The Heard Science of All Reading 1
The Heard Science of All Reading 1
The Heard Science of All Reading 1
Under the stewardship of the Department of Education, recent acts not confuse science with method. As Peter Medawar said, “what
of Congress confuse the methods of science with the process of sci- passes for scientific methodology is a misrepresentation of what
ence, possibly doing great harm to scholarship in education. An other- scientists do or ought to do.”
wise exemplary National Research Council report to help clarify the
The “evidence-based practices” and “scientific research” men-
tioned over 100 times in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
nature of educational science fails to emphasize the complexity of sci-
are code words for randomized experiments, a method of re-
entific work in education due to the power of contexts, the ubiquity search with which I too am much enamored. But to think that
of interactions, and the problem of decade by findings interactions. this form of research is the only “scientific” approach to gaining
Discussion of these issues leads to the conclusion that educational knowledge—the only one that yields trustworthy evidence—
science is unusually hard to do and that the government may not be reveals a myopic view of science in general and a misunderstand-
serious about wanting evidence-based practices in education.
ing of educational research in particular. Although strongly sup-
ported in Congress, this bill confuses the methods of science with
the goals of science. The government seems to be inappropriately
diverging from the two definitions of science provided above by
cientific Culture and Educational Research” (this issue), as confusing a particular method of science with science itself. This
well as the National Research Council (NRC) report from is a form of superstitious thinking that is the antithesis of science.
which it draws, are important documents in the history of Feuer, Towne, and Shavelson, representing the entire NRC
educational research. I commend the authors and panelists who committee, clearly recognize this mistake, and we should all hope
shaped these reports, and I support their recommendations. But that they are persuasive. To me, the language in the new bill re-
it is not clear to me that science means the same thing to all of us sembles what one would expect were the government writing
who pay it homage, nor do I think that the distinctions between standards for bridge building and prescription drugs, where the
educational science and other sciences have been well made in nature of the underlying science is straightforward and time hon-
either report. There are implications associated with both these ored. The bill fails to recognize the unique nature of educational
issues. science.
Definitions of Science Hard and Soft Science: A Flawed Dichotomy
I admire Richard Feynman’s (1999) definition of science as “the The distinctions between hard and soft sciences are part of our
belief in the ignorance of authority” (p. 187). Unrestricted ques- culture. Physics, chemistry, geology, and so on are often contrasted
tioning is what gives science its energy and vibrancy. Values, re- with the social sciences in general and education in particular. Ed-
ligion, politics, vested material interests, and the like can distort ucational research is considered too soft, squishy, unreliable, and
our scientific work only to the extent that they stifle challenges imprecise to rely on as a basis for practice in the same way that
to authority, curtailing the questioning of whatever orthodoxy other sciences are involved in the design of bridges and electronic
exists. Unfettered, science will free itself from false beliefs or, at circuits, sending rockets to the moon, or developing new drugs.
the least, will moderate the climate in which those beliefs exist. But the important distinction is really not between the hard and
As politicians recognize that “facts are negotiable, perceptions are the soft sciences. Rather, it is between the hard and the easy sci-
rock solid,” so there is no guarantee that science will reduce ences. Easy-to-do science is what those in physics, chemistry, ge-
ignorance. But as long as argument is tolerated and unfettered, ology, and some other fields do. Hard-to-do science is what the
that possibility exists. social scientists do and, in particular, it is what we educational
Another admirable definition of science was provided by Percy researchers do. In my estimation, we have the hardest-to-do sci-
Bridgman (1947), who said there really is no scientific method, ence of them all! We do our science under conditions that phys-
merely individuals “doing their damndest with their minds, no ical scientists find intolerable. We face particular problems and
holds barred” (pp. 144–145). I admire Feynman’s and Bridgman’s must deal with local conditions that limit generalizations and
definitions of science because neither confuses science with theory building—problems that are different from those faced by
method or technique, as I believe happens in recent government the easier-to-do sciences. Let me explain this by using a set of re-
proclamations about the nature of appropriate, and therefore lated examples: The power of context, the ubiquity of interactions,
fundable, educational research. World-renowned scientists do and the problem of “decade by findings” interactions. Although
these issues are implicit in the Feuer, Towne, and Shavelson ar-
ticle, the authors do not, in my opinion, place proper emphasis
Educational Researcher, Vol. 31, No. 8, pp. 18–20
on them.
