English7 - Q3-W2-Word Stress

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(Quarter 3-Module 2/Week 2)

Department of Education
SDO- City of San Fernando (LU)
Region 1
(Quarter 3-Module 2/ Week 2)

Most Essential Learning Competency

 Use the appropriate oral language, stance and behavior when
giving information, instructions, making explanations, and
narrating events in factual and personal recounts.
(EN7OL-II-g-2.6.2; EN7OL-III-b-3)

For the parents:

1. Please guide your child while he is studying and answering the tasks provided in
this module.
2. Remind your child about his study time and schedule so he can finish the module.
3. Let your child answer the module activities independently however, assist him only
when necessary.
4. I will call on a certain time based on the schedule to explain the lessons in the
5. Kindly return the whole module and answer sheets on _________ during Fridays at
For the learners:
1. Read carefully the directions so that you will know what to do.
2. If there are directions or topics in the module that are difficult for you to
understand, feel free to ask from your parents or companions at home. However, if
you still could not understand, you can call me at this number, _____________so I
could explain it to you clearly.
3. Answer the activities in the module on the specific day for the subject. Use a
separate sheet of paper for your answers. Avoid writing or tearing the pages of this
module because this will be used by other pupils/students like you.
4. Write important concepts in your notebook regarding your lesson. This will help
you in your review later.
5. You need to finish the activities in this module so that you can give this to your
parents on ___________________________.
Always remember these health tips:

1. Remember to wear your face mask properly and regularly.

2. Always wash your hands with clean water and soap.
3. Cover your mouth and nose with handkerchief whenever you cough or sneeze.
4. Follow the one-meter distance so that you will prevent the spread of the virus.

This will give you an idea of the skills or
What I Need to competencies you are expected to learn in the

This part includes an activity that aims to check

What I Know what you already know about the lesson to take. If
you get all the answers correct (100%), you may
decide to skip this module.
This is a brief drill or review to help you link the
What’s In current lesson with the previous one.

In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced

What’s New to you in various ways; a story, a song, a poem, a
problem opener, an activity or a situation.
This section provides a brief discussion of the
What is it lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.
This comprises activities for independent practice
What’s More to solidify your understanding and skills of the
topic. You may check the answers to the exercises
using the Answer Key at the end of the module.
This includes questions or blank
What I Have sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process what
you learned from the lesson.

This section provides an activity which will help

What I Can Do you transfer your new knowledge or skill into real
life situations or concerns.
This is a task which aims to evaluate your level of
Assessment mastery in achieving the learning competency.

In this portion, another activity will be given to

Additional you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know

Speaking effectively is defined as speaking in such a way that your message is clearly

heard and, if possible, acted upon. There are two main elements to speaking effectively: what

you say, and how you say it.

What you say means your choice of words. The words you might use when chatting to

a friend are likely to be quite different from those used in a formal presentation or interview.

Similarly, the way that you speak will also vary in different situations. However, there

are also likely to be some common factors: for example, whether you naturally talk quietly or

loudly, and how you use body language.

The emphasis of your words with a combination body language might affect the

comprehension of the one receiving the message. So, if you like that the receiver obtains

better communication process, then you have to consider “word stress”.

This module consists of one lesson:

Word Stress and Its Features

By the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. Determine the function of word stress in a situation,

2. Acquire the features of word stress,

3. Decide which syllable in the given words is emphasized,

4. Construct sentences based on current events using the given words.

What’s In

Directions: Identify what multi-media resources to improve communication are shown


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www.google.com/search?q=prezi+presentation&tbm www.google.com/search?

What I Know

PHILIPPINE TRIVIA: Directions: Choose the word that is correctly stressed.

1. The ____________ is the world's leading producer of coconuts.

PHIlippines PhiLIppines PhiliPPINES

2. According to the 2000 census, 52 million people in the Philippines speak ________.

EngLIsh EngLISH ENGlish

3. Philippines the fifth largest English-speaking ________ behind the U.S., India,

Pakistan, and the U.K.

NAtion naTIon naTION

4. The Puerto Princesa River was the longest _____________ waterway in the world.

SUBterranean subTERranean subterRANEan

5. Ferdinand ___________ arrived in the Philippines in 1521.

MAgellan MaGEllan MageLLAN

6. The __________ were dubbed "the Philippines" after King Philip II of Spain.

ISland iSLAnd isLAND

7. The world's largest Christmas lantern was __________ in San Fernando, Pampanga

on Dec. 24, 2002.

illuMInated ILLUminated illumiNAted

8. The English word 'boondocks' is actually a ___________ loanword.

FILipino FiliPINO FiliPIno

9. The modern yo-yo takes its name from a word in the Philippine language ____, yóyo.

IloCAno ILOcano IlocaNO

10. The __________ of San Carlos in Cebu City was the oldest school in the Philippines.

UNIversiTy UniVERsity UniverSITY

Word Stress and Its Features
In linguistics, stress is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a
word, or to certain words in a phrase or sentence. The term is also used for similar patterns of
phonetic prominence inside syllables. The word "accent" is often used with this sense, but it
may be used for other kinds of prominence; stress specifically may thus be called stress
accent or dynamic accent.

