Toate Subiectele Si Baremele
Toate Subiectele Si Baremele
Toate Subiectele Si Baremele
I.2. Choose the variant which best completes each space (20 p).
1. Mr. Smith is …………….old customer of mine.
a) an b) a c) - d) any
2. George is …………….than Paul.
a) harder-working b) more hard-worker c) more hard-working d) the most hard-working
3. …………….accept the gift with my love and kind regards!
a) Can b) Try c) Go d) Please
4. Jake, …………….is my neighbour, owns an expensive car.
a) who b) which c) how d) than
5. I didn’t …………….the lesson yesterday.
a) understand b) understood c) to understand d) understanding
6. Look! There are dark clouds in the sky. It…………….
a) will rain b) is going to rain c) rains d) rain
7. Kevin …………….classes. He is a truant.
a) often skips b) skips often c) doesn’t never skip d) always skip
8) If it ……………., we won’t go out tomorrow.
a) will rain b) rains c) rain d) rained
On the positive side, they enable us to communicate with other people wherever they may be and at any time of the
day. Teenagers who need help can contact their parents immediately and emergency services can be called to the
scene of the accident without delay. Another advantage is that recent models are so light and compact that they fit
easily into a pocket or in a handbag.
On the negative side, the mobile phone is thought to be a serious threat to health, particularly in the case of children.
Moreover, drivers who use one while driving are a danger to others and fatal accidents have occurred. Finally, what
for many people is a useful device, for others is a nuisance and they object to the constant ringing tones in public
In conclusion, cell phones have certainly improved many people’s lives, but we need to be careful about when and
where we use them.
(Source: E-Journal USA, 2013 – adapted)
3. The word occurred in the phrase fatal accidents have occurred is closest in meaning to………………..
A. have taken place.
B. have decided.
C. have agreed.
D. have responded.
5. What would be the most suitable piece of advice about the way people use mobile phones?
I.2. Choose the variant which best completes each space (20 p).
1. a) an 5. a) understand 9) c) some
2. c) more hard-working 6. b) is going to rain 10) d) have known
3. d) Please 7. a) often skips
4. a) who 8) b) rains
Exemplary Proficient Weak Incomplete
Analytical Proficient
5p 4p 2p 1p
The essay is
The essay is
relevant to topic, The essay is The essay is
partially completed The essay is faulty,
describing fairly completed incomplete,the
with slight logical including serious
places/events with all the sequencing of
CONTENT impediments in logical impediments
/characters/atmos sequencing the narrative
sequencing the in the sequencing of
phere/ reaching elements of a moments being
moments of the events.
climax, including the narrative. inconsistent.
final reactions of the
There is partial
There is complete There is a fair completion of the
There is serious Paragraphs are
logical connection completion of task.
inconsistency in the incomplete,both
of paragraphs paragraph Paragraphs are
organization of the linking devices,
due to a judicious organization due partially complete
ORGANIZATION paragraphs due to mechanics, and
use of to scarce misuse due to unfinished
AND COHESION the misuse of the length
linking devices, of linking devices, ideas and scarce
linking devices, requirements
mechanics, mechanics, and use of llinking
mechanics, and having been
and length length devices, mechanics,
length requirements. disrespected.
requirements. requirements. and length
A range of
grammatical A very narrow
A wide range of A mix of complex and A limited range of range of
grammatical structures is used grammatical
accurately and simple grammatical grammatical
structures is used structures is present structures is present structures is
accurately and with some along the essay;
flexibility along the throughout the present within
flexibly throughout essay; errors are complex language is the essay; errors
STRUCTURES essay; occasional
the essay; minor present when rare and may be often predominate;
errors are rare; errors are faulty; punctuation
possible; complex language is punctuation errors
punctuation is attempted; punctuation errors can make text make
very well punctuation is well can be faulty understanding the text
controlled. controlled at times. difficult. obscure at
with occasional times.
EFFECT ON The interest of the The text has a The effect on The effect
reader is aroused The effect on the on the
TARGET and sustained good effect on the reader is reader non-
READER the reader. satisfactory. reader quite poor.
throughout. relevant.
ETAPA LOCALĂ – 25 februarie 2023
CLASA a VIII-a (STANDARD) Varianta 1
I.1. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms. (20 points)
Dear Susan,
I can´t go out tonight because I (1)…………. (be) exhausted! Since Monday, this week, I (2)…………. (be) very busy
with my final exams and I haven’t done anything else but studying! Tomorrow I (3)…………. (finish) at last!
I (4) ………….(call) my cousin Martha last night and we (5) ………….(decide) to spend the weekend together.
I (6)………….(look) forward to it!
She told me about the race she (7) ………….(win) two weeks before. While she (8) ………….(run), she almost
(9) ………….(give) up. But she didn’t. I was really happy for her!
I have to go now! Mum (10) ………….(call) me for dinner.
I.2 Read the following text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits in each gap. (20 points)
For a large part of the world’s (1)................, rice is what is called the staple food. This means that rice is the main food
in those people’s diets and, as a result, it is (2) these people’s lives. Due to it being the staple food, rice is
(3) many cultures around the world.
Many countries have traditional rice (4) ................, such as paella in Spain. Many cultures have their own folk stories
connected with rice. For example, Phosop is the (5) ................ rice goddess of Thailand. It is believed that Phosop makes
sure lots of rice is (6) ................, and that everybody will have (7) eat.
Many cultures also hold festivals to celebrate rice. The Rocket Festivals of Laos and Thailand celebrate the arrival of
the rainy season, which is the time (8) ................rice is planted. The festivals involve music and dancing, and sending
rockets (9)................the sky in (10) encourage rain.
2. We watched a_______ the other night. It was quite dramatic and scary. THRILL
3. When someone has done something very well, you are ____of them. PRIDE
Hubble is one of NASA’s most successful and long-lasting science missions. It has helped scientists determine the age
of the universe and the existence of dark energy.
