Kuijt 1987

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Novelties in Mesoamerican Mistletoes (Loranthaceae and Viscaceae)

Author(s): Job Kuijt

Source: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Vol. 74, No. 3 (1987), pp. 511-532
Published by: Missouri Botanical Garden Press
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2399319
Accessed: 25-11-2015 16:00 UTC

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Five newspeciesofLoranthaceae (Cladocoleaprimaria,Psittacanthus
P. minor,P.
pinicola,and Struthanthus
and sevennewspeciesofViscaceae(Dendrophthora davidsei,D.
talamancana,Phoradendronfasciculatum, P. molinae,P. nitens,
P. tardispicum,
and P. zelayanum)
are describedfromMesoamerica. The new combinationPsittacanthusrhynchanthus (Bentham) Kuijt
(includingthevar. wurdackii(Rizzini) Kuijt) is proposed forwhathas usuallybeen called P. calyculatus
(DC.) G. Don in Mesoamerica. The lattername is now restrictedto a different species endemic to

The following novelties result from recent triadsbelow and a pair above, followedby a pair
studies in connectionwiththe Flora de Nicara- of ebracteolatemonads and a terminalflower,
gua and Flora Mesoamericana. the 4 basal triadscrowdedin the leaf axil. Flow-
ers bisexual, pale yellow, 4-partite;petals di-
1. Cladocolea primaria Kuijt, sp. nov. TYPE: morphic, 2-2.5 mm long; anthers very small,
Panama. Panamai: Cerro Jefe,2 km along sessile on the shorterpetals and withveryshort
road to Altos de Pacora fromjunction with filamentson thelongerones; ovary 1.5 x 1 mm;
road to peak, low cloud forest,800 m, Syts- stylemore or less straight,the capitate stigma
ma & Knapp 4797 (holotype,MO; isotype, reachingthe petal tips. Fruit 6 x 4 mm, red,
LEA). Figures 1, 2. becomingdark purple,ellipticin outline; calyc-
ulus inconspicuous;embryodicotylous,slender,
Plantaeglabrae,pauceramosae;ramiquasi teretes,
saepe lenticellis
insignibus ornati,rectisat rigidique. the haustorialpole scarcelyexpanded.
Folia bina,aliquantumcoriacea,laminaelatelanceo-
lataevel ovatae,obtusaevel leviterapiculatae;costa Additionalspecimensexamined. PANAMA. PANAMA:
insignis,petioliad 15 mmlongi.Florespallideflavi, CerroJefe, Clusiaforest
nearradiotower,900m,D 'Arcy
bisexuales.Inflorescentia solitaria,
determinata,subtus & Hamilton14817(LEA, MO); in forest nearroadto
triadis3- vel 4-paribus, supraparisingulo,tuncpari CerroJefenearjunctionwithroadtoAltosde Pacora,
unomonadarum ebracteolatarum etdeniquefloreter- Mori & Kallunki72763 (LEA, MO); CerroJefe,6.6
minalisequentibus; triadaebasales ad axillasaggre- mi. above GoofyLake,disturbed cloud forest,
gatae; inflorescentiae paribus nonnullisfoliorum 900 m,Sytsmaetal. 2839 (LEA, MO).
squamiformium, crassorum, fuscorum suffultae.Flo-
res 4-partiti;petaladimorpha,2-2.5 mm longa;an- Cladocoleaprimaria presentsconsiderabledif-
theraeperparvae, filamentis ficultiesin genericassignment.When I mono-
sessilesad petalabreviora,
brevissimis insertaead longiora;ovarium1.5 x 1mm; graphedCladocolea (Kuijt, 1975), I proposedthe
stylusrectus,stigmacapitatum.Fructus6 x 4 mm, notionthatStruthanthus
ruber,obscureviolascens,ellipsoideus. is polyphyletic,at least
many species being derived froma number of
Plants sparsely branched, twining,glabrous. independentsources withinCladocolea. Thus I
Stems tereteor slightly4-ridged,oftenwithcon- spoke of connectingbridges,thesein some cases
spicuous lenticelswhenolder,straightand rather characterizedby species pairs, one member of
rigid,with occasional epicorticalroots. Leaves which was placed in Cladocolea, the other in
paired, somewhat leathery,the blades broadly Struthanthus. Withsome veryminorexceptions,
lanceolate to ovate,-venationinconspicuous,the thisleftCladocolea as a genus withdeterminate
apex mostlyblunt or slightlyapiculate; midrib spikesofmonads, theflowers4-, 5-, or 6-partite,
conspicuousand runningintoapex; petiolesstout, and eitherbisexualor thespeciesdioecious. Stru-
to 15 mm long. Inflorescencessubtendedby sev- thanthusremaineda strictly dioeciousgenus(with
eral pairs of thick,brown scale leaves, solitary the solitaryexception of the highlyaberrantS.
in leaf axils, determinate,with 3 or 4 pairs of panamensis, which has bisexual flowers and

1 Acknowledgmentsaredue to Dr. KarelU. Kramer,Zurich,fortheLatindescriptions,

and to theNatural
Sciencesand Engineering
ResearchCouncilofCanada forcontinuingfinancial
2 DepartmentofBiologicalSciences,University
AlbertaTIK 3M4, Canada.
ANN. MISSOURI BOT. GARD. 74: 511-532. 1987.

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FIGURE 1. Cladocolea primaria Kuijt (Sytsma & Knapp 4797). Pendent branch.

bracteolatemonads), its inflorescencemade up colea, however,itis thefirstspecieswhichis truly

of mostlytriads.The inflorescenceof Struthan- triadic. I feel that placement in Cladocolea is
thusis generallyindeterminate,but in a few more acceptable,althoughI cannot deny an ele-
species it also bears two or fourmonads at the ment of arbitrarinessin this regard.I continue
tip, followedby a trulyterminalflower. to hold the view that union of the two genera
Cladocoleaprimariapresentsa predicament would tendto obscurethe complex relationships
fromwhich thereis no completelysatisfactory betweenthem,and thatthesedifficulties concern
escape, forplacementin eithergenusleads to the veryfewspecies. In fact,if the evolutionaryre-
need of significantmodificationof that generic lationshipsare as I have proposed, such difficult
concept. As a species of Struthanthus it would intermediatespecies would be expected.
be the firstfour-partitespecies, and the second Viewed in the above context,C. primaria is
one with bisexual flowers.If placed in Clado- closely related to C. lenticellata (Diels) Kuijt

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mm E

FIGuRE2. Cladocoleaprimaria Kuijt (Sytsma& Knapp 4797).-a. Inflorescence,

b. Flower dissection.-c. Mature fruit.-d. Embryo.

