American Revolutionary War Essay

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American Revolutionary War Essay

Crafting an essay on the American Revolutionary War is undoubtedly a challenging task that
demands a comprehensive understanding of historical events, political ideologies, and the socio-
economic landscape of the time. The sheer complexity of the subject requires meticulous research to
ensure accuracy and depth in presenting the context, causes, and consequences of the war.

The multitude of perspectives surrounding the American Revolutionary War, including those of the
colonists, British authorities, Native Americans, and other key players, adds another layer of
intricacy. Balancing these diverse viewpoints while maintaining objectivity can be a delicate
endeavor, requiring a nuanced approach to interpretation and analysis.

Moreover, the abundance of primary and secondary sources available necessitates a discerning eye to
sift through information and discern reliable evidence. Synthesizing historical facts, expert opinions,
and academic insights is crucial to constructing a coherent and compelling narrative that captures the
essence of this pivotal period in American history.

The challenge extends beyond factual accuracy to the art of storytelling and argumentation. Crafting
a well-structured essay that seamlessly weaves together the chronological progression of events with
insightful analysis demands a high level of writing skill. The ability to articulate a clear thesis
statement, develop supporting arguments, and draw meaningful conclusions is essential for creating a
piece that engages readers and effectively communicates the writer's perspective.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the American Revolutionary War is a formidable task that requires
a deep understanding of historical nuances, a critical approach to source evaluation, and adept
writing skills. However, for those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that
provides a platform where similar essays and a variety of other academic writing services can be
accessed to simplify the demanding process of essay composition.
American Revolutionary War EssayAmerican Revolutionary War Essay
Examples Of Omnipresent Right To Property
The Omnipresent Right to Property

Human rights are norms that serve to protect all people everywhere from severe legal,
political and social abuses. Nevertheless, the whole concept of human rights is seriously
misleading. It lays claim to the idea that these rights are common to all of mankind in all
times and places. Disregarded within the concept of universality is that human rights exist
independently of whether found in the practices, morality or law of their country or
culture. Societies deprived of a central authority to accurately enforce these universal
human rights leads to individuals adopting their own idiosyncratic interpretations. Of all
human rights, the most critical is the right to own property because owning property gives
... Show more content on ...
A radically different approach is long overdue because these laws failed to accomplish
the objectives of improving the wellbeing of people. The central problem with human
right laws is that at their foundation they are hopelessly ambiguous. In addition, the rights
were described in vague, aspirational terms, allowing for a loose interpretation. The
incorrect enforcement of rights is ruining overall protection guaranteed by our rights. It
is damaging our current system of democratic government, for instance by creating an
excessive focus on rights, as opposed to responsibilities, social justice or the public
interest. To discredit this counter argument is the overwhelming strides society has made
towards equality with the establishment of the universal human right to own and never
be arbitrarily deprived of their
The Pros And Cons Of Modular Homes
The popularity of Modular homes is on the rise. According to Global Industry Analysts
Inc., shipping of modular houses in the U.S. is expected to hit 112,000 units next year. As
more people embrace modular housing, understanding how to buy a modular home is
becoming increasingly necessary. It is no surprise that many people are choosing
modular homes instead of the conventionally built ones. Modular homes, also referred to
as prefabricated (prefab) homes are typically relatively inexpensive and environmentally
friendly. In addition, most of them have sleek and modern designs. The main difference
between modular homes and the conventionally built ones is the fact that modular homes
are built in parts in a factory and then transported to the intended location where it...
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Therefore, you must understand the laws in your state that govern prefab housing
projects before you get started. All the same, here are common pros and cons of
modular homes. Pros of modular homes Cost effectiveness Regardless of how much
anyone has in the bank, we all do everything we can to get the best bargains when
buying a new home. We aim to do so without ending up with a hovel for a home. This
is what makes modular homes such an attractive option for so many people. Because
modular homes are constructed in factories and in bulk, manufacturers are able to
source raw materials at reduced prices. This reduction in the cost of materials translates
to lower retail prices for the modules with which you will construct your home.
Construction delays caused by the unpredictability of the weather is another reason why
modular homes are often less expensive compared to site built homes. Moreover, the
builder does not have to deal with the potential theft of materials in the course of the
building process. Quick
Alicia Keys Accomplishments
Alicia Keys, a multiple Grammy Award winning singer songwriter shows compassion in
various things and opportunities outside of music. Not only is she a Pianist, singer, and
television actress, she is extremely active in one of the most important organizations in
the world Keep A Child Alive . Amongst her musical talent and high held reputation,
Alicia keys movements have influenced other artist to follow in her footsteps.
The beginning of the young stars dream started as a young child. Alicia Keys was born
January 25th, 1981 in the concrete jungle New York, New York. At just the age of 7,
Alicia was exceptional on the keys. Her talents took her heights and wound her at
Manhattan s prestigious Professional Performance Arts School. Here she ... Show more
content on ...
This really hit me on a deep level. I realized no one had ever asked me that question
before. As I prepare to give birth to a new child, I can t help and think about the world I
m bringing my baby into. No matter where we come from, when we see the state of the
world today, we can all feel the growing frustration and desire to make a difference. And
we all have a voice we just need to know how to make it heard. I have a vision that I
believe is more than a dream, that I know can be our reality. I believe in an empowered
world community built on the true meaning of equality where we are all considered one
people, regardless of race, religion, gender, zip code, belief system or sexual
Dead Man Walking Persuasive Essay
Death is calling to him. The prisoner is anxiously waiting to be strapped to a table. He
wonders what could be on the other side of the living. Is it God waiting for his soul to
be judged? Or is it plain darkness? The guards finally escorted him to the chamber
where his fate lies within. A very fine needle is inserted deep into his vein and what the
vile tubes contain are sodium thiopental and pancuronium bromide. Once injected, these
chemicals will shut down the body completely. After a steady rhythm of the heart
monitor declined, there was a long flat beep sound. A doctor examines the body and the
prisoner is pronounced dead.The U.S currently have 2.3 million people locked up in a
prison or jail (Mass Incarceration) . Majority of the States have the death penalty for
criminals with violent offences. However, There s a lot of controversy surrounding
capital punishment. Both sides of the argument are consistently trying to persuade the
population whether it s right or wrong. The movie, Dead Man Walking, is based on a
true story that centers around a death row inmate Matthew Poncelet. Sister Helen, a nun,
is called to help him for an appeal to escape the death penalty. The film illustrates both
factions of the argument by demonstrating the usage of the persuasive techniques like
pathos, ethos, and logos. The appeal of pathos is heavily exhibited throughout the film. It
was use to arouse a strong emotion from the audience. A perfect example from the movie
is the
FEMA Response To Northridge Earthquake
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) response to the Northridge
earthquake was almost immediate with the assistance of two urban search and rescue
teams and the support from FEMA continued to grow after that (DeBlasio et al,.
(2002). During the first week of rebuilding the Federal government provided an aid
package to support the rebuilding needs of the area impacted by the earthquake. The
aid package was broken down int several categories of recipients of the money with the
two largest being money for FEMA and money of the Federal Highway Association.
FEMA received $3.9 million and the Federal Highway Association received $1.35 billion
(Eugene, 2010) According to Eugene (2010) the Federal Emergency Management
Agency also provided assistance for... Show more content on ...
The assistance provided for the purpose of helping the victims of a disaster rebuild
their homes to the same living conditions they had lived in before the disaster, FEMA
assisted 130,000 middle income and low income families rebuild after the Northridge
earthquake (Eugene, 2010). FEMA also assisted with the coordinated the response of 27
federal agencies that were involved in the recovery process. The FEMA United States
Fire Administration student manual ICS 300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding
Incidents (2013) refers to this type of command structure within the Incident Command
System is defined as a Unified Command . The Unified Command type of management
system allows for multiple agencies to work together to plan and strategize but most
importantly to be able to collect resources from each agency without having to go
through extra steps. This coordination was said to have had a huge benefit by being
able to get the funding for repairs and to be able to decrease the time frames set to repair
and rebuild the infrastructure (highways and roadways) needed to the get the city
moving again. (DeBlasio et al,.
Marxism Isn t Dead Essay
ABSTRACT: I defend the continued viability of Marx s critique of capitalism against
Ronald Aronson s recent claim that because Marxists are unable to point to a social class
or movement away from capitalism, Marxism is over as a project of historical
transformation. First, Marx s account of the forced extraction of surplus labor remains
true. It constitutes an indictment of the process of capital accumulation because defenses
of capitalism s right to profit based on productive contribution are weak. If generalized,
the current cooperativemovement, well advanced in many nations, can displace
capitalism and thus counts as the movement Aronson challenges Marxists to point to. It
will do this, I argue, by stopping capitalist... Show more content on ...
Since Marxists are unable to point to a social class or a movement embodying change
away from capitalism, Ronald Aronson, still a Marxist, concludes Marxism is over at
least as a project of historical transformation. (5) He opposes capitalism but seeks change
in movements like feminism and anti racism, especially as informed by postmodernism.

Both of these proclamations of Marxism s demise focus on Marx s political strategy

for moving toward socialism. Yet Marx s enduring pertinence lies instead in his
indictment of capitalism. Capitalism is fully alive. Over the past twenty years the
United States particularly merits Marx s indictment for its aggravations of class
divisions. As the rich get richer and the poor poorer, we are all pitted against each other,
millions in the third world are killed each year by humanly reproduced poverty,
environmental despoilation proceeds out of control, and handy advantages of race,
gender or nationality are used to exclude our neighbors. Thus, since capitalism isn t dead,
neither is the heart of Marxism.