Hubble’s discoveries have transformed the way scientists look at the universe. Among its many discoveries, Hubble has
revealed the age of the universe to be 13 to 20 billion years, much more than it was thought (anywhere from 10 to 20
billion years). Hubble played a key role in the discovery of dark energy, a mysterious force that causes the expansion of
the universe to accelerate. Hubble has shown scientists galaxies in all stages of evolution, helping them understand how
galaxies form. (adapted from
1. What has been the goal of all astronomers since the earliest days?
A. To build Hubble.
B. To fly into space.
C. To learn more about the universe.
D. To buy a telescope.
10 verbs x 2p = 20 points
1. am; 2. have been; 3. am going to finish / will finish; 4. called; 5. decided; 6. am looking; 7. had won; 8. was running;
9. gave; 10. is calling.
I.2. Read the following text and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits in each gap. – 20 points
10 x 2p = 20 points
1-B, 2-A, 3-A, 4-D, 5-C, 6-C, 7-B, 8-A, 9-D, 10-C.
I.3. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence. – 10 points
5 words x 1p = 5 points
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A
Write a narrative essay ending like this: I took a deep breath and closed the door behind me. I was happy with my
decision. Write your story in 150-180 words and give it an appropriate title.
Pay attention to the following:
You don’t need to write long descriptions.
Use dialogues only if they are relevant to your characters or events.
Don’t count the words given to end the essay.
You should use this plan:
Introduction (paragraph 1 – set the scene)
Main body (paragraph(s) 2/3 – develop the story)
Conclusion (paragraph 4 – end the story)
Exemplary Proficient Weak Incomplete
Analytical Proficient
5p 4p 2p 1p
The essay is
The essay is
relevant to topic, The essay is The essay is
partially completed The essay is faulty,
describing fairly completed incomplete,the
with slight logical including serious
places/events with all the sequencing of
CONTENT impediments in logical impediments
/characters/atmos sequencing the narrative
sequencing the in the sequencing of
phere/ reaching elements of a moments being
moments of the events.
climax, including the narrative. inconsistent.
final reactions of the
There is partial
There is complete There is a fair completion of the
There is serious Paragraphs are
logical connection completion of task.
inconsistency in the incomplete,both
of paragraphs paragraph Paragraphs are
organization of the linking devices,
due to a judicious organization due partially complete
ORGANIZATION paragraphs due to mechanics, and
use of to scarce misuse due to unfinished
AND COHESION the misuse of the length
linking devices, of linking devices, ideas and scarce
linking devices, requirements
mechanics, mechanics, and use of llinking
mechanics, and having been
and length length devices, mechanics,
length requirements. disrespected.
requirements. requirements. and length
A range of
grammatical A very narrow
A wide range of A mix of complex and A limited range of range of
grammatical structures is used grammatical
accurately and simple grammatical grammatical
structures is used structures is present structures is present structures is
accurately and with some along the essay;
flexibility along the throughout the present within
flexibly throughout essay; errors are complex language is the essay; errors
STRUCTURES essay; occasional
the essay; minor present when rare and may be often predominate;
errors are rare; errors are faulty; punctuation
possible; complex language is punctuation errors
punctuation is attempted; punctuation errors can make text make
very well punctuation is well can be faulty understanding the text
controlled. controlled at times. difficult. obscure at
with occasional times.
EFFECT ON The interest of the The text has a The effect on The effect
TARGET reader is aroused good effect on the reader is The effect on the on the
and sustained reader quite poor. reader non-
READER the reader. satisfactory
throughout. relevant.
Clasa a IX-a, SECȚIUNEA A- Standard Varianta 1
IV. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
(10 points)
Ads Everywhere!
Advertising has become a part of everyday culture. People are exposed (1) ____ hundreds of adverts every day
whenever they switch (2) _____ the TV or radio or open a newspaper or magazine. This means that we know all
(3) _____ the tricks that advertisers use to sell us their products and so they need to work harder (4) _____ ever
to keep us interested. The latest trend designed to do this is known (5) _____ ambient advertising. This is the
practice of putting ads in unusual places to make the product stick (6) _____ people’s minds. It also allows the
advertisers to (7) _____flexible and to try all sorts of new approaches to advertising. Ambient ads started out on
the sides of taxis and the backs of bus tickets but even these (8) ____ now become commonplace. One recent
award-winning campaign advertised a modern art agency by putting stickers on everyday objects (9) _____ as
lamp-posts and paving stones, describing them as (10) _____ they were works of art.
II. Write a narrative essay beginning with “Last November my sister and I were invited to spend Thanksgiving in
Plymouth...” (160-180 words) (50 points)
Clasa a IX-a, SECȚIUNEA A- Standard Varianta 1
IV. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
(10 points)
1. to, 2. on, 3. of/about, 4. than, 5. as, 6. in, 7. be, 8. have, 9. such, 10. if
VOCABULARY A wide range of A range of The range of A limited range of A very narrow
vocabulary is used vocabulary is used vocabulary is vocabulary is range of
appropriately and appropriately and adequately used in present within vocabulary is
accurately throughout accurately in the the essay; errors in the essay; less present; errors
the essay; precise essay; occasional word choice common items of in word
meaning is conveyed; errors in word /formation are vocabulary are choice/formati
minor errors are rare; choice/formation present when more rare and may be on
spelling is very well are possible; sophisticated items often faulty; predominate;
controlled. spelling is well of vocabulary are spelling errors spelling errors
The register of the controlled with attempted; spelling can make text can make the
narrative essay is totally occasional slips. The can be faulty at understanding essay obscure
relevant to the task, register of the times. difficult. The at times. The
being organically narrative essay is The register of the register of the register used in
integrated all along the relevant to the task narrative essay is narrative is the narrative
discourse with slightly partially relevant to inconsistent due essay is
incongruent lapses the task with a to the mixture of inappropriate
within the discourse narrow styles for this type
inconsistency of writing.
style, leading to
halts in the logical
development of
STRUCTURES A wide range of A range of A mix of complex A limited range of A very narrow
grammatical structures is grammatical and simple grammatical range of
used accurately and structures is used grammatical structures is grammatical
flexibly throughout the accurately and with structures is present present along the structures is
essay; minor errors are some flexibility throughout the essay; complex present within
rare; punctuation is very along the essay; essay; errors are language is rare the essay;
well controlled. occasional errors present when and may be often errors
are possible; complex language is faulty; predominate;
punctuation is well attempted; punctuation punctuation
controlled with punctuation can be errors can make errors make
occasional slips. faulty at times. text the text
understanding obscure at
difficult. times.