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(which it greatlyresemblessuperficially)and C. species. The closest relativeof D. davidsei,how-

roraimensis(Steyerm.)Kuijt, while in Struthan- ever,is D. paucifolia(Rusby) Kuijt,whichranges
thusit is especiallyS. leptostachyus(Kunth) G. fromBolivia to Venezuela. The major difference
Don and S. polystachyus(Ruiz & Pavon) Blume betweenD. davidseiand D. paucifolia is thatthe
that are related. Our species representsthe sec- vegetativebranchesof the latterinvariablyhave
ond Cladocolea reportedforPanama and seems a prominentpair of basal cataphyllsplaced high
to be limitedto the Cerro Jefearea. above the leaf axil (see Fig. 39 in Kuijt, 1986a).
This is not seen in any of the ten individuals
presentin the two Davidse collections,but basal
2. Dendrophthoradavidsei Kuijt, sp. nov. TYPE:
cataphyllsare presenton some (not all) vegeta-
Costa Rica. Lim6n: Cordillerade Talaman-
tivelateralsoftheLent specimen.The latterlooks
ca, Atlantic slope, unnamed cordillerabe-
extremelyslenderbut appears to belong to the
tweentheRio Terbi and theRio Sini, 2,400-
presentspecies. A second and apparentlycon-
2,750 m, elfin forestedge, Davidse et al.
sistentdifference is thatleaf size in D. paucifolia
28990 (holotype,MO). Figure 3.
dwindles upwardlyuntil the uppermostlateral
Plantaad circ.15cmalta,monoeca,erecta, olivacea, spikes are subtendedby leaf scales; even though
ap- perhaps a slightdiminution takes place in D.
pendicesbasalesin planomedio.Folia (ob)lanceolata, davidsei,none of the leaves on the main stem
succulenta, ad 9 x 2 mm,acuta. Floresfemineiad
partessuperioresinternodium fertilium,plerumque ever reach scale size. The relationshipof thetwo
quam masculisubtusinsertihaudplures.Spicaesoli- species is certainlyveryclose, but separationap-
pedunculocirc.7 mm
tariae,axillaresterminalisque, pears justified.
longoinclusoad 5 cm longae;internodia 2 vel
fertilia Terminal inflorescenceswere not seen in the
ad 20 pro bracteafertili.
3, raro4; floresuniseriati,
Fructus ad globosus,1.5mmdiam.,
albus,ellipsoideus type but are representedin the otherwiseiden-
petalispatentibus. ticalcollectionDavidse et al. 28755a. In thetype,
as shown in Figure 3a, the tips of the larger
Plants monoecious, to ca. 15 cm high,erect, branches have remained static, giving the
olive green,small-leaved;basal cataphyllsabsent impressionof buds with crowded small leaves.
throughoutin some individuals,irregularly pres- Such shoot tips undoubtedlywill expand into
ent in others;basal appendages orientedin me- new systemsofinflorescences, and perhapsmark
dian plane; youngparts oftenwith sparse, stiff, a seasonal change.In fact,in thethirdcollection,
white bristlelikehairs. Leaves (ob)lanceolate, Lent 3826, thereare some brancheswheresuch
succulent,to 9 x 2 mm, acute. Spikes solitary a new expansion seems to have takenplace, de-
and axillary as well as terminal,to 5 cm long marcatedfromtheolderportionby severalpairs
includingthe peduncle ca. 7 mm long; fertile of verysmall leaves.
internodes2 or 3, rarely4. Flowers uniseriate,
to 20 per fertilebract;femaleflowersin theupper 3. Dendrophthoratalamancana Kuijt, sp. nov.
part of the fertileinternodes,not generallyout- TYPE: Costa Rica. Limon: Cordillerade Ta-
numberingthe male flowersbelow. Fruitwhite, lamanca, Atlantic slope, Valle de Silencio,
ellipsoid to globose, 1.5 mm diam.; petals along the Rio Terbi, 0.5-1.5 airline km W
spreading. of the Costa Rican-Panamanian border,
Additional specimens examined. COSTA RICA. 2,300-2,400 m, Davidse et al. 28755b (ho-
LIMON: Cordillera de Talamanca,Atlanticslope,Valle lotype,MO). Figure 4.
de Silencio,alongtheRio Terbi,0.5-1.5airlinekmW
oftheCostaRican-Panamanian border, 2,300-2,400 Plantatenuis,monoeca,erecta,ramosissima, circ.
m, Davidseet al. 28755a (MO). HEREDIA: open road 30 cmalta,ad basemsquamata;caulesinflorescentias
side,1 kmN ofSan Rafaelde VaraBlanca,1,900m, gerentes haud ultra1 mm crassi.Cataphyllabasalia
Lent3826 (F). omninocarentia, appendicesbasalespositionemedia.
Spicae solitariae,axillares,ad 15 mm longae,inter-
Dendrophthoradavidsei is the sixth known nodiofertili uno.Floresuniseriati, floribus
usquead 6
Mesoamerican species of subgenus Dendroph- supraquamquebracteamfertilem, masculiirregular-
thora,countingD. talamancana described con- iterdispersiet femineis multopauciores;bacca alba,
2 mmdiam.,ovoidea,sepalisclausis.
currentlyin this paper. The othersare D. gua-
temalensis Standley, D. mexicana Kuijt, D. Plants monoecious, ca. 30 cm high,profusely
squamigera (Benth.) Kuntze, and D. terminalis branched,slender,erect,squamate to the base.
Kuijt. No seriousconfusionis possiblewiththose Inflorescence-bearing stems 1 mm or less in

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FIGURE 3. Dendrophthoradavidsei Kuijt.-a. Habit (Davidse et al. 28990).-b. Same collection,old inflo-
rescence.-c. Terminal portionof compound inflorescence(Davidse et al. 28 755a).

