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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements

of the degree


Macwin Aranha 20201005

Rickson Castelino 202101008
Aron Dsouza 202101018
Leroy Lobo 202101031


Prof. Omprakash Yadav

Department of Computer Engineering

Xavier Institute of Engineering, Mahim,
Mumbai - 400 016
University of Mumbai
(AY 2022-23)

This is to certify that the Mini Project entitled “Dietbook” is a

bonafide work of Macwin Aranha (5) , Rickson Castelino (8)

, Aron Dsouza (18) and Leroy Lobo (31) submitted to the University of

Mumbai in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the

degree of “Bachelor of Engineering” in “Computer Engineering” .

Prof. Omprakash Yadav


Dr. Vaishali Gaikwad Dr. Y.D. Venkatesh

Head of Department Principal


This Mini Project entitled “Dietbook” by Macwin Aranha (5) ,

Rickson Castelino (8) , Aron Dsouza (18) and Leroy Lobo (31) is

approved for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer



1. Prof. Omprakash Yadav

(Internal Examiner name & Sign)

2. ……………………………
(External Examiner name & Sign)

Place: Xavier Institute of Engineering, Mahim

1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Problem Statement & Objectives
1.4 Organization of the Report
2 Literature Survey
2.1 Survey of Existing System
2.2 Limitation Existing system or research gap
2.3 Mini Project Contribution
3 Proposed System
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Architecture/ Framework
3.3 Algorithm and Process Design
3.4 Details of Hardware & Software
3.5 Experiment and Results
3.6 Conclusion and Future work.
4 References
5 Code
6 Screenshots

Effective personal dietary guidelines are essential for health management

and preventing chronic diseases. The objective of this site is to achieve

nutrient-balanced food recommendations for each individual, while

considering the individual’s requirements at the same time. To reach this

goal, we developed a diet recommendation and planning site – ‘Dietbook’;

which translates the individual’s nutritional needs into meal based

solutions. The results showed that daily nutrition needs can be fulfilled by

the designated meals. With a system to come back and update diets based

on progress, the user is assured results.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all those who
provided us the possibility to complete this report. A special gratitude
we give to our second year project manager, Prof. Omprakash Yadav
whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement,
helped us to coordinate our project.

Furthermore we would also like to acknowledge with much

appreciation her for giving us permission to use all required equipment
and the necessary materials to complete the task ‘Mental Health

A special thanks goes to group members, Macwin Aranha ( 5 ),

Rickson Castelino ( 8 ), Aron Dsouza ( 18 ),Leroy Lobo ( 31 ), who
each helped to assemble the parts and gave suggestions about the
project which came to be a ‘Mental Health Care’. We have to
appreciate the guidance given by other supervisor as well as the panels
especially in our project presentation that have improved our
presentation skills thanks to their comment and advices.


Following a healthy diet is essential for people who are not in the

healthy weight category and wish to have a diet to improve their health.

For this purpose, there have been many digital tools and mobile apps

developed for meal planning. There are numerous factors that affect a

person’s meal planning including taste, nutrition, budget, preference,

habit, and health constraints. People can struggle to decide what to eat.

They may easily be overwhelmed by different food options and various

constraints. Effective personal dietary guidelines are essential for health

management and preventing chronic diseases. The objective of this site

is to achieve nutrient-balanced food recommendations for each

individual, while considering the individual’s requirements at the same

time. To reach this goal, we developed a diet recommendation and

planning site – ‘Dietbook’; which translates the individual’s nutritional

needs into meal based solutions.


People struggling with their diet requirements often want to seek help but
don’t know where to start. The motivation behind this project was to give
people struggling with their day to day life an accessible platform where
they can easily get their diet plan and take the necessary steps to achieve
dietary goals.