I find two errors in Aronson s views: first, there are large anti capitalist movements afoot
meriting Marxists support. Secondly, socialists work not for Marxism, which is a theory,
but for socialism, which is a future non capitalist state of affairs. (6) What is
Being Wide Awake Research Paper
Throughout my life, I have often been unaware about my actions. I knew I wanted to
get good grades in order to make my parents proud, but I really did not see how much
value education does have. I would go through the motions of day to day life not
really seeing the bigger picture. Now that I am older, I see the vital importance of
being wide awake. Being wide awake means that the person elevates their life, and
involved in the details of life; he or she is alert and aware. I strive to develop the skills
of being awake in my life, but also in my future classroom. As individuals investigate
and become intrigued in the world around them, they can start to be aware. Becoming
more reflective will aide me in this process to becoming more involved.
Passionate About Women s Reproductive Rights
Something I feel very passionate about women s reproductive rights. As a Christian I
believe that it s not right to take any life for granted, but I think it s even more
important is not imposing my ideals on someone else. I think every women should
have control over her body. Only females to impose my ideals on other people.
Females are gifted with the blessing of a child baring woum. Sometimes situations are
unfortunate and terrible. I never will be in the shoes of the women next, nor will she be
in mine. Why should I be the one to make the decision that will transform her life. I
understand that an unborn child has a heart and is just as much of a person as I am, but I
know that things happen for a reason. For example, my father had multiple... Show more
content on ...
Something terrible must have happened to the person before an abortion is even an
acceptable thought. Then others say that even in cases of rape the woman must keep
the child. It s true that the child is not at fault for the tragedy, but should someone who
has never felt the pain and the helplessness of rape be allowed to make that choice for
those forced to experience it? Even if the woman only wants an abortion due to the
fact that she is not prepared then who am I to decide how she will be forced to spend
her time, money, energy, and the next 18 years of her life on? Also, if abortions were
banned completely then women would just receive an unregulated, unsafe, and illegal
abortion. Those who think the that drugs are the most important things in life will find
a way to get them, those who believe they need a gun because their life is threatened
will find a gun, and those who think an abortion is the only thing that will let them go
on with their life will find someone who is willing to perform the surgery. My second
question was chosen because I feel that a group of people is making the decisions for the
entire, and is enforcing their way of life on millions who have completely different
mindsets. But if the country demands ignore that, then in what ways can they help
prevent the pregnancy or help once the baby has already
Reaching For The Stars Unless You re Black
Reach for the Stars; unless you re black

With the United States Army being one of the oldest organization in American, they have
undoubtable faced its share of diversity issue, they are an organization, with the need to
operate under the strictest hierarchical structure. This structure is imperative to their
mission to serve and protect the free people of this country and to uphold the
Constitution that affords it. Alas, the structure begs for internal oppression of minorities,
due to the need and desire by its members to advance in rank. The General Officer Corps.
is the highest of military ranks next to the President. And with rank brings freedoms,
privileges, and above all power. The power to make a wide spectrum of orders; from how
members tie their boots or whether to wage nuclear war.

The members of the Army are a direct reflection of the citizens they protect. Made up of
all different races and backgrounds. When a person volunteers to join they are really
volunteering to join an entirely different way of life within America. Although they are
afforded the same fundamental protections of the Constitution which they protect, they
are also volunteering to relinquish some of those rights. Members are governed my
different laws, courts and at times different police; they are subject to inspections,
punishments, and a way of life that is not like that of their counterpart civilians.
Unfortunately, one thing they share with America is it s social racial issues that has
Comparison Of Safety Last ! And Sherlock Jr.
Safety Last! and Sherlock Jr.

Safety Last! (1923), directed by Fred C. Newmeyer and Sam Taylor, and Sherlock Jr.
(1924), directed by Buster Keaton, have parallels not only between their genres, but
their approach to comedy. They both contain a main character with a dream of becoming
someone better. Both films being comedies, means the men must face a few challenges
and struggles before accomplishing their goals. Sight gags portray these struggles in a
very humorous way. Silent films could not depend on dialogue to deliver all of the
humorous elements, so drastically hilarious sight gags were the films true success. Each
film has talented actors who portray the roles successfully and creatively. Neither of these
films invented the idea of sight gags, but they built upon an already successful
foundation. In order to capture these fantastic stunts, the cameras are typically far back
from the action, allowing the character enough room to play out his scene. ... Show more
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In Safety Last! Harold Lloyd s clock stunt, is shot using three different sets. The
camera never reveals what building the set was built upon, nor that the height he is
dangling at is not that far from the roof of the building. The LumiГЁre brothers 1895
short, L Arroseur ArrosГ©, implements one of the first visual gags on film, but there is
no sense of fear or danger within this short. Harold Lloyd is dangling for his life, and the
camera frames the shot perfectly as to hide all factors of his
Transformational Leadership Research Paper
Before I address transformational leadership, I must first define leadership. According to
the Merriam Webster dictionary, leadership is the power or ability to lead other people .
Emblematic discussions in the military classroom revolve around the traits and definition
of leadership. Innumerable debates, projects, and studies focus on the definition of
transformational leadership. According to Burns (1978), transformational leadership is A
relationship of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts followers into leaders and
may convert leaders into moral agents. (p. 4). While at Air Command and Staff College
(ACSC), I was taught that transformational leaders possess four characteristics known as
the four I s of transformational
Hausa Culture Summary
Culture Summary for Hausa The Hausa, the largest ethnic group in West Africa, are
concentrated in northern Nigeria and adjacent Niger. The Hausa have evolved from
many years of incorporation of different peoples. They share a common religion,
Islam, and a common language. The Hausa are organized into centralized kingdoms,
known as emirates and they live in hamlets, towns, and cities. The Hausa constitute the
largest ethnic group in West Africa. The term Hausa actually refers to the language
and, by extension, to its native speakers, of whom there are about 25 million. The
Hausa are scattered across the savanna of northern Nigeria, the adjacent area of Niger,
and, as a result of extensive migration, in enclaves in various African cities as far south
as the Atlantic coast. The focal homeland covers an area about 640 kilometers wide,
from Lake Chad to the east to the Niger River in the west. It extends from about 11
degrees to 14 degrees north latitude and from about 2 degrees to 14 degrees east
longitude. The annual rainfall ranges from about 50 centimeters in the north to 100
centimeters in the south Agriculture is the main economic activity. Grain is the staple
diet, including Guinea corn, millet, maize, and rice. The Hausa also grow and eat root
crops and a variety of vegetables. Cotton and peanuts are processed and used locally, but
part of the harvest is exported. The Hausa practice intercropping and double cropping;
their main implement is the hoe. The Cattle Fulani
Teesdale Essay
Teesdale s industrial heritage is just as enticing as its scenery, and this walk has a good
mixture of the two. The woodland around Hudeshope Beck sustains a rich variety of
wildlife and makes a superb finish to the walk.
Middleton in Teesdale, revered as the capital of Upper Teesdale, lies in the very heart of
the most beautiful and enchanting scenery that one can imagine. The village was
founded c.1031, when King Cnut granted it, as part of a much larger estate, to the monks
of St Cuthbert at Durham. However, it did not begin to grow significantly until the
nineteenth century, when it became an important lead mining centre.
In 1815 the Quaker owned London Lead Company established their northern
headВquarters at Middleton. The company ... Show more content on ...
After crossing the shoulder of Hardberry Hill, the harsher scenery of the lead mining
period becomes more apparent. The valley is strewn with the remains of the Coldberry
Mine, which closed in 1955 after more than 200 years of lead production. Coldberry was
one of the largest lead mining complexes in the North Pennines. Accordingly, the
immediate area of the mines holds the status of a Scheduled Ancient Monument.
The most prominent scar on the landscape is Coldberry Gutter, the result of an early
open cast mining method known as hushing . Hushing involved the construction of a
reservoir with a turf dam on the moor above the suspected vein. When the reservoir
was full, the dam was breached so that the sudden torrent swept down, tearing away the
soil and surface rocks to expose the vein. The miners then used picks and shovels to
loosen and remove the lead ore. The repetition of this process created deep gullies on the
hillsides and are visible from many miles around.
During the descent, we pass the remnants of a water balance incline; this consisted of a
wheeled water tank which moved up and down an incline between two walls. A cable
connected the tank to a bucket of ore at the bottom of the mine shaft; as the water
balance descended, the bucket came up. After draining the water, empty buckets pulled
the tank back up to the top. Using water
Tuberculosis Is A Top Infectious Disease Killer Worldwide
14). Currently, there are ten drugs that have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration to treat tuberculosis. There are four approved drugs that are considered
to be first line antituberculosis agents that form the foundation for initial drug therapy.
Also, there are six approved second line drugs that are considered to treat a more serious
adverse drug reaction more frequently than first line antituberculosis agents. Therefore, it
is important to take all prescribed drugs and finish them all. If not, a person with
tuberculosiswill become sick again making it harder to treat because the drugs will
become resistant to the infected tuberculosis still present in ones body; second line drugs
will then be used.
Other comments ... Show more content on ...
The physician began to quickly take vitals, do a physical exam, and labs to determine
any other signs the patient may have been developing. A chest X ray was done and
showed infiltrate in the middle of the left lung with a diameter of 1.7 cm with signs of
cavitation (Case Study: Tuberculosis 2016). The patient was diagnosed with infiltrative
TB of the left lung without MTB shedding (Case Study: Tuberculosis 2016). Treatment of
infiltrative TB was administered to the patient with first line antituberculosis agents and
was sent home. After two months, the patient returned to the hospital concerned that he
had been coughing up blood over the previous three days. With an additional symptom
of hemoptysis, the patient was immediately transferred to isolation where a second chest
X ray was done and determined that he had progressive bilateral fibronodular disease.
Treatment of this type of TB disease was administered to the patient using second line
drugs because the line of drugs used previously were now resistant.
Figure 2: radiography of Progressive Bilateral Fibronodular Disease

