Unicode V14

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Support for Unicode :
Using Conversion Services


Support for Unicode :
Using Conversion Services

Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on
page 367.

Fourth Edition, September 2002

This is a major revision of SA22-7649-01. This edition applies to Version 1 Release 4 of z/OS (5694-A01) and to
z/OS.e (5655-G52), and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
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Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

About this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

Who should use this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
How this document is organized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Overview of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Document conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Where to find more information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
IBM publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Non-IBM publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Information updates on the web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Using LookAt to look up message explanations . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Summary of changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv

Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
The Unicode™ Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
z/OS V1 R4 support for Unicode™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The conversion environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The conversion services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
National language support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Chapter 2. Setting up the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Downloading from the Web and installing with SMP/E . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Steps after installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Customizing jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
MVS message service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Chapter 3. Creating the conversion environment . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Creating a conversion image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Control statement CONVERSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Control statement CASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
| Control statement NORMALIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Image generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Calculating the main storage required for a conversion image. . . . . . . . 22
Estimating the size of an image based on planned conversions . . . . . . 22
Determining the size of an image from an existing member . . . . . . . 23
Determining the size of the active image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Determining the value for REALSTORAGE parameter . . . . . . . . . 24
Creating parmlib member CUNUNIxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Parmlib member for activating a conversion environment . . . . . . . . 25
Keyword IMAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Keyword REALSTORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Parmlib member for deleting an inactive conversion environment . . . . . 26
Keyword DELETE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Editing IEASYSxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Initializing the conversion environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Chapter 4. Changing the conversion environment . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Creating and activating a new conversion environment . . . . . . . . . . 29
Deleting an inactive conversion environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 iii

Chapter 5. Converting data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Character conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Calling the character conversion services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Restrictions for the calling environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Using the C interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Mapping of parameters in C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Mapping of UCCE handle in C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Using the HLASM interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Mapping of parameters and UCCE handle in HLASM. . . . . . . . . . 38
Description of parameters in area CUNBCPRM . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Description of UCCE handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Case conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Calling the case conversion services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Restrictions for the calling environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Using the C interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Mapping of parameters in C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Using the HLASM interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Mapping of parameters in HLASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Description of parameters in area CUNBAPRM . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Calling the normalization service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Restrictions for the calling environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Using the C interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Mapping of parameters in C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Using the HLASM interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Mapping of parameters in HLASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Description of parameters in area CUNBNPRM . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Critical cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Conversion handle invalid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Target buffer overflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Work buffer overflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Chapter 6. Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables . . . . . . . . . . 63

Defining a CCSID in the knowledge base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Creating a conversion table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Modify job CUNJIUTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Chapter 7. Problem determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Problems during IPL or SET UNI command processing . . . . . . . . . . 71
Message CUN2003S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Message CUN2004S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Message CUN2002W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Message CUN2029S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Message CUN2011E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Abend ’0E0’ reason code ’29’ or ’2A’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Appendix A. Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
SET UNI command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
DISPLAY UNI command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Appendix B. MBCS conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Internal handling of MBCS conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Summary of CCSIDs used in MBCS conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Appendix C. Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

iv z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Appendix D. Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Conversion services – return and reason codes . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Image generator for z/OS support for Unicode™ – return codes . . . . . . 107

Appendix E. Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Samples for parmlib member CUNUNIxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Sample for image generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Sample for CUNRUCST Exec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Sample program in C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Sample program in HLASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables . . . . . . . 115

Appendix G. Summary of suffixes and CCSIDs . . . . . . . . . . . 337

Appendix H. Supported MBCS CCSIDs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

Appendix I. MBCS CCSID decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357

Appendix J. MBCS CCSIDs compatible with iconv . . . . . . . . . . 361

Appendix K. C-variant MBCS CCSIDs compatible with iconv . . . . . . 363

Appendix L. Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365

Using assistive technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Keyboard navigation of the user interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Web site disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Programming Interface information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Trademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368

Glossary of terms and abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375

Contents v
vi z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services
| 1. Encoding schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. CCSID conversions types of z/OS support for Unicode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3. Description of jobs for MMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4. Main storage needed for conversions of type SBCS and DBCS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5. Main storage needed for conversions of type MBCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6. Restrictions while calling the character conversion services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
7. Mapping of parameters in HLASM for character conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
8. Mapping of UCCE handle in HLASM for character conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
9. Restrictions while calling the case conversion services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
10. Mapping of parameters in HLASM for case conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
| 11. Restrictions while calling the normalization service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
| 12. Mapping of parameters in HLASM for normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
13. Minimum and maximum character widths of the different encoding schemes . . . . . . . . . 59
14. Naming conventions of conversion tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
15. Classification of return codes from conversion services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
16. Return and reason codes from conversion services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
17. Normalization service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
| 18. List of MBCS CCSIDs supported by Unicode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 vii

viii z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services
About this document
This document provides guidance for using z/OS and z/OS.e support for Unicode,
and is distributed in PDF format through the World Wide Web. You can find the
latest update of this document at

This document is also available on the z/OS Collection Kit (SK3T-4269).

Who should use this document

This document is designed primarily for system programmers and system

How this document is organized

Following is an overview of the contents of this document and some additional
relevant information.

Overview of contents
This document contains the following information:
v “Note on terminology” on page x explains the terms used in this documentation.
v Chapter 1, “Introduction” on page 1 is a quick overview of what the Unicode
Standard is and what z/OS support for Unicode on the z/OS platform is.
v Chapter 2, “Setting up the system” on page 7 includes the installation of z/OS
support for Unicode and the next steps.
v Chapter 3, “Creating the conversion environment” on page 11 describes the three
main tasks before activating the conversion environment: creating a conversion
image, creating the parmlib member CUNUNIxx and editing IEASYSxx.
v Chapter 4, “Changing the conversion environment” on page 29 explains how an
active conversion environment can be changed and how an inactive one can be
v Chapter 5, “Converting data” on page 33 gives instructions how to use the
conversion services.
v Chapter 6, “Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables” on page 63 shows how you
can define your own knowledge base entries, coded character set identifiers
(CCSIDs), and conversion tables.
v Chapter 7, “Problem determination” on page 71 helps when problems occur.
v Appendix A, “Commands” on page 73 describes the SET UNI and the DISPLAY
UNI command and their syntax.
v Appendix B, “MBCS conversions” on page 79 describes how MBCS conversions
are handled internally.
v Appendix C, “Messages” on page 85 lists the z/OS support for Unicode
v Appendix D, “Codes” on page 103 lists the return and reason codes.
v Appendix E, “Samples” on page 109 is a compact summary of coding examples
and sample programs.
v Appendix F, “Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables” on page 115 shows all
tables IBM provides for conversions.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 ix

About this document
v Appendix G, “Summary of suffixes and CCSIDs” on page 337 gives a complete
list of the z/OS support for Unicode suffixes and the corresponding CCSID.
v Appendix H, “Supported MBCS CCSIDs” on page 355 shows a list of MBCS
CCSIDs supported by Unicode.
v Appendix I, “MBCS CCSID decomposition” on page 357 provides a list of MBCS
CCSIDs and how they decompose into SBCS and DCBS sub-CCSIDs.
v Appendix J, “MBCS CCSIDs compatible with iconv” on page 361 gives a list of
MBCS CCSIDs for which tables were changed to get compatibility with the iconv
funtion of the Language Environment.
v Appendix K, “C-variant MBCS CCSIDs compatible with iconv” on page 363
provides a list of MBCS CCSIDs for which tables were changed to get
compatibility with the iconv funtion of the C Runtime Environment (C-variants).
v “Notices” on page 367 deals with IBM-related legal issues.
v “Glossary of terms and abbreviations” on page 371 explains the terminology used
in this document.

Note on terminology
The following terms are used in this documentation:
z/OS V1 R4 support for Unicode™
This is the official name of the function but it is often referred to as ’z/OS
support for Unicode’.
The infrastructure supplies all parts necessary to customize and establish
the conversion services. It includes conversion tables, control structures,
and the commands SET UNI and DISPLAY UNI.
conversion services
This document describes the conversion services which are offered by z/OS
support for Unicode. See ’character conversion’ and ’case conversion’.
character conversion
With the conversion services, conversions between specified CCSIDs are
possible. The term ’character conversion’ is often referred to as ’conversion
between specified CCSIDs’.
| normalization
| With the normalization service, decompositions and compositions from
| Unicode encoding input are possible. The term ’normalization’ is often
| referred to as decomposition (NFD or NFKD) or composition (NFC or
| NFKC). Where:
| NFD - normalization form D (canonical decomposition)
| NFKD - normalization form KD (compatibility decomposition)
| NFC - normalization form C (canonical composition)
| NFKC - normalization form KC (compatibility composition)
CCSID is the abbreviation of the term ’coded character set identifier’. It
specifies the character representation in a data stream.
case conversion
With the conversion services, conversion to upper or lower case is possible.
The term ’case conversion’ is often referred to as ’conversion to upper or
lower case’.
conversion image
The conversion services can only be used when conversion tables and

x z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

About this document
control blocks are loaded into storage. Conversion tables and control blocks
together are called ’conversion image’ or simply ’image’. The conversion
image is created by the image generator which runs as a batch job.
image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
This is a batch job supplied by z/OS support for Unicode for creating a
conversion image. The job sometimes is referred to as ’image generator’.
conversion environment
When the conversion image is loaded into a common data space, the
conversion environment is activated and the conversion services are ready
to be used by callers.
It is the CCSID converting from.
It is the CCSID converting to.
direct conversion
When the conversion is done in one step, it is called direct conversion.
indirect conversion
When the conversion is done using an intermediate CCSID, it is called
indirect conversion.
intermediate CCSID
An indirect conversion uses a intermediate CCSID 1200 to complete the
several conversion steps.
simple conversion
Simple conversion is a conversion where no mixed CCSID is involved.
composite conversion
Converting a MBCS CCSIDs is done by decomposing it into its individual
CCSIDs and then converting the MBCS character stream by using the
appropriate CCSIDs. This process is called ’composite conversion’ (a mixed
CCSID is involved).

Additional terms used in this document are explained in “Glossary of terms and
abbreviations” on page 371.

Document conventions
This document uses visual cues to help you locate and identify information quickly
and easily. The highlighting conventions used in this document are outlined in the
following table.

About this document xi

About this document
Typographic Usage
Bold Bold words or characters represent general emphasis in the text.
Italic Italic words or characters represent variable values that you must supply.
Italics are also used for document titles and for general emphasis in text.
Constant Examples and information that the system displays appear in constant
width width typeface.
| A vertical bar separates items in a list of choices. (In other words, it means
<> Angle brackets (’less than’ and ’greater than’) enclose the name of a key
on the keyboard. For example, <Enter> refers to the key on your terminal
or workstation that is labeled with the word Enter.
<EscChar-x> The notation <EscChar-x> indicates a control character sequence. For
example, <EscChar-c> means that you enter the escape character
followed by <c>.

xii z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

About this document
Syntax diagrams
This document uses railroad syntax diagrams to illustrate how to use commands.
This is how you read a syntax diagram:

A command or keyword that you must enter (a required command) is displayed like

ÊÊ Command ÊÍ

An optional keyword is shown below the line, like this:


A default is shown over the line, like this:


An item that can be repeated is shown like this:

ÊÊ » Repeat ÊÍ

Where to find more information

Following are some publications where additional information can be found.

IBM publication
To find further information, this documentation refers to the following IBM
v Character Data Representation Architecture Reference and Registry, SC09-2190
v z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference, SA22-7592
v z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN,
v z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide, SA22-7608
v z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ENF-IXG,
v z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference ABE-HSP, SA22-7606
v z/OS MVS System Codes, SA22-7626

You find these documents at http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/zos

Non-IBM publication
Additional information on the Unicode® Consortium can be found at the Web site

About this document xiii

Where to find more information
Information updates on the web
For the latest information updates that have been provided in PTF cover letters and
Documentation APARs for z/OS and z/OS.e, see the online document at:


This document is updated weekly and lists documentation changes before they are
incorporated into z/OS publications.

Using LookAt to look up message explanations

LookAt is an online facility that allows you to look up explanations for most of the
z/OS, z/VM, and VSE messages you encounter, as well as system abends and
some codes. Using LookAt to find information is faster than a conventional search
because in most cases LookAt goes directly to the message explanation.

You can access LookAt from the Internet at:


or from anywhere in z/OS where you can access a TSO command line (for
example, TSO prompt, ISPF, z/OS UNIX System Services running OMVS). You can
also download code from the z/OS Collection (SK3T-4269) and the LookAt Web site
so you can access LookAt from a PalmPilot (Palm VIIx suggested).

To use LookAt on the Internet to find a message explanation, go to the LookAt Web
site and simply enter the message identifier (for example, $HASP701 or $HASP*). You
can select a specific release to narrow your search.

To use LookAt as a TSO command, you must have LookAt installed on your host
system. You can obtain the LookAt code for TSO from a disk on your z/OS
Collection (SK3T-4269) or from the LookAt Web site. To obtain the code from the
LookAt Web site, do the following:
1. Go to http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/zos/bkserv/lookat/.
2. Click News.
3. Scroll to Download LookAt Code for TSO and z/VM.
4. Click the ftp link, which will take you to a list of operating systems. Click the
appropriate operating system. Then click the appropriate release.
5. Open the lookat.me file and follow its detailed instructions.

After you have LookAt installed, you can access a message explanation from a
TSO command line by entering: lookat message-id. LookAt will display the
message explanation for the message requested.

Note: Some messages have information in more than one book. For example,
IEC192I can be found in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 7 (IEB-IEE) and
also in z/OS MVS Routing and Descriptor Codes. For such messages,
LookAt displays a list of books in which the message appears. You can then
select one of the books to view the message explanation.

xiv z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Where to find more information

Summary of changes
This document contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes. Technical
changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical line to
the left of the change.

Starting with z/OS V1R2, you may notice changes in the style and structure of
some content in this document--for example, headings that use uppercase for the
first letter of initial words only, and procedures that have a different look and format.
The changes are ongoing improvements to the consistency and retrievability of
information in our documents.

An appendix with z/OS product accessibility information has been added.

New for z/OS Version 1 Release 4 and z/OS.e

This document supports z/OS Version 1 Release 4 and z/OS.e support for Unicode,
including the Unicode normalization services. Normalization provides for the
canonical and compatibility equivalences between any Unicode string. For
descriptions and examples beyond those discussed in this document, refer to the
Unicode normalization web site: http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr15/.

About this document xv

xvi z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services
Chapter 1. Introduction
This chapter includes an introduction to z/OS support for Unicode.

The Unicode™ Standard

This text is from the Unicode Consortium Web site.

The Unicode Standard is the universal character encoding standard used for
representation of text for computer processing. It is fully compatible with the
second edition of International Standard ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000, and contains
all the same characters and encoding points as ISO/IEC 10646. The Unicode
Standard also provides additional information about the characters and their
use. Any implementation that is conformant to Unicode is also conformant to
ISO/IEC 10646.

Unicode provides a consistent way of encoding multilingual plain text and

brings order to a chaotic state of affairs that has made it difficult to exchange
text files internationally. Computer users who deal with multilingual text --
business people, linguists, researchers, scientists, and others -- will find that
the Unicode Standard greatly simplifies their work. Mathematicians and
technicians, who regularly use mathematical symbols and other technical
characters, will also find the Unicode Standard valuable.

The design of Unicode is based on the simplicity and consistency of ASCII,

but goes far beyond ASCII’s limited ability to encode only the Latin alphabet.
The Unicode Standard provides the capacity to encode all of the characters
used for the written languages of the world. It uses a default 16-bit encoding
that provides code points for more than 65,000 characters. To keep character
coding simple and efficient, the Unicode Standard assigns each character a
unique numeric value and name.

While 65,000 characters are sufficient for encoding most of the many
thousands of characters used in major languages of the world, the Unicode
standard and ISO 10646 provide an extension mechanism called UTF-16 that
allows for encoding as many as a million more characters, without use of
complex modes or escape codes. This is sufficient for all known character
encoding requirements, including full coverage of all historic scripts of the

Furthermore, the Unicode Standard includes:

v definitions of codes for characters used in the major languages written today
v punctuation marks, diacritics, mathematical symbols, technical symbols, arrows,
dingbats, and so on.
v about 8,000 unused code values for future expansion in the basic 16-bit
encoding, plus provision for another 917,476 code values through the UTF-16
extension mechanism
v definitions for case conversion of characters
v definitions for transformation formats UTF-8 and UTF-16

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 1

z/OS V1R4 support for Unicode is based on Version 3.0 of the Unicode Standard.
For further information on the standard and the Unicode® Consortium, go to the
Web site at http://www.unicode.org/.

z/OS V1 R4 support for Unicode™

| This release of z/OS support for Unicode offers character conversion, case
| conversion and normalization. Within character conversion, characters are
| converted from one coded character set identifier (CCSID) to another. Case
| conversion allows conversion to upper or lower case based on the files
| UnicodeData.txt and SpecialCasing.txt provided by the Unicode consortium.
| Normalization allows the decompostion or composition of Unicode encoding input to
| any of four normalization forms.

z/OS support for Unicode consists of two main components:

v the infrastructure which provides the conversion environment
v the conversion services which use the conversion environment

The conversion environment

The conversion services can only be used when the conversion environment is
active. The infrastructure provides tools to create a conversion image. When the
image is loaded into a common data space, the conversion environment is activated
and the conversion services are ready to be used by callers.

The infrastructure
The infrastructure supplies all parts to customize and initialize the conversion
services. The services are activated during IPL. All necessary resources are
allocated and conversion tables are loaded into storage as defined in the
conversion image. Changes to the conversion environment can be done with the
SET UNI command. The changed version will become the active conversion
environment and the previous version will be set to inactive. An inactive conversion
environment can be deleted. Basically, the purpose of the infrastructure is to
establish and maintain the conversion environment.

The user can specify the required conversions and control information in a text file.
A program called ’image generator for z/OS support for Unicode’ processes the text
file and generates a conversion image containing all specified conversion tables.
The image can be activated with the SET UNI command or with the next IPL.

The infrastructure also includes a DISPLAY UNI command to show the current
status of the conversion environment or to check whether the conversion services
are already enabled to the system.

IBM provides a library of conversion tables (see Appendix F, “Summary of

IBM-supplied conversion tables” on page 115). The suffixes used for the conversion
table names together with the corresponding CCSIDs are listed in Appendix G,
“Summary of suffixes and CCSIDs” on page 337.

z/OS support for Unicode allows customers to add up to ten different user-defined
conversion tables for conversions between the same pair of CCSIDs. Customers
can also define new CCSIDs for their own purposes. These CCSIDs must not
conflict with the predefined CCSIDs shipped with z/OS support for Unicode. See
Chapter 6, “Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables” on page 63 for the definition of
new CCSIDs.

2 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

The conversion services
The other major part of z/OS support for Unicode are the conversion services. They
consist of a variety of conversion types and permit character conversion as well as
case conversion for which the appropriate conversion tables were provided by the

Encoding schemes
A basic feature of a CCSID is its encoding scheme, which is uniquely identified by
the encoding scheme identifier (ESID). In this document, the following names are
used for the encoding schemes:
| Table 1. Encoding schemes
| Encoding scheme ESID Description
| SBCS x1xx pure single-byte encoding
| DBCS x2xx pure double-byte encoding
| PC MBCS 2300, 3300 IBM-PC mixed single-byte and double-byte
| encoding with implicit code extension
| PC Data Mixed 2A00 PC-Data mixed for GB 18030
| PC Data QBCS 2900 4 bytes part PC-Data for GB 18030
| EUC MBCS 4403 IBM EUC encoding
| EBCDIC MBCS 1301 EBCDIC mixed single-byte and double-byte
| encoding using SI/SO code extension
| ISO2022 MBCS 5404,5409,540A ISO2022 TCP/IP encoding
| UTF-8 7807 Unicode transformation format, 8-bit encoding
| form
| UCS-2 7200 Universal character set coded in 2 octets
| (ISO/IEC 10646 encoding form)
For other encoding schemes, refer to Character Data Representation Architecture
Reference and Registry, SC09-2190.

Code pages with a pure single-byte or pure double-byte encoding (SBCS, DBCS,
and UCS-2) are called simple code pages. Codepages that consist of two or more
sub code pages (PC MBCS, EUC MBCS, EBCDIC MBCS, and ISO2022 MBCS)
are called mixed code pages.

UCS-2 may be encoded in big endian or in little endian format. z/OS support for
Unicode however only handles the big endian form.

z/OS support for Unicode does not handle surrogate pairs except for conversions
from and to UTF-8. The Unicode encoding is described by different CCSIDs that
describe different versions of the Unicode Standard. z/OS support for Unicode
interprets CCSID 1200 as described in the document Character Data
Representation Architecture Reference and Registry that is the highest available
version of the Unicode Standard.

Character conversion
z/OS support for Unicode provides direct conversion between character streams
that are encoded with CCSIDs listed in Appendix F, “Summary of IBM-supplied
conversion tables” on page 115. Character conversion is also called ’conversion
between specified CCSIDs’. The following CCSID conversions types are supported

Chapter 1. Introduction 3
for direct conversions:
Table 2. CCSID conversions types of z/OS support for Unicode
UTF-8 ⇔ UCS-2

For an explanation of the terms, please refer to “Glossary of terms and

abbreviations” on page 371.

For character conversion, the conversion services are called using a stub routine
named CUNLCNV. z/OS support for Unicode must be called in primary mode.

Besides the direct conversions, there exists also an ’indirect conversion’ where any
CCSID can be converted into another by using the intermediate CCSID 1200. The
indirect conversion with CCSID 1200 is automatically used by z/OS support for
Unicode , if there is no table available for direct conversions between FROM-CCSID
and TO-CCSID, but if there are tables available from FROM-CCSID to CCSID 1200
and from CCSID 1200 to TO-CCSID.

The conversion of MBCS characters also uses several steps to complete the
conversion. This is called ’composite conversion’. A MBCS input data stream will be
decomposed into SBCS and DBCS parts. The conversion services will automatically
select a SBCS table for the SBCS data and a DBCS table for the DBCS data.
There is no MBCS table provided by z/OS support for Unicode. You find a detailed
description of the internal handling in Appendix B, “MBCS conversions” on page 79.
An example and an illustration is included.

Case conversion
z/OS support for Unicode provides case conversions that allow to convert Unicode
characters to their upper case equivalent or their lower case equivalent. For more
details about the case mappings, refer to the tables provided by the Unicode

For case conversion, the conversion services are called using a stub routine named
CUNLASE. z/OS support for Unicode must be called in primary mode.

| z/OS support for Unicode provides support that allows the normalization
| (decomposition or composition) of Unicode characters to one of the normalization
| forms. For a detailed explanation of normalization, including specific information
| about the normalization forms, refer to The Technical Report #15 provided by the
| Unicode Consortium (http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr15/).

For normalization, the normalization service is called using a stub routine named
CUNLNORM. z/OS support for Unicode must be called in primary mode.

4 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

National language support
z/OS support for Unicode provides a Japanese translation of its messages. For
details see “MVS message service” on page 7.

Chapter 1. Introduction 5
6 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services
Chapter 2. Setting up the system
This chapter describes how you set up the z/OS support for Unicode system.

For getting information on the prerequisites of products and hardware, please refer
to z/OS Planning for Installation, GA22-7504-03.

Downloading from the Web and installing with SMP/E

The code must be downloaded from the IBM Software download page
(www.software.ibm.com/download). The installation of z/OS support for Unicode
with SMP/E is described in z/OS Planning for Installation, GA22-7504-03. Please
refer to this document to find a complete list of the necessary steps.

Steps after installation

Customizing jobs
z/OS support for Unicode provides two REXX execs to customize the provided jobs
for your conversion environment. Use the execs like this:
v Use member CUNRUCST of data set $LIB_HLQ$.SCUNREXX. ($LIB-HLQ$ is
the high level qualifier chosen at the SMP/E installation.)
v Fill in the required fields.
v If you are installing under SMS, the volume specification in the customization
exec CUNRUCST will be ignored.
v Refer to “Sample for CUNRUCST Exec” on page 109 to find a sample of the
v Concatenate $LIB_HLQ$.SCUNREXX to DD name SYSEXEC or SYSPROC.
($LIB_HLQ$.SCUNREXX is the data set where the customization execs
v Then enter in the command line:


The following output is shown:

Dataset name : UNI.SCUNJCL
Processing member : CUNJIMS1
Processing member : CUNJIMS2
: listing all the member names
Processing member : CUNJUREC
Processing member : CUNJUSMP

MVS message service

The steps described in this chapter have not to be performed if you want to display
English Unicode messages with the standard date and time formats (e.g.
09/28/2000, 11.09.02). If your MVS installation provides MVS Message Service
(MMS) this chapter explains the necessary steps for:
v displaying Japanese Unicode messages

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 7

Steps after installation
v displaying English Unicode messages with modified date and time formats.

z/OS support for Unicode provides a Japanese translation of its messages.

The MVS Message Service (MMS) is needed for displaying translated messages on
the screen. In order to activate the MMS, you must create a MMS VSAM data set
and a parmlib member MMSLSTxx.

Creating a MMS VSAM data set

v You need to run two jobs (CUNJIMS1 and CUNJIMS2) for each language:
Table 3. Description of jobs for MMS
Name of job Description Return Meaning
CUNJIMS1 allocates MMS VSAM 0 job successfully completed
data set
CUNJIMS2 converts the message 0 job successfully completed
skeleton of an install
4 Process complete. Run-time
message file into a
message file is complete but the
run-time message file
compiler generated warnings.
8 Processing is complete. The run-time
message file is usable but
12 Processing ended prematurely. The
run-time message file is unusable.
For return codes 4, 8, and 12: Look to your
message skeleton and remove the error which is
described in the compile listing.

The NLS skeleton is a message skeleton which is the input for the MMS VSAM
data set. There is one skeleton for English and one for Japanese. The English
message skeleton is named CUNIIENU and the japanese skeleton is named
CUNIIJPN. Both can be found in $CUN_MSG_DS$. For more information refer to
z/OS MVS Planning: Operations, SA22-7601 and go to chapter ″Routing
Commands / Handling Translated Messages″.
v These are the jobs for creating the environment for English messages.:



CYL(1 1) -


8 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Steps after installation


// UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(10,10,10)),

v Now run the jobs. Return codes are listed in Table 3 on page 8.

Creating the parmlib member MMSLSTxx

English messages: For the english messages, you need a parmlib member called
MMSLSTxx with the following input:

/* */
/* Parmlib Member for MVS Message Service */
/* */


$CUN_MMS_DATASET$ is defined in the job CUNRUCST.

Activate member MMSLSTxx with the MVS system command SET MMS=xx or by
specifying MMS(xx) on the INIT statement in parmlib member CONSOLExx.

Japanese messages: For displaying Japanese messages, you also need to

establish the environment for English messages. For creating the environment of
the Japanese messages, follow the instructions for creating the environment of the
English messages and additionally note the following:
1. in the job CUNJIMS2: change CUNIIENU to CUNIIJPN and change the
parameter for the program CNLCCPLR in the EXEC statement to
2. change parmlib member MMSLSTxx to
/* */
/* Parmlib Member for MVS Message Service */
/* */


Chapter 2. Setting up the system 9

Steps after installation

3. Activate member MMSLSTxx with the MVS system command SET MMS=xx or
by specifying MMS(xx) on the INIT statement in parmlib member CONSOLExx.

10 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Chapter 3. Creating the conversion environment
This chapter describes all additional steps which must be carried out to create an
active conversion environment. The steps are:
1. create a conversion image
a. select the conversions
b. specify the control statements
c. invoke the image generator
d. use the image generator listing
2. calculate the storage needed for a conversion image
3. create the parmlib member CUNUNIxx (parmlib member for activating a
conversion environment)
4. edit IEASYSxx
5. initialize the conversion environment with IPL

Note: It is important to follow the steps in the given sequence to avoid problems
while using z/OS support for Unicode!

Creating a conversion image

A conversion image is a single entity that holds all necessary information to support
one callable services configuration. A conversion image is loaded into the system
during IPL or SET UNI command processing. The basic layout of the conversion
image is:
v image header
v control information
| v case, character conversion and normalization tables
v image trailer

Multiple images can be kept in datasets. Using the the SET UNI command they can
be used to replace the active image. A conversion image is built with a utility called
’image generator for z/OS support for Unicode’ running as a batch job. The utility
generates the image as a sequential data set which has the fixed block 80 format.
Note that the image must be copied into SYS1.PARMLIB or any other data set in
the logical parmlib concatenation before it can be used by IPL or the SET UNI
command. The ’image generator for z/OS support for Unicode’ is also referred to as
the ’image generator’. The name of the batch job is CUNJIUTL and it is located in
library SCUNJCL.

The image generator has the following input:

1. knowledge base (supplied by IBM): it describes the CCSIDs that are used in the
control statements. The knowledge base is contained in module CUNMIKBS
and loaded from SYS1.LINKLIB.
| 2. conversion tables (supplied by IBM): these are tables for character conversion.
| The image generator transforms the conversion tables into an internal format
| and stores them in the conversion image. A complete list of the conversion
| tables supplied by IBM is in Appendix F, “Summary of IBM-supplied conversion
| tables” on page 115. The image generator reads the required conversion tables
| from the //TABIN DD statement.
3. input control statements (supplied by IBM as samples and/or supplied by user):
they describe which of the conversions are active in the conversion
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 11
Creating a conversion image
environment. The CCSIDs used in each input control statement must be defined
in the knowledge base. For each pair of CCSIDs that describes a conversion,
one or more conversion tables must exist (depending whether this is a simple or
composite conversion. Also see Appendix B, “MBCS conversions” on page 79).
Input control statements are supplied using the standard //SYSIN DD statement.
You may also have user-defined CCSIDs and conversion tables. For details see
Chapter 6, “Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables” on page 63.

| The image generator creates the following output:

| v a single image of the entire conversion environment. The conversion image is
| built according to the specification in the SYSIN DD data set. Each required
| character conversion is described by a CONVERSION control statement. Case
| conversion can be requested using the CASE control statement, and
| normalization with the NORMALIZE control statement. The generated image is
| stored in the data set specified in the //SYSIMG DD statement.
| v a listing on the //SYSPRINT DD statement that shows the processed steps and
| error messages if applicable. For a detailed description of the image generator
| listing see page 18.
| v a return code (see “Image generator for z/OS support for Unicode™ – return
| codes” on page 107)

To create a conversion image, follow these steps (a – d):

(a) Select the conversions:

| Before starting the image generator you have to decide which conversions are
| required in your particulary installation. Basically there are three different conversion
| types:
| 1. case conversion for Unicode characters
| 2. character conversion between two different CCSIDs
| 3. normalizing a Unicode string

For the case conversion you can have the following conversion modes:
v NORMAL casing:
This means that one character is mapped to its upper/lower case using a
one-to-one relationship as described in the file UnicodeData.txt. Characters that
cannot be mapped one-to-one are copied to the output stream unchanged. Note
also that locale specific casing is not supported with mode NORMAL. NORMAL
is the preferred mode for converting English text.
v SPECIAL casing:
In addition to NORMAL casing locale independent special casing as listed in
document SpecialCasing.txt is performed. This can be unconditional special
casing (e.g. ’German Small Letter Sharp s’ = ’00DF’X uppercases to 2 characters
of ’Capital Letter S’ = ’00530053’X.) or conditional special casing (e.g. ’Greek
Capital Letter Sigma’=’03A3’X lowercases to either ’Greek Small Sigma’=’03C3’X
when within a word or to ’Greek Small Final Sigma’=’03C2’X when it is the last
character of a word).
v LOCALE dependent casing:
In addition to SPECIAL casing locale dependent special casing as listed in
document SpecialCasing.txt is performed (e.g. ’Capital Letter I’ =’0049’X
lowercases to ’Small Letter i’=’0069’X when caller’s language is NOT turkish, but
lowercases to ’Small Letter Dotless i’=’ 0131’X when caller’s language is Turkish
CUNBCPRM_Locale=’tr...’ ).

12 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Creating a conversion image
Note: Note that user-defined case conversions are not supported!

For the character conversions each CCSID pair between which you want to be able
to convert using the conversion services has to be identified. However, there are
different techniques to convert between two CCSIDs and you can specify your
preferred technique(s):
Roundtrip conversion
| Roundtrip conversions between two CCSIDs assure that all characters
| making the ″roundtrip″ arrive as they were originally.
Enforced Subset conversion
Enforced Subset conversions map only those characters from one CCSID
to another which have a corresponding character in the second CCSID. All
other characters are replaced by a substitution character.
Customized conversion
Customized conversions use conversion tables that have been created to
address some special requirements. IBM’s Globalization Center of
Competency (GCoC) in Toronto, Canada can provide more information
about these tables.
Language Environment-Behavior conversion
Language Environment-Behavior conversions use tables which map
characters like the iconv() function of the Language Environment Runtime
library does. These conversions differ from others primarily in their mapping
of the EBCDIC newline (NL) character to ASCII and Unicode linefeed (LF).
Modified Language Environment-Behavior conversion
Modified Language Environment-Behavior conversions use tables which
map characters like the iconv() function of the Language Environment
Runtime library does for converters ending with ″C″ (for example
User-defined conversions
User-defined conversions are supported, see Chapter 6, “Defining CCSIDs
and conversion tables” on page 63.

| For normalization services, no special mode is required. See “Control

| statement NORMALIZE” on page 17.

(b) Specify control statements:

| There are three different control statements which can be specified in the //SYSIN
| DD statement of job CUNJIUTL:
| v CONVERSION (for character conversion)
| v CASE (for case conversion)
| v NORMALIZE (for normalization)

Chapter 3. Creating the conversion environment 13

Control statement CONVERSION
Control statement CONVERSION
Each CONVERSION control statement defines exactly one conversion that should
be generated in the conversion image. We call this a ’top-level conversion’.
Duplicate CONVERSION statements are ignored! It may happen, that the image
generator uses more than 1 table to reflect the CONVERSION statement. This
might be because a MBCS CCSID is involved or a particular conversion table
needed was not found. In the case of MBCS involvement, the system implements a
composite conversion with a set of sub-level conversions according to its
knowledge base. In the case of missing conversion tables, an indirect conversion –
using CCSID 1200 as the intermediate CCSID – is generated.

In general, a direct conversion is supported when:

v converting between any combination of SBCS and DBCS
v converting between MBCS and DBCS
v converting between UTF-8 and UCS-2
All other conversions will always be indirect conversions.

ÊÊ CONVERSION from-ccsid , to-ccsid ; ÊÍ
, technique-search-order


» technique-character



0 - 9

1 technique-search-order can be up to 8 characters.

The value from-ccsid specifies the From-CCSID of the requested
conversion. The From-CCSID is the CCSID converting from.
The value to-ccsid specifies the To-CCSID of the requested conversion. The
To-CCSID is the CCSID converting to.

14 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Control statement CONVERSION
There may be multiple conversion tables available for converting one
CCSID to another. A technique-search-order can be used to specify which
table should be used. It consists of up to 8 technique-characters . If you
specify more than one technique character, the image generator will try to
find a matching table for the leftmost technique–character in the sequence
of the technique-search-order. If not found, the search continues with the
second one and so on. A blank character terminates the search. Especially
for mixed conversion it is advisable to use more than one
technique-character as one of the sub-conversions might exist only in
round-trip mode and one only in enforced-subset. In this case, a
technique-search-order of ’RE’ or ’ER’ would be required.
technique-search-order is optional. If not specified, ’RECLM’ is used.
Some of the tables were fixed for use with MBCS conversions. These
tables have the internal technique ’X’ and override tables with technique
’C’,’R’,’E’. Fixed tables for technique ’L’ have the internal technique ’Y’. The
image generator will first check for the existance of ’X’ tables before
searching for tables with technique ’C’,’R’,’E’ . It also will first check for the
existance of ’Y’ tables before searching for tables with technique ’L’. The
output of the image generator lists which table actually was selected.
Technique characters ’X’ and ’Y’ cannot be specified by customers.
When calling the service, exactly the same character sequence as specified
in the technique-search-order of the CONVERSION control statement must
be specified in the CUNBCPRM_Technique field of the parameter area. If
technique_search_order is omitted from the CONVERSION control
statement, CUNBCPRM_technique in the parameter area must be specified
as blanks.
Possible values for technique-character are:
v R: Roundtrip
v E: Enforced Subset
v C: Customized Subset
v L: Language Environment Behaviour
v M: Modified Language Environment Behaviour
v 0 – 9: User-defined conversions

Some special considerations about CCSID 1200: If CCSID 1200 is specified the
CCSID of the most recent UCS-2 version is substituted and all technique-characters
are tested. Then the second recent UCS-2 version is substituted and so on. The
supported UCS-2 CCSIDs are:
| v 21680 (UCS-2 V3.1)
| v 17584 (UCS-2 V3)
| v 13488 (UCS-2 V2)

Here are some examples of valid CONVERSION statements:

CONVERSION 850,037; /* technique-search-order omitted, use RECLM */
CONVERSION 850,037,; /* duplicate, this line will be ignored */
CONVERSION 850,037,R; /* will use Roundtrip */
CONVERSION 933,13488,RE; /* will search fixed ’X’ tables,Roundtrip, then */
/* Enforced Subset */

Chapter 3. Creating the conversion environment 15

Control statement CASE
Control statement CASE
The CASE control statement selects the case conversions that should be generated
in the conversion image.




mode mode specifies the case conversion mode to be supported. The following
modes are supported:
v NORMAL - basic casing, preferred mode for English text
v SPECIAL - includes normal casing, adds locale independent special
v LOCALE - includes special casing, adds locale dependent special casing

Here is an example of a valid CASE statement:
CASE NORMAL; /* normal casing requested */
CASE NORMAL; /* Duplicate CASE statements are ignored */
CASE LOCALE; /* locale dependent special casing requested */

16 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Control statement NORMALIZE
| Control statement NORMALIZE
| Purpose
| The NORMALIZE control statement loads the normalization tables in the conversion
| image.

| Format

| Parameters
| None

| Examples
| Here is an example of a valid NORMALIZE statement:
| NORMALIZE; /* normalization requested */
| NORMALIZE; /* Duplicate NORMALIZE statements are ignored */

Chapter 3. Creating the conversion environment 17

Image generator
Image generator
Once you have selected the conversions and specified the control statements, you
can continue creating the conversion image by invoking the image generator and
using the image generator listing.

(c) Invoke the image generator:

Invoke the image generator for z/OS support for Unicode. Member CUNJIUTL in
library SCUNJCL contains the JCL to invoke the image generator:


//* SYSIMG must be a FB 80 dataset *****************

/* example of input statements */
1047, /* EBCDIC */


(d) Use the image generator listing:

The sample JCL from step (1c) produces the following listing on the //SYSPRINT

18 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Image generator

image generator listing


CUN1001I PROCESSING STARTED ON 09/15/2001 AT 17:36:36

Source Listing ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+-

2 /*******************************/
4 /*******************************/
6 1047, /* EBCDIC */

Statement Report --+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+-

1 CONVERSION 850,1047,RE;
/* 00850-01047-R using CUNREBM0 */



The listing can be divided into four sections:

1. the identification section; it shows the product version and when the job was
2. the source listing; it repeats the data from //SYSIN DD exactly as entered
3. the statement report; it shows the recognized statements and how they were
4. the statistic section; it gives an overview of the complete process

The following paragraphs show how the listing can be used to manage the
generated images.

1. The identification section

If you have already generated a lot of images and keep them in datasets, it might
be of interest to match an image generator listing with an existing image. For this
reason there is a readable time stamp in the first record of the image. This time
stamp matches the time stamp on message CUN1001I.

2. The source listing

Especially when concatenated datasets are used on the //SYSIN DD statement, it is
important to check which control statements were provided in the input stream. The
source listing shows exactly what was read from //SYSIN DD and the number that
is assinged to each input record.

3. The statement report

In the statement report you can see what the image generator has ’understood’
from the provided input. All comments, blanks, and line breaks have been removed.
Each recognized statement is printed in a normalized form and a statement number
is assigned. Comments are inserted after the statement to explain what was
generated by the system.

Chapter 3. Creating the conversion environment 19

Image generator

statement report in image generator listing

Statement Report --+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+-
1 CONVERSION 933,1200,RE;
/* 00933-01200-RE */
/* 00833-01200-R using CUNRDIPG */
/* 00834-01200-R using CUNRDMPG */

The left hand side in the comment shows a hierarchy of the top-level and sub-level
conversions. The right hand side shows the name of the tables used.

4. The statistics sections

The most important information from the statistic section is the return code. If the
return code is 0, processing was successful from the technical point of view. You
should always check the statement report carefully to ensure the generated image
contains the necessary tables and correct CCSIDs.

Error situations: The following paragraphs show how the listing can be used in
error situations:

1. Environmental errors:
Before the ’real’ processing starts all the required resources are checked and
allocated. When errors occur in that phase no source listing and no statement
report are generated. The identification and statistic sections are printed. No image
is generated. A listing with an environmental error might look like this:

image generator listing with environmental error


CUN1001I PROCESSING STARTED ON 09/15/2001 AT 16:37:37




2. Syntactical errors:
Once the initialization phase has successfully been executed the input stream is
read from //SYSIN DD and the source listing is produced. The input stream then is
parsed for syntactical errors. The values of the parameters are not checked at this
point. Syntactical errors are for instance:
v unrecognized statement keywords
v missing/excessive parameters

20 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Image generator
v missing/excessive commas or semicolons
The statement report is not printed. No image is generated. A listing with a
syntactical error might look like this:

image generator listing with semantical error


CUN1001I PROCESSING STARTED ON 09/15/2001 AT 17:36:36

Source Listing ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+-

2 /*******************************/
4 /*******************************/
6 1047, /* EBCDIC */



3. Semantical errors:
When the syntax of a statement is correct the specified parameters are checked for
reasonable values. Semantical errors are for instance:
v CCSIDs out of range
v invalid technique-characters
v invalid case conversion modes
v conversion table not found
The statement is printed in the statement report followed by the error messages
issued. No image is generated. A listing with a semantical error might look like this:

Chapter 3. Creating the conversion environment 21

Image generator

image generator listing with syntactical error


CUN1001I PROCESSING STARTED ON 09/18/2000 AT 10:47:47

Source Listing ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+-

2 /*******************************/
4 /*******************************/
5 CONVERSION 85000, /* ASCII */
6 1047, /* EBCDIC */

Statement Report --+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+-

1 CONVERSION 85000,1047,RE;



After generating the conversion image, copy it to SYS1.PARMLIB or any other data
set in the logical parmlib concatenation.

After completing the steps a to d, continue with:

v Calculating the main storage required for a conversion image on page 22
v Creating parmlib member CUNUNIxx (parmlib member for activating a new
conversion environment) on page 24
v Editing IEASYSxx on page 26
v Initializing the conversion environment on page 27

Calculating the main storage required for a conversion image

Following are the steps you need to perform to calculate the main storage needed
for a conversion image.

Estimating the size of an image based on planned conversions

To estimate the size of main memory an image would require depending on its set
of conversions, use the following rule of thumb:
v For conversion tables, use the size in the following tables:
Table 4. Main storage needed for conversions of type SBCS and DBCS
conversion type size of storage

22 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Calculating the storage for a conversion image
Table 4. Main storage needed for conversions of type SBCS and DBCS (continued)
conversion type size of storage

The sizing in the following table is based on the assumption that the MBCS
CCSID consists of one SBCS and one DBCS codepage.
Table 5. Main storage needed for conversions of type MBCS
conversion type size of storage
MBCS→SBCS direct 64KB
MBCS→SBCS via 1200 192KB
MBCS→DBCS direct 128KB
MBCS→DBCS via 1200 256KB
MBCS→MBCS via 1200 320KB

If a MBCS CCSID is composed differently, break it into its sub-CCSIDs (see

“Summary of CCSIDs used in MBCS conversions” on page 81) and calculate the
size for each part separately according to Table 4 on page 22.
v Add for any type of case conversion 256 KB for the main casing tables. As soon
as any of the types SPECIAL or LOCALE casing are used, then add once 58 KB
for additionally needed tables.
v For the case conversion statement add 0.25 KB for control structures. For
indirect and composite conversions add also 0.25 KB for the control structures of
each sub-level conversion.
v For the normalization statement add 565 KB, which is the total size of the tables
needed for normalization as shown in Appendix. F.

After the image was generated look for message CUN1017I in the listing of the
image generator. It shows exactly the number of pages the image requires in main

Note: Due to some overhead, the image stored on DASD occupies about 1.13
times the size.

Determining the size of an image from an existing member

The size of an image stored in a data set is different than when it is loaded in main
storage. You can calculate the amount of main storage required after loading as
v load the image in the VIEW ENTRY PANEL from ISPF
v go to the last line
v multiply the last line number with 71 and divide it by 4096
v ignore the decimal places
v the result is the number of pages needed for that image

Chapter 3. Creating the conversion environment 23

Calculating the storage for a conversion image
Determining the size of the active image
To get information on the size of the active image loaded to the conversion
environment, use the DISPLAY UNI command. Enter

and check the command output on section STORAGE. The output looks like:
CUN3000I 09.39.07 UNI DISPLAY 476

The size of the active image in pages is found behind the ACTIVE parameter. In
this example 339 pages are used.

Determining the value for REALSTORAGE parameter

The REALSTORAGE parameter was introduced to protect the z/OS system against
main storage shortage, caused by loading a conversion image which exceeds the
amount of available storage. The storage occupied by the image (active and
inactive) is fixed in memory. To control the real storage usage, the loading of a new
conversion image will be rejected when the value of the REALSTORAGE keyword
is lower than the amount of storage needed for the complete environment.

The minimum value for the REALSTORAGE parameter depends on how the image
is activated:
v using IPL:
The storage needed is the size of the image plus 1 page.
v using the SET UNI command (parmlib member with keyword IMAGE ):
The storage needed is the size of the currently active image plus the size of the
new conversion image.

This value is the smallest value which can be specified for the REALSTORAGE
parameter. It is not possible to load the image and specify a smaller value. But
using the minimum value might cause that a new value has to be determined
everytime a new image is to be used. Therefore it might be useful to specify a
higher value, if the higher usage of the real storage can be tolerated. Consider that
the maximum allocation only occurs after a new conversion image is loaded and
two environments are established. To analyze the impact to your system, monitor
the paging activity. After determining a suitable value, consider to use it in all
parmlib members with keyword IMAGE on one system to ensure the protection.

The storage allocated by the inactive environment can be freed by deleting it. See
“Parmlib member for deleting an inactive conversion environment” on page 26 for a
description on how to delete an inactive conversion environment.

Creating parmlib member CUNUNIxx

Create a parmlib member in SYS1.PARMLIB or another data set in the logical
parmlib concatenation named CUNUNIxx. ’xx’ can be any two alphanumeric
characters (’A’-’Z’, ’0’-’9’, @, #, and $).

You can create two different types of parmlib members:

v a parmlib member for activating a conversion environment
v a parmlib member for deleting an inactive conversion environment

24 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Creating parmlib members CUNUNIxx
Parmlib member for activating a conversion environment
If a new conversion environment is to be activated, you need to create a parmlib
member with the both keywords IMAGE and REALSTORAGE.

Keyword IMAGE
This a required keyword and can only be specified once. The keyword IMAGE
identifies the name of the conversion image to be selected. This image must be
present in SYS1.PARMLIB or any other data set in the logical parmlib

Note: It is highly recommended to establish a logical parmlib concatenation to

separate conversion images from the other control members in
SYS1.PARMLIB. For detailed information, see z/OS MVS Initialization and
Tuning Reference, SA22-7591, chapter ’Description and Use of the Parmlib

ÊÊ IMAGE member ; ÊÍ


This is a required parameter. member is the name of the conversion image. The
valid range is any valid z/OS member name. There is no default value.

Here is an example of a statement with keyword IMAGE:

This is a required keyword. It can only be specified once and must be used in
combination with keyword IMAGE. The REALSTORAGE keyword defines an upper
storage limit for pages to be used by conversion images.For further information, see
“Determining the value for REALSTORAGE parameter” on page 24.

Note: Loading a new conversion environment will be rejected when the value of
the REALSTORAGE keyword is lower than the amount of storage needed.



This is a required parameter. nnn is the maximum amount of pages which can be
used by conversion images. The valid range is 0 to 524287. The selection of ’0’
results in no limit (=524287). There is no default value.

Chapter 3. Creating the conversion environment 25

Creating parmlib members CUNUNIxx
Here are some examples of statements with keyword REALSTORAGE:
REALSTORAGE 0; /* no explicit limit */
REALSTORAGE 12800; /* 50 MB limit */
For a sample of a parmlib member with keywords IMAGE and REALSTORAGE
refer to “Samples for parmlib member CUNUNIxx” on page 109. You find
information on how to activate a new conversion environment in “Creating and
activating a new conversion environment” on page 29.

Parmlib member for deleting an inactive conversion environment

If you want to delete an inactive conversion environment, you need to create a
parmlib member with the keyword DELETE.

Keyword DELETE
This a required keyword and can only be specified once. The keywords DELETE
and IMAGE cannot be specified in the same member. Keyword DELETE is provided
to delete an inactive, unused conversion environment.





This is a required parameter. The string literal ’INACTIVE’ must be specified. There
is no default value.

Here is the only valid statement with keyword DELETE:
For a sample of a parmlib member with keyword DELETE refer to “Samples for
parmlib member CUNUNIxx” on page 109. You find information on how to delete an
inactive conversion environment in “Deleting an inactive conversion environment” on
page 30.

Editing IEASYSxx
Now edit IEASYSxx like this
1. Add parameter UNI to IEASYSxx


( » xx )

This parameter specifies one or more CUNUNIxx parmlib members that contain
the keywords which configure the conversion environment.

26 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Editing IEASYSxx
Each suffix ’xx’ identifies one CUNUNIxx member in the parmlib concatenation.
Valid values are: A-Z, 0-9, @, #, or $. There is no default value.
If several parmlib members are specified, they are concatenated in the specified
sequence. The concatenated contents is handled internally as a single member.
This means that the lines are numbered consecutively and error messages
about syntax errors refer to the concatenated text. Restrictions for keywords
(like can only occure one) apply for the whole concatenated text.
2. Check parameter MAXCAD in IEASYSxx, it limits the amount of common data
spaces in a system. If MAXCAD is specified, consider that z/OS support for
Unicode creates up to two common data spaces, UNICODE1 and UNICODE2.
Further information can be found under “Message CUN2011E” on page 71.

Initializing the conversion environment

After completing the steps decribed in Chapter 2, “Setting up the system” on page 7
and Chapter 3, “Creating the conversion environment” on page 11, an IPL is
required to initialize the conversion environment.

Chapter 3. Creating the conversion environment 27

Initializing the conversion environment

28 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Chapter 4. Changing the conversion environment
The conversion environment is changed when:
v a new conversion environment is created and activated or
v an inactive conversion environment is deleted

Creating and activating a new conversion environment

1. Create a new conversion environment: The first step to make a new
conversion environment available is to create a new conversion image. How to
create a new conversion image is described in “Creating a conversion image” on
page 11.

2. Activate the new conversion environment: The second step is to activate the
new conversion environment by loading the new conversion image into storage
using the SET UNI command. The changes to the conversion environment can be
verified with the DISPLAY UNI command. Detailed information on both commands
are to be found in Appendix A, “Commands” on page 73.

With the SET UNI command, the changes to the conversion environment are
immediatly active (dynamic changes).
1. Check the current status of the conversion environment. Enter


2. Create a conversion image and place it in in SYS1.PARMLIB or any other data

set of the logical parmlib concatenation. See “Creating a conversion image” on
page 11 for more information.
3. Create a member in SYS1.PARMLIB or any other data set of the logical parmlib
concatenation. This member specifies the appropriate conversion image
(keyword IMAGE) and defines the limit of pages (keyword REALSTORAGE).
See “Creating parmlib member CUNUNIxx” on page 24 for more information.
4. Issue the command


where xx is the suffix of the parmlib member mentioned in the previous step.
5. Verify the changes with the DISPLAY UNI command. Enter


6. The conversion environment is changed permanently with setting the UNI=xx

entry in IEASYSxx which is evaluated during IPL. For further information on
IEASYSxx, see “Editing IEASYSxx” on page 26.

Note: If step 6 is omitted, your changes are gone with the next IPL.

If a new conversion image is loaded with the SET UNI command, the old image is
preserved and flagged as inactive. Then a new conversion environment is created
and set ’active’.

The system maintains only one active and one inactive environment. A new
environment can only be established, when no inactive environment exists.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 29

Changing the conversion environment
Therefore if the SET UNI command finds an already existing inactive environment,
it deletes it as described in “Deleting an inactive conversion environment”. If the
inactive environment cannot be deleted, the command terminates. Simultaneously
running conversion requests can be completed without interruption. It is
recommended to delete the inactive conversion environment and free the allocated
resources after a certain period of time (see next chapter).

Preserving the previously active environment allows to load new definitions into the
z/OS Support for Unicode workspace, even when conversion requests are running.

Deleting an inactive conversion environment

There are two triggers to delete an inactive conversion environment:
1. implicitly by processing a parmlib member with keyword IMAGE
2. explicitly by processing a parmlib member with keyword DELETE.

When deleting an inactive conversion environment the critical cases of long running
conversion services calls have to be considered. These calls can continue the
conversions without interruption because they can still access the original
conversion image now set to inactive. This inactive conversion environment should
only be deleted when it is no longer used, that means when all calls are finished.
New conversion requests are not critical, they are rejected until the new conversion
environment is activated.

The DISPLAY UNI command shows the date and time, when the conversion
environment was set inactive. Enter the command:


It shows the following output:

CUN3000I 09.48.18 UNI DISPLAY 537
ENVIRONMENT: CREATED 10/24/2000 AT 15.52.47
MODIFIED 10/25/2000 AT 09.29.45
IMAGE CREATED 10/25/2000 AT 09.27.31
INACTIVE 484 PAGES SINCE 10/25/2000 AT 09.29.45

Check the ENVIRONMENT section to get information about the last changes to the
conversion environments. MODIFIED means that a new conversion environment
was activated. In the STORAGE section, the parameter INACTIVE shows the time
stamp when the old conversion environment was set inactive. Normally MODIFIED
and INACTIVE have the same time stamps because these processes run

Two hours after the change of the environment, you can be sure that the inactive
conversion environment is not used any more. Then the inactive conversion
environment can be deleted to free the allocated resources (the pages fixed in
You can delete the inactive conversion environment as follows:
1. create a parmlib member specifying the keyword DELETE INACTIVE. The
parmlib member must be named CUNUNIxx. Refer to “Parmlib member for
deleting an inactive conversion environment” on page 26 and “Samples for
parmlib member CUNUNIxx” on page 109 for more information.

30 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Changing the conversion environment
Restriction: No keyword can be specified in this member..
2. issue a SET UNI=xx command, where xx are two alphanumeric characters
indicating the CUNUNIxx parmlib member created in the previous step.
3. The message CUN2036 is issued:


Confirm the deletion.

4. verify the result by using the DISPLAY UNI,ENV,STOR command. In section
STORAGE of the command output, no INACTIVE parameter should be

Refer to Appendix A, “Commands” on page 73 for detailed information on the


Chapter 4. Changing the conversion environment 31

32 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services
Chapter 5. Converting data
Programming Interface information

This chapter describes the programming required to convert data.

Character conversion
The character conversion is also referred to as ’conversion between specified
CCSIDs’. The character conversion services are called using a stub routine named
CUNLCNV. It converts a string of text characters between the specified code pages
given as CCSIDs. It works for all character conversions that have an UCCE
(Unicode character conversion control entry) which is built during IPL and may be
changed by a SET UNI command.

Character conversion must be activated by specifying the CONVERSION control

statement in the input data set for the image generator (job CUNJIUTL). For
detailed information see “Creating a conversion image” on page 11 and “Control
statement CONVERSION” on page 14.

The CCSID is defined as a 32-bit binary integer where numbers below X'DFFF'
represent standard CCSIDs (see the document Character Data Representation
Architecture Reference and Registry, SC09-2190). Range from X'E000' to X'EFFF'
may be used for user-defined CCSIDs. Values from X'F000' to X'FFFF' are reserved
for special purposes.

All data is expected to be in big endian encoding. Conversion from and to little
endian encoding has to be done outside the z/OS support for Unicode. See
“Glossary of terms and abbreviations” on page 371 for an explanation of the endian

Instead of the CCSIDs, a handle to the UCCE can be given as input. This is always
possible after the first call because the handle of the UCCE that was used is
returned. This helps speeding up the conversion because the code needed to
locate the conversion table has to be executed only in the first call.

Note: All indirect conversion services require a work buffer to be provided by the
caller of the services. Caller allocation of the work buffer eliminates the need
for the services themselves to be concerned with memory management (and
cleanup on failure). To hold at least one Unicode character the length of the
work buffer in bytes must be at least 2. For optimal performance it should be
not less than two times the number of characters in the source string.

Calling the character conversion services

This is a general description of how the character conversion services have to be
called and what critical cases can occur. The call syntax is described in “Using the
C interface” on page 35 and “Using the HLASM interface” on page 37. The mapping
of the parameters is in “Mapping of parameters in C” on page 36 and “Mapping of
parameters and UCCE handle in HLASM” on page 38. The parameters are
explained in “Description of parameters in area CUNBCPRM” on page 40. For a list
of the return and reason codes, see Table 16 on page 104.

The character conversion services convert data between any CCSID types as
described in Table 2 on page 4.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 33

Calling the character conversion services
The caller of the conversion services must provide the following fields in the
parameter area:
v source buffer pointer, ALET, and length
v target buffer pointer, ALET, and length
v From-CCSID (or conversion handle in subsequent calls)
v To-CCSID (or conversion handle in subsequent calls)
v work buffer pointer, ALET, and length (only for two-step conversions - see below)
v dynamic data area pointer (DDA), ALET, and length (see below)
v flags

From the caller’s perspective, conversions are always done with a single call to the
conversion services. However internally, conversions between
v a mixed code page, and anything other than simple code pages
v UTF-8 and anything other than UCS-2
are done in two steps. Two step conversions require that a work buffer be supplied
by the caller. For coding simplicity, a caller may choose to always supply a work
buffer (which will go unused for single-step conversions). Alternatively, if the caller
knows that a particular conversion is ″single-step″, the work buffer need not be

The dynamic data area (DDA) is needed to make the service reentrant, and holds
all the variables needed internally by the conversion service. The size of the DDA
required depends on the type of conversion being done (source and target
CCSIDs). The current minimum DDA size is 800 bytes, and the maximum is 3080
bytes, but the latter is subject to change in future releases as additional conversions
are added.

There are two options for specifying DDA size:

1. The maximum DDA size required for any type of conversion may always be
specified. This value (currently 3080) is defined by the constant
CUNBCPRM_DDA_Req, and is subject to change in future releases, requiring a
program recompile.
2. The minimum DDA size (defined by constant CUNBCPRM_DDA_Buf_Min) may
initially be specified for all conversions. If this DDA size is not large enough to
support the type of conversion specified by Src_CCSID and Trg_CCSID, the
conversion services will return with a Return Code of ″CUN_RC_USER_ERR″
and Reason Code of ″CUN_RS_DDA_BUF_SMALL″, and will also return the
DDA size required for the specified conversion in field ″UCCE_DDA_BUF_LEN″
of the UCCE handle.

Regardless of how the caller determines the DDA size, IBM recommends that the
caller also provide code to recognize and react (by allocating a larger DDA buffer
and recalling the service) to a ″CUN_RS_DDA_BUF_SMALL″ error.

When the service returns, it updates the source buffer and target buffer pointers,
and lengths. Thus the callers can see how many bytes were converted and how
much of the target buffer is filled up. Return codes and reason codes notify when a
target buffer overflow was detected or any other critical case happened (see
“Conversion services – return and reason codes” on page 103). Recommendations
for the work buffer and target buffer sizes are listed in “Target buffer overflow” on
page 59.

34 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Calling the character conversion services
The source buffer may contain characters which have no equivalent in the
To-CCSID. The user of the conversion services specifies the action to take on
detection of such a character by the value of the input parameter bit
’CUNBCPRM_Sub_Action’. Depending on this input bit the conversion service either
terminates conversion with reasoncode CUN_RS_SUB_ACT_TERM or it inserts the
conversiontable’s substitution character into the target buffer, sets bit
CUNBCPRM_Substitution in the parameter list and continues conversion with the
next character in the source buffer.

The source code page (From-CCSID), target code page (To-CCSID) and
technique-search-order are given initially. A call with those specified always returns
a conversion handle which – for the services – is a fast path to the conversion table
and its properties. In subsequent calls, it is recommended to provide the conversion
handle. If callers want to request the conversion handle without converting, they can
do that by specifying a source buffer length of 0.

The caller can put the conversion data in any data space. To allow the conversion
service to access the data, an ALET must be specified. An ALET of 0 indicates that
the data is in the primary address space.

To indicate which code page was active at the end of conversions from and to
mixed code pages, CUNBCPRM_Subcodepage is updated by the services. The
same technique is used for designator sequences1 used for some ISO 2022
encoding. For single shift sequences that apply only to one character following the
shift sequence, the services do not stop between the shift sequence and the
character it applies to.

For the internal handling of MBCS conversions, refer to Appendix B, “MBCS

conversions” on page 79.

Restrictions for the calling environment

Table 6. Restrictions while calling the character conversion services
Property Restriction
authorization problem state or supervisor state, and any PSW key
dispatchable unit mode task or SRB
cross memory mode any PASN, any HASN, any SASN
amode 31-bit, prepared for 64-bit
ASC mode called in primary mode but exploiting AR mode
interrupt status enabled for I/O and external interrupts
locks may be hold by the caller, but is not required to hold any
control parameters must be in the primary address space
recovery environment provided exclusively by the caller of the conversion

Using the C interface

This is the call syntax in C for calling the stub routine CUNLCNV (character
conversion). The mapping of the parameter area supplied by the header file
cunhc.h is listed in “Mapping of parameters in C” on page 36.

1. The term ’designator sequence’ is explained in the “Glossary of terms and abbreviations” on page 371.

Chapter 5. Converting data 35

Using the C interface

#define SLEN 1000
#define WLEN 1000
#define TLEN 4096
unsigned char Sourcebuffer [SLEN ];
unsigned char Targetbuffer [TLEN ];
unsigned char Workbuffer [WLEN ];
unsigned char DDA [CUNBCPRM_DDA_REQ ];


CUNLCNV ( & myparm );
if((myparm.Return_Code !=CUN_RC_OK)......

Mapping of parameters in C
A C header file is supplied (cunhc.h) which contains the function prototypes for the
conversion services. The following structures used in the interface to the character
conversion service show the parameter list (tagCUNBCPRM) and conversion
handle within the parameter list (uccehdl):

typedef struct tagCUNBCPRM {

long Version; /* Structure version number */
long Length; /* Length of structure */
long Res1; /* Reserved */
void * Src_Buf_Ptr; /* Pointer to Source */
unsigned long Src_Buf_ALET; /* ALET of source buffer */
unsigned long Src_Buf_Len; /* Length of source data */
long Res2; /* Reserved */
void * Targ_Buf_Ptr; /* Pointer to Target */
unsigned long Targ_Buf_ALET; /* ALET of target buffer */
unsigned long Targ_Buf_Len; /* Length of target buffer */
char Conv_Handle[64]; /* conversion handle */
unsigned long Src_CCSID; /* CCSID of source data */
unsigned long Targ_CCSID; /* CCSID of taget data */
char Technique[8]; /* */
long Res4; /* Reserved */
void * Wrk_Buf_Ptr; /* Pointer to work buffer */
unsigned long Wrk_Buf_ALET; /* ALET of work buffer */
unsigned long Wrk_Buf_Len; /* Length of work buffer */
long Res5; /* Reserved */
void * DDA_Buf_Ptr; /* Pointer to dynamic data area*/
unsigned long DDA_Buf_ALET; /* ALET of DDA */
unsigned long DDA_Buf_Len; /* Length of DDA */
unsigned char Flag1;
unsigned char Subcodepage; /* subcodepage to begin with */
unsigned char Flag2; /* */
unsigned char Designator; /* reserved for ISO 2022 */
long Return_Code;
long Reason_Code;

36 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Mapping of parameters in C
Mapping of UCCE handle in C
The following structure is used as a reference to the character conversion service.
This is a ReadOnly structure. You must only take values from here, and not pass
values to Unicode through this structure.

typedef struct uccehdl{

long UCCE_TIME; /* Modification time stamp of UCCB */
long Res1; /* Reserved for 64 bit */
void * UCCE_UCCB_PTR; /* Address of UCCB */
long Res2; /* Reserved for 64 bit */
void * UCCE_UCCE_PTR; /* Address of UCCE */
long UCCE_CONVERSION; /* Conversion information */
/* (for constants see CUNPIDFC) */
long UCCE_TAB_FIXED; /* 0=table is pageable */
/* 1=table is fixed */
long UCCE_HW_PRESENT; /* 0=Unicode hardware not present */
/* 1=Unicode hardware present */
long UCCE_SUB_HANDLE; /* 0=handle created via CUNPIHDL */
/* 1=handle created by the service */
long UCCE_SRC_CCSID; /* Source CCSID */
long UCCE_TGT_CCSID; /* Target CCSID */
char UCCE_TECHNIQUE; /* Technique search order */
long UCCE_SRC_WIDTH_MIN; /* Minimum source character width */
long UCCE_SRC_WIDTH_MAX; /* Maximum source character width */
long UCCE_TGT_WIDTH_MIN; /* Minimum target character width */
long UCCE_TGT_WIDTH_MAX; /* Maximum target character width */
long UCCE_DDA_BUF_LEN; /* Required DDA buffer length */
long Res3; /* Reserved */

Using the HLASM interface

This is the call syntax in HLASM for calling the stub routine CUNLCNV (character
conversion). The mapping of the parameter area supplied by the interface definition
file CUNBCIDF is listed in “Mapping of parameters and UCCE handle in HLASM” on
page 38.
GETMAIN ........ Obtain storage for parameter area
* in primary address space
LR R4,R1 Save parameter area address
USING CUNBCPRM,R4 Make parameter area addressable
ST R15,CUNBCPRM_VERSION Version Store to parameter area
LA R15,CUNBCPRM_LEN Initialize Length
ST R15,CUNBCPRM_LENGTH Move to parameter area
MVC CUNBCPRM_TECHNIQUE,=CL8’ ’ Take default technique
* Supply source buffer pointer, length and ALET.
* Supply target buffer pointer, length and ALET.
* Supply work buffer pointer, length and ALET. (Not required
* for a conversion from 1047 to 13488).
* Supply DDA buffer pointer, length and ALET.
* Note: A DDA is always required. The required DDA length is
* defined by constant CUNBCPRM_DDA_REQ.
CALL CUNLCNV,((R4)) Call stub routine with CUNBCPRM
* address as argument.
CUNBCIDF DSECT=YES Provide Mappings (CUNBCPRM, return and
* reason codes, constants for version
* and length).

Chapter 5. Converting data 37

Mapping of parameters and UCCE handle in HLASM
Mapping of parameters and UCCE handle in HLASM
Table 7. Mapping of parameters in HLASM for character conversion
Offset Offset Type Length Boundary Name Description
Dec Hex in
0 (0) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBCPRM_Version Parameter area
4 (4) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBCPRM_Length Parameter area Length
8 (8) CHARACTER 4 * Reserved for 64 bit
12 (C) ADDRESS 4 CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr Source buffer pointer
16 (10) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_ALET Source buffer ALET
20 (14) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Len Source buffer length
24 (18) CHARACTER 4 * Reserved for 64 bit
28 (1C) ADDRESS 4 CUNBCPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr Target buffer pointer
32 (20) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBCPRM_Targ_Buf_ALET Target buffer ALET
36 (24) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBCPRM_Targ_Buf_Len Target buffer length
40 (28) CHARACTER 64 DWORD CUNBCPRM_Conv_Handle Conversion handle
104 (68) CHARACTER 16 WORD CUNBCPRM_Conv_Key Conversion Key
specified as input to the
image generator
120 (78) CHARACTER 4 * Reserved for 64 bit
124 (7C) ADDRESS 4 CUNBCPRM_Wrk_Buf_Ptr Work buffer pointer
128 (80) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBCPRM_Wrk_Buf_ALET Work buffer ALET
132 (84) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBCPRM_Wrk_Buf_Len Work buffer length
136 (88) CHARACTER 4 * Reserved for 64 bit
140 (8C) ADDRESS 4 CUNBCPRM_DDA_Buf_Ptr Dynamic data area
144 (90) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBCPRM_DDA_Buf_ALET Dynamic data area
148 (94) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBCPRM_DDA_Buf_Len Dynamic data area
length as defined by

38 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Mapping of parameters and UCCE handle in HLASM
Table 7. Mapping of parameters in HLASM for character conversion (continued)
Offset Offset Type Length Boundary Name Description
Dec Hex in
152 (98) BITSTRING 1 CUNBCPRM_Flag1 FLAG Byte 1 set by

1... .... CUNBCPRM_Sub_Action Sub action:

1=Substitute AND

.1.. .... CUNBCPRM_Inv_Handle Invalid handle at start:

153 (99) UNSIGNED 1 CUNBCPRM_Subcodepage Number of
BITSTRING CUNBCPRM_Source_SCP_StateSource subcodepage
1111 .... status

BITSTRING CUNBCPRM_Target_SCP_State Target subcodepage

.... 1111 status

154 (9A) BITSTRING 1 CUNBCPRM_Flag2 FLAG Byte 2 set by


1... .... CUNBCPRM_Substitution Substitution:

155 (9B) UNSIGNED 1 CUNBCPRM_Designator Reserved for ISO2022
156 (9C) CHARACTER 8 WORD CUNBCPRM_RC_RS Return/reason code
156 (9C) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBCPRM_Return_Code Return code
160 (A0) UNSIGNED) 4 CUNBCPRM_Reason_Code Reason code

Table 8. Mapping of UCCE handle in HLASM for character conversion

Offset Offset Type Length Boundary Name Description
Dec Hex in
0 (0) BITSTRING 16 HUCCE_TIME Modification time stamp
16 (10) CHARACTER 4 * Reserved for 64 bit
20 (14) ADDRESS 4 HUCCE_UCCB_PTR Address of UCCB
24 (18) CHARACTER 4 * reserved for 64 bit
36 (24) CHARACTER 4 HUCCE_FLAGS Status flags of HUCCE

Chapter 5. Converting data 39

Mapping of parameters and UCCE handle in HLASM
Table 8. Mapping of UCCE handle in HLASM for character conversion (continued)
Offset Offset Type Length Boundary Name Description
Dec Hex in
36 (24) CHARACTER 2 HUCCE_UCCE_FLAGS Flags copied from
36 (24) UNSIGNED 1 HUCCE_CONVERSION Conversion information
(for constants see
37 (25) BITSTRING 1... ... 1 HUCCE_TAB_STATUS Conversion table status
HUCCE_TAB_FIXED 0=table is
1=table is
38 (26) BITSTRING 1... ... 1 HUCCE_UCCB_FLAGS Flags copied from
0=Unicode hardware
not present
1=Unicode hardware
39 (27) BITSTRING 1... ... 1 HUCCE_SERVICE_FLAG Flags set by the
HUCCE_SUB_HANDL conversion service
0=handle created
1=handle created
by the service
40 (28) CHARACTER 16 WORD HUCCE_CONV_KEY Key that identifies the
48 (30) CHARACTER 8 HUCCE_TECHNIQUE Technique search order
56 (38) UNSIGNED 1 HUCCE_SRC_WIDTH_MIN minimum source
character width
57 (39) UNSIGNED 1 HUCCE_SRC_WIDTH_MAX maximum source
character width
58 (3A) UNSIGNED 1 HUCCE_TGT_WIDTH_MIN minimum target
character width
59 (3B) UNSIGNED 1 HUCCE_TGT_WIDTH_MAX maximum target
character width
60 (3C) UNSIGNED 2 HUCCE_DDA_BUF_LEN DDA buffer length
required for the
62 (3E) CHARACTER 2 * reserved
64 (40) 0 HUCCE_END End of HUCCE

Description of parameters in area CUNBCPRM

This description applies to C and HLASM.
CUNBCPRM_Version - set by caller
specifies the version of the parameter area. This field must be initialized for

40 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

parameters in area CUNBCPRM
the first call to stub routine CUNLCNV using the constant CUNBCPRM_Ver
which is supplied by the interface definition file CUNBCIDF.
CUNBCPRM_Length - set by caller
is the length of the parameter area. HLASM users must initialize this field
for the first call to CUNLCNV using the constant CUNBCPRM_Len which is
supplied by the interface definition file CUNBCIDF.
CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr - set by caller
specifies the beginning address of a string of text characters encoded in the
CCSID named in the CUNBCPRM_Src_CCSID parameter, and with a
length specified in the CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Len parameter. At the
completion of the conversion, CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr will be updated to
point just past the last character that was successfully converted, and
CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Len will be updated to reflect the number of bytes
left unconverted. If all bytes are converted, CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Len will
be zero.
CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_ALET - set by caller
specifies the ALET to be used if the source buffer addressed by
CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_ptr resides in a different address or data space.
CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Len - set by caller
specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer addressed by
CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr. The source buffer length may be zero. In this
case, nothing is converted but the CUNBCPRM_Conv_Handle is returned.
This may be used to request a handle without converting.
CUNBCPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr - set by caller
specifies the beginning address of an area of storage where the converted
text string will be stored. At the completion of the conversion,
CUNBCPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr will point just past the last character stored, and
CUNBCPRM_Targ_Buf_Len will be updated to indicate the number of bytes
not yet consumed in the buffer.
CUNBCPRM_Targ_Buf_ALET - set by caller
specifies the ALET to be used, if the target buffer addressed by
CUNBCPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr resides in a different address or data space.
CUNBCPRM_Targ_Buf_Len - set by caller
specifies the length in bytes of the target buffer addressed by
CUNBCPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr. This length must be able to hold at least one
character of the maximum width for the specified To-CCSID (target code
page) when CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Len will be greater than 0.
CUNBCPRM_Conv_Handle - set by conversion service
CUNBCPRM_Conv_Handle specifies the handle to a UCCE. If a handle is
present it will be used, otherwise the CUNBCPRM_Src_CCSID and
CUNBCPRM_Targ_CCSID parameters will be used and a handle to UCCE
is returned in CUNBCPRM_Conv_Handle. Subsequent calls to stub routine
CUNLCNV, requesting the same conversion with the same parameter area,
will be faster because then the handle is used and
CUNBCPRM_Conv_Handle does not need to be recomputed.

Note: For the first call to stub routine CUNLCNV,

CUNBCPRM_Conv_Handle must be set to binary zero X'00'.
is a structure that can be used to access CUNBCPRM_Src_CCSID,
CUNBCPRM_Targ_CCSID, and CUNBCPRM_Technique as one unit.

Chapter 5. Converting data 41

parameters in area CUNBCPRM
CUNBCPRM_Src_CCSID - set by caller
specifies the CCSID encoding of the text in the source buffer. The contents
of CUNBCPRM_Src_CCSID must be a valid CCSID. It must correspond to
the CUNBCPRM_Targ_CCSID parameter in a way that there is a valid
UCCE built during IPL and may be changed by a SET UNI command. This
parameter is mandatory for the first call to stub routine CUNLCNV. It is not
used if a non-zero CUNBCPRM_Conv_Handle is given.
CUNBCPRM_Targ_CCSID - set by caller
specifies the CCSID encoding of the text in the target buffer. The contents
of CUNBCPRM_Targ_CCSID must be a valid CCSID. It must correspond
with the CUNBCPRM_Src_CCSID parameter in a way that there is a valid
UCCE built during IPL and this may be changed by a SET UNI command.
This parameter is mandatory for the first call to CUNLCNV. It is not used, if
a non-zero CUNBCPRM_Conv_Handle is given.
CUNBCPRM_Technique - set by caller
Specifies the technique-search-order for the given CCSID pair. It must be
the same technique-search-order which has been defined in the image
generator CONVERSION control statement for this CCSID pair. See
“Control statement CONVERSION” on page 14.CUNBCPRM_Technique
must be padded with X’40’ (blanks), or, if technique_search_order was
omitted from the CONVERSION control statement, must be initialized to all
CUNBCPRM_Wrk_Buf_Ptr - set by caller
specifies the beginning address of an area of storage that the conversion
services can use to store intermediate results.
CUNBCPRM_Wrk_Buf_ALET - set by caller
specifies the ALET to be used if the work buffer addressed by
CUNBCPRM_Wrk_Buf_Ptr resides in a different address or data space.
CUNBCPRM_Wrk_Buf_Len - set by caller
specifies the length in bytes of the work buffer addressed by
CUNBCPRM_Wrk_Buf_Ptr. The parameter CUNBCPRM_Wrk_Buf_Len
must be equal or greater than 2, if CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Len is greater
than 0. A work buffer is only required for indirect conversions. See “Calling
the character conversion services” on page 33.
CUNBCPRM_DDA_Buf_Ptr - set by caller
specifies the beginning address of an area of storage that the conversion
services are using internally as dynamic data area.
CUNBCPRM_DDA_Buf_ALET - set by caller
specifies the ALET to be used, if the dynamic data area addressed by
CUNBCPRM_DDA_Buf_Ptr resides in a different address or data space.
CUNBCPRM_DDA_Buf_Len - set by caller
specifies the length in bytes of the dynamic data area addressed by
CUNBCPRM_DDA_Buf_Ptr. The required length is defined by constant
CUNBCPRM_Flag1 - set by caller

Bit position Name

1xxx xxxx CUNBCPRM_Sub_Action

x1xx xxxx CUNBCPRM_Inv_Handle

42 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

parameters in area CUNBCPRM
specifies the action to take when a source character is encountered
which is not convertable to the To-CCSID.
v 0: indicates that the conversion is to be terminated with an error.
v 1: indicates that the substitution character is to be put in the
target buffer and the conversion is to be continued.
specifies what has to be done when the UCCE handle is invalid.
v 0: indicates that the conversion is to be terminated with return
code CUN_RC_WARN and reason code
v 1: indicates that the conversion is to be done with a new handle
created by the conversion services and put into
CUNBCPRM_Conv_Handle. This is done only if no SET UNI
command is running. If the SET UNI command is still running,
the conversion will be terminated with return code
CUN_RC_WARN and reason code
CUNBCPRM_Subcodepage - set by conversion service
Parameter CUNBCPRM_Subcodepage is used for conversions with
CCSIDs involved that have a ″state-dependent″ encoding scheme (such as
EBCDIC MBCS). For each new source string on the first call to stub routine
CUNLCNV CUNBCPRM_Subcodepage should be set to zero. Thus the
converter will start with default subcodepage(s). When the conversion
service returns, CUNBCPRM_Subcodepage is updated to reflect the
subcode page number(s) used when converting the last source character.
For a direct conversion from From-CCSID to To-CCSID only
CUNBCPRM_Target_SCP_State is used. For an indirect conversion, where
an interim conversion from From-CCSID to a Unicode CCSID is involved,
CUNBCPRM_Source_SCP_State as well as
CUNBCPRM_Target_SCP_State may be updated. For consequent calls to
CUNLCNV ( partial string processing of long source strings)
CUNBCPRM_Subcodepage must be used unchanged, as it is returned from
the previous call. Thus the next piece of source will start with the correct
The following table describes the default sub code pages:

Type ESID Start with sub code page Start with sub code page
_____________________ _____________________
conversion to UCS-2 conversion from UCS-2
ISO2022-JP, JP-1, 5404 1 2
ISO2022-KR 5409 1 1
EBCDIC MBCS 1301 1 1
ASCII MBCS PC 2300, 1 1

Chapter 5. Converting data 43

parameters in area CUNBCPRM
CUNBCPRM_Source_SCP_State - set by conversion service
Is used for indirect conversions, where an intermediate conversion step with
a From_CCSID with subcodepages is involved. Possible values are 0...15.
CUNBCPRM_Target_SCP_State - set by conversion service
Reflects the To-CCSID’s subcodepage used for the last converted
character. Possible values are 0...15.
CUNBCPRM_Designator - set by conversion service
The parameter CUNBCPRM_Designator is used for conversions from and
to ISO2022 encodings that use designator sequence. It specifies the active
designator sequence in which the conversion is to begin. When the service
returns, CUNBCPRM_Designator is updated as appropriate to reflect
designator sequence active at the completion of the conversion.
For conversions to ISO2022-KR, which use only one designator, the
sequence value means:
v 0: the designator sequence was not yet inserted
v 1: the designator sequence was already inserted
CUNBCPRM_Flag2 - set by service

Bit position Name

1xxx xxxx CUNBCPRM_Substitution

Indicates to the caller whether the conversion service has converted
a character into the conversion table’s substitution character.

Note: This bit has to be reset by the caller.

v 0: indicates that the conversion service did not substitute.
v 1: indicates that the conversion service converted at least 1
character into the conversion table’s substitution character ( or
the service was already called with bit set to 1) .
is a structure that can be used to access CUNBCPRM_Return_Code and
CUNBCPRM_Reason_Code as one unit.
CUNBCPRM_Return_Code - set by service
specifies the return code.
CUNBCPRM_Reason_Code - set by service
specifies the reason code.

For a list of return and reason codes, see Table 16 on page 104.

Description of UCCE handle

This description of the UCCE handle applies to C. To apply this to HLASM the
reference to UCCE_variable needs to be changed to HUCCE_variable.
uccehdl_UCCE_TIME - set by conversion service
modification to the time stamp of UCCB.
uccehdl_UCCE_UCCB_PTR - set by conversion service
specifies the begining address of a control block where are stored the
unicode main structures.

44 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Description of UCCE handle
uccehdl_UCCE_UCCE_PTR - set by conversion service
specifies the begining address of the UCCE where are stored the values of
the conversion.
uccehdl_UCCE_UCCE_ALET - set by conversion service
specifies the ALET to be used for the UCCE structure.
uccehdl_UCCE_CONVERSION - set by conversion service
specifies the Conversion information, see the constants:
uccehdl_UCCE_TAB_FIXED - set by conversion service
v 0=table is pageable
v 1=table is fixed
uccehdl_UCCE_HW_PRESENT - set by conversion service
v 0=Unicode hardware not present
v 1=Unicode hardware present
uccehdl_UCCE_SUB_HANDLE - set by conversion service
v 0=handle created via CUNPIHDL
v 1=handle created by the service
uccehdl_UCCE_SRC_CCSID - set by conversion service
specifies the CCSID source
uccehdl_UCCE_TGT_CCSID - set by conversion service
specifies the CCSID target
uccehdl_UCCE_TECHNIQUE - set by conversion service
specifies the technique search order:

Chapter 5. Converting data 45

Description of UCCE handle
v R - Roundtrip conversion
v E - Enforced subset conversion
v C - Customized conversion
v L - Language enviroment-behavior conversion
v M - Modified Language enviroment-behavior conversion
uccehdl_UCCE_SRC_WIDTH_MIN - set by conversion service
specifies the minimum source character width
uccehdl_UCCE_SRC_WIDTH_MAX - set by conversion service
specifies the maximum source character width
uccehdl_UCCE_TGT_WIDTH_MIN - set by conversion service
specifies the minimum target character width
uccehdl_UCCE_TGT_WIDTH_MAX - set by conversion service
specifies the maximum target character width
uccehdl_UCCE_DDA_BUF_LEN - set by conversion service
specifies the required DDA buffer length for the conversion

46 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Case conversion

Case conversion
The case conversion is also referred to as ’conversion to upper or lower case’. The
case conversion services are called using a stub routine named CUNLASE. It
converts the case in a string of text characters.

Unicode case conversion is described in ″Unicode Technical Report #21: Case

Mappings″ which is available at http://www.unicode.org/. Case conversion rules are
summarized in the two tables UnicodeData.txt and SpecialCasing.txt which are
available from the same web site.

Case conversion must be activated by specifying the CASE control statement in the
input data set for the image generator (job CUNJIUTL). For detailed information see
“Creating a conversion image” on page 11 and “Control statement CASE” on
page 16.

Calling the case conversion services

This is a general description of how the case conversion services have to be called.
The call syntax is described in “Using the C interface” on page 48 and “Using the
HLASM interface” on page 49. The parameters are explained in “Mapping of
parameters in C” on page 48, “Mapping of parameters in HLASM” on page 49 and
“Description of parameters in area CUNBAPRM” on page 50. For a list of the return
and reason codes, see Table 16 on page 104.

The caller has to provide

v source buffer pointer, ALET, and length
v target buffer pointer, ALET, and length
v dynamic data area pointer, ALET, and length
v conversion type (or case conversion handle in subsequent calls)
– simple casing to upper/to lower
– locale independent special casing to upper/to lower
– locale dependent special casing to upper/to lower
v flags

Note: A dynamic data area (DDA) must always be specified. The required length is
defined by constant CUNBAPRM_DDA_Req (see interface definition file

When the service returns, it replaces the source and target buffer pointers and
lengths. Thus the caller can see how many bytes were converted and how much of
the target buffer is filled up. Return codes and reason codes notify when a target
buffer overflow was detected or any other critical case happened (see “Critical
cases” on page 58).

The conversion type is given initially. A call always returns a case conversion
handle which is a fast path for the conversion services to the case conversion table
and its properties. In subsequent calls, IBM recommends to provide the case
conversion handle. If the caller wants to request the case conversion handle without
converting any data, it can be done by specifying a source buffer length of 0.

The caller can put the conversion data in any dataspace. To allow the service to
access the data, an ALET must be specified. An ALET of 0 indicates that the data is
in the primary address space.

Chapter 5. Converting data 47

Restrictions for the calling environment
Table 9. Restrictions while calling the case conversion services
Property Restriction
authorization problem state or supervisor state, and any PSW key
dispatchable unit mode task or SRB
cross memory mode any PASN, any HASN, any SASN
amode 31-bit, prepared for 64-bit
ASC mode called in primary mode but exploiting AR mode
interrupt status enabled for I/O and external interrupts
locks may be hold by the caller, but is not required to hold any
control parameters must be in the primary address space
recovery environment provided exclusively by the caller of the conversion

Using the C interface

This is the call syntax in C for calling the stub routine CUNLASE (case conversion).
The mapping of the parameter area supplied by the header file cunhc.h is listed in
“Mapping of parameters in C”.

#define SLEN 1000
#define TLEN 4096
unsigned char Sourcebuffer [SLEN ];
unsigned char Targetbuffer [TLEN ];
unsigned char DDA [CUNBAPRM_DDA_REQ ];


CUNLASE ( & myparm );
if((myparm.Return_Code !=CUN_RC_OK)......

Mapping of parameters in C
A C header file is supplied (cunhc.h) which contains the function prototypes for the
case conversion services. The following structure is used in the interface to the
case conversion service.

typedef struct tagCUNBAPRM {

long Version; /* Structure version number */
long Length; /* Length of structure */
long Res1; /* Reserved */
void * Src_Buf_Ptr; /* Pointer to Source */
unsigned long Src_Buf_ALET; /* ALET of source buffer */
unsigned long Src_Buf_Len; /* Length of source data */
long Res2; /* Reserved */

48 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Mapping of parameters in C
void * Targ_Buf_Ptr; /* Pointer to Target */
unsigned long Targ_Buf_ALET; /* ALET of target buffer */
unsigned long Targ_Buf_Len; /* Length of target buffer */
char Conv_Handle[64]; /* conversion handle */
unsigned char Conv_Type; /* conversion type */
char Res3[3]; /* Reserved */
char Locale[32]; /* LOCALE */
long Res4; /* Reserved */
void * DDA_Buf_Ptr; /* Pointer to dynamic data area*/
unsigned long DDA_Buf_ALET; /* ALET of DDA */
unsigned long DDA_Buf_Len; /* Length of DDA */
unsigned char Flag1;
unsigned char Flag2; /* */
unsigned char Res5[2]; /* Reserved */
long Return_Code;
long Reason_Code;

Note: C constants for the parameter area are defined in the header file cunhc.h.

Using the HLASM interface

This is the call syntax in HLASM for calling the stub routine CUNLASE (case
conversion). The mapping of the parameter area supplied by the interface definition
file CUNBAIDF is listed in “Mapping of parameters in HLASM”.
GETMAIN ........ Obtain storage for parameter area
* in primary address space.
LR R4,R1 Save parameter area address
USING CUNBAPRM,R4 Make parameter area addressable
ST R15,CUNBAPRM_VERSION Store to parameter area
LA R15,CUNBAPRM_LEN Initialize Length
ST R15,CUNBAPRM_LENGTH Move to parameter area
LA R0,CUNBAPRM_TO_UPPER Get conversion type
STC R0,CUNBAPRM_CONV_TYPE Store to parameter area
* Supply source buffer pointer, length and ALET.
* Supply target buffer pointer, length and ALET.
* Supply DDA buffer pointer, length and ALET.
* Note: A DDA is always required. The required DDA length is
* defined by constant CUNBAPRM_DDA_REQ.
* Fill all required fields of the parameter area.
CALL CUNLASE,((R4)) Call stub routine with CUNBAPRM
* address as argument.
CUNBAIDF DSECT=YES Provide Mappings (CUNBAPRM, return and
* reason codes, constants for version
* and length).

Mapping of parameters in HLASM

Table 10. Mapping of parameters in HLASM for case conversion
Offset Offset Type Length Boundary Name Description
Dec Hex in
0 (0) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBAPRM_Version Parameter Area VERSION
4 (4) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBAPRM_Length Parameter area Length
8 (8) CHARACTER 4 * Reserved for 64 bit

Chapter 5. Converting data 49

Mapping of parameters in HLASM
Table 10. Mapping of parameters in HLASM for case conversion (continued)
Offset Offset Type Length Boundary Name Description
Dec Hex in
12 (C) ADDRESS 4 CUNBAPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr Source buffer pointer
16 (10) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBAPRM_Src_Buf_ALET Source buffer ALET
20 (14) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBAPRM_Src_Buf_Len Source buffer length
24 (18) CHARACTER 4 * Reserved for 64 bit
28 (1C) ADDRESS 4 CUNBAPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr Target buffer pointer
32 (20) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBAPRM_Targ_Buf_ALET Target buffer ALET
36 (24) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBAPRM_Targ_Buf_Len Target buffer length
40 (28) CHARACTER 64 DWORD CUNBAPRM_Conv_Handle Conversion handle
104 (68) UNSIGNED 1 CUNBAPRM_Conv_Type Conversion Type
105 (69) CHARACTER 3 * Reserved
108 (6C) CHARACTER 32 CUNBAPRM_Locale Locale info
140 (8C) CHARACTER 4 * Reserved for 64 bit
144 (90) ADDRESS 4 CUNBAPRM_DDA_Buf_Ptr Dynamic data area pointer
148 (94) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBAPRM_DDA_Buf_ALET Dynamic data area ALET
152 (98) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBAPRM_DDA_Buf_Len Dynamic data area length as
by constant
156 (9C) BITSTRING 1 CUNBAPRM_Flag1 FLAG Byte 1 set by caller

1... .... CUNBAPRM_Inv_Handle Invalid handle action:

156 (9C) BITSTRING 1 CUNBAPRM_Flag1 FLAG Byte 1 set by caller

1... .... CUNBAPRM_Not_Last_Buf Buffer contains last src char:

0=Src_Buffer is last or only
Buffer of complete src data.
1=Another buffer follows.
157 (9D) UNSIGNED 1 CUNBAPRM_Flag2 FLAG Byte 2
158 (9E) CHARACTER 2 * Reserved
160 (A0) CHARACTER 8 WORD CUNBAPRM_RC_RS Return/reason code
160 (A0) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBAPRM_Return_Code Return code
164 (A4) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBAPRM_Reason_Code Reason code

Description of parameters in area CUNBAPRM

This description applies to C and HLASM.
CUNBAPRM_Version - set by caller
specifies the version of the parameter area. This field must be initialized for
the first call to stub routine CUNLASE using the constant
CUNBAPRM_Version which is supplied by the interface definition file

50 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Parameters in area CUNBAPRM
CUNBAPRM_Length - set by caller
is the length of the parameter area. HLASM users must initialize this field
for the first call to CUNLASE using the constant CUNBAPRM_length which
is supplied by the interface definition file CUNBAIDF.
CUNBAPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr - set by caller
specifies the beginning address of a string of text characters which are to
be converted. The string has the length specified in the
CUNBAPRM_Src_Buf_Len parameter. At the completion of the conversion,
CUNBAPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr will be updated to point just past the last
character that was successfully converted, and CUNBAPRM_Src_Buf_Len
will be updated to reflect the number of bytes left unconverted. If all bytes
are converted, CUNBAPRM_Src_Buf_Len will be zero.
CUNBAPRM_Src_Buf_ALET - set by caller
specifies the ALET to be used, if the source buffer addressed by
CUNBAPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr resides in a different address or data space.
CUNBAPRM_Src_Buf_Len - set by caller
specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer addressed by
CUNBAPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr - set by caller
specifies the beginning address of an area of storage where the converted
text string will be stored. At the completion of the conversion,
CUNBAPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr will point just past the last character stored, and
CUNBAPRM_Targ_Buf_Len will be updated to indicate the number of bytes
not yet consumed in the buffer.
CUNBAPRM_Targ_Buf_ALET - set by caller
specifies the ALET to be used, if the target buffer addressed by
CUNBAPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr resides in a different address or data space.
CUNBAPRM_Targ_Buf_Len - set by caller
specifies the length in bytes of the target buffer addressed by
CUNBAPRM_Conv_Handle - set by conversion service
CUNBAPRM_Conv_Handle specifies the handle to the case conversion
tables. If a handle is present, it will be used, otherwise the
CUNBAPRM_Conv_Type parameter is used and a case conversion handle
is returned in CUNBAPRM_Conv_Handle. Subsequent calls to stub routine
CUNLASE, requesting the same conversion with the same parameter area,
will be faster because then the handle is used and
CUNBAPRM_Conv_Type does not need to be recomputed..

Note: For the first call to stub routine CUNLASE,

CUNBAPRM_Conv_Handle must be set to binary zero X'00'.
CUNBAPRM_Conv_Type - set by caller
specifies the conversion direction as defined by the following constants:

CUNBAPRM_To_Upper converts to upper case, includes simple

casing only
CUNBAPRM_To_Lower converts to lower case, includes simple
casing only
CUNBAPRM_To_Upper_S converts to upper case, includes locale
independent special casing

Chapter 5. Converting data 51

Parameters in area CUNBAPRM
CUNBAPRM_To_Lower_S converts to lower case, includes locale
independent special casing
CUNBAPRM_To_Upper_L converts to upper case, includes locale
dependent and independent special casing
CUNBAPRM_To_Lower_L converts to lower case, includes locale
dependent and independent special casing

CUNBAPRM_Locale - set by caller

this info specifies the locale information to be used when the locale
dependent special casing is specified ( Conv_Type =
can be of the form LL, LL_CC, or LL_CC_variant, where LL is an ISO-639
two letter language code (for example tr for Turkish). CC is an ISO-3166
two letter country code (for example TR for Turkey). variant is an
application dependent variant that can have a maximum length of 26. If the
locale is not specified, only locale independent special casing will be done.
The file SpecialCasing.txt of the Unicode organization contains the locale
specific case mappings.
CUNBAPRM_DDA_Buf_Ptr - set by caller
specifies the beginning address of an area of storage that the conversion
service is using internally as dynamic data area.
CUNBAPRM_DDA_Buf_ALET - set by caller
specifies the ALET to be used, if the dynamic data area addressed by
CUNBAPRM_DDA_Ptr resides in a different address or data space.
CUNBAPRM_DDA_Buf_Len - set by caller
specifies the length in bytes of the dynamic data area addressed by
CUNBAPRM_Flag1 - set by caller
specifies the action to be taken when the case conversion handle is
v 0: indicates that the conversion is to be terminated with an error.
v 1: indicates that the conversion is to be done with a new handle
created by the conversion service and put into
specifies whether the source buffer contains the last or only part of
the complete source data, or whether the next call to the case
converter will supply a subsequent part of the source data.
v 0: indicates that the source buffer contains the last or only part of
the source data.
v 1: indicates that another buffer with more source characters will
be supplied with the subsequent call to case conversion.
CUNBAPRM_Flag2 - set by conversion service
is a structure that can be used to access CUNBAPRM_Return_Code and
CUNBAPRM_Reason_Code as one unit.

52 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Parameters in area CUNBAPRM
CUNBAPRM_Return_Code - set by conversion service
specifies the return code.
CUNBAPRM_Reason_Code - set by conversion service
specifies the reason code.

For a list of return and reason codes, see Table 16 on page 104.

| Normalization is also referred to as ’decomposition or composition’. The
| normalization service is called using a stub routine named CUNLNORM.
| Normalization allows the decomposition or composition of a Unicode input string.
| Normalization is described in ″Unicode Technical Report #15: Unicode
| Normalization Forms″, which is available at
| http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr15.

| Normalization rules are based on the UnicodeData-3.0.1.txt

| (http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData-3.0.1.html) and in the
| CompositionExclusions-2.txt
| (http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/CompositionExclusions-2.txt.html).

| Normalization must be activated by specifying the NORMALIZE control statement in

| the input data set for the image generator. For detailed information see “Creating a
| conversion image” on page 11 and “Control statement NORMALIZE” on page 17.

Calling the normalization service

| This is a general description of how the normalization services have to be called.
| The call syntax is described in “Using the C interface” on page 54 and “Using the
| HLASM interface” on page 55. The parameters are explained in “Mapping of
| parameters in C” on page 54, “Mapping of parameters in HLASM” on page 56 and
| “Description of parameters in area CUNBNPRM” on page 56. For a list of the return
| and reason codes, see Table 16 on page 104.

| The caller has to provide

| v source buffer pointer, ALET, and length
| v target buffer pointer, ALET, and length
| v work buffer pointer, ALET, and length
| v normalization form (NFC, NFD, NFKD or NFKC)
| v dynamic data area pointer, ALET, and length
| v flags

| Note: A dynamic data area (DDA) must always be specified. The required length is
| defined by constant CUNBNPRM_DDA_Req (see interface definition file

| When the service returns, it replaces the source and target buffer pointers and
| lengths. Thus the caller can see how many bytes were normalized and how much
| of the target buffer is filled up. Return codes and reason codes notify when a target
| buffer overflow was detected or any other critical case happened (see “Critical
| cases” on page 58).

Chapter 5. Converting data 53

Restrictions for the calling environment
| Table 11. Restrictions while calling the normalization service
| Property Restriction
| authorization problem state or supervisor state, and any PSW key
| dispatchable unit mode task or SRB
| cross memory mode any PASN, any HASN, any SASN
| amode 31-bit, prepared for 64-bit
| ASC mode called in primary mode but exploiting AR mode
| interrupt status enabled for I/O and external interrupts
| locks may be hold by the caller, but is not required to hold any
| control parameters must be in the primary address space
| recovery environment provided exclusively by the caller of the normalization
| service

Using the C interface

| This is the call syntax in C for calling the stub routine CUNLNORM (normalization).
| The mapping of the parameter area supplied by the header file cunhc.h is listed in
| “Mapping of parameters in C” on page 48.
| #include<cunhc.h>
| #define SLEN 1000
| #define WLEN 4096
| #define TLEN 4096
| .....
| unsigned char Sourcebuffer [SLEN ];
| unsigned char Workbuffer [WLEN ];
| unsigned char Targetbuffer [TLEN ];
| unsigned char DDA [CUNBNPRM_DDA_REQ ];
| myparm.Src_Buf_Ptr=Sourcebuffer;
| myparm.Wrk_Buf_Ptr=Workbuffer;
| myparm.Targ_Buf_Ptr=Targetbuffer;
| myparm.Targ_Buf_Len=TLEN;
| myparm.Wrk_Buf_Len=WLEN;
| myparm.Src_Buf_Len=SLEN;
| myparm.DDA_Buf_Ptr=DDA;
| myparm.DDA_Buf_Length=CUNBNPRM_DDA_REQ;
| myparm.Norm_Type=CUNBNPRM_D;
| CUNLNORM ( & myparm );
| if((myparm.Return_Code !=CUN_RC_OK)......

| Mapping of parameters in C
| A C header file is supplied (cunhc.h) which contains the function prototypes for the
| normalization service. The following structure is used in the interface to the
| normalization service.
| typedef struct tagCUNBNPRM {

54 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Mapping of parameters in C
| long Version; /* Structure version number */
| long Length; /* Length of structure */
| long Res1; /* Reserved */
| void * Src_Buf_Ptr; /* Pointer to Source */
| unsigned long Src_Buf_ALET; /* ALET of source buffer */
| unsigned long Src_Buf_Len; /* Length of source data */
| long Res2; /* Reserved */
| void * Targ_Buf_Ptr; /* Pointer to Target */
| unsigned long Targ_Buf_ALET; /* ALET of target buffer */
| unsigned long Targ_Buf_Len; /* Length of target buffer */
| char Norm_Handle[64]; /* normalization handle */
| unsigned char Norm_type; /* normalization type */
| unsigned char Res3[2]; /* Reserved */
| long Res4; /* Reserved */
| void * Wrk_Buf_Ptr; /* Pointer to work buffer */
| unsigned long Wrk_Buf_ALET; /* ALET of work buffer */
| unsigned long Wrk_Buf_Len; /* Length of work buffer */
| long Res5; /* Reserved */
| void * DDA_Buf_Ptr; /* Pointer to dynamic data area*/
| unsigned long DDA_Buf_ALET; /* ALET of DDA */
| unsigned long DDa_Buf_Len; /* Length of DDA */
| unsigned char Flag1;
| unsigned char Res6[3]; /* Reserved */
| long Return_Code; /* Return code */
| long Reason_Code; /* Reason code */

| Note: C constants for the parameter area are defined in the header file cunhc.h.

Using the HLASM interface

| This is the call syntax in HLASM for calling the stub routine CUNLNORM
| (normalization). The mapping of the parameter area supplied by the interface
| definition file CUNBNIDF is listed in “Mapping of parameters in HLASM” on
| page 56.
| ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7--
| GETMAIN ........ Obtain storage for parameter area
| * in primary address space.
| LR R4,R1 Save parameter area address
| USING CUNBNPRM,R4 Make parameter area addressable
| LA R15,CUNBNPRM_VER Get Version
| ST R15,CUNBNPRM_VERSION Store to parameter area
| LA R15,CUNBNPRM_LEN Initialize Length
| ST R15,CUNBNPRM_LENGTH Move to parameter area
| LA R0,CUNBNPRM_D Get normalization type
| STC R0,CUNBNPRM_NORM_TYPE Store to parameter area
| *
| * Supply source buffer pointer, length and ALET.
| * Supply work buffer pointer, length and ALET.
| * Supply target buffer pointer, length and ALET.
| *
| * Supply DDA buffer pointer, length and ALET.
| * Note: A DDA is always required. The required DDA length is
| * defined by constant CUNBNPRM_DDA_REQ.
| *
| * Fill all required fields of the parameter area.
| CALL CUNLNORM,((R4)) Call stub routine with CUNBNPRM
| * address as argument.
| CUNBNIDF DSECT=YES Provide Mappings (CUNBNPRM, return and
| * reason codes, constants for version
| * and length).

Chapter 5. Converting data 55

Mapping of parameters in HLASM
| Mapping of parameters in HLASM
| Table 12. Mapping of parameters in HLASM for normalization
| Offset Offset Type Length Boundary Name Description
| Dec Hex in
| Bytes
| 0 (0) STRUCTURE 160 DWORD CUNBNPRM_Version Parameter Area
| 0 (0) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBNPRM_Version Parameter Area VERSION
| 4 (4) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBNPRM_Length Parameter area Length
| 8 (8) CHARACTER 4 * Reserved for 64 bit
| 12 (C) ADDRESS 4 CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr Source buffer pointer
| 16 (10) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_ALET Source buffer ALET
| 20 (14) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_Len Source buffer length
| 24 (18) CHARACTER 4 * Reserved for 64 bit
| 28 (1C) ADDRESS 4 CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr Target buffer pointer
| 32 (20) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_ALET Target buffer ALET
| 36 (24) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_Len Target buffer length
| 40 (28) CHARACTER 64 DWORD CUNBNPRM_Norm_Handle Normalization handle
| 104 (68) UNSIGNED 1 CUNBNPRM_Norm_Type Normalization Type
| 105 (69) CHARACTER 3 * Reserved
| 108 (6C) CHARACTER 4 * Reserved for 64 bits
| 112 (70) ADDRESS 4 CUNBNPRM_Wrk_Buf_Ptr Work buffer pointer
| 116 (74) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBNPRM_Wrk_Buf_ALET Work buffer ALET
| 120 (78) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBNPRM_Wrk_Buf_Len Work buffer length
| 124 (7C) CHARACTER 4 * Reserved for 64 bit
| 128 (80) ADDRESS 4 CUNBNPRM_DDA_Buf_Ptr Dynamic data area pointer
| 132 (84) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBNPRM_DDA_Buf_ALET Dynamic data area ALET
| 136 (88) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBNPRM_DDA_Buf_Len Dynamic data area length as
| defined
| by constant
| 140 (8C) BITSTRING 1 CUNBNPRM_Flag1 FLAG Byte 1 set by caller
| CUNBNPRM_Inv_Handle Invalid handle at start:
| 141 (8D) CHARACTER 3 * Reserved
| 144 (90) CHARACTER 8 WORD CUNBNPRM_RC_RS Return/reason code
| 152 (98) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBNPRM_Return_Code Return code
| 156 (9C) UNSIGNED 4 CUNBNPRM_Reason_Code Reason code

Description of parameters in area CUNBNPRM

| This description applies to C and HLASM.

