf("\n The value is
scanf("%d", &num);
equal to zero"); statement.
printf("\n The value is equal to zero"); • Otherwise if the first test expression (num==0) returns
else if(num>0) false, test expression (num>0) is evaluated. If test
printf("\n The number is positive");
expression num>0 is true, printf("\n The number is
printf("\n The number is negative"); positive"); statement is executed. Otherwise it executes
return 0; printf("\n The number is negative"); statement.
Example - Program to check the given number is positive
• Then the control will jump to return 0 statement.
or negative or equal to zero.
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Example 1: Write a program to print grade of the user based on the input marks.

#include<stdio.h> else if(marks>=60 && marks<70)

void main() {
{ printf("Grade C");
int marks; }
printf("Enter your marks "); else if(marks>=70 && marks<80)
scanf("%d",&marks); {
if(marks<0 || marks>100) printf("Grade B");
{ }
printf("Wrong Entry"); else if(marks>=80 && marks<90)
} {
else if(marks<50) printf("Grade A");
{ }
printf("Grade F"); else
} {
else if(marks>=50 && marks<60) printf("Grade A+");
{ }
printf("Grade D"); }
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Example 2: Write a program to compute Electricity bill based on Example 3: Write a program to compare two numbers n1 and
total units consumed. n2 and find n1 is equal to n2 or n1 is less than n2 or n1 more
#include<stdio.h> than n2.
void main() #include<stdio.h>
{ void main()
int units; {
float e_bill; int n1,n2;
printf("Enter number of units consumed: "); printf("Enter two numbers: ");
scanf("%d",&units); scanf("%d %d",&n1,&n2);
if(units>0 && units<=100) if(n1 == n2)
{ {
e_bill=units*2+15; printf("Both %d and %d are equal. ", n1, n2 );
} }
else if(units >100 && units<=200) else if(n1>n2)
{ {
e_bill=units*3+25; printf( " %d is greater than %d ", n1,n2 );
} }
else if(units>200 && units<=300) else if(n1<n2)
{ {
e_bill=units*3+35; printf(" %d is smaller than %d ", n1, n2 );
} }
else else
{ {
e_bill=units*5+50;; printf(",%d and %d are not related", n1, n2 );
} }
printf("\nThe electricity billing amount is Rs. %f ", e_bill); }
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Engineering Example for the nested if-else-if statement
• if-else-if inside another if-else-if construct is called as nested if-else-if.
#include<stdio.h> else if(college==2)
void main() {
{ printf("\n1. Program X2\n2. Program Y2\n3. Program Z2");
int college,program; printf("\nEnter your choice: ");
printf("\n1. College A\n2. College B\n3. Exit\n"); scanf("%d",&program);
printf("\nEnter your college: "); if(program==1)
scanf("%d",&college); {
if(college==1) printf("\nYour CET rank should be [1000-2000] to get into program X2.");
{ }
printf("\n1. Program X1\n2. Program Y1\n3. Program Z1"); else if(program==2)
printf("\nEnter your choice: "); {
scanf("%d",&program); printf("\nYour CET rank should be [2001-5000]to get into program X2.");
if(program==1) }
printf("\nYour CET rank should be [1-100] to get into Program X1."); else if(program==3)
else if(program==2) {
printf("\nYour CET rank should be [101-500]to get into Program X1."); printf("\nYour CET rank should be [5001-9999]to get into program X2.");
else if(program==3) }
printf("\nYour CET rank should be [501-999]to get into Program X1."); else
else {
printf("\nEnter valid program [1-3]"); printf("\nEnter valid program [1-3]");
} }
else if(college==2) }
printf("There are no seats available, good luck for next year!!!"); else
else {
exit(0); printf("\nEnter valid college [1-5]");
} }
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Engineering 2. iv) switch-case statement
• A switch-case statement is a multi-way decision statement that is a simplified
version of an if– else–if block.
• Switch is a control statement that allows a value of any variable to change control
of execution and switch makes one selection when there are several choices to be
made. As an alternative to switch-case still we can use an if-else-if statement.
• But use of if-else-if is not suggested if the number of alternative conditions
increases as it leads to increase in complexity of the program.
• In switch-case statement the values of a given variable (or expression) are tested
against a list of case constants or constant expressions(case values) and when a
match is found a block of statements associated with that case is executed.
• switch-case is mostly used when there is only one variable to evaluate in the
expression and as switch-case statement compare the value of variable to only
integer case constant, so the value of variable must be an integer or character type.
• The default label is optional and it is executed only when the value of expression
does not match with any of the case constants or expression constants. The default
label can be placed anywhere in the switch-case construct.
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Engineering switch-case statement….contd.,
• Compared to switch-case, one advantage of using if–else–if statement is that it can
evaluate more than one expression in a single logical structure and value of variable or
expression not necessarily be an integer type or character type.
• Advantages of Using a switch-case statement Switch–case statement is preferred by
programmers due to the following reasons:
• Easy to debug
• Easy to read and understand
• Ease of maintenance as compared to its equivalent if–else statements
• Like if–else statements, switch statements can also be nested
• Executes faster than its equivalent if–else construct
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Engineering switch-case statement….contd.,
• As it is given in the syntax, the input value of variable is
Syntax of the
compared with case values (value1, value2….value
switch-case: N)based on the match with specific case value, statement block
switch (variable) (statement block1 or statement block2 or
case value1:
statement block N)followed by that case is going to be
statement block1; executed.
break; • default is an optional case that is executed when the value of
case value2:
the variable does not match with any of the case values and it is
statement block2;
break; always recommended to include it, as it handles any unexpected
.................. case.
... • In the syntax note that, there is another keyword called break, it
case value N:
statement block N; must be used at the end of each case, this is because if it is not
break; used, then the case that is matched along with all the following
default: cases till next break will be executed.
statement block D;
} • The break statement tells the compiler to jump out of the
statement X; switch-case construct after executing the corresponding statement
block of a matched case and pass the control to statement X.
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Engineering switch-case statement….contd.,

