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AS24G Student Exercises

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Front cover
Course Exercises Guide
System Operator for IBM i
Course code AS24G ERC 12.0
December 2017 edition
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Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

Exercises description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Exercise 1. Overview of IBM i Access Client Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

Part 1: Accessing and closing IBM i Access Client Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Part 2: Create session for defined system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Part 3: Start defined 5250 session from 5250 Session Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Part 4: Start virtual 5250 console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Part 1: Signing on and setting your password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Part 2: Getting comfortable with your keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Part 3: Using system displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Part 4: System Request function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Part 5: Retrieving a command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Part 6: Help facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10

Exercise 3. Overview of IBM Navigator for i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

Part 1: Understanding URLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Part 2: Signing on to the Power Systems with IBM i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Part 3: Signing on to the Power Systems with IBM Navigator for i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Part 4: Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Part 5: Starting 5250 display emulation from Navigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Part 6: Workstation ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Part 7: Stopping an active session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6

Exercise 4. Messages with 5250 emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

Part 1: Sending and displaying a message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Part 2: Send and display a break message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Part 3: Send an inquiry message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Part 4: Cleaning up the messages in your queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Part 5: System Operator messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4

Exercise 5. Messaging with IBM Navigator for i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

Part 1: Working with messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Part 2: Sending break messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Part 3: Displaying operator messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

Exercise 6. Object management with 5250 emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

Part 1: Menu option or command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Part 2: Using commands and command prompting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Part 3: Working with your library list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6

Exercise 7. Object management with IBM Navigator for i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

Part 1: Creating objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Part 2: Copying objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5

Exercise 8. Work management with 5250 emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 iii

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Exercise 9. Work management with IBM Navigator for i (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1

Exercise 10. Job control with 5250 emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1

Part 1: Exploring your interactive job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Part 2: Job default output queue and printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3
Part 3: Submitting and controlling batch jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4

Exercise 11. Job control with IBM Navigator for i (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1
Part 1: Working with a user’s job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2
Part 2: Working with all active jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3
Part 3: Running commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4

Exercise 12. Print control with 5250 emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1

Exercise 13. Print with IBM i Access Client Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1

Exercise 14. Print control with IBM Navigator for i (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1

Exercise 15. Creating your own subsystem description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1

Part 1: Create a subsystem description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2
Part 2: Create a class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2
Part 3: Add a routing entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2
Part 4: Create an output queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3
Part 5: Create a job description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3
Part 6: Add a workstation entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3
Part 7: Display subsystem description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3
Part 8: Start subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-4
Part 9: Subsystem acquires terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-4
Part 10: Correct subsystem? Sign on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-4
Part 11: Display active subsystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-4

Exercise 16. Special work management functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1

Part 1: Rerouting a job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2
Part 2: Transfer job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-3
Part 3: Autostart jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-4

Exercise 17. System values with 5250 emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-1

Exercise 18. System values with IBM Navigator for i (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-1

Exercise 19. System security with 5250 emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-1

Part 1: Security-related system values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-2
Part 2: User profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-2
Part 3: Creating a user profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-3
Part 4: Authorization lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-4
Part 5: Group profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-5
Part 6: Displaying object authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-5
Part 7: Enabling a disabled user profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-6
Part 8: Deleting a user profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-6

Exercise 20. System security with IBM Navigator for i (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-1
Part 1: Security-related system values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2
Part 2: User profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2
Part 3: Creating a user profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 iv

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Part 4: Authorization lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-3

Part 5: Group profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-4
Part 6: Displaying object authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-5
Part 7: Enabling a disabled user profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-5
Part 8: Deleting a user profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-6

Exercise 21. Managing your system configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-1

Part 1: Monitoring devices, lines, and controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-2
Part 2: Monitoring lines and controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-4

Exercise 22. Write a basic CL program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-1

Part 1: Create a source physical file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-2
Part 2: Start programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-2

Exercise 23. Save with 5250 emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-1

Part 1: Create a library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-2
Part 2: Creating a file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-2
Part 3: Setting up to use virtual tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-3
Part 4: Saving to a virtual volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-6

Exercise 24. Restore with 5250 emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-1

Part 1: Delete an object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-2
Part 2: Delete a library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-3
Part 3: Restore an object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-3
Part 4: Restore a library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-4
Part 5: Deleting user objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-4

Exercise 25. Problem determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-1

Part 1: Using logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-2
Part 2: Using problem analysis and recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-4
Part 3: Using Copy Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-8

Appendix A. Exercises worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

Windows Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Power i System #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

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Exercises description


Exercises description
You are assigned a user ID and password used in the profile that has been created for you:
User ID AS24xx (where xx = team number)
Password AS24PWD
The student password option has been set to expire. When you sign on, the very first thing you are
prompted to do is change your password. Set the password to something you can easily remember.
Ask the instructor if you have any problems setting up your new password.
Your profiles have authority to access their own objects, but do not have authority to access other
students' libraries.
Use all materials and resources available to you in the classroom. Some of the problems require
you to do some research beyond the material that was covered in the class.
If you have any problem that you cannot solve on your own, please ask your instructor for
In the exercise instructions, you can check off the line before each step as you complete it to track
your progress.
Most exercises include required sections, which should always be completed. It might be
necessary to complete these sections before you can start later exercises. If you have sufficient
time and want an extra challenge, some exercises might also include optional sections that you can

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Exercise 1. Overview of IBM i Access Client Solutions


Exercise 1. Overview of IBM i Access

Client Solutions
Estimated time

The purpose of this optional demonstration/exercise is to familiarize you with IBM i Access Client

• Access System i from Windows Desktop using IBM i Access Client Solutions.
• Create session for existing system.
• Start a defined session from Session Manager.
• Start a virtual 5250 console for existing system.
• Close IBM i Access Client Solutions.

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Exercise 1. Overview of IBM i Access Client Solutions

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Accessing and closing IBM i Access Client Solutions

Information you need

User ID AS24xx (where xx is your team number)
Password AS24PWD.

Accessing IBM i Access Client Solutions from the Desktop icon

__ 1. Double-click the Access Client Solutions icon on your Desktop to open the IBM i Access
Client Solutions main window.
__ 2. In the left pane, the first drop down is for you to select the System on which you will preform
operations. Click the down arrow for System to find and select the Power with IBM i system
assigned to perform the lab exercises in this class. Note that you may find the system
defined with System name or by the TCP/IP address. Select your system and move on to
the next step.
If your system is not already defined, perform these instruction to define your system.
__ a. In the left pane scroll down to the Management section and click System
__ b. On the System Configuration window click New to define a new system.
__ c. Which takes you to the Add new system window. On the General tab specify the full
TCP/IP name for your system. Click the Verify connection button.
__ d. If the verify is successful then you have defined your system. You can explore the
options available in other tabs. When you are done exploring click OK button and
continue to next step.
__ e. If the verify is not successful then you will have to repeat the step to define your system
using the TCP/IP address. Once again click the Verify button. If you successfully
connect then continue with the next step. If this verification fails, consult with your
instructor for assistance.
__ 3. On the main window click Help and Getting Started. You will see the main help window.
Remember that any time you need help you can click the Help menu or icon to find more
information. Close the help window.

Part 2: Create session for defined system

Intention of this exercises is not provide any configuration steps which are covered in advanced
administrator course but for some reason operator should be able to create new additional 5250
__ 4. On the main panel, in the General section click 5250 Emulator.
__ 5. When prompted enter your user id and password.

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Exercise 1. Overview of IBM i Access Client Solutions

__ 6. Click File and Save as and enter your session name AS24xx (where xx is your team
number) and confirm with Save button.
__ 7. Close 5250 window using X icon on the top right of the window.

Part 3: Start defined 5250 session from 5250 Session Manager

__ 8. On the main panel, in the Management section click 5250 Session Manager.
__ 9. On the Session manager window, select your AS24xx saved session then click Start button.


If this is your first sign-on to IBM i, you should get a message informing you that your password has
expired and asking if you want to change it now. Click Yes. On the Change Password dialog, enter
the required information (Old, New, and Confirm passwords) and click OK.

__ 10. Close your 5250 window and the 5250 Session Manager window.

Part 4: Start virtual 5250 console

__ 11. On the main panel, in Console section click 5250 Console.
__ 12. On the next window, you will be informed there is no defined HMC for your system or if you
have configured an HMC, you will be asking for ID and password. Because this course does
not cover advanced configuration, you do not have the required credentials. Click OK to
close Informational message window.

End of exercise

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays


Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and

system displays
Estimated time

A small data entry program has been written for you to practice entering and printing data and
observing how the workstation responds to your keying. We want you to be as comfortable as
possible with the workstation and keyboard; it helps you in the future.

• Use the keyboard to enter commands and request menus.
• Use the System Request function to switch between primary and alternative (or secondary)
interactive jobs.

Information you need

User ID AS24xx (where xx is your team number)
Password What you set or specified in the first exercise.

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Signing on and setting your password
In this exercise, you sign on using 5250 emulation, that is, a green screen interface.
__ 1. 1.Double-click the Access Client Solutions icon on your Desktop to open the IBM i Access
Client Solutions main window.
__ 2. In the left pane,. Click the down arrow for the System to find and select the IBM i system
assigned to perform the lab exercises in this class.
__ 3. 3.On the main panel, in the General section, click 5250 Emulator. When prompted, enter
your user id and password (the password is what you set or specified during the first
__ 4. Once you are signed on, the User Tasks menu should appear. From this menu, users can
access their own jobs and perform most system functions, which relate to their own jobs
and user profile.
__ 5. Review the options and functions on this menu then continue to the next part of the

Part 2: Getting comfortable with your keyboard

This part of the exercise is designed to teach a student how to use the keyboard. In this part, you
will learn how to use the tab, the field exit, and the field backspace keys. You will also learn how to
use the insert, delete, reset, and the rollup and roll down keys.
If you are already familiar with the keyboard, you might find this part of the exercise to be too basic.
If that is the case, you can choose to skip this part of the exercise and continue with Part 3, "Using
system displays," on page 2-4.
__ 6. Type ex1 on the command line and press the Enter key. You should see the following
message: “This screen is called by a data entry program, which was written to help you
learn how your keyboard works”.
__ 7. You should see a screen where you can enter data. This screen is called by a data entry
program, which was written to help you learn about how your keyboard works.
__ 8. Practice moving around on the display using the keys that are listed in the steps below until
you feel comfortable with them. Take your time. Some of the keys that are mentioned in this
exercise might not be available on your keyboard; it depends on how your keyboard was
mapped. If they are not, do not worry; just move on.
- Position cursor keys (all four arrow keys): These keys move the cursor one position (up,
down, left or right).
- Tab (Field Advance) key: This key moves the cursor to the start of the next field.
- Field Backspace key: This key moves the cursor back to the previous field.
- Field Exit key: This key moves the cursor to the next field, but with a difference: any
characters at and to the right of the cursor in the field where you are typing are deleted.

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays

- New Line key: This key moves the cursor to the next field, but if the original field has
more than one line, the cursor moves down to the next line, not to the next field.


Note: Your keyboard may work differently. This depends on the custom keyboard definition.

__ 9. Once you are finished playing with all of the keys, then fill in the blanks (fields) on the
display with the information that is called for: your name, company, address, city, zip, and
phone number as indicated by the prompts. Once you have filled in the blanks on the
display, insert and delete information in the fields using the following keys:
- Numbers (both on the top row and on the right side).
- Shift: This key puts the other keys into uppercase (capital letters).
- Insert: This key allows you to insert information on a line by letting you type the
additional information while the existing information is moved to the right. Pressing the
key a second time ends insert mode.
- Delete: This key removes information from a display one letter at a time.
__ 10. Type the letter a into the first line of the Catalog No. field. The message Only characters 0
through 9 allowed should appear on the message line. Try pressing a key. Nothing happens
because when the message is displayed, the keyboard is locked. The locked keyboard
allows you to read the message before performing more work and potentially deleting the
To unlock the keyboard, press one of the following keys:
- Reset: This key resets the keyboard.
- Ctrl: Now enter numbers and quantities in the Catalog No. and Quantity fields. It does
not matter what numbers and quantities you use; if you receive an error message, just
reset the keyboard.
- Field Exit: Because both the Catalog No. and Quantity fields are numeric fields, the
values in these fields must be right justified. Once a value has been entered, you can
press the Field Exit key to right justify the data.
__ 11. When More... is displayed in the lower right corner of the display, press the Page Down (or
Roll Up) key.
This key moves you towards the end of the information.
More Catalog No.and Quantity fields appear. Notice that the word Bottom now appears in the
lower right corner of the display. This means that you have reached the end of the information.
You can enter catalog numbers and quantities if you want to.
__ 12. Now press the Page Up (or Roll Down) key.
This key moves you toward the top of the display. The original Catalog No. and Quantity fields
appear. More... reappears in the lower right corner of the display.
__ 13. Press F3 to end.

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays

Part 3: Using system displays

Setting your sign-on menu

In this part of the exercise, you use the system menus and commands to set the sign-on menu (the
first menu you see after you sign on) for your user ID.
__ 14. Look at the IBM i Main menu. If it is not already displayed, press F16 (System Main menu)
or type go main in the command line. Notice which options and function keys are displayed.
Among other things, you can go to the User Tasks menu, the General System Tasks menu, or
you can sign off.
__ 15. Choose Option 3 from the IBM i Main menu and press Enter to work with the General
System Tasks menu.
Review the options and function keys that are provided on this menu. This is a menu that you
are likely to use a lot because it provides most of the functions you need to perform daily or
weekly as a system operator.
__ 16. Choose Option 60 from the General Systems Task menu and press Enter. A second
General System Tasks menu (SYSTEM2) appears from which you can perform more
system operator tasks.
Review the options and function keys that are provided on this second menu.
Press F12 to return to the first General System Tasks menu.
__ 17. Use the Cursor down key to position the cursor at the displayed function keys. Press F1
(Help). The Function Keys - Help display should appear.
This is an example of an information display. Use the scroll keys (Page Down or Roll Up) to
display the help text for F23=(Set initial menu). Read the help information. Press F3 to return
to the original General System Tasks menu.
__ 18. Make the General System Tasks menu your default sign-on menu by pressing F23. The
message User profile AS24xx changed should be displayed at the bottom of your screen
after you change your default sign-on menu.
__ 19. Sign off by typing signoff and pressing the Enter key.
__ 20. Sign on again to verify that the General System Tasks menu is displayed automatically.

Display navigation
You have already seen how you can navigate through menus by entering menu options. Now
you use the go command to move between menus. Then, you back out of a menu using F3 and
Notice the word SYSTEM at the upper left corner of your display. This is the menu ID for the
General System Tasks menu. Each system menu has its menu ID displayed here. You can
use the go command along with the menu ID to go directly to a particular menu.
__ 21. Type go user and press Enter. This takes you to the User Tasks menu.

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays

__ 22. Choose Option 1 (Display or change your job) and press Enter. From the Work with Job
menu, choose Option 10 (Display job log) and press Enter.
You should now be at the Display Job Log information display. Do not be concerned about the
information on the display. It is discussed later.
__ a. From this panel, you can either page up or down to see a listing of all commands or
functions that you have performed since signing on.
__ b. By pressing F10 (Display detailed messages), you can further expand this screen to see
any messages that were generated on the system by any functions you have performed
since you signed on.
__ 23. Now let us see two ways of backing out.
__ a. First, press twice F12 to return to the Work with Job menu. Press F12 again to return to
the User Tasks menu. With this procedure, you back up one display at a time.
Here is a second way to exit out of the screen.
__ b. Go back to the Display Job Log display.


From the User Tasks menu, choose Option 1, then choose Option 10.

From the Display Job Log display, press F3. This returns you to the User Tasks menu in
just one step.
You are finished with this part of the exercise. You can now go to the next part of the

Part 4: System Request function

This part of the exercise demonstrates how you can run two jobs on a single workstation at the
same time. Since each job is totally independent of the other, they can use different menus or
__ 24. If you are not already there, display the User Tasks menu (go user). Choose Option 1
(display or change your job) and press Enter.

__ 25. From the Work with Job menu, you can display everything that the system knows about
your job. Choose Option 1 = (Display job status attributes) to show:
Type of job: Interactive or batch
Date and time when the job started
Date and time when the job ended (if it has)
Any printed output produced by the job

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays

__ 26. Write down the following information. Look particularly at how the system identifies your
interactive job. It shows, near the top of the display, the three-part name of your job: Job,
User, and Number. Record them here:
Job . . . _______________
User . . . _______________
Number . . _______________
These three parts are defined as follows:
- Job: For an interactive job, the name of your workstation, often DSPnn or QPADEVnnnn.
- User: Name of the user profile that is associated with the job (in this case, AS24xx).
- Number: Six-digit sequential number that is assigned by the system. The job number
ensures that every job name on the system is unique. The display also shows that the
job is interactive (Type of job: INTER) and when it began (the date and time you signed
If you were running a user application and did not want to exit the application to perform
another function, you might use the System Request function to switch between your
user application and the other function.
__ 27. Depending on your specific hardware and connection to the system, the System Request
function is invoked differently. Note how each of these steps displays a dotted line at the
bottom of the screen before you press the Enter key. In one of the following steps, you are
using this dotted line as a shortcut method to access functions on the System Request
- Shift or Alt key > SysRq key > Then press Enter.
- Shift > Esc > Then press Enter.
- From the menu bar: Actions > Display Popup Keypad > SysRq > Then press Enter.
- If you do not see the Display Popup Keypad just press Enter to see System Request

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays


Menu Option 1 (Display sign on for secondary job) allows you to start another interactive job
(alternative or secondary job) while your original job (primary job) remains suspended.
Menu Option 2 (End previous request) cancels the function you were running when you used
the SysRq key.
__ 28. Choose Option 1 (Display sign on for secondary job) and press Enter. A Sign On display
should appear.
__ 29. Once again, sign on to the system. The General System Tasks menu should be displayed.
You can now switch between your primary and secondary interactive jobs by using Option 1
from the System Request menu.
Shortcut: As you are going through the steps to access the System Request menu. If you know
the specific menu option number, you can type it on the dotted line to directly access that
__ 30. Call up the dotted line and type a 1 directly on the dotted line at the bottom of the screen
and press Enter. Do this a few times. Remember, your primary job is displaying the Display
Job Status Attributes display.
__ 31. Go to your secondary interactive job (if you are not already there) and display your job's
status attributes by typing the Display Job (dspjob) command and pressing Enter. Record
all three parts of your secondary job name here (notice the job number is different):
Job . . . _______________
User . . . _______________
Number . . _______________

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays

__ 32. Now press F3 to exit the Display Job menu and return to the General System Tasks
__ 33. You can use the Work with User Jobs (WRKUSRJOB) command to view your jobs on the
system. Type wrkusrjob on the command line and press Enter. Do not change any of the
defaults when you run this command. The Work with User Jobs display shows one line for
each of your jobs that has not yet been completely purged from the system.
In the Status column, you should see that one of your jobs is ACTIVE and the other is in a
SYSREQ state. Press Enter to return to the General System Tasks menu.
When defaults are used for the WRKUSRJOB command, as in the previous step, only the jobs run
by the user entering the WRKUSRJOB command are displayed.
__ 34. When using System Request, if you sign on to each job with different user IDs and want to
list all jobs, which are active at your workstation, you must use a different command.
To view all the jobs that are active within your current workstation session, use the Display Work
Station User (DSPWSUSR) command. Type dspwsusr on the command line and press Enter.
Review the display that is shown. You should see both of your interactive jobs listed.
How can you tell which job is your primary job?
Press Enter to return to the General System Tasks menu.
There are two ways you can sign off a workstation: by using the SIGNOFF command or a menu
__ 35. Type signoff and press Enter to sign off your alternative job. When you do, you are
automatically returned to your primary job.
__ 36. Next press F3. The User Tasks menu appears.
__ 37. Enter Option 90 to sign off your primary job.
You have now completed this part of the exercise. You can go to the next part of the exercise.

Part 5: Retrieving a command

There are a couple of ways you can enter (and change) a command you previously entered without
rekeying the command: you can use Function key 9 (F9) or the Command Entry display. In this part
of the exercise, you use both of these methods to retrieve previously entered commands.

Using <F9> to retrieve a previous command

__ 38. Sign on. The General System Tasks menu should appear.
In the previous exercise steps, you used several IBM i commands: DSPJOB, WRKUSRJOB, and
DSPWSUSR. We are now going to enter these commands in order to see how the retrieve
command function works.
__ 39. Type dspjob and press Enter.

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays

The Display Job menu should appear.
__ 40. Press F3 or F12 to exit the Display Job menu.
The General System Tasks menu should reappear.
__ 41. Now type wrkusrjob and press Enter. The Work with User Jobs display should appear.
Press Enter again. The General System Tasks menu should reappear.
__ 42. Type dspwsusr and press Enter. After the Display Work Station user display appears, press
Enter. The General System Tasks menu should reappear.
Now you are going to retrieve one of the commands you just entered.
__ 43. Press F9 (Retrieve). The last command that you entered, DSPWSUSR, appears.
If you wanted to, you might re-execute the DSPWSUSR command at this time by pressing the
Enter key. However, this is not the command we want.
__ 44. Press F9 again. The second to the last command you entered, WRKUSRJOB, appears.
__ 45. Press F9 again.
The first command that you entered, DSPJOB, appears.
__ 46. Press Enter and IBM i re-executes the command and displays the Display Job menu.
__ 47. Press Enter.
The General System Tasks menu should appear.

Using the Command Entry display to retrieve a prior command

The Command Entry display is specifically designed for efficiently entering commands, viewing
previously entered commands, duplicating commands for reuse and receiving additional error
message assistance.
In this exercise, you can retrieve a command from the Command Entry display.
__ 48. Type call qcmd and press Enter.
The Command Entry display should appear.
__ 49. Press F10 to display all of the detailed messages.
The Command Entry display should reappear. It contains all of the commands you have
entered since you signed on and the detailed messages for the commands.
All three of the commands you executed should be displayed on the Command Entry display.
You are now going to re-execute the WRKUSRJOB command. If you had entered many
commands, you might use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to display the command
you wanted to re-execute.
__ 50. Use the Position up cursor (arrow up) key to move the cursor to the line containing the
WRKUSRJOB command. (You can position the cursor anywhere on the line containing the
__ 51. Press F9 to retrieve the WRKUSRJOB command.
The WRKUSRJOB command should appear on the command line.

