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Prosper Calculation

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1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).

─ Plot all cases: these are the two IPR plots for the BASE CASE at the initial
input production conditions (water cut 10% & GOR 1000 scf/bbl) and the NEW
CASE (water cut become 50% & GOR become 1500 scf/bbl) ) @ 4 different
cases of reservoir pressures (3000, 3500, 4000 & 4500 psi).
─ To produce same rate of 4000 b/d, BHFP will change from 2900 to 1900, 2300,
2900 & 3400 psi for the reservoir pressure cases @ 3000, 3500, 4000 & 4500
psi respectively (@ new conditions of W.C = 50% & GOR = 1500 scf/STB).

2900 2900

4000 4000


1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: to change the selected X & Y-axis variables for the plot
from here just Click the Variable button the top menu toolbar.
2. A windows will appear from which you can select new X & Y-axis
variables to show on the IPR plot then click Done.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: this is for example oil rate (instead of liquid rate) vs IPR
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: from this plot screen we can access the well test data to
edit by clicking Test Data button.
─ This option enables you to enter real test data to plot against the
calculated values. This data is separate from the Test Data entered as
part of a MultiRate IPR model.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: this screen will appear that contains the 3 well tests data
entered in the main inflow performance data under System in the main
PROSPER menu toolbar.
─ I added new flow test done on 1/9/2011 (liquid rate was 2500 b/d @
BHFP = 2400 psi) when the gauge was hanged @ depth 6250 ft MD to
show on the new IPR plot.
─ The most important button in this screen are:
o Enable: to enable selected rows.
o Disable: to disable selected rows.
─ When select X & Y-axis variables, click Done to show the new IPR plot
with this new flow test data.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: this is the new IPR updated with the new flow test data
New real test data when gauge
was hanged @ depth 6250 ft MD
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: this is the new IPR updated with the new & old flow test
data only.
New real test data when gauge
was hanged @ depth 6250 ft MD
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
2. Plot by case: you will have the below screen to select which case (s) to
show on the new IPR plot.

─ I will select here case-1 & case-4 to

show on the new IPR plot.
─ When select the required cases,
click Done to go to the next screen
as in the next slide.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
2. Plot by case: again, you will have the below screen to select the X & Y-
axis variables on the IPR plot.

─ When select X & Y-axis,

click Done to show the
new IPR plot with all
sensitivity cases as in the
next slide.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
2. Plot by case: this is the new IPR plot with the selected sensitivity cases.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
3. Plot by sensitivity variable: you will have the below screen to select
which variable (s) to show on the new IPR plot.
─ I will select here Variable-1 (reservoir pressure of 4000 psi) to show
on the new IPR plot.
─ When select the required case, click Done to go to the next screen
as in the next slide.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
3. Plot by sensitivity variable: if you et more than sensitivity cases (for
example, different reservoir pressure & Productivity Index cases), then
you will have the below screen with all sensitivity cases to select which
variable (s) to show on the new IPR plot.
─ For example, select Variable-1 (reservoir pressure of 3000 psi) &
Variable-2 (Productivity Index of 4 STB/day/psi) to show on the new
IPR plot.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
3. Plot by sensitivity variable: again, you will have the below screen to
select the X & Y-axis variables on the IPR plot.

─ When select X & Y-axis,

click Done to show the
new IPR plot with all
sensitivity cases as in the
next slide.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
3. Plot by sensitivity variable: this is the new IPR plot with the selected
sensitivity Variables.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).