Syntax of the switch-case: value1
switch (variable)
{ statement block1 false
case value1:
statement block1; true
case value2:
statement block2 false
statement block2;
..................... false
case value N:
statement block N; true
value N
statement block N false
statement block D;
} statement block D
statement X;

statement X
Flowchart of the nested switch-case statement.
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Engineering Example for the switch-case statement
• In the example, we declare the variable ‘ch’
of char type, after reading the ‘ch’ value, it is
#include <stdio.h> case 'I':
compared with case constants (case values
int main() case 'i': i.e., A, a, E, e, I, i, O, o, U, u) of case
{ printf("\n %c is VOWEL", ch);
char ch;
printf("\n Enter any character : "); case 'O': • Once the value of ‘ch’ matches to any of the
scanf("%c", &ch); case 'o': case constants, a block of statements
switch(ch) printf("\n %c is VOWEL", ch);
{ break; immediately followed by the corresponding
case 'A': case 'U': case statement is executed.
case 'a': case 'u':
printf("\n %c is VOWEL", ch); printf("\n %c is VOWEL", ch); • In the example, there is no break after the
break; break; case ‘A’, if the value of ‘ch’ matches ‘A’,
case 'E': default: printf("\n %c is not a
case 'e': vowel", ch);
then all the case blocks till the next break
printf("\n %c is VOWEL", ch); } statement are executed and then control exit
break; return 0;
from the switch-case construct.
• If the value of ‘ch’ does not matches with any
Example C Program to check the given character is vowel or not.
of the case constants, then the program prints
that the character is not a vowel (default
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Engineering Additional examples for the switch-case statement
Example 1: Write a program to perform arithmetic operation based on the user choice.

#include<stdio.h> case 3:
void main() result=n1*n2;
{ break;
int n1,n2,choice; case 4:
float result; result=(float)n1/(float)n2;
printf("\nEnter numbers n1 and n2: "); break;
scanf("%d %d",&n1, &n2); case 5:
printf("\n1. Addition\n2. Subtraction\n3. Multiplication\n4. Division\n5. exit(0);
Exit\n"); default:
printf("\nEnter your choice: "); printf("\nenter valid choice [1 - 5]");
scanf("%d",&choice); }
switch(choice) printf("\nresult is %lf",result);
{ return 0;
case 1: }
case 2:
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Example 2: Write a program to display marks range to be secured to obtain input grade.
#include<stdio.h> case 'C':
void main() case 'c':
{ printf("Marks range to secure C grade is: 55-64");
char grade; break;
printf("\nEnter your Grade: "); case 'D':
scanf("%c",&grade); case 'd':
switch(grade) printf("Marks range to secure D grade is: 50-54");
{ break;
case 'S': case 'E':
case 's': case 'e':
printf("Marks range to secure S grade is: 90-100"); printf("Marks range to secure E grade is: 40-49");
break; break;
case 'A': case 'F':
case 'a': case 'f':
printf("Marks range to secure A grade is: 75-89"); printf("Marks range to secure F grade is: 00-39");
break; break;
case 'B’: default:
case 'b': printf("\nEnter valid Grade [A|a - F|f]: ");
printf("Marks range to secure B grade is: 65-74"); }
break; return 0;
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Example 3: Write a program to display Rank range based on college choice. [note that you have to assume hypothetical college names
and rank range.]

