DCA1101 - Model QP
DCA1101 - Model QP
DCA1101 - Model QP
Section A
Multiple Choice Questions (2 Marks each)
[Please answer all the questions]
1. The first computer like machine was the Mark I developed by a team from _____and _____University.
a) IBM, Aston
b) Intel, Harvard
c) IBM, Harvard
d) Intel, Buckingham
2. The two types of terminals used with mainframe systems are _____terminal and _____ terminal.
a) Dumb, fast
b) Dumb, Intelligent
c) Smart, Intelligent
d) Dumb, large
3. The IBM’s first microcomputer was designed in _____ and was named as _____
a) 1988, IBM–PC
b) 1981, IBM–XT
c) 1990, PC4
d) 1981, IBM–PC
a) i–T, ii–T
b) i–T, ii–F
c) i–F, ii–T
d) i–F, ii–F
a) i–T, ii–T
b) i–T, ii–F
c) i–F, ii–T
d) i–F, ii–F
9. Out of many operating systems used for supercomputing _____and _____are the most dominant ones.
b) Mac OS, Linux
c) UNIX, Linux
d) UNIX, Mac OS
Section B
SHORT ANSWERS (5 Marks each)
[Please answer Any Four questions in a separate page answer sheet especially provided for this purpose]
1. Write about:
i. Robotics
ii. quantum computing
2. Distinguish between: Network computers and Workstation computers?
3. Illustrate Memory Arrays with example?
4. How the operating system helps in File System Management and Communication process?
5. What is data communication? Explain Data and signals?
6. Explain in detail about:
i. Analog and digital signals
ii. Periodic and non-periodic signals
Section C
LONG ANSWERS (10 Marks each)
[Please answer Any Three questions in a separate page answer sheet especially provided for this purpose]
1. Discuss about:
i. Microsoft Access
ii. CorelDraw
iii. CAD
2. Discuss about:
i. Software Legal Issues
ii. Proprietary software