Article in International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems · February 2014
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2013.08.025
162 2,083
3 authors:
Abdelkader Chaker
Ecole Nationale Polytechnique d'Oran
All content following this page was uploaded by Yssaad Benyssaad on 24 May 2019.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Today’s electricity distribution systems operate in a liberalized market. These systems should therefore
Received 18 January 2012 be able to provide electricity to customers with a high degree of reliability and be cost-effective for sup-
Received in revised form 1 September 2012 pliers. RCM (Reliability Centred Maintenance) was invented by the aircraft industry in the 1960s, to orga-
Accepted 24 August 2013
nize the increasing need for maintenance for reducing costs without reducing b safety. Today RCM-
methods invented by ALADON [1] are seen as very complex and are not fully accepted by the Algerian
power industry. The extensive need of human and capital resources in the introduction phase is also a
negative factor that could be one of the reasons of why RCM methods are not used in our branch. This
Power distribution systems
Reliability Centred Maintenance RCM
article provides a discussion of the two primary objectives of RCM: to ensure safety through preventive
Analysis of failure modes effects and maintenance actions, and, when safety is not a concern, preserve functionality in the most economical
criticality manner. For the power distribution systems facilities, the mission should be considered at the same level
Optimization as safety.
Modeling Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) is a systematic process RCM is a systematic method to keep a balance between preven-
used to determine what has to be accomplished to ensure that any tive and corrective maintenance. This method chooses the right
physical facility is able to meet continuously its designed functions preventive maintenance activities for the right component at the
in its current operating context [2]. RCM leads to a maintenance right time to reach the most cost-efficient solution [6].
program that focuses preventive maintenance (PM) on specific fail- The first description came in 1978 by Nowlan. It was introduced
ure modes likely to occur. Any organization can benefit from RCM in nuclear power in 1980 and in hydro power in 1990 [7]. RCM is
if its breakdowns account for more than 20–25% of the total main- characterized by maintaining system function, identifying failure
tenance workload [3]. modes, prioritizing functions, and choosing efficient maintenance.
This paper proposes a practical procedure to develop a cost RCM is a technique that is used to develop cost effective main-
effective maintenance program for electric power distribution sys- tenance plans and criteria so the operational capability of equip-
tems. The procedure is mainly based on the reliability centered ment is achieved, restored, or maintained. The main objective of
maintenance (RCM) method that prioritizes maintenance require- RCM is to reduce the maintenance cost by focusing on the most
ment of failure modes, and selects the effective maintenance activ- important functions of the system. There are several different for-
ity for the critical failure modes. Reliability centered maintenance mulations of RCM processes in the literature. According to [8] an
(RCM) is a decision making process in the selection of a cost-effec- RCM analysis basically provides answers to the following questions
tive maintenance program to improve the reliability, based on
determined criticality of failure modes. It prioritizes the mainte- 1. What are the functions and associated performance stan-
nance requirement of all failure modes, and selects the effective dards of the equipment in its present operating context?
maintenance activity for the critical failure modes [4,5]. In this pa- 2. In what ways can it fail to full fill its functions?
per, the RCM based maintenance program is developed using the 3. What is the cause of each functional failure?
proposed procedure for an electric utility in ALGERIA. 4. What happens when each failure occurs?
5. In what way does each failure matter?
6. What can be done to prevent each failure?
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +213 773906245.
E-mail address: (B. Yssaad).
0142-0615/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
B. Yssaad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 108–115 109
7. What should be done if a suitable preventive task cannot be 2.1. Practical method of FMECA
FMECA is a useful tool when performing an RCM analysis. FME-
The RCM analysis may be carried out as a sequence of activities CA is a way to evaluate potential failure modes and their effects
or steps. In IEC standards for RCM analysis [9] following basic steps and causes in a systematic and structured manner. Failure modes
in an RCM analysis are listed, Fig. 1 shows a detailed logic diagram means the ways in which something could fail. Effects analysis re-
of the RCM method. fers to studying the consequences of those failures.