#include<stdio.h> case 4:
void main() printf("\nYour CET rank should be
{ [20000-39999].");
int choice; break;
printf("\n1. College A\n2. College B\n3. College C\n4. College case 5:
D\n5. College E"); printf("\nYour CET rank should be
printf("\nEnter your choice: "); [30000-49999].");
scanf("%d",&choice); break;
switch(choice) default:
{ printf("\nYour wont get seat in any
case 1: college".);
printf("\nYour CET rank should be <1000."); }
break; return 0;
case 2: }
printf("\nYour CET rank should be [1000 - 9999].");
case 3:
printf("\nYour CET rank should be [10000-19999].");
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Engineering Example for the nested switch-case statement
The inner switch-case inside an outer switch-case is called a nested switch-case and we can nest
any number of switch-case statements, there is no restriction for it. The case constants of the
inner and outer switch may have common values.
#include <stdio.h> • In the example, the program asks the user to type his ID, and
int main() {
int ID = 500; if the ID is valid then it will ask him to enter his password.
int password = 000;
printf("Plese Enter Your ID:\n ");
• If the password is correct the program will print “Welcome
scanf("%d", & ID);
switch (ID) {
dear Programmer”, otherwise, the program will print
case 500: //ID==500 Incorrect Password and if the ID does not exist, the program
printf("Enter your password:\n ");
scanf("%d", & password); will print Incorrect ID.
switch (password) {
case 000: //password==000 • An outer switch construct is used to compare the value
printf("Welcome dear Programmer\n");
entered in variable ID. It execute the statement block
printf("incorrect password");
associated with the matched case(when ID==500).
break; • If the statement block is executed with the matched
break; case, an inner switch is used to compare the values entered
printf("incorrect ID"); in the variable password and execute the statements linked
} with the matched case(when password==000).
• Otherwise it executes the default case of the inner
Example C Program to evaluate hypothetical username and password.
switch-case construct.
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Engineering Example of the nested switch-case…contd.,
Example 1: Write a program to display Rank range program wise based on college choice. [note that you have to
assume hypothetical college names and rank range.]
#include<stdio.h> break;
void main() case 2:
{ printf("\n1. Program X2\n2. Program Y2\n3. Program
int college,program; Z2");
printf("\n1. College A\n2. College B\n"); printf("\nEnter your choice: ");
printf("\nEnter your choice: "); scanf("%d",&program);
scanf("%d",&college); switch(program)
switch(college) {
{ case 1:
case 1: printf("\nYour CET rank should be [1000-2000].");
printf("\n1. Program X1\n2. Program Y1\n3. Program Z1"); break;
printf("\nEnter your choice: "); case 2:
scanf("%d",&program); printf("\nYour CET rank should be [2001-5000].");
switch(program) break;
{ case 3:
case 1: printf("\nYour CET rank should be [5001-9999].");
printf("\nYour CET rank should be [1-100]."); break;
break; default:
case 2: printf("\nEnter valid program [1-3]");
printf("\nYour CET rank should be [101-500]."); }
break; break;
case 3: default:
printf("\nYour CET rank should be [501-999]."); printf("\nEnter valid college [1-5]");
break; }
default: return 0;
printf("\nEnter valid program [1-3]"); }
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Engineering 3. Iterative Statements
• Apart from conditional statements, programming languages usually supports another
important control structures called iterative statements (loop/repetitive statements) and they
are used to repeat the execution of a sequence of statements (statement block) as long
specified condition remains true.
• A loop is one of the most fundamental logical structures in computer programming that
allow computers to repeat specific task such as,
• Computing Fibonacci series up to n (n is a certain number), Printing of “R V College of
Engineering” 10 times, Computing n prime numbers, Playing of favorite song n times,
Computing area of 100 circles with different radii and many more.,
• Loop structure requires loop control variable and three important expressions viz.,
initialization, test expression, increment/decrement and every loop statement is followed by
a sequence of statements called as the statement block.
• The execution of the statement block is repeated as long as the test expression (condition)
returns true and stops only after the test expression returns false.
• Value of a loop variable acts as a controlling factor for the repetition of execution of the
statement block, hence the loop variable is usually called as the control variable for the
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Engineering Iterative Statements….contd.,
• Loops are classified as entry controlled Loops and exit controlled Loops, entry
controlled Loops are those in which test expression is evaluated before execution of
loop block (statement block). Example: while and for.
• Whereas exit controlled Loops are those in which test expression is evaluated only after
execution of loop block. Example do-while.
• Key difference between entry controlled Loop and exit controlled Loop is that
• Entry loop, loop block won’t execute if test expression returns false., whereas in case
of exit loop, loop block will be executed even though test expression returns false.
• Loops can also be classified as definite loops and indefinite loops, definite loop is one in
which number of repetitive executions (iterations) of loop block is known. Example for.
• On other hand indefinite loop is the one in which number of iterations are not known,
they keep repeating execution of loop block as long as test expression of loop returns
true. Example: while and do-while.
• C supports all the three types of loop statements i.e., it supports while, do-while and for
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Engineering 3. i) while Loop
• The while loop provides a mechanism to repeat the statement block as long as test the
condition returns true.
• As it is given in the syntax, note that in the while loop, the condition is tested before the
execution of any of the statements in the statement block.
• If the condition is true, only then the statement block will be executed, otherwise if
the condition is false, the control will jump to statement y, that is the immediate statement
outside the statement block.
Syntax of while Loop: statement x • The value of the while loop variable that is tested
statement x;
while (condition) with condition determines when the loop will
{ end.
statement block;
• In order to continue execution of the statement
statement y; Update the condition block we need to constantly update the loop
control variable of the while loop either
by incrementing or decrementing its value.
statement block
• Note that if the loop variable is not updated, then
the condition never becomes false, as a result
statement y
loop becomes infinite loop.
Flowchart of the while loop.
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Engineering Example of while Loop
• For example, the following code prints the first 10 numbers using a while loop. In
the program ‘i’ is the loop variable that is initialized to 1.
• Note that initially ‘i’ is less than 10, i.e., the condition (i<=10) in the loop returns
true, so control is moved to statement block and executes it i.e., prints value of ‘i’
(printf("\n %d", i);) and update the ‘i’ value (i = i + 1; ).
#include <stdio.h> • Since we are still in the while loop, after increasing
int main() the ‘i’ value by 1, again the condition is evaluated
{ with the updated ‘i’ value.
int i = 1;
• If condition ( i<=10 ) returns true, then again there
{ will be one more execution of the statement block.
printf("\n %d", i); This process is repeated again and again till ‘i’
i = i + 1; // condition updated becomes 11.
return 0; • When i=11, the condition (i<=10) becomes false