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays

__ 52. Press Enter to re-execute the WRKUSRJOB command.
The Work with User Jobs display should appear.
Do not exit this display.
You are finished with this part of the exercise. You can continue to the last part of the exercise.

Part 6: Help facilities

Menu help
In this part of the exercise, you view various types of online help information from a menu. Most of
this online help can also be displayed from entry, list, and information displays.
__ 53. The General System Tasks menu is displayed. If this menu is not displayed, type go
system and press Enter.
__ 54. Press the Help key or F1. The following information, called extended help, appears in a
pop-up window:

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays


Extended help:
- Provides a description of the menu
- Describes functions that can be performed from any menu
- Explains the available menu options
- Describes how to use the active function keys
__ 55. Press F3 to return to the General System Tasks menu.
You can also display extended help from any menu, list, or information display by positioning
the cursor on one of the following and pressing the Help key:
- Display title
- Blank line
- Blank command line
- Blank message line

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays

Move the cursor to these various locations on the General System Tasks menu and
press F1 (Help) to view extended help.
Now you can look at the online help available for a menu option.
__ 56. From the General System Tasks menu, display the help information for Option 6 (Save).

Position cursor anywhere on this line to which the arrow is pointing and press F1 (Help). Read
the help information provided.
If you press the <Help> key with the cursor positioned on a line containing any of the other
menu options, help for those options is displayed.
More... in the lower right corner of the pop-up window means that there is more help
information to view. You can use the Roll Up (or Page Down) key to view the remainder of the
information, or you can enlarge the pop-up window. Assume that you decide to enlarge it.
__ 57. Press F20 (Enlarge). A larger pop-up help window appears.
__ 58. Press F12 to return to the General System Tasks menu.

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays

__ 59. Help information is available for the active function keys.
To view this information, move the cursor to one of the active function key lines (see the
following display for the lines on which you can position the cursor) and press F1 (Help).

Position the cursor anywhere on the line to which the arrow is pointing and press F1 (Help).
Read the help information provided. Use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to read the
help information provided.
Notice that you can also use F2 to display extended help from this Help display. This is the
same extended help you displayed previously.
__ 60. Press F3 to return to the General System Tasks menu.

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays

Using field help
You have already seen how you can display help for a menu. Now you can see how to display
help for a field. For the purpose of this exercise, you use an entry display to obtain field help.
This same method of obtaining field help can be used on menu and list displays.
__ 61. Enter the dspmsg (Display Messages) command and press F4 (Prompt). The Display
Messages (DSPMSG) prompt display appears.
Let us assume you are not sure what the purpose of the message queue parameter is on this
__ 62. To view help information for this parameter, move the cursor to any position on the message
queue line (see the following display for the line on which the cursor should be positioned)
and press F1 (Help).

Position the cursor anywhere on the line to which the arrow is pointing and press F1 (Help).
Read the help information provided. Help information for all of the message queue choices
appears (including the library). Use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to read the help
information provided.

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays

Next, you decide that you want to print the Help information for this command. However, you do
not see an active function key to perform this function.
__ 63. Press F24 (More keys). More active function keys appear including F14 (Print help). This
key prints all of the help information for the display.
__ 64. Press F14 to print all of the help information for the Display Messages command.
The following message appears on the message line:
Requested information has been printed.
The printed help information will be put on a printer output queue. Do not go to the printer to get
your output at this time. You can print it later.
__ 65. Press F12 and then F3 return to the General System Tasks menu.

Using column help

Help information is also available for every column on a list display.
You have already worked with a list display (Work with User Jobs). You will view this display
again to work with help for columns.
__ 66. Type wrkusrjob (Work with User Jobs) on the command line and press Enter.
The Work with User Jobs display appears.
There are six columns on this display. You decide you want help with two of these columns -
Opt and Status.
__ 67. To display help for the Opt column, move the cursor to any field in that column and press F1
(Help). Read the help information that appears for that column.
__ 68. Press F12 to return to the Work with User Jobs display.
__ 69. Now display help for the Status column by moving the cursor under any field in the Status
column and pressing Help. Help information for that column appears.
__ 70. Since there is a lot of help information for the Status column, press F20 to display the full
screen help. Read the help information provided.
__ 71. Press F3 twice to return to the General System Tasks menu.

Using message help

This part of the exercise shows you how to display additional help information for a message on
the message line.
__ 72. Type sdnmsg on the command line. (This is not a typographical error. Type the command as
shown.) Then press F4 to prompt for the command. The operating system does not
recognize this command (it is spelled incorrectly) and displays the following error message
at the bottom of the screen:
Command SDNMSG in library *LIBL not found.

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays

__ 73. By using the arrow > keys (Position cursor keys), move the cursor to the message line and
press F1 (Help). Second-level message text is displayed which contains information on the
cause of the error and actions you can take to help you correct the error.
__ 74. Press Enter to return to the General System Tasks menu and clear the command line.

Using hypertext
This part of the exercise shows you how to use hypertext, which appears in a series of help
information displays linked together by keywords or phrases to allow you to quickly scroll
through a lot of help information.
__ 75. Move the cursor to the General System Tasks menu title line and press F1 (Help).
The General System Tasks - Help display appears.
While reading this help information, you decide you want further information on printer devices.
__ 76. Use the Page Down (Roll Up) key until the Printer devices reference phrase is displayed.
With the printer devices reference phrase shown on the display, move the cursor under the
reference phrase and press Enter.

The Printer device pop-up window appears. Read the help information provided.
As you are reading through this information, you find another word or phrase that either you do
not understand or for which you might want to see some additional help. For example, assume
that you decide you want to know more about the phrase device description.
__ 77. Move the cursor under the device description reference phrase (see the following display)
and press Enter.

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays


The Device description help information appears. Read the help information provided.
Let us assume you now want to view all of the topics you have displayed.
__ 78. Press F6. The Viewed Topics display appears which lists the topics you have displayed in
the order in which you have displayed them.

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays


You might return to any one of the topics by positioning the cursor on that topic and pressing
Enter. However, you have all the information that you need for now.
__ 79. Press F12 and then F3 to return to the General System Tasks menu.

Information Assistant
In this part of the exercise, you will use Information Assistant to look for system information.
There are a number of ways you can display the Information Assistant menu. In this exercise, you
will display it by entering an option on the IBM i Main menu.
__ 80. Type go main on the command line and press Enter. The IBM i Main menu appears.
__ 81. Use Option 10 to display the Information Assistant options menu. The following menu

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Exercise 2. Using the keyboard and system displays


__ 82. Select Option 1 that explains where to look for information. The Where Do I Look for
Information? display appears:
This display lists a number of places where you can look for system information.
__ 83. To read further about a specific topic, move your cursor to that topic and press Enter.
Once a topic is displayed, use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to scroll through the
__ 84. Once you are finished reviewing the help text, use the F3 key to return to the command line
and enter the sign off command.

End of exercise

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Exercise 3. Overview of IBM Navigator for i


Exercise 3. Overview of IBM Navigator

for i
Estimated time

The purpose of this optional exercise is to familiarize you with IBM Navigator for i.

• Sign on to the server with IBM Navigator for i.
• Navigate the web page that is presented.

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Exercise 3. Overview of IBM Navigator for i

Exercise instructions
You should be familiar with a few basic concepts before using IBM Navigator for i. Understanding
these simple concepts can help you as you progress through the exercises.
Below, the concepts of connecting to the Power Systems with IBM i using a URL, signing on to IBM
i through your web browser, navigation, and the IBM Navigator for i are explained.

Part 1: Understanding URLs

IBM Navigator for i and its various functions are accessed by using your web browser to connect to
a specific Uniform Resource Locator (URL). A URL directs you to a web page or a home page. A
URL has the form:
<protocol> Http (non-secure), https (secure), FTP, gopher, and so forth. IBM
Navigator for i uses http or https.
<server_name> The TCP/IP name or TCP/IP address of your Power Systems with
IBM i.
<port_number> If the protocol service is running on its default port (http on port 80,
https on port 443, and so forth) the port number can be omitted.
Otherwise, the port number must be specified. IBM Navigator for i
uses the port on which the http or https server is running.
For example, the URL to access the IBM Navigator for i home page on Power system with IBM i at
IP address and using default port 2001 might look like:
Refer to the table in Appendix A for information that you need to perform the exercises.

Part 2: Signing on to the Power Systems with IBM i

First, sign on to the system using a 5250 emulation, that is, a green screen interface.
__ 1. Start a 5250 Emulation screen to get the Sign on display.
The information that you enter on the Sign on display identifies you and optionally helps to
establish your operating environment. When prompted enter:
User ID AS24xx (where xx is your team number).
Password What you set or specified in the first exercise.
__ 2. Once you are signed on, type go user and press Enter the User Tasks menu should
appear. From this menu, users can access their own jobs and perform most system
functions, which relate to their own jobs and user profile.
__ 3. Review the options and functions on this menu. Then, continue to the next part of the

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Exercise 3. Overview of IBM Navigator for i

Part 3: Signing on to the Power Systems with IBM Navigator for i
When the IBM Navigator for i URL is accessed for a server, the browser prompts you to sign on to
that server.
__ 4. Enter the IP address of your assigned server and port 2001 into your browser in the
following manner:
__ 5. Enter your user ID and password when prompted:
User ID AS24xx (where xx is your team number).
Password What you set or specified in the previous exercise part.
If you access the server over http, your user name and password will be sent to the server as
encoded text. Encoded text is not secure. To have a truly secure connection, https (secure http)
should be used.
__ 6. After you sign on to IBM Navigator for i, your sign-on remains active until logout. After
logout, close your browser. When using this interface, it is recommended that you always
logout before you close your browser window.
__ 7. Click the + sign to expand IBM i Management (if it is not already expanded) in the task tree
and display the pane that is captured in the next part.

Part 4: Navigation
Similar to many web applications you currently use, IBM Navigator for i has left side navigation to
help you quickly access various tasks.

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Exercise 3. Overview of IBM Navigator for i

Throughout the exercises, you notice the terms task, tab, and links. Listed is a sample of some
tasks for IBM Navigator for i. Tabs are used to categorize various IBM i functions. For example,
select the Basic Operations task to open a tab that includes the links Send a Message, Messages,
Printer output, Add a Printer, and Printers and User jobs.
Explore the different tasks available but do not spend too much time. You have an opportunity to
explore these options in the upcoming exercises in class.

Part 5: Starting 5250 display emulation from Navigator

__ 8. Click the System task on the left side of your browser window.
__ 9. On the main pane, Click Emulation and start 5250 session.
__ 10. Notice that you can change the port, code page, and workstation ID settings. Leave the field
defaults as they are displayed. Click the Start Session button.
__ 11. Sign on to the 5250 session with your AS24xx user ID and the user-defined password.
__ 12. Press the Enter key or click the Enter button.
__ 13. Because you signed in to the system on a 5250 session (green screen), the display shows
the message: Message queue AS24xx is allocated to another job. press Enter to
__ 14. Type the command DSPLIB AS24xx and press Enter.
__ 15. To move down one page at a time, you can either press the Page Down key or click the
PageDown button. To move up or to see the previous page, you press the Page Up key or
click the PageUp button. Use the correct key to go to the last page.
__ 16. If you are already on the last page and you press Page Down, a message appears at the
bottom of the session window that reads Already at bottom of area.
__ 17. Click the Already at bottom of area message to see all of the details for this message a
full screen.
__ 18. Press the F3 key or click the F3 button until you return to a command line.
__ 19. Type the command WRKACTJOB and press Enter.
__ 20. The cursor should be flashing in the Opt column of the first job in the displayed list. Press
F1 to display help for the available options.
__ 21. The help screen for the OPTION - HELP is displayed.
__ 22. Press the Page Down key or click the More button at the bottom of the help text window to
view more of the help text.
__ 23. Press F3 until you can access a command line.
__ 24. Type the command DSPSYSSTS and press Enter.
__ 25. Next, you are going to see what happens to your jobs on the system when you do not sign
off from the system and close the browser window incorrectly. Click the X in the upper right
corner to close your IBM Navigator for i window.
__ 26. Once again, open a web browser and enter the IBM Navigator for i URL to access your
system. Sign on to IBM i with your AS24xx user ID and your password.

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Exercise 3. Overview of IBM Navigator for i

__ 27. Expand IBM i Management, click System task, click 5250 emulation; then click Start
session to sign on to the system. Sign on to the system again.
__ 28. You might see a message that says your job is started and that your message queue
(AS24xx) is allocated to another job. Press Enter to continue.
__ 29. Enter the WRKSBSJOB QINTER command to see all of the jobs that are active in the QINTER
__ 30. You see a minimum of two jobs. The first job is the current session where you are running
the work subsystem jobs command. The second job is the browser window that was
incorrectly closed.
__ 31. Select 4 to end your previous session, then press Enter. Then, press Enter again on the
Confirm screen.
__ 32. The previous step brings you back to your original screen. Notice that your job did not end.
Scroll to the bottom of your screen to see the error message displayed.
Not authorized to command ENDJOB in *SYSTEM.
__ 33. Your user profile has job control authority, but you do not have authority to use the Endjob
command to end this job that is now in error recovery mode. Since you do not have
authority; then a security officer, or the instructor must end this job. Otherwise, the system
ends the job after an eventual timeout.
__ 34. Press F3 until you return to the command line. Type the signoff command and press
__ 35. Click the Stop session button to end your emulation job on the system.

Part 6: Workstation ID
The last step returns you to the 5250 Emulation tab.
__ 36. Under the Workstation ID field:
__ a. Select the Specify workstation ID radio button and enter a value of AS24xx5250 (where
xx is your team number).
__ b. Select the Avoid duplicates for this user check box.
__ c. Select the Avoid duplicates with other users check box.
Make note of the following information about the Workstation ID:
The workstation ID identifies the device name (DEVNAME) used for the 5250 user interface
session. The maximum length of this value is 10 characters. More characters are truncated.
The workstation ID cannot start with a number and it cannot contain a blank or any of the
following characters: &, *, %, =, or +. When a session is started, the device name is
displayed in the Display field on the active session sign-on screen.
Options include:
○ Use user ID
If this option is chosen, the IBM Navigator for i authenticated user ID is used for the
workstation ID.

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Exercise 3. Overview of IBM Navigator for i

○ Specify workstation ID
Use this option to use a workstation ID of your choice. If a value is not entered, the
IBM i generates a value.
○ Avoid duplicates for this user
Specify this option to avoid device name conflicts for the current user. When this
option is enabled, the 5250 user interface adds a wildcard character to the device
name to make it unique for the current user. If the specified device name already
contains 10 characters, the last character is truncated before adding the wildcard
character. If this option is not enabled, only one session can be started with the
specified device name. Start session requests with the same name cannot be
○ Avoid duplicates with other users
Specify this option to avoid device name conflicts with other users on the same
server. When this option is enabled, the Power Systems with IBM i adds a wildcard
character to the device name to make it unique for all users on the server. If the
specified device name already contains 10 characters, the last character is
truncated before adding the wildcard character. If this option is not enabled, only one
session can be started with the specified device name for the specified server. Start
session requests with the same name cannot be started.
__ 37. Click the Start Session button.
__ 38. In the upper right of the sign-on screen, verify that the session was started with a Display
identifier of AS24xx5250 or a slight variation.
__ 39. Do not close this session. It will be used in the next task.

Part 7: Stopping an active session

This task assumes that you ran the previous task.
__ 40. The correct way to end your emulation and close this task is to click the Stop session
__ 41. Next, click the x on the 5250 emulation tab.
__ 42. Lastly, close the System tab unless there are other tasks on the page you want to perform.
__ 43. When you are done with this GUI, close any open tabs then logout of the system. You
should never close the browser without first logging off the system.

End of exercise

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Exercise 4. Messages with 5250 emulation


Exercise 4. Messages with 5250

Estimated time

The purpose of this exercise is to practice sending and displaying messages.

• Send and display informational, inquiry, and break messages.
• Display messages that are sent to the system operator.

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Exercise 4. Messages with 5250 emulation

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Sending and displaying a message
Send and display an information message.
__ 1. Open a 5250 emulation session and sign on using your user ID of AS24xx. You should see
the General System Tasks menu. (If not, type the go system command).
__ 2. From the General System Tasks menu, choose Option 4 (Messages).
__ 3. From the Messages menu, choose Option 1 (Send a message). Notice that this option is
actually calling the SNDMSG command, which might be entered directly on the command line.
Use the F4 key to prompt for all of the parameters.
__ 4. On the Send message screen, specify the following:
Message: Type in a descriptive message.
To User Profile: Specify your user ID AS24xx by typing it in on the entry field.
Press Enter. The Message Waiting (MW) indicator should be displayed on the status line at the
bottom of the display session.
__ 5. From the Messages menu, choose Option 3 (Display messages). Notice this is actually
running the DSPMSG command. Press the Enter key to see your messages on the Display
Messages panel.
__ 6. Place the cursor on the message, then press the F1 help key to get the Additional Message
Information display to see all of the details for a message. Optionally from this screen, you
can press the F9 (Display message details) function key to see some additional details.
__ 7. Press the F12 key to return to the Display messages screen.
__ 8. To delete a specific message, place the cursor on the message in question, then press the
F11 (Remove a message) function key. It is always good practice to remove a message
from the message queue once it has been handled. This is also known as cleaning up the
message queue.
__ 9. Sign off your session.

Part 2: Send and display a break message

The Send Break Message (SNDBRKMSG) command is used to send an immediate message to one or
more workstation message queues. This command causes the message to be delivered in break
mode. The DSPMSG display is shown for the message when it is received, regardless of the
setting of the message queue's delivery mode, severity, and break handling program.
__ 10. Start a 5250 Emulation session and sign on to the system. Write down the Display name
that is assigned to this session. _______________
__ 11. Next, start a second Emulation session. You can either click the icon on the Desktop again
or click File > Run the same. Write down the name that is assigned to this second display.
Do not maximize either of these two windows.

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Exercise 4. Messages with 5250 emulation

__ 12. Size these two windows so that you can place both windows on your Desktop. For example,
the first 5250 window is displayed in the lower right part of the Desktop while the second
5250 window is displayed in the back upper left.
This way that you can see the effects of what is done using the first screen in the screen that is
in the upper left. Another way to think of this, one screen is the source and the other screen is
the target.
__ 13. Sign on to both sessions.
__ 14. From the General System Tasks menu on the first screen, choose Option 4 (Messages).
From the Messages menu, choose Option 2 (Send a break message). Notice that the
command being processed is the SNDBRKMSG command.
__ 15. On the Send Break Message screen, specify:
Message text: Specify a meaningful message.
Work station message queue: The name of the second 5250 display.
Keep on eye on the second screen as you perform the next step. Press Enter.
__ 16. You should see that the 5250 Emulation session window in the back is now displaying the
break message automatically.
__ 17. On the second 5250 session, use the F13 (Remove all) function key to clean up your
messages, and press the F3 to return to the General System Tasks menu.
__ 18. Now that you have experienced how break messages are received, you can sign off and
close the second session.

Part 3: Send an inquiry message

__ 19. Maximize the first 5250 Emulation session screen.
__ 20. From the Messages menu, choose Option 1 (Send a message). Notice that the command
being processed is the SNDMSG command.
__ 21. On the Send Message screen, specify:
Message text: Some meaningful text
To user profile: Specify your user ID AS24xx.
Press F10: Additional parameters.
Message type: *INQ
Press the Enter key.
__ 22. Notice the Message Waiting (MW) light indicator is now displayed on the status line.
Either: Choose Option 3 (Display messages) or type the DSPMSG command. Then, press
__ 23. The Display Messages screen is now displayed. Notice that this time your message is
allowing for a reply. Type in a reply, then press the Enter key twice.
Once again, display your messages by issuing the DSPMSG command. Notice that the reply to
your inquiry message is now displayed.

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Exercise 4. Messages with 5250 emulation

__ 24. If it is not clear exactly what just happened, then you might want to work with another team
so that team number one sends an inquiry message to team number two. This way that you
can more clearly see the effects (sending and receiving) in two different message queues.

Part 4: Cleaning up the messages in your queue

__ 25. If you have a Navigator session open or second emulator 5250 session, you must first close
sessions to be allowed to delete messages from your message queue using a 5250
Emulation screen. This way, only one job owns the message queue.
__ 26. Issue the Display message command (DSPMSG), then press Enter.
__ 27. There are three options available to you to clean your message queue. It is always good
practice to clean up your messages as soon as they are handled.
__ a. F11 (Remove a message). Position the cursor on a specific message then press this
key. The message is removed from the message queue.
__ b. F13 (Remove all). Press this key to remove all messages from the message queue. The
default reply is sent for any unanswered inquiry messages.
__ c. F16 (Remove all except unanswered). All messages except the unanswered inquiry
messages and sender copy messages are removed.

Part 5: System Operator messages

__ 28. From the Messages menu, choose Option 4 (Display System Operator Messages) or enter
the command DSPMSG QSYSOPR.
Multiple people can display the System Operator Message queue at the same time.
Do not delete any messages from this message queue at this time. Assuming you have been
granted authority to this message queue. You would be allowed to delete messages from this
__ 29. Note that you can use the steps in this section to display messages for any message queue
to which you are authorized.
__ 30. Sign off and close all of the 5250 emulation sessions that might be open.

End of exercise.

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Exercise 5. Messaging with IBM Navigator for i


Exercise 5. Messaging with IBM

Navigator for i
Estimated time

The purpose of this exercise is to practice sending and displaying messages.

• Send and display informational, inquiry, and break messages.
• Display messages that are sent to the system operator.

