CSTP 2 Feigin 4
CSTP 2 Feigin 4
CSTP 2 Feigin 4
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
This is the goal - to have From the very first day of
students take responsibility class, students know this is a
in conflict resolution. We serious part of my class. We
don’t have many conflicts, do introductory lessons on
but discussions do get different cultures and have
heated. Students have done discussions. We have a
a nice job with addressing discussion norms document
each other respectfully and that remains a living
calling each other out in a document. I always give
way that’s informative and students the space to reflect
absolutely promotes after discussions and ask
appreciation of differences questions. Student surveys
when it comes to ableism, indicate that no student feels
gender, race, and the disrespected or undervalued
intersections of these in my class. 7/13/22
identities as well. 7/13/22
Students use Google Forms
after writing body
Evidence paragraphs to set their own
goals and reflect on their
work. it also serves as a
revision of the paragraph
itself for students to increase
their scores. Students have
been coming up to me, even
when they get A’s to ask how
they can be better in the
future, How can they apply
these skills elsewhere?
Encouraging students to
take a stand for themselves
and their views can only
happen in a safe
environment, and that’s
how it’s been growing,
Expectations are
equitable. Students
have plenty of time to
arrange meetings with
me or a TA for the
Evidence class. Students
frequently use these
extra meetings.
Students are using
supports when given.
Often, I’ll make an
outline available to all
students, but I ask
certain students to use
them. They usually
have copies made of
the outlines before I
even make it to their
desks. 12/11/22