Vega Etal 2016 Verrucispora

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Lamprospora verrucispora sp. nov. (Pezizales)

Article · July 2016

DOI: 10.25664/art-0184


11 999

3 authors, including:

Jan Eckstein Henk-Jan van der Kolk


Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society (BLWG)

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Lamprospora verrucispora sp. nov. (Pezizales)

Marcel VEGA Abstract: A description and illustrations of both macroscopic and microscopic characters of Lamprospora
Jan ECKSTEIN verrucispora sp. nov. are provided. Differences from other bryophilous Pezizales with globose ascospores or-
Henk-Jan VAN DER KOLK namented with isolated warts are discussed and a dichotomous key to these species is given. Gall formation
on rhizoids and chloronema of the bryophyte host Campylopus pyriformis is described and illustrated. This
represents the first report of gall formation for a species of the genus Lamprospora., 8 (4) : 163-171. Keywords: Bryophilous Pezizales, Campylopus pyriformis, dichotomous key, galls, Pyronemataceae, taxo-
Juillet 2016 nomy.
Mise en ligne le 08/07/2016

Introduction with an infection inducing galls on the rhizoids of its host Campylo-
pus pyriformis (K.F. Schultz) Brid.
Since the website with its forum has been put
Holotype: The holotype of Lamprospora verrucispora is deposited
online by its founder and owner Christian Lechat in 2003, more than
in the Herbarium Hamburgense of the University of Hamburg (HBG–
1200 users from countries all over the world have decided to be-
holotypus, inv. no. 1412). The isotypes of Lamprospora verrucispora
come a member of this platform aiming at the international scien-
are filed under MV20151025-04 in the private herbaria of Marcel
tific exchange of mycologists specialized in ascomycetes. There are
Vega and Jan Eckstein.
stories galore about contacts, cooperations and friendships arisen
from this unique website.
Etymology: verrucispora = referring to the warted ascospores of
Ours started in January 2014 when the third author of this article
the species.
asked for help to identify a Lamprospora he could not determine
with the existing literature. First mails, then specimens went from
one to another of the authors. Based on ascospore ornamentation Macroscopic features (plate 1)
and its type of infection on the bryophyte host Campylopus pyrifor- Apothecia mostly scattered, sometimes gregarious on soil bet-
mis (K.F. Schultz) Brid., the Lamprospora soon proved to be an un- ween shoots of Campylopus pyriformis, protonema and other bryo-
described species. One and a half years later, the new species was phytes; 1–1.8 (2.5) mm in diam., first spherical, becoming
found by the first author in further sites in great abundance and sub- saucer–shaped, finally thick and discoid, sessile; with few hyaline
sequently is described here as L. verrucispora. septate anchoring hyphae; mostly with a low and narrow fimbriate
margin; hymenium yellow-orange to light orange, margin and outer
surface paler than the hymenium.
Microscopic features (plate 2a-d)
The description of Lamprospora verrucispora is based on the re- Asci (160) 200–370 (420) × 16–24 (28) μm, cylindrical, 8-spored,
sults of the examination of several vital collections from five locali- operculate, inamyloid; shortly bifurcate at the base, arising from per-
ties: one in the Netherlands and four in Germany. Most observations forated croziers. Paraphyses filiform, same length as the asci; contai-
took place in tap water. Ascospore ornamentation was additionally ning, at least in the upper half, many vacuoles 1–3 μm diam. with
studied after staining with Lactophenol Cotton Blue or Methylene orange pigment turning cyan to olivaceous in Lugol’s solution;
Blue, and the iodine reaction of asci was examined with Lugol’s so- straight, pluriseptate, apically inflated, terminal cell 30–75 (100) μm
lution. Ascospores’ size was measured from spore prints, which were × 4–8 μm, cells 2–4 μm broad near base, rarely clavate. Ascospores
acquired by placing a cover glass on fresh apothecia. Additional (only ascospores from sporeprint considered): (13) 14–17 μm (orna-
measurements from rehydrated material were found to be within mentation included), hyaline, globose, always with a large lipid drop,
the range of those gained from vital material and are therefore not diameter 9–11 (12) μm, uniseriate. Ascospore surface densely cove-
stated separately. Macrographs were made with digital cameras. Mi- red with numerous isolated warts that are mostly (0.2) 0.4–0.9 μm
crographs were taken either in tap water, Lactophenol Cotton Blue broad and 0.4–0.8 μm high, occasionally with one bigger wart which
or Methylene Blue, using digital cameras mounted on microscopes is 1–2 μm broad and 0.8–1.6 μm high. Warts are mostly hemisphe-
and software for stacking pictures. Scanning electron micrographs
rical though some can be pear-shaped, elongated or confluent, oc-
(SEM) were taken with a LEO-438 machine from air dryed samples.
casionally two warts can be connected by a thin and low ridge.
Many warts have a punctiform cavity, best visible after staining in
Taxonomy Lactophenol Cotton Blue. The bigger warts are predominantly he-
mispherical and not elongated or confluent. The surface of the warts
Lamprospora verrucispora M. Vega, Eckstein, Van der Kolk, sp. of some ascospores appears to be finely rugose in SEM. Subhyme-
nov. — MycoBank 817460. nium merged with the medullary excipulum, of textura angularis
with hyaline and thin-walled hyphae, walls becoming thicker at the
Diagnosis: Differs from other species of Lamprospora by its per- base, 140 μm thick. Ectal excipulum of textura intricata of elongated
fectly globose ascospores with a surface densely covered with nu- cells, up to 120 μm thick. Margo of textura prismatica, elongated hy-
merous small isolated warts and few isolated bigger warts together phae, septate, 15–50 × 5–14 μm, some protruding.

