Face To Face With God
Face To Face With God
Face To Face With God
An Unknown Author
Table of Contents
The greatest need in the kingdom of God is people who can see
God face to face. Seeing God face to face is seeing the nature and
attributes of God. It is an unending journey which has a beginning
but no ending. This journey takes more than a lifetime to
Embark on this journey and may it open many doors to know
Jesus. This booklet is a small collection of articles which help you
in this journey.
Changes in posture when Jesus speaks
Stage -2: In early days of talking with Jesus, we will ask him many
questions regarding both our needs and him.
Stage -1: Asking lot of questions about Jesus
Stage 0: Asking some questions about Jesus and start listening to
Stage 1: Listening and obeying Jesus’s words
Stage 2: Start listening and completely obeying Jesus’s words
Stage 3: No personal voice, listen and obey Jesus. 100% aligned to
in a posture of listening, then Jesus begins teaching the kingdom
principles like prayer.
At what stage in the journey are we there now?
The best place where lot of saints got a deeper revelation of Jesus
was when they sat down or fell down at the feet of Jesus. Sat
down and fell down at the feet of Jesus are the places of listening.
The place of hearing are where people get a deeper revelation of
Jesus. These two places were unique.
To listen and obey God’s instructions as a servant are the true
qualities required by God’s servant.
“Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” Matthew
20:28. Jesus was a servant of all. It is very easy to associate with
Jesus when one is in the posture of servant hood. Servants are
trusted with Jesus’s authority.
Posture of a Godly man is that of a servant who is constantly
listening and prompt in obeying to the still small voice of God.
Tune your life according to the same still voice of God and
through this still small voice God will show his wonders.
The Bible frequently mentions that God spoke face to face with
Moses. What does it mean to see God face to face?
Seeing God face to face means seeing and understanding the
nature, attributes, and character of God. Getting a glimpse of
understanding about God.
Moses might have seen God every day for 20–30 years. What was
it he saw?
For the first two years, Moses may have seen God as a holy God.
For the following two years, Moses may have seen God as kind
and merciful. Like this, he might have seen some facets of God.
Moses was seeing different facets of God, and these facets led to
the discovery of other new facets of God.
God is love is not complete without understanding God is Holy.
God is a God of Providence is not complete without
understanding God is a righteous God.
Once we begin to see one nature of God, there is a desire to see
other natures of God because of the connection of natures.
This path of discovering God’s nature, attributes and character
started an unending journey for Moses to see God face to face.
life is if we can see and understand all the characters and
attributes of God.
God gives gifts to his children but reveals His nature to His loved
In seeing Jesus, His nature is revealed and imparted in your life.
Jesus’ nature is made clear to you as you see Him.
Many people claim to see and talk to Jesus daily but there is no
change in their nature. When you see Jesus, there is an
impartation of His character.
To comprehend God’s characters and attributes would require at
least 2000 years. By transferring the anointing, God will
occasionally transmit knowledge of His attributes to successive
According to 2 Kings 2:9, Elisha received a double part of Elijah’s
anointing. Elisha continued from where Elijah left off. Elisha
continued to discover new facets of God while building on what
Elijah had learned about the character and nature of God. Elisha
picked up from the nature of God which Elijah had last seen.
Elisha continues the journey of seeking God face to face which
Elijah has started.
Knowledge about God is passed down from generation to
generation through the anointing of God. When mentors anoint
the following generation, they transmit to them their knowledge
of God. The knowledge of God’s nature is mainly passed from
generation to generation with by products as gifts and benefits.
Anointing aids in continuing where mentors have left off rather
than starting at the mountain’s foot.
Today God is blessing His people with the Knowledge and
revelation about Himself. If God has revealed any aspect of His
nature to you, begin being obedient by meditating, drawing day
by day, and allowing it to eventually permeate every aspect of
your life.
1) Create idols and place them in the House of God.
