SBCT Research
SBCT Research
SBCT Research
Chapter 1
Discipline is one of the most important things in a student’s life. It is crucial to follow
the discipline in School. Along with education, students must learn the discipline in School
because without the discipline; students can’t be well educated. (Ajay 2023)
In the same way that the country looks to the youth for assistance in resolving its issues, it
appears that the youth have now turned into the country's biggest problem. Youth today
belong to a very different generation than in the past. Today's young in the Philippines are
rebellious and liberated. Leonor Briones, secretary of the Department of Education, stated in
2018 that it is crucial to develop respect in students when they voice their opinions on touchy
subjects including race, gender, and religion. Social media users expressed their
disappointment at the lack of leadership, discipline, and patriotism among today's youth.
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) is believed and seen to promote culture of
nationalism, and character-building; provides training that will develop students' leadership
skills Jocelyn (2022). On top of that, they will obtain skills and knowledge on basic soldiery,
which in turn helps personal development and builds up one’s character. The ROTC aims to
bring better sense of purpose among the youth by building upon valuable “leader-follower”
relationship. ROTC will teach younger generations about the essence of patriotism. It will
inculcate in their minds and hearts a deep love for one’s country. (Freeman 2022)
ROTC is provide military training to citizen soldiers in order to motivate, train, organize,
and mobilize them for national defense preparedness. Perhaps it is not unknown to everyone that
the word ROTC or Reserve Officer Training Corps is a prominent government program. ROTC
will be one of the subjects in Senior High School 11-12 where everyone will participate in intense
gun practice. Where everyone will experience hardships and body pains due to intense rehearsals.
It covers all Public School students. It aims to be trained in the methods of military discipline and
skills. The purpose of ROTC is for the students to have proper discipline and to hone the youth in
Jepoyo said in 1992 that ROTC was first implemented and subject to the UP, and the year 1935
made it mandatory for all colleges and universities. But in 2002, it was completely abolished
because of the death of a cadet in the UST. It was brutal that the cadets were killed because of
their exposure to ROTC training in the UST, but it on February 27, 2017,a l law was approved by
President Duterte to bring back the ROTC. Grade XL and Grade XII students are now required
tojoin the ROTC. The president says, " ROTC's residence is unique to former ROTC in the wake
of corruption. He said the new ROTC is not worthy of corruption. No hazing and sexual
harassment. The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) also pledged to have restrictions to
high school.
1.2 Gender
2. What is the level off agreement of student on Baybay City Senior High School on
Implementing ROTC.
1.2 Gender
This study aims to identify the level of agreement of senior high school students in implementing
the mandatory ROTC in senior high . The use if the study will be useful to teachers; parents and
future researchers.
Teachers - This study will assist them to comprehend the level of agreement of their students
Parents - This study would help and give the parents awareness as they would be aware on what
ROTC is.
Future Researcher - It will provide and give them, attribute knowledge and learnings about the
The study will focus on the level of agreement of implementing of Mandatory ROTC to
Senior High students. There will be 274 student – respondents drawn from a population of
870 students using the Slovin’s formula the population will derived from 25 sections of grade
11 and grade 12 students that are heterogeneously grouped during the school year 2023-2024.
The main instrument that will be used to collect data in the study is the Likert Scale of
Rensis Likert, a 20 item survey questionnaire that will focus on the perceptions of senior high
Baybay City Senior High School on 19-25 of . During vacant time of the researcher as well as
questionnaire that will be distributed room to room. This study will identify the level of
agreement of the senior high school students in implementing the mandatory ROTC program.
ROTC program will develop the country’s capability to respond to natural calamities,
enhance the country’s capacity to counter external forces and improve the country’s
capability to counter domestic attacks. the MBROTC Program would improve the country’s
capability to defend itself from foreign invasions and domestic attacks respectively. This
implies that parents have positive perceptions toward the implementation of the MBROTC
Program in terms of the country’s disaster preparedness and national security, providing
substantial validation for the objective of the MBROTC Program when it comes to preparing
the country and its citizens in the event of a national threat or disaster. A possible explanation
for this outcome could be due to the benefits of preparing students in the event of a natural
prepared to respond to events that may put the lives of the population at risk such as natural
disasters and foreign attacks. The MBROTC Program would help the country quickly defend
itself or respond to quickly recover from the effects of war or disaster. (Brecio.C et al.,2023)
According (Malaguial et al.,2023) to The ROTC program can teach their children
responsibility and discipline, according to findings. The program is effective at fostering the kids'
They could also use what they have learned as a form of self-defense to keep themselves safe.