Infection (plate 2e–f & figure 1) chosen both because of the very rich collection of apothecia of
L. verrucispora infects rhizoid and chloronema (the above ground, L. verrucispora growing on a forest track over a 12 metres length,
green part of protonema) cells of the moss Campylopus pyriformis. and the absence of L. campylopodis. Only one other species of bryo-
The terminal cells of weak rhizoids or chloronema strands are affec- philous Pezizales could be found in the surroundings of the four lo-
ted the most. Infected cells swell to a spherical, one-celled gall calities: Lamprospora rugensis Benkert on Pohlia annotina (Hedw.)
which is many times the width of neighboring cells. Occasionally, Lindb. in a puddle fallen dry.
the infected rhizoid or chloronema strand keeps growing, due to In general, Campylopus pyriformis grows mostly on acidic sandy,
which the gall becomes sub-terminal. Shortly after the infection the humous or peaty soils and rotten wood on bare and disturbed
surface of the gall is only partly covered with hyphae (fig. 1). Soon,
places, such as peat cuttings, roadsides, forest trails and banks
however, the gall has a complete sheathing of connate hyphae,
(ATHERTON et al., 2010). It is common in Western Europe, and inciden-
which is one to two cell layers thick (plate 2e–f ). The hyphae-cove-
tally reported from other locations in the temperate zone throu-
red galls can reach up to 180 μm in diameter where the galls mea-
sure up to 150 μm in diameter and the hyphal sheaths are 8-15 μm ghout the whole Northern Hemisphere (OCHYRA et al., 2008).
thick. The infection structure consists of appressoria, infection pegs
and haustoria. Only one infection structure per gall is developed. Specimens examined
Appressoria are 5–8 μm wide and if at all only slightly wider than 1. The Netherlands, Arboretum De Dreijen Wageningen (Gelder-
adjacent cells (fig. 1). Because of their weak differentiation, they are land), 51°58’04.3’’ N, 5°40’40.5’’ E, 32 m asl, besides a low boxwood
discernable in early stages of gall development only. From the ap- hedge, leg. Henk-Jan van der Kolk, January 23rd, 2014. Bryophyte
pressoria an infection peg, 2–3 μm wide, penetrates the rhizoid wall. host: Campylopus pyriformis, accompanying mosses: Ceratodon pur-
The infection pegs are surrounded by a tube of host cell wall mate- pureus (Hedw.) Brid., Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid., Atrichum
rial. Haustoria are thin walled, strongly ramified and fill the gall up undulatum (Hedw.) P. Beauv., Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw., Bryum
to half of its volume. No septa were seen within the haustoria and barnesii J.B.Wood ex Schimp.; pers. herb. VDK fungi # 0194, duplicate
they do not grow through cross walls of rhizoid or chloronema pers. herb. MV20140202-01, duplicate pers. herb. JE.
strands. The infection does not weaken the host discernably. Additional collection at this site: February 11th 2014, pers. herb.
VDK fungi # 0195.
2. Germany, Forest Göhrde near Boitze (Lower Saxony), 53°07’47’’
N, 10°46’17.4’’ E, 75 m asl, in a rut on a forest track crossing a pine-
wood, leg. Marcel Vega, October 3rd 2015. Host: C. pyriformis, accom-
panying moss: Hypnum cupressiforme; soc.: Lamprospora
