CSTP 2 Jimenez 042224
CSTP 2 Jimenez 042224
CSTP 2 Jimenez 042224
In my virtual classroom,
students actively utilize
supports and challenges to
complete higher-order thinking
and problem-solving tasks. By
balancing support and
challenge, students develop
essential academic skills and
cultivate a deeper
understanding of the subject
Students are aware of Students know Students follow behavior Students respond to Students demonstrate
classroom rules and expectations for behavior expectations, accept individual and group positive behavior,
consequences. and consequences and consequences and behaviors and encourage consistent participation
respond to guidance in increase positive and support each other to and are valued for their
following them. behaviors. make improvements. unique identities.
April 22, 2024
October 22, 2023
In addition to Teacher: In my virtual
classroom, I integrate equitable
reviewing norms expectations, positive supports,
prior to class, I will and consequences for both
individual and group behavior
remind class of within and across learning
behavior activities. For example, I
establish clear guidelines for
expectations before participation and collaboration,
assigning an activity. ensuring that all students have
equal opportunities to
I will inform class contribute and learn. Positive
that I will be reinforcement, such as praise
and recognition, encourages
randomly “making students to uphold behavioral
rounds” to monitor. expectations and fosters a
Evidence 7/10/2023
supportive learning
environment. Conversely,
consistent consequences for
disruptive behavior reinforce
October 22, 2023 accountability and maintain a
NO CHANGE respectful classroom
atmosphere. Moreover, I guide
and support students to self-
assess, monitor, and set goals
for both individual and group
behavior and participation.
Through reflection prompts and
goal-setting exercises, students
develop self-awareness and take
ownership of their actions in the
virtual classroom. For instance,
they may reflect on their
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
contributions to group
discussions and set goals for
actively listening to peers or
offering constructive feedback.
By fostering self-regulation and
accountability, students become
empowered learners who
actively contribute to a positive
and collaborative classroom
In my virtual classroom,
students respond to both
individual and group behaviors
by actively encouraging and
supporting each other to make
improvements. For example, if a
peer is struggling with a concept
during a group project, students
offer assistance and guidance to
help them understand the
material better. Additionally,
during class discussions,
students respectfully provide
feedback to their peers,
highlighting areas of strength
and offering constructive
suggestions for improvement.
Through mutual support and
encouragement, students foster
a collaborative and inclusive
learning environment where
everyone feels empowered to
grow and succeed together.