─ Let’s now define the sensitivity cases for the sensitivity

calculations study:
1. Case study#1: I will start with study changing of the
existing production conditions to be evaluated @
ONE different variable such as the reservoir
pressures when it is varying with several cases.
2. Case study#2: to study changing of the existing
production conditions to be evaluated @ TWO
different variables such as the reservoir pressures &
the productivity index when they are varying with
several cases.
3. Case study#3: to study changing of the existing
production conditions to another specific
combined production conditions using the
Combinations option for the sensitivity cases.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
─ Case study#2: Let’s now define another sensitivity cases for the sensitivity
calculations study to evaluate IPR curves if the production parameters did not
change (W.C = 10% & GOR = 1000 scf/bbl) @ 4 reservoir pressures cases
(3000, 3500, 4000 & 4500 psi) & 2 productivity index values of 4 & 6 Bbl/day/psi.
─ Click Cases button to define these sensitivity cases.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
─ If more than one case has been run, then the program by default will show the
sensitivity for the first case in the Sensitivity Cases section.
─ Results of the other cases can be shown by selecting the different cases in the
Sensitivity Cases, the data will be updated in the table for the selected case.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
─ Click Plot button to see the updated inflow curves produced by the Inflow (IPR)
sensitivity calculator with these new cases. There are 3 choices for the plot:
1. Plot all cases
2. Plot by case
3. Plot by sensitivity variable
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: you will have the below screen to select the X & Y-axis
variables on the IPR plot.

─ When select X & Y-axis

variables, click Done to
show the new IPR plot with
all sensitivity cases as in
the next slide.
─ Note that: these selected X
& Y-axis variables for the
plot from this screen can
be changed from the Plot
toolbar menu later.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: this is the new IPR plot with all sensitivity cases.
─ This is the new IPR curves generated for the current production
conditions (water cut is 10% & GOR is 1000 scf/bbl scf/bbl) @ 2
variables, reservoir pressures with 4 values (3000, 3500, 4000 & 4500
psi) & 2 productivity index values of 4 & 6 Bbl/day/psi.

You can activate or These triangles points

deactivate any curve are the 3 well tests
by tick the box data entered in the
beside its name main inflow
performance data
under System in the
main PROSPER menu
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
─ Plot all cases: these are the two IPR plots for the BASE CASE at the initial
input production conditions (water cut 10% & GOR 1000 scf/bbl) and the NEW
CASE (@ 4 reservoir pressures cases & 2 productivity index cases).
─ To produce same rate of 4000 b/d, bottom hole flowing pressure will drop from
+ 3200 to +1400 psi for the case when reservoir pressure become 3000 psi &
productivity index is 4 STB/d/psi (with change W.C & GOR conditions).





1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: to change the selected X & Y-axis variables for the plot
from here just Click the Variable button the top menu toolbar.
2. A windows will appear from which you can select new X & Y-axis
variables to show on the IPR plot then click Done.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: this is for example oil rate (instead of liquid rate) vs IPR
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: from this plot screen we can access the well flow test data
to edit by clicking Test Data button.
─ This option enables you to enter real test data to plot against the
calculated values. This data is separate from the Test Data entered as
part of a MultiRate IPR model.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: this screen will appear that contains the 3 well tests data
entered in the main inflow performance data under System in the main
PROSPER menu toolbar.

─ I added new flow test

on 1/1/2012 to show on
the new IPR plot.
─ The most important
button in this screen are:
o Enable: to enable
selected rows.
o Disable: to disable
selected rows.
─ When select X & Y-axis
variables, click Done to
show the new IPR plot
with this new flow test
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: this is the new IPR updated with the new flow test data
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
1. Plot all cases: this is the new IPR updated with the new & old flow test
data only.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
2. Plot by case: you will have the below screen to select which case (s) to
show on the new IPR plot.

─ I will select here case-1 & case-8 to

show on the new IPR plot.
─ When select the required cases,
click Done to go to the next screen
as in the next slide.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
2. Plot by case: again, you will have the below screen to select the X & Y-
axis variables on the IPR plot.

─ When select X & Y-axis,

click Done to show the
new IPR plot with all
sensitivity cases as in the
next slide.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
2. Plot by case: this is the new IPR plot with the selected sensitivity cases.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
3. Plot by sensitivity variable: you will have the below screen to select
which variable (s) to show on the new IPR plot.

─ I will select here Variable-1

(reservoir pressure of 3000)
& Variable-2 (Productivity
Index of 4) to show on the
new IPR plot.
─ When select the required
cases, click Done to go to
the next screen as in the
next slide.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
3. Plot by sensitivity variable: again, you will have the below screen to
select the X & Y-axis variables on the IPR plot.

─ When select X & Y-axis,

click Done to show the
new IPR plot with all
sensitivity cases as in the
next slide.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
3. Plot by sensitivity variable: this is the new IPR plot with the selected
sensitivity Variables.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).