2) Replace the Lord’s altar with human made altar
3) Offer sacrifices dedicated to the Idol
False preachers also do the same
1) Create idols and place them in the House of God.
Idols are representations that take away God’s Glory. It can be
anything that takes away God’s Glory, such as man worship or
false doctrine. They create and bring these idols and place them in
the house of God. They advocate the idea that God will come to
you rather than you coming to him.
They make people walk before these idols. It indicates that they
want people to adopt the nature of the idol rather than the
nature of God. They begin to resemble the nature of the idol
rather than God’s nature. God’s nature is lamb’s nature – always
be prepared to carry out his master’s will till death. Slowly people
fail to distinguish between God’s nature and idol’s nature. Finally,
people fail to recognize God’s true son Jesus. Self-idols are
created in people’s hearts as a result of this process.
2) Replace the Lord’s altar with human altar
People sacrifice on the altar. The Lord’s altar is the Cross. The
sacrifice has already been made. Jesus is the sacrificed lamb of
God. Human altar is the place or need of offering sacrifices rather
that looking at finished work of the Cross. Blood of Jesus shed
once washed away all sins of humanity from everlasting to
everlasting. These false prophets will continue to urge people to
offer sacrifices, such as excessive tithing, good deeds without
Christ and participation in Godly work but not God’s work.
God’s work not done in God’s time and God’s will turns stale.
Instead of focusing on the Saviour, they encourage people to
make additional sacrifices in an effort to earn God’s favour. The
false preachers bring the message of earning God’s favour.
These false preachers remove the part of returning back to God
by looking at Jesus sacrificed on the Cross. There is no way to
return back to God without the Cross and the sacrifice of Jesus.
False preachers entirely eliminate the returning part. They talk to
people about blessings of God in spite being in a place of sin and
without any repentance (coming back to God via Cross).
Repentance is the communication channel of God. When this
channel of communication is broken, God sends prophets to
repair and restore it again.
Sacrifices on the Lord’s Altar – means repentance of sins by
acknowledging the significance of Jesus’s atoning work on the
Sacrifices on Human Altar – generate fake repentance of sins by
looking at their self-state and the lifestyle of the church i.e. elders,
leaders, etc. For example – wearing of jewellery or white dress
because of church’s standard is fake sacrifice. Wearing of
jewellery or white dress acknowledging the reverence for Jesus
reflecting unblemished nature of God can be true sacrifice.
3) Sacrifices dedicated to Golden calf
Sacrifice is offered to God for washing/taking away their sins. In
Old Testament when sacrifice is offered, the unblemished animal
takes away the sins. Sacrifices are made to appease God’s anger
and wrath towards sinful people.
When a sacrifice is dedicated for the Golden Calf, we are using the
sacrifice to appease Golden Calf’s wrath. We are thinking that the
Golden calf is angry. We forget that God’s anger has come
because of the sin. Sacrifice to False idol will increase God’s anger.
In this God’s anger is still burning against the sin and people.
When a sacrifice is made to an idol, it signifies that the sin has not
been atoned for and that sin continues to increase, which will
eventually lead to God’s anger and devastation.
These people who offer sacrifices to self idol will forget the need
of repentance of the sins. People’s hearts become a place for idols
(i.e lust, carnal desires, lies) when they do not have a heart of
People will go away from God without repentance, which will
result in destruction.
These days preachers don’t preach about the need of true
repentance of their sins by acknowledging the importance Jesus’s
sacrifice on the Cross.
They promote false repentance by looking at church standards,
worldly practices and preachers lost in flesh. This is superficial
Preachers who do not preach repentance of sins by focusing on
Jesus’ death on the Cross but preach about blessing and hope in
spite of living with many idols in their hearts will provoke God’s
wrath and destruction. Beware of them. Without preaching on
repentance of sins by Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross will attract
God’s anger and destruction.
During Jeroboam’s reign, the sin kept on increasing with lot of
idols and human altars which finally brought about God’s
We are led in a similar manner by false preachers as well. Sin
keeps on increasing and God’s destruction will come.