Fungal Organism
Scientific Name
Aspergillus sp. (opportunistic) is a common mold that lives indoors and outdoors.
However, there are many types of Aspergillus that can be mild or even become more
serious in time. In 1842, Aspergillus was first isolated and then in 1856 a case of
Aspergillus broke out and was reported by Rudolf
The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari
The Cabinet of Dr.Caligari, directed by Robert Wiene first made its appearance in 1920.
The film is considered one of the most defining German expressionist film out of the
Avant garde cinema movement. The film became a template for future films that is
horror based and also influenced the film style of film noirs with its lighting. With its
gothic tone that pays homage to expressionistic paintings that depicts human emotions,
the film shows us a place that is distorted and twisted through the narration of the film s
deranged character. I will explore how the film show us the various stylistic elements that
is associated with expressionist films and how this helped to create the distorted looking
world through the vision of a madman.

After the Germans loses in World War I, the American government was in control of the
art of expressionism that is occurring in Germany at the same time. Reality for them was
intolerable and therefore to escape this insufferable reality, they turned to arts. This
reality was the fact that after their loss, they were traumatised by it and could not fathom
the fact of their economic depression, the colonising of American culture and their
politics. They used this arts to express their inner feelings and that is why German
expressionism is associated with the human emotions.

The film tells the story of the crazy hypnotist Dr.Caligari through the narration of Francis.
Francis and his friend Alan, meets Caligari at a carnival in their town. Part
Learning to Read and Write Essays
Alana Roberts
Essay I
February 26th, 2013 Learning to Read and Write by Fredrick Douglas is a story about
a slave breaking the bondage of ignorance by learning to read and write. During the
course of 7 years Douglas discreetly teaches himself to read and write by means of
stealing newspapers, trading food with poor white boys for knowledge and books, as
well as copying his master s handwriting. Douglas learning to read gave him extreme
awareness of his condition as he says ...I would at times feel that learning to read had
been a curse rather than a blessing. It had given me a view of my wretched condition,
without the remedy (Page 168 169). With his new consciousness he suffered with
depression envying his fellow slaves for their ... Show more content on ...
Ignorance also befalls on the oppressors. Douglas sheds light on how slave owners
prayed to Christ, went to church every Sunday and yet mistreated people to the upmost
degree and punished them for reading. Southerners often justified slavery by saying they
were bringing Christianity to slaves. Christianity is a religion based on love and
compassion for your fellow man. Since the Europeans did not believe the Africans
were worthy to be in the same human category as them they dehumanized them
relating them to animals. Although the bible says we must never treat any part of
God s creation with contempt. When we do, we are indirectly treating our Creator
with contempt. If they did not believe slaves were worthy to be treated as God s
creation then why did they push their religion on them? The answer is to keep them
controlled and confused. Europeans stripped Africans of their traditions starting with
their name, this in some degree made Africans like blank canvases ready to be painted
anew. Christianity gave slaves hope that one day their situation will change if they
prayed hard enough and abide by Christ words. It also gave them a brand new vision
of what God should look like. White is good, Black is bad. In the Christian bible they
saw Jesus as a white man so in turn they could have related the goodness of Christ to the
goodness of their masters. Some slaves even argued about whose master was more kind.
I guess this is what
Silent Spring Essay
Silent Spring

Rachel Louise Carson (1907 64), was an American marine biologist, and author of
widely read books on ecological themes. Carson was born in Springdale, Pennsylvania,
and educated at the former Pennsylvania College for Women and Johns Hopkins
University. Rachel Carson taught Zoology at the University of Maryland from 1931 to
1936. She was an aquatic biologist at the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries and its successor, the
Fish and Wildlife Service, from 1936 to 1952. Rachel Carson wrote 4 books including
The Sea Around Us for which she was awarded the 1952 National Book Award for
nonfiction. At the end of Rachel Carson s career she wrote Silent Spring, which
questioned the use of Chemical Pesticides and was responsible for arousing ... Show more
content on ...
The over use of DDT, dieldrin and other pesticides eventually poisoned an entire world of
living things. Silent Spring not only recognizes the severity of the chemicals usage
but recognizes the effect of substance use on a community. It helped people to look at
the whole picture, to look into the future instead of the now. Carson helps to change
this way of thinking by offering solutions to the existing problems. She helps to show
that nature will take care of nature. Many times the best solutions are the introduction
of other plants or animals. For many thousands of years man has been battling nature,
when if he took a step back, he would see that if he just worked with it his problems
could be solved. Rachel Carson helped many people to see this ideal and is partly
responsible for starting the environmental movement that has become so apparent in
today s society. There are many people that do not support Rachel Carson s findings
about DDT. These people challenge her experiments and say that the results would have
been worse had the controls not been manipulated. The direct effect of DDT may be
different on all types of animals. What the people fail to notice that challenge her
statements are the chemical bonds that are produced with DDT and other chemical
substances. The significance of Rachel Carson s book was not the scientific accuracy but
instead the position it took on DDT. Why this book is so recognized has nothing to do
with the actual
Musical Analysis Of Chicago The Musical
Musical production directed by Bob Fosse, Walter Bobbie, contributed to by John
Kander, Fred Ebb. The original play Chicago (1926) by reporter and playwright
Maurine Dallas Watkins. She who was assigned to cover the 1924 trials of accused
murderers Beulah Annan and Belva Gaertner for the ChicagoTribune. The original
musical productions played from 1975 1979 in New York. Then was revived in 1996
and has traveled worldwide and been in production since. In 2003 the Professional show
moved in to the Amador Theatre on W 49th St in Manhattan. Chicago is a dynamic, and
sensual production based on the 1920s in America as to how show business and the
media make celebrities out of criminals.
Through its dynamic directing and acting the show captured the audience and took us to
the 1920s City of Chicago. All performs in the production were wearing costumes of
black color and the style in the 1920s, along with a simple orchestra in the background,
this made clear the setting in which the story takes place. The production is unlike others
in that the whole production is made of many smaller simpler acts based of the theater
genre called vaudeville acts .
What was the original director s vision and intent of the audience viewing it? Fosse
wrote this production to be entertaining and yet at the same time shocking, sexual and
daring. When the production opened there had been few who dared to run such a sexually
Essay On The Perfect Solution In Treating Stomach Ulcer
The Perfect Solution in Treating Stomach Ulcers If a member of your family
unfortunately develops a stomach ulcer, would you know what to do to help treat it?
Are you having heartburn and don t know what to take to relieve the pain? Zantac, also
known as Ranitide, is an ideal drug in treating and preventing stomach ulcers, diseases in
which the stomach produces too much acid, treats gastroesophageal reflux disease and
other conditions in which acid backs up from the stomach into the esophagus, causing
heartburn. How does this drug work? Ranitide, an active ingredient in Zantac, is a H_2
receptor antagonist. A receptor antagonist is a drug that blocks or dampens agonist
mediated responses rather than inducing a biological response itself upon binding to a
receptor. The drug Ranitidine works by blocking theгЂ– HгЂ—_2 histamine receptors
that are found on the cells in the stomach lining. Histamine is a natural body chemical
that normally binds to these receptors, causing the cells to produce stomach acid.
Stomach acid in the body plays an important role in digestion, by breaking down and
sorting food, killing bacteria, viruses and fungi before they can enter the body. The acid
also absorbs vitamins and minerals and adjust them into something... Show more content
on ...
If using Zantac one should report immediately to a doctor if they are experiencing
agitation, nervousness, depression, hallucinations, allergic reactions like skin rash,
itching or hives, swelling of the face, lips, or tongue, breast enlargement in both males
and females, breathing problems, redness, blistering, peeling or loosening of the skin,
including inside the mouth, unusual bleeding or bruising, unusually weak or tired,
vomiting, yellowing of the skin or eyes. Side effects that do not need medical attention
may also appear including; constipation or diarrhea, dizziness, headache,
Gulliver s Travels Rationality
Humankind as the Balance of Rationality and Passion

A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms

Jonathon Swift s Gulliver s Travels takes place in four parts, each of which describe
Gulliver s adventures with fantastical species of foreign nations. The search for Swift s
meaning has been a controversial one; the novel has been interpreted along a wide
spectrum ranging from children s story to a satire of human nature. The greatest debate
lies within the realm of satire, and Part Four of Gulliver s Travels, A Voyage to the
Country of the Houyhnhnms, is just one area in which critics argue for a variety of
satirical meanings. Critics traditionally argue for the hard interpretation which posits the
strictly rational nature of the ... Show more content on ...