The purpose of the FMECA is to take actions to eliminate or re-
Defining the system and/or subsystems and boundaries. duce failures, starting with the highest-priority ones. By itself, an
Defining the functions of each system or subsystem identifying FMECA is not a problem solver; it should be used in combination
functionally significant item (FSI). with other problem solving tools. The analysis can be done either
Identifying the pertinent FSI functional failure causes. in a qualitatively or quantitatively way. Basic steps in performing
Predicting the effects and probability of these failures. a FMECA could be [11]:
Using a decision logic tree to categorize the effects of the FSI
failures. 1. Define the system to be analyzed. Complete system defini-
Identifying applicable and effective maintenance tasks which tion includes defining of system boundaries, identification
comprise the initial maintenance program. of internal and interface functions, expected performance,
Redesign of the equipment or process, if no applicable tasks can and failure definitions.
be identified. 2. Identify failure modes associated with system failures. For
Establishing a dynamic maintenance program, which results each function, identify all the ways failure could happen.
from a routine and systematic update of the initial maintenance These are potential failure modes.
program and its revision assisted by the monitoring, collection 3. Identify potential effects of failure modes. For each failure
and analysis of in-service data? mode, identify all the consequences on the system. ‘‘What
happens when the failure occurs?’’
To avoid waiting again for several years prior to application to 4. Determine and rank how serious each effect is. The most
obtain this information, it seems necessary to predict the evolution critical pieces of equipment which affected the overall
of equipment reliability and so the consequences of implementing function of the system need to identified and determined.
the new program. This step involves the modeling and simulation 5. For each failure mode, determine all the potential root
program, before its application [10]. Fig. 1 shows a detailed logic causes.
diagram of the RCM method. 6. For each cause, identify available detection methods.
7. Identify recommended actions for each cause that can
reduce the severity of each failure.
110 B. Yssaad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 108–115
Table 2
Define the system / describe the product/process Parameters FMECA (severity).
and its function
Duration of service interruption Criterion of severity Value
Severity (S)
>8 h Very catastrophic 8
Construct Block Diagrams 7h Catastrophic 7
6h Very serious 6
5h Serious 5
Complete the header on the FMEA Form 4h Medium 4
worksheet Product/System, Subsys./Assy 3h Significant 3
2h Minor 2
1h Very minor 1
30 min Small 0.6
<30 min Very small 0.2
Update the FMEA as the design or process changes
Table 1
installations to the future time of their maintenance, grounding
Parameters FMECA (occurrence). this action on:
Possible rate of occurrence Criterion of occurrence Value
– Statistical calculations and reliability calculations to the system
Occurrence (O) operation.
Once every 12 years Failure near zero or no 1
Once every 10 years Very low, failure isolation, rarely 2
– The basic components of preventive maintenance (PM), repair/
Once every 8 years Low, often fail 3 renewal actions.
Once every 6 years 4
Once every 4 years Average, occasional failure 5 So, reliability centered maintenance (RCM) implies planning the
Once every 2 years 6
future maintenance actions based on the technical state of the sys-
Once every year 7
Once every 6 months High, frequent failure 8 tem over final period (T1), the state being assessed on the basis of
Once every month 9 the estimated reliability indices of the system at the planning mo-
Once every week Very high, very high failure 10 ment (T0). At their turn, these reliability indices are mathemati-
cally estimated based on the record of events that is, based on
previously available information, related to the behavior over ini-
tial period (T0). The equipment of power distribution systems is
2.3. General considerations and study assumptions for RCM method
modeled as one block. For this block the reliability, availability
and maintainability distributions are estimated based on failure re-
Based on the definition of IEC No: 60300-3-11 for RCM: ‘‘meth-
ports presented by the plant operator. The two-parameter Weibull
od to identify and select failure management policies to efficiently
distribution, typically used to model wear-out or fatigue failures is
and effectively achieve the required safety, availability and econ-
represented by the following equations:
omy of operation’’, it actually represents a conception of translat-
ing feedback information from the past time of the operation RðtÞ ¼ ekt ð2Þ
Author's personal copy
B. Yssaad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 108–115 111
where R(t) is the reliability at time t; t time period [h]; k is failure length of the time which the system spends in the state of failure
rate. (down time) and the income hourly rate, IHR (a), which is the
money the system would earn whilst in operation. Thus, the cost
A¼ ¼ ð3Þ of lost production could be determined through the following
MTBF þ MTTR k þ l
where A is the availability; l is repair rate; k is failure rate, MTBF is ICM ¼ a CLP ð9Þ
mean time between failures, given by the relationship:
MTBF ¼ ð4Þ 3.3. Total cost of maintenance task
MTTR: Mean Time To Repair, given by the relationship: The total cost of maintenance task LCC is the sum cost of direct
and indirect costs, thus:
MTTR ¼ ð5Þ
l LCC ¼ DCM þ ICM ð10Þ
MTTF: Mean Time To Failure, given by the relationship:
Z 1 4. Case studies: application to the power distribution systems
MTTF ¼ RðtÞdt ð6Þ
To illustrate our view in this work, we will give a general
Maintainability function: description of the electrical distribution station located in the re-
t b
gion of RELIZANE north west of ALGERIA. The suggested alternative
MðtÞ ¼ 1 eðgÞ ¼ 1 elt ð7Þ for the power distribution systems can be schematized as follows
where M(t) is the Maintainability Function; t the time period [h]; b (Fig. 3):
the Weibull distribution shape parameter and g the Weibull distri- Where:
bution characteristic life [h].
