Module 4 Developing The Action Research Introduction
Module 4 Developing The Action Research Introduction
Module 4 Developing The Action Research Introduction
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“The introduction is the first and best chance to win the attention of people who
otherwise would not care. The first thing you have to do is make people believe that what
you have to say is relevant and important.” – Martyn Lloyd Jones
To get the interest of the reader of your action research, the introduction should provide a
good background of the problem. It gives a description of the problem that will be addressed. It
should lead the reader from a general subject area to a particular topic of inquiry. It establishes
the scope, context, and significance of the research being conducted by summarizing current
understanding and background information about the topic, stating the purpose of the work in the
form of the research problem supported by a hypothesis or a set of questions. In this lesson, you
are to write the Introduction portion of your action research following certain guidelines. Try to
develop it well so that the reader can recognize the relevance and meaning of your action
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In addition, Reyes (2017) mentioned that there are three overarching goals of a good
introduction: 1) ensure that you summarize prior studies about the topic in a manner that lays a
foundation for understanding the research problem; 2) explain how your study specifically
addresses gaps in the literature, insufficient consideration of the topic, or other deficiency in the
literature; and, 3) note the broader theoretical, empirical, and/or policy contributions and
implications of your research. The following questions as your road map in writing this portion
of your action research are:
What are you studying? What problem are you trying to resolve?
Why is this topic important to research on? Is it the most pressing among your priorities?
What have you known about this topic before you do this study? What does literature
already know about this topic? What research gaps still remain?
How will this study advance new knowledge or new ways of understanding educational
practice? Will the findings resolve the problem encountered?
This portion establishes the context of the research. This section explains why this
particular research topic is important and essential to understanding the main aspects of the
study. The context for the study refers to the physical setting of the research and the natural or
artificial (simulated) characteristics of that setting. It is also called the study environment, where
is the study being conducted? What is happening there – what problematic situation is being
observed to be happening that needs you to conduct the study. Usually, the background justifies
the need for conducting the study and summarizes what the study aims to achieve.
The progression of the background of the study is from the macro to micro level (Figure
1). In this section, you usually outline the historical developments in the literature that led to the
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current topic of research concisely (Sachdec, 2018). What is global situation as regards the
problem you have identified? What is the national situation, regional situation, and
institutional situation related to the problem brought out?
Scene What is already found about the
problem in the Philippines?
Scene What is already known globally about the
problem you have experienced?
Using findings from literature, you should briefly highlight the main developments in the
global setting, then move to the national setting, then presenting what is already known at the
regional and institutional level. Identify the main gaps that need to be addressed. In other words,
this section should give an overview of your study. The section should be organized as:
In your action research, highlight the problem situation in your school or classroom as
you have experienced. Emphasize what is happening in your school/classroom. Use quantitative
data (e.g., the results of your examinations, district tests, Item Analysis or qualitative data like
preliminary interview, anecdotal records or observations relative to your research problem).
This context description supports your rationale or justification for conducting the study.
Related literature is composed of discussions of facts and principles to which the present
study is related. The materials are usually printed and found in books, encyclopedias,
professional and research journals, magazines, newspapers, and other publications. In presenting
the related literature, you talk about knowledge and findings from existing literature relevant to
your topic. If you find gaps or conflicts in existing literature, you can also discuss these in your
review, and if applicable, how you plan to address these gaps or resolve these conflicts through
your study.
Through speaking, the students learn concepts, develop vocabulary and perceive the
structure of the English language which is the essential component of learning. Relevant
to this, Johnson (1995) claims that second language students need communicative
competence to participate and learn from their classroom experience. Communicative
competence is not limited to knowing the structures of language.
In his study, Lan (2010) claimed that simulation is considered one of the most potential
activities to help students promote their speaking skills. In his survey, he found out that
89% of 3rd year Fast track students have admitted that simulation is an interesting
activity and 85% showed that it is an effective way to help students develop their
speaking skills.
