Physics 2 - Curriculum Map - Unit 1

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UNIT TITLE: ______ ELECTRICITY __________


1-7 Electricit 1. Electric Use theoretical 1. Describe using a 1. 1. Board-work: Gen. Physics Adaptability &
y charge and experimental diagram charging by Demonstration Example 1.A 2 Book: Page Inclusivity
approaches to rubbing and and Example 12
2. Insulators and solve multi- charging by induction 1.B
Conductors concept and rich-
context problems 2. Explain the role of 2. Hands on 2. Take-Home
3. Coulomb’s involving electron transfer in Investigation Gen. Physics
Law electricity and electrostatic charging by 2 Book: Page
magnetism rubbing 17
4. Electric forces
and fields 3. Describe experiments
to show electrostatic 3. Solving 3. Answer:
5. Electric field charging by induction Problems and
calculations Exercises Gen. Physics
4. Calculate the net 2 Book: Page
6. Charges on electric force on a point 19
conductors charge
exerted by a system of
7. Electric flux
point charges
and Gauss’s
5. Describe an electric
8. Electric
field as a region in which
dipoles, force,
electric charge
field, and flux
experiences a force
6. Calculate the electric
field due to a system of
point charges using
Coulomb’s law and the
superposition principle

7. Calculate electric flux

8. Use Gauss’s law to

infer electric field due to
uniformly distributed
charges on long wires,
spheres, and large plates

9. Solve problems
involving electric charges,
forces, fields, and flux in
contexts such as, but not
limited to, systems of point
charges, electrical
breakdown of air, charged
electrostatic ink
-jet printers
1. Electric 1. Relate the electric 1. 1. Board-work: Gen. Physics Adaptability &
potential potential with work, Demonstration Workout and 2 Book: Page Inclusivity
energy potential solve Example 22-25, and
energy, and electric field 2.A, 2.B, 2.C, 27
2. Electric 2.D, and 2.E
potential 2. Determine the electric
potential function at any
3. Equipotential point due to highly
surfaces symmetric continuous 2. Essay 2. Answer:
- charge Problems and Gen. Physics
4. Electric field Distributions Exercises Item 2 Book: Page
as a potential No. 1 & No. 2 29
gradient 3. infer the direction and
strength of electric field
5. Electric vector, nature of the
potential electric field sources, and
electrostatic potential
surfaces given the
equipotential lines

4. Calculate the electric

field in the region given a
mathematical function
describing its potential in a
region of space

5. Solve problems
involving electric potential
and electric potentials in
contexts such as, but not
limited to, electron guns in
CRT TV picture tubes
and Van de Graaff
1. Capacitance 1. Deduce the effects of 1. 1. Board-work: Gen. Physics Adaptability &
and capacitors simple capacitors (e.g., Demonstration Workout and 2 Book: Page Inclusivity
parallel solve Example 33, 35, 37,
a. Capacitors -plate, spherical, 3.A, 3.B, 3.C, and 39
in series and cylindrical) on the and 3.D
parallel capacitance, charge, and
potential difference
b. Energy when the size, potential
stored and difference, or charge is 2. Conceptual 2. Answer:
electric-field changed Mapping Problems and Gen. Physics
energy in Exercises 2 Book: Page
capacitors 2. Calculate the equivalent 39
capacitance of a network
2. Dielectrics of capacitors connected in

3. Determine the total

charge, the charge on,
the potential difference
across each capacitor in
the network given the
capacitors connected in

4. Determine the potential

energy stored inside the
capacitor given the
geometry and the potential
difference across the

5. Describe the effects of

inserting dielectric
materials on the
capacitance, charge, and
field of a capacitor

6. Solve problems
involving capacitors and
dielectrics in contexts
such as, but not limited to,
charged plates, batteries,
and camera flashlamps.
1. Current, 1. Distinguish between 1. 1. Boardwork: Gen. Physics Adaptability &
resistivity, and conventional current and Demonstration Example 4.A 2 Book: Page Inclusivity
resistance electron flow 41