There are many instances in which the Houyhnhnms are depicted in a positive light, and
one such case is Gulliver s revelation that The Houyhnhnms have no world in their
language to express anything that is evil, except what they borrow from the deformities
or ill qualities of the Yahoos (Swift 2413). In addition, Gulliver reflects upon periods
where he was in the company of conversing Houyhnhnms as he expresses:
Nothing passed but what was useful, expressed in the fewest and most significant words;
where (as I have already said) the greatest decency was observed...where no person spoke
without being pleased himself, and pleasing his companions; where there was no
interruption, tediousness, heat, or difference of sentiments. (Swift 2414)

A sense of emotional resiliency is also expressed as Gulliver describes the circumstances

surrounding the death of a fellow Houyhnhnm. He writes, They...are buried in the
obscurest places that can be found, their friends and relations expression neither joy nor
grief at their departure; nor does the dying person discover the least regret that he is
leaving the world (Swift 2413).
While these are all characteristics that can be seen in a virtuous
A Brief Note On Diabetes And Pregnancy Among First
1. When reviewing Diabetes in pregnancy among First Nations women by Oster, Mayan,
and Toth (2014) for its relevance to nursing/healthcare, the purpose of the study, research
questions, and significance were made very clear. The purpose of the study was to
acquire a deeper understanding of the perspectives held by First Nations women with the
intention of discovering more culturally appropriate interventions to prevent and treat
diabetes in pregnancyamong this group (Oster, Mayan, Toth, 2014). The study is
relevant to nursing in that its questions focus on the Aboriginal woman s lived
experience of diabetes in pregnancy and what she believes contributes to a healthy
pregnancy (Oster et al., 2014). At the core of nursing care is... Show more content on ...
By implementing a person centered approach to care, healthcare providers such as nurses
can work with First Nations women who are pregnant to help them acquire the
knowledge necessary to manage their diabetes and to connect traditional and mainstream
health practices that will support these women to make positive lifestyle changes in
attempt to control their diabetes throughout pregnancy (Oster et al., 2014).
2. After examining the literature review within Oster et al. (2014), both strengths and
weaknesses were observed. Quantitative research was used to explain the inherent
difference in health status among First Nations and non First Nations populations. A
measured decrease in the age of diabetes diagnosis and higher fertility rates among
First Nations individuals (Oster et al., 2014) alluded to the urgency of exploring
effective care options for pregnant Aboriginal women with diabetes in order to mitigate
the growing epidemic (p. 1469). The qualitative studies used were also significant as
they identified a disconnect between traditional and Western views to be explored and
bridged in attempt to deliver effective Type two diabetes health care to First Nations
people (Oster et al, 2014). Referencing quantitative and qualitative studies to demonstrate
the importance of identifying culturally appropriate Type two diabetes care for First
Nations women who are pregnant could be seen as a major strength of the
How Schools Put These Into Place Essay
How schools put these into place:
At Moorlands Primary we have our own safeguarding policy in which we have and
must follow at all times regarding to the safety of all the children, If I was to ever
have a cause for concern for a child inside of school, I would fill out the cause for
concern sheet. Once I have completed this form it has to be signed and dated straight
away from the schools Senior Designated Person (SDP). Any of the information noted
must be kept in a separate named file and in a secure cabinet, not with the child s
educational file. These files with then be the responsibility of the SPD. The child s
information will be shared within the school only if it is in the need to know basis and
in the child s strictest interests and making sure that it will always be kept confidential.

The child s information will only be kept in this file and must be kept up to date with
all records of concern. Copies of referrals, invitations to the child protection conferences,
core groups and reports will also be stored here.

When the child has left the school, the SDP has to contact the new school to make sure
that the file is despatched to the new school in a secure and appropriate manner and
that the evidence is retained to validate how the file was reassigned. This may be done
by having a written confirmation of receipt, have evidence of a recorded delivery or both.

Section 2.1 *
Explain the importance of safeguarding children and young people: The reason why it is
Mentally Tough Athlete
The mentally tough athlete has the ability to attain, maintain, and regain a flow mindset
with a total focus on process and performance goals with a growth mindset operating at
the Ideal Performance State (IPS) and not be influenced by the fans who are only looking
at the outcome. 2. A mental tough athlete is one who stands confident, optimistic, in
control, relaxed yet energized, readied with the mental training tools and skills to have
self control and poise during failure, setbacks, or after making an error or mistake. 3. A
mentally tough athlete has the ability to automatically integrate mental training tools and
skills (goal setting, imagery, self talk, relaxation/energization) with their physical skills in
order to meet both their short
Statement Of Purpose For Charles Sturt University
Statement of Purpose Introduction: My name is Umer Mushtaq Cheema and I am a
resident of city Sialkot. This city is in province Punjab of Pakistan. It is internationally
known for its exportation of sports goods and surgical items. The contribution and
importance of my city towards the country is huge. Being the only son of my parents,
apart from four daughters, my family has got high expectations from me since my
childhood. The motivation and reassurance of my parents have given me the strength to
succeed and learn. Since as a child, I was very fond of computers. As I grew up, my
passion for gaining the educationof Computer Science increased. It has become the only
commitment of my life for I believe that I can contribute towards my country by elevating
myself with the latest knowledge of Computer Science. Nowadays... Show more content
on ...
Why Charles Sturt University, Melbourne? Finding the best university is very
important with an approach and vision that matches your interests and career goals. I
have chosen the Charles Sturt University because of the caliber of teaching I will get
from this university. It enjoys the reputation of being one of the best university that
gives world recognized degrees but at the same time their relatively small size means I
will get the advantages of personal and individual attention. This is very important as I
believe that I will be truly mentored and challenged to bring out the best in me as I
undertake a degree in Information Technology. From what I read, they seem to have a
strong sense of community between staff and students and I want to experience that kind
of learning environment. A degree from Charles Sturt University would serve as a solid
base for a successful career in Computer
Evidence-Based Program (EBP)
As a beginning point in the selection of an evidence based program (EBP), it is crucial to
distinguish the extent of the EBP. This process has four (4) elements: 1) intended
population; 2) intervention target; 3) baseline severity level; and 4) intervention delivery
characteristics (Durlak DuPre, 2008). 1)Intended population: For whom is the
intervention intended? Intended population alludes to what individuals will be provided
intervention. EBPs commonly determine certain population attributes for whom they are
expected and/or with whom they have been tested. These attributes incorporate traits, for
example, developmental level (age range or grade range), sex, race/ethnicity, and dialect.
Along these lines, it is critical to... Show more content on ...
A rigorous evaluation typically involves either an experimental design (like that used
in randomized controlled trials) or a quasi experimental design. In an experimental
design, people are randomly assigned to either a treatment group, which participants
in the program, or the control group, which does not. After the program is completed,
the outcomes of these two (2) groups are compared. This type of research design helps
ensure that any observed differences in outcomes between the two (2) groups are the
result of the program and not other factors. Given that randomization is not always
possible, a quasi experimental design is sometimes used. In evaluations using this
design, the program participants are compared to a group of people similar in many
ways to the program participants. However, because a quasi experimental design does
not randomly assign participants to program and non program groups, it is not as
strong a design as the experimental approach. Because there may be unobserved
differences between the two (2) groups of people who are being compared, this design
does not allow program evaluators to conclude with the same certainty that the program
itself was responsible for the impacts observed. Therefore, it would be conducive to try
and conduct an experimental design if at all possible (Cooney, Huser, Small, O Connor,
Carter Burwell s Impressionist Pieces
Carter Burwell:
In order to compare and contrast Claude Debussy s impressionist work from the 1800 s
to 20th Century impressionist music, one can analyse composer Carter Burwell s
impressionist pieces.
Carter Burwell was born in New York City on November 18, 1955. He graduated from
King School in Stamford, Connecticut and then studied animation and at Harvard
College. In 1977, Burwell graduated from Harvard and became a teaching assistant in
the Harvard Electronic Music Studio and a cartoonist for the Harvard Lampoon. He
began to build up a career as a composer of film soundtracks, creating a long working
relationship with film makers the Coen Brothers and scoring every film they have
created. Burwell also composed film music for all of ... Show more content on ...
Generally, the first and third sections (A) in ternary form are identically, however, it is
common that compared to the first section, the third section will contain further
ornamentation. The second section (B), tends to contrast dramatically with the first and
third sections. Clair de Lune is also extended by a coda which has been composed using
material originating from the second section (B). The piece mostly continues in the tonic,
modulating only in bars 37 42. This means that the sections are harmonically closed. The
sections are as follows:
First section (A): Bar 1 26
Second Section (B): Bar 27 50
Third Section (A) + Coda: Bars 51 72
First Section Analysis:
Clair de Lune is in D flat major and begins with a tonic chord, excluding the tonic note. It
is introduced later on, where the median of the chord (F natural) is doubled. The right
hand playing chord I is supported by the left hand for the first four opening bars. This
creates a chord a bar harmonic rhythm. During these opening bars, the left hand slowly
starts to descend while the diatonic theme is played in the right hand. Debussy uses
unconventional intervals, for example, G flat and A (augmented second) in the first
couple of bars. In bar 9, the introduction theme is repeated, this time including some
changes, such as harmonic substitutions and decorations. The F and A flat interval is
then reintroduced with ascending octaves. This phrase is then finished in bar 15,
Heller s Use of Satire Within the Characters of Catch-22...
It is frequently said that the novel Catch 22 by Joseph Heller is about Heller s opinion
on war and lack of patriotism. Although it is understandable how one could grasp those
concepts from the novel the main crux of the novel is for the reader to have noticed
Heller s use of satire within the characters. Also to be effected by Yosarrian s evolution.
Heller uses satireto portray his outlook on war but also other aspects in society. The other
aspects are value of life, misuse of power, women and the inhuman bureaucracy of the
military structure as a whole.