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Exercise 5. Messaging with IBM Navigator for i

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Working with messages
This task shows you how to use IBM Navigator for i to view, send, and delete messages from a
message queue. Delete operations can be performed on a message by message basis or on a
queue basis.
__ 1. Open a web browser and enter the IBM Navigator for i URL from the lab worksheet in
Appendix A and sign on when prompted.
__ 2. Expand the IBM i Management task.
__ 3. Click Basic Operations task, then click Messages.
__ 4. Click the down arrow for Actions, select Send Message. The Send Message page is
__ 5. To send a message to yourself, you can either enter your user ID AS24xx in the Users box,
or click the Browse... button next to the Users.
The Browse Users page displays a list of users to whom you have some authority. User profiles
are created with exclude public authority so the only users you see are yourself and AS24maria
whose authority was granted to the group profile used by all students.
You can select one or more users. Select your user ID, then click OK.
The same method is used to send a message to the message queue for a specific workstation.
__ 6. Type a meaningful message in the message text box; then click the Send and close button.
__ 7. Click the Refresh button at the upper left of the Message display. The message that you
just sent is displayed in your message list.
If you have multiple messages, the message list is broken up into pages that can be accessed
through the navigation arrows.


Select means click the check box, which places a check mark in the check box and thus selects that

__ 8. Select one of your messages.

__ a. Select Delete from the Actions pull-down menu. Click Delete on the Confirm window.
The message is deleted and the message listing is updated to reflect this delete action
(unless the message queue is still allocated to the previously aborted emulation job from an
earlier exercise).
__ b. Press Refresh button.

Part 2: Sending break messages

IBM Navigator for i allows you to send break messages to 5250 emulation sessions.

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Exercise 5. Messaging with IBM Navigator for i

__ 9. Open and start a 5250 session to the teach system and sign on with your AS24xx user ID.
__ 10. Size and position both the emulation window and the IBM Navigator for i window so that
both are visible on the Desktop.
__ 11. Return to the Send Message tab to send a break message. If you closed this tab, then start
this function and open this tab.
__ 12. On the Send messages page:
__ a. Enter your user ID.
__ b. Select the option to Interrupt user.
__ c. Type in your message text.
__ d. Click the Send and close button.
__ 13. The message is automatically displayed in your 5250 session.
__ 14. On the 5250 session, select the function key to remove all messages from your message
__ 15. Sign off and close your emulation session.

Part 3: Displaying operator messages

IBM Navigator for i allows you to access messages for the system operator message queue
(QSYSOPR) or any other message queue to which you are authorized.
__ 1. Return to the Messages tab.
__ 2. Click the down arrow for Actions. Select Include.
__ 3. On the Message - Include page:
__ a. You can either click the down arrow for User and select System Operator or click
Browse and select this user from the list.
__ b. Review the options available under message type.
__ c. Click OK to execute this function.
__ 4. The messages for the system operator are now displayed.
Notice the scroll bars available at the bottom and right of this page for scrolling up/down/left
/right through the multiple pages and columns for messages.
__ 5. Next, click the down arrow for Actions to see the action available that can be performed
against any messages that are selected.
__ 6. To delete a message, select that message, click the down arrow for Actions, select Delete.
__ 7. Close any tabs that are open then click Logout.

End of exercise

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Exercise 6. Object management with 5250 emulation


Exercise 6. Object management with

5250 emulation
Estimated time

The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the user interface and to the management of
objects on the system.

• Find and enter commands.
• Change your own user profile.
• Work with libraries and objects.
• Change your job's current library.
• Add and remove libraries from the user portion of your library list.

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Exercise 6. Object management with 5250 emulation

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Menu option or command
Most operations can be done by using an emulation session and typing a command, or choosing
an option from a menu or by using one of the GUI options available. The method that you choose is
purely a function of personal preference.
Let us look at an example. Based on information in your user profile, IBM i currently assigns library
AS24xx as the current library for your job whenever you sign on. If you want to use a different
library as your current library, without having to specify it each time you sign on, you must change
your user profile. More complete instructions on working with user profiles are discussed in the
security lecture and lab exercise.

Using menu options

__ 1. Start a 5250 Emulation session and sign on to the system with your AS24xx user ID.
__ 2. Type go user on the command line and Enter to display the User Tasks menu.
__ 3. On the User Tasks menu, select the option to Change your user profile and press Enter.
__ 4. This shows the Change Profile (CHGPRF) display, look at the information presented.
What is the name of your job's current library?
Make sure that you write it down because you will need it later in this exercise.
__ 5. Now, type AS24 as your new current library in the Current library field and press Enter. This
changes your user profile and returns you to the User Tasks menu. The following message
should be shown at the bottom of your display:
User profile AS24xx changed.

Using a command
__ 6. There is a command available to change your profile. You can use the command menus to
find this command. To see the menus that are available, position the cursor on the
command line and press F4 (Prompt), without typing anything on the command line.
This will display the Major Command Groups menu. From this menu, you can navigate to find
all of the commands that the system supports.
__ 7. Choose the option for Security Commands and press Enter.
__ 8. This will display the Security Commands menu. You can navigate directly to this menu by
using the GO CMDSEC command.
Press the Page Down (Roll Up) key and select the option for Profile Commands and press
__ 9. This will display the Profile Commands menu. Again, notice the name of this menu, you
can use the GO CMDUSRPRF command to navigate directly to this menu.

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Exercise 6. Object management with 5250 emulation

Select the option for the Change Profile (CHGPRF) command and press Enter. This is the
command that is used to change a user’s profile.
__ 10. Notice that this command displays the values that are currently specified in your profile. You
can use the F10 function key to display additional information for your profile.
Change the value for Current library parameter, specify the name of your team library AS24xx,
where xx is your team number, and press Enter.
__ 11. The User Tasks menu will appear and the following message will be displayed at the
bottom of your display:
User profile AS24xx changed.
You can also change your user profile by typing the following command on any command line:
chgprf curlib(AS24xx).

Part 2: Using commands and command prompting

Entering commands and using F4 prompting is a common system operator task. In this part of the
exercise, you will run some commands and use the prompting capability. Although you might find a
practical need for one or more of these commands in your work, here they are used to demonstrate
First, you will use the Create Library (CRTLIB) command to create a library. Then, you will copy
some objects into your library using the Copy File (CPYF) and Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ)
commands. Finally, you will use the Work with Objects (WRKOBJ) command to search and display
the objects in the library.


Some hints that are recommended when you enter a command:

• Type the command on the command line, then press F4 to prompt the command.
• F1 - Help is available for the command and for each parameter.
• F4 - Prompt is available for a parameter to see a list of the values allowed.
• Use the F11 key to toggle between the parameter keyword and a listing of the values that are
allowed for a parameter.
• Use the F10 key to see only the additional parameters that apply based on what has been
keyed versus F9 which will show all parameters for a command.

__ 1. Enter the crtlib command on the command line and press F4 for prompting.
__ 2. On the CRTLIB prompt, fill in the parameters as follows:
Library AS24xxA (where xx is your team number)
Library type *PROD
Text Library created using 5250 Emulation for team AS24xx

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Exercise 6. Object management with 5250 emulation

__ 3. Notice that the choices you can specify for each parameter are displayed for this command
entry display (for example, Name, *PROD, *TEST) because this is what is specified in your
user profile.
__ 4. Press F11 (Keywords) to view the keywords. Notice how the screen changes to reflect the
parameter name instead of the options available for each parameter. Once again, press F11
to see the parameter options that are displayed again.
__ 5. The description for the F11 function key will only be shown at the bottom of your display if
you press F24 (More keys). Press F24 now.
The description of a function key does not have to be displayed for the function key to be active.
On any system display, if you know that a function key is supported, you can use it whether the
description is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
__ 6. There are more parameters that can be specified for the CRTLIB command. To view these
parameters, press F10 (Additional parameters). Do not make any changes on the additional
__ 7. Press Enter to run the command. This creates the library and returns you to the User Tasks
menu. The following message will be displayed at the bottom of your display:
Library (AS24xxA) created.
Next, you will copy several objects to the library you just created. You will be using the Copy File
(CPYF) and Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ) commands. The CPYF command can only copy
one type of object, a file. The CRTDUPOBJ command is used to copy other types of objects,
If you do not know the specific command to be used, you will navigate the system menus to find
the command that is needed. In this case, we already know the name of the command that will
allow you to copy an object of type *FILE. However, if you did not know the name of the
command, this is the process that you would use to locate the command that you needed to
__ 8. To find the command that is used to perform the desired action, type go major on the
command line and press Enter. This displays the Major Commands menu.
Notice that there are a number of different options you can select on this menu to find the
appropriate command (for example, verb commands, or select command by name, subject,
object management, file, and so forth).
__ 9. Select the option for Verb commands and press Enter. This will display the Verb
commands menu.
__ 10. Use the Page Down (Roll Up) key until you see the option for Copy Commands. Select this
option and Enter. This will display the Copy Commands menu.
__ 11. Next, select the option for Copy file and press Enter. The Copy File (CPYF) display appears.
__ 12. Type the following parameter values but DO NOT ENTER AT THIS TIME.
From file samplef
Library as24
To file samplef
Library as24xxa
Create file *yes

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Exercise 6. Object management with 5250 emulation

__ 13. There are more parameters that can be specified for this command. To see these
parameters, press F10 (Additional parameters).
__ 14. The Copy File (CPYF) display reappears with additional parameters. Remember, you can
use the F1 (Help) key if you are curious about any of the additional parameters.
Notice that More... is displayed at the bottom of the display. You can use the Page Down/Up
(Roll Up/Down) keys to see the remaining parameters. When you get to the last display, More...
is replaced by Bottom.
When you get to the last display, press Enter to run the command. (You could have also run the
command from any display where More... was displayed at the bottom of the display.) This
copies the file to your library and returns you to the Copy Commands menu.
__ 15. The following message will be displayed on the bottom of your display:
Physical file SAMPLEF created in library (AS24xxA).
Next, you are going to copy another type of object to your library. This time, you will use the
Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ) command.
__ 16. Type crtdupobj on the command line and press F4 to prompt for the parameters.
__ 17. Fill in the parameters as shown but DO NOT ENTER AT THIS TIME.
From object prog1
From library as24
Object type Position the cursor anywhere on the Object type line and press F4 to see a list of
all the possible values you can specify for object type.
Look at the choices for this parameter. Find the abbreviation for program. Notice the + in the
lower right corner of the display. There are more choices than can be displayed on one display.
You might need to use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys.
What abbreviated object type have you decided to use?
Enter your selection.
(Hint: The correct type is *pgm.)
To library as24xxa
__ 18. Press Enter to run the command. The program will be copied to your library. You should see
the following message at the bottom of your display:
Object PROG1 in (AS24xxA) type *PGM created.
__ 19. You are now going to add one more object to your library. Repeat the steps for the
CRTDUPOBJ command or think about using F9 to retrieve the last command.
__ 20. Use the F4 prompt key to specify PROG1A instead of PROG1 for the From object
parameter, then press Enter to complete this step.
Next, you will use the Work with Objects (WRKOBJ) command to view the objects in your library.
__ 21. Type wrkobj on the command line and press F4.

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Exercise 6. Object management with 5250 emulation

__ 22. This displays the Work with Objects screen. Type the following parameter values and press
Object *all
Library as24xxa
Object type *all
Then press Enter.
__ 23. This displays the Work with Objects screen. Assuming you have performed the previous
steps correctly. The screen will show the three objects, PROG1, PROG1A, and SAMPLEF,
which you copied to your library.
Do not enter any of the options in the Option field.
What are some of the actions you can perform on objects from this display?
____________________________ _____________________________
____________________________ _____________________________
____________________________ _____________________________
__ 24. Press F3 until you return to the General System Tasks menu (or type go system on the
command line).

Part 3: Working with your library list

In this part of the exercise, you will view the libraries that should be in the system and user portions
of a library list. Then you will verify that your library list contains these libraries. You will also see the
effect of changing your job's library list by changing the current library and adding and removing a
library from the user portion of the library list. Finally, you will search for one or more objects that
are located in one or more libraries.

System and user libraries

In this part of the exercise, you use system values to view the contents of the system and user
portions of a library list. Right now, it is not important that you know what a system value is (system
values will be discussed in a later unit); it is only important that you know the source of the system
and user portions of a library list.
__ 1. From the General System Tasks menu, type the command wrksysval on the command
line and press F4.
__ 2. On the Work with System Value (WRKSYSVAL) display, enter qsyslibl in the System value
field and press Enter.
__ 3. Next, enter 5 = Display in the Option field on the Work with System Values display and
press Enter.
Which libraries are in the system portion of your library list? Enter the values below.

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Exercise 6. Object management with 5250 emulation

__ 4. Press F3 twice to return to the General System Tasks menu.
Now you are going to display the libraries that are in the user portion of your library list.
__ 5. Press F9 to retrieve the wrksysval command. Then, press F4 to prompt for the wrksysval
__ 6. The Work with System Value (WRKSYSVAL) display appears.
Type qtime (time of day) in the System Value field, but DO NOT ENTER YET.
__ 7. This is not the system value you wanted to enter. Press F5 (Refresh). The parameters are
reset to their original default values.
Now, type qusrlibl in the System Value field and press Enter.
__ 8. The Work with System Values display appears.
Enter a 5 in the Option field of the qusrlibl system value and press Enter.
__ 9. The libraries that are contained in the user portion of a library list are displayed. The list will
include QGPL and QTEMP.
Press Enter and then F3 to return to the General System Tasks menu.
__ 10. Type dsplibl on the command line and press Enter to look at your library list.
__ 11. Answer the following questions:
What is the name of your job's current library? _____________________________________
Are the libraries in the system portion of the library list the same as those you wrote down
earlier? _________________________________________
Are the libraries in the user portion of the library list the same as those you wrote down earlier?
__ 12. Press F3 to return to the General System Tasks menu.

Changing the current library in the library list

In this part of the exercise, you will see the effect of changing your job's library list by changing
the current library.
__ 13. Before you change your job's current library, you need to copy prog1 to your current library.
To do this, enter crtdupobj on the command line and press F4.
__ 14. Fill in the parameters as follows:
From object prog1
From library as24
Object type *pgm
To library as24xx
Then press Enter.

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Exercise 6. Object management with 5250 emulation

__ 15. The General System Tasks menu reappears and the following message should be
displayed on the message line:
Object PROG1 in AS24xx type *PGM created.
__ 16. Next, you will change your job's current library by using the Change Current Library
(CHGCURLIB) command. Type chgcurlib on the command line and press F4.
__ 17. On the Change Current Library (CHGCURLIB) display, change the value of the current library
to the library you created earlier in this exercise, AS24xxA, and press Enter.
__ 18. The General System Tasks menu reappears and the following message should be
displayed on the message line:
Current library changed to (AS24xxA).
__ 19. Now type dsplibl on the command line and press Enter to look at your library list. Notice
how the list has changed and what is now displayed as the current library.
__ 20. Press F3 to return to the General System Tasks menu.
__ 21. Type the command call prog1 on the command line to run the program PROG1, but DO
Because you have not specified a library on the command, the system uses your job's library
list to search for PROG1.
In which library do you think it should be found?
(Hint: It is not in any of the SYS libraries.)
__ 22. Now press Enter to run the program. The program sends you a message after it has
finished running.
__ 23. The message sent to you by PROG1 should be displayed automatically. If the message is
not displayed automatically, you can use the Display Messages (DSPMSG) command to view
it. Just type the dspmsg command on the command line and press Enter.
Read your message (notice the name of the library from where this program is being called)
and then press Enter to return to the General System Tasks menu.
__ 24. Once again, you are going to change your job's current library. Type the command
chgcurlib on the command line and press F4 for prompting.
__ 25. Fill in the parameters as follows:
Current library AS24xx
Then press Enter.
__ 26. Use the DSPLIBL command again to look at your job’s library list one more time. Just press
F9 (Retrieve) repeatedly until the DSPLIBL command that you entered earlier appears on
the command line.
__ 27. Press Enter when you have found the command.
Write down the name of your current library.

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Exercise 6. Object management with 5250 emulation

Press Enter to return to the General System Tasks menu.
__ 28. Now call PROG1 again (remember you can use F9 instead of retyping the command). If you
want to retype the command, type call prog1 and press Enter.
Did you get the same results? Why or why not?
__ 29. Press Enter to return to the General System Tasks menu.
In summary, because the calls to PROG1 in the previous steps were simple references (no
library name that is specified on the CALL commands), the system searched the libraries in
your job's library list to find the program to run. The order of the library names in your job's
library list determined the search sequence each time.
When you ran PROG1 the first time, the system found the program in the library you created.
After you changed your current library to AS24xx and called the program a second time, the
system found the program in the AS24xx library.

Searching for objects

When you search for an object, you can search for:
• A single object in a library, or
• All objects which begin with the same letters (called a generic search)
• You can have IBM i list the name of each user library on the system which contains an object of
a specified name and type.
__ 30. The Display Object Description (DSPOBJD) command is used to display the object
description for an object. This command can also be used to search for an object. Enter
dspobjd on the command line and press F4.
__ 31. Fill in the parameters as follows:
Object samplef
Library as24xxa
Object type *file
Then press Enter.
__ 32. The SAMPLEF file in your library is displayed on the Display Object Description display.
Select Option 5 (Display full attributes) and press Enter to display the full attributes for the
__ 33. This will display the Display Object Description - Full screen. Use the Page Down/Up (Roll
Up/Down) keys to roll through the information.
__ 34. After you have looked at the information, press F12 to return to the Display Object
Description - Basic display.
__ 35. Now, select Option 8 (Display service attributes) and press Enter to display the service
attributes for the file.

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Exercise 6. Object management with 5250 emulation

__ 36. The Display Object Description - Service display will appear. Use the Page Down/Up (Roll
Up/Down) keys to scroll through the information.
__ 37. After you have looked at the information, press F12 to return to the Display Object
Description - Basic display.
__ 38. Press F3 to return to the General System Tasks menu.
Now you are going to perform a generic search on a library. You will search a library for objects
that all begin with the same letters.
__ 39. Press F9 until you retrieve the DSPOBJD command. Then, press F4 to view the Display
Object Description prompt display.
__ 40. Fill in the following parameters:
Object prog*
Library as24xxa
Object type *all
Then press Enter.
__ 41. The Display Object Description - Basic display appears. Because you requested to view all
of the objects in your library that begin with the letters prog, two objects are displayed:
__ 42. Press Enter to return to the General System Tasks menu.
Next you will search for the same object in multiple libraries.
__ 43. To do this, enter wrkobj on the command line and press F4.
__ 44. On the Work with Objects (WRKOBJ) display, fill in the following parameters:
Object prog1
Library *allusr
Object type *pgm
Then press Enter.
__ 45. This might take a while as all user libraries are being searched. When the Work with Objects
display appears, you will see a list of libraries that contain an object with the name and type
you specified on the command.
__ 46. Record the library name in the list below for the libraries where this object is found. Then
press Enter to return to the General System Tasks menu.
Which libraries contain a program that is named PROG1?

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Exercise 6. Object management with 5250 emulation

Knowing all the libraries that contain an object with a certain name and type and knowing which
libraries (and their sequence) are in a job's library list, you can usually determine which one
was, or will be, used.

Adding and removing libraries from user portion of library list

In this part of the exercise, you will see the effect of adding and removing a library from the user
portion of the library list using the ADDLIBLE (Add Library List Entry) and RMVLIBLE (Remove
Library List Entry) commands.
__ 47. To add a library to the library list, enter addlible on the command line and press F4.
__ 48. Fill in the parameter as follows:
Library as24xxA
Note that you can specify the position of the library in the library list with the List position
parameter. For this exercise, keep the default *FIRST for the List position parameter. This
specifies that the library be placed first in the user portion of the library list.
Press Enter to run the command.
__ 49. The system will add the library to the user portion of the library list, return you to the
previous display and display the following message on the message line:
Library (AS24xxA) added to library list.
__ 50. Now display your library list by entering dsplibl on the command line and press Enter.
__ 51. The Display Library List display will appear.
Is your library listed first in the user portion of the library list?
__ 52. Press Enter to exit this display.
Now you are going to see what happens when you try to delete a library that is on the library list.
The library that you will try to delete is on the user portion of the library list. The same results
would occur if the library was located on the user or system portion of the library list.
__ 53. To delete a library, enter dltlib on the command line and press F4.
__ 54. When the Delete Library display appears, enter your library name, AS24xxA, in the Library
field and press Enter.
__ 55. You are returned to the previous display and the following message will be shown on the
message line:
Library (AS24xxA) on library list and cannot be deleted.
You are not allowed to delete a library that is specified in your library list. You must first remove
the library from your library list, then you will be allowed to delete the library.
__ 56. To remove the library from the library list, enter rmvlible on the command line and press
__ 57. On the Remove Library List Entry (RMVLIBLE) display, enter your library name, AS24xxA, in
the Library field and press Enter.

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Exercise 6. Object management with 5250 emulation

__ 58. You are returned to the previous display and the following message is displayed on the
message line:
Library (AS24xxA) removed from library list.
__ 59. Now try to delete your library again. (You will not need it anymore so do not worry about
deleting it.)
To do this, press F9 until the dltlib lib (AS24xxA) command appears.
Then press Enter to run the command.
__ 60. The following message is displayed on the message line:
Library (AS24xxA) deleted.
__ 61. Enter signoff on the command line to sign off your workstation.

End of exercise

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Exercise 7. Object management with IBM Navigator for i


Exercise 7. Object management with

IBM Navigator for i
Estimated time

The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the user interface and to the management of
objects on the system.

• Find and enter commands.
• Change your own user profile.
• Work with libraries and objects.
• Change your job's current library.
• Add and remove libraries from the user portion of your library list.

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Exercise 7. Object management with IBM Navigator for i

Exercise instructions
In this exercise, you use IBM Navigator for i to issue a command to create objects, and to copy

Part 1: Creating objects

In this part of the exercise, you learn how to create a library with IBM Navigator for i.
There are multiple ways to create a library when using this interface:
• Using the Database task
• Using File systems task
• By running the appropriate create command with this interface

Creating objects with the Database task

__ 1. Log on to the system by way of http://name or IP address:2001 using your credentials.
__ 2. From IBM i Management on the left pane click the Database task; then, click Databases on
the Database tab.
__ 3. On the databases list right-click your database name (can be system name or serial
number) if not sure ask the teacher) and choose Open. This step displays a new tab that
shows a list of databases subtask. Display should look like in the example:

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Exercise 7. Object management with IBM Navigator for i

__ 4. Right-click the Schemas and choose New > Schema.

__ 5. This step displays the New schema page. On the New Schema page, specify:
- Name: AS24xxF
- Check the box: Add to displayed list of schemas.
- Check the box: Create as a standard library.
Note: If you leave this box cleared, then you would create an SQL schema, which also
creates the standard system files that are used in a schema.
- In the field Create in leave default value: System disk pool
- Text: Library that is created for Team AS24xx with Navigator
Click OK to create the library.
__ 6. Perform the previous step again to create AS24xxG, but this time do not check the box to
Create a standard library, which instead creates a schema.
__ 7. Right-click Schemas in the Databases tab, then click Open.
__ 8. Notice that both your library (AS24xxF) and schema (AS24xxG) are now displayed on the
list. If they are not displayed, you might have to click the Refresh button.
__ 9. Now it is time to review the contents of both or your newly created objects.
__ a. Select the check box and click the Actions arrow for AS24xxF, then click Open.