campylopodis, pers. herb. MV20151003-01.
Additional collections at this site: October 9th 2015, pers. herb.
MV20151009-01 , October 25th 2015, pers. herb. MV20151025-01.
3. Germany, Forest Göhrde near Boitze (Lower Saxony),
53°07’37.2’’ N, 10°45’14.9’’ E, 71 m asl, besides a forest track in a pine-
wood, leg. Marcel Vega, October 9th 2015. Host: C. pyriformis; soc.:
L. campylopodis, pers. herb. MV20151009-02.
Additional collection at this site: October 25th 2015, pers. herb.
4. Germany, Forest Göhrde near Boitze (Lower Saxony), 53°07’49’’
N, 10°45’10.5’’ E, 63 m asl, in a rut on a forest track in a pine-wood,
leg. Marcel Vega October 9th 2015. Host: C. pyriformis; soc.: L. cam-
pylopodis, pers. herb. MV20151009-03.
Additional collections at this site: October 25th 2015, pers. herb.
MV20151025-03, December 5th 2015, pers. herb. MV20151205-03.
5. Germany, Forest Göhrde near Boitze (Lower Saxony), 53°07’36’’
Figure 1 – Young gall in optical section. Scale bar: 40 μm.
Drawing: Jan Eckstein N, 10°45’53.5’’ E, 79 m asl, in a rut on a forest track passing through
a pine-wood, leg. Marcel Vega, October 25th 2015. Host: C. pyriformis,
accompanying moss: H. cupressiforme. Holotype (HBG–holotypus,
Habitat (plate 1, figs. a–c)
Dutch collection: The Dreijen Arboretum is a botanical garden in inv. no. 1412), isotypes: pers. herb. MV20151025-04 and pers. her-
Wageningen in the province of Gelderland. A large variety of both barium JE.
deciduous and coniferous bushes and trees are grown in the Arbo- Additional collection at this site: November 7th 2015, pers. herb.
retum. The locality is at an exposed patch of about 2 m2 next to a MV20151107-01, duplicate pers. herb. VDK fungi # 0246.
low boxwood hedge. The top soil consists of humus and is partly
covered with decaying wood chips. The moss vegetation on the soil Discussion
surface is dominated by Campylopus pyriformis.
German collections: The forest Göhrde is a mixed woodland in the
To compare the new L. verrucispora with similar species of bryo-
north-eastern part of Lower Saxony, extending over 75 square kilo-
metres. The four localities of L. verrucispora are situated within a ra- philous Pezizales, we consider here a) bryophilous Pezizales known
dius of circa two kilometres in the western part near the hamlet to parasitise species of the moss genus Campylopus on one hand
Boitze. The Göhrde in this part is dominated by Pinus sylvestris L. on and b) bryophilous Pezizales with similar ascospores to those of
sandy soil and, being a working forest, is crossed by many regularly L. verrucispora.
used tracks. The road tracks have an upper humose layer on which In a) there are Lamprospora campylopodis, L. areolata Seaver,
Campylopus pyriformis flourishes in large extent. Lamprospora cam- L. australis (Mc Lennan & Cookson) Rifai and Octospora meslinii (Le
pylopodis W.D. Buckley, also associated with C. pyriformis is ubiqui- Gal) Svrček & Kubička and in b) L. ecksteinii Benkert, L. lutziana Boud.,
tous in this area and was present in three out of four localities of L. lubicensis Benkert, Octospora svrcekii Benkert and O. wrightii (Berk.
L. verrucispora. The locality of the holotype of L. verrucispora was & M.A. Curtis) J. Moravec.