The Power of Contexts factors. Simultaneously, student behavior is interacting with
In education, broad theories and ecological generalizations often teacher characteristics, such as the teacher’s training in the subject
fail because they cannot incorporate the enormous number or taught, conceptions of learning, beliefs about assessment, and
even the teacher’s personal happiness with life. But it doesn’t end
determine the power of the contexts within which human beings
there because other variables interact with those just mentioned—
find themselves. That is why the Edison Schools, Success for All,
the curriculum materials, the socioeconomic status of the com-
Accelerated Schools, the Coalition of Essential Schools, and
munity, peer effects in the school, youth employment in the area,
other school reform movements have trouble replicating effects
and so forth. Moreover, we are not even sure in which directions
from site to site. The decades old Follow-Through study should the influences work, and many surely are reciprocal. Because of
have taught us about the problems of replication in education the myriad interactions, doing educational science seems very
(House, Glass, McLean, & Walker, 1978). In that study, over a difficult, while science in other fields seems easier.
dozen philosophically different instructional models of early I am sure were I a physicist or a geologist I would protest ar-
childhood education were implemented in multiple sites over a guments from outsiders about how easy their sciences are com-
considerable period of time. Those models were then evaluated pared to mine. I know how “messy” their fields appear to insiders,
for their effects on student achievement. It was found that the and that arguments about the status of findings and theories
variance in student achievement was larger within programs than within their disciplines can be fierce. But they have more often
it was between programs. No program could produce consis- found regularities in nature across physical contexts while we
tency of effects across sites. Each local context was different, re- struggle to find regularities across social contexts. We can make
quiring differences in programs, personnel, teaching methods, this issue about the complexity we face more concrete by using
budgets, leadership, and kinds of community support. These the research of Helmke (cited in Snow, Corno & Jackson,
huge context effects cause scientists great trouble in trying to un- 1995). Helmke studied students’ evaluation anxiety in elementary
derstand school life. It is the and middle school classrooms.
reason that qualitative inquiry In 54 elementary and 39 middle
has become so important in school classrooms, students’
educational research. In this We do our science scores on questionnaires about
hardest-to-do science, educators evaluation anxiety were corre-
often need knowledge of the under conditions lated with a measure of student
particular—the local—while achievement. Was there some
in the easier-to-do sciences the
aim is for more general knowl-
that physical scientists regularity, some reportable
scientific finding? Absolutely.
edge. A science that must On average, a negative correla-
always be sure the myriad par- find intolerable. tion of modest size was found in
ticulars are well understood is both elementary and middle
harder to build than a science school grades. The generalizable
that can focus on the regularities of nature across contexts. The finding was that the higher the scores on the evaluation anxiety
latter kinds of science will always have a better chance to under- questionnaire, the lower the score on the achievement test.
stand, predict, and control the phenomena they study. But this simple scientific finding totally misses all of the com-
Doing science and implementing scientific findings are so dif- plexity in the classrooms studied. For example, the negative cor-
ficult in education because humans in schools are embedded in relations ran from about −.80 to zero, but a few were even
complex and changing networks of social interaction. The par- positive, as high as +.45. So in some classes students’ evaluation
ticipants in those networks have variable power to affect each anxiety was so debilitating that their achievement was drastically
other from day to day, and the ordinary events of life (a sick child, lowered, while in other classes the effects were nonexistent. And
a messy divorce, a passionate love affair, migraine headaches, hot in a few classes the evaluation anxiety apparently was turned into
flashes, a birthday party, alcohol abuse, a new principal, a new some productive motivational force and resulted in improved
child in the classroom, rain that keeps the children from a recess student achievement. There were 93 classroom contexts, 93 dif-
outside the school building) all affect doing science in school ferent patterns of the relationship between evaluation anxiety
settings by limiting the generalizability of educational research and student achievement, and a general scientific conclusion that
findings. Compared to designing bridges and circuits or split- completely missed the particularities of each classroom situation.
ting either atoms or genes, the science to help change schools and Moreover, the mechanisms through which evaluation anxiety
classrooms is harder to do because context cannot be controlled. resulted in reduced student achievement appeared to be quite dif-
ferent in the elementary classrooms as compared to the middle
The Ubiquity of Interactions school classrooms. It may be stretching a little, but imagine that
Context is of such importance in educational research because of Newton’s third law worked well in both the northern and south-
the interactions that abound. The study of classroom teaching, ern hemispheres—except of course in Italy or New Zealand—and
for example, is always about understanding the 10th or 15th that the explanatory basis for that law was different in the two
order interactions that occur in classrooms. Any teaching behav- hemispheres. Such complexity would drive a physicist crazy,
ior interacts with a number of student characteristics, including but it is a part of the day-to-day world of the educational re-
IQ, socioeconomic status, motivation to learn, and a host of other searcher. Educational researchers have to accept the embedded-
NOVEMBER 2002 19
ness of educational phenomena in social life, which results in the It is also hard to take seriously the government’s avowed de-
myriad interactions that complicate our science. As Cronbach sire for solid scientific evidence when it ignores the solid scien-
once noted, if you acknowledge these kinds of interactions, you tific evidence about the long-term positive effects on student
have entered into a hall of mirrors, making social science in gen- learning of high-quality early childhood education, small class
eral, and education in particular, more difficult than some other size, and teacher in-service education. Or when it ignores find-
sciences. ings about the poor performance of students when they are re-
tained in grade, assigned uncertified teachers or teachers who
Decade by Findings Interactions have out-of-field teaching assignments, or suffer a narrowed cur-
There is still another point about the uniqueness of educational riculum because of high-stakes testing.
