Essay On Discipline
Essay On Discipline
Essay On Discipline
Crafting an essay on the subject of discipline can be a challenging endeavor, as it demands a delicate
balance between personal reflection, scholarly research, and effective communication. The task
involves delving into the multifaceted aspects of discipline, ranging from its conceptual definitions
to its practical applications in various facets of life.
One must navigate through a plethora of perspectives, theories, and historical examples to present a
comprehensive understanding of discipline. It requires the careful selection of relevant literature, be
it philosophical treatises, psychological studies, or sociological analyses, to construct a nuanced
argument. Additionally, the challenge lies in synthesizing this diverse information into a cohesive
and persuasive narrative that not only informs but also engages the reader.
The personal dimension adds another layer of complexity to the process. Reflecting on one's own
experiences with discipline, whether positive or negative, demands a certain level of introspection
and vulnerability. Balancing the objective tone required in academic writing with the subjective
nature of personal anecdotes can be a tightrope walk.
Furthermore, the essay should not merely be a regurgitation of facts and opinions but should strive to
contribute something new to the discourse on discipline. This requires critical thinking and the ability
to draw connections between seemingly disparate ideas.
In terms of structure, maintaining a logical flow of ideas and ensuring a coherent progression of
arguments is crucial. Each paragraph should build upon the previous one, leading the reader through
a thoughtfully constructed journey that culminates in a well-supported conclusion.
Despite the challenges, the process of writing such an essay can be immensely rewarding. It
encourages the development of analytical skills, deepens one's understanding of the subject matter,
and hones the ability to articulate complex ideas. However, it is undeniably a time-consuming and
intellectually demanding task.
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Essay On Discipline Essay On Discipline
The Problems of Northern Ireland Essay
The Problems of Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is part of Ireland which is the most western part in Europe. It is a
small place with a population of 1.5 million and is no larger than Yorkshire. It has been
the centre of media attention because of a conflict between the people of the province.
Many people have been killed there and in the years 1968 1994 over three thousand died.
Northern Ireland is ruled by the British parliament in London where as the republic of
Ireland has its own government and parliament in Dublin.
Unionists are made up of Protestants wanting Northern Ireland to be a part of the UK.
They think that British troops in Northern Ireland should stay and help fight ... Show
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SDLP and Sinn Fein are both political however Sinn Fein back up revolutionary violence
and work of the IRA. The IRA use force to oppose British presence in Ireland and have
killed many British soldiers and Northern Ireland police officers. The IRA is illegal.
Overall what cause so much conflict in Ireland are the different groups fighting for
unionist and nationalist views. They all believe that they are right and it seems that they
won t quit until others believe it. All groups for nationalist views want the same thing
like unionist groups they all want the same thing to but are going different ways about it.
There are political parties, terrorist groups, religious groups and historical links battling
for unionist and nationalist views. It causes a lot of suspicion and violence and there is
not just one fight to be solved but many.
Question 2A
In this piece of coursework I will be looking at two events that have been particularly
important in shaping the views of the protestant community in Northern Ireland. The two
events I have chosen to look at are the Catholic rebellions 1641 1649 and the Battle of
Boyne in 1690.
The landlord has responsibilities which include the responsibility to deliver possession of
the house to the tenant, duty not to interfere with quiet enjoyment, and a duty to ensure
the house is in an habitable condition. The landlord should deliver the house to the tenant
at the beginning of the lease. This burden is placed on the landlord because he has more
resources over the house than the new tenant. The landlord should not interfere with the
tenants right over the house during the period of the lease. Additionally, the landlord
should ensure that the house is free from any serious defects that may be harmful to the
health or safety of the tenant. In this case, the responsibilities ... Show more content on ...
Most evictions requires a notice demanding that the tenant does something or refrains
from doing something or in the alternative vacate the house. The most common cause of
eviction is failure to pay rent. This kind of eviction requires a three day notice to pay
the rent or vacate. The tenant can pay the rent before the lapse of the three days to
avoid eviction. The tenant must have defaulted payment in order to serve the notice.
The tenant can also be evicted for failure to comply or a violation of the tenant
agreement. The notice period of this type of eviction is three days and the tenant must
comply with the relevant section of the tenant agreement. The tenant can also be
evicted for waste nuisance or illegal activity. The three day notice for this type of
eviction requires the tenant to have caused substantial destruction of the house,
involved in illegal activities or an arrest on the property. This notice does not give the
tenant the option to comply but requires the tenant to vacate before the end of the
notice period. There is also the 30 day notice for the termination of tenancy agreement.
In this case, Larry does not have grounds to evict Roger. The damage on drywall and
the electric socket are not substantial to issue a notice for waste. However, Larry can
ask Roger to make repairs. At the end of the lease period, the tenant is expected to return
the house to the lands lord in the state it was in before the
The Social And Professional Ladder
3. Exceptions were sometimes permitted. Locate one such case and explain the context
for the exception.