Plate 1 – Lamprospora verrucispora, macroscopic pictures
a & b: Locality D-Forest Göhrde, holotype; c: Locality NL-Wageningen Arboretum De Dreijen; d: Young apothecia, NL-Wageningen; e: Young
apothecium, D-Göhrde; f–h: Mature apothecia, D-Göhrde. Pictures: a,b, f–h: Marcel Vega; c & d: Henk-Jan van der Kolk; e: Jan Eckstein. 165
Plate 2 – Lamprospora verrucispora, microscopic pictures
a: Ascospores in ascus stained with methylene blue; b: Paraphyses in tap water; c: Free ascospores stained with cotton blue: d: Free
ascospores stained with methylene blue; e: Galls in tap water; f: Gall stained with cotton blue. Scale bars: a–d = 10 μm: e = 100 μm; f =
25 μm. All micrographs taken from the holotype collection. Pictures: a & d: Raúl Tena Lahoz; b: Rubén Martínez Gil; c, e & f: Jan Eckstein.

a) Bryophilous Pezizales known to parasitise species of the thus confusion with L. verrucispora is out of the question. Since L.
moss genus Campylopus campylopodis was found frequently growing together with L. verru-
BUCKLEY (1923: 44-45) described Lamprospora campylopodis from cispora, macroscopic differences became apparent. With some ex-
Campylopus fragilis (Brid.) Bruch & Schimp. However, all but one of perience both species can be separated in the field: the apothecia
the later collections of this species have been reported from C. pyri- of L. campylopodis are — at least when mature — rather deeply
formis (pers. observations; BENKERT, 1987: 213-214; RUBIO et al., 2002: orange and have a distinctive membranaceous margin differing
69-70; ECKSTEIN & ECKSTEIN, 2013: 57-58). The one other collection had from the yellowish-orange apothecia with a small and indistict mar-
the host Campylopus oerstedianus (Müll. Hall.) Mitt. (BENKERT, 2008: gin of L. verrucispora.
15). Lamprospora campylopodis clearly differs from L. verrucispora in According to BENKERT (1987: 210-211), all exsiccata of Lamprospora
its ascospores which have an areolate reticulum consisting of mostly australis (Mc Lennan & Cookson) Rifai had Campylopus introflexus as
penta– or hexagonal meshes reminiscent of the surface of a football, their host. The ascospores of L. australis differ markedly from those

Plate 3 – Lamprospora verrucispora, SEM-Pictures of ascospores

Pictures on the left from the holotype collection MV20151025-04. Pictures on the right from the Wageningen collection VDK fungi # 0194.
Scale bar: 10 μm. Pictures: Jan Eckstein. 167
of L. verrucispora in having an ornamentation consisting of very high b) Bryophilous Pezizales with similar ascospores (plate 4)
and narrow ridges forming a high reticulum. So far, L. australis is only We consider species with globose or subglobose ascospores and
known from Australia. an ornamention consisting of isolated warts on average less than
LE GAL (1939: 137-139) attributed to Lamprospora areolata a col- 1 μm wide as similar to L. verrucispora. There are five such species
lection which BENKERT (1987: 207-208) reported to be associated with and each of them is known from only one host, whereas all the hosts
the genus Campylopus. However, he doubted the identity of this are not related to the genus Campylopus. Information on the species
specimen with L. areolata, but could not refer it to L. campylopodis has been taken from literature and from personal observations.
or L. australis either. As the ascospore ornamentation of L. areolata Both Octospora svrcekii and O. wrightii share one special feature
is similar to that of L. australis in consisting of a reticulum of high with L. verrucispora which had not yet been evidently demonstrated
and narrow ridges, this species could not be mistaken for L. verru- for any Lamprospora species: They induce galls on the rhizoids of
cispora. their hosts (DÖBBELER, 1979: 844–846; BENKERT, 1998: 26–27 and 31).
Finally, VIVANT (1998: 22-24) reports a find of Octospora meslinii on The size of ascospore warts is, although slightly larger, similar to
Campylopus subulatus Schimp. ex Milde. This species of Octospora L. verrucispora, with warts of O. svrcekii being 0.5–1 μm broad and
has distinctively ellipsoid spores and therefore it cannot be mixed 0.5–1 μm high and those of O. wrightii being 0.5–1 (2) μm broad and
up with L. verrucispora. 0.5–1 (2) μm high. However, O. svrcekii parasitises Cratoneuron filici-