science, the short half-life of our findings. For example, in the Instead of putting its imprimatur on the one method of sci-
1960s good social science research was done on the origins of entific inquiry to improve education, the government would do
achievement motivation among men and women. By the 1970s, far better to build our community of scholars, as recommended
as the feminist revolution worked its way through society, all in the NRC report. It could do that by sponsoring panels to de-
data that described women were completely useless. Social and bate the evidence we have collected from serious scholars using
educational research, as good as it may be at the time it is done, diverse methods. Helping us to do our damndest with our minds
sometimes shows these “decade by findings” interactions. Solid by promoting rational debate is likely to improve education more
scientific findings in one decade end up of little use in another than funding randomized studies with their necessary tradeoff of
decade because of changes in the social environment that invali- clarity of findings for completeness of understanding. We should
date the research or render it irrelevant. Other examples come to never lose sight of the fact that children and teachers in class-
mind. Changes in conceptions of the competency of young chil- rooms are conscious, sentient, and purposive human beings, so
dren and the nature of their minds resulted in a constructivist no scientific explanation of human behavior could ever be com-
paradigm of learning replacing a behavioral one, making irrele- plete. In fact, no unpoetic description of the human condition
can ever be complete. When stated this way, we have an argu-
vant entire journals of scientific behavioral findings about edu-
ment for heterogeneity in educational scholarship and for con-
cational phenomena. Genetic findings have shifted social views
vening panels of diverse scholars to help decide what findings are
about race, a concept now seen as worthless in both biology and
and are not worthy of promoting in our schools.
anthropology. So previously accepted social science studies about
The present caretakers of our government would be wise to re-
differences between the races are irrelevant because race, as a basis member Justice Jackson’s 1950 admonition: “It is not the function
for classifying people in a research study, is now understood to of our government to keep the citizens from falling into error; it is
be socially, not genetically, constructed. the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling
In all three cases, it was not bad science that caused findings into error.” Promoting debate on a variety of educational issues
to become irrelevant. Changes in the social, cultural, and intel- among researchers and practitioners with different methodologi-
lectual environments negated the scientific work in these areas. cal perspectives would help both our scholars and our government
Decade by findings interactions seem more common in the so- to make fewer errors. Limiting who is funded and who will be in-
cial sciences and education than they do in other scientific fields vited to those debates is more likely to increase our errors.
of inquiry, making educational science very hard to do.
Conclusions Bridgman, P. W. (1947). New vistas for intelligence. In E. P. Winger
The remarkable findings, concepts, principles, technology, and (Ed.), Physical science and human values. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
theories we have come up with in educational research are a tri- University Press.
Feynman, R. P. (1999). The pleasure of finding things out. Cambridge,
umph of doing our damndest with our minds. We have con-
MA: Perseus.
quered enormous complexity. But if we accept that we have House, E. R., Glass, G. V, McLean, L. D., & Walker, D. F. (1978). No
unique complexities to deal with, then the orthodox view of sci- simple answer: Critique of follow through evaluation. Harvard Edu-
ence now being put forward by the government is a limited and cational Review, 48, 128–160.
faulty one. Our science forces us to deal with particular prob- Snow, R. E., Corno, L., & Jackson, D. (1995). Individual differences
lems, where local knowledge is needed. Therefore, ethnographic in affective and conative functions. In D. C. Berliner & R. C. Calfee
research is crucial, as are case studies, survey research, time series, (Eds.), Handbook of educational psychology (pp. 243–310). New York:
design experiments, action research, and other means to collect
reliable evidence for engaging in unfettered argument about ed- AUTHOR
ucation issues. A single method is not what the government DAVID C. BERLINER is Regents’ Professor of Education, Arizona State
should be promoting for educational researchers. It would do University, Tempe, AZ 85287; His research interests
better by promoting argument, discourse, and discussion. It is no include the study of teaching, teacher education, and educational policy.
coincidence that early versions of both democracy and science
were invented simultaneously in ancient Greece. Both require Manuscript received June 4, 2002
the same freedom to argue and question authority, particularly Revisions received July 8, 2002
the government. Accepted July 11, 2002