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X)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -

talamancanaKuijt (Davidseetal. 28755b).-a. Habit.-b. Fruitinginflorescence.

FIGURE4. Dendrophthora

thickness;basal cataphyllsabsentthroughout, the ularlydistributedand much outnumberedby the

basal appendagesin a median orientation.Spikes femaleflowers.Berrywhite,2 mm diam., ovoid;
solitary,axillaryonly,to 15 mm long,the single sepals closed.
fertileinternodeslightlylongerthan the pedun- This distinctive plant represents the third
cle, the apex acute. Flowersuniseriate,to 6 flow- completelysquamate Mesoamerican species of
ers above each fertilebract; male flowersirreg- theothersbeingD. squamigera

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(Benth.)Kuntze and D. terminalisKuijt. It differs time whetherthis clusterof species is obligately

from the formerin its extremelyfine, much- hyperparasitic; plantsgrowingnear the base of a
branchedstemsand shortfertileinternodes,and primaryhost may easily be mistakenforbeing
fromthe latterin its size, bluntscale leaves, and parasiticdirectlyon the host tree. Anotherfea-
lack ofterminalspikes.It is conceivable thatthe tureapparentlyheld in common bythesevarious
unusually slender Friedrichsthals.n. specimen species is thatseveralstemsoriginatefroma bas-
fromGuatemala, as cited in Kuijt (1961), will al cushion, as illustratedin Figure 5a (arrow). I
turnout to be this species. I know of no similar add a comparable illustrationof a small plant of
South Americanplants. PhoradendrondipterumEichlerfromNicaragua
(Fig. 6), whichhappens to be parasiticon a leaf,
4. PhoradendronfasciculatumKuijt, sp. nov. the host again being a Phoradendron.A clear
TYPE: Panama. Chiriqui: JaramilloArriba,
basal cushionis visible (arrow).A thirdexample
near Boquete, trailto Rio Palo Alto, 1,100 is PhoradendronaequatorisUrban fromEcuador
m, near paved road, hyperparasiticon Pho- (Kuijt, 1986a, fig. 2), which also has basal
is parasitic on a Phoradendron.
radendronundulatumEichl., in turnpara- sproutingand
sitic on Psidium guajava, Churchill& Kuijt That thisis notaxillarybranchingfromthenodes
5106 (holotype, MO; isotypes, BM, CR, ofa much shortenedbase is demonstratedby the
EAP, MEXU, NY, LEA, PMA). Figure 5. usual lack ofbasal cataphylls,in contrastto what
occurs elsewherein the plant.
Plantaeerectae,glabrae,basi rami4-6 e pulvino The explanation of the basal cushion almost
communiorientes;internodiavetustiorabicarinata, certainlylies in theoriginalhaustorialdisk ofthe
novellapraecipuestatusicco leviterquadrangularia,
ad 10 cm longa,ramilateralesparibuscataphyllarumseedling. It has recentlybeen shown in an un-
singulis.Ramisolumnovellifoliosi.Foliacarnosa,8 x related species of Viscaceae, Viscum minimum
5 mm,apicerotundata, moxdecidua.Monoeca;spicae Harvey, that the marginof the haustorial disk
paribuscataphyllorum steriliumvel nullis;internodia regularlyproduces aerial shoots (Kuijt, 1986b).
fertilia5 vel 6. Floresmasculi1-3 ad apicemareae The same is truefor Viscumalbum L.
floriferae (Tubeuf,
suprabracteamfertilem, femineiusque ad
12probracteaetiis suppositae, Fruc- 1923), and for Ixocactus hutchisoniiKuijt of
tuslate ovoideus,3 mm diam.;petalisinconspicuis, Loranthaceae(Kuijt, 1987). In Phoradendron, this
clausis. featurewould appear to have some taxonomic
Plants monoecious, erect,glabrous, fascicled constancyin the group of species under discus-
fromthe base with 4-6 stems froma common
cushion. Stems usually lackingbasal cataphylls; Additional specimen examined. COLOMBIA.
internodes 2-keeled when older, somewhat ANTIOQUIA:
highwaybetweenUramita and Canfasgor-
quadrangularwhen young,especiallywhen dry, das,on Phoradendron
(H.B.K.) Trel.,Bark-
ley& Gutierrez
to 10 cm long,stout;lateralbrancheswith 1 pair
ofbasal cataphyllsca. 4 mm above base, spread- 5. Phoradendronmolinae Kuijt, sp. nov. TYPE:
ingwhendry.Leaves fleshy,soon deciduous,8 x Nicaragua.Madriz: cutovercloud forestarea
5 mm, the apex rounded,sides parallel,the base on Volca'n Somoto, 10 km S of Somoto,
clasping.Spikes with 1 pair of sterilecataphylls 1,400 m, Williams & Molina 20270 (holo-
or without,5-6 fertileinternodessometimespro- type,US; isotype,F). Figure 7.
terminallyintoa second seriesofyoun-
gerfertileinternodes.Male flowers1-3 at thetip Internodia compressacarinataque, ad 6 cm longa;
of the flowerarea above each fertilebract, the ramilateralesparibuscataphyllorum basaliumvalde
inferissingulis.Folia ad 10 x 4.5 cm; laminatenuis,
female flowersto 12 per bract below them,bi- ovata,basi in petioluminsignem, cuneiformem, fere
or triseriate.Fruitbroadly ovoid, 3 mm diam., ad 1.5 cm longumabruptecontracta.Inflorescentia
thepetalsverysmall,inconspicuous,moreor less femineasolitaria,paricataphyllorum steriliumprae-
closed. sentevel carente;pedunculusstatufructifero circ.3
mmlongus;spicafructifera circ.3 cm longa,interno-
This distinctivespecies undoubtedlybelongs 2 vel 3, floribus
diisfertilibus probracteafertilitribus,
to the P. dipterumgroup of species, in which insertis
paulumsupramediuminternodii. Fructus ovo-
ideus,laevis,3 x 2 mm,petalaclausa.
hyperparasitismis the rule. Phoradendronfas-
ciculatumis no exception,in thatall plants seen Plants dioecious (onlythe femaleseen), stems
of the type collection were growingon P. un- withcompressed,keeledinternodesto 6 cm long,
dulatum Eichler. It is impossible to tell at this basal cataphylls one very low pair on lateral