Plate 4 – Comparative Plate

a: Lamprospora verrucispora; b: L. lubicensis; c: L. lutziana; d: L. ecksteinii; e: Octospora svrcekii; f: O. wrightii. Spores stained with cotton blue.
Scale bars: a–f = 10 μm. Leg.: a: Marcel Vega; b: Jan Eckstein; c: Elisabeth Stöckli; d: Günter Eckstein; e: Lukáš Janošík; f: Torsten Richter.
Pictures: a, b & d: Jan Eckstein; c & e: Lukáš Janošík; f: Hartmut Schubert.

num (Hedw.) Spruce, a pleurocarpic moss typical for wet or moist Schistidium crassipilum H.H. Blom (ECKSTEIN & ECKSTEIN, 2009: 225). In
habitats like streams and wet rocks (BENKERT, 1998: 26–27). Octospora both cases the infectious structures are very similar to those of the
wrightii occurs on Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) Schimp., also a section Wrightoideae. In contrast, O. rubens (Boud.) M.M. Moser
pleurocarpic moss occuring on many substrates including stone, forms unicellular galls on rhizoids of Ceratodon purpureus which in
wood or soil. Furthermore, both species of Octospora have predo- general do not develop a complete cover of hyphae, most of the
minantely subglobose ascospores and have not as many warts as gall’s surface remaining free (ITZEROTT & DÖBBELER, 1982: 205-206, fig.
L. verrucispora (Plate 4e–f; BOUDIER, 1917: plate 399; SEM-pics in BEN- 2-3, ut O. libussae Svrček & Kubička). The galls of Octospora humosa
KERT, 1998: 27 and 32). In these respects, they clearly differ from (Fr.) Dennis in species of the Polytrichaceae are somewhat different
L. verrucispora with its globose ascospores ornamented with many in being very large, up to 350 μm in diameter, and thick walled. The
fine warts. surface is almost free with only a few hyphae clustered around the
Lamprospora ecksteinii has an ornamentation of warts which can appressorium at the base of the gall (DÖBBELER & ITZEROTT, 1981: 130-
be elongated and confluent like those of L. verrucispora, but the 133, fig. 3). The gall inducing species O. meslinii, O. pseudoampez-
warts are on average slightly larger, measuring 0.5–1 (1.5) μm broad zana, O. rubens and O. humosa clearly differ from L. verrucispora
and 0.5–1 (1.5) μm high. In contrast to L. verrucispora, the ascospores having broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid spores.
of L. ecksteinii are slightly subglobose and their surface is less den- There was a report of possible gall formation for Lamprospora tu-
sely covered with warts (Plate 4d and SEM–pics in BENKERT, 2009: 52- berculata by EGERTOVÁ et al. (2015: 121-122) but so far this has not
53). Furthermore, L. ecksteinii does not induce galls on the rhizoids been confirmed in other collections of that species (pers. observa-
of its host Microbryum curvicollum (Hedw.) R.H.Zander. The moss tion). Therefore, Lamprospora verrucispora is the first Lamprospora
M. curvicollum occurs in sun–exposed pioneer sites in grassland, species convincingly known as inducing galls on its host. However,
quarries or arable fields and therefore in habitats quite different detailed studies of infections are still lacking for many species and
from those of Campylopus pyriformis, the host of L. verrucispora. it seems likely that gall formation will also be discovered in other
Lamprospora lutziana, a species with perfectly globose Lamprospora species in the future.
ascospores, differs from L. verrucispora in having an ascospore orna-
mentation with fewer warts (Plate 4c and SEM-pics in SCHUMACHER,
1993: 321). The warts in L. lutziana are 0.3–1.4 μm broad and 0.6–
1.6 μm high differing from the more or less isodiametric and lower
warts of L. verrucispora. Also, L. lutziana does not induce galls on the With several new species described in recent years the keys avai-
rhizoids of its host Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. which occurs in lable so far are outdated. Therefore, a new key is provided below to
fairly wet habitats such as marshes, ditches, by streams or lakes as facilitate identification of all species of bryophilous Pezizales with
well as on wet rocks. globose or nearly globose ascospores and an ascospore ornamen-
Lamprospora lubicensis is the most similar species to L. verrucis- tation consisting solely of isolated warts. In addition to the similar
pora regarding ascospore shape, size and ornamentation. However, species mentioned above, the key includes Lamprospora esterlech-