Problem Statement :

There are so many websites online for various purposes like

gaming, shopping, social media sites, tracking sites, etc. But if one

observes, there aren’t many sites for improving one’s diet. Even if

there are a few, diet recommendation websites haven’t become quite

mainstream yet and that is because people who want help often

hesitate to seek help. That’s one of the reasons we came up with our

website based on diet recommendation. Since the pandemic hit, an

increasing number of people have been paying more attention to

their healths and subsequently, their diets. Hence, this seemed like

the perfect time to provide a solution to the people’s needs

Objectives :

The main objective of this website is to promote healthy eating,

good health and make convenient the process of diet planning, upto

an extent that the service is available at one’s fingertips; to help

people reach their nutritional goals and attain good health so we can

rely less on medicine and boost immunity, prevent illness as

prevention is better than cure.


In a world of constant technological advances, we might as well make

use of technology to fix our diets. Our website checks one's calorie

requirement and accordingly provides a diet plan. The idea behind

our project is to make convenient the process of diet planning. This

platform helps the user attain their dietary goals by providing them

with not just the meals but also the recipes to them. This report

discusses how our website works. The best part of it is its user

friendly. Through the use of our features, people can also find a few

bits and pieces of information that will also help to deal with certain

issues where a professional advisor isn't needed. The goal of our

project is to provide a platform where one can take a huge step

towards good health by getting a diet plan with the click of a button.

A basic yet a very useful site which will definitely help anyone

seeking help.


Chronic illnesses have gotten far less attention from the general public.

With accelerating economic growth in major capital cities such as

Bangkok, Thailand, most people engaged with demanding workloads

have developed fundamental changes in their eating’ habits. There is a

tendency to eat out or snack, and often those foods are less nutritious.

Coupled with the fact that there is an inclination to adopt more

sedentary lifestyles, obesity can occur when daily caloric intake

surpasses daily bodily demands. One reason is that consumers cannot

control the cooking method, tastes, and nutritional characteristics per


There have quite a few researches on diet control and meal planning. In

B. K. Seljak’s “Computer-Based Dietary Menu Planning: How to

Support It by Complex Knowledge?” a computer-based method for

menu planning has been introduced. The algorithm plans three main

meals per day for n-days. They decompose the planning problem into

several subproblems at the daily menu and meal-planning level. Then

the problem is reduced to a multi-dimensional knapsack problem and

feasible solutions are obtained through an evolutionary algorithm,

the Elitist Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm. A smart diet

consultant was introduced in J.-H. Hsiao and H. Chang’s, “SmartDiet: A

personal diet consultant for healthy meal planning,”. The diet consulting

problem was modeled as a mathematical multi-objective optimization

problem, and it also accepts feedbacks from users to fine-tune their meal

plans. As a result, while they have aided in the translation of concepts

from mood and emotion theories into widely accessible digital tools,

numerous parts of their design might be improved to aid in the creation of

products that people find more useful.

As a result, while they have aided in the translation of concepts from

mood and emotion theories into widely accessible digital tools, numerous

parts of their design might be improved to aid in the creation of products

that people find more useful.


The biggest concern with technological interventions is

obtaining scientific evidence that they work and that they work as

well as traditional methods. Another concern is understanding if these

websites work for all people and for all health conditions. They deal with

very sensitive personal information so website makers need to be

able to guarantee privacy for all their users.

There are no industry-wide standards to help consumers know if a

website or other mobile technology is proven effective. There are no

sites that provide recipes to the meals planned with the number of calorie

surplus/deficit required.

When we were informed about this mini project, everyone came up with

various ideas. However, we agreed on a simple but a really helpful idea

of a Diet Planning System, that Rickson came up with. Rickson

contributed by designing the site. Macwin coded the entire front end. It

was then edited by Rickson. Leroy went through several research papers

for finding and citing the ones related to our website, which came in

handy for the improvements of it. Aron worked on the coding of the

back-end and referred to the previous working models of the same. Final

edits were made by Macwin. With this team work we put together an

effective and helpful Diet Planning website.



