Sa 333
Sa 333
Sa 333
(Identical with ASTM Specification A 333/A 333M-99 except for the deletion of 12.2 that conflicts with 15, and the editorial ad- 01
dition of 2.2 to the Referenced Documents section, and editorial differences in 15.6.1 and 16.1.) A03
SA-333/SA-333M 2001 SECTION II
3.1.8 Test report required (Certification Section of case less than 15 min; quench by immersion in circulat-
Specification A 530/A 530M), ing water. Reheat until the pipe attains a uniform
temperature within the range from 1050 to 1125°F [565
3.1.9 Specification designation, and
to 605°C]; hold at this temperature for a minimum
3.1.10 Special requirements or exceptions to this time in the ratio of 1 h/in. [2 min/mm] of thickness,
specification. but in no case less than 15 min; cool in air or water
quench at a rate no less than 300°F [165°C]/h.
listed for the ordered grade in Table 1 is not permitted. 8.2 For Grade 8 each of the notched bar impact
However, the addition of elements required for the specimens shall display a lateral expansion opposite
deoxidation of the steel is permitted. the notch of not less than 0.015 in. [0.38 mm].
8.2.1 When the average lateral expansion value
for the three impact specimens equals or exceeds 0.015
6. Product Analysis in. [0.38 mm] and the value for one specimen is below
6.1 At the request of the purchaser, an analysis of 0.015 in. [0.38 mm] but not below 0.010 in. [0.25
one billet or two samples of flat-rolled stock from each mm], a retest of three additional specimens may be
heat or of two pipes from each lot shall be made by made. The lateral expansion of each of the retest
the manufacturer. A lot of pipe shall consist of the specimens must equal or exceed 0.015 in. [0.38 mm].
following: 8.2.2 Lateral expansion values shall be determined
NPS Designator Length of Pipe in Lot by the procedure in Test Methods and Definitions A 370.
Under 2 400 or fraction thereof 8.2.3 The values of absorbed energy in foot-pounds
2 to 6 200 or fraction thereof
Over 6 100 or fraction thereof
and the fracture appearance in percentage shear shall
be recorded for information. A record of these values
6.2 The results of these analyses shall be reported shall be retained for a period of at least 2 years.
to the purchaser or the purchaser’s representative and
shall conform to the requirements specified.
6.3 If the analysis of one of the tests specified in 9. Lengths
6.1 does not conform to the requirements specified, an 9.1 If definite lengths are not required, pipe may be
analysis of each billet or pipe from the same heat or ordered in single random lengths of 16 to 22 ft (Note
lot may be made, and all billets or pipe conforming 3) with 5% 12 to 16 ft (Note 4), or in double random
to the requirements shall be accepted. lengths with a minimum average of 35 ft (Note 4) and
a minimum length of 22 ft (Note 4) with 5% 16 to
22 ft (Note 3).
7. Tensile Requirements
NOTE 3 — This value(s) applies when the inch-pound designation
7.1 The material shall conform to the requirements of this specification is the basis of purchase. When the “M” desig-
nation of this specification is the basis of purchase, the corresponding
as to tensile properties prescribed in Table 3. metric value(s) shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and
8. Impact Requirements
10. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
8.1 For Grades 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10, the notched-
bar impact properties of each set of three impact 10.1 The pipe manufacturer shall explore a sufficient
specimens, including specimens for the welded joint number of visual surface imperfections to provide rea-
in welded pipe with wall thicknesses of 0.120 in. sonable assurance that they have been properly evaluated
[3 mm] and larger, when tested at temperatures in with respect to depth. Exploration of all surface imper-
conformance with 14.1 shall be not less than the values fections is not required but may be necessary to assure
prescribed in Table 4. The impact test is not required compliance with 10.2.
for Grade 11.
10.2 Surface imperfections that penetrate more than
8.1.1 If the impact value of one specimen is 121⁄2% of the nominal wall thickness or encroach on
below the minimum value, or the impact values of two the minimum wall thickness shall be considered defects.
specimens are less than the minimum average value Pipe with such defects shall be given one of the
but not below the minimum value permitted on a single following dispositions:
specimen, a retest shall be allowed. The retest shall
10.2.1 The defect may be removed by grinding
consist of breaking three additional specimens and each
provided that the remaining wall thickness is within
specimen must equal or exceed the required average
specified limits.
value. When an erratic result is caused by a defective
specimen, or there is uncertainty in test procedures, a 10.2.2 Repaired in accordance with the repair
retest will be allowed. welding provisions of 10.5.