Heller first does this by satirizing religion when colonel Cathcart wants to become a
general and uses his religion as more of a social status than a belief in a higher power. ...
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Near the end of the novel the soldiers or enlisted men begin to realize a need to value
life or even a mere sense of safety. This realization is something that Heller had been
satirizing throughout the novel by pointing out that the enlisted men were risking their
lives everyday without question for an unstable ad unjust system. How could you have
extreme urge to defend your country, if you know first hand the detestable things that
are done behind the scenes? It also makes it worse that Colonel Cathcart and Colonel
Korn represent the country to many of the men .The Plot of Catch 22 is understand what
Heller meant with his use of satire and how that was significant to the book and the
understanding of Yosarrian s evolution. Heller also has themes within the novel that
display different emotions; some of them are Confusion, sanity, hope and pity. Heller as
do many other authors wants the reader to also feel those emotions just as the characters.
Yosarrian (The main character of the story) has that affect on readers. The main reason
he has that affect is because he is the character from the novel that most can relate to and
because seems to be the only one to object authority at times.

In the beginning of the novel Yosarrian hope and trust for the war and his future but self
pity for his situation with the missions. Although Yosarrian doesn t seem like the most
logical character in the novel it is proven by the
Gender Stereotypes In Disney Movies
1.Screenwriters and filmmakers should refrain from using stereotypes based on gender,
race, sexuality, religion, social class, and mental or physical disability even if it is for a
2.Screenwriters and filmmakers need to be sensitive on filming explicit sexual violence,
intimate partner violence, and assault based on all ratings.
3.Films that are based on true events needs the narrative and the characters to stay true to
the story. Important factors like race, gender, culture, social class, sexuality, religion, and
mental or physical disability. o Ex. Rooney Mara playing Tiger Lily in Pan
Tiger Lily is Native American
Rooney Mara is Caucasian o Ex. Mickey Rooney playing Mr. Yunioshi in Breakfast at
Tiffany s
Mr. Yunioshi is Japanese
Mickey Rooney is Caucasian o Ex. Disney movies like Aladdin Lion King
The main characters are voiced by Caucasians
4. ... Show more content on ...
Films and TV shows need to pass the Bechdel Test. o The Bechdel Test is a test to
determine if a show or film has female presence
According to Scheiner Fisher Russell these are the criteria for the Bechdel Test, (1) there
are more than two females (who have names);
(2) the female characters talk to each other;
And (3) they talk to each other about something other than a man (p. 222).
6.Show your audience respect, and make a movie that has some intelligence behind it.
Don t make a movie to just make money. This is like Adam Sandler s latest films.
There is no substance and heart in the film. He just wants to make easy and cheap films,
and get paid a lot more. Filmmakers and screenwriters should come into the field because
they love it.
7.Don t show child full nudity or even mild nudity even with their parents permission.
The ages are from a few months old to 16 years old.
8.Treat your crew members with respect and care about their wellbeing. If you are in
charge make sure everyone has food and water. Make sure the actors and others have
some rest and that they aren t
Pastor Sharpe Research Paper
Isidore E. Sharpe
Professor George Henderson
PPC 102
4 February 2016
Pastoral Care Mid term
Pastor Sharpe has being the senior pastor of World Conqueror Christian Ministry for
about 15 years, and has being the pastor of John and Linda Redfern for about eight
years. The John and Linda Redfern have two teenage children, John Jr and Joshua.
John was sentenced on January 8, 2013 to prison for three years on a robbery charges.
John was a faithful and active member, served in a number of ministries, such as
teacher for Christian Education, youth leader, as well as, a trustee for 5 years, prior to
going to prison. They were a model family for other young marriages.
John is schedule to get released from state penitentiary on January 8, 2016. Pastor ...
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He had some deep concerns about the static of the family; he is aware that they will
need counseling, due to his years of study. His arrival at the home, he finds Linda in
state of disbelief. Healing can only take place when a person comes to the reality of
situation. Without any doubt, Pastor Sharpe knows that every person deals with grief
differently. So he allowed each one to share with open on how they were feeling,
while he concentrates on being presently active in listening. He accurately responds
with warm words, proper voice tone, and good body language. Pastor Sharpe advised
each one to come in for some one on one pastoral counseling, as well as, some family
counseling sessions. He recognizes that Linda is grieving, which is to be expected,
because of the circumstances surrounding death of John. This death came as a shock to
everyone, even the family. Grief from sudden death can cost the feelings of numbness
and shock, making it hard to come to reality of what has transpired. The mind cannot yet
accept the overwhelming pain, the reality that the person is really gone. Accepting the
full reality of the loss must eventually occur or the healing will be incomplete. (Clinebell,
How Did Levis Impact The World
Levi Strauss woke up one day, not knowing that he would impact the world forever.
You maybe be asking, What in the world did Strauss do? He was the one who invented
Genes! (Or What we call nowadays Jeans.) Here is some back information about Levi
Strauss life. He was born February 26, 1829, in the city of Buttenheim, Germany. He
has six siblings and he was the youngest. Growing up in Germany for him was hard
because he was Jewish. When Levi was sixteen, his father passed away from a disease.
This was the time where he moved to America. After a few years, the Gold Rush came
into play. He decided that it would be good opportunity to make a business. So he
moved to California to find some inspiration. In the 1850 s he moved from New York to
California where he opened a shop selling supplies to miners.... Show more content on ...
He was making covers for the 49ers but then he decided to make pants instead. He didn
t think that this would make an impact. It was just one of the normal things that people
sold in the shop. He named the jeans Miners Pant s and that s where everything started.
But people saw it as something different. Miners loved the pants so much it became
super popular. In a matter of time, Strauss was working so hard for everyone to get at
least one pair. Soon he edited his pants once again and started to use blue denim
(Which are pronounced Genes in French but in English it is Jeans ) for his pants. Then
soon in 1872, Jacob Davis, a Nevada Tailor, sent a letter. He requested something that
he couldn t do. Adding rivets or what we know, pockets. Jacob didn t have the money to
complete the patent process so he decided to tell Strauss. And so, the jeans we know and
love were
Short Person To Play Basketball
I was a very short person to play basketball. From the time I started play basketball I
always change the techniques, we were taught to make it easier for me to do. This
resulted in me coming into high school with terrible shooting form. I used my legs way
too much, I shot from my hip, and my elbow was always pointed outwards. My summer
basketballcoach worked with me my whole summer going into my junior year to get
me to bring my elbow in when shooting. This allowed my to get my shot off quicker,
get more power from my upper body, and to be more constant with my shot. It also
allowed me to use less energy each time I had a jump shot. The reason just moving my
elbow in on my shot had such a great effect on all of my mechanics was it allowed
Examples Of Being Extrovert Essay
I am not famous, I am extroverted My friends in school think that I am just a normal
with no life at all. However, outside of school, I have a whole different kind of
personality which is being extroverted.I disagree with my friends in school that I have
no life and have not many friends. In my friends perspective, being extroverted means
being very famous and is the kind of person who stands out from the rest, but for me, it
just means that I can relate to other people by having a kind heart and an open mind.
The word extrovert came from the Latin word extro meaning extra and vertere
meaning turn. Having said this, the real meaning of the word is if the person has an
attitude of being friendly, sociable, and talkative. However, people who are extroverted
have a different approach of the meaning. These people think that people should be
famous to be extroverted. Being famous leads to having more friends. Having more
friends means they have more social life and they feel that they belong with the cool
people. These feeling cool people often... Show more content on ...
Our vice president told us that you should vote me as vice president. So that day, we
voted him as VP. However, we already doubted his capability of leading the class
because of his feeling cool attitude, rude, and boastful attitude. Having officers like this
would not even lead us to nothing. He was a type of person that will just pass out the
fault to other people. He says that its not my fault, it s the class fault. Obviously, this
affects us because we did not do anything then he blames us. There was one time
wherein almost every Chinese class, we would be noisy. When our class advisers knew
about this, he would suspect the people who is very noisy all the time. However, these
are the one that are noisy, even the officers are noisy. Sometimes, the officers or the
leaders cannot admit that they did this because they are afraid to be impeached or
Saving The Israelites Research Paper
Saving the Israelites
In the Book of Genesis, Joseph is utilized by God to save the Israelites which started
due Joseph s boasting habits. His story begins with his ten brothers and himself
working for his father. Joseph had tendencies to share his dreams in which he was
presented as higher than his brothers. As a result, Joseph s angry brothers planned to kill
him, but ends up in slavery due to his brother Rueben trying to save him. Therefore, God
uses Joseph s hardships to allow the Israelites to end up in Egypt.
Shortly after presenting Jacob and his family s background, the Book of Genesis shares a
few of Joseph s dreams and his brothers disliked him even more. As Kruschwitz says, The
brothers reportedly hate him not because ... Show more content on ...
His dreams about his brother s foreshadowed his actual reign of Egypt. God portrayed
this vivid dreams of heiarchy amoungst his family to assure Joseph will be significant
to him.Similarly, God gives him the success he needs to be promoted by Potiphar,
from a Hebrew slave to being in charge of Potiphar s property. Unfortunately, Potiphar s
wife false rape accusation resulted in Potiphar s officials imprisoning innocent Joseph.
Although even during imprisonment, Joseph remains hopeful in God to save him and
attempts to tell the cupbearer to help him get released after he interperts his dream.
Fortunately, Potiphar has a dream that no one can interpret but Joseph, after the
cupbearer remembers him. Joseph explains to Pharaoh the famine that God proclaims
will happen in seven years. Again, God gives Joseph the ability to portray great
leadership skills when Potiphar promotes him to second in command. So, both men
prepare for the famine and sell goods to people all over. During the famine, Jacob sends
Joseph s ten older brothers to Egypt to buy grain. Joseph reunites with his brothers,
though hostile, allows them to bring Israelites to Egypt. Although Joseph was
confrontational towards his brothers, it was more of a lesson rather than a revenge plot.
To demonstrate, Joseph states, But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a
remnant on earth and
How Did Civilization Contribute To The Development Of...
According to, the definition of civilization is an advanced state of human
society, in which a high level of culture,science, industry, and government has been
reached. Around 3500 B.C.E, in between the Tigris and Euphrates River, was where one
of the first civilizations was born. Therefore,this region, also known as Mesopotamia, is
known to most as the cradle of civilizationВ№. Mesopotamia had immense culture and
history created by many people of different religions and ethnic groups. This flourishing
region gave a multitude contributions to literature, law, geography, and technology.
One contribution to the development of civilization by the Mesopotamians were the
crucial innovations they came up with. For instance, during the Paleolithic AgeВІ people
were nomadsВі who hunted and gathered for their food. But, during the Neolithic
RevolutionвЃґ, global population increased and people started realizing that they needed
a more reliable source of food.With repeated experimentation, the future SumeriansвЃµ
started realizing they could domesticate animals and plants to their convenience.
Therefore, with the inventions of pastoralismвЃ¶ and agricultureвЃ·, people started
settling down. The creation of these two concepts was like planting the seeds of
civilization.Slowly, people invented more technology that improved the standard of
living of humans, and this also furthered the development of civilization. For example, in
the fictional story Nurishtar Invents the Ard a
Integration Of Wireless Lan And Wide Area Network
4G is the integration of wireless LAN and Wide Area Network providing 100MHz for
mobile and 1GHz for stationary devices. It uses packet switching networking and is
based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access (OFDMA) technology.
Wireless LANs soon will begin multiplying or more in throughput and range if a smart
antenna technology named MIMOworks out as its benefactors foresee.
The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Evolved Universal Terrestial Radio
Access (E UTRA) Long Term Evolution (LTE) principles are a piece of 3G
advancements. Multi input,multi output (MIMO) has turned into a key innovation to
enhance communication over a wireless channel. With constrained spectrum, MIMO
procedures attain to least target cell spectral proficiency, peak spectral effectiveness and
cell edge client spectral efficiency which are the base necessities indicated by the ITU.
4G allows IP based voice, information and streaming multimedia at higher speeds and
offers no less than 100 Mbit/s with high versatility and up to 1GBit/s with low
portability (traveling). Various advancements thought to be 4G measures incorporate
Long Term Evolution (LTE), Ultra Mobile Broadband (UMB) and the IEEE 802.16
(WiMax) standard. At the point when utilized as a part of MIMO frameworks it would
have the capacity to give high information rate up to 100Mbps furthermore give QoS and
Security administrations to end clients. The 4G goal is to meet difficulties displayed by
the perpetually
Relationship Between Tally And Peris
This quote reminded me of an eager teenager who is foolish enough to do anything to
catch her crush s attention. Peris, being Tally s best friend, catches her awareness after
he becomes a pretty. The way Tally describes Peris, from his sparkling green eyes to
his flawless skin makes it crystal clear that Peris has her heart. When I got the clue
Tally had a crush on him, I became furious. All their life, from childhood to teenage
years, Tally and Peris were close friends. Therefore, they always had a chance to step up
their relationship, but even then Tally showed no interest. Then, boom! Once Peris goes
through a procedure that changes everything about the way he looks, to meet their
societal standards to be pretty , Tally has her heart taken.
Incident Command System
Incident command system is system that control and coordinate the response to an
incident, and it designed to make the incident management effective and efficient. And it
based on a number of important principles, and I am going to talk about the way that it
can be effective in an incident response either individually or collectively. And I I am
going to talk about three of them, I will start with

