Ibn Abi Shaybah - Wikipedia
Ibn Abi Shaybah - Wikipedia
Ibn Abi Shaybah - Wikipedia
Religion Islam
Religion Islam
Denomination Sunni[1]
Occupation Muhaddith,
Hadith compiler,
Islamic scholar
Muslim leader
He was born in Kufa, Iraq in 159H.
He was the author of large
voluminous works such as
Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, Al-
Musnad and others. He heard
from a large group of the scholars
from the reliable and trustworthy
Imams, such as Sufyan ibn
'Uyaynah, 'Abd Allah ibn Al-
Mubarak and 'Abd al-Rahman ibn
Mahdi. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal
and his son, 'Abd Allah, reported
on his authority and he is from the
shuyukh (teachers) of the famous
Imams: Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu
Dawud and Ibn Majah. Abu
'Ubayd Al-Qasim ibn Salam said:
"The leading scholars of Hadith
are four: The most knowledgeable
of them of the Halal and the
Haram (Lawful and Unlawful) is
Ahmad ibn Hanbal. The best at
listing hadeeth and placing them
in the right context is Ali ibn al-
Madini. The best at writing a book
is Ibn Abi Shaybah. And the most
knowledgeable of which hadith
are authentic and which are weak
is Yahya ibn Ma'in." He added
that: "(Knowledge of) the
Hadeeth ultimately goes back to
four (people): to Abu Bakr Ibn Abi
Shaybah, Ahmad ibn Hanbal,
Yahya ibn Ma'in and 'Ali ibn al-
Madini. So Abu Bakr (Ibn Abi
Shaybah) is the best among them
at presenting it (i.e. the hadith).
Ahmad is the one with the most
Fiqh (understanding) of it among
them. Yahya is best among them
at gathering and collecting it. And
'Ali is the most knowledgeable
amongst them of it." Al-'Ijli said:
"He is reliable (thiqqah) and a
Hafiz." Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi
said: "He was precise in his
narration (mutqin), memorized
many ahadith (hafiz), and
produced many works (mukthir).
He wrote the books Al-Musnad,
Al-Ahkam, and At-Tafsir." Al-Hafiz
Al-Dhahabi described him as:
"The Grand and unique Hafiz, and
the one who is reliable (in
narration)." He died at the age of
76 (235H). [5]
Below is a summary of the
discussion of Imam Ibn Abi
Shaybah available works in
Maktabah al-Shamilah and
published in Beirut, Lebanon.[6]
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