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Exercise 7. Object management with IBM Navigator for i

__ b. On the next window, select the check box and click the Actions arrow for All Objects
then click Open to review the contents of this library.
__ c. Close this page.
__ d. Perform the same steps to display the contents for the AS24xxG schema.
__ e. Notice the differences between the two newly created objects. The first was created as a
library and has no objects. But the second was created as a schema and it contains all
of the standard tables that are standard within a schema.
__ 10. Close any Database tabs that are open when you are finished exploring.

Creating objects with the File task

__ 11. On the left pane click the File systems task. Then, click the Integrated File Systems link.
This link shows an updated tab that shows the IFS and the file systems that are listed under
__ 12. Right-click QSYS.LIB in the tab; then, click New Folder on the pop-up menu.
__ 13. On the New Folder page, specify:
Name AS24xxH.lib
Click OK to create the library.
__ 14. Right-click QSYS.LIB then click Open.
__ 15. You should see all of your libraries (AS24xx*) displayed. If the list is not up to date, you
might have to click the Refresh key to refresh the list.
__ 16. Right-click and Open each of your libraries to see what objects are currently in each of your
__ 17. When you are done exploring, close any tabs that might be open.

Creating objects by running a command

__ 18. On the left pane click the System task; then, click Run a command.
__ 19. On the Run a command tab, enter CRTLIB; then, click the Prompt button.
__ 20. On the Create library panel, specify:
Name AS24xxJ
Library type *PROD
Text *blank
__ 21. Click OK; and then click Run command to create the library. When you receive a message
that your library was successfully created, close this tab.
You can display your library with either the Database or the File systems branch.
__ 22. To display your library with the IFS, on the left pane click File Systems > IFS right-click
QSYS.LIB and choose Open. Then, scroll down to find your list of libraries.

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Exercise 7. Object management with IBM Navigator for i

__ 23. To display your entire list of libraries with the Database branch:
__ a. Click the Database task then click the Databases link on the resulting tab.
__ b. Check and click Actions for your Database (or you can double-click the name for your
database, on the left), then select Open.
__ c. Next, click Actions for Schemas and select Open.
__ d. You will not see your new library until you select it to display. Click Actions and then
Select schemas to display.
__ e. On the Select Schemas to display enter your schema name AS24xxJ and press Add
button and confirm with OK.
__ f. Now you should see your new created library on the list.
__ g. Close any tabs that might be open.
Next, you copy a file from the AS24 library to the team libraries you created.

Part 2: Copying objects

In this part of the exercise, you learn how to copy or duplicate objects with IBM Navigator for i.
There are multiple ways to copy objects when using Navigator:
• Using the Databases task.
• Using File systems task.
• Running a command.

Copying objects with the Database branch

__ 24. Click the Database task; then, click the Databases link.
__ 25. On the resulting page, select and click Actions, then Open your database.
__ 26. Select and click Actions for Schemas, then click Open. The open displays a list of your
libraries on the system. If library AS24 is not displayed, click Actions then Select Schemas
to Display. Key AS24 into the Enter Schema names box and click the Add button.
__ 27. Select and click Actions for AS24, then click Open.
__ 28. Select and click Actions for Tables; then, Open to see a list of all of the tables in this
__ 29. Locate the SAMPLEF table, select it and click Actions > Data > Copy.
__ 30. This action shows the Copy File Page, which is prompting the CPYF command. Complete
the parameters as follows:
From file Samplef
Library AS24
To file Samplef
Library AS24xxH

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Exercise 7. Object management with IBM Navigator for i

Create file *YES
Click OK to copy this file.
__ 31. Click Close > Close to return to the Schemas page.
__ 32. Close all open tabs.
__ 33. On the left pane click the File systems task, click Integrated File system, Right-click the
QSYS.LIB and select Open to see a list of all the libraries on the system.
__ 34. Scroll or page to see the libraries that belong to you, those named AS24xx*.
__ 35. Select and click Actions for AS24xxH.LIB then click Open. This step shows you a list of the
objects in this library. You see the SAMPLEF file is listed.
__ 36. Close the tab with AS24xxH.lib objects to return to the list of libraries page.

Copying objects with the File System branch

__ 37. Select and click Actions for AS24.LIB then click Open. The open shows you a list of all the
objects in this library.
__ 38. Right-click the PROG1.PGM, then click Copy.
__ 39. On the Copy page, click the Browse button.
__ 40. Locate and click AS24xxH.lib and then click Select button.
__ 41. Click Copy button
__ 42. Close tab to return to the libraries list on the system.
__ 43. Once again, select, click Actions for AS24xxH.LIB, then click Open.
__ 44. The open shows you a list of the objects in this library. You see the PROG1.PGM listed. You
might have to click the Refresh button to update this list.
__ 45. Close any tabs that might be open.

Copying objects with commands

__ 46. Lastly, you can run a command to copy an object. On the left pane click the System task;
then, click Run a command link.
__ 47. On the Run command page, enter CRTDUPOBJ; then, click the Prompt button.
Complete the parameters as follows:
From object PROG1A
From library AS24
Object type *pgm (use arrow to expand option and choose *pgm then click Add button)
To library AS24xxH
__ 48. Click OK; then, click Run command to copy this object.
Notice the message on the page that the command completed successfully.

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Exercise 7. Object management with IBM Navigator for i

__ 49. Use the previous steps to redisplay the contents of the AS24xxH library. The list should now
include this program as well.
__ 50. Close any tabs that are open, then logout of the system.

End of exercise

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Exercise 8. Work management with 5250 emulation


Exercise 8. Work management with

5250 emulation
Estimated time

This exercise gives you an opportunity to examine some of the objects that are used by IBM i to
control the jobs that run on the system.

• Display objects that are associated with work management.
• Examine IBM provided subsystem descriptions.

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Exercise 8. Work management with 5250 emulation

Exercise instructions
In this exercise, you examine the subsystems on your system.
__ 1. Start a 5250 emulation green screen session and sign on to the system.


Some hints that are recommended when you enter a command:

• Type the command on the command line, then press F4 to prompt the command.
• F1 - Help is available for the command and for each parameter.
• F4 - Prompt is available for a parameter to see a list of the values allowed.
• Use the F11 key to toggle between the parameter keyword and a listing of the values that are
allowed for a parameter.
• Use the F10 key to see only the additional parameters that apply based on what has been
keyed versus F9, which shows all parameters for a command.

__ 2. Enter the DSPJOBD QGPL/QDFTJOBD command. Explore the information that is displayed.
Use the Help key as needed. After press F3.
__ 3. Enter the Work with system status (WRKSYSSTS) command. Explore the information that is
displayed, do not make any changes. Use the Help key as needed.
__ 4. Use the F14 key or enter the Work with subsystems (WRKSBS) command.
__ a. Select Option 5 - Display subsystem description for each of the following subsystems.
__ b. Then, choose Option 30 - All of the above for each subsystem; to page through all of the
screens that are presented to retrieve the information in the following table.

Active Names of Associated Job
Active Pool ID
Subsystem Queues
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
QBATCH _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
QCMN _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
QCTL _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
QHTTPSVR _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 8-2

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 8. Work management with 5250 emulation

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
QINTER _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
QSERVER _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
QSPL _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
QSYSWRK _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
QUSRWRK _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________

__ 5. Next, enter the Work disk status (WRKDSKSTS) command or press F16 on the Work with
system status display. Explore the information that is displayed on these screens. Use the
Help screen as needed.
__ 6. Do not sign off this session. Minimize this window.

End of exercise

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 8-3

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 9. Work management with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)


Exercise 9. Work management with IBM

Navigator for i (Optional)
Estimated time

This exercise gives you an opportunity to examine some of the objects that IBM i uses to control the
jobs that run on the system.

• Display objects that are associated with work management.
• Examine IBM provided subsystem descriptions.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 9-1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 9. Work management with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)

Exercise instructions
__ 1. Start a 5250 emulation session, sign on and minimize this window.
__ 2. Start a browser window and start an IBM Navigator for i session by using:
and sign on to the system with your user ID AS24xx.
__ 3. Expand IBM i Management.
__ 4. On the left pane, click the System task; then, click the System status link. This link
displays the System status page, where the information is grouped and displayed on
different tabs.
__ 5. Review the information that is displayed on the General tab. Notice the buttons available on
this panel.
__ 6. Click the Jobs tab. Review the information that is displayed on this page. Notice the buttons
on this panel.
__ 7. Click the Active jobs button to open the Active jobs tab.
__ a. Notice that the jobs are alphabetized by name within subsystem, just like on the
emulation screen.
__ b. Scroll down and use the PageDown/PageUp buttons to see the jobs that are active in
the QINTER subsystem.
__ c. Look for the job for your emulation session. Select and click the Actions arrow for your
job and notice the options available on the drop-down menu.
__ d. Explore the information that can be displayed for your job by looking at the Details
option as well as the Properties option.
__ e. Select Actions then Properties to see all of the properties for your job.
__ f. Click the OK or Cancel button when you are done exploring the displayed information.
__ g. Click Close to end the Active jobs page.
__ 8. Click the Jobs system values button. This button displays the Jobs system values page.
These values are all the system values that set up the controls for jobs, as well as how and
where jobs run.
__ a. Explore the different system values that can be set on the different tabs. Use the Help
function as required.
__ b. Click OK to close this page when you are done exploring.
__ 9. Click and review the information on the Processors tab.
__ 10. Click the Memory tab. Review the information on this tab.
__ a. Click the Active memory pools button. This button opens the Active memory pools
__ b. Select and click the Actions arrow for each of the pools and explore the options on the
drop-down menu.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 9-2

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 9. Work management with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)

__ c. Close this page when you are done exploring.
__ 11. Click the Disk space tab. Explore the information that is displayed on this tab.
__ a. You can click the Disk status button to display utilization statistics. Close the page to
This tab also allows you to display and change system values; in this case, you can affect
the system values that relate to storage.
__ 12. Click the Addressees tab to review the information that is presented on that tab.
__ 13. Close the System status page when you are done exploring the information presented.
Close the System tab.
__ 14. On the left pane click the Basic operations task, then click User Jobs to see a listing of
your active jobs. This technique is equivalent to running the work with user jobs (WRKUSRJOB)
__ a. You should see your emulation job that is listed on the right page. Select and click the
Actions arrow for your job and explore the options available on the drop-down menu.
__ b. Close any tabs that are open.
__ 15. On the left pane, click the Work Management task.
__ a. Click the Active jobs link to see all of the jobs that are active on the system. This
display is equivalent to what you see when the Work active jobs (WRKACTJOB) command
is processed.
__ b. Scroll down to locate the QINTER subsystem as well as your emulation job that is active
in this subsystem.
__ c. Select and click the Actions arrow for your job and explore the options available to you
on the drop-down menu.
__ d. Close the Active jobs tab.
__ 16. Click the Active subsystems link.
__ a. Click the check box for each of the subsystems that are displayed and select Actions,
then Jobs.
__ b. View the jobs and notice the type of jobs in each subsystem.
__ c. Explore the other information that can be displayed when you click the other options
available on the drop-down menu.
__ d. Close this tab.
__ 17. Close any open tabs.
__ 18. Log out of the system then close this window.
__ 19. Sign off and close your 5250 emulation session.

End of exercise

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 9-3

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 10. Job control with 5250 emulation


Exercise 10. Job control with 5250

Estimated time

This exercise guides you through the commands that are used to control interactive a batch jobs.

• Work with a user’s interactive job.
• Display and change a job’s attributes.
• Set the default output queue and printer for a user’s job.
• Submit and control batch jobs.
• Perform all of these activities using an emulation session.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 10-1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 10. Job control with 5250 emulation

Exercise instructions
In this part of the exercise, you will:
• Determine to which output queue and printer your spooled files are sent.
• Display and change spooled file attributes, including redirecting a spooled file to a different
output queue.
• Work with printer writers.
• Submit batch jobs.
• Monitor job activity.

Part 1: Exploring your interactive job

__ 1. Start a 5250 emulation session and sign on to the system.


Some hints that are recommended when you enter a command:

• Type the command on the command line, then press F4 to prompt the command.
• F1 - Help is available for the command and for each parameter.
• F4 - prompt is available for a parameter to see a list of the values allowed
• Use the F11 key to toggle between the parameter keyword and a listing of the values that are
allowed for a parameter.
• Use the F10 key to see only the additional parameters that apply based on what has been
keyed versus F9, which shows all parameters for a command.

__ 2. First, you will examine your own interactive job by using the Work with User Jobs
(WRKUSRJOB) command. Type wrkusrjob on the command line and press F4.
__ 3. Fill in the Work with User Jobs (WRKUSRJOB) display as follows.
User *All
Status *Active
Output *
Jobtype *All
These parameters specify that you want to see jobs for all users, but only those that are
currently active.
__ 4. Press Enter to display a list of all active user jobs on the system. You can now locate your
interactive job.
__ a. To do this, look for your user ID in the User field on the Work with User Jobs display.
(Depending on the number of jobs currently active on the system, you might have to use
the Page Down/Up (Roll Up / Roll Down) keys to find your user ID.)

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 10-2

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 10. Job control with 5250 emulation

__ b. The job name in the Job field that is associated with your user ID is your job, often
DSPnn, or QPADEVnnnn.
__ 5. Type a 5 in the Work with in the Opt field for your job and press the Enter key.
__ 6. The Work with Job display will appear.
Note the More... at the lower right of the display. This is a two-display menu. Option 30 - All of
the above appears on the second display but is available to you now. Any option on a
two-display menu can be chosen while either display is shown.
__ 7. Select Option 30 on the command line now and press the Enter key to see the Display Job
Status Attributes screen.
__ 8. Press Enter to advance through the job information displays; go slowly and read the
information that is displayed. If, at any time, you have questions about the information that is
shown, remember you can use F1 (Help). This information constitutes virtually everything
the operating system knows about your job.
__ 9. When you reach the Display Job Definition Attributes display, answer the following
(If you press the Enter key too quickly and miss the Display Job Definition Attributes display, do
not worry. Either press F12 to return to the previous page, or restart the previous exercise step.)
Use the Page Up/Page Down keys to see all of the information that is displayed on this panel.
What is the name of the job description used by your interactive job?
What is the name of the default output queue for your interactive job?
__ 10. When you have finished viewing the information about your job (you know that you have
reached the end of the job information displays when the Work with Job display reappears),
press F3 until you return to the General System Tasks menu.

Part 2: Job default output queue and printer

The first objective in this part of the exercise is to determine which default output queue will be used
by your job. To accomplish this objective, you will use the Display Job Description (DSPJOBD) and
the Display User Profile (DSPUSRPRF) commands. Your interactive job will generate some spooled
output, and you will now understand why the output was sent to the output queue where it is
__ 11. Type dspjobd qgpl/qdftjobd on the command line and press Enter.
__ 12. Now, answer the following question:
What is the value of the Output queue parameter in QDFTJOBD?
Press the Enter key twice to return to the menu.
__ 13. Type dspusrprf AS24xx (where xx = your team number) on the command line and press
the Enter key.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 10-3

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 10. Job control with 5250 emulation

__ 14. Use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to answer the following question:
What is the value of the Output queue parameter in your user profile?
Press Enter to return to the menu.
__ 15. Next, you will confirm what you have determined about the job default output queue.
Type wrksplf on the command line and press Enter to display your output.


If you do not see any spooled files, any previously created spooled file might have been deleted.

__ 16. To generate a spooled file, place you cursor on the command line > F1 (Help) > F14 (Print
help) > F3 (Exit the Help panel) > F5 (Refresh the Work with all spooled files screen).
You might have to use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to find your output to answer
the following question:
In which output queue is your spooled file? __________________________________
All spooled files produced using the Print key are named QSYSPRT. They are normally placed
in the default output queue of the job, which produces them. You should have found your output
in the output queue whose name you determined in the steps above in this exercise.
Press Enter to return to the menu.

Part 3: Submitting and controlling batch jobs

Next, you will run a batch job that will send a completion message to your user message queue
when it ends. Before you submit the job, you will use the Change Message Queue (CHGMSGQ)
command to put your message queue in *BREAK delivery mode so that the message will be
displayed automatically.
__ 17. Type chgmsgq AS24xx *break (where xx = your team number) on the command line and
press the Enter key.
__ a. If a message display appears, do not worry. It just means that there were one or more
messages on your message queue, which you had not viewed. Remove any messages
that might be present by using F16.
__ b. Then, press the Enter key to return to the menu.
__ 18. Now it is time to submit a batch job. Type sbmjob on the command line and press F4.
__ 19. Fill in the following parameters:
Command to run DSPLIB LIB(AS24xx) OUTPUT(*PRINT)
Job name Your name
Job description OPBATCH
Library *LIBL
Press the Enter key.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 10-4

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 10. Job control with 5250 emulation

__ 20. The following completion message should be displayed on the message line:
Job nnnnnn/AS24xx/your name submitted to Job queue QBATCH in library QGPL.
OPBATCH is held on the job queue because *YES was specified for the Hold on job queue
__ 21. Type wrksbmjob (Work With Submitted Jobs) on the command line and press F4.
__ 22. Move the cursor to the Jobs submitted from parameter line and press F1 (Help).
__ a. Use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to read the online information for this
__ b. When you have finished reading the online information, press Enter once to return to the
Work with Submitted Jobs (WRKSBMJOB) display.
__ c. Press Enter a second time to run the command.
__ 23. To find the job you just submitted, search in the User column for your user ID.
You might have to use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys.
__ a. The job that is associated with this user ID is your job. Look in the Status field for your
job and note its status.
Why does your job have this status? _______________________________________
__ 24. You are about to release the job and let it begin running, but before you do, READ THE
Normally, you would monitor a job from the Work with Submitted Jobs display by repeatedly
pressing F5 (Refresh). As you press F5, you can see the job move from the job queue to active
status to an output queue. The job that you have submitted runs so quickly that you probably
are not able to see it go through the different statuses.
When you use Option 6 to release the job, you see the job's status change from HELD to RLS.
Be prepared to press F5 quickly and repeatedly to try to see your job while it is active. If you do
not see your job's status as ACTIVE, do not worry. You should eventually see its status change
to OUTQ.
__ 25. Now type Option 6 in the Opt field of your job and press the Enter key to release the job.
__ 26. The Display Messages display will appear. A message similar to the following should
appear on this display:
Job nnnnnn/AS24xx/your name completed normally on MM/DD/YY at HH:MM:SS.
__ 27. Press F16 to remove the message.
__ 28. Press Enter to return to the Work with Submitted Jobs display.
__ a. On the Work with Submitted Jobs display, press F5 (Refresh). Note that the status of
your job has changed to OUTQ.
__ b. Type Option 8 (Work with spooled files) in the Opt field of your job to work with your
job's spooled files.
__ c. You can use Option 5 to see the spool file.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 10. Job control with 5250 emulation

__ d. Press F3 until the menu appears.

End of exercise

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 10-6

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 11. Job control with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)


Exercise 11. Job control with IBM

Navigator for i (Optional)
Estimated time

This exercise guides you through the commands that are used to control interactive and batch jobs.

• Work with a user’s interactive job.
• Display and change a job’s attributes.
• Submit batch jobs.
• Perform all of these activities with an IBM Navigator for i session.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 11-1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 11. Job control with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Working with a user’s job
__ 1. Start a 5250 emulation session.
__ a. Sign on with your user ID of AS24xx.
__ b. Next, you run an interactive job (run a program) so that you can use this interface to
display details for your interactive job. Type EX1 on the command line and press Enter.
EX1 is a program that allows you to key name, address, and order information.
__ c. Minimize this window.
__ 2. Open a browser window and start an IBM Navigator for i Session by using:
and sign on to the system with your user ID AS24xx.
__ 3. Expand IBM i Management.
__ 4. First, you display the details for your interactive job. On the left pane, click Basic
Operations task then click the User jobs link.
Selecting this option is equivalent to running the Work with user jobs (WRKUSRJOB) command on
a 5250 emulation session.
__ 5. This link opens the User jobs tab and show jobs for this user that are currently active. Click
the arrow for your job and note the actions available to you on the drop-down menu.
__ a. Click the check box for your job, then click Actions > Details > Open files > Library
objects to see what library objects this job uses. Click the Close button.
__ b. There is another option available on the drop-down menu. Click the check box for your
job then click Actions > Details > Open files > File system objects to see what
system objects this job uses. Close the tab.
__ c. Explore the other options that are available on the drop-down menu when you click
Actions > Details. Close any tabs that you open.
__ 6. Next, you are going to display all of the attributes for your job. This time, right-click your job
and click Properties to open the Properties notebook.
Explore the information that is presented on each of the tabs.
Any of the presented parameters with a white background (for example, the parameters on the
Output tab) are input capable parameters. You can specify a different value and click OK to
make changes.
- The General tab shows the name of the job description that the job is using and the
subsystem that is controlling the job.
- The Performance tab shows the memory pool that the job is using and job performance
- The Printer Output tab allows you to view and change properties that affect the printing
output for the job.
- The Messages tab shows how messages are handled by this job.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 11-2

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 11. Job control with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)

- The Job log tab describes how much detail is to be kept in the job log.
- The Server tab allows you to view information about server jobs. For each server job,
you can see the type of server, the job user identity, and, if available, the client IP
- The Security tab identifies the user profile for the job.
- The Date/Time tab allows you to view and edit settings that are related to system time.
- The International tab allows you to view or change properties that are related to text
and character format, and the language and country of the job.
- The Threads tab allows you to view or change information that is related to threads for a
job that is active or on a job queue.
- Use the Resources tab to view information about system resources, such as memory
pool and disk pool group for the job, as well as information on memory and processor
- The Other tab allows you to view or change the accounting code, the decision to keep
DDM connections active, the switch settings, and the device recovery action.
Click OK to close this notebook and this tab.