EFFECT ON TARGET The interest of the The text has a good The effect on the The effect on the The effect on
READER reader is aroused and effect on the reader reader is reader non- the reader non-
sustained throughout. satisfactory relevant relevant.
Clasa a IX-a, SECȚIUNEA B- Bilingv/intensiv Varianta 1
They are one of the most famous landmarks in the Western Australia is a vast state, bordering the Indian
South of England and they have provided inspiration Ocean and covering 250 million hectares of land. Its
to artists, musicians, singers, poets and writers – even landscapes are some of the most fascinating in the
William Shakespeare! world and include thick forests; red, sun-burnt plains;
rugged gorges; tropical reefs; white beaches with
Let’s visit the White Cliffs of Dover! dunes; and 12,500 kilometres of coastline.
The White Cliffs of Dover form part of the coast of In order to protect the diverse ecology, the government
Kent in the South East of England. They are directly of the state turned some parts of Western Australia into
opposite France at the point where the English national parks and nature reserves to allow visitors to
Channel is narrowest. In fact, you can see the cliffs admire its nature. The forests are also under the close
from the coast of France on a clear day! The Cliffs are supervision of the government and nothing can be
composed mainly of soft white chalk, which gives done there without special consent from both Houses
them their incredible colour. The Cliffs have always of Parliament.
been very important to England, and not just for their
beauty and ecological significance! Because they One favourite leisure activity along Western
represent the area of England which is closest to Australia’s coast is whale-watching – popular both
mainland Europe, they have been the arrival point for amongst tourists and local people alike. In the last few
many travellers, both friends and enemies! Even Julius years, a lot of special agencies have been created
Caesar wrote about them in his journal! We think that which organize whale-watching cruises. It is said that
the White Cliffs of Dover began forming under the sea the best time of day to see whales is at midday, when
around 13.6 million years ago! the sun is directly overhead.
A. Answer the following questions: (4x2p=8p)
1. Why have The White Cliffs of Dover been important to England?
2. Where are the White Cliffs of Dover situated?
3. What are Western Australia’s landscapes like?
4. Why are there so many nature reserves and national parks?
B. Choose the right synonym for the words given below, according to their meaning in the text:
1. Landmarks – a) tourist attractions b) milestones, c) turning points
2. Clear – a) understandable b) cloudless c) crystal
3. Rugged – a) sturdy b) jagged c) tough
4. Alike – a) together b) compatible c) similar
C. Do the following tasks: (4x2p=8p)
Add the tag-question:
1. Let’s visit the White Cliffs of Dover!
Let’s visit the White Cliffs of Dover, ………………..?
Rephrase the following sentences so as the meaning stays the same:
2. It is said that the best time of day to see whales is at midday.
……………………. that the best time of day to see whales is at midday.
3. We think that the White Cliffs of Dover began forming under the sea around 13.6 million years ago!
The White Cliffs of Dover are thought ……………………………….
4. Nothing can be done there without special consent from both Houses of Parliament.
Unless you get …………………………
II. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals. (10x1p=10p)
1. Adam’s room is …………………. because he leaves his clothes everywhere. (MESS)
2. Bobby’s jokes are ……………….; they make everyone laugh. (AMUSE)
3. It was an ……………………. performance. (IMPRESS)
4. The burning of fossil fuels is a ………………… issue. (GLOBE)
5. The biologists lost their diving ………………… in the storm. (EQUIP)
6. Most phobias are ………………………… . (RATIONAL)
7. The doctor gave him a ……………….. for some antibiotics. (PRESCRIBE)
8. That was ……………………. a night to remember. (DEFINITE)
9. The film’s ……………… special effects won it an Oscar. (CREDIBLE)
10. The job of a …………….. guard is dangerous. (SECURE)
III. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
(10 points)
When people mention endangered species the first things that come (1) _____ mind are probably whales, pandas
or tigers. Not (2) ______ people would think of plants, but, in (3) ______, there are more threatened species of
plants (4) ______ of threatened mammals, fish, birds and insects combined.
One of the major threats to the survival of many plants is industrialisation. This causes pollution and acid rain,
(5) _____ destroy forests and harm many species of plant. Another threat is man! Many products that man uses
(6) ______ from plants. For instance, many plants (7) ______collected from the Amazon and are used to make
medicines. Other plants, such as mahogany trees, are valued for their timber and are very popular building
materials. There are even plants that (8) ______ become desirable collectors’ items. Luckily, (9) _____ and more
people are becoming aware of the problem and change is on the way. (10) ______ are now a number of
organisations that are working to protect endangered plants as well as animal species and preserve all living things
for the future.
I. Read a text about home design and for questions 1 to 5, choose the correct answer. (10 puncte)
The 2009 British Homes Awards challenged the industry to design a house that can adapt to different life stages.
The participants were asked to rethink the construction and design of individual homes, so that they were easily
adaptable to less mobile inhabitants, and also to create communities in which ageing occupants could continue to
enjoy shared amenities. The top design also had to be attractive to its potential buyers, because the competition
was put to the public vote. The winner, gaining 12,000 votes from Mail on Sunday readers, was the strikingly
modern SunnySideUp, designed by Kosi Architects. Here are its three main features:
3. Flexible Spaces
But it is the fact that the space is designed to adapt to the changing needs, including the fluctuating income of its
owners, that makes it a thought-provoking, as well as a winning, design.
