Geography Form 3 End of Year Exam

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Geography End of Year Examination

Form 3

Time : 1 Hour

Paper 1

Instructions: Answer all questions

1. During a thunder storm people should

A. Stand under trees in a group
B. Walk on a hilly area
C. Shelter under shorter trees in a group
D. Walk on a flat field

2. Why are hot deserts located at the western sides in f continents

A. Moist offshore winds blow
B. Effect of ocean currents
C. Due to cyclonic conditions
D. Due to anticyclone conditions

3. The trembling of the earth ‘s surface is known as:

A. Earth quake
B. Faulting
C. Folding
D. Vulcanty

4. Faulting causes the formation of a:

A. Block mountain
B. Fold mountains
C. Anticlinal hill
D. Synclinal hill

5. During movements within the earth ‘s crust some areas may be

uplifted to form tectonic plateaus and others may be depressed to form
basins which of the following lakes are occupied in basins?
A. Lake Turkana
B. Lake Toba
C. Lake Chad
D. Lake Geneva

6. Some mountains owe their origin mainly to denudation such mountains

are called?
A. Horsts
B. Fold mountains
C. Mesas
D. Volcanoes
E. Residual mountains

7. Large masses of Volcanic rocks often form the roots of fold mountains
these volcanic masses are called:
A. Laccoliths
B. Volcanic cones
C. Sills
D. Batholiths
E. Dykes

8. Which of the following is not associated with earth quakes:

A. Body waves
B. Richter scale
C. Seismograph
D. Geyser
E. Focus

9. Which of the following is not a product of vulcanicity

A. Escarpment
B. Fold mountain
C. Rift valley lake
D. Ocean trench
E. Plug dome

10. Which activity shows sustainable use of wet lands:

A. Constructing houses
B. Mining
C. Video filming
D. Waste disposal
11. Which one is a example of biodegradable waste?
A. Hair extension
B. Iron
C. Glass
D. Cardboard

12. Which one is a non renewable resource.

A. Tree
B. Uranium
C. Water
D. Wind

13. Which instrument is used to measure earth quake vibrations.

A. Anometer
B. Barometer
C. Hydrometer
D. Seismometer

14. Which term is used to describe the highest level of succession of

vegetation and animal life in an ecosystem:
A. Climax community
B. Pioneer community
C. Plagic-climax community
D. Succession community

15. How is sustainable use of mineral resources archived.

A. Use of machinery
B. Establishing many mills
C. Substitution of minerals
D. Use the of cheap labor

16. Which is an example of biodegradable waste?

A. Pine
B. Mahogany
C. Eucalyptus
D. Baobab

17. Which weathering process involves the peeling of rocks in thin

layers due to repeated heating and cooling.
A. Block disintegration
B. Freeze thaw
C. Plant root action
D. Exfoliation

18. The problem caused by informal industries is:

A. Use of f inexpensive machinery
B. Provision of cheap goods
C. Environmental Degradation
D. Use of local raw materials

19. Which is a human cause of food shortages?

A. Soil exhaustion
B. Food riots
C. Disease outbreak
D. Shortage of transport

20. Which type of land tenure gives the owner the right to use land
over a specific period.
A. Communal
B. State owned
C. Free hold
D. Lease hold

21. A general fall in prices of agricultural commodities on the world

market would have the most effect on:
A. Shifting cultivator
B. Plantation farmer
C. Peasant farmer
D. Nomadic herdsman

22. Dykes, sills and calderas are all features of :

A. Flood plain erosion
B. Land reclamation
C. Volcanic activity
D. Earth movements
23. Vegetation zone resulting from increasing altitude are broadly
similar to those of:
A. Increasing rainfall
B. Reduced temperature
C. Changes in soil depth
D. Increased latitude

24. The natural vegetation found near a river delta in humid tropical
areas is referred to as:
A. A magnitude swamp
B. A rainforest
C. A dombo
D. Savannah

25. What name is given to the feeding hierarchy stage in an

A. Food chain
B. Trophic level
C. Food web
D. Secondary consumer

26. Which of the following are examples of renewable and non

renewable resources?
A. Chrome and coal
B. Iron and air
C. Forest and air
D. Fish and Gold

27. What can be done to break the cycle of land Degradation in the
communal areas of Zimbabwe to restore land.
A. Dam construction
B. Mulching
C. Destocking
D. Fertilizing
28. Panners recover gold by crushing of ore followed by
amalgamation with:
A. Mercury
B. Iron ore
C. Silver
D. Soil

29. The method of mining used for minerals found along river beds
and valleys is:
A. Adit
B. Alluvial
C. Shaft
D. Open cast

30. A mineral ore mined by the adit method occurs:

A. Close to the ground surface
B. As an Alluvial ore
C. Inclined on a hillside
D. Deep underground

31. Climate change is caused by:

A. Natural and human factors
B. Human factors
C. Natural factors
D. Too much nitrogen in the atmosphere
E. Too little carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

32. Climate change is likely to have an impact on which in Africa:

A. Food insecurity
B. More snow in Mount Kilimanjaro
C. Freezing of the Victoria Falls
D. Railway links

33. In Zimbabwe what type of farming do farmers on communal land

A. Shifting cultivation
B. Semi-subsistence farming
C. Commercial farming
D. Dairying

34. Which of the following is not a characteristic of commercial

farming :
A. Driven by making profit
B. High use of chemical inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides and
C. Use of machinery such as tractors and harvesters
D. Farming to feed the family

35. What measure can be implemented to mitigate against possible

hazards caused by landform development?

A. Counselling of victims
B. Settling on high ground
C. Mobilizing building materials
D. Constructing disaster resilient structures

36. Land pollution in communities can be reduced by

A. Use of electric cars
B. Use of green fuels
C. Introducing carbon tax
D. Putting bins
37. What is the most important aim of resetting people:
A. To increase social services
B. To house flood victims
C. To accommodate refugees
D. To relieve population pressure

38. The type of farming where farmers maintain their home but
rotate their fields is:
A. Shifting cultivation
B. Bush fallowing
C. Co-operative farming
D. Nomadic herding

39. Which of the following mining methods would be most suitable

for exploiting the coal seams?
A. Alluvial
B. Drift
C. Open cast
D. Shaft

40. Which population movement in Africa involves only the

economically active groups?
A. Migration to labor mines
B. Nomadic pastoralism
C. Urban-rural migration
D. Urban-suburban migration

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