Part 2: Working with all active jobs

__ 7. On the left pane, expand Work management > Active Jobs.
Clicking Active jobs is equivalent to running the Work with active jobs (WRKACTJOB) command on
a 5250 emulation session.
The updated pane on the right shows all the subsystems that are active. Then, indented and
alphabetized under the subsystem are the jobs currently active in that subsystem.
__ 8. The first activity is to customize this function so that it shows all of the details that are
required by the user. To invoke the Column customization function, click the down arrow for
Actions and click Columns on the drop-down menu to display the Active jobs - columns
__ a. Notice all of the available columns on the left that you can choose to display. Click a
column on the left then decide where it will be placed; click and highlight a column on
the right, and click either the Add before or the Add after button.
__ b. The right panel shows the columns that are displayed when you click this function.
Notice that you can highlight on a column in the right panel and then either click Move
up or Move down to customize the order of the columns from left to right.
__ c. Click OK to implement your changes and return to the previous tab.
__ 9. Another option is to customize this function so that it shows only those jobs that meet your
criteria. To call up the include customization function, click the down arrow for Actions and
click Include on the drop-down menu.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 11-3

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 11. Job control with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)

__ 10. Include displays the Active jobs - include window. This window is the graphical equivalent of
prompting for the Work with active jobs (WRKACTJOB) command. Notice that you can choose
to display only a specific job, or you can specify the types of jobs to be displayed, or display
only those jobs active in a specific subsystem. Click OK to implement your choices and
return you to the previous tab.
Any columns or include customization that you perform will be saved and displayed the next
time that you start IBM Navigator for i and you click this function.
__ 11. Close any open tabs.
__ 12. Return to the 5250 session, press F3 to exit your program. Sign off and close your 5250
emulation session.

Part 3: Running commands

__ 13. On the left pane click the System task, then click Run a Command.
__ 14. Once you are on the Run a Command tab, specify to run the call command.
__ a. Click the Prompt button and specify the following parameters:
Program: prog5
Library: AS24
__ b. Click OK and notice that the fully qualified command is now specified.
__ c. Click the IBM i Options button and review the information that can be specified on this
__ d. Click OK then Run command button.
__ e. Notice the command ran successfully message on this page. Close the Run command
__ 15. The exercise is complete. You can close your IBM i Navigator session.
__ 16. Return to your 5250 emulation session use the F3 to exit your interactive job. Sign off and
close this session.
__ 17. Close any open tabs. Log out, then close this window.

End of exercise

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 11-4

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 12. Print control with 5250 emulation


Exercise 12. Print control with 5250

Estimated time

This exercise guides you through working with the commands used to determine whether a writer is
active on your system. You will learn how to determine what output queue is assigned to a writer.
Lastly you will learn how to review and make changes to the attributes for a print file.

• Work with writers.
• Determine what output queue a writer is using.
• Work with output queues.
• Review and change the attributes for print files.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 12-1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 12. Print control with 5250 emulation

Exercise instructions
A spooled file has many attributes. Sometimes it is necessary to change one or more of these
attributes after the file has been produced and placed on an output queue. Some of the attributes
that users frequently change are:
• Output queue
• Copies to print
• Print sequence
• Page range to print
• Expiration date
In this part of the exercise, you will produce printed output then change some of the spooled file's
If a printer is available for your use in the classroom, verify that a writer is started to it. Use that
printer and its output queue for this exercise. If a printer is not available in the classroom, you can
still practice moving a spooled file from one output queue to another.
If no printer is available, then use OPROUTQ2 in AS24, pretend it is active and move your spooled
file to that output queue.


Some hints that are recommended when you enter a command:

• Type the command on the command line, then press F4 to prompt the command.
• F1 - Help is available for the command and for each parameter.
• F4 - Prompt is available for a parameter to see a list of the values allowed.
• Use the F11 key to toggle between the parameter keyword and a listing of the values that are
allowed for a parameter.
• Use the F10 key to see only the additional parameters that apply based on what has been
keyed versus F9, which will show all parameters for a command.

__ 1. Open 5250 emulator and log on to the system using AS24xx user and your password.
__ 2. Before you produce any output, you need to determine whether there is an active output
queue available to use.
__ a. To determine whether you have an active output queue you use the Work with writers
(WRKWTR) command. Type wrkwtr on the command line and press Enter.
__ b. If you see a printer with a status of STR (Started) or MSGW (Message waiting), you
have found an active printer. Write down the name of this printer and output queue
below. Unless you have already been told which printer to use, ask your instructor now
and write down that information on the next line.
What is the name of the class printer?

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 12-2

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 12. Print control with 5250 emulation

Printer name ____________________
If there is no printer available for you to use, then record OPROUTQ2 in AS24 as the class
output queue.
The value that you record here is the value to use in the remaining steps in this exercise
when asked for the active output queue in the remaining lab steps.
If there is a physical printer available for you to use, continue with the instructions in this
step; otherwise, skip to Step 6.
__ 3. From the Work with All Printers display, look at the Form Type column of the class printer. If
form type is *ALL, go immediately to the next step. If it is not *ALL, you are the first student
in your class to reach this point in the exercise, so you get the honor of setting the form type.
__ 4. The form type of the class printer needs to be set to *ALL for some of the remaining steps in
this exercise to be meaningful.
__ a. To change the form type, select Option 2 for the class printer on the Work with All
Printers display and press Enter.
__ b. On the Change Writer display, move the cursor down to the Form type field and replace
*SAME with *ALL. Then, press Field Exit and click Enter.
__ c. The Work with All Printers display is redisplayed with the status of the class printer now
shown as *CHG.
__ d. Press F5 to refresh the display and verify that you have changed the form type to *ALL.
Thanks for performing this task for the class.
Continue with the next step.
__ 5. Now that you know the printer to work with, you can use either Option 5 - Work with or
Option 8 - Work with output queue on the Work with All Printers display to determine the
name of the output queue from which it prints. It would be a good idea to review the
information that is displayed with both options.
__ a. Enter a 5 in the Opt field of your device and press the Enter key.
The Work with Printer Writer display appears. Use the Page Down (Roll Up) key to view the
Output queue field and answer the following question.
__ b. Enter an 8 in the Opt field of your device and press the Enter key.
The Work with Output Queue display appears. Look at the top of the display to answer the
following question.
What is the name of the output queue and library that is associated with the class printer?
__ c. Press F3 until you return to the menu.
You have done plenty of preparation. Now, you will run a program to produce spooled
output. It simply runs the Display Library List (DSPLIBL) command and spools the listing.
__ 6. Enter the call prog5 command line and press Enter.
__ 7. Type wrksplf on the command line and press Enter.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 12-3

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 12. Print control with 5250 emulation

__ 8. This will display the Work with All Spooled Files screen. You might have to use the Page
Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to locate the program's output. Look for the file that is named
QPRTLIBL and answer the following questions.


You will have to use F11 - Next View or Option 8 - Attributes to answer the following questions:
What is the status (STS column) of your output?
How many pages will be printed per copy (Total pages column)?
How many copies of your listing will print (Copy column)?
What forms type does your output require (Form type column)?

__ 9. From the Work with All Spooled Files display, change the attributes of your spooled file by
entering 2 in the Opt field for your spooled file and pressing the Enter key.
__ a. When prompted, change the number of copies to 1.
__ b. Change the output queue to the qualified output queue name recorded in Step 2 b in
this exercise (or OPROUTQ2 in AS24 if there is no active output queue).
__ c. Press Enter.
__ 10. The Work with All Spooled Files display is redisplayed.
__ a. The status of your spooled file should now be *CHG (you might have to use the F11 key
to display other columns), and the changes you just made should be displayed.
__ b. If you were able to move the spooled file to an active output queue, use Option 6 to
release your spooled file now.
__ 11. Press Enter to return to the menu.
You have produced some output, changed the attributes of the spooled file, including
(hopefully) moving it to an active output queue and releasing it. However, your output is still not
printing (or at least it should not be). Next, you will determine why your output is not printing.


Do not reply to any messages you see in the next step!

__ 12. Type wrkwtr on the command line and press Enter to work with all printer writers.
__ a. If a class printer is available, look at its status (it should be MSGW).

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 12. Print control with 5250 emulation

__ b. If no class printer is available, look for a printer with a status of MSGW. If you do not find
one, skip to the next step.
If you have found a printer waiting on a reply to a message, type Option 7 (Messages) in the
Opt field of your printer and press the Enter key. You can press F1 (Help) to read more
about the message, but DO NOT REPLY to it.
If the message is for the class printer, can you determine why it was sent?
__ c. Press Enter until you return to the menu.
__ 13. Type signoff on the command line and press Enter to sign off your workstation.

End of exercise

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Exercise 13. Print with IBM i Access Client Solutions


Exercise 13. Print with IBM i Access

Client Solutions
Estimated time

This exercise guides you through working with the options used to print spooled files created on
IBM i systems. It is possible that the IBM i system and workstation have no connected printer. This
exercise shows you method do download printout to workstation to use it to send or print latter.

• Define where to download files.
• Convert spool files to PDF format.
• Choose which user's files will be downloaded.
• Choose the OUTQ from where files will be downloaded.
• View or download the print files.
• Manage downloaded files.

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Exercise 13. Print with IBM i Access Client Solutions

Exercise instructions
If no printer is available, then use OPROUTQ2 in AS24 or ask the instructor for help.
__ 1. Start IBM i Access Client Solution.
__ 2. Choose your system.
__ 3. On the main window in the General section click Printer Output.
__ 4. On the Printer output window click Edit and Preferences.
__ a. Now you can decide to where your files will be downloaded. Make sure Desktop is your
__ b. You can decide whether your files will be converted to PDF or not by selecting
necessary option in Other section of the Preferences window (default is PDF).
__ c. If you are not sure about parameters click the question mark (?) icon, which you can find
in the right bottom corner of the window.
__ d. Leave the default parameters and click OK.
__ 5. Click View menu and then click Active Tasks Pane, which allows you to see download
__ 6. Next, you want to assure you are working with the correct user’s output queue.
__ a. Click Edit, and then Filter.
__ b. On the Set filter window select *Current user (assuming you are the current user) and
All output queues. Click OK.
__ 7. Click to select one of your output files.
__ a. Right-click your output file to see the Actions menu or Select file and then click Actions
__ b. From the available actions choose View Only, which opens a window for you to see the
print file in a PDF viewer.
__ c. Close this window when you are done exploring the options available in the viewer
__ 8. Once again right-click one of your output files.
__ a. On the Actions menu, choose Download Only.
__ b. Observe the download progress on the Active Tasks Pane on the right part of the
__ c. On the Downloaded files pane at the bottom of the screen, you will see the downloaded
__ d. Right-click your file and select View then Details.
__ e. Again, click to select the downloaded file and click Open button.
__ f. When you are done reviewing the options on this screen, close the file view.
__ g. One last time select your file and click Delete button.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 13. Print with IBM i Access Client Solutions

__ 9. Next, you will download your file again but this time in plain-text (.txt) format.
__ a. Click Edit then Preferences and clear Use PDF format if available, confirm with OK.
__ b. Select and right-click your spooled file.
__ c. From the Actions menu choose Download only.
__ d. You will once again see your file on the Download files pane. But this time the files is a
text file (.txt).
__ 10. If you select this file and click Open button, the file will be opened with Notepad (the
Windows default .txt files editor). Close the Notepad window.
__ 11. Next, you will review the QSYSOPR spool files.
__ a. Click Edit, and then Filter.
__ b. On the User pane click Select user and type in the field QSYSOPR. Click OK.
This displays the list of spool files generated by QSYSOPR. (It is possible that the list might
be empty.)
__ 12. Lastly you will display output in a specific output queue.
__ a. Again, Click Edit, and then Filter.
__ b. Set User to *Current, for the Output Queue click Select specific output queue button
and click Browse. (Note: You can type the name of the OUTQ but if you are not sure of
the exact name and location, you can find it using browse).
__ c. On the Browse for output queue window, find and choose the OPROUTQ2 output queue
in the AS24 library then click OK.
__ 13. At all times you also have the option to see all of your downloaded files in directory view.
From this view you can send your files print. Click View then Download Directory to open
this window.
__ 14. Close any open windows.

End of exercise

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 13-3

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 14. Print control with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)


Exercise 14. Print control with IBM

Navigator for i (Optional)
Estimated time

This exercise guides you through working with the commands used to determine whether a writer is
active on your system. You learn how to determine what output queue is assigned to a writer. Lastly
you learn how to review and change the attributes for a print file.

• Determine what output queue a writer is using.
• Work with output queues.
• Review and change the attributes for print files.

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Exercise 14. Print control with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)

Exercise instructions
A spooled file has many attributes and sometimes it is necessary to change one or more of these
attributes. Print output and then change some of the spooled file's attributes.
If a printer is available for your use in the classroom, verify that a writer is started to it. Use that
printer and its output queue for this exercise. If a printer is not available in the classroom, you can
still practice moving a spooled file from one output queue to another.
If no printer is available, then use OPROUTQ2 in AS24, pretend it is active and move your spooled
file to that output queue.
__ 1. Open a browser window and start an IBM Navigator for i Session by using:
and sign on to the system with your user ID AS24xx.
__ 2. Expand IBM i Management.
Check to see whether a printer writer is active on your system. You then set up which columns
of information to display when this function is selected.
__ 3. To check whether a printer is active for your system perform the next steps:
__ a. On the left pane, click Basic Operations task then click Printers link.
__ b. If there is an active printer for the class, note its output queue and output queue library.
Printer: ______________
Output Queue: ______________
If there is no printer available for you to use, then record OPROUTQ2 in AS24 as the class
output queue.
__ 4. View the columns of information that can be displayed when you click the Printers link.
Click the down arrow for Actions and click Columns on the drop-down menu.
__ a. Notice all of the available columns on the left that you can choose to display. Click a
column on the left; then, decide where it is placed and click and highlight a column on
the right. Click either the Add before or the Add after button.
__ b. The right panel shows the columns that are displayed when you click this function.
Notice that you can highlight a column in the right panel and then either click Move up
or Move down to customize the order of the columns from left to right.
__ c. Click OK to implement your changes and return you to the previous tab and close all
Next, review how you determine where your printer output is sent by default on the system.
__ 5. Click Users and Groups task then click Users link. Click the check box for your profile
AS24xx and select Actions > Properties.
__ a. On the Properties tab, click Jobs link > Output tab. You should see that your profile
uses output queue OPROUTQ in library AS24.
__ b. Click OK. Close any open tabs.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 14-2

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 14. Print control with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)

Now, check to see what output is available for your user ID on the system. Change the
attributes of these print files.
__ 6. On the left pane, click Basic Operations task; then, click Printer output link. Your output is
displayed on the Printer output tab.
__ 7. To see all of the columns that can be displayed, click the down arrow for Actions, then click
Verify that the following columns are displayed, along with any other columns you want to
Pages per copy
Remaining copies
Form type
__ 8. Click OK to implement these changes and update the panel.
__ 9. Locate the generated output from the Call Prog5 command in the previous exercise. The
name of the spool file for this program is Qprtlibl. If it was not done, use a 5250 emulation
session or Run a command in Navigator to execute: call as24/prog5.
__ 10. Verify that the following information is displayed for your spool file.
Status: ................. Held
Pages per copy: ......... 1
Remaining copies: ............ 2
__ 11. Click the check box for the output named Qprtlibl. Notice all of the options available on
the pop-up menu. Select Release to change its status.
__ 12. Confirm that its status is changed.
__ 13. Again, click the check box for this output file and select Actions > Properties.
__ a. Click the Copies/Pages tab.
__ b. Change the Total copies to print to 1.
__ c. Click the Forms tab.
__ d. Change Form type to Standard.
__ e. Click OK.
__ 14. Confirm your changes.
__ 15. Click the check box one more time and select Actions > Move.
__ a. In the Move tab, select Output queue rather than Printer.
__ b. Enter the following parameters:
Output queue: OPROUTQ2
Library: AS24

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 14. Print control with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)



If the class printer is active to an output queue, enter that output queue name and library instead.

__ c. Click OK to implement this change.

__ 16. Confirm your changes in the output queue.
__ 17. One last time, click the check box for your file and select Actions > Open to see the output
__ 18. If there is an active printer for the class, collect your output. If it opened a window, close any
open windows and any open tabs.
__ 19. Log out of the system and close this window.

End of exercise

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 15. Creating your own subsystem description


Exercise 15.Creating your own

subsystem description
Estimated time

Intention of this exercise is to show how subsystem and another components works together and
how flood on the work.

• Use commands to create and modify working subsystems.
• Create or modify user environments that include subsystems, output queues, and class objects.

This exercise is designed to allow you to use commands associated with creating and changing
subsystem descriptions. You will create all the objects normally required to build an interactive
subsystem and then test the result by doing work within that subsystem. Place all the objects, which
you create in your AS24xx library.

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Exercise 15. Creating your own subsystem description

Exercise instructions

• Should the virtual name of your workstation change after you create your subsystem, you will
need to modify your subsystem to reflect the new name.
• Always return to the Main Menu after completing each step.
• Sign on as AS24xx.

Part 1: Create a subsystem description

__ 1. Start by creating a subsystem description (CRTSBSD) named SBSxx in your library.
(AS24xx is your current library *CURLIB.) Use the command Prompting function key.
Specify the following:
__ a. Pool identifier: 1
__ b. Storage size: *INTERACT
__ c. Sign-on display file: QDSIGNON in library AS24xx (use function key F10 to see this
This will assign just one pool for the subsystem and use *INTERACT for this storage pool.
You cannot specify an activity level when you use shared pools because their activity levels
are set outside of the subsystem description. The default maximum jobs value of *NOMAX
allows for an unlimited number of jobs in the subsystem. This is only the basic description.
You still need to add information to it to make it usable. Press Enter.
__ 2. Before you go on, type WRKSHRPOOL and press Enter. This command displays all the shared
pools on the system and how main storage is currently allocated to them.
How much main storage is allocated to *INTERACT on this system? __________

Part 2: Create a class

__ 3. A class is used to give the job its run parameters. Jobs running in your subsystem will need
a class so you need to create a class (CRTCLS) named CLSxx. For your class, specify the
__ a. Run priority: 20
__ 4. Accept the defaults for the other parameters.

Part 3: Add a routing entry

Your jobs need a class for execution. Routing entries are used to specify the class for a job. For this
exercise, we will add one routing entry will handle any in the subsystem.
__ 5. First, add a routing entry (ADDRTGE) to your subsystem description (SBSxx) and specify
the following
__ a. Routing entry sequence number: 9999
__ b. Compare value: *ANY

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 15-2

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 15. Creating your own subsystem description

__ c. Program to call: QCMD in library QSYS
__ d. Class: CLSxx, which you created in A class is used to give the job its run parameters.
Jobs running in your subsystem will need to accept the defaults for the other parameters
__ e. Storage pool identifier: 1
__ 6. Press Enter. Read your message at the bottom of the screen.

Part 4: Create an output queue

__ 7. Often separate output queues are used to keep different types of job data separated. For
this exercise, create an output queue (CRTOUTQ) named OUTQxx for your jobs to use.
Use the Additional Parameters function key, and review the parameters. Create outq in
your library AS24xx.
__ 8. Accept the defaults, and press Enter.

Part 5: Create a job description

__ 9. Now you need to create a job description so that your jobs will use the routing entry, which
you added in step 5. When you create your job description (CRTJOBD), name it JOBDxx.
__ 10. Accept the defaults for the remaining parameters.
__ 11. Read all your messages (move the cursor to the message and roll up/page down) to
determine whether the job description was created properly.

Part 6: Add a workstation entry

__ 12. All that remains is for you to add a workstation entry for your workstation to your subsystem
description (ADDWSE SBSxx). When your subsystem is started, it will allocate your
terminal and display a signon screen. (The name of your workstation is also the name of
your job. Use WRKJOB if you do not know the name of your workstation.) Specify the
__ a. Workstation name: Your workstation name
__ b. Workstation type: Leave this blank
__ c. Job description: JOBDxx
__ 13. After pressing Enter, read your message.

Part 7: Display subsystem description

__ 14. Display your subsystem description (WRKSBSD) to be certain that it is what you want. Take
the appropriate options to see the details then return to the Main Menu.
__ 15. Sign off on this session and stay connected..

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Exercise 15. Creating your own subsystem description

Part 8: Start subsystem
__ 16. Start a second session by selecting File and then select the option Run the same. Sign on
using your user profile and password. From the command line on your second session start
your subsystem, the STRSBS command must be qualified with your library: STRSBS

Part 9: Subsystem acquires terminal

__ 17. In your original session, you should see the signon screen with your subsystem in the upper
right corner of the screen. If you disconnected your session, connect by selecting
Communication > Connect.”.

Part 10: Correct subsystem? Sign on

__ 18. If it is not, there is a mistake in your subsystem description. If the subsystem is yours, sign

Part 11: Display active subsystems

__ 19. Display the active subsystems with WRKSBS. Locate your subsystem then take the option to
Work with Subsystem Jobs for your subsystem. Find your workstation job then return
using F3 and Sign off.

End of exercise

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Exercise 16. Special work management functions


Exercise 16.Special work management

Estimated time

This exercise is intended to give you practice using some of the special functions in work

• Use commands to modify user environments that utilize the following special work
▪ Autostart jobs

In this exercise, you will be using a subsystem that allocates your workstation by name. Should the
virtual name of your workstation change after you create your subsystem, you will need to modify
your subsystem to reflect the new name.


If the classroom workstations are connected through TCP/IP rather than SNA, each workstation
might have a different virtual device name every time a connection is made. This will most likely
occur if the systems are shut down each evening.

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Exercise 16. Special work management functions

Exercise instructions

• You must have completed the Creating your own subsystem description exercise to execute the
following lab steps.
• Sign on as AS24xx on the same workstation that you used in the Creating your own subsystem
description exercise.
• The three parts are not related to one another and can be done in any order.