However, there were also concerns raised regarding the program. These are issues such as the
students' age and strength to undergo the program; the program's possible effect on their
academic studies; and acts of violence like hazing that are said to be the reason why the
mandatory implementation of the program was abolished. Thus, the majority of parents in the
Philippines are in favor of the senior high school ROTC program being implemented.
Filipino parents believed that ROTC inculcates values, trains students to prepare for war, and is
suitable for the country. They also thought that the Filipino youth needs discipline nowadays, that
a highly qualified official should handle ROTC, and that it should be mandatory for all, except
for the physically incapable. It was concluded that most Filipino parents favored implementing
the compulsory ROTC in senior high school as the benefits that students and the country would
derive outweigh the issues or oppositions against the proposed program (Caangay and Baradillo,
According to (Felongco ,2019) implement ROTC in senior high school to not only to be prepared
but of course to learn how to defense your self. ROTC is the way how to be prepared and how to
defense, maybe this project may help to build confidence, there are part of this project that he/she
disagree because sometimes girls are weak than boys, girls are easy to feel tired, but there are
some part that should i agree because this is for our own safety actually. Yes, boys are known to
be stronger than girls but we should think that girls have also abilities like boys. ROTC
indiscriminate gender, ROTC is to all of us, So I think its not bad to implement this project to the
senior high school. This is my own opinion to the Implementation of ROTC or Reserve Officers
Training Corps. ROTC are sometimes difficult for us to do, but i think this is important to us in
the future. ROTC helps us to improve our self i think, it should implement this project to enhance
Level of Agreement
(H0): There is no significant level of agreement between Age among senior high school
(HO): There is no significant level of agreement between Sex among senior high school
(HO): There is no significant level of agreement between the strands among senior high
(HA): There is a significant level of agreement between Age among senior high school
(HA): There is a significant level of agreement between sex among senior high school
(HA): There is a signifant level of agreement between strands among seniorhigh school
Definition of Terms
Level of Agreement: It is typically measured using quantitative scales, such as Likert
ROTC implementation.
instructor training, and overall management of the program to ensure its effective delivery to
training and leadership development to students, typically in secondary and higher education
institutions. The ROTC program aims to produce officers for the armed forces while instilling
Senior High School Students: Students enrolled in the final years of secondary education,
particular object, the implementation of ROTC. Perceptions involve how individuals interpret
or understand the ROTC program and its impact on their educational experience and personal
perspective on the benefits, drawbacks, and overall effectiveness of the ROTC program
socioeconomic status, and geographic location that may influence senior high school
Chater III
This chapter present how the study will be conducted. It shows the research design,
research instrument, sampling data gathering procedure, data analysis, and statistical
Research Design
This study will be conducted using the comparative research design. Comparative part of
study will focus on Senior High School student’s level of agreement of Implementing of
Mandatory (ROTC) reserve officer training corps at Baybay City Senior High School. This
The actual survey will be given to students respondents, during the School 2023 – 2024
Research can determine the perception of senior High school students if they agree or
disagree about Implementing (ROTC) reserve officer training corps in Baybay City senior
high school.
population of 2584 grade-11 students in Baybay City Senior High School. Random
equal chance of being included in the sample, which helps to minimize bias and
Slovens Formula
n = N / (1 + Ne2)
Research Instrument
instrument for data collection. This method allows for direct interaction between the
researchers and the participants, which can lead to a better understanding of the
The Part 1 contained the instrument that was employed in determining the level of
Agreement of Senior high school students which is adapted from the study of
(Panvelos et al.,2019)
and training facilities. Their input is crucial in assessing the feasibility By and
Consulting with parents provides an opportunity to address any concerns they may
have regarding their children's participation in the program. It allows the researchers
implementing ROTC.
Involving teachers in the consultation process is essential as they play a vital role in
facilitating the integration of ROTC into the curriculum. Their insights can help
identify how ROTC can align with existing subjects, ensuring a balanced academic
primary participants in the program. Providing them with accurate and detailed
information about the benefits, objectives, and structure of the ROTC program
empowers them to make informed decisions and express their opinions and
concerns. This ensures that their voices are heard and taken into consideration.
By actively engaging all stakeholders in the consultation process, the researchers can
The study will use surveys questionnaire and feedback mechanisms to collect
from stakeholders allowing them to express their thoughts without fear of reprisal.
In order to collect data for this study, the entire campus will be Included with only
The information that h e research will collected from the participants will be
researchers ill use the descriptive statistic. Descriptive statistics refers to a set of
methods used to summarize and describe the main features of a dataset, such as its