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FIGURE 5. Phoradendron fasciculatum & Kuijt5106).-a. Base of youngplant,showing

Kuijt (Churchill
sproutingfrombasal cushion(arrow).
-b. Habitof olderplant.- c. Olderinflorescence,
thebasal portionin
fruit, portionproliferated
and in flower.

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FIGURE 6. Phoradendron
Eichlerparasiticon Phoradendron
sp., Nicaragua(Stevens& Montiel
17931, LEA). The hyperparasiteis sproutingfroma basal cushion (arrow)attachedto a leafof the primaryhost.

branches. Leaves to 10 x 4.5 cm; blade thin, divide between Tres Rios and Cartago, on
more or less palmatelyveined, ovate, the base Euphorbiaceae, Kuijt 2465 (holotype,CR;
abruptlycontractedintoconspicuous,cuneiform isotype,UBC). Figure19 in Kuijt (1964) and
petiole to nearly 1.5 cm long. Female inflores- Figure 5 in Kuijt (1986a).
cence solitary,less than 2 cm long, oftenwitha
sterilepair ofcataphylls;peduncleca. 3 mm long Plantamagna,monoeca,carnosa, ramificatione
in fruit;fruitingspike ca. 3 cm long, with 2-3 furcata;innovationeslateralescataphyllisbasalibus
fertileinternodesand 3 flowersper fertilebract magnisbinis.Ramulinovellialiquantumcompressi,
just above the middle of the internode. Fruit demumteretes. Folia usque ad 15 x 7 cm vel ultra,
statuvivo crassaet nitentia,rigida,obovatavel fere
ovoid, smooth,3 x 2 mm; petals closed. elliptica,
basiangustata velabruptecontracta;petiolus
validissimus,planus,ad 6 mm latus.Floresmasculi
6. Phoradendron nitens Kuijt, sp. nov. TYPE: rarissimi,inferiores
seriatimdispositi;spicaad 4 cm
Costa Rica. Cartago:east side ofcontinental longa,cataphyllis
3 vel4, flo-

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FIGURE7. Phoradendronmolinae Kuijt(Williams & Molina 20270).-a. Habit.-b. Fruiting
c. Basal cataphylls.

Fructusflavus,3 x 1.5
resprobractea6-9, biseriati. a large pair of basal cataphyllsjust above the
axil; stems somewhatcompressed when young,
Plants fleshy, monoecious, the branching becomingterete.Leaves to 15 x 7 cm or larger,
mostlyforked,wherepercurrentperhaps witha thick and shiny when fresh,rigid, obovate to
pair ofintercalarycataphylls.Lateral shootswith nearlyelliptical;base taperingor abruptlycon-

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tracted;petioleverystoutand flat,to 6 mm wide. Plantsdioecious (onlythefemaleseen),bright,

Spike to 4 cm long, lacking cataphylls,fertile dark greenwhen fresh,glabrous, 1-2 m diam.,
internodes3-4, with flowers6-9 per bract,bi- somewhat pendulous. Upper part of internode
seriate;male flowersveryrare,lowest in series. slightlyflattenedwhen young, soon becoming
Fruityellow,3 x 1.5 mm,ellipsoid;petalsclosed. terete;internodesstraight,5-9 cm long. Basal
cataphyllsmostly 1 or 2 pairs, very inconspic-
Additionalspecimensexamined. NICARAGUA. uous, if 1 pair presentnearlyaxillary,if 2 pairs
ZELAYA: Municipiode Siuna,Rio El Bambfx, arriba,
200-400m,Ortiz1665(HNMN, MO); Rosa Grande, presentthe second pair to 20 mm above axil,
Rio Labfx(rio abajo), 300 m, Ortiz1031 (HNMN, rarelyto 4 pairs. Intercalarycataphyllspresent,
MO); CerroWaylawas(PefiasBlancas),5 kmal S de one pairbetweensuccessivepairsoffoliageleaves
Wany,costadooestedelcerro,on Crescentia,Grijalva but irregularly distributedalong the branch,ab-
& Burgos1665 (HNMN, MO); Municipiode Rama,
caminodesde"SantaJulia"hasta"La Palmera,"60- sent from some internodes,always inconspic-
95 m,Robleto680 (HNMN, MO). (Alsosee thespec- uous. Leaves amplexicaul, cordate, shinywhen
imenslistedunderPhoradendron obliquum(Presl)Ei- fresh,to 7.5 x 6 cm, ratherthin; marginundu-
chlerin Kuijt,1964). late; venation pinnate but obscure. Inflores-
cences ratherslender,6-8 cm long,nearlyall on
This species, which in Mesoamerica has been
older,leaflessinternodes,severalpernode, rarely
erroneouslyreferredto Phoradendronobliquum
one in axils of intercalarycataphylls;spike with
(Presl) Eichler,is oftenextremelydifficult
to sep-
2 pairs of sterilebasal cataphyllsless than 5 mm
arate fromvigorous specimens of P. robustissi-
above base, followedby ca. 7 fertileinternodes.
mumEichlerifonlyherbariummaterialis avail-
Flowersbiseriate,to 10 per fertilebract,yellow-
able. In the freshcondition, its usually larger
ish green,each fertileinternodewith stalk and
shinyleaves and yellowishberriescontrastsharply
flowerlesstip 2-4 mm long. Fruitovoid, yellow-
with those of the latter species. Phoradendron
ish green,3 mm long,the petals closed.
robustissimumis also strictlydioecious, but the
rarityof male flowersin P. nitenscan be very This is a remarkablespecies forits irregularly
misleading.Phoradendronobliquumis presently distributedintercalarycataphyllsand forlate de-
placed in synonymyunder Dendrophthoraobli- velopmentof inflorescences.It is difficultto see
qua (Presl) Wiens (Kuijt, 1986a). what known species mightbe related.As faras
The speciesis now knownfromPanama, Costa I am aware, only in Phoradendronparadoxum
Rica (Kuijt, 1964), and Nicaragua, and has been Urban fromVenezuela do intercalarycataphylls
reportedrecentlyfromEcuador (Kuijt, 1986a, as alternatein occurrence,but there this pattern
Phoradendron#5,fig.5). We may thus antici- seemsto be regular(Trelease, 1916). That species
pate thatit will be foundin Colombia. and the closely relatedP. fendlerianumEichler,
however,have triseriateflowersand long-peti-
7. Phoradendron tardispicum Kuijt, sp. nov. oled leaves and do not seem closely related. In
TYPE: Panama. Chiriqui:bridgeover Rio San
the newlydescribedP. balsleviiKuijt fromEc-
uador (Kuijt, 1986a), a similarirregularity
Felix,on Panama Hwy.,50 m,on Ficus along
riverdirectlyS of bridge,Churchill& Kuijt but there0-3 cataphyllsmay be presenton an
5107 (holotype,MO; isotypes,BM, LEA, "internode"; nor does this species seem to be
MEXU, PMA). Figure 8. closelyrelatedto P. tardispicum.