Part 1: Rerouting a job

This part will give you a chance to try rerouting a job within the same subsystem. Rerouting is often
done to move a job to another pool or to change the class under which the job is running.
__ 1. Make certain that the first pool defined in your subsystem uses *INTERACT. DSPSBSD
SBSxx, and select “pool definitions”.
__ a. Add a second pool to your subsystem description with 1024 KB and an activity level of
1. Use the CHGSBSD SBSxx command, and specify:
○ Pool identifier: 2
○ Storage size: 1024
○ Activity level: 1
__ b. Add another routing entry to your subsystem description to use this second pool
(ADDRTGE SBSxx). Specify the following:
○ Routing entry sequence number: Select an unused sequence number.
○ Compare value: Select a unique value such as your initials.
○ Program to call: QCMD in library QSYS.
○ Class: CLSxx
○ Storage pool identifier: 2
__ 2. Verify your changes, and then sign off.
__ 3. Restart your subsystem from another session (run ENDSBS SBSxx *IMMED and then
__ 4. Sign on.
__ 5. Type WRKACTJOB SBS(SBSxx) for your subsystem. Notice in which system pool your job is
running. Use the function key for Elapsed Data. System Pool # _______. Your subsystem
description has two pools defined. Subsystem pool 1 for SBSxx should be using
*INTERACT. The routing data in your job description, JOBDxx, has QCMDI. Since there is
no routing entry in your subsystem description with a compare value of QCMDI, the last
routing entry, 9999 with *ANY, accepted the workstation job. (You might want to use
DSPSBSD SBSxx to review your routing entries. Take the option to display the details.
Notice that routing entry 9999 uses subsystem pool 1.) Return to the General Menu.

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Exercise 16. Special work management functions

__ 6. Now reroute your workstation job into subsystem pool 2 with RRTJOB RTGDTA (whatever
you chose as compare value in Step 1b above). Be certain that the routing data exactly
matches the compare value.
__ 7. Again key WRKACTJOB SBS(SBSxx). Press the function key for Elapsed Data. Now where is
your job? System Pool # ________________. The RTGDTA from Now reroute your
workstation job into subsystem pool 2 with RRTJOB RTGDTA (whatever overrides the
routing data in your JOBDxx. Therefore, the RTGDTA matched the new routing entry you
added in Step 1b. Your workstation job should now be running in your SBSxx's second
subsystem pool. Type WRKSYSSTS to see which system pool is yours. Press the function key
for Transition Data then press the function key for Pool Data. Locate your subsystem and
assigned system pool.
__ 8. Use DSPSBSD SBSxx, and WRKSYSSTS and function key F11, to fill in the blanks:
- Subsystem pool 1 has a name of ______________ and is assigned a system pool
number of ___________.
- Subsystem pool 2 has a size of ______________ and is assigned a system pool
number of ___________.
- The name of system pool 1 is ________________.
- The name of system pool 2 is ________________.
- The name of system pool 3 is ________________.
- The name of system pool 4 is ________________.
Return to the General Menu.
__ 9. Reroute your job back to your first subsystem pool (1) using RRTJOB RTGDTA(QCMDI).
Do you know why this routing data will direct your job into your subsystem pool 1? Review
your subsystem routing entries. Type WRKACTJOB then press the function key for Elapsed
Data to confirm that you are in *INTERACT again.
__ 10. Sign off.

Part 2: Transfer job

This part will demonstrate how to transfer your workstation job into another subsystem. It can be
useful when subsystem on which your job is running have to be ended.
__ 1. Signon to the system, be sure you are login to subsystem SBSxx (on the right screen corner
you should see subsystem name). If the subsystem is not active start it from second
__ 2. Open second session if not opened yet and end subsystem SBSxx. 
This should end job on first session
__ 3. On the second session, start again SBSxx
__ 4. Again signon on the first session be sure you are on SBSxx subsystem.
__ 5. Run 
TFRJOB JOBQ(QCTL). Confirm with Enter.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 16. Special work management functions

__ 6. On the second session end subsystem SBSxx
Now your first session should still work.

Part 3: Autostart jobs

This part demonstrates how to add an autostart job to your subsystem.
__ 1. Create a job description as follows:
__ a. Job description STARTUP
__ b. Output queue OUTQxx
__ c. User AS24xx
__ d. Request data or command DSPLIB AS24xx *PRINT
__ e. Initial library list AS24xx QGPL QTEMP
Check the messages at the bottom of your screen.
__ 2. Add an autostart job (ADDAJE) named START to your subsystem using the job description
AS24xx/STARTUP created in above.
__ 3. Start your subsystem from your workstation and verify that it started.
__ 4. Using WRKSPLF, or WRKOUTQ, locate the spool file created by the autostart job. If your
autostart job was successful, you should have a listing of the class library, AS24xx, in a
spool file named QPDSPLIB. Delete all of your spool files.
__ 5. End your subsystem and sign off.

End of exercise

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Exercise 17. System values with 5250 emulation


Exercise 17. System values with 5250

Estimated time

In this exercise, you work with and learn how to use the different interfaces to access and make
changes to system values. You will explore the system values displayed when you select the
different categories available.

• Use the commands available to display and change system values relating to the IPL process.

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Exercise 17. System values with 5250 emulation

Exercise instructions
__ 1. Start a 5250 emulation session and sign on to your system.


Some hints that are recommended when you enter a command:

• Type the command on the command line, then press F4 to prompt the command.
• F1 - Help is available for the command and for each parameter.
• F4 - Prompt is available for a parameter to see a list of the values allowed.
• Use the F11 key to toggle between the parameter keyword and a listing of the values that are
allowed for a parameter.
• Use the F10 key to see only the additional parameters that apply based on what has been
keyed versus F9, which will show all parameters for a command.

__ 2. Enter the Work with system values (WRKSYSVAL) command, then press F4.
__ 3. Place the cursor on the System Value parameter and once again press the F4.
__ a. This will display a list of categories, those that begin with an *, as well as system value
that can be accessed (assuming your user ID has the correct authority to access these).
__ b. Choose *SYSCTL, then press Enter twice.
This displays a list of system values that are used to control the system.
__ 4. Scroll down and locate the QPWRRSTIPL (Automatic IPL after power restored) system
value, then enter Option 5 - Display and press Enter.
__ a. On the resulting screen, place the cursor on the system value parameter then press the
F1 Help key to understand what this system value is used to control.
__ b. Press Enter to return to the Work with system values screen.
__ 5. Repeat the above process for these other categories of system values:
*DATTIM Date and Time
*STG Storage
__ 6. Examine the Help text and choices for all the system values of interest.
__ 7. Sign off the emulation session when you are done exploring.

End of exercise

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Exercise 18. System values with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)


Exercise 18. System values with IBM

Navigator for i (Optional)
Estimated time

In this exercise, you will learn how to use the different interfaces to access and change system
values. You will explore the system values displayed when you select the different available

• Use the commands available to display and change the IPL process system values.

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Exercise 18. System values with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)

Exercise instructions
__ 1. Start a browser window and start an IBM Navigator for i Session by using:
and sign on to the system with your user ID AS24xx.
__ 2. Expand IBM i Management.
__ 3. On the left pane, click the Configuration and Service task.
__ a. Click System Values. Scroll down the page to see the different system value categories
that are available.
__ b. Click the check box for the Restart category; then, click Actions > Properties to see
the system values that affect system restart.
__ 4. The Restart system values tab displays.
__ a. Press the Help question mark in the upper right corner to display the Help window for
this category of system values. Close this window once you are done exploring.
__ b. Select the Setup tab and review the system values displayed on this tab.
__ c. Review the information that is displayed on the other tabs; then, click OK to close this
__ 5. Repeat the process for the other categories of system values that might be of interest to
- Date and Time
- Power Control
- Sign-On
- Storage
__ 6. Examine the Help text and choices for any values of interest.
__ 7. Once you are done exploring, close any open tabs.
__ 8. Logout and close this window.

End of exercise

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Exercise 19. System security with 5250 emulation


Exercise 19. System security with 5250

Estimated time

The purpose of this exercise is to help familiarize you with security concepts and actions when
working with 5250 emulation.

• Display, change, create, and delete user profiles.
• Enable a user profile that has been disabled.
• Add a user to a group profile.
• Display and examine an authorization list.
• Display object authorities.
• Display security-related system values.

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Exercise 19. System security with 5250 emulation

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Security-related system values
__ 1. Start a 5250 emulation screen session and assign on to the system.


Some hints that are recommended when you enter a command:

• Type the command on the command line, then press F4 to prompt the command.
• F1 - Help is available for the command and for each parameter.
• F4 - Prompt is available for a parameter to see a list of the values allowed.
• Use the F11 key to toggle between the parameter keyword and a listing of the values that are
allowed for a parameter.
• Use the F10 key to see only the additional parameters that apply based on what has been
keyed versus F9, which shows all parameters for a command.

__ 2. Enter the GO CMDSYSVAL command to see the System value commands menu.
__ a. Notice the command being processed by the different menu options is listed on the right
on the menu.
__ b. Choose the option to Work with system value. This processes the Work with system
values (WRKSYSVAL) command, which your learned in a previous exercise.
__ 3. On the Work with system value screen:
__ a. Specify *all for the system value parameter and press the Enter key.
__ b. Scroll down until you find the QSECURITY system value and choose Option 5 = Display,
then press the Enter key.
__ 4. This opens the Display QSECURITY system value screen.
__ a. Make a note of the Security level of the system: ______.
__ b. If you are not sure what this system value controls, use the F1 = Help to display the Help
text for security level. Read the text to review what was discussed in lecture.
__ c. Press F3 until you return to the menu.

Part 2: User profiles

The Security menu is used as the starting point to work with security on the system. In order to
access this menu, your user profile must be defined as a security officer. The AS24xx user profile is
set up as a Security administrator, which means you do not have access to this menu, but you can
use the command to display, create and delete a user profile. Your user profile (AS24xx) has the
security administrator (*SECADM) special authority that is assigned to this profile. In a typical
environment, this is not an authority that is assigned to a system operator.
__ 5. Enter the Work with all user profiles (WRKUSRPRF *ALL) command and press Enter.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 19. System security with 5250 emulation

__ 6. This displays the Work with user profiles screen.
__ a. Enter F21 = Select assistance level and verify the Intermediate level is selected.
__ 7. Next, choose Option 5 = Display for your user profile AS24xx.
__ a. Verify the following information:
User class: *SYSOPR
Special authority: *IOSYSCFG, *JOBCTL, *SAVSYS, *SECADM
Group profile: AS24GR
__ b. Press the Page Down key to review all of the information that is displayed.
__ c. Press F3 = Exit to return to the Work with user profiles screen.
__ 8. Once again, choose Option 5 for your user profile.
__ a. Then, press the F4 key, which takes you to the Display User Profile screen.
__ b. Notice that the parameter Type of information is set to the default of *BASIC. Press the
F4 key to review the different options that can be selected.
__ c. Explore several of these options to see the different types of information that can be
displayed as you choose these options.
__ d. Press the Enter key to return to the Work with user profiles screen.

Part 3: Creating a user profile

__ 9. Choose the Option 1 - Create user profile, specify AS24xxA (where xx is your team
number), then press Enter.
__ 10. On the Create user profile screen, fill in the parameters as follows:
User profile AS24xxA
User password Assign a password of your choice and write it down here: ______________
Initial Menu USER
Text User profile that is created by team AS24xx.
__ a. Press F10 = Additional Parameters, then page down to see other information that can
be specified.
__ b. Press the Help key to explore any parameters that might be of interest to you.
__ c. Press the Enter key to create the user profile. Notice the message that is displayed on
the message line.
__ 11. This returns you to the Work with user profiles screen. Press F5 to refresh the screen.
__ 12. Choose Option 5 = Display for your newly created user profile AS24xxA.
__ a. Page down and note the Highest scheduling priority. _____
__ b. Use cursor sensitive help to become familiar with what is being set up by this parameter.
__ c. Note the other characteristics the display sessions for this user will have. Use the cursor
sensitive help to read about any characteristics that you do not understand.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 19. System security with 5250 emulation

__ 13. Press F3 until you return to the menu.
__ 14. Start a second 5250 emulation session.
__ a. Size and position your two emulation windows so that both are visible on your Desktop.
For example, the new session is in the upper left corner and the other session, your
current session, is in the lower right of your Desktop.
__ b. Sign on to the newly created session with the new user ID AS24xxA and password you
just created.
__ c. The User Tasks menu should be displayed. Sign off this second session and leave both
emulation windows open.

Part 4: Authorization lists

__ 15. In the first session, enter the GO CMDAUTL command to see the Authorization list commands
menu. Notice the command being processed by the different menu options is listed off to the
right on the menu.
__ 16. Choose the option to Work with authorization lists that is actually the WRKAUTL command.
__ 17. Specify *all for the authorization list parameter.
As you process the commands that are called for in the next set of instructions, press the F1 =
Help to understand all of the information being displayed on the screens you are reviewing.
__ 18. Choose Option 5 = Display for the AS24AUTL list.
__ a. This opens the screen. Verify that *Public has *Exclude authority.
__ b. Notice the description for the F11 key. Press the F11 = Display detail object authorities
and notice the Object data authority information now being displayed.
__ c. Notice that the description for F11 has changed. Once again, press the F11 = Display
data authority and notice the Data authority information now being displayed.
__ d. Verify that your profile, AS24xx, is on the authorization list.
__ e. Verify that the newly created profile, AS24xxA, is not on the authorization list.
__ f. Press F15 = Display authorization list objects and verify the list of objects that are
secured by this authorization list, including the WRKPRB command.
__ g. Press F3 until you return to the menu.
__ 19. Return to the second 5250 Emulation session and sign on as user AS24xxA.
Be careful to keep track of where you are signed on with AS24xx (as the system operator with
additional authorities) versus AS24xxA (as a *USER authority).
__ 20. On the screen where you are signed on as AS24xxA:
__ a. Enter the WRKPRB command. You should receive the message:
Not authorized to command WRKPRB in library *LIBL.
__ b. This command is normally excluded from the public.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 19. System security with 5250 emulation

__ c. The instructor created user profile (AS24xx) has been granted authority to use this
command using this authorization list. This command is used by you in the Problem
Determination exercise later in the class.
__ d. Sign off the second 5250 Emulation session that is being used by the user AS24xxA.

Part 5: Group profiles

__ 21. Return to the first 5250 emulation session where you are signed on as AS24xx.
__ 22. Enter the command GO CMDUSRPRF to see the User profile commands.
__ 23. Choose the option for Change user profile.
__ 24. Notice that the command being processed is the CHGUSRPRF command. Specify the user
profile AS24xxA and Enter.
__ a. This shows the parameters and values that are specified for this user profile.
__ b. Press the F10 = Additional parameters key, then Page Down.
__ c. For the Group profile parameter, add AS24GR.
__ d. Press the Enter key to save this change.
__ e. Press F3 until you return to the menu.
__ 25. Return to the second 5250 emulation session.
__ a. Sign on with your AS24xxA user ID.
__ b. Once again, try to run the WRKPRB command.
__ c. This time the command should run successfully and you should see the Work with
Problems screen.
The WRKPRB command is secured by the AS24AUTL authorization list. The AS24GR group
user ID is listed or specified in this authorization list; and you added AS24xxA as a member
of this group. Therefore, you are now allowed to run this command.
__ 26. Sign off the second emulation session.

Part 6: Displaying object authority

__ 27. Enter the GO CMDAUT command to see a list of authority commands.
__ 28. Notice the command being processed by the different menu options is listed off to the right
on the menu. Choose the option to Display object authority.
__ a. This shows the Display object authority screen.
__ b. Fill in the parameters as follows:
Object AS24
Library QSYS
Object type *LIB
__ c. Press Enter.

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Exercise 19. System security with 5250 emulation

__ 29. Use the F14 = Display authorization list key to verify that the library is secured by
authorization list AS24AUTL.
__ 30. Press F3 until you return to the menu.

Part 7: Enabling a disabled user profile

Occasionally a user’s profile might become disabled. Usually this happens when the number of
incorrect signs on attempts exceeds the limit that is allowed. This limit is specified in the system
value QMAXSIGN and the default action that is specified in the system value QMAXSGNACN.
__ 31. Enter the CHGUSRPRF AS24xxA command and press F4.
__ a. Change the Status parameter to *DISABLED.
__ b. Press Enter.
Notice the message displayed User profile AS24xxA changed.
__ 32. Return to the second Emulation session and attempt to sign on as AS24xxA. You will
receive an error message and not be allowed to sign on.
__ 33. Follow the same process you did to disable the profile AS24xxA, but this time changes the
parameter to *enable.
__ 34. Once again, attempt to sign on as AS24xxA. You should now be allowed to do so.
These are the steps that you would normally take to ENABLE a user profile that has been
disabled for what ever reason.

Part 8: Deleting a user profile

__ 35. Sign off and close the second 5250 emulation session for AS24xxA.
__ 36. Return to your first Emulation session where you are signed on as AS24xx. Enter the
DLTUSRPRF AS24xxA command and press the F4 key.
__ a. Notice the parameters that can be specified on this screen. Read the Help text that is
available for the different options that are allowed in deleting a user profile.
__ b. For the Owned object value parameter, specify *DLT.
__ c. Press Enter.
__ 37. After returning to the menu, review the message that is displayed.
__ 38. Confirm that user profile AS24xxA has been deleted by issuing the WRKUSRPRF *ALL
__ 39. Sign off the emulation screen.

End of exercise

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Exercise 20. System security with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)


Exercise 20. System security with IBM

Navigator for i (Optional)
Estimated time

The purpose of this exercise is to help familiarize you with security concepts and actions when
working with IBM Navigator for i.

• Display, change, create, and delete user profiles.
• Enable a disabled user profile.
• Add a user to a group profile.
• Display and examine an authorization list.
• Display object authorities.
• Display security-related system values.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 20-1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 20. System security with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)

Exercise instructions
__ 1. Open a browser window and start an IBM Navigator for i Session by using:
and sign on to the system with your user ID AS24xx.

Part 1: Security-related system values

__ 2. Expand IBM i Management.
__ 3. On the left pane, click the Configuration and Service task; then, click the System values
__ 4. Note the different system value categories that are available. Click the check box for the
Security category; then, click Actions > Properties.
__ a. The General tab of the Security system values notebook displays.
__ b. The Security level on this first tab is the QSECURITY system value. Write down the
security value here: _____
__ c. Explore any of the other tabs that might interest you, but do not change any of them.
Close this notebook when you are done exploring.
__ d. Close the Configuration and Service tab.

Part 2: User profiles

Your user profile (AS24xx) has the security administrator (*SECADM) special authority that is
assigned to this profile. In a typical environment, this authority is not assigned to a system operator.
__ 5. Click the Users and Groups task, then click Users. Click the check box for your user ID
and select Actions > Properties.
__ a. Click the Capabilities link.
__ b. Verify:
○ Privilege class: System operator
○ System privileges: Job control, Save/restore, Security administration, and system
__ c. Click Cancel to close the Capabilities tab.
__ 6. Next, click the Groups link and verify:
- Selected group profiles: AS24GR
Click Cancel to close this panel.
__ 7. Click Cancel to close the Properties panel and close User tabs

Part 3: Creating a user profile

__ 8. On the Users and groups task; then, click Create a user link.

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Exercise 20. System security with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)

__ 9. The Create user tab opens. Complete the parameters as follows:
__ a. Select No for the Base the new user on existing user? Prompt, then click OK.
__ b. Complete the parameters as follows:
○ User profile: AS24xxC
○ Description: User profile that is created by team AS24xx.
○ User password: Assign a password of your choice and write it down here:
○ Clear the User must change password at next sign-on box.
○ Click the Jobs link; then, Session startup tab and specify:
○ Initial menu: USER
__ c. Explore any of the other tabs and other buttons that might interest you.
__ d. Click OK to close any open tabs; then, click Add to create this user profile.
__ e. A message displays that the user is created. Click OK.
__ 10. Start a 5250 emulation session.
__ a. Size and position your emulation window and your IBM i Navigator window so that both
are visible on your Desktop. For example, the emulation session is in the upper left
corner and the Navigator window is in the lower right of your Desktop.
__ b. Sign on to the session with the new user ID AS24xxC and password you created.
__ c. The User Tasks menu should be displayed. Sign off this emulation session and leave
the two windows open.

Part 4: Authorization lists

__ 11. Close any tabs that might be open.
__ 12. On the left pane, click the Security task; then, click the Authorization Lists link.
Authorization lists currently on the system are displayed.
__ 13. Click the check box for the AS24AUTL Authorization list; then, click Actions >
Permissions on the pop-up menu.
__ 14. Open the As24autl.AUTL tab.
__ a. Display the Authorities view: Basic tab.
__ b. Click the down arrow and select Authorities view: Details, then click Go to see more
permission details for each user.
__ c. Verify that (Public) does not have any permissions that are selected (this is the way to
specify Exclude authority when using this interface).
__ d. Verify that your AS24GR user profile is on this authorization list, and that your newly
created AS24xxC user profile is not listed on this list.
In an upcoming step, you are changing your newly created user profile to be a member of
this group profile.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 20-3

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Exercise 20. System security with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)

__ e. Click the Secured Objects link to verify the list of objects that are secured by this
authorization list, including the WRKPRB command.
Page up and down to see the complete list of secured objects.
__ f. Click OK to close this window.
__ 15. Once you are done exploring, cancel out of the Permissions tab and close any tabs that
might be open.
__ 16. Return to the 5250 emulation session and sign on as user AS24xxC.
__ a. Enter the WRKPRB command. You should receive the message:
Not authorized to command WRKPRB in library *LIBL.
__ b. This command is normally excluded from the public. Your user profile is not listed on the
authorization list as one of the users who is authorized to use this command.
Your user profile AS24xx (created by the instructor) was granted authority to use this
command using this authorization list.
__ c. Sign off the 5250 Emulation session and leave that window open.

