Analysis Evaluation Management Information System Audit Internal Quality
Analysis Evaluation Management Information System Audit Internal Quality
Analysis Evaluation Management Information System Audit Internal Quality
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Informatics Departement, STMIK STIKOM Indonesia
Denpasar – BALI, Indonesia
Abstract- Information systems are very important in this globalization era. Information systems generally can be used as a
reference for decision making or to monitor the progress of an activity process. In high education, information systems are no less
important than information systems within the company. Higher education is an institution that uses information systems to monitor
work systems to improve quality. Higher Education Institute STMIK STIKOM Indonesia has implemented an internal quality
assurance system (SPMI). An example of its application is by carrying out an internal quality audit (AMI). To ensure the quality
of the application meets the standards and needs of the user, it can be done by performing software testing based on the ISO 25010
C. Performance Efficiency Aspect It can be concluded that the results obtained are said to
Testing from the aspect of performance efficiency is pass according to the standard criteria for functionality
carried out by load testing using the GTmatrix software. The aspect on the Microsoft Certification Logo because every
test results on the aspect of performance efficience with function that runs on the system can run as it should. Then
GTmatrik software include a page speed score and a Yslow from the percentage results, the software quality obtained
score as well as a detailed page that includes the full load from the functional suitability aspect is in accordance with
time. Total page size and request. In testing the aspect of web the functionality attribute and has a very high scale because
performance efficiency, it is said to be good if the load time all functions have been running well.
is at least less than 10 seconds [8]. The results are then
compared with the Hoxmeier scale regarding user B. Usability Aspect Testing Results
satisfaction with the response time proposed by Hoxmeier
The usability aspect test was carried out using a
and DiCesare (2000) [9]. The Hoxmeier scale can be seen in
questionnaire method. The questionnaire used is a system
Table IV.
usability scale (SUS) questionnaire. In the system usability
TABLE IV scale (SUS) questionnaire, there are 10 questions that will be
Hoxmeire scale given to respondents. The questionnaire was given to 20
Response Time Predicate respondents, namely lecturers at STMIK STIKOM
(Seconds) Indonesia. The analysis of the results obtained is shown in
<3 Very Satisfied
3-9 Satisfied
Table VI.
9-12 Quite Satisfied Based on the calculation of the results of the
>12 Not Satisfied questionnaire, the average SUS score was 71.1. The mean
SUS score was then compared with the table regarding the
D. Portability Aspect SUS score. The average result of SUS 71.1 is in the
Quality testing on the portability aspect is carried out by acceptable category, this shows that the application
observing and running the STMIK STIKOM Indonesia developed can be accepted by end users well, it can be seen
internal quality audit information system on several from the usability aspect.
browsers. The browser on a PC / Desktop is used to perform
cross browser testing or system checking with various TABLE V
Functional Suitability Test Results
No Test Name Result
1 Login.php pass
2 Bidang.php pass
In this study, testing was carried out to obtain results from
3 Jabatan.php pass
systems that meet the standards. Although the system can do 4 Pegawai.php pass
what was planned beforehand, namely displaying the 5 User.php pass
information system results from monitoring and evaluation 6 User_data.php pass
of the Internal Quality Audit Management Information 7 Proses.php pass
System STMIK STIKOM Indonesia, however, to ensure the 8 Index.blade.php pass
system is running with standards, it is necessary to do 9 Audit.php pass
usability testing. The results of the four aspects of the test are 10 Audit_detil.php pass
as follows 11 Laporan.blade.php pass
A. Functional Suitability Aspect Testing 12 Temuan.blade.php pass
Testing the functional suitability quality aspect is carried
13 Temuan_Rekap.blade.php pass
out by conducting tests on each function contained in the
14 Role.php pass
STMIK STIKOM Indonesia internal quality audit
15 Tx_akt.php pass
management information system. Functional suitability
16 Tx_akt_bukti.php pass
testing is assisted by a test case. The summary of the
functional suitability test case test can be seen in the Table
V. C. Performance Efficiency Aspect Testing Results
From table above, it proves that all the functions tested in Testing on the aspect of performance efficiency is carried
the internal quality audit management information system out by load testing using the GTmatrix software which is
are running well so that: tested on each page of the internal quality audit management
information system. The test results can be seen in Table VII.
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 16 Obtained an average time of Page Speed 100% (Grade
𝑌𝑒𝑠 = × 100% = × 100% = 100% A), Yslow of 76% (Grade C) and load time of 2.1 seconds.
𝑀𝑎𝑥 16
The web is said to be good if the load time is at least less than
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 0 10 seconds. The results of the test load time of 2.1 seconds
𝑁𝑜 = × 100% = × 100% = 0% are then compared by using the Hoxmeier Scale Table about
𝑀𝑎𝑥 16 user satisfaction with the response time, these results are
included in the very satisfying category because they are less
than 3 seconds..
Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Informatics, p-ISSN: 2549–8304 e-ISSN: 2622–0393 8
Performance Efficiency Aspect Testing Results
No Page Testing Result
Page Speed Yslow Time
1 Login 100 76 2.6 Google
2 Home 100 76 2.4
3 Bidang 100 76 2.5
4 Jabatan 100 76 2.5
5 Pegawai 100 76 2.6
6 User 100 76 2.5
7 Proses 100 76 3.0
8 Jadwal Audit 100 76 2.8
9 Halaman Laporan 100 76 2.7
1 Login 100 76 2.4
2 Home 100 76 2.7
3 Auditor 100 76 2.7
4 Auditie 100 76 2.5
Average 100 76 2.1 Opera
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