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6al Qadar

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Pakistan International School Jeddah English Section

Academic Year (2022–2023)

Islamiyat 0493
Notes and Guidelines
Student Name/ID

Class/ Section

Chapter 8 The Articles of Faith and Pillars of Islam

▪ Belief in the Predestination (Al-Qadar)


Reference Note - 6
Chapter 8: Articles of Faith- Predestination

Generic Guidelines

➢ These notes are consisted of outlines NOT the complete answer.

➢ Outlines are based on the IGCSE requirements with the reference of past paper question
and guidelines with examiner report for the relevant topics.
➢ These notes will serve the students as a mind map, in order to form a well-developed
➢ Students are required to use the given key points to develop the response in their own
➢ For some topics notes are given in complete paragraph form to give idea how to develop
the answer
➢ References are also included within the notes to help students memorize.

Belief in Predestination - Sixth Articles of Faith

Following is the pattern to answer the questions related to the ‘Belief in prophets’

Define the concept of pre destination and Muslim’s belief related to it. It is the sixth article
of faith. Elaborate the thoughts related to predestination. Candidate can mention that how
Muslims can live a moderate life by believing in Divine Decree and putting their best efforts

Generic Outline:
➢ Introduction with reference.
➢ Al-Qadar comprises four components
o Allah (SWT)’s knowledge
o Allah (SWT)’s Pre-recording - Lawh Al- Mahfooz’
o Allah (SWT)’s will
o Allah (SWT)’s creation
➢ Predestination and human’s free will
➢ Conclusion

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Chapter 8: Articles of Faith- Predestination

Belief in Predestination - Sixth Articles of Faith

Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme

Part ‘a’ (10 Marks Question)
Students are required to recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements of the
faith and history of Islam in part ‘A

1. Write an account about the relationship between belief in God’s divine decree and
human responsibility. [10] Oct/ Nov 2017
2. What does the statement “there is no ability or power except through Allah” tell
you about Muslim’s belief in Allah’s predestination and decree? [10] May/ June
Marking Scheme:
• The sixth article of Islamic faith is belief in divine decree which means that everything
good or bad, all moments of happiness or sorrow, pleasure or pain, come from God.
• Firstly, it could be said that God’s foreknowledge is infallible. God is not indifferent to this
world or its people. He is Wise and Loving, but this should not make us fatalists, throwing
up our hands and saying, ‘what’s the point of making any effort?’ God’s foreknowledge
does not compromise human responsibility. God holds us accountable for what we can
do, what is within our capability, but He does not hold us accountable for things we cannot
do. He is Just and, as He has given us only limited responsibility, judges us accordingly.
God knows what the creatures will do, encompassing everything by His knowledge.
Whoever refuses, this denies God’s perfection because the opposite of knowledge is
either ignorance or forgetfulness. Both are deficiencies which God is free of.
• Second, God has recorded everything that will occur until the Day of Judgment in the
Preserved Tablet (al-Lauh al- Mahfuz). The life spans of all human beings are written and
the amount of their sustenance apportioned.
• Third, whatever God wills to happen happens, and whatever God does not will does not
happen. Nothing occurs in the heavens or on earth without the will of God.
• Fourth, God is the Creator of everything. "He has created everything, and has
ordained for it a measure." (Quran 25:2) In Islamic doctrine every human act both in
material and spiritual life is predestined, yet it is incorrect to believe the action of fate is
blind, arbitrary, and relentless. Without denying divine interference in human affairs,
human liberty is kept intact. It does not discount the principle of man’s moral freedom and
responsibility. All is known, but freedom is also granted. Man is not a helpless creature
borne along by destiny.
• Rather, each person is responsible for his acts. Man is bound to obey the moral law; and
he will receive merited punishment or reward as he violates or observes that law.
However,if such is so, man must have within his power the ability to break or keep the
law. God would not hold us responsible for something unless we were capable of doing
it: "God does not burden any human being with more than he is well able to bear’’.
(Quran 2:286)
• The above is a very detailed response to the question asked written for the guidance of
examiners. Candidates are not expected to write in this much detail but must cover the
points made in the given answer, the mark will depend on the depth of the answer.

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Chapter 8: Articles of Faith- Predestination

Belief in Predestination - Sixth Articles of Faith

➢ Introduction

o The last pillar of the Islamic faith in which every Muslim must believe is the concept of Al-
Qadr, which means to pre-ordainment or predestination (Divine Decree, destiny, fate).
o Al-Qadr in Arabic linguistically means to measure, to determine, to assess, to decide, to
o In Islamic terminology, Al-Qadr refers to ‘Divine determined measurements and sustenance
for everyone and everything, in accordance with His ‘Wisdom and Power.’ Allah (SWT)
states in his Book: “Indeed, all things We created with predestination (Quran 54:49).”
o When one believes in the theory of Al-Qadr, ‘Divine Decree,’ they affirm that everything
good or bad that happens in their life comes from Allah the Almighty; something He willed
to happen.