Part 5: Group profiles

In IBM Navigator for i, there are two ways to add a user to a group. In the following exercise steps,
you step through the first way to add a user to a group, but do not add the user to the group. Then,
you step through the second way and add your user to the group. Add your newly created user
profile to the group profile AS24GR.
__ 17. Return to the Navigator window.
__ 18. On the left pane, click the Users and groups task; then, click the Users link.
__ 19. Click the check box for your user AS24xxC (you might have to click the Refresh button to
see your newly created user profile), then choose Actions > Properties on the pop-up
__ a. On the AS24xxC window, click the Groups link.
The tab shows (a) the groups this user currently belongs to on the right, and (b) a list of the
available groups that this user can belong to on the left.
__ b. Click the AS24GR on the left; then, click the Add after button. Notice the updates in the
pane on the right.
__ c. If you used this method, you would click OK, then OK to implement this change. But do
not change it yet; click Cancel, then Cancel to close these windows without changing
__ 20. Now for the other way to add a user to a group. Close User tab. Return to the Users and
groups tab; then, click the Groups link to see a list of the groups that are currently defined
on the system.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 20. System security with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)

__ 21. Click the check box for AS24GR group profile; then, click Actions > Properties on the
pop-up menu.
__ a. This displays the properties panel for the group profile. Use the scroll bar to scroll left
and right to get a full view of this tab.
__ b. Scroll to the right to see the lists the users that currently belong to this group.
__ c. Scroll to the left to see a list of more users that can be added to this group.
__ d. Select your AS24xxC user on the left and click Add.
This updates the pane on the right (scroll to the right) and now this user is a member of the
__ e. Explore any of the other buttons that might be of interest.
__ f. Click OK to save this change and update both the user profile and the group profile.
__ g. Close all tabs.
__ 22. Return to the 5250 emulation session.
__ a. Sign on with your AS24xxC user ID.
__ b. Once again, try to run the WRKPRB command.
__ c. This time the command should run successfully and you should see the Work with
Problems screen.
The AS24AUTL authorization list secures the WRKPRB command. The AS24GR group user
profile is listed in this authorization list; and you added AS24xxC as a member of this group.
Therefore, you are now allowed to run this command because you belong to this group.
__ 23. Sign off the emulation session and leave this window open.

Part 6: Displaying object authority

__ 24. On the left pane click the File Systems task, then click the Integrated File System link.
__ 25. Next, click the check box for QSYS.LIB, then Actions > Open. Be patient and wait for the list
of libraries to display under QSYS.LIB.
__ 26. Right-click the AS24.LIB name and select Permissions.
__ 27. Verify that the Public has Exclude authority and that the Qsecofr (Security Officer) or
Qdftown (Default Owner) has all authority.
__ 28. In the upper right corner, verify that the authorization list As24autl secures the library.
__ 29. Close the Permissions tab.
__ 30. Close all opened tabs.

Part 7: Enabling a disabled user profile

Occasionally, a user’s profile might become disabled. It normally happens when the number of
incorrect signs on attempts exceeds the allowed system limit. This limit is specified in the system
value QMAXSIGN and the action is specified in the system value QMAXSGNACN.

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Exercise 20. System security with IBM Navigator for i (Optional)

__ 31. First, disable the profile AS24xxC. On the left pane, click the Users and Groups task. Then,
click the Users link and click the check box for AS24xxC. Click Actions > Properties on
the pop-up menu.
__ 32. Clear the Enable for processing check box; then, click OK to close this tab.
__ 33. Attempt to sign on as AS24xxC with a 5250 emulation session. An error message displays
and you are not allowed to sign on.
__ 34. Follow the same process you did to disable the profile AS24xxC, but now enable it (put the
check in the check box).
This process enables a disabled user’s profile.
__ 35. Once again, attempt to sign on as AS24xxC. You should now be allowed to do so.

Part 8: Deleting a user profile

__ 36. Sign off the 5250 emulation session for AS24xxC and close the window.
__ 37. Again, click the check box for AS24xxC and click Actions > Delete.
__ 38. Open the Delete User tab.
__ 39. Select Delete objects that user owns, then click OK.
__ 40. Once back at the Users tab, confirm that AS24xxC is deleted.
__ 41. Close all open tabs and log out. Close the browser window.

End of exercise

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Exercise 21. Managing your system configuration


Exercise 21. Managing your system

Estimated time

The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with some of the menu options and displays used
to monitor and control devices, controllers, and communication lines that are attached to the

• Display and examine the status of devices that are attached to the system.
• Determine how a device is described to the system.
• Display and examine the status of lines and controllers that are attached to the system.
• Determine the controller that your workstation is attached.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 21-1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 21. Managing your system configuration

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Monitoring devices, lines, and controllers
During this exercise, you monitor and work with devices, communications lines, and controllers.
Then, you print local workstation addresses.
Closely examine the various displays that are shown throughout this exercise. Use the Help key
often, even when you have not been specifically instructed to do so.

Monitoring devices
In this part of the exercise, you use menus and displays to monitor and work with devices
(workstations, printers, tape units, optical devices, and remote systems).
__ 1. Start a 5250 emulation session and sign on with your AS24xx user ID.


Some hints that are recommended when you enter a command:

• Type the command on the command line, then press F4 to prompt the command
• F1 - Help is available for the command and for each parameter.
• F4 - Prompt is available for a parameter to see a list of the values allowed.
• Use the F11 key to toggle between the parameter keyword and a listing of the values that are
allowed for a parameter.
• Use the F10 key to see only the additional parameters that apply based on what has been
keyed versus F9, which shows all parameters for a command.

__ 2. The General System Tasks menu is displayed.


If this menu is not displayed, enter go system on the command line and press Enter.

__ 3. Select Option 8 - Device operations and press Enter to display the Device Operations
__ 4. Select Option 1 - Work with device status and press Enter.
__ 5. This displays the Work with Configuration Status (WRKCFGSTS) display.
__ a. Place the cursor on the TYPE parameter and press F1 (Help). Review the various types
of objects you can display with the WRKCFGSTS command. This is one of the most
important and often used commands a system operator uses.
__ b. Accept the defaults and press Enter to run the WRKCFGSTS command.

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Exercise 21. Managing your system configuration

__ 6. The Work with Configuration Status display is shown.
__ a. This display contains status information for all devices (workstations, printers, tape units,
optical devices, and remote systems) attached to your system.
__ b. Use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to find the name of your workstation
device. To identify your workstation device name, look in the Job column to find your
user ID.
__ c. Write down the device name in the Description column that is associated with your job.
This is your workstation device name.
__ d. Look at the various values for STATUS shown on the display.
To see more STATUS values, move the cursor to any line under the Status column and
press F1 (Help). Use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to read the online
Press F3 (Exit help) after viewing the online information for status.
__ 7. Look at the options on the Work with Configuration Status display and answer the following


Do not vary any configuration object on or off.

What option would you use to vary a device on?

What option would you use to vary off a device?
What option would you use to display a device description for a device?
__ 8. Press F21 - Select assistance level.
The Select Assistance Level display appears.
__ a. Type 1 - Basic in the Assistance level field and press Enter to change your assistance
level from Intermediate to Basic.
__ b. You are returned to the Work with Devices display.
Look at the difference this makes in the information displayed. Specifically, notice (a) the
title of the screen (the command being processed); (b) the type field, (c) information in the
Status column and (d) the options you are allowed to choose.
Now answer the following question:
What option would you use to display a message for a device?

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 21-3

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 21. Managing your system configuration

__ 9. Press F21 again and select 2 - Intermediate in the Assistance level field and press Enter to
change back to the Intermediate Assistance level.
As you might recall, when you know that a function key is supported, it does not have to be
displayed for you to use it. The F14 - Work with Devices on the Work with Configuration Status
display is such a key.
__ 10. Press F14 now to display the Work with Device Descriptions display.
__ a. From this display, you can examine individual device descriptions.


If F14 did not take you to the Work with Device Descriptions display, use F21 to make sure that your
assistance level is set to Intermediate.

__ b. Use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to find your workstation.
(If you have forgotten the name of your workstation, you wrote it down in an earlier step in
this exercise.)
__ c. Now type Option 5 -Display in the Opt field of your device description and Enter.
__ d. Record the following information about your workstation (if your device class is *VRT,
you are not able to record all of the requested options). Port and switch settings only
apply to ASCII devices (workstations and printers).
Device class _____________ (*LCL or *VRT)
Device type _____________ (3179, 3180, 3197, 3487, and so forth)
Device model _____________ (0001, A1, C2, HC, and so forth)
Port number _____________ (0 - 7)
Switch Setting _____________ (0 - 6)
__ e. Press F3 until the General System Tasks menu reappears.

Part 2: Monitoring lines and controllers

In this part of the exercise, you use menus and CL commands to monitor the activity of
communications lines and remote controllers.
__ 1. From the General System Tasks menu, select Option 9 - Communications and press Enter
to display the Communications menu.
__ 2. Type Option 1 - Communications status and press Enter to display the Communications
Status menu.
__ 3. Type Option 1 - Work with line status and press Enter to work with line status.
__ 4. This displays the Work with Configuration Status (WRKCFGSTS) screen. Review the default
values that are selected and press Enter.
__ a. The Work with Configuration Status display appears.

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Exercise 21. Managing your system configuration



From any command line, you can achieve the above results by simply typing wrkcfgsts *lin on a
command line and pressing Enter.

__ b. Look under the Description column. Notice that some of the entries are indented.
○ Communications lines are leftmost under the Description column.
○ Controllers are indented two spaces under the line description.
○ Devices are indented two spaces under the controller description.
__ c. You should see communication line: ETHLINE and you can see QESLINE, QTILINE if


You might have to use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to display these lines.

QESLINE is used for Electronic Customer Support to order program temporary fixes (PTFs)
and report problems.
QTILINE is used for communications with IBMLINK.
__ 5. Look at the options on the Work with Configuration Status display and answer the following


Do not vary any configuration object on or off.

What option would you use to vary a line, remote controller or remote device on?
What option would you use to vary a line, remote controller or remote device off?
Can you display the device description of a line, remote controller, or remote device from this
display? If so, how?
__ 6. Press F3 once to exit the Work with Configuration Status display.
__ 7. You should now be at the Communications Status display. Type Option 2 - Work with
controller status and press Enter.
__ 8. The Work with Configuration Status display appears press Enter to run.

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Exercise 21. Managing your system configuration



To display controller status in one easy step, just type wrkcfgsts *ctl on the command line and
press Enter.

This time, the Work with Configuration Status display lists all controllers on the system,
including local and remote workstation controllers, tape, and so on.
Look under the Description column. The controllers are leftmost in this column. The remote
devices are indented two spaces under the controllers to which they are attached.
__ 9. Locate CTL01, the first local workstation controller.
__ a. Scan the names of the devices that are attached to CTL01.
__ b. Search for your device or for the other *LCL device that you recorded. This *LCL device
is probably attached to CTL01, but if you do not find it listed here, look at the devices
that are attached to other controllers until you do find it.
__ c. Record the controller name here. _______________ You will need it shortly.
What is the status of your controller?
What is the status of your workstation?
__ 10. Press F3 until the General System Tasks menu appears.
__ 11. Type signoff and press Enter to sign off your workstation.

End of exercise

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Exercise 22. Write a basic CL program


Exercise 22.Write a basic CL program

Estimated time

This exercise covers a simple CL program.

• Write a simple CL program.

You will create simple CL program, which allows you to communicating with your program. Program
like this can be useful with some kind interaction when required communication with program.

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Exercise 22. Write a basic CL program

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Create a source physical file
Source code for control language programs is stored in members in an IBM i file known as a
Source Physical File. Before you start this exercise, you have to create the file. Follow these
__ 1. Log on to the system using 5250 session and AS24xx user (where xx is your team number).
__ 2. Enter the command CRTSRCPF and click prompt.
__ 3. Type QCLSRC as the name of the file and AS24xx for your library. Type CL Source for
AS24xx in the text field.
__ 4. You should see message that the file created. If not, check your joblog why the file not

Part 2: Start programming

No you have to create source member and type your CL program code.
Follow these steps to start the RSE:
__ 1. Enter command WRKMBRPDM and press F4. For file name type QCLSRC for library type
__ 2. You do not have any source member so you have to create new one. Press F6 Create and
for member name type newpgmxx (where xx is your number), for text description type
Source for newpgmxx and press Enter.
__ 3. You should see the screen in edit mode. Note: The first time a new member is opened you
will not see row numbers (Hint: For the first time you can copy/paste the code.) Starting
from the first line type:
__ 4. To navigate, use the cursor keys. If you want to do some edit function like add/delete rows,
you can find help. Put the cursor at the row number and press F1 and scroll down to find
edit function (for example, if you type on the row number I2 and press Enter you will insert
two new lines.
__ 5. When you finished edit press F3 to save and exit and confirm with Enter. Your program
source is ready to compile.

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Exercise 22. Write a basic CL program

__ 6. Type option 14 next to the source name and press F4. Be sure that you create NEWPGMxx in
AS24XX library and change Replace program parameter to *YES and press Enter.
__ 7. Run DSPMSG command to see whether your program completed successfully. If not run
WRKSPLF, and find and display NEWPGMxx spool file to find cause of error.
__ 8. When your compilation successfully you can now call your program. Run CALL
AS24xx/NEWPGMxx and press Enter. Look at the program behavior depending on your

End of exercise

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Exercise 23. Save with 5250 emulation


Exercise 23. Save with 5250 emulation

Estimated time

The purpose of this lab is to provide you with experience using some of the more common save
and restore commands when working with a 5250 emulation session. You will also practice setting
up a virtual tape drive and creating virtual tapes.

• Create all of the objects that are required to save to a virtual tape drive.
• Save an object.
• Save a library.

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Exercise 23. Save with 5250 emulation

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Create a library
In this part of the exercise, you create two libraries. You create the first library using the create
library (CRTLIB) command. You create the second library using the copy library (CPYLIB) command.
__ 1. Start a 5250 emulation session and sign on to the system.
__ 2. To create the first library, issue the create library command as follows:
CRTLIB LIB(L24xxE1A) TYPE(*TEST) TEXT('L24xxE1A created by AS24xx')
__ 3. Next, you copy your team library AS24xx to a new library using the copy library command
as follows:


There is a possibility that not all objects will be copied from as24xx to your new library.

Part 2: Creating a file

In this part of the exercise, you copy a file that is named ACCOUNT in library AS24 into your newly
created library, L24xxE1A. The file that is created in your library is to be named ACCOUNTxx. This
file is created when you run the Copy File command (CPYF).
After creating and copying data to the ACCOUNTxx file in this part of the exercise, you will then
save the file.
The CPYF command can do more than copy data from one file to another. If the file you want to copy
to does not exist, you can specify that the CPYF command create the file and then copy the data to
the file. You can do all of this by running the command just one time.


Some hints that are recommended when you enter a command:

• Type the command on the command line, then press F4 to prompt the command.
• F1 - Help is available for the command and for each parameter.
• F4 - Prompt is available for a parameter to see a list of the values allowed.
• Use the F11 key to toggle between the parameter keyword and a listing of the values that are
allowed for a parameter.
• Use the F10 key to see only the additional parameters that apply based on what has been
keyed versus F9, which shows all parameters for a command.

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Exercise 23. Save with 5250 emulation

__ 4. To create the ACCOUNTxx file in your library, type cpyf on the command line and press F4.
__ a. This displays the Copy File (CPYF) Screen. Fill in the parameters as follows:
From file account
Library as24
To file accountxx (where xx is your team number)
Library L24xxE1A (where xx is your team number)
Create file *yes
__ b. Press Enter.
__ c. The following message should be displayed on the message line:
Physical file ACCOUNTxx created in library L24xxE1A.
__ d. Position the cursor on this message and press Page Down (Roll Up) key once. You
should see the following message:
Member ACCOUNT added to file ACCOUNTxx in L24xxE1A.
__ e. Press Page Down (Roll Up) key again. You should see the following message:
8 records copied from member ACCOUNT.
__ 5. Next, you will use a Query for IBM i command to look at the contents of the file. Enter the
following command, notice the fully qualified name that is used to identify your file:
Type runqry *N L24xxE1A/ACCOUNTxx on the command line and press Enter.
While looking at the records in your file, either press the Print key or write down the record
number and the name of each record here:
_________ ______________________________
_________ ______________________________
_________ ______________________________
_________ ______________________________
_________ ______________________________
_________ ______________________________
_________ ______________________________
_________ ______________________________
__ 6. Press F3 to return to the General System Tasks menu.

Part 3: Setting up to use virtual tape

Virtual tape simulates a physical tape environment by writing to Direct Access Storage Device
(DASD). The purpose of this exercise is to show the steps to create a virtual tape drive to create
and load virtual tapes and to prepare for a save/restore operation.

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Exercise 23. Save with 5250 emulation

The steps that are covered in this part of the exercise are:
• Create a virtual tape device.
• Vary On the virtual tape device.
• Create a virtual tape image catalog.
• Create virtual images in the image catalog.
• Load the image catalog onto the virtual device.
• Ensure that virtual tape storage is ready for operation and perform a save operation to virtual
__ 7. To create a virtual tape device, issue the following command and Enter.
CRTDEVTAP DEVD(AS24VE1xx) RSRCNAME(*VRT) TEXT(‘Team AS24xx vir dev desc’)
__ 8. The next step it to vary on the virtual tape device.
__ a. Issue the following command and press Enter:
__ b. This will show the Work with device descriptions screen. This screen will show your tape
device description with a type of 63B0, which indicates that this device is a virtual tape
If the type column does not show this value, then the previous command was not entered
as directed in the previous step. Verify that the command was entered exactly as directed.
Correct any errors before moving to the next step.
__ c. Select Option 8 - Work with status for the AS24VE1xx device and press Enter. This will
show the Work with configuration status screen. The status of the virtual tape device will
be Varied off.
__ d. Select Option 1 - Vary on for the AS24VE1xx and press Enter. Your tape drive device
should be Varied On.
__ 9. The next step is to create a virtual tape image catalog. Issue the CRTIMGCLG command and
press F4 to fill in the parameters as follows and press twice Enter (pay attention to upper
versus lowercase; fill in the parameters as specified below including the single quote where
instructed to do so):
DIR /images/VTAP24E1xx
Press F10
TEXT Virtual tape catalog for Team AS24xx
- VTAP24E1xx = name of your image catalog.
- /images/VTAP24E1xx = IFS directory where image catalog will put its images.
- 'Virtual tape catalog for Team AS24xx' = short description of your image catalog.

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Exercise 23. Save with 5250 emulation

At this point, your virtual tape image catalog has been created. You can see your image
catalog (and others for which you have authority) by issuing the WRKIMGCLG command.
__ 10. The next step is to create virtual volumes for your tape image catalog. The following volume
will be a new volume that dynamically allocates storage as needed (up to 48 MB) and has a
density of *VRT256K.

Issue the ADDIMGCLGE command and press F4. Fill in the parameters as follows:
Press F10
Press F10
TEXT Virtual volume for Team AS24xx
- IMGCLG = name of the image catalog where the volume will be created.
- FROMFILE = where the file is being added from. *NEW indicates that a new volume is
being created.
- TOFILE = filename, which will be created in the image catalog directory
Press Enter.
__ 11. Rerun the previous command to create a second virtual volume. Substitute VE1xxB where
you previously specified VE1xxA.


Use the F9 to recall the previous command and change this value.

__ 12. Once the virtual tape image catalog has been created and contains at least one volume, it
must be loaded onto the virtual device to make it usable or Ready.
__ a. This is performed by issuing the following command (do not press Enter yet):

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Exercise 23. Save with 5250 emulation

__ b. Notice that the Write Protect parameter has a value of *DFT, which indicates that the
volumes will retain their own write protect values.
__ c. Press Enter.
__ 13. Your image catalog should now be loaded onto the virtual tape device. Use the Work with
image catalog entries (WRKIMGCLGE) command to see your image catalog’s status and its
__ a. Enter the following command and then press Enter.
__ b. The F11 key gives additional information about the volumes, such as the maximum
storage size and the percentage of that maximum size used. Pressing F11 a third time
will list the file names for the volumes.
__ 14. At this point, your virtual tape catalog is ready for operation.
__ 15. Press F3 until you return to General System Tasks menu.

Part 4: Saving to a virtual volume

Now you will save objects to your virtual volumes.
__ 16. You have the ability to save multiple libraries by using the SAVLIB command. These objects
can be saved to a virtual tape. Now you will save the libraries that you just created. Issue
the following command and press Enter:
SAVLIB LIB(AS24xx L24xxE1A L24xxE1B) DEV(AS24VE1xx) VOL(VE1xxA)
__ 17. To verify that the save was successful, you can either display the job log or view the objects
on the volumes. Issue the following command and then press Enter:
This will create a spool file with all of the volume labels on the virtual tape. To view the printout:
__ a. Issue the WRKJOB command and press Enter.
__ b. Type 4 (Work with spooled files) and press Enter.
__ c. Select Option 5 (Display) on QPTAPDSP.
__ d. Review the spool file. Your spool file should have AS24xx, L24xxE1A, and L24xxE1B
listed under the Data File Label.
__ 18. Press F3 until you return to General System Tasks menu.
You have now successfully performed a backup of your virtual tape.


It is strongly recommended that the virtual volume be duplicated to a physical volume as soon as
possible. If the DASD or system is lost, then the virtual volumes might be inaccessible. To duplicate
a virtual volume to a physical volume, you would use the DUPTAP command.

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Exercise 23. Save with 5250 emulation



You will not be performing a DUPTAP in this exercise.

End of exercise

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Exercise 24. Restore with 5250 emulation


Exercise 24. Restore with 5250

Estimated time

This exercise provides an opportunity to use the IBM i commands to restore a library and to restore
individual objects.

• Use the command to delete an object off of the system.
• Use the command to delete a library off of the system.
• Use the command to restore an object.
• Use the command to restore a library.
• Use the commands to delete the objects that support virtual tape.