56 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Parameters in area CUNBNPRM
| CUNBNPRM_Version - set by caller
specifies the version of the parameter area. This field must be initialized for
the first call to stub routine CUNLNORM using the constant
CUNBNPRM_Ver which is supplied by the interface definition file
| CUNBNPRM_Length - set by caller
is the length of the parameter area. HLASM users must initialize this field
for the first call to CUNLNORM using the constant CUNBNPRM_Len which
is supplied by the interface definition file CUNBNIDF.
| CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr - set by caller, updated by service
specifies the beginning address of a string of text characters. At the
completion of the normalization, CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr will be updated
to point just past the last character that was successfully normalized. If all
bytes are normalized, CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_Len will be zero.
| CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_ALET - set by caller
specifies the ALET to be used to access the source buffer addressed by
CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr. Use an ALET value of 0 to designate the
primary address space.
| CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_Len - set by caller, updated by service
specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer addressed by
CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr. The source buffer length may be zero. In this
case nothing is normalized, but the CUNBNPRM_Norm_Handle is returned.
| CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr - set by caller
specifies the beginning address of an area of storage where the normalized
text string will be stored. At the completion of the normalization,
CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr will point just past the last character stored, and
CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_Len will be updated to indicate the number of bytes
not yet consumed in the buffer.
| CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_ALET - set by caller
specifies the ALET to be used to access the target buffer addressed by
CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr. Use an ALET value of 0 to designate the
primary address space.
| CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_Len - set by caller, updated by service
specifies the length in bytes of the target buffer addressed by
CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr. It is strongly suggested this length be at least
the same size as CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_Len.
| CUNBNPRM_Norm_Handle - set by caller, updated by service
CUNBNPRM_Norm_Handle specifies the handle to the normalization
tables. If a handle is present, it will be used, otherwise the
CUNBNPRM_Norm_Type parameter is used, and a normalization handle is
returned in CUNBNPRM_Norm_Handle. Subsequent calls to stub routine
CUNLNORM, requesting the same normalization with the same parameter
area, will be faster because then the handle is used and
CUNBNPRM_Norm_Type does not need to be recomputed..

Note: For the first call to stub routine CUNLNORM,

CUNBNPRM_Norm_Handle must be set to binary zero X'00'.
| CUNBNPRM_Norm_Type - set by caller
specifies the normalization type as defined by the following constants
(defined in CUNBNIDF):

Chapter 5. Converting data 57

Parameters in area CUNBNPRM
|| CUNBNPRM_D Normalize to canonical decomposition
| CUNBNPRM_C Normalize to canonical composition
| CUNBNPRM_KD Normalize to compatibility decomposition
| CUNBNPRM_KC Normalize to compatibility composition
| CUNBNPRM_Wrk_Buf_Ptr - set by caller, updated by service
specifies the beginning address of an area of storage that the normalization
service can use to store immediate results.
| CUNBNPRM_Wrk_Buf_ALET - set by caller
specifies the ALET to be used to access the work buffer addressed by
CUNBNPRM_Wrk_Buf_Ptr. Use an ALET value of 0 to designate the
primary address space.
| CUNBNPRM_Wrk_Buf_Len - set by caller, updated by service
specifies the length in bytes of the work buffer addressed by
CUNBNPRM_Wrk_Buf_Ptr. It is strongly suggested this length be at least
the same size as CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_Len
| CUNBNPRM_DDA_Buf_Ptr - set by caller
specifies the beginning address of an area of storage that the normalization
service is using internally as dynamic data area.
| CUNBNPRM_DDA_Buf_ALET - set by caller
specifies the ALET to be used to access the dynamic data area addressed
by CUNBNPRM_DDA_Buf_Ptr. Use an ALET value of 0 to designate the
primary address space.
| CUNBNPRM_DDA_Buf_Len - set by caller
specifies the length in bytes of the dynamic data area addressed by
CUNBNPRM_DDA_Buf_Ptr. The required length is defined by constant
| CUNBNPRM_Flag1 - set by caller
| CUNBNPRM_Inv_Handle
specifies the action to be taken when the normalization handle is
v 0: indicates that the normalization is to be terminated with an
v 1: indicates that the normalization is to be done with a new
handle created by the normalization service and put into
| CUNBNPRM_Return_Code - set by service
specifies the return code.
| CUNBNPRM_Reason_Code - set by service
specifies the reason code.

For a list of return and reason codes, see Table 16 on page 104.

Critical cases
The following critical cases can occur for character conversion (“Character
conversion” on page 33) as well as for case conversion (“Case conversion” on
page 47) and normalization (“Normalization” on page 53).

58 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Critical cases
Conversion handle invalid
Each SET UNI command invalidates all conversion handles because the tables they
point to may have changed. Each call to a conversion service checks before
conversion whether the used handle is valid.

For the case that the handle is invalid, the caller can specify with a flag whether the
conversion has to be terminated or retried with a new valid conversion handle.
Specifying ″retry″ does make sense, if the caller does not want a special version of
a conversion table. For example the only change of the new character conversion
table may be that the Euro symbol was added but which is not used by the caller.
Specifying ″terminate with error″ does make sense, if the conversion has to use
exactly one version of the conversion table.

Target buffer overflow

If the target buffer is too small, the conversion services will convert as many
characters as will fit into the target buffer. When the service returns with the
appropriate reason code for that situation, the source and target buffer pointers
point to the byte following the last successfully converted source character
(respectively inserted target character). Additionally, the source and target buffer
length are updated to the number of bytes left unconverted in the source buffer,
respectively not yet consumed in the target buffer.

There are two ways of caller reaction on reason code CUN_RS_TRG_EXH (target
buffer exhausted):
1. redo the conversion with a big enough target buffer:
Repeat the conversion with a target buffer large enough to hold at least the
maximum possible amount of target string bytes. To accomplish the necessary
’worst case’ calculation, the caller has to take into account the number of source
bytes to be converted and the nature of the CCSIDs involved (in terms of
minimum possible source character width, maximum possible target character
width, and possible shift-in/shift-out character sequences, or sub table switch
control bytes). Such a ’worst case size’ target buffer will prevent the occurrence
of the reason code CUN_RS_TRG_EXH (target buffer exhausted).
The following table lists the minimum and maximum character widths of the
different encoding schemes:
Table 13. Minimum and maximum character widths of the different encoding schemes
Encoding ESID Minimum Maximum Rationale
scheme Character Character
Width Width
SBCS x1xx 1 1 pure single byte
DBCS and x2xx 2 2 pure double byte
UTF-8 7807 1 4 UTF-8 uses 1 to 4 bytes to encode
Unicode characters
PC MBCS 2300 1 2 PC MBCS encodings always use one
3300 SBCS and one DBCS code page

Chapter 5. Converting data 59

Critical cases
Table 13. Minimum and maximum character widths of the different encoding
schemes (continued)
Encoding ESID Minimum Maximum Rationale
scheme Character Character
Width Width
EUC MBCS 4403 1 2-4 EUC encodings use at least one SBCS
and at least one DBCS sub code page. If
more than two sub code pages are used,
shift characters are inserted for
characters of the third and fourth sub
code page. Then the maximum width is 2
+ 1 = 3. Some EUC encodings use TBCS
(triple byte) code pages as the third sub
code page (this case is not yet
supported). Then the maximum width is 3
+ 1 = 4.
EBCDIC 1301 1 3 EBCDIC MBCS encodings always use
MBCS one SBCS and one DBCS sub code
page. Because switching between them is
done with shift characters the maximum
widht is 2 + 1 = 3.
ISO2022 5404 1 5-6 ISO2022 MBCS JP encodings always use
MBCS JP at least one SBCS and at least one
and DBCS sub code page. Most ISO2022-JP
ISO2022 encodings use an escape sequence of 4
MBCS JP-1 characters for at least one of the DBCS
sub code pages. Thus we get 2 + 4 = 6 .
In one case the escape sequence is only
3 characters long. Then we get 2 + 3 = 5.
ISP2022 5409 1 6-7 ISO2022 MBCS KR encodings always
MBCS KR use one or two SBCS sub code pages or
one SCBS sub code page and one DBCS
sub code page. Furthermore they use one
designator sequence of length 4 before
the first occurrence of a character of sub
code page 2 and shift characters to
switch between the sub code pages. Thus
we get: (1 or 2) + 4 + 1 = (6 or 7).
PC Data for 2A00 1 4 S-ch PC Data mixed for GB 18030.
GB 18030
QBCS 2900 4 4 S-ch 4 bytes part PC Data for GB 18030
(Fixed UCS2 Subset).

2. do the conversion piece by piece:

Save the target buffer characters already converted. Provide a new target buffer
and call the conversion service again without modifying
CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Len and CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr to make sure that the
conversion continues where it has been interrupted. This follow-on step may
have to be repeated several times until all source bytes are converted. The
completion of the conversion is indicated by return code CUN_RC_OK (Return
code=0). Concatenate the individual conversion results to form the complete
converted string.

60 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Critical cases
Work buffer overflow
For normalization service, it is strongly recommended that the work buffer have the
same size as the target buffer. If not, an error could occur, such as
normalization service would return to the caller.
End of Programming Interface information

Chapter 5. Converting data 61

Critical cases

62 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Chapter 6. Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables
This chapter describes the steps which must be carried to establish user-defined
CCSIDs and conversion tables. Those steps are:
1. define the required CCSIDs in the knowledge base
a. specify the entries using the assembler macro CUNAIKBG in a data set
b. assemble the source data set and re-link the knowledge base module
2. create the required conversion tables
a. create a character map of a conversion table by using job CUNJITG1
b. create the binary format of a conversion table by using job CUNJITG2
3. modify job CUNJIUTL

Defining a CCSID in the knowledge base

IBM-supplies a knowledge base module CUNMIKBS that describes all CCSIDs
shipped with z/OS support for Unicode. It is a non-executable load module stored in
SYS1.LINKLIB and is maintained by PTF when new CCSIDs are introduced.
User-defined CCSIDs can be added to this knowledge base using the assembler
macro CUNAIKBG which is supplied in SYS1.MACLIB. CUNSIUKB is a sample
SMP/E USERMOD to assist this process. It is supplied in SYS1.SAMPLIB.

Now follow the steps (a - b):

(a) Specify the entries using the assembler macro CUNAIKBG in a source
data set

The macro CUNAIKBG (supplied in SYS1.MACLIB) accepts the following


ÊÊ CUNAIKBG CCSID=ccsid, simple definition ÊÍ

label mixed definition

simple definition:




mixed definition:



© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 63

Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables
( » sub-ccsid )



1 specify 2 to 8 sub-ccsids
ccsid The value ccsid specifies the user-defined CCSID to be inserted
into the knowledge base. ccsid is to be specified in decimal form. It
is a unique five digit number in the range 57344 -61439 (this range
is reserved for private use).ccsid is required.
es The value es specifies the encoding scheme identifier. It is a four
digit identifier in hexadecimal form. The following encoding schemes
are supported:
| v simple:
| – SBCS: 1100, 2100, 3100, 4100, 4105, 4155, 5100, 5150,
| 5160, 6100, 8100
| – DBCS: 1200, 2200, 3200, 5200, 7200, 8200, 9200
| – TBCS: 5700
| – UTF8: 7807
| – QBCS: 2900
| v mixed:
| – EBCDIC MBCS: 1301
| – EUC MBCS: 4403
| – PC MBCS: 2300, 3300, 2A00
| – TCP/IP MBCS: 5404, 5409, 540A
For more information about encoding schemes see Character Data
Representation Architecture Reference and Registry, SC09-2190
(Chapter 3, ’CDRA Identifiers’). Note that the value es determines
which of the other operands are mandatory or forbidden. es is
suffix The value suffix specifies a two-character alphanumeric identifier to
be used in constructing the conversion table name. See Table 14 on
page 69. suffix is required for simple CCSIDs. It must not be
specified for mixed CCSIDs.
ccdef The value ccdef specifies the control function definitions. They must
be specified within parenthesis, separated by commas in the
following order:
1. sp (space)
2. sub (substitute)
3. nl (new line)
4. lf (line feed)
5. cr (carriage return)
6. eof (end of line)

64 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables
Those value are indices into the tables described in Appendix C
(’Control Character Reference Tables’) in Character Data
Representation Architecture Reference and Registry, SC09-2190.
ccdef is required for simple CCSIDs. It must not be specified for
mixed CCSIDs.
sub The value sub specifies the list of sub-CCSIDs within parenthesis.
The number of sub-CCSIDs must be between two and eight. sub is
required for mixed CCSIDs. It must not be specified for simple
acri The value acri specifies the type of the ’additional coding-related
required information’ (ACRI). acri consists of a type and an id. The
type can be:
v PC (ACRI information for PC MBCS)
v EUC (ACRI information for EUC MBCS)
v TCP (ACRI information for 2022 TCP/IP MBCS)
type must match the type of the encoding scheme.

The id is an index into the ACRI tables described in Character Data

Representation Architecture Reference and Registry, SC09-2190.
(Appendix C. ’ACRI Reference Tables’).

acri is required for mixed CCSID except EBCDIC MBCS. It must

not be specified for simple CCSIDs and EBCDIC MBCS.

For an example of how to use macro CUNAIKBG see step (b).

(b) Assemble the source data set and re-link the knowledge base module

Because CUNMIKBS is an SMP/E managed load module IBM recommends to

modify it by using a SMP/E USERMOD. CUNSIUKB is supplied as a sample in
* *
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM *
* *
* 5694-A01 *
* *
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002 *
* *
* Status = HUN7707 *
* *
* *
* Sample USERMOD for building a user-defined knowledge base *
* *
* *
++VER(Z038) FMID(HUNI2A0).

Chapter 6. Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables 65

Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables



CUNAIKBG CCSID=57344,ES=1100,SUFFIX=AA,CCDEF=(1,1,1,1,1,1)
CUNAIKBG CCSID=57345,ES=1200,SUFFIX=BB,CCDEF=(2,2,2,2,2,2)
CUNAIKBG CCSID=57346,ES=1301,SUBIDS=(57344,57345)

From this sample you can see how to generate knowledge base entries for a
EBCDIC MBCS CCSID and its components. By performing an SMP/E RECEIVE
and APPLY the source gets assembled and load module CUNMIKBS is re-linked,
containing the user-defined knowledge base CSECT USERKBS.
1. do not change the ORDER statements of the link step. CUNMIEOF must be
the last CSECT in the load module!
2. Be sure that an SMP/E ACCEPT has been performed for FMID HUNI2A0
before installing the USERMOD. Otherwise you cannot restore the original
CUNMIKBS by performing an SMP/E RESTORE!

Creating a conversion table

To create your own conversion table you have to
v a. build a human-readable character map
v b. convert the human-readable map into the binary format

There are two possibilities to create a character map of a user-defined conversion

1. you can use an existing conversion table and create a character map out of
this. Then you make some changes to the map and finally you convert it back to
the binary format or
2. you can type in the complete character map with an editor of your choice and
convert it into the binary format.
Because possibility 1. will be the ’normal’ way of creating a user-defined table the
process is described in more detail below. If you choose possibility 2. then you
should anyway read the following paragraphs to understand what has to be
recognized while editing the character map.

(a) Build a human-readable character map

A utility is supplied with job CUNJITG1 to build a character map from an existing
binary conversion table. The character map looks like that:

66 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables
% Character map created on 11/09/2000 at 09:54:33
% by CUNMITG1 Version 2.8.0
% Table source: CUNRAAEB
% Conversion mode: SBCS-SBCS
% Sub-character: <7F>
% 00037 00850
% --------------------
<00> <00>
<01> <01>
<02> <02>
<03> <03>
<04> <DC>

Each code point that maps to a target character different than the substitution
character is listed in the character map. The mapping can now be changed by
editing the values within the ’<’ and ’>’ signs. You can also add or delete lines from
the character map. Do not change the lengths of the values! Those must match the
length defined by the encoding scheme of the knowledge base entry! Each code
point must be mapped in exactly one separate line!

Note that the ’%’ sign in the first column indicates a comment line. These comment
lines contain information from the knowledge base. You can add, change or delete
comment lines as desired. You also can add comments at the end of each mapping

The following is an example of job CUNJITG1. It shows how to create a character

map from the IBM-supplied conversion table from CCSIDs 00037 to 00850 with
roundtrip technique. According to Table 14 on page 69 member CUNRAAEB is
selected from data set UNI.SCUNTBL. The character map is created in member

Required parameters for job CUNJITG1 are:

v PARM=’from-ccsid,to-ccsid,technique’ on the EXEC card where
is the source CCSID of the conversion
is the target CCSID of the conversion
is one specific technique character as described in “Control statement
CONVERSION” on page 14.

Note: Both from-ccsid and to-ccsid must be defined in the knowledge base.
CCSID 1200 is not resolved as described in “Control statement
CONVERSION” on page 14. You have to specify a destinct UCS-2 CCSID
instead of 1200. You must specify a distinct technique character. A
technique-search-order is not supported here.

Chapter 6. Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables 67

Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables
v //TABIN DD: specifies the concatenation of partitioned datasets that hold the
binary tables. These datasets must be in FB 256 format.
v //CHAROUT DD: specifies the data set which holds the created character map.
This must be a sequential dataset in FB 80 format.
v //SYSPRINT DD: specifies the data set to hold the messages issued by the utility.

You can now make your changes to the character map MAP0AAEB and then go on
with step (b)

(b) Convert the human-readable character map into the binary format

Use job CUNJITG2 to convert the (changed) character map back to the binary
format required as input to the image generator. The following is an example that
shows how to create a user-defined conversion table from the character map
MAP0AAEB created in step (a). According to Table 14 on page 69 member
CUN0AAEB is created in the private dataset UNI.USERTBL:

Required parameters for job CUNJITG2 are:

v PARM=’from-ccsid,to-ccsid,technique’ on the EXEC card where
is the source CCSID of the conversion
is the target CCSID of the conversion
is one specific technique character as described in “Control statement
CONVERSION” on page 14. Use the range 0-9 instead of IBM’s
technique charactes which are alphabetic. This avoids conflicts in the
names of the conversion tables.

Note: Both from-ccsid and to-ccsid must be defined in the knowledge base.
CCSID 1200 is not resolved as described in “Control statement
CONVERSION” on page 14. You have to specify a destinct UCS-2 CCSID
instead of 1200. You must specify a distinct technique character. A
technique-search-order is not supported here.
v //CHARIN DD: specifies the sequential data set which holds the modified
character map. This must be in FB 80 format. Note that columns 73 to 80 are
v //TABOUT DD: specifies the partitioned dataset that holds the generated binary
table. This must be a single dataset in FB 256 format.
v //SYSPRINT DD: specifies the data set to hold the messages issued by the utility.
Note that the substitution character is assigned to each code point that is not
explicitly listed in the character map.

68 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables

Modify job CUNJIUTL

Now a new conversion image can be generated that contains user-defined
conversions . To do this the job CUNJIUTL must be modified.

The image generator searches the //TABIN DD statement of job CUNJIUTL for the
required conversion tables. Each table is identified by its member name, in the form
Table 14. Naming conventions of conversion tables
part of CUNtaabb description
t is the technique character in the range R, E, C, L, M, or 0 - 9.
aa is the suffix from the knowledge base entry representing the
user-defined From-CCSID. The range is alphanumeric..
bb is the suffix from the knowledge base entry representing the
user-defined To-CCSID. The range is alphanumeric.

The partitioned data set SCUNTBL contains the IBM-supplied conversion tables. It
is possible to add your own conversion tables. IBM recommends to use a separate
partitioned data set where you put in your conversion tables as members. The data
set must be in FB 256 format.

Concatenate the partitioned data set that holds the user-defined tables to //TABIN
DD. Specify the appropriate CONVERSION control statements in job CUNJIUTL.
The following example of job CUNJIUTL shows the valid usage of the user-defined
CCSID 57344 and the user-defined conversiontable between CCSIDs 57344 and
850 created by the previous samples:
//* SYSIMG must be a FB 80 dataset *****************

/* example of input statements */
CONVERSION 57344, /* src is user-defined 57344 */
850, /* tgt is IBM-supplied 850 */
0; /* 0 is user technique char */

Chapter 6. Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables 69

Defining CCSIDs and conversion tables

70 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Chapter 7. Problem determination
This chapter includes information needed for problem determination.

Solution to problems occurring during installation are explained in z/OS Planning for
Installation, GA22-7504-03.

Problems during IPL or SET UNI command processing

Message CUN2003S
If message CUN2003S is issued, look at preceeding messages describing the
reason for the problem. An additional IPL is required after the problem is fixed to
establish z/OS Unicode support (message CUN2003S appears if the conversion
environment can’t be established). After CUN2003S message CUN2002W is issued
to give the possibility to stop the IPL.

Message CUN2004S
If message CUN2005S is issued, look at preceeding messages describing the
reason for the problem. The IPL can be continued (message CUN2004S appears
when problems with the parmlib member or the conversion image occur) but an
conversion environment is established without conversion tables being available.
After fixing the problems, the environment can be loaded with the SET UNI
command. Applications using conversion services will fail until the conversion
environment has been successfully initialized. After CUN2004S message
CUN2002W is issued to give the possibility to stop the IPL.

Message CUN2002W
If an error occurs initializing z/OS support for Unicode during IPL, the IPL will be
stopped and message CUN2002W is issued. There are two possibilities to react:
1. Reply ’00’ to this message or hit the ENTER key. Than the IPL will continue with
restrictions to conversion services. The problem can be fixed locally.
2. Shutdown the system or leave it waiting. Fix the problem from a different
system and than re-IPL. This is recommended in a syplex environment.
In case the z/OS system is a member in a sysplex, you should be aware that at this
phase in the IPL, the system has already joined the sysplex and therefore lock
contention can occur.

Message CUN2029S
If message CUN2029S is issued, during processing of the SET UNI or DISPLAY
UNI command, do the following:
v check for message CUN2003S in the syslog at IPL time. Also look for preceding
error messages. These may give a reason for the problem.
v verify that the steps described in Chapter 3, “Creating the conversion
environment” on page 11 have been done correctly.

Message CUN2011E
If message CUN2011E appears, the creation of a data space has failed with the
reported return and reason code. If the return code is ’0C’ and reason code

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 71

Problem determination
’xx0006xx’, then check the parameter MAXCAD in IEASYSxx. The conversion
services of z/OS support for Unicode will create two data spaces of type COMMON.
The number of these data spaces in a system is restricted by parameter MAXCAD
in IEASYSxx. If MAXCAD is not specified, the default value of 25 will be used. If
this problem occurs, you need to increase the value by two. For details see z/OS
MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference, SA22-7591.

Abend ’0E0’ reason code ’29’ or ’2A’

This indicates that the data space was deleted by the operator while it was used by
a (long running) conversion call.

Operator Action: Restart the abended application. Increase the wait between issuing
a SET UNI command with keyword IMAGE and deleting the old environment.

72 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Appendix A. Commands
The z/OS support for Unicode commands are the SET UNI and the DISPLAY UNI
command. For syntax definitions, refer to “Syntax diagrams” on page xiii.

SET UNI command

The SET UNI command changes the conversion environment when the system is
already up and running.


( » xx )

xx is the suffix of the parmlib member CUNUNIxx.

There are two different types of parmlib members to be selected. One parmlib
member covers the information to load an appropriate conversion image (keyword
IMAGE and REALSTORAGE). The other type of parmlib member is needed for
deleting an inactive conversion environment. For further information on the parmlib
members, see “Creating parmlib member CUNUNIxx” on page 24.

Activating a conversion environment:

You want to issue a SET UNI command to activate a conversion environment.

Assume the following scenario:
v Data set ’USER.PARMLIB’ is in the logical parmlib concatenation (defined in
v SYS1.PARMLIB(CUNUNI04) contains following lines:


Then, the command


has the following output:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 73

SET UNI command



You can also use the SET UNI command in this way:

SET UNI=(01,02)

In this example SYS1.PARMLIB(CUNUNI01) contains the following line:


and SYS1.PARMLIB(CUNUNI02) contains


The contents of the parmlib members may be exchanged.

Deleting an inactive conversion environment:

You want to issue a SET UNI command to delete an inactive conversion

environment. Assume the following scenario:
v Issue a DISPLAY UNI command


and look for the INACTIVE parameter in section ENVIRONMENT. For example,
the output of the DISPLAY UNI command looks like this:
CUN3000I 09.21.59 UNI DISPLAY 534
ENVIRONMENT: CREATED 07/05/2000 AT 16.42.29
MODIFIED 07/05/2000 AT 17.43.05
IMAGE CREATED 07/05/2000 AT 17.11.22
INACTIVE 453 PAGES SINCE 07/05/2000 AT 17.43.05
CONVERSION: 01047-00850-R 00850-01047-R
01047-13488-R 13488-01047-E

v SYS1.PARMLIB(CUNUNI05) contains following lines:


Then, the command


has the following output:

74 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

SET UNI command

R 69,Y

The result of the SET UNI command can be verified with the DISPLAY UNI
command. The command

should show no INACTIVE parameter in the STORAGE section.

Note: The keywords DELETE and INACTIVE have to be specified together in one
parmlib member. They can not be separated like the keywords IMAGE and
REALSTORAGE. For further information, see “Creating parmlib member
CUNUNIxx” on page 24 and “Samples for parmlib member CUNUNIxx” on
page 109.


The DISPLAY UNI command shows the status of available conversions and
whether the conversion services are already initialized or not.


,FROMID= ccsid
,TOID= ccsid
,ALL | A

displays three time stamps, the first time stamp shows when the conversion
environment was created, the second when the last change were made
with the SET UNI command and the third when the active image was
created. If all three time stamps are equal, no active image could be
loaded. In that case check your system log for Unicode error messages
during IPL. For further information see “Message CUN2002W” on page 71.

Appendix A. Commands 75
gives the status of available conversion services.
shows the active and inactive conversion table data space and its limit. The
inactive data space pages only appear when an inactive data space exists.
displays the supported character conversion services.
displays if normalization service is enabled or disabled.
displays only the conversions with the specified From-CCSID (related to
control statement CONVERSION, see “Control statement CONVERSION”
on page 14).
displays only the conversions with the specified To-CCSID (related to
control statement CONVERSION, see “Control statement CONVERSION”
on page 14).
displays the supported case conversion services.
ALL displays a summary of all the above mentioned keywords.

The command


has the following output:

| SY1 CUN3000I 09.18.47 UNI DISPLAY 394
| ENVIRONMENT: CREATED 05/16/2002 AT 09.02.30
| MODIFIED 05/16/2002 AT 09.02.33
| IMAGE CREATED 05/08/2002 AT 17.20.58
| LIMIT 524287 PAGES
| CONVERSION: 00850-01047- 01047-00850-
| 13488-01047- 01047-13488-
| 01208-13488- 13488-01208-
| 13488-01383- 01383-13488-
| 13488-00932- 00932-13488-
| 13488-00939- 00939-13488-
| 00300-13488- 13488-00300-
| 00933-00949- 00949-00933-
| 00500-01208- 01208-00500-
| 01388-01200- 01200-01388-
| 05488-01200- 01200-05488-
| 05488-01388- 01388-05488-
| 01392-01200- 01200-01392-
| 01392-05488- 05488-01392-

76 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

The output of the DISPLAY UNI command is described in the following table:

Section in DISPLAY UNI,ALL Description related to keyword in

command DISPLAY UNI command
conversion environment was
conversion environment was
latest modified
ENVIRONMENT IMAGE displays when the active VERSION or ALL
CREATED image was created.
SERVICE lists by name the services SERVICE or ALL
which can be used
STORAGE ACTIVE displays the number of STORAGE or ALL
pages currently used in the
active data space
STORAGE INACTIVE displays the number of STORAGE or ALL
pages currently used in the
inactive data space. This
line is not shown if no
inactive data space is
STORAGE LIMIT lists the possible page limit STORAGE or ALL
CONVERSION lists the supported CONVERSION or ALL or
conversions in the active FROMID and TOID
environment. (i the form
When no conversions are
available, ’NO
displayed (see below).
CASECONV lists the supported case CASECONV or ALL
conversions. If basic case
conversion is provided that
allow to convert Unicode
characters to their upper
case equivalent or their
lower case equivalent, you
will see the word
’NORMAL’. If this service is
missing, you will see the
word ’NONE’.
| NORMSERV lists if normalization NORMALIZATION or NORM
services are enabled on the
active image. You will see
the word ″ENABLED″ or
″DISABLED″ to identify if
the service is available or

If no active conversions are available, you will get the following output when using

Appendix A. Commands 77

| CUN3000I 11.00.39 UNI DISPLAY 716
| ENVIRONMENT: CREATED 08/01/2000 AT 15.18.47
| MODIFIED 08/07/2000 AT 15.18.47
| LIMIT 123456 PAGES

If no active conversion environment is available, you will get the message

’CUN2029S’. If this message appears, refer to Chapter 3, “Creating the conversion
environment” on page 11 to activate the conversion environment.

78 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Appendix B. MBCS conversions
This chapter describes information about the conversion of a MBCS CCSID.

Internal handling of MBCS conversions

Whenever a MBCS CCSID is specified for a conversion, z/OS support for Unicode
decomposes the MBCS CCSID into its SBCS and DBCS parts. There is no single
MBCS table provided for MBCS conversions.

As an example, if conversion from CCSID 939 to CCSID 13488 is specified, the

MBCS CCSID 939 will be decomposed into the following sub CCSIDs:
v CCSID 1027 used for SBCS data in the input character stream
v CCSID 300 used for DBCS data in the input character stream
These CCSIDs are selected according to a predefined list. You find this list inluding
all possible decompositions of MBCS CCSIDs in “Summary of CCSIDs used in
MBCS conversions” on page 81.

In the example, the conversion service switches between the SBCS table and the
DBCS table when a shift character is in the data stream.

The graphic Figure 1 on page 80 illustrates this method.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 79

Figure 1. Conversion of MBCS data to Unicode characters

80 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Shift characters in the input character stream specify if the following data represents
SBCS or DBCS characters. In this example, ’Shift out’ character means that DBCS
data will follow. ’Shift in’ character announces that SBCS data comes again. Thus,
the conversion service switches between the SBCS table and the DBCS table. (In
Figure 1 on page 80 the ’shift out’ character is indicated by SO and the ’shift in’
character by SI).

The image generator selects one table that handles the SBCS part (CCSID 1027 to
CCSID 13488) and another table which handles the DBCS part (CCSID 300 to
CCSID 13488). The selection depends on the specified technique-search-order
characters and the availability of the approriate conversion tables.

For more information on how MBCS CCSIDs are composed, also refer to Character
Data Representation Architecture Reference and Registry, SC09-2190 (Appendix C
’CCSID Tables’).

Summary of CCSIDs used in MBCS conversions

| The following lists show all MBCS CCSIDs that GCoC creates, and how z/OS
| support for Unicode decomposes a MBCS CCSID into multiple CCSIDs (sub
| components). Not all CCSIDs are supported by z/OS support for Unicode. For
| further information, refer to Appendix H. MBCS Supported for Unicode.
| MBCS CCSID CCSIDs used after MBCS decomposition
| 00930 00290 00300
| 00931 08229 00300
| 00932 00897 00301
| 00933 00833 00834
| 00934 00891 00926
| 00935 00836 00837
| 00936 00903 00928
| 00937 28709 00835
| 00938 00904 00927
| 00939 01027 00300
| 00942 01041 00301
| 00943 13185 00941
| 00944 01040 00926
| 00946 01042 00928
| 00948 01043 00927
| 00949 01088 00951
| 00950 01114 00947
| 00954 00895 00952 04992 00953
| 00956 00895 13240 00896 21433
| 00957 00895 00955 00896 05049
| 00958 00367 13240 00896 21433
| 00959 00367 00955 00896 05049
| 00964 00367 00960 00961
| 00965 00367 00960 00963
| 00966 00367 05056 00963 05478
| 00970 00367 00971
| 01279 ????? ?????
| 01350 00367 05048 00896 05049
| 01363 01126 01362
| 01364 13121 04930
| 01370 05210 21427
| 01371 01159 09027
| 01381 01115 01380
| 01383 00367 01382
| 01386 05210 01385
| 01388 13124 04933
| 01390 08482 16684

Appendix B. MBCS conversions 81

| 01392 09444 09577 01391
| 01394 13185 01393
| 01399 05123 16684
| 05026 00290 04396
| 05028 04993 00301
| 05029 04929 00834
| 05031 04932 00837
| 05033 08229 00835
| 05035 01027 04396
| 05038 01041 08493
| 05039 01041 05037
| 05045 01088 05047
| 05046 01114 05043
| 05050 00895 00952 00896 09145
| 05052 00895 13240 00896 21433
| 05053 00895 00955 00896 05049
| 05054 00367 13240 00896 21433
| 05055 00367 00955 00896 05049
| 05060 00367 00960 05057
| 05061 00367 05056 00963
| 05066 00367 05067
| 05459 05222 05458
| 05460 00833 17218
| 05477 05211 01380
| 05479 00367 05478
| 05482 01114 05481
| 05484 00836 09029
| 05488 01114 09577 05487
| 09122 04386 00300
| 09124 09089 00301
| 09125 09025 09026
| 09127 09028 00837
| 09131 01027 12588
| 09135 00897 09133
| 09142 01114 09139
| 09146 00895 00952 00896 00953
| 09148 00367 00895 00955 17336
| 09555 05222 09554
| 09575 00367 05478
| 09580
| 13218 04386 04396
| 13219 08229 04396
| 13221 09025 ?????
| 13223 09028 ?????
| 13231 00897 17325
| 13238 01114 13235
| 13242 00895 05048 00896 05049
| 13651 05222 13650
| 13671 00367 05478
| 17314 00290 12588
| 17317 09025 13122
| 17354 00367 00971
| 21450 00367 05067
| 25508 25473 24877
| 25510 25467 25502
| 25512 25479 25504
| 25514 25480 25503
| 25518 25617 24877
| 25520 25616 25502
| 25522 25618 25504
| 25524 25619 25503
| 25525 25664 25527
| 25546 00367 09163
| 29614 29713 24877
| 29616 29712 25502
| 29618 29714 25504
| 29620 29715 25503

82 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

| 29621 29760 25527
| 33698 33058 04396
| 33699 32805 04396
| 33700 33665 24877
| 33717 25664 29623
| 33722 00895 00952 04992 09145
| 37796 37761 24877
| 37813 29760 29623
| 57345 00367 00895 00896 05049 00955

Appendix B. MBCS conversions 83

84 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services
Appendix C. Messages
This chapter includes z/OS support for Unicode messages.

rc return code
CUN1000I product VERSION version
System Action: Processing terminates.
Explanation: This message identifies the version of
the product. Operator Response: Check that a valid DD card has
been supplied and that the data set is valid.
product product name
System Programmer Response: None.
version version of the product
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
System Action: Processing continues.
Operator Response: None.
System Programmer Response: None. CUN1004E ERROR OCCURRED DURING READ
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
Explanation: An error is encountered while attempting
to read from the specified ddname.
AT timehmsp ddname
name of the DD statement that failed read
Explanation: The image generator is initialized and
ready to process input statements.
rc return code
date when processing has started System Action: Processing terminates.
timehmsp Operator Response: Check that a valid DD card has
time when processing has started been supplied and that the data set is valid. Also check
for further I/O error messages indicating a hardware
System Action: Processing continues.
Operator Response: None.
System Programmer Response: None.
System Programmer Response: None.
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode CUNMIMAP



Explanation: The image generator has completed Explanation: The image generator encountered an
processing the input statements. error while attempting to write to the specified ddname.

rc highest return code ddname

name of the DD statement that failed write
System Action: Processing ends normally. processing
Operator Response: Check the output and return rc return code
code for warnings or errors.
System Action: Processing terminates.
System Programmer Response: None.
Operator Response: Check that a valid DD card has
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode been supplied and that the data set is valid. Also check
for further I/O error messages indicating a hardware
PROCESSING FOR ddname RC= rc System Programmer Response: None.
Explanation: An error is encountered while attempting source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
to open the specified ddname.
name of the DD statement that failed to be

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 85

Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
Operator Response: Check DSPSERV return and
reason codes.
System Programmer Response: None.
Explanation: An error is encountered while attempting
to close the specified ddname. source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
name of the DD statement that failed close
rc return code
rc RS= rs
System Action: Processing terminates.
Explanation: An error is encountered during
Operator Response: Check that a valid DD card has ALESERV ADD processing.
been supplied and that the data set is valid.
rc return code from ALESERV ADD
System Programmer Response: None.
rs reason code from ALESERV ADD
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
System Action: Processing terminates.
Operator Response: Check ALESERV ADD return
and reason codes.
TEMPORARY WORK STORAGE RC= rc System Programmer Response: None.
Explanation: The image generator encountered an source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
error while obtaining storage for internal work areas. CUNMIMAP
rc return code
System Action: Processing terminates.
Operator Response: Increase the region size and rs
rerun the job.
Explanation: An error is encountered while trying to
System Programmer Response: None. delete a private data space
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode rc return code from DSPSERV
rs reason code from DSPSERV
System Action: Processing terminates.
Operator Response: Check DSPSERV return and
Explanation: The image generator encountered an
reason codes.
error while releasing storage from internal work areas.
System Programmer Response: None.
rc return code
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
System Action: Processing terminates.
Operator Response: Increase the region size and
rerun the job.
System Programmer Response: None.
Explanation: The specified table was not found in the
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode TABIN dataset(s). The system continues in validation
mode. No image will be generated.
DATASPACE PROCESSING RC= rc RS= table name that is searched on the TABIN DD
rs statement
Explanation: An error is encountered while trying to System Action: Processing continues.
create a private data space.
Operator Response: Supply the required table or
rc return code from DSPSERV amend the conversion request.
rs reason code from DSPSERV System Programmer Response: None.
System Action: Processing terminates. source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode

86 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Messages from z/OS support for Unicode

Explanation: This message identifies the size in 4k
pages occupied by the image.
SIZE = size
size size of the generated image in pages
Explanation: An attempt has been made to generate
an image larger than the supported maximum size. The System Action: Processing continues.
image has been overwritten in a wrap-around.
Operator Response: None.
eye1 eyecatcher found in the header
System Programmer Response: None.
eye2 eyecatcher found in the trailer
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
size size of the image
System Action: Processing terminates. CUN1018E ERROR DURING CCSID VALIDATION.
Operator Response: None.
Explanation: The requested CCSID is not supported
System Programmer Response: Check the SYSIN
in the knowledge base. The system continues in
control statements.
validation mode. No image will be generated.
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
ccsid missing CCSID
System Action: Processing continues.
Operator Response: Remove or amend the
Explanation: This message identifies the number of
conversion request.
records read from SYSIN DD.
System Programmer Response: None.
reccnt number of records read from SYSIN
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
System Action: Processing continues.
Operator Response: None.
System Programmer Response: None. PROCESSING. MAXIMUM OF max
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
Explanation: The maximum number of supported
conversion tables has been exceeded.
max maximum number of supported conversion
Explanation: This message identifies the number of
statements found in SYSIN DD.
System Action: Processing terminates.
cnt number of statements found in SYSIN
Operator Response: Review the number of
System Action: Processing continues.
CONVERSION statements provided in SYSIN DD and
Operator Response: None. rerun the job.

System Programmer Response: None. System Programmer Response: None.

source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode


Explanation: This message identifies the number of TOP-LEVEL CONVERSIONS
statements in error found in SYSIN DD. EXCEEDED
cnt number of statements that are flagged with an Explanation: The maximum number of supported
error CONVERSION statements has been exceeded.
System Action: Processing continues max number of supported CONVERSION
Operator Response: None. statements

System Programmer Response: None. System Action: Processing terminates.

source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode Operator Response: Review the number of
CONVERSION statements provided in SYSIN DD and
rerun the job.

Appendix C. Messages 87
Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
System Programmer Response: None. System Action: Processing continues.
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode Operator Response: Correct the CONVERSION
statement and resubmit the job.
CUN1021E ERROR DURING CONVERSION System Programmer Response: None.
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
Explanation: The maximum number of supported
sub-conversions has been exceeded.
Explanation: The Technique Search Order may
max maximum number of supported sub-level
specify up to eight characters. The possible values are:
R - round trip E - enforced subset C - customized
System Action: Processing terminates. subset L - LE behavior M - modified LE behavior 0-9 -
user tables The system continues in validation mode.
Operator Response: Review the number of
No image will be generated.
CONVERSION statements provided in SYSIN DD and
rerun the job. tso technique search order
System Programmer Response: None. System Action: Processing continues.
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode Operator Response: Correct the technique search
order and resubmit the job.
CUN1022E ERROR DURING CASE PROCESSING. System Programmer Response: None.
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
Explanation: The mode specified on the CASE
statement is not supported. Valid modes are: ’NORMAL’
- creates tables for normal casing
mode invalid case conversion mode
Explanation: The named DD statement is required but
System Action: Processing continues. missing in the image generator jcl. Required DD
statements are: - SYSIN - TABIN - SYSIMG
Operator Response: Correct the CASE statement and
resubmit the job. ddname
name of the DD statement that is missing
System Programmer Response: None.
System Action: Processing terminates.
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
Operator Response: None.
CUN1023E ERROR DURING CCSID VALIDATION. System Programmer Response: Add the required
INVALID CCSID ’ ccsid ’ DD statement and resubmit the job.
Explanation: A valid CCSID is a decimal number from source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
1 to 65535. The system continues in validation mode.
No image will be generated.
ccsid invalid CCSID
Explanation: The CONVERSION statement is
System Action: Processing continues. specified exactly as a previous one and therefore it is
Operator Response: Correct the CCSID and resubmit
the job. System Action: Processing continues.
System Programmer Response: None. Operator Response: None.
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode System Programmer Response: Verify that this is
acceptable. If not, change the input control statements
and resubmit the job.
BOTH CCSIDS ARE 1200 source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode
Explanation: Conversion from and to CCSID 1200 is
not supported. The system continues in validation
mode. No image will be generated.

88 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
System Action: Processing terminates.
from - to - tso . GENERATING A Operator Response: None.
System Programmer Response: Verify both the from-
Explanation: A CONVERSION statement is processed and to-ccsid to be either SBCS or DBCS.
for which in general a direct conversion is supported.
However, a required conversion table could not be source: User support
found. Therefore the processing is interrupted and a
forced indirect conversion is created instead. CUN1101E ERROR DURING COMRESSING
from From-CCSID Explanation: Conversion tables from DBCS to either
to To-CCSID SBCS or DBCS are stored in a compressed format. The
data of the conversion table can not be compresseed
tso technique search order successfully.
System Action: Processing continues. System Action: Processing terminates.
Operator Response: None. Operator Response: none.
System Programmer Response: Verify that this is System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM
acceptable. If not, change the input control statements representative.
and resubmit the job.
source: User support
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode


DATASPACE ALET PROCESSING RC= Explanation: This message identifies the number of
rc RS= rs records read from CHARIN DD.

Explanation: An error during ALESERV DELETE reccnt number of records read from CHARIN
processing is encountered. System Action: Processing continues.
rc return code from ALESERV DELETE Operator Response: None.
rs reason code from ALESERV DELETE System Programmer Response: None.
System Action: Processing terminates. source: User support
Operator Response: Check ALESERV DELETE
return and reason codes. CUN1103I OUTPUT WRITTEN reccnt RECORDS
System Programmer Response: None. Explanation: This message identifies the number of
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode records written to TABOUT DD.
CUNMIMAP reccnt number of records written to TABOUT
System Action: Processing continues.
Operator Response: None.
Explanation: The NORMALIZE statement is specified
exactly as a previous one, and therefore, is ignored. System Programmer Response: None.

System Action: Processing continues. source: User support

Operator Response: None.

System Programmer Response: Verify that this is DATA
acceptable. If not, change the input control statements
and resubmit the job Explanation: Invalid data was found at the specified
column. Valid data is hexadecimal data of the correct
source: image generator for z/OS support for Unicode length enclosed in ’<’ and ’>’ signs. The length depends
CUNMIMAP on the character width of the source respectively the
target CCSID.
CUN1100E ERROR DURING PARAMETER CHECK. col column in which the error was detected
SUPPORTED System Action: Processing terminates.

Explanation: User-defined tables are anly supported Operator Response: None.

for conversions between SBCS or DBCS CCSIDs.

Appendix C. Messages 89
Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
System Programmer Response: Correct the
hexadecimal data.
RC= rc EC= errcode INFO= info
source: User support
Explanation: The dynamic query of the dataset name
allocated to TABOUT DD failed.
rc return code from SVC99
Explanation: a ’<’ sign was expected in the specified
errcode error code from SVC99
column to start hexadecimal data.
info info code from SVC99
col column in which the error was detected
System Action: Processing terminates.
System Action: Processing terminates.
Operator Response: Find the return code in the
Operator Response: None.
document z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized
System Programmer Response: Correct the Assembler Services Guide, SA22-7608, (chapter
hexadecimal data. ’Interpreting DYNALLOC Return Codes’). Follow the
actions described in the document to resolve the
source: User support problem. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact
your system programmer.
CUN1106E ERROR IN COLUMN col . > EXPECTED System Programmer Response: Check that TABOUT
Explanation: a ’>’ sign was expected in the specified DD specifies a usable PDS to hold the generated
column to terminate the hexadecimal data. conversion table.

col column in which the error was detected source: User support

System Action: Processing terminates.

Operator Response: None. DEALLOCATION. RC= rc EC= errcode
System Programmer Response: Correct the INFO= info
hexadecimal data. Explanation: The dynamic deallocation of the output
source: User support member in the PDS allocated to TABOUT failed.
rc return code from SVC99
CUN1107E ERROR DURING DYNAMIC errcode error code from SVC99
ALLOCATION. RC= rc EC= errcode
INFO= info info info code from SVC99

Explanation: The dynamic allocation of the output System Action: Processing terminates.
member in the PDS allocated to TABOUT failed. Operator Response: Find the return code in the
rc return code from SVC99 document z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized
Assembler Services Guide, SA22-7608, (chapter
errcode error code from SVC99 ’Interpreting DYNALLOC Return Codes’). Follow the
info info code from SVC99 actions described in the document to resolve the
problem. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact
System Action: Processing terminates. your system programmer.
Operator Response: Find the return code in the System Programmer Response: Check that TABOUT
document z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized DD specifies a usable PDS to hold the generated
Assembler Services Guide, SA22-7608, (chapter conversion table.
’Interpreting DYNALLOC Return Codes’). Follow the
actions described in the document to resolve the source: User support
problem. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact
your system programmer. CUN1110E ERROR DURING PARAMETER CHECK.
System Programmer Response: Check that TABOUT INVALID FROM-CCSID
DD specifies a usable PDS to hold the generated Explanation: The from-CCSID specified is missing or
conversion table. invalid. A valid CCSID is numeric and in the range from
source: User support 1 to 65535.
System Action: Processing terminates.
Operator Response: none.

90 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
System Programmer Response: Specify a valid ddname
from-CCSID. name of the DD statement that failed query
source: User support
rc return code
CUN1111E ERROR DURING PARAMETER CHECK. System Action: Processing terminates.
Operator Response: Check that a valid DD card has
Explanation: The to-CCSID specified is missing or been supplied and that the data set is valid. Also check
invalid. A valid CCSID is numeric and in the range from for further I/O error messages indicating a hardware
1 to 65535. problem.
System Action: Processing terminates. System Programmer Response: None.
Operator Response: none. source: CUNMIMAP
System Programmer Response: Specify a valid
source: User support
EYE-CATCHER OF crtl_block -
EXPECTED eyecatcher1 , - FOUND
Explanation: The system cannot find the eye-catcher
Explanation: The technique character specified is of crtl_block. The hexadecimal sequence eyecatcher1 is
missing or invalid. A valid technique character is one of expected, where the sequence eyecatcher2 was found.
R,E,C,L,M or 0-9. If you analyze a dataset including an image, the image
is not valid. If you analyze an active conversion
System Action: Processing terminates. environment, the environment is destroyed.
Operator Response: none. crtl_block
System Programmer Response: Specify a valid control block name
technique character. eyecatcher1
source: User support eye-catcher expected (HEX)
CUN1200E LOAD OF MODULE modname FAILED eye-catcher found (HEX)
(RC= retcode , RS= rscode ) System Action: Processing terminates.
Explanation: The system cannot load module Operator Response: If you analyze a dataset
modname. including an image, check that a valid DD card has
modname been supplied and that the data set is valid. If you
name of the module which cannot be loaded analyze an active conversion environment, gather any
error indications, such as diagnostic messages that
retcode system completion code from LOAD macro precede this message, dump the master address space
rscode reason code from LOAD macro and Unicode data spaces, and contact your system
programmer. Immediately re-IPL.
System Action: Processing terminates.
System Programmer Response: Contact IBM
Operator Response: Find the description of the support .
system completion code in document z/OS MVS
System Codes, SA22-7626 (chapter ’completion source: CUNMIMAP
codes’). Resolve the problem.
System Programmer Response: None. CUN2001E THE UCCB IS STILL LOCKED,
Explanation: The SET UNI command has abended
CUN1201E ERROR OCCURRED DURING QUERY and the recovery routines were not able to recover the
PROCESSING FOR ddname RC= rc conversion environment. The conversion environment is
Explanation: An error is encountered while attempting locked because it might be inconsistent. The conversion
to query DCB information from the specified ddname. services are not longer available.
System Action: Processing terminates.

Appendix C. Messages 91
Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
Operator Response: This message might be such as diagnostic messages that precede this
preceded by other messages which are describing the message, and try to correct the problem. If you cannot
reason of the abend. In any case, a dump was issued. resolve the problem, contact your system programmer.
Gather any error indications, such as diagnostic This message is followed by message CUN2002W to
messages or dumps that precede this message and stop the IPL processing. If the problem is fixed, re-IPL
contact your system programmer. An IPL is needed to to make the conversion environment available.
make the conversion service available again.
System Programmer Response: Analyze the
System Programmer Response: Analyze the messages and resolve the reason for the problem.
messages and the dump and resolve the reason for the Contact IBM support, if you cannot find or resolve the
abend. Contact IBM support, if you cannot find or reason.
resolve the reason.
source: IEAVNPUN
source: IEECB999
Explanation: This message is preceded by one or
(RC= retcode )
several error messages at IPL describing the cause of
the problem. This message notifies the operator that the Explanation: This message is preceded by one or
conversion services will not be available and offers the several error messages, describing a severe problem
possibility to stop the IPL processing. while initializing the conversion environment. If IPL
processing is continued, the conversion environment will
System Action: Processing stops and the system
be initialized without the availability of any conversion
waits for the reply.
Operator Response: Gather any error indications,
retcode highest return code of the failing steps
such as diagnostic messages that precede this
message. Look at the description of the preceding System Action: Processing is stopped with message
messages and try to correct the problem. If the problem CUN2002W.
can be solved from a different system (for example in a
Operator Response: Gather any error indications,
sysplex environment), then it might be easier to fix the
such as diagnostic messages that precede this
problem there and re-IPL, at least if an additional IPL
message, and try to correct the problem. If you cannot
would be required to make the conversion services
resolve the problem, contact your system programmer.
available. If the IPL is continued, the availability of the
This message is followed by message CUN2002W to
conversion environment is restricted. For example,
stop the IPL processing. If the problem is fixed, use the
applications using conversion services will fail and might
SET UNI command to make conversions available.
cause problems for the users. If you cannot resolve the
problem, contact your system programmer. System Programmer Response: Analyze the
messages and resolve the reason for the problem.
System Programmer Response: Analyze the
Contact IBM support, if you cannot find or resolve the
messages and resolve the reason for the problem.
Contact IBM support, if you cannot find or resolve the
reason. Depending on whether the system is needed source: IEAVNPUN
continue IPL or re-IPL when the problem is solved.
CUN2003S CONVERSION ENVIRONMENT NOT Explanation: The conversion environment is
INITIALIZED. successfully initialized.
AVAILABLE (RC= retcode ) System Action: None.

Explanation: This message is preceded by one or Operator Response: None.

several error messages describing a severe problem System Programmer Response: None.
initializing the conversion environment. If IPL processing
is continued, the conversion environment will be not source: IEAVNPUN
retcode highest return code of the failing steps CUN2006E LOAD OF MODULE modname FAILED
(RC= retcode , RS= rscode )
System Action: Processing is stopped with message
CUN2002W. Explanation: The system cannot load module
Operator Response: Gather any error indications,

92 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
modname Check for preceding messages from module IEEMB878.
name of the module which cannot be loaded Meaning of return codes from module IEEMB878:
retcode system completion code from LOAD macro v 8: I/O error detected
v 12: open of parmlib failed
rscode reason code from LOAD macro
v 16: member not found
System Action: Processing terminates.
v 20: invalid data in parmlist
Operator Response: Find the description of the v 24: cannot access data set
system completion code in document z/OS MVS
v 28: conversion error
System Codes, SA22-7626 (chapter ’completion
codes’). Resolve the problem. source: CUNMIRPI, CUNMIRP2
System Programmer Response: None.
source: IEAVNPUN, IEECB999, IEECB998,
function , ID = idcode
Explanation: This is an internal error.
CUN2007E REQUEST FOR storsize BYTES OF function
STORAGE FAILED (RC= retcode , POOL function name
bufpool )
idcode ID of the internal error
Explanation: The request for virtual storage fails.
System Action: Processing terminates.
Operator Response: Gather any error indications,
size of the storage requested
such as diagnostic messages that precede this
retcode return code from GETMAIN macro message. Contact your system programmer.
bufpool number of the storage subpool which should System Programmer Response: Contact IBM
be used support.
System Action: Processing terminates. source: CUNMIRP2, CUNMISA1, CUNMISA2,
Operator Response: Find the return code in the
document z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized
Assembler Services Reference ENF-IXG, SA22-7610 CUN2010E CANNOT FIND INFORMATION ABOUT
(chapter ’Return and Reason Codes’, description of CONVERTER MODULE modname (RC=
macro ’GETMAIN’). Follow the actions described in the retcode )
document to resolve the problem.
Explanation: The system cannot find information
System Programmer Response: None. about the attributes of module modname which should
be available in the link pack area (’SYS1.LPALIB’).
module name
membername FAILED (RC= retcode ) retcode return code of the CSVQUERY macro
Explanation: Parmlib member membername cannot System Action: Processing terminates.
be accessed.
Operator Response: Find the return code in the
membername document z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services
name of the parmlib member Reference ABE-HSP, SA22-7606 (chapter ’Return and
Reason Codes’, description of macro CSVQUERY). Try
retcode return code from module IEEMB878 (see
to resolve the problem. If you cannot resolve the
description below)
problem, contact your system programmer.
System Action: Processing terminates.
System Programmer Response: Check the return
Operator Response: Gather any error indications, code of macro CSVQUERY. Check whether the SMP/E
such as diagnostic messages that precede this installation of the z/OS support for Unicode is done
message, and try to correct the problem. If you cannot properly. Contact IBM support, if you cannot find or
resolve the problem, contact your system programmer. resolve the problem.

System Programmer Response: Check if all data source: CUNMIIN2

sets from the logical parmlib concatenation in loadxx are
available and the parmlib member specified is located in
the logical parmlib concatenation and is readable.

Appendix C. Messages 93
Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
code and resolve the reason for the problem. Contact
IBM support, if you cannot find or resolve the reason.
(NAME= dsname , TYPE= dstype ,
RC= retcode , RS= rsncode ) source: CUNMISA2, CUNMIRP2, CUNMIIN2
Explanation: The system cannot create a data space
name of the data space
dstype type of the data space - EXPECTED eyecatcher1 ,
- FOUND eyecatcher2
retcode return code of the DSPSERV macro with
parameter CREATE Explanation: The system cannot find the eye-catcher
of crtl_block. The hexadecimal sequence eyecatcher1 is
expected, where the sequence eyecatcher2 was found.
associated reason code of the DSPSERV
The eye-catcher was destroyed. The conversion
environment is destroyed.
System Action: Processing terminates.
Operator Response: Find the return code in the control block name
document z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized
Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN, SA22-7609
eye-catcher expected (HEX)
(chapter ’Return and Reason Codes’, chapter
’DSPSERV - Create, Delete, and Control Data Spaces’). eyecatcher2
Follow the actions described in the document to resolve eye-catcher found (HEX)
the problem. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact
System Action: Processing terminates.
your system programmer.
Operator Response: Gather any error indications,
System Programmer Response: Analyze the return
such as diagnostic messages that precede this
and reason code and resolve the reason for the
message, dump the master address space and Unicode
problem. Be aware that the parameter MAXCAD in
data spaces, and contact your system programmer.
IEASYSxx may limit the number of data spaces of type
Immediately re-IPL.
COMMON (for details see document z/OS MVS
Initialization and Tuning Reference, SA22-7592). System Programmer Response: Contact IBM
Contact IBM support, if you cannot find or resolve the support .


TYPE= dstype , RC= retcode ) REASON: TOO MANY DIGITS OR
Explanation: The system cannot add a data space to
the access list.
Explanation: The value value for keyword keyword
name of the data space
has more digits than possible for a useful value.
dstype type of the data space Evaluating the parmlib member stops, the conversion
environment is left unchanged.
retcode return code of the ALESERV macro with
parameter ADD value value specified for keyword
System Action: Processing terminates. keyword
Operator Response: Find the return code in the
document z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized lengthmax
Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN, SA22-7609 valid maximum number of digits or characters
(chapter ’Return and Reason Codes’, description of
macro ’ALESERV ADD’). Follow the actions described
number of digits or characters currently
in the document to resolve the problem. If you cannot
resolve the problem, contact your system programmer.
System Action: Processing terminates.
System Programmer Response: Analyze the return

94 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
Operator Response: After the correction of the Operator Response: After the correction of the
parmlib member, retry to activate the parmlib member. problem, retry to activate the parmlib member.
System Programmer Response: Specify a correct System Programmer Response: Specify the name of
value for this keyword. a valid conversion image, generated using the image
generator in the parmlib member.
source: CUNMIRP2
FOR FIXED PAGES ( limit_num PAGES) FAILED (RC= retcode , RS= rsncode )
BY exc_num PAGES
Explanation: The system failed fixing pages after
Explanation: If the image is loaded, the limit for pages loading the new conversion image into the conversion
to be used from the conversion environment will be data space. Evaluating the parmlib member stops, the
exceeded by exc_num pages. Evaluating the parmlib conversion environment is left unchanged.
member stops, the conversion environment is left
number of blocks for fixing
retcode return code of the DSPSERV macro
number of pages from the image which should
be loaded, plus the number of pages from the rsncode
Active Image reason code of the DSPSERV macro
limit_num System Action: Processing terminates.
limit for the number of pages to be used from
the conversion environment (defined with the Operator Response: Find the return code in the
REALSTORAGE parameter in parmlib member document ’z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized
CUNUNIxx) Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN, SA22-7609
(chapter ’Return and Reason Codes’, chapter
exc_num ’DSPSERV - Create, Delete, and Control Data Spaces’).
number of pages exceeding the limit. Follow the actions described in the document to resolve
the problem. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact
System Action: Processing terminates.
your system programmer.
Operator Response: After the correction of the
System Programmer Response: Analyze the return
problem, retry to activate the parmlib member.
and reason code and resolve the reason for the
System Programmer Response: Loading this image problem. Contact IBM support, if you cannot find or
will need more resources for fixed storage. This can be resolve the reason.
allowed by increasing the REALSTORAGE parameter in
source: CUNMISA2
your parmlib member CUNUNIxx for exc_num pages.
Another possibility is to require less resources by
generating a smaller image which supports less CUN2019E CANNOT DELETE DATA SPACE
conversions. (NAME= dsname , TYPE= dstype ,
RC= retcode , RS= rsncode )
source: CUNMISA2
Explanation: A data space of type dstype cannot be
deleted. Evaluating the parmlib member stops, the
conversion environment is left unchanged. The data
space which cannot be deleted allocates still system
NOT FOUND ( eyecatcher-found )
Explanation: The image, which should be loaded,
name of the data space
does not contain a valid eye-catcher in its header.
Instead of this, it has the sequence shown as dstype data space type
eyecatcher-found. The conversion image is not valid.
Evaluating the parmlib member stops, the conversion retcode return code of the DSPSERV macro with
environment is left unchanged. option DELETE

name name of the conversion image rsncode

reason code of the DSPSERV macro with
eyecatcher-found option DELETE
header eye-catcher found (hex)
System Action: Processing terminates.
System Action: Processing terminates.
Operator Response: Find the return code in the

Appendix C. Messages 95
Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
document z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized img_name
Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN, SA22-7609 name of the conversion image
(chapter ’Return and Reason Codes’, chapter
’DSPSERV - Create, Delete, and Control Data Spaces’).
bytes loaded
Follow the actions described in the document to resolve
the problem. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact System Action: Processing continues.
your system programmer. The allocated resources will
be released after the next IPL. Operator Response: None.

System Programmer Response: Analyze the return System Programmer Response: None.
and reason code and resolve the reason for the source: CUNMIRP2
problem. Contact IBM support, if you cannot find or
resolve the reason.

Explanation: The load of the image img_name has Explanation: The value value for keyword keyword
started. which is specified in the parmlib member is invalid.
Other characters are specified than the numeric
img_name characters ’0’-’9’. Evaluating the parmlib member stops,
name of the conversion image the conversion environment is left unchanged.
System Action: Processing continues. value value specified for keyword keyword
Operator Response: None. keyword
System Programmer Response: None.
System Action: Processing terminates.
source: CUNMIRP2
Operator Response: After the correction of the
parmlib member, retry to activate the parmlib member.
CUN2021I ... size_loaded BYTES DATA LOADED
System Programmer Response: Specify a correct
Explanation: This message is the progress indicator
numeric value for this keyword in the parmlib member.
for the load of a new conversion image. It shows the
total size of the image loaded at this stage. If the source: CUNMISA1
amount of data loaded is smaller than 100 MB, it will
appear for any 10 MB data read. After 100 MB of
loaded data, this message will appear in 100 MB steps. CUN2027E ERROR IN PARMLIB MEMBER:
If the image, which should be loaded, is very big, it will INVALID VALUE ( value )
take a while. This message provides feedback that the FOR KEYWORD keyword
system is still running. REASON: THE NEW LIMIT FOR FIXED
size_loaded MAXIMAL POSSIBLE VALUE ( max-limit
amount of bytes which are already loaded from PAGES)
the new conversion image
Explanation: The value value for keyword keyword
System Action: Processing continues. specified in the parmlib member is invalid. It is higher
than the maximal possible value max-limit. Evaluating
Operator Response: None.
the parmlib member stops, the conversion environment
System Programmer Response: None. is left unchanged.
source: CUNMIRP2 value value specified for keyword keyword
img_name FINISHED: img_size BYTES
maximal limit for fixed pages
Explanation: This message indicates that the image
System Action: Processing terminates.
img_name was successfully loaded. It shows the size
img_size of the image in memory. Due to some Operator Response: After the correction of the
overhead by storing the image in a file, the image size parmlib member, retry to activate the parmlib member.
in memory is smaller than the file size.
System Programmer Response: Specify a value

96 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
equals or smaller than the value of max-limit in the
parmlib member.
source: CUNMISA1
Explanation: There is already a DISPLAY UNI
command running.
System Action: Processing terminates.
img_name ),
REASON: NUMBER OF PAGES Operator Response: Wait a while and repeat the
LOADED ( ldblocks ) IS NOT EQUAL command.
System Programmer Response: None.
imgblocks )
source: IEECB999
Explanation: The name img_name specified in
parmlib member describes a not valid conversion image
or the conversion image is corrupted. Evaluating the CUN2031E SET UNI COMMAND FAILS
parmlib member stops, the conversion environment is ACCESSING THE PARMLIB MEMBER
left unchanged. (RC= retcode )
img_name Explanation: The SET UNI command fails because a
name of the image problem occurred while reading the parmlib member.
Evaluating the parmlib member stops, the conversion
environment is left unchanged.
number of pages loaded
retcode return code
number of pages described in the image System Action: Processing terminates.
System Action: Processing terminates. Operator Response: Gather any error indications,
such as diagnostic messages or dumps from the syslog,
Operator Response: After the correction of the failure,
and try to correct the problem. If you cannot resolve the
retry to activate the parmlib member.
problem, contact your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Generate a valid
System Programmer Response: Analyze the
conversion image using the image generator. Do not
messages and resolve the reason for the problem.
modify the generated image in any way!
Contact IBM support, if you cannot find or resolve the
source: CUNMIRP2 reason.
source: IEECB999
Explanation: The conversion environment was not THE PARSER MODULE modname (RC=
initialized at IPL. Conversions are not possible. retcode )
System Action: Processing terminates. Explanation: The SET UNI command fails because a
problem occurred while a required module was loaded.
Operator Response: Gather any error indications,
Evaluating the parmlib member stops, the conversion
such as diagnostic messages from the NIP phase at
environment is left unchanged.
IPL, and try to correct the problem. If you cannot
resolve the problem, contact your system programmer. modname
Expect to find messages CUN2002I and CUN2003S. If name of the parser module
not, the conversion services might not be installed and
retcode return code
customized correctly.
System Action: Processing terminates.
System Programmer Response: Analyze the
messages from IPL and resolve the reason for the Operator Response: For details, look for message
problem. If message CUN2003S is not found, the CUN2006E in the syslog. It will give the reason for that
system has not correctly been installed. Check the problem.
SMP/E apply job and the availability of the installation
target libraries. Check the customizing of the conversion System Programmer Response: None.
environment (e.g. UNI=xx statement in IEASYSxx, source: IEECB999
parmlib member CUNUNIxx, IPL after customizing).
source: IEECB999, IEECB998

Appendix C. Messages 97
Messages from z/OS support for Unicode


Explanation: The SET UNI command fails because a Explanation: A parmlib member is invoked to delete
problem occurred while establishing the configuration the inactive conversion environment. Please confirm the
determined in the parmlib member. Evaluating the request for deletion.
parmlib member stops, the conversion environment is
left unchanged.
data space name, for IBM internal use only
retcode return code
System Action: Processing continues.
System Action: Processing terminates.
Operator Response: Decide if you really want to
Operator Response: Gather any error indications, delete the inactive conversion environment and answer
such as diagnostic messages or dumps from the syslog, the request.
and try to correct the problem. If you cannot resolve the
System Programmer Response: None.
problem, contact your system programmer.
source: CUNMISA3
System Programmer Response: Analyze the
messages and resolve the reason for the problem.
Contact IBM support, if you cannot find or resolve the CUN2037I INACTIVE CONVERSION
reason. ENVIRONMENT ( dsname ) WAS NOT
source: IEECB999
Explanation: A parmlib member was invoked to delete
the inactive conversion environment, but the
confirmation CUN2036 for this request was answered
Explanation: The SET UNI command was with ’n’ (not to delete the conversion environment). The
successfully executed. conversion environment is left unchanged.
System Action: Processing continues. dsname
data space name, for IBM internal use only
Operator Response: None.
System Action: Processing continues.
System Programmer Response: None.
Operator Response: None.
source: IEECB999
System Programmer Response: None.
ENVIRONMENT ( dsname )
Explanation: A parmlib member was invoked to delete
Explanation: Before deleting the inactive environment,
the inactive conversion environment. The confirmation
z/OS support for Unicode checks if the data space is
CUN2036 for this request was answered with ’y’ (to
inactive. This check had the result that the data space
delete the inactive data space). The data space was
is still marked as active even it is not in use. The data
successfully deleted.
space will be deleted in the next step.
data space name, for IBM internal use only
data space name, for IBM internal use only
System Action: Processing continues.
System Action: Processing continues.
Operator Response: None.
Operator Response: None.
System Programmer Response: None.
System Programmer Response: None.
source: CUNMISA3
source: CUNMISA3

98 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
conversion environment is destroyed. Conversions are
CUN2039E RELEASING OF num_of_blocks PAGES
not longer possible.
FAILS (RC= num_of_blocks , RS=
retcode ) System Action: Processing terminates.
Explanation: The system fails releasing fixed pages Operator Response: Gather any error indications,
before the deletion of an inactive conversion data such as diagnostic messages, that precede this
space. The inactive conversion environment was not message and contact your system programmer.
deleted. It is not possible to issue a new SET UNI Immediately re-IPL.
command with keyword IMAGE until the inactive
conversion environment was deleted. System Programmer Response: Contact IBM
support .
number of blocks to release source: CUNMISA2

retcode return code of the DSPSERV macro

rsncode ACCEPTED
reason code of the DSPSERV macro
Explanation: The input parameter, for example in a
System Action: Processing terminates. parmlib member, is wrong and was not accepted.
Operator Response: Find the return code in the param parameter which was not accepted
document z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized
Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN, SA22-7609 System Action: Processing terminates abnormally.
(chapter ’Return and Reason Codes’, chapter Operator Response: Correct the input in the parmlib
’DSPSERV - Create, Delete, and Control Data Spaces’). member. Valid value is: INACTIVE .
Follow the actions described in the document to resolve
the problem. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact System Programmer Response: None.
your system programmer. If the problem cannot be source: CUNMISA3
resolved and the new conversion environment is
needed, activate it with an IPL.
System Programmer Response: Analyze the return
and reason code and resolve the reason for the Explanation: You try to delete an inactive data space
problem. Contact IBM support, if you cannot find or but there is no inactive data space available so far.
resolve the reason. System Action: Processing continues.
source: CUNMISA2 Operator Response: Issue this command only when
an inactive data space is available.
CUN2040S CONVERSION ENVIRONMENT System Programmer Response: None.
Explanation: The system cannot find an active CUN2044I SET UNI COMMAND TERMINATES
conversion data space. The conversion environment is BECAUSE THE DELETE REQUEST
destroyed. Conversions are not longer possible. FOR THE INACTIVE ENVIRONMENT
System Action: Processing terminates.
Explanation: The request to delete an inactive
Operator Response: Gather any error indications, conversion environment was rejected by the user by
such as diagnostic messages that precede this answering the confirmation CUN2036 with ’n’. Therefore
message, and contact your system programmer. the SET UNI command terminates the evaluation of the
Immediately re-IPL. parmlib member. The conversion environment is left
System Programmer Response: Contact IBM unchanged. Note that if a parmlib member with keyword
support. IMAGE was used for the SET UNI command and an
inactive environment exists, a delete request will be
source: IEECB999, CUNMISA2 created from the system. The inactive environment must
be deleted before the new environment can be
NO VALID UCCB FOUND System Action: Processing terminates.
Explanation: The system cannot find the central Operator Response: none
control structure UCCB for the conversion services,
even the conversion environment was initialized. The System Programmer Response: none

Appendix C. Messages 99
Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
source: IEECB999
REASON= reason
Explanation: In the initialization of the display module,
it is not possible to obtain storage.
(NAME= name , AL-NAME= al-name ,
RC= rc ) reason reason code for ending the DISPLAY UNI
Explanation: The data space with name name cannot
be deleted from the access list type-al . Evaluating the System Action: The DISPLAY UNI command
parmlib member stops, the conversion environment is terminates.
left unchanged. The data space cannot be deleted and
Operator Response: Try again. When it fails again,
allocates still system resources.
contact your system programmer.
name name of the data space
System Programmer Response: Check the
al-name initialization of the multi-line display.
name of access list
source: CUNMIDAC
rc return code of the ALESERV macro with option
System Action: Processing terminates. OPERATION WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL
Operator Response: Find the return code in the Explanation: One operation terminates abnormally.
document z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized The program which includes the recovery routine sends
Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN, SA22-7609 information to the console and issues a dump.
(chapter ’Return Codes’, chapter ’ALESERV - Control
Entries in the Access List’). Follow the actions described
name of the program which includes the
in the document to resolve the problem. If you cannot
recovery label
resolve the problem, contact your system programmer.
The allocated resources will be released after the next System Action: Processing terminates.
Operator Response: Store the dump data sets and
System Programmer Response: Analyze the return the console output.
and reason code and resolve the reason for the
problem. Contact IBM support, if you cannot find or System Programmer Response: If the error recurs
resolve the reason. and the program is not in error, search problem
reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix
source: CUNMISA2 exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide all
printed output and output data sets related to the
problem (for example dump data sets).
CUN3000I text
source: IEECB998,IEECB999
Explanation: The DISPLAY UNI command shows the
status of available conversions and whether z/OS
support for Unicode is already initialized. If one input CUN3003W SET UNI COMMAND ALREADY
parameter is incorrect, this parameter will be ignored. RUNNING
text the output is described in Appendix A, Explanation: There is already another SET UNI
“Commands” on page 73 command running.
System Action: Displays the setup. Processing System Action: Execution of the command stops.
continues. Processing continues.
Operator Response: If one input parameter is wrong, Operator Response: Wait a while and repeat the
read the explanations in the message. Correct this command.
parameter on the command line and enter again.
System Programmer Response: None.
System Programmer Response: None.
source: IEECB998,IEECB999
source: IEECB998


Explanation: No valid statement was read by the
token input statement

100 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
line line number of the processed statement System Action: The next statement(s) are parsed. No
statement execution will take place. Processing
System Action: The next statement(s) are parsed. No
statement execution will take place. Processing
terminates. Operator Response: None.
Operator Response: None. System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid
statement and start execution again.
System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid
statement and start execution again. source: CUNMIPR
source: CUNMIPR
line . A MINIMUM OF parmmin
Explanation: At least one parameter is expected for a
Explanation: There is a minimum of parmmin
mandatory parameters for the statement.
line line number of the processed statement
System Action: The next statement(s) are parsed. No input statement
statement execution will take place. Processing
line line number of the processed statement
Operator Response: None.
required minimal parameter number
System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid
System Action: The next statement(s) are parsed. No
statement and start execution again.
statement execution will take place. Processing
source: CUNMIPR terminates.
Operator Response: None.
System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid
STATEMENT ’ statement_name ’ IN LINE
statement and start execution again.
line . A MAXIMUM OF parmmax
Explanation: There is a maximum of parmmax
parameters for the statement. CUN4006E INVALID DELIMITER ’ token1 ’ FOR
input statement Explanation: In a statement an invalid delimiter occurs
where a parameter or one of the valid delimiters ’,’ or ’;’
line line number of the processed statement
are expected.
token1 character that is interpreted as a delimiter
allowed parameter number
token2 line number of the processed statement
System Action: The next statement(s) are parsed. No
statement execution will take place. Processing System Action: The next statement(s) are parsed. No
terminates. statement execution will take place. Processing
Operator Response: None.
Operator Response: None.
System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid
statement and start execution again. System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid
statement and start execution again.
source: CUNMIPR
source: CUNMIPR
Explanation: Parameters must be separated by a ’,’.
No other delimiter is allowed. Explanation: There was a keyword parameter
followed by a ’=’ , but no parameter value is specified
token invalid input string
for the keyword parameter.
line line number of the processed statement
key found keyword

Appendix C. Messages 101

Messages from z/OS support for Unicode
line line number of the processed statement
System Action: The next statement(s) are parsed. No STATEMENT
statement execution will take place. Processing
Explanation: The last statement is not terminated by a
Operator Response: None.
System Action: No statement execution will take
System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid place. Proccessing terminates.
statement and start execution again.
Operator Response: None.
source: CUNMIPR
System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid
statement and start execution again.
source: CUNMIPR
Explanation: A required statement is missing in the
CUN4012E STATEMENT ’ statname ’ MUST NOT
input file.
Explanation: A statement, which must be the only one
statement name
in a statement list, occurs with other statement(s).
System Action: No statement execution will take
place. Processing terminates.
name of the statement
Operator Response: None.
System Action: No statement execution will take
System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid place. Proccessing terminates.
statement and start execution again.
Operator Response: None.
System Programmer Response: Remove obsolete
CUN4009E STATEMENT ’ statname ’ OCCURS
source: CUNMISCK
Explanation: A statement, which must or can occur
once, was specified twice (or more) in the input file.
Explanation: No input statement found.
statement name System Action: Processing terminates.
System Action: No statement execution will take Operator Response: None.
place. Processing terminates.
System Programmer Response: Enter a valid
Operator Response: None. statement.
System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid source: CUNMISCK
statement and start execution again.


Explanation: Free Storage operation (that is a
FREEMAIN) failed. The Free Storage routine was called
by the specified Statement Processor action routine.
module name of the module that tried to free storage
System Action: Processing continues.
Operator Response: None.
System Programmer Response: Check memory.
source: CUNMISP

102 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Appendix D. Codes
Programming Interface information

This chapter includes z/OS support for Unicode return and reason codes.

Conversion services – return and reason codes

Table 15. Classification of return codes from conversion services
Return Code Name Meaning
0 CUN_RC_OK No error, successfully
4 CUN_RC_WARN Warning, see reason code for
more information.
8 CUN_RC_USER_ERR User error, action required.
See reason code for more
12 CUN_RC_ENV_ERR Error caused by the
environment, the request
cannot be processed. See
reason code for more
16 CUN_RC_SYS_ERR System error, inconsistent
state. See reason code for
more information.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 103

Conversion services – return and reason codes
Table 16. Return and reason codes from conversion services
Return Name of return code Rea- Name of reason code Compo- Meaning Action
Code son nent
0 CUN_RC_OK 0 CUN_RS_OK ALL The operation was None.
4 CUN_RC_WARN 1 CUN_RS_TRG_EXH CON- The target buffer was Recall the service with
VER- exhausted before all either a target buffer
SION characters in the source large enough to hold
buffer were converted. the complete result of
the conversion or keep
the result of the
conversion just done
and repeat calling the
service with the yet
undone part of the
source buffer and
concatenate the results
of the various
2 CUN_RS_INV_HANDLE_NOSET CON- Conversion is Clear the handle and
VER- terminated. The handle make sure that the
SION is invalid because a From-CCSID and
SET UNI command has To-CCSID are specified
changed the in the parameter area.
environment. Then recall the service.
3 CUN_RS_INV_HANDLE_SET CON- Conversion is Clear the handle and
VER- terminated. The handle make sure that the
SION is invalid because a From-CCSID and
SET UNI command is To-CCSID are specified
running and will change in the parameter area.
the conversion Consider waiting until
environment. the SET UNI command
completes before
recalling the service.
Otherwise the same
error condition is
4 CUN_RS_NO_HANDLE CON- Conversion is Clear the handle and
VER- terminated. No handle make sure that the
SION can be obtained From-CCSID and
because a SET UNI To-CCSID are specified
command is running in the parameter area.
and will change the Consider waiting until
conversion environment. the SET UNI command
completes before
recalling the service.
Otherwise the same
error condition is
6 CUN_RS_SUB_ACT_TERM CON- A character was found Check whether the input
VER- in the source buffer string is correct and
SION which cannot be whether the correct
converted into a conversion tables are
To-CCSID character used.
and the
specifies ″terminate with
7 CUN_RS_MBC_INCOMPLETE CON- An incomplete character Check whether the input
VER- was found in the source string is correct. Make
SION buffer. This error sure that the missing
happens when not all bytes are in the source
bytes of a multi-byte string.
character are found in
the source buffer. For
example, the incomplete
character can be found
at the end of the source
buffer, if only the first
byte of a double-byte
character fits into the
8 CUN_RS_CONTINUATION CON- For character casing the Next call to casing
VER- character condition of service needs to start
SION being FINAL or with the uncased
NON_FINAL in a word character of this call as
could not be first source character.
determined, as the
character was the last
character in the source
buffer but not the last
character in the caller’s
source data. The
character in question is
not cased.

104 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Conversion services – return and reason codes
Table 16. Return and reason codes from conversion services (continued)
Return Name of return code Rea- Name of reason code Compo- Meaning Action
Code son nent
9 CUN_RS_STAGE2_FAIL CON- Introduced by PTF Check whether the input
VER- UW77343: An indirect string and the
SION character conversion, parameter settings used
which first converts from are reasonable.
the source CCSID into
UCS-2 characters in a
workarea and then in a
second stage from the
workarea to the target
buffer, experienced an
error during stage 2
conversion. As there is
no correlation of the
failing stage 2 character
to a certain stage 1
character, we reset the
source and target
pointers and length
values to the original
caller’s values. The
workarea pointer and
length values are
updated to point to the
character which failed
10 CUN_RS_WRK_EXH NORMAL- The work buffer was Recall the service with
IZATION exhausted before all the new parameter
characters in the target value in the work buffer;
buffer could be where the work buffer
processed. size must be at least
the same size as the
target buffer.

Appendix D. Codes 105

Conversion services – return and reason codes
Table 16. Return and reason codes from conversion services (continued)
Return Name of return code Rea- Name of reason code Compo- Meaning Action
Code son nent
8 CUN_RC_USER_ERR 1 CUN_RS_PARM_VER CON- Wrong version of the Use the correct
VER- parameter area used. interface definition file:
character conversion or
CUNBAIDF for case
2 CUN_RS_WRK_BUF_SMALL CON- The work buffer is not Recall the service using
VER- large enough to hold at a work buffer of larger
SION least one character of size.
the maximum width of
characters as used with
the work buffer in
indirect conversions.
3 CUN_RS_CCSID_NOT_SUPP ALL The specified Verify that the
conversion is not From-CCSID,
supported in the current To-CCSID, and
conversion image. technique-search-order
parameters on the call
to the conversion
services specify a
conversion that has
been included in the
currently active
conversion image. The
can be used by the
system operator to
display the available
conversions. Have your
system administrator
update the conversion
image to include the
specified conversion, or
change the parameter
specifications as
4 CUN_RS_CASE_NOT_SUPP CON- An unsupported case Recall the service with
VER- conversion type was the case conversion
SION specified. type parameter set to a
supported conversion
5 CUN_RS_SUBCODEPAGE CONVERSION The subcodepage Recall the service with
number supplied by the a subcodepage number
caller in the input in the valid range. A
parameter list is invalid. value of binary zero will
It is not in the range of let the conversion start
numbers valid for the with the default
specified conversion. codepage for this
6 CUN_RS_TRG_BUF_SMALL CON- The target buffer is not Recall the service using
VER- large enough to hold at a target buffer of
SION least one character of adequate length.
the maximum width of
characters as given by
the To-CCSID.
7 CUN_RS_DDA_BUF_SMALL CON- The caller supplied a Recall the service using
VER- DDA buffer which is not the required
SION large enough for the DDA_Buf_Len as
storage required by the described by the
conversion services. following constant:
for character
conversion (in
interface definition file
for case conversion (in
interface definition file
8 CUN_RS_DDA_MIN_SMALL CON- The caller supplied a Recall the service using
VER- DDA buffer which is not the required
SION large enough for the DDA_BUF_LEN
storage needed for the returned in the handle
intitial call to field

106 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Conversion services – return and reason codes
Table 16. Return and reason codes from conversion services (continued)
Return Name of return code Rea- Name of reason code Compo- Meaning Action
Code son nent
9 CUN_RS_INV_NORM_TYPE NORMAL- An unsupported Recall the service using
IZATION normalization type was a valid normalization
specified in type: CUNBNPRM_D=1
normalization parameter CUNBNPRM_C=2
12 CUN_RC_ENV_ERR 1 CUN_RS_NO_UNI_ENV ALL The conversion IPL is necessary to
environment is not set initialize the conversion
up. environment.
2 CUN_RS_NO_CONVERSION CON- The conversion services IPL is necessary to load
VER- are not available. the conversion services.
STRUC- inconsistent state. recover.
2 CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_UCCE INFRA- The UCCE is in an IPL is necessary to
STRUC- inconsistent state. recover.
3 CUN_RS_INV_CONVERSION CON- The contents of IPL is necessary to
SION is invalid.
4 CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_UCAE INFRA- The UCAE is in an IPL is necessary to
STRUC- inconsistent state. recover.
5 CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_TABLESCON- The tables used for Run the image
VER- case conversion have generator to create a
SION inconsistent contents. new image and run the
SET UNI command to
activate it.
6 CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_UCNE INFRA- The UCAE is in an IPL is necessary to
STRUCTURE inconsistent state. recover.
28 CUN_RS_WA_NOT_ALIGNED CON- An internal work area This is an internal error,
VER- for the TRxx simulation call the IBM support
SION code is not aligned on a center. IPL is necessary
double word boundary. to recover.
32 CUN_RS_TABLE_NOT_ALIGNED CON- The conversion table is This is an internal error,
VER- not aligned on a page call the IBM support
SION boundary. center. IPL is necessary
to recover.

Image generator for z/OS support for Unicode™ – return codes

Return Code Meaning Action
0 successful completion The image has been created without problem. Check the listing
for what has been generated.
4 warnings issued A duplicate statement has been ignored. Check the listing for
the following messages:
v CUN1027W
v CUN1029W

Appendix D. Codes 107

Image generator for z/OS support for Unicode™ – return codes
Return Code Meaning Action
8 user error The input (JCL or control statements) is somehow incorrect.
Check the listing for the following messages:
v CUN1003E
v CUN1018E
v CUN1019E
v CUN1020E
v CUN1021E
v CUN1022E
v CUN1023E
v CUN1024E
v CUN1025E
v CUN1026E
12 environment error An error occured during the handling of a file or the work
storage. Check the listing for the following messages:
v CUN1004E
v CUN1006E
v CUN1007E
v CUN1008E
v CUN1009E
v CUN1010E
v CUN1011E
v CUN1012E
v CUN1013E
32 error recovery has happened The error recovery routing of the file i/o module detected an
ABEND situation. Check the job log and the system console for
additional z/OS error messages.

End of Programming Interface information

108 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Appendix E. Samples
Samples for parmlib member CUNUNIxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Sample for image generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Sample for CUNRUCST Exec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Sample program in C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Sample program in HLASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Samples for parmlib member CUNUNIxx

To activate a new conversion environment:

/* */
/* */
/* establish a new environment */
/* where 0 means no explicite limit (=524287) */
REALSTORAGE 51200; /* e.g. 200 MB */

To delete an inactive conversion environment:

/* */
/* */
/* d e l e t e */
/* an unused inactive Unicode conversion environment */

Sample for image generator

Refer to the image generator sample on page 18

Sample for CUNRUCST Exec

/* REXX */
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM */
/* */
/* 5694-A01 */
/* */

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 109

Sample for image generator
/* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 */
/* */
/* Status = HUNI2A0 */
/* */
/* Customizes an UNICODE installation job */
/* */
/* NOTE: To allow execution of this exec be sure to: */
/* - allocate ’lib-where-this-exec-resides’ to SYSEXEC DD */
/* - Enter the variables in upper case, */
/* this exec does NOT translate to upper case */
/* - When your input is not a plain character string, e.g. */
/* a number or if it contains blanks, then your input needs */
/* to be entered in single quotes to have the editor execute */
/* the CHANGE command correctly. */
/* The same rules apply, as if the command were entered in */
/* a normal edit session. */
/* */
/* Care must be taken if values used for customization, start */
/* with an ’&’. Such values are treate as variables by ISPF */
/* and will be replaced by a value determined by ISPF, and will */
/* not lead to the result you might expect. */
/* For example, if you want to use NOTIFY=&SYSUID then the */
/* CHANGE command executed from this exec will not replace */
/* the customization variable $NOTIFY$ with &SYSUID */
/* */
/* In order to get it work properly you must insert an additional*/
/* statement before the CHANGE command line as shown in the */
/* following example: */
/* >> sysuid = ’&SYSUID’; <<<<< new line <<<< */
/* >> "C $NOTIFY$ ’&SYSUID’ all" ; <<<<< modified old line <<<< */
/* */
/* */
/* INVOCATION: Normally this EXEC is invoked by EXEC EDZXALLC to */
/* customize all members in a PDS. */
/* If a single member is to be customized, then enter EDZXCUST */
/* on the command line while editing a member. */
/* */
/* */
/* A000000-999999 */
/* */
/* - Enhancements for OPC/ESA integration 970202 IR34075*/
/* - Enhancements for SMS 971219 IR36807*/
/* - Enhancements for OPC 980126 IR36807*/
/* */
/* */
address ISREDIT /* ISPF edit */
"MACRO" /* say MACRO */
"(NAME) = MEMBER" ; /* get current member name */
name = substr(strip(name),5) ; /* get char 5 to 8 of member name */

/* CONSTANTS - Do NOT change these lines */
JCARD = ’// ’; /* DO NOT CHANGE IR34075*/
JCOMM = ’//* ’; /* DO NOT CHANGE IR34075*/


110 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Sample for image generator
/* DO NOT CHANGE the following definitions ! */
"C $JOBNAME$ ’"name"’ all" ; /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINE */

/* */
/* */
/* S T A R T C U S T O M I Z A T I O N H E R E */
/* */
/* */

/* */
/* J O B S T A T E M E N T S */
/* */
/* See the skeleton of a job card below. The following adjustments */
/* are required to set up the proper job card. */
/* Please take care that the length of information you give does */
/* not exceed the length of a job card. */
/* This is especially important for the $ACCOUNT and $USER info. */
/* */
/* // REGION=$REGION4M$ */
/* */
/* Replace ’BMBA’ by a four character job prefix. */
/* The job name to be used is assembled by this 4 character prefix */
/* and the last 4 characters of the member name containing the job. */
"C $JOBPREF$ BMBA all" ;

/* Replace ’DE03235’ with your account information */
/* NOTE: The required paranthesis will be added automatically. */
"C $ACCOUNT$ ’DE03235’ all" ; /* use quotes */

/* Replace ’UNICODE-Inst’ with your user information. */
"C $USER$ ’UNICODE-INST’ all" ; /* use quotes */

/* Specify ’BMBA’ with user ID to be used for NOTIFY=. */
/* Blanks are not allowed within the following user-ID string. */
"C $NOTIFY$ ’BMBA’ all" ; /* use quotes */

/* Replace ’X’ by the MSGCLASS= to be used. */
"C $MC$ ’X’ all" ; /* use quotes */

/* Replace ’(1,1)’ by the MSGLEVEL= to be used. */

Appendix E. Samples 111

Sample for image generator
"C $ML$ ’(1,1)’ all" ; /* use quotes */

/* Replace ’60’ by the TIME= to be used. */
"C $TI$ ’60’ all" ; /* use quotes */

/* Replace ’A’ by the CLASS= to be used. */
"C $CL$ ’A’ all" ; /* use quotes */

/* Replace ’*’ with the output class to be used for SYSOUT=. */
"C $OUTCL$ ’*’ all" ; /* use quotes */

/* Change ’UNI.V110’ to the name of the high level qualifier of the */
/* Unicode distribution and target libraries. */
"C $LIB_HLQ$ UNI.V110 all" ;

/* Replace ’SYSALLDA’ with the symbolic name for your group of DASD */
/* devices. ’SYSALLDA’ is used as UNIT=SYSALLDA. */
/* SYSALLDA is the IBM assigned default group name and contains all */
/* direct access devices defined to the system and can be used. */
"C $SYSALLDA$ SYSALLDA all" ; /* */

/* Replace ’UNI.V110.SCUNTBL’ with the fully qualified */
/* name of the PDS where the conversion tables are stored. */
/* This PDS will be allocated during installation */

/* Replace ’UNI.V110.SCUNMSG’ with the fully qualified */
/* name of the PDS where the MMS skeletons are stored. */
/* This PDS will be allocated during installation */

/* Replace ’UNI.V110.IMAGES’ with the fully qualified */
/* name of the PDS where the images of the conversion environment */
/* should be stored. You have to allocate the dataset. */

/* Replace ’UNI.V110.MMS’ with the fully qualified */
/* name of the VSAM dataset that should contain the MMS skeletons. */
/* The dataset is allocated by job CUNJUMS1 */

/* */
/* E N D O F C U S T O M I Z A T I O N */
/* */

112 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Sample for source in C

Sample program in C
The following C sample programs are provided and installed to SYS1.SAMPLIB:
v CUNSCSMC for character conversion
v CUNSASMC for case conversion
Look to the appropriate member in SYS1.SAMPLIB for a detailed description.

Sample program in HLASM

The following HLASM sample programs are provided and installed to
v CUNSCSMA for character conversion
v CUNSASMA for case conversion
Look to the appropriate member in SYS1.SAMPLIB for a detailed description.

Appendix E. Samples 113

Sample for source in HLASM

114 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables
| These tables are provided by IBM for normalization service. V1R4 tables are based
| on the Unicode Standard 3.0.1.
Table 17. Normalization service
Table name Description Size
CUNNCACT Canonical class stop 64K
CUNNCDST Canonical decomposition 128K
CUNNKDST Compatibility decomposition 128K
CUNNKDST Compatibility decomposition 128K
CUNNCDTB Canonical decomposition 10.25K
CUNNKDTB Compatibility decomposition 34K
CUNNCOMT Composition table 8K
CUNCCNZ Canonical class non zero 64K

The following table lists the IBM-supplied conversion tables used to generate the
conversion image as described in Chapter 3, “Creating the conversion environment”
on page 11. Note that this is only a list of conversion tables, and does not
represent all possible supported conversions. In addition to the conversions listed in
the table, the following conversions (as specified in the from-ccsid and to-ccsid
parameters in CONVERSION statements - see “Control statement CONVERSION”
on page 14) are also supported:
v conversions to and from CCSID 1200. This was described in the section ″Some
special considerations about CCSID 1200″ of “Control statement CONVERSION”
on page 14.
v conversions to and from CCSID 1208 (UTF-8). These conversions are
algorithmic and do not use tables.
v composite conversions between various multibyte (MBCS) CCSIDs that consist
of multiple sub-CCSIDs. This was described in Appendix B, “MBCS conversions”
on page 79.
v conversions between any two CCSIDs for which conversions to and from
Unicode (CCSID 1200) as an intermediate CCSID are supported. These are the
indirect conversions described in the section ″Character conversion″ of
Chapter 1, “Introduction” on page 1.

There are 5 samples shipped with the product:

v All simple conversions represented by a table of technique C,R,E
v All simple conversions represented by a table of technique C,R,E to/from UCS-2
v All MBCS conversions to/from UCS-2
v All ″L″ technique MBCS conversions to/from UCS-2
v All ″M″ technique MBCS conversions to/from UCS-2

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 115

IBM-supplied conversion tables
These samples are contained in SYS1.SAMPLIB members CUNSIM1-CUNSIM5.
They contain all the valid conversion statements for the five listed conditions.

The types R, E, C, L, M, and X are included in the file name. For example the file
name CUNEAAAJ is of the E type (CUNEAAAJ).

The types are:

R: Roundtrip
Roundtrip conversions between to CCSIDS assure that all characters
making the ″roundtrip″ arrive as they were originally.
E: Enforced Subset
Enforced Subset conversions map only these characters from one CCSID
to another which have a corresponding character in the second CCSID. All
other characters are replaced by a substitution character.
C: Customized
tables created on base of special requirements.
L: Language Environment
These tables map characters like the iconv() function of the Language
Environment Runtime library does.
M: Modified Language Environment Behaviour ( C-variant )
These tables map characters like the iconv() function of the Language
Environment Runtime library does for converters ending with ″C″ (for
example IBM-932C).
X: Fixed tables
Tables containing fixes specific to z/OS V1 R4 support for Unicode™. This
character cannot be specified in the technique fields of the image generator
or the API.