The lower-floor bedrooms have separate outdoor access so they can be easily let. The idea is that owners can get
some extra money to pay for their mortgages during the first years. And later in the future, those bedrooms can
be used as a granny flat, or an office, and can easily be converted into a separate one-bed flat if your kids won’t
leave home.
And if more space is required, as well as the usual loft that can be converted, there is potential for a gallery floor
to be inserted in the living room.
1. According to the article, The British Homes Awards challenged architects to design a house …
a. for disabled people b. for ageing inhabitants
c. that could adapt to all ages d. for young families with children
3. According to the article, the parking spaces in this house design are …
a. on the first floor b. on the ground floor a separate building the street
4. According to the article, in the SunnySideUp house the ground floor ...
a. can be rented b. can be sold separately only used to store cars d. has a room for grandparents
II. Write a narrative essay with the title “My first day in a SunnySideUp house ” (180-200 words) (50
Clasa a IX-a, SECȚIUNEA B- Bilingv/intensiv Varianta 1
II. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals. (10x1p=10p)
III. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
(10 points)
1. to 2. many 3. fact 4. than 5. which 6. come/derive 7. are 8. Have 9. more 10. There
I. Read a text about home design and for questions 1 to 5, choose the correct answer. (10 puncte)
1. c. that could adapt to all ages, 2. d. keep the same pleasant atmosphere the whole day, 3. b. on the ground
floor, 4. a. can be rented, 5. to be shared if necessary
Analytical criteria Exemplary Proficient Partially Weak Incomplete P
Proficient o
10p 8p 4p 2p i
6p n
CONTENT The essay is The essay is fairly The essay is The essay is The essay is
completely relevant to completed with partially faulty, including incomplete,
topic, describing all the sequencing completed with serious logical the
places/events/charact elements of a slight logical impediments in sequencing of
ers/atmosphere/ narrative. impediments in the sequencing the narrative
reaching climax, sequencing the of events. moments
including the final moments of the being
reactions of the narrative. inconsistent.
ORGANIZATION There is complete There is a fairly There is partial There is serious Paragraphs
AND COHESION logical connection of completion of completion of the inconsistency in are
paragraphs due to a paragraph task. Paragraphs the incomplete,
judicious use of linking organization due are partially organization of both linking
devices, mechanics, to scarce misuse complete due to the paragraphs devices,
and length of linking devices, unfinished ideas due to the mechanics,
requirements. mechanics, and and scarce use of misuse of the and length
length linking devices, linking devices, requirements
requirements. mechanics, and mechanics, and having been
length length disrespected.
requirements. requirements
VOCABULARY A wide range of A range of The range of A limited range A very narrow
vocabulary is used vocabulary is used vocabulary is of vocabulary is range of
appropriately and appropriately and adequately used present within vocabulary is
accurately throughout accurately in the in the essay; the essay; less present;
the essay; precise essay; occasional errors in word common items errors in
meaning is conveyed; errors in word choice /formation of vocabulary word
minor errors are rare; choice/formation are present when are rare and choice/forma
spelling is very well are possible; more may be often tion
controlled. spelling is well sophisticated faulty; spelling predominate;
The register of the controlled with items of errors can make spelling
narrative essay is occasional slips. vocabulary are text errors can
totally relevant to the The register of the attempted; understanding make the
task, being organically narrative essay is spelling can be difficult. The essay obscure
integrated all along relevant to the faulty at times. register of the at times. The
the discourse task with slightly The register of the narrative is register used
incongruent narrative essay is inconsistent in the
lapses within the partially relevant due to the narrative
discourse to the task with a mixture of essay is
narrow styles inappropriate
inconsistency of for this type
style, leading to writing.
halts in the logical
development of
STRUCTURES A wide range of A range of A mix of complex A limited range A very narrow
grammatical grammatical and simple of grammatical range of
structures is used structures is used grammatical structures is grammatical
accurately and flexibly accurately and structures is present along structures is
throughout the essay; with some present the essay; present
minor errors are rare; flexibility along throughout the complex within the
punctuation is very the essay; essay; errors are language is rare essay; errors
well controlled. occasional errors present when and may be predominate;
are possible; complex language often faulty; punctuation
punctuation is is attempted; punctuation errors make
well controlled punctuation can errors can make the text
with occasional be faulty at times. text obscure at
slips. understanding times.
EFFECT ON The interest of the The text has a The effect on the The effect on The effect on
TARGET READER reader is aroused and good effect on the reader is the reader non- the reader
sustained throughout. reader satisfactory relevant non-relevant.
CLASA a X-a, SECȚIUNEA A-Standard Varianta 1
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.
1. For their own ______________the visitors of zoos are kept at a distance. (SAFE)
2. You should take the antibiotics for a whole week so that it is _____________. (EFFECT)
3. Jane has been suffering from headaches_________________. (LATE)
4. Most people believe that it is _______________ that UFOs exist. (PROBABLE)
5. A limited _____________of the author’s works will be published next year. (EDIT)
6. The ___________that banks charge for borrowing money has gone up. (PERCENT)
7. Many men believe that bringing up children is the __________of women. (RESPONSIBLE)
8. He turned out to be a big ____________. I’ll never believe him again. (LIE)
9. Divers went down to a _____________of over 50 metres. (DEEP)
10. She was extremely intelligent and passed all her exams with _____________. (EASY)
III. Fill in the gaps with one word (10points)
The sandwich is 1) ________ of the 2) ________ popular ways of preparing a light meal 3) ____ snack. Its
simplicity is the key, basically you need to put 4) _______type of food stuff between two slices of bread and you
are done. It is easy to transport and does not require cutlery or a lot of preparation. Its invention 5) ______ been
attributed to the Earl of Sandwich in the 18th century, but this is 6) ________ a doubt, debatable to say the least
as sandwiches have their equivalent 7) ______ over the world, including the taco and burritos. What is clear is 8)
______ popularity of this special way of preparing food. Sandwiches are eaten by just about every human on this
planet and look as though they are here to stay. Their popularity is only being increased 9) _____ large chains,
such as Subway, that offer high quality ingredients at a reasonable price 10) ______ the purpose of offering a
healthy fast-food alternative.
