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The Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Quality of Life scale (PCOSQOL): Development

and preliminary validation

Article in Health Psychology Open · July 2018

DOI: 10.1177/2055102918788195


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3 authors:

Sophie Williams David Sheffield

University of Derby University of Derby


Rebecca C Knibb
Aston University


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HPO0010.1177/2055102918788195Health Psychology OpenWilliams et al.

Report of empirical study

Health Psychology Open

The Polycystic Ovary Syndrome July-December 2018: 1­–8

© The Author(s) 2018
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DOI: 10.1177/2055102918788195

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Sophie Williams1, David Sheffield1 and Rebecca C Knibb1,2

Polycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrine disorder amongst women, which can negatively impact quality of life. Research
proposes that a more sensitive PCOS quality of life measure is needed. This study aims to develop and initially validate
a quality of life scale for women with the condition in the United Kingdom. Women with PCOS (n = 714) took part in
the development and initial validation of the 35-item polycystic ovary syndrome quality of life scale (PCOSQOL)(α = .95).
Subscales include Impact of PCOS (α = .95), Infertility (α = .95), Hirsutism (α = .97) and Mood (α = .89). The PCOSQOL scale
represents aspects of quality of life important to women with PCOS and may be more sensitive for use in the clinical and
research settings.

development, polycystic ovary syndrome, quality of life, SCALE

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or polycystic ovarian followed by hirsutism, weight, emotion concerns and acne.
syndrome, is the most common endocrine disorder amongst For Brazilian women with PCOS, body weight and infertil-
women of reproductive age (Franks, 1995) affecting approx- ity had the largest negative impact on QoL (Benetti-Pinto
imately 6.5 per cent of women (Asuncion et al., 2000; Azziz et al., 2015). This research demonstrates the negative
et al., 2004). It is the most prevalent cause of anovulatory impact of PCOS on QoL, how this condition impacts QoL
infertility (Gorry et al., 2006). Other symptoms include hir- and how the condition manifests differently across the
sutism (the growth of excess hair), insulin resistance, obesity globe. A disease-specific scale, therefore, which measures
(Goudas and Dumesic, 1997), acne (Coffey et al., 2006) and QoL concerns as defined by women with PCOS in the
hair loss (Elsenbruch et al., 2003). Women with PCOS are United Kingdom is needed to reflect those domains of QoL
also more likely to experience depression and anxiety which are important to this population.
(Himelein and Thatcher, 2006) at increased levels compared At present, the PCOSQ, a 26-item questionnaire, devel-
to women without PCOS (Deeks et al., 2011). oped in the United States (Cronin et al., 1998) is the most
PCOS negatively impacts quality of life (QoL) (Brady popular QoL measure used in research involving women
et al., 2009; Coffey and Mason, 2003). Yet McCook et al. with PCOS. McGee (2004) suggests that disease-specific
(2005) suggest that the psychological implications of PCOS measures should focus on the most important aspects of
are underestimated and have been largely ignored. While
PCOS has a negative impact on QoL, the manifestation of 1University of Derby, UK
this impact varies across the globe. In Turkish women with 2Aston University, UK
PCOS, Açmaz et al. (2013) found that an irregular men-
Corresponding author:
strual cycle and hirsutism had the largest impact on QoL. In Sophie Williams, The Enterprise Centre, University of Derby, Bridge
Iran, menstrual irregularities and infertility were the most Street, Derby DE1 3LD, UK.
common QoL concerns (Bazarganipour et al., 2013) Email: s.williams3@derby.ac.uk

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use,
reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open
Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
2 Health Psychology Open 