L. lubicensis differs from L. verrucispora by having an ascospore or- nerae Benkert, L. maireana Seaver, L. rehmii Benkert, L. spinulosa Sea-
namentation of, on average, slightly larger and less numerous warts ver, L. tuberculata Seaver and L. tuberculatella Seaver, which all have
and a stronger tendency for elongated and/or confluent warts (Plate an ascospore ornamentation of rather large warts or tubercles. Spe-
4b and SEM-pics in BENKERT, 1994: 198, 2009: 55). Occasionally, the cimens of all species mentioned were studied by at least one of the
warts of L. lubicensis can be hook-shaped and in extreme cases they authors except for L. esterlechnerae which is currently known only
can even indicate an irregular reticulum (pers. observation). Regular from the type. Additional information has been gathered from BEN-
warts in L. lubicensis are 0.5–1.5 μm broad and 0.5–1.5 μm high, and KERT (1987, 2002, 2006, 2011), CAILLET & MOYNE (1980, 1991), ECKSTEIN
when elongated they are 2–3 (5) μm long. However, L. lubicensis (2014), ECKSTEIN et al. (2014), EGERTOVÁ et al. (2015), GRAF & MÜHLEBACH
does not induce galls on the rhizoids of its host Hennediella heimii (2014), KULLMAN (1997), SEAVER (1914, 1928); WANG & KIMBROUGH (1992).
(Hedw.) R.H.Zander which is restricted to salt influenced habitats i.e.
coastal areas, salt works and salted verges of roads (ATHERTON et al., Acknowledgements
2010: 491). Macroscopically, L. lubicensis differs from L. verrucispora
in the more orange-red coloured apothecia with a much more pro-
We would like to thank the following for sharing information
minent margin compared with the yellow-orange and rather indis-
and/or providing us with samples and photos: Raúl Tena Lahoz and
tinctively marginate apothecia of L. verrucispora.
Rubén Martínez Gil (Spain), Lukáš Janošík (Slovakia), Elisabeth
Stöckli and Ueli Graf (Switzerland), Maren Kamke and Hartmut Schu-
Gall formation on mosses induced by bryophilous Pezizales bert (Germany), and Gilbert Moyne (France). Our most profound
Gall formation is documented for several bryophilous Pezizales. It thanks go to Brian Spooner (UK) for revising the manuscript. We are
is a characteristic feature defining the section Wrightoideae (BENKERT, very grateful to the staff of the Johann-Friedrich-Blumenbach-Ins-
1998, 2006) within the genus Octospora encompassing the species titut für Zoologie und Anthropologie Göttingen for allowing us to
O. americana Benkert, O. erzbergeri Benkert, O. hygrohypnophila Dis- take SEM-pics by means of their equipment. Thanks go to Uwe Lin-
sing & Sivertsen, O. orthotrichi (Cooke & Ellis) K.B. Khare & V.P. Tewari, demann, Hans-Otto Baral, Jürgen Hechler and Emiel Brouwer for
O. svrcekii, O. texensis Benkert and O. wrightii. Spherical, unicellular helpful advice. Last but not least our thanks go to Christian Lechat
galls are induced on rhizoid end-cells of their hosts, whereas the gall for starting and for sticking to it.
surface is completely covered with a layer of hyphae (DÖBBELER, 1979:
845, fig. 8). These galls are very similar in all members of the section
Wrightoideae and also highly resemble the galls observed in L. ver- References
rucispora. However there is a difference in the number of appresso-
ria per gall: In L. verrucispora there is only one appressorium per gall, ATHERTON I., BOSANQUET S., & LAWLEY M. (eds.). 2010. — Mosses and li-
whereas DÖBBELER (1979: 844) reported up to six appressoria per gall verworts of Britain and Ireland: a field guide. Plymouth, British Bryo-
in O. wrightii. Admittedly, the appressoria in mature galls are rather logical Society, 856 p.
difficult to see and L. verrucispora could possibly have more than BENKERT D. 1987. — Beiträge zur Taxonomie der Gattung Lampros-
one per gall. pora (Pezizales). Zeitschrift für Mykologie, 53 (2): 195-271.
Gall formation is also reported from O. meslinii associated with BENKERT D. 1994. — Beiträge zur Kenntnis bryophiler Pezizales-Arten.
Grimmia pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm. (ITZEROTT & DÖBBELER, 1982: 202, fig. 1) 1. Lamprospora lubicensis, eine neue Art aus Norddeutschland.
and in O. pseudoampezzana (Svrček) Caillet & Moyne associated with Zeitschrift für Mykologie, 60 (1): 195-198. 169
Key for bryophilous Pezizales with globose or subglobose (L/B < 1.1) and warty ascospores
1 Ascospores slightly subglobose.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1 Ascospores perfectly globose.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4