From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name

00037 00256 CUNEAAAJ 00250100.S-E0-A1
00037 00256 CUNRAAAJ 00250100.S-R2-D
00037 00273 CUNRAAAV 00250111.S-R2-D
00037 00275 CUNRAAAZ 00250113.S-R2-D
00037 00277 CUNEAAA2 00250115.S-E0-A1
00037 00277 CUNRAAA2 00250115.S-R2-D
00037 00278 CUNEAAA4 00250116.S-E0-A1
00037 00278 CUNRAAA4 00250116.S-R2-D
00037 00280 CUNEAAA6 00250118.S-E0-A1
00037 00280 CUNRAAA6 00250118.S-R2-D
00037 00284 CUNEAABB 0025011C.S-E0-A1
00037 00284 CUNRAABB 0025011C.S-R2-D
00037 00285 CUNEAABE 0025011D.S-E0-A1
00037 00285 CUNRAABE 0025011D.S-R2-D
00037 00290 CUNEAABH 00250122.S-E0-D
00037 00290 CUNRAABH 00250122.S-R2-A1
00037 00297 CUNEAABN 00250129.S-E0-A1
00037 00297 CUNRAABN 00250129.S-R2-D

116 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00037 00367 CUNEAAB0 0025016F.S-E0-D
00037 00420 CUNEAAB1 002501A4.S-E0-A1
00037 00420 CUNRAAB1 002501A4.S-RC-D
00037 00423 CUNEAAB8 002501A7.S-E0-A1
00037 00423 CUNRAAB8 002501A7.S-R1-D
00037 00424 CUNEAACA 002501A8.S-E0-A1
00037 00424 CUNRAACA 002501A8.S-RC-D
00037 00437 CUNEAACE 002501B5.S-E0-A1
00037 00437 CUNRAACE 002501B5.S-RC-D
00037 00500 CUNEAACR 002501F4.S-E0-A1
00037 00500 CUNLAACR 002501F4.S-E0-A1
00037 00500 CUNRAACR 002501F4.S-R2-D
00037 00720 CUNRAAC5 002502D0.S-R2-D
00037 00737 CUNRAAC6 002502E1.S-R2-D
00037 00775 CUNRAAC8 00250307.S-R2-D
00037 00813 CUNRAADF 0025032D.S-R2-D
00037 00819 CUNLAADH 00250333.S-R2-D
00037 00819 CUNRAADH 00250333.S-R2-D
00037 00833 CUNEAADI 00250341.S-E0-D
00037 00833 CUNRAADI 00250341.S-R2-A1
00037 00836 CUNEAADU 00250344.S-E0-D
00037 00836 CUNRAADU 00250344.S-R2-A1
00037 00838 CUNEAAD1 00250346.S-E0-D
00037 00850 CUNCAAEB 00250352.S-C0-A2
00037 00850 CUNLAAEB 00250352.S-C0-A2
00037 00850 CUNEAAEB 00250352.S-E0-A1
00037 00850 CUNRAAEB 00250352.S-R2-D
00037 00852 CUNEAAEL 00250354.S-E0-A2
00037 00852 CUNRAAEL 00250354.S-R2-A1
00037 00855 CUNRAAEX 00250357.S-RC-D
00037 00857 CUNEAAFC 00250359.S-E0-A1
00037 00857 CUNRAAFC 00250359.S-R2-D
00037 00858 CUNEAAFI 0025035A.S-E0-D
00037 00858 CUNRAAFI 0025035A.S-R2-D
00037 00860 CUNEAAFM 0025035C.S-E0-A1
00037 00860 CUNRAAFM 0025035C.S-RC-D
00037 00861 CUNEAAFP 0025035D.S-E0-A1
00037 00861 CUNRAAFP 0025035D.S-R2-D
00037 00862 CUNEAAFS 0025035E.S-E0-A1
00037 00862 CUNRAAFS 0025035E.S-R2-D
00037 00863 CUNEAAFV 0025035F.S-E0-A1

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 117

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00037 00863 CUNRAAFV 0025035F.S-RC-D
00037 00864 CUNEAAFY 00250360.S-E0-A1
00037 00864 CUNRAAFY 00250360.S-R2-D
00037 00865 CUNEAAGA 00250361.S-E0-A1
00037 00865 CUNRAAGA 00250361.S-RC-D
00037 00866 CUNRAAGD 00250362.S-R2-D
00037 00869 CUNRAAGP 00250365.S-R2-D
00037 00870 CUNEAAGW 00250366.S-E0-A2
00037 00870 CUNRAAGW 00250366.S-RC-D
00037 00871 CUNEAAGY 00250367.S-E0-A1
00037 00871 CUNRAAGY 00250367.S-R2-D
00037 00874 CUNEAAG3 0025036A.S-E0-D
00037 00874 CUNRAAG3 0025036A.S-R2-D
00037 00875 CUNEAAG8 0025036B.S-E0-A1
00037 00875 CUNRAAG8 0025036B.S-R1-D
00037 00880 CUNEAAHB 00250370.S-E0-A1
00037 00880 CUNRAAHB 00250370.S-R1-D
00037 00897 CUNEAAHK 00250381.S-E0-D
00037 00897 CUNRAAHK 00250381.S-R2-A1
00037 00903 CUNRAAHW 00250387.S-R2-D
00037 00904 CUNEAAHY 00250388.S-E0-D
00037 00905 CUNEAAH0 00250389.S-E0-A1
00037 00905 CUNRAAH0 00250389.S-RC-D
00037 00912 CUNRAAH1 00250390.S-R2-D
00037 00914 CUNRAAH3 00250392.S-R2-D
00037 00915 CUNRAAH4 00250393.S-R2-D
00037 00916 CUNRAAH6 00250394.S-R2-D
00037 00920 CUNRAAIA 00250398.S-R2-D
00037 00921 CUNRAAIB 00250399.S-R2-D
00037 00922 CUNRAAID 0025039A.S-R2-D
00037 00923 CUNEAAIF 0025039B.S-E0-D
00037 00923 CUNRAAIF 0025039B.S-R2-D
00037 00924 CUNEAAIG 0025039C.S-E0-D
00037 00924 CUNRAAIG 0025039C.S-R2-D
00037 01009 CUNEAAL2 002503F1.S-E0-D
00037 01025 CUNEAAMG 00250401.S-E0-A1
00037 01025 CUNRAAMG 00250401.S-R1-D
00037 01026 CUNEAAMH 00250402.S-E0-A1
00037 01026 CUNRAAMH 00250402.S-RC-D
00037 01027 CUNEAAMI 00250403.S-E0-D
00037 01027 CUNRAAMI 00250403.S-RC-A1

118 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00037 01040 CUNEAAMK 00250410.S-E0-D
00037 01040 CUNRAAMK 00250410.S-R2-A1
00037 01041 CUNEAAMN 00250411.S-E0-D
00037 01041 CUNRAAMN 00250411.S-R2-A1
00037 01042 CUNRAAMR 00250412.S-R2-D
00037 01043 CUNEAAMU 00250413.S-E0-D
00037 01043 CUNRAAMU 00250413.S-R2-A1
00037 01047 CUNLAAM0 00250417.S-R2-D
00037 01047 CUNRAAM0 00250417.S-R2-D
00037 01051 CUNEAAM2 0025041B.S-E0-A1
00037 01051 CUNRAAM2 0025041B.S-R2-D
00037 01088 CUNRAAM3 00250440.S-RC-D
00037 01089 CUNEAAM6 00250441.S-E0-D
00037 01089 CUNRAAM6 00250441.S-R2-D
00037 01097 CUNEAAM7 00250449.S-E0-A1
00037 01097 CUNRAAM7 00250449.S-R2-D
00037 01100 CUNRAAM9 0025044C.S-R2-D
00037 01112 CUNEAANH 00250458.S-E0-D
00037 01112 CUNRAANH 00250458.S-R2-D
00037 01114 CUNEAANI 0025045A.S-EC-D
00037 01115 CUNEAANM 0025045B.S-E0-D
00037 01122 CUNRAANP 00250462.S-R2-D
00037 01124 CUNEAANR 00250464.S-E0-D
00037 01124 CUNRAANR 00250464.S-R2-D
00037 01126 CUNEAANT 00250466.S-E0-D
00037 01130 CUNRAANZ 0025046A.S-R2-D
00037 01131 CUNEAAN0 0025046B.S-E0-D
00037 01131 CUNRAAN0 0025046B.S-R2-D
00037 01132 CUNRAAN1 0025046C.S-R2-D
00037 01137 CUNEAAN3 00250471.S-E0-D
00037 01140 CUNEAAN5 00250474.S-E0-D
00037 01141 CUNEAAN6 00250475.S-E0-D
00037 01141 CUNRAAN6 00250475.S-R2-D
00037 01142 CUNEAAN7 00250476.S-E0-D
00037 01142 CUNRAAN7 00250476.S-R2-D
00037 01143 CUNEAAN8 00250477.S-E0-D
00037 01143 CUNRAAN8 00250477.S-R2-D
00037 01144 CUNEAAN9 00250478.S-E0-D
00037 01144 CUNRAAN9 00250478.S-R2-D
00037 01145 CUNEAAOA 00250479.S-E0-D
00037 01145 CUNRAAOA 00250479.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 119

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00037 01146 CUNEAAOB 0025047A.S-E0-D
00037 01146 CUNRAAOB 0025047A.S-R2-D
00037 01147 CUNEAAOC 0025047B.S-E0-D
00037 01147 CUNRAAOC 0025047B.S-R2-D
00037 01148 CUNEAAOD 0025047C.S-E0-D
00037 01148 CUNRAAOD 0025047C.S-R2-D
00037 01149 CUNEAAOE 0025047D.S-E0-D
00037 01149 CUNRAAOE 0025047D.S-R2-D
00037 01250 CUNRAAPO 002504E2.S-R2-D
00037 01251 CUNRAAPQ 002504E3.S-R2-D
00037 01252 CUNEAAPS 002504E4.S-E0-A1
00037 01252 CUNRAAPS 002504E4.S-R2-D
00037 01253 CUNRAAPU 002504E5.S-R2-D
00037 01254 CUNRAAPW 002504E6.S-R2-D
00037 01255 CUNRAAPY 002504E7.S-R2-D
00037 01257 CUNRAAP2 002504E9.S-R2-D
00037 01258 CUNEAAP4 002504EA.S-E0-D
00037 01258 CUNRAAP4 002504EA.S-R2-D
00037 01275 CUNRAAP6 002504FB.S-R2-D
00037 01280 CUNRAAQA 00250500.S-R2-D
00037 01281 CUNRAAQB 00250501.S-R2-D
00037 01283 CUNRAAQD 00250503.S-R2-D
00037 05348 CUNEAAPT 002514E4.S-E0-D
00037 05348 CUNRAAPT 002514E4.S-R2-D
00037 13488 CUNLAAPG 002534B0.SU-R-D
00037 13488 CUNRAAPG 002534B0.SU-R-D
00256 00037 CUNEAJAA 01000025.S-E0-A1
00256 00037 CUNRAJAA 01000025.S-R2-D
00256 00273 CUNRAJAV 01000111.S-R2-D
00256 00277 CUNRAJA2 01000115.S-R2-D
00256 00278 CUNRAJA4 01000116.S-R2-D
00256 00280 CUNRAJA6 01000118.S-R2-D
00256 00284 CUNRAJBB 0100011C.S-R2-D
00256 00285 CUNRAJBE 0100011D.S-R2-D
00256 00290 CUNEAJBH 01000122.S-E0-D
00256 00297 CUNRAJBN 01000129.S-R2-D
00256 00367 CUNEAJB0 0100016F.S-E0-D
00256 00420 CUNRAJB1 010001A4.S-RC-D
00256 00423 CUNRAJB8 010001A7.S-R1-D
00256 00424 CUNRAJCA 010001A8.S-RC-D
00256 00437 CUNEAJCE 010001B5.S-E0-A1

120 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00256 00437 CUNRAJCE 010001B5.S-R2-D
00256 00500 CUNEAJCR 010001F4.S-E0-A1
00256 00500 CUNRAJCR 010001F4.S-R2-D
00256 00737 CUNRAJC6 010002E1.S-R2-D
00256 00775 CUNEAJC8 01000307.S-E0-A1
00256 00775 CUNRAJC8 01000307.S-R2-D
00256 00819 CUNRAJDH 01000333.S-R2-D
00256 00833 CUNEAJDI 01000341.S-E0-D
00256 00836 CUNEAJDU 01000344.S-E0-D
00256 00838 CUNEAJD1 01000346.S-E0-D
00256 00850 CUNEAJEB 01000352.S-E0-D
00256 00850 CUNRAJEB 01000352.S-R2-D
00256 00852 CUNEAJEL 01000354.S-E0-A1
00256 00852 CUNRAJEL 01000354.S-R2-D
00256 00857 CUNEAJFC 01000359.S-E0-A1
00256 00857 CUNRAJFC 01000359.S-R2-D
00256 00860 CUNEAJFM 0100035C.S-E0-A1
00256 00860 CUNRAJFM 0100035C.S-R2-D
00256 00861 CUNEAJFP 0100035D.S-E0-A1
00256 00861 CUNRAJFP 0100035D.S-R2-D
00256 00862 CUNEAJFS 0100035E.S-E0-A1
00256 00862 CUNRAJFS 0100035E.S-R2-D
00256 00863 CUNEAJFV 0100035F.S-E0-A1
00256 00863 CUNRAJFV 0100035F.S-R2-D
00256 00864 CUNEAJFY 01000360.S-E0-A1
00256 00864 CUNRAJFY 01000360.S-R2-D
00256 00865 CUNEAJGA 01000361.S-E0-A1
00256 00865 CUNRAJGA 01000361.S-R2-D
00256 00866 CUNCAJGD 01000362.S-C0-D
00256 00866 CUNEAJGD 01000362.S-EC-A1
00256 00869 CUNRAJGP 01000365.S-R1-D
00256 00870 CUNEAJGW 01000366.S-E0-A1
00256 00870 CUNRAJGW 01000366.S-RC-D
00256 00871 CUNRAJGY 01000367.S-R2-D
00256 00875 CUNRAJG8 0100036B.S-R1-D
00256 00880 CUNRAJHB 01000370.S-R1-D
00256 00905 CUNRAJH0 01000389.S-RC-D
00256 01025 CUNRAJMG 01000401.S-R1-D
00256 01026 CUNRAJMH 01000402.S-RC-D
00256 01027 CUNEAJMI 01000403.S-E0-D
00256 01112 CUNRAJNH 01000458.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 121

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00256 01122 CUNRAJNP 01000462.S-R2-D
00256 01251 CUNEAJPQ 010004E3.S-E0-A1
00256 01251 CUNRAJPQ 010004E3.S-R2-D
00256 01252 CUNEAJPS 010004E4.S-E0-A1
00256 01252 CUNRAJPS 010004E4.S-R2-D
00256 01275 CUNRAJP6 010004FB.S-R2-D
00256 13488 CUNRAJPG 010034B0.SU-R-D
00259 00437 CUNEAPCE 010301B5.S-E0-D
00259 00808 CUNEAPD5 01030328.S-E0-D
00259 00850 CUNEAPEB 01030352.S-E0-D
00259 00851 CUNEAPEG 01030353.S-E0-D
00259 00852 CUNEAPEL 01030354.S-E0-D
00259 00855 CUNEAPEX 01030357.S-E0-D
00259 00855 CUNRAPEX 01030357.S-RC-A1
00259 00856 CUNEAPE4 01030358.S-E0-D
00259 00857 CUNEAPFC 01030359.S-E0-D
00259 00858 CUNEAPFI 0103035A.S-E0-D
00259 00860 CUNEAPFM 0103035C.S-E0-D
00259 00861 CUNEAPFP 0103035D.S-E0-D
00259 00862 CUNEAPFS 0103035E.S-E0-D
00259 00863 CUNEAPFV 0103035F.S-E0-D
00259 00864 CUNEAPFY 01030360.S-E0-D
00259 00865 CUNEAPGA 01030361.S-E0-D
00259 00866 CUNEAPGD 01030362.S-EC-D
00259 00867 CUNEAPGF 01030363.S-E0-D
00259 00869 CUNEAPGP 01030365.S-E0-D
00259 00872 CUNEAPG0 01030368.S-E0-D
00259 00874 CUNEAPG3 0103036A.S-E0-D
00259 00899 CUNEAPHR 01030383.S-E0-D
00259 00901 CUNEAPHS 01030385.S-E0-D
00259 00902 CUNEAPHU 01030386.S-E0-D
00259 00915 CUNEAPH4 01030393.S-E0-D
00259 00915 CUNRAPH4 01030393.S-R2-A1
00259 01051 CUNEAPM2 0103041B.S-E0-D
00259 01098 CUNEAPM8 0103044A.S-E0-D
00259 01098 CUNRAPM8 0103044A.S-RC-A1
00259 01161 CUNEAPON 01030489.S-E0-D
00259 01162 CUNEAPOO 0103048A.S-E0-D
00259 01250 CUNEAPPO 010304E2.S-E0-D
00259 01251 CUNEAPPQ 010304E3.S-E0-D
00259 01252 CUNEAPPS 010304E4.S-E0-D

122 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00259 01253 CUNEAPPU 010304E5.S-E0-D
00259 01254 CUNEAPPW 010304E6.S-E0-D
00259 01255 CUNEAPPY 010304E7.S-E0-D
00259 01256 CUNEAPP0 010304E8.S-E0-D
00259 01257 CUNEAPP2 010304E9.S-E0-D
00259 01258 CUNEAPP4 010304EA.S-E0-D
00259 05348 CUNEAPPT 010314E4.S-E0-D
00259 13488 CUNEAPPG 010334B0.SU-E-A1
00259 13488 CUNRAPPG 010334B0.SU-R-D
00273 00037 CUNEAVAA 01110025.S-E0-A1
00273 00037 CUNRAVAA 01110025.S-R2-D
00273 00256 CUNRAVAJ 01110100.S-R2-D
00273 00277 CUNRAVA2 01110115.S-R2-D
00273 00278 CUNRAVA4 01110116.S-R2-D
00273 00280 CUNRAVA6 01110118.S-R2-D
00273 00284 CUNRAVBB 0111011C.S-R2-D
00273 00285 CUNRAVBE 0111011D.S-R2-D
00273 00290 CUNEAVBH 01110122.S-E0-D
00273 00290 CUNRAVBH 01110122.S-R2-A1
00273 00297 CUNRAVBN 01110129.S-R2-D
00273 00367 CUNEAVB0 0111016F.S-E0-D
00273 00423 CUNRAVB8 011101A7.S-R2-D
00273 00437 CUNEAVCE 011101B5.S-E0-A1
00273 00437 CUNRAVCE 011101B5.S-RC-D
00273 00500 CUNEAVCR 011101F4.S-E0-A1
00273 00500 CUNLAVCR 011101F4.S-E0-A1
00273 00500 CUNRAVCR 011101F4.S-R2-D
00273 00737 CUNRAVC6 011102E1.S-R2-D
00273 00775 CUNRAVC8 01110307.S-R2-D
00273 00813 CUNRAVDF 0111032D.S-R2-D
00273 00819 CUNLAVDH 01110333.S-R2-D
00273 00819 CUNRAVDH 01110333.S-R2-D
00273 00833 CUNEAVDI 01110341.S-E0-D
00273 00833 CUNRAVDI 01110341.S-R2-A1
00273 00836 CUNEAVDU 01110344.S-E0-D
00273 00836 CUNRAVDU 01110344.S-R2-A1
00273 00838 CUNEAVD1 01110346.S-E0-D
00273 00850 CUNCAVEB 01110352.S-C0-A1
00273 00850 CUNLAVEB 01110352.S-C0-A1
00273 00850 CUNEAVEB 01110352.S-E0-D
00273 00850 CUNRAVEB 01110352.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 123

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00273 00852 CUNEAVEL 01110354.S-E0-A1
00273 00852 CUNRAVEL 01110354.S-RC-D
00273 00855 CUNRAVEX 01110357.S-RC-D
00273 00856 CUNEAVE4 01110358.S-E0-D
00273 00857 CUNEAVFC 01110359.S-E0-A1
00273 00857 CUNRAVFC 01110359.S-R2-D
00273 00858 CUNEAVFI 0111035A.S-E0-D
00273 00858 CUNRAVFI 0111035A.S-R2-D
00273 00860 CUNEAVFM 0111035C.S-E0-A1
00273 00860 CUNRAVFM 0111035C.S-RC-D
00273 00861 CUNEAVFP 0111035D.S-E0-A1
00273 00861 CUNRAVFP 0111035D.S-R2-D
00273 00862 CUNEAVFS 0111035E.S-E0-A1
00273 00862 CUNRAVFS 0111035E.S-R2-D
00273 00863 CUNEAVFV 0111035F.S-E0-A1
00273 00863 CUNRAVFV 0111035F.S-RC-D
00273 00864 CUNEAVFY 01110360.S-E0-A1
00273 00864 CUNRAVFY 01110360.S-R2-D
00273 00865 CUNEAVGA 01110361.S-E0-A1
00273 00865 CUNRAVGA 01110361.S-RC-D
00273 00869 CUNRAVGP 01110365.S-R2-D
00273 00870 CUNRAVGW 01110366.S-R2-D
00273 00871 CUNRAVGY 01110367.S-R2-D
00273 00874 CUNRAVG3 0111036A.S-R2-D
00273 00875 CUNRAVG8 0111036B.S-R2-D
00273 00880 CUNRAVHB 01110370.S-R2-D
00273 00897 CUNRAVHK 01110381.S-R2-D
00273 00903 CUNRAVHW 01110387.S-R2-D
00273 00912 CUNRAVH1 01110390.S-R2-D
00273 00916 CUNRAVH6 01110394.S-R2-D
00273 00920 CUNRAVIA 01110398.S-R2-D
00273 00923 CUNEAVIF 0111039B.S-E0-D
00273 00923 CUNRAVIF 0111039B.S-R2-D
00273 00924 CUNEAVIG 0111039C.S-E0-D
00273 00924 CUNLAVIG 0111039C.S-R2-D
00273 00924 CUNRAVIG 0111039C.S-R2-D
00273 01009 CUNEAVL2 011103F1.S-E0-D
00273 01025 CUNRAVMG 01110401.S-R2-D
00273 01026 CUNRAVMH 01110402.S-R2-D
00273 01027 CUNEAVMI 01110403.S-E0-D
00273 01027 CUNRAVMI 01110403.S-R2-A1

124 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00273 01040 CUNEAVMK 01110410.S-E0-D
00273 01040 CUNRAVMK 01110410.S-R2-A1
00273 01041 CUNEAVMN 01110411.S-E0-D
00273 01041 CUNRAVMN 01110411.S-R2-A1
00273 01042 CUNRAVMR 01110412.S-R2-D
00273 01043 CUNEAVMU 01110413.S-E0-D
00273 01043 CUNRAVMU 01110413.S-R2-A1
00273 01047 CUNLAVM0 01110417.S-R2-D
00273 01047 CUNRAVM0 01110417.S-R2-D
00273 01051 CUNEAVM2 0111041B.S-E0-A1
00273 01051 CUNRAVM2 0111041B.S-R2-D
00273 01088 CUNRAVM3 01110440.S-RC-D
00273 01100 CUNRAVM9 0111044C.S-R2-D
00273 01112 CUNRAVNH 01110458.S-R2-D
00273 01122 CUNRAVNP 01110462.S-R2-D
00273 01140 CUNEAVN5 01110474.S-E0-D
00273 01140 CUNRAVN5 01110474.S-R2-D
00273 01141 CUNEAVN6 01110475.S-E0-D
00273 01142 CUNEAVN7 01110476.S-E0-D
00273 01142 CUNRAVN7 01110476.S-R2-D
00273 01143 CUNEAVN8 01110477.S-E0-D
00273 01143 CUNRAVN8 01110477.S-R2-D
00273 01144 CUNEAVN9 01110478.S-E0-D
00273 01144 CUNRAVN9 01110478.S-R2-D
00273 01145 CUNEAVOA 01110479.S-E0-D
00273 01145 CUNRAVOA 01110479.S-R2-D
00273 01146 CUNEAVOB 0111047A.S-E0-D
00273 01146 CUNRAVOB 0111047A.S-R2-D
00273 01147 CUNEAVOC 0111047B.S-E0-D
00273 01147 CUNRAVOC 0111047B.S-R2-D
00273 01148 CUNEAVOD 0111047C.S-E0-D
00273 01148 CUNRAVOD 0111047C.S-R2-D
00273 01149 CUNEAVOE 0111047D.S-E0-D
00273 01149 CUNRAVOE 0111047D.S-R2-D
00273 01250 CUNEAVPO 011104E2.S-E0-D
00273 01250 CUNRAVPO 011104E2.S-R2-D
00273 01252 CUNEAVPS 011104E4.S-E0-A1
00273 01252 CUNRAVPS 011104E4.S-R2-D
00273 01275 CUNRAVP6 011104FB.S-R2-D
00273 05348 CUNEAVPT 011114E4.S-E0-D
00273 05348 CUNRAVPT 011114E4.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 125

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00273 13488 CUNLAVPG 011134B0.SU-R-D
00273 13488 CUNRAVPG 011134B0.SU-R-D
00274 00500 CUNLAXCR 011201F4.S-R2-D
00274 00500 CUNRAXCR 011201F4.S-R2-D
00274 00819 CUNEAXDH 01120333.S-E0-D
00274 00819 CUNLAXDH 01120333.S-R2-D
00274 00819 CUNRAXDH 01120333.S-R2-D
00274 00850 CUNEAXEB 01120352.S-E0-D
00274 00850 CUNRAXEB 01120352.S-R2-D
00274 01047 CUNLAXM0 01120417.S-R2-D
00274 01047 CUNRAXM0 01120417.S-R2-D
00274 01148 CUNEAXOD 0112047C.S-E0-D
00274 01148 CUNLAXOD 0112047C.S-R2-D
00274 01148 CUNRAXOD 0112047C.S-R2-D
00274 01252 CUNEAXPS 011204E4.S-E0-D
00274 01252 CUNRAXPS 011204E4.S-R2-D
00274 17584 CUNLAXPH 011244B0.SU-R-D
00274 17584 CUNRAXPH 011244B0.SU-R-D
00275 00037 CUNRAZAA 01130025.S-R2-D
00275 00437 CUNEAZCE 011301B5.S-E0-D
00275 00437 CUNRAZCE 011301B5.S-R2-D
00275 00500 CUNLAZCR 011301F4.S-R2-D
00275 00500 CUNRAZCR 011301F4.S-R2-D
00275 00819 CUNEAZDH 01130333.S-E0-D
00275 00819 CUNLAZDH 01130333.S-R2-D
00275 00819 CUNRAZDH 01130333.S-R2-D
00275 00850 CUNEAZEB 01130352.S-E0-D
00275 00850 CUNRAZEB 01130352.S-R2-D
00275 01047 CUNLAZM0 01130417.S-R2-D
00275 01047 CUNRAZM0 01130417.S-R2-D
00275 01148 CUNEAZOD 0113047C.S-E0-D
00275 01148 CUNLAZOD 0113047C.S-R2-D
00275 01148 CUNRAZOD 0113047C.S-R2-D
00275 01252 CUNEAZPS 011304E4.S-E0-D
00275 01252 CUNRAZPS 011304E4.S-R2-D
00275 05348 CUNEAZPT 011314E4.S-E0-D
00275 05348 CUNRAZPT 011314E4.S-R2-D
00275 13488 CUNLAZPG 011334B0.SU-R-D
00275 13488 CUNRAZPG 011334B0.SU-R-D
00277 00037 CUNEA2AA 01150025.S-E0-A1
00277 00037 CUNRA2AA 01150025.S-R2-D

126 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00277 00256 CUNRA2AJ 01150100.S-R2-D
00277 00273 CUNRA2AV 01150111.S-R2-D
00277 00278 CUNRA2A4 01150116.S-R2-D
00277 00280 CUNRA2A6 01150118.S-R2-D
00277 00284 CUNRA2BB 0115011C.S-R2-D
00277 00285 CUNRA2BE 0115011D.S-R2-D
00277 00290 CUNEA2BH 01150122.S-E0-D
00277 00290 CUNRA2BH 01150122.S-R2-A1
00277 00297 CUNRA2BN 01150129.S-R2-D
00277 00367 CUNEA2B0 0115016F.S-E0-D
00277 00423 CUNRA2B8 011501A7.S-R2-D
00277 00437 CUNEA2CE 011501B5.S-E0-A1
00277 00437 CUNRA2CE 011501B5.S-RC-D
00277 00500 CUNEA2CR 011501F4.S-E0-A1
00277 00500 CUNLA2CR 011501F4.S-E0-A1
00277 00500 CUNRA2CR 011501F4.S-R2-D
00277 00737 CUNRA2C6 011502E1.S-R2-D
00277 00775 CUNEA2C8 01150307.S-E0-A1
00277 00775 CUNRA2C8 01150307.S-R2-D
00277 00813 CUNRA2DF 0115032D.S-R2-D
00277 00819 CUNLA2DH 01150333.S-R2-D
00277 00819 CUNRA2DH 01150333.S-R2-D
00277 00833 CUNEA2DI 01150341.S-E0-D
00277 00833 CUNRA2DI 01150341.S-R2-A1
00277 00836 CUNEA2DU 01150344.S-E0-D
00277 00836 CUNRA2DU 01150344.S-R2-A1
00277 00838 CUNEA2D1 01150346.S-E0-D
00277 00850 CUNCA2EB 01150352.S-C0-A2
00277 00850 CUNLA2EB 01150352.S-C0-A2
00277 00850 CUNEA2EB 01150352.S-E0-A1
00277 00850 CUNRA2EB 01150352.S-R2-D
00277 00852 CUNEA2EL 01150354.S-E0-A1
00277 00852 CUNRA2EL 01150354.S-RC-D
00277 00855 CUNRA2EX 01150357.S-RC-D
00277 00857 CUNEA2FC 01150359.S-E0-A1
00277 00857 CUNRA2FC 01150359.S-R2-D
00277 00858 CUNEA2FI 0115035A.S-E0-D
00277 00858 CUNRA2FI 0115035A.S-R2-D
00277 00860 CUNEA2FM 0115035C.S-E0-A1
00277 00860 CUNRA2FM 0115035C.S-RC-D
00277 00861 CUNEA2FP 0115035D.S-E0-A1

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 127

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00277 00861 CUNRA2FP 0115035D.S-R2-D
00277 00862 CUNEA2FS 0115035E.S-E0-A1
00277 00862 CUNRA2FS 0115035E.S-R2-D
00277 00863 CUNEA2FV 0115035F.S-E0-A1
00277 00863 CUNRA2FV 0115035F.S-RC-D
00277 00864 CUNEA2FY 01150360.S-E0-A1
00277 00864 CUNRA2FY 01150360.S-R2-D
00277 00865 CUNEA2GA 01150361.S-E0-A1
00277 00865 CUNRA2GA 01150361.S-RC-D
00277 00869 CUNRA2GP 01150365.S-R2-D
00277 00870 CUNRA2GW 01150366.S-R2-D
00277 00871 CUNRA2GY 01150367.S-R2-D
00277 00874 CUNRA2G3 0115036A.S-R2-D
00277 00875 CUNRA2G8 0115036B.S-R2-D
00277 00880 CUNRA2HB 01150370.S-R2-D
00277 00897 CUNRA2HK 01150381.S-R2-D
00277 00903 CUNRA2HW 01150387.S-R2-D
00277 00912 CUNRA2H1 01150390.S-R2-D
00277 00916 CUNRA2H6 01150394.S-R2-D
00277 00920 CUNRA2IA 01150398.S-R2-D
00277 00923 CUNEA2IF 0115039B.S-E0-D
00277 00923 CUNRA2IF 0115039B.S-R2-D
00277 00924 CUNEA2IG 0115039C.S-E0-D
00277 00924 CUNRA2IG 0115039C.S-R2-D
00277 01009 CUNEA2L2 011503F1.S-E0-D
00277 01025 CUNRA2MG 01150401.S-R2-D
00277 01026 CUNRA2MH 01150402.S-R2-D
00277 01027 CUNEA2MI 01150403.S-E0-D
00277 01027 CUNRA2MI 01150403.S-R2-A1
00277 01040 CUNEA2MK 01150410.S-E0-D
00277 01040 CUNRA2MK 01150410.S-R2-A1
00277 01041 CUNEA2MN 01150411.S-E0-D
00277 01041 CUNRA2MN 01150411.S-R2-A1
00277 01042 CUNRA2MR 01150412.S-R2-D
00277 01043 CUNEA2MU 01150413.S-E0-D
00277 01043 CUNRA2MU 01150413.S-R2-A1
00277 01047 CUNLA2M0 01150417.S-R2-D
00277 01047 CUNRA2M0 01150417.S-R2-D
00277 01051 CUNEA2M2 0115041B.S-E0-A1
00277 01051 CUNRA2M2 0115041B.S-R2-D
00277 01088 CUNRA2M3 01150440.S-RC-D

128 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00277 01100 CUNRA2M9 0115044C.S-R2-D
00277 01112 CUNRA2NH 01150458.S-R2-D
00277 01122 CUNRA2NP 01150462.S-R2-D
00277 01140 CUNEA2N5 01150474.S-E0-D
00277 01140 CUNRA2N5 01150474.S-R2-D
00277 01141 CUNEA2N6 01150475.S-E0-D
00277 01141 CUNRA2N6 01150475.S-R2-D
00277 01142 CUNEA2N7 01150476.S-E0-D
00277 01143 CUNEA2N8 01150477.S-E0-D
00277 01143 CUNRA2N8 01150477.S-R2-D
00277 01144 CUNEA2N9 01150478.S-E0-D
00277 01144 CUNRA2N9 01150478.S-R2-D
00277 01145 CUNEA2OA 01150479.S-E0-D
00277 01145 CUNRA2OA 01150479.S-R2-D
00277 01146 CUNEA2OB 0115047A.S-E0-D
00277 01146 CUNRA2OB 0115047A.S-R2-D
00277 01147 CUNEA2OC 0115047B.S-E0-D
00277 01147 CUNRA2OC 0115047B.S-R2-D
00277 01148 CUNEA2OD 0115047C.S-E0-D
00277 01148 CUNRA2OD 0115047C.S-R2-D
00277 01149 CUNEA2OE 0115047D.S-E0-D
00277 01149 CUNRA2OE 0115047D.S-R2-D
00277 01252 CUNEA2PS 011504E4.S-E0-A1
00277 01252 CUNRA2PS 011504E4.S-R2-D
00277 01275 CUNRA2P6 011504FB.S-R2-D
00277 05348 CUNEA2PT 011514E4.S-E0-D
00277 05348 CUNRA2PT 011514E4.S-R2-D
00277 13488 CUNLA2PG 011534B0.SU-R-D
00277 13488 CUNRA2PG 011534B0.SU-R-D
00278 00037 CUNEA4AA 01160025.S-E0-A1
00278 00037 CUNRA4AA 01160025.S-R2-D
00278 00256 CUNRA4AJ 01160100.S-R2-D
00278 00273 CUNRA4AV 01160111.S-R2-D
00278 00277 CUNRA4A2 01160115.S-R2-D
00278 00280 CUNRA4A6 01160118.S-R2-D
00278 00284 CUNRA4BB 0116011C.S-R2-D
00278 00285 CUNRA4BE 0116011D.S-R2-D
00278 00290 CUNEA4BH 01160122.S-E0-D
00278 00290 CUNRA4BH 01160122.S-R2-A1
00278 00297 CUNRA4BN 01160129.S-R2-D
00278 00367 CUNEA4B0 0116016F.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 129

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00278 00423 CUNRA4B8 011601A7.S-R2-D
00278 00437 CUNEA4CE 011601B5.S-E0-A1
00278 00437 CUNRA4CE 011601B5.S-RC-D
00278 00500 CUNEA4CR 011601F4.S-E0-A1
00278 00500 CUNLA4CR 011601F4.S-E0-A1
00278 00500 CUNRA4CR 011601F4.S-R2-D
00278 00737 CUNRA4C6 011602E1.S-R2-D
00278 00775 CUNRA4C8 01160307.S-R2-D
00278 00813 CUNRA4DF 0116032D.S-R2-D
00278 00819 CUNLA4DH 01160333.S-R2-D
00278 00819 CUNRA4DH 01160333.S-R2-D
00278 00833 CUNEA4DI 01160341.S-E0-D
00278 00833 CUNRA4DI 01160341.S-R2-A1
00278 00836 CUNEA4DU 01160344.S-E0-D
00278 00836 CUNRA4DU 01160344.S-R2-A1
00278 00838 CUNEA4D1 01160346.S-E0-D
00278 00850 CUNCA4EB 01160352.S-C0-A2
00278 00850 CUNLA4EB 01160352.S-C0-A2
00278 00850 CUNEA4EB 01160352.S-E0-A1
00278 00850 CUNRA4EB 01160352.S-R2-D
00278 00852 CUNEA4EL 01160354.S-E0-A1
00278 00852 CUNRA4EL 01160354.S-RC-D
00278 00855 CUNRA4EX 01160357.S-RC-D
00278 00857 CUNEA4FC 01160359.S-E0-A1
00278 00857 CUNRA4FC 01160359.S-R2-D
00278 00858 CUNEA4FI 0116035A.S-E0-D
00278 00858 CUNRA4FI 0116035A.S-R2-D
00278 00860 CUNEA4FM 0116035C.S-E0-A1
00278 00860 CUNRA4FM 0116035C.S-RC-D
00278 00861 CUNEA4FP 0116035D.S-E0-A1
00278 00861 CUNRA4FP 0116035D.S-R2-D
00278 00862 CUNEA4FS 0116035E.S-E0-A1
00278 00862 CUNRA4FS 0116035E.S-R2-D
00278 00863 CUNEA4FV 0116035F.S-E0-A1
00278 00863 CUNRA4FV 0116035F.S-RC-D
00278 00864 CUNEA4FY 01160360.S-E0-A1
00278 00864 CUNRA4FY 01160360.S-R2-D
00278 00865 CUNEA4GA 01160361.S-E0-A1
00278 00865 CUNRA4GA 01160361.S-RC-D
00278 00869 CUNRA4GP 01160365.S-R2-D
00278 00870 CUNRA4GW 01160366.S-R2-D

130 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00278 00871 CUNRA4GY 01160367.S-R2-D
00278 00874 CUNRA4G3 0116036A.S-R2-D
00278 00875 CUNRA4G8 0116036B.S-R2-D
00278 00880 CUNRA4HB 01160370.S-R2-D
00278 00897 CUNRA4HK 01160381.S-R2-D
00278 00903 CUNRA4HW 01160387.S-R2-D
00278 00912 CUNRA4H1 01160390.S-R2-D
00278 00916 CUNRA4H6 01160394.S-R2-D
00278 00920 CUNRA4IA 01160398.S-R2-D
00278 00923 CUNEA4IF 0116039B.S-E0-D
00278 00923 CUNRA4IF 0116039B.S-R2-D
00278 00924 CUNEA4IG 0116039C.S-E0-D
00278 00924 CUNLA4IG 0116039C.S-R2-D
00278 00924 CUNRA4IG 0116039C.S-R2-D
00278 01009 CUNEA4L2 011603F1.S-E0-D
00278 01025 CUNRA4MG 01160401.S-R2-D
00278 01026 CUNRA4MH 01160402.S-R2-D
00278 01027 CUNEA4MI 01160403.S-E0-D
00278 01027 CUNRA4MI 01160403.S-R2-A1
00278 01040 CUNEA4MK 01160410.S-E0-D
00278 01040 CUNRA4MK 01160410.S-R2-A1
00278 01041 CUNEA4MN 01160411.S-E0-D
00278 01041 CUNRA4MN 01160411.S-R2-A1
00278 01042 CUNRA4MR 01160412.S-R2-D
00278 01043 CUNEA4MU 01160413.S-E0-D
00278 01043 CUNRA4MU 01160413.S-R2-A1
00278 01047 CUNLA4M0 01160417.S-R2-D
00278 01047 CUNRA4M0 01160417.S-R2-D
00278 01051 CUNEA4M2 0116041B.S-E0-A1
00278 01051 CUNRA4M2 0116041B.S-R2-D
00278 01088 CUNRA4M3 01160440.S-RC-D
00278 01100 CUNRA4M9 0116044C.S-R2-D
00278 01112 CUNRA4NH 01160458.S-R2-D
00278 01122 CUNRA4NP 01160462.S-R2-D
00278 01140 CUNEA4N5 01160474.S-E0-D
00278 01140 CUNRA4N5 01160474.S-R2-D
00278 01141 CUNEA4N6 01160475.S-E0-D
00278 01141 CUNRA4N6 01160475.S-R2-D
00278 01142 CUNEA4N7 01160476.S-E0-D
00278 01142 CUNRA4N7 01160476.S-R2-D
00278 01143 CUNEA4N8 01160477.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 131

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00278 01144 CUNEA4N9 01160478.S-E0-D
00278 01144 CUNRA4N9 01160478.S-R2-D
00278 01145 CUNEA4OA 01160479.S-E0-D
00278 01145 CUNRA4OA 01160479.S-R2-D
00278 01146 CUNEA4OB 0116047A.S-E0-D
00278 01146 CUNRA4OB 0116047A.S-R2-D
00278 01147 CUNEA4OC 0116047B.S-E0-D
00278 01147 CUNRA4OC 0116047B.S-R2-D
00278 01148 CUNEA4OD 0116047C.S-E0-D
00278 01148 CUNRA4OD 0116047C.S-R2-D
00278 01149 CUNEA4OE 0116047D.S-E0-D
00278 01149 CUNRA4OE 0116047D.S-R2-D
00278 01252 CUNEA4PS 011604E4.S-E0-A1
00278 01252 CUNRA4PS 011604E4.S-R2-D
00278 01275 CUNRA4P6 011604FB.S-R2-D
00278 05348 CUNEA4PT 011614E4.S-E0-D
00278 05348 CUNRA4PT 011614E4.S-R2-D
00278 13488 CUNLA4PG 011634B0.SU-R-D
00278 13488 CUNRA4PG 011634B0.SU-R-D
00280 00037 CUNEA6AA 01180025.S-E0-A1
00280 00037 CUNRA6AA 01180025.S-R2-D
00280 00256 CUNRA6AJ 01180100.S-R2-D
00280 00273 CUNRA6AV 01180111.S-R2-D
00280 00277 CUNRA6A2 01180115.S-R2-D
00280 00278 CUNRA6A4 01180116.S-R2-D
00280 00284 CUNRA6BB 0118011C.S-R2-D
00280 00285 CUNRA6BE 0118011D.S-R2-D
00280 00290 CUNEA6BH 01180122.S-E0-D
00280 00290 CUNRA6BH 01180122.S-R2-A1
00280 00297 CUNRA6BN 01180129.S-R2-D
00280 00367 CUNEA6B0 0118016F.S-E0-D
00280 00423 CUNRA6B8 011801A7.S-R2-D
00280 00437 CUNEA6CE 011801B5.S-E0-A1
00280 00437 CUNRA6CE 011801B5.S-RC-D
00280 00500 CUNEA6CR 011801F4.S-E0-A1
00280 00500 CUNLA6CR 011801F4.S-E0-A1
00280 00500 CUNRA6CR 011801F4.S-R2-D
00280 00737 CUNRA6C6 011802E1.S-R2-D
00280 00775 CUNEA6C8 01180307.S-E0-A1
00280 00775 CUNRA6C8 01180307.S-R2-D
00280 00813 CUNRA6DF 0118032D.S-R2-D

132 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00280 00819 CUNLA6DH 01180333.S-R2-D
00280 00819 CUNRA6DH 01180333.S-R2-D
00280 00833 CUNEA6DI 01180341.S-E0-D
00280 00833 CUNRA6DI 01180341.S-R2-A1
00280 00836 CUNEA6DU 01180344.S-E0-D
00280 00836 CUNRA6DU 01180344.S-R2-A1
00280 00838 CUNEA6D1 01180346.S-E0-D
00280 00850 CUNCA6EB 01180352.S-C0-A2
00280 00850 CUNLA6EB 01180352.S-C0-A2
00280 00850 CUNEA6EB 01180352.S-E0-A1
00280 00850 CUNRA6EB 01180352.S-R2-D
00280 00852 CUNEA6EL 01180354.S-E0-A1
00280 00852 CUNRA6EL 01180354.S-RC-D
00280 00855 CUNRA6EX 01180357.S-RC-D
00280 00857 CUNEA6FC 01180359.S-E0-A1
00280 00857 CUNRA6FC 01180359.S-R2-D
00280 00858 CUNEA6FI 0118035A.S-E0-D
00280 00858 CUNRA6FI 0118035A.S-R2-D
00280 00860 CUNEA6FM 0118035C.S-E0-A1
00280 00860 CUNRA6FM 0118035C.S-RC-D
00280 00861 CUNEA6FP 0118035D.S-E0-A1
00280 00861 CUNRA6FP 0118035D.S-R2-D
00280 00862 CUNEA6FS 0118035E.S-E0-A1
00280 00862 CUNRA6FS 0118035E.S-R2-D
00280 00863 CUNEA6FV 0118035F.S-E0-A1
00280 00863 CUNRA6FV 0118035F.S-RC-D
00280 00864 CUNEA6FY 01180360.S-E0-A1
00280 00864 CUNRA6FY 01180360.S-R2-D
00280 00865 CUNEA6GA 01180361.S-E0-A1
00280 00865 CUNRA6GA 01180361.S-RC-D
00280 00869 CUNRA6GP 01180365.S-R2-D
00280 00870 CUNRA6GW 01180366.S-R2-D
00280 00871 CUNRA6GY 01180367.S-R2-D
00280 00874 CUNRA6G3 0118036A.S-R2-D
00280 00875 CUNRA6G8 0118036B.S-R2-D
00280 00880 CUNRA6HB 01180370.S-R2-D
00280 00897 CUNRA6HK 01180381.S-R2-D
00280 00903 CUNRA6HW 01180387.S-R2-D
00280 00912 CUNRA6H1 01180390.S-R2-D
00280 00916 CUNRA6H6 01180394.S-R2-D
00280 00920 CUNRA6IA 01180398.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 133

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00280 00923 CUNEA6IF 0118039B.S-E0-D
00280 00923 CUNRA6IF 0118039B.S-R2-D
00280 00924 CUNEA6IG 0118039C.S-E0-D
00280 00924 CUNLA6IG 0118039C.S-R2-D
00280 00924 CUNRA6IG 0118039C.S-R2-D
00280 01009 CUNEA6L2 011803F1.S-E0-D
00280 01025 CUNRA6MG 01180401.S-R2-D
00280 01026 CUNRA6MH 01180402.S-R2-D
00280 01027 CUNEA6MI 01180403.S-E0-D
00280 01027 CUNRA6MI 01180403.S-R2-A1
00280 01040 CUNEA6MK 01180410.S-E0-D
00280 01040 CUNRA6MK 01180410.S-R2-A1
00280 01041 CUNEA6MN 01180411.S-E0-D
00280 01041 CUNRA6MN 01180411.S-R2-A1
00280 01042 CUNRA6MR 01180412.S-R2-D
00280 01043 CUNEA6MU 01180413.S-E0-D
00280 01043 CUNRA6MU 01180413.S-R2-A1
00280 01047 CUNLA6M0 01180417.S-R2-D
00280 01047 CUNRA6M0 01180417.S-R2-D
00280 01051 CUNEA6M2 0118041B.S-E0-A1
00280 01051 CUNRA6M2 0118041B.S-R2-D
00280 01088 CUNRA6M3 01180440.S-RC-D
00280 01100 CUNRA6M9 0118044C.S-R2-D
00280 01112 CUNRA6NH 01180458.S-R2-D
00280 01122 CUNRA6NP 01180462.S-R2-D
00280 01140 CUNEA6N5 01180474.S-E0-D
00280 01140 CUNRA6N5 01180474.S-R2-D
00280 01141 CUNEA6N6 01180475.S-E0-D
00280 01141 CUNRA6N6 01180475.S-R2-D
00280 01142 CUNEA6N7 01180476.S-E0-D
00280 01142 CUNRA6N7 01180476.S-R2-D
00280 01143 CUNEA6N8 01180477.S-E0-D
00280 01143 CUNRA6N8 01180477.S-R2-D
00280 01144 CUNEA6N9 01180478.S-E0-D
00280 01145 CUNEA6OA 01180479.S-E0-D
00280 01145 CUNRA6OA 01180479.S-R2-D
00280 01146 CUNEA6OB 0118047A.S-E0-D
00280 01146 CUNRA6OB 0118047A.S-R2-D
00280 01147 CUNEA6OC 0118047B.S-E0-D
00280 01147 CUNRA6OC 0118047B.S-R2-D
00280 01148 CUNEA6OD 0118047C.S-E0-D

134 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00280 01148 CUNRA6OD 0118047C.S-R2-D
00280 01149 CUNEA6OE 0118047D.S-E0-D
00280 01149 CUNRA6OE 0118047D.S-R2-D
00280 01252 CUNEA6PS 011804E4.S-E0-A1
00280 01252 CUNRA6PS 011804E4.S-R2-D
00280 01275 CUNRA6P6 011804FB.S-R2-D
00280 05348 CUNEA6PT 011814E4.S-E0-D
00280 05348 CUNRA6PT 011814E4.S-R2-D
00280 13488 CUNLA6PG 011834B0.SU-R-D
00280 13488 CUNRA6PG 011834B0.SU-R-D
00281 00500 CUNEA8CR 011901F4.S-E0-D
00281 00500 CUNLA8CR 011901F4.S-E0-D
00281 00500 CUNRA8CR 011901F4.S-R2-D
00281 00819 CUNEA8DH 01190333.S-E0-D
00281 00819 CUNLA8DH 01190333.S-R2-D
00281 00819 CUNRA8DH 01190333.S-R2-D
00281 01047 CUNLA8M0 01190417.S-R2-D
00281 01047 CUNRA8M0 01190417.S-R2-D
00281 01148 CUNEA8OD 0119047C.S-E0-D
00281 01148 CUNLA8OD 0119047C.S-R2-D
00281 01148 CUNRA8OD 0119047C.S-R2-D
00282 00500 CUNLA9CR 011A01F4.S-R2-D
00282 00500 CUNRA9CR 011A01F4.S-R2-D
00282 00819 CUNEA9DH 011A0333.S-E0-D
00282 00819 CUNLA9DH 011A0333.S-R2-D
00282 00819 CUNRA9DH 011A0333.S-R2-D
00282 01047 CUNLA9M0 011A0417.S-R2-D
00282 01047 CUNRA9M0 011A0417.S-R2-D
00282 01051 CUNEA9M2 011A041B.S-E0-D
00282 01148 CUNEA9OD 011A047C.S-E0-D
00282 01148 CUNLA9OD 011A047C.S-R2-D
00282 01148 CUNRA9OD 011A047C.S-R2-D
00282 13488 CUNLA9PG 011A34B0.SU-R-D
00282 13488 CUNRA9PG 011A34B0.SU-R-D
00284 00037 CUNEBBAA 011C0025.S-E0-A1
00284 00037 CUNRBBAA 011C0025.S-R2-D
00284 00256 CUNRBBAJ 011C0100.S-R2-D
00284 00273 CUNRBBAV 011C0111.S-R2-D
00284 00277 CUNRBBA2 011C0115.S-R2-D
00284 00278 CUNRBBA4 011C0116.S-R2-D
00284 00280 CUNRBBA6 011C0118.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 135

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00284 00285 CUNRBBBE 011C011D.S-R2-D
00284 00290 CUNEBBBH 011C0122.S-E0-D
00284 00290 CUNRBBBH 011C0122.S-R2-A1
00284 00297 CUNRBBBN 011C0129.S-R2-D
00284 00367 CUNEBBB0 011C016F.S-E0-D
00284 00423 CUNRBBB8 011C01A7.S-R2-D
00284 00437 CUNEBBCE 011C01B5.S-E0-A1
00284 00437 CUNRBBCE 011C01B5.S-RC-D
00284 00500 CUNEBBCR 011C01F4.S-E0-A1
00284 00500 CUNLBBCR 011C01F4.S-E0-A1
00284 00500 CUNRBBCR 011C01F4.S-R2-D
00284 00737 CUNRBBC6 011C02E1.S-R2-D
00284 00775 CUNRBBC8 011C0307.S-R2-D
00284 00813 CUNRBBDF 011C032D.S-R2-D
00284 00819 CUNLBBDH 011C0333.S-R2-D
00284 00819 CUNRBBDH 011C0333.S-R2-D
00284 00833 CUNEBBDI 011C0341.S-E0-D
00284 00833 CUNRBBDI 011C0341.S-R2-A1
00284 00836 CUNEBBDU 011C0344.S-E0-D
00284 00836 CUNRBBDU 011C0344.S-R2-A1
00284 00838 CUNEBBD1 011C0346.S-E0-D
00284 00850 CUNCBBEB 011C0352.S-C0-A2
00284 00850 CUNLBBEB 011C0352.S-C0-A2
00284 00850 CUNEBBEB 011C0352.S-E0-A1
00284 00850 CUNRBBEB 011C0352.S-R2-D
00284 00852 CUNEBBEL 011C0354.S-E0-A1
00284 00852 CUNRBBEL 011C0354.S-RC-D
00284 00855 CUNRBBEX 011C0357.S-RC-D
00284 00857 CUNEBBFC 011C0359.S-E0-A1
00284 00857 CUNRBBFC 011C0359.S-R2-D
00284 00858 CUNEBBFI 011C035A.S-E0-D
00284 00858 CUNRBBFI 011C035A.S-R2-D
00284 00860 CUNEBBFM 011C035C.S-E0-A1
00284 00860 CUNRBBFM 011C035C.S-RC-D
00284 00861 CUNEBBFP 011C035D.S-E0-A1
00284 00861 CUNRBBFP 011C035D.S-RC-D
00284 00862 CUNEBBFS 011C035E.S-E0-A1
00284 00862 CUNRBBFS 011C035E.S-R2-D
00284 00863 CUNEBBFV 011C035F.S-E0-A1
00284 00863 CUNRBBFV 011C035F.S-RC-D
00284 00864 CUNEBBFY 011C0360.S-E0-A1

136 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00284 00864 CUNRBBFY 011C0360.S-R2-D
00284 00865 CUNEBBGA 011C0361.S-E0-A1
00284 00865 CUNRBBGA 011C0361.S-RC-D
00284 00869 CUNRBBGP 011C0365.S-RC-D
00284 00870 CUNRBBGW 011C0366.S-R2-D
00284 00871 CUNRBBGY 011C0367.S-R2-D
00284 00874 CUNRBBG3 011C036A.S-R2-D
00284 00875 CUNRBBG8 011C036B.S-R2-D
00284 00880 CUNRBBHB 011C0370.S-R2-D
00284 00897 CUNRBBHK 011C0381.S-R2-D
00284 00903 CUNRBBHW 011C0387.S-R2-D
00284 00912 CUNRBBH1 011C0390.S-R2-D
00284 00916 CUNRBBH6 011C0394.S-R2-D
00284 00920 CUNRBBIA 011C0398.S-R2-D
00284 00923 CUNEBBIF 011C039B.S-E0-D
00284 00923 CUNRBBIF 011C039B.S-R2-D
00284 00924 CUNEBBIG 011C039C.S-E0-D
00284 00924 CUNLBBIG 011C039C.S-R2-D
00284 00924 CUNRBBIG 011C039C.S-R2-D
00284 01009 CUNEBBL2 011C03F1.S-E0-D
00284 01025 CUNRBBMG 011C0401.S-R2-D
00284 01026 CUNRBBMH 011C0402.S-R2-D
00284 01027 CUNEBBMI 011C0403.S-E0-D
00284 01027 CUNRBBMI 011C0403.S-R2-A1
00284 01040 CUNEBBMK 011C0410.S-E0-D
00284 01040 CUNRBBMK 011C0410.S-R2-A1
00284 01041 CUNEBBMN 011C0411.S-E0-D
00284 01041 CUNRBBMN 011C0411.S-R2-A1
00284 01042 CUNRBBMR 011C0412.S-R2-D
00284 01043 CUNEBBMU 011C0413.S-E0-D
00284 01043 CUNRBBMU 011C0413.S-R2-A1
00284 01047 CUNLBBM0 011C0417.S-R2-D
00284 01047 CUNRBBM0 011C0417.S-R2-D
00284 01051 CUNEBBM2 011C041B.S-E0-A1
00284 01051 CUNRBBM2 011C041B.S-R2-D
00284 01088 CUNRBBM3 011C0440.S-RC-D
00284 01100 CUNRBBM9 011C044C.S-R2-D
00284 01112 CUNRBBNH 011C0458.S-R2-D
00284 01122 CUNRBBNP 011C0462.S-R2-D
00284 01140 CUNEBBN5 011C0474.S-E0-D
00284 01140 CUNRBBN5 011C0474.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 137

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00284 01141 CUNEBBN6 011C0475.S-E0-D
00284 01141 CUNRBBN6 011C0475.S-R2-D
00284 01142 CUNEBBN7 011C0476.S-E0-D
00284 01142 CUNRBBN7 011C0476.S-R2-D
00284 01143 CUNEBBN8 011C0477.S-E0-D
00284 01143 CUNRBBN8 011C0477.S-R2-D
00284 01144 CUNEBBN9 011C0478.S-E0-D
00284 01144 CUNRBBN9 011C0478.S-R2-D
00284 01145 CUNEBBOA 011C0479.S-E0-D
00284 01146 CUNEBBOB 011C047A.S-E0-D
00284 01146 CUNRBBOB 011C047A.S-R2-D
00284 01147 CUNEBBOC 011C047B.S-E0-D
00284 01147 CUNRBBOC 011C047B.S-R2-D
00284 01148 CUNEBBOD 011C047C.S-E0-D
00284 01148 CUNRBBOD 011C047C.S-R2-D
00284 01149 CUNEBBOE 011C047D.S-E0-D
00284 01149 CUNRBBOE 011C047D.S-R2-D
00284 01252 CUNEBBPS 011C04E4.S-E0-A1
00284 01252 CUNRBBPS 011C04E4.S-R2-D
00284 01275 CUNRBBP6 011C04FB.S-R2-D
00284 05348 CUNEBBPT 011C14E4.S-E0-D
00284 05348 CUNRBBPT 011C14E4.S-R2-D
00284 13488 CUNLBBPG 011C34B0.SU-R-D
00284 13488 CUNRBBPG 011C34B0.SU-R-D
00285 00037 CUNEBEAA 011D0025.S-E0-A1
00285 00037 CUNRBEAA 011D0025.S-R2-D
00285 00256 CUNRBEAJ 011D0100.S-R2-D
00285 00273 CUNRBEAV 011D0111.S-R2-D
00285 00277 CUNRBEA2 011D0115.S-R2-D
00285 00278 CUNRBEA4 011D0116.S-R2-D
00285 00280 CUNRBEA6 011D0118.S-R2-D
00285 00284 CUNRBEBB 011D011C.S-R2-D
00285 00290 CUNEBEBH 011D0122.S-E0-D
00285 00290 CUNRBEBH 011D0122.S-R2-A1
00285 00297 CUNRBEBN 011D0129.S-R2-D
00285 00423 CUNRBEB8 011D01A7.S-R2-D
00285 00437 CUNEBECE 011D01B5.S-E0-A1
00285 00437 CUNRBECE 011D01B5.S-RC-D
00285 00500 CUNEBECR 011D01F4.S-E0-A1
00285 00500 CUNLBECR 011D01F4.S-E0-A1
00285 00500 CUNRBECR 011D01F4.S-R2-D

138 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00285 00737 CUNRBEC6 011D02E1.S-R2-D
00285 00775 CUNEBEC8 011D0307.S-E0-A1
00285 00775 CUNRBEC8 011D0307.S-R2-D
00285 00813 CUNRBEDF 011D032D.S-R2-D
00285 00819 CUNLBEDH 011D0333.S-R2-D
00285 00819 CUNRBEDH 011D0333.S-R2-D
00285 00833 CUNEBEDI 011D0341.S-E0-D
00285 00833 CUNRBEDI 011D0341.S-R2-A1
00285 00836 CUNEBEDU 011D0344.S-E0-D
00285 00836 CUNRBEDU 011D0344.S-R2-A1
00285 00838 CUNEBED1 011D0346.S-E0-D
00285 00850 CUNCBEEB 011D0352.S-C0-A1
00285 00850 CUNLBEEB 011D0352.S-C0-A1
00285 00850 CUNEBEEB 011D0352.S-E0-D
00285 00850 CUNRBEEB 011D0352.S-R2-D
00285 00852 CUNEBEEL 011D0354.S-E0-A1
00285 00852 CUNRBEEL 011D0354.S-RC-D
00285 00855 CUNRBEEX 011D0357.S-RC-D
00285 00857 CUNEBEFC 011D0359.S-E0-A1
00285 00857 CUNRBEFC 011D0359.S-R2-D
00285 00858 CUNEBEFI 011D035A.S-E0-D
00285 00858 CUNRBEFI 011D035A.S-R2-D
00285 00860 CUNEBEFM 011D035C.S-E0-A1
00285 00860 CUNRBEFM 011D035C.S-RC-D
00285 00861 CUNEBEFP 011D035D.S-E0-A1
00285 00861 CUNRBEFP 011D035D.S-R2-D
00285 00862 CUNEBEFS 011D035E.S-E0-A1
00285 00862 CUNRBEFS 011D035E.S-R2-D
00285 00863 CUNEBEFV 011D035F.S-E0-A1
00285 00863 CUNRBEFV 011D035F.S-RC-D
00285 00864 CUNEBEFY 011D0360.S-E0-A1
00285 00864 CUNRBEFY 011D0360.S-R2-D
00285 00865 CUNEBEGA 011D0361.S-E0-A1
00285 00865 CUNRBEGA 011D0361.S-RC-D
00285 00869 CUNRBEGP 011D0365.S-R2-D
00285 00870 CUNRBEGW 011D0366.S-R2-D
00285 00871 CUNRBEGY 011D0367.S-R2-D
00285 00874 CUNRBEG3 011D036A.S-R2-D
00285 00875 CUNRBEG8 011D036B.S-R2-D
00285 00880 CUNRBEHB 011D0370.S-R2-D
00285 00897 CUNRBEHK 011D0381.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 139

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00285 00903 CUNRBEHW 011D0387.S-R2-D
00285 00912 CUNRBEH1 011D0390.S-R2-D
00285 00916 CUNRBEH6 011D0394.S-R2-D
00285 00920 CUNRBEIA 011D0398.S-R2-D
00285 00923 CUNEBEIF 011D039B.S-E0-D
00285 00923 CUNRBEIF 011D039B.S-R2-D
00285 00924 CUNEBEIG 011D039C.S-E0-D
00285 00924 CUNLBEIG 011D039C.S-R2-D
00285 00924 CUNRBEIG 011D039C.S-R2-D
00285 01025 CUNRBEMG 011D0401.S-R2-D
00285 01026 CUNRBEMH 011D0402.S-R2-D
00285 01027 CUNEBEMI 011D0403.S-E0-D
00285 01027 CUNRBEMI 011D0403.S-R2-A1
00285 01040 CUNEBEMK 011D0410.S-E0-D
00285 01040 CUNRBEMK 011D0410.S-R2-A1
00285 01041 CUNEBEMN 011D0411.S-E0-D
00285 01041 CUNRBEMN 011D0411.S-R2-A1
00285 01042 CUNRBEMR 011D0412.S-R2-D
00285 01043 CUNEBEMU 011D0413.S-E0-D
00285 01043 CUNRBEMU 011D0413.S-R2-A1
00285 01047 CUNLBEM0 011D0417.S-R2-D
00285 01047 CUNRBEM0 011D0417.S-R2-D
00285 01051 CUNEBEM2 011D041B.S-E0-A1
00285 01051 CUNRBEM2 011D041B.S-R2-D
00285 01088 CUNRBEM3 011D0440.S-RC-D
00285 01100 CUNRBEM9 011D044C.S-R2-D
00285 01112 CUNRBENH 011D0458.S-R2-D
00285 01122 CUNRBENP 011D0462.S-R2-D
00285 01140 CUNEBEN5 011D0474.S-E0-D
00285 01140 CUNRBEN5 011D0474.S-R2-D
00285 01141 CUNEBEN6 011D0475.S-E0-D
00285 01141 CUNRBEN6 011D0475.S-R2-D
00285 01142 CUNEBEN7 011D0476.S-E0-D
00285 01142 CUNRBEN7 011D0476.S-R2-D
00285 01143 CUNEBEN8 011D0477.S-E0-D
00285 01143 CUNRBEN8 011D0477.S-R2-D
00285 01144 CUNEBEN9 011D0478.S-E0-D
00285 01144 CUNRBEN9 011D0478.S-R2-D
00285 01145 CUNEBEOA 011D0479.S-E0-D
00285 01145 CUNRBEOA 011D0479.S-R2-D
00285 01146 CUNEBEOB 011D047A.S-E0-D

140 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00285 01147 CUNEBEOC 011D047B.S-E0-D
00285 01147 CUNRBEOC 011D047B.S-R2-D
00285 01148 CUNEBEOD 011D047C.S-E0-D
00285 01148 CUNRBEOD 011D047C.S-R2-D
00285 01149 CUNEBEOE 011D047D.S-E0-D
00285 01149 CUNRBEOE 011D047D.S-R2-D
00285 01252 CUNEBEPS 011D04E4.S-E0-A1
00285 01252 CUNRBEPS 011D04E4.S-R2-D
00285 01275 CUNRBEP6 011D04FB.S-R2-D
00285 05348 CUNEBEPT 011D14E4.S-E0-D
00285 05348 CUNRBEPT 011D14E4.S-R2-D
00285 13488 CUNLBEPG 011D34B0.SU-R-D
00285 13488 CUNRBEPG 011D34B0.SU-R-D
00290 00037 CUNEBHAA 01220025.S-E0-D
00290 00037 CUNRBHAA 01220025.S-R2-A1
00290 00256 CUNEBHAJ 01220100.S-E0-D
00290 00273 CUNEBHAV 01220111.S-E0-D
00290 00273 CUNRBHAV 01220111.S-R2-A1
00290 00277 CUNEBHA2 01220115.S-E0-D
00290 00277 CUNRBHA2 01220115.S-R2-A1
00290 00278 CUNEBHA4 01220116.S-E0-D
00290 00278 CUNRBHA4 01220116.S-R2-A1
00290 00280 CUNEBHA6 01220118.S-E0-D
00290 00280 CUNRBHA6 01220118.S-R2-A1
00290 00284 CUNEBHBB 0122011C.S-E0-D
00290 00284 CUNRBHBB 0122011C.S-R2-A1
00290 00285 CUNEBHBE 0122011D.S-E0-D
00290 00285 CUNRBHBE 0122011D.S-R2-A1
00290 00297 CUNEBHBN 01220129.S-E0-D
00290 00297 CUNRBHBN 01220129.S-R2-A1
00290 00367 CUNEBHB0 0122016F.S-E0-D
00290 00437 CUNEBHCE 012201B5.S-E0-D
00290 00437 CUNRBHCE 012201B5.S-R2-A1
00290 00500 CUNEBHCR 012201F4.S-E0-D
00290 00500 CUNLBHCR 012201F4.S-E0-D
00290 00500 CUNRBHCR 012201F4.S-R2-A1
00290 00737 CUNEBHC6 012202E1.S-E0-D
00290 00775 CUNEBHC8 01220307.S-E0-D
00290 00819 CUNEBHDH 01220333.S-E0-D
00290 00819 CUNLBHDH 01220333.S-E0-D
00290 00833 CUNEBHDI 01220341.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 141

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00290 00833 CUNRBHDI 01220341.S-R2-A1
00290 00836 CUNEBHDU 01220344.S-E0-D
00290 00836 CUNRBHDU 01220344.S-R2-A1
00290 00850 CUNEBHEB 01220352.S-E0-D
00290 00850 CUNRBHEB 01220352.S-R2-A1
00290 00852 CUNEBHEL 01220354.S-E0-D
00290 00852 CUNRBHEL 01220354.S-R2-A1
00290 00855 CUNEBHEX 01220357.S-E0-D
00290 00855 CUNRBHEX 01220357.S-R2-A1
00290 00857 CUNEBHFC 01220359.S-E0-D
00290 00857 CUNRBHFC 01220359.S-R2-A1
00290 00860 CUNEBHFM 0122035C.S-E0-A1
00290 00860 CUNRBHFM 0122035C.S-R2-D
00290 00861 CUNEBHFP 0122035D.S-E0-A1
00290 00861 CUNRBHFP 0122035D.S-R2-D
00290 00862 CUNEBHFS 0122035E.S-E0-A1
00290 00862 CUNRBHFS 0122035E.S-R2-D
00290 00863 CUNEBHFV 0122035F.S-E0-A1
00290 00863 CUNRBHFV 0122035F.S-R2-D
00290 00864 CUNEBHFY 01220360.S-E0-A1
00290 00864 CUNRBHFY 01220360.S-R2-D
00290 00865 CUNEBHGA 01220361.S-E0-A1
00290 00865 CUNRBHGA 01220361.S-R2-D
00290 00870 CUNEBHGW 01220366.S-E0-D
00290 00870 CUNRBHGW 01220366.S-R2-A1
00290 00871 CUNEBHGY 01220367.S-E0-D
00290 00871 CUNRBHGY 01220367.S-R2-A1
00290 00895 CUNEBHHH 0122037F.S-E0-D
00290 00896 CUNEBHHI 01220380.S-E0-D
00290 00897 CUNEBHHK 01220381.S-E0-A1
00290 01009 CUNEBHL2 012203F1.S-E0-D
00290 01025 CUNEBHMG 01220401.S-E0-D
00290 01025 CUNRBHMG 01220401.S-R2-A1
00290 01026 CUNEBHMH 01220402.S-E0-D
00290 01026 CUNRBHMH 01220402.S-R2-A1
00290 01027 CUNLBHMI 01220403.S-R1-D
00290 01027 CUNRBHMI 01220403.S-R1-D
00290 01040 CUNEBHMK 01220410.S-E0-D
00290 01040 CUNRBHMK 01220410.S-R2-A1
00290 01041 CUNEBHMN 01220411.S-E0-D
00290 01041 CUNRBHMN 01220411.S-R2-A1

142 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00290 01042 CUNRBHMR 01220412.S-R2-D
00290 01043 CUNEBHMU 01220413.S-E0-D
00290 01043 CUNRBHMU 01220413.S-R2-A1
00290 01047 CUNEBHM0 01220417.S-E0-D
00290 01047 CUNLBHM0 01220417.S-E0-D
00290 01047 CUNRBHM0 01220417.S-R2-D
00290 01088 CUNRBHM3 01220440.S-RC-D
00290 01112 CUNRBHNH 01220458.S-R2-D
00290 01122 CUNRBHNP 01220462.S-R2-D
00290 01148 CUNEBHOD 0122047C.S-E0-D
00290 01148 CUNLBHOD 0122047C.S-E0-D
00290 01148 CUNRBHOD 0122047C.S-R2-D
00290 01252 CUNEBHPS 012204E4.S-E0-D
00290 13488 CUNLBHPG 012234B0.SU-R-D
00290 13488 CUNRBHPG 012234B0.SU-R-D
00293 13488 CUNEBLPG 012534B0.SU-E-A1
00293 13488 CUNRBLPG 012534B0.SU-R-D
00297 00037 CUNEBNAA 01290025.S-E0-A1
00297 00037 CUNRBNAA 01290025.S-R2-D
00297 00256 CUNRBNAJ 01290100.S-R2-D
00297 00273 CUNRBNAV 01290111.S-R2-D
00297 00277 CUNRBNA2 01290115.S-R2-D
00297 00278 CUNRBNA4 01290116.S-R2-D
00297 00280 CUNRBNA6 01290118.S-R2-D
00297 00284 CUNRBNBB 0129011C.S-R2-D
00297 00285 CUNRBNBE 0129011D.S-R2-D
00297 00290 CUNEBNBH 01290122.S-E0-D
00297 00290 CUNRBNBH 01290122.S-R2-A1
00297 00367 CUNEBNB0 0129016F.S-E0-D
00297 00423 CUNRBNB8 012901A7.S-R2-D
00297 00437 CUNEBNCE 012901B5.S-E0-A1
00297 00437 CUNRBNCE 012901B5.S-RC-D
00297 00500 CUNEBNCR 012901F4.S-E0-A1
00297 00500 CUNLBNCR 012901F4.S-E0-A1
00297 00500 CUNRBNCR 012901F4.S-R2-D
00297 00737 CUNRBNC6 012902E1.S-R2-D
00297 00775 CUNEBNC8 01290307.S-E0-A1
00297 00775 CUNRBNC8 01290307.S-R2-D
00297 00813 CUNRBNDF 0129032D.S-R2-D
00297 00819 CUNLBNDH 01290333.S-R2-D
00297 00819 CUNRBNDH 01290333.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 143

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00297 00833 CUNEBNDI 01290341.S-E0-D
00297 00833 CUNRBNDI 01290341.S-R2-A1
00297 00836 CUNEBNDU 01290344.S-E0-D
00297 00836 CUNRBNDU 01290344.S-R2-A1
00297 00838 CUNEBND1 01290346.S-E0-D
00297 00850 CUNCBNEB 01290352.S-C0-A1
00297 00850 CUNLBNEB 01290352.S-C0-A1
00297 00850 CUNEBNEB 01290352.S-E0-D
00297 00850 CUNRBNEB 01290352.S-R2-D
00297 00852 CUNEBNEL 01290354.S-E0-A1
00297 00852 CUNRBNEL 01290354.S-RC-D
00297 00855 CUNRBNEX 01290357.S-RC-D
00297 00857 CUNEBNFC 01290359.S-E0-A1
00297 00857 CUNRBNFC 01290359.S-R2-D
00297 00858 CUNEBNFI 0129035A.S-E0-D
00297 00858 CUNRBNFI 0129035A.S-R2-D
00297 00860 CUNEBNFM 0129035C.S-E0-A1
00297 00860 CUNRBNFM 0129035C.S-RC-D
00297 00861 CUNEBNFP 0129035D.S-E0-A1
00297 00861 CUNRBNFP 0129035D.S-R2-D
00297 00862 CUNEBNFS 0129035E.S-E0-A1
00297 00862 CUNRBNFS 0129035E.S-R2-D
00297 00863 CUNEBNFV 0129035F.S-E0-A1
00297 00863 CUNRBNFV 0129035F.S-RC-D
00297 00864 CUNEBNFY 01290360.S-E0-A1
00297 00864 CUNRBNFY 01290360.S-R2-D
00297 00865 CUNEBNGA 01290361.S-E0-A1
00297 00865 CUNRBNGA 01290361.S-RC-D
00297 00869 CUNRBNGP 01290365.S-R2-D
00297 00870 CUNRBNGW 01290366.S-R2-D
00297 00871 CUNRBNGY 01290367.S-R2-D
00297 00874 CUNRBNG3 0129036A.S-R2-D
00297 00875 CUNRBNG8 0129036B.S-R2-D
00297 00880 CUNRBNHB 01290370.S-R2-D
00297 00897 CUNRBNHK 01290381.S-R2-D
00297 00903 CUNRBNHW 01290387.S-R2-D
00297 00912 CUNRBNH1 01290390.S-R2-D
00297 00916 CUNRBNH6 01290394.S-R2-D
00297 00920 CUNRBNIA 01290398.S-R2-D
00297 00923 CUNEBNIF 0129039B.S-E0-D
00297 00923 CUNRBNIF 0129039B.S-R2-D

144 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00297 00924 CUNEBNIG 0129039C.S-E0-D
00297 00924 CUNLBNIG 0129039C.S-R2-D
00297 00924 CUNRBNIG 0129039C.S-R2-D
00297 01009 CUNEBNL2 012903F1.S-E0-D
00297 01025 CUNRBNMG 01290401.S-R2-D
00297 01026 CUNRBNMH 01290402.S-R2-D
00297 01027 CUNEBNMI 01290403.S-E0-D
00297 01027 CUNRBNMI 01290403.S-R2-A1
00297 01040 CUNEBNMK 01290410.S-E0-D
00297 01040 CUNRBNMK 01290410.S-R2-A1
00297 01041 CUNEBNMN 01290411.S-E0-D
00297 01041 CUNRBNMN 01290411.S-R2-A1
00297 01042 CUNRBNMR 01290412.S-R2-D
00297 01043 CUNEBNMU 01290413.S-E0-D
00297 01043 CUNRBNMU 01290413.S-R2-A1
00297 01047 CUNLBNM0 01290417.S-R2-D
00297 01047 CUNRBNM0 01290417.S-R2-D
00297 01051 CUNEBNM2 0129041B.S-E0-A1
00297 01051 CUNRBNM2 0129041B.S-R2-D
00297 01088 CUNRBNM3 01290440.S-RC-D
00297 01100 CUNRBNM9 0129044C.S-R2-D
00297 01112 CUNRBNNH 01290458.S-R2-D
00297 01122 CUNRBNNP 01290462.S-R2-D
00297 01140 CUNEBNN5 01290474.S-E0-D
00297 01140 CUNRBNN5 01290474.S-R2-D
00297 01141 CUNEBNN6 01290475.S-E0-D
00297 01141 CUNRBNN6 01290475.S-R2-D
00297 01142 CUNEBNN7 01290476.S-E0-D
00297 01142 CUNRBNN7 01290476.S-R2-D
00297 01143 CUNEBNN8 01290477.S-E0-D
00297 01143 CUNRBNN8 01290477.S-R2-D
00297 01144 CUNEBNN9 01290478.S-E0-D
00297 01144 CUNRBNN9 01290478.S-R2-D
00297 01145 CUNEBNOA 01290479.S-E0-D
00297 01145 CUNRBNOA 01290479.S-R2-D
00297 01146 CUNEBNOB 0129047A.S-E0-D
00297 01146 CUNRBNOB 0129047A.S-R2-D
00297 01147 CUNEBNOC 0129047B.S-E0-D
00297 01148 CUNEBNOD 0129047C.S-E0-D
00297 01148 CUNRBNOD 0129047C.S-R2-D
00297 01149 CUNEBNOE 0129047D.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 145

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00297 01149 CUNRBNOE 0129047D.S-R2-D
00297 01252 CUNEBNPS 012904E4.S-E0-A1
00297 01252 CUNRBNPS 012904E4.S-R2-D
00297 01275 CUNRBNP6 012904FB.S-R2-D
00297 05348 CUNEBNPT 012914E4.S-E0-D
00297 05348 CUNRBNPT 012914E4.S-R2-D
00297 13488 CUNLBNPG 012934B0.SU-R-D
00297 13488 CUNRBNPG 012934B0.SU-R-D
00300 00301 CUNEBQBV 012C012D.D-E0-D
00300 00941 CUNEBQJP 012C03AD.D-E0-D
00300 01351 CUNEBQQI 012C0547.D-E0-D
00300 13488 CUNLBQPG 012C34B0.MU-R-A1
00300 13488 CUNRBQPG 012C34B0.MU-R-D
00301 00300 CUNEBVBQ 012D012C.D-E0-D
00301 00941 CUNEBVJP 012D03AD.D-E0-D
00301 01351 CUNEBVQI 012D0547.D-E0-D
00301 13488 CUNRBVPG 012D34B0.MU-R-D
00367 00037 CUNEB0AA 016F0025.S-E0-D
00367 00256 CUNEB0AJ 016F0100.S-E0-D
00367 00273 CUNEB0AV 016F0111.S-E0-D
00367 00277 CUNEB0A2 016F0115.S-E0-D
00367 00278 CUNEB0A4 016F0116.S-E0-D
00367 00280 CUNEB0A6 016F0118.S-E0-D
00367 00284 CUNEB0BB 016F011C.S-E0-D
00367 00290 CUNEB0BH 016F0122.S-EC-D
00367 00297 CUNEB0BN 016F0129.S-E0-D
00367 00500 CUNEB0CR 016F01F4.S-E0-D
00367 00819 CUNEB0DH 016F0333.S-E0-D
00367 00833 CUNEB0DI 016F0341.S-E0-A1
00367 00836 CUNEB0DU 016F0344.S-E0-A1
00367 00850 CUNEB0EB 016F0352.S-E0-D
00367 00871 CUNEB0GY 016F0367.S-E0-D
00367 00875 CUNEB0G8 016F036B.S-E0-D
00367 01009 CUNRB0L2 016F03F1.S-R2-D
00367 01026 CUNEB0MH 016F0402.S-E0-D
00367 01027 CUNEB0MI 016F0403.S-EC-D
00367 01041 CUNEB0MN 016F0411.S-E0-D
00367 01088 CUNEB0M3 016F0440.S-EC-D
00367 01115 CUNEB0NM 016F045B.S-E0-D
00367 01126 CUNEB0NT 016F0466.S-EC-D
00367 13488 CUNRB0PG 016F34B0.SU-R-D

146 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00420 00037 CUNEB1AA 01A40025.S-E0-A1
00420 00037 CUNRB1AA 01A40025.S-RC-D
00420 00256 CUNRB1AJ 01A40100.S-RC-D
00420 00424 CUNRB1CA 01A401A8.S-RC-D
00420 00425 CUNCB1SR 01A401A9.S-C0-D
00420 00437 CUNEB1CE 01A401B5.S-E0-A1
00420 00437 CUNRB1CE 01A401B5.S-R2-D
00420 00500 CUNEB1CR 01A401F4.S-E0-A1
00420 00500 CUNRB1CR 01A401F4.S-RC-D
00420 00720 CUNCB1C5 01A402D0.S-C0-D
00420 00737 CUNRB1C6 01A402E1.S-R2-D
00420 00775 CUNRB1C8 01A40307.S-R2-D
00420 00819 CUNRB1DH 01A40333.S-R2-D
00420 00850 CUNRB1EB 01A40352.S-R2-D
00420 00852 CUNEB1EL 01A40354.S-E0-A1
00420 00852 CUNRB1EL 01A40354.S-R2-D
00420 00857 CUNEB1FC 01A40359.S-E0-A1
00420 00857 CUNRB1FC 01A40359.S-R2-D
00420 00860 CUNEB1FM 01A4035C.S-E0-A1
00420 00860 CUNRB1FM 01A4035C.S-R2-D
00420 00861 CUNEB1FP 01A4035D.S-E0-A1
00420 00861 CUNRB1FP 01A4035D.S-R2-D
00420 00862 CUNEB1FS 01A4035E.S-E0-A1
00420 00862 CUNRB1FS 01A4035E.S-R2-D
00420 00863 CUNEB1FV 01A4035F.S-E0-A1
00420 00863 CUNRB1FV 01A4035F.S-R2-D
00420 00864 CUNEB1FY 01A40360.S-E0-A2
00420 00864 CUNRB1FY 01A40360.S-RC-A1
00420 00865 CUNEB1GA 01A40361.S-E0-A1
00420 00865 CUNRB1GA 01A40361.S-R2-D
00420 01008 CUNRB1L0 01A403F0.S-R2-D
00420 01046 CUNCB1MX 01A40416.S-C0-D
00420 01051 CUNEB1M2 01A4041B.S-E0-D
00420 01089 CUNCB1M6 01A40441.S-C0-D
00420 01098 CUNRB1M8 01A4044A.S-R2-D
00420 01112 CUNRB1NH 01A40458.S-R2-D
00420 01122 CUNRB1NP 01A40462.S-R2-D
00420 01127 CUNRB1NW 01A40467.S-R2-D
00420 01252 CUNRB1PS 01A404E4.S-R2-D
00420 01256 CUNCB1P0 01A404E8.S-C0-D
00420 05352 CUNCB1P1 01A414E8.S-C0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 147

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00420 13488 CUNCB1PG 01A434B0.SU-C0-D
00420 13488 CUNLB1PG 01A434B0.SU-R-D
00420 13488 CUNRB1PG 01A434B0.SU-R-D
00423 00037 CUNEB8AA 01A70025.S-E0-A1
00423 00037 CUNRB8AA 01A70025.S-R1-D
00423 00256 CUNRB8AJ 01A70100.S-R1-D
00423 00273 CUNRB8AV 01A70111.S-R2-D
00423 00277 CUNRB8A2 01A70115.S-R2-D
00423 00278 CUNRB8A4 01A70116.S-R2-D
00423 00280 CUNRB8A6 01A70118.S-R2-D
00423 00284 CUNRB8BB 01A7011C.S-R2-D
00423 00285 CUNRB8BE 01A7011D.S-R2-D
00423 00297 CUNRB8BN 01A70129.S-R2-D
00423 00437 CUNEB8CE 01A701B5.S-E0-A1
00423 00437 CUNRB8CE 01A701B5.S-R2-D
00423 00500 CUNEB8CR 01A701F4.S-E0-A1
00423 00500 CUNRB8CR 01A701F4.S-R1-D
00423 00737 CUNEB8C6 01A702E1.S-E0-D
00423 00737 CUNRB8C6 01A702E1.S-R2-D
00423 00775 CUNEB8C8 01A70307.S-E0-A1
00423 00775 CUNRB8C8 01A70307.S-R2-D
00423 00813 CUNRB8DF 01A7032D.S-R2-D
00423 00819 CUNRB8DH 01A70333.S-R2-D
00423 00838 CUNRB8D1 01A70346.S-R2-D
00423 00850 CUNRB8EB 01A70352.S-R2-D
00423 00851 CUNRB8EG 01A70353.S-R1-D
00423 00852 CUNEB8EL 01A70354.S-E0-A1
00423 00852 CUNRB8EL 01A70354.S-R2-D
00423 00857 CUNEB8FC 01A70359.S-E0-A1
00423 00857 CUNRB8FC 01A70359.S-R2-D
00423 00860 CUNEB8FM 01A7035C.S-E0-A1
00423 00860 CUNRB8FM 01A7035C.S-R2-D
00423 00861 CUNEB8FP 01A7035D.S-E0-A1
00423 00861 CUNRB8FP 01A7035D.S-R2-D
00423 00862 CUNEB8FS 01A7035E.S-E0-A1
00423 00862 CUNRB8FS 01A7035E.S-R2-D
00423 00863 CUNEB8FV 01A7035F.S-E0-A1
00423 00863 CUNRB8FV 01A7035F.S-R2-D
00423 00864 CUNEB8FY 01A70360.S-E0-A1
00423 00864 CUNRB8FY 01A70360.S-R2-D
00423 00865 CUNEB8GA 01A70361.S-E0-A1

148 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00423 00865 CUNRB8GA 01A70361.S-R2-D
00423 00869 CUNRB8GP 01A70365.S-RC-A1
00423 00870 CUNRB8GW 01A70366.S-R2-D
00423 00871 CUNRB8GY 01A70367.S-R2-D
00423 00874 CUNRB8G3 01A7036A.S-R2-D
00423 00875 CUNRB8G8 01A7036B.S-R1-D
00423 00880 CUNRB8HB 01A70370.S-R2-D
00423 00897 CUNRB8HK 01A70381.S-R2-D
00423 00903 CUNRB8HW 01A70387.S-R2-D
00423 00912 CUNRB8H1 01A70390.S-R2-D
00423 00916 CUNRB8H6 01A70394.S-R2-D
00423 00920 CUNRB8IA 01A70398.S-R2-D
00423 01009 CUNEB8L2 01A703F1.S-E0-D
00423 01025 CUNRB8MG 01A70401.S-R2-D
00423 01026 CUNRB8MH 01A70402.S-R2-D
00423 01027 CUNRB8MI 01A70403.S-R2-D
00423 01041 CUNRB8MN 01A70411.S-R2-D
00423 01042 CUNRB8MR 01A70412.S-R2-D
00423 01043 CUNRB8MU 01A70413.S-R2-D
00423 01051 CUNEB8M2 01A7041B.S-E0-D
00423 01112 CUNRB8NH 01A70458.S-R2-D
00423 01122 CUNRB8NP 01A70462.S-R2-D
00423 01252 CUNRB8PS 01A704E4.S-R2-D
00423 01253 CUNEB8PU 01A704E5.S-EC-A1
00423 01253 CUNRB8PU 01A704E5.S-R2-D
00423 01280 CUNRB8QA 01A70500.S-R2-D
00423 13488 CUNRB8PG 01A734B0.SU-R-D
00424 00037 CUNECAAA 01A80025.S-E0-A1
00424 00037 CUNRCAAA 01A80025.S-RC-D
00424 00256 CUNRCAAJ 01A80100.S-RC-D
00424 00420 CUNRCAB1 01A801A4.S-RC-D
00424 00437 CUNECACE 01A801B5.S-E0-A1
00424 00437 CUNRCACE 01A801B5.S-R2-D
00424 00500 CUNECACR 01A801F4.S-E0-A1
00424 00500 CUNRCACR 01A801F4.S-RC-D
00424 00737 CUNRCAC6 01A802E1.S-R2-D
00424 00775 CUNRCAC8 01A80307.S-R2-D
00424 00803 CUNRCADA 01A80323.S-RC-D
00424 00819 CUNRCADH 01A80333.S-R2-D
00424 00836 CUNECADU 01A80344.S-E0-D
00424 00850 CUNECAEB 01A80352.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 149

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00424 00850 CUNRCAEB 01A80352.S-R2-D
00424 00852 CUNECAEL 01A80354.S-E0-A1
00424 00852 CUNRCAEL 01A80354.S-R2-D
00424 00856 CUNRCAE4 01A80358.S-R2-A1
00424 00857 CUNECAFC 01A80359.S-E0-A1
00424 00857 CUNRCAFC 01A80359.S-R2-D
00424 00860 CUNECAFM 01A8035C.S-E0-A1
00424 00860 CUNRCAFM 01A8035C.S-R2-D
00424 00861 CUNECAFP 01A8035D.S-E0-A1
00424 00861 CUNRCAFP 01A8035D.S-R2-D
00424 00862 CUNECAFS 01A8035E.S-E0-A2
00424 00862 CUNRCAFS 01A8035E.S-RC-D
00424 00863 CUNECAFV 01A8035F.S-E0-A1
00424 00863 CUNRCAFV 01A8035F.S-R2-D
00424 00864 CUNECAFY 01A80360.S-E0-A1
00424 00864 CUNRCAFY 01A80360.S-R2-D
00424 00865 CUNECAGA 01A80361.S-E0-A1
00424 00865 CUNRCAGA 01A80361.S-R2-D
00424 00916 CUNECAH6 01A80394.S-E0-D
00424 00916 CUNRCAH6 01A80394.S-RC-D
00424 01051 CUNECAM2 01A8041B.S-E0-D
00424 01112 CUNRCANH 01A80458.S-R2-D
00424 01122 CUNRCANP 01A80462.S-R2-D
00424 01252 CUNRCAPS 01A804E4.S-R2-D
00424 01255 CUNECAPY 01A804E7.S-E0-A1
00424 01255 CUNRCAPY 01A804E7.S-R2-D
00424 05351 CUNECAPZ 01A814E7.S-E0-D
00424 05351 CUNRCAPZ 01A814E7.S-R2-D
00424 13488 CUNLCAPG 01A834B0.SU-R-D
00424 13488 CUNRCAPG 01A834B0.SU-R-D
00425 00420 CUNCSRB1 01A901A4.S-C0-D
00425 00720 CUNESRC5 01A902D0.S-E0-D
00425 00864 CUNCSRFY 01A90360.S-C0-D
00425 01046 CUNCSRMX 01A90416.S-C0-D
00425 01089 CUNESRM6 01A90441.S-E0-D
00425 01256 CUNESRP0 01A904E8.S-E0-D
00425 17584 CUNCSRPH 01A944B0.SU-C0-D
00425 17584 CUNRSRPH 01A944B0.SU-R-D
00437 00037 CUNECEAA 01B50025.S-E0-A1
00437 00037 CUNRCEAA 01B50025.S-RC-D
00437 00256 CUNECEAJ 01B50100.S-E0-A1

150 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00437 00256 CUNRCEAJ 01B50100.S-R2-D
00437 00259 CUNECEAP 01B50103.S-E0-D
00437 00273 CUNECEAV 01B50111.S-E0-A1
00437 00273 CUNRCEAV 01B50111.S-RC-D
00437 00275 CUNECEAZ 01B50113.S-E0-D
00437 00275 CUNRCEAZ 01B50113.S-R2-D
00437 00277 CUNECEA2 01B50115.S-E0-A1
00437 00277 CUNRCEA2 01B50115.S-RC-D
00437 00278 CUNECEA4 01B50116.S-E0-A1
00437 00278 CUNRCEA4 01B50116.S-RC-D
00437 00280 CUNECEA6 01B50118.S-E0-A1
00437 00280 CUNRCEA6 01B50118.S-RC-D
00437 00284 CUNECEBB 01B5011C.S-E0-A1
00437 00284 CUNRCEBB 01B5011C.S-RC-D
00437 00285 CUNECEBE 01B5011D.S-E0-A1
00437 00285 CUNRCEBE 01B5011D.S-RC-D
00437 00290 CUNECEBH 01B50122.S-EC-D
00437 00290 CUNRCEBH 01B50122.S-R2-A1
00437 00297 CUNECEBN 01B50129.S-E0-A1
00437 00297 CUNRCEBN 01B50129.S-RC-D
00437 00420 CUNECEB1 01B501A4.S-E0-A1
00437 00420 CUNRCEB1 01B501A4.S-R2-D
00437 00423 CUNECEB8 01B501A7.S-E0-A1
00437 00423 CUNRCEB8 01B501A7.S-R2-D
00437 00424 CUNECECA 01B501A8.S-E0-A1
00437 00424 CUNRCECA 01B501A8.S-R2-D
00437 00500 CUNECECR 01B501F4.S-E0-A1
00437 00500 CUNRCECR 01B501F4.S-RC-D
00437 00737 CUNRCEC6 01B502E1.S-R2-D
00437 00775 CUNECEC8 01B50307.S-E0-A1
00437 00775 CUNRCEC8 01B50307.S-R2-D
00437 00813 CUNRCEDF 01B5032D.S-R2-D
00437 00819 CUNRCEDH 01B50333.S-RC-D
00437 00833 CUNECEDI 01B50341.S-EC-D
00437 00833 CUNRCEDI 01B50341.S-R2-A1
00437 00836 CUNECEDU 01B50344.S-E0-D
00437 00838 CUNECED1 01B50346.S-E0-A1
00437 00838 CUNRCED1 01B50346.S-R2-D
00437 00850 CUNECEEB 01B50352.S-E0-A2
00437 00850 CUNRCEEB 01B50352.S-RC-D
00437 00852 CUNRCEEL 01B50354.S-RC-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 151

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00437 00855 CUNRCEEX 01B50357.S-RC-D
00437 00857 CUNRCEFC 01B50359.S-RC-D
00437 00858 CUNECEFI 01B5035A.S-E0-D
00437 00858 CUNRCEFI 01B5035A.S-R2-D
00437 00860 CUNRCEFM 01B5035C.S-R2-D
00437 00861 CUNRCEFP 01B5035D.S-R2-D
00437 00862 CUNRCEFS 01B5035E.S-R2-D
00437 00863 CUNRCEFV 01B5035F.S-RC-D
00437 00865 CUNRCEGA 01B50361.S-R2-D
00437 00866 CUNRCEGD 01B50362.S-R2-D
00437 00869 CUNRCEGP 01B50365.S-R2-D
00437 00870 CUNECEGW 01B50366.S-E0-A1
00437 00870 CUNRCEGW 01B50366.S-RC-D
00437 00871 CUNECEGY 01B50367.S-E0-A1
00437 00871 CUNRCEGY 01B50367.S-RC-D
00437 00874 CUNRCEG3 01B5036A.S-R2-D
00437 00875 CUNECEG8 01B5036B.S-E0-A1
00437 00875 CUNRCEG8 01B5036B.S-R2-D
00437 00880 CUNECEHB 01B50370.S-E0-A1
00437 00880 CUNRCEHB 01B50370.S-RC-D
00437 00897 CUNECEHK 01B50381.S-E0-A1
00437 00897 CUNRCEHK 01B50381.S-R2-D
00437 00903 CUNRCEHW 01B50387.S-R2-D
00437 00905 CUNECEH0 01B50389.S-E0-A1
00437 00905 CUNRCEH0 01B50389.S-R2-D
00437 00912 CUNRCEH1 01B50390.S-RC-D
00437 00914 CUNRCEH3 01B50392.S-R2-D
00437 00915 CUNRCEH4 01B50393.S-RC-D
00437 00916 CUNRCEH6 01B50394.S-R2-D
00437 00920 CUNRCEIA 01B50398.S-R2-D
00437 00921 CUNRCEIB 01B50399.S-R2-D
00437 00922 CUNRCEID 01B5039A.S-R2-D
00437 00923 CUNECEIF 01B5039B.S-E0-D
00437 00923 CUNRCEIF 01B5039B.S-R2-D
00437 00924 CUNECEIG 01B5039C.S-E0-D
00437 00924 CUNRCEIG 01B5039C.S-R2-D
00437 01025 CUNECEMG 01B50401.S-E0-A1
00437 01025 CUNRCEMG 01B50401.S-RC-D
00437 01026 CUNECEMH 01B50402.S-E0-A1
00437 01026 CUNRCEMH 01B50402.S-RC-D
00437 01027 CUNECEMI 01B50403.S-EC-D

152 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00437 01027 CUNRCEMI 01B50403.S-R2-A1
00437 01040 CUNECEMK 01B50410.S-E0-D
00437 01040 CUNRCEMK 01B50410.S-R2-A1
00437 01041 CUNECEMN 01B50411.S-E0-D
00437 01041 CUNRCEMN 01B50411.S-R2-A1
00437 01042 CUNRCEMR 01B50412.S-R2-D
00437 01043 CUNECEMU 01B50413.S-E0-D
00437 01043 CUNRCEMU 01B50413.S-R2-A1
00437 01047 CUNECEM0 01B50417.S-E0-D
00437 01047 CUNRCEM0 01B50417.S-R2-D
00437 01051 CUNRCEM2 01B5041B.S-R2-D
00437 01097 CUNECEM7 01B50449.S-E0-A1
00437 01097 CUNRCEM7 01B50449.S-R2-D
00437 01098 CUNRCEM8 01B5044A.S-R2-D
00437 01114 CUNECENI 01B5045A.S-E0-D
00437 01115 CUNECENM 01B5045B.S-EC-D
00437 01126 CUNECENT 01B50466.S-E0-D
00437 01140 CUNECEN5 01B50474.S-E0-D
00437 01140 CUNRCEN5 01B50474.S-R2-D
00437 01141 CUNECEN6 01B50475.S-E0-D
00437 01141 CUNRCEN6 01B50475.S-R2-D
00437 01142 CUNECEN7 01B50476.S-E0-D
00437 01142 CUNRCEN7 01B50476.S-R2-D
00437 01143 CUNECEN8 01B50477.S-E0-D
00437 01143 CUNRCEN8 01B50477.S-R2-D
00437 01144 CUNECEN9 01B50478.S-E0-D
00437 01144 CUNRCEN9 01B50478.S-R2-D
00437 01145 CUNECEOA 01B50479.S-E0-D
00437 01145 CUNRCEOA 01B50479.S-R2-D
00437 01146 CUNECEOB 01B5047A.S-E0-D
00437 01146 CUNRCEOB 01B5047A.S-R2-D
00437 01147 CUNECEOC 01B5047B.S-E0-D
00437 01147 CUNRCEOC 01B5047B.S-R2-D
00437 01148 CUNECEOD 01B5047C.S-E0-D
00437 01148 CUNRCEOD 01B5047C.S-R2-D
00437 01149 CUNECEOE 01B5047D.S-E0-D
00437 01149 CUNRCEOE 01B5047D.S-R2-D
00437 01252 CUNRCEPS 01B504E4.S-R2-D
00437 01257 CUNRCEP2 01B504E9.S-R2-D
00437 01275 CUNRCEP6 01B504FB.S-R2-D
00437 01280 CUNRCEQA 01B50500.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 153

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00437 01281 CUNRCEQB 01B50501.S-R2-D
00437 01283 CUNRCEQD 01B50503.S-R2-D
00437 04946 CUNECEEC 01B51352.S-E0-D
00437 05348 CUNECEPT 01B514E4.S-E0-D
00437 05348 CUNRCEPT 01B514E4.S-R2-D
00437 13488 CUNRCEPG 01B534B0.SU-R-D
00437 28709 CUNECEAH 01B57025.S-EC-A1
00437 28709 CUNRCEAH 01B57025.S-R2-D
00500 00037 CUNECRAA 01F40025.S-E0-A1
00500 00037 CUNLCRAA 01F40025.S-E0-A1
00500 00037 CUNRCRAA 01F40025.S-R2-D
00500 00256 CUNECRAJ 01F40100.S-E0-A1
00500 00256 CUNRCRAJ 01F40100.S-R2-D
00500 00273 CUNECRAV 01F40111.S-E0-A1
00500 00273 CUNLCRAV 01F40111.S-E0-A1
00500 00273 CUNRCRAV 01F40111.S-R2-D
00500 00274 CUNLCRAX 01F40112.S-R2-D
00500 00274 CUNRCRAX 01F40112.S-R2-D
00500 00275 CUNLCRAZ 01F40113.S-R2-D
00500 00275 CUNRCRAZ 01F40113.S-R2-D
00500 00277 CUNECRA2 01F40115.S-E0-A1
00500 00277 CUNLCRA2 01F40115.S-E0-A1
00500 00277 CUNRCRA2 01F40115.S-R2-D
00500 00278 CUNECRA4 01F40116.S-E0-A1
00500 00278 CUNLCRA4 01F40116.S-E0-A1
00500 00278 CUNRCRA4 01F40116.S-R2-D
00500 00280 CUNECRA6 01F40118.S-E0-A1
00500 00280 CUNLCRA6 01F40118.S-E0-A1
00500 00280 CUNRCRA6 01F40118.S-R2-D
00500 00281 CUNECRA8 01F40119.S-E0-D
00500 00281 CUNLCRA8 01F40119.S-E0-D
00500 00281 CUNRCRA8 01F40119.S-R2-D
00500 00282 CUNLCRA9 01F4011A.S-R2-D
00500 00282 CUNRCRA9 01F4011A.S-R2-D
00500 00284 CUNECRBB 01F4011C.S-E0-A1
00500 00284 CUNLCRBB 01F4011C.S-E0-A1
00500 00284 CUNRCRBB 01F4011C.S-R2-D
00500 00285 CUNECRBE 01F4011D.S-E0-A1
00500 00285 CUNLCRBE 01F4011D.S-E0-A1
00500 00285 CUNRCRBE 01F4011D.S-R2-D
00500 00290 CUNECRBH 01F40122.S-E0-D

154 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00500 00290 CUNLCRBH 01F40122.S-E0-D
00500 00290 CUNRCRBH 01F40122.S-R2-A1
00500 00297 CUNECRBN 01F40129.S-E0-A1
00500 00297 CUNLCRBN 01F40129.S-E0-A1
00500 00297 CUNRCRBN 01F40129.S-R2-D
00500 00367 CUNECRB0 01F4016F.S-E0-D
00500 00420 CUNECRB1 01F401A4.S-E0-A1
00500 00420 CUNRCRB1 01F401A4.S-RC-D
00500 00423 CUNECRB8 01F401A7.S-E0-A1
00500 00423 CUNRCRB8 01F401A7.S-R1-D
00500 00424 CUNECRCA 01F401A8.S-E0-A1
00500 00424 CUNRCRCA 01F401A8.S-RC-D
00500 00437 CUNECRCE 01F401B5.S-E0-A1
00500 00437 CUNRCRCE 01F401B5.S-RC-D
00500 00737 CUNECRC6 01F402E1.S-E0-D
00500 00737 CUNRCRC6 01F402E1.S-R2-D
00500 00775 CUNECRC8 01F40307.S-E0-A1
00500 00775 CUNRCRC8 01F40307.S-R2-D
00500 00813 CUNECRDF 01F4032D.S-E0-A1
00500 00813 CUNRCRDF 01F4032D.S-R2-D
00500 00819 CUNLCRDH 01F40333.S-R2-D
00500 00819 CUNRCRDH 01F40333.S-R2-D
00500 00833 CUNECRDI 01F40341.S-E0-D
00500 00833 CUNRCRDI 01F40341.S-R2-A1
00500 00836 CUNECRDU 01F40344.S-E0-D
00500 00836 CUNRCRDU 01F40344.S-R2-A1
00500 00838 CUNECRD1 01F40346.S-E0-D
00500 00850 CUNCCREB 01F40352.S-C0-A2
00500 00850 CUNLCREB 01F40352.S-C0-A2
00500 00850 CUNECREB 01F40352.S-E0-A1
00500 00850 CUNRCREB 01F40352.S-R2-D
00500 00851 CUNRCREG 01F40353.S-R1-D
00500 00852 CUNECREL 01F40354.S-E0-A1
00500 00852 CUNRCREL 01F40354.S-RC-D
00500 00855 CUNRCREX 01F40357.S-RC-D
00500 00856 CUNRCRE4 01F40358.S-R2-D
00500 00857 CUNECRFC 01F40359.S-E0-A1
00500 00857 CUNRCRFC 01F40359.S-R2-D
00500 00858 CUNECRFI 01F4035A.S-E0-D
00500 00858 CUNRCRFI 01F4035A.S-R2-D
00500 00860 CUNECRFM 01F4035C.S-E0-A1

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 155

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00500 00860 CUNRCRFM 01F4035C.S-RC-D
00500 00861 CUNECRFP 01F4035D.S-E0-A1
00500 00861 CUNRCRFP 01F4035D.S-R2-D
00500 00862 CUNECRFS 01F4035E.S-E0-D
00500 00862 CUNRCRFS 01F4035E.S-R2-A1
00500 00863 CUNECRFV 01F4035F.S-E0-A1
00500 00863 CUNRCRFV 01F4035F.S-RC-D
00500 00864 CUNECRFY 01F40360.S-E0-D
00500 00864 CUNRCRFY 01F40360.S-R2-A1
00500 00865 CUNECRGA 01F40361.S-E0-A1
00500 00865 CUNRCRGA 01F40361.S-RC-D
00500 00866 CUNECRGD 01F40362.S-EC-D
00500 00869 CUNECRGP 01F40365.S-E0-A1
00500 00869 CUNRCRGP 01F40365.S-R2-A2
00500 00870 CUNECRGW 01F40366.S-E0-A2
00500 00870 CUNRCRGW 01F40366.S-RC-D
00500 00871 CUNECRGY 01F40367.S-E0-A1
00500 00871 CUNLCRGY 01F40367.S-E0-A1
00500 00871 CUNRCRGY 01F40367.S-R2-D
00500 00875 CUNECRG8 01F4036B.S-E0-A1
00500 00875 CUNRCRG8 01F4036B.S-R1-D
00500 00880 CUNECRHB 01F40370.S-E0-A1
00500 00880 CUNRCRHB 01F40370.S-R1-D
00500 00891 CUNECRHD 01F4037B.S-E0-D
00500 00895 CUNECRHH 01F4037F.S-E0-D
00500 00897 CUNECRHK 01F40381.S-E0-D
00500 00903 CUNECRHW 01F40387.S-E0-D
00500 00904 CUNECRHY 01F40388.S-E0-D
00500 00905 CUNECRH0 01F40389.S-E0-A1
00500 00905 CUNRCRH0 01F40389.S-RC-D
00500 00912 CUNECRH1 01F40390.S-E0-A1
00500 00912 CUNRCRH1 01F40390.S-R2-D
00500 00914 CUNRCRH3 01F40392.S-R2-D
00500 00915 CUNRCRH4 01F40393.S-R2-D
00500 00916 CUNECRH6 01F40394.S-E0-A1
00500 00916 CUNRCRH6 01F40394.S-R2-D
00500 00920 CUNECRIA 01F40398.S-E0-A1
00500 00920 CUNRCRIA 01F40398.S-R2-D
00500 00921 CUNRCRIB 01F40399.S-R2-D
00500 00922 CUNRCRID 01F4039A.S-R2-D
00500 00923 CUNECRIF 01F4039B.S-E0-D

156 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00500 00923 CUNRCRIF 01F4039B.S-R2-D
00500 00924 CUNECRIG 01F4039C.S-E0-D
00500 00924 CUNLCRIG 01F4039C.S-R2-D
00500 00924 CUNRCRIG 01F4039C.S-R2-D
00500 01004 CUNRCRLW 01F403EC.S-R2-D
00500 01009 CUNECRL2 01F403F1.S-E0-D
00500 01010 CUNECRL3 01F403F2.S-E0-D
00500 01011 CUNECRL4 01F403F3.S-E0-D
00500 01012 CUNECRL5 01F403F4.S-E0-D
00500 01013 CUNECRL6 01F403F5.S-E0-D
00500 01014 CUNECRL7 01F403F6.S-E0-D
00500 01015 CUNECRL8 01F403F7.S-E0-D
00500 01016 CUNECRL9 01F403F8.S-E0-D
00500 01017 CUNECRMA 01F403F9.S-E0-D
00500 01018 CUNECRMB 01F403FA.S-E0-D
00500 01019 CUNECRMC 01F403FB.S-E0-D
00500 01020 CUNECRMD 01F403FC.S-E0-D
00500 01021 CUNECRME 01F403FD.S-E0-D
00500 01023 CUNECRMF 01F403FF.S-E0-D
00500 01025 CUNECRMG 01F40401.S-E0-A1
00500 01025 CUNRCRMG 01F40401.S-R1-D
00500 01026 CUNECRMH 01F40402.S-E0-A1
00500 01026 CUNRCRMH 01F40402.S-RC-D
00500 01027 CUNECRMI 01F40403.S-E0-D
00500 01027 CUNLCRMI 01F40403.S-E0-D
00500 01027 CUNRCRMI 01F40403.S-R2-A1
00500 01040 CUNECRMK 01F40410.S-E0-D
00500 01040 CUNRCRMK 01F40410.S-R2-A1
00500 01041 CUNECRMN 01F40411.S-E0-D
00500 01041 CUNRCRMN 01F40411.S-R2-A1
00500 01042 CUNECRMR 01F40412.S-E0-D
00500 01042 CUNRCRMR 01F40412.S-R2-A1
00500 01043 CUNECRMU 01F40413.S-E0-D
00500 01043 CUNRCRMU 01F40413.S-R2-A1
00500 01046 CUNECRMX 01F40416.S-E0-D
00500 01047 CUNLCRM0 01F40417.S-R2-D
00500 01047 CUNRCRM0 01F40417.S-R2-D
00500 01051 CUNECRM2 01F4041B.S-E0-A1
00500 01051 CUNRCRM2 01F4041B.S-R2-D
00500 01088 CUNECRM3 01F40440.S-EC-D
00500 01088 CUNRCRM3 01F40440.S-RC-A1

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 157

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00500 01089 CUNECRM6 01F40441.S-E0-D
00500 01089 CUNRCRM6 01F40441.S-R2-D
00500 01097 CUNECRM7 01F40449.S-E0-A1
00500 01097 CUNRCRM7 01F40449.S-R2-D
00500 01100 CUNECRM9 01F4044C.S-E0-A1
00500 01100 CUNRCRM9 01F4044C.S-R2-D
00500 01101 CUNECRNA 01F4044D.S-E0-D
00500 01102 CUNECRNB 01F4044E.S-E0-D
00500 01103 CUNECRNC 01F4044F.S-E0-D
00500 01104 CUNECRND 01F40450.S-E0-D
00500 01105 CUNECRNE 01F40451.S-E0-D
00500 01106 CUNECRNF 01F40452.S-E0-D
00500 01107 CUNECRNG 01F40453.S-E0-D
00500 01112 CUNECRNH 01F40458.S-E0-D
00500 01112 CUNRCRNH 01F40458.S-R2-D
00500 01114 CUNECRNI 01F4045A.S-E0-D
00500 01115 CUNECRNM 01F4045B.S-E0-D
00500 01122 CUNRCRNP 01F40462.S-R2-D
00500 01124 CUNECRNR 01F40464.S-E0-A1
00500 01124 CUNRCRNR 01F40464.S-R2-D
00500 01125 CUNECRNS 01F40465.S-E0-A1
00500 01125 CUNRCRNS 01F40465.S-R2-D
00500 01126 CUNECRNT 01F40466.S-E0-D
00500 01129 CUNECRNY 01F40469.S-E0-A1
00500 01129 CUNRCRNY 01F40469.S-R2-D
00500 01130 CUNECRNZ 01F4046A.S-E0-D
00500 01130 CUNRCRNZ 01F4046A.S-R2-D
00500 01131 CUNRCRN0 01F4046B.S-R2-D
00500 01132 CUNECRN1 01F4046C.S-E0-D
00500 01132 CUNRCRN1 01F4046C.S-R2-D
00500 01133 CUNECRN2 01F4046D.S-E0-D
00500 01133 CUNRCRN2 01F4046D.S-R2-D
00500 01137 CUNECRN3 01F40471.S-E0-D
00500 01140 CUNECRN5 01F40474.S-E0-D
00500 01140 CUNLCRN5 01F40474.S-R2-D
00500 01140 CUNRCRN5 01F40474.S-R2-D
00500 01141 CUNECRN6 01F40475.S-E0-D
00500 01141 CUNLCRN6 01F40475.S-R2-D
00500 01141 CUNRCRN6 01F40475.S-R2-D
00500 01142 CUNECRN7 01F40476.S-E0-D
00500 01142 CUNLCRN7 01F40476.S-R2-D