1. Electrical line (EL).
2. Circuit breaker (CB).
3. Cost of maintenance task
3. Bus bar (BB).
4. Power transformer (PTR); fuse (F).
The cost of the maintenance task is the cost associated with
5. Sectionalizer (SW). EFS: Electric Feeder System
each corrective or preventive task, whether time-based or condi-
tion-based. The expected corrective maintenance cost is the total
4.1. Classification of failures and estimated replacement cost for major
cost of maintenance resources needed to repair or replace failed
items. Similarly, the expected preventive maintenance cost is the
total cost of maintenance resources needed to inspect and/or
The failures of the various elements are at the base of the fail-
examine an item before failure takes place and to replace any items
ures of the EFS, however the reliability of the complex systems
rejected. Thus, the total maintenance cost throughout the life of a
as the EFS depend primarily on their structure of the type of con-
systems/product is the sum of the corrective and preventive main-
nection of the elements and of the dependability of operation of
tenance costs and the overhead costs, which consist of all costs
the elements. It is known that from elements of a no high level
other than direct material, labor and system equipment [13]. The
of reliability, the design of the reliable system can be obtained
LCC of maintenance task can be divided into two categories.
on the basis of optimal redundant structure, however to expect a
112 B. Yssaad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 108–115
Table 5 Table 6
Classification of failures and estimated replacement cost for major components of the Data of reliability of the elements of the EFS in north west of ALGERIA between 2007
EFS in the north west of ALGERIA. and 2010.
Electric Number of Number of failures Costs Elements of EFS High voltage Failure rate (1/year) Average time
components analyzed of elements (DA/ (KV) of repair(h)
failures 3 years) kmin k kmax
Transmission lines 143 Electric drivers 11/7.7 218500 Electric lines on 100 km 30 0.151 0.159 0.175 12
(EL) 60 0.148 0.153 0.162 11
Insulators 132/
Transformers and insulators 30 0.150 0.159 0.173 15.38
60 0.150 0.156 0.160 14.28
Transformers (PTR) 96 Insulators 53/ 745000
Circuit breaker of line 30 0.139 0.145 0.149 10
60 0.134 0.139 0.143 10
Terminals 31/
32.3 Bus bars 30 0.078 0.082 0.088 4
Switch 12/ 60 0.077 0.080 0.083 4
Circuit breakers of 105 Insulators 27/ 141400
line (CB) 25.7
Control drive 58/ Table 7
55.3 classification table of the elements by their criticality.
System of drive 21/
19.0 Element Criticality Maintenance action
Bus bars (BB) 39 Contact with 39/ 68500 ARS 4 Corrective action
apparatuses 100 SW 8
BB 24 Improved performance of the elements. Systematic
DA: Algerian dinars. preventive maintenance
FUS 36
CB 120 Questioning complete design
great effectiveness of these systems cannot in no case to be as- IS 140
sured. In order to locate the weak link of the EFS and its elements, PTR 200
EL 265
allows to highlight the best means of improvement of their reli-
ability and to determine the source data to ensure the require-
ments for the reliability of these systems, the first stage to be
realized at the time of the study of the reliability of the EFS is
the determination and the analysis the reliability of the various will be necessary to make a complete renovation since the majority
elements of these systems. The information collected on a sample of equipment is very old and comes from the colonial period from
of several power distribution system, located in the north west of the year 1948, especially electrical lines and power transformers.