1 A unified command structure put multiple agencies with different geographical area
and different legal in a disastrous event and they share information and responsibilities.

First of all the Importance of unified command structure if it works collectively and
individually it will reduce or even eliminate the effort. If all the agencies work ... Show
more content on ...
And without it a lot of problems and misunderstanding can happen and it will negatively
affect the entire incident management process and in order to avoid these issues the
common terminology has become one of the most important principles of the incident
management system.

Common terminology is very specific and every disastrous event has his own name and
classification. Common Terminology can reduce generalities and misunderstand when
used properly.

Common terminology can reduce the language barriers and it will allow for individuals
from a variety of countries to work together and communicate with each other during an
incident. For example during Kashmir earthquake in 2005 the country had to recourse to
international help, and a lot of countries responded and they have sent resources,
equipment, supplies and professionals to help in the disaster management. the
professionals were from multiple countries and they speak multiple language and here we
can see the importance of the common terminology by helping them to work together and
to communicate to each other
Essay On The Use Of Monitoring Techniques Used In The...
Khanh Huynh
Marcia Leath
ENGL 735
The Use of Monitoring Devices at the Workplace
For the past decade, many companies have changed their way of using modern
technologies. Therefore, it has resulted in newer strategies to manage employees at the
workplace. The increased usage of surveillance and monitoring have caused concerns for
both employees and employers. These technologies should not be allowed at the
workplace because it can create poor working environment and violates ... Show more
content on ...
Personal information and important data like bank accounts and e mails are vulnerable
with monitoring devices placed everywhere.
Another reason is the stress monitoring employees in the workplace can cause. More
than 12 million people are monitored by electronic surveillance at work causing a sharp
rise in stress levels, according to a survey by the Policy Studies Institute (PSI). Moreover,
overly intrusive monitoring could decrease productivity and potentially cause exhaustion
and feelings of anxiety. The Security Director s Report adds that surveillance can
undermine morale and cause employees to resent management. It can foster discord and
instead of bridging the existing gaps between management and their employees,
surveillance activities may bring in more skepticisms and gaps.
But some people argue that putting such devices in offices will increase the
performance of employees. For example, employees can be distracted by websites that
are non work related. According to a Nielson Media Research study, employees
allegedly logged into outlets such as gaming websites and social media networks like
Facebook or Twitter. Any kind of viruses or malware could severely disrupt a business s
day to day activities; this could become detrimental to productivity and have a knock on
effect on profits. By monitoring employee internet use and ensuring only business surfing
is carried out this
Sexual Risk Taking
The main focus of this article was to study sexual risk taking, and the factors that
influence it among college students. They hypothesized that sexual risk taking would
be positively associated with participants alcohol use, drug use, sensation seeking and
sexual excitation, and negatively associated with conscientiousness, agreeableness,
and sexual inhibition. As all researchers do, these psychologists based their hypotheses
on previous research that was done about the same topic. For example, in 2002 Cooper
did a study on substance use and risky sexual practices. The hypothesis was based on a
study done in 2007 by Zuckerman about sensation seeking and sexual risk behaviors, as
well as a study conducted by Hoyle et al. in 2000 about the Five Factor... Show more
content on ...
The results differed a little bit between the men and the women. Across previous
research and including this current study it was found that alcohol and drug use were
related to sexual risk behavior. These were the only two variables that seemed
consistent for both sexes. For men, higher extraversion and lower agreeableness
seemed to predict risky sexual behavior. For women it was higher sexual excitation
and lower sexual inhibition that led to risky sexual behavior. They also looked at the
Big Five personality traits but they found that they were not predictive of risky sexual
behavior like some were in men. Their findings were consistent with the previous
literature that is already published. It found that social desirability was related to risky
sexual behavior in women, and the threat of sexual disclosure was related to risky
sexual behavior in men. This was something that this study added to the literature out
there. This study is hard to make predictions off of because it is only correlational, but it
does give people insight to the type of people who are more likely to engage in risky
The Literary Genre Of 2 Peter
The literary genre of 2 Peter is an epistle written to the main personalities, an implied
group of believers in Asia Minor and other places around that region. The author is the
Apostle Peter a dedicated servant and disciple of Jesus. The date that the letter was
written has some controversy, however, in his correspondence Peter mentions that his
life is coming to an end, and Peter was martyred for his faith in Rome about A.D. 64
67. Therefore, establishing the date of Peter s second letter within that time frame.
Peter wrote out of love to defend and protect the immutable word of God. The letters
main purpose was to warn fellow devotees about false teachers that would try to enter
their churches and mislead them in their faith. Peter goes on to explain the false
teachers can be recognized by their prideful behavior, their love of money, and
disrespect to God. (Life Application Study Bible 1507,1918) Peter uses instances from
the past, such as Sodom and Gomorrah and the great flood to stress the judgment and
punishment that will come to unbelievers who reject God. The apostle also warns that
there will be those that will mock God and dismiss the second coming of Christ. He
advises the believers to have confidence in the promises, prophecies, and principles given
through God s inspired word. (Hindson, Towns) Peter cautions God will return without
warning and find individuals unwary. However, Peter reasons that God is patient and
delays His return for unbelievers, not
Native Americans And The European Exploration Of North...
The Europeans did a lot of exploring of North America, before and after Columbus.
They had some issues during their exploration, many of those issues came from the
Native Americans and how they would deal with them. Professor McDonald, who is a
History teacher, stated that, The Europeans believed that the earth was here to exploit
and profit from, and the Indians saw the earth as sacred place. With these two major
differences in ideology, conflict was inevitable. Now some of the major groups of
Europeans that explored North America were the Vikings, the Spanish, the French, and
the English; however, each group had a different approach on how they treated with the
Native Americans during their exploration, and that treatment still has a resounding
effect all Americans today.
Let us start with the Viking, who came to America well before Columbus ever traveled
over here. Originally stated in The Norse Tales , told stories about the Vikings and their
explorations of North America, however those stories were not prove true until some
archaeologists discovered the L Anse aux Meadows site in the northern tip of
Newfoundland, which is somewhere in the Northwestern part of Canada (Wilkins). The
site dates back about 1000 years, and the remains of 8 buildings still survive today. The
structures and artifacts found at the site had definitive similarities to those of known at
other Viking sites, like the ones in Iceland and Greenland. Now in these tales of the
Viking there was some
What Are The Effects Of House Prices In Canrarmala
Housing House sales in toronto hiked in august as listings declined In august 9813
properties were sold , up 23.5 per cent from same month last year. Active listings
sinked to 9,949 in August , down 37.8 per cent from a year earlier Industry experts are
concerned the 15 per cent tax on foreign buyers in vancouver could have an effect on
toronto but say it s too soon to assume any consequences According to Bank of
Montreal chief economist Douglas Porter foreign investment has a part in the hot
Toronto housing market. Overall sales have surged by 13 per cent over the past year The
average number of days for a property to sell has decreased to 18 days from 23 days over
the past year. Toronto Dominion Bank economist Diana Petramala... Show more content
on ...
City staff are also exploring other park options which might be cheaper The least
expensive will be south of Front St 1.4 acre park would cost an estimated $16.4
million to build If council accepts the park a work plan would be ready by the end
2017 Experts warn due to climate change Toronto could have more storms such as the