IV. Read the text below and decide which of the four words (A,B,C or D) best fits each space. (10 points)
Owls are nocturnal creatures. They’re wide 0) awake at night and they sleep during the day. If this 1) .............. like bliss
to you, then, like about 20 percent of the population 2) .............. find themselves most active at around 9 pm, you may
fall into the same category 3) .............. our feathered friend. Night owls often have difficulty waking up in the morning,
and like to be up late at night. 4) .............. of animal behaviour indicate that being a night owl may actually be 5)
.............. into some people’s genes. This would explain 6) .............. those late-to-bed, late-to-rise people find it so
difficult to change their behaviour. The trouble for night owls is that they just 7) .............. to be at places such as work
and school far 8) .............. early. This is when the alarm clock becomes the night owl’s most important survival tool.
Experts 9) .............. that one way for a night owl to beat their dependence 10) .............. their alarm clocks is to sleep
with the curtains open. The theory is that if they do so, the morning sunlight will awaken them gently and naturally.
II. Starting from the above text write a narrative-descriptive essay introducing the reader to the world of
lobsters. (180-200 words) (50 points)
CLASA a X-a, SECȚIUNEA A-Standard Varianta 1
IV. Read the text about living in a new country. Decide which of the four words (A,B,C or D) best fits each
space. (10 points)
1. A sounds, 2. D who, 3. B as, 4. D Studies, 5. B built, 6. A why, 7. B have, 8. A too, 9. D say, 10. B on
1.A. to provide information about rare types of lobsters, 2. A. on the entire body, 3. D. paste, 4. B. Its cause is
not known., 5. C. All American lobsters need protection.
I. Read the text below and do the tasks that follow. (20 points)
II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence. 10 points
III. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
(10 points)
I. For each question, decide which answer (A, B, C or D) fits best according to the text. (10 points)
II. Starting from the text above, imagine you are visiting Khali Baoli Spice Market. Write a narrative-
descriptive essay about your experience. (200-220 words) (50 puncte)
CLASA A X-A – SECȚIUNEA B - Bilingv/Intensiv Varianta 1
I. Read the text below and do the tasks that follow. (20 points)
A. 1. It’s more comfortable and convenient to watch films and TV series at home
2. They continued being noisy after she asked them to be quiet
3. She stops the film and watches something else, or fast-forwards through the boring bits
4. It gives characters time to develop in interesting and unexpected ways.
B. 1. celebrations, 2. comfort, 3. Pack
1. that sounded familiar.
2. … although I like having fun.
3. Can/Could/Will/Would you be quiet?
II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence. 10 points
III. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
(10 points)
1. up,, 3. her, 4. that, 5. When, 6. could, 7. for, 8. which, 9. been, 10. As
Read the text below and do the tasks that follow. (10 puncte)
I. 1. D, 2.D, 3 C, 4. B, 5. D
I. Read the following text and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. (10 x 1p = 10p)
Writing first (1) …………… (appear) in about 3,200 B.C. and was invented by the Sumerians of
Mesopotamia. It (2) ……… (consist) of marks made with a reed on a clay tablet - we call this early
form of writing ‘cuneiform’. Most of these inscriptions (3) ………. (record) details of commercial
transactions. Other systems (4)………… (develop) independently in both China and central America.
A writing system (5) ………. (know) as Linear A was used in Ancient Greece but its meaning (6)
……… (remain) a mystery as experts (7) ……….. (not decipher) it yet.
The materials used for writing (8) ………. (change) over the centuries. For a long time, the Ancient
Egyptians (9) ………. (write) on papyrus, which was made from a kind of plant fibre. On the other
hand, at that moment, the scribes of Ancient Greece and Rome (10) …….. (write) on long scrolls made
from processed leather known as parchment.
II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence. (10 x 1p = 10p)
A new start?
While (1) ………… (URBAN) was characteristic of an (2) ………… (EARLY) era, many young
people are choosing to do exactly the opposite of their forebears. As a result of financial (3) ……….
(STABLE) in the city and worries about (4) ……….. (ADEQUATE) public services, numerous
educated, young individuals, either alone or with their families, are willingly moving back to smaller
towns and villages in search of a better and more (5) …………… (AFFORD) way of life.
When families are (6) ……….. (ROOT) from their homes, there are a lot of negative repercussions;
educated graduates may face (7) ……….. (COMPETE) from skilled workers, who, while having no
formal (8) ………. (QUALIFY), having been working the land for years, and city children may find
themselves (9) ……… (MARGIN) at school. However, life in the country tends to be far less (10)
…………. (STRESS) and there are more opportunities for families to spend quality time together.
IV. Read the text below and think of the word that best fits each space. Use only ONE word in
each space. (10p)
The Brain
It wasn’t so long ago that scientists thought that adult brain was unable to change and we all could (1)
..... forward to was a slow decline. This is not completely true, however. Although the brain does
indeed slow (2) ..... with age, it remains remarkably adaptable. The brain loses volume from about the
age (3) ….. forty, but it will improve (4) ….. long as you exercise and challenge it. Research has
shown that not (5) ….. can we change the way we think and feel, but (6) ….. those thoughts and
feelings can change the physical workings of the brain.
What you need to do is take (7) ….. a new and challenging activity, such as learning a new language,
playing chess, learning to draw or learning to play a musical instrument. The more mentally active you
stay, the (8) ….. .
Of course, exercise and diet (9) …… their part too, as does a good night’s sleep. In (10) ……, sleep
improves memory if you sleep within a few hours of learning something new.
Read the text below and do the tasks that follow.
A few weeks ago, my friend Isabel met her husband for a romantic lunch in a favourite London
restaurant. They were there to celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary and her husband, a
publishing director, had even booked the afternoon off work so they could share the day together, just
the two of them. Except it wasn't just the two of them at all.