The stress placed on syllables within words is called word stress or lexical stress. The
stress placed on words within sentences is called sentence stress or prosodic stress. The latter
is one of the three components of prosody, along with rhythm and intonation.

The ways stress manifests itself in the speech stream are highly language-dependent.
In some languages, stressed syllables have a higher or lower pitch than non-stressed syllables
– this is called pitch accent (or musical accent). Other features that may characterize stressed
syllables include dynamic accent (loudness), qualitative accent (differences in place or
manner of articulation, typically a more peripheral articulation), and quantitative accent
(syllable length, equivalent to agogic accent in music theory). Stress may be realized to
varying degrees on different words in a sentence; sometimes the difference between the
acoustic signals of stressed and unstressed syllables may be minimal.

What’s New

To communicate clearly when you are speaking in English, it’s important to stress the
correct syllables in each word. This is called word stress, which means pronouncing one
syllable of a multisyllabic word with greater emphasis (stress) than the other syllables in the

ABOUT LA UNION: Directions: Capitalize the syllable of the underlined word in each
sentence where stress is appropriately placed.

Sentence: La Union is a province in the Philippines located in the Ilocos Region.

Answer: PROvince

1. La Union’s capital is the City of San Fernando.
2. La Union was formed in 1850 by merging towns from the neighboring Provinces of
Ilocos Sur, Pangasinan, and Benguet.
3. It is a province with rich history that is known for its ancient churches and pilgrimage
4. The town of San Juan and the city of San Fernando have gained popularity as a surfing
destination for beginners and experienced surfers alike.

What Is It

Stressed syllables are often perceived as being more forceful than non-stressed
syllables. Research has shown, however, that although dynamic stress is accompanied by
greater respiratory force, it does not mean a more forceful articulation in the vocal tract.
Example: photo photographer photographic
Do they sound the same when spoken? No. Because we accentuate (stress) ONE
syllable in each word. And it is not always the same syllable. In other words, there are root
words that are joined to affixes that when you read them, there is a shifting of stress. Just like
the example above.

Lexical stress, or word stress, is the stress placed on a given syllable in a word. The
position of lexical stress in a word may depend on certain general rules applicable in the
language or dialect in question, although in some languages it is largely unpredictable,
needing to be "learned" for each individual word.
Guidelines for Word Stress
1. Most two-syllable words are stressed on the first syllable.
ALways DRIver SUREly
HOly Baby BETter
2. Intensive and reflexive pronouns receive the stress on the second syllable.

3. Numbers ending in –teen receive the stress on teen; those ending in –ty are
stressed on the first syllable.
thirTEEN THIRty fourTEEN
SEVenty fifTEEN TWENty
4. Words ending in -tion, -sion, -ical and -ity generally have the primary stress on the
syllable preceding the suffix.
examiNAtion hisTORical compLEXity
inVERsion geneROsity compoSItion

5. When a suffix is added to a word, the new form generally retains the stress on the
same syllable as the word from which it is derived.
HAPpy HAPpiness CLOUDy
CLOUDiness asSIGN asSIGNment
6. Many words show a shift in stress to indicate a noun or a verb use.
Noun Verb
PREsent preSENT
REcord reCORD
PERmit perMIT
SUBject subject
7. Compound nouns generally place the primary stress on the first component and
the secondary component.
SUNset THANKSgiving BEEFsteak
NEWSpaper HOMErun FLASHflood
8. Compound verbs generally place the primary stress on the second component.
outDO overFLOW underSTAND
come IN look OUT call UP
A. Words Accented on the first syllable
Drill on their following words.
ACcess CHAracterize GOvern PAris
ACcuracy CHAritable HOnorable PATriotic
ADmirable CIRcumstances PAtron LAboratory
ADversary COLleague INteresting LUnatic
ALlergy COMfortable MAINtenance PEdestal
AMateur CONGressman PREfix MATrimony

AMiable JAnuary PURchase
ANcestor COvet CEmetery REStaurant
ARgue CEremony CAterer SEnator
BAPtism FORfeit Memory SOvereignty
B. Words Accented in Second Syllable
bamBOO aBYSS carTOON desSERt
poMADE chaLET raDIAte deTACH
cuiSINE ChiNEse broCHUre
coLOGne imPRInt (v) maLIGN melEE
crEAte caSHIEr viBRAte transLAte
reCRUIt alTHOUGH dicTAte guiTAr
sarDIne techNIque roBUST awRY
C. Four-Syllable Words with the Primary Accent on the Second Syllable
sigNIficance inTERpreted perSOnify deTERminer
comPULsory vaRIEty auXILiary inDEfinite
eNUNciate imMORtalize comMUnicate preOCcupy
aCCESSory iDENtify uNAnimous
gramMAtical reLAtionship disCRIminate luXUrious
D. Nouns-Verbs
Some words may be used as nouns or verbs. NOUNS carry the primary stress on the first
syllable, while VERBS carry the primary stress on the last syllable. ADJECTIVES carry the
primary stress on the first or second syllable.
PERmit – perMIT IMport – imPORT
IMprint – imPRINT EXport – exPORT
REbel – reBEL PROtest – proTEST
PROGress – proGRESS DIScount –
CONcrete – conCRETE INcrease – inCREASE
CONflict – conFLICT TRANSfer – transFER
REcord – reCORD PREsent – preSENT
INsult – inSULT REtail – reTAIL
TRANSplant – transPLANT REject – reJECT
PROject – proJECT DIgest – diGEST