Plantaedioeca (pistillatae solumvisae),vivae ob-

scurevirides, glabrae.Caulesdeindeteretes;internodia 8. PhoradendronzelayanumKuijt,sp. nov. TYPE:
recta,5-9 cmlonga.Cataphylla basaliaplerumque par Nicaragua. Zelaya: N of abandoned airstrip
unumvelpariadua,valdeinconspicua. Cataphylla in- near Alamikamba, along tributaryof Cafio
tercalariapraesentia, paria singulaparibusfoliorum
interspersasedad caulesirregulariter ad in-
distributa, Alamikamba, 10 m, galleryforestamong sa-
ternodianonnullacarentia.Folia amplexicaulia, cor- vanna, on Symphonia globuliferaL.f., Ste-
data,viva nitida,usquead 7.5 x 6 cm,margineun- vens 21717 (holotype, MO; isotypes,
dulata,venationepinnata.Inflorescentiae satgraciles, HNMN, LEA). Figure 9.
6-8 cm longae,fereomnesad internodia vetustiora
aliquotpronodo,spicaquaqueparibusduo- Plantamonoeca,dichotoma, apiceabortivo.Caules
bus cataphyllorum sterilium basaliuminternodiisque teretes; innovationes
circ.7; flores ad 10probracteafer- binis.Folia lateovatavel orbicularia,
biseriati, laminaad 8 x
tili.Fructusovoideus,luteo-viridis,3 mmlongus,pe- 8 cm,palmato-venosa; petiolusvalidus,planus,supra
talisclausis. expansus.Inflorescentia

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b 4
FIGURE 8. Phoradendron
tardispicum & Kuijt5107).-a. Habit.-b. Inflorescence.

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FIGURE9. Phoradendron
zelayanumKuijt (Stevens21717). -a. Habit. -b. Inflorescence.

tria;flores13-15 pro bracteafertili, 9. Psittacanthus angustifoliusKuijt, sp. nov.

spica4 cm longa;spicaehermaphroditae.
biseriati; TYPE: Nicaragua. Madriz: 0.5 km al S de San
Jbosede Cusmapa, I ,200 m, parasitandoen
Plants monoecious,forking, theapex aborting,
un Pinus, Moreno 24419 (holotype, MO;
theinflorescencesand youngshootsdull golden-
isotype,HNMN, LEA). Figure 10.
yellow. Stems terete,stout; internodesto 8 cm
long;thelateralshootswithone low pair ofcata- Caulesacutequadrangulares. Foliabina,anguste fal-
phylls.Leaves broadlyovate to orbicular;blade cata,tenua,venatione pinnata;laminaad 17 x 2.5 cm,
basiacuta,apicegraciliter attenuata,petiolusad 5 mm
to 8 x 8 cm, with 5 or 7 veryconspicuous pal- longus.Inflorescentia terminalis,e triadis4 vel 6 con-
mate veins runningfartowardsthe apex; petiole sistens. triaderum
Pedunculi circ.1cmlongi,inferiores
stout,ca. 8 mm long,flatand expandingdistally. bracteisfoliaceisad 2 cm longis;pedicellicupulater-
Inflorescences bisexual, lacking sterile cata- minalinotabili.Petalaaurantiaca, 7.5-8cmlonga;ala-
phylls,thepeduncle 3 mm long,thisfollowedby bastrumrectumvel aliquantumcurvatum. Ligulaeet
pili staminum nulli,sed apicespetalorum cristacen-
3 fertileinternodeseach with 13-15 biseriate trali,carnosaliguliformi ornati.Staminadimorpha, 5
flowersper fertilebract, the entire spike 4 cm cm longa,antherae6 mmlongae.Stigmaantheras su-
long. perans,capitatum.

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FIGURE10. Psittacanthus (Moreno24419) -a. Habit.-b. Tip ofpetal.


