PG - Functional 3 - Spectral Theory

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Unit – 6 - Functional Analysis Spectral Theory

Matrix of Linear Transformation

Theo: Let be an dimensional Hilbert space and be any ordered basis for . If be the
identity operator and be the zero operator on , then

i) (unit matrix of order n)

ii) (null matrix of the type n x n)
Theo: Let be a finite dimensional Hilbert space of dimension and let
be an ordered basis for H. If are any vectors in H, then there exists a
unique operator T on H such that ;
Theo: If B is an ordered basis for a finite dimensional Hilbert space H of dimension , then
the mapping , which assigns to each operator its matrix relative to , is an
isomorphism of the algebra onto the total matrix algebra .
Theo: Let B be an ordered basis for a finite dimensional Hilbert space H of dimension , and
an operator on H whose matrix relative to B is . This is non-singular if and
only if is non singular and in this case
Theo: Similar matrices have the same determinant
Theo: Two matrices in are similar they are the matrices of a single operator on H
relative to (possibly) different bases.
Theo: Let and be operators on a finite dimensional Hilbert space H of dimension .
i) where is the identity operator
iii) is non singular
iv) is a polynomial with complex coefficients of degree in the
Theo: An operator on a finite-dimensional Hilbert space H is singular there exists a
non-zero vector in H such that .
Theo: If is an arbitrary operator on a finite dimensional Hilbert space H, then the Eigen
values of constitute a non empty finite subset of the complex plane. Furthermore,
the number of points in this does not exceed the dimension of the space H.
1. A positive operator T on a finite dimensional Hilbert space H has a unique positive
square root. i.e., there exists a unique positive operator A on H such that .

2. If H is a Hilbert space of finite dimension n, then is

Eigen Value
Let be an operator on a Hilbert space . Then a scalar is called an Eigen value of
if there exists a non-zero vector in such that .

Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 33
Unit – 6 - Functional Analysis Spectral Theory

Eigen Vector
Also if is an Eigen value of , then any non-zero vector in such that is
called Eigen vector of belonging to the Eigen value .
1. Eigen values are also called characteristic values, proper values or spectral values.
2. Eigen vectors are also called characteristic vectors, proper vectors or spectral vectors.
1. If then T has no Eigen vectors. let us take H to be a nonzero Hilbert space.
2. An operator on a finite dimensional Hilbert space need not have an Eigen value.
For instance, if we take space and define an operator by
has no eigen value
The set of all Eigen values of is called the spectrum of .
Spectrum of

set of all eigen value of T

1. If H is finite then is finite; non-empty closed subspace of C
2. If H is infinite dimensional, then
Theo: If is an Eigen vector of corresponding to the Eigen value then is also an
Eigen vector of corresponding to the same Eigen value . Here is any non-zero
Note: Eigen vector of a normal operator is also an Eigen vector of a normal operator
Theo: If is an Eigen vector of then cannot correspond to more than one Eigen values
of .
Theo: Let be an Eigen value of an operator on Hilbert space H. If is the set
consisting of all Eigen vectors of which correspond to the Eigen value together
with the vector 0, then is a non-zero closed linear subspace of invariant under .
is called the Eigen space of corresponding to the Eigen value .
Theo: If is a normal operator on a Hilbert space H, then is an Eigen vector of with
Eigen value is an Eigen vector of with Eigen value .
Theo: If is a normal operator on a Hilbert space H, then the Eigen spaces of are pairwise
Theo: If is a normal operator on a Hilbert space H, then each Eigen space of reduces .
Theo: If is a normal operator on a Hilbert space H, then the Eigen spaces span

Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 34
Unit – 6 - Functional Analysis Spectral Theory