REprint – rePRINT CONvert – conVERT
INTERchange – interCHANGE SUBject – subJECT

Source: https://www.englishclub.com/pronunciation/word-stress-rules.htm

What’s More

A. Directions: Capitalize the syllable of each word where stress is appropriately placed.

1. guitarist 6. honorable
2. ceremony 7. testimony
3. ambition 8. cartoonist
4. orator 9. information
5. turn off 10. matrimony

B. Direction: Classify each underlined word as noun or verb.

1. Were you able to notice our similarities with other Asians?
2. It is our appeal that you appreciate our culture and tradition.
3. We need to transfer our positive values to the next generation.
4. The attempt to pass these valuable traits must be done now.
5. We want to progress our country!

What I Have Learned

Directions: Attach a phrase to the acronym below that describes the learning you
acquired from the lesson, “Word Stress and Its Features”.


1. Why do we need to consider word stress in a communication scenario?

What I Can Do

Directions: Five years from now, you will graduate from secondary school. Since you
are the valedictorian in your batch, you are tasked to deliver a valedictory address.
Now, take a video of yourself delivering this valedictory speech. Pronounce the
underlined words properly and correctly.

As a writer and a leader by heart, I can tell you that life is a story that unfolds
page by page. We can predict some of it and when we get to those particular pages in life,
we realize that these were when our intuition was right. However, most aspects of life are
totally unpredictable, and much like a novel that we can’t set down, each page brings
twists and turns that leave us wondering what will happen next.
I can never forget the first time I set foot in this prestigious institution of learning.
Basked with confidence and excitement I was amazed by the buildings and thousands of
students walking and talking in all corners. Yes, I was a transferee for the reason that my
mother had inhibitions in enrolling me here for personal reasons. But destiny has its own
way and I don’t have regrets for I had the best secondary education just like you did. I am
very proud that I am a LUNHSian that I am a graduate of La Union National High School
the premier high school in the province of La Union.
I must admit that having a mother who is a teacher and an aunt who is a head
teacher was never an advantage on my part but more of a disadvantage if not an added
pressure. I was judged merely by the color of my skin and not from my talents and skills.
I passed through the eye of a needle. Thanks to all who trusted me. Your names are now
imprinted in the innermost chamber of my heart. You served as my inspiration to fight all
my battles during my three year – stay in this school.
9 Rojenne B. Silva, Class Valedictorian
Regular Class, Batch 2015

A. Directions: Capitalize the syllable of each word where stress is appropriately placed.
Then, use each of them in sentences.

1. interesting


2. reasonable


3. resistance


4. put off


5. communication


B. Directions: Classify each underlined word as noun or verb.

1. We must never tire to attempt such noble and patriotic ambitions.

2. They present some Asian countries’ products fantastically.

3. The permit to go and visit other Asian countries has been approved.

4. The people in every Asian country must record their traditions and beliefs.

5. The proceeds of having unified with other Asian races are for world peace and order.

Online Resources















Development Team of the Module
Writer: Rogelio C. Magsanoc

Editors/Evaluators/Reviewers: Evelyn N. Pacleb

Head Teacher VI

Brenda A. Sabado
Principal IV, LUNHS

Dr. Sheila Marie N. Bugayong

Education Program Supervisor – English
Layout Artist: Rogelio C. Magsanoc

Management Team: Dr. Rowena C. Banzon, CESO V, SDS

Dr. Wilfredo E. Sindayen, ASDS
Dr. Agnes B. Cacap, Chief- CID
Dr. Jose Mari P. Almeida, Chief- SGOD
Genevieve B. Ugay, EPS- LRMS
Hazel B. Libatique, Librarian II
Aurelio C. Dayag, Jr. , PDO II

Answer Key

1. PHIlippines
2. ENGlish
3. NAtion
4. subteRANEan
5. MaGEllan
6. ISland
7. illumiNAted
8. FiliPIno
9. IloCAno
10. UniVERsity

1. PC
2. InC
3. IC
4. IC
5. InC
6. PC
7. PC
8. IC
9. PC
10. PC


1. Infographic /s 1. CApital
2. Moodle 2. PANGasinan
3. Vlog 3. HIStory
4. Diagram 4. popularity, destiNAtion
5. Prezi
6. Powerpoint Presentation


Answers may vary

Answers may vary

A. Answers may vary

1. Verb
2. Verb
3. Noun
4. Verb
5. Noun


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