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Exercise 24. Restore with 5250 emulation

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Delete an object
In this part of the exercise, you use the command to delete a file off of the system. This simulates
an operator or system error, in Part 3, "Restore an object", you perform the steps to restore a file off
of a backup or save tape.
__ 1. Start a 5250 emulation session and signon to the system.
__ 2. First, you enter the command to display the contents of a user library.
__ a. Enter the following command to see a list of your libraries and press Enter:
This shows you the libraries that you created in a previous exercise.
__ b. This displays the Work with libraries screen. Select option 5 - Display to display the
contents for your library L24xxE1A.
__ c. This shows that the file ACCOUNTxx is in your library. This is one of the libraries you
saved in an earlier exercise.
__ d. Notice the options available on this screen to display the attributes for the objects that
are located in this library. Choose the different options to become familiar with the
information displayed by these different options.
__ e. Once you are done exploring, press the F3 key to exit and return to your menu.
__ 3. If you know the name of your object, you can use the display object description (DSPOBJD)
command. Enter the following command then press the F4 key:
__ a. Notice there are other parameters that need to be specified. Place the cursor on the
object type parameter and press the F4 key to display all of the values that you can
specify. Use the F1- Help key if necessary to determine which value is used to specify a
__ b. Place the cursor on the detail parameter to become familiar with the different values that
can be specified.
__ c. Once you are done exploring, press the F3 key to exit and return to your menu.
__ 4. Now that you have seen that this object exists on the system, it is time to delete it. To see all
of the file commands on the system that relate to working with files, enter the following:
__ 5. Notice all of the actions and associated commands that can be performed for an object type
of file.
- Either select the menu option delete a file, or
- Enter the command to delete a file (DLTF) and press the F4 prompt key.

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Exercise 24. Restore with 5250 emulation

__ 6. On the delete file screen, enter the following:
Library L24xxE1A
Then, press Enter.
__ 7. Use one of the options that are detailed above to verify that the file has been deleted.

Part 2: Delete a library

In the previous part of this exercise, you used the commands to list your libraries on the system. In
this part of the exercise, you simulate a user or system error and delete one of your user libraries.
__ 8. To see all of the commands that relate to a library enter the following command:
__ 9. There are two ways to delete a library.
__ a. The first is to choose the menu option or enter the command to work with libraries. This
displays a Work with screen to see a list of libraries on the system. One of the options
available is 4 - Delete. This prompts the delete library (DLTLIB) command.
__ b. The second option is to enter the Delete library command on the command line and
press F4 prompt.
__ 10. Choose either one of these two options and delete the library L24xxE1B.

Part 3: Restore an object

In case of a user or system error, or if the data has been damaged, a file can be restored from a
save file or from your save media. In a previous lab, you saved this object to your virtual media.
__ 11. The command that is used to restore a file is the restore object command. Enter RSTOBJ and
press the F4 prompt key. Fill in the parameters as follows:
Objects ACCOUNTxx
Saved library L24xxE1A
Device AS24VE1xx
Object types *FILE
Press F10
Volume identifier VE1xxA
__ 12. Press the F10 key to see all of the parameters available with this command. Use the Help
key for those parameters that might be of interest.
__ 13. Press the Enter key. The following message is displayed on the message line:
1 objects restored from L24xxE1A to L24xxE1A.
At this point, you restored the ACCOUNTxx file from your virtual tape.

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Exercise 24. Restore with 5250 emulation

__ 14. Display the contents of ACCOUNTxx by typing:
on the command line and pressing the Enter key. Compare the names to those shown
below. They should be the same.
Record 1 Brandt, Connie
Record 2 Fischer, Brian
Record 3 Hammann, Gail
Record 4 Mueller, Janet
Record 5 Smith, Jeffrey
Record 6 Stark, James
Record 7 Wenzel, Kimberlee
Record 8 West, Cindy
__ 15. Press F3 to return to the command line.

Part 4: Restore a library

In this part of the exercise, you restore a library from a virtual tape.
__ 16. There are two ways to restore a library:
__ a. The first is the Work with libraries (WRKLIB) command. On the Work with libraries screen,
you can choose Option 10 - Restore and press the Enter key.
__ b. The second option is to enter to Restore Library (RSTLIB) command on the command
line and press F4 prompt.
__ 17. Both of these options present the same screen. Fill in the parameters as follows and press
Saved library L24xxE1B
Device AS24VE1xx
Press F10
Volume identifier VE1xxA
__ 18. Use the WRKLIB command to verify the library has been restored and that it contains objects.

Part 5: Deleting user objects

In this part of the exercise, you perform the steps to delete the image catalog and virtual images
that are created in a previous exercise.
__ 19. The first step is to delete the libraries (L24xxE1A and L24xxE1B) you created in a previous
exercise. To delete these libraries, you can perform either of the following:
__ a. Enter the WRKLIB L24xxE1* command, then select option 4 to delete each library, or
__ b. Enter the DLTLIB command to delete each library individually.
The virtual tape image catalog needs to be unloaded and deleted. Then, the device has to
be deleted. These objects will be created using a graphical interface in the next exercise.

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Exercise 24. Restore with 5250 emulation

__ 20. The first step is to unload the image catalog. Issue the following command, then press
__ 21. Once the image catalog is unloaded, then you delete the image catalog. Issue the following
command, then press Enter.
__ 22. To verify that the image catalog has been deleted, issue the following command, then press
__ 23. Press F3 to exit.
__ 24. The next step is to vary off and delete the virtual device description.
__ a. Issue the WRKCFGSTS *DEV *TAP command and press Enter.
__ b. Locate your device AS24VE1xx and select option 2 - vary off and press Enter.
__ c. Next select option 8 - Work with description and press Enter.
__ d. Then, select option 4 - Delete for your device and press Enter twice.
__ e. Use F3 to return to the menu.
__ 25. Lastly, to verify that the directory has been deleted perform the following:
__ a. Issue the WRKLNK command and press Enter.
__ b. Page down to locate the images directory and select option 5 - Display.
__ c. Verify that your virtual volumes have been deleted. If a directory still exists for your
team, choose the option to delete it.
__ d. Press F3 to return to the menu.
__ 26. Signoff your emulation session.

End of exercise

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Exercise 25. Problem determination


Exercise 25. Problem determination

Estimated time

This exercise provides an opportunity to use some of the IBM i problem determination tools. You
look at a job log and the history log. Then, you perform the steps to help a user with a problem of
missing output. Lastly, you analyze the problem and use the copy screen function to assist the user.

• Display and use a job log and the history log.
• Use problem analysis.
• Update a problem in the problem log.
• Use copy screen to assist a user.

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Exercise 25. Problem determination

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Using logs
In this part of the exercise, you use two problem determination tools: the job log and history log.

Using an interactive job log

In this part of the exercise, you view and use the job log for your interactive job. The commands and
messages in a job log can help determine what has taken place in a job if you are having a problem
with that job.
__ 1. Start a 5250 emulation session and sign-on to the system.
__ 2. First, you enter some INCORRECT commands so that you can see the type of information
that is entered or recorded in the job log.
__ a. Type wrkprt on the command line (this is NOT a valid command) and press Enter.
You should receive the following error message on the message line:
Command WRKPRT in library *LIBL not found.
__ b. Now type dspjobd obj(aaaaa) objtype(*jobd) on the command line (hopefully, this
job description does not exist on your system) and press Enter.
You receive the following error message on the message line:
Object aaaaa in *LIBL type *JOBD not found.
__ 3. To display your job log, type dspjob on the command line and press Enter.
This displays a two-display menu. Press the Page Down (Roll Up) key if you want to view the
other menu options. This includes all of the information the system knows about your job.
Including the job name, user name, and job number that is located across the top of the display.
To display the job log for another user's job or a job that has ended, you need to know the job
name, user name, and job number.
__ a. Enter Option 10 - Display job log (for jobs that are active or on a job queue) on the
command line from either of the Display Job menu displays and press Enter.
You might also use the dspjoblog command to display the job log.
__ b. This shows the Display job log screen. Press F10 to display detailed messages for the
commands you have entered since you signed on.
__ c. Now press the Page Up (Roll Down) key to view all of the commands and detailed
messages. You see the incorrect commands that you entered along with the system
messages you received for those incorrect commands. In addition, you should see any
other commands that you entered.

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Exercise 25. Problem determination



If you entered a lot of commands since the last time you signed on, you have to use the Page
Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to scroll through the commands and messages.

__ d. At the top of the job log screen, you see a message similar to the following:
Job 011581/AS24xx/QPADEV0005 started on 04/17/10 at 20:53:28 in subsystem
QINTER in QSYS. Job entered system on 04/17/10 at 20:53:29.


If you are not already at the top of the job log, press F17 (Top) to display the top of the job log.

This message indicates the date and time your interactive job started and the subsystem in
which the job was started.
__ 4. Additional message information is available for each command and message. Move your
cursor under the following message:
Command WRKPRT in library *LIBL not found.
and press F1.
__ 5. The Additional Message Information display for this message is shown. This display shows
information about the message, including the cause of the message and the recovery
__ 6. Press F3 (Exit) to return to your menu.

Using the history log

In this part of the exercise, you view and use the history log.
__ 7. Enter dsplog on the command line and press Enter.
__ 8. The Display History Log Contents display appears. This log contains all of the messages
sent to the QHST message queue in the history (QHST) log including all messages sent to
__ 9. Use the Page Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to roll through the messages. Note the types
of messages that are found in the History log.
__ 10. Position your cursor on any message line and press F1 to view additional message
information for that message. If the message you choose does not contain a lot of additional
information, enter to exit the additional message information and use F1 to select additional
message information for another message.
__ 11. Press F3 to return to the menu.

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Exercise 25. Problem determination

Part 2: Using problem analysis and recording
The Accounts Payable clerk is out on holiday, and Erik is filling in for her. Maria did not have a
chance to review the procedures to print the Accounts Payable checks before she left, but no one
was worried because a menu steps the user through what needs to be done.
Erik has run the menu item that should print the Accounts Payable checks, but they have not
printed. It is only an hour until the mail deadline; Erik is worried and has called you for help.
This should be easy, you think, you search for Erik's printouts, but nothing is there.
Then, you remember that the system has problem determination tools, and you decide to put them
to the test.
__ 12. The first thing that you do is search for Erik's spooled file; just to make sure. Erik's user ID is
AS24ERIK. From your menu, type wrksplf select(AS24erik) on the command line and
press Enter.
__ 13. The Work with All Spooled Files display appears and it does not contain any output for Erik.
__ 14. Press F3 to return to the menu.
__ 15. You are now going to analyze Erik's problem. Some things to know before you begin:
- The menu option that Erik used to submit the checks to be printed submits a batch job
named APBATCH.
- The file to be printed is CHECKS and it usually prints on the system printer.
- The problem is occurring on this system.
- This is not the first time this job has been run, and it is the only job having this problem.
As you follow the steps to analyze Erik's problem, make sure that you read all of the
information on the displays.
__ a. Type anzprb on the command line and press Enter.
__ b. Choose Option 1 - This IBM Power i or attached devices and press Enter.
__ c. This displays the Analyze a Problem menu. Press F1 (Help) on this menu to answer
the following question.
What is the difference between analyze a problem and describe a problem?
__ d. Press F3 to exit Help and return to the Analyze a Problem menu.
__ e. Select Option 1 - Job or program problem for (application or system) and press Enter.
__ f. This displays the Job Problem menu. Since this is not the first time this program has
been run, type Option 3 - Missing output on the command line and press Enter.
__ g. This displays the Job Has No Output menu. Since this is the only job that has this
problem, type Option 2 - No on the command line and press Enter.
__ h. This displays the Job Has No Output menu. Because this is a batch job that has
completed but produced no output, type Option 3 - Completed but no output on the
command line and press Enter.

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Exercise 25. Problem determination

__ i. This displays the Look for Output screen. Read the information on the display.
__ j. Press F15 as directed on the display to see the Work with Subsystem Jobs display.
__ k. Press Enter until the QSPL subsystem appears.
The QSPL subsystem should be active, but the Accounts Payable job that you are
searching for is not displayed.
__ l. Continue to press Enter until the *OUTQ subsystem appears.
The APBATCH job should be in the OUTQ subsystem. (You might have to use the Page
Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to display the APBATCH job.) There is one APBATCH job for
each team member.
__ m. Locate your team’s APBATCH batch job type Option 8 (Work with spooled files) next to
APBATCH and press Enter - Column User Data display your team number.
__ n. This displays the Work with Job Spooled Files screen.
Answer the following questions:
What status is shown for CHECKS? ____________________________________
On which output queue and library is it located? ___________________________


Press F10 to view the output queue and library.

__ o. Press F3 until the Look for Output display reappears.

__ p. Type Option 1 - Yes to spooled files exist for the job and press Enter.
__ q. This displays the Select File Status screen. Type Option 5 - RDY and press Enter.
__ r. This displays the File Status - RDY screen. Read the possible causes for the problem on
this display.
__ 16. You are now going to use the Work with Output Queue (WRKOUTQ) command to investigate
beyond the file's status and the problem analysis description to determine why the file is not
__ a. Type wrkoutq on the command line and press Enter.
__ b. This displays the Work with All Output Queues screen. Use the Page Down/Up (Roll
Up/Down) keys to display the output queue and library on which the job is located. (You
wrote down the output queue and library name in a previous step in this exercise.)
__ c. Type Option 9 - Work with Writers in the Opt field of the output queue and press Enter.
__ d. This displays the Work with All Writers screen.
Now, answer the following questions:
Why is the file CHECKS not printing?

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Exercise 25. Problem determination

What would you do to solve this problem?
__ e. Press F3 until the File Status - RDY display reappears.
Even though you now know how to solve the problem, you decide to create a problem
record. This way that you can report this problem to the accounting supervisor and the
system administrator/programmer so that action can be taken to prevent this problem in the
What do you suggest?
__ 17. Next, you go though the steps to create a problem record.
__ a. From the File Status - RDY display, choose Option 2 - Create problem record and press
__ b. This displays the Select Product screen. Type Option 1 - select for the 5770SS1 - IBM i
product and press Enter.
(Even though this is an application program problem, the only programs that are listed on
this system are the IBM supplied ones. This might differ on your system.)
__ c. This displays the Select Product Option screen. Type option 1 - Select for *BASE and
press Enter.
__ d. This displays the Select Product Function screen. Type option 1 for CL and press Enter.
__ e. This displays the Select Product Function screen. Type option 1 for Run time and press
__ f. This displays the Specify Message Information screen.
This display asks for specific message information. Often there are error messages
associated with a problem and you will log them on this screen. The information that is
needed can be obtained by looking at the message online or by examining the job log.
Since your problem does not have an error message leave the fields empty and press
__ g. This displays the Specify System Reference Code screen.
Your problem does not have a system reference code. Leave this field empty and press
__ h. On the Select Problem Characteristic display, type option 1 - Incorrect output and
press Enter.
You can also choose Option 50 (Other) because technically your output is not incorrect, it is
just missing.

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Exercise 25. Problem determination

__ i. This displays the Select Device Class screen. Type option 2 - Local printers and press
__ j. This displays the Specify Device Type screen. Leave this field empty and press Enter to
indicate that there is no specific device type.
__ k. This displays the Enter Problem Description screen. Type over the general text that is
shown with a more specific description. It should include your team name AS24xx in the
text, then, press Enter.
__ l. This displays the Report Problem menu.
__ 18. You are now going to prepare a service request.
__ a. On the Report Problem menu, type Option 1 - Prepare Service Request and press
Enter to prepare a request.
__ b. This displays the Verify Contact Information screen. Type your name and address
information on the display and press Enter.
__ c. This displays the Select Problem Severity screen. Choose an appropriate priority
(probably low) and press Enter.
__ d. This displays the Select Service Provider screen. Enter Option 1 for the service provider
*IBMSRV and press Enter.
__ e. Select Option 2 - Do not send the service request and press Enter.
__ 19. Now that you have prepared the service request, you work with the problem to add text
describing the problem and your proposed action.
__ a. Type wrkprb on the command line and press Enter.
__ b. Locate your problem ID from the description you typed. (You might have to use the Page
Down/Up (Roll Up/Down) keys to find your problem ID.)
__ c. Type option 12 - Enter text for your problem ID and press Enter.
__ d. This displays the Select Text Type screen. Choose 1 - Problem description text and
press Enter.
__ e. This displays the Update description text screen.
Type a short summary of the problem, the action you plan to take (discuss with the
supervisor), and the solutions you suggest.
Then, press Enter twice.
__ f. This displays the Exit Text screen. Leave the default of 1 - Save text and exit and
press Enter to save the problem description.
This displays the Work with Problems screen.
What is the problem status? __________________________________________
Over the next day or so, you talk with the accounting supervisor and determine that the job
is running exactly as she would like it to run. But there is a recommended solution. The
procedure should be modified to give the user direction on how and when to start printing
from the accounting output queue.
__ 20. You will now update the problem record with this information.

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Exercise 25. Problem determination

From the Work with Problems display, once again use Option 12 to enter text. Updating the
problem with the proposed solution.
If you have trouble doing this, repeat Step 18 in this part of the exercise.
__ 21. You will now verify that the problem has been solved.
__ a. From the Work with Problems display, enter Option 8 - Work with problem for your
problem and press Enter.
__ b. This displays the Work with Problem menu. Type Option 4 - Verify problem that is
corrected and press Enter.
__ c. This displays the Verify Problem Corrected screen. Type Option 1 - Yes to verify that the
problem has been corrected and press Enter.
This displays the Work with Problem screen.
What is the problem status now? ______________________________________


Check the information at the top of the Work with Problem display.

You should still be on the Work with Problem display.

__ 22. The last step is to close the problem record.
__ a. Type Option 20 - Close problem and press Enter. Then, press Enter a second time to
confirm that you are closing the problem.
__ b. You are returned to the Work with Problems display.
What is the problem status now? _______________________________________
Make sure that your problem's status is CLOSED before continuing.
__ c. Press F3 to return to the menu.


To analyze problems and work with problems, you must be authorized to use the ANZPRB, CHGPRB,
and WRKPRB commands. If you need to perform these types of activities for your job, discuss this
security requirement with your Security Officer.

Part 3: Using Copy Screen

You decide to teach Erik how to move his job to an active printer and answer any necessary
messages. You use the Copy Screen function to view and confirm his choices.
For this part of the exercise, you can either:
__ 23. Open two windows where you can see both sessions on your Desktop and sign on to one
session as the user and the second session as the operator.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 25. Problem determination

__ 24. You might want to work with a team at another workstation where one team takes the role of
operator and the other team takes the role of the user, Erik.
In either of these two methods, you need to note the workstation name of the user's


Use the Display Job (DSPJOB) command to find the workstation name. The job name on the Display
Job menu is the same as the workstation name.


The Copy Screen function allows the requester (the operator) to see the user’s (Erik’s) screens, but
the requester is always one screen behind the user. For you to see the same screen as the user,
you need to tell the user to press F5 (Refresh) when that option is available. Otherwise, use Enter
or an inoperative key to cause an error, which will also redisplay the screen.

__ 25. First, on the workstation or window that is designated as the system operator start the Copy
Screen function.
__ a. Type the strcpyscn command and press F4.
__ b. Type the workstation name (of the user's workstation) for the Source device parameter
and *REQUESTER for the Output device parameter.
__ c. Leave the defaults for the other parameters, then press Enter.
__ 26. The user receives a Start Copy screen message. Enter G on the Display Messages display
and press Enter to reply to the message.
__ 27. On the user’s session, press F3 to return to and redisplay the menu.
__ 28. Press F5 to allow the system operator to see the same screen as the user.
(F5 is an inactive key on this screen, but this key still causes the screen to display on the
system operator's screen.)
__ 29. The system operator should direct the user to work with the output queue where the
CHECKS output is waiting.
__ a. The operator tells the user to type wrksplf and press Enter.
__ b. This displays the Work with All Spooled Files screen.
__ c. Press F5 to cause the Work with All Spooled Files screen display to display for the
system operator.

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Exercise 25. Problem determination

__ 30. The system operator should direct the user to change the spooled file to the output
queue/printer of the active printer for your class. If there is no active printer, use
OPROUTQ2 in AS24. The system operator should also have the user change the form type
to CHKxx (where xx = the user's team number).
__ a. The operator tells the user to type a 2 beside the desired spooled file and press Enter.
__ b. This displays the Change Spooled File Attributes screen. Press F5 to display it for the
system operator.
__ c. Fill in the parameters as follows:
Printer class printer name
Form type CHKxx (Where xx is your team number.)
and press Enter.
__ 31. The system operator should direct the user to view the active output queue (or
OPROUTQ2) to determine their place in line for printing.
__ a. The operator tells the user to type wrkoutq (active output queue name) and press Enter.
__ b. This displays the Work with All Output Queues screen. Press F5 to display the output
queue for the system operator.
__ c. Type 5 - Work with to work with the output queue that you specified in the previous step.
Press F5 to display it for the system operator.
__ d. Continue to use F5 (Refresh) until your file, identifiable by the form type is next in line to
__ 32. When the file is ready to print on the active output queue, it should produce a Change
Forms message. The system operator should walk the user through replying to this
__ a. When the file status is MSGW, the user would type Option 7 - Messages to see their
__ b. The system operator would step the user through changing the paper and alignment.
(This action is not necessary in this exercise; just print on the paper that is in the printer.)
__ c. When the printer is ready, have the user type G to begin printing to the new form type
__ d. The user would enter to return to the Work with Output Queue display.
__ e. The user should now press F5 (Refresh) on the Work with Output Queue display. The
file's status should be WTR.
__ 33. The system operator should have the user use F3 or F12 to return to the menu.
__ 34. Once the processing has completed, the operator would instruct the user to end the Copy
Screen session. This unlocks the operators workstation and return to a display, which has a
command line.
__ a. Tell the user to type endcpyscn and press Enter.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 25. Problem determination

__ b. Notice that the user receives a confirmation message that the Copy Screen Image has
ended. (The message might be automatically displayed or the user might have to type
dspmsg on the command line and enter to display the message.)
__ c. The user should press F3 (Exit) to return to a display, which has a command line.
__ 35. You can signoff any open sessions and close any open windows that are on the Desktop.

End of exercise

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Appendix A. Exercises worksheet


Appendix A. Exercises worksheet

The following information corresponds to your lab environment. Use the worksheet as a reference
for information about your workstation, class Power i system, connection environment and user

Windows Workstation
elab windows User ID student
elab windows default Password passw0rd (note number zero not the letter O)

Power i System #1
User ID AS24xx (where xx is your team number)
Password AS24PWD (set to expired)
System name ______________________
IP Address ______________________
System Printer ______________________

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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2001, 2017.

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