Some ways to recognize false preachers
were immobile and were pulled into this ocean of Knowledge of
Jesus Christ.
All of his dreams, objectives, visions, and plans were erased by
these waves. For long time, he was entirely paralyzed. He was
gently sucked into this ocean and felt lost. The person was still
alive, but he lacked the strength and courage to face the water.
He started moving along with the water. The young man was
entirely buried and submerged in the deep ocean after being
pushed into it by the waves. He thought his life was finished but
later he realized that his thoughts, plans, desires are replaced the
water’s nature. The water is filled with the richness of God’s
attributes and this water permeated the young person’s soul. The
young man’s body began functioning differently, and his eyes saw
Then he realized that he has transitioned from human life to
God’s life when he was pulled by the waves of God into the ocean
of Knowledge of Christ.
Waves of God – is the Holy Spirit
Water – The knowledge of Christ eats/destroys all impurities like
sinful behavior and sin, in both the soul and flesh.
Holy Spirit makes our lives adjust to the ocean of Knowledge of
In the ocean deep, the young person became a living spirit and
started traveling through the ocean depths to search for the
deeper knowledge of Christ.
The young man stepped into the water, but as soon as he did, the
waves and water dragged him into the ocean.
The first stage is for us to enter the ocean of Knowledge of Christ;
the Holy Spirit and Knowledge of Jesus will then take care of the
next steps.
There is no going back to the shore once we enter this ocean of
Knowledge of Christ. The Holy Spirit and the Knowledge of Christ
take control of our lives and deeply drag us into this ocean till we
are completely submerged.
Many saints were pulled into this ocean of Knowledge of Christ.
Moses entered this ocean. He travelled for 30 years in this ocean
before continuing in heaven. Reformers like Calvin entered this
ocean, bringing glorious truths about God and Jesus Christ. Today
do you have a desire to enter this ocean where we find abundant
riches about Christ and share them with others? Ask God to pull
you into this ocean of Knowledge of Christ.
The oceans in heaven are numerous. For example, the ocean of
God’s mercy and love, the ocean of miracles and healing, etc.
Ocean of God’s love is also like ocean of Knowledge of Christ. The
water is extremely clear and poisonous (to self). This water is
lethal to our selfish qualities, such as pride, ego, and self-love. All
the self-attributes are choked to death by this water. In this river,
we initially perceive a reflection of our lives. Once we enter, the
waves automatically pull you into the deep water.
We are pulled into the deep water where we see Jesus’ infinite
love. This water infuses the freshness of Jesus himself into our
lives. We are filled with Jesus as we are submerged in this ocean.
Our lives become an abode for Jesus, and we become an abode
for Jesus. There is a divine union of man and Jesus in this ocean.
Jesus lives in this place of love. Love is a dwelling place of Jesus.
Ocean of healing and miracles – We enter this ocean to draw
some water and distribute it to others. We are not drawn into this
water rather we draw water from this ocean to help the needful.
Instead of being dragged into this ocean, we draw water from this
ocean to aid others in need.
to remind Boaz of his responsibilities rather than complaining
about it.
Similar to this, the Holy Spirit prompts us to remind Jesus of our
unfulfilled promises and responsibilities. In the same manner that
Naomi pushes Ruth to visit Boaz, the Holy Spirit pushes us to meet
Jesus about our problems.
This chapter describes Ruth’s marriage proposal. Ruth is
instructed by Naomi to apply perfumed oil, put on her best
clothing, and go to the threshing floor. It was a marriage proposal
where the bridegroom was unaware. Instead of boy going to girl’s
place, it was the opposite. Ruth enters the threshing floor at
night, uncovers his feet and lies down at his feet.
Naomi was concerned about Ruth and wanted to find a home for
her. Ruth comes from a society where second marriage and lust
for younger men was common. Ruth leaves all this society, culture
and follows the God of Naomi. Naomi is more concerned about
Ruth than Ruth herself. Similarly, the Holy Spirit is more
concerned about our future than we ourselves.