} and the loop ends and control will jump to return
Example C Program to print first 10 serial numbers. 0;, execute it and exit the program.
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Engineering Additional examples for the while Loop
Example 1: Write a program to print sum and Example 2:Write a program to display biggest
average of the numbers entered by user. among the 5 numbers.
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h>
int main() int main()
{ {
int i=-1,num=0,sum=0; int i=1,large=-32768, num;
float avg; float avg;
printf("\n Enter -1 to exit!"); while(i<=5)
printf("\n Enter numbers: \n"); {
while(num!=-1) printf("\n Enter any number: ");
{ scanf("%d", &num);
sum+=num; large=large>num?large:num;
scanf("%d",&num); i++;
i++; }
} printf("\n Biggest among 5 numbers is: %d",
avg=(float)sum/i; large);
printf("sum: %d, and average: %f\n",sum,avg); return 0;
return 0; }
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Example 3: Write a program to calculate sum of Example 4:Write a program to read the numbers until -1 is encountered.
Also count the number of negatives, positives and zeros entered by user.
numbers from m to n. #include<stdio.h>
#include<stdio.h> int main()
int main() {
int num;
{ int positives=0,negatives=0, zeros=0;
int n, m, sum=0; printf("\n Enter -1 to exit...");
printf("\n Enter -1 to exit..."); printf("\n Enter any number: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
printf("\n Enter the value of m and n: "); while(num!=-1)
scanf("%d %d", &m, &n); {
while(m<=n) positives++;
{ else if(num<0)
sum+=m; negatives++;
m++; zeros++;
} printf("\n Enter any number: ");
printf("\n Sum = %d ", sum); scanf("%d", &num);
return 0; printf("\n No. of positive numbers: %d\tNo. of negative numbers: %d\tNo. of
} zeros: %d",positives,negatives, zeros);
return 0;
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Engineering Example for the nested while Loop
• The inner while loop defined inside the outer while loop is called as nested while loop. The following is an example
of how we can use a nested while loop, where we have created the 2D array (int a[rows][columns]) using a nested
while loop.
• In the example, after declaring and reading the values for rows and columns, the ‘i’ is declared and it is initialized
to 0. Now, the condition (i<rows) is tested and if it is true, then control moves to the inner while loop.
• After reaching the inner while loop, ‘j’ is set to 0 and condition (j<columns) is tested, if it is true the value for array
is read into a[i][j]th position in the array.
#include<stdio.h> • After reading first value into an array, now ‘j’ is
int main()
Syntax of nested while Loop: {
incremented by 1 and again condition (j<columns) is
statement x;
int i=0,j,rows,columns; tested, if the condition is true it reads the next element
while (condition)
printf("Enter the number of rows and columns:"); into an array. Likewise values for the first row of the
while (condition) { scanf("%d %d", &rows, &columns);
//inner loop int a[rows][columns]; array are read one by one as long as the condition
statement block; while (i<rows) (j<columns) is true.
} {
//outer loop j=0; • If the condition (j<columns) is false, then the control
statement block;
while(j<columns) moves to i++; and increases ‘i’ value by 1.
statement y; scanf("%d",&a[i][j]); • Now, the condition (i<rows) is tested, if the condition
j++; is true, then the inner while loop is executed one more
i++; time (that reads another row of elements). This will be
} repeated as long as condition (i<rows) is true.
return 0;
} Otherwise control moves to return 0, executes it and
exits the program.
Example C Program to create and read the values into 2D array.
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Engineering 3. ii) do-while Loop
• It is similar to while loop, but not exactly same as while
Syntax of do-while Loop
statement x; loop and the only difference is that in a do–while loop,
do the condition is evaluated at the end of the execution
statement block;
of the statement block.
statement x
} while (condition); • Since the test condition is checked at the end, hence
statement y; the body of the loop (statement block) gets
statement block
executed at least once even though the condition is
• As it is given in the syntax, the do–while loop continues
Update the condition
to execute while the condition is true and when the
condition becomes false, the control jumps to the
statement y.
condition • Like while, it’s another indefinite loop, the number of
times that loop to be executed is decided during run time.
False • The major disadvantage of using a do–while loop is that
statement y it always executes at least once, so even if the user enters
some invalid data, still the statement block will be
Flowchart of the do-while loop. executed.
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EngineeringExample for the do-while Loop
• For example, the following code prints the first 10 numbers using a do-while loop.
In the program ‘i’ is the loop variable that is initialized to 1.
• Note that before checking the condition(i<=10), statement block (printf("\n %d",
i);i = i + 1;) followed by do is executed (which prints value of ‘i’ and increment the
‘i’ value by 1) and then condition is tested.
#include <stdio.h>
• Since we are still in a do-while loop, after increasing
int main() the ‘i’ value by 1, again the statement block followed
{ by do is executed and then the condition is evaluated
int i = 1; with the updated ‘i’ value.
do • If condition returns true, then again there will be one
printf("\n %d", i);
more execution of the statement block . This process
i = i + 1; is repeated again and again till ‘i’ becomes 11.
// condition updated • When i=11, the condition becomes false and the loop
} while(i<=10); ends and now control jumps to return 0, executes it
return 0;
and exits the program.
Example C Program to first 10 serial numbers.
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Engineering Additional examples for the do-while Loop
Example 1: Write a program to list all leap years Example 2:Write a program to display square and cube of first n
from 1900 to 2100. natural numbers.
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h>
int main() int main()
{ int n, i;
int m=1900,n=2100; printf("\n Enter the value of n: ");
do scanf("%d", &n);
{ printf("\n ____________________________________________ ");
if(m%4==0) i=1;
printf("\n %d is a leap year",m); do
else {
printf("\n \t %d \t|\t %d \t|\t %ld\t|",i*i,i*i*i);
printf("\n %d is not a leap year",m); i++;
m++; }while(i<n);
}while(m<n); printf("\n ____________________________________________ ");
return 0; return 0;
} }
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Example 3: Write a program to read a character until a * is Example 4:Write a program to read numbers until -1 is encountered. Also sum and
encountered. Also count number of uppercase, lowercase and mean of all the positive numbers and negative numbers.
numbers entered. #include<stdio.h>
int main()
#include<stdio.h> {
int main() int num;
{ int sum_positive=0,sum_negative=0, positives=0,negatives=0;
int lowers=0, uppers=0,numbers=0; float pos_mean,neg_mean;
char ch; printf("\n Enter -1 to exit...");
printf("\n Enter any number: ");
printf("\n Enter any character: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
scanf("%c", &ch); do
do {
{ if(num>0){
if (ch>='A' && ch<='Z') sum_positive+=num;
uppers++; positives++;
else if (ch>='a' && ch<='z') else if(num<0){
lowers++; sum_negative+=num;
else negatives++;
numbers++; }
scanf("%c", &ch); printf("\n Enter any number: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
}while(ch!='*'); }while(num!=-1);
printf("\n Uppercase letters = %d \t Lowercase letters = %d \t pos_mean=(float)sum_positive/positives;
Numbers = %d",uppers, lowers, numbers-uppers); neg_mean=(float)sum_negative/negatives;
return 0; printf("\nSum of +ve numbers = %d\t Sum of -ve numbers = %d\t +ve mean = %f\t -ve
} mean = %f",sum_positive, sum_negative,pos_mean,neg_mean);
return 0;