─ Let’s now define the sensitivity cases for the sensitivity

calculations study:
1. Case study#1: I will start with study changing of the
existing production conditions to be evaluated @
ONE different variable such as the reservoir
pressures when it is varying with several cases.
2. Case study#2: to study changing of the existing
production conditions to be evaluated @ TWO
different variables such as the reservoir pressures &
the productivity index when they are varying with
several cases.
3. Case study#3: to study changing of the existing
production conditions to another specific
combined production conditions using the
Combinations option for the sensitivity cases.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
─ Case study#3: Let’s now define another sensitivity cases for the sensitivity
calculations study to evaluate IPR curves if the production parameters change
@ specific combined production conditions (W.C = 30% & GOR = 1500 scf/bbl),
(W.C = 50% & GOR = 1750 scf/bbl) & (W.C = 70% & GOR = 2000 scf/bbl).
─ Click Cases button.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
─ This window will be displayed.
─ Click Combinations button to show the
combination window below.
─ Insert the required combined cases parameters.
─ Then click Done button to go to the main IPR
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
─ Then click Calculate button to run the calculations for the new combined
sensitivity cases.
─ This is the calculation results by default for the first combination sensitivity case
in the list.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
─ If more than one case has been run, then the program by default will show the
sensitivity for the first case in the Sensitivity Cases section.
─ Results of the other cases can be shown by selecting the different cases in the
Sensitivity Cases, the data will be updated in the table for the selected case.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
─ Click Plot button to see the updated inflow curves produced by the Inflow (IPR)
sensitivity calculator with these new cases.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
─ When click Plot, Select to plot all cases.
─ This screen will be displayed to select the X & Y-axis variables on the IPR plot

─ When select X & Y-axis

variables, click Done to
show the new IPR plot with
all sensitivity cases as in
the next slide.
─ Note that: these selected X
& Y-axis variables for the
plot from this screen can
be changed from the Plot
toolbar menu later.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
─ This is the new IPR curves generated for the new proposed combined
production conditions of (W.C = 30% & GOR = 1500 scf/bbl), (W.C = 50% &
GOR = 1750 scf/bbl) & (W.C = 70% & GOR = 2000 scf/bbl).

You can activate or These triangles points

deactivate any curve are the 3 well tests
by tick the box data entered in the
beside its name main inflow
performance data
under System in the
main PROSPER menu
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
─ To see specific case so when click Plot, Select to plot by case.
─ This screen will be displayed to select the desired combination case or cases
to show on the IPR plot.
─ Once select the required case (s),
click Done button that will display
the setup window below to select
the plot X & Y-axis variables.
1- Calculation Menu – Inflow (IPR).
─ This is the new IPR curves generated for the new proposed combined
production condition-2 of (W.C = 50% & GOR = 1750 scf/bbl).
2- Calculation Menu – System
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ The Calculation → System (Ipr+Vlp) calculation calculation option
allows the user to determine the production of a well for a set of
conditions by combining the VLP & IPR curves in one plot.
─ For example, If we want to calculate the liquid rate that will be
produced if the wellhead pressure is dropped to 500 psig while the
water cut and GOR are left as 0% & 800 scf/STB respectfully without
changes (these also can be changed and do the new calculations for
these changes).
─ The principles of ‘nodal analysis’ dictate that any single point (in this
case the bottom hole) must observe mass balance and can only have
one pressure associated with it.
─ This means that the rate at which the VLP and IPR curves across is
the rate which the well will produce under these conditions.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ The steps to take to generate a system plot are:
1. Open the System calculation screen.
2. Enter the Input data and Multiphase Flow correlation to be used to
calculate the IPR and VLP curves.
3. If a range of different System Plots are to be generated, the
different sensitivity variables to be used can be defined using
4. The System Plots can then be generated by selecting Calculate.
5. The plots can be viewed by selecting Plot or the results of the
sensitivity can be seen by selecting Sensitivity. If the gradient for
a solution point is to be calculated, select Sensitivity TvD.
─ To do this from the PROSPER main menu toolbar, select Calculation
→ System (IPR + VLP) will bring up the following screen in the next
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ The is the main screen.
─ Along with the top toolbar, there are 3 different areas of the screen (Data
Input , Sensitivity Cases & Results).
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ Fill the top left-hand side in this screen with the relevant data (Top Node
Pressure, Water Cut & GOR) as they will be used in the sensitivity calculations.
─ Ensure that the desired matched correlation is selected & the rate method is
changed to Automatic - Geometric as this will give us more definition within
the unstable region of the VLP curve.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
➢ For the Data Input section:
─ Insert the data to be used in the calculation in this section.
─ Details of this data are explained in the next page.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
➢ For the Data Input section:

• This is the fixed pressure at the top node (most downstream

point) of the system. If the system includes a pipeline, then the
top node will be the manifold at the end of the pipeline and if no
Top Node Pressure
pipeline is present the top node will be the well head.
• If a sensitivity study is carried out on the top node pressure,
then this value will be ignored.

• Enter the water cut for oil well or Water Gas Ratio (WGR) for a
Water Cut / Water gas well at the conditions to be calculated.
Gas Ratio • If a sensitivity study is carried out on the top node pressure,
then this value will be ignored.

GOR/CGR Enter the producing GOR for oil well or CGR for gas well.

If surface equipment has been added to the system, select the

Surface Equipment
multiphase correlation to be used. If no surface equipment is
present, then this input will be ignored.

Vertical Lift
Select the multi-phase flow correlation to be used in the wellbore.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
➢ For the Data Input section:
─ This selects the node which will be used as the solution node.
─ Everything upstream of the node will be treated as the ‘IPR’ and everything
downstream of the node will be part of the ‘VLP’.
─ There are three options:
Solution • Bottom Node: this will select the node at the bottom of the downhole
Node equipment as the solution node. This means that the solution node
pressure will correspond to the FBHP.
• Top Node: this will select the top node (either the well head or manifold
depending if surface equipment is activated) as the solution node.
• Well Head: his will select the well head as the solution node.
• The System calculation requires several rates to be selected so that the VLP
and IPR pressures corresponding to these rates can be calculated.
• The rates can be specified in three ways: (Automatic Linear, User Defined &
Automatic Geometric)as described in the Calculation → Inflow (IPR).
• The Solution Rate reported is given by the VLP and IPR curves intersection.
Rate • These curves are interpolated between the selected calculation rates and so
Method the result may change according to the rate values used.
• It is important that an appropriate rates range and distribution is selected
according to each case in order to avoid significant interpolation errors.
• An IPR is required for both Automatic rate methods. For wells having very
high AOFs (e.g., horizontal wells) the well rate is determined mainly by the
tubing size. Manual rate selection may give better results in such cases.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
➢ For the Data Input section:

• Normally VLP/IPR intersections that occur when the tubing

pressures are declining (on the Left-Hand Side) are considered
to represent unstable flow and are usually ignored.
Left - Hand • When gas coning occurs, however the GOR is changing
Intersection for constantly for different rates and it is possible to have two
VLP/IPR curves solutions and for the Left-Hand Side intersection to represent
stable flow. This option allows to consider or not the left-hand
• Select either ‘Allow’ or ‘Disallow’.

• The PE5 stability criteria calculation can be invoked to assess

the onset of instability in the well or pipe.
• The PE5 stability flag is determined based on the PE5
mechanistic flow model (which calculates the momentum
PE5 Stability Flag balance of the phases within the flowline) and is designed to be
• From the momentum balance, the direction of flow for the liquid
is calculated, and if it is calculated as flowing back down the
flowline, the PE5 stability flag is raised.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
➢ For the Data Input section:
➢ Once the data is loaded, you can click Calculate button to run the calculation
model for the current production conditions defined in the Data Input section to
create the existing well IPR + VLP lift curve.

• Enter the new Top node pressure data here.