2 Ascospores (11) 12–14 × 11–13 (13.5) μm, Q: 1.08–1.12, not growing in markedly humid habitats, host Amblystegium serpens
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... O. wrightii
2 Ascospores bigger........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3

3 Ascospores 14–15 (16) × 13–14.5 μm, Q: 1.07–1.09, growing in dry, sun-exposed habitats, host Microbryum curvicollum
....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... L. ecksteinii
3 Ascospores (13.5) 14–16 × 13–15 (15.5) μm, Q: 1.05–1.07, growing in humid to wet places, host Cratoneuron filicinum .. O. svrcekii

4 Ornamentation consisting of warts higher than broad, warts truncate, 0.8–1.2 μm broad and 1–2 μm high, ascospores
15.2–17.5 (20) μm ................................................................................................................................................................................................... L. spinulosa
4 Ornamentation consisting of warts of more or less same height and breadth ..................................................................................................... 5

5 Species growing in wet or humid places on Philonotis fontana, ascospores (12.8) 14–18 (19) μm, warts 0.3–1.4 μm broad and 0.5–
1.6 μm high .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. L. lutziana
5 Species not growing in markedly wet or humid places, not on Philonotis.............................................................................................................. 6

6 Ornamentation consisting of coarse warts or tubercles often > 1.5 μm in diam.................................................................................................. 7

6 Ornamentation consisting of smaller warts all or nearly all < 1.5 μm in diam. ....................................................................................................11

7 Ornamentation consisting of large, hemispherical or broadly rounded tubercles with thin walls and many internal cavities, giving
the warts a foamy appearance, 2–6 μm broad, ascospores 19–25 μm, hosts Archidium alternifolium (Hedw.) Mitt. or Fossombronia
....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... L. maireana
7 Warts solid or only with tiny cavities ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

8 Ascospores 19–24 μm in diameter.......................................................................................................................................................................... L. rehmii

8 Ascospores 14–19 μm in diameter ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

9 Growing on rotting wood or similar substrata, host Dicranodontium denudatum (Brid.) E. Britton, ascospores 14–16 μm
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ L. esterlechnerae
9 Growing on soil in more or less dry habitats, host different ...................................................................................................................................... 10

10 Ornamentation consisting of uneven sized warts (0.5) 1–3 (5) μm broad, of rather irregular shape, ascospores (13) 15–19 (20) μm,
host Pleuridium.................................................................................................................................................................................................... L. tuberculata
10 Ornamentation consisting of more or less even sized warts, which are regularly hemispherical, 0,5–2 μm broad, warts occasionally
connected by very low ridges, ascospores 15–18 μm, hosts Weissia or Didymodon............................................................ L. tuberculatella

11 Ornamentation consisting of small warts (0.2) 0.4–0.9 μm broad and 0.4–0.8 μm high, occasionally with one or few bigger warts
1–2 μm broad and 0.8–1.6 μm high, ascospores (13) 14–17 μm, growing on sand or acidic soil with upper humose layer, host Cam-
pylopus pyriformis ............................................................................................................................................................................................. L. verrucispora
11 Ornamentation consisting of warts on average > 0.8 μm broad, host different .................................................................................................12

12 Ornamentation consisting of mostly regular hemispherical warts on average > 1 μm broad, occasionally connected by very low
ridges, ascospores 15–18 μm, hosts Weissia or Didymodon ......................................................................................................... L. tuberculatella
12 Ornamentation consisting of warts 0.5–1.5 μm, ascospores 13.9–18 μm, growing on salt influenced soil, host Hennediella heimii
....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... L. lubicensis

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Marcel Vega Jan Eckstein Henk–Jan van der Kolk
Kohlhoefen 17 Heinrich–Heine–Strasse 9 Hullenberglaan 9
20355 Hamburg 37083 Göttingen 6721 AL Bennekom
Germany Germany The Netherlands 171

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