➢ Al-Qadar is comprised of four components

1- Allah (SWT)’s knowledge:

o The first component is the belief that Allah (SWT) knows what the creatures will do,
encompassing everything, every matter, major or minor, and the time frame of everything
that happens in this universe by His knowledge.

2- Allah (SWT)’s Pre-recording - Lawh Al- Mahfooz’

o The second component of Divine Decree is the belief that Allah has recorded
everything in a Tablet that He kept with Himself, called 'Al-Lawh Al-Mahfooth' (The
Preserved Tablet).
o Allah Says (what means): “Do you not know that Allah knows what is in the
heaven and earth? Indeed, that is in a Record [ Al-Lawh Al-Mahfooth]. Indeed
that, for Allah, is easy.” [22:70]
o Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-'Aas (RA) said that he heard the Messenger of Allah (SWT) say:
“Allah recorded the measurement of all matters pertaining to creation fifty thousand
years before He created the heavens and earth.” [Muslim]
o Each person’s lifespan, amount of substance, deeds, happiness, sorrow, and more is
written and recorded in this Tablet.

3- Allah (SWT)’s will

o The third component of Divine Decree is the belief that nothing can occur without the Will
and Power of Allah, whether the event stems from the action of the Almighty or actions of
humanity. Nothing occurs haphazardly; the Almighty has planned everything.
o Allah (SWT) says “And your Lord creates what He Wills and Chooses…” (28:68)
The universe is Allah’s property and nothing happens in His Kingdom without His
Knowledge and Permission.
o A Muslim acknowledges that whatever has touched or afflicted him, was meant to afflict
him, and could not have been avoided or prevented. And whatever has not reached or
afflicted him, was not meant to touch or afflict him, and he can avoid nothing unless God
has willed it. Our Prophet peace be upon him narrated, ‘Know if all of humanity gathered
to harm you, they could not harm you unless Allah had decreed. The Pen has been
lifted, and the pages have dried.’

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Chapter 8: Articles of Faith- Predestination

4- Allah (SWT)’s creation:

o The fourth and last component of Divine Decree is the belief that Allah is the Creator and
Originator of all things.
o “…and has created each thing and determined it with [precise] determination “(25:2)
o “Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is, over all things, Disposer of affairs.”

➢ Predestination and human’s free will

o Believing in Al-Qadr, as described above does not mean that people have no power over
the actions they choose to take. Holy Quran says, “Man can have nothing but what he
strives for”. (Al-Najm 53:39)
o Human beings are the superior creatures (Ashraf-ul-Makhlookat). This is because they
have given the choice to decide between right and wrong. Using our free will, it is up to us
to obey or disobey Allah, whether we obey or disobey Allah, it is known to Him.
o The fact that everything is known to Him that whatever we do, and whatever we are going
to do, it doesn't affect our freedom of will.
o We can do anything and choose any way using our free will but on the basis of our actions
our timely destiny that is yearly or daily decree is decided. This is called Qadar which relates
to the decree of one decided on daily and yearly basis. According to our belief, these timely
destinies can only be altered, by invocations and the performance of good or bad deeds.
Prophet (SAW) said, “Nothing can change the Divine decree except dua.”
o It’s also important to note that Allah will hold no one accountable for things out of their
control, or for things they cannot do. Allah is All-Just, All-Wise, and He tests humanity
according to their strength and what their soul can bear.
o A Muslim acknowledges the fact that whatever difficulty they are facing will be made easy
for them and that they will have a way to resolve it.
o Allah (SWT) said, “God does not burden any human being with more than he is well
able to bear” (Quran 2:286)

➢ Conclusion:

o A Muslim acknowledges that whatever befalls him or her, is in accordance with Allah’s Will
and Plan, whether or not they understand and accept this fact. Allah the Almighty, being All-
Knowing and All-Wise, knows of past, present and future. Whereas mankind has the free will
to make their own choices in life, everything that occurs in life occurs only with the Will and
Power of Allah.

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Chapter 8: Articles of Faith- Predestination

Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme

Part ‘b’ (4 Marks Question)
Students are required to demonstrate understanding of their significance in the teachings of
Islam and in the lives of Muslims in part ‘B’

1. How does this belief in God’s divine decree affect the day-to-day life of Muslims?
[4] Oct/Nov 2017
2. To what extent this belief affects the daily living of Muslim? [4]

Marking Scheme:
• Belief in divine decree strengthens one’s belief in God. A person realizes that God alone
controls everything, so he trusts and relies on Him. Even though a person tries his best, at
the same time he relies on God for the final outcome. His hard work or
• intelligence does not make him arrogant, for God is the source of all that comes his way.
Finally, a person attains peace of mind in the realization that God is them Wise and His actions
are dictated by wisdom. Things don’t happen without a purpose. If
• something reached him, he realizes it could never have escaped him. If something misses
him, he realizes it was never meant to be. A person achieves an inner peace, and is inwardly
at rest with this realization.

Note: Points mentioned in marking scheme for part ‘b’ are given as reference. Candidates are
required to include their own point of view and elaborate them for higher mark

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