Essay On Role Models
Essay On Role Models
Essay On Role Models
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Role Models" is not without its challenges. The difficulty lies in
the multifaceted nature of the topic, which requires a delicate balance between personal reflections,
societal perspectives, and a nuanced exploration of diverse role models. One must navigate through
the intricate web of defining what a role model is, exploring the qualities that make someone worthy
of emulation, and delving into the impact these individuals have on both individuals and
To begin with, the task demands a thoughtful analysis of the concept of role models, probing into the
varying definitions and interpretations that exist. It necessitates a deep dive into the complexities of
influence and inspiration, considering how role models can emerge from different spheres of life – be
it in the realms of sports, arts, politics, or everyday life.
Moreover, the essay should not be confined to a mere listing of admirable traits; it must unravel the
complexities of human nature and behavior. This involves addressing the challenges of idealization
and the potential pitfalls of putting individuals on pedestals. Balancing the idolization of role models
with a realistic acknowledgment of their flaws is a tightrope walk that requires finesse and a keen
understanding of human psychology.
Furthermore, the writer must connect the concept of role models to broader societal implications.
Exploring how the presence or absence of positive role models can impact communities, cultures, and
even shape societal norms adds another layer of complexity. This entails delving into the
responsibility that comes with being a role model and how individuals, particularly those in the
public eye, navigate the expectations thrust upon them.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Role Models" demands an intricate dance between personal
insights, societal analysis, and a profound exploration of human nature. Striking the right balance and
weaving a narrative that captivates while offering depth is the challenge that any writer undertaking
this topic faces.
For those seeking assistance in tackling such essays or exploring a myriad of other topics, various
resources are available. Platforms like provide the opportunity to order customized
essays and gain insights from experienced writers, easing the burden of navigating through the
complexities of essay writing.
Essay On Role Models Essay On Role Models
Poehler Antique Mall In Empori Unpacking The Object
1.Unpacking the Object
What is this object? An antique wooden chair
What does the object look like? Antique, old, worn wood. There are curvy edges on
the backrest portion. The wood is very worn on the seat part, and there is a lot of dust
on the chair. The right side of the chair is broken in a jagged break.
Where did you obtain this object? I found this at the Poehler Antique Mall in Emporia,
KS. The antique mall is located on Commercial Street.
Where can you find similar objects? At this antique store, there were tons of old chairs.
You could find more there. I would assume that a lot of antique stores have old pieces of
furniture like this chair. There are probably a lot of these types of chairs in older style
homes. They could be found in table and chair sets, or they could be possibly found in a
Who made it? Back in history the ... Show more content on ...
I found this object because I like upcycling. Taking old antique items and turning them
into something more modern and useful. I think restoring an object and making it
personal to yourself.
Who or what does this object represent? I think this object represents middle class
people. Often the middle class is overlooked and are considered average. This chair is
overlooked too because it is a piece of furniture that almost everyone has, and we don t
often think about how the chair got there or how the chair was made. I think this is
similar with a lot of people in the world. Many people go unnoticed. I hope that by
adding color to this old chair, will be like the colorful personalities many people have,
which makes them stand out above others.
What does this object mean to you? I became invested in this chair, I spent a lot of
time and money on this project. I hope the chair will add a new style to my room. It
means something special to me because I took something old and gave it a new look,
but the object still does the same
Analysis Of Tales Of The City
Sonal Lopes
Prof. Prasita Mukherjee
TYBA 105
UID: 131096
A.ENG 6.03
17 January 2016 TALES OF THE CITY
While walking through a city, the pedestrian creates the city. Due to urbanisation people
travel from one city to another and thus start exploring the new cities culture and
traditions and thus this person becomes flaneur in the new city. Flaneur was a concept
first mentioned by Charles Baudelaire in his writings. A flaneur is the casual wanderer
observer and reporter of street life in the modern city. In the twentieth century Walter
Benjamin returned to the concept of the flaneur with his work The Arcades Project. In
The Arcades Project, Benjamin puts forward two complementary concepts to explain
human response to modern city life. Erlebnis and Erfahrung.The city walker can be
understood as an analogy with the flaneur. There are two kinds of spaces:
geographical spaces and time spaces. Characters travel to spaces and places and
become the stranger flaneur and his view of the city is the tales of the city . Cinema
itself acts as if influenced by the flaneur own perception or story of the modern city life
and space. Outsourced is a romantic comedy film released in the United States in 2006
and directed by John Jeffcoat, Outsourced is about a Seattle call centre manager named
Todd Anderson whose job, along with his staff, is outsourced to India. Therefore now
Todd must travel to India in order to train
Absolute Power In Divergent And Animal Farm
The statement all power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely is a
statement portrayed clearly and indefinitely through the movie Divergent and throughout
the novel Animal Farm . With the Novel being based on and imitating the history of the
Russian Revolution, it shows that what the side effects of absolute power is. On the
other hand, Divergent is more of a sci fi movie showing a dystopian world where people
are ran by a faction known as Abnegation, this faction has been doing well but were
facing a power struggle due to the faction Erudite attempting to gain power through
spreading false facts/rumours of domestic abuse (leader of Abnegation abusing his son)
and also eventually taking drastic action by poisoning the dauntless members... Show
more content on ...
Above all things, Divergent and Animal farm abide by the statement as the movie and
the novel feature people who fought for power through propaganda and/or violence to
maintain and obtain power. First off, the way in which the leaders rose to power in
both stories was similar, in the sense that the party who desired the power disagreed
with the decisions and/or governing of that person and therefore have planned to
overthrow their leadership. In saying this, the way in which the animals from animal
farm planned to overthrow their corrupt leader Mr Jones (Czar Nicholas the 2nd) was
through education of the other animals who do not know of the current state of their
lives in terms of treatment. Old Major, a prized boar was very wise and the other
animals believed in his teachings and announcements. Old Major hosted a meeting of all
the animals where he stated that he had a strange dream, a dream where he has come to
face the nature of the life of a beast. Recounting his dream, he told the animals that we