‘As soon as I saw his iPhone on the table, I felt resentful', she says. 'He's on Twitter, for work he says.'
They'd barely got beyond their aperitif when a row started. 'I refuse to have a three-way conversation.
If you talk to me, I expect eye contact. Meanwhile, you are typing some meaningless observation into
the ether.’
Isabel is increasingly resentful of her partner’s reliance on mobile technology, promising, as it does, a
gateway to a new virtual world of communication and socialising, music downloads, video clips,
football scores, and the rest of the ephemera of the cyber dimension. We've long known about the
compulsive allure of the 'Crackberry', as well as its younger upstart the iPhone, but with the advent of
Facebook, and particularly Twitter, a new level of distractedness is developing.
According to research carried out last year by Professor Nada Kakabadse at Northampton University, a
growing number of people are becoming overdependent on their Black Berries, mobile phones and
other digital devices. 'Overdependence certainly created friction in some of the relationships of the
people I spoke to. In some cases it led to divorce when one partner felt the other wasn't paying enough
attention to normal human interaction.
‘Relationship counsellors have also noticed this phenomenon. 'I see more and more of it', says Denise
Knowles, a Relate therapist. 'People feel they're not being shown enough consideration, that they’re
being excluded if their partner is spending a lot of time using phones for socializing, playing games or
working. It is the ubiquity of these super-phones that makes them so pernicious.
D-Day for many people's relationships came in 2008 when the iPhone relaunched, sleeker and faster
than ever before. Such technology, it seems, is designed to hook the user in, leaving a partner feeling
even more irritated and excluded. I'm painfully aware of this as a BlackBerry user myself and,
shamefully, have to admit to ignoring small children's pleas and my husband's protestations, to
reflexively reach for the device whenever the green turns to red - meaning mail's in.
'There is something quite compelling about contemporary gadgetry', says Martin Lloyd-Elliot, a
relationships psychologist. 'These new designs seem to activate part of the brain that wants to be
absolutely absorbed and, like computer games, they can create a strange altered state in the user, in
which he or she is with you but not available to you. ' Lloyd-Elliot’s patients frequently report a
strange dislocated feeling when a partner is immersed in another virtual hemisphere.
'Sometimes it’s an almost tragic scene. The couple are on holiday with their children and dad’s eyes
are glued to a bit of electronic gadgetry. He’s present but he’s absent at the same time. The very
technology that is meant to bring together is increasingly separating us from those we need to attend to
Phillip, 34, a software designer, used to be in thrall to his latest IPhone until he struck a compromise
with his long-suffering spouse: 'I’ve agreed that it’s fine to use at work but as soon as I’m in the home
putting the kids to bed and being with my family, I switch it off. At weekends, I've agreed reluctantly
that I can 'check in' for an hour a day but not in the evenings or when we're out. My wife was getting
so annoyed, I knew I had to curb my habit. I still miss it, though.'
Ring-fencing, as Lloyd-Elliot refers to it- when a'gadgetholic' limits his or her usage to certain times
places in negotiation with his or her partner- is a method that he encourages with his patients.
However, the only way a new etiquette can really work is through increased self-awareness on the part
of the user. For starters, users have to realise how their behaviour can affect others. As Lloyd-Elliot
says: 'There is something arrogant about the mindset that goes with this trend -the sense of always
thinking that what you've got to say is so important it can't wait. There's also an absence of thoughtful
empathy; how you are making those around you feel.'
Dr Emma Short, a senior lecturer in psychology, agrees. It's about being mindful about the choices you
make. Whenever you take a call or reply to a message in front of someone, you are prioritizing what is
an absent presence.' In terms of your relationship and how your partner feels, she says, think about
who you are promoting above whom when you hear that beep or see that flashing light. Take heed-
turnoff that green flashing light now.
I. For each question decide which answer (A, B, C or D) fits best according to the text. (10 p)
1. What was the issue that Isabel faced during her romantic lunch with her husband?
a. The restaurant was overbooked
b. Isabel's husband had to leave early for work
c. Their table was located near a loud group of people
d. Her husband was distracted by technology during their time together.
2.What is the main issue in relationships that is being observed by Professor Nada Kakabadse
and Denise Knowles, due to the growing use of digital devices?
a. Increased frustration due to lack of attention from partners
b. Difficulty in adjusting to the use of technology in relationships
c. Difficulty in balancing work and personal life
d. Decreased social skills due to overreliance on technology.
4. What is the effect of contemporary gadgetry on a person's ability to connect with others,
according to Martin Lloyd-Elliot?
a. Improves connection
b. Has no effect on connection
c. Decreases connection
d. Creates a strange altered state and hinders connection
5. Which word in the eighth paragraph is used to indicate addiction to electronic gadgets?
a. tragic
b. glued
c. absent
d. separating
II. Starting from the text above, write a for & against essay about the excessive use of gadgets .
(200-220 words) ( 50 p)
Notă: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timp de lucru 180 de minute. Nu se acordă puncte din
Varianta 1
Se punctează oricare alte modalităţi de rezolvare corectă a cerinţelor.
I. 10p = 10 x 1p
1 – appeared 6 – remains
2 – consisted 7 – have not deciphered
3 – record / recorded 8 – have changed
4 – developed 9 – had been writing
5 – known 10 – were writing
II. 10p = 10 x 1p
1 – urbanisation 6 – uprooted
2 – earlier 7 – competition
3 – instability 8 – qualification(s)
4 – inadequate 9 – marginalised
5 – affordable 10 – stressful
III. 10p = 10 x 1p
1–b 6–b
2–c 7–d
3–a 8–d
4–b 9–c
5–b 10 – b
IV. 10p = 10 x 1p
1 – LOOK
2 – DOWN
3 – OF
4 – AS
5 – ONLY
6 – THAT
7 – UP
9 – PLAY
10 – FACT
I. 5 x 2p = 10p
See the marking scheme
I. Read the following letter and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 10 points
Hi Angie,
‘Royston School Recycle’ (1) .............. (GO) for six months now and I think it’s about time we (2) ............