Ruth had to break some rules to fulfil Naomi’s request. A woman
is not permitted to visit the threshing floor at night. Ruth went to
the threshing floor, uncovered Boaz’s feet and slept at his feet.
Ruth was laying down at the mercy of Boaz. Ruth left her self-
esteem and was at the mercy of Boaz.
One thing we can learn from this is, we need to lay down at the
feet of Triune God in the days of difficulty. When God finds you at
his feet, he will surely vindicate your situation.
Ruth lays down her situations i.e. her difficulties, problems at the
feet of Boaz. Ruth can directly approach the family redeemer but
chose to depend on the mercy of Boaz. Ruth depended on mercy
rather than coming in a deserving mode.
Ruth followed Naomi’s advice and visited Boaz at the appropriate
time. Jesus is our family redeemer. During difficult situations we
must listen to the Holy Spirit and approach Jesus in the proper
way and at the appropriate moment.
Solomon had a promise of becoming the next king of Israel. But
when he listened to the advice of Solomon’s mother and the
prophet Nathan, the promise was realized. Nathan offered advice
on how to approach King David and what to say to him. These
actions and words paved the way for the fulfilment of the
Holy Spirit’s guidance and Jesus’s authority are required for all
decisions and promises in our lives to be fulfilled. Holy Spirit puts
the right words, gives the right direction and guides to the right
people for the promise to be fulfilled. Jesus’s authority fulfils all
Solomon became king under the guidance of Beersheba. Ruth got
married under the guidance of Naomi. We also require the
guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Under the guidance of Holy Spirit, we can meet our Heavenly
Boaz, uncover his feet, and lay down. Jesus’ role is to demonstrate
his authority to address the issue and come up with a solution.
For each issue, the Holy Spirit will direct you and reveal the
precise location as to where and how to meet Jesus.
At Boaz’s feet, Ruth was in a position of either shame or
resolution. If people learn, Ruth’s reputation will suffer. There will
be a resolution if Ruth receives Boaz’s favour. Ruth’s survival
depends on Boaz’s mercy. Accepting our inabilities and placing
our trust in Jesus’ authority is faith.
Boaz comes from a wealthy and prosperous family. Spread your
cloak means make me part of your rich heritage and let you fulfil
the role of family redeemer.
Holy Spirit is aware of Jesus just like Naomi is aware of Boaz. We
are like Ruth the Moabite woman. Ruth clung to Naomi, and we
have to clung to the Holy Spirit then the Holy Spirit teaches us and
lets us meet Jesus our bridegroom.
Ruth made the right steps to meet Boaz. Ruth worked in Boaz’s
field for some time. Ruth knew Boaz as a master. Only after
Naomi’s advice on the marriage proposal did Boaz become the
family redeemer.
We might have known Jesus as a friend, problem solver to us for
some time. Only when the Holy Spirit instructs about Jesus and
leads in the direction to marriage proposal, we can become the
bride of Jesus. Holy Spirit has to open our understanding about
Jesus i.e. what kind of person Jesus is, as well as his greatness and
Ruth spent the day working in Boaz’s field and the evening took
shelter in the home of the Naomi. Work in Jesus’s field
throughout the day and seek refuge and rest in the Holy Spirit at
night. You might work in Jesus’s field, but the Holy Spirit is your
permanent residence.
Ministry is working in Jesus’s will while resting in the comfort and
guidance of the Holy Spirit. Jesus provides the provisions and
solutions, but the Holy Spirit gives the steps and directions.
Involve both the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ in your daily life.
Sustaining God’s presence
Jacob did the same. Jacob got hold of the person and wrestled
with him until he received his blessing.
Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the
breaking of day. Now when He saw that He did not prevail against
him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s
hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him. And He said, “Let Me
go, for the day breaks.” But he said, “I will not let You go unless
You bless me!” Genesis 32:24-26
Today, we must follow Jacob’s example. We must get hold of
God’s presence and draw from it until it has completed its work.
God’s blessing in Jacob’s life was the name change from Jacob to
Israel. Jacob benefited from this experience in other ways as well.
Jacob asked for just one blessing but ended up with many other
blessings listed below.
1) Saw God face to face
2) God literally touched Jacob in the socket– Jacob experienced a
physical touch of God
3) Found an understanding that man can prevail over God
4) Got hold of God.
We receive some additional blessings when we stay in God’s
presence until it has completed its work. Like Jacob we can see
God face to face, experience a physical touch, and get hold of
When we start extending God’s presence, we start entering a
phase where our soul responds to and receives life from God’s
presence. There will be waves and waves of God’s presence when
we set the communication appropriately (say the proper words of
praise and worship) with the aid of the Holy Spirit. God’s presence
is a reservoir with unlimited life-giving water in which there are
numerous heavenly deposits of God’s knowledge, wisdom,
miracles, and healings. We can continuously keep drawing from
this reservoir.
God offers us a taste or sip of this water every Sunday. Our daily
task is to draw water from this reservoir for our needs.
These days, the only time we experience God’s presence is during
a Sunday service, when it meets our needs, refreshes and renews
our souls. We are so content and satisfied with this brief time
spent in God’s presence. If we can extend or maintain God’s
presence (in our heart) throughout the entire week by daily
drawing from this reservoir, our lives will be so rich in Jesus. If we
draw life from God’s presence, our Christian life will be solidly
The reservoir of life-giving water is Jesus. In God’s presence, draw
life from Jesus, the living water of God. Anyone who drinks this
living water—Jesus daily —will never get thirsty. Jesus is very
powerful, very kind, and very full of love. Draw love, mercy,
peace, joy, etc. from Jesus to give to others.
In this chapter, King Solomon married many foreign women.
These foreign women brought their gods along with their
customs, rituals, high places and sacrifices into Solomon’s life.
The Moabite women brought Chemosh, their god, and his rituals.
The Ammonite women brought Molek, their god, and his rituals.
Around 500 of the 700 royal wives King Solomon had were from
other countries. He constructs a high place for each foreign wife
(2 Kings 11:8). Solomon had built at least 300 high places for
foreign gods. At each high place, King Solomon burned incense
and offered sacrifices. So, King Solomon burned incense and
offered sacrifices at minimum of 300 high places.
It all began with the expansion or enlargement of King Solomon’s
realm. King Solomon signed peace agreements in order to grow
his empire. Peace agreements followed a policy of compromise
and adjustment with God’s Law. Expansion at the compromise of
God’s law or standard will result in devastation.
Along with the Lord God, at least 100 other gods(300 high places
might be for 100 gods approximately) were present in Solomon’s
life. Solomon adjusted himself to make sacrifices at 100 high
places of foreign gods as well as the Lord God’s temple. In this
place of adjustment to other gods, Solomon lost his dependency
on Lord God.
Solomon had 100 idols of foreign gods and 1 temple of true God
in his heart. Each foreign god has an idol with a distinct voice. At a
time, there could be 101 different voices (100 voices of foreign
gods and 1 voice of God) in Solomon’s heart. In a time of need, he
could hear many different voices because of these foreign gods.
In between all these voices, King Solomon lost the ability to
recognize/discern God’s voice. Sometimes King Solomon was led
by the false voices. As Solomon lost the discernment to hear
God’s voice, he was unable to understand God’s rebuke and
reproach (2 Kings 11:11). King Solomon lost the ability to discern
the Lord’s voice among other voices which led to his downfall.
Like King Solomon, we are in a similar situation today. Solomon
had lot of idols; we have lot of pet sins. These pet sins have
created many idols in our heart. Some examples of pet sins are sin
of lust, lies, greed, jealously, etc. Every sin has a distinct voice. Sin
of lust has voice of self-gratification, greed has voice of gain, pride
has a voice of increased self-awareness, etc.