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Stems sharply quadrangular. Leaves paired, straight,not dilated at base. Petals ca. 3.7 cm
narrowlyfalcate,thin;the blade to 17 x 2.5 cm, long, red-orange;ligular area weakly differen-
venation pinnate,the base acute, the apex slen- tiated. Stamens dimorphic; the anthers 3 mm
derlyattenuate;petiole to 5 mm long. Inflores- long, dorsifixed,the 2 series scarcely overlap-
cences terminal,consistingof 4 or 6 triads;triad ping, the filamentsattached ca. 21 mm above
peduncles ca. 1 cm long, the lowest ones with the base, some 16 mm long. Ovary more or less
foliaceous bractsto 2 cm long; pedicels 1.5 cm cylindrical,4 x 2 mm; stylenearlyas longas the
long, withconspicuous terminalcupule, the ca- petals; stigma weakly differentiated; calyculus
lyculussmooth. Bud stout,more or less straight smooth. Fruits ovoid, 1.5 x 1 cm, with con-
or somewhatcurved; base and tip 5 and 4 mm spicuous calyculus,blackish.
wide,respectively, thelatterblunt.Petals orange,
Additionalspecimensexamined. NICARAGUA. MA-
7.5-8 cm long; innerpart of flowerhairless,the TAGALPA: PuertasViejas, 2 km al N sobre la Carretera
petalbase 5 mm wide,withoutligule;petalapices Panamericana,"San Vicente,"600 m, on Acacia, Mor-
4 mm wide, blunt,each witha fleshy,ligule-like eno 18288 (HNMN, LEA, MO); same, San Juanillo,8
median crest extendinginwards. Stamens di- km al SE de Ciudad Dario, 500 m, on Fabaceae, Gri-
morphic;filamentsattachedat ca. 2.5 cm above jalva 2618 (HNMN, LEA, MO); same, Entrada Paso
de Carretera,quebrada, 460-480 m, on Bignoniaceae,
petal base, 5 cm long; anthers6 mm long. Ovary Moreno 16698 (HNMN, LEA, MO). MANAGUA: cam-
5 x 6.5 mm. Stigmaplaced above anthers,very ino Dario-Presa Santa Barbara,8 km al NW de Ciudad
small, capitate. Fruitunknown. Dario, on Leguminosae,Grijalva2693 (HNMN, LEA,
Additional specimenexamined.Same dataas type,
Soza et al. 155 (HNMN, MO). Psittacanthus minor is closely related to P.
mayanusStandley& Steyerm.,whichappears to
This is an extremelydistinctivespecies,known
be limitedto the Yucata'n region,has quadran-
from what is essentially a single collection.
gular stems,and fruitswhich are about half as
Whetherthe species is restrictedto Pinus, as ap-
large as those of P. minor. Psittacanthus ma-
parentlyis Psittacanthuspinicola, can only be yanus
is much smallerin general.
shownby further fieldwork.The two species can-
not be confused,as P. pinicola is dyadic and has 11. Psittacanthuspinicola Kuijt, sp. nov. TYPE:
irregularlywhorled,blunt,more leatheryleaves. Belize. Belize: Manatee Pine Ridge, on pine,
The type locality suggeststhat the species may 1931-32, Gentle82 (holotype,GH; isotype,
well be presentin neighboringHonduras. MO). Figures 12, 13.

10. Psittacanthusminor Kuijt, sp. nov. TYPE: Caules plus minusve teretes;folia symmetrica,ter
verticillata,ad 11 x 2.5 cm, angusteellipticavel lan-
Nicaragua. Matagalpa: SW slopes of Cerro ceolata, apice rotundata,basi in petiolum circ. 5 mm
El Pilon and adjacent Laguna Tecomapa, longum angustata.Inflorescentiaelaterales,ad nodos,
roadside, low thornscrub and pastures on umbellulas e dyadis 2 vel 3 formantes.Petala circ. 4
rocky slopes, on ant acacia, Stevens 9466 cm longa, rubra,apice luteo-viridescentia,medio au-
(holotype, MO; isotypes, HNMN, LEA). rantiaca,basi ligula prominente;alabastrumsupra ali-
quantum curvatum,circum ovarium ad latitudinem
Figure 11. circ. 5 mm dilatatum,ad apicem tenuissimum,leviter
curvatum,circ. 1.5 mm latum angustatum;calyculus
Plantaeparva,caulibusteretibus, foliisbinis.Folia laevis. Stamina dimorpha; antheraedorsifixae,dorso
tenua;laminaad 5.5 x 3.5 cm,ovata,utraqueextre- paulo pilosae. Ovarium plus minusvecylindricum,4.5
mitateobtusavel fere;petiolus3-5 mmlongus.Inflo- mm longum; styluslongus, basi aliquantum torsus;
paribustriadarum4-6. Petalacirc. stigmaellipsoideum,subtiliterpapillosum. Fructusel-
3.7 cm longa,rubro-aurantiaca; area ligulaepaulum lipsoideus,calyculoinconspicuo, 13 x 5 mm, saturate
Alabastrum rectum,basihauddilatatum, ca- purpureus.
lyculuslaevis.Staminadimorpha; antherae 3 mmlon-
gae,seriesduaeviximbricantes; filamentacirc.16mm Stems more or less terete,becoming coarsely
fissuredand blackish when old; leaves symmet-
rical, in (oftensomewhatirregular)whorlsof 3,
Stems terete,phyllotaxypaired. Leaves thin, to 11 x 2.5 cm, narrowlyellipticalto lanceolate;
the blade to 5.5 x 3.5 cm, ovate, the apex and apex rounded; base taperinginto petiole ca. 5
base obtuse or nearlyso; venation more or less mm long. Inflorescenceslateral, axillary,often
palmate;petiole3-5 mm long.Inflorescencester- also on older,leaflessstems,each beingan umbel
minal, consistingof 4-6 pairs of triads on pe- of2 or 3 dyads;inflorescencepeduncleto 13 mm
duncles ca. 12 mm; pedicels 10 mm long. Buds long;dyad pedunclesand floralpedicels 5-7 mm

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b c

...4 ,:.

FIGURE11. Psittacanthus minorKuijt(Stevens9466).-a. Habit,withimmature

bud.-c. Base ofpetal.-d. Fruit(Moreno18288).

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FIGURE 12. Psittacanthus pinicolaKuijt.-a. Habitwithimmature (Pipoly4013).-b. Same

portionofinflorescencewithmaturebuds,a singlepetalshownseparately.
- c. Completeinflorescence
justafteranthesis(Gentle82).-d. Maturefruit (Stevens7600).