2. Ohm’s law 2. Apply the relationship

charge = current x time to 2. Hands on 2. Take-Home
3. Energy and new situations or to solve Investigation Gen. Physics
power in electric related problems 2 Book: Page
circuits 42
3. Describe the effect of
4. Electrical temperature increase on
safety the resistance of a metallic 3. Solving 3. Answer:
conductor Example 4.B
Gen. Physics
4. Describe the ability of a 2 Book: Page
material to conduct current 46
in terms of resistivity and

5. Apply the relationship of

the proportionality
Between resistance and
the length and cross
-sectional area of a wire to
solve problems

6. Differentiate ohmic and

-ohmic materials in
terms of their I-V curves

7. Differentiate emf of a
source and potential
difference (PD) across a

8. Given an emf source

connected to a resistor,
determine the power
supplied or dissipated by
each element in a circuit

9. Solve problems
involving current,
resistivity, resistance, and
Ohm’s law in contexts
such as, but not limited to,
batteries and bulbs,
wiring, and selection of
Devices for = 1. Operate devices for Identification Answer: Gen. Physics Adaptability &
measuring measuring currents and and Essay Problems and 2 Book: Page Inclusivity
Currents and Voltages Exercises 53
voltages Integrity
2. Draw circuit diagrams
with power sources (cell or
battery), switches, lamps,
resistors (fixed and
variable) fuses, ammeters
and voltmeters

1. Resistors in 1. Evaluate the equivalent 1. Solving 1. Answer: Gen. Physics Adaptability &
series and resistance, current, and Solve example 2 Book: Page Inclusivity
parallel voltage in a given network 5.A and 5.B 56, 59
of resistors connected in
2. Kirchhoff’s series and/or parallel
2. Calculate the current 2. 2. Memorize: Gen. Physics
3. R-C circuits and voltage through and Familiarization “Series and 2 Book: Page
across circuit elements Parallel 63
using Kirchhoff’s loop and Resistors:
junction rules (at most 2 Problem-
loops only) solving
3. Solve problems
involving the calculation of
currents and potential
difference in circuits 3. Solving 3. Board-work:
consisting of batteries, Example 5.C Gen. Physics
resistors and capacitors. 2 Book: Page

 Student basic info and I.D. picture: 3 x 5 index card
 Problem Sets as Final requirements at the end of each Lesson Unit/Chapter covered
 Summative & Quarterly Exams


I. Policies on Class scheduling and Attendance: Late & Absences

 Attendance will be recorded and may be included in the Performance task aspect of the student’s grade.
 Students that will not be able to attend the class because of valid reasons may be given Handouts and/or Modules prior to the class
and will not be considered absent during the class.
 For F2F classes only: coming in 20 minutes after the class has started is considered late (>20% of the lecture hour).
 3 counts of late attendances will be equivalent to 1 absent.
 Students are allowed only 8 absences (excused/unexcused) during the whole semester. Students exceeding the no. of allowed
absences will automatically be given an additional activity as requirement at the end of the semester.
II. Excuses
 Absents due to sickness, accidents, death of close family member/friend, natural disasters, religious commitments, and other valid
 Missed quizzes and assignments due to excused absences will not be included in the student’s total quiz and assignment scores.
III. Submission of Course requirements
 Late submissions of Assignments and Problem Sets will be allowed 24 hours after the deadline but will only be given a maximum score
of 75%.
 If the student is not able to submit due to valid reasons, he/she will be allowed to submit late when he/she returns to class.
IV. Exams
 Exams will be scheduled by the school admin.
 Special Exams may be given if the student has a valid reason for not taking the exam. However, the student must accomplish a written
notice to the instructor.


Grade Component Percentage

Written Works Quizzes & Assignments 25%
Performance Recitations, Special Projects, 45%
Tasks Reporting
Quarterly Quarterly Written and/or Practical 30%
Assessments Exams
Total 100%

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