SA-333/SA-333M 2001 SECTION II
10.2.3 The section of pipe containing the defect process, tests shall be made on a sufficient number of
may be cut off within the limits of requirements on pipe to constitute 5% of the lot, but in no case less
length. than 2 pipes.
10.2.4 The defective pipe may be rejected. NOTE 4 — The term “lot” applies to all pipe of the same nominal
size and wall thickness (or schedule) which is produced from the
10.3 To provide a workmanlike finish and basis for same heat of steel and subjected to the same finishing treatment in
evaluating conformance with 10.2, the pipe manufac- a continuous furnace. When final heat treatment is in a batch-type
furnace, the lot shall include only that pipe which is heat treated
turer shall remove by grinding the following: in the same furnace charge.
10.3.1 Mechanical marks, abrasions and pits, any
of which imperfections are deeper than 1⁄16 in. [1.6
mm], and 12.3 Impact Test — One notched bar impact test,
consisting of breaking three specimens, shall be made
10.3.2 Visual imperfections commonly referred to
as scabs, seams, laps, tears, or slivers found by explora- from each heat represented in a heat-treatment load on
tion in accordance with 10.1 to be deeper than 5% of specimens taken from the finished pipe. This test shall
the nominal wall thickness. represent only pipe from the same heat and the same
heat-treatment load, the wall thicknesses of which do
10.4 At the purchaser’s discretion, pipe shall be not exceed by more than 1⁄4 in. [6.3 mm] the wall
subject to rejection if surface imperfections acceptable thicknesses of the pipe from which the test specimens
under 10.2 are not scattered, but appear over a large are taken. If heat treatment is performed in continuous
area in excess of what is considered a workmanlike or batch-type furnaces controlled within a 50°F [30°C]
finish. Disposition of such pipe shall be a matter of range and equipped with recording pyrometers so that
agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser. complete records of heat treatment are available, then
10.5 When imperfections or defects are removed by one test from each heat in a continuous run only shall
grinding, a smooth curved surface shall be maintained, be required instead of one test from each heat in each
and the wall thickness shall not be decreased below heat-treatment load.
that permitted by this specification. The outside diameter
12.4 Impact Tests (Welded Pipe) — On welded pipe,
at the point of grinding may be reduced by the amount
additional impact tests of the same number as required
so removed.
in 12.2 or 12.3 shall be made to test the weld.
10.5.1 Wall thickness measurements shall be made
12.5 Specimens showing defects while being ma-
with a mechanical caliper or with a properly calibrated
chined or prior to testing may be discarded and replace-
nondestructive testing device of appropriate accuracy.
In case of dispute, the measurement determined by use ments shall be considered as original specimens.
of the mechanical caliper shall govern. 12.6 Results obtained from these tests shall be re-
10.6 Weld repair shall be permitted only subject to ported to the purchaser or his representative.
the approval of the purchaser and in accordance with
Specification A 530/A 530M.
13. Specimens for Impact Test
10.7 The finished pipe shall be reasonably straight.
13.1 Notched bar impact specimens shall be of the
simple beam, Charpy-type, in accordance with Test
11. General Requirements Methods E 23, Type A with a V notch. Standard
11.1 Material furnished to this specification shall specimens 10 by 10 mm in cross section shall be
conform to the applicable requirements of the current used unless the material to be tested is of insufficient
edition of Specification A 530/A 530M unless otherwise thickness, in which case the largest obtainable subsize
provided herein. specimens shall be used. Charpy specimens of width
along the notch larger than 0.394 in. [10 mm] or
smaller than 0.099 in. [2.5 mm] are not provided for
12. Mechanical Required in this specification.
12.1 Transverse or Longitudinal Tensile Test and 13.2 Test specimens shall be obtained so that the
Flattening Test — For material heat treated in a batch- longitudinal axis of the specimen is parallel to the
type furnace, tests shall be made on 5% of the pipe longitudinal axis of the pipe while the axis of the
from each lot. When heat treated by the continuous notch shall be perpendicular to the surface. On wall
thicknesses of 1 in. [25 mm] or less, the specimens shall be quickly transferred from the cooling device to
shall be obtained with their axial plane located at the the anvil of the Charpy impact testing machine and
midpoint; on wall thicknesses over 1 in. [25 mm], the broken with a time lapse of not more than 5 s.
specimens shall be obtained with their axial plane
located 1⁄2 in. [12.5 mm] from the outer surface.