(DO) something to boost our public image. I found this fantastic website called ‘easyfundraising’ which I (3)
................. (HOPE) can help us to raise the money we need for our recycling project. I wish I (4) ...............
(FIND) it earlier, but anyway...
The idea of ‘easyfundraising’ is that when you (5) ............. (BUY) something online, a donation is made to a
charity of your choice. Well, this could work to our advantage. Most people generally (6) ............. (PREFER)
shopping to doing anything else, right? By making a purchase online, people feel as if they (7) .............
(MAKE) a difference, do you see?
On the other hand, had we known how poor the people’s interest was going to be, we (8) ................. (NOT
MAKE) the announcement about the project. Therefore, I would sooner you (9) ............... (NOT SAY)
anything to the others yet. This is the first time we (10) .................. (DECIDE) to raise some money for our
recycling project.
So, let me know if you have any useful ideas and get back to me as soon as you can.
Bye for now,
II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each gap. 10 points
The farmer and his environment
For thousands of years, farmỉng was part of an integrated process where a balance between human (1)
.................... (ACTIVE) and the ecosystem was respected. However, modern (2) .................. (INTENSE)
farming methods are causing the (3) .................... (DEGRADE) of both agricultural land and the environment.
Farmers use (4) .................... (PEST) and other sprays to wipe out weeds and to kill insects and fungi.
Cultivation of huge monoculture fields leads to a (5) ..................... (DEPLETE) of the soil’s fertility.
In order to maintain its (6) ..................... (NUTRITION) value, farmers are then obliged to use chemical (7)
..................... (FERTILE) to enrich the soil. These substances are essentially (8) ..................... (POLLUTE)
which seep into the water table and (9) ..................... (ULTIMATE) into the food chain. Under pressure from
activists and environmentalists, farmers are increasingly turning to more (10) ..................... (SUSTAIN)
methods of cultivation in order to try and redress the balance. They are beginning to reintroduce the use of
traditional manure and organic means of keeping pest populations in check.
4. Peter .... for an exam all night, so he was very tired in the morning.
A. would study B. was studied C. had studied D. had been studying
6. Although not everyone is a fan of Justin Bieber, most people agree he is worthy of his .... success.
A. influential B. aspiring C. phenomenal D. resourceful
8. You .... before you borrow my shoes! What if I want to wear them myself?
A. can ask B. shall ask C. might ask D. would ask
10. I wish I could .... take the history exam for me – he’s brilliant at remembering dates!
A. get my brother B. getting my brother C. have my brother to D. have my brother
IV. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits in each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
10 points
The role of antibiotics in our life
Although there are many strains of antibiotic bacteria now present in hospital wards, antibiotics have effectively
served their original purpose over the course of the past eighty years. They have been able to treat the infections
of countless individuals and saved millions of lives.
Antibiotics have changed the way in (1) ……... many common diseases are viewed.
(2) ……….… infected with bacterial pneumonia, for instance, is no longer considered fatal. Rather, it is viewed
as a mundane infection which can be cured (3) …………. a simple course of antibiotics. The number of
antibiotics available for use has also affected their impact on society. Even if one antibiotic is ineffective at
treating a disease, there are, for most common infections, a host of (4) ..……… drugs that can be used to
effectively cure the disease.
The development of antibiotics over the past eighty years has changed the relationship between humans and
disease. Antibiotics have given humans the power to fight back effectively against microorganisms in a way that
(5) …………. have been considered impossible just a century ago.
II. Many people believe that China has a reputation for producing cheap and low-quality products. Write
a 220-250-word opinion essay to enlarge upon your position. (50 points)
Notă: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3
Varianta 1
I. Read the following text and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 10 points
10x1p=10 points
II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each gap. 10 points
10x1p=10 points
ORGANIZATI There is complete There is a fairly There is partial There is serious Paragraphs are
ON AND logical connection of completion of completion of the inconsistency in the incomplete, both
COHESION paragraphs due to a paragraph task. Paragraphs are organization of the linking devices,
judicious use of linking organization due to partially complete paragraphs due to mechanics, and
devices, mechanics, scarce misuse of due to unfinished the misuse of the length
and length linking devices, ideas and scarce use linking devices, requirements
requirements. mechanics, and of linking devices, mechanics, and having been
length mechanics, and length disrespected.
requirements. length requirements.
VOCABULARY A wide range of A range of The range of A limited range of A very narrow
vocabulary is used vocabulary is used vocabulary is vocabulary is range of
appropriately and appropriately and adequately used in present within the vocabulary is
accurately throughout accurately in the the essay; errors in essay; less common present; errors in
the essay; precise essay; occasional word choice / items of vocabulary word
meaning is conveyed; errors in word formation are are rare and may be choice/formation
minor errors are rare; choice/formation present when more often faulty; spelling predominate;
spelling is very well are possible; sophisticated items errors can make spelling errors can
controlled. The spelling is well of vocabulary are text understanding make the essay
register of the opinion controlled with attempted; spelling difficult. The obscure at times.
essay is totally occasional slips. The can be faulty at register of the essay The register used
relevant to the task, register of the times The register is inconsistent due in the opinion
being organically opinion essay is of the opinion essay to the mixture of essay is
integrated all along relevant to the task is partially relevant styles inappropriate for
the discourse. with slightly to the task with a this type of
incongruent lapses narrow writing.
within the discourse inconsistency of
STRUCTURES A wide range of A range of A mix of complex A limited range of A very narrow
grammatical grammatical and simple grammatical range of
structures is used structures is used grammatical structures is present grammatical
accurately and flexibly accurately and with structures is present along the essay; structures is
throughout the essay; some flexibility throughout the complex language is present within the
minor errors are rare; along the essay; essay; errors are rare and may be essay; errors
punctuation is very occasional errors present when often faulty; predominate;
well controlled. are possible; complex language is punctuation errors punctuation
punctuation is well attempted; can make text errors make the
controlled with punctuation can be understanding text obscure at
occasional slips. faulty at times. difficult. times.
