Ineffective Breathing Pattern
Ineffective Breathing Pattern
Ineffective Breathing Pattern
Subjective data: Ineffective breathing After 8 hours of 1. Establish trust to 1. To promote After 8 hours of
pattern related to nursing interventions, patient. cooperation in the nursing interventions,
anxiety as evidenced the patient will be treatment of the the patient was able
siyang huminga," as
by shortness of able to establish a infant. to establish a normal,
verbalized by the 2. Monitor
breath and a normal, effective effective respiratory
patient's SO. 2. To detect patient's
respiratory rate of 29 respiratory pattern as respirations, breath pattern as evidenced
changes in condition.
cycles per minute. evidenced by a sounds, and vital by a respiratory rate
respiratory rate signs. 3. To open or of 19 cycles per
Objective data: maintain airway and
within normal value 3. Position patient on minute.
- Recieved patient of 12-20 cycles per promote physiological
high back rest or
awake and restless. minute. and psychological
have the client sit up
ease of maximal
-shortness of breath in a chair, as
noted appropriate.
4. For management of
-nasal flaring noted
respiratory distress.
4. Assist in treatment
of underlying
VS: administering 5. To help manage
T - 36.5 degree celcius medications. respiratory distress.
O2Sat - 100% 5. Instruct patient to
breath to brown bag,
HR - 110 bpm as ordered by
RR - 29 cpm physician. 6. To assist client in
BP - 150/100 mmHg 6.Direct client in "taking control" of
breathing efforts as the situation,
needed. Encourage especially when
slower and deeper condition is
respirations and use associated with
of pursed-lip anxiety and air
technique. hunger.
7. To limit the level of
7. Maintain a calm
attitude while dealing
with the client and
significant other.
8. To conserve
8. Promote adequate energy.
rest period.
9. Keep environment
allergen free (e.g., 9. To avoid
dust or smoke). complicating patient's