Langer y Calagna 1980
Langer y Calagna 1980
Langer y Calagna 1980
Fig Sb A diogro'
Recipient Site
The recipienf sife is prepared fo re-
ceive the donor moteriol, which has
been stored in moistened gauze (Fig.
11], The procedures for ridge oug-
mentotion ond correction of gingivol
recession ore bosicolly the some. The
portial fhickness flap is elevafed fo
the muccabuccal fald in the recipienf
area requiring augmentation. In
most coses, o horizontal incision is
Fig. II The conns•clive tissue mode over the crest of the edentu-
stört7din a nmisten ed piece
olg. ciuze lous alveolor ridge connecting two
vertical incisions. This design will
facilitate elevation ond mability of
the flop with subsequent coverage of
the donor moteriol
The flap is incised leaving connective
tissue covering the alveolar bone
(Figs. 12 and 13]. This will provide a
double source of vascular supply fo
the donor connective tissue, i.e.,
from fhe undersurfoce of the flop and
fhe connective fissue on the olveolar
Case Report I
rig. 2ija Fre-opcrotive ¡.linicatphotagraph af Fig. 20b Radiagroph af the patient in 20a. Nate Fig. 20c The pravisianal restoratian piaced trom
potieni with advanced periodantitis present Ihe advanced degree afbone loss present around ihe maxiHary riqhl cuspid ta the maxiliar^ !eft cus-
around the maxiilar/ !eft central and lateral in- Ihe maxitlor/ left centrai and iateral incisors, it wos pid. Nale the ovccalinguai and ocdusogingivai
anticipated thot extraction of these leeth would concavity in the oreo al the eftrocted maatlary left
central and iotera! incisars.
Case Reporl II
Fig. 20d One year postoperative view of Ihe Fig 21a A pre-operolive photogroph ol a pro- Fig
g 21b Repair
p ai balh the concavityy m the al-
permanent fixed partial prosthesis in place sub- visional restoration repiadnq the moiillory left lot- veator riage and the élimination al the ialgam
sequent to the augmentation procedure. 7he re- eral incisar. Note Ihe huccolinguol ond occluso- toUoo.
gingiva! cancavity in the residua! olvealor ndge
gingival margins. necessitating the need far opicat extension of the
pontic. An amaigam tattaa resulting from a
previous apicoedomy is yisiUe.
Rg. 22c Provisionol rsslorotion in pioce supply. Fig 22d Hsaled ougmsnisd civsalor ridge wilh Fig. 22s isrativs visw of the fixed pros.
ing Ihe moiillory central incisors. Note ihe opicoi ths crsation of an incisai papilla. Figurs 16 ittus- Ihssis. Il < seen ihol the height ol the csnirol
height o ' ths pontics, which were necessory to r pontic in hormony with the odiacsnt
contoct the residuol alveolar ridge. by property placed sutures.
Case Report IV
Fig. 2Jo Prf-operoii'/e phoiiiijiisiJl' ol Ir.c sast- Fig 23b The provisional restorolion is in phœ Fig 23c The subepilheliol groft procedure hos
ing fixed prosthesis showing gingivol rscsssina befare corrsction of the gingival ond olveolor bssn employed to corrsci both gingivoi rscession
over the moiitlary left incisor ond first bicuspid In ridge discrsponcies. The margins af the moxiltory and the concovity in the residuol olveolor ridge.
oddition. o concovity is present in Ihe aiveolor lefícenlrol incisor ond first bicuspid ore inten- Note the coronol plocemsnt of the connective tis-
tionally oliawsd to remain caronoi to the free sue qroft on the maxillory left centrol incisor and
gingivol margin. They ore placed opproximateiy first bicuspid
at me some height os Ihol oí the odfocenl tree
gingivol margins.