158 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00500 01142 CUNRCRN7 01F40476.S-R2-D
00500 01143 CUNECRN8 01F40477.S-E0-D
00500 01143 CUNLCRN8 01F40477.S-R2-D
00500 01143 CUNRCRN8 01F40477.S-R2-D
00500 01144 CUNECRN9 01F40478.S-E0-D
00500 01144 CUNLCRN9 01F40478.S-R2-D
00500 01144 CUNRCRN9 01F40478.S-R2-D
00500 01145 CUNECROA 01F40479.S-E0-D
00500 01145 CUNLCROA 01F40479.S-R2-D
00500 01145 CUNRCROA 01F40479.S-R2-D
00500 01146 CUNECROB 01F4047A.S-E0-D
00500 01146 CUNLCROB 01F4047A.S-R2-D
00500 01146 CUNRCROB 01F4047A.S-R2-D
00500 01147 CUNECROC 01F4047B.S-E0-D
00500 01147 CUNLCROC 01F4047B.S-R2-D
00500 01147 CUNRCROC 01F4047B.S-R2-D
00500 01148 CUNECROD 01F4047C.S-E0-D
00500 01149 CUNECROE 01F4047D.S-E0-D
00500 01149 CUNLCROE 01F4047D.S-R2-D
00500 01149 CUNRCROE 01F4047D.S-R2-D
00500 01250 CUNECRPO 01F404E2.S-E0-A1
00500 01250 CUNRCRPO 01F404E2.S-R2-D
00500 01251 CUNECRPQ 01F404E3.S-E0-A1
00500 01251 CUNRCRPQ 01F404E3.S-R2-D
00500 01252 CUNECRPS 01F404E4.S-E0-A1
00500 01252 CUNRCRPS 01F404E4.S-R2-D
00500 01253 CUNECRPU 01F404E5.S-E0-A1
00500 01253 CUNRCRPU 01F404E5.S-R2-D
00500 01254 CUNECRPW 01F404E6.S-EC-A1
00500 01254 CUNRCRPW 01F404E6.S-RC-D
00500 01255 CUNECRPY 01F404E7.S-E0-A1
00500 01255 CUNRCRPY 01F404E7.S-R2-D
00500 01256 CUNECRP0 01F404E8.S-E0-A1
00500 01256 CUNRCRP0 01F404E8.S-R2-D
00500 01257 CUNRCRP2 01F404E9.S-R2-D
00500 01258 CUNECRP4 01F404EA.S-E0-D
00500 01258 CUNRCRP4 01F404EA.S-R2-A1
00500 01275 CUNRCRP6 01F404FB.S-R2-D
00500 01280 CUNRCRQA 01F40500.S-R2-D
00500 01281 CUNRCRQB 01F40501.S-R2-D
00500 01282 CUNRCRQC 01F40502.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 159

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00500 01283 CUNRCRQD 01F40503.S-R2-D
00500 05348 CUNECRPT 01F414E4.S-E0-D
00500 05348 CUNRCRPT 01F414E4.S-R2-D
00500 13488 CUNLCRPG 01F434B0.SU-R-D
00500 13488 CUNRCRPG 01F434B0.SU-R-D
00720 00037 CUNRC5AA 02D00025.S-R2-D
00720 00420 CUNCC5B1 02D001A4.S-C0-D
00720 00425 CUNEC5SR 02D001A9.S-E0-D
00720 00864 CUNCC5FY 02D00360.S-C0-D
00720 01046 CUNCC5MX 02D00416.S-C0-D
00720 01256 CUNCC5P0 02D004E8.S-C0-D
00720 13488 CUNRC5PG 02D034B0.SU-R-D
00737 00037 CUNRC6AA 02E10025.S-R2-D
00737 00256 CUNRC6AJ 02E10100.S-R2-D
00737 00273 CUNRC6AV 02E10111.S-R2-D
00737 00277 CUNRC6A2 02E10115.S-R2-D
00737 00278 CUNRC6A4 02E10116.S-R2-D
00737 00280 CUNRC6A6 02E10118.S-R2-D
00737 00284 CUNRC6BB 02E1011C.S-R2-D
00737 00285 CUNRC6BE 02E1011D.S-R2-D
00737 00290 CUNEC6BH 02E10122.S-EC-D
00737 00297 CUNRC6BN 02E10129.S-R2-D
00737 00420 CUNRC6B1 02E101A4.S-R2-D
00737 00423 CUNEC6B8 02E101A7.S-E0-D
00737 00423 CUNRC6B8 02E101A7.S-R2-D
00737 00424 CUNRC6CA 02E101A8.S-R2-D
00737 00437 CUNRC6CE 02E101B5.S-R2-D
00737 00500 CUNEC6CR 02E101F4.S-E0-D
00737 00500 CUNRC6CR 02E101F4.S-R2-D
00737 00813 CUNEC6DF 02E1032D.S-E0-D
00737 00813 CUNRC6DF 02E1032D.S-R2-D
00737 00833 CUNEC6DI 02E10341.S-EC-D
00737 00836 CUNEC6DU 02E10344.S-EC-D
00737 00838 CUNEC6D1 02E10346.S-EC-D
00737 00850 CUNRC6EB 02E10352.S-R2-D
00737 00869 CUNEC6GP 02E10365.S-E0-D
00737 00869 CUNRC6GP 02E10365.S-R2-D
00737 00870 CUNRC6GW 02E10366.S-R2-D
00737 00871 CUNRC6GY 02E10367.S-R2-D
00737 00875 CUNEC6G8 02E1036B.S-E0-D
00737 00875 CUNRC6G8 02E1036B.S-R2-D

160 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00737 00880 CUNRC6HB 02E10370.S-R2-D
00737 00905 CUNRC6H0 02E10389.S-R2-D
00737 01025 CUNRC6MG 02E10401.S-R2-D
00737 01026 CUNRC6MH 02E10402.S-R2-D
00737 01027 CUNEC6MI 02E10403.S-EC-D
00737 01097 CUNRC6M7 02E10449.S-R2-D
00737 01252 CUNRC6PS 02E104E4.S-R2-D
00737 01253 CUNEC6PU 02E104E5.S-E0-D
00737 01253 CUNRC6PU 02E104E5.S-R2-D
00737 01280 CUNEC6QA 02E10500.S-E0-D
00737 01280 CUNRC6QA 02E10500.S-R2-D
00737 01287 CUNEC6SX 02E10507.S-E0-D
00737 01287 CUNRC6SX 02E10507.S-R2-D
00737 13488 CUNRC6PG 02E134B0.SU-R-D
00737 28709 CUNEC6AH 02E17025.S-EC-D
00775 00037 CUNRC8AA 03070025.S-R2-D
00775 00256 CUNEC8AJ 03070100.S-E0-A1
00775 00256 CUNRC8AJ 03070100.S-R2-D
00775 00273 CUNRC8AV 03070111.S-R2-D
00775 00277 CUNEC8A2 03070115.S-E0-A1
00775 00277 CUNRC8A2 03070115.S-R2-D
00775 00278 CUNRC8A4 03070116.S-R2-D
00775 00280 CUNEC8A6 03070118.S-E0-A1
00775 00280 CUNRC8A6 03070118.S-R2-D
00775 00284 CUNRC8BB 0307011C.S-R2-D
00775 00285 CUNEC8BE 0307011D.S-E0-A1
00775 00285 CUNRC8BE 0307011D.S-R2-D
00775 00290 CUNEC8BH 03070122.S-EC-D
00775 00297 CUNEC8BN 03070129.S-E0-A1
00775 00297 CUNRC8BN 03070129.S-R2-D
00775 00420 CUNRC8B1 030701A4.S-R2-D
00775 00423 CUNEC8B8 030701A7.S-E0-A1
00775 00423 CUNRC8B8 030701A7.S-R2-D
00775 00424 CUNRC8CA 030701A8.S-R2-D
00775 00437 CUNEC8CE 030701B5.S-E0-A1
00775 00437 CUNRC8CE 030701B5.S-R2-D
00775 00500 CUNEC8CR 030701F4.S-E0-A1
00775 00500 CUNRC8CR 030701F4.S-R2-D
00775 00833 CUNEC8DI 03070341.S-EC-D
00775 00836 CUNEC8DU 03070344.S-EC-D
00775 00838 CUNEC8D1 03070346.S-EC-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 161

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00775 00850 CUNRC8EB 03070352.S-R2-D
00775 00870 CUNEC8GW 03070366.S-E0-A1
00775 00870 CUNRC8GW 03070366.S-R2-D
00775 00871 CUNRC8GY 03070367.S-R2-D
00775 00875 CUNEC8G8 0307036B.S-E0-A1
00775 00875 CUNRC8G8 0307036B.S-R2-D
00775 00880 CUNRC8HB 03070370.S-R2-D
00775 00905 CUNEC8H0 03070389.S-E0-A1
00775 00905 CUNRC8H0 03070389.S-R2-D
00775 01025 CUNRC8MG 03070401.S-R2-D
00775 01026 CUNEC8MH 03070402.S-E0-A1
00775 01026 CUNRC8MH 03070402.S-R2-D
00775 01027 CUNEC8MI 03070403.S-EC-D
00775 01097 CUNEC8M7 03070449.S-E0-A1
00775 01097 CUNRC8M7 03070449.S-R2-D
00775 01112 CUNRC8NH 03070458.S-R2-D
00775 01122 CUNRC8NP 03070462.S-R2-D
00775 01252 CUNEC8PS 030704E4.S-E0-A1
00775 01252 CUNRC8PS 030704E4.S-R2-D
00775 01257 CUNRC8P2 030704E9.S-R2-D
00775 13488 CUNRC8PG 030734B0.SU-R-D
00775 28709 CUNEC8AH 03077025.S-EC-D
00803 00424 CUNRDACA 032301A8.S-RC-D
00803 00819 CUNEDADH 03230333.S-E0-D
00803 00819 CUNRDADH 03230333.S-RC-D
00803 00850 CUNEDAEB 03230352.S-E0-D
00803 00850 CUNRDAEB 03230352.S-RC-D
00803 00856 CUNRDAE4 03230358.S-RC-D
00803 00862 CUNEDAFS 0323035E.S-E0-D
00803 00862 CUNRDAFS 0323035E.S-RC-D
00803 00916 CUNEDAH6 03230394.S-E0-D
00803 00916 CUNRDAH6 03230394.S-RC-D
00803 01252 CUNEDAPS 032304E4.S-E0-D
00803 01252 CUNRDAPS 032304E4.S-RC-D
00803 01255 CUNEDAPY 032304E7.S-E0-D
00803 01255 CUNRDAPY 032304E7.S-R2-D
00803 13488 CUNRDAPG 032334B0.SU-R-D
00806 01137 CUNEDCN3 03260471.S-E0-D
00806 13488 CUNRDCPG 032634B0.SU-R-D
00808 00259 CUNED5AP 03280103.S-E0-D
00808 00858 CUNED5FI 0328035A.S-E0-D

162 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00808 00858 CUNRD5FI 0328035A.S-R2-D
00808 00859 CUNED5FK 0328035B.S-E0-D
00808 00859 CUNRD5FK 0328035B.S-R2-D
00808 00872 CUNED5G0 03280368.S-E0-D
00808 00872 CUNRD5G0 03280368.S-R2-D
00808 00923 CUNED5IF 0328039B.S-E0-D
00808 00923 CUNRD5IF 0328039B.S-R2-D
00808 00924 CUNED5IG 0328039C.S-E0-D
00808 00924 CUNRD5IG 0328039C.S-R2-D
00808 01140 CUNED5N5 03280474.S-E0-D
00808 01140 CUNRD5N5 03280474.S-R2-D
00808 01148 CUNED5OD 0328047C.S-E0-D
00808 01148 CUNRD5OD 0328047C.S-R2-D
00808 01153 CUNED5OF 03280481.S-E0-D
00808 01153 CUNRD5OF 03280481.S-R2-D
00808 01154 CUNED5OG 03280482.S-E0-D
00808 01154 CUNRD5OG 03280482.S-R2-D
00808 01158 CUNRD5OK 03280486.S-R2-D
00808 05347 CUNED5PR 032814E3.S-E0-D
00808 05347 CUNRD5PR 032814E3.S-R2-D
00808 05348 CUNED5PT 032814E4.S-E0-D
00808 05348 CUNRD5PT 032814E4.S-R2-D
00808 17584 CUNRD5PH 032844B0.SU-R-D
00813 00037 CUNRDFAA 032D0025.S-R2-D
00813 00273 CUNRDFAV 032D0111.S-R2-D
00813 00277 CUNRDFA2 032D0115.S-R2-D
00813 00278 CUNRDFA4 032D0116.S-R2-D
00813 00280 CUNRDFA6 032D0118.S-R2-D
00813 00284 CUNRDFBB 032D011C.S-R2-D
00813 00285 CUNRDFBE 032D011D.S-R2-D
00813 00297 CUNRDFBN 032D0129.S-R2-D
00813 00423 CUNRDFB8 032D01A7.S-R2-D
00813 00437 CUNRDFCE 032D01B5.S-R2-D
00813 00500 CUNRDFCR 032D01F4.S-R2-D
00813 00737 CUNEDFC6 032D02E1.S-E0-D
00813 00737 CUNRDFC6 032D02E1.S-R2-D
00813 00819 CUNRDFDH 032D0333.S-R2-D
00813 00838 CUNRDFD1 032D0346.S-R2-D
00813 00850 CUNRDFEB 032D0352.S-R2-D
00813 00852 CUNRDFEL 032D0354.S-R2-D
00813 00857 CUNRDFFC 032D0359.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 163

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00813 00860 CUNRDFFM 032D035C.S-R2-D
00813 00861 CUNRDFFP 032D035D.S-R2-D
00813 00863 CUNRDFFV 032D035F.S-R2-D
00813 00869 CUNEDFGP 032D0365.S-E0-A1
00813 00869 CUNRDFGP 032D0365.S-R2-D
00813 00870 CUNRDFGW 032D0366.S-R2-D
00813 00871 CUNRDFGY 032D0367.S-R2-D
00813 00874 CUNRDFG3 032D036A.S-R2-D
00813 00875 CUNRDFG8 032D036B.S-R2-D
00813 00875 CUNLDFG8 032D036B.S-RC-A1
00813 00880 CUNRDFHB 032D0370.S-R2-D
00813 00897 CUNRDFHK 032D0381.S-R2-D
00813 00903 CUNRDFHW 032D0387.S-R2-D
00813 00912 CUNRDFH1 032D0390.S-R2-D
00813 00916 CUNRDFH6 032D0394.S-R2-D
00813 00920 CUNRDFIA 032D0398.S-R2-D
00813 01025 CUNRDFMG 032D0401.S-R2-D
00813 01026 CUNRDFMH 032D0402.S-R2-D
00813 01027 CUNRDFMI 032D0403.S-R2-D
00813 01041 CUNRDFMN 032D0411.S-R2-D
00813 01042 CUNRDFMR 032D0412.S-R2-D
00813 01043 CUNRDFMU 032D0413.S-R2-D
00813 01252 CUNRDFPS 032D04E4.S-R2-D
00813 01253 CUNRDFPU 032D04E5.S-R2-D
00813 01280 CUNRDFQA 032D0500.S-R2-D
00813 01287 CUNEDFSX 032D0507.S-E0-D
00813 01287 CUNRDFSX 032D0507.S-R2-D
00813 05349 CUNEDFPV 032D14E5.S-E0-D
00813 05349 CUNRDFPV 032D14E5.S-R2-D
00813 13488 CUNLDFPG 032D34B0.SU-R-D
00813 13488 CUNRDFPG 032D34B0.SU-R-D
00819 00037 CUNLDHAA 03330025.S-R2-D
00819 00037 CUNRDHAA 03330025.S-R2-D
00819 00256 CUNRDHAJ 03330100.S-R2-D
00819 00273 CUNLDHAV 03330111.S-R2-D
00819 00273 CUNRDHAV 03330111.S-R2-D
00819 00274 CUNEDHAX 03330112.S-E0-D
00819 00274 CUNLDHAX 03330112.S-R2-D
00819 00274 CUNRDHAX 03330112.S-R2-D
00819 00275 CUNEDHAZ 03330113.S-E0-D
00819 00275 CUNLDHAZ 03330113.S-R2-D

164 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00819 00275 CUNRDHAZ 03330113.S-R2-D
00819 00277 CUNLDHA2 03330115.S-R2-D
00819 00277 CUNRDHA2 03330115.S-R2-D
00819 00278 CUNLDHA4 03330116.S-R2-D
00819 00278 CUNRDHA4 03330116.S-R2-D
00819 00280 CUNLDHA6 03330118.S-R2-D
00819 00280 CUNRDHA6 03330118.S-R2-D
00819 00281 CUNEDHA8 03330119.S-E0-D
00819 00281 CUNLDHA8 03330119.S-R2-D
00819 00281 CUNRDHA8 03330119.S-R2-D
00819 00282 CUNEDHA9 0333011A.S-E0-D
00819 00282 CUNLDHA9 0333011A.S-R2-D
00819 00282 CUNRDHA9 0333011A.S-R2-D
00819 00284 CUNLDHBB 0333011C.S-R2-D
00819 00284 CUNRDHBB 0333011C.S-R2-D
00819 00285 CUNLDHBE 0333011D.S-R2-D
00819 00285 CUNRDHBE 0333011D.S-R2-D
00819 00290 CUNEDHBH 03330122.S-EC-D
00819 00290 CUNLDHBH 03330122.S-EC-D
00819 00297 CUNLDHBN 03330129.S-R2-D
00819 00297 CUNRDHBN 03330129.S-R2-D
00819 00367 CUNEDHB0 0333016F.S-E0-D
00819 00420 CUNRDHB1 033301A4.S-R2-D
00819 00423 CUNRDHB8 033301A7.S-R2-D
00819 00424 CUNRDHCA 033301A8.S-R2-D
00819 00437 CUNRDHCE 033301B5.S-RC-D
00819 00500 CUNLDHCR 033301F4.S-R2-D
00819 00500 CUNRDHCR 033301F4.S-R2-D
00819 00803 CUNEDHDA 03330323.S-E0-D
00819 00803 CUNRDHDA 03330323.S-RC-D
00819 00813 CUNRDHDF 0333032D.S-R2-D
00819 00833 CUNEDHDI 03330341.S-EC-D
00819 00836 CUNEDHDU 03330344.S-EC-D
00819 00838 CUNRDHD1 03330346.S-R2-D
00819 00850 CUNEDHEB 03330352.S-E0-A1
00819 00850 CUNRDHEB 03330352.S-R2-D
00819 00852 CUNRDHEL 03330354.S-RC-D
00819 00855 CUNRDHEX 03330357.S-R2-D
00819 00857 CUNRDHFC 03330359.S-R2-D
00819 00858 CUNEDHFI 0333035A.S-E0-D
00819 00858 CUNRDHFI 0333035A.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 165

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00819 00860 CUNRDHFM 0333035C.S-RC-D
00819 00861 CUNRDHFP 0333035D.S-R2-D
00819 00863 CUNRDHFV 0333035F.S-RC-D
00819 00864 CUNRDHFY 03330360.S-R2-D
00819 00865 CUNRDHGA 03330361.S-RC-D
00819 00866 CUNRDHGD 03330362.S-R2-D
00819 00869 CUNRDHGP 03330365.S-R2-D
00819 00870 CUNRDHGW 03330366.S-R2-D
00819 00871 CUNLDHGY 03330367.S-R2-D
00819 00871 CUNRDHGY 03330367.S-R2-D
00819 00874 CUNRDHG3 0333036A.S-R2-D
00819 00875 CUNRDHG8 0333036B.S-R2-D
00819 00880 CUNRDHHB 03330370.S-R2-D
00819 00897 CUNRDHHK 03330381.S-R2-D
00819 00903 CUNRDHHW 03330387.S-R2-D
00819 00905 CUNRDHH0 03330389.S-R2-D
00819 00912 CUNRDHH1 03330390.S-R2-D
00819 00914 CUNRDHH3 03330392.S-R2-D
00819 00915 CUNRDHH4 03330393.S-R2-D
00819 00916 CUNRDHH6 03330394.S-RC-D
00819 00920 CUNRDHIA 03330398.S-R2-D
00819 00921 CUNRDHIB 03330399.S-R2-D
00819 00922 CUNRDHID 0333039A.S-R2-D
00819 00923 CUNEDHIF 0333039B.S-E0-D
00819 00924 CUNEDHIG 0333039C.S-E0-D
00819 00924 CUNRDHIG 0333039C.S-R2-D
00819 01004 CUNRDHLW 033303EC.S-R2-D
00819 01025 CUNRDHMG 03330401.S-R2-D
00819 01026 CUNRDHMH 03330402.S-R2-D
00819 01027 CUNEDHMI 03330403.S-EC-D
00819 01027 CUNLDHMI 03330403.S-EC-D
00819 01027 CUNRDHMI 03330403.S-R2-A1
00819 01041 CUNRDHMN 03330411.S-R2-D
00819 01042 CUNRDHMR 03330412.S-R2-D
00819 01043 CUNRDHMU 03330413.S-R2-D
00819 01047 CUNRDHM0 03330417.S-R2-D
00819 01047 CUNLDHM0 03330417.S-RC-A2
00819 01051 CUNRDHM2 0333041B.S-R2-D
00819 01088 CUNRDHM3 03330440.S-R2-D
00819 01089 CUNRDHM6 03330441.S-R2-D
00819 01097 CUNRDHM7 03330449.S-R2-D

166 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00819 01098 CUNRDHM8 0333044A.S-R2-D
00819 01112 CUNEDHNH 03330458.S-E0-D
00819 01112 CUNRDHNH 03330458.S-R2-D
00819 01114 CUNEDHNI 0333045A.S-E0-D
00819 01114 CUNRDHNI 0333045A.S-R2-A1
00819 01122 CUNEDHNP 03330462.S-E0-D
00819 01122 CUNRDHNP 03330462.S-R2-D
00819 01123 CUNEDHNQ 03330463.S-E0-D
00819 01123 CUNRDHNQ 03330463.S-R2-D
00819 01126 CUNEDHNT 03330466.S-E0-D
00819 01130 CUNEDHNZ 0333046A.S-E0-D
00819 01130 CUNRDHNZ 0333046A.S-R2-D
00819 01132 CUNEDHN1 0333046C.S-E0-D
00819 01132 CUNRDHN1 0333046C.S-R2-D
00819 01137 CUNEDHN3 03330471.S-E0-D
00819 01140 CUNEDHN5 03330474.S-E0-D
00819 01140 CUNLDHN5 03330474.S-R2-D
00819 01140 CUNRDHN5 03330474.S-R2-D
00819 01141 CUNEDHN6 03330475.S-E0-D
00819 01141 CUNLDHN6 03330475.S-R2-D
00819 01141 CUNRDHN6 03330475.S-R2-D
00819 01142 CUNEDHN7 03330476.S-E0-D
00819 01142 CUNLDHN7 03330476.S-R2-D
00819 01142 CUNRDHN7 03330476.S-R2-D
00819 01143 CUNEDHN8 03330477.S-E0-D
00819 01143 CUNLDHN8 03330477.S-R2-D
00819 01143 CUNRDHN8 03330477.S-R2-D
00819 01144 CUNEDHN9 03330478.S-E0-D
00819 01144 CUNLDHN9 03330478.S-R2-D
00819 01144 CUNRDHN9 03330478.S-R2-D
00819 01145 CUNEDHOA 03330479.S-E0-D
00819 01145 CUNLDHOA 03330479.S-R2-D
00819 01145 CUNRDHOA 03330479.S-R2-D
00819 01146 CUNEDHOB 0333047A.S-E0-D
00819 01146 CUNLDHOB 0333047A.S-R2-D
00819 01146 CUNRDHOB 0333047A.S-R2-D
00819 01147 CUNEDHOC 0333047B.S-E0-D
00819 01147 CUNLDHOC 0333047B.S-R2-D
00819 01147 CUNRDHOC 0333047B.S-R2-D
00819 01148 CUNEDHOD 0333047C.S-E0-D
00819 01148 CUNLDHOD 0333047C.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 167

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00819 01148 CUNRDHOD 0333047C.S-R2-D
00819 01149 CUNEDHOE 0333047D.S-E0-D
00819 01149 CUNLDHOE 0333047D.S-R2-D
00819 01149 CUNRDHOE 0333047D.S-R2-D
00819 01250 CUNRDHPO 033304E2.S-R2-D
00819 01251 CUNRDHPQ 033304E3.S-R2-D
00819 01252 CUNRDHPS 033304E4.S-R2-D
00819 01253 CUNRDHPU 033304E5.S-R2-D
00819 01254 CUNRDHPW 033304E6.S-R2-D
00819 01255 CUNRDHPY 033304E7.S-R2-D
00819 01257 CUNRDHP2 033304E9.S-R2-D
00819 01258 CUNRDHP4 033304EA.S-R2-D
00819 01275 CUNRDHP6 033304FB.S-R2-D
00819 01280 CUNRDHQA 03330500.S-R2-D
00819 01281 CUNRDHQB 03330501.S-R2-D
00819 01283 CUNRDHQD 03330503.S-R2-D
00819 05348 CUNEDHPT 033314E4.S-E0-D
00819 05348 CUNRDHPT 033314E4.S-R2-D
00819 13488 CUNLDHPG 033334B0.SU-R-D
00819 13488 CUNRDHPG 033334B0.SU-R-D
00833 00037 CUNEDIAA 03410025.S-E0-D
00833 00037 CUNRDIAA 03410025.S-R2-A1
00833 00256 CUNEDIAJ 03410100.S-E0-D
00833 00273 CUNEDIAV 03410111.S-E0-D
00833 00273 CUNRDIAV 03410111.S-R2-A1
00833 00277 CUNEDIA2 03410115.S-E0-D
00833 00277 CUNRDIA2 03410115.S-R2-A1
00833 00278 CUNEDIA4 03410116.S-E0-D
00833 00278 CUNRDIA4 03410116.S-R2-A1
00833 00280 CUNEDIA6 03410118.S-E0-D
00833 00280 CUNRDIA6 03410118.S-R2-A1
00833 00284 CUNEDIBB 0341011C.S-E0-D
00833 00284 CUNRDIBB 0341011C.S-R2-A1
00833 00285 CUNEDIBE 0341011D.S-E0-D
00833 00285 CUNRDIBE 0341011D.S-R2-A1
00833 00290 CUNEDIBH 03410122.S-E0-D
00833 00290 CUNRDIBH 03410122.S-R2-A1
00833 00297 CUNEDIBN 03410129.S-E0-D
00833 00297 CUNRDIBN 03410129.S-R2-A1
00833 00367 CUNEDIB0 0341016F.S-E0-A1
00833 00437 CUNEDICE 034101B5.S-E0-D

168 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00833 00437 CUNRDICE 034101B5.S-R2-A1
00833 00500 CUNEDICR 034101F4.S-E0-D
00833 00500 CUNRDICR 034101F4.S-R2-A1
00833 00737 CUNEDIC6 034102E1.S-E0-D
00833 00775 CUNEDIC8 03410307.S-E0-D
00833 00819 CUNEDIDH 03410333.S-E0-D
00833 00836 CUNEDIDU 03410344.S-E0-D
00833 00836 CUNRDIDU 03410344.S-R2-A1
00833 00850 CUNEDIEB 03410352.S-E0-D
00833 00850 CUNRDIEB 03410352.S-R2-A1
00833 00852 CUNEDIEL 03410354.S-E0-D
00833 00852 CUNRDIEL 03410354.S-R2-A1
00833 00855 CUNEDIEX 03410357.S-E0-D
00833 00855 CUNRDIEX 03410357.S-R2-A1
00833 00857 CUNEDIFC 03410359.S-E0-D
00833 00857 CUNRDIFC 03410359.S-R2-A1
00833 00860 CUNEDIFM 0341035C.S-E0-A1
00833 00860 CUNRDIFM 0341035C.S-R2-D
00833 00861 CUNEDIFP 0341035D.S-E0-A1
00833 00861 CUNRDIFP 0341035D.S-R2-D
00833 00862 CUNEDIFS 0341035E.S-E0-A1
00833 00862 CUNRDIFS 0341035E.S-R2-D
00833 00863 CUNEDIFV 0341035F.S-E0-A1
00833 00863 CUNRDIFV 0341035F.S-R2-D
00833 00864 CUNEDIFY 03410360.S-E0-A1
00833 00864 CUNRDIFY 03410360.S-R2-D
00833 00865 CUNEDIGA 03410361.S-E0-A1
00833 00865 CUNRDIGA 03410361.S-R2-D
00833 00870 CUNEDIGW 03410366.S-E0-D
00833 00870 CUNRDIGW 03410366.S-R2-A1
00833 00871 CUNEDIGY 03410367.S-E0-D
00833 00871 CUNRDIGY 03410367.S-R2-A1
00833 00891 CUNEDIHD 0341037B.S-E0-A1
00833 01009 CUNEDIL2 034103F1.S-E0-D
00833 01025 CUNEDIMG 03410401.S-E0-D
00833 01025 CUNRDIMG 03410401.S-R2-A1
00833 01026 CUNEDIMH 03410402.S-E0-D
00833 01026 CUNRDIMH 03410402.S-R2-A1
00833 01027 CUNEDIMI 03410403.S-E0-A2
00833 01027 CUNRDIMI 03410403.S-R2-A1
00833 01040 CUNEDIMK 03410410.S-E0-A2

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 169

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00833 01040 CUNRDIMK 03410410.S-R2-A1
00833 01041 CUNEDIMN 03410411.S-E0-D
00833 01041 CUNRDIMN 03410411.S-R2-A1
00833 01042 CUNRDIMR 03410412.S-R2-D
00833 01043 CUNEDIMU 03410413.S-E0-D
00833 01043 CUNRDIMU 03410413.S-R2-A1
00833 01047 CUNEDIM0 03410417.S-E0-D
00833 01047 CUNLDIM0 03410417.S-E0-D
00833 01047 CUNRDIM0 03410417.S-R2-D
00833 01088 CUNEDIM3 03410440.S-E0-D
00833 01088 CUNRDIM3 03410440.S-RC-A1
00833 01112 CUNRDINH 03410458.S-R2-D
00833 01122 CUNRDINP 03410462.S-R2-D
00833 01126 CUNEDINT 03410466.S-E0-D
00833 01252 CUNEDIPS 034104E4.S-E0-D
00833 13488 CUNLDIPG 034134B0.SU-R-D
00833 13488 CUNRDIPG 034134B0.SU-R-D
00834 00926 CUNEDMIH 0342039E.D-E0-D
00834 00951 CUNEDMKS 034203B7.D-E0-D
00834 00971 CUNEDMLT 034203CB.D-E0-D
00834 01362 CUNEDMQJ 03420552.D-E0-D
00834 04930 CUNEDMDN 03421342.D-E0-D
00834 13488 CUNEDMPG 034234B0.MU-E-A1
00834 13488 CUNLDMPG 034234B0.MU-R-D
00834 13488 CUNRDMPG 034234B0.MU-R-D
00835 00927 CUNEDRIJ 0343039F.D-E0-D
00835 00947 CUNEDRJ9 034303B3.D-E0-D
00835 13488 CUNEDRPG 034334B0.MU-E-D
00835 13488 CUNLDRPG 034334B0.MU-E-D
00836 00037 CUNEDUAA 03440025.S-E0-D
00836 00037 CUNRDUAA 03440025.S-R2-A1
00836 00256 CUNEDUAJ 03440100.S-E0-D
00836 00273 CUNEDUAV 03440111.S-E0-D
00836 00273 CUNRDUAV 03440111.S-R2-A1
00836 00277 CUNEDUA2 03440115.S-E0-D
00836 00277 CUNRDUA2 03440115.S-R2-A1
00836 00278 CUNEDUA4 03440116.S-E0-D
00836 00278 CUNRDUA4 03440116.S-R2-A1
00836 00280 CUNEDUA6 03440118.S-E0-D
00836 00280 CUNRDUA6 03440118.S-R2-A1
00836 00284 CUNEDUBB 0344011C.S-E0-D

170 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00836 00284 CUNRDUBB 0344011C.S-R2-A1
00836 00285 CUNEDUBE 0344011D.S-E0-D
00836 00285 CUNRDUBE 0344011D.S-R2-A1
00836 00290 CUNEDUBH 03440122.S-E0-D
00836 00290 CUNRDUBH 03440122.S-R2-A1
00836 00297 CUNEDUBN 03440129.S-E0-D
00836 00297 CUNRDUBN 03440129.S-R2-A1
00836 00367 CUNEDUB0 0344016F.S-E0-D
00836 00424 CUNEDUCA 034401A8.S-E0-D
00836 00437 CUNEDUCE 034401B5.S-E0-D
00836 00500 CUNEDUCR 034401F4.S-E0-D
00836 00500 CUNRDUCR 034401F4.S-R2-A1
00836 00737 CUNEDUC6 034402E1.S-E0-D
00836 00775 CUNEDUC8 03440307.S-E0-D
00836 00819 CUNEDUDH 03440333.S-E0-D
00836 00833 CUNEDUDI 03440341.S-E0-D
00836 00833 CUNRDUDI 03440341.S-R2-A1
00836 00850 CUNEDUEB 03440352.S-E0-D
00836 00850 CUNRDUEB 03440352.S-R2-D
00836 00852 CUNRDUEL 03440354.S-R2-D
00836 00855 CUNRDUEX 03440357.S-R2-D
00836 00857 CUNRDUFC 03440359.S-R2-D
00836 00870 CUNRDUGW 03440366.S-R2-D
00836 00871 CUNEDUGY 03440367.S-E0-D
00836 00871 CUNRDUGY 03440367.S-R2-A1
00836 00875 CUNEDUG8 0344036B.S-E0-D
00836 00875 CUNRDUG8 0344036B.S-R2-A1
00836 00903 CUNEDUHW 03440387.S-E0-A1
00836 01009 CUNEDUL2 034403F1.S-E0-D
00836 01025 CUNRDUMG 03440401.S-R2-D
00836 01026 CUNRDUMH 03440402.S-R2-D
00836 01027 CUNEDUMI 03440403.S-E0-D
00836 01027 CUNRDUMI 03440403.S-R2-A1
00836 01040 CUNRDUMK 03440410.S-R2-D
00836 01041 CUNRDUMN 03440411.S-R2-D
00836 01042 CUNEDUMR 03440412.S-E0-D
00836 01042 CUNRDUMR 03440412.S-R2-A1
00836 01043 CUNRDUMU 03440413.S-R2-D
00836 01047 CUNEDUM0 03440417.S-E0-D
00836 01047 CUNLDUM0 03440417.S-E0-D
00836 01047 CUNRDUM0 03440417.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 171

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00836 01088 CUNRDUM3 03440440.S-RC-D
00836 01112 CUNRDUNH 03440458.S-R2-D
00836 01114 CUNEDUNI 0344045A.S-E0-D
00836 01115 CUNEDUNM 0344045B.S-E0-D
00836 01122 CUNRDUNP 03440462.S-R2-D
00836 01252 CUNEDUPS 034404E4.S-E0-D
00836 13488 CUNLDUPG 034434B0.SU-R-D
00836 13488 CUNRDUPG 034434B0.SU-R-D
00837 00928 CUNEDYIM 034503A0.D-E0-D
00837 01380 CUNEDYQV 03450564.D-E0-D
00837 01382 CUNEDYQ0 03450566.D-E0-A1
00837 01385 CUNEDYQ6 03450569.D-E0-D
00837 04933 CUNEDYDZ 03451345.D-E0-D
00837 13488 CUNEDYPG 034534B0.MU-E-A1
00837 13488 CUNLDYPG 034534B0.MU-R-D
00837 13488 CUNRDYPG 034534B0.MU-R-D
00838 00037 CUNED1AA 03460025.S-E0-D
00838 00256 CUNED1AJ 03460100.S-E0-D
00838 00273 CUNED1AV 03460111.S-E0-D
00838 00277 CUNED1A2 03460115.S-E0-D
00838 00278 CUNED1A4 03460116.S-E0-D
00838 00280 CUNED1A6 03460118.S-E0-D
00838 00284 CUNED1BB 0346011C.S-E0-D
00838 00285 CUNED1BE 0346011D.S-E0-D
00838 00297 CUNED1BN 03460129.S-E0-D
00838 00423 CUNRD1B8 034601A7.S-R2-D
00838 00437 CUNED1CE 034601B5.S-E0-A1
00838 00437 CUNRD1CE 034601B5.S-R2-D
00838 00500 CUNED1CR 034601F4.S-E0-D
00838 00737 CUNED1C6 034602E1.S-E0-D
00838 00775 CUNED1C8 03460307.S-E0-D
00838 00813 CUNRD1DF 0346032D.S-R2-D
00838 00819 CUNRD1DH 03460333.S-R2-D
00838 00850 CUNED1EB 03460352.S-E0-D
00838 00850 CUNRD1EB 03460352.S-R2-D
00838 00852 CUNED1EL 03460354.S-E0-A1
00838 00852 CUNRD1EL 03460354.S-R2-D
00838 00857 CUNED1FC 03460359.S-E0-A1
00838 00857 CUNRD1FC 03460359.S-R2-D
00838 00860 CUNED1FM 0346035C.S-E0-A1
00838 00860 CUNRD1FM 0346035C.S-R2-D

172 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00838 00861 CUNED1FP 0346035D.S-E0-A1
00838 00861 CUNRD1FP 0346035D.S-R2-D
00838 00862 CUNED1FS 0346035E.S-E0-A1
00838 00862 CUNRD1FS 0346035E.S-R2-D
00838 00863 CUNED1FV 0346035F.S-E0-A1
00838 00863 CUNRD1FV 0346035F.S-R2-D
00838 00864 CUNED1FY 03460360.S-E0-A1
00838 00864 CUNRD1FY 03460360.S-R2-D
00838 00865 CUNED1GA 03460361.S-E0-A1
00838 00865 CUNRD1GA 03460361.S-R2-D
00838 00869 CUNRD1GP 03460365.S-R2-D
00838 00870 CUNRD1GW 03460366.S-R2-D
00838 00871 CUNED1GY 03460367.S-E0-D
00838 00874 CUNED1G3 0346036A.S-E0-D
00838 00874 CUNRD1G3 0346036A.S-RC-D
00838 00875 CUNRD1G8 0346036B.S-R2-D
00838 00880 CUNRD1HB 03460370.S-R2-D
00838 00897 CUNRD1HK 03460381.S-R2-D
00838 00903 CUNRD1HW 03460387.S-R2-D
00838 00912 CUNRD1H1 03460390.S-R2-D
00838 00916 CUNRD1H6 03460394.S-R2-D
00838 00920 CUNRD1IA 03460398.S-R2-D
00838 01025 CUNRD1MG 03460401.S-R2-D
00838 01026 CUNRD1MH 03460402.S-R2-D
00838 01027 CUNRD1MI 03460403.S-R2-D
00838 01041 CUNRD1MN 03460411.S-R2-D
00838 01042 CUNRD1MR 03460412.S-R2-D
00838 01043 CUNRD1MU 03460413.S-R2-D
00838 01051 CUNED1M2 0346041B.S-E0-D
00838 01112 CUNRD1NH 03460458.S-R2-D
00838 01122 CUNRD1NP 03460462.S-R2-D
00838 01252 CUNED1PS 034604E4.S-E0-D
00838 13488 CUNED1PG 034634B0.SU-E-D
00838 13488 CUNLD1PG 034634B0.SU-E-D
00848 00924 CUNED7IG 0350039C.S-E0-D
00848 00924 CUNRD7IG 0350039C.S-R2-D
00848 01148 CUNED7OD 0350047C.S-E0-D
00848 01148 CUNRD7OD 0350047C.S-R2-D
00848 01154 CUNRD7OG 03500482.S-R2-D
00848 01158 CUNED7OK 03500486.S-E0-D
00848 01158 CUNRD7OK 03500486.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 173

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00848 05347 CUNED7PR 035014E3.S-E0-D
00848 05347 CUNRD7PR 035014E3.S-R2-D
00848 17584 CUNRD7PH 035044B0.SU-R-D
00849 00924 CUNED9IG 0351039C.S-E0-D
00849 00924 CUNRD9IG 0351039C.S-R2-D
00849 01148 CUNED9OD 0351047C.S-E0-D
00849 01148 CUNRD9OD 0351047C.S-R2-D
00849 01154 CUNED9OG 03510482.S-E0-D
00849 01154 CUNRD9OG 03510482.S-R2-D
00849 01158 CUNRD9OK 03510486.S-R2-D
00849 05347 CUNED9PR 035114E3.S-E0-D
00849 05347 CUNRD9PR 035114E3.S-R2-D
00849 17584 CUNRD9PH 035144B0.SU-R-D
00850 00037 CUNCEBAA 03520025.S-C0-A2
00850 00037 CUNLEBAA 03520025.S-C0-A2
00850 00037 CUNEEBAA 03520025.S-E0-A1
00850 00037 CUNREBAA 03520025.S-R2-D
00850 00256 CUNEEBAJ 03520100.S-E0-D
00850 00256 CUNREBAJ 03520100.S-R2-D
00850 00259 CUNEEBAP 03520103.S-E0-D
00850 00273 CUNCEBAV 03520111.S-C0-A1
00850 00273 CUNLEBAV 03520111.S-C0-A1
00850 00273 CUNEEBAV 03520111.S-E0-D
00850 00273 CUNREBAV 03520111.S-R2-D
00850 00274 CUNEEBAX 03520112.S-E0-D
00850 00274 CUNREBAX 03520112.S-R2-D
00850 00275 CUNEEBAZ 03520113.S-E0-D
00850 00275 CUNREBAZ 03520113.S-R2-D
00850 00277 CUNCEBA2 03520115.S-C0-A2
00850 00277 CUNLEBA2 03520115.S-C0-A2
00850 00277 CUNEEBA2 03520115.S-E0-A1
00850 00277 CUNREBA2 03520115.S-R2-D
00850 00278 CUNCEBA4 03520116.S-C0-A2
00850 00278 CUNLEBA4 03520116.S-C0-A2
00850 00278 CUNEEBA4 03520116.S-E0-A1
00850 00278 CUNREBA4 03520116.S-R2-D
00850 00280 CUNCEBA6 03520118.S-C0-A2
00850 00280 CUNLEBA6 03520118.S-C0-A2
00850 00280 CUNEEBA6 03520118.S-E0-A1
00850 00280 CUNREBA6 03520118.S-R2-D
00850 00284 CUNCEBBB 0352011C.S-C0-A2

174 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00850 00284 CUNLEBBB 0352011C.S-C0-A2
00850 00284 CUNEEBBB 0352011C.S-E0-A1
00850 00284 CUNREBBB 0352011C.S-R2-D
00850 00285 CUNCEBBE 0352011D.S-C0-A1
00850 00285 CUNLEBBE 0352011D.S-C0-A1
00850 00285 CUNEEBBE 0352011D.S-E0-D
00850 00285 CUNREBBE 0352011D.S-R2-D
00850 00290 CUNEEBBH 03520122.S-EC-D
00850 00290 CUNREBBH 03520122.S-R2-A1
00850 00297 CUNCEBBN 03520129.S-C0-A1
00850 00297 CUNLEBBN 03520129.S-C0-A1
00850 00297 CUNEEBBN 03520129.S-E0-D
00850 00297 CUNREBBN 03520129.S-R2-D
00850 00367 CUNEEBB0 0352016F.S-E0-D
00850 00420 CUNREBB1 035201A4.S-R2-D
00850 00423 CUNREBB8 035201A7.S-R2-D
00850 00424 CUNEEBCA 035201A8.S-E0-D
00850 00424 CUNREBCA 035201A8.S-R2-D
00850 00437 CUNEEBCE 035201B5.S-E0-A2
00850 00437 CUNREBCE 035201B5.S-RC-D
00850 00500 CUNCEBCR 035201F4.S-C0-A2
00850 00500 CUNLEBCR 035201F4.S-C0-A2
00850 00500 CUNEEBCR 035201F4.S-E0-A1
00850 00500 CUNREBCR 035201F4.S-R2-D
00850 00737 CUNREBC6 035202E1.S-R2-D
00850 00775 CUNREBC8 03520307.S-R2-D
00850 00803 CUNEEBDA 03520323.S-E0-D
00850 00803 CUNREBDA 03520323.S-RC-D
00850 00813 CUNREBDF 0352032D.S-R2-D
00850 00819 CUNEEBDH 03520333.S-E0-A1
00850 00819 CUNREBDH 03520333.S-R2-D
00850 00833 CUNEEBDI 03520341.S-EC-D
00850 00833 CUNREBDI 03520341.S-R2-A1
00850 00836 CUNEEBDU 03520344.S-E0-D
00850 00836 CUNREBDU 03520344.S-R2-D
00850 00838 CUNEEBD1 03520346.S-E0-D
00850 00838 CUNREBD1 03520346.S-R2-D
00850 00852 CUNREBEL 03520354.S-RC-D
00850 00855 CUNREBEX 03520357.S-RC-D
00850 00856 CUNREBE4 03520358.S-R2-D
00850 00857 CUNREBFC 03520359.S-R1-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 175

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00850 00858 CUNEEBFI 0352035A.S-E0-D
00850 00860 CUNREBFM 0352035C.S-RC-D
00850 00861 CUNREBFP 0352035D.S-R1-D
00850 00862 CUNREBFS 0352035E.S-RC-D
00850 00863 CUNREBFV 0352035F.S-RC-D
00850 00864 CUNREBFY 03520360.S-RC-D
00850 00865 CUNREBGA 03520361.S-RC-D
00850 00866 CUNREBGD 03520362.S-RC-D
00850 00869 CUNREBGP 03520365.S-RC-D
00850 00870 CUNEEBGW 03520366.S-E0-D
00850 00870 CUNREBGW 03520366.S-RC-D
00850 00871 CUNCEBGY 03520367.S-C0-A2
00850 00871 CUNLEBGY 03520367.S-C0-A2
00850 00871 CUNEEBGY 03520367.S-E0-A1
00850 00871 CUNREBGY 03520367.S-R2-D
00850 00874 CUNREBG3 0352036A.S-R2-D
00850 00875 CUNREBG8 0352036B.S-R2-D
00850 00880 CUNEEBHB 03520370.S-E0-D
00850 00880 CUNREBHB 03520370.S-RC-D
00850 00897 CUNEEBHK 03520381.S-E0-A1
00850 00897 CUNREBHK 03520381.S-R2-D
00850 00903 CUNREBHW 03520387.S-R2-D
00850 00905 CUNEEBH0 03520389.S-E0-D
00850 00905 CUNREBH0 03520389.S-R2-D
00850 00912 CUNREBH1 03520390.S-R2-D
00850 00914 CUNREBH3 03520392.S-R2-D
00850 00915 CUNREBH4 03520393.S-R2-D
00850 00916 CUNREBH6 03520394.S-R2-D
00850 00920 CUNREBIA 03520398.S-R2-D
00850 00921 CUNREBIB 03520399.S-R2-D
00850 00922 CUNREBID 0352039A.S-R2-D
00850 00923 CUNEEBIF 0352039B.S-E0-D
00850 00923 CUNREBIF 0352039B.S-RC-D
00850 00924 CUNEEBIG 0352039C.S-E0-D
00850 00924 CUNREBIG 0352039C.S-R2-D
00850 01004 CUNREBLW 035203EC.S-R2-D
00850 01025 CUNREBMG 03520401.S-RC-D
00850 01026 CUNEEBMH 03520402.S-E0-D
00850 01026 CUNREBMH 03520402.S-R2-D
00850 01027 CUNEEBMI 03520403.S-EC-D
00850 01027 CUNREBMI 03520403.S-R2-A1

176 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00850 01040 CUNEEBMK 03520410.S-E0-D
00850 01040 CUNREBMK 03520410.S-R2-A1
00850 01041 CUNEEBMN 03520411.S-E0-D
00850 01041 CUNREBMN 03520411.S-R2-A1
00850 01042 CUNREBMR 03520412.S-R2-D
00850 01043 CUNEEBMU 03520413.S-E0-D
00850 01043 CUNREBMU 03520413.S-R2-A1
00850 01047 CUNCEBM0 03520417.S-C0-A1
00850 01047 CUNLEBM0 03520417.S-C0-A1
00850 01047 CUNREBM0 03520417.S-R2-D
00850 01051 CUNREBM2 0352041B.S-R2-D
00850 01088 CUNREBM3 03520440.S-RC-D
00850 01089 CUNREBM6 03520441.S-R2-D
00850 01097 CUNREBM7 03520449.S-R2-D
00850 01098 CUNREBM8 0352044A.S-RC-D
00850 01100 CUNREBM9 0352044C.S-R2-D
00850 01112 CUNREBNH 03520458.S-R2-D
00850 01114 CUNEEBNI 0352045A.S-E0-A1
00850 01114 CUNREBNI 0352045A.S-R2-D
00850 01122 CUNREBNP 03520462.S-R2-D
00850 01126 CUNEEBNT 03520466.S-E0-D
00850 01130 CUNEEBNZ 0352046A.S-E0-D
00850 01130 CUNREBNZ 0352046A.S-R2-D
00850 01132 CUNEEBN1 0352046C.S-E0-D
00850 01132 CUNREBN1 0352046C.S-R2-D
00850 01140 CUNEEBN5 03520474.S-E0-D
00850 01140 CUNLEBN5 03520474.S-R2-D
00850 01140 CUNREBN5 03520474.S-R2-D
00850 01141 CUNEEBN6 03520475.S-E0-D
00850 01141 CUNLEBN6 03520475.S-R2-D
00850 01141 CUNREBN6 03520475.S-R2-D
00850 01142 CUNEEBN7 03520476.S-E0-D
00850 01142 CUNLEBN7 03520476.S-R2-D
00850 01142 CUNREBN7 03520476.S-R2-D
00850 01143 CUNEEBN8 03520477.S-E0-D
00850 01143 CUNLEBN8 03520477.S-R2-D
00850 01143 CUNREBN8 03520477.S-R2-D
00850 01144 CUNEEBN9 03520478.S-E0-D
00850 01144 CUNLEBN9 03520478.S-R2-D
00850 01144 CUNREBN9 03520478.S-R2-D
00850 01145 CUNEEBOA 03520479.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 177

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00850 01145 CUNLEBOA 03520479.S-R2-D
00850 01145 CUNREBOA 03520479.S-R2-D
00850 01146 CUNEEBOB 0352047A.S-E0-D
00850 01146 CUNLEBOB 0352047A.S-R2-D
00850 01146 CUNREBOB 0352047A.S-R2-D
00850 01147 CUNEEBOC 0352047B.S-E0-D
00850 01147 CUNLEBOC 0352047B.S-R2-D
00850 01147 CUNREBOC 0352047B.S-R2-D
00850 01148 CUNEEBOD 0352047C.S-E0-D
00850 01148 CUNLEBOD 0352047C.S-R2-D
00850 01148 CUNREBOD 0352047C.S-R2-D
00850 01149 CUNEEBOE 0352047D.S-E0-D
00850 01149 CUNLEBOE 0352047D.S-R2-D
00850 01149 CUNREBOE 0352047D.S-R2-D
00850 01250 CUNREBPO 035204E2.S-R2-D
00850 01251 CUNREBPQ 035204E3.S-R2-D
00850 01252 CUNEEBPS 035204E4.S-E0-A1
00850 01252 CUNREBPS 035204E4.S-R2-D
00850 01253 CUNREBPU 035204E5.S-R2-D
00850 01254 CUNREBPW 035204E6.S-R2-D
00850 01255 CUNREBPY 035204E7.S-R2-D
00850 01256 CUNREBP0 035204E8.S-R2-D
00850 01257 CUNREBP2 035204E9.S-R2-D
00850 01275 CUNREBP6 035204FB.S-R2-D
00850 01280 CUNREBQA 03520500.S-R2-D
00850 01281 CUNREBQB 03520501.S-R2-D
00850 01283 CUNREBQD 03520503.S-R2-D
00850 04953 CUNEEBFD 03521359.S-E0-D
00850 05348 CUNEEBPT 035214E4.S-E0-D
00850 05348 CUNREBPT 035214E4.S-R2-D
00850 13488 CUNLEBPG 035234B0.SU-R-D
00850 13488 CUNREBPG 035234B0.SU-R-D
00851 00259 CUNEEGAP 03530103.S-E0-D
00851 00423 CUNREGB8 035301A7.S-R1-D
00851 00500 CUNREGCR 035301F4.S-R1-D
00851 00875 CUNREGG8 0353036B.S-R1-D
00851 13488 CUNREGPG 035334B0.SU-R-D
00852 00037 CUNEELAA 03540025.S-E0-A2
00852 00037 CUNRELAA 03540025.S-R2-A1
00852 00256 CUNEELAJ 03540100.S-E0-A1
00852 00256 CUNRELAJ 03540100.S-R2-D

178 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00852 00259 CUNEELAP 03540103.S-E0-D
00852 00273 CUNEELAV 03540111.S-E0-A1
00852 00273 CUNRELAV 03540111.S-RC-D
00852 00277 CUNEELA2 03540115.S-E0-A1
00852 00277 CUNRELA2 03540115.S-RC-D
00852 00278 CUNEELA4 03540116.S-E0-A1
00852 00278 CUNRELA4 03540116.S-RC-D
00852 00280 CUNEELA6 03540118.S-E0-A1
00852 00280 CUNRELA6 03540118.S-RC-D
00852 00284 CUNEELBB 0354011C.S-E0-A1
00852 00284 CUNRELBB 0354011C.S-RC-D
00852 00285 CUNEELBE 0354011D.S-E0-A1
00852 00285 CUNRELBE 0354011D.S-RC-D
00852 00290 CUNEELBH 03540122.S-EC-D
00852 00290 CUNRELBH 03540122.S-R2-A1
00852 00297 CUNEELBN 03540129.S-E0-A1
00852 00297 CUNRELBN 03540129.S-RC-D
00852 00420 CUNEELB1 035401A4.S-E0-A1
00852 00420 CUNRELB1 035401A4.S-R2-D
00852 00423 CUNEELB8 035401A7.S-E0-A1
00852 00423 CUNRELB8 035401A7.S-R2-D
00852 00424 CUNEELCA 035401A8.S-E0-A1
00852 00424 CUNRELCA 035401A8.S-R2-D
00852 00437 CUNRELCE 035401B5.S-RC-D
00852 00500 CUNEELCR 035401F4.S-E0-A1
00852 00500 CUNRELCR 035401F4.S-RC-D
00852 00813 CUNRELDF 0354032D.S-R2-D
00852 00819 CUNRELDH 03540333.S-RC-D
00852 00833 CUNEELDI 03540341.S-EC-D
00852 00833 CUNRELDI 03540341.S-R2-A1
00852 00836 CUNRELDU 03540344.S-R2-D
00852 00838 CUNEELD1 03540346.S-E0-A1
00852 00838 CUNRELD1 03540346.S-R2-D
00852 00850 CUNRELEB 03540352.S-RC-D
00852 00855 CUNRELEX 03540357.S-R2-D
00852 00857 CUNRELFC 03540359.S-RC-D
00852 00860 CUNRELFM 0354035C.S-R2-D
00852 00861 CUNRELFP 0354035D.S-R2-D
00852 00863 CUNRELFV 0354035F.S-R2-D
00852 00869 CUNRELGP 03540365.S-R2-D
00852 00870 CUNEELGW 03540366.S-E0-A1

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 179

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00852 00870 CUNRELGW 03540366.S-RC-D
00852 00871 CUNEELGY 03540367.S-E0-A1
00852 00871 CUNRELGY 03540367.S-RC-D
00852 00874 CUNRELG3 0354036A.S-R2-D
00852 00875 CUNEELG8 0354036B.S-E0-A1
00852 00875 CUNRELG8 0354036B.S-R2-D
00852 00880 CUNEELHB 03540370.S-E0-A1
00852 00880 CUNRELHB 03540370.S-RC-D
00852 00897 CUNRELHK 03540381.S-R2-D
00852 00903 CUNRELHW 03540387.S-R2-D
00852 00905 CUNEELH0 03540389.S-E0-A1
00852 00905 CUNRELH0 03540389.S-R2-D
00852 00912 CUNEELH1 03540390.S-E0-A1
00852 00912 CUNRELH1 03540390.S-R2-D
00852 00916 CUNRELH6 03540394.S-R2-D
00852 00920 CUNRELIA 03540398.S-R2-D
00852 01025 CUNEELMG 03540401.S-E0-A1
00852 01025 CUNRELMG 03540401.S-RC-D
00852 01026 CUNEELMH 03540402.S-E0-A1
00852 01026 CUNRELMH 03540402.S-RC-D
00852 01027 CUNEELMI 03540403.S-EC-D
00852 01027 CUNRELMI 03540403.S-R2-A1
00852 01040 CUNEELMK 03540410.S-E0-D
00852 01040 CUNRELMK 03540410.S-R2-A1
00852 01041 CUNEELMN 03540411.S-E0-D
00852 01041 CUNRELMN 03540411.S-R2-A1
00852 01042 CUNRELMR 03540412.S-R2-D
00852 01043 CUNEELMU 03540413.S-E0-D
00852 01043 CUNRELMU 03540413.S-R2-A1
00852 01047 CUNRELM0 03540417.S-R2-D
00852 01088 CUNRELM3 03540440.S-RC-D
00852 01097 CUNEELM7 03540449.S-E0-A1
00852 01097 CUNRELM7 03540449.S-R2-D
00852 01250 CUNRELPO 035404E2.S-RC-D
00852 01252 CUNRELPS 035404E4.S-R2-D
00852 01282 CUNRELQC 03540502.S-R2-D
00852 05346 CUNEELPP 035414E2.S-E0-D
00852 05346 CUNRELPP 035414E2.S-R2-D
00852 13488 CUNLELPG 035434B0.SU-R-D
00852 13488 CUNRELPG 035434B0.SU-R-D
00852 28709 CUNEELAH 03547025.S-EC-A1

180 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00852 28709 CUNRELAH 03547025.S-R2-D
00855 00037 CUNREXAA 03570025.S-RC-D
00855 00259 CUNREXAP 03570103.S-RC-A1
00855 00273 CUNREXAV 03570111.S-RC-D
00855 00277 CUNREXA2 03570115.S-RC-D
00855 00278 CUNREXA4 03570116.S-RC-D
00855 00280 CUNREXA6 03570118.S-RC-D
00855 00284 CUNREXBB 0357011C.S-RC-D
00855 00285 CUNREXBE 0357011D.S-RC-D
00855 00290 CUNEEXBH 03570122.S-EC-D
00855 00290 CUNREXBH 03570122.S-R2-A1
00855 00297 CUNREXBN 03570129.S-RC-D
00855 00437 CUNREXCE 035701B5.S-RC-D
00855 00500 CUNREXCR 035701F4.S-RC-D
00855 00819 CUNREXDH 03570333.S-R2-D
00855 00833 CUNEEXDI 03570341.S-EC-D
00855 00833 CUNREXDI 03570341.S-R2-A1
00855 00836 CUNREXDU 03570344.S-R2-D
00855 00850 CUNREXEB 03570352.S-RC-D
00855 00852 CUNREXEL 03570354.S-R2-D
00855 00857 CUNREXFC 03570359.S-RC-D
00855 00866 CUNEEXGD 03570362.S-EC-D
00855 00870 CUNREXGW 03570366.S-RC-D
00855 00871 CUNREXGY 03570367.S-RC-D
00855 00878 CUNREXHA 0357036E.S-R2-D
00855 00880 CUNREXHB 03570370.S-R2-D
00855 00912 CUNREXH1 03570390.S-R2-D
00855 00915 CUNEEXH4 03570393.S-E0-A1
00855 00915 CUNREXH4 03570393.S-RC-D
00855 01025 CUNEEXMG 03570401.S-E0-A1
00855 01025 CUNREXMG 03570401.S-R2-D
00855 01026 CUNREXMH 03570402.S-RC-D
00855 01027 CUNEEXMI 03570403.S-EC-D
00855 01027 CUNREXMI 03570403.S-R2-A1
00855 01040 CUNEEXMK 03570410.S-E0-D
00855 01040 CUNREXMK 03570410.S-R2-A1
00855 01041 CUNEEXMN 03570411.S-E0-D
00855 01041 CUNREXMN 03570411.S-R2-A1
00855 01042 CUNREXMR 03570412.S-R2-D
00855 01043 CUNEEXMU 03570413.S-E0-D
00855 01043 CUNREXMU 03570413.S-R2-A1

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 181

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00855 01088 CUNREXM3 03570440.S-RC-D
00855 01250 CUNREXPO 035704E2.S-R2-D
00855 01251 CUNREXPQ 035704E3.S-R2-D
00855 01252 CUNREXPS 035704E4.S-R2-D
00855 01283 CUNREXQD 03570503.S-R2-D
00855 05347 CUNEEXPR 035714E3.S-E0-D
00855 05347 CUNREXPR 035714E3.S-R2-D
00855 13488 CUNLEXPG 035734B0.SU-R-D
00855 13488 CUNREXPG 035734B0.SU-R-D
00856 00259 CUNEE4AP 03580103.S-E0-D
00856 00273 CUNEE4AV 03580111.S-E0-D
00856 00424 CUNRE4CA 035801A8.S-R2-A1
00856 00500 CUNRE4CR 035801F4.S-R2-D
00856 00803 CUNRE4DA 03580323.S-RC-D
00856 00850 CUNRE4EB 03580352.S-R2-D
00856 00862 CUNRE4FS 0358035E.S-RC-D
00856 00916 CUNRE4H6 03580394.S-RC-D
00856 01255 CUNRE4PY 035804E7.S-R2-D
00856 05351 CUNEE4PZ 035814E7.S-E0-D
00856 05351 CUNRE4PZ 035814E7.S-R2-D
00856 13488 CUNLE4PG 035834B0.SU-R-D
00856 13488 CUNRE4PG 035834B0.SU-R-D
00857 00037 CUNEFCAA 03590025.S-E0-A1
00857 00037 CUNRFCAA 03590025.S-R2-D
00857 00256 CUNEFCAJ 03590100.S-E0-A1
00857 00256 CUNRFCAJ 03590100.S-R2-D
00857 00259 CUNEFCAP 03590103.S-E0-D
00857 00273 CUNEFCAV 03590111.S-E0-A1
00857 00273 CUNRFCAV 03590111.S-R2-D
00857 00277 CUNEFCA2 03590115.S-E0-A1
00857 00277 CUNRFCA2 03590115.S-R2-D
00857 00278 CUNEFCA4 03590116.S-E0-A1
00857 00278 CUNRFCA4 03590116.S-R2-D
00857 00280 CUNEFCA6 03590118.S-E0-A1
00857 00280 CUNRFCA6 03590118.S-R2-D
00857 00284 CUNEFCBB 0359011C.S-E0-A1
00857 00284 CUNRFCBB 0359011C.S-R2-D
00857 00285 CUNEFCBE 0359011D.S-E0-A1
00857 00285 CUNRFCBE 0359011D.S-R2-D
00857 00290 CUNEFCBH 03590122.S-EC-D
00857 00290 CUNRFCBH 03590122.S-R2-A1

182 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00857 00297 CUNEFCBN 03590129.S-E0-A1
00857 00297 CUNRFCBN 03590129.S-R2-D
00857 00420 CUNEFCB1 035901A4.S-E0-A1
00857 00420 CUNRFCB1 035901A4.S-R2-D
00857 00423 CUNEFCB8 035901A7.S-E0-A1
00857 00423 CUNRFCB8 035901A7.S-R2-D
00857 00424 CUNEFCCA 035901A8.S-E0-A1
00857 00424 CUNRFCCA 035901A8.S-R2-D
00857 00437 CUNRFCCE 035901B5.S-RC-D
00857 00500 CUNEFCCR 035901F4.S-E0-A1
00857 00500 CUNRFCCR 035901F4.S-R2-D
00857 00813 CUNRFCDF 0359032D.S-R2-D
00857 00819 CUNRFCDH 03590333.S-R2-D
00857 00833 CUNEFCDI 03590341.S-EC-D
00857 00833 CUNRFCDI 03590341.S-R2-A1
00857 00836 CUNRFCDU 03590344.S-R2-D
00857 00838 CUNEFCD1 03590346.S-E0-A1
00857 00838 CUNRFCD1 03590346.S-R2-D
00857 00850 CUNRFCEB 03590352.S-R1-D
00857 00852 CUNRFCEL 03590354.S-RC-D
00857 00855 CUNRFCEX 03590357.S-RC-D
00857 00860 CUNRFCFM 0359035C.S-R2-D
00857 00861 CUNRFCFP 0359035D.S-R2-D
00857 00863 CUNRFCFV 0359035F.S-R2-D
00857 00869 CUNRFCGP 03590365.S-R2-D
00857 00870 CUNEFCGW 03590366.S-E0-A1
00857 00870 CUNRFCGW 03590366.S-R2-D
00857 00871 CUNEFCGY 03590367.S-E0-A1
00857 00871 CUNRFCGY 03590367.S-R2-D
00857 00874 CUNRFCG3 0359036A.S-R2-D
00857 00875 CUNEFCG8 0359036B.S-E0-A1
00857 00875 CUNRFCG8 0359036B.S-R2-D
00857 00880 CUNEFCHB 03590370.S-E0-A1
00857 00880 CUNRFCHB 03590370.S-R2-D
00857 00897 CUNRFCHK 03590381.S-R2-D
00857 00903 CUNRFCHW 03590387.S-R2-D
00857 00905 CUNEFCH0 03590389.S-E0-A1
00857 00905 CUNRFCH0 03590389.S-R1-D
00857 00912 CUNRFCH1 03590390.S-R2-D
00857 00916 CUNRFCH6 03590394.S-R2-D
00857 00920 CUNRFCIA 03590398.S-R2-A1

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 183

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00857 01025 CUNEFCMG 03590401.S-E0-A1
00857 01025 CUNRFCMG 03590401.S-R2-D
00857 01026 CUNEFCMH 03590402.S-E0-A1
00857 01026 CUNRFCMH 03590402.S-R2-D
00857 01027 CUNEFCMI 03590403.S-EC-D
00857 01027 CUNRFCMI 03590403.S-R2-A1
00857 01040 CUNEFCMK 03590410.S-E0-D
00857 01040 CUNRFCMK 03590410.S-R2-A1
00857 01041 CUNEFCMN 03590411.S-E0-D
00857 01041 CUNRFCMN 03590411.S-R2-A1
00857 01042 CUNRFCMR 03590412.S-R2-D
00857 01043 CUNEFCMU 03590413.S-E0-D
00857 01043 CUNRFCMU 03590413.S-R2-A1
00857 01088 CUNRFCM3 03590440.S-RC-D
00857 01097 CUNEFCM7 03590449.S-E0-A1
00857 01097 CUNRFCM7 03590449.S-R2-D
00857 01252 CUNRFCPS 035904E4.S-R2-D
00857 01254 CUNRFCPW 035904E6.S-R2-D
00857 01281 CUNRFCQB 03590501.S-R2-D
00857 01288 CUNEFCSY 03590508.S-E0-D
00857 01288 CUNRFCSY 03590508.S-R2-D
00857 05350 CUNEFCPX 035914E6.S-E0-D
00857 05350 CUNRFCPX 035914E6.S-R2-D
00857 13488 CUNRFCPG 035934B0.SU-R-D
00857 28709 CUNEFCAH 03597025.S-EC-A1
00857 28709 CUNRFCAH 03597025.S-R2-D
00858 00037 CUNEFIAA 035A0025.S-E0-D
00858 00037 CUNRFIAA 035A0025.S-R2-D
00858 00259 CUNEFIAP 035A0103.S-E0-D
00858 00273 CUNEFIAV 035A0111.S-E0-D
00858 00273 CUNRFIAV 035A0111.S-R2-D
00858 00277 CUNEFIA2 035A0115.S-E0-D
00858 00277 CUNRFIA2 035A0115.S-R2-D
00858 00278 CUNEFIA4 035A0116.S-E0-D
00858 00278 CUNRFIA4 035A0116.S-R2-D
00858 00280 CUNEFIA6 035A0118.S-E0-D
00858 00280 CUNRFIA6 035A0118.S-R2-D
00858 00284 CUNEFIBB 035A011C.S-E0-D
00858 00284 CUNRFIBB 035A011C.S-R2-D
00858 00285 CUNEFIBE 035A011D.S-E0-D
00858 00285 CUNRFIBE 035A011D.S-R2-D

184 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00858 00297 CUNEFIBN 035A0129.S-E0-D
00858 00297 CUNRFIBN 035A0129.S-R2-D
00858 00437 CUNEFICE 035A01B5.S-E0-D
00858 00437 CUNRFICE 035A01B5.S-R2-D
00858 00500 CUNEFICR 035A01F4.S-E0-D
00858 00500 CUNRFICR 035A01F4.S-R2-D
00858 00808 CUNEFID5 035A0328.S-E0-D
00858 00808 CUNRFID5 035A0328.S-R2-D
00858 00819 CUNEFIDH 035A0333.S-E0-D
00858 00819 CUNRFIDH 035A0333.S-R2-D
00858 00850 CUNEFIEB 035A0352.S-E0-D
00858 00860 CUNEFIFM 035A035C.S-E0-D
00858 00860 CUNRFIFM 035A035C.S-R2-D
00858 00861 CUNEFIFP 035A035D.S-E0-D
00858 00861 CUNRFIFP 035A035D.S-R2-D
00858 00865 CUNEFIGA 035A0361.S-E0-D
00858 00865 CUNRFIGA 035A0361.S-R2-D
00858 00871 CUNEFIGY 035A0367.S-E0-D
00858 00871 CUNRFIGY 035A0367.S-R2-D
00858 00872 CUNEFIG0 035A0368.S-E0-D
00858 00872 CUNRFIG0 035A0368.S-R2-D
00858 00901 CUNEFIHS 035A0385.S-E0-D
00858 00901 CUNRFIHS 035A0385.S-R2-D
00858 00902 CUNEFIHU 035A0386.S-E0-D
00858 00902 CUNRFIHU 035A0386.S-R2-D
00858 00923 CUNEFIIF 035A039B.S-E0-D
00858 00923 CUNRFIIF 035A039B.S-R2-D
00858 00924 CUNEFIIG 035A039C.S-E0-D
00858 00924 CUNRFIIG 035A039C.S-R2-D
00858 01047 CUNEFIM0 035A0417.S-E0-D
00858 01047 CUNLFIM0 035A0417.S-R2-D
00858 01047 CUNRFIM0 035A0417.S-R2-D
00858 01051 CUNEFIM2 035A041B.S-E0-D
00858 01051 CUNRFIM2 035A041B.S-R2-D
00858 01140 CUNEFIN5 035A0474.S-E0-D
00858 01140 CUNLFIN5 035A0474.S-R2-D
00858 01140 CUNRFIN5 035A0474.S-R2-D
00858 01141 CUNEFIN6 035A0475.S-E0-D
00858 01141 CUNLFIN6 035A0474.S-R2-D
00858 01141 CUNRFIN6 035A0475.S-R2-D
00858 01142 CUNEFIN7 035A0476.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 185

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00858 01142 CUNLFIN7 035A0476.S-R2-D
00858 01142 CUNRFIN7 035A0476.S-R2-D
00858 01143 CUNEFIN8 035A0477.S-E0-D
00858 01143 CUNLFIN8 035A0477.S-R2-D
00858 01143 CUNRFIN8 035A0477.S-R2-D
00858 01144 CUNEFIN9 035A0478.S-E0-D
00858 01144 CUNLFIN9 035A0478.S-R2-D
00858 01144 CUNRFIN9 035A0478.S-R2-D
00858 01145 CUNEFIOA 035A0479.S-E0-D
00858 01145 CUNLFIOA 035A0479.S-R2-D
00858 01145 CUNRFIOA 035A0479.S-R2-D
00858 01146 CUNEFIOB 035A047A.S-E0-D
00858 01146 CUNLFIOB 035A047A.S-R2-D
00858 01146 CUNRFIOB 035A047A.S-R2-D
00858 01147 CUNEFIOC 035A047B.S-E0-D
00858 01147 CUNLFIOC 035A047B.S-R2-D
00858 01147 CUNRFIOC 035A047B.S-R2-D
00858 01148 CUNEFIOD 035A047C.S-E0-D
00858 01148 CUNLFIOD 035A047C.S-R2-D
00858 01148 CUNRFIOD 035A047C.S-R2-D
00858 01149 CUNEFIOE 035A047D.S-E0-D
00858 01149 CUNLFIOE 035A047D.S-R2-D
00858 01149 CUNRFIOE 035A047D.S-R2-D
00858 01153 CUNEFIOF 035A0481.S-E0-D
00858 01153 CUNRFIOF 035A0481.S-R2-D
00858 01154 CUNEFIOG 035A0482.S-E0-D
00858 01154 CUNRFIOG 035A0482.S-R2-D
00858 01155 CUNEFIOH 035A0483.S-E0-D
00858 01155 CUNRFIOH 035A0483.S-R2-D
00858 01156 CUNEFIOI 035A0484.S-E0-D
00858 01156 CUNRFIOI 035A0484.S-R2-D
00858 01157 CUNEFIOJ 035A0485.S-E0-D
00858 01157 CUNRFIOJ 035A0485.S-R2-D
00858 01160 CUNEFIOM 035A0488.S-E0-D
00858 01160 CUNRFIOM 035A0488.S-R2-D
00858 01161 CUNEFION 035A0489.S-E0-D
00858 01161 CUNRFION 035A0489.S-R2-D
00858 01162 CUNEFIOO 035A048A.S-E0-D
00858 01162 CUNRFIOO 035A048A.S-R2-D
00858 01164 CUNEFIOQ 035A048C.S-E0-D
00858 01164 CUNRFIOQ 035A048C.S-R2-D

186 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00858 01252 CUNEFIPS 035A04E4.S-E0-D
00858 01252 CUNRFIPS 035A04E4.S-R2-D
00858 01275 CUNEFIP6 035A04FB.S-E0-D
00858 01275 CUNRFIP6 035A04FB.S-R2-D
00858 04909 CUNEFIDG 035A132D.S-E0-D
00858 04909 CUNRFIDG 035A132D.S-R2-D
00858 04971 CUNEFIG9 035A136B.S-E0-D
00858 04971 CUNRFIG9 035A136B.S-R2-D
00858 05123 CUNEFIMJ 035A1403.S-E0-D
00858 05210 CUNEFINJ 035A145A.S-E0-D
00858 05210 CUNRFINJ 035A145A.S-R2-D
00858 05348 CUNEFIPT 035A14E4.S-E0-D
00858 05348 CUNRFIPT 035A14E4.S-R2-D
00858 08482 CUNEFIBJ 035A2122.S-E0-D
00858 08482 CUNRFIBJ 035A2122.S-R2-D
00858 09044 CUNEFIEN 035A2354.S-E0-D
00858 09044 CUNRFIEN 035A2354.S-R2-D
00858 09049 CUNEFIFE 035A2359.S-E0-D
00858 09049 CUNRFIFE 035A2359.S-R2-D
00858 09061 CUNEFIGR 035A2365.S-E0-D
00858 09061 CUNRFIGR 035A2365.S-R2-D
00858 16804 CUNEFIB5 035A41A4.S-E0-D
00858 16804 CUNRFIB5 035A41A4.S-R2-D
00858 17248 CUNEFIF2 035A4360.S-E0-D
00858 17248 CUNRFIF2 035A4360.S-R2-D
00858 17584 CUNRFIPH 035A44B0.SU-R-D
00859 00808 CUNEFKD5 035B0328.S-E0-D
00859 00808 CUNRFKD5 035B0328.S-R2-D
00859 00872 CUNEFKG0 035B0368.S-E0-D
00859 00872 CUNRFKG0 035B0368.S-R2-D
00859 00901 CUNEFKHS 035B0385.S-E0-D
00859 00901 CUNRFKHS 035B0385.S-R2-D
00859 00902 CUNEFKHU 035B0386.S-E0-D
00859 00902 CUNRFKHU 035B0386.S-R2-D
00859 01153 CUNEFKOF 035B0481.S-E0-D
00859 01153 CUNRFKOF 035B0481.S-R2-D
00859 01154 CUNEFKOG 035B0482.S-E0-D
00859 01154 CUNRFKOG 035B0482.S-R2-D
00859 01155 CUNEFKOH 035B0483.S-E0-D
00859 01155 CUNRFKOH 035B0483.S-R2-D
00859 01156 CUNEFKOI 035B0484.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 187

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00859 01156 CUNRFKOI 035B0484.S-R2-D
00859 01157 CUNEFKOJ 035B0485.S-E0-D
00859 01157 CUNRFKOJ 035B0485.S-R2-D
00859 01160 CUNEFKOM 035B0488.S-E0-D
00859 01160 CUNRFKOM 035B0488.S-R2-D
00859 01161 CUNEFKON 035B0489.S-E0-D
00859 01161 CUNRFKON 035B0489.S-R2-D
00859 01162 CUNEFKOO 035B048A.S-E0-D
00859 01162 CUNRFKOO 035B048A.S-R2-D
00859 01164 CUNEFKOQ 035B048C.S-E0-D
00859 01164 CUNRFKOQ 035B048C.S-R2-D
00859 04909 CUNEFKDG 035B132D.S-E0-D
00859 04909 CUNRFKDG 035B132D.S-R2-D
00859 04971 CUNEFKG9 035B136B.S-E0-D
00859 04971 CUNRFKG9 035B136B.S-R2-D
00859 09044 CUNEFKEN 035B2354.S-E0-D
00859 09044 CUNRFKEN 035B2354.S-R2-D
00859 09049 CUNEFKFE 035B2359.S-E0-D
00859 09049 CUNRFKFE 035B2359.S-R2-D
00859 09061 CUNEFKGR 035B2365.S-E0-D
00859 09061 CUNRFKGR 035B2365.S-R2-D
00859 16804 CUNEFKB5 035B41A4.S-E0-D
00859 16804 CUNRFKB5 035B41A4.S-R2-D
00859 17248 CUNEFKF2 035B4360.S-E0-D
00859 17248 CUNRFKF2 035B4360.S-R2-D
00859 17584 CUNRFKPH 035B44B0.SU-R-D
00860 00037 CUNEFMAA 035C0025.S-E0-A1
00860 00037 CUNRFMAA 035C0025.S-RC-D
00860 00256 CUNEFMAJ 035C0100.S-E0-A1
00860 00256 CUNRFMAJ 035C0100.S-R2-D
00860 00259 CUNEFMAP 035C0103.S-E0-D
00860 00273 CUNEFMAV 035C0111.S-E0-A1
00860 00273 CUNRFMAV 035C0111.S-RC-D
00860 00277 CUNEFMA2 035C0115.S-E0-A1
00860 00277 CUNRFMA2 035C0115.S-RC-D
00860 00278 CUNEFMA4 035C0116.S-E0-A1
00860 00278 CUNRFMA4 035C0116.S-RC-D
00860 00280 CUNEFMA6 035C0118.S-E0-A1
00860 00280 CUNRFMA6 035C0118.S-RC-D
00860 00284 CUNEFMBB 035C011C.S-E0-A1
00860 00284 CUNRFMBB 035C011C.S-RC-D

188 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00860 00285 CUNEFMBE 035C011D.S-E0-A1
00860 00285 CUNRFMBE 035C011D.S-RC-D
00860 00290 CUNEFMBH 035C0122.S-E0-A1
00860 00290 CUNRFMBH 035C0122.S-R2-D
00860 00297 CUNEFMBN 035C0129.S-E0-A1
00860 00297 CUNRFMBN 035C0129.S-RC-D
00860 00420 CUNEFMB1 035C01A4.S-E0-A1
00860 00420 CUNRFMB1 035C01A4.S-R2-D
00860 00423 CUNEFMB8 035C01A7.S-E0-A1
00860 00423 CUNRFMB8 035C01A7.S-R2-D
00860 00424 CUNEFMCA 035C01A8.S-E0-A1
00860 00424 CUNRFMCA 035C01A8.S-R2-D
00860 00437 CUNRFMCE 035C01B5.S-R2-D
00860 00500 CUNEFMCR 035C01F4.S-E0-A1
00860 00500 CUNRFMCR 035C01F4.S-RC-D
00860 00813 CUNRFMDF 035C032D.S-R2-D
00860 00819 CUNRFMDH 035C0333.S-RC-D
00860 00833 CUNEFMDI 035C0341.S-E0-A1
00860 00833 CUNRFMDI 035C0341.S-R2-D
00860 00838 CUNEFMD1 035C0346.S-E0-A1
00860 00838 CUNRFMD1 035C0346.S-R2-D
00860 00850 CUNRFMEB 035C0352.S-RC-D
00860 00852 CUNRFMEL 035C0354.S-R2-D
00860 00857 CUNRFMFC 035C0359.S-R2-D
00860 00858 CUNEFMFI 035C035A.S-E0-D
00860 00858 CUNRFMFI 035C035A.S-R2-D
00860 00861 CUNRFMFP 035C035D.S-R2-D
00860 00863 CUNRFMFV 035C035F.S-RC-D
00860 00865 CUNRFMGA 035C0361.S-R2-D
00860 00869 CUNRFMGP 035C0365.S-R2-D
00860 00870 CUNEFMGW 035C0366.S-E0-A1
00860 00870 CUNRFMGW 035C0366.S-R2-D
00860 00871 CUNEFMGY 035C0367.S-E0-A1
00860 00871 CUNRFMGY 035C0367.S-RC-D
00860 00874 CUNRFMG3 035C036A.S-R2-D
00860 00875 CUNEFMG8 035C036B.S-E0-A1
00860 00875 CUNRFMG8 035C036B.S-R2-D
00860 00880 CUNEFMHB 035C0370.S-E0-A1
00860 00880 CUNRFMHB 035C0370.S-R2-D
00860 00897 CUNRFMHK 035C0381.S-R2-D
00860 00903 CUNRFMHW 035C0387.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 189

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00860 00905 CUNEFMH0 035C0389.S-E0-A1
00860 00905 CUNRFMH0 035C0389.S-R2-D
00860 00912 CUNRFMH1 035C0390.S-R2-D
00860 00916 CUNRFMH6 035C0394.S-R2-D
00860 00920 CUNRFMIA 035C0398.S-R2-D
00860 00923 CUNEFMIF 035C039B.S-E0-D
00860 00923 CUNRFMIF 035C039B.S-R2-D
00860 00924 CUNEFMIG 035C039C.S-E0-D
00860 00924 CUNRFMIG 035C039C.S-R2-D
00860 01025 CUNEFMMG 035C0401.S-E0-A1
00860 01025 CUNRFMMG 035C0401.S-R2-D
00860 01026 CUNEFMMH 035C0402.S-E0-A1
00860 01026 CUNRFMMH 035C0402.S-R2-D
00860 01027 CUNEFMMI 035C0403.S-E0-A1
00860 01027 CUNRFMMI 035C0403.S-R2-D
00860 01041 CUNRFMMN 035C0411.S-R2-D
00860 01042 CUNRFMMR 035C0412.S-R2-D
00860 01043 CUNRFMMU 035C0413.S-R2-D
00860 01097 CUNEFMM7 035C0449.S-E0-A1
00860 01097 CUNRFMM7 035C0449.S-R2-D
00860 01140 CUNEFMN5 035C0474.S-E0-D
00860 01140 CUNRFMN5 035C0474.S-R2-D
00860 01145 CUNEFMOA 035C0479.S-E0-D
00860 01145 CUNRFMOA 035C0479.S-RC-D
00860 01146 CUNEFMOB 035C047A.S-E0-D
00860 01146 CUNRFMOB 035C047A.S-RC-D
00860 01148 CUNEFMOD 035C047C.S-E0-D
00860 01148 CUNRFMOD 035C047C.S-RC-D
00860 01252 CUNRFMPS 035C04E4.S-R2-D
00860 05348 CUNEFMPT 035C14E4.S-E0-D
00860 05348 CUNRFMPT 035C14E4.S-R2-D
00860 13488 CUNRFMPG 035C34B0.SU-R-D
00860 28709 CUNEFMAH 035C7025.S-EC-A1
00860 28709 CUNRFMAH 035C7025.S-R2-D
00861 00037 CUNEFPAA 035D0025.S-E0-A1
00861 00037 CUNRFPAA 035D0025.S-R2-D
00861 00256 CUNEFPAJ 035D0100.S-E0-A1
00861 00256 CUNRFPAJ 035D0100.S-R2-D
00861 00259 CUNEFPAP 035D0103.S-E0-D
00861 00273 CUNEFPAV 035D0111.S-E0-A1
00861 00273 CUNRFPAV 035D0111.S-R2-D

190 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00861 00277 CUNEFPA2 035D0115.S-E0-A1
00861 00277 CUNRFPA2 035D0115.S-R2-D
00861 00278 CUNEFPA4 035D0116.S-E0-A1
00861 00278 CUNRFPA4 035D0116.S-R2-D
00861 00280 CUNEFPA6 035D0118.S-E0-A1
00861 00280 CUNRFPA6 035D0118.S-R2-D
00861 00284 CUNEFPBB 035D011C.S-E0-A1
00861 00284 CUNRFPBB 035D011C.S-RC-D
00861 00285 CUNEFPBE 035D011D.S-E0-A1
00861 00285 CUNRFPBE 035D011D.S-R2-D
00861 00290 CUNEFPBH 035D0122.S-E0-A1
00861 00290 CUNRFPBH 035D0122.S-R2-D
00861 00297 CUNEFPBN 035D0129.S-E0-A1
00861 00297 CUNRFPBN 035D0129.S-R2-D
00861 00420 CUNEFPB1 035D01A4.S-E0-A1
00861 00420 CUNRFPB1 035D01A4.S-R2-D
00861 00423 CUNEFPB8 035D01A7.S-E0-A1
00861 00423 CUNRFPB8 035D01A7.S-R2-D
00861 00424 CUNEFPCA 035D01A8.S-E0-A1
00861 00424 CUNRFPCA 035D01A8.S-R2-D
00861 00437 CUNRFPCE 035D01B5.S-R2-D
00861 00500 CUNEFPCR 035D01F4.S-E0-A1
00861 00500 CUNRFPCR 035D01F4.S-R2-D
00861 00813 CUNRFPDF 035D032D.S-R2-D
00861 00819 CUNRFPDH 035D0333.S-R2-D
00861 00833 CUNEFPDI 035D0341.S-E0-A1
00861 00833 CUNRFPDI 035D0341.S-R2-D
00861 00838 CUNEFPD1 035D0346.S-E0-A1
00861 00838 CUNRFPD1 035D0346.S-R2-D
00861 00850 CUNRFPEB 035D0352.S-R1-D
00861 00852 CUNRFPEL 035D0354.S-R2-D
00861 00857 CUNRFPFC 035D0359.S-R2-D
00861 00858 CUNEFPFI 035D035A.S-E0-D
00861 00858 CUNRFPFI 035D035A.S-R2-D
00861 00860 CUNRFPFM 035D035C.S-R2-D
00861 00863 CUNRFPFV 035D035F.S-R2-D
00861 00869 CUNRFPGP 035D0365.S-R2-D
00861 00870 CUNEFPGW 035D0366.S-E0-A1
00861 00870 CUNRFPGW 035D0366.S-R2-D
00861 00871 CUNEFPGY 035D0367.S-E0-A1
00861 00871 CUNRFPGY 035D0367.S-RC-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 191

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00861 00874 CUNRFPG3 035D036A.S-R2-D
00861 00875 CUNEFPG8 035D036B.S-E0-A1
00861 00875 CUNRFPG8 035D036B.S-R2-D
00861 00880 CUNEFPHB 035D0370.S-E0-A1
00861 00880 CUNRFPHB 035D0370.S-R2-D
00861 00897 CUNRFPHK 035D0381.S-R2-D
00861 00903 CUNRFPHW 035D0387.S-R2-D
00861 00905 CUNEFPH0 035D0389.S-E0-A1
00861 00905 CUNRFPH0 035D0389.S-R2-D
00861 00912 CUNRFPH1 035D0390.S-R2-D
00861 00916 CUNRFPH6 035D0394.S-R2-D
00861 00920 CUNRFPIA 035D0398.S-R2-D
00861 00923 CUNEFPIF 035D039B.S-E0-D
00861 00923 CUNRFPIF 035D039B.S-R2-D
00861 00924 CUNEFPIG 035D039C.S-E0-D
00861 00924 CUNRFPIG 035D039C.S-R2-D
00861 01025 CUNEFPMG 035D0401.S-E0-A1
00861 01025 CUNRFPMG 035D0401.S-R2-D
00861 01026 CUNEFPMH 035D0402.S-E0-A1
00861 01026 CUNRFPMH 035D0402.S-R2-D
00861 01027 CUNEFPMI 035D0403.S-E0-A1
00861 01027 CUNRFPMI 035D0403.S-R2-D
00861 01041 CUNRFPMN 035D0411.S-R2-D
00861 01042 CUNRFPMR 035D0412.S-R2-D
00861 01043 CUNRFPMU 035D0413.S-R2-D
00861 01097 CUNEFPM7 035D0449.S-E0-A1
00861 01097 CUNRFPM7 035D0449.S-R2-D
00861 01148 CUNEFPOD 035D047C.S-E0-D
00861 01148 CUNRFPOD 035D047C.S-R2-D
00861 01149 CUNEFPOE 035D047D.S-E0-D
00861 01149 CUNRFPOE 035D047D.S-R2-D
00861 01252 CUNRFPPS 035D04E4.S-R2-D
00861 05348 CUNEFPPT 035D14E4.S-E0-D
00861 05348 CUNRFPPT 035D14E4.S-R2-D
00861 13488 CUNLFPPG 035D34B0.SU-R-D
00861 13488 CUNRFPPG 035D34B0.SU-R-D
00861 28709 CUNEFPAH 035D7025.S-EC-A1
00861 28709 CUNRFPAH 035D7025.S-R2-D
00862 00037 CUNEFSAA 035E0025.S-E0-A1
00862 00037 CUNRFSAA 035E0025.S-R2-D
00862 00256 CUNEFSAJ 035E0100.S-E0-A1

192 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00862 00256 CUNRFSAJ 035E0100.S-R2-D
00862 00259 CUNEFSAP 035E0103.S-E0-D
00862 00273 CUNEFSAV 035E0111.S-E0-A1
00862 00273 CUNRFSAV 035E0111.S-R2-D
00862 00277 CUNEFSA2 035E0115.S-E0-A1
00862 00277 CUNRFSA2 035E0115.S-R2-D
00862 00278 CUNEFSA4 035E0116.S-E0-A1
00862 00278 CUNRFSA4 035E0116.S-R2-D
00862 00280 CUNEFSA6 035E0118.S-E0-A1
00862 00280 CUNRFSA6 035E0118.S-R2-D
00862 00284 CUNEFSBB 035E011C.S-E0-A1
00862 00284 CUNRFSBB 035E011C.S-R2-D
00862 00285 CUNEFSBE 035E011D.S-E0-A1
00862 00285 CUNRFSBE 035E011D.S-R2-D
00862 00290 CUNEFSBH 035E0122.S-E0-A1
00862 00290 CUNRFSBH 035E0122.S-R2-D
00862 00297 CUNEFSBN 035E0129.S-E0-A1
00862 00297 CUNRFSBN 035E0129.S-R2-D
00862 00420 CUNEFSB1 035E01A4.S-E0-A1
00862 00420 CUNRFSB1 035E01A4.S-R2-D
00862 00423 CUNEFSB8 035E01A7.S-E0-A1
00862 00423 CUNRFSB8 035E01A7.S-R2-D
00862 00424 CUNEFSCA 035E01A8.S-E0-A2
00862 00424 CUNRFSCA 035E01A8.S-RC-D
00862 00437 CUNRFSCE 035E01B5.S-R2-D
00862 00500 CUNEFSCR 035E01F4.S-E0-D
00862 00500 CUNRFSCR 035E01F4.S-R2-A1
00862 00803 CUNEFSDA 035E0323.S-E0-D
00862 00803 CUNRFSDA 035E0323.S-RC-D
00862 00833 CUNEFSDI 035E0341.S-E0-A1
00862 00833 CUNRFSDI 035E0341.S-R2-D
00862 00838 CUNEFSD1 035E0346.S-E0-A1
00862 00838 CUNRFSD1 035E0346.S-R2-D
00862 00850 CUNRFSEB 035E0352.S-RC-D
00862 00856 CUNRFSE4 035E0358.S-RC-D
00862 00870 CUNEFSGW 035E0366.S-E0-A1
00862 00870 CUNRFSGW 035E0366.S-R2-D
00862 00871 CUNEFSGY 035E0367.S-E0-A1
00862 00871 CUNRFSGY 035E0367.S-R2-D
00862 00875 CUNEFSG8 035E036B.S-E0-A1
00862 00875 CUNRFSG8 035E036B.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 193

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00862 00880 CUNEFSHB 035E0370.S-E0-A1
00862 00880 CUNRFSHB 035E0370.S-R2-D
00862 00905 CUNEFSH0 035E0389.S-E0-A1
00862 00905 CUNRFSH0 035E0389.S-R2-D
00862 00916 CUNEFSH6 035E0394.S-E0-D
00862 00916 CUNRFSH6 035E0394.S-RC-D
00862 01025 CUNEFSMG 035E0401.S-E0-A1
00862 01025 CUNRFSMG 035E0401.S-R2-D
00862 01026 CUNEFSMH 035E0402.S-E0-A1
00862 01026 CUNRFSMH 035E0402.S-R2-D
00862 01027 CUNEFSMI 035E0403.S-E0-A1
00862 01027 CUNRFSMI 035E0403.S-R2-D
00862 01097 CUNEFSM7 035E0449.S-E0-A1
00862 01097 CUNRFSM7 035E0449.S-R2-D
00862 01252 CUNRFSPS 035E04E4.S-R2-D
00862 01255 CUNEFSPY 035E04E7.S-E0-A1
00862 01255 CUNRFSPY 035E04E7.S-R2-D
00862 05351 CUNEFSPZ 035E14E7.S-E0-D
00862 05351 CUNRFSPZ 035E14E7.S-R2-D
00862 12712 CUNEFSCD 035E31A8.S-E0-D
00862 12712 CUNRFSCD 035E31A8.S-R2-D
00862 13488 CUNLFSPG 035E34B0.SU-R-D
00862 13488 CUNRFSPG 035E34B0.SU-R-D
00862 28709 CUNEFSAH 035E7025.S-EC-A1
00862 28709 CUNRFSAH 035E7025.S-R2-D
00863 00037 CUNEFVAA 035F0025.S-E0-A1
00863 00037 CUNRFVAA 035F0025.S-RC-D
00863 00256 CUNEFVAJ 035F0100.S-E0-A1
00863 00256 CUNRFVAJ 035F0100.S-R2-D
00863 00259 CUNEFVAP 035F0103.S-E0-D
00863 00273 CUNEFVAV 035F0111.S-E0-A1
00863 00273 CUNRFVAV 035F0111.S-RC-D
00863 00277 CUNEFVA2 035F0115.S-E0-A1
00863 00277 CUNRFVA2 035F0115.S-RC-D
00863 00278 CUNEFVA4 035F0116.S-E0-A1
00863 00278 CUNRFVA4 035F0116.S-RC-D
00863 00280 CUNEFVA6 035F0118.S-E0-A1
00863 00280 CUNRFVA6 035F0118.S-RC-D
00863 00284 CUNEFVBB 035F011C.S-E0-A1
00863 00284 CUNRFVBB 035F011C.S-RC-D
00863 00285 CUNEFVBE 035F011D.S-E0-A1

194 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00863 00285 CUNRFVBE 035F011D.S-RC-D
00863 00290 CUNEFVBH 035F0122.S-E0-A1
00863 00290 CUNRFVBH 035F0122.S-R2-D
00863 00297 CUNEFVBN 035F0129.S-E0-A1
00863 00297 CUNRFVBN 035F0129.S-RC-D
00863 00420 CUNEFVB1 035F01A4.S-E0-A1
00863 00420 CUNRFVB1 035F01A4.S-R2-D
00863 00423 CUNEFVB8 035F01A7.S-E0-A1
00863 00423 CUNRFVB8 035F01A7.S-R2-D
00863 00424 CUNEFVCA 035F01A8.S-E0-A1
00863 00424 CUNRFVCA 035F01A8.S-R2-D
00863 00437 CUNRFVCE 035F01B5.S-RC-D
00863 00500 CUNEFVCR 035F01F4.S-E0-A1
00863 00500 CUNRFVCR 035F01F4.S-RC-D
00863 00813 CUNRFVDF 035F032D.S-R2-D
00863 00819 CUNRFVDH 035F0333.S-RC-D
00863 00833 CUNEFVDI 035F0341.S-E0-A1
00863 00833 CUNRFVDI 035F0341.S-R2-D
00863 00838 CUNEFVD1 035F0346.S-E0-A1
00863 00838 CUNRFVD1 035F0346.S-R2-D
00863 00850 CUNRFVEB 035F0352.S-RC-D
00863 00852 CUNRFVEL 035F0354.S-R2-D
00863 00857 CUNRFVFC 035F0359.S-R2-D
00863 00860 CUNRFVFM 035F035C.S-RC-D
00863 00861 CUNRFVFP 035F035D.S-R2-D
00863 00865 CUNRFVGA 035F0361.S-RC-D
00863 00869 CUNRFVGP 035F0365.S-R2-D
00863 00870 CUNEFVGW 035F0366.S-E0-A1
00863 00870 CUNRFVGW 035F0366.S-R2-D
00863 00871 CUNEFVGY 035F0367.S-E0-A1
00863 00871 CUNRFVGY 035F0367.S-RC-D
00863 00874 CUNRFVG3 035F036A.S-R2-D
00863 00875 CUNEFVG8 035F036B.S-E0-A1
00863 00875 CUNRFVG8 035F036B.S-R2-D
00863 00880 CUNEFVHB 035F0370.S-E0-A1
00863 00880 CUNRFVHB 035F0370.S-R2-D
00863 00897 CUNRFVHK 035F0381.S-R2-D
00863 00903 CUNRFVHW 035F0387.S-R2-D
00863 00905 CUNEFVH0 035F0389.S-E0-A1
00863 00905 CUNRFVH0 035F0389.S-R2-D
00863 00912 CUNRFVH1 035F0390.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 195

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00863 00916 CUNRFVH6 035F0394.S-R2-D
00863 00920 CUNRFVIA 035F0398.S-R2-D
00863 01025 CUNEFVMG 035F0401.S-E0-A1
00863 01025 CUNRFVMG 035F0401.S-R2-D
00863 01026 CUNEFVMH 035F0402.S-E0-A1
00863 01026 CUNRFVMH 035F0402.S-R2-D
00863 01027 CUNEFVMI 035F0403.S-E0-A1
00863 01027 CUNRFVMI 035F0403.S-R2-D
00863 01041 CUNRFVMN 035F0411.S-R2-D
00863 01042 CUNRFVMR 035F0412.S-R2-D
00863 01043 CUNRFVMU 035F0413.S-R2-D
00863 01051 CUNRFVM2 035F041B.S-R2-D
00863 01097 CUNEFVM7 035F0449.S-E0-A1
00863 01097 CUNRFVM7 035F0449.S-R2-D
00863 01140 CUNEFVN5 035F0474.S-E0-D
00863 01140 CUNRFVN5 035F0474.S-RC-D
00863 01141 CUNEFVN6 035F0475.S-E0-D
00863 01141 CUNRFVN6 035F0475.S-RC-D
00863 01142 CUNEFVN7 035F0476.S-E0-D
00863 01142 CUNRFVN7 035F0476.S-RC-D
00863 01143 CUNEFVN8 035F0477.S-E0-D
00863 01143 CUNRFVN8 035F0477.S-RC-D
00863 01144 CUNEFVN9 035F0478.S-E0-D
00863 01144 CUNRFVN9 035F0478.S-RC-D
00863 01145 CUNEFVOA 035F0479.S-E0-D
00863 01145 CUNRFVOA 035F0479.S-RC-D
00863 01146 CUNEFVOB 035F047A.S-E0-D
00863 01146 CUNRFVOB 035F047A.S-RC-D
00863 01147 CUNEFVOC 035F047B.S-E0-D
00863 01147 CUNRFVOC 035F047B.S-RC-D
00863 01148 CUNEFVOD 035F047C.S-E0-D
00863 01148 CUNRFVOD 035F047C.S-RC-D
00863 01149 CUNEFVOE 035F047D.S-E0-D
00863 01149 CUNRFVOE 035F047D.S-RC-D
00863 01252 CUNRFVPS 035F04E4.S-R2-D
00863 01275 CUNRFVP6 035F04FB.S-R2-D
00863 05348 CUNEFVPT 035F14E4.S-E0-D
00863 05348 CUNRFVPT 035F14E4.S-R2-D
00863 13488 CUNRFVPG 035F34B0.SU-R-D
00863 28709 CUNEFVAH 035F7025.S-EC-A1
00863 28709 CUNRFVAH 035F7025.S-R2-D

196 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00864 00037 CUNEFYAA 03600025.S-E0-A1
00864 00037 CUNRFYAA 03600025.S-R2-D
00864 00256 CUNEFYAJ 03600100.S-E0-A1
00864 00256 CUNRFYAJ 03600100.S-R2-D
00864 00259 CUNEFYAP 03600103.S-E0-D
00864 00273 CUNEFYAV 03600111.S-E0-A1
00864 00273 CUNRFYAV 03600111.S-R2-D
00864 00277 CUNEFYA2 03600115.S-E0-A1
00864 00277 CUNRFYA2 03600115.S-R2-D
00864 00278 CUNEFYA4 03600116.S-E0-A1
00864 00278 CUNRFYA4 03600116.S-R2-D
00864 00280 CUNEFYA6 03600118.S-E0-A1
00864 00280 CUNRFYA6 03600118.S-R2-D
00864 00284 CUNEFYBB 0360011C.S-E0-A1
00864 00284 CUNRFYBB 0360011C.S-R2-D
00864 00285 CUNEFYBE 0360011D.S-E0-A1
00864 00285 CUNRFYBE 0360011D.S-R2-D
00864 00290 CUNEFYBH 03600122.S-E0-A1
00864 00290 CUNRFYBH 03600122.S-R2-D
00864 00297 CUNEFYBN 03600129.S-E0-A1
00864 00297 CUNRFYBN 03600129.S-R2-D
00864 00420 CUNEFYB1 036001A4.S-E0-A2
00864 00420 CUNRFYB1 036001A4.S-RC-A1
00864 00423 CUNEFYB8 036001A7.S-E0-A1
00864 00423 CUNRFYB8 036001A7.S-R2-D
00864 00424 CUNEFYCA 036001A8.S-E0-A1
00864 00424 CUNRFYCA 036001A8.S-R2-D
00864 00425 CUNCFYSR 036001A9.S-C0-D
00864 00500 CUNEFYCR 036001F4.S-E0-D
00864 00500 CUNRFYCR 036001F4.S-R2-A1
00864 00720 CUNCFYC5 036002D0.S-C0-D
00864 00819 CUNRFYDH 03600333.S-R2-D
00864 00833 CUNEFYDI 03600341.S-E0-A1
00864 00833 CUNRFYDI 03600341.S-R2-D
00864 00838 CUNEFYD1 03600346.S-E0-A1
00864 00838 CUNRFYD1 03600346.S-R2-D
00864 00850 CUNRFYEB 03600352.S-RC-D
00864 00870 CUNEFYGW 03600366.S-E0-A1
00864 00870 CUNRFYGW 03600366.S-R2-D
00864 00871 CUNEFYGY 03600367.S-E0-A1
00864 00871 CUNRFYGY 03600367.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 197

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00864 00875 CUNEFYG8 0360036B.S-E0-A1
00864 00875 CUNRFYG8 0360036B.S-R2-D
00864 00880 CUNEFYHB 03600370.S-E0-A1
00864 00880 CUNRFYHB 03600370.S-R2-D
00864 00905 CUNEFYH0 03600389.S-E0-A1
00864 00905 CUNRFYH0 03600389.S-R2-D
00864 00918 CUNRFYH8 03600396.S-RC-D
00864 01008 CUNRFYL0 036003F0.S-RC-D
00864 01025 CUNEFYMG 03600401.S-E0-A1
00864 01025 CUNRFYMG 03600401.S-R2-D
00864 01026 CUNEFYMH 03600402.S-E0-A1
00864 01026 CUNRFYMH 03600402.S-R2-D
00864 01027 CUNEFYMI 03600403.S-E0-A1
00864 01027 CUNRFYMI 03600403.S-R2-D
00864 01046 CUNCFYMX 03600416.S-C0-D
00864 01089 CUNCFYM6 03600441.S-C0-D
00864 01089 CUNEFYM6 03600441.S-E0-A1
00864 01097 CUNEFYM7 03600449.S-E0-A1
00864 01097 CUNRFYM7 03600449.S-R2-D
00864 01127 CUNRFYNW 03600467.S-R2-D
00864 01252 CUNRFYPS 036004E4.S-R2-D
00864 01256 CUNEFYP0 036004E8.S-EC-D
00864 05352 CUNEFYP1 036014E8.S-EC-D
00864 13488 CUNCFYPG 036034B0.SU-C0-D
00864 13488 CUNLFYPG 036034B0.SU-R-D
00864 13488 CUNRFYPG 036034B0.SU-R-D
00864 28709 CUNEFYAH 03607025.S-EC-A1
00864 28709 CUNRFYAH 03607025.S-R2-D
00865 00037 CUNEGAAA 03610025.S-E0-A1
00865 00037 CUNRGAAA 03610025.S-RC-D
00865 00256 CUNEGAAJ 03610100.S-E0-A1
00865 00256 CUNRGAAJ 03610100.S-R2-D
00865 00259 CUNEGAAP 03610103.S-E0-D
00865 00273 CUNEGAAV 03610111.S-E0-A1
00865 00273 CUNRGAAV 03610111.S-RC-D
00865 00277 CUNEGAA2 03610115.S-E0-A1
00865 00277 CUNRGAA2 03610115.S-RC-D
00865 00278 CUNEGAA4 03610116.S-E0-A1
00865 00278 CUNRGAA4 03610116.S-RC-D
00865 00280 CUNEGAA6 03610118.S-E0-A1
00865 00280 CUNRGAA6 03610118.S-RC-D