Following a healthy diet is essential for people who are not in the healthy

weight category and wish to have a diet to improve their health. For this

purpose, there have been many digital tools and mobile apps developed for

meal planning. There are numerous factors that affect a person’s meal

planning including taste, nutrition, budget, preference, habit, and health

constraints. People can struggle to decide what to eat. They may easily be

overwhelmed by different food options and various constraints. Effective

personal dietary guidelines are essential for health management and

preventing chronic diseases. The objective of this site is to achieve

nutrient-balanced food recommendations for each individual, while

considering the individual’s requirements at the same time. To reach this

goal, we developed a diet recommendation and planning site – ‘Dietbook’;

which translates the individual’s nutritional needs into meal based


 CREATE ACCOUNT : If you are a new user on this website, you

can create an account by entering your details such as your email,

mobile no and creating a username and a password with which

you can login later.

 USER LOGIN: If you are a returning user, you can simply log in

to the website by entering your username and password.

 ABOUT: If you want to know more about the Diet book you can

refer to our about page.

Dietbook is a web based online project backed up by a database. The

main aim of the project is any user can access the system through website

at any time without going to the company. As a new user also, he can

collect all information about their diets.

1. User module

2. Dashboard

1) User module:

The user can first Registration in enter the personal details and then the

User can login.

2) Dashboard:

User can refer to any information and page according to their liking

present in the provided dashboard.


To run this project first of all you need a computer capable of running

MongoDB, JavaScript, HTML files, Reactjs, Nodejs.

The requirements are:

Minimum System Requirements

• PC or a Laptop with internet access and basic drivers installed.

• Processors:

Intel Atom® processor OR

Intel® Core™ i3 processor or AMD processor

• Disk space: 1 GB

• Operating systems: Windows* 7 or later, macOS, and Linux

• MongoDB latest version preferred

• Reactjs latest version preferred

• Nodejs latest version preferred

• Web browser with JavaScript enabled in it

• Using command

Initially we tried making a simple website, with just the front end

design without the back-end working. After finalizing the layout, we

created a database that was connected to our login/sign-up page. We

had a few problems with the design of the website once we made it

responsive, after resolving that, we connected an API.

The main working takes the number of calories as input and gives a 3

meal diet as output. The same process can be repeated until a number of

3-course meals are obtained, thus forming a diet plan. The output

doesn’t just include meals, but also links to their recipes.



 Recognising diet concern and getting a guidance to get through it.

 Total caloric needs (per day) about one’s diet will first be asked

to determine the meal.

 It would help in maintaining a diet system on a regular day basis.

 Professional help will be provided.

 It will also expand the reach and utilization of e-mental health

resources, particularly in rural/remote locations where there is a

lack of awareness and availability of experienced specialists.

 This website will provide helpful services while also enhancing

client trust in e-mental health care.

Future Work :

 Using the database to store the obtained diets.

 Adding a dietary preference filter to only give meals that the user


 Adding a medical filter to filter out meals that could worsen the

users medical condition in case the user has any.


 Understanding People’s Use of and Perspectives on Mood Tracking Apps:

An Interview Study Stephen M. Schueller, Martha Neary, Jocelyn Lai,
Daniel A. Epstein Submitted to: JMIR Mental Health on: April 03, 2021
 Mobile apps for Mental Health: a content analysis Md. Aminul Islam1 ,
Naziat Choudhury2 1Faculty, Department of Media Studies and
Journalism, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB). 2Associate
Professor, Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, University
of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
 Self-tracking for Mental Wellness: Understanding Expert Perspectives and
Student Experiences Conference Paper · May 2017 Lauren Wilcox Georgia
Institute of Technology
 Rideout V, Fox S, Peebles A, Robb MB. Coping with COVID-19: How
young people use digital media to manage their mental health; 2021.
 Paul K, Dustin DT. Health app use among US mobile phone owners: a
national survey. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 2015;3(4), e101. DOI:


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