We are unable to discern/recognize the voice of the Lord God
among so many voices of sin. As a result, we are not able to hear
the Lord’s correction, guidance, rebuke and instruction. We would
stumble without the Lord’s voice directing and guarding us.
Without discernment of Lord God’s voice, we are led by sin or
false voices.
False voices deviate us away from God’s purposes and onto a
confusing, directionless road. Because we can’t recognize the
Lord’s voice in difficult situations, we follow false voices and make
mistakes. There will be confusion and no direction when we
follow false voices.
If you are facing a difficulty to discern God’s voice, ask God to give
the ability to discern God’s voice. Ask God also to reveal and break
the idols in the heart. Once each idol breaks, it will be clearer to
hear and discern God’s voice.
Grow in the Knowledge about God
Philistines might have gouged out Samson’s eyes, but they were
unable to take away the knowledge he had acquired about God.
Samson understood deep down in his heart that God’s mercy
overrules and prevails over human failures. Even if we may
stumble 1,000 times as a result of our mistakes, yet God always
shows mercy. Although it does not give us permission to sin, this
understanding helps us get to know God better.
The enemy may have stolen Samson’s blessing (Samson’s
strength), but it was unable to take away the acquired knowledge
about God. In Samson’s life, the Spirit of the Lord directed and
controlled him. The Spirit of the Lord left him when his hair was
cut, but his acquired knowledge about God did not.
The Spirit of the Lord operates in two ways
1) Display’s God’s power to the outside world
2) Rubs the knowledge about God through revelation in the
inside world.
Both of these things occur simultaneously. When God begins to
use you, there is a demonstration of God’s power on one side and
a revelation of God’s nature on the other.
Only when we grow in both ways, we will be protected from the
God used Samson to display God’s power, but there was no
growth in the knowledge about God. This led of to the fall of
The knowledge about God protects from the fall. Samson would
not have revealed his secret to Delilah when she asked about it if
he had the knowledge about God.
The Knowledge about God is a safe place for the functioning of
God’s power. When there is an imbalance, then it’s the sign of the
The Spirit of the Lord used to come mightily and take control of
Samson only in time of need. If there was desire in Samson to
grow in the knowledge about God, the Spirit of the Lord would
have found a permanent habitation.
When the Spirit of the Lord came on Samson, it would stay with
him for a few days. Immediately after the battle/war the Spirit did
not leave him. The Spirit of the Lord used to depart from him after
a period of days. In times of need, the Spirit of the Lord came
back. Samson used to be aware of the Spirit of the Lord
departure. It was never mentioned in the story of the Gaza
prostitute and Delilah when the Spirit of the Lord came, but once
the hair was cut, the Spirit of the Lord left.
The Spirit of the Lord came on Samson in Judges 15:15 and
departed from him in Judges 16:21. The Spirit of the Lord comes
to stay. The Spirit of the Lord stayed in Samson’s life in this period
of around 20 years. During this time, the Spirit of the Lord stayed
on Samson’s life even during the Gaza prostitute and Delilah’s
experience. Even in the dark places, the Spirit of the Lord
remained with Samson. The Spirit of the Lord left when Samson
disobeyed God’s commandment (Judges 16:17). The Spirit of the
Lord left without Samson’s knowledge. The Spirit of the Lord
departs when we disobey God’s command.
In your anger, don’t do things that are against God’s command.
The Spirit of the Lord endures our wicked way of life while
patiently waiting for us to turn back to God. The Spirit of the Lord,
however, abruptly leaves when we disobey God’s commands.
Do examine your lives, when was the last time the Spirit of the
Lord came on you and when it departed from you.
Today the Spirit of the Lord comes on a habitation basis not a
visitation basis.
The days of visitation of the Spirit of the Lord are over and we are
entering the days of habitation.