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ic f

pinicola(Gentle82).-a. Leafyinnovation.-b. thestyleandanther

FIGURE 13. Psittacanthus
shown separatelyto the right.-c. Relative positions of anthersand style.

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long,the latterscarcelyexpanded at the tip. Pet- Syst.3: 415. 1834. TYPE: Mexico.Cuemavaca:
als ca. 4 cm long,red withyellow-greentip, or- Berlandier1150 (G-DC).
ange in the middle, prominentlyligulateat the An attractivePsittacanthusin whichthe buds
base. Buds somewhat curved above, inflatedat are distinctively curved and beaked occurs
the ovary to a width of nearly 5 mm, tapering throughoutMesoamerica,at low elevationsfrom
to a veryslender,slightlycurvedtip ca. 1.5 mm southernMexico to Venezuela. In the past, this
wide. Stamensdimorphic,sometimesapparently species has been called P. calyculatus(DC.) G.
nearly trimorphic(Fig. 13c); filamentsof the Don or,earlier,P. chrismardi Urban. Afterstudy-
longertypeattached 1.5 cm above the base, 1.5 ing the types of both Loranthus rhynchanthus
cm long; anthers 3-4 mm long, dorsifixed, Benthamand L. calyculatusDC., I conclude that
sparselypubescenton back. Ovary more or less theseare two distinctspecies. Consequently,the
cylindrical,green, 4.5 mm long, 2 mm diam. name P. rhynchanthus must be applied to the
below, expanding slightly above; calyculus wide-rangingspecies mentionedabove. True P.
smooth. Style4.6 cm long more or less straight, calyculatus seems limited to Mexico, the type
but thebase somewhattwisted;stigmaellipsoid, originatingfromthe area of Cuernavaca, further
finelypapillate. Fruit ellipsoid, with inconspic- collections having been seen fromPuebla and
uous calyculus, 13 x 5 mm, "deep purple." Morelia.
Additionalspecimensexamined. BELIZE. BELIZE: Notwithstandingtheirgeneral similarity,the
westernhighway,Mile 30, beside track,on pine, White- two speciesmaybe consistently separatedmostly
foord2442(MO); same,ThePlace,onpine,Whitefoordon the basis of floralfeatures.The mature,un-
2562 (MO). DISTR. UNKNowN: P. Cayo, in roadside opened bud of Psittacanthuscalyculatusis very
park on ridgearea overlooking1,000 ft.falls,in area
ofPinuscaribea,MountainPine Ridgearea,Huston nearlystraightand has a ratherblunttip; thatof
615 (MO). NICARAGUA. ZELAYA: Rio Tronceraatjunc- P. rhynchanthus shows a distinctivecurvaturein
tion with carreterabetweenWaspam and Puerto Ca- the distal portion,the apex being sharplyacute,
bezas, elevation less than 200 m, poorly developed and more beaklike. Psittacanthusrhynchanthus
galleryforestinsavanna,onPinuscaribea,Pipoly4013 has -smoothpollen
sacs behind which are borne
(HNMN, LEA, MO); nearTala Has and PuenteMango
(over Rio Kisalaya), 40-60 m, pine savanna, on Pinus long,conspicuous,reddishstamenhairs;thepol-
caribea,Stevens7600(LEA, MO); Comarcadel Cabo, len sacs ofP. calyculatusare distinctlylobed, and
Kornuk Creek above Puente Pozo Azul, old bridge, stamenhairsare lacking.Furthermore, thestylar
Robbins5831 (LEA, MO). NUEVA SEGOVIA: El Jicaro, base in P. rhynchanthus bearslow protuberances,
7 km sobre la carreteraa Murra entradaal Quebracho,
600-620 m, on pine, Moreno 8305 (HNMN, LEA, and each adjacent petal base shows a ligulecon-
MO). sistingof a low, V-shaped ridge;the stylarbase
in P. calyculatusis smooth, and ligules are ab-
Other dyadic species northof Panama are P. sent.Leaves of P. calyculatustend to be smaller
sonorae (Watson) Kuijt, P. palmeri (Watson) (to 8 x 4 cm), mostlyless than twice as
long as
Barlow' & Wiens, P. nudus (Molina) Kuijt & wide, and approximately symmetrical,while
Feuer, and P. ramiflorus(DC.) G. Don. Psitta- those of P. rhynchanthus are usually larger(to
canthuspinicola is similarto the last species but 12 x 4 cm), more than twice as long as
seems more closelyrelatedto P. dichrous(Mar- and strikingly falcate.
tius)Martius(see Eichler,1868, especiallyP1. 5). In Venezuela, at least some individuals of the
Not onlyinflorescencestructureand generalap- latterspecieshave extremely narrowleaves; these
pearance indicate this affinity, but even-thepe- plantsbelongto Psittacanthusrhynchanthus var.
culiarcurvatureof thestylarbase is seen in both. wurdackii(Rizzini)
Kuijt, comb. nov. (P. calyc-
ulatus(DC.) G. Don var. wurdackiiRizzini,Rod-
12. Psittacanthus rhynchanthus (Bentham) riguesia41: 15.
1976). I have notyetencountered
Kuijt, comb. nov. Loranthus rhynchanthus the species fromthe Caribbean lowlands of Co-
Bentham,Bot. Voy. Sulphur102-103. 1845. lombia, but it would be
surprisingifit were not
TYPE: "Dr. Sinclair," Tiger Island (Hondu-
ras, Bay of Fonseca) (K). Figure 14d-f.
chrismarii Urban,Bot. Jahrb.24: 331. 13. Struthanthussubtilis Kuijt, sp. nov. TYPE:
1897.TYPE (here designated):Costa Rica. Forets
de Nicoya, Tonduz 13706 (hololectotype,US; iso- Panama. Cocle: nearcontinentaldividealong
lectotypes,CR, GH). lumberingroad, 2.2 km beyond sawmill in
auct.,non(DC.) G. Don,Gen. forestabove El Cope, 900 m, Hammel 998

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a d


LEA).-a, d. Maturebuds.-b, e. Ptals.-c,f. Sty basee

C~~~~ f
E E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
E E~~~~~~

FIGURE 14. Psittacanthus (DC.) G. Don (a-c; Mexico, Puebla, slopes of Popocatepeti, Ugentet
aL.1359,-WIS) and P. rhynchanthus
(Bentham)Kuijt (d-f; Nicaragua,Managua, Cuatro Esquinas, Moreno4400,
LEA). -a, d. Mature buds. -b, e. Petals. c f. Stylarbases.