198 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00865 00284 CUNEGABB 0361011C.S-E0-A1
00865 00284 CUNRGABB 0361011C.S-RC-D
00865 00285 CUNEGABE 0361011D.S-E0-A1
00865 00285 CUNRGABE 0361011D.S-RC-D
00865 00290 CUNEGABH 03610122.S-E0-A1
00865 00290 CUNRGABH 03610122.S-R2-D
00865 00297 CUNEGABN 03610129.S-E0-A1
00865 00297 CUNRGABN 03610129.S-RC-D
00865 00420 CUNEGAB1 036101A4.S-E0-A1
00865 00420 CUNRGAB1 036101A4.S-R2-D
00865 00423 CUNEGAB8 036101A7.S-E0-A1
00865 00423 CUNRGAB8 036101A7.S-R2-D
00865 00424 CUNEGACA 036101A8.S-E0-A1
00865 00424 CUNRGACA 036101A8.S-R2-D
00865 00437 CUNRGACE 036101B5.S-R2-D
00865 00500 CUNEGACR 036101F4.S-E0-A1
00865 00500 CUNRGACR 036101F4.S-RC-D
00865 00819 CUNRGADH 03610333.S-RC-D
00865 00833 CUNEGADI 03610341.S-E0-A1
00865 00833 CUNRGADI 03610341.S-R2-D
00865 00838 CUNEGAD1 03610346.S-E0-A1
00865 00838 CUNRGAD1 03610346.S-R2-D
00865 00850 CUNRGAEB 03610352.S-RC-D
00865 00858 CUNEGAFI 0361035A.S-E0-D
00865 00858 CUNRGAFI 0361035A.S-R2-D
00865 00860 CUNRGAFM 0361035C.S-R2-D
00865 00863 CUNRGAFV 0361035F.S-RC-D
00865 00870 CUNEGAGW 03610366.S-E0-A1
00865 00870 CUNRGAGW 03610366.S-R2-D
00865 00871 CUNEGAGY 03610367.S-E0-A1
00865 00871 CUNRGAGY 03610367.S-RC-D
00865 00875 CUNEGAG8 0361036B.S-E0-A1
00865 00875 CUNRGAG8 0361036B.S-R2-D
00865 00880 CUNEGAHB 03610370.S-E0-A1
00865 00880 CUNRGAHB 03610370.S-R2-D
00865 00905 CUNEGAH0 03610389.S-E0-A1
00865 00905 CUNRGAH0 03610389.S-R2-D
00865 00923 CUNEGAIF 0361039B.S-E0-D
00865 00923 CUNRGAIF 0361039B.S-R2-D
00865 00924 CUNEGAIG 0361039C.S-E0-D
00865 00924 CUNRGAIG 0361039C.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 199

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00865 01025 CUNEGAMG 03610401.S-E0-A1
00865 01025 CUNRGAMG 03610401.S-R2-D
00865 01026 CUNEGAMH 03610402.S-E0-A1
00865 01026 CUNRGAMH 03610402.S-R2-D
00865 01027 CUNEGAMI 03610403.S-E0-A1
00865 01027 CUNRGAMI 03610403.S-R2-D
00865 01097 CUNEGAM7 03610449.S-E0-A1
00865 01097 CUNRGAM7 03610449.S-R2-D
00865 01142 CUNEGAN7 03610476.S-E0-D
00865 01142 CUNRGAN7 03610476.S-R2-D
00865 01143 CUNEGAN8 03610477.S-E0-D
00865 01143 CUNRGAN8 03610477.S-R2-D
00865 01148 CUNEGAOD 0361047C.S-E0-D
00865 01148 CUNRGAOD 0361047C.S-R2-D
00865 01252 CUNRGAPS 036104E4.S-R2-D
00865 05348 CUNEGAPT 036114E4.S-E0-D
00865 05348 CUNRGAPT 036114E4.S-R2-D
00865 13488 CUNRGAPG 036134B0.SU-R-D
00865 28709 CUNEGAAH 03617025.S-EC-A1
00865 28709 CUNRGAAH 03617025.S-R2-D
00866 00037 CUNRGDAA 03620025.S-R2-D
00866 00256 CUNCGDAJ 03620100.S-C0-D
00866 00256 CUNEGDAJ 03620100.S-EC-A1
00866 00437 CUNRGDCE 036201B5.S-R2-D
00866 00500 CUNEGDCR 036201F4.S-EC-D
00866 00819 CUNRGDDH 03620333.S-R2-D
00866 00850 CUNRGDEB 03620352.S-RC-D
00866 00855 CUNEGDEX 03620357.S-EC-D
00866 00870 CUNRGDGW 03620366.S-R2-D
00866 00878 CUNRGDHA 0362036E.S-R2-D
00866 00880 CUNEGDHB 03620370.S-EC-D
00866 00915 CUNEGDH4 03620393.S-EC-D
00866 01025 CUNEGDMG 03620401.S-EC-A1
00866 01025 CUNRGDMG 03620401.S-RC-D
00866 01251 CUNRGDPQ 036204E3.S-R2-D
00866 01252 CUNRGDPS 036204E4.S-R2-D
00866 01283 CUNRGDQD 03620503.S-R2-D
00866 05347 CUNEGDPR 036214E3.S-E0-D
00866 05347 CUNRGDPR 036214E3.S-R2-D
00866 13488 CUNLGDPG 036234B0.SU-R-D
00866 13488 CUNRGDPG 036234B0.SU-R-D

200 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00867 00259 CUNEGFAP 03630103.S-E0-D
00867 01153 CUNEGFOF 03630481.S-E0-D
00867 01153 CUNRGFOF 03630481.S-R2-D
00867 01154 CUNEGFOG 03630482.S-E0-D
00867 01154 CUNRGFOG 03630482.S-R2-D
00867 01155 CUNEGFOH 03630483.S-E0-D
00867 01155 CUNRGFOH 03630483.S-R2-D
00867 01160 CUNEGFOM 03630488.S-E0-D
00867 01160 CUNRGFOM 03630488.S-R2-D
00867 04899 CUNEGFDB 03631323.S-E0-D
00867 04899 CUNRGFDB 03631323.S-R2-D
00867 04971 CUNEGFG9 0363136B.S-E0-D
00867 04971 CUNRGFG9 0363136B.S-R2-D
00867 05012 CUNEGFH7 03631394.S-E0-D
00867 05012 CUNRGFH7 03631394.S-R2-D
00867 05351 CUNEGFPZ 036314E7.S-E0-D
00867 05351 CUNRGFPZ 036314E7.S-R2-D
00867 09048 CUNEGFE6 03632358.S-E0-D
00867 09048 CUNRGFE6 03632358.S-R2-D
00867 12712 CUNEGFCD 036331A8.S-E0-D
00867 12712 CUNRGFCD 036331A8.S-R2-D
00867 16804 CUNEGFB5 036341A4.S-E0-D
00867 16804 CUNRGFB5 036341A4.S-R2-D
00867 17584 CUNRGFPH 036344B0.SU-R-D
00868 00918 CUNRGHH8 03640396.S-R2-D
00868 01006 CUNRGHLZ 036403EE.S-R2-D
00868 13488 CUNEGHPG 036434B0.SU-E-A1
00868 13488 CUNRGHPG 036434B0.SU-R-D
00869 00037 CUNRGPAA 03650025.S-R2-D
00869 00256 CUNRGPAJ 03650100.S-R1-D
00869 00259 CUNEGPAP 03650103.S-E0-D
00869 00273 CUNRGPAV 03650111.S-R2-D
00869 00277 CUNRGPA2 03650115.S-R2-D
00869 00278 CUNRGPA4 03650116.S-R2-D
00869 00280 CUNRGPA6 03650118.S-R2-D
00869 00284 CUNRGPBB 0365011C.S-RC-D
00869 00285 CUNRGPBE 0365011D.S-R2-D
00869 00297 CUNRGPBN 03650129.S-R2-D
00869 00423 CUNRGPB8 036501A7.S-RC-A1
00869 00437 CUNRGPCE 036501B5.S-R2-D
00869 00500 CUNEGPCR 036501F4.S-E0-A1

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 201

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00869 00500 CUNRGPCR 036501F4.S-R2-A2
00869 00737 CUNEGPC6 036502E1.S-E0-D
00869 00737 CUNRGPC6 036502E1.S-R2-D
00869 00813 CUNEGPDF 0365032D.S-E0-A1
00869 00813 CUNRGPDF 0365032D.S-R2-D
00869 00819 CUNRGPDH 03650333.S-R2-D
00869 00838 CUNRGPD1 03650346.S-R2-D
00869 00850 CUNRGPEB 03650352.S-RC-D
00869 00852 CUNRGPEL 03650354.S-R2-D
00869 00857 CUNRGPFC 03650359.S-R2-D
00869 00860 CUNRGPFM 0365035C.S-R2-D
00869 00861 CUNRGPFP 0365035D.S-R2-D
00869 00863 CUNRGPFV 0365035F.S-R2-D
00869 00870 CUNRGPGW 03650366.S-R2-D
00869 00871 CUNRGPGY 03650367.S-RC-D
00869 00874 CUNRGPG3 0365036A.S-R2-D
00869 00875 CUNEGPG8 0365036B.S-E0-A2
00869 00875 CUNRGPG8 0365036B.S-RC-A1
00869 00880 CUNRGPHB 03650370.S-R2-D
00869 00897 CUNRGPHK 03650381.S-R2-D
00869 00903 CUNRGPHW 03650387.S-R2-D
00869 00912 CUNRGPH1 03650390.S-R2-D
00869 00916 CUNRGPH6 03650394.S-R2-D
00869 00920 CUNRGPIA 03650398.S-R2-D
00869 01025 CUNRGPMG 03650401.S-R2-D
00869 01026 CUNRGPMH 03650402.S-R2-D
00869 01027 CUNRGPMI 03650403.S-R2-D
00869 01041 CUNRGPMN 03650411.S-R2-D
00869 01042 CUNRGPMR 03650412.S-R2-D
00869 01043 CUNRGPMU 03650413.S-R2-D
00869 01252 CUNRGPPS 036504E4.S-R2-D
00869 01253 CUNRGPPU 036504E5.S-R2-D
00869 01254 CUNRGPPW 036504E6.S-R2-D
00869 01280 CUNRGPQA 03650500.S-R2-D
00869 01287 CUNEGPSX 03650507.S-E0-D
00869 01287 CUNRGPSX 03650507.S-R2-D
00869 05349 CUNEGPPV 036514E5.S-E0-D
00869 05349 CUNRGPPV 036514E5.S-R2-D
00869 13488 CUNLGPPG 036534B0.SU-R-D
00869 13488 CUNRGPPG 036534B0.SU-R-D
00870 00037 CUNEGWAA 03660025.S-E0-A2

202 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00870 00037 CUNRGWAA 03660025.S-RC-D
00870 00256 CUNEGWAJ 03660100.S-E0-A1
00870 00256 CUNRGWAJ 03660100.S-RC-D
00870 00273 CUNRGWAV 03660111.S-R2-D
00870 00277 CUNRGWA2 03660115.S-R2-D
00870 00278 CUNRGWA4 03660116.S-R2-D
00870 00280 CUNRGWA6 03660118.S-R2-D
00870 00284 CUNRGWBB 0366011C.S-R2-D
00870 00285 CUNRGWBE 0366011D.S-R2-D
00870 00290 CUNEGWBH 03660122.S-E0-D
00870 00290 CUNRGWBH 03660122.S-R2-A1
00870 00297 CUNRGWBN 03660129.S-R2-D
00870 00423 CUNRGWB8 036601A7.S-R2-D
00870 00437 CUNEGWCE 036601B5.S-E0-A1
00870 00437 CUNRGWCE 036601B5.S-RC-D
00870 00500 CUNEGWCR 036601F4.S-E0-A2
00870 00500 CUNRGWCR 036601F4.S-RC-D
00870 00737 CUNRGWC6 036602E1.S-R2-D
00870 00775 CUNEGWC8 03660307.S-E0-A1
00870 00775 CUNRGWC8 03660307.S-R2-D
00870 00813 CUNRGWDF 0366032D.S-R2-D
00870 00819 CUNRGWDH 03660333.S-R2-D
00870 00833 CUNEGWDI 03660341.S-E0-D
00870 00833 CUNRGWDI 03660341.S-R2-A1
00870 00836 CUNRGWDU 03660344.S-R2-D
00870 00838 CUNRGWD1 03660346.S-R2-D
00870 00850 CUNEGWEB 03660352.S-E0-D
00870 00850 CUNRGWEB 03660352.S-RC-D
00870 00852 CUNEGWEL 03660354.S-E0-A1
00870 00852 CUNRGWEL 03660354.S-RC-D
00870 00855 CUNRGWEX 03660357.S-RC-D
00870 00857 CUNEGWFC 03660359.S-E0-A1
00870 00857 CUNRGWFC 03660359.S-R2-D
00870 00860 CUNEGWFM 0366035C.S-E0-A1
00870 00860 CUNRGWFM 0366035C.S-R2-D
00870 00861 CUNEGWFP 0366035D.S-E0-A1
00870 00861 CUNRGWFP 0366035D.S-R2-D
00870 00862 CUNEGWFS 0366035E.S-E0-A1
00870 00862 CUNRGWFS 0366035E.S-R2-D
00870 00863 CUNEGWFV 0366035F.S-E0-A1
00870 00863 CUNRGWFV 0366035F.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 203

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00870 00864 CUNEGWFY 03660360.S-E0-A1
00870 00864 CUNRGWFY 03660360.S-R2-D
00870 00865 CUNEGWGA 03660361.S-E0-A1
00870 00865 CUNRGWGA 03660361.S-R2-D
00870 00866 CUNRGWGD 03660362.S-R2-D
00870 00869 CUNRGWGP 03660365.S-R2-D
00870 00871 CUNRGWGY 03660367.S-R2-D
00870 00874 CUNRGWG3 0366036A.S-R2-D
00870 00875 CUNRGWG8 0366036B.S-R2-D
00870 00880 CUNRGWHB 03660370.S-RC-D
00870 00897 CUNRGWHK 03660381.S-R2-D
00870 00903 CUNRGWHW 03660387.S-R2-D
00870 00912 CUNRGWH1 03660390.S-R2-D
00870 00915 CUNRGWH4 03660393.S-RC-D
00870 00916 CUNRGWH6 03660394.S-R2-D
00870 00920 CUNRGWIA 03660398.S-R2-D
00870 01009 CUNEGWL2 036603F1.S-E0-D
00870 01025 CUNRGWMG 03660401.S-RC-D
00870 01026 CUNRGWMH 03660402.S-R2-D
00870 01027 CUNEGWMI 03660403.S-E0-D
00870 01027 CUNRGWMI 03660403.S-R2-A1
00870 01040 CUNEGWMK 03660410.S-E0-D
00870 01040 CUNRGWMK 03660410.S-R2-A1
00870 01041 CUNEGWMN 03660411.S-E0-D
00870 01041 CUNRGWMN 03660411.S-R2-A1
00870 01042 CUNRGWMR 03660412.S-R2-D
00870 01043 CUNEGWMU 03660413.S-E0-D
00870 01043 CUNRGWMU 03660413.S-R2-A1
00870 01047 CUNRGWM0 03660417.S-R2-D
00870 01051 CUNEGWM2 0366041B.S-E0-D
00870 01088 CUNRGWM3 03660440.S-RC-D
00870 01112 CUNRGWNH 03660458.S-R2-D
00870 01122 CUNRGWNP 03660462.S-R2-D
00870 01250 CUNEGWPO 036604E2.S-E0-A1
00870 01250 CUNRGWPO 036604E2.S-R2-D
00870 01252 CUNRGWPS 036604E4.S-R2-D
00870 01282 CUNRGWQC 03660502.S-R2-D
00870 05346 CUNEGWPP 036614E2.S-E0-D
00870 05346 CUNRGWPP 036614E2.S-R2-D
00870 13488 CUNLGWPG 036634B0.SU-R-D
00870 13488 CUNRGWPG 036634B0.SU-R-D

204 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00871 00037 CUNEGYAA 03670025.S-E0-A1
00871 00037 CUNRGYAA 03670025.S-R2-D
00871 00256 CUNRGYAJ 03670100.S-R2-D
00871 00273 CUNRGYAV 03670111.S-R2-D
00871 00277 CUNRGYA2 03670115.S-R2-D
00871 00278 CUNRGYA4 03670116.S-R2-D
00871 00280 CUNRGYA6 03670118.S-R2-D
00871 00284 CUNRGYBB 0367011C.S-R2-D
00871 00285 CUNRGYBE 0367011D.S-R2-D
00871 00290 CUNEGYBH 03670122.S-E0-D
00871 00290 CUNRGYBH 03670122.S-R2-A1
00871 00297 CUNRGYBN 03670129.S-R2-D
00871 00367 CUNEGYB0 0367016F.S-E0-D
00871 00423 CUNRGYB8 036701A7.S-R2-D
00871 00437 CUNEGYCE 036701B5.S-E0-A1
00871 00437 CUNRGYCE 036701B5.S-RC-D
00871 00500 CUNEGYCR 036701F4.S-E0-A1
00871 00500 CUNLGYCR 036701F4.S-E0-A1
00871 00500 CUNRGYCR 036701F4.S-R2-D
00871 00737 CUNRGYC6 036702E1.S-R2-D
00871 00775 CUNRGYC8 03670307.S-R2-D
00871 00813 CUNRGYDF 0367032D.S-R2-D
00871 00819 CUNLGYDH 03670333.S-R2-D
00871 00819 CUNRGYDH 03670333.S-R2-D
00871 00833 CUNEGYDI 03670341.S-E0-D
00871 00833 CUNRGYDI 03670341.S-R2-A1
00871 00836 CUNEGYDU 03670344.S-E0-D
00871 00836 CUNRGYDU 03670344.S-R2-A1
00871 00838 CUNEGYD1 03670346.S-E0-D
00871 00850 CUNCGYEB 03670352.S-C0-A2
00871 00850 CUNLGYEB 03670352.S-C0-A2
00871 00850 CUNEGYEB 03670352.S-E0-A1
00871 00850 CUNRGYEB 03670352.S-R2-D
00871 00852 CUNEGYEL 03670354.S-E0-A1
00871 00852 CUNRGYEL 03670354.S-RC-D
00871 00855 CUNRGYEX 03670357.S-RC-D
00871 00857 CUNEGYFC 03670359.S-E0-A1
00871 00857 CUNRGYFC 03670359.S-R2-D
00871 00858 CUNEGYFI 0367035A.S-E0-D
00871 00858 CUNRGYFI 0367035A.S-R2-D
00871 00860 CUNEGYFM 0367035C.S-E0-A1

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 205

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00871 00860 CUNRGYFM 0367035C.S-RC-D
00871 00861 CUNEGYFP 0367035D.S-E0-A1
00871 00861 CUNRGYFP 0367035D.S-RC-D
00871 00862 CUNEGYFS 0367035E.S-E0-A1
00871 00862 CUNRGYFS 0367035E.S-R2-D
00871 00863 CUNEGYFV 0367035F.S-E0-A1
00871 00863 CUNRGYFV 0367035F.S-RC-D
00871 00864 CUNEGYFY 03670360.S-E0-A1
00871 00864 CUNRGYFY 03670360.S-R2-D
00871 00865 CUNEGYGA 03670361.S-E0-A1
00871 00865 CUNRGYGA 03670361.S-RC-D
00871 00869 CUNRGYGP 03670365.S-RC-D
00871 00870 CUNRGYGW 03670366.S-R2-D
00871 00874 CUNRGYG3 0367036A.S-R2-D
00871 00875 CUNRGYG8 0367036B.S-R2-D
00871 00880 CUNRGYHB 03670370.S-R2-D
00871 00897 CUNRGYHK 03670381.S-R2-D
00871 00903 CUNRGYHW 03670387.S-R2-D
00871 00912 CUNRGYH1 03670390.S-R2-D
00871 00916 CUNRGYH6 03670394.S-R2-D
00871 00920 CUNRGYIA 03670398.S-R2-D
00871 00923 CUNEGYIF 0367039B.S-E0-D
00871 00923 CUNRGYIF 0367039B.S-R2-D
00871 00924 CUNEGYIG 0367039C.S-E0-D
00871 00924 CUNLGYIG 0367039C.S-R2-D
00871 00924 CUNRGYIG 0367039C.S-R2-D
00871 01009 CUNEGYL2 036703F1.S-E0-D
00871 01025 CUNRGYMG 03670401.S-R2-D
00871 01026 CUNRGYMH 03670402.S-R2-D
00871 01027 CUNEGYMI 03670403.S-E0-D
00871 01027 CUNRGYMI 03670403.S-R2-A1
00871 01040 CUNEGYMK 03670410.S-E0-D
00871 01040 CUNRGYMK 03670410.S-R2-A1
00871 01041 CUNEGYMN 03670411.S-E0-D
00871 01041 CUNRGYMN 03670411.S-R2-A1
00871 01042 CUNRGYMR 03670412.S-R2-D
00871 01043 CUNEGYMU 03670413.S-E0-D
00871 01043 CUNRGYMU 03670413.S-R2-A1
00871 01047 CUNLGYM0 03670417.S-R2-D
00871 01047 CUNRGYM0 03670417.S-R2-D
00871 01051 CUNEGYM2 0367041B.S-E0-A1

206 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00871 01051 CUNRGYM2 0367041B.S-R2-D
00871 01088 CUNRGYM3 03670440.S-RC-D
00871 01112 CUNRGYNH 03670458.S-R2-D
00871 01122 CUNRGYNP 03670462.S-R2-D
00871 01140 CUNEGYN5 03670474.S-E0-D
00871 01140 CUNRGYN5 03670474.S-R2-D
00871 01141 CUNEGYN6 03670475.S-E0-D
00871 01141 CUNRGYN6 03670475.S-R2-D
00871 01142 CUNEGYN7 03670476.S-E0-D
00871 01142 CUNRGYN7 03670476.S-R2-D
00871 01143 CUNEGYN8 03670477.S-E0-D
00871 01143 CUNRGYN8 03670477.S-R2-D
00871 01144 CUNEGYN9 03670478.S-E0-D
00871 01144 CUNRGYN9 03670478.S-R2-D
00871 01145 CUNEGYOA 03670479.S-E0-D
00871 01145 CUNRGYOA 03670479.S-R2-D
00871 01146 CUNEGYOB 0367047A.S-E0-D
00871 01146 CUNRGYOB 0367047A.S-R2-D
00871 01147 CUNEGYOC 0367047B.S-E0-D
00871 01147 CUNRGYOC 0367047B.S-R2-D
00871 01148 CUNEGYOD 0367047C.S-E0-D
00871 01148 CUNRGYOD 0367047C.S-R2-D
00871 01149 CUNEGYOE 0367047D.S-E0-D
00871 01252 CUNEGYPS 036704E4.S-E0-A1
00871 01252 CUNRGYPS 036704E4.S-R2-D
00871 01275 CUNRGYP6 036704FB.S-R2-D
00871 05348 CUNEGYPT 036714E4.S-E0-D
00871 05348 CUNRGYPT 036714E4.S-R2-D
00871 13488 CUNLGYPG 036734B0.SU-R-D
00871 13488 CUNRGYPG 036734B0.SU-R-D
00872 00259 CUNEG0AP 03680103.S-E0-D
00872 00808 CUNEG0D5 03680328.S-E0-D
00872 00808 CUNRG0D5 03680328.S-R2-D
00872 00858 CUNEG0FI 0368035A.S-E0-D
00872 00858 CUNRG0FI 0368035A.S-R2-D
00872 00859 CUNEG0FK 0368035B.S-E0-D
00872 00859 CUNRG0FK 0368035B.S-R2-D
00872 00923 CUNEG0IF 0368039B.S-E0-D
00872 00923 CUNRG0IF 0368039B.S-R2-D
00872 00924 CUNEG0IG 0368039C.S-E0-D
00872 00924 CUNRG0IG 0368039C.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 207

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00872 01140 CUNEG0N5 03680474.S-E0-D
00872 01140 CUNRG0N5 03680474.S-R2-D
00872 01141 CUNEG0N6 03680475.S-E0-D
00872 01141 CUNRG0N6 03680475.S-R2-D
00872 01142 CUNEG0N7 03680476.S-E0-D
00872 01142 CUNRG0N7 03680476.S-R2-D
00872 01143 CUNEG0N8 03680477.S-E0-D
00872 01143 CUNRG0N8 03680477.S-R2-D
00872 01144 CUNEG0N9 03680478.S-E0-D
00872 01144 CUNRG0N9 03680478.S-R2-D
00872 01145 CUNEG0OA 03680479.S-E0-D
00872 01145 CUNRG0OA 03680479.S-R2-D
00872 01146 CUNEG0OB 0368047A.S-E0-D
00872 01146 CUNRG0OB 0368047A.S-R2-D
00872 01147 CUNEG0OC 0368047B.S-E0-D
00872 01147 CUNRG0OC 0368047B.S-R2-D
00872 01148 CUNEG0OD 0368047C.S-E0-D
00872 01148 CUNRG0OD 0368047C.S-R2-D
00872 01149 CUNEG0OE 0368047D.S-E0-D
00872 01149 CUNRG0OE 0368047D.S-R2-D
00872 01153 CUNEG0OF 03680481.S-E0-D
00872 01153 CUNRG0OF 03680481.S-R2-D
00872 01154 CUNEG0OG 03680482.S-E0-D
00872 01154 CUNRG0OG 03680482.S-R2-D
00872 01155 CUNEG0OH 03680483.S-E0-D
00872 01155 CUNRG0OH 03680483.S-R2-D
00872 05346 CUNEG0PP 036814E2.S-E0-D
00872 05346 CUNRG0PP 036814E2.S-R2-D
00872 05347 CUNEG0PR 036814E3.S-E0-D
00872 05347 CUNRG0PR 036814E3.S-R2-D
00872 05348 CUNEG0PT 036814E4.S-E0-D
00872 05348 CUNRG0PT 036814E4.S-R2-D
00872 09044 CUNEG0EN 03682354.S-E0-D
00872 09044 CUNRG0EN 03682354.S-R2-D
00872 09049 CUNEG0FE 03682359.S-E0-D
00872 09049 CUNRG0FE 03682359.S-R2-D
00872 17584 CUNRG0PH 036844B0.SU-R-D
00874 00037 CUNEG3AA 036A0025.S-E0-D
00874 00037 CUNRG3AA 036A0025.S-R2-D
00874 00259 CUNEG3AP 036A0103.S-E0-D
00874 00273 CUNRG3AV 036A0111.S-R2-D

208 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00874 00277 CUNRG3A2 036A0115.S-R2-D
00874 00278 CUNRG3A4 036A0116.S-R2-D
00874 00280 CUNRG3A6 036A0118.S-R2-D
00874 00284 CUNRG3BB 036A011C.S-R2-D
00874 00285 CUNRG3BE 036A011D.S-R2-D
00874 00297 CUNRG3BN 036A0129.S-R2-D
00874 00423 CUNRG3B8 036A01A7.S-R2-D
00874 00437 CUNRG3CE 036A01B5.S-R2-D
00874 00813 CUNRG3DF 036A032D.S-R2-D
00874 00819 CUNRG3DH 036A0333.S-R2-D
00874 00838 CUNEG3D1 036A0346.S-E0-D
00874 00838 CUNRG3D1 036A0346.S-RC-D
00874 00850 CUNRG3EB 036A0352.S-R2-D
00874 00852 CUNRG3EL 036A0354.S-R2-D
00874 00857 CUNRG3FC 036A0359.S-R2-D
00874 00860 CUNRG3FM 036A035C.S-R2-D
00874 00861 CUNRG3FP 036A035D.S-R2-D
00874 00863 CUNRG3FV 036A035F.S-R2-D
00874 00869 CUNRG3GP 036A0365.S-R2-D
00874 00870 CUNRG3GW 036A0366.S-R2-D
00874 00871 CUNRG3GY 036A0367.S-R2-D
00874 00875 CUNRG3G8 036A036B.S-R2-D
00874 00880 CUNRG3HB 036A0370.S-R2-D
00874 00897 CUNRG3HK 036A0381.S-R2-D
00874 00903 CUNRG3HW 036A0387.S-R2-D
00874 00912 CUNRG3H1 036A0390.S-R2-D
00874 00916 CUNRG3H6 036A0394.S-R2-D
00874 00920 CUNRG3IA 036A0398.S-R2-D
00874 01025 CUNRG3MG 036A0401.S-R2-D
00874 01026 CUNRG3MH 036A0402.S-R2-D
00874 01027 CUNRG3MI 036A0403.S-R2-D
00874 01041 CUNRG3MN 036A0411.S-R2-D
00874 01042 CUNRG3MR 036A0412.S-R2-D
00874 01043 CUNRG3MU 036A0413.S-R2-D
00874 01252 CUNEG3PS 036A04E4.S-E0-D
00874 04970 CUNEG3G4 036A136A.S-E0-D
00874 13488 CUNEG3PG 036A34B0.SU-E-D
00874 13488 CUNLG3PG 036A34B0.SU-E-D
00875 00037 CUNEG8AA 036B0025.S-E0-A1
00875 00037 CUNRG8AA 036B0025.S-R1-D
00875 00256 CUNRG8AJ 036B0100.S-R1-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 209

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00875 00273 CUNRG8AV 036B0111.S-R2-D
00875 00277 CUNRG8A2 036B0115.S-R2-D
00875 00278 CUNRG8A4 036B0116.S-R2-D
00875 00280 CUNRG8A6 036B0118.S-R2-D
00875 00284 CUNRG8BB 036B011C.S-R2-D
00875 00285 CUNRG8BE 036B011D.S-R2-D
00875 00297 CUNRG8BN 036B0129.S-R2-D
00875 00367 CUNEG8B0 036B016F.S-E0-D
00875 00423 CUNRG8B8 036B01A7.S-R1-D
00875 00437 CUNEG8CE 036B01B5.S-E0-A1
00875 00437 CUNRG8CE 036B01B5.S-R2-D
00875 00500 CUNEG8CR 036B01F4.S-E0-A1
00875 00500 CUNRG8CR 036B01F4.S-R1-D
00875 00737 CUNEG8C6 036B02E1.S-E0-D
00875 00737 CUNRG8C6 036B02E1.S-R2-D
00875 00775 CUNEG8C8 036B0307.S-E0-A1
00875 00775 CUNRG8C8 036B0307.S-R2-D
00875 00813 CUNRG8DF 036B032D.S-R2-D
00875 00813 CUNLG8DF 036B032D.S-RC-A1
00875 00819 CUNRG8DH 036B0333.S-R2-D
00875 00836 CUNEG8DU 036B0344.S-E0-D
00875 00836 CUNRG8DU 036B0344.S-R2-A1
00875 00838 CUNRG8D1 036B0346.S-R2-D
00875 00850 CUNRG8EB 036B0352.S-R2-D
00875 00851 CUNRG8EG 036B0353.S-R1-D
00875 00852 CUNEG8EL 036B0354.S-E0-A1
00875 00852 CUNRG8EL 036B0354.S-R2-D
00875 00857 CUNEG8FC 036B0359.S-E0-A1
00875 00857 CUNRG8FC 036B0359.S-R2-D
00875 00860 CUNEG8FM 036B035C.S-E0-A1
00875 00860 CUNRG8FM 036B035C.S-R2-D
00875 00861 CUNEG8FP 036B035D.S-E0-A1
00875 00861 CUNRG8FP 036B035D.S-R2-D
00875 00862 CUNEG8FS 036B035E.S-E0-A1
00875 00862 CUNRG8FS 036B035E.S-R2-D
00875 00863 CUNEG8FV 036B035F.S-E0-A1
00875 00863 CUNRG8FV 036B035F.S-R2-D
00875 00864 CUNEG8FY 036B0360.S-E0-A1
00875 00864 CUNRG8FY 036B0360.S-R2-D
00875 00865 CUNEG8GA 036B0361.S-E0-A1
00875 00865 CUNRG8GA 036B0361.S-R2-D

210 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00875 00869 CUNEG8GP 036B0365.S-E0-A2
00875 00869 CUNRG8GP 036B0365.S-RC-A1
00875 00870 CUNRG8GW 036B0366.S-R2-D
00875 00871 CUNRG8GY 036B0367.S-R2-D
00875 00874 CUNRG8G3 036B036A.S-R2-D
00875 00880 CUNRG8HB 036B0370.S-R2-D
00875 00897 CUNRG8HK 036B0381.S-R2-D
00875 00903 CUNRG8HW 036B0387.S-R2-D
00875 00912 CUNRG8H1 036B0390.S-R2-D
00875 00916 CUNRG8H6 036B0394.S-R2-D
00875 00920 CUNRG8IA 036B0398.S-R2-D
00875 01009 CUNEG8L2 036B03F1.S-E0-D
00875 01025 CUNRG8MG 036B0401.S-R2-D
00875 01026 CUNRG8MH 036B0402.S-R2-D
00875 01027 CUNRG8MI 036B0403.S-R2-D
00875 01041 CUNRG8MN 036B0411.S-R2-D
00875 01042 CUNRG8MR 036B0412.S-R2-D
00875 01043 CUNRG8MU 036B0413.S-R2-D
00875 01047 CUNLG8M0 036B0417.S-R2-D
00875 01047 CUNRG8M0 036B0417.S-R2-D
00875 01051 CUNEG8M2 036B041B.S-E0-D
00875 01088 CUNRG8M3 036B0440.S-RC-D
00875 01112 CUNRG8NH 036B0458.S-R2-D
00875 01122 CUNRG8NP 036B0462.S-R2-D
00875 01252 CUNRG8PS 036B04E4.S-R2-D
00875 01253 CUNEG8PU 036B04E5.S-EC-A1
00875 01253 CUNRG8PU 036B04E5.S-R2-D
00875 01280 CUNRG8QA 036B0500.S-R2-D
00875 01287 CUNEG8SX 036B0507.S-E0-D
00875 01287 CUNRG8SX 036B0507.S-R2-D
00875 05349 CUNEG8PV 036B14E5.S-EC-D
00875 05349 CUNRG8PV 036B14E5.S-R2-D
00875 13488 CUNLG8PG 036B34B0.SU-R-D
00875 13488 CUNRG8PG 036B34B0.SU-R-D
00878 00855 CUNRHAEX 036E0357.S-R2-D
00878 00866 CUNRHAGD 036E0362.S-R2-D
00878 00880 CUNEHAHB 036E0370.S-E0-D
00878 00880 CUNRHAHB 036E0370.S-R2-D
00878 00915 CUNRHAH4 036E0393.S-R2-D
00878 01025 CUNEHAMG 036E0401.S-E0-D
00878 01025 CUNRHAMG 036E0401.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 211

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00878 01131 CUNEHAN0 036E046B.S-E0-D
00878 01131 CUNRHAN0 036E046B.S-R2-D
00878 01251 CUNRHAPQ 036E04E3.S-R2-D
00878 01283 CUNEHAQD 036E0503.S-E0-D
00878 01283 CUNRHAQD 036E0503.S-R2-D
00878 05347 CUNEHAPR 036E14E3.S-E0-D
00878 05347 CUNRHAPR 036E14E3.S-R2-D
00878 13488 CUNRHAPG 036E34B0.SU-R-D
00880 00037 CUNEHBAA 03700025.S-E0-A1
00880 00037 CUNRHBAA 03700025.S-R1-D
00880 00256 CUNRHBAJ 03700100.S-R1-D
00880 00273 CUNRHBAV 03700111.S-R2-D
00880 00277 CUNRHBA2 03700115.S-R2-D
00880 00278 CUNRHBA4 03700116.S-R2-D
00880 00280 CUNRHBA6 03700118.S-R2-D
00880 00284 CUNRHBBB 0370011C.S-R2-D
00880 00285 CUNRHBBE 0370011D.S-R2-D
00880 00297 CUNRHBBN 03700129.S-R2-D
00880 00423 CUNRHBB8 037001A7.S-R2-D
00880 00437 CUNEHBCE 037001B5.S-E0-A1
00880 00437 CUNRHBCE 037001B5.S-RC-D
00880 00500 CUNEHBCR 037001F4.S-E0-A1
00880 00500 CUNRHBCR 037001F4.S-R1-D
00880 00737 CUNRHBC6 037002E1.S-R2-D
00880 00775 CUNRHBC8 03700307.S-R2-D
00880 00813 CUNRHBDF 0370032D.S-R2-D
00880 00819 CUNRHBDH 03700333.S-R2-D
00880 00838 CUNRHBD1 03700346.S-R2-D
00880 00850 CUNEHBEB 03700352.S-E0-D
00880 00850 CUNRHBEB 03700352.S-RC-D
00880 00852 CUNEHBEL 03700354.S-E0-A1
00880 00852 CUNRHBEL 03700354.S-RC-D
00880 00855 CUNRHBEX 03700357.S-R2-D
00880 00857 CUNEHBFC 03700359.S-E0-A1
00880 00857 CUNRHBFC 03700359.S-R2-D
00880 00860 CUNEHBFM 0370035C.S-E0-A1
00880 00860 CUNRHBFM 0370035C.S-R2-D
00880 00861 CUNEHBFP 0370035D.S-E0-A1
00880 00861 CUNRHBFP 0370035D.S-R2-D
00880 00862 CUNEHBFS 0370035E.S-E0-A1
00880 00862 CUNRHBFS 0370035E.S-R2-D

212 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00880 00863 CUNEHBFV 0370035F.S-E0-A1
00880 00863 CUNRHBFV 0370035F.S-R2-D
00880 00864 CUNEHBFY 03700360.S-E0-A1
00880 00864 CUNRHBFY 03700360.S-R2-D
00880 00865 CUNEHBGA 03700361.S-E0-A1
00880 00865 CUNRHBGA 03700361.S-R2-D
00880 00866 CUNEHBGD 03700362.S-EC-D
00880 00869 CUNRHBGP 03700365.S-R2-D
00880 00870 CUNRHBGW 03700366.S-RC-D
00880 00871 CUNRHBGY 03700367.S-R2-D
00880 00874 CUNRHBG3 0370036A.S-R2-D
00880 00875 CUNRHBG8 0370036B.S-R2-D
00880 00878 CUNEHBHA 0370036E.S-E0-D
00880 00878 CUNRHBHA 0370036E.S-R2-D
00880 00897 CUNRHBHK 03700381.S-R2-D
00880 00903 CUNRHBHW 03700387.S-R2-D
00880 00912 CUNRHBH1 03700390.S-RC-D
00880 00915 CUNRHBH4 03700393.S-R2-D
00880 00916 CUNRHBH6 03700394.S-R2-D
00880 00920 CUNRHBIA 03700398.S-R2-D
00880 01009 CUNEHBL2 037003F1.S-E0-D
00880 01025 CUNEHBMG 03700401.S-E0-A1
00880 01025 CUNRHBMG 03700401.S-R2-D
00880 01026 CUNRHBMH 03700402.S-R2-D
00880 01027 CUNRHBMI 03700403.S-R2-D
00880 01041 CUNRHBMN 03700411.S-R2-D
00880 01042 CUNRHBMR 03700412.S-R2-D
00880 01043 CUNRHBMU 03700413.S-R2-D
00880 01051 CUNEHBM2 0370041B.S-E0-D
00880 01112 CUNRHBNH 03700458.S-R2-D
00880 01122 CUNRHBNP 03700462.S-R2-D
00880 01251 CUNEHBPQ 037004E3.S-E0-A1
00880 01251 CUNRHBPQ 037004E3.S-R2-D
00880 01252 CUNRHBPS 037004E4.S-R2-D
00880 01283 CUNRHBQD 03700503.S-R2-D
00880 05347 CUNEHBPR 037014E3.S-E0-D
00880 05347 CUNRHBPR 037014E3.S-R2-D
00880 13488 CUNLHBPG 037034B0.SU-R-D
00880 13488 CUNRHBPG 037034B0.SU-R-D
00891 00500 CUNEHDCR 037B01F4.S-E0-D
00891 00833 CUNEHDDI 037B0341.S-EC-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 213

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00891 01088 CUNEHDM3 037B0440.S-EC-D
00891 13488 CUNRHDPG 037B34B0.SU-R-D
00895 00290 CUNEHHBH 037F0122.S-EC-D
00895 00500 CUNEHHCR 037F01F4.S-E0-D
00895 01027 CUNEHHMI 037F0403.S-EC-D
00895 01041 CUNEHHMN 037F0411.S-E0-D
00895 13488 CUNMHHPG 037F34B0.SU-C0-A2
00895 13488 CUNCHHPG 037F34B0.SU-C0-A2
00895 13488 CUNRHHPG 037F34B0.SU-R-D
00896 00290 CUNEHIBH 03800122.S-EC-D
00896 01027 CUNEHIMI 03800403.S-EC-D
00896 01041 CUNEHIMN 03800411.S-E0-D
00896 13488 CUNMHIPG 038034B0.SU-C0-A2
00896 13488 CUNCHIPG 038034B0.SU-C0-A2
00896 13488 CUNRHIPG 038034B0.SU-R-D
00897 00037 CUNEHKAA 03810025.S-EC-D
00897 00037 CUNRHKAA 03810025.S-R2-A1
00897 00273 CUNRHKAV 03810111.S-R2-D
00897 00277 CUNRHKA2 03810115.S-R2-D
00897 00278 CUNRHKA4 03810116.S-R2-D
00897 00280 CUNRHKA6 03810118.S-R2-D
00897 00284 CUNRHKBB 0381011C.S-R2-D
00897 00285 CUNRHKBE 0381011D.S-R2-D
00897 00290 CUNEHKBH 03810122.S-E0-A1
00897 00297 CUNRHKBN 03810129.S-R2-D
00897 00423 CUNRHKB8 038101A7.S-R2-D
00897 00437 CUNEHKCE 038101B5.S-E0-A1
00897 00437 CUNRHKCE 038101B5.S-R2-D
00897 00500 CUNEHKCR 038101F4.S-E0-D
00897 00813 CUNRHKDF 0381032D.S-R2-D
00897 00819 CUNRHKDH 03810333.S-R2-D
00897 00838 CUNRHKD1 03810346.S-R2-D
00897 00850 CUNEHKEB 03810352.S-E0-A1
00897 00850 CUNRHKEB 03810352.S-R2-D
00897 00852 CUNRHKEL 03810354.S-R2-D
00897 00857 CUNRHKFC 03810359.S-R2-D
00897 00860 CUNRHKFM 0381035C.S-R2-D
00897 00861 CUNRHKFP 0381035D.S-R2-D
00897 00863 CUNRHKFV 0381035F.S-R2-D
00897 00869 CUNRHKGP 03810365.S-R2-D
00897 00870 CUNRHKGW 03810366.S-R2-D

214 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00897 00871 CUNRHKGY 03810367.S-R2-D
00897 00874 CUNRHKG3 0381036A.S-R2-D
00897 00875 CUNRHKG8 0381036B.S-R2-D
00897 00880 CUNRHKHB 03810370.S-R2-D
00897 00903 CUNRHKHW 03810387.S-R2-D
00897 00912 CUNRHKH1 03810390.S-R2-D
00897 00916 CUNRHKH6 03810394.S-R2-D
00897 00920 CUNRHKIA 03810398.S-R2-D
00897 01025 CUNRHKMG 03810401.S-R2-D
00897 01026 CUNRHKMH 03810402.S-R2-D
00897 01027 CUNEHKMI 03810403.S-E0-A1
00897 01041 CUNEHKMN 03810411.S-E0-D
00897 01042 CUNRHKMR 03810412.S-R2-D
00897 01043 CUNRHKMU 03810413.S-R2-D
00897 01252 CUNEHKPS 038104E4.S-E0-D
00897 13488 CUNMHKPG 038134B0.SU-C0-A2
00897 13488 CUNCHKPG 038134B0.SU-C0-A2
00897 13488 CUNRHKPG 038134B0.SU-R-D
00899 00259 CUNEHRAP 03830103.S-E0-D
00901 00259 CUNEHSAP 03850103.S-E0-D
00901 00858 CUNEHSFI 0385035A.S-E0-D
00901 00858 CUNRHSFI 0385035A.S-R2-D
00901 00859 CUNEHSFK 0385035B.S-E0-D
00901 00859 CUNRHSFK 0385035B.S-R2-D
00901 00902 CUNEHSHU 03850386.S-E0-D
00901 00902 CUNRHSHU 03850386.S-R2-D
00901 00923 CUNEHSIF 0385039B.S-E0-D
00901 00923 CUNRHSIF 0385039B.S-R2-D
00901 00924 CUNEHSIG 0385039C.S-E0-D
00901 00924 CUNRHSIG 0385039C.S-R2-D
00901 01140 CUNEHSN5 03850474.S-E0-D
00901 01140 CUNRHSN5 03850474.S-R2-D
00901 01148 CUNEHSOD 0385047C.S-E0-D
00901 01148 CUNRHSOD 0385047C.S-R2-D
00901 01156 CUNEHSOI 03850484.S-E0-D
00901 01156 CUNRHSOI 03850484.S-R2-D
00901 01157 CUNEHSOJ 03850485.S-E0-D
00901 01157 CUNRHSOJ 03850485.S-R2-D
00901 05348 CUNEHSPT 038514E4.S-E0-D
00901 05348 CUNRHSPT 038514E4.S-R2-D
00901 05353 CUNEHSP3 038514E9.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 215

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00901 05353 CUNRHSP3 038514E9.S-R2-D
00901 17584 CUNRHSPH 038544B0.SU-R-D
00902 00259 CUNEHUAP 03860103.S-E0-D
00902 00858 CUNEHUFI 0386035A.S-E0-D
00902 00858 CUNRHUFI 0386035A.S-R2-D
00902 00859 CUNEHUFK 0386035B.S-E0-D
00902 00859 CUNRHUFK 0386035B.S-R2-D
00902 00901 CUNEHUHS 03860385.S-E0-D
00902 00901 CUNRHUHS 03860385.S-R2-D
00902 00923 CUNEHUIF 0386039B.S-E0-D
00902 00923 CUNRHUIF 0386039B.S-R2-D
00902 00924 CUNEHUIG 0386039C.S-E0-D
00902 00924 CUNRHUIG 0386039C.S-R2-D
00902 01140 CUNEHUN5 03860474.S-E0-D
00902 01140 CUNRHUN5 03860474.S-R2-D
00902 01148 CUNEHUOD 0386047C.S-E0-D
00902 01148 CUNRHUOD 0386047C.S-R2-D
00902 01156 CUNEHUOI 03860484.S-E0-D
00902 01156 CUNRHUOI 03860484.S-R2-D
00902 01157 CUNEHUOJ 03860485.S-E0-D
00902 01157 CUNRHUOJ 03860485.S-R2-D
00902 05348 CUNEHUPT 038614E4.S-E0-D
00902 05348 CUNRHUPT 038614E4.S-R2-D
00902 05353 CUNEHUP3 038614E9.S-E0-D
00902 05353 CUNRHUP3 038614E9.S-R2-D
00902 17584 CUNRHUPH 038644B0.SU-R-D
00903 00037 CUNRHWAA 03870025.S-R2-D
00903 00273 CUNRHWAV 03870111.S-R2-D
00903 00277 CUNRHWA2 03870115.S-R2-D
00903 00278 CUNRHWA4 03870116.S-R2-D
00903 00280 CUNRHWA6 03870118.S-R2-D
00903 00284 CUNRHWBB 0387011C.S-R2-D
00903 00285 CUNRHWBE 0387011D.S-R2-D
00903 00297 CUNRHWBN 03870129.S-R2-D
00903 00423 CUNRHWB8 038701A7.S-R2-D
00903 00437 CUNRHWCE 038701B5.S-R2-D
00903 00500 CUNEHWCR 038701F4.S-E0-D
00903 00813 CUNRHWDF 0387032D.S-R2-D
00903 00819 CUNRHWDH 03870333.S-R2-D
00903 00836 CUNEHWDU 03870344.S-E0-A1
00903 00838 CUNRHWD1 03870346.S-R2-D

216 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00903 00850 CUNRHWEB 03870352.S-R2-D
00903 00852 CUNRHWEL 03870354.S-R2-D
00903 00857 CUNRHWFC 03870359.S-R2-D
00903 00860 CUNRHWFM 0387035C.S-R2-D
00903 00861 CUNRHWFP 0387035D.S-R2-D
00903 00863 CUNRHWFV 0387035F.S-R2-D
00903 00869 CUNRHWGP 03870365.S-R2-D
00903 00870 CUNRHWGW 03870366.S-R2-D
00903 00871 CUNRHWGY 03870367.S-R2-D
00903 00874 CUNRHWG3 0387036A.S-R2-D
00903 00875 CUNRHWG8 0387036B.S-R2-D
00903 00880 CUNRHWHB 03870370.S-R2-D
00903 00897 CUNRHWHK 03870381.S-R2-D
00903 00912 CUNRHWH1 03870390.S-R2-D
00903 00916 CUNRHWH6 03870394.S-R2-D
00903 00920 CUNRHWIA 03870398.S-R2-D
00903 01025 CUNRHWMG 03870401.S-R2-D
00903 01026 CUNRHWMH 03870402.S-R2-D
00903 01027 CUNRHWMI 03870403.S-R2-D
00903 01041 CUNRHWMN 03870411.S-R2-D
00903 01042 CUNRHWMR 03870412.S-R2-D
00903 01043 CUNRHWMU 03870413.S-R2-D
00903 01115 CUNEHWNM 0387045B.S-EC-D
00903 01252 CUNEHWPS 038704E4.S-E0-D
00903 13488 CUNRHWPG 038734B0.SU-R-D
00904 00037 CUNEHYAA 03880025.S-EC-D
00904 00500 CUNEHYCR 038801F4.S-EC-D
00904 01114 CUNEHYNI 0388045A.S-E0-D
00904 13488 CUNLHYPG 038834B0.SU-R-D
00904 13488 CUNRHYPG 038834B0.SU-R-D
00905 00037 CUNEH0AA 03890025.S-E0-A1
00905 00037 CUNRH0AA 03890025.S-RC-D
00905 00256 CUNRH0AJ 03890100.S-RC-D
00905 00437 CUNEH0CE 038901B5.S-E0-A1
00905 00437 CUNRH0CE 038901B5.S-R2-D
00905 00500 CUNEH0CR 038901F4.S-E0-A1
00905 00500 CUNRH0CR 038901F4.S-RC-D
00905 00737 CUNRH0C6 038902E1.S-R2-D
00905 00775 CUNEH0C8 03890307.S-E0-A1
00905 00775 CUNRH0C8 03890307.S-R2-D
00905 00819 CUNRH0DH 03890333.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 217

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00905 00850 CUNEH0EB 03890352.S-E0-D
00905 00850 CUNRH0EB 03890352.S-R2-D
00905 00852 CUNEH0EL 03890354.S-E0-A1
00905 00852 CUNRH0EL 03890354.S-R2-D
00905 00857 CUNEH0FC 03890359.S-E0-A1
00905 00857 CUNRH0FC 03890359.S-R1-D
00905 00860 CUNEH0FM 0389035C.S-E0-A1
00905 00860 CUNRH0FM 0389035C.S-R2-D
00905 00861 CUNEH0FP 0389035D.S-E0-A1
00905 00861 CUNRH0FP 0389035D.S-R2-D
00905 00862 CUNEH0FS 0389035E.S-E0-A1
00905 00862 CUNRH0FS 0389035E.S-R2-D
00905 00863 CUNEH0FV 0389035F.S-E0-A1
00905 00863 CUNRH0FV 0389035F.S-R2-D
00905 00864 CUNEH0FY 03890360.S-E0-A1
00905 00864 CUNRH0FY 03890360.S-R2-D
00905 00865 CUNEH0GA 03890361.S-E0-A1
00905 00865 CUNRH0GA 03890361.S-R2-D
00905 00920 CUNRH0IA 03890398.S-RC-D
00905 01026 CUNRH0MH 03890402.S-R1-D
00905 01051 CUNEH0M2 0389041B.S-E0-D
00905 01112 CUNRH0NH 03890458.S-R2-D
00905 01122 CUNRH0NP 03890462.S-R2-D
00905 01252 CUNRH0PS 038904E4.S-R2-D
00905 01254 CUNEH0PW 038904E6.S-E0-A1
00905 01254 CUNRH0PW 038904E6.S-R2-D
00905 01281 CUNRH0QB 03890501.S-R2-D
00905 13488 CUNRH0PG 038934B0.SU-R-D
00912 00037 CUNRH1AA 03900025.S-R2-D
00912 00273 CUNRH1AV 03900111.S-R2-D
00912 00277 CUNRH1A2 03900115.S-R2-D
00912 00278 CUNRH1A4 03900116.S-R2-D
00912 00280 CUNRH1A6 03900118.S-R2-D
00912 00284 CUNRH1BB 0390011C.S-R2-D
00912 00285 CUNRH1BE 0390011D.S-R2-D
00912 00297 CUNRH1BN 03900129.S-R2-D
00912 00423 CUNRH1B8 039001A7.S-R2-D
00912 00437 CUNRH1CE 039001B5.S-RC-D
00912 00500 CUNRH1CR 039001F4.S-R2-D
00912 00813 CUNRH1DF 0390032D.S-R2-D
00912 00819 CUNRH1DH 03900333.S-R2-D

218 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00912 00838 CUNRH1D1 03900346.S-R2-D
00912 00850 CUNRH1EB 03900352.S-R2-D
00912 00852 CUNEH1EL 03900354.S-E0-A1
00912 00852 CUNRH1EL 03900354.S-R2-D
00912 00855 CUNRH1EX 03900357.S-R2-D
00912 00857 CUNRH1FC 03900359.S-R2-D
00912 00860 CUNRH1FM 0390035C.S-R2-D
00912 00861 CUNRH1FP 0390035D.S-R2-D
00912 00863 CUNRH1FV 0390035F.S-R2-D
00912 00869 CUNRH1GP 03900365.S-R2-D
00912 00870 CUNRH1GW 03900366.S-R2-D
00912 00871 CUNRH1GY 03900367.S-R2-D
00912 00874 CUNRH1G3 0390036A.S-R2-D
00912 00875 CUNRH1G8 0390036B.S-R2-D
00912 00880 CUNRH1HB 03900370.S-RC-D
00912 00897 CUNRH1HK 03900381.S-R2-D
00912 00903 CUNRH1HW 03900387.S-R2-D
00912 00916 CUNRH1H6 03900394.S-R2-D
00912 00920 CUNRH1IA 03900398.S-R2-D
00912 01025 CUNRH1MG 03900401.S-RC-D
00912 01026 CUNRH1MH 03900402.S-R2-D
00912 01027 CUNRH1MI 03900403.S-R2-D
00912 01041 CUNRH1MN 03900411.S-R2-D
00912 01042 CUNRH1MR 03900412.S-R2-D
00912 01043 CUNRH1MU 03900413.S-R2-D
00912 01047 CUNRH1M0 03900417.S-R2-D
00912 01250 CUNRH1PO 039004E2.S-R2-D
00912 01252 CUNRH1PS 039004E4.S-R2-D
00912 01282 CUNRH1QC 03900502.S-R2-D
00912 05346 CUNEH1PP 039014E2.S-E0-D
00912 05346 CUNRH1PP 039014E2.S-R2-D
00912 13488 CUNLH1PG 039034B0.SU-R-D
00912 13488 CUNRH1PG 039034B0.SU-R-D
00913 17584 CUNRSZPH 039144B0.SU-R-D
00914 00037 CUNRH3AA 03920025.S-R2-D
00914 00437 CUNRH3CE 039201B5.S-R2-D
00914 00500 CUNRH3CR 039201F4.S-R2-D
00914 00819 CUNRH3DH 03920333.S-R2-D
00914 00850 CUNRH3EB 03920352.S-R2-D
00914 01252 CUNRH3PS 039204E4.S-R2-D
00914 01257 CUNRH3P2 039204E9.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 219

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00914 13488 CUNLH3PG 039234B0.SU-R-D
00914 13488 CUNRH3PG 039234B0.SU-R-D
00915 00037 CUNRH4AA 03930025.S-R2-D
00915 00259 CUNRH4AP 03930103.S-R2-A1
00915 00437 CUNRH4CE 039301B5.S-RC-D
00915 00500 CUNRH4CR 039301F4.S-R2-D
00915 00819 CUNRH4DH 03930333.S-R2-D
00915 00850 CUNRH4EB 03930352.S-R2-D
00915 00855 CUNEH4EX 03930357.S-E0-A1
00915 00855 CUNRH4EX 03930357.S-RC-D
00915 00866 CUNEH4GD 03930362.S-EC-D
00915 00870 CUNRH4GW 03930366.S-RC-D
00915 00878 CUNRH4HA 0393036E.S-R2-D
00915 00880 CUNRH4HB 03930370.S-R2-D
00915 01025 CUNEH4MG 03930401.S-E0-A1
00915 01025 CUNRH4MG 03930401.S-R2-D
00915 01131 CUNRH4N0 0393046B.S-R2-D
00915 01251 CUNRH4PQ 039304E3.S-R2-D
00915 01252 CUNRH4PS 039304E4.S-R2-D
00915 01283 CUNRH4QD 03930503.S-R2-D
00915 05347 CUNEH4PR 039314E3.S-E0-D
00915 05347 CUNRH4PR 039314E3.S-R2-D
00915 13488 CUNLH4PG 039334B0.SU-R-D
00915 13488 CUNRH4PG 039334B0.SU-R-D
00916 00037 CUNRH6AA 03940025.S-R2-D
00916 00273 CUNRH6AV 03940111.S-R2-D
00916 00277 CUNRH6A2 03940115.S-R2-D
00916 00278 CUNRH6A4 03940116.S-R2-D
00916 00280 CUNRH6A6 03940118.S-R2-D
00916 00284 CUNRH6BB 0394011C.S-R2-D
00916 00285 CUNRH6BE 0394011D.S-R2-D
00916 00297 CUNRH6BN 03940129.S-R2-D
00916 00423 CUNRH6B8 039401A7.S-R2-D
00916 00424 CUNEH6CA 039401A8.S-E0-D
00916 00424 CUNRH6CA 039401A8.S-RC-D
00916 00437 CUNRH6CE 039401B5.S-R2-D
00916 00500 CUNRH6CR 039401F4.S-R2-D
00916 00803 CUNEH6DA 03940323.S-E0-D
00916 00803 CUNRH6DA 03940323.S-RC-D
00916 00813 CUNRH6DF 0394032D.S-R2-D
00916 00819 CUNRH6DH 03940333.S-RC-D

220 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00916 00838 CUNRH6D1 03940346.S-R2-D
00916 00850 CUNRH6EB 03940352.S-R2-D
00916 00852 CUNRH6EL 03940354.S-R2-D
00916 00856 CUNRH6E4 03940358.S-RC-D
00916 00857 CUNRH6FC 03940359.S-R2-D
00916 00860 CUNRH6FM 0394035C.S-R2-D
00916 00861 CUNRH6FP 0394035D.S-R2-D
00916 00862 CUNEH6FS 0394035E.S-E0-D
00916 00862 CUNRH6FS 0394035E.S-RC-D
00916 00863 CUNRH6FV 0394035F.S-R2-D
00916 00869 CUNRH6GP 03940365.S-R2-D
00916 00870 CUNRH6GW 03940366.S-R2-D
00916 00871 CUNRH6GY 03940367.S-R2-D
00916 00874 CUNRH6G3 0394036A.S-R2-D
00916 00875 CUNRH6G8 0394036B.S-R2-D
00916 00880 CUNRH6HB 03940370.S-R2-D
00916 00897 CUNRH6HK 03940381.S-R2-D
00916 00903 CUNRH6HW 03940387.S-R2-D
00916 00912 CUNRH6H1 03940390.S-R2-D
00916 00920 CUNRH6IA 03940398.S-R2-D
00916 01025 CUNRH6MG 03940401.S-R2-D
00916 01026 CUNRH6MH 03940402.S-R2-D
00916 01027 CUNRH6MI 03940403.S-R2-D
00916 01041 CUNRH6MN 03940411.S-R2-D
00916 01042 CUNRH6MR 03940412.S-R2-D
00916 01043 CUNRH6MU 03940413.S-R2-D
00916 01252 CUNRH6PS 039404E4.S-R2-D
00916 01255 CUNEH6PY 039404E7.S-E0-A1
00916 01255 CUNRH6PY 039404E7.S-R2-D
00916 05351 CUNEH6PZ 039414E7.S-E0-D
00916 05351 CUNRH6PZ 039414E7.S-R2-D
00916 13488 CUNLH6PG 039434B0.SU-R-D
00916 13488 CUNRH6PG 039434B0.SU-R-D
00918 00864 CUNRH8FY 03960360.S-RC-D
00918 00868 CUNRH8GH 03960364.S-R2-D
00918 01006 CUNRH8LZ 039603EE.S-R2-D
00918 13488 CUNEH8PG 039634B0.SU-E-A1
00918 13488 CUNRH8PG 039634B0.SU-R-D
00920 00037 CUNRIAAA 03980025.S-R2-D
00920 00273 CUNRIAAV 03980111.S-R2-D
00920 00277 CUNRIAA2 03980115.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 221

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00920 00278 CUNRIAA4 03980116.S-R2-D
00920 00280 CUNRIAA6 03980118.S-R2-D
00920 00284 CUNRIABB 0398011C.S-R2-D
00920 00285 CUNRIABE 0398011D.S-R2-D
00920 00297 CUNRIABN 03980129.S-R2-D
00920 00423 CUNRIAB8 039801A7.S-R2-D
00920 00437 CUNRIACE 039801B5.S-R2-D
00920 00500 CUNRIACR 039801F4.S-R2-D
00920 00813 CUNRIADF 0398032D.S-R2-D
00920 00819 CUNRIADH 03980333.S-R2-D
00920 00838 CUNRIAD1 03980346.S-R2-D
00920 00850 CUNRIAEB 03980352.S-R2-D
00920 00852 CUNRIAEL 03980354.S-R2-D
00920 00857 CUNRIAFC 03980359.S-R2-A1
00920 00860 CUNRIAFM 0398035C.S-R2-D
00920 00861 CUNRIAFP 0398035D.S-R2-D
00920 00863 CUNRIAFV 0398035F.S-R2-D
00920 00869 CUNRIAGP 03980365.S-R2-D
00920 00870 CUNRIAGW 03980366.S-R2-D
00920 00871 CUNRIAGY 03980367.S-R2-D
00920 00874 CUNRIAG3 0398036A.S-R2-D
00920 00875 CUNRIAG8 0398036B.S-R2-D
00920 00880 CUNRIAHB 03980370.S-R2-D
00920 00897 CUNRIAHK 03980381.S-R2-D
00920 00903 CUNRIAHW 03980387.S-R2-D
00920 00905 CUNRIAH0 03980389.S-RC-D
00920 00912 CUNRIAH1 03980390.S-R2-D
00920 00916 CUNRIAH6 03980394.S-R2-D
00920 01025 CUNRIAMG 03980401.S-R2-D
00920 01026 CUNRIAMH 03980402.S-R2-D
00920 01252 CUNRIAPS 039804E4.S-R2-D
00920 01254 CUNRIAPW 039804E6.S-R2-D
00920 01281 CUNRIAQB 03980501.S-R2-D
00920 01288 CUNEIASY 03980508.S-E0-D
00920 01288 CUNRIASY 03980508.S-R2-D
00920 05350 CUNEIAPX 039814E6.S-E0-D
00920 05350 CUNRIAPX 039814E6.S-R2-D
00920 13488 CUNLIAPG 039834B0.SU-R-D
00920 13488 CUNRIAPG 039834B0.SU-R-D
00921 00037 CUNRIBAA 03990025.S-R2-D
00921 00437 CUNRIBCE 039901B5.S-R2-D

222 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00921 00500 CUNRIBCR 039901F4.S-R2-D
00921 00819 CUNRIBDH 03990333.S-R2-D
00921 00850 CUNRIBEB 03990352.S-R2-D
00921 00922 CUNRIBID 0399039A.S-R2-D
00921 01112 CUNEIBNH 03990458.S-E0-A1
00921 01112 CUNRIBNH 03990458.S-R2-D
00921 01122 CUNRIBNP 03990462.S-R2-D
00921 01252 CUNRIBPS 039904E4.S-R2-D
00921 01257 CUNEIBP2 039904E9.S-E0-D
00921 01257 CUNRIBP2 039904E9.S-R2-D
00921 05353 CUNEIBP3 039914E9.S-E0-D
00921 05353 CUNRIBP3 039914E9.S-R2-D
00921 13488 CUNLIBPG 039934B0.SU-R-D
00921 13488 CUNRIBPG 039934B0.SU-R-D
00922 00037 CUNRIDAA 039A0025.S-R2-D
00922 00437 CUNRIDCE 039A01B5.S-R2-D
00922 00500 CUNRIDCR 039A01F4.S-R2-D
00922 00819 CUNRIDDH 039A0333.S-R2-D
00922 00850 CUNRIDEB 039A0352.S-R2-D
00922 00921 CUNRIDIB 039A0399.S-R2-D
00922 01112 CUNRIDNH 039A0458.S-R2-D
00922 01122 CUNEIDNP 039A0462.S-E0-A1
00922 01122 CUNRIDNP 039A0462.S-R2-D
00922 01252 CUNRIDPS 039A04E4.S-R2-D
00922 01257 CUNEIDP2 039A04E9.S-E0-D
00922 01257 CUNRIDP2 039A04E9.S-R2-D
00922 05353 CUNEIDP3 039A14E9.S-E0-D
00922 05353 CUNRIDP3 039A14E9.S-R2-D
00922 13488 CUNLIDPG 039A34B0.SU-R-D
00922 13488 CUNRIDPG 039A34B0.SU-R-D
00923 00037 CUNEIFAA 039B0025.S-E0-D
00923 00037 CUNRIFAA 039B0025.S-R2-D
00923 00273 CUNEIFAV 039B0111.S-E0-D
00923 00273 CUNRIFAV 039B0111.S-R2-D
00923 00277 CUNEIFA2 039B0115.S-E0-D
00923 00277 CUNRIFA2 039B0115.S-R2-D
00923 00278 CUNEIFA4 039B0116.S-E0-D
00923 00278 CUNRIFA4 039B0116.S-R2-D
00923 00280 CUNEIFA6 039B0118.S-E0-D
00923 00280 CUNRIFA6 039B0118.S-R2-D
00923 00284 CUNEIFBB 039B011C.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 223

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00923 00284 CUNRIFBB 039B011C.S-R2-D
00923 00285 CUNEIFBE 039B011D.S-E0-D
00923 00285 CUNRIFBE 039B011D.S-R2-D
00923 00297 CUNEIFBN 039B0129.S-E0-D
00923 00297 CUNRIFBN 039B0129.S-R2-D
00923 00437 CUNEIFCE 039B01B5.S-E0-D
00923 00437 CUNRIFCE 039B01B5.S-R2-D
00923 00500 CUNEIFCR 039B01F4.S-E0-D
00923 00500 CUNRIFCR 039B01F4.S-R2-D
00923 00808 CUNEIFD5 039B0328.S-E0-D
00923 00808 CUNRIFD5 039B0328.S-R2-D
00923 00819 CUNEIFDH 039B0333.S-E0-D
00923 00850 CUNEIFEB 039B0352.S-E0-D
00923 00850 CUNRIFEB 039B0352.S-RC-D
00923 00858 CUNEIFFI 039B035A.S-E0-D
00923 00858 CUNRIFFI 039B035A.S-R2-D
00923 00860 CUNEIFFM 039B035C.S-E0-D
00923 00860 CUNRIFFM 039B035C.S-R2-D
00923 00861 CUNEIFFP 039B035D.S-E0-D
00923 00861 CUNRIFFP 039B035D.S-R2-D
00923 00865 CUNEIFGA 039B0361.S-E0-D
00923 00865 CUNRIFGA 039B0361.S-R2-D
00923 00871 CUNEIFGY 039B0367.S-E0-D
00923 00871 CUNRIFGY 039B0367.S-R2-D
00923 00872 CUNEIFG0 039B0368.S-E0-D
00923 00872 CUNRIFG0 039B0368.S-R2-D
00923 00901 CUNEIFHS 039B0385.S-E0-D
00923 00901 CUNRIFHS 039B0385.S-R2-D
00923 00902 CUNEIFHU 039B0386.S-E0-D
00923 00902 CUNRIFHU 039B0386.S-R2-D
00923 00924 CUNLIFIG 039B039C.S-R2-D
00923 00924 CUNRIFIG 039B039C.S-R2-D
00923 01047 CUNEIFM0 039B0417.S-E0-D
00923 01047 CUNRIFM0 039B0417.S-R2-D
00923 01051 CUNEIFM2 039B041B.S-E0-D
00923 01051 CUNRIFM2 039B041B.S-R2-D
00923 01140 CUNEIFN5 039B0474.S-E0-D
00923 01140 CUNRIFN5 039B0474.S-R2-D
00923 01141 CUNEIFN6 039B0475.S-E0-D
00923 01141 CUNRIFN6 039B0475.S-R2-D
00923 01142 CUNEIFN7 039B0476.S-E0-D

224 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00923 01142 CUNRIFN7 039B0476.S-R2-D
00923 01143 CUNEIFN8 039B0477.S-E0-D
00923 01143 CUNRIFN8 039B0477.S-R2-D
00923 01144 CUNEIFN9 039B0478.S-E0-D
00923 01144 CUNRIFN9 039B0478.S-R2-D
00923 01145 CUNEIFOA 039B0479.S-E0-D
00923 01145 CUNRIFOA 039B0479.S-R2-D
00923 01146 CUNEIFOB 039B047A.S-E0-D
00923 01146 CUNRIFOB 039B047A.S-R2-D
00923 01147 CUNEIFOC 039B047B.S-E0-D
00923 01147 CUNRIFOC 039B047B.S-R2-D
00923 01148 CUNEIFOD 039B047C.S-E0-D
00923 01148 CUNRIFOD 039B047C.S-R2-D
00923 01149 CUNEIFOE 039B047D.S-E0-D
00923 01149 CUNRIFOE 039B047D.S-R2-D
00923 01153 CUNEIFOF 039B0481.S-E0-D
00923 01153 CUNRIFOF 039B0481.S-R2-D
00923 01154 CUNEIFOG 039B0482.S-E0-D
00923 01154 CUNRIFOG 039B0482.S-R2-D
00923 01155 CUNEIFOH 039B0483.S-E0-D
00923 01155 CUNRIFOH 039B0483.S-R2-D
00923 01156 CUNEIFOI 039B0484.S-E0-D
00923 01156 CUNRIFOI 039B0484.S-R2-D
00923 01157 CUNEIFOJ 039B0485.S-E0-D
00923 01157 CUNRIFOJ 039B0485.S-R2-D
00923 01158 CUNEIFOK 039B0486.S-E0-D
00923 01158 CUNRIFOK 039B0486.S-R2-D
00923 01160 CUNEIFOM 039B0488.S-E0-D
00923 01160 CUNRIFOM 039B0488.S-R2-D
00923 01161 CUNEIFON 039B0489.S-E0-D
00923 01161 CUNRIFON 039B0489.S-R2-D
00923 01162 CUNEIFOO 039B048A.S-E0-D
00923 01162 CUNRIFOO 039B048A.S-R2-D
00923 01164 CUNEIFOQ 039B048C.S-E0-D
00923 01164 CUNRIFOQ 039B048C.S-R2-D
00923 01252 CUNEIFPS 039B04E4.S-E0-D
00923 01252 CUNRIFPS 039B04E4.S-R2-D
00923 01275 CUNEIFP6 039B04FB.S-E0-D
00923 01275 CUNRIFP6 039B04FB.S-R2-D
00923 04909 CUNEIFDG 039B132D.S-E0-D
00923 04909 CUNRIFDG 039B132D.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 225

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00923 04971 CUNEIFG9 039B136B.S-E0-D
00923 04971 CUNRIFG9 039B136B.S-R2-D
00923 05348 CUNEIFPT 039B14E4.S-E0-D
00923 05348 CUNRIFPT 039B14E4.S-R2-D
00923 09044 CUNEIFEN 039B2354.S-E0-D
00923 09044 CUNRIFEN 039B2354.S-R2-D
00923 09049 CUNEIFFE 039B2359.S-E0-D
00923 09049 CUNRIFFE 039B2359.S-R2-D
00923 09061 CUNEIFGR 039B2365.S-E0-D
00923 09061 CUNRIFGR 039B2365.S-R2-D
00923 16804 CUNEIFB5 039B41A4.S-E0-D
00923 16804 CUNRIFB5 039B41A4.S-R2-D
00923 17248 CUNEIFF2 039B4360.S-E0-D
00923 17248 CUNRIFF2 039B4360.S-R2-D
00923 17584 CUNRIFPH 039B44B0.SU-R-D
00924 00037 CUNEIGAA 039C0025.S-E0-D
00924 00037 CUNRIGAA 039C0025.S-R2-D
00924 00273 CUNEIGAV 039C0111.S-E0-D
00924 00273 CUNLIGAV 039C0111.S-R2-D
00924 00273 CUNRIGAV 039C0111.S-R2-D
00924 00277 CUNEIGA2 039C0115.S-E0-D
00924 00277 CUNRIGA2 039C0115.S-R2-D
00924 00278 CUNEIGA4 039C0116.S-E0-D
00924 00278 CUNLIGA4 039C0116.S-R2-D
00924 00278 CUNRIGA4 039C0116.S-R2-D
00924 00280 CUNEIGA6 039C0118.S-E0-D
00924 00280 CUNLIGA6 039C0118.S-R2-D
00924 00280 CUNRIGA6 039C0118.S-R2-D
00924 00284 CUNEIGBB 039C011C.S-E0-D
00924 00284 CUNLIGBB 039C011C.S-R2-D
00924 00284 CUNRIGBB 039C011C.S-R2-D
00924 00285 CUNEIGBE 039C011D.S-E0-D
00924 00285 CUNLIGBE 039C011D.S-R2-D
00924 00285 CUNRIGBE 039C011D.S-R2-D
00924 00297 CUNEIGBN 039C0129.S-E0-D
00924 00297 CUNLIGBN 039C0129.S-R2-D
00924 00297 CUNRIGBN 039C0129.S-R2-D
00924 00437 CUNEIGCE 039C01B5.S-E0-D
00924 00437 CUNRIGCE 039C01B5.S-R2-D
00924 00500 CUNEIGCR 039C01F4.S-E0-D
00924 00500 CUNLIGCR 039C01F4.S-R2-D

226 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00924 00500 CUNRIGCR 039C01F4.S-R2-D
00924 00808 CUNEIGD5 039C0328.S-E0-D
00924 00808 CUNRIGD5 039C0328.S-R2-D
00924 00819 CUNEIGDH 039C0333.S-E0-D
00924 00819 CUNRIGDH 039C0333.S-R2-D
00924 00848 CUNEIGD7 039C0350.S-E0-D
00924 00848 CUNRIGD7 039C0350.S-R2-D
00924 00849 CUNEIGD9 039C0351.S-E0-D
00924 00849 CUNRIGD9 039C0351.S-R2-D
00924 00850 CUNEIGEB 039C0352.S-E0-D
00924 00850 CUNRIGEB 039C0352.S-R2-D
00924 00858 CUNEIGFI 039C035A.S-E0-D
00924 00858 CUNRIGFI 039C035A.S-R2-D
00924 00860 CUNEIGFM 039C035C.S-E0-D
00924 00860 CUNRIGFM 039C035C.S-R2-D
00924 00861 CUNEIGFP 039C035D.S-E0-D
00924 00861 CUNRIGFP 039C035D.S-R2-D
00924 00865 CUNEIGGA 039C0361.S-E0-D
00924 00865 CUNRIGGA 039C0361.S-R2-D
00924 00871 CUNEIGGY 039C0367.S-E0-D
00924 00871 CUNLIGGY 039C0367.S-R2-D
00924 00871 CUNRIGGY 039C0367.S-R2-D
00924 00872 CUNEIGG0 039C0368.S-E0-D
00924 00872 CUNRIGG0 039C0368.S-R2-D
00924 00901 CUNEIGHS 039C0385.S-E0-D
00924 00901 CUNRIGHS 039C0385.S-R2-D
00924 00902 CUNEIGHU 039C0386.S-E0-D
00924 00902 CUNRIGHU 039C0386.S-R2-D
00924 00923 CUNLIFIG 039C039B.S-R2-D
00924 00923 CUNRIGIF 039C039B.S-R2-D
00924 01047 CUNEIGM0 039C0417.S-E0-D
00924 01047 CUNLIGM0 039C0417.S-R2-D
00924 01047 CUNRIGM0 039C0417.S-R2-D
00924 01051 CUNEIGM2 039C041B.S-E0-D
00924 01051 CUNRIGM2 039C041B.S-R2-D
00924 01140 CUNEIGN5 039C0474.S-E0-D
00924 01140 CUNLIGN5 039C0474.S-R2-D
00924 01140 CUNRIGN5 039C0474.S-R2-D
00924 01141 CUNEIGN6 039C0475.S-E0-D
00924 01141 CUNLIGN6 039C0475.S-R2-D
00924 01141 CUNRIGN6 039C0475.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 227

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00924 01142 CUNEIGN7 039C0476.S-E0-D
00924 01142 CUNLIGN7 039C0476.S-R2-D
00924 01142 CUNRIGN7 039C0476.S-R2-D
00924 01143 CUNEIGN8 039C0477.S-E0-D
00924 01143 CUNLIGN8 039C0477.S-R2-D
00924 01143 CUNRIGN8 039C0477.S-R2-D
00924 01144 CUNEIGN9 039C0478.S-E0-D
00924 01144 CUNLIGN9 039C0478.S-R2-D
00924 01144 CUNRIGN9 039C0478.S-R2-D
00924 01145 CUNEIGOA 039C0479.S-E0-D
00924 01145 CUNLIGOA 039C0479.S-R2-D
00924 01145 CUNRIGOA 039C0479.S-R2-D
00924 01146 CUNEIGOB 039C047A.S-E0-D
00924 01146 CUNLIGOB 039C047A.S-R2-D
00924 01146 CUNRIGOB 039C047A.S-R2-D
00924 01147 CUNEIGOC 039C047B.S-E0-D
00924 01147 CUNLIGOC 039C047B.S-R2-D
00924 01147 CUNRIGOC 039C047B.S-R2-D
00924 01148 CUNEIGOD 039C047C.S-E0-D
00924 01148 CUNLIGOD 039C047C.S-R2-D
00924 01148 CUNRIGOD 039C047C.S-R2-D
00924 01149 CUNEIGOE 039C047D.S-E0-D
00924 01149 CUNLIGOE 039C047D.S-R2-D
00924 01149 CUNRIGOE 039C047D.S-R2-D
00924 01153 CUNEIGOF 039C0481.S-E0-D
00924 01153 CUNRIGOF 039C0481.S-R2-D
00924 01154 CUNEIGOG 039C0482.S-E0-D
00924 01154 CUNRIGOG 039C0482.S-R2-D
00924 01155 CUNEIGOH 039C0483.S-E0-D
00924 01155 CUNRIGOH 039C0483.S-R2-D
00924 01156 CUNEIGOI 039C0484.S-E0-D
00924 01156 CUNRIGOI 039C0484.S-R2-D
00924 01157 CUNEIGOJ 039C0485.S-E0-D
00924 01157 CUNRIGOJ 039C0485.S-R2-D
00924 01160 CUNEIGOM 039C0488.S-E0-D
00924 01160 CUNRIGOM 039C0488.S-R2-D
00924 01161 CUNEIGON 039C0489.S-E0-D
00924 01161 CUNRIGON 039C0489.S-R2-D
00924 01162 CUNEIGOO 039C048A.S-E0-D
00924 01162 CUNRIGOO 039C048A.S-R2-D
00924 01163 CUNEIGOP 039C048B.S-E0-D

228 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00924 01163 CUNRIGOP 039C048B.S-R2-D
00924 01164 CUNEIGOQ 039C048C.S-E0-D
00924 01164 CUNRIGOQ 039C048C.S-R2-D
00924 01252 CUNEIGPS 039C04E4.S-E0-D
00924 01252 CUNRIGPS 039C04E4.S-R2-D
00924 01275 CUNEIGP6 039C04FB.S-E0-D
00924 01275 CUNRIGP6 039C04FB.S-R2-D
00924 04909 CUNEIGDG 039C132D.S-E0-D
00924 04909 CUNRIGDG 039C132D.S-R2-D
00924 04971 CUNEIGG9 039C136B.S-E0-D
00924 04971 CUNLIGG9 039C136B.S-R2-D
00924 04971 CUNRIGG9 039C136B.S-R2-D
00924 05348 CUNEIGPT 039C14E4.S-E0-D
00924 05348 CUNRIGPT 039C14E4.S-R2-D
00924 09044 CUNEIGEN 039C2354.S-E0-D
00924 09044 CUNRIGEN 039C2354.S-R2-D
00924 09049 CUNEIGFE 039C2359.S-E0-D
00924 09049 CUNRIGFE 039C2359.S-R2-D
00924 09061 CUNEIGGR 039C2365.S-E0-D
00924 09061 CUNRIGGR 039C2365.S-R2-D
00924 09238 CUNEIGMZ 039C2416.S-E0-D
00924 09238 CUNRIGMZ 039C2416.S-R2-D
00924 16804 CUNEIGB5 039C41A4.S-E0-D
00924 16804 CUNRIGB5 039C41A4.S-R2-D
00924 17248 CUNEIGF2 039C4360.S-E0-D
00924 17248 CUNRIGF2 039C4360.S-R2-D
00924 17584 CUNRIGPH 039C44B0.SU-R-D
00926 00834 CUNEIHDM 039E0342.D-E0-D
00926 00951 CUNEIHKS 039E03B7.D-EC-D
00926 01362 CUNEIHQJ 039E0552.D-E0-D
00926 17584 CUNRIHPH 039E44B0.MU-R-D
00927 00835 CUNEIJDR 039F0343.D-E0-D
00927 00947 CUNEIJJ9 039F03B3.D-E0-D
00927 13488 CUNEIJPG 039F34B0.MU-E-D
00927 13488 CUNLIJPG 039F34B0.MU-E-D
00928 00837 CUNEIMDY 03A00345.D-E0-D
00928 01380 CUNEIMQV 03A00564.D-EC-D
00928 01385 CUNEIMQ6 03A00569.D-E0-D
00928 13488 CUNRIMPG 03A034B0.MU-R-D
00941 00300 CUNEJPBQ 03AD012C.D-E0-D
00941 00301 CUNEJPBV 03AD012D.D-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 229

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
00941 01351 CUNEJPQI 03AD0547.D-E0-D
00941 13488 CUNEJPPG 03AD34B0.MU-E-D
00947 00835 CUNEJ9DR 03B30343.D-E0-D
00947 00927 CUNEJ9IJ 03B3039F.D-E0-D
00947 13488 CUNEJ9PG 03B334B0.MU-E-D
00951 00834 CUNEKSDM 03B70342.D-E0-D
00951 00926 CUNEKSIH 03B7039E.D-EC-D
00951 00971 CUNEKSLT 03B703CB.D-E0-D
00951 01362 CUNEKSQJ 03B70552.D-E0-D
00951 04930 CUNEKSDN 03B71342.D-E0-D
00951 13488 CUNEKSPG 03B734B0.MU-E-A1
00951 13488 CUNLKSPG 03B734B0.MU-R-D
00951 13488 CUNRKSPG 03B734B0.MU-R-D
00952 00300 CUNEKWBQ 03B8012C.D-E0-D
00952 13488 CUNEKWPG 03B834B0.MU-E-D
00953 00300 CUNEKYBQ 03B9012C.D-E0-D
00953 17584 CUNEKYPH 03B944B0.MU-E-D
00955 00300 CUNEK6BQ 03BB012C.D-E0-D
00955 13488 CUNEK6PG 03BB34B0.MU-E-D
00960 17584 CUNELFPH 03C044B0.MU-E-D
00963 13488 CUNELIPG 03C334B0.MU-E-D
00971 00834 CUNELTDM 03CB0342.D-E0-D
00971 00951 CUNELTKS 03CB03B7.D-E0-D
00971 01362 CUNELTQJ 03CB0552.D-E0-D
00971 13488 CUNRLTPG 03CB34B0.MU-R-D
01004 00500 CUNRLWCR 03EC01F4.S-R2-D
01004 00819 CUNRLWDH 03EC0333.S-R2-D
01004 00850 CUNRLWEB 03EC0352.S-R2-D
01004 13488 CUNRLWPG 03EC34B0.SU-R-D
01006 00868 CUNRLZGH 03EE0364.S-R2-D
01006 00918 CUNRLZH8 03EE0396.S-R2-D
01006 13488 CUNELZPG 03EE34B0.SU-E-A1
01006 13488 CUNRLZPG 03EE34B0.SU-R-D
01008 00420 CUNRL0B1 03F001A4.S-R2-D
01008 00864 CUNRL0FY 03F00360.S-RC-D
01008 13488 CUNRL0PG 03F034B0.SU-R-D
01009 00037 CUNEL2AA 03F10025.S-E0-D
01009 00273 CUNEL2AV 03F10111.S-E0-D
01009 00277 CUNEL2A2 03F10115.S-E0-D
01009 00278 CUNEL2A4 03F10116.S-E0-D
01009 00280 CUNEL2A6 03F10118.S-E0-D

230 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01009 00284 CUNEL2BB 03F1011C.S-E0-D
01009 00290 CUNEL2BH 03F10122.S-EC-D
01009 00297 CUNEL2BN 03F10129.S-E0-D
01009 00367 CUNRL2B0 03F1016F.S-R2-D
01009 00423 CUNEL2B8 03F101A7.S-E0-D
01009 00500 CUNEL2CR 03F101F4.S-E0-D
01009 00833 CUNEL2DI 03F10341.S-EC-D
01009 00836 CUNEL2DU 03F10344.S-EC-D
01009 00870 CUNEL2GW 03F10366.S-E0-D
01009 00871 CUNEL2GY 03F10367.S-E0-D
01009 00875 CUNEL2G8 03F1036B.S-E0-D
01009 00880 CUNEL2HB 03F10370.S-E0-D
01009 01025 CUNEL2MG 03F10401.S-E0-A1
01009 01026 CUNEL2MH 03F10402.S-E0-D
01009 13488 CUNRL2PG 03F134B0.SU-R-D
01010 00500 CUNEL3CR 03F201F4.S-E0-D
01010 13488 CUNRL3PG 03F234B0.SU-R-D
01011 00500 CUNEL4CR 03F301F4.S-E0-D
01011 13488 CUNRL4PG 03F334B0.SU-R-D
01012 00500 CUNEL5CR 03F401F4.S-E0-D
01012 13488 CUNRL5PG 03F434B0.SU-R-D
01013 00500 CUNEL6CR 03F501F4.S-E0-D
01013 01140 CUNEL6N5 03F50474.S-E0-D
01013 13488 CUNRL6PG 03F534B0.SU-R-D
01014 00500 CUNEL7CR 03F601F4.S-E0-D
01014 13488 CUNRL7PG 03F634B0.SU-R-D
01015 00500 CUNEL8CR 03F701F4.S-E0-D
01015 13488 CUNRL8PG 03F734B0.SU-R-D
01016 00500 CUNEL9CR 03F801F4.S-E0-D
01016 13488 CUNRL9PG 03F834B0.SU-R-D
01017 00500 CUNEMACR 03F901F4.S-E0-D
01017 13488 CUNRMAPG 03F934B0.SU-R-D
01018 00500 CUNEMBCR 03FA01F4.S-E0-D
01018 13488 CUNRMBPG 03FA34B0.SU-R-D
01019 00500 CUNEMCCR 03FB01F4.S-E0-D
01019 13488 CUNRMCPG 03FB34B0.SU-R-D
01020 00500 CUNEMDCR 03FC01F4.S-E0-D
01021 00500 CUNEMECR 03FD01F4.S-E0-D
01023 00500 CUNEMFCR 03FF01F4.S-E0-D
01025 00037 CUNEMGAA 04010025.S-E0-A1
01025 00037 CUNRMGAA 04010025.S-R1-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 231

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01025 00256 CUNRMGAJ 04010100.S-R1-D
01025 00273 CUNRMGAV 04010111.S-R2-D
01025 00277 CUNRMGA2 04010115.S-R2-D
01025 00278 CUNRMGA4 04010116.S-R2-D
01025 00280 CUNRMGA6 04010118.S-R2-D
01025 00284 CUNRMGBB 0401011C.S-R2-D
01025 00285 CUNRMGBE 0401011D.S-R2-D
01025 00290 CUNEMGBH 04010122.S-E0-D
01025 00290 CUNRMGBH 04010122.S-R2-A1
01025 00297 CUNRMGBN 04010129.S-R2-D
01025 00423 CUNRMGB8 040101A7.S-R2-D
01025 00437 CUNEMGCE 040101B5.S-E0-A1
01025 00437 CUNRMGCE 040101B5.S-RC-D
01025 00500 CUNEMGCR 040101F4.S-E0-A1
01025 00500 CUNRMGCR 040101F4.S-R1-D
01025 00737 CUNRMGC6 040102E1.S-R2-D
01025 00775 CUNRMGC8 04010307.S-R2-D
01025 00813 CUNRMGDF 0401032D.S-R2-D
01025 00819 CUNRMGDH 04010333.S-R2-D
01025 00833 CUNEMGDI 04010341.S-E0-D
01025 00833 CUNRMGDI 04010341.S-R2-A1
01025 00836 CUNRMGDU 04010344.S-R2-D
01025 00838 CUNRMGD1 04010346.S-R2-D
01025 00850 CUNEMGEB 04010352.S-E0-A1
01025 00850 CUNRMGEB 04010352.S-RC-D
01025 00852 CUNEMGEL 04010354.S-E0-A1
01025 00852 CUNRMGEL 04010354.S-RC-D
01025 00855 CUNEMGEX 04010357.S-E0-A1
01025 00855 CUNRMGEX 04010357.S-R2-D
01025 00857 CUNEMGFC 04010359.S-E0-A1
01025 00857 CUNRMGFC 04010359.S-R2-D
01025 00860 CUNEMGFM 0401035C.S-E0-A1
01025 00860 CUNRMGFM 0401035C.S-R2-D
01025 00861 CUNEMGFP 0401035D.S-E0-A1
01025 00861 CUNRMGFP 0401035D.S-R2-D
01025 00862 CUNEMGFS 0401035E.S-E0-A1
01025 00862 CUNRMGFS 0401035E.S-R2-D
01025 00863 CUNEMGFV 0401035F.S-E0-A1
01025 00863 CUNRMGFV 0401035F.S-R2-D
01025 00864 CUNEMGFY 04010360.S-E0-A1
01025 00864 CUNRMGFY 04010360.S-R2-D

232 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01025 00865 CUNEMGGA 04010361.S-E0-A1
01025 00865 CUNRMGGA 04010361.S-R2-D
01025 00866 CUNEMGGD 04010362.S-E0-A1
01025 00866 CUNRMGGD 04010362.S-RC-D
01025 00869 CUNRMGGP 04010365.S-R2-D
01025 00870 CUNRMGGW 04010366.S-RC-D
01025 00871 CUNRMGGY 04010367.S-R2-D
01025 00874 CUNRMGG3 0401036A.S-R2-D
01025 00875 CUNRMGG8 0401036B.S-R2-D
01025 00878 CUNEMGHA 0401036E.S-E0-D
01025 00878 CUNRMGHA 0401036E.S-R2-D
01025 00880 CUNEMGHB 04010370.S-E0-A1
01025 00880 CUNRMGHB 04010370.S-R2-D
01025 00897 CUNRMGHK 04010381.S-R2-D
01025 00903 CUNRMGHW 04010387.S-R2-D
01025 00912 CUNRMGH1 04010390.S-RC-D
01025 00915 CUNEMGH4 04010393.S-E0-A1
01025 00915 CUNRMGH4 04010393.S-R2-D
01025 00916 CUNRMGH6 04010394.S-R2-D
01025 00920 CUNRMGIA 04010398.S-R2-D
01025 01009 CUNEMGL2 040103F1.S-E0-A1
01025 01026 CUNRMGMH 04010402.S-R2-D
01025 01027 CUNEMGMI 04010403.S-E0-D
01025 01027 CUNRMGMI 04010403.S-R2-A1
01025 01040 CUNEMGMK 04010410.S-E0-D
01025 01040 CUNRMGMK 04010410.S-R2-A1
01025 01041 CUNEMGMN 04010411.S-E0-D
01025 01041 CUNRMGMN 04010411.S-R2-A1
01025 01042 CUNRMGMR 04010412.S-R2-D
01025 01043 CUNEMGMU 04010413.S-E0-D
01025 01043 CUNRMGMU 04010413.S-R2-A1
01025 01051 CUNRMGM2 0401041B.S-R2-D
01025 01088 CUNRMGM3 04010440.S-RC-D
01025 01112 CUNRMGNH 04010458.S-R2-D
01025 01122 CUNRMGNP 04010462.S-R2-D
01025 01131 CUNRMGN0 0401046B.S-R2-D
01025 01251 CUNEMGPQ 040104E3.S-E0-A1
01025 01251 CUNRMGPQ 040104E3.S-R2-D
01025 01252 CUNRMGPS 040104E4.S-R2-D
01025 01283 CUNRMGQD 04010503.S-R2-D
01025 05347 CUNEMGPR 040114E3.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 233

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01025 05347 CUNRMGPR 040114E3.S-R2-D
01025 13488 CUNLMGPG 040134B0.SU-R-D
01025 13488 CUNRMGPG 040134B0.SU-R-D
01026 00037 CUNEMHAA 04020025.S-E0-A1
01026 00037 CUNRMHAA 04020025.S-RC-D
01026 00256 CUNRMHAJ 04020100.S-RC-D
01026 00273 CUNRMHAV 04020111.S-R2-D
01026 00277 CUNRMHA2 04020115.S-R2-D
01026 00278 CUNRMHA4 04020116.S-R2-D
01026 00280 CUNRMHA6 04020118.S-R2-D
01026 00284 CUNRMHBB 0402011C.S-R2-D
01026 00285 CUNRMHBE 0402011D.S-R2-D
01026 00290 CUNEMHBH 04020122.S-E0-D
01026 00290 CUNRMHBH 04020122.S-R2-A1
01026 00297 CUNRMHBN 04020129.S-R2-D
01026 00367 CUNEMHB0 0402016F.S-E0-D
01026 00423 CUNRMHB8 040201A7.S-R2-D
01026 00437 CUNEMHCE 040201B5.S-E0-A1
01026 00437 CUNRMHCE 040201B5.S-RC-D
01026 00500 CUNEMHCR 040201F4.S-E0-A1
01026 00500 CUNRMHCR 040201F4.S-RC-D
01026 00737 CUNRMHC6 040202E1.S-R2-D
01026 00775 CUNEMHC8 04020307.S-E0-A1
01026 00775 CUNRMHC8 04020307.S-R2-D
01026 00813 CUNRMHDF 0402032D.S-R2-D
01026 00819 CUNRMHDH 04020333.S-R2-D
01026 00833 CUNEMHDI 04020341.S-E0-D
01026 00833 CUNRMHDI 04020341.S-R2-A1
01026 00836 CUNRMHDU 04020344.S-R2-D
01026 00838 CUNRMHD1 04020346.S-R2-D
01026 00850 CUNEMHEB 04020352.S-E0-D
01026 00850 CUNRMHEB 04020352.S-R2-D
01026 00852 CUNEMHEL 04020354.S-E0-A1
01026 00852 CUNRMHEL 04020354.S-RC-D
01026 00855 CUNRMHEX 04020357.S-RC-D
01026 00857 CUNEMHFC 04020359.S-E0-A1
01026 00857 CUNRMHFC 04020359.S-R2-D
01026 00860 CUNEMHFM 0402035C.S-E0-A1
01026 00860 CUNRMHFM 0402035C.S-R2-D
01026 00861 CUNEMHFP 0402035D.S-E0-A1
01026 00861 CUNRMHFP 0402035D.S-R2-D

234 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01026 00862 CUNEMHFS 0402035E.S-E0-A1
01026 00862 CUNRMHFS 0402035E.S-R2-D
01026 00863 CUNEMHFV 0402035F.S-E0-A1
01026 00863 CUNRMHFV 0402035F.S-R2-D
01026 00864 CUNEMHFY 04020360.S-E0-A1
01026 00864 CUNRMHFY 04020360.S-R2-D
01026 00865 CUNEMHGA 04020361.S-E0-A1
01026 00865 CUNRMHGA 04020361.S-R2-D
01026 00869 CUNRMHGP 04020365.S-R2-D
01026 00870 CUNRMHGW 04020366.S-R2-D
01026 00871 CUNRMHGY 04020367.S-R2-D
01026 00874 CUNRMHG3 0402036A.S-R2-D
01026 00875 CUNRMHG8 0402036B.S-R2-D
01026 00880 CUNRMHHB 04020370.S-R2-D
01026 00897 CUNRMHHK 04020381.S-R2-D
01026 00903 CUNRMHHW 04020387.S-R2-D
01026 00905 CUNRMHH0 04020389.S-R1-D
01026 00912 CUNRMHH1 04020390.S-R2-D
01026 00916 CUNRMHH6 04020394.S-R2-D
01026 00920 CUNRMHIA 04020398.S-R2-D
01026 00920 CUNLMHIA 04020398.S-RC-A1
01026 01009 CUNEMHL2 040203F1.S-E0-D
01026 01025 CUNRMHMG 04020401.S-R2-D
01026 01027 CUNEMHMI 04020403.S-E0-D
01026 01027 CUNRMHMI 04020403.S-R2-A1
01026 01040 CUNEMHMK 04020410.S-E0-D
01026 01040 CUNRMHMK 04020410.S-R2-A1
01026 01041 CUNEMHMN 04020411.S-E0-D
01026 01041 CUNRMHMN 04020411.S-R2-A1
01026 01042 CUNRMHMR 04020412.S-R2-D
01026 01043 CUNEMHMU 04020413.S-E0-D
01026 01043 CUNRMHMU 04020413.S-R2-A1
01026 01047 CUNLMHM0 04020417.S-R2-D
01026 01047 CUNRMHM0 04020417.S-R2-D
01026 01088 CUNRMHM3 04020440.S-RC-D
01026 01112 CUNRMHNH 04020458.S-R2-D
01026 01122 CUNRMHNP 04020462.S-R2-D
01026 01252 CUNRMHPS 040204E4.S-R2-D
01026 01254 CUNEMHPW 040204E6.S-E0-A1
01026 01254 CUNLMHPW 040204E6.S-R2-D
01026 01254 CUNRMHPW 040204E6.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 235

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01026 01281 CUNRMHQB 04020501.S-R2-D
01026 01288 CUNEMHSY 04020508.S-E0-D
01026 01288 CUNRMHSY 04020508.S-R2-D
01026 05350 CUNEMHPX 040214E6.S-E0-D
01026 05350 CUNRMHPX 040214E6.S-R2-D
01026 13488 CUNLMHPG 040234B0.SU-R-D
01026 13488 CUNRMHPG 040234B0.SU-R-D
01027 00037 CUNEMIAA 04030025.S-E0-D
01027 00037 CUNRMIAA 04030025.S-RC-A1
01027 00256 CUNEMIAJ 04030100.S-E0-D
01027 00273 CUNEMIAV 04030111.S-E0-D
01027 00273 CUNRMIAV 04030111.S-R2-A1
01027 00277 CUNEMIA2 04030115.S-E0-D
01027 00277 CUNRMIA2 04030115.S-R2-A1
01027 00278 CUNEMIA4 04030116.S-E0-D
01027 00278 CUNRMIA4 04030116.S-R2-A1
01027 00280 CUNEMIA6 04030118.S-E0-D
01027 00280 CUNRMIA6 04030118.S-R2-A1
01027 00284 CUNEMIBB 0403011C.S-E0-D
01027 00284 CUNRMIBB 0403011C.S-R2-A1
01027 00285 CUNEMIBE 0403011D.S-E0-D
01027 00285 CUNRMIBE 0403011D.S-R2-A1
01027 00290 CUNLMIBH 04030122.S-R1-D
01027 00290 CUNRMIBH 04030122.S-R1-D
01027 00297 CUNEMIBN 04030129.S-E0-D
01027 00297 CUNRMIBN 04030129.S-R2-A1
01027 00367 CUNEMIB0 0403016F.S-E0-D
01027 00423 CUNRMIB8 040301A7.S-R2-D
01027 00437 CUNEMICE 040301B5.S-E0-D
01027 00437 CUNRMICE 040301B5.S-R2-A1
01027 00500 CUNEMICR 040301F4.S-E0-D
01027 00500 CUNLMICR 040301F4.S-E0-D
01027 00500 CUNRMICR 040301F4.S-R2-A1
01027 00737 CUNEMIC6 040302E1.S-E0-D
01027 00775 CUNEMIC8 04030307.S-E0-D
01027 00813 CUNRMIDF 0403032D.S-R2-D
01027 00819 CUNEMIDH 04030333.S-E0-D
01027 00819 CUNLMIDH 04030333.S-E0-D
01027 00819 CUNRMIDH 04030333.S-R2-A1
01027 00833 CUNEMIDI 04030341.S-E0-D
01027 00833 CUNRMIDI 04030341.S-R2-A1

236 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01027 00836 CUNEMIDU 04030344.S-E0-D
01027 00836 CUNRMIDU 04030344.S-R2-A1
01027 00838 CUNRMID1 04030346.S-R2-D
01027 00850 CUNEMIEB 04030352.S-E0-D
01027 00850 CUNRMIEB 04030352.S-R2-A1
01027 00852 CUNEMIEL 04030354.S-E0-D
01027 00852 CUNRMIEL 04030354.S-R2-A1
01027 00855 CUNEMIEX 04030357.S-E0-D
01027 00855 CUNRMIEX 04030357.S-R2-A1
01027 00857 CUNEMIFC 04030359.S-E0-D
01027 00857 CUNRMIFC 04030359.S-R2-A1
01027 00860 CUNEMIFM 0403035C.S-E0-A1
01027 00860 CUNRMIFM 0403035C.S-R2-D
01027 00861 CUNEMIFP 0403035D.S-E0-A1
01027 00861 CUNRMIFP 0403035D.S-R2-D
01027 00862 CUNEMIFS 0403035E.S-E0-A1
01027 00862 CUNRMIFS 0403035E.S-R2-D
01027 00863 CUNEMIFV 0403035F.S-E0-A1
01027 00863 CUNRMIFV 0403035F.S-R2-D
01027 00864 CUNEMIFY 04030360.S-E0-A1
01027 00864 CUNRMIFY 04030360.S-R2-D
01027 00865 CUNEMIGA 04030361.S-E0-A1
01027 00865 CUNRMIGA 04030361.S-R2-D
01027 00869 CUNRMIGP 04030365.S-R2-D
01027 00870 CUNEMIGW 04030366.S-E0-D
01027 00870 CUNRMIGW 04030366.S-R2-A1
01027 00871 CUNEMIGY 04030367.S-E0-D
01027 00871 CUNRMIGY 04030367.S-R2-A1
01027 00874 CUNRMIG3 0403036A.S-R2-D
01027 00875 CUNRMIG8 0403036B.S-R2-D
01027 00880 CUNRMIHB 04030370.S-R2-D
01027 00895 CUNEMIHH 0403037F.S-E0-D
01027 00896 CUNEMIHI 04030380.S-E0-D
01027 00897 CUNEMIHK 04030381.S-E0-A1
01027 00903 CUNRMIHW 04030387.S-R2-D
01027 00912 CUNRMIH1 04030390.S-R2-D
01027 00916 CUNRMIH6 04030394.S-R2-D
01027 01025 CUNEMIMG 04030401.S-E0-D
01027 01025 CUNRMIMG 04030401.S-R2-A1
01027 01026 CUNEMIMH 04030402.S-E0-D
01027 01026 CUNRMIMH 04030402.S-R2-A1

