Schematic Review
Schematic Review
Schematic Review
Ensure that design rules matching the PCB manufacturer’s capabilities have
been implemented.
Check all schematic capture compilation warnings. Do not ignore any unless
there is a good reason for doing so.
Ensure the IC outputs such as I2C SDA or SCL have proper pull-up resistors.
Ensure that clamp diodes and transient suppressors have been included in
all externally exposed connections.
If there are different types of Ground, eg. Signal ground or Power ground,
make sure to properly label each ground with its type.
Identify circuit sections that need to be shielded, and indicate the type of
shielding, such as cans, needed.
Indicate the need of guard rings around very sensitive low-level signal input
Do not place high voltage and low voltage lines adjacent to each other on
connector pins on the schematic.
Use multiple connector pins for carrying high current, taking into account
the current carrying capability of each pin of the selected connector.