(holotype,MO; isotypps,LEA, PMA). Fig- laminaangustelanceolataad lateovata,4-12cmlonga,

ure 15. 2-6 cm lata,apice caudiformis, petioluscirc.3 x 1
mm. Inflorescentiaesingulae,axillares,bracteistria-
Plantae inconspicuae, subtiles; caulis gracilis,plus darum2 vel 4 constitutentes;pedunculuscommunis
minusveteres.Folia tenua;venatiomanifesta,pinnata; ad 8 mmlongus,triadarum ad 5 mm,uterque0.5 mm

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~~~~~~1 ~ ~ ~ 3

FiGuE 15. Struthanthus subtilis

Kuijt.-a. Leafyshoot(Croat49004) and leaves(Croat44584).-b. Inflo-
rescence(Folsom& Lantz 1894).- c. Samecollection, - d. Samecollection,
petalsand style,maleflower. petals
- e. Maturefruits
and style,femaleflower. (Hammel998).


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velminuscrassus;flores anthesipedicellis0.5
laterales therightbeforesawmill,800 m,Antonio2207 (LEA,
mmlongis;bracteaebracterolaequeminutae,caducae; MO, NY, PMA); AltoCalvariocloudforest, 5.3 km
petala2-2.5 mmlonga;stigmacristisindistinctispa- aboveEl Cope,continental
subglobosus,5 mm
pillosis6. Fructusaurantiacus, m,Antonio3044 (LEA,MO, PMA); aboveEl Potroso
diam.,calyculoinconspicuo; later- sawmillat continental
aliumad 3 mmelongati. 1820 (LEA, MO). vEiRAGuAs:alongSantaF-Calove-
Plantsinconspicuous,ratherdelicate,branched. majorstream,3 mi. fromforkin roadat school,
Stems slender,more or less terete;stem roots 700 m, Croat 49004 (LEA, MO).
occasional,thin.Leaves thin,blade narrowlylan-
This species was previously listed as S. aff.
ceolateto broadlyovate, alwayswithcaudate tip,
dichotrianthusEichler (Kuijt, 1978). Struthan-
2-6 x 4-12 cm, the evident venation pinnate;
petiole ca. 3 x 1 mm. Inflorescencespale green,
Blume) are indeed relatedto S. subtilis,as is S.
solitaryin leaf axils, subtended by 4 minute,
quercicola(Cham. & Schlecht.)Blume ofwestern
probablycaducous bracts,consistingofa raceme
Panama to Mexico, but the extremeslenderness
of 2 or 4 triads;inflorescencepeduncle to 8 mm
and small racemesof our plant,theleaf size, and
long; triad peduncles to 5 mm, both 0.5 mm or
especiallythe consistentlycaudate to acuminate
less thick. Lateral flowerson pedicels 0.5 mm
leaf apex, leave littledoubt thatthisis a distinct
long at anthesis; bracts and bracteoles minute,
species. Struthanthussubtilisappears to be en-
caducous. Petals 2-2.5 mm long. Stamens di-
demic to the Cocle-Veraguas region.
morphic; upper portion of sterile stamens pa-
pillate; anthers0.4 mm long; style2 mm long,
thestigmawith6 indistinctpapillatecrests.Friits
orange,nearlyspherical,5 mm diam.; calyculus EICHLER,A. W. 1868. Loranthaceae. In C. F. P. Mar-
tius, Flora Brasiliensis5(2): 1-135.
inconspicuous;pedicelsoflateralfruitselongated KuIJT,JOB. 1961. A revisionof Dendrophthora (Lo-
to 3 mm. ranthaceae).Wentia 6: 1-145.
. 1964. A revisionofthe LoranthaceaeofCos-
Additionalspecimens examined. PANAMA.COCLE: ta Rica. Bot. Jahrb.83: 250-326.
nearcontinentaldividealonglumberingroad,1.5 mi. 1975. The genus Cladocolea(Loranthaceae).
N ofEl Cope,Croat44584-(CR,LEA, MO); El Cope- J. Arnold Arbor. 56: 265-335.
El Potrosa,AtlanticslopeofAltoCalvario,700-850 1978. Commentaryon themistletoesofPan-
m,Folsom & Lantz 1894 (LEA, MO, PMA); alongroad ama. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 65: 736-763.
fromLa Pintedato El CopebywayofPiedrasGordas, 1986a. Viscaceae. In Flora of Ecuador, 24:
sawmillaboveEl Cope,cloudforest, 100m,Hammel 13-112.
2640 (LEA, MO); alongroadbetweenLlano Grande 1986b. Observations on establishmentand
andCoclesito(N ofPintada),4 mi.N ofLlanoGrande, earlyshoot emergenceof Viscumminimum(Vis-
600 m, Antonio3575 (LEA, MO); trailfromCanio caceae). Acta Bot. Neerl. 35: 449-456.
Blancodel Norteto continentaldivideN ofEl Cope, 1987. Miscellaneous mistletoenotes, 10-19.
on Hedyosmum,400 m, Davidse & Hamilton 23654 Brittonia(in press).
(BM,LEA,MEXU,MO, PMA);El Cope,Atlantic side, TRELEASE,W. 1916. TheGenusPhoradendron. Univ.
1,200m, Antonio1153 (LEA, MO); betweenconti- Illinois Press, Urbana.
nentaldivideabove El Cope and El Potrososawmill TUBEUF,K. 1923. Monographie der Mistel. Olden-
andtheRio Blancoto thenorth,330 m,Sytsmaetal. bourg,Berlin.
2409 (EAP, LEA, MO); El Cope,alonggravelroadto

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