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 237

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01027 01040 CUNEMIMK 04030410.S-E0-D
01027 01040 CUNRMIMK 04030410.S-R2-A1
01027 01041 CUNEMIMN 04030411.S-E0-D
01027 01041 CUNRMIMN 04030411.S-R2-A1
01027 01042 CUNRMIMR 04030412.S-R2-D
01027 01043 CUNEMIMU 04030413.S-E0-D
01027 01043 CUNRMIMU 04030413.S-R2-A1
01027 01047 CUNLMIM0 04030417.S-R2-D
01027 01047 CUNRMIM0 04030417.S-R2-D
01027 01088 CUNRMIM3 04030440.S-RC-D
01027 01112 CUNRMINH 04030458.S-R2-D
01027 01122 CUNRMINP 04030462.S-R2-D
01027 01148 CUNEMIOD 0403047C.S-E0-D
01027 01148 CUNLMIOD 0403047C.S-E0-D
01027 01148 CUNRMIOD 0403047C.S-R2-D
01027 01252 CUNEMIPS 040304E4.S-E0-D
01027 13488 CUNLMIPG 040334B0.SU-R-D
01027 13488 CUNRMIPG 040334B0.SU-R-D
01040 00037 CUNEMKAA 04100025.S-EC-D
01040 00037 CUNRMKAA 04100025.S-R2-A1
01040 00273 CUNEMKAV 04100111.S-E0-D
01040 00273 CUNRMKAV 04100111.S-R2-A1
01040 00277 CUNEMKA2 04100115.S-E0-D
01040 00277 CUNRMKA2 04100115.S-R2-A1
01040 00278 CUNEMKA4 04100116.S-E0-D
01040 00278 CUNRMKA4 04100116.S-R2-A1
01040 00280 CUNEMKA6 04100118.S-E0-D
01040 00280 CUNRMKA6 04100118.S-R2-A1
01040 00284 CUNEMKBB 0410011C.S-E0-D
01040 00284 CUNRMKBB 0410011C.S-R2-A1
01040 00285 CUNEMKBE 0410011D.S-E0-D
01040 00285 CUNRMKBE 0410011D.S-R2-A1
01040 00290 CUNEMKBH 04100122.S-EC-D
01040 00290 CUNRMKBH 04100122.S-R2-A1
01040 00297 CUNEMKBN 04100129.S-E0-D
01040 00297 CUNRMKBN 04100129.S-R2-A1
01040 00437 CUNEMKCE 041001B5.S-E0-D
01040 00437 CUNRMKCE 041001B5.S-R2-A1
01040 00500 CUNEMKCR 041001F4.S-E0-D
01040 00500 CUNRMKCR 041001F4.S-R2-A1
01040 00833 CUNEMKDI 04100341.S-EC-D

238 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01040 00833 CUNRMKDI 04100341.S-R2-A1
01040 00836 CUNRMKDU 04100344.S-R2-D
01040 00850 CUNEMKEB 04100352.S-E0-D
01040 00850 CUNRMKEB 04100352.S-R2-A1
01040 00852 CUNEMKEL 04100354.S-E0-D
01040 00852 CUNRMKEL 04100354.S-R2-A1
01040 00855 CUNEMKEX 04100357.S-E0-D
01040 00855 CUNRMKEX 04100357.S-R2-A1
01040 00857 CUNEMKFC 04100359.S-E0-D
01040 00857 CUNRMKFC 04100359.S-R2-A1
01040 00870 CUNEMKGW 04100366.S-E0-D
01040 00870 CUNRMKGW 04100366.S-R2-A1
01040 00871 CUNEMKGY 04100367.S-E0-D
01040 00871 CUNRMKGY 04100367.S-R2-A1
01040 01025 CUNEMKMG 04100401.S-E0-D
01040 01025 CUNRMKMG 04100401.S-R2-A1
01040 01026 CUNEMKMH 04100402.S-E0-D
01040 01026 CUNRMKMH 04100402.S-R2-A1
01040 01027 CUNEMKMI 04100403.S-EC-D
01040 01027 CUNRMKMI 04100403.S-R2-A1
01040 01041 CUNEMKMN 04100411.S-E0-D
01040 01041 CUNRMKMN 04100411.S-R2-A1
01040 01042 CUNRMKMR 04100412.S-R2-D
01040 01043 CUNEMKMU 04100413.S-E0-D
01040 01043 CUNRMKMU 04100413.S-R2-A1
01040 01088 CUNEMKM3 04100440.S-E0-D
01040 01088 CUNRMKM3 04100440.S-RC-A1
01040 13488 CUNRMKPG 041034B0.SU-R-D
01041 00037 CUNEMNAA 04110025.S-EC-D
01041 00037 CUNRMNAA 04110025.S-R2-A1
01041 00273 CUNEMNAV 04110111.S-E0-D
01041 00273 CUNRMNAV 04110111.S-R2-A1
01041 00277 CUNEMNA2 04110115.S-E0-D
01041 00277 CUNRMNA2 04110115.S-R2-A1
01041 00278 CUNEMNA4 04110116.S-E0-D
01041 00278 CUNRMNA4 04110116.S-R2-A1
01041 00280 CUNEMNA6 04110118.S-E0-D
01041 00280 CUNRMNA6 04110118.S-R2-A1
01041 00284 CUNEMNBB 0411011C.S-E0-D
01041 00284 CUNRMNBB 0411011C.S-R2-A1
01041 00285 CUNEMNBE 0411011D.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 239

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01041 00285 CUNRMNBE 0411011D.S-R2-A1
01041 00290 CUNEMNBH 04110122.S-EC-D
01041 00290 CUNRMNBH 04110122.S-R2-A1
01041 00297 CUNEMNBN 04110129.S-E0-D
01041 00297 CUNRMNBN 04110129.S-R2-A1
01041 00367 CUNEMNB0 0411016F.S-E0-D
01041 00423 CUNRMNB8 041101A7.S-R2-D
01041 00437 CUNEMNCE 041101B5.S-E0-D
01041 00437 CUNRMNCE 041101B5.S-R2-A1
01041 00500 CUNEMNCR 041101F4.S-E0-D
01041 00500 CUNRMNCR 041101F4.S-R2-A1
01041 00813 CUNRMNDF 0411032D.S-R2-D
01041 00819 CUNRMNDH 04110333.S-R2-D
01041 00833 CUNEMNDI 04110341.S-EC-D
01041 00833 CUNRMNDI 04110341.S-R2-A1
01041 00836 CUNRMNDU 04110344.S-R2-D
01041 00838 CUNRMND1 04110346.S-R2-D
01041 00850 CUNEMNEB 04110352.S-E0-D
01041 00850 CUNRMNEB 04110352.S-R2-A1
01041 00852 CUNEMNEL 04110354.S-E0-D
01041 00852 CUNRMNEL 04110354.S-R2-A1
01041 00855 CUNEMNEX 04110357.S-E0-D
01041 00855 CUNRMNEX 04110357.S-R2-A1
01041 00857 CUNEMNFC 04110359.S-E0-D
01041 00857 CUNRMNFC 04110359.S-R2-A1
01041 00860 CUNRMNFM 0411035C.S-R2-D
01041 00861 CUNRMNFP 0411035D.S-R2-D
01041 00863 CUNRMNFV 0411035F.S-R2-D
01041 00869 CUNRMNGP 04110365.S-R2-D
01041 00870 CUNEMNGW 04110366.S-E0-D
01041 00870 CUNRMNGW 04110366.S-R2-A1
01041 00871 CUNEMNGY 04110367.S-E0-D
01041 00871 CUNRMNGY 04110367.S-R2-A1
01041 00874 CUNRMNG3 0411036A.S-R2-D
01041 00875 CUNRMNG8 0411036B.S-R2-D
01041 00880 CUNRMNHB 04110370.S-R2-D
01041 00895 CUNEMNHH 0411037F.S-E0-D
01041 00896 CUNEMNHI 04110380.S-E0-D
01041 00897 CUNEMNHK 04110381.S-E0-D
01041 00903 CUNRMNHW 04110387.S-R2-D
01041 00912 CUNRMNH1 04110390.S-R2-D

240 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01041 00916 CUNRMNH6 04110394.S-R2-D
01041 01025 CUNEMNMG 04110401.S-E0-D
01041 01025 CUNRMNMG 04110401.S-R2-A1
01041 01026 CUNEMNMH 04110402.S-E0-D
01041 01026 CUNRMNMH 04110402.S-R2-A1
01041 01027 CUNEMNMI 04110403.S-EC-D
01041 01027 CUNRMNMI 04110403.S-R2-A1
01041 01040 CUNEMNMK 04110410.S-E0-D
01041 01040 CUNRMNMK 04110410.S-R2-A1
01041 01042 CUNRMNMR 04110412.S-R2-D
01041 01043 CUNEMNMU 04110413.S-E0-D
01041 01043 CUNRMNMU 04110413.S-R2-A1
01041 01088 CUNRMNM3 04110440.S-RC-D
01041 01252 CUNEMNPS 041104E4.S-E0-D
01041 13488 CUNMMNPG 041134B0.SU-C0-A2
01041 13488 CUNCMNPG 041134B0.SU-C0-A2
01041 13488 CUNRMNPG 041134B0.SU-R-D
01042 00037 CUNRMRAA 04120025.S-R2-D
01042 00273 CUNRMRAV 04120111.S-R2-D
01042 00277 CUNRMRA2 04120115.S-R2-D
01042 00278 CUNRMRA4 04120116.S-R2-D
01042 00280 CUNRMRA6 04120118.S-R2-D
01042 00284 CUNRMRBB 0412011C.S-R2-D
01042 00285 CUNRMRBE 0412011D.S-R2-D
01042 00290 CUNRMRBH 04120122.S-R2-D
01042 00297 CUNRMRBN 04120129.S-R2-D
01042 00423 CUNRMRB8 041201A7.S-R2-D
01042 00437 CUNRMRCE 041201B5.S-R2-D
01042 00500 CUNEMRCR 041201F4.S-E0-D
01042 00500 CUNRMRCR 041201F4.S-R2-A1
01042 00813 CUNRMRDF 0412032D.S-R2-D
01042 00819 CUNRMRDH 04120333.S-R2-D
01042 00833 CUNRMRDI 04120341.S-R2-D
01042 00836 CUNEMRDU 04120344.S-EC-D
01042 00836 CUNRMRDU 04120344.S-R2-A1
01042 00838 CUNRMRD1 04120346.S-R2-D
01042 00850 CUNRMREB 04120352.S-R2-D
01042 00852 CUNRMREL 04120354.S-R2-D
01042 00855 CUNRMREX 04120357.S-R2-D
01042 00857 CUNRMRFC 04120359.S-R2-D
01042 00860 CUNRMRFM 0412035C.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 241

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01042 00861 CUNRMRFP 0412035D.S-R2-D
01042 00863 CUNRMRFV 0412035F.S-R2-D
01042 00869 CUNRMRGP 04120365.S-R2-D
01042 00870 CUNRMRGW 04120366.S-R2-D
01042 00871 CUNRMRGY 04120367.S-R2-D
01042 00874 CUNRMRG3 0412036A.S-R2-D
01042 00875 CUNRMRG8 0412036B.S-R2-D
01042 00880 CUNRMRHB 04120370.S-R2-D
01042 00897 CUNRMRHK 04120381.S-R2-D
01042 00903 CUNRMRHW 04120387.S-R2-D
01042 00912 CUNRMRH1 04120390.S-R2-D
01042 00916 CUNRMRH6 04120394.S-R2-D
01042 01025 CUNRMRMG 04120401.S-R2-D
01042 01026 CUNRMRMH 04120402.S-R2-D
01042 01027 CUNRMRMI 04120403.S-R2-D
01042 01040 CUNRMRMK 04120410.S-R2-D
01042 01041 CUNRMRMN 04120411.S-R2-D
01042 01043 CUNRMRMU 04120413.S-R2-D
01042 01088 CUNRMRM3 04120440.S-RC-D
01042 13488 CUNRMRPG 041234B0.SU-R-D
01043 00037 CUNEMUAA 04130025.S-EC-D
01043 00037 CUNRMUAA 04130025.S-R2-A1
01043 00273 CUNEMUAV 04130111.S-E0-D
01043 00273 CUNRMUAV 04130111.S-R2-A1
01043 00277 CUNEMUA2 04130115.S-E0-D
01043 00277 CUNRMUA2 04130115.S-R2-A1
01043 00278 CUNEMUA4 04130116.S-E0-D
01043 00278 CUNRMUA4 04130116.S-R2-A1
01043 00280 CUNEMUA6 04130118.S-E0-D
01043 00280 CUNRMUA6 04130118.S-R2-A1
01043 00284 CUNEMUBB 0413011C.S-E0-D
01043 00284 CUNRMUBB 0413011C.S-R2-A1
01043 00285 CUNEMUBE 0413011D.S-E0-D
01043 00285 CUNRMUBE 0413011D.S-R2-A1
01043 00290 CUNEMUBH 04130122.S-EC-D
01043 00290 CUNRMUBH 04130122.S-R2-A1
01043 00297 CUNEMUBN 04130129.S-E0-D
01043 00297 CUNRMUBN 04130129.S-R2-A1
01043 00423 CUNRMUB8 041301A7.S-R2-D
01043 00437 CUNEMUCE 041301B5.S-E0-D
01043 00437 CUNRMUCE 041301B5.S-R2-A1

242 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01043 00500 CUNEMUCR 041301F4.S-E0-D
01043 00500 CUNRMUCR 041301F4.S-R2-A1
01043 00813 CUNRMUDF 0413032D.S-R2-D
01043 00819 CUNRMUDH 04130333.S-R2-D
01043 00833 CUNEMUDI 04130341.S-EC-D
01043 00833 CUNRMUDI 04130341.S-R2-A1
01043 00836 CUNRMUDU 04130344.S-R2-D
01043 00838 CUNRMUD1 04130346.S-R2-D
01043 00850 CUNEMUEB 04130352.S-E0-D
01043 00850 CUNRMUEB 04130352.S-R2-A1
01043 00852 CUNEMUEL 04130354.S-E0-D
01043 00852 CUNRMUEL 04130354.S-R2-A1
01043 00855 CUNEMUEX 04130357.S-E0-D
01043 00855 CUNRMUEX 04130357.S-R2-A1
01043 00857 CUNEMUFC 04130359.S-E0-D
01043 00857 CUNRMUFC 04130359.S-R2-A1
01043 00860 CUNRMUFM 0413035C.S-R2-D
01043 00861 CUNRMUFP 0413035D.S-R2-D
01043 00863 CUNRMUFV 0413035F.S-R2-D
01043 00869 CUNRMUGP 04130365.S-R2-D
01043 00870 CUNEMUGW 04130366.S-E0-D
01043 00870 CUNRMUGW 04130366.S-R2-A1
01043 00871 CUNEMUGY 04130367.S-E0-D
01043 00871 CUNRMUGY 04130367.S-R2-A1
01043 00874 CUNRMUG3 0413036A.S-R2-D
01043 00875 CUNRMUG8 0413036B.S-R2-D
01043 00880 CUNRMUHB 04130370.S-R2-D
01043 00897 CUNRMUHK 04130381.S-R2-D
01043 00903 CUNRMUHW 04130387.S-R2-D
01043 00912 CUNRMUH1 04130390.S-R2-D
01043 00916 CUNRMUH6 04130394.S-R2-D
01043 01025 CUNEMUMG 04130401.S-E0-D
01043 01025 CUNRMUMG 04130401.S-R2-A1
01043 01026 CUNEMUMH 04130402.S-E0-D
01043 01026 CUNRMUMH 04130402.S-R2-A1
01043 01027 CUNEMUMI 04130403.S-EC-D
01043 01027 CUNRMUMI 04130403.S-R2-A1
01043 01040 CUNEMUMK 04130410.S-E0-D
01043 01040 CUNRMUMK 04130410.S-R2-A1
01043 01041 CUNEMUMN 04130411.S-E0-D
01043 01041 CUNRMUMN 04130411.S-R2-A1

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 243

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01043 01042 CUNRMUMR 04130412.S-R2-D
01043 01088 CUNRMUM3 04130440.S-RC-D
01043 01114 CUNEMUNI 0413045A.S-E0-D
01043 13488 CUNRMUPG 041334B0.SU-R-D
01046 00420 CUNCMXB1 041601A4.S-C0-D
01046 00425 CUNCMXSR 041601A9.S-C0-D
01046 00500 CUNEMXCR 041601F4.S-E0-D
01046 00720 CUNCMXC5 041602D0.S-C0-D
01046 00864 CUNCMXFY 04160360.S-C0-D
01046 01089 CUNCMXM6 04160441.S-C0-D
01046 01127 CUNRMXNW 04160467.S-R2-D
01046 01256 CUNEMXP0 041604E8.S-EC-D
01046 05352 CUNEMXP1 041614E8.S-EC-D
01046 13488 CUNLMXPG 041634B0.SU-R-D
01046 13488 CUNRMXPG 041634B0.SU-R-D
01047 00037 CUNLM0AA 04170025.S-R2-D
01047 00037 CUNRM0AA 04170025.S-R2-D
01047 00273 CUNLM0AV 04170111.S-R2-D
01047 00273 CUNRM0AV 04170111.S-R2-D
01047 00274 CUNLM0AX 04170112.S-R2-D
01047 00274 CUNRM0AX 04170112.S-R2-D
01047 00275 CUNLM0AZ 04170113.S-R2-D
01047 00275 CUNRM0AZ 04170113.S-R2-D
01047 00277 CUNLM0A2 04170115.S-R2-D
01047 00277 CUNRM0A2 04170115.S-R2-D
01047 00278 CUNLM0A4 04170116.S-R2-D
01047 00278 CUNRM0A4 04170116.S-R2-D
01047 00280 CUNLM0A6 04170118.S-R2-D
01047 00280 CUNRM0A6 04170118.S-R2-D
01047 00281 CUNLM0A8 04170119.S-R2-D
01047 00281 CUNRM0A8 04170119.S-R2-D
01047 00282 CUNLM0A9 0417011A.S-R2-D
01047 00282 CUNRM0A9 0417011A.S-R2-D
01047 00284 CUNLM0BB 0417011C.S-R2-D
01047 00284 CUNRM0BB 0417011C.S-R2-D
01047 00285 CUNLM0BE 0417011D.S-R2-D
01047 00285 CUNRM0BE 0417011D.S-R2-D
01047 00290 CUNEM0BH 04170122.S-E0-D
01047 00290 CUNLM0BH 04170122.S-E0-D
01047 00290 CUNRM0BH 04170122.S-R2-D
01047 00297 CUNLM0BN 04170129.S-R2-D

244 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01047 00297 CUNRM0BN 04170129.S-R2-D
01047 00437 CUNEM0CE 041701B5.S-E0-D
01047 00437 CUNRM0CE 041701B5.S-R2-D
01047 00500 CUNLM0CR 041701F4.S-R2-D
01047 00500 CUNRM0CR 041701F4.S-R2-D
01047 00819 CUNRM0DH 04170333.S-R2-D
01047 00819 CUNLM0DH 04170333.S-RC-A2
01047 00833 CUNEM0DI 04170341.S-E0-D
01047 00833 CUNLM0DI 04170341.S-E0-D
01047 00833 CUNRM0DI 04170341.S-R2-D
01047 00836 CUNEM0DU 04170344.S-E0-D
01047 00836 CUNLM0DU 04170344.S-E0-D
01047 00836 CUNRM0DU 04170344.S-R2-D
01047 00850 CUNCM0EB 04170352.S-C0-A1
01047 00850 CUNLM0EB 04170352.S-C0-A1
01047 00850 CUNRM0EB 04170352.S-R2-D
01047 00852 CUNRM0EL 04170354.S-R2-D
01047 00858 CUNEM0FI 0417035A.S-E0-D
01047 00858 CUNLM0FI 0417035A.S-R2-D
01047 00858 CUNRM0FI 0417035A.S-R2-D
01047 00870 CUNRM0GW 04170366.S-R2-D
01047 00871 CUNLM0GY 04170367.S-R2-D
01047 00871 CUNRM0GY 04170367.S-R2-D
01047 00875 CUNLM0G8 0417036B.S-R2-D
01047 00875 CUNRM0G8 0417036B.S-R2-D
01047 00912 CUNRM0H1 04170390.S-R2-D
01047 00923 CUNEM0IF 0417039B.S-E0-D
01047 00923 CUNRM0IF 0417039B.S-R2-D
01047 00924 CUNEM0IG 0417039C.S-E0-D
01047 00924 CUNLM0IG 0417039C.S-R2-D
01047 00924 CUNRM0IG 0417039C.S-R2-D
01047 01026 CUNLM0MH 04170402.S-R2-D
01047 01026 CUNRM0MH 04170402.S-R2-D
01047 01027 CUNLM0MI 04170403.S-R2-D
01047 01027 CUNRM0MI 04170403.S-R2-D
01047 01140 CUNEM0N5 04170474.S-E0-D
01047 01140 CUNLM0N5 04170474.S-R2-D
01047 01140 CUNRM0N5 04170474.S-R2-D
01047 01141 CUNEM0N6 04170475.S-E0-D
01047 01141 CUNLM0N6 04170475.S-R2-D
01047 01141 CUNRM0N6 04170475.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 245

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01047 01142 CUNEM0N7 04170476.S-E0-D
01047 01142 CUNLM0N7 04170476.S-R2-D
01047 01142 CUNRM0N7 04170476.S-R2-D
01047 01143 CUNEM0N8 04170477.S-E0-D
01047 01143 CUNLM0N8 04170477.S-R2-D
01047 01143 CUNRM0N8 04170477.S-R2-D
01047 01144 CUNEM0N9 04170478.S-E0-D
01047 01144 CUNLM0N9 04170478.S-R2-D
01047 01144 CUNRM0N9 04170478.S-R2-D
01047 01145 CUNEM0OA 04170479.S-E0-D
01047 01145 CUNLM0OA 04170479.S-R2-D
01047 01145 CUNRM0OA 04170479.S-R2-D
01047 01146 CUNEM0OB 0417047A.S-E0-D
01047 01146 CUNLM0OB 0417047A.S-R2-D
01047 01146 CUNRM0OB 0417047A.S-R2-D
01047 01147 CUNEM0OC 0417047B.S-E0-D
01047 01147 CUNLM0OC 0417047B.S-R2-D
01047 01147 CUNRM0OC 0417047B.S-R2-D
01047 01148 CUNEM0OD 0417047C.S-E0-D
01047 01148 CUNLM0OD 0417047C.S-R2-D
01047 01148 CUNRM0OD 0417047C.S-R2-D
01047 01149 CUNEM0OE 0417047D.S-E0-D
01047 01149 CUNLM0OE 0417047D.S-R2-D
01047 01149 CUNRM0OE 0417047D.S-R2-D
01047 01252 CUNEM0PS 041704E4.S-E0-D
01047 01252 CUNRM0PS 041704E4.S-R2-D
01047 01254 CUNEM0PW 041704E6.S-E0-D
01047 01254 CUNRM0PW 041704E6.S-R2-D
01047 13488 CUNLM0PG 041734B0.SU-R-D
01047 13488 CUNRM0PG 041734B0.SU-R-D
01051 00037 CUNRM2AA 041B0025.S-R2-D
01051 00273 CUNRM2AV 041B0111.S-R2-D
01051 00277 CUNRM2A2 041B0115.S-R2-D
01051 00278 CUNRM2A4 041B0116.S-R2-D
01051 00280 CUNRM2A6 041B0118.S-R2-D
01051 00284 CUNRM2BB 041B011C.S-R2-D
01051 00285 CUNRM2BE 041B011D.S-R2-D
01051 00297 CUNRM2BN 041B0129.S-R2-D
01051 00437 CUNRM2CE 041B01B5.S-R2-D
01051 00500 CUNRM2CR 041B01F4.S-R2-D
01051 00819 CUNRM2DH 041B0333.S-R2-D

246 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01051 00850 CUNRM2EB 041B0352.S-R2-D
01051 00858 CUNEM2FI 041B035A.S-E0-D
01051 00858 CUNRM2FI 041B035A.S-R2-D
01051 00863 CUNRM2FV 041B035F.S-R2-D
01051 00871 CUNRM2GY 041B0367.S-R2-D
01051 00923 CUNEM2IF 041B039B.S-E0-D
01051 00923 CUNRM2IF 041B039B.S-R2-D
01051 00924 CUNEM2IG 041B039C.S-E0-D
01051 00924 CUNRM2IG 041B039C.S-R2-D
01051 01025 CUNRM2MG 041B0401.S-R2-D
01051 01097 CUNRM2M7 041B0449.S-R2-D
01051 01140 CUNEM2N5 041B0474.S-E0-D
01051 01140 CUNRM2N5 041B0474.S-R2-D
01051 01141 CUNEM2N6 041B0475.S-E0-D
01051 01141 CUNRM2N6 041B0475.S-R2-D
01051 01142 CUNEM2N7 041B0476.S-E0-D
01051 01142 CUNRM2N7 041B0476.S-R2-D
01051 01143 CUNEM2N8 041B0477.S-E0-D
01051 01143 CUNRM2N8 041B0477.S-R2-D
01051 01144 CUNEM2N9 041B0478.S-E0-D
01051 01144 CUNRM2N9 041B0478.S-R2-D
01051 01145 CUNEM2OA 041B0479.S-E0-D
01051 01145 CUNRM2OA 041B0479.S-R2-D
01051 01146 CUNEM2OB 041B047A.S-E0-D
01051 01146 CUNRM2OB 041B047A.S-R2-D
01051 01147 CUNEM2OC 041B047B.S-E0-D
01051 01147 CUNRM2OC 041B047B.S-R2-D
01051 01148 CUNEM2OD 041B047C.S-E0-D
01051 01148 CUNRM2OD 041B047C.S-R2-D
01051 01149 CUNEM2OE 041B047D.S-E0-D
01051 01149 CUNRM2OE 041B047D.S-R2-D
01051 01252 CUNRM2PS 041B04E4.S-R2-D
01051 01275 CUNRM2P6 041B04FB.S-R2-D
01051 05348 CUNEM2PT 041B14E4.S-E0-D
01051 05348 CUNRM2PT 041B14E4.S-R2-D
01051 13488 CUNEM2PG 041B34B0.SU-E-D
01088 00037 CUNRM3AA 04400025.S-RC-D
01088 00273 CUNRM3AV 04400111.S-RC-D
01088 00277 CUNRM3A2 04400115.S-RC-D
01088 00278 CUNRM3A4 04400116.S-RC-D
01088 00280 CUNRM3A6 04400118.S-RC-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 247

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01088 00284 CUNRM3BB 0440011C.S-RC-D
01088 00285 CUNRM3BE 0440011D.S-RC-D
01088 00290 CUNRM3BH 04400122.S-RC-D
01088 00297 CUNRM3BN 04400129.S-RC-D
01088 00367 CUNEM3B0 0440016F.S-EC-D
01088 00500 CUNEM3CR 044001F4.S-EC-D
01088 00500 CUNRM3CR 044001F4.S-RC-A1
01088 00819 CUNRM3DH 04400333.S-R2-D
01088 00833 CUNEM3DI 04400341.S-EC-D
01088 00833 CUNRM3DI 04400341.S-RC-A1
01088 00836 CUNRM3DU 04400344.S-RC-D
01088 00850 CUNRM3EB 04400352.S-RC-D
01088 00852 CUNRM3EL 04400354.S-RC-D
01088 00855 CUNRM3EX 04400357.S-RC-D
01088 00857 CUNRM3FC 04400359.S-RC-D
01088 00870 CUNRM3GW 04400366.S-RC-D
01088 00871 CUNRM3GY 04400367.S-RC-D
01088 00875 CUNRM3G8 0440036B.S-RC-D
01088 00891 CUNEM3HD 0440037B.S-EC-D
01088 01025 CUNRM3MG 04400401.S-RC-D
01088 01026 CUNRM3MH 04400402.S-RC-D
01088 01027 CUNRM3MI 04400403.S-RC-D
01088 01040 CUNEM3MK 04400410.S-E0-D
01088 01040 CUNRM3MK 04400410.S-RC-A1
01088 01041 CUNRM3MN 04400411.S-RC-D
01088 01042 CUNRM3MR 04400412.S-RC-D
01088 01043 CUNRM3MU 04400413.S-RC-D
01088 01126 CUNEM3NT 04400466.S-E0-D
01088 13488 CUNMM3PG 044034B0.SU-C0-A2
01088 13488 CUNCM3PG 044034B0.SU-C0-A2
01088 13488 CUNLM3PG 044034B0.SU-R-D
01088 13488 CUNRM3PG 044034B0.SU-R-D
01089 00037 CUNEM6AA 04410025.S-E0-D
01089 00037 CUNRM6AA 04410025.S-R2-D
01089 00420 CUNCM6B1 044101A4.S-C0-D
01089 00425 CUNEM6SR 044101A9.S-E0-D
01089 00500 CUNEM6CR 044101F4.S-E0-D
01089 00500 CUNRM6CR 044101F4.S-R2-D
01089 00819 CUNRM6DH 04410333.S-R2-D
01089 00850 CUNRM6EB 04410352.S-R2-D
01089 00864 CUNCM6FY 04410360.S-C0-D

248 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01089 00864 CUNEM6FY 04410360.S-E0-A1
01089 01046 CUNCM6MX 04410416.S-C0-D
01089 01127 CUNCM6NW 04410467.S-C0-D
01089 01256 CUNEM6P0 044104E8.S-EC-D
01089 05352 CUNEM6P1 044114E8.S-EC-D
01089 13488 CUNLM6PG 044134B0.SU-R-D
01089 13488 CUNRM6PG 044134B0.SU-R-D
01097 00037 CUNEM7AA 04490025.S-E0-A1
01097 00037 CUNRM7AA 04490025.S-R2-D
01097 00437 CUNEM7CE 044901B5.S-E0-A1
01097 00437 CUNRM7CE 044901B5.S-R2-D
01097 00500 CUNEM7CR 044901F4.S-E0-A1
01097 00500 CUNRM7CR 044901F4.S-R2-D
01097 00737 CUNRM7C6 044902E1.S-R2-D
01097 00775 CUNEM7C8 04490307.S-E0-A1
01097 00775 CUNRM7C8 04490307.S-R2-D
01097 00819 CUNRM7DH 04490333.S-R2-D
01097 00850 CUNRM7EB 04490352.S-R2-D
01097 00852 CUNEM7EL 04490354.S-E0-A1
01097 00852 CUNRM7EL 04490354.S-R2-D
01097 00857 CUNEM7FC 04490359.S-E0-A1
01097 00857 CUNRM7FC 04490359.S-R2-D
01097 00860 CUNEM7FM 0449035C.S-E0-A1
01097 00860 CUNRM7FM 0449035C.S-R2-D
01097 00861 CUNEM7FP 0449035D.S-E0-A1
01097 00861 CUNRM7FP 0449035D.S-R2-D
01097 00862 CUNEM7FS 0449035E.S-E0-A1
01097 00862 CUNRM7FS 0449035E.S-R2-D
01097 00863 CUNEM7FV 0449035F.S-E0-A1
01097 00863 CUNRM7FV 0449035F.S-R2-D
01097 00864 CUNEM7FY 04490360.S-E0-A1
01097 00864 CUNRM7FY 04490360.S-R2-D
01097 00865 CUNEM7GA 04490361.S-E0-A1
01097 00865 CUNRM7GA 04490361.S-R2-D
01097 01051 CUNEM7M2 0449041B.S-E0-A1
01097 01051 CUNRM7M2 0449041B.S-R2-D
01097 01098 CUNEM7M8 0449044A.S-E0-A1
01097 01098 CUNRM7M8 0449044A.S-RC-D
01097 01112 CUNRM7NH 04490458.S-R2-D
01097 01122 CUNRM7NP 04490462.S-R2-D
01097 01252 CUNRM7PS 044904E4.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 249

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01097 13488 CUNEM7PG 044934B0.SU-E-A1
01097 13488 CUNRM7PG 044934B0.SU-R-D
01098 00259 CUNRM8AP 044A0103.S-RC-A1
01098 00420 CUNRM8B1 044A01A4.S-R2-D
01098 00437 CUNRM8CE 044A01B5.S-R2-D
01098 00819 CUNRM8DH 044A0333.S-R2-D
01098 00850 CUNRM8EB 044A0352.S-RC-D
01098 01097 CUNRM8M7 044A0449.S-RC-D
01098 01252 CUNRM8PS 044A04E4.S-R2-D
01098 13488 CUNEM8PG 044A34B0.SU-E-A1
01098 13488 CUNRM8PG 044A34B0.SU-R-D
01100 00037 CUNRM9AA 044C0025.S-R2-D
01100 00273 CUNRM9AV 044C0111.S-R2-D
01100 00277 CUNRM9A2 044C0115.S-R2-D
01100 00278 CUNRM9A4 044C0116.S-R2-D
01100 00280 CUNRM9A6 044C0118.S-R2-D
01100 00284 CUNRM9BB 044C011C.S-R2-D
01100 00285 CUNRM9BE 044C011D.S-R2-D
01100 00297 CUNRM9BN 044C0129.S-R2-D
01100 00500 CUNRM9CR 044C01F4.S-R2-D
01100 00850 CUNRM9EB 044C0352.S-R2-D
01101 00500 CUNENACR 044D01F4.S-E0-D
01102 00500 CUNENBCR 044E01F4.S-E0-D
01103 00500 CUNENCCR 044F01F4.S-E0-D
01104 00500 CUNENDCR 045001F4.S-E0-D
01105 00500 CUNENECR 045101F4.S-E0-D
01106 00500 CUNENFCR 045201F4.S-E0-D
01107 00500 CUNENGCR 045301F4.S-E0-D
01112 00037 CUNENHAA 04580025.S-E0-D
01112 00037 CUNRNHAA 04580025.S-R2-D
01112 00256 CUNRNHAJ 04580100.S-R2-D
01112 00273 CUNRNHAV 04580111.S-R2-D
01112 00277 CUNRNHA2 04580115.S-R2-D
01112 00278 CUNRNHA4 04580116.S-R2-D
01112 00280 CUNRNHA6 04580118.S-R2-D
01112 00284 CUNRNHBB 0458011C.S-R2-D
01112 00285 CUNRNHBE 0458011D.S-R2-D
01112 00290 CUNRNHBH 04580122.S-R2-D
01112 00297 CUNRNHBN 04580129.S-R2-D
01112 00420 CUNRNHB1 045801A4.S-R2-D
01112 00423 CUNRNHB8 045801A7.S-R2-D

250 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01112 00424 CUNRNHCA 045801A8.S-R2-D
01112 00500 CUNENHCR 045801F4.S-E0-D
01112 00500 CUNRNHCR 045801F4.S-R2-D
01112 00775 CUNRNHC8 04580307.S-R2-D
01112 00819 CUNENHDH 04580333.S-E0-D
01112 00819 CUNRNHDH 04580333.S-R2-D
01112 00833 CUNRNHDI 04580341.S-R2-D
01112 00836 CUNRNHDU 04580344.S-R2-D
01112 00838 CUNRNHD1 04580346.S-R2-D
01112 00850 CUNRNHEB 04580352.S-R2-D
01112 00870 CUNRNHGW 04580366.S-R2-D
01112 00871 CUNRNHGY 04580367.S-R2-D
01112 00875 CUNRNHG8 0458036B.S-R2-D
01112 00880 CUNRNHHB 04580370.S-R2-D
01112 00905 CUNRNHH0 04580389.S-R2-D
01112 00921 CUNENHIB 04580399.S-E0-A1
01112 00921 CUNRNHIB 04580399.S-R2-D
01112 00922 CUNRNHID 0458039A.S-R2-D
01112 01025 CUNRNHMG 04580401.S-R2-D
01112 01026 CUNRNHMH 04580402.S-R2-D
01112 01027 CUNRNHMI 04580403.S-R2-D
01112 01097 CUNRNHM7 04580449.S-R2-D
01112 01122 CUNRNHNP 04580462.S-R2-D
01112 01252 CUNENHPS 045804E4.S-E0-D
01112 01252 CUNRNHPS 045804E4.S-R2-D
01112 01257 CUNENHP2 045804E9.S-E0-D
01112 01257 CUNRNHP2 045804E9.S-R2-D
01112 05353 CUNENHP3 045814E9.S-E0-D
01112 05353 CUNRNHP3 045814E9.S-R2-D
01112 13488 CUNLNHPG 045834B0.SU-R-D
01112 13488 CUNRNHPG 045834B0.SU-R-D
01114 00037 CUNENIAA 045A0025.S-EC-D
01114 00437 CUNENICE 045A01B5.S-E0-D
01114 00500 CUNENICR 045A01F4.S-E0-D
01114 00819 CUNENIDH 045A0333.S-E0-D
01114 00819 CUNRNIDH 045A0333.S-R2-A1
01114 00836 CUNENIDU 045A0344.S-E0-D
01114 00850 CUNENIEB 045A0352.S-E0-A1
01114 00850 CUNRNIEB 045A0352.S-R2-D
01114 00904 CUNENIHY 045A0388.S-E0-D
01114 01043 CUNENIMU 045A0413.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 251

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01114 01115 CUNENINM 045A045B.S-E0-D
01114 13488 CUNRNIPG 045A34B0.SU-R-D
01115 00037 CUNENMAA 045B0025.S-E0-D
01115 00367 CUNENMB0 045B016F.S-E0-D
01115 00437 CUNENMCE 045B01B5.S-EC-D
01115 00500 CUNENMCR 045B01F4.S-E0-D
01115 00836 CUNENMDU 045B0344.S-EC-D
01115 00903 CUNENMHW 045B0387.S-EC-D
01115 01114 CUNENMNI 045B045A.S-E0-D
01115 13488 CUNLNMPG 045B34B0.SU-R-D
01115 13488 CUNRNMPG 045B34B0.SU-R-D
01122 00037 CUNRNPAA 04620025.S-R2-D
01122 00256 CUNRNPAJ 04620100.S-R2-D
01122 00273 CUNRNPAV 04620111.S-R2-D
01122 00277 CUNRNPA2 04620115.S-R2-D
01122 00278 CUNRNPA4 04620116.S-R2-D
01122 00280 CUNRNPA6 04620118.S-R2-D
01122 00284 CUNRNPBB 0462011C.S-R2-D
01122 00285 CUNRNPBE 0462011D.S-R2-D
01122 00290 CUNRNPBH 04620122.S-R2-D
01122 00297 CUNRNPBN 04620129.S-R2-D
01122 00420 CUNRNPB1 046201A4.S-R2-D
01122 00423 CUNRNPB8 046201A7.S-R2-D
01122 00424 CUNRNPCA 046201A8.S-R2-D
01122 00500 CUNRNPCR 046201F4.S-R2-D
01122 00775 CUNRNPC8 04620307.S-R2-D
01122 00819 CUNENPDH 04620333.S-E0-D
01122 00819 CUNRNPDH 04620333.S-R2-D
01122 00833 CUNRNPDI 04620341.S-R2-D
01122 00836 CUNRNPDU 04620344.S-R2-D
01122 00838 CUNRNPD1 04620346.S-R2-D
01122 00850 CUNRNPEB 04620352.S-R2-D
01122 00870 CUNRNPGW 04620366.S-R2-D
01122 00871 CUNRNPGY 04620367.S-R2-D
01122 00875 CUNRNPG8 0462036B.S-R2-D
01122 00880 CUNRNPHB 04620370.S-R2-D
01122 00905 CUNRNPH0 04620389.S-R2-D
01122 00921 CUNRNPIB 04620399.S-R2-D
01122 00922 CUNENPID 0462039A.S-E0-A1
01122 00922 CUNRNPID 0462039A.S-R2-D
01122 01025 CUNRNPMG 04620401.S-R2-D

252 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01122 01026 CUNRNPMH 04620402.S-R2-D
01122 01027 CUNRNPMI 04620403.S-R2-D
01122 01097 CUNRNPM7 04620449.S-R2-D
01122 01112 CUNRNPNH 04620458.S-R2-D
01122 01252 CUNENPPS 046204E4.S-E0-D
01122 01252 CUNRNPPS 046204E4.S-R2-D
01122 01257 CUNENPP2 046204E9.S-E0-D
01122 01257 CUNRNPP2 046204E9.S-R2-D
01122 05353 CUNENPP3 046214E9.S-E0-D
01122 05353 CUNRNPP3 046214E9.S-R2-D
01122 13488 CUNLNPPG 046234B0.SU-R-D
01122 13488 CUNRNPPG 046234B0.SU-R-D
01123 00819 CUNENQDH 04630333.S-E0-D
01123 00819 CUNRNQDH 04630333.S-R2-D
01123 01124 CUNENQNR 04630464.S-E0-A1
01123 01124 CUNRNQNR 04630464.S-R2-D
01123 01125 CUNENQNS 04630465.S-E0-A1
01123 01125 CUNRNQNS 04630465.S-R2-D
01123 01148 CUNENQOD 0463047C.S-E0-D
01123 01148 CUNRNQOD 0463047C.S-R2-D
01123 01251 CUNENQPQ 046304E3.S-E0-A1
01123 01251 CUNRNQPQ 046304E3.S-R2-D
01123 01252 CUNENQPS 046304E4.S-E0-D
01123 01252 CUNRNQPS 046304E4.S-R2-D
01123 01283 CUNRNQQD 04630503.S-R2-D
01123 05347 CUNENQPR 046314E3.S-E0-D
01123 05347 CUNRNQPR 046314E3.S-R2-D
01123 13488 CUNRNQPG 046334B0.SU-R-D
01124 00037 CUNENRAA 04640025.S-E0-D
01124 00037 CUNRNRAA 04640025.S-R2-D
01124 00500 CUNENRCR 046401F4.S-E0-A1
01124 00500 CUNRNRCR 046401F4.S-R2-D
01124 01123 CUNENRNQ 04640463.S-E0-A1
01124 01123 CUNRNRNQ 04640463.S-R2-D
01124 01125 CUNENRNS 04640465.S-E0-A1
01124 01125 CUNRNRNS 04640465.S-R2-D
01124 01251 CUNENRPQ 046404E3.S-E0-A1
01124 01251 CUNRNRPQ 046404E3.S-R2-D
01124 01283 CUNRNRQD 04640503.S-R2-D
01124 05347 CUNENRPR 046414E3.S-E0-D
01124 05347 CUNRNRPR 046414E3.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 253

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01124 13488 CUNRNRPG 046434B0.SU-R-D
01125 00500 CUNENSCR 046501F4.S-E0-A1
01125 00500 CUNRNSCR 046501F4.S-R2-D
01125 01123 CUNENSNQ 04650463.S-E0-A1
01125 01123 CUNRNSNQ 04650463.S-R2-D
01125 01124 CUNENSNR 04650464.S-E0-A1
01125 01124 CUNRNSNR 04650464.S-R2-D
01125 01251 CUNENSPQ 046504E3.S-E0-A1
01125 01251 CUNRNSPQ 046504E3.S-R2-D
01125 01283 CUNRNSQD 04650503.S-R2-D
01125 05347 CUNENSPR 046514E3.S-E0-D
01125 05347 CUNRNSPR 046514E3.S-R2-D
01125 13488 CUNRNSPG 046534B0.SU-R-D
01126 00037 CUNENTAA 04660025.S-E0-D
01126 00367 CUNENTB0 0466016F.S-EC-D
01126 00437 CUNENTCE 046601B5.S-E0-D
01126 00500 CUNENTCR 046601F4.S-E0-D
01126 00819 CUNENTDH 04660333.S-E0-D
01126 00833 CUNENTDI 04660341.S-E0-D
01126 00850 CUNENTEB 04660352.S-E0-D
01126 01088 CUNENTM3 04660440.S-E0-D
01126 01252 CUNENTPS 046604E4.S-E0-D
01126 13121 CUNENTDL 04663341.S-E0-D
01126 13488 CUNMNTPG 046634B0.SU-C0-A2
01126 13488 CUNCNTPG 046634B0.SU-C0-A2
01126 13488 CUNRNTPG 046634B0.SU-R-D
01126 17584 CUNRNTPH 046644B0.SU-R-D
01127 00420 CUNRNWB1 046701A4.S-R2-D
01127 00864 CUNRNWFY 04670360.S-R2-D
01127 01046 CUNRNWMX 04670416.S-R2-D
01127 01089 CUNCNWM6 04670441.S-C0-D
01127 01256 CUNCNWP0 046704E8.S-C0-D
01129 00500 CUNENYCR 046901F4.S-E0-A1
01129 00500 CUNRNYCR 046901F4.S-R2-D
01129 01130 CUNENYNZ 0469046A.S-E0-A1
01129 01130 CUNRNYNZ 0469046A.S-R2-D
01129 01258 CUNENYP4 046904EA.S-E0-A1
01129 01258 CUNRNYP4 046904EA.S-R2-D
01129 05354 CUNENYP5 046914EA.S-E0-D
01129 05354 CUNRNYP5 046914EA.S-R2-D
01129 13488 CUNRNYPG 046934B0.SU-R-D

254 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01130 00037 CUNRNZAA 046A0025.S-R2-D
01130 00500 CUNENZCR 046A01F4.S-E0-D
01130 00500 CUNRNZCR 046A01F4.S-R2-D
01130 00819 CUNENZDH 046A0333.S-E0-D
01130 00819 CUNRNZDH 046A0333.S-R2-D
01130 00850 CUNENZEB 046A0352.S-E0-D
01130 00850 CUNRNZEB 046A0352.S-R2-D
01130 01129 CUNENZNY 046A0469.S-E0-A1
01130 01129 CUNRNZNY 046A0469.S-R2-D
01130 01252 CUNENZPS 046A04E4.S-E0-D
01130 01252 CUNRNZPS 046A04E4.S-R2-D
01130 01258 CUNENZP4 046A04EA.S-E0-A1
01130 01258 CUNRNZP4 046A04EA.S-R2-D
01130 05354 CUNENZP5 046A14EA.S-E0-D
01130 05354 CUNRNZP5 046A14EA.S-R2-D
01130 13488 CUNRNZPG 046A34B0.SU-R-D
01131 00037 CUNEN0AA 046B0025.S-E0-D
01131 00037 CUNRN0AA 046B0025.S-R2-D
01131 00500 CUNRN0CR 046B01F4.S-R2-D
01131 00878 CUNEN0HA 046B036E.S-E0-D
01131 00878 CUNRN0HA 046B036E.S-R2-D
01131 00915 CUNRN0H4 046B0393.S-R2-D
01131 01025 CUNRN0MG 046B0401.S-R2-D
01131 01251 CUNRN0PQ 046B04E3.S-R2-D
01131 01283 CUNRN0QD 046B0503.S-R2-D
01131 05347 CUNEN0PR 046B14E3.S-E0-D
01131 05347 CUNRN0PR 046B14E3.S-R2-D
01131 13488 CUNRN0PG 046B34B0.SU-R-D
01132 00037 CUNRN1AA 046C0025.S-R2-D
01132 00500 CUNEN1CR 046C01F4.S-EC-D
01132 00500 CUNRN1CR 046C01F4.S-R2-D
01132 00819 CUNEN1DH 046C0333.S-EC-D
01132 00819 CUNRN1DH 046C0333.S-R2-D
01132 00850 CUNEN1EB 046C0352.S-EC-D
01132 00850 CUNRN1EB 046C0352.S-R2-D
01132 01133 CUNEN1N2 046C046D.S-E0-A1
01132 01133 CUNRN1N2 046C046D.S-R2-D
01132 01252 CUNEN1PS 046C04E4.S-EC-D
01132 01252 CUNRN1PS 046C04E4.S-R2-D
01132 13488 CUNRN1PG 046C34B0.SU-R-D
01133 00500 CUNEN2CR 046D01F4.S-EC-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 255

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01133 00500 CUNRN2CR 046D01F4.S-R2-D
01133 01132 CUNEN2N1 046D046C.S-E0-A1
01133 01132 CUNRN2N1 046D046C.S-R2-D
01133 13488 CUNEN2PG 046D34B0.SU-E-D
01137 00037 CUNEN3AA 04710025.S-E0-D
01137 00500 CUNEN3CR 047101F4.S-E0-D
01137 00806 CUNEN3DC 04710326.S-E0-D
01137 00819 CUNEN3DH 04710333.S-E0-D
01137 13488 CUNRN3PG 047134B0.SU-R-D
01140 00037 CUNEN5AA 04740025.S-E0-D
01140 00273 CUNEN5AV 04740111.S-E0-D
01140 00273 CUNRN5AV 04740111.S-R2-D
01140 00277 CUNEN5A2 04740115.S-E0-D
01140 00277 CUNRN5A2 04740115.S-R2-D
01140 00278 CUNEN5A4 04740116.S-E0-D
01140 00278 CUNRN5A4 04740116.S-R2-D
01140 00280 CUNEN5A6 04740118.S-E0-D
01140 00280 CUNRN5A6 04740118.S-R2-D
01140 00284 CUNEN5BB 0474011C.S-E0-D
01140 00284 CUNRN5BB 0474011C.S-R2-D
01140 00285 CUNEN5BE 0474011D.S-E0-D
01140 00285 CUNRN5BE 0474011D.S-R2-D
01140 00297 CUNEN5BN 04740129.S-E0-D
01140 00297 CUNRN5BN 04740129.S-R2-D
01140 00437 CUNEN5CE 047401B5.S-E0-D
01140 00437 CUNRN5CE 047401B5.S-R2-D
01140 00500 CUNEN5CR 047401F4.S-E0-D
01140 00500 CUNLN5CR 047401F4.S-R2-D
01140 00500 CUNRN5CR 047401F4.S-R2-D
01140 00808 CUNEN5D5 04740328.S-E0-D
01140 00808 CUNRN5D5 04740328.S-R2-D
01140 00819 CUNEN5DH 04740333.S-E0-D
01140 00819 CUNLN5DH 04740333.S-R2-D
01140 00819 CUNRN5DH 04740333.S-R2-D
01140 00850 CUNEN5EB 04740352.S-E0-D
01140 00850 CUNLN5EB 04740352.S-R2-D
01140 00850 CUNRN5EB 04740352.S-R2-D
01140 00858 CUNEN5FI 0474035A.S-E0-D
01140 00858 CUNLN5FI 0474035A.S-R2-D
01140 00858 CUNRN5FI 0474035A.S-R2-D
01140 00860 CUNEN5FM 0474035C.S-E0-D

256 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01140 00860 CUNRN5FM 0474035C.S-R2-D
01140 00863 CUNEN5FV 0474035F.S-E0-D
01140 00863 CUNRN5FV 0474035F.S-RC-D
01140 00871 CUNEN5GY 04740367.S-E0-D
01140 00871 CUNRN5GY 04740367.S-R2-D
01140 00872 CUNEN5G0 04740368.S-E0-D
01140 00872 CUNRN5G0 04740368.S-R2-D
01140 00901 CUNEN5HS 04740385.S-E0-D
01140 00901 CUNRN5HS 04740385.S-R2-D
01140 00902 CUNEN5HU 04740386.S-E0-D
01140 00902 CUNRN5HU 04740386.S-R2-D
01140 00923 CUNEN5IF 0474039B.S-E0-D
01140 00923 CUNRN5IF 0474039B.S-R2-D
01140 00924 CUNEN5IG 0474039C.S-E0-D
01140 00924 CUNLN5IG 0474039C.S-R2-D
01140 00924 CUNRN5IG 0474039C.S-R2-D
01140 01013 CUNEN5L6 047403F5.S-E0-D
01140 01047 CUNEN5M0 04740417.S-E0-D
01140 01047 CUNLN5M0 04740417.S-R2-D
01140 01047 CUNRN5M0 04740417.S-R2-D
01140 01051 CUNEN5M2 0474041B.S-E0-D
01140 01051 CUNRN5M2 0474041B.S-R2-D
01140 01141 CUNRN5N6 04740475.S-R2-D
01140 01142 CUNRN5N7 04740476.S-R2-D
01140 01143 CUNRN5N8 04740477.S-R2-D
01140 01144 CUNRN5N9 04740478.S-R2-D
01140 01145 CUNRN5OA 04740479.S-R2-D
01140 01146 CUNRN5OB 0474047A.S-R2-D
01140 01147 CUNRN5OC 0474047B.S-R2-D
01140 01148 CUNLN5OD 0474047C.S-R2-D
01140 01148 CUNRN5OD 0474047C.S-R2-D
01140 01149 CUNRN5OE 0474047D.S-R2-D
01140 01153 CUNEN5OF 04740481.S-E0-D
01140 01153 CUNRN5OF 04740481.S-R2-D
01140 01154 CUNEN5OG 04740482.S-E0-D
01140 01154 CUNRN5OG 04740482.S-R2-D
01140 01155 CUNEN5OH 04740483.S-E0-D
01140 01155 CUNRN5OH 04740483.S-R2-D
01140 01156 CUNEN5OI 04740484.S-E0-D
01140 01156 CUNRN5OI 04740484.S-R2-D
01140 01157 CUNEN5OJ 04740485.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 257

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01140 01157 CUNRN5OJ 04740485.S-R2-D
01140 01160 CUNEN5OM 04740488.S-E0-D
01140 01160 CUNRN5OM 04740488.S-R2-D
01140 01161 CUNEN5ON 04740489.S-E0-D
01140 01161 CUNRN5ON 04740489.S-R2-D
01140 01162 CUNEN5OO 0474048A.S-E0-D
01140 01162 CUNRN5OO 0474048A.S-R2-D
01140 01164 CUNEN5OQ 0474048C.S-E0-D
01140 01164 CUNRN5OQ 0474048C.S-R2-D
01140 01252 CUNEN5PS 047404E4.S-E0-D
01140 01252 CUNRN5PS 047404E4.S-R2-D
01140 01275 CUNEN5P6 047404FB.S-E0-D
01140 01275 CUNRN5P6 047404FB.S-R2-D
01140 04909 CUNEN5DG 0474132D.S-E0-D
01140 04909 CUNRN5DG 0474132D.S-R2-D
01140 04971 CUNEN5G9 0474136B.S-E0-D
01140 04971 CUNRN5G9 0474136B.S-R2-D
01140 05123 CUNEN5MJ 04741403.S-E0-D
01140 05348 CUNEN5PT 047414E4.S-E0-D
01140 05348 CUNRN5PT 047414E4.S-R2-D
01140 09044 CUNEN5EN 04742354.S-E0-D
01140 09044 CUNRN5EN 04742354.S-R2-D
01140 09049 CUNEN5FE 04742359.S-E0-D
01140 09049 CUNRN5FE 04742359.S-R2-D
01140 09061 CUNEN5GR 04742365.S-E0-D
01140 09061 CUNRN5GR 04742365.S-R2-D
01140 16804 CUNEN5B5 047441A4.S-E0-D
01140 16804 CUNRN5B5 047441A4.S-R2-D
01140 17248 CUNEN5F2 04744360.S-E0-D
01140 17248 CUNRN5F2 04744360.S-R2-D
01140 17584 CUNLN5PH 047444B0.SU-R-D
01140 17584 CUNRN5PH 047444B0.SU-R-D
01141 00037 CUNEN6AA 04750025.S-E0-D
01141 00037 CUNRN6AA 04750025.S-R2-D
01141 00273 CUNEN6AV 04750111.S-E0-D
01141 00277 CUNEN6A2 04750115.S-E0-D
01141 00277 CUNRN6A2 04750115.S-R2-D
01141 00278 CUNEN6A4 04750116.S-E0-D
01141 00278 CUNRN6A4 04750116.S-R2-D
01141 00280 CUNEN6A6 04750118.S-E0-D
01141 00280 CUNRN6A6 04750118.S-R2-D

258 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01141 00284 CUNEN6BB 0475011C.S-E0-D
01141 00284 CUNRN6BB 0475011C.S-R2-D
01141 00285 CUNEN6BE 0475011D.S-E0-D
01141 00285 CUNRN6BE 0475011D.S-R2-D
01141 00297 CUNEN6BN 04750129.S-E0-D
01141 00297 CUNRN6BN 04750129.S-R2-D
01141 00437 CUNEN6CE 047501B5.S-E0-D
01141 00437 CUNRN6CE 047501B5.S-R2-D
01141 00500 CUNEN6CR 047501F4.S-E0-D
01141 00500 CUNLN6CR 047501F4.S-R2-D
01141 00500 CUNRN6CR 047501F4.S-R2-D
01141 00819 CUNEN6DH 04750333.S-E0-D
01141 00819 CUNLN6DH 04750333.S-R2-D
01141 00819 CUNRN6DH 04750333.S-R2-D
01141 00850 CUNEN6EB 04750352.S-E0-D
01141 00850 CUNLN6EB 04750352.S-R2-D
01141 00850 CUNRN6EB 04750352.S-R2-D
01141 00858 CUNEN6FI 0475035A.S-E0-D
01141 00858 CUNLN6FI 0475035A.S-R2-D
01141 00858 CUNRN6FI 0475035A.S-R2-D
01141 00863 CUNEN6FV 0475035F.S-E0-D
01141 00863 CUNRN6FV 0475035F.S-RC-D
01141 00871 CUNEN6GY 04750367.S-E0-D
01141 00871 CUNRN6GY 04750367.S-R2-D
01141 00872 CUNEN6G0 04750368.S-E0-D
01141 00872 CUNRN6G0 04750368.S-R2-D
01141 00923 CUNEN6IF 0475039B.S-E0-D
01141 00923 CUNRN6IF 0475039B.S-R2-D
01141 00924 CUNEN6IG 0475039C.S-E0-D
01141 00924 CUNLN6IG 0475039C.S-R2-D
01141 00924 CUNRN6IG 0475039C.S-R2-D
01141 01047 CUNEN6M0 04750417.S-E0-D
01141 01047 CUNLN6M0 04750417.S-R2-D
01141 01047 CUNRN6M0 04750417.S-R2-D
01141 01051 CUNEN6M2 0475041B.S-E0-D
01141 01051 CUNRN6M2 0475041B.S-R2-D
01141 01140 CUNRN6N5 04750474.S-R2-D
01141 01142 CUNRN6N7 04750476.S-R2-D
01141 01143 CUNRN6N8 04750477.S-R2-D
01141 01144 CUNRN6N9 04750478.S-R2-D
01141 01145 CUNRN6OA 04750479.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 259

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01141 01146 CUNRN6OB 0475047A.S-R2-D
01141 01147 CUNRN6OC 0475047B.S-R2-D
01141 01148 CUNLN6OD 0475047C.S-R2-D
01141 01148 CUNRN6OD 0475047C.S-R2-D
01141 01149 CUNRN6OE 0475047D.S-R2-D
01141 01153 CUNEN6OF 04750481.S-E0-D
01141 01153 CUNRN6OF 04750481.S-R2-D
01141 01154 CUNEN6OG 04750482.S-E0-D
01141 01154 CUNRN6OG 04750482.S-R2-D
01141 01155 CUNEN6OH 04750483.S-E0-D
01141 01155 CUNRN6OH 04750483.S-R2-D
01141 01156 CUNEN6OI 04750484.S-E0-D
01141 01156 CUNRN6OI 04750484.S-R2-D
01141 01157 CUNEN6OJ 04750485.S-E0-D
01141 01157 CUNRN6OJ 04750485.S-R2-D
01141 01160 CUNEN6OM 04750488.S-E0-D
01141 01160 CUNRN6OM 04750488.S-R2-D
01141 01161 CUNEN6ON 04750489.S-E0-D
01141 01161 CUNRN6ON 04750489.S-R2-D
01141 01162 CUNEN6OO 0475048A.S-E0-D
01141 01162 CUNRN6OO 0475048A.S-R2-D
01141 01252 CUNEN6PS 047504E4.S-E0-D
01141 01252 CUNRN6PS 047504E4.S-RC-D
01141 01275 CUNEN6P6 047504FB.S-E0-D
01141 01275 CUNRN6P6 047504FB.S-R2-D
01141 04909 CUNEN6DG 0475132D.S-E0-D
01141 04909 CUNRN6DG 0475132D.S-R2-D
01141 04971 CUNEN6G9 0475136B.S-E0-D
01141 04971 CUNRN6G9 0475136B.S-R2-D
01141 05123 CUNEN6MJ 04751403.S-E0-D
01141 05348 CUNEN6PT 047514E4.S-E0-D
01141 05348 CUNRN6PT 047514E4.S-R2-D
01141 09044 CUNEN6EN 04752354.S-E0-D
01141 09044 CUNRN6EN 04752354.S-R2-D
01141 09049 CUNEN6FE 04752359.S-E0-D
01141 09049 CUNRN6FE 04752359.S-R2-D
01141 09061 CUNEN6GR 04752365.S-E0-D
01141 09061 CUNRN6GR 04752365.S-R2-D
01141 17248 CUNEN6F2 04754360.S-E0-D
01141 17248 CUNRN6F2 04754360.S-R2-D
01141 17584 CUNLN6PH 047544B0.SU-R-D

260 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01141 17584 CUNRN6PH 047544B0.SU-R-D
01142 00037 CUNEN7AA 04760025.S-E0-D
01142 00037 CUNRN7AA 04760025.S-R2-D
01142 00273 CUNEN7AV 04760111.S-E0-D
01142 00273 CUNRN7AV 04760111.S-R2-D
01142 00277 CUNEN7A2 04760115.S-E0-D
01142 00278 CUNEN7A4 04760116.S-E0-D
01142 00278 CUNRN7A4 04760116.S-R2-D
01142 00280 CUNEN7A6 04760118.S-E0-D
01142 00280 CUNRN7A6 04760118.S-R2-D
01142 00284 CUNEN7BB 0476011C.S-E0-D
01142 00284 CUNRN7BB 0476011C.S-R2-D
01142 00285 CUNEN7BE 0476011D.S-E0-D
01142 00285 CUNRN7BE 0476011D.S-R2-D
01142 00297 CUNEN7BN 04760129.S-E0-D
01142 00297 CUNRN7BN 04760129.S-R2-D
01142 00437 CUNEN7CE 047601B5.S-E0-D
01142 00437 CUNRN7CE 047601B5.S-R2-D
01142 00500 CUNEN7CR 047601F4.S-E0-D
01142 00500 CUNLN7CR 047601F4.S-R2-D
01142 00500 CUNRN7CR 047601F4.S-R2-D
01142 00819 CUNEN7DH 04760333.S-E0-D
01142 00819 CUNLN7DH 04760333.S-R2-D
01142 00819 CUNRN7DH 04760333.S-R2-D
01142 00850 CUNEN7EB 04760352.S-E0-D
01142 00850 CUNLN7EB 04760352.S-R2-D
01142 00850 CUNRN7EB 04760352.S-R2-D
01142 00858 CUNEN7FI 0476035A.S-E0-D
01142 00858 CUNLN7FI 0476035A.S-R2-D
01142 00858 CUNRN7FI 0476035A.S-R2-D
01142 00863 CUNEN7FV 0476035F.S-E0-D
01142 00863 CUNRN7FV 0476035F.S-RC-D
01142 00865 CUNEN7GA 04760361.S-E0-D
01142 00865 CUNRN7GA 04760361.S-R2-D
01142 00871 CUNEN7GY 04760367.S-E0-D
01142 00871 CUNRN7GY 04760367.S-R2-D
01142 00872 CUNEN7G0 04760368.S-E0-D
01142 00872 CUNRN7G0 04760368.S-R2-D
01142 00923 CUNEN7IF 0476039B.S-E0-D
01142 00923 CUNRN7IF 0476039B.S-R2-D
01142 00924 CUNEN7IG 0476039C.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 261

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01142 00924 CUNLN7IG 0476039C.S-R2-D
01142 00924 CUNRN7IG 0476039C.S-R2-D
01142 01047 CUNEN7M0 04760417.S-E0-D
01142 01047 CUNLN7M0 04760417.S-R2-D
01142 01047 CUNRN7M0 04760417.S-R2-D
01142 01051 CUNEN7M2 0476041B.S-E0-D
01142 01051 CUNRN7M2 0476041B.S-R2-D
01142 01140 CUNRN7N5 04760474.S-R2-D
01142 01141 CUNRN7N6 04760475.S-R2-D
01142 01143 CUNRN7N8 04760477.S-R2-D
01142 01144 CUNRN7N9 04760478.S-R2-D
01142 01145 CUNRN7OA 04760479.S-R2-D
01142 01146 CUNRN7OB 0476047A.S-R2-D
01142 01147 CUNRN7OC 0476047B.S-R2-D
01142 01148 CUNLN7OD 0476047C.S-R2-D
01142 01148 CUNRN7OD 0476047C.S-R2-D
01142 01149 CUNRN7OE 0476047D.S-R2-D
01142 01153 CUNEN7OF 04760481.S-E0-D
01142 01153 CUNRN7OF 04760481.S-R2-D
01142 01154 CUNEN7OG 04760482.S-E0-D
01142 01154 CUNRN7OG 04760482.S-R2-D
01142 01155 CUNEN7OH 04760483.S-E0-D
01142 01155 CUNRN7OH 04760483.S-R2-D
01142 01156 CUNEN7OI 04760484.S-E0-D
01142 01156 CUNRN7OI 04760484.S-R2-D
01142 01157 CUNEN7OJ 04760485.S-E0-D
01142 01157 CUNRN7OJ 04760485.S-R2-D
01142 01160 CUNEN7OM 04760488.S-E0-D
01142 01160 CUNRN7OM 04760488.S-R2-D
01142 01161 CUNEN7ON 04760489.S-E0-D
01142 01161 CUNRN7ON 04760489.S-R2-D
01142 01162 CUNEN7OO 0476048A.S-E0-D
01142 01162 CUNRN7OO 0476048A.S-R2-D
01142 01252 CUNEN7PS 047604E4.S-E0-D
01142 01252 CUNRN7PS 047604E4.S-RC-D
01142 01275 CUNEN7P6 047604FB.S-E0-D
01142 01275 CUNRN7P6 047604FB.S-R2-D
01142 04909 CUNEN7DG 0476132D.S-E0-D
01142 04909 CUNRN7DG 0476132D.S-R2-D
01142 04971 CUNEN7G9 0476136B.S-E0-D
01142 04971 CUNRN7G9 0476136B.S-R2-D

262 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01142 05123 CUNEN7MJ 04761403.S-E0-D
01142 05348 CUNEN7PT 047614E4.S-E0-D
01142 05348 CUNRN7PT 047614E4.S-R2-D
01142 09044 CUNEN7EN 04762354.S-E0-D
01142 09044 CUNRN7EN 04762354.S-R2-D
01142 09049 CUNEN7FE 04762359.S-E0-D
01142 09049 CUNRN7FE 04762359.S-R2-D
01142 09061 CUNEN7GR 04762365.S-E0-D
01142 09061 CUNRN7GR 04762365.S-R2-D
01142 17248 CUNEN7F2 04764360.S-E0-D
01142 17248 CUNRN7F2 04764360.S-R2-D
01142 17584 CUNLN7PH 047644B0.SU-R-D
01142 17584 CUNRN7PH 047644B0.SU-R-D
01143 00037 CUNEN8AA 04770025.S-E0-D
01143 00037 CUNRN8AA 04770025.S-R2-D
01143 00273 CUNEN8AV 04770111.S-E0-D
01143 00273 CUNRN8AV 04770111.S-R2-D
01143 00277 CUNEN8A2 04770115.S-E0-D
01143 00277 CUNRN8A2 04770115.S-R2-D
01143 00278 CUNEN8A4 04770116.S-E0-D
01143 00280 CUNEN8A6 04770118.S-E0-D
01143 00280 CUNRN8A6 04770118.S-R2-D
01143 00284 CUNEN8BB 0477011C.S-E0-D
01143 00284 CUNRN8BB 0477011C.S-R2-D
01143 00285 CUNEN8BE 0477011D.S-E0-D
01143 00285 CUNRN8BE 0477011D.S-R2-D
01143 00297 CUNEN8BN 04770129.S-E0-D
01143 00297 CUNRN8BN 04770129.S-R2-D
01143 00437 CUNEN8CE 047701B5.S-E0-D
01143 00437 CUNRN8CE 047701B5.S-R2-D
01143 00500 CUNEN8CR 047701F4.S-E0-D
01143 00500 CUNLN8CR 047701F4.S-R2-D
01143 00500 CUNRN8CR 047701F4.S-R2-D
01143 00819 CUNEN8DH 04770333.S-E0-D
01143 00819 CUNLN8DH 04770333.S-R2-D
01143 00819 CUNRN8DH 04770333.S-R2-D
01143 00850 CUNEN8EB 04770352.S-E0-D
01143 00850 CUNLN8EB 04770352.S-R2-D
01143 00850 CUNRN8EB 04770352.S-R2-D
01143 00858 CUNEN8FI 0477035A.S-E0-D
01143 00858 CUNLN8FI 0477035A.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 263

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01143 00858 CUNRN8FI 0477035A.S-R2-D
01143 00863 CUNEN8FV 0477035F.S-E0-D
01143 00863 CUNRN8FV 0477035F.S-RC-D
01143 00865 CUNEN8GA 04770361.S-E0-D
01143 00865 CUNRN8GA 04770361.S-R2-D
01143 00871 CUNEN8GY 04770367.S-E0-D
01143 00871 CUNRN8GY 04770367.S-R2-D
01143 00872 CUNEN8G0 04770368.S-E0-D
01143 00872 CUNRN8G0 04770368.S-R2-D
01143 00923 CUNEN8IF 0477039B.S-E0-D
01143 00923 CUNRN8IF 0477039B.S-R2-D
01143 00924 CUNEN8IG 0477039C.S-E0-D
01143 00924 CUNLN8IG 0477039C.S-R2-D
01143 00924 CUNRN8IG 0477039C.S-R2-D
01143 01047 CUNEN8M0 04770417.S-E0-D
01143 01047 CUNLN8M0 04770417.S-R2-D
01143 01047 CUNRN8M0 04770417.S-R2-D
01143 01051 CUNEN8M2 0477041B.S-E0-D
01143 01051 CUNRN8M2 0477041B.S-R2-D
01143 01140 CUNRN8N5 04770474.S-R2-D
01143 01141 CUNRN8N6 04770475.S-R2-D
01143 01142 CUNRN8N7 04770476.S-R2-D
01143 01144 CUNRN8N9 04770478.S-R2-D
01143 01145 CUNRN8OA 04770479.S-R2-D
01143 01146 CUNRN8OB 0477047A.S-R2-D
01143 01147 CUNRN8OC 0477047B.S-R2-D
01143 01148 CUNLN8OD 0477047C.S-R2-D
01143 01148 CUNRN8OD 0477047C.S-R2-D
01143 01149 CUNRN8OE 0477047D.S-R2-D
01143 01153 CUNEN8OF 04770481.S-E0-D
01143 01153 CUNRN8OF 04770481.S-R2-D
01143 01154 CUNEN8OG 04770482.S-E0-D
01143 01154 CUNRN8OG 04770482.S-R2-D
01143 01155 CUNEN8OH 04770483.S-E0-D
01143 01155 CUNRN8OH 04770483.S-R2-D
01143 01156 CUNEN8OI 04770484.S-E0-D
01143 01156 CUNRN8OI 04770484.S-R2-D
01143 01157 CUNEN8OJ 04770485.S-E0-D
01143 01157 CUNRN8OJ 04770485.S-R2-D
01143 01160 CUNEN8OM 04770488.S-E0-D
01143 01160 CUNRN8OM 04770488.S-R2-D

264 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01143 01161 CUNEN8ON 04770489.S-E0-D
01143 01161 CUNRN8ON 04770489.S-R2-D
01143 01162 CUNEN8OO 0477048A.S-E0-D
01143 01162 CUNRN8OO 0477048A.S-R2-D
01143 01252 CUNEN8PS 047704E4.S-E0-D
01143 01252 CUNRN8PS 047704E4.S-RC-D
01143 01275 CUNEN8P6 047704FB.S-E0-D
01143 01275 CUNRN8P6 047704FB.S-R2-D
01143 04909 CUNEN8DG 0477132D.S-E0-D
01143 04909 CUNRN8DG 0477132D.S-R2-D
01143 04971 CUNEN8G9 0477136B.S-E0-D
01143 04971 CUNRN8G9 0477136B.S-R2-D
01143 05123 CUNEN8MJ 04771403.S-E0-D
01143 05348 CUNEN8PT 047714E4.S-E0-D
01143 05348 CUNRN8PT 047714E4.S-R2-D
01143 09044 CUNEN8EN 04772354.S-E0-D
01143 09044 CUNRN8EN 04772354.S-R2-D
01143 09049 CUNEN8FE 04772359.S-E0-D
01143 09049 CUNRN8FE 04772359.S-R2-D
01143 09061 CUNEN8GR 04772365.S-E0-D
01143 09061 CUNRN8GR 04772365.S-R2-D
01143 17248 CUNEN8F2 04774360.S-E0-D
01143 17248 CUNRN8F2 04774360.S-R2-D
01143 17584 CUNLN8PH 047744B0.SU-R-D
01143 17584 CUNRN8PH 047744B0.SU-R-D
01144 00037 CUNEN9AA 04780025.S-E0-D
01144 00037 CUNRN9AA 04780025.S-R2-D
01144 00273 CUNEN9AV 04780111.S-E0-D
01144 00273 CUNRN9AV 04780111.S-R2-D
01144 00277 CUNEN9A2 04780115.S-E0-D
01144 00277 CUNRN9A2 04780115.S-R2-D
01144 00278 CUNEN9A4 04780116.S-E0-D
01144 00278 CUNRN9A4 04780116.S-R2-D
01144 00280 CUNEN9A6 04780118.S-E0-D
01144 00284 CUNEN9BB 0478011C.S-E0-D
01144 00284 CUNRN9BB 0478011C.S-R2-D
01144 00285 CUNEN9BE 0478011D.S-E0-D
01144 00285 CUNRN9BE 0478011D.S-R2-D
01144 00297 CUNEN9BN 04780129.S-E0-D
01144 00297 CUNRN9BN 04780129.S-R2-D
01144 00437 CUNEN9CE 047801B5.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 265

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01144 00437 CUNRN9CE 047801B5.S-R2-D
01144 00500 CUNEN9CR 047801F4.S-E0-D
01144 00500 CUNLN9CR 047801F4.S-R2-D
01144 00500 CUNRN9CR 047801F4.S-R2-D
01144 00819 CUNEN9DH 04780333.S-E0-D
01144 00819 CUNLN9DH 04780333.S-R2-D
01144 00819 CUNRN9DH 04780333.S-R2-D
01144 00850 CUNEN9EB 04780352.S-E0-D
01144 00850 CUNLN9EB 04780352.S-R2-D
01144 00850 CUNRN9EB 04780352.S-R2-D
01144 00858 CUNEN9FI 0478035A.S-E0-D
01144 00858 CUNLN9FI 0478035A.S-R2-D
01144 00858 CUNRN9FI 0478035A.S-R2-D
01144 00863 CUNEN9FV 0478035F.S-E0-D
01144 00863 CUNRN9FV 0478035F.S-RC-D
01144 00871 CUNEN9GY 04780367.S-E0-D
01144 00871 CUNRN9GY 04780367.S-R2-D
01144 00872 CUNEN9G0 04780368.S-E0-D
01144 00872 CUNRN9G0 04780368.S-R2-D
01144 00923 CUNEN9IF 0478039B.S-E0-D
01144 00923 CUNRN9IF 0478039B.S-R2-D
01144 00924 CUNEN9IG 0478039C.S-E0-D
01144 00924 CUNLN9IG 0478039C.S-R2-D
01144 00924 CUNRN9IG 0478039C.S-R2-D
01144 01047 CUNEN9M0 04780417.S-E0-D
01144 01047 CUNLN9M0 04780417.S-R2-D
01144 01047 CUNRN9M0 04780417.S-R2-D
01144 01051 CUNEN9M2 0478041B.S-E0-D
01144 01051 CUNRN9M2 0478041B.S-R2-D
01144 01140 CUNRN9N5 04780474.S-R2-D
01144 01141 CUNRN9N6 04780475.S-R2-D
01144 01142 CUNRN9N7 04780476.S-R2-D
01144 01143 CUNRN9N8 04780477.S-R2-D
01144 01145 CUNRN9OA 04780479.S-R2-D
01144 01146 CUNRN9OB 0478047A.S-R2-D
01144 01147 CUNRN9OC 0478047B.S-R2-D
01144 01148 CUNLN9OD 0478047C.S-R2-D
01144 01148 CUNRN9OD 0478047C.S-R2-D
01144 01149 CUNRN9OE 0478047D.S-R2-D
01144 01153 CUNEN9OF 04780481.S-E0-D
01144 01153 CUNRN9OF 04780481.S-R2-D

266 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01144 01154 CUNEN9OG 04780482.S-E0-D
01144 01154 CUNRN9OG 04780482.S-R2-D
01144 01155 CUNEN9OH 04780483.S-E0-D
01144 01155 CUNRN9OH 04780483.S-R2-D
01144 01156 CUNEN9OI 04780484.S-E0-D
01144 01156 CUNRN9OI 04780484.S-R2-D
01144 01157 CUNEN9OJ 04780485.S-E0-D
01144 01157 CUNRN9OJ 04780485.S-R2-D
01144 01160 CUNEN9OM 04780488.S-E0-D
01144 01160 CUNRN9OM 04780488.S-R2-D
01144 01161 CUNEN9ON 04780489.S-E0-D
01144 01161 CUNRN9ON 04780489.S-R2-D
01144 01162 CUNEN9OO 0478048A.S-E0-D
01144 01162 CUNRN9OO 0478048A.S-R2-D
01144 01252 CUNEN9PS 047804E4.S-E0-D
01144 01252 CUNRN9PS 047804E4.S-RC-D
01144 01275 CUNEN9P6 047804FB.S-E0-D
01144 01275 CUNRN9P6 047804FB.S-R2-D
01144 04909 CUNEN9DG 0478132D.S-E0-D
01144 04909 CUNRN9DG 0478132D.S-R2-D
01144 04971 CUNEN9G9 0478136B.S-E0-D
01144 04971 CUNRN9G9 0478136B.S-R2-D
01144 05123 CUNEN9MJ 04781403.S-E0-D
01144 05348 CUNEN9PT 047814E4.S-E0-D
01144 05348 CUNRN9PT 047814E4.S-R2-D
01144 09044 CUNEN9EN 04782354.S-E0-D
01144 09044 CUNRN9EN 04782354.S-R2-D
01144 09049 CUNEN9FE 04782359.S-E0-D
01144 09049 CUNRN9FE 04782359.S-R2-D
01144 09061 CUNEN9GR 04782365.S-E0-D
01144 09061 CUNRN9GR 04782365.S-R2-D
01144 17248 CUNEN9F2 04784360.S-E0-D
01144 17248 CUNRN9F2 04784360.S-R2-D
01144 17584 CUNLN9PH 047844B0.SU-R-D
01144 17584 CUNRN9PH 047844B0.SU-R-D
01145 00037 CUNEOAAA 04790025.S-E0-D
01145 00037 CUNROAAA 04790025.S-R2-D
01145 00273 CUNEOAAV 04790111.S-E0-D
01145 00273 CUNROAAV 04790111.S-R2-D
01145 00277 CUNEOAA2 04790115.S-E0-D
01145 00277 CUNROAA2 04790115.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 267

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01145 00278 CUNEOAA4 04790116.S-E0-D
01145 00278 CUNROAA4 04790116.S-R2-D
01145 00280 CUNEOAA6 04790118.S-E0-D
01145 00280 CUNROAA6 04790118.S-R2-D
01145 00284 CUNEOABB 0479011C.S-E0-D
01145 00285 CUNEOABE 0479011D.S-E0-D
01145 00285 CUNROABE 0479011D.S-R2-D
01145 00297 CUNEOABN 04790129.S-E0-D
01145 00297 CUNROABN 04790129.S-R2-D
01145 00437 CUNEOACE 047901B5.S-E0-D
01145 00437 CUNROACE 047901B5.S-R2-D
01145 00500 CUNEOACR 047901F4.S-E0-D
01145 00500 CUNLOACR 047901F4.S-R2-D
01145 00500 CUNROACR 047901F4.S-R2-D
01145 00819 CUNEOADH 04790333.S-E0-D
01145 00819 CUNLOADH 04790333.S-R2-D
01145 00819 CUNROADH 04790333.S-R2-D
01145 00850 CUNEOAEB 04790352.S-E0-D
01145 00850 CUNLOAEB 04790352.S-R2-D
01145 00850 CUNROAEB 04790352.S-R2-D
01145 00858 CUNEOAFI 0479035A.S-E0-D
01145 00858 CUNLOAFI 0479035A.S-R2-D
01145 00858 CUNROAFI 0479035A.S-R2-D
01145 00860 CUNEOAFM 0479035C.S-E0-D
01145 00860 CUNROAFM 0479035C.S-RC-D
01145 00863 CUNEOAFV 0479035F.S-E0-D
01145 00863 CUNROAFV 0479035F.S-RC-D
01145 00871 CUNEOAGY 04790367.S-E0-D
01145 00871 CUNROAGY 04790367.S-R2-D
01145 00872 CUNEOAG0 04790368.S-E0-D
01145 00872 CUNROAG0 04790368.S-R2-D
01145 00923 CUNEOAIF 0479039B.S-E0-D
01145 00923 CUNROAIF 0479039B.S-R2-D
01145 00924 CUNEOAIG 0479039C.S-E0-D
01145 00924 CUNLOAIG 0479039C.S-R2-D
01145 00924 CUNROAIG 0479039C.S-R2-D
01145 01047 CUNEOAM0 04790417.S-E0-D
01145 01047 CUNLOAM0 04790417.S-R2-D
01145 01047 CUNROAM0 04790417.S-R2-D
01145 01051 CUNEOAM2 0479041B.S-E0-D
01145 01051 CUNROAM2 0479041B.S-R2-D

268 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01145 01140 CUNROAN5 04790474.S-R2-D
01145 01141 CUNROAN6 04790475.S-R2-D
01145 01142 CUNROAN7 04790476.S-R2-D
01145 01143 CUNROAN8 04790477.S-R2-D
01145 01144 CUNROAN9 04790478.S-R2-D
01145 01146 CUNROAOB 0479047A.S-R2-D
01145 01147 CUNROAOC 0479047B.S-R2-D
01145 01148 CUNLOAOD 0479047C.S-R2-D
01145 01148 CUNROAOD 0479047C.S-R2-D
01145 01149 CUNROAOE 0479047D.S-R2-D
01145 01153 CUNEOAOF 04790481.S-E0-D
01145 01153 CUNROAOF 04790481.S-R2-D
01145 01154 CUNEOAOG 04790482.S-E0-D
01145 01154 CUNROAOG 04790482.S-R2-D
01145 01155 CUNEOAOH 04790483.S-E0-D
01145 01155 CUNROAOH 04790483.S-R2-D
01145 01156 CUNEOAOI 04790484.S-E0-D
01145 01156 CUNROAOI 04790484.S-R2-D
01145 01157 CUNEOAOJ 04790485.S-E0-D
01145 01157 CUNROAOJ 04790485.S-R2-D
01145 01160 CUNEOAOM 04790488.S-E0-D
01145 01160 CUNROAOM 04790488.S-R2-D
01145 01161 CUNEOAON 04790489.S-E0-D
01145 01161 CUNROAON 04790489.S-R2-D
01145 01162 CUNEOAOO 0479048A.S-E0-D
01145 01162 CUNROAOO 0479048A.S-R2-D
01145 01252 CUNEOAPS 047904E4.S-E0-D
01145 01252 CUNROAPS 047904E4.S-RC-D
01145 01275 CUNEOAP6 047904FB.S-E0-D
01145 01275 CUNROAP6 047904FB.S-R2-D
01145 04909 CUNEOADG 0479132D.S-E0-D
01145 04909 CUNROADG 0479132D.S-R2-D
01145 04971 CUNEOAG9 0479136B.S-E0-D
01145 04971 CUNROAG9 0479136B.S-R2-D
01145 05123 CUNEOAMJ 04791403.S-E0-D
01145 05348 CUNEOAPT 047914E4.S-E0-D
01145 05348 CUNROAPT 047914E4.S-R2-D
01145 09044 CUNEOAEN 04792354.S-E0-D
01145 09044 CUNROAEN 04792354.S-R2-D
01145 09049 CUNEOAFE 04792359.S-E0-D
01145 09049 CUNROAFE 04792359.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 269

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01145 09061 CUNEOAGR 04792365.S-E0-D
01145 09061 CUNROAGR 04792365.S-R2-D
01145 17248 CUNEOAF2 04794360.S-E0-D
01145 17248 CUNROAF2 04794360.S-R2-D
01145 17584 CUNLOAPH 047944B0.SU-R-D
01145 17584 CUNROAPH 047944B0.SU-R-D
01146 00037 CUNEOBAA 047A0025.S-E0-D
01146 00037 CUNROBAA 047A0025.S-R2-D
01146 00273 CUNEOBAV 047A0111.S-E0-D
01146 00273 CUNROBAV 047A0111.S-R2-D
01146 00277 CUNEOBA2 047A0115.S-E0-D
01146 00277 CUNROBA2 047A0115.S-R2-D
01146 00278 CUNEOBA4 047A0116.S-E0-D
01146 00278 CUNROBA4 047A0116.S-R2-D
01146 00280 CUNEOBA6 047A0118.S-E0-D
01146 00280 CUNROBA6 047A0118.S-R2-D
01146 00284 CUNEOBBB 047A011C.S-E0-D
01146 00284 CUNROBBB 047A011C.S-R2-D
01146 00285 CUNEOBBE 047A011D.S-E0-D
01146 00297 CUNEOBBN 047A0129.S-E0-D
01146 00297 CUNROBBN 047A0129.S-R2-D
01146 00437 CUNEOBCE 047A01B5.S-E0-D
01146 00437 CUNROBCE 047A01B5.S-R2-D
01146 00500 CUNEOBCR 047A01F4.S-E0-D
01146 00500 CUNLOBCR 047A01F4.S-R2-D
01146 00500 CUNROBCR 047A01F4.S-R2-D
01146 00819 CUNEOBDH 047A0333.S-E0-D
01146 00819 CUNLOBDH 047A0333.S-R2-D
01146 00819 CUNROBDH 047A0333.S-R2-D
01146 00850 CUNEOBEB 047A0352.S-E0-D
01146 00850 CUNLOBEB 047A0352.S-R2-D
01146 00850 CUNROBEB 047A0352.S-R2-D
01146 00858 CUNEOBFI 047A035A.S-E0-D
01146 00858 CUNLOBFI 047A035A.S-R2-D
01146 00858 CUNROBFI 047A035A.S-R2-D
01146 00860 CUNEOBFM 047A035C.S-E0-D
01146 00860 CUNROBFM 047A035C.S-RC-D
01146 00863 CUNEOBFV 047A035F.S-E0-D
01146 00863 CUNROBFV 047A035F.S-RC-D
01146 00871 CUNEOBGY 047A0367.S-E0-D
01146 00871 CUNROBGY 047A0367.S-R2-D

270 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01146 00872 CUNEOBG0 047A0368.S-E0-D
01146 00872 CUNROBG0 047A0368.S-R2-D
01146 00923 CUNEOBIF 047A039B.S-E0-D
01146 00923 CUNROBIF 047A039B.S-R2-D
01146 00924 CUNEOBIG 047A039C.S-E0-D
01146 00924 CUNLOBIG 047A039C.S-R2-D
01146 00924 CUNROBIG 047A039C.S-R2-D
01146 01047 CUNEOBM0 047A0417.S-E0-D
01146 01047 CUNLOBM0 047A0417.S-R2-D
01146 01047 CUNROBM0 047A0417.S-R2-D
01146 01051 CUNEOBM2 047A041B.S-E0-D
01146 01051 CUNROBM2 047A041B.S-R2-D
01146 01140 CUNROBN5 047A0474.S-R2-D
01146 01141 CUNROBN6 047A0475.S-R2-D
01146 01142 CUNROBN7 047A0476.S-R2-D
01146 01143 CUNROBN8 047A0477.S-R2-D
01146 01144 CUNROBN9 047A0478.S-R2-D
01146 01145 CUNROBOA 047A0479.S-R2-D
01146 01147 CUNROBOC 047A047B.S-R2-D
01146 01148 CUNLOBOD 047A047C.S-R2-D
01146 01148 CUNROBOD 047A047C.S-R2-D
01146 01149 CUNROBOE 047A047D.S-R2-D
01146 01153 CUNEOBOF 047A0481.S-E0-D
01146 01153 CUNROBOF 047A0481.S-R2-D
01146 01154 CUNEOBOG 047A0482.S-E0-D
01146 01154 CUNROBOG 047A0482.S-R2-D
01146 01155 CUNEOBOH 047A0483.S-E0-D
01146 01155 CUNROBOH 047A0483.S-R2-D
01146 01156 CUNEOBOI 047A0484.S-E0-D
01146 01156 CUNROBOI 047A0484.S-R2-D
01146 01157 CUNEOBOJ 047A0485.S-E0-D
01146 01157 CUNROBOJ 047A0485.S-R2-D
01146 01160 CUNEOBOM 047A0488.S-E0-D
01146 01160 CUNROBOM 047A0488.S-R2-D
01146 01161 CUNEOBON 047A0489.S-E0-D
01146 01161 CUNROBON 047A0489.S-R2-D
01146 01162 CUNEOBOO 047A048A.S-E0-D
01146 01162 CUNROBOO 047A048A.S-R2-D
01146 01252 CUNEOBPS 047A04E4.S-E0-D
01146 01252 CUNROBPS 047A04E4.S-RC-D
01146 01275 CUNEOBP6 047A04FB.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 271

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01146 01275 CUNROBP6 047A04FB.S-R2-D
01146 04909 CUNEOBDG 047A132D.S-E0-D
01146 04909 CUNROBDG 047A132D.S-R2-D
01146 04971 CUNEOBG9 047A136B.S-E0-D
01146 04971 CUNROBG9 047A136B.S-R2-D
01146 05123 CUNEOBMJ 047A1403.S-E0-D
01146 05348 CUNEOBPT 047A14E4.S-E0-D
01146 05348 CUNROBPT 047A14E4.S-R2-D
01146 09044 CUNEOBEN 047A2354.S-E0-D
01146 09044 CUNROBEN 047A2354.S-R2-D
01146 09049 CUNEOBFE 047A2359.S-E0-D
01146 09049 CUNROBFE 047A2359.S-R2-D
01146 09061 CUNEOBGR 047A2365.S-E0-D
01146 09061 CUNROBGR 047A2365.S-R2-D
01146 17248 CUNEOBF2 047A4360.S-E0-D
01146 17248 CUNROBF2 047A4360.S-R2-D
01146 17584 CUNLOBPH 047A44B0.SU-R-D
01146 17584 CUNROBPH 047A44B0.SU-R-D
01147 00037 CUNEOCAA 047B0025.S-E0-D
01147 00037 CUNROCAA 047B0025.S-R2-D
01147 00273 CUNEOCAV 047B0111.S-E0-D
01147 00273 CUNROCAV 047B0111.S-R2-D
01147 00277 CUNEOCA2 047B0115.S-E0-D
01147 00277 CUNROCA2 047B0115.S-R2-D
01147 00278 CUNEOCA4 047B0116.S-E0-D
01147 00278 CUNROCA4 047B0116.S-R2-D
01147 00280 CUNEOCA6 047B0118.S-E0-D
01147 00280 CUNROCA6 047B0118.S-R2-D
01147 00284 CUNEOCBB 047B011C.S-E0-D
01147 00284 CUNROCBB 047B011C.S-R2-D
01147 00285 CUNEOCBE 047B011D.S-E0-D
01147 00285 CUNROCBE 047B011D.S-R2-D
01147 00297 CUNEOCBN 047B0129.S-E0-D
01147 00437 CUNEOCCE 047B01B5.S-E0-D
01147 00437 CUNROCCE 047B01B5.S-R2-D
01147 00500 CUNEOCCR 047B01F4.S-E0-D
01147 00500 CUNLOCCR 047B01F4.S-R2-D
01147 00500 CUNROCCR 047B01F4.S-R2-D
01147 00819 CUNEOCDH 047B0333.S-E0-D
01147 00819 CUNLOCDH 047B0333.S-R2-D
01147 00819 CUNROCDH 047B0333.S-R2-D

272 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01147 00850 CUNEOCEB 047B0352.S-E0-D
01147 00850 CUNLOCEB 047B0352.S-R2-D
01147 00850 CUNROCEB 047B0352.S-R2-D
01147 00858 CUNEOCFI 047B035A.S-E0-D
01147 00858 CUNLOCFI 047B035A.S-R2-D
01147 00858 CUNROCFI 047B035A.S-R2-D
01147 00863 CUNEOCFV 047B035F.S-E0-D
01147 00863 CUNROCFV 047B035F.S-RC-D
01147 00871 CUNEOCGY 047B0367.S-E0-D
01147 00871 CUNROCGY 047B0367.S-R2-D
01147 00872 CUNEOCG0 047B0368.S-E0-D
01147 00872 CUNROCG0 047B0368.S-R2-D
01147 00923 CUNEOCIF 047B039B.S-E0-D
01147 00923 CUNROCIF 047B039B.S-R2-D
01147 00924 CUNEOCIG 047B039C.S-E0-D
01147 00924 CUNLOCIG 047B039C.S-R2-D
01147 00924 CUNROCIG 047B039C.S-R2-D
01147 01047 CUNEOCM0 047B0417.S-E0-D
01147 01047 CUNLOCM0 047B0417.S-R2-D
01147 01047 CUNROCM0 047B0417.S-R2-D
01147 01051 CUNEOCM2 047B041B.S-E0-D
01147 01051 CUNROCM2 047B041B.S-R2-D
01147 01140 CUNROCN5 047B0474.S-R2-D
01147 01141 CUNROCN6 047B0475.S-R2-D
01147 01142 CUNROCN7 047B0476.S-R2-D
01147 01143 CUNROCN8 047B0477.S-R2-D
01147 01144 CUNROCN9 047B0478.S-R2-D
01147 01145 CUNROCOA 047B0479.S-R2-D
01147 01146 CUNROCOB 047B047A.S-R2-D
01147 01148 CUNLOCOD 047B047C.S-R2-D
01147 01148 CUNROCOD 047B047C.S-R2-D
01147 01149 CUNROCOE 047B047D.S-R2-D
01147 01153 CUNEOCOF 047B0481.S-E0-D
01147 01153 CUNROCOF 047B0481.S-R2-D
01147 01154 CUNEOCOG 047B0482.S-E0-D
01147 01154 CUNROCOG 047B0482.S-R2-D
01147 01155 CUNEOCOH 047B0483.S-E0-D
01147 01155 CUNROCOH 047B0483.S-R2-D
01147 01156 CUNEOCOI 047B0484.S-E0-D
01147 01156 CUNROCOI 047B0484.S-R2-D
01147 01157 CUNEOCOJ 047B0485.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 273

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01147 01157 CUNROCOJ 047B0485.S-R2-D
01147 01160 CUNEOCOM 047B0488.S-E0-D
01147 01160 CUNROCOM 047B0488.S-R2-D
01147 01161 CUNEOCON 047B0489.S-E0-D
01147 01161 CUNROCON 047B0489.S-R2-D
01147 01162 CUNEOCOO 047B048A.S-E0-D
01147 01162 CUNROCOO 047B048A.S-R2-D
01147 01252 CUNEOCPS 047B04E4.S-E0-D
01147 01252 CUNROCPS 047B04E4.S-RC-D
01147 01275 CUNEOCP6 047B04FB.S-E0-D
01147 01275 CUNROCP6 047B04FB.S-R2-D
01147 04909 CUNEOCDG 047B132D.S-E0-D
01147 04909 CUNROCDG 047B132D.S-R2-D
01147 04971 CUNEOCG9 047B136B.S-E0-D
01147 04971 CUNROCG9 047B136B.S-R2-D
01147 05123 CUNEOCMJ 047B1403.S-E0-D
01147 05348 CUNEOCPT 047B14E4.S-E0-D
01147 05348 CUNROCPT 047B14E4.S-R2-D
01147 09044 CUNEOCEN 047B2354.S-E0-D
01147 09044 CUNROCEN 047B2354.S-R2-D
01147 09049 CUNEOCFE 047B2359.S-E0-D
01147 09049 CUNROCFE 047B2359.S-R2-D
01147 09061 CUNEOCGR 047B2365.S-E0-D
01147 09061 CUNROCGR 047B2365.S-R2-D
01147 17248 CUNEOCF2 047B4360.S-E0-D
01147 17248 CUNROCF2 047B4360.S-R2-D
01147 17584 CUNLOCPH 047B44B0.SU-R-D
01147 17584 CUNROCPH 047B44B0.SU-R-D
01148 00037 CUNEODAA 047C0025.S-E0-D
01148 00037 CUNRODAA 047C0025.S-R2-D
01148 00273 CUNEODAV 047C0111.S-E0-D
01148 00273 CUNRODAV 047C0111.S-R2-D
01148 00274 CUNEODAX 047C0112.S-E0-D
01148 00274 CUNLODAX 047C0112.S-R2-D
01148 00274 CUNRODAX 047C0112.S-R2-D
01148 00275 CUNEODAZ 047C0113.S-E0-D
01148 00275 CUNLODAZ 047C0113.S-R2-D
01148 00275 CUNRODAZ 047C0113.S-R2-D
01148 00277 CUNEODA2 047C0115.S-E0-D
01148 00277 CUNRODA2 047C0115.S-R2-D
01148 00278 CUNEODA4 047C0116.S-E0-D

274 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01148 00278 CUNRODA4 047C0116.S-R2-D
01148 00280 CUNEODA6 047C0118.S-E0-D
01148 00280 CUNRODA6 047C0118.S-R2-D
01148 00281 CUNEODA8 047C0119.S-E0-D
01148 00281 CUNLODA8 047C0119.S-R2-D
01148 00281 CUNRODA8 047C0119.S-R2-D
01148 00282 CUNEODA9 047C011A.S-E0-D
01148 00282 CUNLODA9 047C011A.S-R2-D
01148 00282 CUNRODA9 047C011A.S-R2-D
01148 00284 CUNEODBB 047C011C.S-E0-D
01148 00284 CUNRODBB 047C011C.S-R2-D
01148 00285 CUNEODBE 047C011D.S-E0-D
01148 00285 CUNRODBE 047C011D.S-R2-D
01148 00290 CUNEODBH 047C0122.S-E0-D
01148 00290 CUNLODBH 047C0122.S-E0-D
01148 00290 CUNRODBH 047C0122.S-R2-D
01148 00297 CUNEODBN 047C0129.S-E0-D
01148 00297 CUNRODBN 047C0129.S-R2-D
01148 00437 CUNEODCE 047C01B5.S-E0-D
01148 00437 CUNRODCE 047C01B5.S-R2-D
01148 00500 CUNEODCR 047C01F4.S-E0-D
01148 00808 CUNEODD5 047C0328.S-E0-D
01148 00808 CUNRODD5 047C0328.S-R2-D
01148 00819 CUNEODDH 047C0333.S-E0-D
01148 00819 CUNLODDH 047C0333.S-R2-D
01148 00819 CUNRODDH 047C0333.S-R2-D
01148 00848 CUNEODD7 047C0350.S-E0-D
01148 00848 CUNRODD7 047C0350.S-R2-D
01148 00849 CUNEODD9 047C0351.S-E0-D
01148 00849 CUNRODD9 047C0351.S-R2-D
01148 00850 CUNEODEB 047C0352.S-E0-D
01148 00850 CUNLODEB 047C0352.S-R2-D
01148 00850 CUNRODEB 047C0352.S-R2-D
01148 00858 CUNEODFI 047C035A.S-E0-D
01148 00858 CUNLODFI 047C035A.S-R2-D
01148 00858 CUNRODFI 047C035A.S-R2-D
01148 00860 CUNEODFM 047C035C.S-E0-D
01148 00860 CUNRODFM 047C035C.S-RC-D
01148 00861 CUNEODFP 047C035D.S-E0-D
01148 00861 CUNRODFP 047C035D.S-R2-D
01148 00863 CUNEODFV 047C035F.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 275

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01148 00863 CUNRODFV 047C035F.S-RC-D
01148 00865 CUNEODGA 047C0361.S-E0-D
01148 00865 CUNRODGA 047C0361.S-R2-D
01148 00871 CUNEODGY 047C0367.S-E0-D
01148 00871 CUNRODGY 047C0367.S-R2-D
01148 00872 CUNEODG0 047C0368.S-E0-D
01148 00872 CUNRODG0 047C0368.S-R2-D
01148 00901 CUNEODHS 047C0385.S-E0-D
01148 00901 CUNRODHS 047C0385.S-R2-D
01148 00902 CUNEODHU 047C0386.S-E0-D
01148 00902 CUNRODHU 047C0386.S-R2-D
01148 00923 CUNEODIF 047C039B.S-E0-D
01148 00923 CUNRODIF 047C039B.S-R2-D
01148 00924 CUNEODIG 047C039C.S-E0-D
01148 00924 CUNLODIG 047C039C.S-R2-D
01148 00924 CUNRODIG 047C039C.S-R2-D
01148 01027 CUNEODMI 047C0403.S-E0-D
01148 01027 CUNLODMI 047C0403.S-E0-D
01148 01027 CUNRODMI 047C0403.S-R2-D
01148 01047 CUNEODM0 047C0417.S-E0-D
01148 01047 CUNLODM0 047C0417.S-R2-D
01148 01047 CUNRODM0 047C0417.S-R2-D
01148 01051 CUNEODM2 047C041B.S-E0-D
01148 01051 CUNRODM2 047C041B.S-R2-D
01148 01123 CUNEODNQ 047C0463.S-E0-D
01148 01123 CUNRODNQ 047C0463.S-R2-D
01148 01140 CUNLODN5 047C0474.S-R2-D
01148 01140 CUNRODN5 047C0474.S-R2-D
01148 01141 CUNLODN6 047C0475.S-R2-D
01148 01141 CUNRODN6 047C0475.S-R2-D
01148 01142 CUNLODN7 047C0476.S-R2-D
01148 01142 CUNRODN7 047C0476.S-R2-D
01148 01143 CUNLODN8 047C0477.S-R2-D
01148 01143 CUNRODN8 047C0477.S-R2-D
01148 01144 CUNLODN9 047C0478.S-R2-D
01148 01144 CUNRODN9 047C0478.S-R2-D
01148 01145 CUNLODOA 047C0479.S-R2-D
01148 01145 CUNRODOA 047C0479.S-R2-D
01148 01146 CUNLODOB 047C047A.S-R2-D
01148 01146 CUNRODOB 047C047A.S-R2-D
01148 01147 CUNLODOC 047C047B.S-R2-D

276 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01148 01147 CUNRODOC 047C047B.S-R2-D
01148 01149 CUNLODOE 047C047D.S-R2-D
01148 01149 CUNRODOE 047C047D.S-R2-D
01148 01153 CUNEODOF 047C0481.S-E0-D
01148 01153 CUNRODOF 047C0481.S-R2-D
01148 01154 CUNEODOG 047C0482.S-E0-D
01148 01154 CUNRODOG 047C0482.S-R2-D
01148 01155 CUNEODOH 047C0483.S-E0-D
01148 01155 CUNRODOH 047C0483.S-R2-D
01148 01156 CUNEODOI 047C0484.S-E0-D
01148 01156 CUNRODOI 047C0484.S-R2-D
01148 01157 CUNEODOJ 047C0485.S-E0-D
01148 01157 CUNRODOJ 047C0485.S-R2-D
01148 01158 CUNEODOK 047C0486.S-E0-D
01148 01158 CUNRODOK 047C0486.S-R2-D
01148 01159 CUNEODOL 047C0487.S-E0-D
01148 01159 CUNRODOL 047C0487.S-R2-D
01148 01160 CUNEODOM 047C0488.S-E0-D
01148 01160 CUNRODOM 047C0488.S-R2-D
01148 01161 CUNEODON 047C0489.S-E0-D
01148 01161 CUNRODON 047C0489.S-R2-D
01148 01162 CUNEODOO 047C048A.S-E0-D
01148 01162 CUNRODOO 047C048A.S-R2-D
01148 01163 CUNEODOP 047C048B.S-E0-D
01148 01163 CUNRODOP 047C048B.S-R2-D
01148 01164 CUNEODOQ 047C048C.S-E0-D
01148 01164 CUNRODOQ 047C048C.S-R2-D
01148 01252 CUNEODPS 047C04E4.S-E0-D
01148 01252 CUNRODPS 047C04E4.S-RC-D
01148 01275 CUNEODP6 047C04FB.S-E0-D
01148 01275 CUNRODP6 047C04FB.S-R2-D
01148 04899 CUNEODDB 047C1323.S-E0-D
01148 04899 CUNRODDB 047C1323.S-R2-D
01148 04909 CUNEODDG 047C132D.S-E0-D
01148 04909 CUNRODDG 047C132D.S-R2-D
01148 04971 CUNEODG9 047C136B.S-E0-D
01148 04971 CUNRODG9 047C136B.S-R2-D
01148 05123 CUNEODMJ 047C1403.S-E0-D
01148 05210 CUNEODNJ 047C145A.S-E0-D
01148 05210 CUNRODNJ 047C145A.S-R2-D
01148 05346 CUNEODPP 047C14E2.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 277