The purpose of the literature integration demonstrates your familiarity with the topic
and scholarly context. It develops the theoretical framework and proposed methodology. It also
positions your approach in your own action research in relation to other researches dealing with
the same topic or problem. Lastly, the literature integration shows how your research fits in with
the existing literature. The literature cited will also strengthen your reasons why the proposed
intervention or innovation is a potential solution to the class room you have experienced.
literature in online or offline platforms. You need to evaluate and select literature sources to
only use the most relevant to your specific problem or concern. Then take down notes on the
information, concept, theory or findings found in the reviewed material.
In action researches, cite a minimum of five (5) related literature and five (5) related
research/studies that are most current (5 years back) and most relevant to your action research.
The source citation-in-text format is used (See the sample citation on Johnson’s and Lan’s works
Moreover, Yu-Jee (2008) uses the term creative teaching rather innovative teaching.
Creative teaching is described as being creative in preparing lessons, teaching process, and
examinations. Creative teachers develop or adopt new and diversified teaching methods or
activities, in order to understand students‘ individual differences, arousing students' interests in
learning, and improving their study effect.
On the other hand, an instructional strategy refers to the ways teachers use to deliver
course material to keep students engaged and practicing different skill sets. A teacher may adopt
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proven strategies already used by effective teachers from the same or other schools. Or the
strategy could be those found in the research journals or from Internet sources.
This section of the Introduction presents the general and specific problems. The general
problem, in declarative sentence, is just the restatement of the title of the study, while the
specific problems are expressed as interrogative questions. In addition, the specific problems
are either a descriptive question or inferential question as mentioned in Module 3. Descriptive
questions tell the numerical and descriptive information about the samples or respondents of the
study, while the inferential questions tell about the presumed relationship of variables (usually
the independent and dependent variables) or about the differences between groups. The answers
to the specific questions build up the resolution of the general problem.
4. Hypothesis
If your action research includes an inferential question, you have to state the hypothesis
(one) or hypotheses (two or more). The hypothesis is a statement that tells the tentative answer
to the specific inferential questions. It is the statement that is to be tested using the collected
data. The hypothesis is stated first as null, then the rival hypothesis (the alternative
hypothesis) is already understood as stated.
Inferential Question: Is there a relationship between the exposure to mass media and
vocabulary knowledge of Grade 9 learners?
Null hypothesis: There is no relationship between the exposure to mass media and the
vocabulary knowledge of Grade 9 learners.
Alternative hypothesis: There is a relationship between the exposure to mass media and
the vocabulary knowledge of Grade 9 learners.
Inferential Question: Is there a difference between the vocabulary knowledge of male and
female Grade 9 learners?
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Null hypothesis: There is no difference between the vocabulary knowledge of male and female
Grade 9 learners.
Alternative hypothesis: There is a difference between the vocabulary knowledge of male and
female Grade 9 learners.
Activity 1. In a single-idea speech, the initial part is “Tell them what you
want to tell them.” How is this similar to the Introduction of
the Action Research? Why?
Activity 2. With your chosen action research topic, write the parts of the
Introduction: Background, Rationale, Intervention/Innovation/
Strategy, AR Research Questions.
ND Activity 3. Exchange your outputs to a classmate’s outputs to evaluate
them using the rubric scoring found in page 26 in DepED
Order 16, s. 2017. Make a synthesis of your assessment.
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Bruce, R. (1989) Creativity and instructional technology: Great Potential imperfectly studied.
Contemporary Educational Psychology,14, 241 - 256.
Burns, A. (2010). Doing action research in English language teaching: A guide to
practitioners. New York: Routledge Inc.
Johnson, A. P. (2012). A short guide to action research. New Jersey: Pearson Education
Reyes, V. (2017). Demystifying the journal article. Inside Higher Education.
Retrieved October 5, 2021 from
Sachdev, R. (2018). How to write the background of your study. Retrieved from
Wu, W.R. (1992) The relationship between teaching styles and learning satisfaction in the
lifelong learning centers of Taiwan. A master‘s degree thesis of Department of Adult &
Continuing Education of National Taiwan Normal University (in Chinese)
Yu-Jee, L. (2008). A study of the influence of instructional innovation on learning satisfaction
and study achievement. The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning, 4 (2).
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