13.3 When testing welds the specimen shall be, 15. Hydrostatic or Nondestructive Electric Test
whenever diameter and thickness permit, transverse to 15.1 Each pipe shall be subjected to the nondestruc-
the longitudinal axis of the pipe with the notch of the tive electric test or the hydrostatic test. The type of
specimen in the welded joint and perpendicular to the test to be used shall be at the option of the manufacturer,
surface. When diameter and thickness do not permit unless otherwise specified in the purchase order.
obtaining transverse specimens, longitudinal specimens
in accordance with 13.2 shall be obtained; the bottom 15.2 The hydrostatic test shall be in accordance with
of the notch shall be located at the weld joint. Specification A 530/A 530M.
15.3 Nondestructive Electric Test: Nondestructive
electric tests shall be in accordance with Practice E
14. Impact Test
213 or E 309. Unless specifically called out in the
14.1 Except when the size of the finished pipe is purchase order, the selection of the nondestructive
insufficient to permit obtaining subsize impact speci- electric test will be at the option of the manufacturer.
mens, all material furnished to this specification and The range of pipe sizes that may be examined by each
marked in accordance with Section 16 shall be tested method shall be subject to the limitations in the scope
for impact resistance at the minimum temperature for of the respective practices.
the respective grades as shown in Table 5.
15.3.1 The following information is for the benefit
14.1.1 Special impact tests on individual lots of of the user of this specification.
material may be made at other temperatures as agreed
upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. 15.3.2 The reference standards defined in 15.3,
15.3.4, and 15.9 are convenient standards for calibration
14.1.2 When subsize Charpy impact specimens are of nondestructive testing equipment. The dimensions
used and the width along the notch is less than 80% of these standards should not be construed as the
of the actual wall thickness of the original material, minimum size imperfection detectable by such
the specified Charpy impact test temperature for Grades equipment.
1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10 shall be lower than the minimum
temperature shown in Table 5 for the respective grade. 15.3.3 The ultrasonic testing (UT) can be performed
Under these circumstances the temperature reduction to detect both longitudinally and circumferentially ori-
values shall be by an amount equal to the difference ented defects. It should be recognized that different
(as shown in Table 6) between the temperature reduction techniques should be employed to detect differently
corresponding to the actual material thickness and the oriented imperfections. The examination may not detect
temperature reduction corresponding to the Charpy spec- short, deep, defects.
imen width actually tested. Appendix XI shows some 15.3.4 The eddy-current testing (ET) referenced
examples of how the temperature reductions are deter- in this specification (Practice E 309), has the capability
mined. of detecting significant discontinuities, especially the
14.2 The notched bar impact test shall be made in short, abrupt type.
accordance with the procedure for the simple beam, 15.3.5 A purchaser interested in ascertaining the
Charpy-type test of Methods E 23. nature (type, size, location, and orientation) of disconti-
14.3 Impact tests specified for temperatures lower nuities that can be detected in the specific application
than 70°F [20°C] should be made with the following of these examinations should discuss this with the
precautions. The impact test specimens as well as the manufacturer of the tubular product.
handling tongs shall be cooled a sufficient time in a
15.4 Time of Examination:
suitable container so that both reach the desired tempera-
ture. The temperature shall be measured with thermocou- 15.4.1 Nondestructive testing for specification ac-
ples, thermometers, or any other suitable devices and ceptance shall be performed after all mechanical pro-
shall be controlled within 3°F [2°C]. The specimens cessing, heat treatments, and straightening operations.
SA-333/SA-333M 2001 SECTION II
This requirement does not preclude additional testing grade, size (NPS, or outside diameter and schedule or
at earlier stages in the processing. wall thickness), surface finish and heat treatment condi-
tion as the pipe to be examined.
15.5 Surface Condition:
15.9.2 For Ultrasonic Testing, the reference ID and
15.5.1 All surfaces shall be free of scale, dirt,
OD notches shall be any one of the three common
grease, paint, or other foreign material that could inter-
notch shapes shown in Practice E 213, at the option
fere with interpretation of test results. The methods
of the manufacturer. The depth of each notch shall not
used for cleaning and preparing the surfaces for exami-
exceed 121⁄2% of the specified nominal wall thickness
nation shall be detrimental to the base metal or the
of the pipe or 0.004 in., whichever is greater. The
surface finish.
width of the notch shall not exceed twice the depth.
15.5.2 Excessive surface roughness or deep Notches shall be placed on both the OD and ID surfaces.
scratches can produce signals that interfere with the test.