The Spectral Theorem

Let be an operator on a finite dimensional Hilbert space H. Let be the
distinct Eigen values of ; let be their corresponding Eigen spaces; and let
be the projections on these Eigen spaces. Then the following three statements are
all equivalent to one another:
i) The are pairwise orthogonal and span H.
ii) The are pairwise orthogonal.
iii) is normal
Spectral Resolution
Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H. If there exist distinct complex number
and non zero pair wise orthogonal projections such that
Then the expression (1) for T is called a spectral resolution for T.
Theo: The spectral resolution of a normal operator on a finite dimensional non zero Hilbert
space is unique
Theo: If is a normal operator on a finite dimensional Hilbert space H, then there exists an
orthonormal basis for H relation to which the matrix of T is diagonal.
Coro: If is a normal operator on H, with spectrum and is the
spectral resolution of T. Then is self adjoint all the are real.
1. Let be an orthonormal basis for a finite dimensional Hilbert space
H. If T is an operator on H whose matrix relative to B is , then the matrix of
relative to B is the conjugate transpose of the matrix .

2. If is an operator on a finite dimensional Hilbert space H, then

i) is singular
ii) If is non-singular then ;
iii) If is non- singular, then
iv) If and if is any polynomial then
Here denotes the spectrum of . i.e. the set of all Eigen values of .

3. Let T be any arbitrary operator on a finite dimensional Hilbert space H, and N a

normal operator on H. If T commutes with N, then T also commutes with

4. An operator T on a finite dimensional Hilbert space H is normal its adjoint is a

polynomial in T.

Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 35
Unit – 6 - Functional Analysis Spectral Theory

5. Let T be a normal operator on a finite dimensional Hilbert space H with spectrum

. Then following statement

i) T is self-adjoint each is real

ii) T is positive each
iii) T is unitary for each
PG – TRB – Questions
1. If T be a normal operator on a finite dimensional Hilbert space H with
then we have [2001]
a) is positive if each ]
b) is positive iff each
c) is unitary iff
d) is self-adjoint iff is complex
1. If be a bounded self adjoint linear operator on a complex Hilbert space H, then the
Eigen value are [2004-05]
a) all real b) all imaginary c) real and imaginary d) rational
2. H is a Hilbert space. T is an operator on H, H is finite dimensional. denotes the
set of eigen values of T. Which of the following is false? [2015]
a) T is singular
b) T is non singular
c) If A is non singular then
d) If
A complex (or real) normed Algebra
If N is a normed linear space and also an algebra over C (or R) and if
for all then N is called a complex (or real) normed linear space.
Note: A normed algebra has the multiplicative identity , then
Banach Algebra
A complex (real) Banach space which is also a normed algebra is called a Banach
algebra. (Or)
A Banach Algerab is a complex Banach Space together with , scalar
multiplication and satisfying the following conditions
i) It is a ring with identity 1 under ‘+’
1. C the set of complex numbers is a Banach Algebra
2. is a Banach Algebra
3. the set of continuous functions on a topological space X is a Banach Algebra
4. the set of all complex sequences that converges to zero is a Banach Algebra
5. the set of sequences such that is convergent is a Banach Algebra
6. the collection of all operators on a Banach space is Banach Algebra
7. the collection of all operators on a Hilbert space is Banach Algebra
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 36
Unit – 6 - Functional Analysis Spectral Theory

Regular and Singular elements

Elements of G are
called regular elements. Elements not in G are called singular elements.
The set of all singular elements is denoted by S.
Theo: is open in a Banach Algebra and therefore is closed.
Theo: The mapping of G into G is continuous and is therefore a homeomorphism
of G onto itself
Topological Divisors of zero
An element in a Banach Algebra A is called a topological divisor of zero, if there
exists a sequence in A such that and either or .
Theo: The set Z of all topological divisors of zero is a subset of S
Theo: The boundary of S is a subset of Z.
The spectrum
Let N be a nored linear space. A containuous linear transformation of N into itself is
called an operator on N.
If T is an operator in a non-trival Hilbert space, the spectrum of T is defined by