• The rate method should be changed to
Automatic - Geometric as this will give us
more definition within the unstable region of
the VLP curve.
• Click Calculate to run the calculations @
this new defined Top node pressure of 500
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
➢ Once the calculations completed, then click Plot button to display the existing
well IPR + VLP lift curve for the current production conditions loaded in the
Data Input section.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ To generate IPR + VLP lift curve file which can be exported to several different
file types so that it can be used in other programs used by other companies.
─ Just click the Lift Curve button.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ This screen will appear when click on the
Lift Curve button.
─ From this list, select the required program
to save the PROSPER file VLP format to
be matched with it.
─ Click Continue button will show the below
saving screen to save VLP file with the
selected format in the desired location.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
➢ For the Sensitivity Cases section:
─ The bottom left of the screen holds the sensitivity cases.

─ It is often very useful to run multiple cases to see what effect changing one or
more variable will have on the results generated.
─ This can be done by running a sensitivity study.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
➢ For the Sensitivity Cases section:
─ To enter data for a sensitivity study, select Cases on the top toolbar of the
Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp) main screen.
─ This will bring up the sensitivity screen.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
➢ For the Sensitivity Cases section:
─ This is the sensitivity screen.
─ Up to 10 variables can be
selected with more than 30
values for each inserted.
─ The values of each variable can
be inserted manually or using
the 'Generate' feature as
described in the Calculation →
Inflow (IPR).
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
➢ For the Results section:
─ When all data are loaded in the Data Input section, click Calculate button to
run the calculations for these defined sensitivity cases.
─ These results are of every point in the calculations.
─ Solution results are obtained through interpolation of the VLP & IPR curves.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ The top toolbar button functions are summarized in the table below.

Done Returns to the main PROSPER screen and saves any changes made.
Returns to the main PROSPER screen and removes any changes made to
the System Calculation screen.
Cases This can be used to run sensitivity studies
Will calculate the system plot and solution point for set conditions or series of
cases if a sensitivity study is being carried out.
Plot Can plot either the 'System Plot' or the 'Wellhead Plot'.
Will bring up a plot showing the results of the sensitivity calculations.
PvD (Pressure vs Depth) allows the user to carry out a gradient calculation
(generally plotting a variable such as pressure against depth) for conditions
equal to the solution point of the selected cases.
Export The table of results can be exported to an external source.
This will bring up the associated option screens relevant to the System
Options Calculation such as Maximum Grain size, Erosional velocity, Liquid Loading &
• Will generate a lift curve file which can be exported to a number of different
file types so that it can be used in other programs.
• This function is not available if a pump is installed
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ let’s start to plot the IPR + VLP plot for the current production conditions as
summarized in the Data Input below..

─ When all the current production data & the desired correlation models all are
set then click Calculation button in the main System (Ipr+Vlp) window.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ This is the well IPR + VLP calculation results @ the current conditions.
─ Click Plot button to see well IPR + VLP plot @ the current conditions.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ This window will appear to select plot X-axis & Y-axis variables.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ This is the well IPR + VLP plot @ the current conditions
─ You can access the Variables to change plot X-axis & Y-axis variables for the
plot from this button.

Optimum operating
conditions point

Test data when gauge was

hanged @ depth 6250 ft MD
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ Assume that a recent test was done on 1/10/2011 when the gauge was hanged
@ the tubing end (top of perforation) @ depth 9275 ft MD with the results of
BHFP = 2983 psi and surface liquid flow rate = 5200 b/d.
─ You can access the Test Data button to update with any new real down hole
pressure & surface flow rate data for comparison purpose with the model.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ This is the screen to update the new real downhole pressure measurement and
the surface flow rate Test Data.
─ When load the required data, click Done button to do to the updated IPR + VLP
plot updated with this new real test data.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ This is the updated IPR + VLP plot updated with this new real test data.

New real test data when gauge

was hanged @ the tubing end (top
of perforation) @ depth 9275 ft MD

Old real test data when

gauge was hanged @
depth 6250 ft MD
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ Back again to the main IPR + VLP window.
─ To generate IPR + VLP lift curve file which can be exported to several different
file types so that it can be used in other programs used by other companies.
─ Just click the Lift Curve button.
2- Calculation Menu – System (Ipr+Vlp).
─ This screen will appear when click on the
Lift Curve button.
─ From this list, select the required program
to save the PROSPER file VLP format to
be matched with it.
─ Click Continue button will show the below
saving screen to save VLP file with the
selected format in the desired location.

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