Birth Plan
Birth Plan
Birth Plan
My Birth plan
Name: .......................................
Do you want your birth partner(s) to be with you at all times? Yes No
What birthing positions would you like to try? Kneeling Squatting Standing
Birthing pool
Do you want to use one if available? Yes No
Will this be for pain relief or giving birth? Pain relief Giving birth
Pain relief
Do you want to use pain relief? Yes No
What would you like to use? TENS Gas and air Pethidine Epidural Other
Would you like your baby to be given vitamin K? By injection Orally Not at all
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Unexpected situations
Are you happy to have a caesarean, if necessary? Yes No
If assisted delivery is required, which would you prefer? Forceps Ventouse Midwife’s recommendation
Special needs
Do you have any medical conditions or disabilities? Yes No
Do you have any particular needs? (Religious, cultural or dietary requirements.) Yes No
Do you mind if students attend or assist at the birth? Yes No
Other considerations
Would you like ambient lighting in the room, if possible? Yes No
Would you like the option of music during labour and birth? Yes No
Would you like a commentary from your midwife on your progress? Yes No
If you don’t know the sex of your baby, how would you like to find out? By midwife Discover myself
Would you like your voice to be the first your baby hears? Yes Don’t mind