If is an element of a Banach Algebra A, then the spectrum of is given by

Theo: For every element in a Banach Algebra A,

Exam: C the set of complex numbers is a division algebra.
Theo: If A is division algebra, then it equals the set of all scalar multiples of the identity.
Theo: Zero is the only topological divisor of zero in a Banach Algebra .
Theo: If the norm in a Banach Algebra A satisfies the inequality for some
finite k, then
Theo: If is the Banach subalgebra and is a Banach Algebra for which is a sub algebra
i) is a subset of
ii) Every boundary point of is also a boundary point of
The Formula for the Spectral Radius
Let be an element of a Branch Algebra A. The spectral radius is defined by


Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 37
Unit – 6 - Functional Analysis Spectral Theory

Lem: A is the Banach algebra is the subalgebra of A generated by . i.e. is the closure
of all the set of polynomials in ; , and .
Then depends mainly on the sequence of powers of


Theo: for all

PG – TRB – Questions
1. X is a Banach algebra and . Then the spectral radius is [2002-03]
a) b)
c) d)
2. is a complex Banach algebra and . The spectrum of denoted by is the
set [2002-03]
a) b)
c) d)
3. An element is called a spectral value of if [2003-04]
a) is invertible b) is invertible
c) is not invertible d) is not invertible
4. The only possible limit point of the spectrum of a compact operator is [2003-04]
a) b) c) d)
5. Let A be a Banach algebra, Z be the set of all topological divisors of zero and S be the set of
all singular elements of A then [2004-05]
a) Z is a subset of S b) S is a subset of Z
c) the boundary of S is Z d) Z is not a subset of S
6. Let A be a complex Banach algebra and is the spectrum
of . Then is called [2004-05]
a) the spectral diameter of b) the spectral radius of
c) the spectral bound of d) the topological divisor of 0
7. Let A be a Banach algebra. Let G and S be the set of all regular elements and the set of all
singular elements of A respectively. Then [2006-07]
a) G is open and S is closed b) G is closed and S is open
c) G is closed set d) S is open set
8. Let be the spectrum of where is an element of Banach algebra A. Then [2006-07]
a) b) is anways non empty
c) is empty d)
9. An element in a Banach algebra A is a topological divisor of zero if there exists a sequence
in A such that [2011-12]
a) and either or b) ,
c) , d) ,
10. Let denote the spectrum of in a Banach algebra. Then [2011-12]
a) b) c) d)
11. Let be an element in Banach Algebra A. The formula for the spectral radius r is
a) where is spectrum of . [2015]

Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 38
Unit – 6 - Functional Analysis Spectral Theory

The Radical and Semi-Simplicity

An ideal I in a Banach algebra A is a subset with the following properties
i) I is a linear subspace of A
ii) for every element
iii) for every element
Left Ideal: If I satisfies only conditions (i) and (ii) is called a left ideal
Right Ideal: If I satisfies only conditions (i) and (iii) is called a right ideal
Regular and Singular
is left regular if there exists an element such that . If is not left
regular, it is called left singular.
is right regular if there exists an element such that . If is not right
regular, it is called right singular.
If these two are satisfied, then it is regular In that case is unique.
Lem: any proper left ideal can be imbedded in a maximal left ideal.
Lem: Since is a proper left ideal, maximal left ideals certainly exist.
Lem: The radical R of A is the intersection of all its maximal left ideals. i.e.
Lem: is left regular
Lem: is regular
Lem: is regular for every
Lem: If is an element of with the property that is regular for every then
Lem: is regular is regular
Lem: The radical of is a proper two –sided ideal
Lem: Every maximal left ideal in is closed
Lem: The radical of is a proper closed two –sided ideal
Lem: If I is a proper closed ideal in , then the quotient algebra is a Banach algebra.

Theo: is a semi-simple Banach algebra

Ex: are semi-simple Banach algebra
1. If is a Banach algebra and contains an element such that for every
2. If is an element of a Banach algebra, then belongs to no proper left ideal of is
left regular
3. The union of all proper ideals of is closed in
4. is the left radical left regular for every
PG – TRB – Questions
1. If Banach Algebra, Redical, Maximal Left ideal, proper left ideal are denoted by A, R,
MLI, PLI respectively then the radical R of A is [2012-13]
a) b) c) d)

Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 39

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