While each ordinance had a particular punishment if not followed accordingly, all the
ordinances in place which focused on death, burials, and how to process dead bodies
did not apply to burials of knights, doctors of law, judges, and doctors of physics
(p.198). Their bodies can be honoured by their heirs at their burials in any way they
please. (p. 198). They were exempted from following the same ordinances as other
habitants of Pistoia. Knights, lawyers, judges, and physicians were all held in high
regards with respect to the social ladder (p. 147 Murphy). For instance, university
trained physicians were considered the best choice in terms of medical practitioners in
terms of treating those affected by the plague . There were at the height of the social
and professional ladder. Their job consisted of diagnosing and examining infected
individuals as well as inspecting the quality of the drugs stocked by apothecaries .
Physicians would work with officials to determine which measures should be used such
to lessen the spread of the plague, thought to be transmitted by person to person (p. 148
Murphy). Because officials were part of the government, they could have probably
overthrown an ordinance and given university trained physicians less limitations . In
essence, allowing them to have a proper burial with their loved ones. Knights
(professional soldiers),
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Working As A Team
1. Introduction need to modify
Now in most organisations over the world, people prefer work as a team rather than
work individually. Working as a team, individuals will try to cooperate with each other;
they can apply and share their varied skills, experiences and perspectives in order to
achieve the collective goals effectively. Working well together usually can maximize
individuals strengths and complement their weaknesses which will lead to higher
performance and productivity than working individually.
Managers today believe that the use of teams allows their organisations to increase sales
and product better products faster and at lower costs. Although efforts to create teams
aren t always successful, well planned teams can reinvigorate productivity and better
position an organisation to deal with a rapidly changing environment[1]. Thus, managers
need to figure out how to build strong and effective teams.
Google, one of the lead technology companies in the world, had developed many ... Show
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This is demonstrated in that team B ends their meetings without any outcomes, and after
meeting, members still chitchat and don t know what they ought to do. This situation
occurs when people didn t think of themselves as a part of the group and struggle to
complete the group task. Everyone is more working on their individual goals, thinking
and behaving individually rather than on the group task even when they work together.
Besides, as I mentioned in the major problem, their informal behaviours resulted in the
ineffective outputs of the meeting as well. Group cohesiveness is important because of
its impact on a group s effectiveness at achieving goals[4]. Meeting or discussion could
not finish as scheduled, the process of the project have to be postponed again and again.
As a result, they cannot complete the designated project on time, which would negatively
impact the goals achievement of
The Fiction Story Marigolds
When you think of Marigolds, you would probably think of summertime, or yellow
flowers. Would you think of a transition to adulthood? The fiction story Marigolds , is
about an African American girl named Lizabeth who lives in an impoverished
community in Maryland. Over the course of Marigolds , Lizabeth transitioned from
childhood, to adulthood. Lizabeth overhears the financial struggle her familyis going
through, and hears her father cry. After hearing this she destroys Miss Lottie s marigolds
in a fit of rage. Lizabeth then stops, and see s Miss Lottie s face, and feels as if she lost
her innocence. Lizabeth, going through a time of hardships and uncertainty, lost her
innocence, and transitioned from childhood to adulthood.
It was about 2 A.M the day after Lizabeth and her friends destroyed a few of Miss Lottie s
... Show more content on ...
Lizabeth went through a series of events that matured her, and ultimately transitioned
her from childhood to adulthood. Lizabeth heard her father cry, which sparked fear
and uncertainty in her, and with fear and uncertainty, you re led to do things you will
regret. This was a perfect example when she left and destroyed Miss Lottie s garden.
After destroying her garden, she opened her eyes, and saw Miss Lottie s face. She
believes this was the moment she lost her childhood innocence, and transitioned to
adulthood. This unit was about growing up, and this story connects perfectly to this
unit, because after she saw Miss Lottie s face, she stopped thinking like a child, she
looked at the world like an adult. All in all, Lizabeth went through a time of
uncertainty where she heard things that sparked her do thing she would regret,
including destroying Miss Lottie s marigolds. She says, For one does not have to be
ignorant and poor to find that his life is as barren as the dusty yards of our town. And I
too have planted
Religion Is Not A Problem With Religion
Religion can unquestionably establish bonds amongst communities and societies. The
encouraging role of faith has tended to be overlooked due to other world affairs. Emile
Durkheim summarised religion as body of practices and beliefs that act as a basis of
identification. Therefore theoretical understandings can demonstrate that terrorism is not
a problem with religion. Durkheim went further by declaring that religion maintains
social order and allows for social cohesion (Boundless, 2015). According to Emile
Durkheim all societies have religion which offers meaning to life as well as enforcing
religious morals and norms respectably. Similarly German sociologist Max Weber
concluded that religion brings meaning to life through specific codes of conducts.
Guidelines are set in order to follow the desired behaviour. This becomes a central
element as Weber believes that humans have always been challenged by crisis which
is logically acceptable (Priya, 2014). As opposed to religion being a problem, scholars
have forwarded the idea that faith controls order and impacts how one is to live in the
expectation of a successful afterlife. Religion also makes us put up with inequalities
because of the concept of afterlife. This questions if terrorism is a problem with a
religion. A database was gathered showing terrorist attacks on American soil from 1980
to 2005. In response to the media effect, data presented considerably different findings. A
figure of 13% was the amount in which