Pulp Obliteration - A Histological Study
Pulp Obliteration - A Histological Study
Pulp Obliteration - A Histological Study
Copyright © 1993 by The American Association of Endodontists VOL. 19, No. 5, MAY 1993
FIG 3. Complete obliteration of the pulp horn by reparative dentin.
Magnification of the area limited by arrowheads in Fig. 2 (basic A cutting-grinding technique allows one to obtain very thin
fuchsin-methylene blue; original magnification x30). (5- to 15-urn) slides of undemineralized hard dental tissues in
254 Piattelli and Trisi Journal of Endodontics
which it is possible to maintain a good structural relationship with the rheumatoid arthritis or the long-term anti-inflam-
between the organic and inorganic components, to avoid matory therapy could be suggested even though up until now
staining artifacts due to the use of acids, and to obtain a very it has not been possible to link pulp calcifications with any
good microscopic resolution of all of the structures. systemic factor or disease.
Pulp obliteration localized in one or a few teeth most This work was partially supported by grants from MURST (60%). We thank
commonly follows after traumatic injury (fractures of the Dr. Fabiola Monaco and Dr. Antonio Scarano for technical assistance.
crown and roots, luxation, fractures of the jaws, replantation Dr. Piattelli is associate professor of Oral Pathology and Dr. Trisi is Research
procedures) (2, 7, 8), whereas generalized pulp obliteration is Fellow, Department of Dentistry, University of Chieti, Chieti, Italy. Address
requests for reprints to Dr. Adriano Piattelli; Via F. Sciucchi 63, 66100 Chieti,
much more rare (9) and could be age related or due to the Italy.
presence of irritants of long-standing, such as abrasion, ero-
sion, extensive dental restorations, periodontal disease, or
carious lesions. References
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Suggests to dentists a finding which might merit patient referral to a physician.
Cosby Newell