15.9.3 For Eddy-Current Testing, the reference
15.6 Extent of Examination: standard shall contain, at the option of the manufacturer,
any one of the following discontinuities:
15.6.1 The relative motion of the pipe and the
(a) Drilled Hole — The reference standard shall
transducer(s), coil(s), or sensor(s) shall be such that
contain three or more holes, equally spaced circumferen-
the entire pipe surface is scanned.
tially around the pipe and longitudinally separated by
15.6.2 The existence of end effects is recognized, a sufficient distance to allow distinct identification of
and the extent of such effects shall be determined by the signal from each hole. The holes shall be drilled
the manufacturer, and, if requested, shall be reported radially and completely through the pipe wall, with
to the purchaser. Other nondestructive tests may be care being taken to avoid distortion of the pipe while
applied to the end areas, subject to agreement between drilling. One hole shall be drilled in the weld, if visible.
the purchaser and the manufacturer. Alternately, the producer of welded pipe may choose
to drill one hole in the weld and run the calibration
15.7 Operator Qualifications: standard through the test coils three times with the
15.7.1 The test unit operator shall be certified in weld turned at 120 deg on each pass. The hole diameter
accordance with SNT-TC-1A, or an equivalent recog- shall vary with NPS as follows:
nized and documented standard.
NPS Designator Hole Diameter
15.8 Test Conditions: 1
⁄2 0.039 in. (1 mm)
above ⁄2 to 11⁄4 0.055 in. (1.4 mm)
15.8.1 For eddy-current testing, the excitation coil above 11⁄4 to 2 0.071 in. (1.8 mm)
frequency shall be chosen to ensure adequate penetration above 2 to 5 0.067 in. (2.2 mm)
yet provide good signal-to-noise ratio. above 5 0.106 in. (2.7 mm)
15.8.2 The maximum eddy-current coil frequency (b) Transverse Tangential Notch — Using a round
used shall be as follows: tool or file with a 1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm) diameter, a notch
On specified walls up to 0.050 in. — 100 KHz max shall be filed or milled tangential to the surface and
On specified walls up to 0.150 in. — 50 KHz max transverse to the longitudinal axis of the pipe. Said
On specified walls up to 0.150 in. — 10 KHz max notch shall have a depth not exceeding 121⁄2% of the
specified nominal wall thickness of the pipe or 0.004
15.8.3 Ultrasonic — For examination by the ultra-
in. (0.102 mm), whichever is greater.
sonic method, the minimum nominal transducer fre-
(c) Longitudinal Notch — A notch 0.031 in. or less
quency shall be 2.00 MHz and the maximum nominal
in width shall be machined in a radial plane parallel
transducer size shall be 1.5 in.
to the tube axis on the outside surface of the pipe, to
(a) If the equipment contains a reject notice filter
have a depth not exceeding 121⁄2% of the specified
setting, this shall remain off during calibration and
wall thickness of the pipe or 0.004 in., whichever is
testing unless linearity can be demonstrated at that
greater. The length of the notch shall be compatible
with the testing method.
15.9. Reference Standards:
15.9.4 More or smaller reference discontinuities,
15.9.1 Reference standards of convenient length or both, may be used by agreement between the pur-
shall be prepared from a length of pipe of the same chaser and the manufacturer.
SA-333/SA-333M 2001 SECTION II
Composition, %
Element Grade 1 A Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 6 A Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11
Carbon, max 0.30 0.19 0.12 0.30 0.19 0.13 0.20 0.20 0.10
Manganese 0.40–1.06 0.31–0.64 0.50–1.05 0.29–1.06 0.90 max 0.90 max 0.40–1.06 1.15–1.50 0.60 max
Phosphorus, max 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.035 0.025
Sulfur, max 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.015 0.025
Silicon ... 0.18–0.37 0.08–0.37 0.10 min 0.13–0.32 0.13–0.32 ... 0.10–0.35 0.35 max
Nickel ... 3.18–3.82 0.47–0.98 ... 2.03–2.57 8.40–9.60 1.60–2.24 0.25 max 35.0–37.0
Chromium ... ... 0.44–1.01 ... ... ... ... 0.15 max 0.50 max
Copper ... ... 0.40–0.75 ... ... ... 0.75–1.25 0.15 max ...
Aluminum ... ... 0.04–0.30 ... ... ... ... 0.06 max ...
Vanadium, max ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.12 ...
Columbium, max ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.05 ...
Molybdenum, max ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.05 0.50 max
Cobalt ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.50 max
For each reduction of 0.01% carbon below 0.30%, an increase of 0.05% manganese above 1.06% would be permitted to a maximum of
1.35% manganese.