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Engineering Example for the nested do-while Loop
Syntax of do-while Loop • Use of do-while inside another loop structure is called as nested do-while
statement x;
do loop.
• In the program, we initialize the outer loop counter/loop variable, i.e., i=1.
{ Since do-while is an exit control loop, so the inner do-while will be executed
//inner do-while
statement block; without checking the condition(i<=4) in the outer do-while loop.
} while (condition);
//inner do-while
• During the execution of the inner loop, ‘*’ is printed and loop variable of the
statement block; inner loop is incremented by 1 (i.e., j++), and the condition of inner loop is
} while (condition);
statement y; tested (i.e., j<=8 is tested).
#include<stdio.h> • If the condition returns true, then again there will be one more execution of
int main()
the statement block of the inner loop. This process is repeated again and
int i=1; again till ‘j’ becomes 9.
do {
int j=1; • Then control jumps to printf("\n"); statement in the outer loop and executes
{ it (which prints a new line), now the outer loop counter is increased by 1 (i.e.,
i++) and the condition in the outer loop is tested.
}while(j<=4); • If the condition of the outer loop returns true, then again there will be one
i++; more execution of the inner loop. This process is repeated again and again
return 0;
till ‘i’ becomes 5.
} • Then the control is moved to return 0, executes it and exits the program.
Example C Program to print rectangular pattern of stars (4X8).
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Engineering 3. iii) for Loop
• Similar to the while and do–while loops, the for loop provides a mechanism to repeat a task until a
particular condition is true.
• Being a definite loop, the for loop is used to repeat execution of a statement block for a fixed
number of times.
• As per syntax of for loop, it has three sections in it i.e., initialization, condition and
increment/ decrement and all of these must be separated by semicolon.
• Multiple initialisations needs to be separated by comma.
Syntax of for Loop:
statement x; • If the condition section is empty, then it assumes
for(initialization; Initialization of
condition; increment/ loop variable
the condition is true and it becomes an infinite loop.
Multiple test conditions can be tested using logical
statement block; operators.
} False
statement y;
condition • A loop variable is initialized once and tested before
execution of the statement block. Never use
floating point variable as loop control variable.
statement block • For every iteration loop variable is updated either by
incrementing or decrementing value of the loop variable
Update the condition
Expression in the for statement or within the statement block and
Flowchart of the for loop. the condition is then tested.
statement y
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Engineering Example of the for Loop
Syntax of for loop
statement x;
• According to the syntax of for statement, if the
for(initialization; condition; condition in the loop becomes true, statement
block is executed, otherwise the execution of the
statement block; statement block of the for loop is skipped and the
statement y; control jumps to statement y.
• In the program, loop variable ‘i’ is declared as an int type.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() Condition • After specifying the initial value of ‘i’, condition, and
{ Initialization
increment of ‘i’. the value of the ‘i’ is evaluated using
int i; ment/update
relational expression ‘i<10’.
{ • Based on the outcome of ‘i<10’, control is shifted to either
printf("\n %d", i); Statement block statement block or statement y.
return 0; Statement y • If an outcome of the condition is true, then the control is
} shifted to statement block otherwise it is shifted to
Example C Program to print first 10 serial
numbers using for loop
statement y.
• As long as an outcome of ‘i<10’ is true, every updated
value of ‘i’ is printed. When the outcome of ‘i<10’ is false,
control is shifted from loop to statement y.
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Engineering Additional examples of the for Loop
Example 1: Write a program to calculate average Example 2:Write a program to print the following patter.
of first n numbers. Pass 1 - 1 2 3 4 5
#include<stdio.h> Pass 2 - 1 2 3 4 5
int main() Pass 3 - 1 2 3 4 5
{ Pass 4 - 1 2 3 4 5
int n, sum=0, count=0; Pass 5 - 1 2 3 4 5
float avg; #include<stdio.h>
printf("\n Enter the value of n: "); int main()
scanf("%d", &n); {
for (i=1;i<n;i++) int i, j;
{ for (i=1;i<=5;i++)
sum=+i; {
} printf("\n Pass %d - ",i );
avg=(float)sum/count; for(j=1;j<=5;j++)
printf("\n Sum = %d \t average = %f", sum, avg); printf(" %d", j);
return 0; }
} return 0;
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Example 3: Write a program to print the following Example 4:Write a program to print the following Pascal Triangle.
patter. 1
1 121
12 12321
123 1234321
1234 123454321
12345 #include<stdio.h>
#include<stdio.h> #define N 5
int main()
#define N 5
int main()
int i, j, k, l;
{ for (i=1;i<=N;i++)
int i, j, k; {
for (i=1;i<=N;i++) for(k=N;k>=i;k--)
{ printf(" ");
for(k=N;k>=i;k--) for(j=1;j<=i;j++)
printf(" "); printf("%d",j);
for(j=1;j<=i;j++) for(l=j-2;l>0;l--)
printf("%d",j); printf("%d",l);
printf("\n"); printf("\n");
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }
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Engineering Example of the nested for Loop
• Use of inner for loop in an outer for loop is called as nested for loop and any number of for
loops can be defined inside another loop. The following program display n multiplication tables.
Syntax of nested for loop:
• In the outer loop, the ' i ' variable is initialized
for (initialization; condition; update) to 1 and then the condition is tested ( i.e.,
{ i<=n).
for(initialization; condition; update
) • If the condition is true, then the program
// inner loop statements. control passes to the inner loop.
// outer loop statements. #include<stdio.h>
• After the execution of the inner loop, the
int main()
control moves back to increment the outer
int i,j,n;
printf("Enter the value of n: ");
loop variable, i.e., i++, and condition (i<=n)
scanf("%d",&n); in the outer loop is tested.
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
{ • If the condition in outer loop is true, then the
{ inner loop will be executed again. Inner loop
} gets executed as long as the condition in the
outer loop is true.
return 0; • Once condition in outer becomes false, then
Example C Program to display 1 to n multiplication tables.
control passed to the next section of code
followed by nested for statement.
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Engineering Infinite Loops
• Loop that executes forever is called as an infinite loop, which produces continuous
output or no output. They are useful for applications that accept the user input and
generate the output continuously until the user exits from the application manually.
• In the following situations, this type of loop can be used:
1. All the operating systems run in an infinite loop,
2. All the servers run in an infinite
3. loop, All the games etc.,
4. Some of the real time scenarios, where infinite loops exist.
• We can create an infinite loop through various control structures. The following are
the control structures through which we will define the infinite loop:
• for loop
• while loop
• do-while loop
• go to statement
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Engineering Infinite Loops….contd.,
control for while do-while goto
Syntax for(; ;) while(1) do label;
{ { { // body statements.
// body of the for loop. // body of the loop.. // body of the loop.. goto label;
} } }while(1);
Example #include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h>
int main() int main() int main() int main()
{ { { {
for(;;) while(1) do MyLabel:
{ { { printf("Hello RVCE");
printf(“Hello RVCE”); printf(“Hello RVCE”); printf(“Hello RVCE”); goto MyLabel;
} } }while(1); }