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01148 05346 CUNRODPP 047C14E2.S-R2-D
01148 05347 CUNEODPR 047C14E3.S-E0-D
01148 05347 CUNRODPR 047C14E3.S-R2-D
01148 05348 CUNEODPT 047C14E4.S-E0-D
01148 05348 CUNRODPT 047C14E4.S-R2-D
01148 05349 CUNEODPV 047C14E5.S-E0-D
01148 05349 CUNRODPV 047C14E5.S-R2-D
01148 05351 CUNEODPZ 047C14E7.S-E0-D
01148 05351 CUNRODPZ 047C14E7.S-R2-D
01148 05352 CUNEODP1 047C14E8.S-E0-D
01148 05352 CUNRODP1 047C14E8.S-R2-D
01148 05354 CUNEODP5 047C14EA.S-E0-D
01148 05354 CUNRODP5 047C14EA.S-R2-D
01148 08482 CUNEODBJ 047C2122.S-E0-D
01148 08482 CUNRODBJ 047C2122.S-R2-D
01148 09044 CUNEODEN 047C2354.S-E0-D
01148 09044 CUNRODEN 047C2354.S-R2-D
01148 09049 CUNEODFE 047C2359.S-E0-D
01148 09049 CUNRODFE 047C2359.S-R2-D
01148 09061 CUNEODGR 047C2365.S-E0-D
01148 09061 CUNRODGR 047C2365.S-R2-D
01148 09238 CUNEODMZ 047C2416.S-E0-D
01148 09238 CUNRODMZ 047C2416.S-R2-D
01148 12712 CUNEODCD 047C31A8.S-E0-D
01148 12712 CUNRODCD 047C31A8.S-R2-D
01148 16804 CUNEODB5 047C41A4.S-E0-D
01148 16804 CUNRODB5 047C41A4.S-R2-D
01148 17248 CUNEODF2 047C4360.S-E0-D
01148 17248 CUNRODF2 047C4360.S-R2-D
01148 17584 CUNLODPH 047C44B0.SU-R-D
01148 17584 CUNRODPH 047C44B0.SU-R-D
01149 00037 CUNEOEAA 047D0025.S-E0-D
01149 00037 CUNROEAA 047D0025.S-R2-D
01149 00273 CUNEOEAV 047D0111.S-E0-D
01149 00273 CUNROEAV 047D0111.S-R2-D
01149 00277 CUNEOEA2 047D0115.S-E0-D
01149 00277 CUNROEA2 047D0115.S-R2-D
01149 00278 CUNEOEA4 047D0116.S-E0-D
01149 00278 CUNROEA4 047D0116.S-R2-D
01149 00280 CUNEOEA6 047D0118.S-E0-D
01149 00280 CUNROEA6 047D0118.S-R2-D

278 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01149 00284 CUNEOEBB 047D011C.S-E0-D
01149 00284 CUNROEBB 047D011C.S-R2-D
01149 00285 CUNEOEBE 047D011D.S-E0-D
01149 00285 CUNROEBE 047D011D.S-R2-D
01149 00297 CUNEOEBN 047D0129.S-E0-D
01149 00297 CUNROEBN 047D0129.S-R2-D
01149 00437 CUNEOECE 047D01B5.S-E0-D
01149 00437 CUNROECE 047D01B5.S-R2-D
01149 00500 CUNEOECR 047D01F4.S-E0-D
01149 00500 CUNLOECR 047D01F4.S-R2-D
01149 00500 CUNROECR 047D01F4.S-R2-D
01149 00819 CUNEOEDH 047D0333.S-E0-D
01149 00819 CUNLOEDH 047D0333.S-R2-D
01149 00819 CUNROEDH 047D0333.S-R2-D
01149 00850 CUNEOEEB 047D0352.S-E0-D
01149 00850 CUNLOEEB 047D0352.S-R2-D
01149 00850 CUNROEEB 047D0352.S-R2-D
01149 00858 CUNEOEFI 047D035A.S-E0-D
01149 00858 CUNLOEFI 047D035A.S-R2-D
01149 00858 CUNROEFI 047D035A.S-R2-D
01149 00861 CUNEOEFP 047D035D.S-E0-D
01149 00861 CUNROEFP 047D035D.S-R2-D
01149 00863 CUNEOEFV 047D035F.S-E0-D
01149 00863 CUNROEFV 047D035F.S-RC-D
01149 00871 CUNEOEGY 047D0367.S-E0-D
01149 00872 CUNEOEG0 047D0368.S-E0-D
01149 00872 CUNROEG0 047D0368.S-R2-D
01149 00923 CUNEOEIF 047D039B.S-E0-D
01149 00923 CUNROEIF 047D039B.S-R2-D
01149 00924 CUNEOEIG 047D039C.S-E0-D
01149 00924 CUNLOEIG 047D039C.S-R2-D
01149 00924 CUNROEIG 047D039C.S-R2-D
01149 01047 CUNEOEM0 047D0417.S-E0-D
01149 01047 CUNLOEM0 047D0417.S-R2-D
01149 01047 CUNROEM0 047D0417.S-R2-D
01149 01051 CUNEOEM2 047D041B.S-E0-D
01149 01051 CUNROEM2 047D041B.S-R2-D
01149 01140 CUNROEN5 047D0474.S-R2-D
01149 01141 CUNROEN6 047D0475.S-R2-D
01149 01142 CUNROEN7 047D0476.S-R2-D
01149 01143 CUNROEN8 047D0477.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 279

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01149 01144 CUNROEN9 047D0478.S-R2-D
01149 01145 CUNROEOA 047D0479.S-R2-D
01149 01146 CUNROEOB 047D047A.S-R2-D
01149 01147 CUNROEOC 047D047B.S-R2-D
01149 01148 CUNLOEOD 047D047C.S-R2-D
01149 01148 CUNROEOD 047D047C.S-R2-D
01149 01153 CUNEOEOF 047D0481.S-E0-D
01149 01153 CUNROEOF 047D0481.S-R2-D
01149 01154 CUNEOEOG 047D0482.S-E0-D
01149 01154 CUNROEOG 047D0482.S-R2-D
01149 01155 CUNEOEOH 047D0483.S-E0-D
01149 01155 CUNROEOH 047D0483.S-R2-D
01149 01156 CUNEOEOI 047D0484.S-E0-D
01149 01156 CUNROEOI 047D0484.S-R2-D
01149 01157 CUNEOEOJ 047D0485.S-E0-D
01149 01157 CUNROEOJ 047D0485.S-R2-D
01149 01160 CUNEOEOM 047D0488.S-E0-D
01149 01160 CUNROEOM 047D0488.S-R2-D
01149 01161 CUNEOEON 047D0489.S-E0-D
01149 01161 CUNROEON 047D0489.S-R2-D
01149 01162 CUNEOEOO 047D048A.S-E0-D
01149 01162 CUNROEOO 047D048A.S-R2-D
01149 01252 CUNEOEPS 047D04E4.S-E0-D
01149 01252 CUNROEPS 047D04E4.S-RC-D
01149 01275 CUNEOEP6 047D04FB.S-E0-D
01149 01275 CUNROEP6 047D04FB.S-R2-D
01149 04909 CUNEOEDG 047D132D.S-E0-D
01149 04909 CUNROEDG 047D132D.S-R2-D
01149 04971 CUNEOEG9 047D136B.S-E0-D
01149 04971 CUNROEG9 047D136B.S-R2-D
01149 05123 CUNEOEMJ 047D1403.S-E0-D
01149 05348 CUNEOEPT 047D14E4.S-E0-D
01149 05348 CUNROEPT 047D14E4.S-R2-D
01149 09044 CUNEOEEN 047D2354.S-E0-D
01149 09044 CUNROEEN 047D2354.S-R2-D
01149 09049 CUNEOEFE 047D2359.S-E0-D
01149 09049 CUNROEFE 047D2359.S-R2-D
01149 09061 CUNEOEGR 047D2365.S-E0-D
01149 09061 CUNROEGR 047D2365.S-R2-D
01149 17248 CUNEOEF2 047D4360.S-E0-D
01149 17248 CUNROEF2 047D4360.S-R2-D

280 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01149 17584 CUNLOEPH 047D44B0.SU-R-D
01149 17584 CUNROEPH 047D44B0.SU-R-D
01153 00808 CUNEOFD5 04810328.S-E0-D
01153 00808 CUNROFD5 04810328.S-R2-D
01153 00858 CUNEOFFI 0481035A.S-E0-D
01153 00858 CUNROFFI 0481035A.S-R2-D
01153 00859 CUNEOFFK 0481035B.S-E0-D
01153 00859 CUNROFFK 0481035B.S-R2-D
01153 00867 CUNEOFGF 04810363.S-E0-D
01153 00867 CUNROFGF 04810363.S-R2-D
01153 00872 CUNEOFG0 04810368.S-E0-D
01153 00872 CUNROFG0 04810368.S-R2-D
01153 00923 CUNEOFIF 0481039B.S-E0-D
01153 00923 CUNROFIF 0481039B.S-R2-D
01153 00924 CUNEOFIG 0481039C.S-E0-D
01153 00924 CUNROFIG 0481039C.S-R2-D
01153 01140 CUNEOFN5 04810474.S-E0-D
01153 01140 CUNROFN5 04810474.S-R2-D
01153 01141 CUNEOFN6 04810475.S-E0-D
01153 01141 CUNROFN6 04810475.S-R2-D
01153 01142 CUNEOFN7 04810476.S-E0-D
01153 01142 CUNROFN7 04810476.S-R2-D
01153 01143 CUNEOFN8 04810477.S-E0-D
01153 01143 CUNROFN8 04810477.S-R2-D
01153 01144 CUNEOFN9 04810478.S-E0-D
01153 01144 CUNROFN9 04810478.S-R2-D
01153 01145 CUNEOFOA 04810479.S-E0-D
01153 01145 CUNROFOA 04810479.S-R2-D
01153 01146 CUNEOFOB 0481047A.S-E0-D
01153 01146 CUNROFOB 0481047A.S-R2-D
01153 01147 CUNEOFOC 0481047B.S-E0-D
01153 01147 CUNROFOC 0481047B.S-R2-D
01153 01148 CUNEOFOD 0481047C.S-E0-D
01153 01148 CUNROFOD 0481047C.S-R2-D
01153 01149 CUNEOFOE 0481047D.S-E0-D
01153 01149 CUNROFOE 0481047D.S-R2-D
01153 01154 CUNEOFOG 04810482.S-E0-D
01153 01154 CUNROFOG 04810482.S-R2-D
01153 01155 CUNEOFOH 04810483.S-E0-D
01153 01155 CUNROFOH 04810483.S-R2-D
01153 01156 CUNEOFOI 04810484.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 281

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01153 01156 CUNROFOI 04810484.S-R2-D
01153 01157 CUNEOFOJ 04810485.S-E0-D
01153 01157 CUNROFOJ 04810485.S-R2-D
01153 01160 CUNEOFOM 04810488.S-E0-D
01153 01160 CUNROFOM 04810488.S-R2-D
01153 01161 CUNEOFON 04810489.S-E0-D
01153 01161 CUNROFON 04810489.S-R2-D
01153 01162 CUNEOFOO 0481048A.S-E0-D
01153 01162 CUNROFOO 0481048A.S-R2-D
01153 04909 CUNEOFDG 0481132D.S-E0-D
01153 04909 CUNROFDG 0481132D.S-R2-D
01153 04971 CUNEOFG9 0481136B.S-E0-D
01153 04971 CUNROFG9 0481136B.S-R2-D
01153 05346 CUNEOFPP 048114E2.S-E0-D
01153 05346 CUNROFPP 048114E2.S-R2-D
01153 05348 CUNEOFPT 048114E4.S-E0-D
01153 05348 CUNROFPT 048114E4.S-R2-D
01153 09044 CUNEOFEN 04812354.S-E0-D
01153 09044 CUNROFEN 04812354.S-R2-D
01153 09049 CUNEOFFE 04812359.S-E0-D
01153 09049 CUNROFFE 04812359.S-R2-D
01153 09061 CUNEOFGR 04812365.S-E0-D
01153 09061 CUNROFGR 04812365.S-R2-D
01153 17248 CUNEOFF2 04814360.S-E0-D
01153 17248 CUNROFF2 04814360.S-R2-D
01153 17584 CUNROFPH 048144B0.SU-R-D
01154 00808 CUNEOGD5 04820328.S-E0-D
01154 00808 CUNROGD5 04820328.S-R2-D
01154 00848 CUNROGD7 04820350.S-R2-D
01154 00849 CUNEOGD9 04820351.S-E0-D
01154 00849 CUNROGD9 04820351.S-R2-D
01154 00858 CUNEOGFI 0482035A.S-E0-D
01154 00858 CUNROGFI 0482035A.S-R2-D
01154 00859 CUNEOGFK 0482035B.S-E0-D
01154 00859 CUNROGFK 0482035B.S-R2-D
01154 00867 CUNEOGGF 04820363.S-E0-D
01154 00867 CUNROGGF 04820363.S-R2-D
01154 00872 CUNEOGG0 04820368.S-E0-D
01154 00872 CUNROGG0 04820368.S-R2-D
01154 00923 CUNEOGIF 0482039B.S-E0-D
01154 00923 CUNROGIF 0482039B.S-R2-D

282 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01154 00924 CUNEOGIG 0482039C.S-E0-D
01154 00924 CUNROGIG 0482039C.S-R2-D
01154 01140 CUNEOGN5 04820474.S-E0-D
01154 01140 CUNROGN5 04820474.S-R2-D
01154 01141 CUNEOGN6 04820475.S-E0-D
01154 01141 CUNROGN6 04820475.S-R2-D
01154 01142 CUNEOGN7 04820476.S-E0-D
01154 01142 CUNROGN7 04820476.S-R2-D
01154 01143 CUNEOGN8 04820477.S-E0-D
01154 01143 CUNROGN8 04820477.S-R2-D
01154 01144 CUNEOGN9 04820478.S-E0-D
01154 01144 CUNROGN9 04820478.S-R2-D
01154 01145 CUNEOGOA 04820479.S-E0-D
01154 01145 CUNROGOA 04820479.S-R2-D
01154 01146 CUNEOGOB 0482047A.S-E0-D
01154 01146 CUNROGOB 0482047A.S-R2-D
01154 01147 CUNEOGOC 0482047B.S-E0-D
01154 01147 CUNROGOC 0482047B.S-R2-D
01154 01148 CUNEOGOD 0482047C.S-E0-D
01154 01148 CUNROGOD 0482047C.S-R2-D
01154 01149 CUNEOGOE 0482047D.S-E0-D
01154 01149 CUNROGOE 0482047D.S-R2-D
01154 01153 CUNEOGOF 04820481.S-E0-D
01154 01153 CUNROGOF 04820481.S-R2-D
01154 01155 CUNEOGOH 04820483.S-E0-D
01154 01155 CUNROGOH 04820483.S-R2-D
01154 01156 CUNEOGOI 04820484.S-E0-D
01154 01156 CUNROGOI 04820484.S-R2-D
01154 01157 CUNEOGOJ 04820485.S-E0-D
01154 01157 CUNROGOJ 04820485.S-R2-D
01154 01160 CUNEOGOM 04820488.S-E0-D
01154 01160 CUNROGOM 04820488.S-R2-D
01154 01161 CUNEOGON 04820489.S-E0-D
01154 01161 CUNROGON 04820489.S-R2-D
01154 01162 CUNEOGOO 0482048A.S-E0-D
01154 01162 CUNROGOO 0482048A.S-R2-D
01154 04909 CUNEOGDG 0482132D.S-E0-D
01154 04909 CUNROGDG 0482132D.S-R2-D
01154 04971 CUNEOGG9 0482136B.S-E0-D
01154 04971 CUNROGG9 0482136B.S-R2-D
01154 05123 CUNEOGMJ 04821403.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 283

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01154 05347 CUNEOGPR 048214E3.S-E0-D
01154 05347 CUNROGPR 048214E3.S-R2-D
01154 05348 CUNEOGPT 048214E4.S-E0-D
01154 05348 CUNROGPT 048214E4.S-R2-D
01154 09044 CUNEOGEN 04822354.S-E0-D
01154 09044 CUNROGEN 04822354.S-R2-D
01154 09049 CUNEOGFE 04822359.S-E0-D
01154 09049 CUNROGFE 04822359.S-R2-D
01154 09061 CUNEOGGR 04822365.S-E0-D
01154 09061 CUNROGGR 04822365.S-R2-D
01154 16804 CUNEOGB5 048241A4.S-E0-D
01154 16804 CUNROGB5 048241A4.S-R2-D
01154 17248 CUNEOGF2 04824360.S-E0-D
01154 17248 CUNROGF2 04824360.S-R2-D
01154 17584 CUNROGPH 048244B0.SU-R-D
01155 00858 CUNEOHFI 0483035A.S-E0-D
01155 00858 CUNROHFI 0483035A.S-R2-D
01155 00859 CUNEOHFK 0483035B.S-E0-D
01155 00859 CUNROHFK 0483035B.S-R2-D
01155 00867 CUNEOHGF 04830363.S-E0-D
01155 00867 CUNROHGF 04830363.S-R2-D
01155 00872 CUNEOHG0 04830368.S-E0-D
01155 00872 CUNROHG0 04830368.S-R2-D
01155 00923 CUNEOHIF 0483039B.S-E0-D
01155 00923 CUNROHIF 0483039B.S-R2-D
01155 00924 CUNEOHIG 0483039C.S-E0-D
01155 00924 CUNROHIG 0483039C.S-R2-D
01155 01140 CUNEOHN5 04830474.S-E0-D
01155 01140 CUNROHN5 04830474.S-R2-D
01155 01141 CUNEOHN6 04830475.S-E0-D
01155 01141 CUNROHN6 04830475.S-R2-D
01155 01142 CUNEOHN7 04830476.S-E0-D
01155 01142 CUNROHN7 04830476.S-R2-D
01155 01143 CUNEOHN8 04830477.S-E0-D
01155 01143 CUNROHN8 04830477.S-R2-D
01155 01144 CUNEOHN9 04830478.S-E0-D
01155 01144 CUNROHN9 04830478.S-R2-D
01155 01145 CUNEOHOA 04830479.S-E0-D
01155 01145 CUNROHOA 04830479.S-R2-D
01155 01146 CUNEOHOB 0483047A.S-E0-D
01155 01146 CUNROHOB 0483047A.S-R2-D

284 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01155 01147 CUNEOHOC 0483047B.S-E0-D
01155 01147 CUNROHOC 0483047B.S-R2-D
01155 01148 CUNEOHOD 0483047C.S-E0-D
01155 01148 CUNROHOD 0483047C.S-R2-D
01155 01149 CUNEOHOE 0483047D.S-E0-D
01155 01149 CUNROHOE 0483047D.S-R2-D
01155 01153 CUNEOHOF 04830481.S-E0-D
01155 01153 CUNROHOF 04830481.S-R2-D
01155 01154 CUNEOHOG 04830482.S-E0-D
01155 01154 CUNROHOG 04830482.S-R2-D
01155 01156 CUNEOHOI 04830484.S-E0-D
01155 01156 CUNROHOI 04830484.S-R2-D
01155 01157 CUNEOHOJ 04830485.S-E0-D
01155 01157 CUNROHOJ 04830485.S-R2-D
01155 01160 CUNEOHOM 04830488.S-E0-D
01155 01160 CUNROHOM 04830488.S-R2-D
01155 01161 CUNEOHON 04830489.S-E0-D
01155 01161 CUNROHON 04830489.S-R2-D
01155 01162 CUNEOHOO 0483048A.S-E0-D
01155 01162 CUNROHOO 0483048A.S-R2-D
01155 04909 CUNEOHDG 0483132D.S-E0-D
01155 04909 CUNROHDG 0483132D.S-R2-D
01155 04971 CUNEOHG9 0483136B.S-E0-D
01155 04971 CUNROHG9 0483136B.S-R2-D
01155 05348 CUNEOHPT 048314E4.S-E0-D
01155 05348 CUNROHPT 048314E4.S-R2-D
01155 05350 CUNEOHPX 048314E6.S-E0-D
01155 05350 CUNROHPX 048314E6.S-R2-D
01155 09044 CUNEOHEN 04832354.S-E0-D
01155 09044 CUNROHEN 04832354.S-R2-D
01155 09049 CUNEOHFE 04832359.S-E0-D
01155 09049 CUNROHFE 04832359.S-R2-D
01155 09061 CUNEOHGR 04832365.S-E0-D
01155 09061 CUNROHGR 04832365.S-R2-D
01155 16804 CUNEOHB5 048341A4.S-E0-D
01155 16804 CUNROHB5 048341A4.S-R2-D
01155 17248 CUNEOHF2 04834360.S-E0-D
01155 17248 CUNROHF2 04834360.S-R2-D
01155 17584 CUNROHPH 048344B0.SU-R-D
01156 00858 CUNEOIFI 0484035A.S-E0-D
01156 00858 CUNROIFI 0484035A.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 285

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01156 00859 CUNEOIFK 0484035B.S-E0-D
01156 00859 CUNROIFK 0484035B.S-R2-D
01156 00901 CUNEOIHS 04840385.S-E0-D
01156 00901 CUNROIHS 04840385.S-R2-D
01156 00902 CUNEOIHU 04840386.S-E0-D
01156 00902 CUNROIHU 04840386.S-R2-D
01156 00923 CUNEOIIF 0484039B.S-E0-D
01156 00923 CUNROIIF 0484039B.S-R2-D
01156 00924 CUNEOIIG 0484039C.S-E0-D
01156 00924 CUNROIIG 0484039C.S-R2-D
01156 01140 CUNEOIN5 04840474.S-E0-D
01156 01140 CUNROIN5 04840474.S-R2-D
01156 01141 CUNEOIN6 04840475.S-E0-D
01156 01141 CUNROIN6 04840475.S-R2-D
01156 01142 CUNEOIN7 04840476.S-E0-D
01156 01142 CUNROIN7 04840476.S-R2-D
01156 01143 CUNEOIN8 04840477.S-E0-D
01156 01143 CUNROIN8 04840477.S-R2-D
01156 01144 CUNEOIN9 04840478.S-E0-D
01156 01144 CUNROIN9 04840478.S-R2-D
01156 01145 CUNEOIOA 04840479.S-E0-D
01156 01145 CUNROIOA 04840479.S-R2-D
01156 01146 CUNEOIOB 0484047A.S-E0-D
01156 01146 CUNROIOB 0484047A.S-R2-D
01156 01147 CUNEOIOC 0484047B.S-E0-D
01156 01147 CUNROIOC 0484047B.S-R2-D
01156 01148 CUNEOIOD 0484047C.S-E0-D
01156 01148 CUNROIOD 0484047C.S-R2-D
01156 01149 CUNEOIOE 0484047D.S-E0-D
01156 01149 CUNROIOE 0484047D.S-R2-D
01156 01153 CUNEOIOF 04840481.S-E0-D
01156 01153 CUNROIOF 04840481.S-R2-D
01156 01154 CUNEOIOG 04840482.S-E0-D
01156 01154 CUNROIOG 04840482.S-R2-D
01156 01155 CUNEOIOH 04840483.S-E0-D
01156 01155 CUNROIOH 04840483.S-R2-D
01156 01157 CUNEOIOJ 04840485.S-E0-D
01156 01157 CUNROIOJ 04840485.S-R2-D
01156 01160 CUNEOIOM 04840488.S-E0-D
01156 01160 CUNROIOM 04840488.S-R2-D
01156 04971 CUNEOIG9 0484136B.S-E0-D

286 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01156 04971 CUNROIG9 0484136B.S-R2-D
01156 05123 CUNEOIMJ 04841403.S-E0-D
01156 05348 CUNEOIPT 048414E4.S-E0-D
01156 05348 CUNROIPT 048414E4.S-R2-D
01156 05353 CUNEOIP3 048414E9.S-E0-D
01156 05353 CUNROIP3 048414E9.S-R2-D
01156 12712 CUNEOICD 048431A8.S-E0-D
01156 12712 CUNROICD 048431A8.S-R2-D
01156 16804 CUNEOIB5 048441A4.S-E0-D
01156 16804 CUNROIB5 048441A4.S-R2-D
01156 17584 CUNROIPH 048444B0.SU-R-D
01157 00858 CUNEOJFI 0485035A.S-E0-D
01157 00858 CUNROJFI 0485035A.S-R2-D
01157 00859 CUNEOJFK 0485035B.S-E0-D
01157 00859 CUNROJFK 0485035B.S-R2-D
01157 00901 CUNEOJHS 04850385.S-E0-D
01157 00901 CUNROJHS 04850385.S-R2-D
01157 00902 CUNEOJHU 04850386.S-E0-D
01157 00902 CUNROJHU 04850386.S-R2-D
01157 00923 CUNEOJIF 0485039B.S-E0-D
01157 00923 CUNROJIF 0485039B.S-R2-D
01157 00924 CUNEOJIG 0485039C.S-E0-D
01157 00924 CUNROJIG 0485039C.S-R2-D
01157 01140 CUNEOJN5 04850474.S-E0-D
01157 01140 CUNROJN5 04850474.S-R2-D
01157 01141 CUNEOJN6 04850475.S-E0-D
01157 01141 CUNROJN6 04850475.S-R2-D
01157 01142 CUNEOJN7 04850476.S-E0-D
01157 01142 CUNROJN7 04850476.S-R2-D
01157 01143 CUNEOJN8 04850477.S-E0-D
01157 01143 CUNROJN8 04850477.S-R2-D
01157 01144 CUNEOJN9 04850478.S-E0-D
01157 01144 CUNROJN9 04850478.S-R2-D
01157 01145 CUNEOJOA 04850479.S-E0-D
01157 01145 CUNROJOA 04850479.S-R2-D
01157 01146 CUNEOJOB 0485047A.S-E0-D
01157 01146 CUNROJOB 0485047A.S-R2-D
01157 01147 CUNEOJOC 0485047B.S-E0-D
01157 01147 CUNROJOC 0485047B.S-R2-D
01157 01148 CUNEOJOD 0485047C.S-E0-D
01157 01148 CUNROJOD 0485047C.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 287

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01157 01149 CUNEOJOE 0485047D.S-E0-D
01157 01149 CUNROJOE 0485047D.S-R2-D
01157 01153 CUNEOJOF 04850481.S-E0-D
01157 01153 CUNROJOF 04850481.S-R2-D
01157 01154 CUNEOJOG 04850482.S-E0-D
01157 01154 CUNROJOG 04850482.S-R2-D
01157 01155 CUNEOJOH 04850483.S-E0-D
01157 01155 CUNROJOH 04850483.S-R2-D
01157 01156 CUNEOJOI 04850484.S-E0-D
01157 01156 CUNROJOI 04850484.S-R2-D
01157 01160 CUNEOJOM 04850488.S-E0-D
01157 01160 CUNROJOM 04850488.S-R2-D
01157 04971 CUNEOJG9 0485136B.S-E0-D
01157 04971 CUNROJG9 0485136B.S-R2-D
01157 05123 CUNEOJMJ 04851403.S-E0-D
01157 05348 CUNEOJPT 048514E4.S-E0-D
01157 05348 CUNROJPT 048514E4.S-R2-D
01157 05353 CUNEOJP3 048514E9.S-E0-D
01157 05353 CUNROJP3 048514E9.S-R2-D
01157 12712 CUNEOJCD 048531A8.S-E0-D
01157 12712 CUNROJCD 048531A8.S-R2-D
01157 16804 CUNEOJB5 048541A4.S-E0-D
01157 16804 CUNROJB5 048541A4.S-R2-D
01157 17584 CUNROJPH 048544B0.SU-R-D
01158 00808 CUNROKD5 04860328.S-R2-D
01158 00848 CUNEOKD7 04860350.S-E0-D
01158 00848 CUNROKD7 04860350.S-R2-D
01158 00849 CUNROKD9 04860351.S-R2-D
01158 00923 CUNEOKIF 0486039B.S-E0-D
01158 00923 CUNROKIF 0486039B.S-R2-D
01158 01148 CUNEOKOD 0486047C.S-E0-D
01158 01148 CUNROKOD 0486047C.S-R2-D
01158 05347 CUNEOKPR 048614E3.S-E0-D
01158 05347 CUNROKPR 048614E3.S-R2-D
01158 05348 CUNEOKPT 048614E4.S-E0-D
01158 05348 CUNROKPT 048614E4.S-R2-D
01158 17584 CUNROKPH 048644B0.SU-R-D
01159 01148 CUNEOLOD 0487047C.S-E0-D
01159 01148 CUNROLOD 0487047C.S-R2-D
01159 05210 CUNEOLNJ 0487145A.S-EC-D
01159 17584 CUNROLPH 048744B0.SU-R-D

288 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01160 00858 CUNEOMFI 0488035A.S-E0-D
01160 00858 CUNROMFI 0488035A.S-R2-D
01160 00859 CUNEOMFK 0488035B.S-E0-D
01160 00859 CUNROMFK 0488035B.S-R2-D
01160 00867 CUNEOMGF 04880363.S-E0-D
01160 00867 CUNROMGF 04880363.S-R2-D
01160 00923 CUNEOMIF 0488039B.S-E0-D
01160 00923 CUNROMIF 0488039B.S-R2-D
01160 00924 CUNEOMIG 0488039C.S-E0-D
01160 00924 CUNROMIG 0488039C.S-R2-D
01160 01140 CUNEOMN5 04880474.S-E0-D
01160 01140 CUNROMN5 04880474.S-R2-D
01160 01141 CUNEOMN6 04880475.S-E0-D
01160 01141 CUNROMN6 04880475.S-R2-D
01160 01142 CUNEOMN7 04880476.S-E0-D
01160 01142 CUNROMN7 04880476.S-R2-D
01160 01143 CUNEOMN8 04880477.S-E0-D
01160 01143 CUNROMN8 04880477.S-R2-D
01160 01144 CUNEOMN9 04880478.S-E0-D
01160 01144 CUNROMN9 04880478.S-R2-D
01160 01145 CUNEOMOA 04880479.S-E0-D
01160 01145 CUNROMOA 04880479.S-R2-D
01160 01146 CUNEOMOB 0488047A.S-E0-D
01160 01146 CUNROMOB 0488047A.S-R2-D
01160 01147 CUNEOMOC 0488047B.S-E0-D
01160 01147 CUNROMOC 0488047B.S-R2-D
01160 01148 CUNEOMOD 0488047C.S-E0-D
01160 01148 CUNROMOD 0488047C.S-R2-D
01160 01149 CUNEOMOE 0488047D.S-E0-D
01160 01149 CUNROMOE 0488047D.S-R2-D
01160 01153 CUNEOMOF 04880481.S-E0-D
01160 01153 CUNROMOF 04880481.S-R2-D
01160 01154 CUNEOMOG 04880482.S-E0-D
01160 01154 CUNROMOG 04880482.S-R2-D
01160 01155 CUNEOMOH 04880483.S-E0-D
01160 01155 CUNROMOH 04880483.S-R2-D
01160 01156 CUNEOMOI 04880484.S-E0-D
01160 01156 CUNROMOI 04880484.S-R2-D
01160 01157 CUNEOMOJ 04880485.S-E0-D
01160 01157 CUNROMOJ 04880485.S-R2-D
01160 01161 CUNEOMON 04880489.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 289

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01160 01161 CUNROMON 04880489.S-R2-D
01160 01162 CUNEOMOO 0488048A.S-E0-D
01160 01162 CUNROMOO 0488048A.S-R2-D
01160 04909 CUNEOMDG 0488132D.S-E0-D
01160 04909 CUNROMDG 0488132D.S-R2-D
01160 04971 CUNEOMG9 0488136B.S-E0-D
01160 04971 CUNROMG9 0488136B.S-R2-D
01160 05123 CUNEOMMJ 04881403.S-E0-D
01160 05348 CUNEOMPT 048814E4.S-E0-D
01160 05348 CUNROMPT 048814E4.S-R2-D
01160 09044 CUNEOMEN 04882354.S-E0-D
01160 09044 CUNROMEN 04882354.S-R2-D
01160 09049 CUNEOMFE 04882359.S-E0-D
01160 09049 CUNROMFE 04882359.S-R2-D
01160 09061 CUNEOMGR 04882365.S-E0-D
01160 09061 CUNROMGR 04882365.S-R2-D
01160 17248 CUNEOMF2 04884360.S-E0-D
01160 17248 CUNROMF2 04884360.S-R2-D
01160 17584 CUNROMPH 048844B0.SU-R-D
01161 00259 CUNEONAP 04890103.S-E0-D
01161 00858 CUNEONFI 0489035A.S-E0-D
01161 00858 CUNRONFI 0489035A.S-R2-D
01161 00859 CUNEONFK 0489035B.S-E0-D
01161 00859 CUNRONFK 0489035B.S-R2-D
01161 00923 CUNEONIF 0489039B.S-E0-D
01161 00923 CUNRONIF 0489039B.S-R2-D
01161 00924 CUNEONIG 0489039C.S-E0-D
01161 00924 CUNRONIG 0489039C.S-R2-D
01161 01140 CUNEONN5 04890474.S-E0-D
01161 01140 CUNRONN5 04890474.S-R2-D
01161 01141 CUNEONN6 04890475.S-E0-D
01161 01141 CUNRONN6 04890475.S-R2-D
01161 01142 CUNEONN7 04890476.S-E0-D
01161 01142 CUNRONN7 04890476.S-R2-D
01161 01143 CUNEONN8 04890477.S-E0-D
01161 01143 CUNRONN8 04890477.S-R2-D
01161 01144 CUNEONN9 04890478.S-E0-D
01161 01144 CUNRONN9 04890478.S-R2-D
01161 01145 CUNEONOA 04890479.S-E0-D
01161 01145 CUNRONOA 04890479.S-R2-D
01161 01146 CUNEONOB 0489047A.S-E0-D

290 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01161 01146 CUNRONOB 0489047A.S-R2-D
01161 01147 CUNEONOC 0489047B.S-E0-D
01161 01147 CUNRONOC 0489047B.S-R2-D
01161 01148 CUNEONOD 0489047C.S-E0-D
01161 01148 CUNRONOD 0489047C.S-R2-D
01161 01149 CUNEONOE 0489047D.S-E0-D
01161 01149 CUNRONOE 0489047D.S-R2-D
01161 01153 CUNEONOF 04890481.S-E0-D
01161 01153 CUNRONOF 04890481.S-R2-D
01161 01154 CUNEONOG 04890482.S-E0-D
01161 01154 CUNRONOG 04890482.S-R2-D
01161 01155 CUNEONOH 04890483.S-E0-D
01161 01155 CUNRONOH 04890483.S-R2-D
01161 01160 CUNEONOM 04890488.S-E0-D
01161 01160 CUNRONOM 04890488.S-R2-D
01161 04909 CUNEONDG 0489132D.S-E0-D
01161 04909 CUNRONDG 0489132D.S-R2-D
01161 04971 CUNEONG9 0489136B.S-E0-D
01161 04971 CUNRONG9 0489136B.S-R2-D
01161 05348 CUNEONPT 048914E4.S-E0-D
01161 05348 CUNRONPT 048914E4.S-R2-D
01161 09044 CUNEONEN 04892354.S-E0-D
01161 09044 CUNRONEN 04892354.S-R2-D
01161 09049 CUNEONFE 04892359.S-E0-D
01161 09049 CUNRONFE 04892359.S-R2-D
01161 09061 CUNEONGR 04892365.S-E0-D
01161 09061 CUNRONGR 04892365.S-R2-D
01162 00259 CUNEOOAP 048A0103.S-E0-D
01162 00858 CUNEOOFI 048A035A.S-E0-D
01162 00858 CUNROOFI 048A035A.S-R2-D
01162 00859 CUNEOOFK 048A035B.S-E0-D
01162 00859 CUNROOFK 048A035B.S-R2-D
01162 00923 CUNEOOIF 048A039B.S-E0-D
01162 00923 CUNROOIF 048A039B.S-R2-D
01162 00924 CUNEOOIG 048A039C.S-E0-D
01162 00924 CUNROOIG 048A039C.S-R2-D
01162 01140 CUNEOON5 048A0474.S-E0-D
01162 01140 CUNROON5 048A0474.S-R2-D
01162 01141 CUNEOON6 048A0475.S-E0-D
01162 01141 CUNROON6 048A0475.S-R2-D
01162 01142 CUNEOON7 048A0476.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 291

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01162 01142 CUNROON7 048A0476.S-R2-D
01162 01143 CUNEOON8 048A0477.S-E0-D
01162 01143 CUNROON8 048A0477.S-R2-D
01162 01144 CUNEOON9 048A0478.S-E0-D
01162 01144 CUNROON9 048A0478.S-R2-D
01162 01145 CUNEOOOA 048A0479.S-E0-D
01162 01145 CUNROOOA 048A0479.S-R2-D
01162 01146 CUNEOOOB 048A047A.S-E0-D
01162 01146 CUNROOOB 048A047A.S-R2-D
01162 01147 CUNEOOOC 048A047B.S-E0-D
01162 01147 CUNROOOC 048A047B.S-R2-D
01162 01148 CUNEOOOD 048A047C.S-E0-D
01162 01148 CUNROOOD 048A047C.S-R2-D
01162 01149 CUNEOOOE 048A047D.S-E0-D
01162 01149 CUNROOOE 048A047D.S-R2-D
01162 01153 CUNEOOOF 048A0481.S-E0-D
01162 01153 CUNROOOF 048A0481.S-R2-D
01162 01154 CUNEOOOG 048A0482.S-E0-D
01162 01154 CUNROOOG 048A0482.S-R2-D
01162 01155 CUNEOOOH 048A0483.S-E0-D
01162 01155 CUNROOOH 048A0483.S-R2-D
01162 01160 CUNEOOOM 048A0488.S-E0-D
01162 01160 CUNROOOM 048A0488.S-R2-D
01162 04909 CUNEOODG 048A132D.S-E0-D
01162 04909 CUNROODG 048A132D.S-R2-D
01162 04971 CUNEOOG9 048A136B.S-E0-D
01162 04971 CUNROOG9 048A136B.S-R2-D
01162 05348 CUNEOOPT 048A14E4.S-E0-D
01162 05348 CUNROOPT 048A14E4.S-R2-D
01162 09044 CUNEOOEN 048A2354.S-E0-D
01162 09044 CUNROOEN 048A2354.S-R2-D
01162 09049 CUNEOOFE 048A2359.S-E0-D
01162 09049 CUNROOFE 048A2359.S-R2-D
01162 09061 CUNEOOGR 048A2365.S-E0-D
01162 09061 CUNROOGR 048A2365.S-R2-D
01163 00924 CUNEOPIG 048B039C.S-E0-D
01163 00924 CUNROPIG 048B039C.S-R2-D
01163 01148 CUNEOPOD 048B047C.S-E0-D
01163 01148 CUNROPOD 048B047C.S-R2-D
01163 01164 CUNEOPOQ 048B048C.S-E0-D
01163 01164 CUNROPOQ 048B048C.S-R2-D

292 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01163 05354 CUNEOPP5 048B14EA.S-E0-D
01163 05354 CUNROPP5 048B14EA.S-R2-D
01164 00858 CUNEOQFI 048C035A.S-E0-D
01164 00858 CUNROQFI 048C035A.S-R2-D
01164 00859 CUNEOQFK 048C035B.S-E0-D
01164 00859 CUNROQFK 048C035B.S-R2-D
01164 00923 CUNEOQIF 048C039B.S-E0-D
01164 00923 CUNROQIF 048C039B.S-R2-D
01164 00924 CUNEOQIG 048C039C.S-E0-D
01164 00924 CUNROQIG 048C039C.S-R2-D
01164 01140 CUNEOQN5 048C0474.S-E0-D
01164 01140 CUNROQN5 048C0474.S-R2-D
01164 01148 CUNEOQOD 048C047C.S-E0-D
01164 01148 CUNROQOD 048C047C.S-R2-D
01164 01163 CUNEOQOP 048C048B.S-E0-D
01164 01163 CUNROQOP 048C048B.S-R2-D
01164 05348 CUNEOQPT 048C14E4.S-E0-D
01164 05348 CUNROQPT 048C14E4.S-R2-D
01164 05354 CUNEOQP5 048C14EA.S-E0-D
01164 05354 CUNROQP5 048C14EA.S-R2-D
01164 17584 CUNROQPH 048C44B0.SU-R-D
01165 17584 CUNRSVPH 048D44B0.SU-R-D
01250 00037 CUNRPOAA 04E20025.S-R2-D
01250 00259 CUNEPOAP 04E20103.S-E0-D
01250 00273 CUNEPOAV 04E20111.S-E0-D
01250 00273 CUNRPOAV 04E20111.S-R2-D
01250 00500 CUNEPOCR 04E201F4.S-E0-A1
01250 00500 CUNRPOCR 04E201F4.S-R2-D
01250 00819 CUNRPODH 04E20333.S-R2-D
01250 00850 CUNRPOEB 04E20352.S-R2-D
01250 00852 CUNRPOEL 04E20354.S-RC-D
01250 00855 CUNRPOEX 04E20357.S-R2-D
01250 00870 CUNEPOGW 04E20366.S-E0-A1
01250 00870 CUNRPOGW 04E20366.S-R2-D
01250 00912 CUNRPOH1 04E20390.S-R2-D
01250 01252 CUNRPOPS 04E204E4.S-R2-D
01250 01282 CUNRPOQC 04E20502.S-R2-D
01250 05346 CUNEPOPP 04E214E2.S-E0-D
01250 13488 CUNLPOPG 04E234B0.SU-R-D
01250 13488 CUNRPOPG 04E234B0.SU-R-D
01251 00037 CUNRPQAA 04E30025.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 293

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01251 00256 CUNEPQAJ 04E30100.S-E0-A1
01251 00256 CUNRPQAJ 04E30100.S-R2-D
01251 00259 CUNEPQAP 04E30103.S-E0-D
01251 00500 CUNEPQCR 04E301F4.S-E0-A1
01251 00500 CUNRPQCR 04E301F4.S-R2-D
01251 00819 CUNRPQDH 04E30333.S-R2-D
01251 00850 CUNRPQEB 04E30352.S-R2-D
01251 00855 CUNRPQEX 04E30357.S-R2-D
01251 00866 CUNRPQGD 04E30362.S-R2-D
01251 00878 CUNRPQHA 04E3036E.S-R2-D
01251 00880 CUNEPQHB 04E30370.S-E0-A1
01251 00880 CUNRPQHB 04E30370.S-R2-D
01251 00915 CUNRPQH4 04E30393.S-R2-D
01251 01025 CUNEPQMG 04E30401.S-E0-A1
01251 01025 CUNRPQMG 04E30401.S-R2-D
01251 01123 CUNEPQNQ 04E30463.S-E0-A1
01251 01123 CUNRPQNQ 04E30463.S-R2-D
01251 01124 CUNEPQNR 04E30464.S-E0-A1
01251 01124 CUNRPQNR 04E30464.S-R2-D
01251 01125 CUNEPQNS 04E30465.S-E0-A1
01251 01125 CUNRPQNS 04E30465.S-R2-D
01251 01131 CUNRPQN0 04E3046B.S-R2-D
01251 01252 CUNRPQPS 04E304E4.S-R2-D
01251 01283 CUNRPQQD 04E30503.S-R2-D
01251 05347 CUNEPQPR 04E314E3.S-E0-D
01251 13488 CUNLPQPG 04E334B0.SU-R-D
01251 13488 CUNRPQPG 04E334B0.SU-R-D
01252 00037 CUNEPSAA 04E40025.S-E0-A1
01252 00037 CUNRPSAA 04E40025.S-R2-D
01252 00256 CUNEPSAJ 04E40100.S-E0-A1
01252 00256 CUNRPSAJ 04E40100.S-R2-D
01252 00259 CUNEPSAP 04E40103.S-E0-D
01252 00273 CUNEPSAV 04E40111.S-E0-A1
01252 00273 CUNRPSAV 04E40111.S-R2-D
01252 00274 CUNEPSAX 04E40112.S-E0-D
01252 00274 CUNRPSAX 04E40112.S-R2-D
01252 00275 CUNEPSAZ 04E40113.S-E0-D
01252 00275 CUNRPSAZ 04E40113.S-R2-D
01252 00277 CUNEPSA2 04E40115.S-E0-A1
01252 00277 CUNRPSA2 04E40115.S-R2-D
01252 00278 CUNEPSA4 04E40116.S-E0-A1

294 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01252 00278 CUNRPSA4 04E40116.S-R2-D
01252 00280 CUNEPSA6 04E40118.S-E0-A1
01252 00280 CUNRPSA6 04E40118.S-R2-D
01252 00284 CUNEPSBB 04E4011C.S-E0-A1
01252 00284 CUNRPSBB 04E4011C.S-R2-D
01252 00285 CUNEPSBE 04E4011D.S-E0-A1
01252 00285 CUNRPSBE 04E4011D.S-R2-D
01252 00290 CUNEPSBH 04E40122.S-EC-D
01252 00297 CUNEPSBN 04E40129.S-E0-A1
01252 00297 CUNRPSBN 04E40129.S-R2-D
01252 00420 CUNRPSB1 04E401A4.S-R2-D
01252 00423 CUNRPSB8 04E401A7.S-R2-D
01252 00424 CUNRPSCA 04E401A8.S-R2-D
01252 00437 CUNRPSCE 04E401B5.S-R2-D
01252 00500 CUNEPSCR 04E401F4.S-E0-A1
01252 00500 CUNRPSCR 04E401F4.S-R2-D
01252 00737 CUNRPSC6 04E402E1.S-R2-D
01252 00775 CUNEPSC8 04E40307.S-E0-A1
01252 00775 CUNRPSC8 04E40307.S-R2-D
01252 00803 CUNEPSDA 04E40323.S-E0-D
01252 00803 CUNRPSDA 04E40323.S-RC-D
01252 00813 CUNRPSDF 04E4032D.S-R2-D
01252 00819 CUNRPSDH 04E40333.S-R2-D
01252 00833 CUNEPSDI 04E40341.S-EC-D
01252 00836 CUNEPSDU 04E40344.S-EC-D
01252 00838 CUNEPSD1 04E40346.S-EC-D
01252 00850 CUNEPSEB 04E40352.S-E0-A1
01252 00850 CUNRPSEB 04E40352.S-R2-D
01252 00852 CUNRPSEL 04E40354.S-R2-D
01252 00855 CUNRPSEX 04E40357.S-R2-D
01252 00857 CUNRPSFC 04E40359.S-R2-D
01252 00858 CUNEPSFI 04E4035A.S-E0-D
01252 00858 CUNRPSFI 04E4035A.S-R2-D
01252 00860 CUNRPSFM 04E4035C.S-R2-D
01252 00861 CUNRPSFP 04E4035D.S-R2-D
01252 00862 CUNRPSFS 04E4035E.S-R2-D
01252 00863 CUNRPSFV 04E4035F.S-R2-D
01252 00864 CUNRPSFY 04E40360.S-R2-D
01252 00865 CUNRPSGA 04E40361.S-R2-D
01252 00866 CUNRPSGD 04E40362.S-R2-D
01252 00869 CUNRPSGP 04E40365.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 295

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01252 00870 CUNRPSGW 04E40366.S-R2-D
01252 00871 CUNEPSGY 04E40367.S-E0-A1
01252 00871 CUNRPSGY 04E40367.S-R2-D
01252 00874 CUNEPSG3 04E4036A.S-E0-D
01252 00875 CUNRPSG8 04E4036B.S-R2-D
01252 00880 CUNRPSHB 04E40370.S-R2-D
01252 00897 CUNEPSHK 04E40381.S-E0-D
01252 00903 CUNEPSHW 04E40387.S-E0-D
01252 00905 CUNRPSH0 04E40389.S-R2-D
01252 00912 CUNRPSH1 04E40390.S-R2-D
01252 00914 CUNRPSH3 04E40392.S-R2-D
01252 00915 CUNRPSH4 04E40393.S-R2-D
01252 00916 CUNRPSH6 04E40394.S-R2-D
01252 00920 CUNRPSIA 04E40398.S-R2-D
01252 00921 CUNRPSIB 04E40399.S-R2-D
01252 00922 CUNRPSID 04E4039A.S-R2-D
01252 00923 CUNEPSIF 04E4039B.S-E0-D
01252 00923 CUNRPSIF 04E4039B.S-R2-D
01252 00924 CUNEPSIG 04E4039C.S-E0-D
01252 00924 CUNRPSIG 04E4039C.S-R2-D
01252 01025 CUNRPSMG 04E40401.S-R2-D
01252 01026 CUNRPSMH 04E40402.S-R2-D
01252 01027 CUNEPSMI 04E40403.S-EC-D
01252 01041 CUNEPSMN 04E40411.S-E0-D
01252 01047 CUNEPSM0 04E40417.S-E0-D
01252 01047 CUNRPSM0 04E40417.S-R2-D
01252 01051 CUNRPSM2 04E4041B.S-R2-D
01252 01097 CUNRPSM7 04E40449.S-R2-D
01252 01098 CUNRPSM8 04E4044A.S-R2-D
01252 01112 CUNEPSNH 04E40458.S-E0-D
01252 01112 CUNRPSNH 04E40458.S-R2-D
01252 01122 CUNEPSNP 04E40462.S-E0-D
01252 01122 CUNRPSNP 04E40462.S-R2-D
01252 01123 CUNEPSNQ 04E40463.S-E0-D
01252 01123 CUNRPSNQ 04E40463.S-R2-D
01252 01126 CUNEPSNT 04E40466.S-E0-D
01252 01130 CUNEPSNZ 04E4046A.S-E0-D
01252 01130 CUNRPSNZ 04E4046A.S-R2-D
01252 01132 CUNEPSN1 04E4046C.S-E0-D
01252 01132 CUNRPSN1 04E4046C.S-R2-D
01252 01140 CUNEPSN5 04E40474.S-E0-D

296 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01252 01140 CUNRPSN5 04E40474.S-R2-D
01252 01141 CUNEPSN6 04E40475.S-E0-D
01252 01141 CUNRPSN6 04E40475.S-RC-D
01252 01142 CUNEPSN7 04E40476.S-E0-D
01252 01142 CUNRPSN7 04E40476.S-RC-D
01252 01143 CUNEPSN8 04E40477.S-E0-D
01252 01143 CUNRPSN8 04E40477.S-RC-D
01252 01144 CUNEPSN9 04E40478.S-E0-D
01252 01144 CUNRPSN9 04E40478.S-RC-D
01252 01145 CUNEPSOA 04E40479.S-E0-D
01252 01145 CUNRPSOA 04E40479.S-RC-D
01252 01146 CUNEPSOB 04E4047A.S-E0-D
01252 01146 CUNRPSOB 04E4047A.S-RC-D
01252 01147 CUNEPSOC 04E4047B.S-E0-D
01252 01147 CUNRPSOC 04E4047B.S-RC-D
01252 01148 CUNEPSOD 04E4047C.S-E0-D
01252 01148 CUNRPSOD 04E4047C.S-RC-D
01252 01149 CUNEPSOE 04E4047D.S-E0-D
01252 01149 CUNRPSOE 04E4047D.S-RC-D
01252 01250 CUNRPSPO 04E404E2.S-R2-D
01252 01251 CUNRPSPQ 04E404E3.S-R2-D
01252 01254 CUNRPSPW 04E404E6.S-R2-D
01252 01255 CUNRPSPY 04E404E7.S-R2-D
01252 01257 CUNRPSP2 04E404E9.S-R2-D
01252 01275 CUNRPSP6 04E404FB.S-R2-D
01252 01280 CUNRPSQA 04E40500.S-R2-D
01252 01281 CUNRPSQB 04E40501.S-R2-D
01252 01283 CUNRPSQD 04E40503.S-R2-D
01252 05348 CUNEPSPT 04E414E4.S-E0-D
01252 13488 CUNLPSPG 04E434B0.SU-R-D
01252 13488 CUNRPSPG 04E434B0.SU-R-D
01253 00037 CUNRPUAA 04E50025.S-R2-D
01253 00259 CUNEPUAP 04E50103.S-E0-D
01253 00423 CUNEPUB8 04E501A7.S-EC-A1
01253 00423 CUNRPUB8 04E501A7.S-R2-D
01253 00500 CUNEPUCR 04E501F4.S-E0-A1
01253 00500 CUNRPUCR 04E501F4.S-R2-D
01253 00737 CUNEPUC6 04E502E1.S-E0-D
01253 00737 CUNRPUC6 04E502E1.S-R2-D
01253 00813 CUNRPUDF 04E5032D.S-R2-D
01253 00819 CUNRPUDH 04E50333.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 297

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01253 00850 CUNRPUEB 04E50352.S-R2-D
01253 00869 CUNRPUGP 04E50365.S-R2-D
01253 00875 CUNEPUG8 04E5036B.S-EC-A1
01253 00875 CUNRPUG8 04E5036B.S-R2-D
01253 01280 CUNRPUQA 04E50500.S-R2-D
01253 01287 CUNEPUSX 04E50507.S-E0-D
01253 01287 CUNRPUSX 04E50507.S-R2-D
01253 05349 CUNEPUPV 04E514E5.S-E0-D
01253 13488 CUNLPUPG 04E534B0.SU-R-D
01253 13488 CUNRPUPG 04E534B0.SU-R-D
01254 00037 CUNRPWAA 04E60025.S-R2-D
01254 00259 CUNEPWAP 04E60103.S-E0-D
01254 00500 CUNEPWCR 04E601F4.S-EC-A1
01254 00500 CUNRPWCR 04E601F4.S-RC-D
01254 00819 CUNRPWDH 04E60333.S-R2-D
01254 00850 CUNRPWEB 04E60352.S-R2-D
01254 00857 CUNRPWFC 04E60359.S-R2-D
01254 00869 CUNRPWGP 04E60365.S-R2-D
01254 00905 CUNEPWH0 04E60389.S-E0-A1
01254 00905 CUNRPWH0 04E60389.S-R2-D
01254 00920 CUNRPWIA 04E60398.S-R2-D
01254 01026 CUNEPWMH 04E60402.S-E0-A1
01254 01026 CUNRPWMH 04E60402.S-R2-D
01254 01047 CUNEPWM0 04E60417.S-E0-D
01254 01047 CUNRPWM0 04E60417.S-R2-D
01254 01252 CUNRPWPS 04E604E4.S-R2-D
01254 01281 CUNRPWQB 04E60501.S-R2-D
01254 01288 CUNEPWSY 04E60508.S-E0-D
01254 01288 CUNRPWSY 04E60508.S-R2-D
01254 05350 CUNEPWPX 04E614E6.S-E0-D
01254 13488 CUNLPWPG 04E634B0.SU-R-D
01254 13488 CUNRPWPG 04E634B0.SU-R-D
01255 00037 CUNRPYAA 04E70025.S-R2-D
01255 00259 CUNEPYAP 04E70103.S-E0-D
01255 00424 CUNEPYCA 04E701A8.S-E0-A1
01255 00424 CUNRPYCA 04E701A8.S-R2-D
01255 00500 CUNEPYCR 04E701F4.S-E0-A1
01255 00500 CUNRPYCR 04E701F4.S-R2-D
01255 00803 CUNEPYDA 04E70323.S-E0-D
01255 00803 CUNRPYDA 04E70323.S-R2-D
01255 00819 CUNRPYDH 04E70333.S-R2-D

298 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01255 00850 CUNRPYEB 04E70352.S-R2-D
01255 00856 CUNRPYE4 04E70358.S-R2-D
01255 00862 CUNEPYFS 04E7035E.S-E0-A1
01255 00862 CUNRPYFS 04E7035E.S-R2-D
01255 00916 CUNEPYH6 04E70394.S-E0-A1
01255 00916 CUNRPYH6 04E70394.S-R2-D
01255 01252 CUNRPYPS 04E704E4.S-R2-D
01255 01281 CUNRPYQB 04E70501.S-R2-D
01255 05012 CUNEPYH7 04E71394.S-EC-D
01255 05012 CUNRPYH7 04E71394.S-RC-D
01255 05351 CUNEPYPZ 04E714E7.S-E0-D
01255 13488 CUNLPYPG 04E734B0.SU-R-D
01255 13488 CUNRPYPG 04E734B0.SU-R-D
01256 00259 CUNEP0AP 04E80103.S-E0-D
01256 00420 CUNCP0B1 04E801A4.S-C0-D
01256 00425 CUNEP0SR 04E801A9.S-E0-D
01256 00500 CUNEP0CR 04E801F4.S-E0-A1
01256 00500 CUNRP0CR 04E801F4.S-R2-D
01256 00720 CUNCP0C5 04E802D0.S-C0-D
01256 00850 CUNRP0EB 04E80352.S-R2-D
01256 00864 CUNEP0FY 04E80360.S-EC-D
01256 01046 CUNEP0MX 04E80416.S-EC-D
01256 01089 CUNEP0M6 04E80441.S-EC-D
01256 01127 CUNCP0NW 04E80467.S-C0-D
01256 05352 CUNEP0P1 04E814E8.S-E0-D
01256 13488 CUNLP0PG 04E834B0.SU-R-D
01256 13488 CUNRP0PG 04E834B0.SU-R-D
01257 00037 CUNRP2AA 04E90025.S-R2-D
01257 00259 CUNEP2AP 04E90103.S-E0-D
01257 00437 CUNRP2CE 04E901B5.S-R2-D
01257 00500 CUNRP2CR 04E901F4.S-R2-D
01257 00775 CUNRP2C8 04E90307.S-R2-D
01257 00819 CUNRP2DH 04E90333.S-R2-D
01257 00850 CUNRP2EB 04E90352.S-R2-D
01257 00914 CUNRP2H3 04E90392.S-R2-D
01257 00921 CUNEP2IB 04E90399.S-E0-D
01257 00921 CUNRP2IB 04E90399.S-R2-D
01257 00922 CUNEP2ID 04E9039A.S-E0-D
01257 00922 CUNRP2ID 04E9039A.S-R2-D
01257 01112 CUNEP2NH 04E90458.S-E0-D
01257 01112 CUNRP2NH 04E90458.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 299

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01257 01122 CUNEP2NP 04E90462.S-E0-D
01257 01122 CUNRP2NP 04E90462.S-R2-D
01257 01252 CUNRP2PS 04E904E4.S-R2-D
01257 05353 CUNEP2P3 04E914E9.S-E0-D
01257 13488 CUNRP2PG 04E934B0.SU-R-D
01258 00037 CUNEP4AA 04EA0025.S-E0-D
01258 00037 CUNRP4AA 04EA0025.S-R2-D
01258 00259 CUNEP4AP 04EA0103.S-E0-D
01258 00500 CUNEP4CR 04EA01F4.S-E0-D
01258 00500 CUNRP4CR 04EA01F4.S-R2-A1
01258 00819 CUNRP4DH 04EA0333.S-R2-D
01258 01129 CUNEP4NY 04EA0469.S-E0-A1
01258 01129 CUNRP4NY 04EA0469.S-R2-D
01258 01130 CUNEP4NZ 04EA046A.S-E0-A1
01258 01130 CUNRP4NZ 04EA046A.S-R2-D
01258 05354 CUNEP4P5 04EA14EA.S-E0-D
01258 13488 CUNRP4PG 04EA34B0.SU-R-D
01275 00037 CUNRP6AA 04FB0025.S-R2-D
01275 00256 CUNRP6AJ 04FB0100.S-R2-D
01275 00273 CUNRP6AV 04FB0111.S-R2-D
01275 00277 CUNRP6A2 04FB0115.S-R2-D
01275 00278 CUNRP6A4 04FB0116.S-R2-D
01275 00280 CUNRP6A6 04FB0118.S-R2-D
01275 00284 CUNRP6BB 04FB011C.S-R2-D
01275 00285 CUNRP6BE 04FB011D.S-R2-D
01275 00297 CUNRP6BN 04FB0129.S-R2-D
01275 00437 CUNRP6CE 04FB01B5.S-R2-D
01275 00500 CUNRP6CR 04FB01F4.S-R2-D
01275 00819 CUNRP6DH 04FB0333.S-R2-D
01275 00850 CUNRP6EB 04FB0352.S-R2-D
01275 00858 CUNEP6FI 04FB035A.S-EC-D
01275 00858 CUNRP6FI 04FB035A.S-R2-D
01275 00863 CUNRP6FV 04FB035F.S-R2-D
01275 00871 CUNRP6GY 04FB0367.S-R2-D
01275 00923 CUNEP6IF 04FB039B.S-EC-D
01275 00923 CUNRP6IF 04FB039B.S-R2-D
01275 00924 CUNEP6IG 04FB039C.S-EC-D
01275 00924 CUNRP6IG 04FB039C.S-R2-D
01275 01051 CUNRP6M2 04FB041B.S-R2-D
01275 01140 CUNEP6N5 04FB0474.S-EC-D
01275 01140 CUNRP6N5 04FB0474.S-R2-D

300 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01275 01141 CUNEP6N6 04FB0475.S-EC-D
01275 01141 CUNRP6N6 04FB0475.S-R2-D
01275 01142 CUNEP6N7 04FB0476.S-EC-D
01275 01142 CUNRP6N7 04FB0476.S-R2-D
01275 01143 CUNEP6N8 04FB0477.S-EC-D
01275 01143 CUNRP6N8 04FB0477.S-R2-D
01275 01144 CUNEP6N9 04FB0478.S-EC-D
01275 01144 CUNRP6N9 04FB0478.S-R2-D
01275 01145 CUNEP6OA 04FB0479.S-EC-D
01275 01145 CUNRP6OA 04FB0479.S-R2-D
01275 01146 CUNEP6OB 04FB047A.S-EC-D
01275 01146 CUNRP6OB 04FB047A.S-R2-D
01275 01147 CUNEP6OC 04FB047B.S-EC-D
01275 01147 CUNRP6OC 04FB047B.S-R2-D
01275 01148 CUNEP6OD 04FB047C.S-EC-D
01275 01148 CUNRP6OD 04FB047C.S-R2-D
01275 01149 CUNEP6OE 04FB047D.S-EC-D
01275 01149 CUNRP6OE 04FB047D.S-R2-D
01275 01252 CUNRP6PS 04FB04E4.S-R2-D
01275 05348 CUNEP6PT 04FB14E4.S-EC-D
01275 05348 CUNRP6PT 04FB14E4.S-R2-D
01275 13488 CUNRP6PG 04FB34B0.SU-R-D
01276 13488 CUNRP7PG 04FC34B0.SU-R-D
01277 13488 CUNEP8PG 04FD34B0.SU-E-D
01280 00037 CUNRQAAA 05000025.S-R2-D
01280 00423 CUNRQAB8 050001A7.S-R2-D
01280 00437 CUNRQACE 050001B5.S-R2-D
01280 00500 CUNRQACR 050001F4.S-R2-D
01280 00737 CUNEQAC6 050002E1.S-EC-D
01280 00737 CUNRQAC6 050002E1.S-R2-D
01280 00813 CUNRQADF 0500032D.S-R2-D
01280 00819 CUNRQADH 05000333.S-R2-D
01280 00850 CUNRQAEB 05000352.S-R2-D
01280 00869 CUNRQAGP 05000365.S-R2-D
01280 00875 CUNRQAG8 0500036B.S-R2-D
01280 01252 CUNRQAPS 050004E4.S-R2-D
01280 01253 CUNRQAPU 050004E5.S-R2-D
01280 01287 CUNEQASX 05000507.S-E0-D
01280 01287 CUNRQASX 05000507.S-R2-D
01280 05349 CUNEQAPV 050014E5.S-E0-D
01280 05349 CUNRQAPV 050014E5.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 301

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01280 13488 CUNRQAPG 050034B0.SU-R-D
01281 00037 CUNRQBAA 05010025.S-R2-D
01281 00437 CUNRQBCE 050101B5.S-R2-D
01281 00500 CUNRQBCR 050101F4.S-R2-D
01281 00819 CUNRQBDH 05010333.S-R2-D
01281 00850 CUNRQBEB 05010352.S-R2-D
01281 00857 CUNRQBFC 05010359.S-R2-D
01281 00905 CUNRQBH0 05010389.S-R2-D
01281 00920 CUNRQBIA 05010398.S-R2-D
01281 01026 CUNRQBMH 05010402.S-R2-D
01281 01252 CUNRQBPS 050104E4.S-R2-D
01281 01254 CUNRQBPW 050104E6.S-R2-D
01281 01255 CUNRQBPY 050104E7.S-R2-D
01281 05350 CUNEQBPX 050114E6.S-E0-D
01281 05350 CUNRQBPX 050114E6.S-R2-D
01281 13488 CUNRQBPG 050134B0.SU-R-D
01282 00500 CUNRQCCR 050201F4.S-R2-D
01282 00852 CUNRQCEL 05020354.S-R2-D
01282 00870 CUNRQCGW 05020366.S-R2-D
01282 00912 CUNRQCH1 05020390.S-R2-D
01282 01250 CUNRQCPO 050204E2.S-R2-D
01282 05346 CUNEQCPP 050214E2.S-E0-D
01282 05346 CUNRQCPP 050214E2.S-R2-D
01282 13488 CUNRQCPG 050234B0.SU-R-D
01283 00037 CUNRQDAA 05030025.S-R2-D
01283 00437 CUNRQDCE 050301B5.S-R2-D
01283 00500 CUNRQDCR 050301F4.S-R2-D
01283 00819 CUNRQDDH 05030333.S-R2-D
01283 00850 CUNRQDEB 05030352.S-R2-D
01283 00855 CUNRQDEX 05030357.S-R2-D
01283 00866 CUNRQDGD 05030362.S-R2-D
01283 00878 CUNEQDHA 0503036E.S-E0-D
01283 00878 CUNRQDHA 0503036E.S-R2-D
01283 00880 CUNRQDHB 05030370.S-R2-D
01283 00915 CUNRQDH4 05030393.S-R2-D
01283 01025 CUNRQDMG 05030401.S-R2-D
01283 01123 CUNRQDNQ 05030463.S-R2-D
01283 01124 CUNRQDNR 05030464.S-R2-D
01283 01125 CUNRQDNS 05030465.S-R2-D
01283 01131 CUNRQDN0 0503046B.S-R2-D
01283 01251 CUNRQDPQ 050304E3.S-R2-D

302 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01283 01252 CUNRQDPS 050304E4.S-R2-D
01283 05347 CUNEQDPR 050314E3.S-E0-D
01283 05347 CUNRQDPR 050314E3.S-R2-D
01283 13488 CUNRQDPG 050334B0.SU-R-D
01284 05346 CUNEQEPP 050414E2.S-EC-D
01284 05346 CUNRQEPP 050414E2.S-R2-D
01284 13488 CUNRQEPG 050434B0.SU-R-D
01285 05346 CUNEQFPP 050514E2.S-EC-D
01285 05346 CUNRQFPP 050514E2.S-R2-D
01285 13488 CUNRQFPG 050534B0.SU-R-D
01287 00737 CUNESXC6 050702E1.S-E0-D
01287 00737 CUNRSXC6 050702E1.S-R2-D
01287 00813 CUNESXDF 0507032D.S-E0-D
01287 00813 CUNRSXDF 0507032D.S-R2-D
01287 00869 CUNESXGP 05070365.S-E0-D
01287 00869 CUNRSXGP 05070365.S-R2-D
01287 00875 CUNESXG8 0507036B.S-E0-D
01287 00875 CUNRSXG8 0507036B.S-R2-D
01287 01253 CUNESXPU 050704E5.S-E0-D
01287 01253 CUNRSXPU 050704E5.S-R2-D
01287 01280 CUNESXQA 05070500.S-E0-D
01287 01280 CUNRSXQA 05070500.S-R2-D
01287 05349 CUNESXPV 050714E5.S-E0-D
01287 05349 CUNRSXPV 050714E5.S-R2-D
01288 00857 CUNESYFC 05080359.S-E0-D
01288 00857 CUNRSYFC 05080359.S-R2-D
01288 00920 CUNESYIA 05080398.S-E0-D
01288 00920 CUNRSYIA 05080398.S-R2-D
01288 01026 CUNESYMH 05080402.S-E0-D
01288 01026 CUNRSYMH 05080402.S-R2-D
01288 01254 CUNESYPW 050804E6.S-E0-D
01288 01254 CUNRSYPW 050804E6.S-R2-D
01351 00300 CUNEQIBQ 0547012C.D-E0-D
01351 00301 CUNEQIBV 0547012D.D-E0-D
01351 00941 CUNEQIJP 054703AD.D-E0-D
01351 13488 CUNRQIPG 054734B0.MU-R-D
01362 00834 CUNEQJDM 05520342.D-E0-D
01362 00926 CUNEQJIH 0552039E.D-E0-D
01362 00951 CUNEQJKS 055203B7.D-E0-D
01362 00971 CUNEQJLT 055203CB.D-E0-D
01362 04930 CUNEQJDN 05521342.D-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 303

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
01362 13488 CUNRQJPG 055234B0.MU-R-D
01362 17584 CUNRQJPH 055244B0.MU-R-D
01380 00837 CUNEQVDY 05640345.D-E0-D
01380 00928 CUNEQVIM 056403A0.D-EC-D
01380 01385 CUNEQVQ6 05640569.D-E0-D
01380 04933 CUNEQVDZ 05641345.D-E0-D
01380 13488 CUNEQVPG 056434B0.MU-E-A1
01380 13488 CUNLQVPG 056434B0.MU-R-D
01380 13488 CUNRQVPG 056434B0.MU-R-D
01382 00837 CUNEQ0DY 05660345.D-E0-A1
01382 13488 CUNEQ0PG 056634B0.MU-E-A1
01382 13488 CUNRQ0PG 056634B0.MU-R-D
01385 00837 CUNEQ6DY 05690345.D-E0-D
01385 00928 CUNEQ6IM 056903A0.D-E0-D
01385 01380 CUNEQ6QV 05690564.D-E0-D
01385 04933 CUNEQ6DZ 05691345.D-E0-D
01385 13488 CUNRQ6PG 056934B0.MU-R-D
01391 21680 CUNCTFTH 056F54B0.MU-C0-A1
04386 13488 CUNCBIPG 112234B0.SU-C0-A1
04396 13488 CUNRBRPG 112C34B0.MU-R-D
04396 17584 CUNRBRPH 112C44B0.MU-R-D
04899 00867 CUNEDBGF 13230363.S-E0-D
04899 00867 CUNRDBGF 13230363.S-R2-D
04899 01148 CUNEDBOD 1323047C.S-E0-D
04899 01148 CUNRDBOD 1323047C.S-R2-D
04899 05012 CUNEDBH7 13231394.S-E0-D
04899 05012 CUNRDBH7 13231394.S-RC-D
04899 05351 CUNEDBPZ 132314E7.S-E0-D
04899 05351 CUNRDBPZ 132314E7.S-R2-D
04899 09048 CUNEDBE6 13232358.S-E0-D
04899 09048 CUNRDBE6 13232358.S-R2-D
04899 12712 CUNEDBCD 132331A8.S-E0-D
04899 12712 CUNRDBCD 132331A8.S-R2-D
04899 17584 CUNRDBPH 132344B0.SU-R-D
04904 17584 CUNROSPH 132844B0.SU-R-D
04909 00858 CUNEDGFI 132D035A.S-E0-D
04909 00858 CUNRDGFI 132D035A.S-R2-D
04909 00859 CUNEDGFK 132D035B.S-E0-D
04909 00859 CUNRDGFK 132D035B.S-R2-D
04909 00923 CUNEDGIF 132D039B.S-E0-D
04909 00923 CUNRDGIF 132D039B.S-R2-D

304 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
04909 00924 CUNEDGIG 132D039C.S-E0-D
04909 00924 CUNRDGIG 132D039C.S-R2-D
04909 01140 CUNEDGN5 132D0474.S-E0-D
04909 01140 CUNRDGN5 132D0474.S-R2-D
04909 01141 CUNEDGN6 132D0475.S-E0-D
04909 01141 CUNRDGN6 132D0475.S-R2-D
04909 01142 CUNEDGN7 132D0476.S-E0-D
04909 01142 CUNRDGN7 132D0476.S-R2-D
04909 01143 CUNEDGN8 132D0477.S-E0-D
04909 01143 CUNRDGN8 132D0477.S-R2-D
04909 01144 CUNEDGN9 132D0478.S-E0-D
04909 01144 CUNRDGN9 132D0478.S-R2-D
04909 01145 CUNEDGOA 132D0479.S-E0-D
04909 01145 CUNRDGOA 132D0479.S-R2-D
04909 01146 CUNEDGOB 132D047A.S-E0-D
04909 01146 CUNRDGOB 132D047A.S-R2-D
04909 01147 CUNEDGOC 132D047B.S-E0-D
04909 01147 CUNRDGOC 132D047B.S-R2-D
04909 01148 CUNEDGOD 132D047C.S-E0-D
04909 01148 CUNRDGOD 132D047C.S-R2-D
04909 01149 CUNEDGOE 132D047D.S-E0-D
04909 01149 CUNRDGOE 132D047D.S-R2-D
04909 01153 CUNEDGOF 132D0481.S-E0-D
04909 01153 CUNRDGOF 132D0481.S-R2-D
04909 01154 CUNEDGOG 132D0482.S-E0-D
04909 01154 CUNRDGOG 132D0482.S-R2-D
04909 01155 CUNEDGOH 132D0483.S-E0-D
04909 01155 CUNRDGOH 132D0483.S-R2-D
04909 01160 CUNEDGOM 132D0488.S-E0-D
04909 01160 CUNRDGOM 132D0488.S-R2-D
04909 01161 CUNEDGON 132D0489.S-E0-D
04909 01161 CUNRDGON 132D0489.S-R2-D
04909 01162 CUNEDGOO 132D048A.S-E0-D
04909 01162 CUNRDGOO 132D048A.S-R2-D
04909 04971 CUNEDGG9 132D136B.S-E0-D
04909 04971 CUNLDGG9 132D136B.S-R2-D
04909 04971 CUNRDGG9 132D136B.S-R2-D
04909 05348 CUNEDGPT 132D14E4.S-E0-D
04909 05348 CUNRDGPT 132D14E4.S-R2-D
04909 05349 CUNEDGPV 132D14E5.S-E0-D
04909 05349 CUNRDGPV 132D14E5.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 305

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
04909 09044 CUNEDGEN 132D2354.S-E0-D
04909 09044 CUNRDGEN 132D2354.S-R2-D
04909 09049 CUNEDGFE 132D2359.S-E0-D
04909 09049 CUNRDGFE 132D2359.S-R2-D
04909 09061 CUNEDGGR 132D2365.S-E0-D
04909 09061 CUNRDGGR 132D2365.S-R2-D
04909 17584 CUNRDGPH 132D44B0.SU-R-D
04929 13488 CUNRDJPG 134134B0.SU-R-D
04930 00834 CUNEDNDM 13420342.D-E0-D
04930 00951 CUNEDNKS 134203B7.D-E0-D
04930 01362 CUNEDNQJ 13420552.D-E0-D
04930 13488 CUNRDNPG 134234B0.MU-R-D
04930 17584 CUNRDNPH 134244B0.MU-R-D
04932 13488 CUNRDVPG 134434B0.SU-R-D
04933 00837 CUNEDZDY 13450345.D-E0-D
04933 01380 CUNEDZQV 13450564.D-E0-D
04933 01385 CUNEDZQ6 13450569.D-E0-D
04933 13488 CUNRDZPG 134534B0.MU-R-D
04933 17584 CUNRDZPG 134544B0.MU-R-D
04944 17584 CUNROTPH 135044B0.SU-R-D
04945 17584 CUNROUPH 135144B0.SU-R-D
04946 00437 CUNEECCE 135201B5.S-E0-D
04948 13488 CUNREMPG 135434B0.SU-R-D
04951 13488 CUNREYPG 135734B0.SU-R-D
04952 13488 CUNRE5PG 135834B0.SU-R-D
04953 00850 CUNEFDEB 13590352.S-E0-D
04954 17584 CUNROYPH 135A44B0.SU-R-D
04955 17584 CUNROZPH 135B44B0.SU-R-D
04956 17584 CUNRO0PH 135C44B0.SU-R-D
04957 17584 CUNRO1PH 135D44B0.SU-R-D
04958 17584 CUNRO2PH 135E44B0.SU-R-D
04959 17584 CUNRO3PH 135F44B0.SU-R-D
04960 13488 CUNRFZPG 136034B0.SU-R-D
04961 17584 CUNRO4PH 136144B0.SU-R-D
04962 17584 CUNRO5PH 136244B0.SU-R-D
04963 17584 CUNRO6PH 136344B0.SU-R-D
04970 00874 CUNEG4G3 136A036A.S-E0-D
04971 00858 CUNEG9FI 136B035A.S-E0-D
04971 00858 CUNRG9FI 136B035A.S-R2-D
04971 00859 CUNEG9FK 136B035B.S-E0-D
04971 00859 CUNRG9FK 136B035B.S-R2-D

306 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
04971 00867 CUNEG9GF 136B0363.S-E0-D
04971 00867 CUNRG9GF 136B0363.S-R2-D
04971 00923 CUNEG9IF 136B039B.S-E0-D
04971 00923 CUNRG9IF 136B039B.S-R2-D
04971 00924 CUNEG9IG 136B039C.S-E0-D
04971 00924 CUNLG9IG 136B039C.S-R2-D
04971 00924 CUNRG9IG 136B039C.S-R2-D
04971 01140 CUNEG9N5 136B0474.S-E0-D
04971 01140 CUNRG9N5 136B0474.S-R2-D
04971 01141 CUNEG9N6 136B0475.S-E0-D
04971 01141 CUNRG9N6 136B0475.S-R2-D
04971 01142 CUNEG9N7 136B0476.S-E0-D
04971 01142 CUNRG9N7 136B0476.S-R2-D
04971 01143 CUNEG9N8 136B0477.S-E0-D
04971 01143 CUNRG9N8 136B0477.S-R2-D
04971 01144 CUNEG9N9 136B0478.S-E0-D
04971 01144 CUNRG9N9 136B0478.S-R2-D
04971 01145 CUNEG9OA 136B0479.S-E0-D
04971 01145 CUNRG9OA 136B0479.S-R2-D
04971 01146 CUNEG9OB 136B047A.S-E0-D
04971 01146 CUNRG9OB 136B047A.S-R2-D
04971 01147 CUNEG9OC 136B047B.S-E0-D
04971 01147 CUNRG9OC 136B047B.S-R2-D
04971 01148 CUNEG9OD 136B047C.S-E0-D
04971 01148 CUNRG9OD 136B047C.S-R2-D
04971 01149 CUNEG9OE 136B047D.S-E0-D
04971 01149 CUNRG9OE 136B047D.S-R2-D
04971 01153 CUNEG9OF 136B0481.S-E0-D
04971 01153 CUNRG9OF 136B0481.S-R2-D
04971 01154 CUNEG9OG 136B0482.S-E0-D
04971 01154 CUNRG9OG 136B0482.S-R2-D
04971 01155 CUNEG9OH 136B0483.S-E0-D
04971 01155 CUNRG9OH 136B0483.S-R2-D
04971 01156 CUNEG9OI 136B0484.S-E0-D
04971 01156 CUNRG9OI 136B0484.S-R2-D
04971 01157 CUNEG9OJ 136B0485.S-E0-D
04971 01157 CUNRG9OJ 136B0485.S-R2-D
04971 01160 CUNEG9OM 136B0488.S-E0-D
04971 01160 CUNRG9OM 136B0488.S-R2-D
04971 01161 CUNEG9ON 136B0489.S-E0-D
04971 01161 CUNRG9ON 136B0489.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 307

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
04971 01162 CUNEG9OO 136B048A.S-E0-D
04971 01162 CUNRG9OO 136B048A.S-R2-D
04971 04909 CUNEG9DG 136B132D.S-E0-D
04971 04909 CUNLG9DG 136B132D.S-R2-D
04971 04909 CUNRG9DG 136B132D.S-R2-D
04971 05348 CUNEG9PT 136B14E4.S-E0-D
04971 05348 CUNRG9PT 136B14E4.S-R2-D
04971 05349 CUNEG9PV 136B14E5.S-E0-D
04971 05349 CUNRG9PV 136B14E5.S-R2-D
04971 09044 CUNEG9EN 136B2354.S-E0-D
04971 09044 CUNRG9EN 136B2354.S-R2-D
04971 09049 CUNEG9FE 136B2359.S-E0-D
04971 09049 CUNRG9FE 136B2359.S-R2-D
04971 09061 CUNEG9GR 136B2365.S-E0-D
04971 09061 CUNRG9GR 136B2365.S-R2-D
04971 17248 CUNEG9F2 136B4360.S-E0-D
04971 17248 CUNRG9F2 136B4360.S-R2-D
04971 17584 CUNRG9PH 136B44B0.SU-R-D
05012 00867 CUNEH7GF 13940363.S-E0-D
05012 00867 CUNRH7GF 13940363.S-R2-D
05012 01255 CUNEH7PY 139404E7.S-EC-D
05012 01255 CUNRH7PY 139404E7.S-RC-D
05012 04899 CUNEH7DB 13941323.S-E0-D
05012 04899 CUNRH7DB 13941323.S-RC-D
05012 12712 CUNEH7CD 139431A8.S-E0-D
05012 12712 CUNRH7CD 139431A8.S-RC-D
05012 13488 CUNRH7PG 139434B0.SU-R-D
05047 13488 CUNRKTPG 13B734B0.MU-R-D
05048 13488 CUNEKXPG 13B834B0.MU-E-D
05049 13488 CUNEKZPG 13B934B0.MU-E-D
05056 17584 CUNESSPH 13C044B0.MU-E-D
05056 17584 CUNRSSPH 13C044B0.MU-R-D
05067 13488 CUNELUPG 13CB34B0.MU-E-D
05104 16804 CUNEL1B5 13F041A4.S-E0-D
05104 16804 CUNRL1B5 13F041A4.S-R2-D
05104 17248 CUNRL1F2 13F04360.S-RC-D
05104 17584 CUNRL1PH 13F044B0.SU-R-D
05123 00858 CUNEMJFI 1403035A.S-E0-D
05123 01140 CUNEMJN5 14030474.S-E0-D
05123 01141 CUNEMJN6 14030475.S-E0-D
05123 01142 CUNEMJN7 14030476.S-E0-D

308 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
05123 01143 CUNEMJN8 14030477.S-E0-D
05123 01144 CUNEMJN9 14030478.S-E0-D
05123 01145 CUNEMJOA 14030479.S-E0-D
05123 01146 CUNEMJOB 1403047A.S-E0-D
05123 01147 CUNEMJOC 1403047B.S-E0-D
05123 01148 CUNEMJOD 1403047C.S-E0-D
05123 01149 CUNEMJOE 1403047D.S-E0-D
05123 01154 CUNEMJOG 14030482.S-E0-D
05123 01156 CUNEMJOI 14030484.S-E0-D
05123 01157 CUNEMJOJ 14030485.S-E0-D
05123 01160 CUNEMJOM 14030488.S-E0-D
05123 05348 CUNEMJPT 140314E4.S-E0-D
05123 08482 CUNRMJBJ 14032122.S-RC-D
05123 17584 CUNRMJPH 140344B0.SU-R-D
05142 13488 CUNRMYPG 141634B0.SU-R-D
05210 00858 CUNENJFI 145A035A.S-E0-D
05210 00858 CUNRNJFI 145A035A.S-R2-D
05210 01148 CUNENJOD 145A047C.S-E0-D
05210 01148 CUNRNJOD 145A047C.S-R2-D
05210 01159 CUNENJOL 145A0487.S-EC-D
05210 17584 CUNRNJPH 145A44B0.SU-R-D
05346 00852 CUNEPPEL 14E20354.S-E0-D
05346 00852 CUNRPPEL 14E20354.S-R2-D
05346 00870 CUNEPPGW 14E20366.S-E0-D
05346 00870 CUNRPPGW 14E20366.S-R2-D
05346 00872 CUNEPPG0 14E20368.S-E0-D
05346 00872 CUNRPPG0 14E20368.S-R2-D
05346 00912 CUNEPPH1 14E20390.S-E0-D
05346 00912 CUNRPPH1 14E20390.S-R2-D
05346 01148 CUNEPPOD 14E2047C.S-E0-D
05346 01148 CUNRPPOD 14E2047C.S-R2-D
05346 01153 CUNEPPOF 14E20481.S-E0-D
05346 01153 CUNRPPOF 14E20481.S-R2-D
05346 01250 CUNEPPPO 14E204E2.S-E0-D
05346 01282 CUNEPPQC 14E20502.S-E0-D
05346 01282 CUNRPPQC 14E20502.S-R2-D
05346 01284 CUNEPPQE 14E20504.S-E0-D
05346 01284 CUNRPPQE 14E20504.S-R2-D
05346 01285 CUNEPPQF 14E20505.S-E0-D
05346 01285 CUNRPPQF 14E20505.S-R2-D
05346 09044 CUNEPPEN 14E22354.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 309

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
05346 09044 CUNRPPEN 14E22354.S-R2-D
05346 17584 CUNRPPPH 14E244B0.SU-R-D
05347 00808 CUNEPRD5 14E30328.S-E0-D
05347 00808 CUNRPRD5 14E30328.S-R2-D
05347 00848 CUNEPRD7 14E30350.S-E0-D
05347 00848 CUNRPRD7 14E30350.S-R2-D
05347 00849 CUNEPRD9 14E30351.S-E0-D
05347 00849 CUNRPRD9 14E30351.S-R2-D
05347 00855 CUNEPREX 14E30357.S-E0-D
05347 00855 CUNRPREX 14E30357.S-R2-D
05347 00866 CUNEPRGD 14E30362.S-E0-D
05347 00866 CUNRPRGD 14E30362.S-R2-D
05347 00872 CUNEPRG0 14E30368.S-E0-D
05347 00872 CUNRPRG0 14E30368.S-R2-D
05347 00878 CUNEPRHA 14E3036E.S-E0-D
05347 00878 CUNRPRHA 14E3036E.S-R2-D
05347 00880 CUNEPRHB 14E30370.S-E0-D
05347 00880 CUNRPRHB 14E30370.S-R2-D
05347 00915 CUNEPRH4 14E30393.S-E0-D
05347 00915 CUNRPRH4 14E30393.S-R2-D
05347 01025 CUNEPRMG 14E30401.S-E0-D
05347 01025 CUNRPRMG 14E30401.S-R2-D
05347 01123 CUNEPRNQ 14E30463.S-E0-D
05347 01123 CUNRPRNQ 14E30463.S-R2-D
05347 01124 CUNEPRNR 14E30464.S-E0-D
05347 01124 CUNRPRNR 14E30464.S-R2-D
05347 01125 CUNEPRNS 14E30465.S-E0-D
05347 01125 CUNRPRNS 14E30465.S-R2-D
05347 01131 CUNEPRN0 14E3046B.S-E0-D
05347 01131 CUNRPRN0 14E3046B.S-R2-D
05347 01148 CUNEPROD 14E3047C.S-E0-D
05347 01148 CUNRPROD 14E3047C.S-R2-D
05347 01154 CUNEPROG 14E30482.S-E0-D
05347 01154 CUNRPROG 14E30482.S-R2-D
05347 01158 CUNEPROK 14E30486.S-E0-D
05347 01158 CUNRPROK 14E30486.S-R2-D
05347 01251 CUNEPRPQ 14E304E3.S-E0-D
05347 01283 CUNEPRQD 14E30503.S-E0-D
05347 01283 CUNRPRQD 14E30503.S-R2-D
05347 17584 CUNRPRPH 14E344B0.SU-R-D
05348 00037 CUNEPTAA 14E40025.S-E0-D

310 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
05348 00037 CUNRPTAA 14E40025.S-R2-D
05348 00259 CUNEPTAP 14E40103.S-E0-D
05348 00273 CUNEPTAV 14E40111.S-E0-D
05348 00273 CUNRPTAV 14E40111.S-R2-D
05348 00275 CUNEPTAZ 14E40113.S-E0-D
05348 00275 CUNRPTAZ 14E40113.S-R2-D
05348 00277 CUNEPTA2 14E40115.S-E0-D
05348 00277 CUNRPTA2 14E40115.S-R2-D
05348 00278 CUNEPTA4 14E40116.S-E0-D
05348 00278 CUNRPTA4 14E40116.S-R2-D
05348 00280 CUNEPTA6 14E40118.S-E0-D
05348 00280 CUNRPTA6 14E40118.S-R2-D
05348 00284 CUNEPTBB 14E4011C.S-E0-D
05348 00284 CUNRPTBB 14E4011C.S-R2-D
05348 00285 CUNEPTBE 14E4011D.S-E0-D
05348 00285 CUNRPTBE 14E4011D.S-R2-D
05348 00297 CUNEPTBN 14E40129.S-E0-D
05348 00297 CUNRPTBN 14E40129.S-R2-D
05348 00437 CUNEPTCE 14E401B5.S-E0-D
05348 00437 CUNRPTCE 14E401B5.S-R2-D
05348 00500 CUNEPTCR 14E401F4.S-E0-D
05348 00500 CUNRPTCR 14E401F4.S-R2-D
05348 00808 CUNEPTD5 14E40328.S-E0-D
05348 00808 CUNRPTD5 14E40328.S-R2-D
05348 00819 CUNEPTDH 14E40333.S-E0-D
05348 00819 CUNRPTDH 14E40333.S-R2-D
05348 00850 CUNEPTEB 14E40352.S-E0-D
05348 00850 CUNRPTEB 14E40352.S-R2-D
05348 00858 CUNEPTFI 14E4035A.S-E0-D
05348 00858 CUNRPTFI 14E4035A.S-R2-D
05348 00860 CUNEPTFM 14E4035C.S-E0-D
05348 00860 CUNRPTFM 14E4035C.S-R2-D
05348 00861 CUNEPTFP 14E4035D.S-E0-D
05348 00861 CUNRPTFP 14E4035D.S-R2-D
05348 00863 CUNEPTFV 14E4035F.S-E0-D
05348 00863 CUNRPTFV 14E4035F.S-R2-D
05348 00865 CUNEPTGA 14E40361.S-E0-D
05348 00865 CUNRPTGA 14E40361.S-R2-D
05348 00871 CUNEPTGY 14E40367.S-E0-D
05348 00871 CUNRPTGY 14E40367.S-R2-D
05348 00872 CUNEPTG0 14E40368.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 311

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
05348 00872 CUNRPTG0 14E40368.S-R2-D
05348 00901 CUNEPTHS 14E40385.S-E0-D
05348 00901 CUNRPTHS 14E40385.S-R2-D
05348 00902 CUNEPTHU 14E40386.S-E0-D
05348 00902 CUNRPTHU 14E40386.S-R2-D
05348 00923 CUNEPTIF 14E4039B.S-E0-D
05348 00923 CUNRPTIF 14E4039B.S-R2-D
05348 00924 CUNEPTIG 14E4039C.S-E0-D
05348 00924 CUNRPTIG 14E4039C.S-R2-D
05348 01051 CUNEPTM2 14E4041B.S-E0-D
05348 01051 CUNRPTM2 14E4041B.S-R2-D
05348 01140 CUNEPTN5 14E40474.S-E0-D
05348 01140 CUNRPTN5 14E40474.S-R2-D
05348 01141 CUNEPTN6 14E40475.S-E0-D
05348 01141 CUNRPTN6 14E40475.S-R2-D
05348 01142 CUNEPTN7 14E40476.S-E0-D
05348 01142 CUNRPTN7 14E40476.S-R2-D
05348 01143 CUNEPTN8 14E40477.S-E0-D
05348 01143 CUNRPTN8 14E40477.S-R2-D
05348 01144 CUNEPTN9 14E40478.S-E0-D
05348 01144 CUNRPTN9 14E40478.S-R2-D
05348 01145 CUNEPTOA 14E40479.S-E0-D
05348 01145 CUNRPTOA 14E40479.S-R2-D
05348 01146 CUNEPTOB 14E4047A.S-E0-D
05348 01146 CUNRPTOB 14E4047A.S-R2-D
05348 01147 CUNEPTOC 14E4047B.S-E0-D
05348 01147 CUNRPTOC 14E4047B.S-R2-D
05348 01148 CUNEPTOD 14E4047C.S-E0-D
05348 01148 CUNRPTOD 14E4047C.S-R2-D
05348 01149 CUNEPTOE 14E4047D.S-E0-D
05348 01149 CUNRPTOE 14E4047D.S-R2-D
05348 01153 CUNEPTOF 14E40481.S-E0-D
05348 01153 CUNRPTOF 14E40481.S-R2-D
05348 01154 CUNEPTOG 14E40482.S-E0-D
05348 01154 CUNRPTOG 14E40482.S-R2-D
05348 01155 CUNEPTOH 14E40483.S-E0-D
05348 01155 CUNRPTOH 14E40483.S-R2-D
05348 01156 CUNEPTOI 14E40484.S-E0-D
05348 01156 CUNRPTOI 14E40484.S-R2-D
05348 01157 CUNEPTOJ 14E40485.S-E0-D
05348 01157 CUNRPTOJ 14E40485.S-R2-D

312 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
05348 01158 CUNEPTOK 14E40486.S-E0-D
05348 01158 CUNRPTOK 14E40486.S-R2-D
05348 01160 CUNEPTOM 14E40488.S-E0-D
05348 01160 CUNRPTOM 14E40488.S-R2-D
05348 01161 CUNEPTON 14E40489.S-E0-D
05348 01161 CUNRPTON 14E40489.S-R2-D
05348 01162 CUNEPTOO 14E4048A.S-E0-D
05348 01162 CUNRPTOO 14E4048A.S-R2-D
05348 01164 CUNEPTOQ 14E4048C.S-E0-D
05348 01164 CUNRPTOQ 14E4048C.S-R2-D
05348 01252 CUNEPTPS 14E404E4.S-E0-D
05348 01275 CUNEPTP6 14E404FB.S-E0-D
05348 01275 CUNRPTP6 14E404FB.S-R2-D
05348 04909 CUNEPTDG 14E4132D.S-E0-D
05348 04909 CUNRPTDG 14E4132D.S-R2-D
05348 04971 CUNEPTG9 14E4136B.S-E0-D
05348 04971 CUNRPTG9 14E4136B.S-R2-D
05348 05123 CUNEPTMJ 14E41403.S-E0-D
05348 09044 CUNEPTEN 14E42354.S-E0-D
05348 09044 CUNRPTEN 14E42354.S-R2-D
05348 09049 CUNEPTFE 14E42359.S-E0-D
05348 09049 CUNRPTFE 14E42359.S-R2-D
05348 09061 CUNEPTGR 14E42365.S-E0-D
05348 09061 CUNRPTGR 14E42365.S-R2-D
05348 16804 CUNEPTB5 14E441A4.S-E0-D
05348 16804 CUNRPTB5 14E441A4.S-R2-D
05348 17248 CUNEPTF2 14E44360.S-E0-D
05348 17248 CUNRPTF2 14E44360.S-R2-D
05348 17584 CUNRPTPH 14E444B0.SU-R-D
05349 00813 CUNEPVDF 14E5032D.S-E0-D
05349 00813 CUNRPVDF 14E5032D.S-R2-D
05349 00869 CUNEPVGP 14E50365.S-E0-D
05349 00869 CUNRPVGP 14E50365.S-R2-D
05349 00875 CUNEPVG8 14E5036B.S-EC-D
05349 00875 CUNRPVG8 14E5036B.S-R2-D
05349 01148 CUNEPVOD 14E5047C.S-E0-D
05349 01148 CUNRPVOD 14E5047C.S-R2-D
05349 01253 CUNEPVPU 14E504E5.S-E0-D
05349 01280 CUNEPVQA 14E50500.S-E0-D
05349 01280 CUNRPVQA 14E50500.S-R2-D
05349 01287 CUNEPVSX 14E50507.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 313

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
05349 01287 CUNRPVSX 14E50507.S-R2-D
05349 04909 CUNEPVDG 14E5132D.S-E0-D
05349 04909 CUNRPVDG 14E5132D.S-R2-D
05349 04971 CUNEPVG9 14E5136B.S-E0-D
05349 04971 CUNRPVG9 14E5136B.S-R2-D
05349 09061 CUNEPVGR 14E52365.S-E0-D
05349 09061 CUNRPVGR 14E52365.S-R2-D
05349 17584 CUNRPVPH 14E544B0.SU-R-D
05350 00857 CUNEPXFC 14E60359.S-E0-D
05350 00857 CUNRPXFC 14E60359.S-R2-D
05350 00920 CUNEPXIA 14E60398.S-E0-D
05350 00920 CUNRPXIA 14E60398.S-R2-D
05350 01026 CUNEPXMH 14E60402.S-E0-D
05350 01026 CUNRPXMH 14E60402.S-R2-D
05350 01155 CUNEPXOH 14E60483.S-E0-D
05350 01155 CUNRPXOH 14E60483.S-R2-D
05350 01254 CUNEPXPW 14E604E6.S-E0-D
05350 01281 CUNEPXQB 14E60501.S-E0-D
05350 01281 CUNRPXQB 14E60501.S-R2-D
05350 09049 CUNEPXFE 14E62359.S-E0-D
05350 09049 CUNRPXFE 14E62359.S-R2-D
05350 09061 CUNEPXGR 14E62365.S-E0-D
05350 09061 CUNRPXGR 14E62365.S-R2-D
05350 17584 CUNRPXPH 14E644B0.SU-R-D
05351 00424 CUNEPZCA 14E701A8.S-E0-D
05351 00424 CUNRPZCA 14E701A8.S-R2-D
05351 00856 CUNEPZE4 14E70358.S-E0-D
05351 00856 CUNRPZE4 14E70358.S-R2-D
05351 00862 CUNEPZFS 14E7035E.S-E0-D
05351 00862 CUNRPZFS 14E7035E.S-R2-D
05351 00867 CUNEPZGF 14E70363.S-E0-D
05351 00867 CUNRPZGF 14E70363.S-R2-D
05351 00916 CUNEPZH6 14E70394.S-E0-D
05351 00916 CUNRPZH6 14E70394.S-R2-D
05351 01148 CUNEPZOD 14E7047C.S-E0-D
05351 01148 CUNRPZOD 14E7047C.S-R2-D
05351 01255 CUNEPZPY 14E704E7.S-E0-D
05351 04899 CUNEPZDB 14E71323.S-E0-D
05351 04899 CUNRPZDB 14E71323.S-R2-D
05351 09048 CUNEPZE6 14E72358.S-E0-D
05351 09048 CUNRPZE6 14E72358.S-R2-D

314 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
05351 12712 CUNEPZCD 14E731A8.S-E0-D
05351 12712 CUNRPZCD 14E731A8.S-R2-D
05351 17584 CUNRPZPH 14E744B0.SU-R-D
05352 00420 CUNCP1B1 14E801A4.S-C0-D
05352 00864 CUNEP1FY 14E80360.S-EC-D
05352 01046 CUNEP1MX 14E80416.S-EC-D
05352 01089 CUNEP1M6 14E80441.S-EC-D
05352 01148 CUNEP1OD 14E8047C.S-E0-D
05352 01148 CUNRP1OD 14E8047C.S-R2-D
05352 01256 CUNEP1P0 14E804E8.S-E0-D
05352 09238 CUNEP1MZ 14E82416.S-EC-D
05352 16804 CUNCP1B5 14E841A4.S-C0-D
05352 17248 CUNEP1F2 14E84360.S-EC-D
05352 17584 CUNRP1PH 14E844B0.SU-R-D
05353 00901 CUNEP3HS 14E90385.S-E0-D
05353 00901 CUNRP3HS 14E90385.S-R2-D
05353 00902 CUNEP3HU 14E90386.S-E0-D
05353 00902 CUNRP3HU 14E90386.S-R2-D
05353 00921 CUNEP3IB 14E90399.S-E0-D
05353 00921 CUNRP3IB 14E90399.S-R2-D
05353 00922 CUNEP3ID 14E9039A.S-E0-D
05353 00922 CUNRP3ID 14E9039A.S-R2-D
05353 01112 CUNEP3NH 14E90458.S-E0-D
05353 01112 CUNRP3NH 14E90458.S-R2-D
05353 01122 CUNEP3NP 14E90462.S-E0-D
05353 01122 CUNRP3NP 14E90462.S-R2-D
05353 01156 CUNEP3OI 14E90484.S-E0-D
05353 01156 CUNRP3OI 14E90484.S-R2-D
05353 01157 CUNEP3OJ 14E90485.S-E0-D
05353 01157 CUNRP3OJ 14E90485.S-R2-D
05353 01257 CUNEP3P2 14E904E9.S-E0-D
05353 17584 CUNRP3PH 14E944B0.SU-R-D
05354 01129 CUNEP5NY 14EA0469.S-E0-D
05354 01129 CUNRP5NY 14EA0469.S-R2-D
05354 01130 CUNEP5NZ 14EA046A.S-E0-D
05354 01130 CUNRP5NZ 14EA046A.S-R2-D
05354 01148 CUNEP5OD 14EA047C.S-E0-D
05354 01148 CUNRP5OD 14EA047C.S-R2-D
05354 01163 CUNEP5OP 14EA048B.S-E0-D
05354 01163 CUNRP5OP 14EA048B.S-R2-D
05354 01164 CUNEP5OQ 14EA048C.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 315

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
05354 01164 CUNRP5OQ 14EA048C.S-R2-D
05354 01258 CUNEP5P4 14EA04EA.S-E0-D
05354 17584 CUNRP5PH 14EA44B0.SU-R-D
05478 13488 CUNRQ1PG 156634B0.MU-R-D
05487 17584 CUNCTCPH 156F44B0.MU-C0-A1
08229 13488 CUNCACPG 202534B0.SU-C0-A1
08482 00858 CUNEBJFI 2122035A.S-E0-D
08482 00858 CUNRBJFI 2122035A.S-R2-D
08482 01148 CUNEBJOD 2122047C.S-E0-D
08482 01148 CUNRBJOD 2122047C.S-R2-D
08482 05123 CUNRBJMJ 21221403.S-RC-D
08482 17584 CUNRBJPH 212244B0.SU-R-D
08612 13488 CUNRB3PG 21A434B0.SU-R-D
09027 17584 CUNEDTPH 234344B0.MU-E-D
09027 21427 CUNEDTKE 234353B3.D-E0-D
09030 13488 CUNED3PG 234634B0.SU-E-D
09042 17584 CUNROVPH 235244B0.SU-R-D
09044 00858 CUNEENFI 2354035A.S-E0-D
09044 00858 CUNRENFI 2354035A.S-R2-D
09044 00859 CUNEENFK 2354035B.S-E0-D
09044 00859 CUNRENFK 2354035B.S-R2-D
09044 00872 CUNEENG0 23540368.S-E0-D
09044 00872 CUNRENG0 23540368.S-R2-D
09044 00923 CUNEENIF 2354039B.S-E0-D
09044 00923 CUNRENIF 2354039B.S-R2-D
09044 00924 CUNEENIG 2354039C.S-E0-D
09044 00924 CUNRENIG 2354039C.S-R2-D
09044 01140 CUNEENN5 23540474.S-E0-D
09044 01140 CUNRENN5 23540474.S-R2-D
09044 01141 CUNEENN6 23540475.S-E0-D
09044 01141 CUNRENN6 23540475.S-R2-D
09044 01142 CUNEENN7 23540476.S-E0-D
09044 01142 CUNRENN7 23540476.S-R2-D
09044 01143 CUNEENN8 23540477.S-E0-D
09044 01143 CUNRENN8 23540477.S-R2-D
09044 01144 CUNEENN9 23540478.S-E0-D
09044 01144 CUNRENN9 23540478.S-R2-D
09044 01145 CUNEENOA 23540479.S-E0-D
09044 01145 CUNRENOA 23540479.S-R2-D
09044 01146 CUNEENOB 2354047A.S-E0-D
09044 01146 CUNRENOB 2354047A.S-R2-D