rain storm on july 8 2013 when a month of rain fell in one month overfilling toronto
sewer system or the ice storm before christmas that took out power lines and branches.
University of Waterloo environmental sciences professor Blair Feltmate said its the
taste of the future According to Blair Feltmate due to climate change Toronto will have
hotter, wetter and wilder weather patterns He believes we should be looking at
prevention instead of waiting for a disaster to happen then reacting The city of toronto is
adapting to changing weather climates by : Expanding the storm sewer system capacity
to avoid flooding. Creating storage above and below ground for storm water. Providing
subsidies to homeowners to install basement sump pumps and valves to stop sewers from
backing up. trimming tree branches that are close to power lines. environmentalist
Gabriella Kalapos believes the city should handle
Difference Between American Dream And Declaration Of...
American Dream: the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to
every American. In the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers announced
that all Men are created equal (Jefferson) yet in society there is a presence of inequality
and injustice in the social hierarchy. As the draftsman of the Declaration of Independence
and one of the four Founding Fathers of the United States, Jefferson dreamt of a land of
equality and righteousness amongst the citizen of America. Whereas Martin Luther King
Jr. visioned a unity between two opposing races; African Americans and the whites. The
difference between these two past leaders were their time and environmental differences
as well as each man s ideology on the American... Show more content on
Hillary Clinton, who is the first woman selected to become the presidential nominee of
a major political party. Hillary Clinton perspective to mainstream society is both of an
insider and outsider. Clinton has a high status in the terms of social class and political
influence; however, she faces limitations posed by her gender. The limitation is often
due to the male dominance in America s society, which can hinder the actions and
words of a woman. She believes that the American Dream is big enough for everyone
to share in its promises and that if one is willing to work do their part in society, they
are able to attain a successful future. Hillary is often described as a listener by her co
workers for she travels to numerous states to listen to the issues of the people and act
upon it to resolve the situation. Hillary s vision of the American Dream coincides with
King s due to the similarity of purpose; both advocating for equality and justice for
minorities. As King advocated for African Americans, Hillary advocates for the entirety
of the minority as well as women s rights and equality in society. In contrast, the
Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential elections has addressed an ideology of the
American Dream that opposes the vision of Jefferson, King, and Clinton. Trump states
that the American Dream is dead. His American Dream focuses on
Little Mama Research Paper
Throughout the years, I have had many nicknames. My very first one was Ladybug.
My mom gave me this nickname. My second was Little Mama. My dad called me this.
As I have grown older, my friends call me Ren. I think that my nicknames have shaped
the person that I have grown into today and I would like to share with you how they
have done this.
I am unsure about where my mother got the nickname Ladybug, but I believe that she
chose that name simply because she wanted me always be a lady. I ve always had
high expectation placed upon my shoulders since I was little. I think this is part of the
reason why I have always done well in school and have always been nice and
respectful to others. My mother taught me how to be independent at a young age. I am
grateful for this because it has helped me prosper in school and also in my social life.
My mother also gave me my first set of principles, which I still follow to this day.
Acceptance, being forgiving, and always putting in my best effort are just a few of the
principles that she gave me. These principles helped me become the person I am.
Little Mama ... Show more content on ...
My dad has always been the person I could talk to about things, now more than ever. I
think of this name in two different ways. The Little part describes how quiet and
observant I am and the Mama part describes my caring and strong personality. Over the
years, my dad has instilled a very strong work ethic in me. He makes me want to work
harder and harder everyday to achieve my goals. When I am unsure of something, he
gives me security and helps me make the right decisions. However, the most important
thing that my dad has given me is my morals. Of course, both parents teach you right
from wrong, but my dad went a step further by helping me understand the underlying
purpose of having morals and I could never thank him
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva is a Disorder of the...
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is a disorder in which muscle tissue and
connective tissue such as tendons and ligaments are gradually replaced by bone, forming
bone outside the skeleton (extra skeletal or heterotopic bone) that constrains movement.
It usually becomes evident during early childhood, always starting with the neck and
shoulders and proceeding down the body into the limbs.
FOP affects 1 in 2 million people with no ethnic, racial or gender patterns. There are 800
known cases across the globe with only 285 confirmed cases in the United States.
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is caused by the genetic mutation of a Bone
Morphogenic Protein (BMP). BMPs are proteins and are important for the formation of
bone and the reconstruction of fractures, and are tied to a receptor called activin
receptor type IA (ACVR1). This receptor has been traced back to chromosome 2q23 24.
(papers), 2012)
This refers to chromosome number 2 between the bands 2q23 and 2q24, as illustrated
in the diagram below. Knowledge about this disease can help to develop a cure.
(papers), 2012) Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva is usually diagnosed when a
child is around ten years old and this disease is usually misdiagnosed as malignancy,
aggressive juvenile fibromatosis and desmoids tumours. When a patient has surgery to
remove the bone from his/her body, the body repairs the area by producing more bone,
this happens because BMPs are affected by the disease. Therefore
How Hardware And Software Is Necessary
What Hardware and Software is needed to create and edit graphical images.
Monitor Visually Displaying the image on Screen, they come in a very of different sizes
and resolutions. The monitor is an output device where is receives information from the
computer to display the image on the screen in the form of pixels. This data usually
comes from the Graphics Card or the integrated graphics within the processor outputted
by the motherboard. This connects to the computer either via HMDI, VGA, DVI or
Graphics Card display the data on the screen. These consist of small pixels but many
millions of them. So the graphics card is a translator and takes binary data from the
CPU and turns it into a picture you can see on the monitor. Unless there is an
integrated GPU built in with the motherboard then this replaces it. It s connected to
the motherboard by slotting in the PCI slot which is shown with the arrow. Also there
is a power cable which is connected to it from the PSU and a cable to connect to the
monitor (VGA, HDMI and DVI). It is required in order to reduce the power output from
the CPU needed to display the image. This allows the CPU to perform other background
tasks whilst the GPU can deal with displaying the Graphical data.
Graphics Tablet Easing the ability to create, edit images, it s an Alternative from using a
Hard Drive A hard drive is similar to RAM however its stores data permanently rather
than temporarily. This is stored
Maximum Phonational Frequency Range Case Studies
Maximum Phonational Frequency Range (MPFR) is described as the maximum range of
phonation between a client s lowest modal/chest register tone and highest loft tone
/falsetto register. The MPFR is typically determined by using a pitch matching
procedure. Ms. Noid will be instructed to sustain a vowel (i.e. /a/) matching the pitch of a
presented tone (i.e. sine wave). She will start phonation at a comfortable frequencylevel,
and will incrementally increase her frequency range production, until she can no longer
sustain phonation. Then, Ms. Noid will be instructed to incrementally decrease her
frequency range until her modal phonation can no longer be sustained.
The rationale for using an MPFR measure is to explore the physical condition of the
phonatory mechanism. Furthermore, it is a way to quantify the client s frequency
variability, measured through an entire range of frequencies (i.e. highest to lowest),
which are produced with maximal effort.
... Show more content on ...
Ms. Noid will have a constrained phonational frequency range of approximately 1 2
octaves, reflecting a physiological limitation and impaired vocal mechanism, due to a
unilateral vocal fold paralysis. She will be unable to transition between low to high
frequency ranges, and exhibit a vocal quality characterized as breathy and hoarse.