In the above example for For while and do-while statement, in place of test In the above program MyLabel is
loop is not defined expression (condition) in while loop, if we put 1, while label created just before “printf(“Hello
completely, all sections condition is true. This is because any non-zero value is RVCE”); so after executing
are empty. When considered as true by a while loop. “printf(“Hello RVCE”);” statement,
condition is empty, it is control goes to goto line, meanwhile
assumed true by compiler. we know that goto statement passes
That is why it becomes control to the position in the program,
infinite loop where corresponding label is created.
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Engineering Loop control statements

• Loop control statements are those statements which regulate the way loop structure works,
such that they can prematurely terminate the loop in between, they can even skip the
execution of a certain iteration in the loop and even they can shift control from the loop to
any other part of the program.
• These statements change execution of the statement block from its normal sequence. There
are basically three loop control statements viz., break, continue and goto.
break Statement
• break is used to terminate the loop prematurely in which it
• We know so far its usage with switch-case construct and its
also widely used with for, while and do-while constructs.
• When the compiler encounters a break statement, the control
passes to the statement that follows the loop in which the
Flowchart of the break.
break statement appears.
• syntax is quite simple, just type keyword break followed by
a semi-colon.
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Engineering Loop control statements….contd.,
• The following program given below shows how one can use a break statement to
terminate the loop in which it is appears.
• As soon as ‘i’ becomes equal to 5, the break statement is executed and the control
jumps to the statement following the while loop (i.e., return 0). Hence, the break
statement is used to exit a loop from any point within its body, bypassing its normal
termination expression.
#include <stdio.h> continue Statement
int main(){ • It is used to skip the iteration in the loop based on the
int i = 0; condition.
while(i<=10) { • like the break statement, the continue statement cannot
if (i==5)
break; be used without an enclosing for, while, or do–while
printf("\t %d", i); loop.
i = i + 1; • When the compiler sees a continue statement, the
} statements after the continue statement are skipped and
return 0;
then control is unconditionally transferred to code that
tests the controlling expression.
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Engineering Loop control statements….contd.,
just type keyword continue followed by a semi-colon.
• If the continue statement is used in a for loop, control is
transferred to an expression that updates the loop variable.