ALGERIA allowed us to represent the cost curve and distribution Beyond the value of 120 for the criticality, we must think for a
of the failures of the various elements of these EFS, Table 5, to complete questioning of design. For this purpose it is recom-
the denominator is indicated the distribution of the failures in mended to completely change the power lines using the same
per cent and estimated replacement cost for major equipment’s material, renovate or replace the power transformers by others
of the EFS in the north west of ALGERIA. more powerful and more robust, and ultimately change total the
The failure rate and the average repair time of the elements of ancient insulators by others in composite material to withstand
the EFS determined with a probability of confidence a = 0.95 are the high humidity and salinity of this area.
represented on the Table 6.
We chose the value of 24 as the threshold of criticality. The crit-
ical elements beyond 24 are grouped in ascending order in 4.2. Appendix: table of FMECA
Table A1. It is these elements that we must act primarily by engag-
ing in actions maintenance, corrective, preventive, improvement or Table A1 summarizes the work we did on the application of
even of replacement. Following the study we did in the resort of Analysis of failure modes effects and criticality method, (FMECA)
power distribution system of RELIZANE north-west in ALGERIA, it to the power distribution system.
21,547 91%
5 Elements
B. Yssaad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 108–115 113
0,600 0,6
R (t)
A (t)
After Optimization
Befor Optimization
0,000 60,000 120,000 180,000 240,000 300,000 0,0
0,000 24,000 48,000 72,000 96,000 120,000
Times, (t)
Times, (t)
Fig. 5. Reliability R(t) of EFS.
Fig. 8. Mean availability A(t) of EFS.
After Optimization 1,000
Befor Optimization
r (t)
M (t)
0,1 0,400
6,0E-2 0,200
After Optimization
Befor Optimization
5,0E-104 0,000
0,000 60,000 120,000 180,000 240,000 300,000 0,000 4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000 20,000
Times, (t) Time (t)
4.3. Determination of the optimal parameters, k, l, A and costs summary table (Table 7) and the four figures successively named
R(t), F(t), r(t) and A(t) (see Figs. 4–9).
For determining the optimum parameters (k, l, A, R, M and The optimization model RCM applied to the power distribution
costs) of EFS, we applied a global optimization on a sample of system has given many good results. This result we had in the fig-
electric distribution systems located in the area of RELIZANE prov- ures and summarized in Table 8 shows the importance of the opti-
ince in the north west of ALGERIA by adopting different models mization strategy of maintenance for the purpose of maintaining
and different simulations that are assigned in this article. After equipment reliability and availability of EFS electrical system
determining of EFS critical equipment until ten years, we have gi- including the reduction of cost of maintenance in order to increase
ven the priority to the power transformers (TR), electrical line (EL), the time between two successive failures and minimize repair
insulators (IS) and circuit breakers (CB) for starting our approach, time.
then the result of modeling and simulation is summarized in the Following the study we did in the resort of power distribution
system of RELIZANE north-west in ALGERIA, it will be necessary
to make a complete renovation since the majority of equipment
COSTS is very old and comes from the colonial period from the year
After Optimisation
Befor Optimisation
160000,000 Table 8
Optimal parameters, k, l, A, R, F and costs. For EFS.
Table A1
B. Yssaad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 108–115 115
– Replacement.
nance action.
3 4 3 36 Replacement
– Visual 4 1 3 12
– Noise
– Production
– Stop
Permutations sources
Internal Failures
Internal Failures
Appendix A
Food network
Food network
See Table A1
[1] Svensk Energi – Swedenergy AB. RCM for electrical distribution systems – a
simplified decision model for maintenance planning Part 1, 2001 [in Swedish].
PDS of R in A: Power Distribution System of RELIZANE in ALGERIA
for Vattenfall El distribution. KTH Elec. Eng., Stockholm, Sweden, Paper A-ETS/
EEK-0504, August 2005.
[7] Bertling L. Reliability Centred Maintenance for electric power distribution.
– Electrical