3.Frequency Perturbation (jitter) is an indicator of the stability of phonation. It is a

measurement of cycle to cycle variability in fundamental frequency. Typically, results are
acquired from a three second mid segment sample of a sustained phonation task, avoiding
phonatory onset and offset. Fundamental frequency and intensity values should be
specified since they vary, affecting the Frequency Perturbation (jitter) values.
The rationale for measuring jitter is that it provides objective measures for distinguishing
a normal from a disordered voice, and estimates vocal
Mesopotamia Compare And Contrast Essay
Two of the biggest and most powerful societies of the ancient world consististed of the
Sumerians in Mesopotamia and the Hittites. Mesopotamia was first in many areas
including the inventions of many technologies such as writing and complex irrigation
systems. Mesopotamia was also located in a central location that allowed it to interact
with other cultures at the time, furthering its growth. The Hittites were also one of the
most powerful civilizations of the time, dominating through their use of chariots.
Looking at both the Hittites and Mesopotamiawe can get an understanding of how
political power and legal authority was formed and exercised during the Bronze Age.
The first example can be found in The Sumerian King List used by the Sumerians lays
out how their kingship had descended and passed on from one king to another. The list
starts out by saying, After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in
Eridu (SKL 4). This means that the ancient Sumerians believed that before there was a
human ruler the gods in heaven ruled over the land. This means they also believed that
the first king was chosen by the gods to be the ruler, and thus legal authority was a holy
affair. Another example of the heaven s involvement is, After the Flood had swept over,
and the kingship had descended from heaven, the kingship was in KiЕЎ (SKL 24 25).
This piece of the list indicates that since that man could not pass the kingship themselves,
the heavens had to step in
Architectural Engineering
There are 25 major specialties in engineering that are recognized by professional
societies. In any one of those 25 specialties, the goal of the engineer is the same. The
goal is to be able to come up with a cost effective design that aids people in the tasks
they face each day. Whether it be the coffee machine in the morning or the roads and
highways we travel, or even the cars we travel in, it was all an idea that started with an
engineer. Someone engineered each idea to make it the best solution to a problem. Even
though engineer s goals are similar, there are many different things that engineers do
within their selected field of engineering. This paper will focus on the architectural field
of engineering. Like all engineers,... Show more content on ...
Some employers regard technology program graduates as having skills between those
of a technician and an engineer. Bachelor s degree programs in architectural
engineering are typically designed to last 4 years, but many students find that it takes
between 4 and 5 years to complete their studies. In a typical 4 year college curriculum,
the first 2 years are spent studying mathematics, basic sciences, introductory
engineering, humanities, and social sciences. In the last 2 years, most courses deal
with the aspects of engineering, with a concentration in architectural engineering.
Some programs offer a general engineering curriculum; students then specialize in
graduate school or on the job. Some engineering schools and 2 year colleges have
agreements whereby the 2 year college provides the initial engineering education; and
the engineering school automatically admits students for their last 2 years. In addition,
a few engineering schools have arrangements, whereby a student spends 3 years in a
liberal arts college studying pre engineering subjects and 2 years in an engineering
school studying core subjects, and then receives a bachelor s degree from each school.
Some colleges and universities offer 5 year master s degree programs. Some 5 or even 6
year cooperative plans combine classroom study and practical work, permitting students
to gain valuable experience and finance part of their education. Beginning architectural
Community In The Giver
In The Giver Quartet, written by Louis Lowry each book has it s own utopia or perfect
world. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines utopia as an imaginary place in which
the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect. Each of the four books in the
quartet is perfect in their eyes, but in others eyes it is flawed. For example, in The
Giver the government suppresses individuality but, in Messenger the people of the
village celebrate their differences. In The Giver Louis Lowry created a perfect world
so different from our world today. Each member of the community has their place and
they are not to stray from it. The story follows an eleven named Jonas as he becomes a
twelve and gets his job assignment. At Jonas s ceremony of the twelves... Show more
content on ...
Matty lives with seer, also known as Kira s father, who is blind. He is the messenger
for the village. The village decided to stop letting new people into the village. Seer
wants Kira to come to live in the village with him and Matty so, Matty goes through
the forest to find Kira. On their way back the forest attacked them and kept attacking
until they were almost dead, but Matty used his power to heal the village and take all
the evil away. Right before he died Jonas gave him his true name, Healer. The village
is made up of imperfect people, they have all have a bad history or they are injured.
My Utopia is where it is always warm and sunny. There would be beaches all over. The
school would be all year around nine weeks in school then three weeks on break.
Kindergarten through Senior year in high school would be mandatory while higher
education was optional, but cheaper than it is now. The government would be how The
United States of America is run, except the electoral college because that is
The Road Monologue
Every fool and child knows that crossroads are magical places. Places where one might
encounter things not easily found elsewhere. Where the desperate might cut a deal with a
demon, and where the world weary might find themselves crossing into another place or
time. Every fool and child knows these things, but sometimes the wise forget them.

The crossroads in question did not look like a crossroads to most who saw it. It looked
like a simple dirt path, bisecting a field full of long grass that waved in the wind, the
Earth s flowing green hair. On the path, at a seemingly random spot, there was a little
town. But the townspeople could see the other half of the crossroads, as could the few
who traveled upon it.

The dirt path led from nowhere to nowhere, and the other road, which was made of
something far less substantial than earth, led to just about any destination one could
think of. And an inn had sprung up where the two roads met, as inns are wont to do.
Later, a little town had built itself around the inn. The town was just like any other
town, and the inn like any other. Horses brayed in their stables. Fields of crops grew.
But if you were observant, and you walked along the wheat, you would notice
something strange about it. It was. . . Wispy, almost. Shimmering. Almost like it was
not quite real enough, or perhaps a bit too real. And if one walked through the horses
stables, or among the cows in the field, one would see a fierce, wild intelligence in the
animals eyes. ... Show more content on ...
And beside the hearth in its cozy taproom sat a man. This was true in a general sense,
though the man often traveled around the town. But no matter where he was, if someone
were to call on him, or even just walk into the Inn at an unexpected hour, they would
always find him there, sitting by the
Traveling throguh the Dark by William Stafford
Traveling through the Dark by William Stafford is essentially a short poem that was
written based on personal experience. The poem starts out with an unnamed, anonymous
character which is also the narrator of the poem as he tells of a haunting but sad
memory in first person. The story begins by telling of how a cautious traveler in the
night comes across a dying deerbut with an unborn child waiting to be born. What the
traveler chooses to do with the deer and her child is a conflict that will decide their
fate. The poem is a sentimental poem that is both a memory from the past and a lesson
of morals by Stafford that draws the reader in and makes them ponder; what would I do
if I were in this situation? Being written in first person, Stafford puts the reader into the
traveler s position and by this, the reader can experience what is happening as if it were
them in the situation.
The short poem begins with a traveler driving along a narrow road by the Wilson River
in Oregon, United States. He stumbles upon a dead doe on the road and with good
intentions, tries to move it out of the way for safe travel of future drivers. He realises
that the doe is pregnant with an unborn child and this is where the traveler comes into
internal conflict with himself. He hesitates with the choices of helping other drivers by
tossing the doe with an unborn fawn into the water or saving it as if he knew how to. In
the end, the traveler does not save the doe and tosses it into the river.
Continual Kidney Disease
Continual kidney disease isn t curable, but like lots of other healthcare problems, the
signs could be controlled and treated. In case you treat kidney disease and keep an eye
on it constantly, you are going to improve the life of the kidneys. Continue reading to
learn how to treat kidney disease.

Women and men with kidney disease troubles have to take the painful undeniable fact
that it is not curable. Nonetheless, like plenty of other medical troubles, the symptoms
can be managed and dealt with. You may have the option to enhance your kidney s life
by managing your kidney disease and checking it continuously. The following are a
handful of methods on what to treat kidney disease.

Retain your blood pressure level under control. Take into consideration that the blood
pressure stays below 130/80. Your health care provider ... Show more content on ...
It really is since salt and sodium prosperous foods can improve your blood pressure
level that will sooner or later guide to kidney issues. The quantity of potassium in your
diet also need to be constrained. Diseased kidneys can have a hard time processing it and
doing away with excess quantities from the blood.

Kidney dialysis is one in the most typical methods on what to treat kidney disease. Your
doctor might recommend you to bear a kidney dialysis treatment which is a method that
filters waste merchandise coming from a blood by making use of a machine. This
method requires about three to four hrs and it is done several occasions in per week.

Developing kidney failure signifies you ve got some decisions to make about your
remedy. You may choose to forgo remedy. In the event you choose to receive remedy,
your options contain hemodialysis, which needs a machine utilized to filter your blood
outside your body; peritoneal dialysis, which employs the lining of the stomach to filter
your blood within the body; and kidney transplantation, in which a new kidney is placed
in your

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