Metal TemperatureA,B
Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11
psi MPa psi MPa psi MPa psi MPa psi MPa psi MPa psi MPa psi MPa psi MPa
Tensile strength, min 55 000 380 65 000 450 60 000 415 60 000 415 65 000 450 100 000 690 63 000 435 80 000 550 65 000 450
Yield strength, min 30 000 205 35 000 240 35 000 240 35 000 240 35 000 240 75 000 515 46 000 315 65 000 450 35 000 240
Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi-
tudinal verse tudinal verse tudinal verse tudinal verse tudinal verse tudinal verse tudinal verse tudinal verse tudinal
Elongation in 2 in. or 50
mm (or 4D), min, %:
Basic minimum elongation for walls 35 25 30 20 30 16.5 30 16.5 30 22 22 ... 28 ... 22 ... 18A
⁄16 in. [8 mm] and over in thick-
ness, strip tests, and for all small
sizes tested in full section
When standard round 2-in. or 50- 28 20 22 14 22 12 22 12 22 14 16 ... ... ... 16 ... ...
mm gage length or proportionally
smaller size test specimen with the
gage length equal to 4D (4 times
the diameter) is used
For strip tests, a deduction for each 1.75B 1.25B 1.50B 1.00B 1.50B 1.00B 1.50B 1.00B 1.50B 1.00B 1.25B ... 1.50B ... 1.25B ... ...
⁄32 in. [0.8 mm] decrease in wall
thickness below 5⁄16 in. [8 mm]
from the basic minimum elonga-
Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi- Trans-
in. mm tudinal verse tudinal verse tudinal verse tudinal verse tudinal verse tudinal verse tudinal verse tudinal verse
⁄16 (0.312) 8 35 25 30 20 30 16 30 16 30 22 22 . . . 28 . . . 22 . . .
⁄32 (0.281) 7.2 33 24 28 19 28 15 28 15 28 21 21 . . . 26 . . . 21 . . .
⁄4(0.250) 6.4 32 23 27 18 27 15 27 15 27 20 20 . . . 25 . . . 20 . . .
⁄32 (0.219) 5.6 30 ... 26 ... 26 ... 26 ... 26 ... 18 . . . 24 . . . 18 . . .
⁄16 (0.188) 4.8 28 ... 24 ... 24 ... 24 ... 24 ... 17 . . . 22 . . . 17 . . .
⁄32 (0.156) 4 26 ... 22 ... 22 ... 22 ... 22 ... 16 . . . 20 . . . 16 . . .
⁄8(0.125) 3.2 25 ... 21 ... 21 ... 21 ... 21 ... 15 . . . 19 . . . 15 . . .
⁄32 (0.094) 2.4 23 ... 20 ... 20 ... 20 ... 20 ... 13 . . . 18 . . . 13 . . .
⁄16 (0.062) 1.6 21 ... 18 ... 18 ... 18 ... 18 ... 12 . . . 16 . . . 12 . . .
Calculated elongation requirements shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
NOTE — The preceding table gives the computed minimum elongation values for each 1⁄32-in. [0.80-mm] decrease in wall thickness. Where the wall thickness lies between two values shown above, the minimum
elongation value is determined by the following equation:
Direction of
E p elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, in %, and
t p actual thickness of specimen, in. [mm].
Minimum Average Notched Minimum Notched Bar
Bar Impact Value of Impact Value of One
Each Set of Three Specimen Only of
Specimens A a Set A
Size of
Specimen, mm ft-lbf J ft-lbf J
10 by 10 13 18 10 14
10 by 7.5 10 14 8 11
10 by 6.67 9 12 7 9
10 by 5 7 9 5 7
10 by 3.33 5 7 3 4
10 by 2.5 4 5 3 4
Straight line interpolation for intermediate values is permitted.
Minimum Impact Test
Grade °F °C
1 −50 −45
3 −150 −100
4 −150 −100
6 −50 −45
7 −100 −75
8 −320 −195
9 −100 −75
10 −75 −60
Specimen Width Along Notch or Actual Temperature Reduction,
Material Thickness Degrees Colder A
in. mm °F °C
0.394 10 (standard size) 0 0
0.354 9 0 0
0.315 8 0 0
0.295 7.5 (3⁄4 std. size) 5 3
0.276 7 8 4
0.262 6.67 (2⁄3 std. size) 10 5
0.236 6 15 8
0.197 5 (1⁄2 std. size) 20 11
0.158 4 30 17
0.131 3.33 (1⁄3 std. size) 35 19
0.118 3 40 22
0.099 2.5 (1⁄4 std. size) 50 28
Straight line interpolation for intermediate values is permitted.
SA-333/SA-333M 2001 SECTION II
The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the
purchase in the contract or order.
(Nonmandatory Information)