Flowchart of the continue.
• Note that the code is meant to print numbers from 0 to 10. But the
#include <stdio.h> loop prints all numbers from 0 to 10 but skip printing of the
int main()
number 5.
int i; • In the following code when loop variable ‘i’ becomes 5, if
for(i=0; i<= 10; i++) condition(i==5) returns true and passes control to continue
{ statement.
if (i==5)
• When the compiler encounters a continue statement, the printf()
printf("\t %d", i); statement is skipped and the control passes to the expression that
} increments the value of ‘i’ (i.e., i++).
return 0; • Unlike break, continue make control to stay with the loop by
skipping specific iteration in the loop.
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Engineering Loop control statements….contd.,

• goto statement: It is used for unconditional transfer of control from

goto statement to a labeled statement in the program. Before using
goto statement one needs to label statement or statement block to
which he/she wants to transfer control from goto statement.
• Use of goto statement is highly discouraged in any programming
language because it makes it difficult to trace the flow of control in a
Flowchart of the goto. program, making the program hard to understand and hard to modify.
• In the following example, the for loop is supposed to print numbers from 0 to 10, but when the counter
variable ‘i’ becomes 5, if statement evaluates the condition (i==5).
If(choice==‘y’) • If condition is true, then the control passed to printf
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
goto repeat1to4; statement and reads user choice value, and now inner
else if condition (choice==‘y’) is evaluated. Otherwise
int i;
} control passed to exit(0), that makes the program to
char choice;
printf("\t %d", i); exit.
} • If the outcome of the condition (choice==‘y’) is true,
for(i=0; i<= 10; i++)
return 0;
} now control is passed to goto statement, which passes
if (i==5){
printf(“Do you want print 1-4 again [y/n]: ?”); control to label repeat1to4 just before the for loop
scanf(“%c”,&choice); and for loop restarts again.
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Engineering Declaration of Arrays Go, change the world

• An array is a collection of similar data elements and they all have the same data type.
• The elements of the array are stored in consecutive memory locations and are
referenced by an index (also known as the subscript).
• The array index is an ordinal number which is used to identify an element of the
• Declaring an array means specifying the following:
1) Data type—the kind of values it can store, for example, int, char, float, double.
2) Name—to identify the array.
3) Size—the maximum number of values that the array can hold.
• Arrays are declared using the syntax: type name[size];
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• In C, the array index starts from zero. The first element will be stored in marks[0],
second element in marks[1], and so on. Therefore, the last element, that is the 10th
element, will be stored in marks[9].
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Accessing Elements of an Array
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• Storing related data items in a single array enables the programmers to develop concise
and efficient programs. But there is no single function that can operate on all the
elements of an array.
• To access all the elements, we must use a loop, i.e., we can access all the elements of
an array by varying the value of the array subscript or index. But note that the subscript
must be an integral value or an expression that evaluates to an integral value.
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Address of Array Elements

