This document appears to be a social studies final exam for 8th grade students. It contains 40 multiple choice questions covering topics like geology, weather and climate, economic activities, transportation, trade, natural resources, citizenship, and Ethiopian history. The questions test knowledge of concepts like the forces that shape the Earth's surface, atmospheric layers, hydrological cycles, economic sectors, modes of transportation, international trade, demand and supply, renewable and non-renewable resources, the responsibilities of citizens, and Christianity in Aksum.
This document appears to be a social studies final exam for 8th grade students. It contains 40 multiple choice questions covering topics like geology, weather and climate, economic activities, transportation, trade, natural resources, citizenship, and Ethiopian history. The questions test knowledge of concepts like the forces that shape the Earth's surface, atmospheric layers, hydrological cycles, economic sectors, modes of transportation, international trade, demand and supply, renewable and non-renewable resources, the responsibilities of citizens, and Christianity in Aksum.
This document appears to be a social studies final exam for 8th grade students. It contains 40 multiple choice questions covering topics like geology, weather and climate, economic activities, transportation, trade, natural resources, citizenship, and Ethiopian history. The questions test knowledge of concepts like the forces that shape the Earth's surface, atmospheric layers, hydrological cycles, economic sectors, modes of transportation, international trade, demand and supply, renewable and non-renewable resources, the responsibilities of citizens, and Christianity in Aksum.
This document appears to be a social studies final exam for 8th grade students. It contains 40 multiple choice questions covering topics like geology, weather and climate, economic activities, transportation, trade, natural resources, citizenship, and Ethiopian history. The questions test knowledge of concepts like the forces that shape the Earth's surface, atmospheric layers, hydrological cycles, economic sectors, modes of transportation, international trade, demand and supply, renewable and non-renewable resources, the responsibilities of citizens, and Christianity in Aksum.
I. Choose the best Answer for given alternatives. 1. Which one is the external force that Changes the Surface of the earth? A, volcanism B, faulting C. folding D, erosion 2. One of the following internal forces occurs due to tensional force? A, Earth quake B. Volcano C. faulting D. folding 3. The bending of the land surface due to internal force is. A. Earth quake B, folding. C. Erosion D. Faulting 4. Land features resulted from sinking of land due to internal force is. A rift valley B, Mountain C. Plain D. gorge 5. The largest rift valley in the world extends from------ to------. A Jordan Tanzania B, Syria, Mozambique C, Togo, Zambia D. Angola, Kenya 6. One is an instrument that used to Measure earth quake? A Hydrometer B, Barometer C, seismometer D, wind vane 7. The point at which an earth quake Originates is known as. A Fissure B, vent C, Epicentre D, FOCUS 8. A very large mass of magma which accumulates in the crust is known as. A. Sill B. Dyke C. Batholith D. Focus 9. A sudden and Sharing of the earth's surface is known as A. fossil B. earth make C. Volcano D. folding 10. Which of the following are advantages of volcanic eruption on human life? A. provides hard rocks for building B. hot water for bathing C, Helps to generate geothermal Provide energy D. All 11. The Molten material that is formed inside the earth due to great pressure and heat is called. A. Lava B. Magma C, basalt D. Mantle 12. The process in which rocks are broken and Changed in to small particles as referred to as A, Weathering B, erosion C, climate D. weather 13. Which fold Mountain is found in South Africa? A, Alps B, cape ranges C, Atlas D. Himalayas. 14. The instrument used to measure air pressure is called. A. thermometer B, Wind vane. C. Barometer. D. Hydrometer 15. The aggregate at longer period weather conditions in an area is. A, temperature B. atmosphere C, weather D. Climate 16. Which One & the following is the lower portion & the atmosphere. A stratosphere B, Thermosphere C, Mesosphere D, Troposphere 17. One of the following is true about the atmospheric layer of mesosphere? A. High concentration of ozone C. temperature increase B. Lower part of the atmosphere D. coldest part of the atmosphere 18. Type of atmospheric layer which absorbs the incoming Ultra-violate (UV) radiation of the sun is -------- A. mesosphere B. troposphere C. stratosphere D. thermosphere 19. One of the following pairs is correctly matched about hydrological cycles. A. Deposition - ice to vapour C. Sublimation- vapour to ice B. Evaporation- water to gases D. Condensation-liquid to vapour 20. A type of Pain fall that occurs when warm air is forced to raise over the mountains is ---------- A. relief B. frontal C. Cyclonic D. Conventional 21. One of the following Agro-climatic zone is correctly matched With in its local and global name A, Qolla -Template B. Dega -Temprate C, Bereha - Alpine D. Woina Dega-Desert 22. Which One of the Following is the transfer of energy from one body to another by means of electromagnetic waves: A. Conduction B, Convection C. Radiation D, humidity 23. If desert is to ------- then tropical is to Qolla A Dega B. Wurch C. woina dega D. Bereha 24. A System of Communication which consists of sounds and written symbols is A. Religion B. Ethnicity C. Language D, Human race 25. Which of the language family is spoken in Somali and Sidama mostly? A, Omotic B. Semetic C. Nilo-Saharan D, Cushitic 26. Which one of the following is a primary economic activity: A Trade B, Manufacturing C, Forestry D. Construction 27. Which One of the following economic activity belongs to ‘smoke less industry" A. Mining B. tourism C. forestry D. Manufacturing 28. One of the following is not a tertiary economic activity. A. mining B, tourism C, Trade D. Transportation 29. Which of the following Mode of transport Provides door to door services? A. road transport B. Air transport C, rail way transport D. Water transport 30. Among the following one is an expensive and fastest transport system. A water transport B. air transport C. Road transport D. rail transport 31. One of the following is the main export item of Ethiopia. A. Textile B. Fruits C. Coffee D, cereal 32. Which type of trade involves the purchase of goods Manufactured in foreign countries? A. Local trade B. Export trade C, Import trade D, Entre port trade 33. The amount of a good that sellers are willing and able to sell is called. A .stock B, supply C. Demand D. Surplus 34. Which of the following belongs to non-renewable natural resources? A. Gold B. Soil C. Air D, Wild animals 35. What is the major economic activity in developing Countries? A, Agriculture B, Fishing C. Manufacturing D. Mining 36 Which of the following can be considered as the responsibilities of citizens, A. Claiming protection B. Paying tax C, holding government office D, working and owing property 37. Who was the first king of Aksum to accept Christianity? A, Zera Yacob B. Ezana C. Kaleb D. Yikuno amlak 38. Which One of the following shows the Purpose of Collecting tax? To ------ A. enrich officials B, benefit few individuals C. build social service institution, D. Encourage Poverty 39. One of the following is not a method of conserving natural resources. A, agro forestry B, reforestation C. deforestation D, afforestation 40. A wisely use of natural resources is called? A. deforestation B, degradation C, conservation D. erosion Set by:- Teketel Wolde