EFFECT ON The interest of the The text has a good The effect on the The effect on the The text has a
TARGET reader is aroused and effect on the reader is reader non- negative effect on
READER sustained throughout. reader. satisfactory. relevant. the reader.
I. Read the text below and do the tasks that follow. (20 points)
1. The noise above was scarcely ____________________ and he left home. TOLERATE
2. It has been discovered that there was an Iron Age _______________in this area. SETTLE
3. _______________ behaviour is to be put down to lack of education as well. SOCIAL
4. The government promised to _______________ the public transport next year. SUBSIDY
5. She is not exactly __________________, but she is not very good at counting. NUMERATE
6. That school was known for its discipline and _________________ . SEVERE
7. We were shocked by the ________________________ damage. EXTEND
8. A few ___________________ of furniture and household goods were given away. REMAIN
9. We can admire century-old _________________ in this museum. POTTER
10. My uncle left the army and became a ________________again. CIVIL
III. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
(10 points)
Inflation is not a new phenomenon, (0) but one that has existed at various times in various places. In (1) ______
severest form, (2) ______, hyperinflation can destroy a nation’s economy. (3) ______ happened in revolutionary
France and Weimar Germany, (4) _____ bundles of notes were needed to pay for a loaf of bread. But what is
inflation? Briefly, it may be defined (5) ______ a continual increase in prices affecting the economy. The rate of
inflation is determined (6) _____ changes in the price level which is an average of all prices. When (7) ______
prices rise while others fall, this will not necessarily affect the price level, as inflation occurs (8) _____ if most
major prices increase. The problem with inflation is that it reduces the value of purchasing power of money, as
well as eroding people’s savings. Wage increases which are below or equal (9) ______ the level of inflation will
result in a declining or static (10) _________ of living for workers, while wage increases above the rate of inflation
will merely stoke the fire for further inflation.
II. Starting from the text above, write an essay giving your opinion on the following statement: Praise
should be given more often by teachers than criticism. (250-280 words)
(50 points)
I. Read the text below and do the tasks that follow. (20 points)
1. 1. b, 2. c, 3. a
C. Rephrase the following sentences so as to preserve the meaning. (6 points)
1. … used to run in pursuit of small prey.
2. … is this new generation of running shoes safe, but also conducive to optimum performance.
3. … anatomical mechanics explains this.
II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each gap. (10 points)
III. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
(10 points)
1. its, 2. however, 3. This, 4. where, 5. as, 6. by, 7. some, 8. only, 9. to, 10. standard.
I. For each question decide which answer (A, B, C or D) fits best according to the text. (10 points)
1) A, 2. C, 3. B, 4. B, 5.D
Analytical Exemplary Proficient Partially Weak Incomplete Points
criteria Proficient
10p 8p 4p 2p
CONTENT The essay is The essay is fairly The essay is The essay is The essay is wholly
completely relevant completed, the partially relevant faulty, including inadequate, there is
to topic, the opinion in the to topic, there is serious logical no opinion in the
introduction clearly introduction being no opinion impediments in first paragraph,
stating opinion, further developed formulated in the the sequencing of while the arguments
whilst the contents with arguments and first paragraph, arguments / offered lack logical
offer arguments to relevant ideas, the which leads to ideas. development.
support it, followed counterargument is inconsistencies in
by a present but could the logical
counterargument, be better development of
leading to a substantiated, the arguments.
conclusion in which conclusion is
the opinion is present but the
restated. restated opinion
might be missing
ORGANIZATION There is complete There is a fairly There is partial There is serious Paragraphs are
AND COHESION logical connection of completion of completion of the inconsistency in incomplete, both
paragraphs due to a paragraph task. Paragraphs the organization linking devices,
judicious use of organization due to are partially of the paragraphs mechanics, and
linking devices, scarce misuse of complete due to due to the misuse length requirements
mechanics, and linking devices, unfinished ideas of the linking having been
length requirements. mechanics, and and scarce use of devices, disrespected.
length linking devices, mechanics, and
requirements. mechanics, and length
length requirements.
VOCABULARY A wide range of A range of The range of A limited range of A very narrow range
vocabulary is used vocabulary is used vocabulary is vocabulary is of vocabulary is
appropriately and appropriately and adequately used present within present; errors in
accurately accurately in the in the essay; the essay; less word
throughout the essay; occasional errors in word common items of choice/formation
essay; precise errors in word choice / formation vocabulary are predominate;
meaning is conveyed; choice/formation are present when rare and may be spelling errors can
minor errors are rare; are possible; more often faulty; make the essay
spelling is very well spelling is well sophisticated spelling errors can obscure at times.
controlled. The controlled with items of make text The register used in
register of the occasional slips. The vocabulary are understanding the opinion essay is
opinion essay is register of the attempted; difficult. The inappropriate for
totally relevant to the opinion essay is spelling can be register of the this type of writing.
task, being relevant to the task faulty at times The essay is
organically integrated with slightly register of the inconsistent due
all along the incongruent lapses opinion essay is to the mixture of
discourse. within the discourse partially relevant styles
to the task with a
inconsistency of
style, leading to
halts in the logical
development of
STRUCTURES A wide range of A range of A mix of complex A limited range of A very narrow range
grammatical grammatical and simple grammatical of grammatical
structures is used structures is used grammatical structures is structures is present
accurately and accurately and with structures is present along the within the essay;
flexibly throughout some flexibility present essay; complex errors predominate;
the essay; minor along the essay; throughout the language is rare punctuation errors
errors are rare; occasional errors essay; errors are and may be often make the text
are possible; present when faulty; obscure at times.
punctuation is very punctuation is well complex language punctuation
well controlled. controlled with is attempted; errors can make
occasional slips. punctuation can text
be faulty at times. understanding
EFFECT ON The interest of the The text has a good The effect on the The effect on the The text has a
TARGET reader is aroused and effect on the reader is reader non- negative effect on
READER sustained reader. satisfactory. relevant. the reader.