Bautista - 3 Way Bottle System
Bautista - 3 Way Bottle System
Bautista - 3 Way Bottle System
Bautista NCMB418
A 56-year-old man is admitted to a cardiopulmonary unit following a transbronchial lung biopsy for lung cancer. Shortly after arrival to the unit,
the patient complained of excruciating pain in his upper right back, shortness of breath, and feeling anxious. Physical examination reveals
tachycardia at 112 bpm, tachypnea at 28 breaths/min, and hypotension at 90/46 mm Hg. Auscultation reveals the absence of breath sounds in
the right mid and lower lobes. The patient is diaphoretic with a SpO2 on room air of 88%. The physician prescribes emergent chest tube
insertion with dry suction water seal chest drainage set up.
To prompt detection of
After chest tube insertion, respiratory distress for
assess the client every 15 timely intervention,
minutes until stable including tachypnea,
diminished or absent
movement of the chest
wall on the affected side,
increased work of
breathing, use of
accessory muscles of
respiration, cyanosis
If disconnected or
Pneumothorax may recur,
Observe for signs of requiring prompt
respiratory distress. If intervention to prevent
possible, reconnect fatal pulmonary and
thoracic catheter to tubing circulatory impairment.
or suction, using clean
technique. If the catheter is
dislodged from the chest,
cover insertion site
immediately with
petrolatum dressing and
apply firm pressure. Notify
physician at once.
Dependent: To monitor and evaluate
Perform physical the progression or
examination regression of baseline
data of the patient.
To promote deeper
Medicate with analgesics, respiration and cough
as appropriate (as ordered)
Collaborative: A doctor who diagnoses
Refer the patient to a and treats diseases of the
Pulmonologist for any respiratory system.
further complications