316 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
09044 01147 CUNEENOC 2354047B.S-E0-D
09044 01147 CUNRENOC 2354047B.S-R2-D
09044 01148 CUNEENOD 2354047C.S-E0-D
09044 01148 CUNRENOD 2354047C.S-R2-D
09044 01149 CUNEENOE 2354047D.S-E0-D
09044 01149 CUNRENOE 2354047D.S-R2-D
09044 01153 CUNEENOF 23540481.S-E0-D
09044 01153 CUNRENOF 23540481.S-R2-D
09044 01154 CUNEENOG 23540482.S-E0-D
09044 01154 CUNRENOG 23540482.S-R2-D
09044 01155 CUNEENOH 23540483.S-E0-D
09044 01155 CUNRENOH 23540483.S-R2-D
09044 01160 CUNEENOM 23540488.S-E0-D
09044 01160 CUNRENOM 23540488.S-R2-D
09044 01161 CUNEENON 23540489.S-E0-D
09044 01161 CUNRENON 23540489.S-R2-D
09044 01162 CUNEENOO 2354048A.S-E0-D
09044 01162 CUNRENOO 2354048A.S-R2-D
09044 04909 CUNEENDG 2354132D.S-E0-D
09044 04909 CUNRENDG 2354132D.S-R2-D
09044 04971 CUNEENG9 2354136B.S-E0-D
09044 04971 CUNRENG9 2354136B.S-R2-D
09044 05346 CUNEENPP 235414E2.S-E0-D
09044 05346 CUNRENPP 235414E2.S-R2-D
09044 05348 CUNEENPT 235414E4.S-E0-D
09044 05348 CUNRENPT 235414E4.S-R2-D
09044 09049 CUNEENFE 23542359.S-E0-D
09044 09049 CUNRENFE 23542359.S-R2-D
09044 09061 CUNEENGR 23542365.S-E0-D
09044 09061 CUNRENGR 23542365.S-R2-D
09044 12712 CUNEENCD 235431A8.S-E0-D
09044 12712 CUNRENCD 235431A8.S-R2-D
09044 16804 CUNEENB5 235441A4.S-E0-D
09044 16804 CUNRENB5 235441A4.S-R2-D
09044 17584 CUNRENPH 235444B0.SU-R-D
09048 00867 CUNEE6GF 23580363.S-E0-D
09048 00867 CUNRE6GF 23580363.S-R2-D
09048 04899 CUNEE6DB 23581323.S-E0-D
09048 04899 CUNRE6DB 23581323.S-R2-D
09048 05351 CUNEE6PZ 235814E7.S-E0-D
09048 05351 CUNRE6PZ 235814E7.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 317

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
09048 12712 CUNEE6CD 235831A8.S-E0-D
09048 12712 CUNRE6CD 235831A8.S-R2-D
09048 17584 CUNRE6PH 235844B0.SU-R-D
09049 00858 CUNEFEFI 2359035A.S-E0-D
09049 00858 CUNRFEFI 2359035A.S-R2-D
09049 00859 CUNEFEFK 2359035B.S-E0-D
09049 00859 CUNRFEFK 2359035B.S-R2-D
09049 00872 CUNEFEG0 23590368.S-E0-D
09049 00872 CUNRFEG0 23590368.S-R2-D
09049 00923 CUNEFEIF 2359039B.S-E0-D
09049 00923 CUNRFEIF 2359039B.S-R2-D
09049 00924 CUNEFEIG 2359039C.S-E0-D
09049 00924 CUNRFEIG 2359039C.S-R2-D
09049 01140 CUNEFEN5 23590474.S-E0-D
09049 01140 CUNRFEN5 23590474.S-R2-D
09049 01141 CUNEFEN6 23590475.S-E0-D
09049 01141 CUNRFEN6 23590475.S-R2-D
09049 01142 CUNEFEN7 23590476.S-E0-D
09049 01142 CUNRFEN7 23590476.S-R2-D
09049 01143 CUNEFEN8 23590477.S-E0-D
09049 01143 CUNRFEN8 23590477.S-R2-D
09049 01144 CUNEFEN9 23590478.S-E0-D
09049 01144 CUNRFEN9 23590478.S-R2-D
09049 01145 CUNEFEOA 23590479.S-E0-D
09049 01145 CUNRFEOA 23590479.S-R2-D
09049 01146 CUNEFEOB 2359047A.S-E0-D
09049 01146 CUNRFEOB 2359047A.S-R2-D
09049 01147 CUNEFEOC 2359047B.S-E0-D
09049 01147 CUNRFEOC 2359047B.S-R2-D
09049 01148 CUNEFEOD 2359047C.S-E0-D
09049 01148 CUNRFEOD 2359047C.S-R2-D
09049 01149 CUNEFEOE 2359047D.S-E0-D
09049 01149 CUNRFEOE 2359047D.S-R2-D
09049 01153 CUNEFEOF 23590481.S-E0-D
09049 01153 CUNRFEOF 23590481.S-R2-D
09049 01154 CUNEFEOG 23590482.S-E0-D
09049 01154 CUNRFEOG 23590482.S-R2-D
09049 01155 CUNEFEOH 23590483.S-E0-D
09049 01155 CUNRFEOH 23590483.S-R2-D
09049 01160 CUNEFEOM 23590488.S-E0-D
09049 01160 CUNRFEOM 23590488.S-R2-D

318 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
09049 01161 CUNEFEON 23590489.S-E0-D
09049 01161 CUNRFEON 23590489.S-R2-D
09049 01162 CUNEFEOO 2359048A.S-E0-D
09049 01162 CUNRFEOO 2359048A.S-R2-D
09049 04909 CUNEFEDG 2359132D.S-E0-D
09049 04909 CUNRFEDG 2359132D.S-R2-D
09049 04971 CUNEFEG9 2359136B.S-E0-D
09049 04971 CUNRFEG9 2359136B.S-R2-D
09049 05348 CUNEFEPT 235914E4.S-E0-D
09049 05348 CUNRFEPT 235914E4.S-R2-D
09049 05350 CUNEFEPX 235914E6.S-E0-D
09049 05350 CUNRFEPX 235914E6.S-R2-D
09049 09044 CUNEFEEN 23592354.S-E0-D
09049 09044 CUNRFEEN 23592354.S-R2-D
09049 09061 CUNEFEGR 23592365.S-E0-D
09049 09061 CUNRFEGR 23592365.S-R2-D
09049 12712 CUNEFECD 235931A8.S-E0-D
09049 12712 CUNRFECD 235931A8.S-R2-D
09049 16804 CUNEFEB5 235941A4.S-E0-D
09049 16804 CUNRFEB5 235941A4.S-R2-D
09049 17584 CUNRFEPH 235944B0.SU-R-D
09056 13488 CUNRF0PG 236034B0.SU-R-D
09061 00858 CUNEGRFI 2365035A.S-E0-D
09061 00858 CUNRGRFI 2365035A.S-R2-D
09061 00859 CUNEGRFK 2365035B.S-E0-D
09061 00859 CUNRGRFK 2365035B.S-R2-D
09061 00923 CUNEGRIF 2365039B.S-E0-D
09061 00923 CUNRGRIF 2365039B.S-R2-D
09061 00924 CUNEGRIG 2365039C.S-E0-D
09061 00924 CUNRGRIG 2365039C.S-R2-D
09061 01140 CUNEGRN5 23650474.S-E0-D
09061 01140 CUNRGRN5 23650474.S-R2-D
09061 01141 CUNEGRN6 23650475.S-E0-D
09061 01141 CUNRGRN6 23650475.S-R2-D
09061 01142 CUNEGRN7 23650476.S-E0-D
09061 01142 CUNRGRN7 23650476.S-R2-D
09061 01143 CUNEGRN8 23650477.S-E0-D
09061 01143 CUNRGRN8 23650477.S-R2-D
09061 01144 CUNEGRN9 23650478.S-E0-D
09061 01144 CUNRGRN9 23650478.S-R2-D
09061 01145 CUNEGROA 23650479.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 319

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
09061 01145 CUNRGROA 23650479.S-R2-D
09061 01146 CUNEGROB 2365047A.S-E0-D
09061 01146 CUNRGROB 2365047A.S-R2-D
09061 01147 CUNEGROC 2365047B.S-E0-D
09061 01147 CUNRGROC 2365047B.S-R2-D
09061 01148 CUNEGROD 2365047C.S-E0-D
09061 01148 CUNRGROD 2365047C.S-R2-D
09061 01149 CUNEGROE 2365047D.S-E0-D
09061 01149 CUNRGROE 2365047D.S-R2-D
09061 01153 CUNEGROF 23650481.S-E0-D
09061 01153 CUNRGROF 23650481.S-R2-D
09061 01154 CUNEGROG 23650482.S-E0-D
09061 01154 CUNRGROG 23650482.S-R2-D
09061 01155 CUNEGROH 23650483.S-E0-D
09061 01155 CUNRGROH 23650483.S-R2-D
09061 01160 CUNEGROM 23650488.S-E0-D
09061 01160 CUNRGROM 23650488.S-R2-D
09061 01161 CUNEGRON 23650489.S-E0-D
09061 01161 CUNRGRON 23650489.S-R2-D
09061 01162 CUNEGROO 2365048A.S-E0-D
09061 01162 CUNRGROO 2365048A.S-R2-D
09061 04909 CUNEGRDG 2365132D.S-E0-D
09061 04909 CUNRGRDG 2365132D.S-R2-D
09061 04971 CUNEGRG9 2365136B.S-E0-D
09061 04971 CUNRGRG9 2365136B.S-R2-D
09061 05348 CUNEGRPT 236514E4.S-E0-D
09061 05348 CUNRGRPT 236514E4.S-R2-D
09061 05349 CUNEGRPV 236514E5.S-E0-D
09061 05349 CUNRGRPV 236514E5.S-R2-D
09061 05350 CUNEGRPX 236514E6.S-E0-D
09061 05350 CUNRGRPX 236514E6.S-R2-D
09061 09044 CUNEGREN 23652354.S-E0-D
09061 09044 CUNRGREN 23652354.S-R2-D
09061 09049 CUNEGRFE 23652359.S-E0-D
09061 09049 CUNRGRFE 23652359.S-R2-D
09061 17584 CUNRGRPH 236544B0.SU-R-D
09064 17584 CUNRO8PH 236844B0.SU-R-D
09066 13488 CUNEG5PG 236A34B0.SU-E-D
09088 13488 CUNCS0PG 238034B0.SU-C0-A1
09088 13488 CUNES0PG 238034B0.SU-E-D
09088 13488 CUNMS0PG 238034B0.SU-C0-A2

320 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
09088 13488 CUNRS0PG 238034B0.SU-R-D
09144 13488 CUNRS1PG 23B834B0.MU-R-D
09145 13488 CUNEK0PG 23B934B0.MU-E-D
09145 13488 CUNRK0PG 23B934B0.MU-R-D
09163 13488 CUNRS2PG 23CB34B0.MU-R-D
09238 00924 CUNEMZIG 2416039C.S-E0-D
09238 00924 CUNRMZIG 2416039C.S-R2-D
09238 01148 CUNEMZOD 2416047C.S-E0-D
09238 01148 CUNRMZOD 2416047C.S-R2-D
09238 05352 CUNEMZP1 241614E8.S-EC-D
09238 16804 CUNCMZB5 241641A4.S-C0-D
09238 17248 CUNCMZF2 24164360.S-C0-D
09238 17584 CUNRMZPH 241644B0.SU-R-D
09306 17584 CUNRPAPH 245A44B0.SU-R-D
09444 17584 CUNCTEPH 24E444B0.SU-C0-A1
09444 21680 CUNCTETH 24E454B0.SU-C0-A1
09574 13488 CUNRS9PG 256634B0.MU-R-D
09577 17584 CUNCTDPH 256944B0.MU-C0-A1
09577 21680 CUNCTDTH 256954B0.MU-C0-A1
12712 00862 CUNECDFS 31A8035E.S-E0-D
12712 00862 CUNRCDFS 31A8035E.S-R2-D
12712 00867 CUNECDGF 31A80363.S-E0-D
12712 00867 CUNRCDGF 31A80363.S-R2-D
12712 01148 CUNECDOD 31A8047C.S-E0-D
12712 01148 CUNRCDOD 31A8047C.S-R2-D
12712 01156 CUNECDOI 31A80484.S-E0-D
12712 01156 CUNRCDOI 31A80484.S-R2-D
12712 01157 CUNECDOJ 31A80485.S-E0-D
12712 01157 CUNRCDOJ 31A80485.S-R2-D
12712 04899 CUNECDDB 31A81323.S-E0-D
12712 04899 CUNRCDDB 31A81323.S-R2-D
12712 05012 CUNECDH7 31A81394.S-E0-D
12712 05012 CUNRCDH7 31A81394.S-RC-D
12712 05351 CUNECDPZ 31A814E7.S-E0-D
12712 05351 CUNRCDPZ 31A814E7.S-R2-D
12712 09044 CUNECDEN 31A82354.S-E0-D
12712 09044 CUNRCDEN 31A82354.S-R2-D
12712 09048 CUNECDE6 31A82358.S-E0-D
12712 09048 CUNRCDE6 31A82358.S-R2-D
12712 09049 CUNECDFE 31A82359.S-E0-D
12712 09049 CUNRCDFE 31A82359.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 321

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
12712 16804 CUNECDB5 31A841A4.S-E0-D
12712 16804 CUNRCDB5 31A841A4.S-R2-D
12712 17248 CUNECDF2 31A84360.S-E0-D
12712 17248 CUNRCDF2 31A84360.S-R2-D
12712 17584 CUNRCDPH 31A844B0.SU-R-D
13121 01126 CUNEDLNT 33410466.S-E0-D
13121 17584 CUNRDLPH 334144B0.SU-R-D
13124 13488 CUNRDXPG 334434B0.SU-R-D
13140 17584 CUNRPBPH 335444B0.SU-R-D
13143 17584 CUNROWPH 335744B0.SU-R-D
13145 17584 CUNRPCPH 335944B0.SU-R-D
13156 17584 CUNRO7PH 336444B0.SU-R-D
13157 17584 CUNRPDPH 336544B0.SU-R-D
13162 17584 CUNRO9PH 336A44B0.SU-R-D
13184 13488 CUNRS5PG 338034B0.SU-R-A1
13184 13488 CUNMS5PG 338034B0.SU-R-A2
13185 13488 CUNCHNPG 338134B0.SU-C0-A1
13185 13488 CUNMHNPG 338134B0.SU-C0-A2
13240 13488 CUNRS6PG 33B834B0.MU-R-D
13241 13488 CUNRS3PG 33B934B0.MU-R-D
13241 17584 CUNRS3PH 33B944B0.MU-R-D
13488 00037 CUNEPGAA 34B00025.US-E-D
13488 00037 CUNLPGAA 34B00025.US-E-D
13488 00256 CUNEPGAJ 34B00100.US-E-D
13488 00259 CUNEPGAP 34B00103.US-E-D
13488 00273 CUNEPGAV 34B00111.US-E-D
13488 00273 CUNLPGAV 34B00111.US-E-D
13488 00275 CUNEPGAZ 34B00113.US-E-D
13488 00275 CUNLPGAZ 34B00113.US-E-D
13488 00277 CUNEPGA2 34B00115.US-E-D
13488 00277 CUNLPGA2 34B00115.US-E-D
13488 00278 CUNEPGA4 34B00116.US-E-D
13488 00278 CUNLPGA4 34B00116.US-E-D
13488 00280 CUNEPGA6 34B00118.US-E-D
13488 00280 CUNLPGA6 34B00118.US-E-D
13488 00282 CUNEPGA9 34B0011A.US-E-D
13488 00282 CUNLPGA9 34B0011A.US-E-D
13488 00284 CUNEPGBB 34B0011C.US-E-D
13488 00284 CUNLPGBB 34B0011C.US-E-D
13488 00285 CUNEPGBE 34B0011D.US-E-D
13488 00285 CUNLPGBE 34B0011D.US-E-D

322 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
13488 00290 CUNCPGBH 34B00122.US-C0-A1
13488 00290 CUNXPGBH 34B00122.US-C0-A1
13488 00290 CUNEPGBH 34B00122.US-E-D
13488 00290 CUNLPGBH 34B00122.US-E-D
13488 00293 CUNEPGBL 34B00125.US-E-D
13488 00297 CUNEPGBN 34B00129.US-E-D
13488 00297 CUNLPGBN 34B00129.US-E-D
13488 00300 CUNEPGBQ 34B0012C.UM-E-D
13488 00300 CUNLPGBQ 34B0012C.UM-E-D
13488 00301 CUNEPGBV 34B0012D.UM-E-D
13488 00367 CUNCPGB0 34B0016F.US-C0-A1
13488 00367 CUNXPGB0 34B0016F.US-C0-A1
13488 00367 CUNEPGB0 34B0016F.US-E-D
13488 00420 CUNCPGB1 34B001A4.US-C0-D
13488 00420 CUNEPGB1 34B001A4.US-E-D
13488 00420 CUNLPGB1 34B001A4.US-E-D
13488 00423 CUNEPGB8 34B001A7.US-E-D
13488 00424 CUNEPGCA 34B001A8.US-E-D
13488 00424 CUNLPGCA 34B001A8.US-E-D
13488 00437 CUNEPGCE 34B001B5.US-E-D
13488 00500 CUNEPGCR 34B001F4.US-E-D
13488 00500 CUNLPGCR 34B001F4.US-E-D
13488 00720 CUNEPGC5 34B002D0.US-E-D
13488 00737 CUNEPGC6 34B002E1.US-E-D
13488 00775 CUNEPGC8 34B00307.US-E-D
13488 00803 CUNRPGDA 34B00323.US-R-D
13488 00806 CUNEPGDC 34B00326.US-E-D
13488 00813 CUNEPGDF 34B0032D.US-E-D
13488 00813 CUNLPGDF 34B0032D.US-E-D
13488 00819 CUNEPGDH 34B00333.US-E-D
13488 00819 CUNLPGDH 34B00333.US-E-D
13488 00833 CUNCPGDI 34B00341.US-C0-A1
13488 00833 CUNXPGDI 34B00341.US-C0-A1
13488 00833 CUNEPGDI 34B00341.US-E-D
13488 00833 CUNLPGDI 34B00341.US-E-D
13488 00834 CUNEPGDM 34B00342.UM-E-D
13488 00834 CUNLPGDM 34B00342.UM-E-D
13488 00835 CUNEPGDR 34B00343.UM-E-D
13488 00835 CUNLPGDR 34B00343.UM-E-D
13488 00836 CUNCPGDU 34B00344.US-C0-A1
13488 00836 CUNXPGDU 34B00344.US-C0-A1

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 323

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
13488 00836 CUNEPGDU 34B00344.US-E-D
13488 00836 CUNLPGDU 34B00344.US-E-D
13488 00837 CUNEPGDY 34B00345.UM-E-D
13488 00837 CUNLPGDY 34B00345.UM-E-D
13488 00838 CUNEPGD1 34B00346.US-E-D
13488 00838 CUNLPGD1 34B00346.US-E-D
13488 00850 CUNEPGEB 34B00352.US-E-D
13488 00850 CUNLPGEB 34B00352.US-E-D
13488 00851 CUNEPGEG 34B00353.US-E-D
13488 00852 CUNEPGEL 34B00354.US-E-D
13488 00852 CUNLPGEL 34B00354.US-E-D
13488 00855 CUNEPGEX 34B00357.US-E-D
13488 00855 CUNLPGEX 34B00357.US-E-D
13488 00856 CUNEPGE4 34B00358.US-E-D
13488 00856 CUNLPGE4 34B00358.US-E-D
13488 00857 CUNEPGFC 34B00359.US-E-D
13488 00860 CUNEPGFM 34B0035C.US-E-D
13488 00861 CUNEPGFP 34B0035D.US-E-D
13488 00861 CUNLPGFP 34B0035D.US-E-D
13488 00862 CUNEPGFS 34B0035E.US-E-D
13488 00862 CUNLPGFS 34B0035E.US-E-D
13488 00863 CUNEPGFV 34B0035F.US-E-D
13488 00864 CUNCPGFY 34B00360.US-C0-D
13488 00864 CUNEPGFY 34B00360.US-E-D
13488 00864 CUNLPGFY 34B00360.US-E-D
13488 00865 CUNEPGGA 34B00361.US-E-D
13488 00866 CUNEPGGD 34B00362.US-E-D
13488 00866 CUNLPGGD 34B00362.US-E-D
13488 00868 CUNEPGGH 34B00364.US-E-D
13488 00869 CUNEPGGP 34B00365.US-E-D
13488 00869 CUNLPGGP 34B00365.US-E-D
13488 00870 CUNEPGGW 34B00366.US-E-D
13488 00870 CUNLPGGW 34B00366.US-E-D
13488 00871 CUNEPGGY 34B00367.US-E-D
13488 00871 CUNLPGGY 34B00367.US-E-D
13488 00874 CUNEPGG3 34B0036A.US-E-D
13488 00874 CUNLPGG3 34B0036A.US-E-D
13488 00875 CUNEPGG8 34B0036B.US-E-D
13488 00875 CUNLPGG8 34B0036B.US-E-D
13488 00878 CUNEPGHA 34B0036E.US-E-D
13488 00880 CUNEPGHB 34B00370.US-E-D

324 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
13488 00880 CUNLPGHB 34B00370.US-E-D
13488 00891 CUNCPGHD 34B0037B.US-C0-A1
13488 00891 CUNXPGHD 34B0037B.US-C0-A1
13488 00891 CUNEPGHD 34B0037B.US-E-D
13488 00895 CUNCPGHH 34B0037F.US-C0-A1
13488 00895 CUNXPGHH 34B0037F.US-C0-A1
13488 00895 CUNMPGHH 34B0037F.US-C0-A2
13488 00895 CUNEPGHH 34B0037F.US-E-D
13488 00896 CUNCPGHI 34B00380.US-C0-A1
13488 00896 CUNXPGHI 34B00380.US-C0-A1
13488 00896 CUNMPGHI 34B00380.US-C0-A2
13488 00896 CUNEPGHI 34B00380.US-E-D
13488 00897 CUNCPGHK 34B00381.US-C0-A1
13488 00897 CUNXPGHK 34B00381.US-C0-A1
13488 00897 CUNMPGHK 34B00381.US-C0-A2
13488 00897 CUNEPGHK 34B00381.US-E-D
13488 00903 CUNCPGHW 34B00387.US-C0-A1
13488 00903 CUNXPGHW 34B00387.US-C0-A1
13488 00903 CUNEPGHW 34B00387.US-E-D
13488 00904 CUNCPGHY 34B00388.US-C0-A1
13488 00904 CUNXPGHY 34B00388.US-C0-A1
13488 00904 CUNEPGHY 34B00388.US-E-D
13488 00904 CUNLPGHY 34B00388.US-E-D
13488 00905 CUNEPGH0 34B00389.US-E-D
13488 00912 CUNEPGH1 34B00390.US-E-D
13488 00912 CUNLPGH1 34B00390.US-E-D
13488 00914 CUNEPGH3 34B00392.US-E-D
13488 00914 CUNLPGH3 34B00392.US-E-D
13488 00915 CUNEPGH4 34B00393.US-E-D
13488 00915 CUNLPGH4 34B00393.US-E-D
13488 00916 CUNEPGH6 34B00394.US-E-D
13488 00916 CUNLPGH6 34B00394.US-E-D
13488 00918 CUNEPGH8 34B00396.US-E-D
13488 00920 CUNEPGIA 34B00398.US-E-D
13488 00920 CUNLPGIA 34B00398.US-E-D
13488 00921 CUNEPGIB 34B00399.US-E-D
13488 00921 CUNLPGIB 34B00399.US-E-D
13488 00922 CUNEPGID 34B0039A.US-E-D
13488 00922 CUNLPGID 34B0039A.US-E-D
13488 00927 CUNEPGIJ 34B0039F.UM-E-D
13488 00927 CUNLPGIJ 34B0039F.UM-E-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 325

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
13488 00928 CUNEPGIM 34B003A0.UM-E-D
13488 00941 CUNEPGJP 34B003AD.UM-E-D
13488 00947 CUNEPGJ9 34B003B3.UM-E-D
13488 00951 CUNEPGKS 34B003B7.UM-E-D
13488 00951 CUNLPGKS 34B003B7.UM-E-D
13488 00952 CUNEPGKW 34B003B8.UM-E-D
13488 00955 CUNEPGK6 34B003BB.UM-E-D
13488 00963 CUNEPGLI 34B003C3.UM-E-D
13488 00971 CUNEPGLT 34B003CB.UM-E-D
13488 01004 CUNEPGLW 34B003EC.US-E-D
13488 01006 CUNEPGLZ 34B003EE.US-E-D
13488 01008 CUNEPGL0 34B003F0.US-E-D
13488 01009 CUNEPGL2 34B003F1.US-E-D
13488 01010 CUNEPGL3 34B003F2.US-E-D
13488 01011 CUNEPGL4 34B003F3.US-E-D
13488 01012 CUNEPGL5 34B003F4.US-E-D
13488 01013 CUNEPGL6 34B003F5.US-E-D
13488 01014 CUNEPGL7 34B003F6.US-E-D
13488 01015 CUNEPGL8 34B003F7.US-E-D
13488 01016 CUNEPGL9 34B003F8.US-E-D
13488 01017 CUNEPGMA 34B003F9.US-E-D
13488 01018 CUNEPGMB 34B003FA.US-E-D
13488 01019 CUNEPGMC 34B003FB.US-E-D
13488 01025 CUNEPGMG 34B00401.US-E-D
13488 01025 CUNLPGMG 34B00401.US-E-D
13488 01026 CUNEPGMH 34B00402.US-E-D
13488 01026 CUNLPGMH 34B00402.US-E-D
13488 01027 CUNCPGMI 34B00403.US-C0-A1
13488 01027 CUNXPGMI 34B00403.US-C0-A1
13488 01027 CUNEPGMI 34B00403.US-E-D
13488 01027 CUNLPGMI 34B00403.US-E-D
13488 01040 CUNCPGMK 34B00410.US-C0-A1
13488 01040 CUNXPGMK 34B00410.US-C0-A1
13488 01040 CUNEPGMK 34B00410.US-E-D
13488 01041 CUNCPGMN 34B00411.US-C0-A1
13488 01041 CUNXPGMN 34B00411.US-C0-A1
13488 01041 CUNMPGMN 34B00411.US-C0-A2
13488 01041 CUNEPGMN 34B00411.US-E-D
13488 01042 CUNCPGMR 34B00412.US-C0-A1
13488 01042 CUNXPGMR 34B00412.US-C0-A1
13488 01042 CUNEPGMR 34B00412.US-E-D

326 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
13488 01043 CUNCPGMU 34B00413.US-C0-A1
13488 01043 CUNXPGMU 34B00413.US-C0-A1
13488 01043 CUNEPGMU 34B00413.US-E-D
13488 01046 CUNEPGMX 34B00416.US-E-D
13488 01046 CUNLPGMX 34B00416.US-E-D
13488 01047 CUNEPGM0 34B00417.US-E-D
13488 01047 CUNLPGM0 34B00417.US-E-D
13488 01051 CUNEPGM2 34B0041B.US-E-D
13488 01088 CUNCPGM3 34B00440.US-C0-A1
13488 01088 CUNXPGM3 34B00440.US-C0-A1
13488 01088 CUNMPGM3 34B00440.US-C0-A2
13488 01088 CUNEPGM3 34B00440.US-E-D
13488 01088 CUNLPGM3 34B00440.US-E-D
13488 01089 CUNEPGM6 34B00441.US-E-D
13488 01089 CUNLPGM6 34B00441.US-E-D
13488 01097 CUNEPGM7 34B00449.US-E-D
13488 01098 CUNEPGM8 34B0044A.US-E-D
13488 01112 CUNEPGNH 34B00458.US-E-D
13488 01112 CUNLPGNH 34B00458.US-E-D
13488 01114 CUNCPGNI 34B0045A.US-C0-A1
13488 01114 CUNXPGNI 34B0045A.US-C0-A1
13488 01114 CUNEPGNI 34B0045A.US-E-D
13488 01115 CUNCPGNM 34B0045B.US-C0-A1
13488 01115 CUNXPGNM 34B0045B.US-C0-A1
13488 01115 CUNEPGNM 34B0045B.US-E-D
13488 01115 CUNLPGNM 34B0045B.US-E-D
13488 01122 CUNEPGNP 34B00462.US-E-D
13488 01122 CUNLPGNP 34B00462.US-E-D
13488 01123 CUNEPGNQ 34B00463.US-E-D
13488 01124 CUNEPGNR 34B00464.US-E-D
13488 01125 CUNEPGNS 34B00465.US-E-D
13488 01126 CUNCPGNT 34B00466.US-C0-A1
13488 01126 CUNXPGNT 34B00466.US-C0-A1
13488 01126 CUNMPGNT 34B00466.US-C0-A2
13488 01126 CUNEPGNT 34B00466.US-E-D
13488 01129 CUNEPGNY 34B00469.US-E-D
13488 01130 CUNEPGNZ 34B0046A.US-E-D
13488 01131 CUNEPGN0 34B0046B.US-E-D
13488 01132 CUNEPGN1 34B0046C.US-E-D
13488 01133 CUNEPGN2 34B0046D.US-E-D
13488 01137 CUNEPGN3 34B00471.US-E-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 327

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
13488 01250 CUNEPGPO 34B004E2.US-E-D
13488 01250 CUNLPGPO 34B004E2.US-E-D
13488 01251 CUNEPGPQ 34B004E3.US-E-D
13488 01251 CUNLPGPQ 34B004E3.US-E-D
13488 01252 CUNEPGPS 34B004E4.US-E-D
13488 01252 CUNLPGPS 34B004E4.US-E-D
13488 01253 CUNEPGPU 34B004E5.US-E-D
13488 01253 CUNLPGPU 34B004E5.US-E-D
13488 01254 CUNEPGPW 34B004E6.US-E-D
13488 01254 CUNLPGPW 34B004E6.US-E-D
13488 01255 CUNEPGPY 34B004E7.US-E-D
13488 01255 CUNLPGPY 34B004E7.US-E-D
13488 01256 CUNEPGP0 34B004E8.US-E-D
13488 01256 CUNLPGP0 34B004E8.US-E-D
13488 01257 CUNEPGP2 34B004E9.US-E-D
13488 01258 CUNEPGP4 34B004EA.US-E-D
13488 01275 CUNEPGP6 34B004FB.US-E-D
13488 01276 CUNEPGP7 34B004FC.US-E-D
13488 01277 CUNEPGP8 34B004FD.US-E-D
13488 01280 CUNEPGQA 34B00500.US-E-D
13488 01281 CUNEPGQB 34B00501.US-E-D
13488 01282 CUNEPGQC 34B00502.US-E-D
13488 01283 CUNEPGQD 34B00503.US-E-D
13488 01284 CUNEPGQE 34B00504.US-E-D
13488 01285 CUNEPGQF 34B00505.US-E-D
13488 01351 CUNEPGQI 34B00547.UM-E-D
13488 01362 CUNEPGQJ 34B00552.UM-E-D
13488 01380 CUNEPGQV 34B00564.UM-E-D
13488 01380 CUNLPGQV 34B00564.UM-E-D
13488 01382 CUNEPGQ0 34B00566.UM-E-D
13488 01385 CUNEPGQ6 34B00569.UM-E-D
13488 04386 CUNCPGBI 34B01122.US-C0-A1
13488 04386 CUNXPGBI 34B01122.US-C0-A1
13488 04396 CUNEPGBR 34B0112C.UM-E-D
13488 04929 CUNCPGDJ 34B01341.US-C0-A1
13488 04930 CUNEPGDN 34B01342.UM-E-D
13488 04932 CUNCPGDV 34B01344.US-C0-A1
13488 04933 CUNEPGDZ 34B01345.UM-E-D
13488 04948 CUNEPGEM 34B01354.US-E-D
13488 04951 CUNEPGEY 34B01357.US-E-D
13488 04952 CUNEPGE5 34B01358.US-E-D

328 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
13488 04960 CUNEPGFZ 34B01360.US-E-D
13488 05012 CUNEPGH7 34B01394.US-E-D
13488 05047 CUNEPGKT 34B013B7.UM-E-D
13488 05048 CUNEPGKX 34B013B8.UM-E-D
13488 05049 CUNEPGKZ 34B013B9.UM-E-D
13488 05067 CUNEPGLU 34B013CB.UM-E-D
13488 05142 CUNEPGMY 34B01416.US-E-D
13488 05478 CUNEPGQ1 34B01566.UM-E-D
13488 08229 CUNCPGAC 34B02025.US-C0-A1
13488 08229 CUNXPGAC 34B02025.US-C0-A1
13488 08612 CUNEPGB3 34B021A4.US-E-D
13488 09030 CUNEPGD3 34B02346.US-E-D
13488 09056 CUNEPGF0 34B02360.US-E-D
13488 09066 CUNEPGG5 34B0236A.US-E-D
13488 09088 CUNCPGS0 34B02380.US-C0-A1
13488 09088 CUNEPGS0 34B02380.US-E-D
13488 09088 CUNRPGS0 34B02380.US-R-D
13488 09088 CUNXPGS0 34B02380.US-C0-A1
13488 09088 CUNMPGS0 34B02380.US-C0-A2
13488 09144 CUNEPGS1 34B023B8.UM-E-D
13488 09145 CUNEPGK0 34B023B9.UM-E-D
13488 09163 CUNEPGS2 34B023CB.UM-E-D
13488 09574 CUNEPGS9 34B02566.UM-E-D
13488 13124 CUNCPGDX 34B03344.US-C0-A1
13488 13124 CUNEPGDX 34B03344.US-E-D
13488 13124 CUNXPGDX 34B03344.US-C0-A1
13488 13184 CUNCPGS5 34B03380.US-C0-A1
13488 13184 CUNXPGS5 34B03380.US-C0-A2
13488 13184 CUNMPGS5 34B03380.US-C0-A2
13488 13185 CUNCPGHN 34B03381.US-C0-A1
13488 13185 CUNXPGHN 34B03381.US-C0-A1
13488 13185 CUNMPGHN 34B03381.US-C0-A2
13488 13240 CUNEPGS6 34B033B8.UM-E-D
13488 13241 CUNEPGS3 34B033B9.UM-E-D
13488 21433 CUNEPGS7 34B053B9.UM-E-D
13488 28709 CUNCPGAH 34B07025.US-C0-A1
13488 28709 CUNXPGAH 34B07025.US-C0-A1
13488 28709 CUNEPGAH 34B07025.US-E-D
13488 33058 CUNCPGBK 34B08122.US-C0-D
16684 17584 CUNRBUPH 412C44B0.MU-R-D
16804 00858 CUNEB5FI 41A4035A.S-E0-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 329

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
16804 00858 CUNRB5FI 41A4035A.S-R2-D
16804 00859 CUNEB5FK 41A4035B.S-E0-D
16804 00859 CUNRB5FK 41A4035B.S-R2-D
16804 00867 CUNEB5GF 41A40363.S-E0-D
16804 00867 CUNRB5GF 41A40363.S-R2-D
16804 00923 CUNEB5IF 41A4039B.S-E0-D
16804 00923 CUNRB5IF 41A4039B.S-R2-D
16804 00924 CUNEB5IG 41A4039C.S-E0-D
16804 00924 CUNRB5IG 41A4039C.S-R2-D
16804 01140 CUNEB5N5 41A40474.S-E0-D
16804 01140 CUNRB5N5 41A40474.S-R2-D
16804 01148 CUNEB5OD 41A4047C.S-E0-D
16804 01148 CUNRB5OD 41A4047C.S-R2-D
16804 01154 CUNEB5OG 41A40482.S-E0-D
16804 01154 CUNRB5OG 41A40482.S-R2-D
16804 01155 CUNEB5OH 41A40483.S-E0-D
16804 01155 CUNRB5OH 41A40483.S-R2-D
16804 01156 CUNEB5OI 41A40484.S-E0-D
16804 01156 CUNRB5OI 41A40484.S-R2-D
16804 01157 CUNEB5OJ 41A40485.S-E0-D
16804 01157 CUNRB5OJ 41A40485.S-R2-D
16804 05104 CUNEB5L1 41A413F0.S-E0-D
16804 05104 CUNRB5L1 41A413F0.S-R2-D
16804 05348 CUNEB5PT 41A414E4.S-E0-D
16804 05348 CUNRB5PT 41A414E4.S-R2-D
16804 05352 CUNCB5P1 41A414E8.S-C0-D
16804 09044 CUNEB5EN 41A42354.S-E0-D
16804 09044 CUNRB5EN 41A42354.S-R2-D
16804 09049 CUNEB5FE 41A42359.S-E0-D
16804 09049 CUNRB5FE 41A42359.S-R2-D
16804 09238 CUNCB5MZ 41A42416.S-C0-D
16804 12712 CUNEB5CD 41A431A8.S-E0-D
16804 12712 CUNRB5CD 41A431A8.S-R2-D
16804 17248 CUNEB5F2 41A44360.S-E0-D
16804 17248 CUNRB5F2 41A44360.S-RC-D
16804 17584 CUNRB5PH 41A444B0.SU-R-D
17240 17584 CUNROXPH 435844B0.SU-R-D
17248 00858 CUNEF2FI 4360035A.S-E0-D
17248 00858 CUNRF2FI 4360035A.S-R2-D
17248 00859 CUNEF2FK 4360035B.S-E0-D
17248 00859 CUNRF2FK 4360035B.S-R2-D

330 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
17248 00923 CUNEF2IF 4360039B.S-E0-D
17248 00923 CUNRF2IF 4360039B.S-R2-D
17248 00924 CUNEF2IG 4360039C.S-E0-D
17248 00924 CUNRF2IG 4360039C.S-R2-D
17248 01140 CUNEF2N5 43600474.S-E0-D
17248 01140 CUNRF2N5 43600474.S-R2-D
17248 01141 CUNEF2N6 43600475.S-E0-D
17248 01141 CUNRF2N6 43600475.S-R2-D
17248 01142 CUNEF2N7 43600476.S-E0-D
17248 01142 CUNRF2N7 43600476.S-R2-D
17248 01143 CUNEF2N8 43600477.S-E0-D
17248 01143 CUNRF2N8 43600477.S-R2-D
17248 01144 CUNEF2N9 43600478.S-E0-D
17248 01144 CUNRF2N9 43600478.S-R2-D
17248 01145 CUNEF2OA 43600479.S-E0-D
17248 01145 CUNRF2OA 43600479.S-R2-D
17248 01146 CUNEF2OB 4360047A.S-E0-D
17248 01146 CUNRF2OB 4360047A.S-R2-D
17248 01147 CUNEF2OC 4360047B.S-E0-D
17248 01147 CUNRF2OC 4360047B.S-R2-D
17248 01148 CUNEF2OD 4360047C.S-E0-D
17248 01148 CUNRF2OD 4360047C.S-R2-D
17248 01149 CUNEF2OE 4360047D.S-E0-D
17248 01149 CUNRF2OE 4360047D.S-R2-D
17248 01153 CUNEF2OF 43600481.S-E0-D
17248 01153 CUNRF2OF 43600481.S-R2-D
17248 01154 CUNEF2OG 43600482.S-E0-D
17248 01154 CUNRF2OG 43600482.S-R2-D
17248 01155 CUNEF2OH 43600483.S-E0-D
17248 01155 CUNRF2OH 43600483.S-R2-D
17248 01160 CUNEF2OM 43600488.S-E0-D
17248 01160 CUNRF2OM 43600488.S-R2-D
17248 04971 CUNEF2G9 4360136B.S-E0-D
17248 04971 CUNRF2G9 4360136B.S-R2-D
17248 05104 CUNRF2L1 436013F0.S-RC-D
17248 05348 CUNEF2PT 436014E4.S-E0-D
17248 05348 CUNRF2PT 436014E4.S-R2-D
17248 05352 CUNEF2P1 436014E8.S-EC-D
17248 09238 CUNCF2MZ 43602416.S-C0-D
17248 12712 CUNEF2CD 436031A8.S-E0-D
17248 12712 CUNRF2CD 436031A8.S-R2-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 331

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
17248 16804 CUNEF2B5 436041A4.S-E0-D
17248 16804 CUNRF2B5 436041A4.S-RC-D
17248 17584 CUNRF2PH 436044B0.SU-R-D
17337 17584 CUNRS4PH 43B944B0.MU-R-D
17584 00274 CUNEPHAX 44B00112.US-E-D
17584 00274 CUNLPHAX 44B00112.US-E-D
17584 00425 CUNCPHSR 44B001A9.US-C0-D
17584 00425 CUNEPHSR 44B001A9.US-E-D
17584 00808 CUNEPHD5 44B00328.US-E-D
17584 00848 CUNEPHD7 44B00350.US-E-D
17584 00849 CUNEPHD9 44B00351.US-E-D
17584 00858 CUNEPHFI 44B0035A.US-E-D
17584 00859 CUNEPHFK 44B0035B.US-E-D
17584 00867 CUNEPHGF 44B00363.US-E-D
17584 00872 CUNEPHG0 44B00368.US-E-D
17584 00901 CUNEPHHS 44B00385.US-E-D
17584 00902 CUNEPHHU 44B00386.US-E-D
17584 00913 CUNEPHSZ 44B00391.US-E-D
17584 00923 CUNEPHIF 44B0039B.US-E-D
17584 00924 CUNEPHIG 44B0039C.US-E-D
17584 00926 CUNEPHIH 44B0039E.UM-E-D
17584 00953 CUNEPHKY 44B003B9.UM-E-D
17584 00960 CUNEPHLF 44B003C0.UM-E-D
17584 01126 CUNEPHNT 44B00466.US-E-D
17584 01140 CUNEPHN5 44B00474.US-E-D
17584 01140 CUNLPHN5 44B00474.US-E-D
17584 01141 CUNEPHN6 44B00475.US-E-D
17584 01141 CUNLPHN6 44B00475.US-E-D
17584 01142 CUNEPHN7 44B00476.US-E-D
17584 01142 CUNLPHN7 44B00476.US-E-D
17584 01143 CUNEPHN8 44B00477.US-E-D
17584 01143 CUNLPHN8 44B00477.US-E-D
17584 01144 CUNEPHN9 44B00478.US-E-D
17584 01144 CUNLPHN9 44B00478.US-E-D
17584 01145 CUNEPHOA 44B00479.US-E-D
17584 01145 CUNLPHOA 44B00479.US-E-D
17584 01146 CUNEPHOB 44B0047A.US-E-D
17584 01146 CUNLPHOB 44B0047A.US-E-D
17584 01147 CUNEPHOC 44B0047B.US-E-D
17584 01147 CUNLPHOC 44B0047B.US-E-D
17584 01148 CUNEPHOD 44B0047C.US-E-D

332 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
17584 01148 CUNLPHOD 44B0047C.US-E-D
17584 01149 CUNEPHOE 44B0047D.US-E-D
17584 01149 CUNLPHOE 44B0047D.US-E-D
17584 01153 CUNEPHOF 44B00481.US-E-D
17584 01154 CUNEPHOG 44B00482.US-E-D
17584 01155 CUNEPHOH 44B00483.US-E-D
17584 01156 CUNEPHOI 44B00484.US-E-D
17584 01157 CUNEPHOJ 44B00485.US-E-D
17584 01158 CUNEPHOK 44B00486.US-E-D
17584 01159 CUNCPHOL 44B00487.US-C0-A1
17584 01159 CUNXPHOL 44B00487.US-C0-A1
17584 01159 CUNEPHOL 44B00487.US-E-D
17584 01160 CUNEPHOM 44B00488.US-E-D
17584 01164 CUNEPHOQ 44B0048C.US-E-D
17584 01165 CUNEPHSV 44B0048D.US-E-D
17584 01362 CUNEPHQJ 44B00552.UM-E-D
17584 04396 CUNEPHBR 44B0112C.UM-E-D
17584 04899 CUNEPHDB 44B01323.US-E-D
17584 04904 CUNEPHOS 44B01328.US-E-D
17584 04909 CUNEPHDG 44B0132D.US-E-D
17584 04930 CUNEPHDN 44B01342.UM-E-D
17584 04933 CUNEPHDZ 44B01345.UM-E-D
17584 04944 CUNEPHOT 44B01350.US-E-D
17584 04945 CUNEPHOU 44B01351.US-E-D
17584 04954 CUNEPHOY 44B0135A.US-E-D
17584 04955 CUNEPHOZ 44B0135B.US-E-D
17584 04956 CUNEPHO0 44B0135C.US-E-D
17584 04957 CUNEPHO1 44B0135D.US-E-D
17584 04958 CUNEPHO2 44B0135E.US-E-D
17584 04959 CUNEPHO3 44B0135F.US-E-D
17584 04961 CUNEPHO4 44B01361.US-E-D
17584 04962 CUNEPHO5 44B01362.US-E-D
17584 04963 CUNEPHO6 44B01363.US-E-D
17584 04971 CUNEPHG9 44B0136B.US-E-D
17584 05056 CUNEPHSS 44B013C0.UM-E-D
17584 05104 CUNEPHL1 44B013F0.US-E-D
17584 05123 CUNCPHMJ 44B01403.US-C0-A1
17584 05123 CUNXPHMJ 44B01403.US-C0-A1
17584 05123 CUNEPHMJ 44B01403.US-E-D
17584 05210 CUNCPHNJ 44B0145A.US-C0-A1
17584 05210 CUNXPHNJ 44B0145A.US-C0-A1

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 333

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
17584 05210 CUNXPHNJ 44B0145A.US-C0-A1
17584 05210 CUNEPHNJ 44B0145A.US-E-D
17584 05346 CUNEPHPP 44B014E2.US-E-D
17584 05347 CUNEPHPR 44B014E3.US-E-D
17584 05348 CUNEPHPT 44B014E4.US-E-D
17584 05349 CUNEPHPV 44B014E5.US-E-D
17584 05350 CUNEPHPX 44B014E6.US-E-D
17584 05351 CUNEPHPZ 44B014E7.US-E-D
17584 05352 CUNEPHP1 44B014E8.US-E-D
17584 05353 CUNEPHP3 44B014E9.US-E-D
17584 05354 CUNEPHP5 44B014EA.US-E-D
17584 05487 CUNCPHTC 44B0156F.UM-C0-A1
17584 08482 CUNCPHBJ 44B02122.US-C0-A1
17584 08482 CUNXPHBJ 44B02122.US-C0-A1
17584 08482 CUNEPHBJ 44B02122.US-E-D
17584 09027 CUNXPHDT 44B02343.UM-E-A
17584 09027 CUNEPHDT 44B02343.UM-E-D
17584 09042 CUNEPHOV 44B02352.US-E-D
17584 09044 CUNEPHEN 44B02354.US-E-D
17584 09048 CUNEPHE6 44B02358.US-E-D
17584 09049 CUNEPHFE 44B02359.US-E-D
17584 09061 CUNEPHGR 44B02365.US-E-D
17584 09064 CUNEPHO8 44B02368.US-E-D
17584 09238 CUNEPHMZ 44B02416.US-E-D
17584 09306 CUNEPHPA 44B0245A.US-E-D
17584 09444 CUNCPHTE 44B024E4.US-C0-A1
17584 09577 CUNCPHTD 44B02569.UM-C0-A1
17584 12712 CUNEPHCD 44B031A8.US-E-D
17584 13121 CUNCPHDL 44B03341.US-C0-A1
17584 13121 CUNXPGDL 44B03341.US-C0-A1
17584 13121 CUNEPHDL 44B03341.US-E-D
17584 13140 CUNEPHPB 44B03354.US-E-D
17584 13143 CUNEPHOW 44B03357.US-E-D
17584 13145 CUNEPHPC 44B03359.US-E-D
17584 13156 CUNEPHO7 44B03364.US-E-D
17584 13157 CUNEPHPD 44B03365.US-E-D
17584 13162 CUNEPHO9 44B0336A.US-E-D
17584 13241 CUNEPHS3 44B033B9.UM-E-D
17584 16684 CUNXPHBU 44B0412C.UM-E-A
17584 16684 CUNEPHBU 44B0412C.UM-E-D
17584 16804 CUNEPHB5 44B041A4.US-E-D

334 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

IBM-supplied conversion tables
From-CCSID To-CCSID file name CDRA file name
17584 17240 CUNEPHOX 44B04358.US-E-D
17584 17248 CUNEPHF2 44B04360.US-E-D
17584 17337 CUNEPHS4 44B043B9.UM-E-D
17584 21344 CUNEPHPE 44B05360.US-E-D
17584 21427 CUNXPHKE 44B053B3.UM-E-A
17584 21427 CUNEPHKE 44B053B3.UM-E-D
17584 53685 CUNEPHOR 44B0D1B5.US-E-D
21344 17584 CUNRPEPH 536044B0.SU-R-D
21427 09027 CUNEKEDT 53B32343.D-E0-D
21427 17584 CUNEKEPH 53B344B0.MU-E-D
21433 13488 CUNRS7PG 53B934B0.MU-R-D
21680 01391 CUNCTHTF 54B0056F.UM-C0-A1
21680 09444 CUNCTHTE 54B024E4.US-C0-A1
21680 09577 CUNCTHTD 54B02569.UM-C0-A1
28709 00437 CUNEAHCE 702501B5.S-E0-A1
28709 00437 CUNRAHCE 702501B5.S-R2-D
28709 00737 CUNEAHC6 702502E1.S-E0-D
28709 00775 CUNEAHC8 70250307.S-E0-D
28709 00852 CUNEAHEL 70250354.S-E0-A1
28709 00852 CUNRAHEL 70250354.S-R2-D
28709 00857 CUNEAHFC 70250359.S-E0-A1
28709 00857 CUNRAHFC 70250359.S-R2-D
28709 00860 CUNEAHFM 7025035C.S-E0-A1
28709 00860 CUNRAHFM 7025035C.S-R2-D
28709 00861 CUNEAHFP 7025035D.S-E0-A1
28709 00861 CUNRAHFP 7025035D.S-R2-D
28709 00862 CUNEAHFS 7025035E.S-E0-A1
28709 00862 CUNRAHFS 7025035E.S-R2-D
28709 00863 CUNEAHFV 7025035F.S-E0-A1
28709 00863 CUNRAHFV 7025035F.S-R2-D
28709 00864 CUNEAHFY 70250360.S-E0-A1
28709 00864 CUNRAHFY 70250360.S-R2-D
28709 00865 CUNEAHGA 70250361.S-E0-A1
28709 00865 CUNRAHGA 70250361.S-R2-D
28709 13488 CUNRAHPG 702534B0.SU-R-D
33058 13488 CUNCBKPG 812234B0.SU-C0-D
53685 17584 CUNRORPH D1B544B0.SU-R-D

Appendix F. Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables 335

IBM-supplied conversion tables

336 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Appendix G. Summary of suffixes and CCSIDs
In the following you find a complete list of the suffixes together with the according
CCSID. The suffixes refer to the suffixes of the file names in the table in
Appendix F, “Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables” on page 115.

suffix CCSID
AA 00037
AB 04133
AC 08229
AD 12325
AE 16421
AF 20517
AG 24613
AH 28709
AI 32805
AJ 00256
AK 08448
AL 12544
AM 61696
AN 61697
AO 61698
AP 00259
AQ 61699
AR 61700
AS 61710
AT 61711
AU 61712
AV 00273
AW 04369
AX 00274
AY 04370
AZ 00275
A0 04371
A1 04372
A2 00277
A3 04373
A4 00278
A5 04374
A6 00280
A7 04376
A8 00281

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 337

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
A9 00282
BA 04378
BB 00284
BC 04380
BD 08476
BE 00285
BF 04381
BG 00286
BH 00290
BI 04386
BJ 08482
BK 33058
BL 00293
BM 04389
BN 00297
BO 04393
BP 08489
BQ 00300
BR 04396
BS 08492
BT 12588
BU 16684
BV 00301
BW 04397
BX 08493
BY 24877
BZ 00310
B0 00367
B1 00420
B2 04516
B3 08612
B4 12708
B5 16804
B6 00421
B7 04517
B8 00423
B9 04519
CA 00424
CB 04520
CC 08616
CD 12712

338 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
CE 00437
CF 04533
CG 08629
CH 12725
CI 16821
CJ 20917
CK 25013
CL 29109
CM 33205
CN 37301
CO 41397
CP 45493
CQ 49589
CR 00500
CS 04596
CT 08692
CU 12788
CV 16884
CW 20980
CX 25076
CY 29172
CZ 33268
C0 37364
C1 41460
C2 45556
C3 49652
C4 53748
C5 00720
C6 00737
C7 25313
C8 00775
C9 25351
DA 00803
DB 04899
DC 00806
DD 04902
DE 00807
DF 00813
DG 04909
DH 00819
DI 00833

Appendix G. Summary of suffixes and CCSIDs 339

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
DJ 04929
DK 09025
DL 13121
DM 00834
DN 04930
DO 09026
DP 13122
DQ 17218
DR 00835
DS 04931
DT 09027
DU 00836
DV 04932
DW 09028
DX 13124
DY 00837
DZ 04933
D0 09029
D1 00838
D2 04934
D3 09030
D4 00839
D5 00808
D6 25384
D7 00848
D8 25424
D9 00849
EA 25425
EB 00850
EC 04946
ED 25426
EE 29522
EF 33618
EG 00851
EH 04947
EI 25427
EJ 29523
EK 33619
EL 00852
EM 04948
EN 09044

340 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
EO 25428
EP 29524
EQ 33620
ER 37716
ES 00853
ET 04949
EU 25429
EV 29525
EW 33621
EX 00855
EY 04951
EZ 09047
E0 25431
E1 29527
E2 33623
E3 37719
E4 00856
E5 04952
E6 09048
E7 13144
E8 25432
E9 29528
FA 33624
FB 37720
FC 00857
FD 04953
FE 09049
FF 25433
FG 29529
FH 33625
FI 00858
FJ 25434
FK 00859
FL 25435
FM 00860
FN 25436
FO 29532
FP 00861
FQ 25437
FR 29533
FS 00862

Appendix G. Summary of suffixes and CCSIDs 341

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
FT 25438
FU 29534
FV 00863
FW 25439
FX 29535
FY 00864
FZ 04960
F0 09056
F1 13152
F2 17248
F3 25440
F4 29536
F5 33632
F6 37728
F7 41824
F8 45920
F9 50016
GA 00865
GB 25441
GC 29537
GD 00866
GE 25442
GF 00867
GG 25443
GH 00868
GI 04964
GJ 09060
GK 25444
GL 29540
GM 33636
GN 37732
GO 41828
GP 00869
GQ 04965
GR 09061
GS 25445
GT 29541
GU 33637
GV 37733
GW 00870
GX 04966

342 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
GY 00871
GZ 04967
G0 00872
G1 04968
G2 25448
G3 00874
G4 04970
G5 09066
G6 25450
G7 29546
G8 00875
G9 04971
HA 00878
HB 00880
HC 04976
HD 00891
HE 25467
HF 00892
HG 00893
HH 00895
HI 00896
HJ 04992
HK 00897
HL 04993
HM 09089
HN 13185
HO 25473
HP 33665
HQ 37761
HR 00899
HS 00901
HT 25477
HU 00902
HV 25478
HW 00903
HX 25479
HY 00904
HZ 25480
H0 00905
H1 00912
H2 25488

Appendix G. Summary of suffixes and CCSIDs 343

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
H3 00914
H4 00915
H5 25491
H6 00916
H7 05012
H8 00918
H9 05014
IA 00920
IB 00921
IC 25497
ID 00922
IE 25498
IF 00923
IG 00924
IH 00926
II 25502
IJ 00927
IK 05023
IL 25503
IM 00928
IN 25504
IO 00929
IP 25505
IQ 00930
IR 05026
IS 09122
IT 13218
IU 17314
IV 33698
IW 00931
IX 13219
IY 33699
IZ 00932
I0 05028
I1 09124
I2 25508
I3 33700
I4 37796
I5 00933
I6 05029
I7 09125

344 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
I8 13221
I9 17317
JA 00934
JB 25510
JC 00935
JD 05031
JE 09127
JF 13223
JG 00936
JH 25512
JI 00937
JJ 05033
JK 00938
JL 25514
JM 00939
JN 05035
JO 09131
JP 00941
JQ 05037
JR 09133
JS 13229
JT 17325
JU 00942
JV 05038
JW 25518
JX 29614
JY 00943
JZ 05039
J0 09135
J2 13231
J3 00944
J4 25520
J5 29616
J6 00946
J7 25522
J8 29618
J9 00947
KA 05043
KB 09139
KC 13235
KD 17331

Appendix G. Summary of suffixes and CCSIDs 345

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
KE 21427
KF 00948
KG 25524
KH 29620
KI 00949
KJ 05045
KK 25525
KL 29621
KM 33717
KN 37813
KO 00950
KP 05046
KQ 09142
KR 13238
KS 00951
KT 05047
KU 25527
KV 29623
KW 00952
KX 05048
KY 00953
KZ 05049
K0 09145
K1 00954
K2 05050
K3 09146
K4 13242
K5 33722
K6 00955
K7 00956
K8 05052
K9 00957
LA 05053
LB 00958
LC 05054
LD 00959
LE 05055
LF 00960
LG 00961
LH 05057
LI 00963

346 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
LJ 00964
LK 05060
LL 00965
LM 05061
LN 00966
LO 00970
LP 05066
LQ 17354
LR 21450
LS 25546
LT 00971
LU 05067
LV 01002
LW 01004
LX 05100
LY 25580
LZ 01006
L0 01008
L1 05104
L2 01009
L3 01010
L4 01011
L5 01012
L6 01013
L7 01014
L8 01015
L9 01016
MA 01017
MB 01018
MC 01019
MD 01020
ME 01021
MF 01023
MG 01025
MH 01026
MI 01027
MJ 05123
MK 01040
ML 25616
MM 29712
MN 01041

Appendix G. Summary of suffixes and CCSIDs 347

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
MO 05137
MP 25617
MQ 29713
MR 01042
MS 25618
MT 29714
MU 01043
MV 25619
MW 29715
MX 01046
MY 05142
MZ 09238
M0 01047
M1 05143
M2 01051
M3 01088
M4 25664
M5 29760
M6 01089
M7 01097
M8 01098
M9 01100
NA 01101
NB 01102
NC 01103
ND 01104
NE 01105
NF 01106
NG 01107
NH 01112
NI 01114
NJ 05210
NK 25690
NL 29786
NM 01115
NN 05211
NO 25691
NP 01122
NQ 01123
NR 01124
NS 01125

348 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
NT 01126
NU 05222
NV 25702
NW 01127
NX 25703
NY 01129
NZ 01130
N0 01131
N1 01132
N2 01133
N3 01137
N4 01139
N5 01140
N6 01141
N7 01142
N8 01143
N9 01144
OA 01145
OB 01146
OC 01147
OD 01148
OE 01149
OF 01153
OG 01154
OH 01155
OI 01156
OJ 01157
OK 01158
OL 01159
OM 01160
ON 01161
OO 01162
OP 01163
OQ 01164
OR 53685
OS 04904
OT 04944
OU 04945
OV 09042
OW 13143
OX 17240

Appendix G. Summary of suffixes and CCSIDs 349

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
OY 04954
OZ 04955
O0 04956
O1 04957
O2 04958
O3 04959
O4 04961
O5 04962
O6 04963
O7 13156
O8 09064
O9 13162
PA 09306
PB 13140
PC 13145
PD 13157
PE 21344
PF 01200
PG 13488
PH 17584
PI 01201
PJ 05297
PK 01208
PL 05304
PM 01209
PN 05305
PO 01250
PP 05346
PQ 01251
PR 05347
PS 01252
PT 05348
PU 01253
PV 05349
PW 01254
PX 05350
PY 01255
PZ 05351
P0 01256
P1 05352
P2 01257

350 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
P3 05353
P4 01258
P5 05354
P6 01275
P7 01276
P8 01277
P9 01279
QA 01280
QB 01281
QC 01282
QD 01283
QE 01284
QF 01285
QG 01286
QH 01350
QI 01351
QJ 01362
QK 05458
QL 09554
QM 13650
QN 01363
QO 05459
QP 09555
QQ 13651
QR 01364
QS 05460
QT 01370
QU 01371
QV 01380
QW 05476
QX 09572
QY 01381
QZ 05477
Q0 01382
Q1 05478
Q2 01383
Q3 05479
Q4 09575
Q5 13671
Q6 01385
Q7 05481

Appendix G. Summary of suffixes and CCSIDs 351

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
Q8 01386
Q9 05482
RA 01388
RB 05484
RC 01390
RD 01399
RE 57345
RF 61952
RG 61953
RH 61954
RI 62208
RJ 62209
RK 62210
RL 62211
RM 62212
RN 62213
RO 62214
RP 62215
RQ 62216
RR 62217
RS 62218
RT 62219
RU 62220
RV 62221
RW 62222
RX 62223
RY 62224
RZ 62225
R0 62226
R1 62227
R2 62228
R3 62229
R4 62230
R5 62231
R6 62232
R7 62233
R8 62234
R9 62235
SA 62236
SB 62237
SC 62238

352 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID
SD 62239
SE 62240
SF 62241
SG 62242
SH 62243
SI 62244
SJ 62245
SK 62246
SL 62247
SM 62248
SN 62249
SO 62250
SP 65024
SQ 65025
SR 00425
SS 05056
ST 03122
SU 09148
SV 01165
SW 12578
SX 01287
SY 01288
SZ 00913
S0 09088
S1 09144
S2 09163
S3 13241
S4 17337
S5 13184
S6 13240
S7 21433
S8 13259
S9 09574
TA 17336
| TB 05488
| TC 05487
| TD 09577
| TE 09444
| TF 01391
| TG 01392
| TH 21680

Appendix G. Summary of suffixes and CCSIDs 353

Suffixes and CCSIDs
suffix CCSID

354 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Appendix H. Supported MBCS CCSIDs
| In the following you find the list of MBCS CCSIDs supported by Unicode:
| Table 18. List of MBCS CCSIDs supported by Unicode
| 00930 01386
| 00931 01388
| 00932 01390
| 00933 01392
| 00934 01399
| 00935 05026
| 00936 05029
| 00937 05031
| 00938 05033
| 00939 05035
| 00942 05039
| 00943 05045
| 00944 05050
| 00946 05052
| 00948 05053
| 00949 05054
| 00950 05055
| 00954 05061
| 00956 05479
| 00957 05488
| 00958 09122
| 00959 09146
| 00964 09575
| 00965 13218
| 00966 13219
| 00970 13242
| 01350 13671
| 01363 17354
| 01364 21450
| 01370 25546
| 01371 33698
| 01381 33722
| 01383

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 355

Supported MBCS CCSIDs

356 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Appendix I. MBCS CCSID decomposition
In the following you find a list of MBCS CCSIDs and how they decompose into

MBCS Sub 1 Sub2 Sub3 Sub4

00930 00290 00300
00931 08229 0030
00932 00897 00301
00933 00833 00834
00934 00891 00926
00935 00836 00837
00936 00903 00928
00937 28709 00835
00938 00904 00927
00939 01027 00300
00942 01041 00301
00943 13185 00941
00944 01040 00926
00946 01042 00928
00948 01043 00927
00949 01088 00951
00950 01114 00947
00954 00895 00952 09088 00953
00956 00895 13240 00896 21433
00957 00895 00955 00896 21433
00958 00367 13240 00896 21433
00959 00367 00955 00896 21433
00964 00367 00960 00961
00965 00367 05056 00963
00970 00367 00971
01350 00367 05048 13184 05049
01363 01126 01362
01364 13121 04930
01370 05210 21427
01371 01159 09027
01381 01115 01380
01383 00367 01382
01386 05210 01385
01388 13124 04933

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 357

MBCS CCSID decomposition
MBCS Sub 1 Sub2 Sub3 Sub4
01390 08482 16684
01399 05123 16684
05026 00290 04396
05028 04993 00301
05029 04929 00834
05031 04932 00837
05033 08229 00835
05035 01027 04396
05038 01041 08493
05039 01041 01351
05045 01088 05047
05046 01114 05043
05050 00895 00952 13184 09145
05052 00895 13240 00896 21433
05053 00895 00955 00896 21433
05054 00367 13240 00896 21433
05055 00367 00955 00896 21433
05060 00367 00960 05057
05066 00367 13259
05459 05222 05458
05460 00833 17218
05477 05211 01380
05479 00367 09574
05482 01114 05481
05484 00836 09029
09122 04386 00300
09124 09089 00301
09125 09025 09026
09127 09028 00837
09131 01027 08493
09135 00897 09133
09142 01114 09139
09146 00895 00952 13184 00953
09148 00367 00895 00955 17336
09555 05222 09554
09575 00367 05478
13218 04386 04396
13219 08229 04396
13231 00897 17325

358 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

MBCS CCSID decomposition
MBCS Sub 1 Sub2 Sub3 Sub4
13238 01114 13235
13242 00895 05048 13184 05049
13651 05222 13650
13671 00367 05478
17314 00290 12588
17317 09025 13122
17354 00367 09163
21450 00367 05067
25508 25473 24877
25510 25467 25502
25512 25479 25504
25514 25480 25503
25518 25617 24877
25520 25616 25502
25522 25618 25504
25524 25619 25503
25525 25664 25527
25546 00367 09163
29614 29713 24877
29616 29712 25502
29618 29714 25504
29620 29715 25503
29621 29760 25527
33698 33058 04396
33699 32805 04396
33700 33665 24877
33717 25664 29623
33722 00895 00952 09088 09145
37796 37761 24877
37813 29760 29623

Appendix I. MBCS CCSID decomposition 359

MBCS CCSID decomposition

360 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Appendix J. MBCS CCSIDs compatible with iconv
In the following you find a list of MBCS CCSIDs for which tables were changed to
get compatibility with the iconv funtion of the Language Environment.
These CCSIDs can be selected by using the technique character ″L″ when calling
the service and when defining conversions for the image generator.
If you are looking for iconv compatible SBCS and DBCS tables, check the list of
conversion tables in Appendix F, “Summary of IBM-supplied conversion tables” on
page 115 for table names starting with CUNL.


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 361

MBCS CCSIDs compatible with iconv

362 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Appendix K. C-variant MBCS CCSIDs compatible with iconv
In the following you find a list of MBCS CCSIDs for which tables were changed to
get compatibility with the iconv funtion of the C Runtime Environment (C-variants).
These CCSIDs can be selected by using the technique character ″M″ when calling
the service and when defining conversions for the image generator

00932 corresponds to IBM-932C

00942 corresponds to IBM-942C
00943 corresponds to IBM-943C
00949 corresponds to IBM-949C
01363 corresponds to IBM-1363C
33722 corresponds to IBM-eucJC

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 363

C-variant MBCS CCSIDs compatible with iconv

364 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Appendix L. Accessibility
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully. The major
accessibility features in z/OS enable users to:
v Use assistive technologies such as screen-readers and screen magnifier
v Operate specific or equivalent features using only the keyboard
v Customize display attributes such as color, contrast, and font size

Using assistive technologies

Assistive technology products, such as screen-readers, function with the user
interfaces found in z/OS. Consult the assistive technology documentation for
specific information when using it to access z/OS interfaces.

Keyboard navigation of the user interface

Users can access z/OS user interfaces using TSO/E or ISPF. Refer to z/OS TSO/E
Primer, z/OS TSO/E User’s Guide, and z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Volume I for
information about accessing TSO/E and ISPF interfaces. These guides describe
how to use TSO/E and ISPF, including the use of keyboard shortcuts or function
keys (PF keys). Each guide includes the default settings for the PF keys and
explains how to modify their functions.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 365

366 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services
This information was developed for products and services offered in the USA.

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For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM
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Programming Interface information

This publication primarily documents information that is NOT intended to be used as
Programming Interfaces of z/OS support for Unicode.

This publication also documents intended Programming Interfaces that allow the
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Programming Interface information

End of Programming Interface information

The following terms are trademarks of the International Business Machines
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Language Environment
Resource Link

The following terms are trademarks of the Unicode® Consortium:

Unicode™ Standard
Unicode® Consortium

368 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

The following terms are trademarks of ADOBE:


Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks
of others.

Notices 369
370 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services
Glossary of terms and abbreviations
This glossary defines technical terms and first. Big endian is used by most hardware architectures
abbreviations used in z/OS support for Unicode including the 390 architecture. Also see little endian on
documentation. If you do not find the term you are page 373.
looking for, refer to the Index of this document or
go to IBM Glossary of Computing Terms at C
http://www.ibm.com/terminology case conversion. Conversion of a lower case
character to upper case and vice versa.
This glossary includes terms and definitions from:
CCSID . coded character set identifier: A 16-bit
number identifying a specific set of encoding scheme
American National Standard Dictionary for identifier, character set identifier(s), code page
Information Systems, ANSI X3.172-1990, copyright identifier(s), and additional coding related required
1990 by the American National Standards Institute information, that uniquely identifies the coded graphic
(ANSI). Copies may be purchased from the character representation used.
American National Standards Institute, 11 West
42nd Street, New York, New York 10036. CDRA. character data representation architecture:
An IBM architecture that defines a set of identifiers,
resources, services, and conventions to achieve a
Character Data Representation Architecture
consistent representation, processing, and interchange
Reference and Registry, SC09-2190, copyright
of graphic character data in mixed environments.
1995 by International Business Machines
Corporation. Copies may be purchased from IBM. character. A member of a set of elements used for
organization, control, or representation of data. A
A character can be a graphic character or a control
ACRI. additional coding-related information: A character conversion. Conversion between specified
CDRA term referring to the additional information that is CCSIDs. The process of converting a set of characters
required to complete the definition associated with using from one CCSID to another CCSID.
particular encoding schemes. This information is in
addition to the encoding scheme identifier, character set character set. A defined set of characters. No coded
identifiers and code page identifiers that are associated representation is assumed.
with the case particular encoding scheme. An example
for ACRI is the range of valid first bytes of double-byte code. A system of bit patterns to which a specific
code points in mixed single-byte and double-byte code. graphic or a control meaning has been assigned.

ANSI. American National Standards Institute: The code page. A specification of code points from a
organization originally founded in 1918 to handle the defined encoding scheme for each graphic character in
problem of manufacturing interchangeable parts. Today a set or in a collection of graphic character sets. Within
ANSI does not develop standards but coordinates and a code page, a code point can have only one specific
accredits standards development in the United States of meaning. See also code point and encoding scheme.
code page conversion. The process of converting a
ASCII. American National Standard Code for set of characters from one CCSID to another CCSID.
Information Interchange: The standard code, using a The term ’code page conversion’ is not used in this
coded set consisting of 7-bit coded characters (8 bits documentation; instead the term ’character conversion’
including parity check), used for information interchange is used.
between data processing systems, data communication
systems, and associated equipment. The ASCII set code point. A unique bit pattern defined in a code.
consists of control characters and graphic characters. Depending on the code, a code point can be 7-bit, 8-bit,
16-bit, or other. Code points are assigned to a graphic
character in a code page.
code set. See coded character set.
big endian. Big endian is a format for storage of
binary data in which the most significant byte is placed coded character . A control or graphic character with
its assigned code point.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 371

coded character set. A set of unambiguous rules that Processing. Chinese, Japanese, Korean & Vietnamese
establish a character set and the one-to-one Computing. 1999. ISBN: 1-56592-224-7, O’REILLY
relationships between the characters of the set and their ASSOCIATES)
coded representations. (ISO/IEC)
direct conversion. When the conversion is done in
control character. one step, it is called direct conversion.
1. (ISO/IEC 6429) A control function, the coded
representation of which consists of a single bit E
2. A character whose occurrence in a particular context EBCDIC. IBM Extended Binary Coded Decimal
initiates, modifies, or stops a control function. Interchange Code: A coded character set consisting of
8-bit coded characters.
control function. (ISO/IEC 6429) An element of a
character set that affects the recording, processing, encoding scheme. A set of specific definitions that
transmission, or interpretation of data, and that has a describe the philosophy used to represent character
coded representation of one or more bit combinations. data. The number of bits, the number of bytes, the
allowable ranges of bytes, maximum number of
conversion image. The conversion services can only characters, and meanings assigned to some generic
be used when conversion tables and control blocks are and specific bit patterns, are some examples of
loaded into storage. Conversion tables and control specifications to be found in such a definition.
blocks together are called ’conversion image’ or simply
’image’. The conversion image is created by the image encoding scheme identifier. A 16-bit number
generator which runs as a batch job. assigned to uniquely identify a particular encoding
scheme specification. See also encoding scheme
conversion environment. When the conversion
image is loaded into a common data space, the endian. See big endian on page 371 and little endian
conversion environment is activated and the conversion on page 373.
services are ready to be used by callers.
EUC. Extended Unix Code: an MBCS encoding which
conversion services. This document describes the consists of up to four sub code pages.
conversion services which are offered by z/OS support
for Unicode. Also see character conversion and case
composite conversion. Converting a MBCS CCSIDs From-CCSID. It is the CCSID converting from.
is done by decomposing it into its individual CCSIDs
and then converting the MBCS character stream by G
using the appropriate CCSIDs. This process is called
’composite conversion’ (a mixed CCSID is involved). GB18030. Chinese standard that specifies an
Also see simple conversion on page 373. extended Codepage and a mapping table for conversion
to and from Unicode DBCS. GB18030 is formed with
CPGID. code page global identifier: A number
1,2 and 4 byte character sets. 1 and 2 byte parts are
between 00001 and 65534 that is assigned to identify a
similar to UTF and are compatible with GBK encodings.
code page. It may be expressed as a five-digit decimal
number, a four-digit hexadecimal number, or a graphic character. (ISO 646-1983)
double-byte binary number.
1. A character other than a control function that has a
visual representation normally handwritten, printed,
D or displayed.
2. A character that can be displayed or printed.
DBCS. double-byte (coded) character set: A coded
3. A graphic symbol such as a numeric, alphabetic, or
character set in which each character is represented by
special character, or ideogram.
a double-byte code point. Some character sets, such as
Kanji, are too rich in symbols to be able to represent all graphic character set. A defined set of graphic
the characters using single-byte codes. A double-byte characters treated as an entity. No coded representation
code character set is used to represent the symbols that is assumed.
make up such large character sets.

designator sequence. A sequence used by some H

ISO2022-based encodings for indicating the character
sets to use when shifting characters are used. (also High-surrogate. High-Surrogate. A Unicode code
see: Lunde, Ken: Understanding CJKV Information value in the range U+D800 through U+DBFF.

372 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services


IDF. interface definition file PC. personal computer: In the context of this
document, it is the name for an extension of the ISO
image generator for z/OS support for Unicode. This 646 (ANSI version) 7-bit code structure to an 8-bit
is a batch job supplied by z/OS support for Unicode for structure.
creating a conversion image. The job sometimes is
referred to as ’image generator’.
indirect conversion. When the conversion is done
using an intermediate CCSID, it is called indirect SBCS. single-byte character set: A set of characters
conversion. in which each character is represented by one byte.

infrastructure. The infrastructure supplies all parts script. A collection of graphic symbols used for writing.
necessary to customize and establish the conversion A script is not related to either a language nor a country.
services. It includes conversion tables and the Members of the same linguistic family can use different
commands SET UNI and DISPLAY UNI. scripts. For example, the Latin script is used by most
western European languages, while the Arabic script is
intermediate CCSID. An indirect conversion uses used in Arabic countries as well as in Iran for Farsi and
intermediate CCSIDs to complete the several in Pakistan for Urdu.
conversion steps.
simple code page. A codepage with a pure
single-byte or pure double-byte encoding (SBCS,
L DBCS, and UCS-2).

little endian. Little endian is a format for storage of simple conversion. Simple conversion is a conversion
binary data in which the least significant byte is placed where no mixed CCSID is involved. Also see composite
first. Little endian is used by the Intel hardware conversion on page 372.
architectures. Also see big endian on page 371.
sub code page. A code page is called sub code page
Low-surrogate. Low-Surrogate. A Unicode code value when it is mentioned in the context of the code page
in the range U+DC00 through U+DFFF. that make up a mixed codepage.

lowercase. Pertaining to the small alphabetic surrogate pair. A coded character representation for a
characters, whether accented or not, as distinguished single abstract character that consists of a sequence of
from the capital alphabetic characters. The concept of two Unicode values, where the first value of the pair is a
case also applies to alphabets such as Cyrillic and high-surrogate and the second is a low-surrogate.
Greek, but not to Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, Japanese,
Chinese, Korean, and many other scripts. Examples of
lowercase letters are a, b, and c. Lowercase stands in T
contrast to uppercase.
TBCS. triple-byte character set: A set of characters
in which each character is represented by three bytes.
technique. There may be multiple conversion tables
MBCS. multi-byte character set: A set of characters available for converting one CCSID to another. The
in which each character is represented by 1 or more different conversion tables use different techniques for
bytes. example ’Round Trip’ or ’Enforced Subset’.

mixed code page. It is a codepage specially defined To-CCSID. It is the CCSID converting to.
to refer to a combination of SBCS and DBCS coded
character sets (MBCS) that may be used in data
streams or files. For example, CCSID 5035 is a mixed
code page for Japanese that consists of Latin
UCAE. Unicode case conversion control entry:
characters in CCSID 1027 and Kanji characters in
Each UCAE contains control information for one kind of
CCSID 4396.
case conversion.

UCCB. Unicode conversion control block.

UCCE. Unicode character conversion control entry:

Each UCCE contains control information for one kind of
character conversion.

Glossary of terms and abbreviations 373

UCS. Abbreviation for universal character set, which
is specified by International Standard ISO/IEC 10646.

UCS-2. ISO/IEC 10646 encoding form: universal

character set coded in 2 octets.

Unicode Standard. A universal character encoding

standard that supports the interchange, processing, and
display of text that is written in any of the languages of
the modern world. It can also support many classical
and historical texts and is continually being expanded.
The Unicode Standard is compatible with ISO/IEC

uppercase. Pertaining to the capital alphabetic

characters, whether accented or not, as distinguished
from the small alphabetic characters. The concept of
case also applies to alphabets such as Cyrillic and
Greek, but not to Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, Japanese,
Chinese, Korean, and many other scripts. Examples of
capital letters are A, B, and C. Uppercase stands in
contrast to lowercase.

UTF-8. Unicode transformation format or UCS

transformation format: 8-bit encoding form. The UTF-8
is the Unicode transformation format that serializes a
Unicode scalar value as a sequence of one to four

UTF-16. Unicode transformation format or UCS

transformation format: 16-bit encoding form. The
UTF-16 is the Unicode transformation format that
serializes a Unicode value as a sequence of two bytes,
in either big endian or little endian format.

UTF-32. Unicode transformation format or UCS

transformation format: 32-bit encoding form. The
UTF-32 is the Unicode transformation format that
serializes a Unicode value as a sequence of four bytes,
in either big endian or little endian format.

374 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

Special characters authorization
restriction while calling the case conversion
from-ccsid, value in CONVERSION statement 14
services 48
technique-character, statement in CONVERSION 15
restriction while calling the character conversion
services 35
definition in glossary 373
to-ccsid, value in CONVERSION statement 14
Numerics batch job (image generator), job CUNJIUTL
big endian 3
0 – 9: User-defined conversions, value for
character conversion 33
technique-character in CONVERSION 15
definition in glossary 371

accessibility 365
C interface
mapping of parameters for case conversion 48
definition in glossary 371
mapping of parameters for character conversion 36
active conversion environment
mapping of parameters for normalization 54
in DISPLAY UNI command, section STORAGE
C interface for case conversion 48
C interface for character conversion 35
additional coding-related information
C interface for normalization 54
see ’ACRI’ definition in glossary 371
C syntax
address space, primary
sample program 113
restriction while calling the case conversion
C: Customized Subset, value for technique-character in
services 48
restriction while calling the character conversion
call syntax for case conversion 48, 49
services 35
call syntax for character conversion 35, 37
call syntax for normalization 54, 55
specified for character conversion 35
calling the stub routine
ALL parameter
for case conversion 4
in DISPLAY UNI command 76
for character conversion 4
American National Standard Code for Information
case conversion
see ’ASCII’ definition in glossary 371
C interface, call syntax 48
American National Standards Institute
C interface, mapping of parameters 48
see ’ANSI’ definition in glossary 371
calling the stub routine 4
CASE control statement 47
restriction while calling the case conversion
control statement CASE 16
services 48
definition in glossary 371
restriction while calling the character conversion
definition in terminology chapter x
services 35
general description 4
HLASM interface, call syntax 49
definition in glossary 371
HLASM interface, mapping of parameters 49, 50
AR mode
interfaces, description of parameters 50
restriction while calling the case conversion
mapping of parameters, C interface 48
services 48
mapping of parameters, HLASM interface 49, 50
restriction while calling the character conversion
parameters in area CUNBAPRM 50
services 35
reason code CUN_RS_TRG_EXH (target buffer
ASC mode
exhausted) 59
restriction while calling the case conversion
restrictions of the calling environment 48
services 48
return and reason codes 104, 105, 106, 107
restriction while calling the character conversion
return codes, classification 103
services 35
stub routine 47
case conversion handle 47
definition in glossary 371
CUNBAPRM_Conv_Type 51
CASE, control statement 16

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 375

CASE, control statement (continued) character data representation architecture
sample coding 16 see ’CCSID’ definition in glossary 371
CASECONV parameter see ’CDRA’ definition in glossary 371
in DISPLAY UNI command 76 character set
CCSID definition in glossary 371
CCSIDs below X'DFFF' 33 code
converting strings of text characters 33 definition in glossary 371
definition in glossary 371 code page
definition in terminology chapter x definition in glossary 371
encoding scheme 3 source code page, see From-CCSID 35
IBM supplied, table names and suffixes of file target code page, see To-CCSID 35
names 337 code page conversion
indirect conversion 4 definition in glossary 371
intermediate CCSID 4 code page conversion, see character conversion x
intermediate CCSID 1200, definition in terminology code page global identifier
chapter xi see ’CPGID’ definition in glossary 372
intermediate CCSID, definition in glossary 373 code point
list of CCSIDs in MBCS conversions 81 definition in glossary 371
MBCS conversions 4, 81 code set
range from X'E000' to X'EFFF' 33 definition in glossary 371
CCSID 1200 xi coded character
CDRA definition in glossary 371
definition in glossary 371 coded character set
character definition in glossary 372
definition in glossary 371 codes
character conversion list of z/OS support for Unicode codes 103
activating the conversion environment 33 commands
ALET 35 syntax definitions xiii
big endian encoding 33 composite conversion
C interface, call syntax 35 definition in glossary 372
C interface, mapping of parameters 36 definition in terminology chapter xi
calling the stub routine 4 composition 53
control statement CONVERSION 14 control character
conversion between CCSIDs 4 definition in glossary 372
conversion handle 35 control function
conversion types 4 definition in glossary 372
definition in glossary 371 control parmeters
definition in terminology chapter x restriction while calling the case conversion
general description 3, 33 services 48
HLASM interface, call syntax 37 restriction while calling the character conversion
HLASM interface, mapping of parameters 38, 39 services 35
HLASM interface, mapping of UCCE handle 39, 40 control statement
indirect conversion 34 CASE 16
interfaces, description of parameters 40 CONVERSION 14
items to be provided by caller 34 NORMALIZE 17
mapping of parameters, C interface 36 control statements
mapping of parameters, HLASM interface 38, 39 input to image generator 12
mapping of UCCE handle, HLASM interface 39, 40 conversion
parameters in area CUNBCPRM 40 composite conversion, definition in terminology
reason code CUN_RS_TRG_EXH (target buffer chapter xi
exhausted) 59 simple conversion, definition in terminology
restrictions of the calling environment 35 chapter xi
return and reason codes 104, 105, 106, 107 sub-level conversion 14
return codes, classification 103 top-level conversion 14
sub-level conversion 14 conversion environment
top-level conversion 14 activating 29
UCCE, CUNBCPRM_Conv_Handle 41 avtive conversion environment 30
UFT-8 33 creating 29
character conversion handle definition in glossary 372
case conversion 35 definition in terminology chapter xi

376 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

conversion environment (continued) conversion type
display of services, in DISPLAY UNI command, conversion types of CCSID conversions 4
section SERVICE 77 in character conversion,
general description 2 CUNBAPRM_Conv_Type 51
inactive conversion environment 30 CONVERSION, control statement 14
inactive conversion environment, in DISPLAY UNI technique 15
command, section STORAGE INACTIVE 77 to-ccsid 14
initializing with IPL 27 technique-search-order 15
limit of pages, in DISPLAY UNI command, section CONVERSON, control statement
STORAGE LIMIT 77 from-ccsid 14
permanent changes, with editing IEASYSxx 29 CPGID
time stamp of creating, in DISPLAY UNI command, definition in glossary 372
section ENVIRONMENT CREATED 77 creating a conversion table 66
time stamp of last modification, in DISPLAY UNI cross memory mode
command, section ENVIRONMENT MODIFIED 77 restriction while calling the case conversion
conversion handle services 48
case conversion 35, 47 restriction while calling the character conversion
case conversion, CUNBAPRM_Conv_Type 51 services 35
critical case when invalid 59 CUN_RC_ENV_ERR, return code 103, 107
conversion image 2 CUN_RC_OK, return code 103
amount of storage needed 22 CUN_RC_SYS_ERR, return code 103, 107
basic layout 11 CUN_RC_USE_ERR, return code 106
creating 11 CUN_RC_USER_WARN, return code 103
definition in glossary 372 CUN_RC_WARN, return code 103, 104
definition in terminology chapter x CUN_RS_CASE_NOT_SUPP, reason code 106
general description 11 CUN_RS_CCSID_NOT_SUPP, reason code 106
loading into storage 11 CUN_RS_CONTINUATION, reason code 104
specifying with SET UNI command 73 CUN_RS_DDA_BUF_SMALL, reason code 106
conversion of data between specified CCSIDs 33 CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_TABLES, reason code 107
CONVERSION parameter CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_UCAE, reason code 107
in DISPLAY UNI command 76 CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_UCCB, reason code 107
conversion services CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_UCCE, reason code 107
available for the system, in DISPLAY UNI CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_UCNE, reason code 107
command 77 CUN_RS_INV_CONVERSION, reason code 107
definition in glossary 372 CUN_RS_INV_HANDLE_NOSET, reason code 104
definition in terminology chapter x CUN_RS_INV_HANDLE, reason code 104
direct conversion CUN_RS_INV_NORM_TYPE, reason code 107
definition in terminology chapter xi CUN_RS_MBC_INCOMPLETE, reason code 104
general description 3 CUN_RS_NO_CONVERSION, reason code 107
indirect conversion CUN_RS_NO_HANDLE, reason code 104
definition in terminology chapter xi CUN_RS_NO_UNI_ENV, reason code 107
one-stage conversion, see direct conversion xi CUN_RS_OK, reason code 104
two-stage conversion, see indirect conversion xi CUN_RS_PARM_VER, reason code 106
conversion tables CUN_RS_STAGE2_FAIL, reason code 105
creating 66 CUN_RS_SUB_ACT_TERM, reason code 104
creating a character map 66 CUN_RS_TABLE_NOT_ALIGNED, reason code 107
defining 63 CUN_RS_TARG_BUF_SMALL, reason code 106
IBM-supplied together with suffixes (table CUN_RS_TRG_EXH, reason code 104
names) 337 CUN_RS_WA_NOT_ALIGNED, reason code 107
input to image generator 11 CUN_RS_WRK_BUF_SMALL, reason code 106
list of IBM-supplied conversion tables 116 CUN_RS_WRK_EXH, reason code 105
MBCS conversions 81 CUNAIKBG macro 63
modifying job CUNJIUTL 69 CUNBA_DDA_req, constant 47
provided by Unicode® Consortium 4 CUNBAPRM parameter area for case conversion 50
table names 81, 337 CUNBAPRM_Conv_Handle 51
types (R,E,C,L,,M) 116 CUNBAPRM_Conv_Type 51
user-defined 69 CUNBAPRM_DDA_ALET 52
conversion to upper or lower case 47 CUNBAPRM_DDA_Len 52
conversion to upper or lower case, see case CUNBAPRM_DDA_Ptr 52
conversion x CUNBAPRM_Flag1 52

Index 377
CUNBAPRM_Inv_Handle 52 CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_Len 57
CUNBAPRM_Length 51 CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr 57
CUNBAPRM_Locale 52 CUNBNPRM_Version 57
CUNBAPRM_Reason_Code 53 CUNBNPRM_Wrk_Buf_Ptr 58
CUNBAPRM_Return_Code 53 CUNJIMS1, job needed for MMS 8
CUNBAPRM_Src_Buf_ALET 51 CUNJIMS2, job needed for MMS 8
CUNBAPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr 51 user-defined conversions 69
CUNBAPRM_Targ_Buf_ALET 51 CUNJIUTL, image generator, batch job 11
CUNBAPRM_Targ_Buf_Len 51 CUNMIKBS macro 65
CUNBAPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr 51 CUNRUCST, sample of exec 109
CUNBCPRM parameter area for character sample of parmlib member activating a new
conversion 40 conversion environment 109
CUNBCPRM_Conv_Handle sample of parmlib member deleting an inactive
UCCE 41 conversion environment 109
CUNBCPRM_Conv_Key 41
CUNBCPRM_Designator 44 definition in glossary 372
CUNBCPRM_Flag1 42, 44 encoding scheme identifier (ESID) 3
CUNBCPRM_Inv_Handle 43 indirect conversion 34
CUNBCPRM_Length 41 DDA, see dynamic data area
CUNBCPRM_Reason_Code 44 constant CUNBNPRM_DDA_Req 53
CUNBCPRM_Return_Code 44 decomposition 53
CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_ALET 41 defining CCSIDs and conversion tables 63
CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Len 41 deleting an inactive conversion environment 31
CUNBCPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr 41 designator sequence 35
CUNBCPRM_Src_CCSID 42 definition in glossary 372
CUNBCPRM_Sub_Action 43 direct conversion 14
CUNBCPRM_Subcodepage 43 definition in glossary 372
CUNBCPRM_Substitution 44 definition in terminology chapter xi
CUNBCPRM_Targ_Buf_ALET 41 disability 365
CUNBCPRM_Targ_Buf_Len 41 disclaimer for non-IBM Web sites 368
CUNBCPRM_Targ_Buf_Ptr 41 dispatchable unit mode
CUNBCPRM_Targ_CCSID 42 restriction while calling the case conversion
CUNBCPRM_Technique 42 services 48
CUNBCPRM_Version 40 restriction while calling the character conversion
CUNBCPRM_Wrk_Buf_ALET 42 services 35
CUNBCPRM_Wrk_Buf_Len 42 DISPLAY UNI command
CUNBCPRM_Wrk_Buf_Ptr 42 ALL parameter 76
CUNBN_DDA_req, constant 53 CASECONV parameter 76
CUNBNPRM parameter area for normalization 56 CONVERSION parameter 76
CUNBNPRM_DDA_Buf_ALET 58 description of output 77
CUNBNPRM_DDA_Buf_Len 58 ENVIRONMENT parameter 75
CUNBNPRM_DDA_Buf_Ptr 58 example output for DISPLAY UNI,ENV,STOR 30
CUNBNPRM_Flag1 58 FROMID= parameter 76
CUNBNPRM_Inv_Handle 58 NORMALIZATION parameter 76
CUNBNPRM_Length 57 output 76
CUNBNPRM_Norm_Handle 57 SERVICE parameter 76
CUNBNPRM_Norm_Type 57 STORAGE parameter 76
CUNBNPRM_Reason_Code 58 syntax 75
CUNBNPRM_Return_Code 58 syntax definitions xiii
CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_ALET 57 time stamp 30
CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_Len 57 TOID= parameter 76
CUNBNPRM_Src_Buf_Ptr 57 double-byte (coded) character set
CUNBNPRM_Targ_Buf_ALET 57 see ’DBCS’ definition in glossary 372

378 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

dynamic data area
case conversion 47, 53
definition in glossary 372
graphic character
E definition in glossary 372
E: Enforced Subset, value for technique-character in graphic character set
CONVERSION 15 definition in glossary 372
definition in glossary 372
encoding scheme identifier (ESID) 3
HASN mode
encoding scheme
restriction while calling the case conversion
definition in glossary 372
services 48
encoding scheme identifier
restriction while calling the character conversion
definition in glossary 372
services 35
encoding schemes 3
definition in glossary 372
definition in glossary 372
HLASM interface
endian form
mapping of parameters for case conversion 49, 50
in character conversion, big endian 33
mapping of parameters for character conversion 38,
in UCS-2, big or little endian 3
english messages
mapping of parameters for normalization 56
MVS message service 8
mapping of UCCE handle for character
conversion 39, 40
in DISPLAY UNI command 75
HLASM interface for case conversion 49
ESID, encoding scheme identifier for
HLASM interface for character conversion 37
HLASM interface for normalization 55
HLASM syntax
sample program 113
ISO2022 MBCS 3
UCS-2 3 I
UTF-8 3 definition in glossary 373
EUC IBM Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
definition in glossary 372 see ’EBCDIC’ definition in glossary 372
encoding scheme identifier (ESID) 3 see interface definition file 373
extension mechanism in Unicode Standard IEASYSxx
UTF-16 1 editing 26
external interfaces for case conversion 49 MAXCAD parameter 27
external interfaces for character conversion 35, 37 image generator 11
external interfaces for normalization 55 DASD, storing of conversion image 12
external interfaces forcase conversion 48 definition in glossary 373
external interfaces fornormalization 54 definition in terminology chapter xi
input 11
JCL, coding sample 18
F output 12
return and reason codes 107, 108
file names, suffixes of IBM-supplied conversion table
SYSIMG DD data set, building of conversion
names 337
image 12
SYSIMG DD statement, reading of conversion
definition 35
tables 12
definition in glossary 372
SYSIN DD statement 12
definition in terminology chapter xi
image generator for z/OS support for Unicode, see
in character conversion 35
image generator xi
to be specified in user-defined conversion tables 69
image generator, job CUNJIUTL, batch job 11
FROMID= parameter
image, see conversion image x, 11
in DISPLAY UNI command 76
inactive conversion environment
functions, overview 3

Index 379
inactive conversion environment (continued) knowledge base (continued)
in DISPLAY UNI command, section STORAGE user-defined conversion tables 69
inactive conversion environments 30
indirect conversion 4, 14 L
between mixed code pages and anything else than L: Language Environment-Behaviour, value for
SBCS 34 technique-character in CONVERSION 15
between TBCS and anything else than DBCS 34 little endian 3
betwwen UTF-8 and anything else than DBCS 34 definition in glossary 373
definition in glossary 373 locks
definition in terminology chapter xi restriction while calling the case conversion
MBCS conversions 81 services 48
infrastructure restriction while calling the character conversion
definition in glossary 373 services 35
definition in terminology chapter x low-surrogatee
general description 2 definition in glossary 373
installation 7 lowercase
problems 71 definition in glossary 373
Program Directory 71
steps after installation 7
steps after installtion M
editing IEASYSxx 26 M: Modified Language Environment-Behaviour, value for
interface definition file technique-character in CONVERSION 15
CUNBAIDF 49 macro
definition in glossary 373 mapping of parameters
interface definiton file for case conversion 48, 49, 50
constant CUNBA_DDA_req 47 for character conversion 36, 38, 39
constant CUNBN_DDA_req 53 for normalization 54, 56
CUNBAIDF 47 mapping of parameters in C interface, for case
CUNBNIDF 53 conversion 48
intermediate CCSID mapping of parameters in C interface, for character
definition in glossary 373 conversion 36
definition in terminology chapter xi mapping of parameters in C interface, for
intermediate CCSID 1200 4 normalization 54
interrupt status mapping of parameters in HLASM interface, for case
restriction while calling the case conversion conversion 49, 50
services 48 mapping of parameters in HLASM interface, for
restriction while calling the character conversion character conversion 38, 39
services 35 mapping of parameters in HLASM interface, for
invalid conversion handle 59 normalization 56
IPL mapping of UCCE handle
errors during IPL 71 for character conversion 39, 40
ISO/IEC 10646 mapping of UCCE handle in HLASM interface, for
general description 1 character conversion 39, 40
encoding scheme identifier (ESID) 3 problem during SET UNI command processing 71
MAXCAD, parameter in IEASYSxx 27
J CCSIDs used in MBCS conversions 81
japanese messages 5 definition in glossary 373
MVS message service 8 internal handling of MBCS conversions
detailed description 81
general description 4
K illustration of MBCS decomposition 80
keyboard 365 list of CCSIDs used 81
knowledge base message
input to image generator 11 Abend 0E0 72
module CUNAIKBG 63 CUN2002W 71
module CUNMIKBS 63 CUN2003S 71

380 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

message (continued) parameter (continued)
CUN2004S 71 description of parameters, normalization 56
CUN2011E 71 parameter area
CUN2029S 71 CUNBAPRM for case conversion 50
japanese messages 5 CUNBCPRM for character conversion 40
list of z/OS support for Unicode messages 85 CUNBNPRM for normalization 56
mixed code page parmlib member
definition in glossary 373 CUNUNIxx 24
mixed code pages 3 sample of parmlib member activating a new
MMS VSAM data set 8 conversion environment 109
MMSLSTxx, sample for parmlib member 9 sample of parmlib member deleting an inactive
mode conversion environment 109
amode 35, 48 for activating a conversion environment 25
AR mode 35, 48 for deleting a inactive conversion environment 31
ASC mode 35, 48 MMSLSTxx 9
cross memory mode 35, 48 specifying several CUNUNIxx parmlib members 27
dispatchable unit mode 35, 48 with keyword DELETE INACTIVE 31
HASN mode 35, 48 with keyword IMAGE 25
PASN mode 35, 48 with keyword REALSTORAGE 25
SASN mode 35, 48 PASN mode
multi-byte character set restriction while calling the case conversion
see ’MBCS’ definition in glossary 373 services 48
MVS Message Service (MMS) 8 restriction while calling the character conversion
NLS skeleton 8 services 35
parmlib member MMSLSTxx 9 PC
definition in glossary 373
N encoding scheme identifier (ESID) 3
naming convention personal computer
IBM-supplied conversion tables 116 see ’PC’ definition in glossary 373
user-defined conversion tables 69 primary address space
NLS restriction while calling the case conversion
japanese messages 5 services 48
normalization restriction while calling the character conversion
C interface, call syntax 54 services 35
C interface, mapping of parameters 54 problem determination
definition in terminology chapter x invalid conversion handle 59
general description 4 message CUN2004S 71
HLASM interface, call syntax 55 message CUN2011E 71
HLASM interface, mapping of parameters 56 target buffer overflow 59
interfaces, description of parameters 56 work buffer overflow 61
mapping of parameters, C interface 54 problem state
mapping of parameters, HLASM interface 56 restriction while calling the case conversion
parameters in area CUNBNPRM 56 services 48
stub routine 53 Program Directory 7, 71
NORMALIZATION parameter programing interfaces for case conversion 48, 49
in DISPLAY UNI command 76 programing interfaces for character conversion 35, 37
NORMALIZE, control statement 17 programing interfaces for normalization 54, 55
sample coding 17 PSW key
Notices 367 restriction while calling the case conversion
services 48
restriction while calling the character conversion
O services 35
one-stage conversion, see direct conversion xi
overview of functions 3
R: Roundtrip, value for technique-character in
parameter range of CCSIDs
description of parameters, case conversion 50 CCSIDs below X'DFFF' (standard CCSIDs) 33
description of parameters, character conversion 40

Index 381
range of CCSIDs (continued) simple conversion
range from X'E000' to X'EFFF' (user-defined definition in glossary 373
CCSIDs) 33 definition in terminology chapter xi
reason code single-byte character set
reason code CUN_RS_TRG_EXH (target buffer see ’SBCS’ definition in glossary 373
exhausted) 59 SMP/E installation 7
reason codes source code page, see
conversion services 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 To-CCSID xi
recommendations source code page, see From-CCSID 35
conversion handle 59 SRB or task
for deleting inactive conversion environment 30 restriction while calling the case conversion
for the calling environment (case conversion) 48 services 48
for the calling environment (character restriction while calling the character conversion
conversion) 35 services 35
target buffer size 59 standards
work buffer size 61 ISO/IEC 10646 1
recovery environment Unicode Standard 1
restriction while calling the case conversion storage
services 48 needed for a conversion image 22
restriction while calling the character conversion STORAGE parameter
services 35 in DISPLAY UNI command 76
restrictions stub routine
case conversion 48 CUNLASE 47
character conversion 35 CUNLCNV 33
return codes CUNLNORM 53
conversion services 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 sub code page
image generator 107, 108 definition in glossary 373
sub-level conversion 14
supervisor state
S restriction while calling the case conversion
sample services 48
exec CUNRUCST 109 surrogate 3
for program in C 113 surrogate pair 373
sample coding SYSIMG DD data set
for CASE control statement 16 building of the conversion image 12
for NORMALIZE control statement 17 image generator reads conversion tables from 12
SASN mode SYSIN DD statement
restriction while calling the case conversion input control statements to image generator 12
services 48 sysplex
restriction while calling the character conversion errors during IPL 71
services 35 SYSPRINT DD statement, image generator 12
definition in glossary 373
encoding scheme identifier (ESID) 3 T
indirect conversion 34 table names
script IBM-supplied conversion tables 337
definition in glossary 373 MBCS conversions 81
SERVICE parameter target buffer
in DISPLAY UNI command 76 calculating the size 59
SET UNI command critical case when overflow 59
activating a new conversion environment 29 reason code CUN_RS_TRG_EXH (target buffer
dynamic changes, with SET UNI command 29 exhausted) 59
message CUN2011E 71 target code page, see
output 73, 74 From-CCSID xi
specifying a conversion image 73 target code page, see To-CCSID 35
syntax 73 task or SRB
syntax definitions xiii restriction while calling the case conversion
shortcut keys 365 services 48
simple code page restriction while calling the character conversion
definition in glossary 373 services 35
simple code pages 3

382 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services

TBCS Unicode® Consortium (continued)
definition in glossary 373 Web site xiii
encoding scheme identifier (ESID) 3 Web site disclaimer by IBM 368
indirect conversion 34 universal character set
technique-search-order 15 see ’UCS’ definition in glossary 374
terminology x uppercase
time when the conversion environment was set definition in glossary 374
inactive 30 user-defined CCSID
To-CCSID valid range X'E000' to X'EFFF' 33
definition 35 user-defined conversion tables 69
definition in glossary 373 UTF-16
definition in terminology chapter xi definition in glossary 374
in character conversion 35 in ISO/IEC 10646 1
user-defined conversion tables 69 in Unicode Standard 1
TOID= parameter UTF-32
in DISPLAY UNI command 76 definition in glossary 374
top-level conversion 14 UTF-8
trademarks 368 definition in glossary 374
transformation formats in Unicode Standard encoding scheme identifier (ESID) 3
UTF-16 1 indirect conversion 34
UTF-8 1
triple-byte character set
see ’TBCS’ definition in glossary 373 W
two-stage conversion, see indirect conversion xi Web site disclaimer 368
two-stage conversion, see indirect conversion 34 work buffer
calculating the size 61
critical case when overflow 61
definition in glossary 373 Z
UCCB z/OS support for Unicode
definition in glossary 373 case conversion, general description 4
UCCE character conversion, general description 3
character conversion 33 conversion environment, general description 2
character conversion, conversion services, general description 3
CUNBCPRM_Conv_Handle 41 conversion to upper or lower case 4
definition in glossary 373 conversion types 4
handle to UCCE instead of CCSIDs 33 definition in terminology chapter x
UCS downloading the code, installing 7
definition in glossary 374 english messages 8
UCS transformation format general description 2
see ’UTF-16’ definition in glossary 374 general description of component: conversion
see ’UTF-32’ definition in glossary 374 services 2
see ’UTF-8’ definition in glossary 374 general description of component: infrastructure 2
UCS-2 infrastructure, general description 2
big endian, little endian 3 japanese messages 8
definition in glossary 374 MBCS conversions, CCSIDs used internally 81
encoding scheme identifier (ESID) 3 MBCS conversions, general description 79
Unicode character conversion control entry messages 85
see ’UCCE’ definition in glossary 373 messages, japanese 5
Unicode Standard messages,english 8
definition in glossary 374 MVS Message Service 8
general description 1 prerequisites 7
range of CCSIDs from X'E000' to X'EFFF' 33 Program Directory 7
Unicode transformation format return and reason codes from conversion
see ’UTF-16’ definition in glossary 374 services 103, 104, 105, 106, 107
see ’UTF-32’ definition in glossary 374 return codes from image generator 107, 108
see ’UTF-8’ definition in glossary 374 UCS-2, big endian 3
Unicode® Consortium z/OS V1 R4 support for Unicode™
conversion tables provided by Unicode® definition in terminology chapter x
Consortium 4

Index 383
384 z/OS support for Unicode™: Using Conversion Services
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Support for Unicode™:
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