• Since an array stores all its data elements in consecutive memory locations, storing just
the base address, that is the address of the first element in the array, is sufficient. The
address of other data elements can simply be calculated using the base address.
• The formula to perform this calculation is,
Address of data element at index k = BA(A) + w(k – lower_bound)
• Here, A is the array, k is the index of the element of which we have to calculate the
address, BA is the base address of the array A, and w is the size of one element in
• The length of an array is given by the number of elements stored in it.
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Storing values in Arrays
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Inputting Values for Array Elements

• In this method, a while/do–while or a for loop is executed to input the value for each
array element. An example code is given below.
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Initializing Array Elements during Declaration

• The elements of an array can be initialized at the time of declaration, just like any
other variable. Various ways of initializing array elements is given below.
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Assigning Values to Individual Elements

• In this method, individual elements of the array are given values by using the assignment
operator. For example: marks[3] = 100;
• It should be noted that we cannot assign one array to another array, even if the two arrays
have the same type and size. To copy an array, the value of every element of the first
array must be copied into the respective elements of the second array.
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Operations On Arrays
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There are a number of operations that can be preformed on arrays and they are as follows.
• Traversing an array
• Inserting and deleting an element in an array
• Searching an element in an array
• Merging two arrays
• Sorting an array in ascending or descending order

Traversing an array:
• Traversing the data elements of an array can include printing every element, counting the
total number of elements, or performing any process on particular elements. Since, array
is a linear data structure, traversing its elements is very simple and straightforward.
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Program to read and display n numbers

using an array

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main()
int i, n, arr[20];
printf("\n Enter the number of elements in the array : ");
scanf("%d", &n);
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
printf("\n arr[%d] = ", i);
printf("\n The array elements are ");
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
printf("\t %d", arr[i]);
return 0; }
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Program to print the position of the smallest number in an array of n numbers.

#include <stdio.h> {
#include <conio.h> small = arr[i];
int main() pos = i;
{ }
int i, n, arr[20], small, pos; }
printf("\n Enter the number of elements printf("\n The smallest element is : %d",
in the array : "); small);
scanf("%d", &n); printf("\n The position of the smallest
printf("\n Enter the elements : "); element in the array is : %d", pos);
for(i=0; i<n; i++) return 0;
scanf("%d",&arr[i]); }
small = arr[0];
pos =0;
for(i=1; i<n; i++)
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Program to find whether an array of integers contains a duplicate number.

#include <stdio.h> {
#include <conio.h> flag =1;
int main() printf("\n Duplicate numbers found at
{ locations %d and %d", i, j);
int array[10], i, n, j, flag =0; }
printf("\n Enter the size of the array : "); }
scanf("%d", &n); }
for(i=0; i<n; i++) if(flag == 0)
{ printf("\n No Duplicates Found");
printf("\n array[%d] = ", i); return 0;
scanf("%d", &array[i]); }
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
for(j=i+1; j<n; j++)
if(array[i] == array[j] && i!=j)
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Inserting an Element in an Array
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• If an element has to be inserted at the end of an existing array, then the task of insertion
is quite simple. We just have to add 1 to the upper_bound and assign the value.
• Here, we assume that the memory space allocated for the array is still available. For
example, if an array is declared to contain 10 elements, but currently it has only 8
elements, then obviously there is space to accommodate two more elements. But if it
already has 10 elements, then we will not be able to add another element to it.
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Inserting an Element in an Array
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• If an element has to be inserted in the middle of the array, then the task of insertion involves
the algorithm shown here.

• To do this process, the location where

the new element will be inserted is to
be found out.
• Then all the elements to the right of
this array location has to be moved
one position right, so that space can
be created to store the new value.
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Deleting an Element in an Array
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• Deleting an element from an array means removing a data element from an already existing
array. Deleting an element at the end of the existing array is quite simple.

• To delete an element in the middle of

an array, we must first find the
location from where the element has
to be deleted and then move all the
elements one position towards left.
• Thus the space vacated by the deleted
element will be occupied by rest of
the elements.
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Two Dimensional Arrays
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Go, change the world
Two Dimensional Arrays
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• In case of one-dimensional arrays, we Program to print the elements

used a single for loop to vary the index i of a 2D array
#include <stdio.h>
in every pass, so that all the elements #include <conio.h>
could be scanned. Since the int main()
two-dimensional array contains two int arr[2][2] = {12, 34, 56,32};
int i, j;
subscripts, we will use two for loops to for(i=0;i<2;i++)
scan the elements. printf("\n");
• The first for loop will scan each row in printf("%d\t", arr[i][j]);
the 2D array and the second for loop will return 0;
scan individual columns for every row in
the array.
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Operations on Two Dimensional Arrays
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Operations on Two Dimensional Arrays
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