QoL for individuals with the condition. However, as the later critique of the PCOSQ as a measure of symptom-
PCOSQ pertains mostly to physical symptoms, it overlooks bother which may exclude important issues for women with
many of the aspects of QoL raised by women with PCOS in PCOS that can impact on QoL (Malik-Aslam et al., 2010). A
the qualitative literature (Kitzinger and Willmott, 2002; PCOS QoL scale developed to represent all phenotypes of
Williams et al., 2014, 2015). Indeed, the 2012 Amsterdam PCOS in a UK population could help to overcome the con-
ESHRE/ASRM workshop argued that QoL research in cerns raised by the ESHRE/ASRM (The Amsterdam
women with PCOS has been hampered by the existence of ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored 3rd PCOS Consensus Workshop
only one validated disease-specific questionnaire. More Group, 2012) with regard to the limitations of only one
recently, Barry et al. (2017) suggested that a more sensitive PCOSQOL measure. This article, therefore, details the
measure of QoL for women with PCOS may be needed for development and initial validity testing of the PCOSQOL, a
QoL research in this condition. This suggests that research PCOS-specific QoL measure which encompasses areas of
in the area of PCOS could benefit from the availability of a QoL defined as important by women with the condition.
more sensitive PCOS QoL scale.
Recent qualitative literature also supports the notion that
the PCOSQ does not reflect QoL, as defined by the World
Health Organisation (WHO) (WHOQOL Group, 1994) and Participants and procedure
women with the condition (Snyder, 2006; Williams et al.,
2014, 2015). The WHOQOL Group (1994) proposes that According to the scale development guidelines (DeVellis,
there are six domains of QoL: physical health, psychological 2012; Streiner and Norman, 2008), this scale development
health, level of independence, social relationships, and envi- took place over four phases, each using distinct participant
ronment and spirituality/religion/personal beliefs. The samples: phase I – item generation (n = 18 participants),
PCOSQ includes five subscales: emotions, body hair, infer- phase II – scale reduction and reliability (n = 298), phase III
tility, weight and menstrual problems; as four of these sub- – scale validity and re-test reliability (n = 308) and phase IV
scales focus on physical aspects of the condition, it suggests – further validation (n = 108). Participants 18 years old and
that the PCOSQ is concerned more with the physical impact above, who lived in the United Kingdom, had English as a
of PCOS than psychological, social or environmental aspects first language and experienced the symptoms of PCOS
(The WHOQOL Group, 1994). Indeed, Malik-Aslam et al. were recruited through UK PCOS groups on Facebook.
(2010) suggest that QoL measures should represent those Participants were not excluded if they experienced co-mor-
areas of importance to women with the condition. We con- bid conditions. In phase II, a total of 298 participants, aged
tend that a QoL measure which represents those domains of 18–51 (M age = 29.54; standard deviation (SD) = 6.26)
QoL that women with the condition consider important, and years, completed the prototype PCOSQOL scale. To assess
which are reflective of the domains proposed by the WHO the construct and discriminative validity, and reliability of
should be developed to address these concerns. the reduced item PCOSQOL, in phase III a second large
While the PCOSQ has demonstrated some validity sample (n = 308; M age = 29.88; SD = 6.90) of participants
(Guyatt et al., 2004; Jones et al., 2004), due to a limited was recruited. Ninety of these participants completed the
population used during development and validation, the test re-test of the PCOSQOL. To further validate the
utility of the scale is potentially limited. Specifically, the PCOSQOL, in phase IV a third sample of participants was
PCOSQ was developed using patients who represented only recruited, whose age ranged from 19 to 49 years (M
two phenotypes of PCOS, excluding two other phenotypes age = 30.52; SD = 6.51). The participant characteristics from
of PCOS recognised by the current recommended (National phase II to IV of development can be found in Table 1.
Institutes of Health (NIH), 2012) diagnostic criteria in the
United Kingdom (The Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM- Materials
Sponsored PCOS Consensus Workshop Group, 2004).
Specifically, women who present with polycystic ovaries All materials, including the information sheet, consent form,
combined with either oligo or anovulation, or indeed, clini- participant questionnaire and debrief were held and com-
cal or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism (The pleted online using LimeSurvey (www.limesurvey.org).
Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored PCOS Consensus
Workshop Group, 2004) were excluded in its development Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Hospital Anxiety and
and later validations (Guyatt et al., 2004; Jones et al., 2004). Depression Scale (HADS; Zigmond and Snaith, 1983) is a
The perspectives of these women with different symptom 14-item scale with seven items for each subscale (Depres-
profiles, therefore, would not have been considered when sion/Anxiety) and each item is scored from zero to three.
developing items for the scale. This further suggests that Items include ‘I get sudden feelings of panic’ and ‘I feel
aspects of PCOS which impact QoL and are important to cheerful’. The subscales for HADS have demonstrated
women with the condition may have been excluded from the good internal consistency, with Cronbach’s alpha of 0.80
development of the scale. This is a possible reason for the for the Anxiety subscale and 0.76 for the Depression
Williams et al. 3

Table 1. Characteristics, n (%), of participants who completed the scale at all stages.

Phase II (n = 298) Phase III (n = 308) Phase IV (n = 108)

Marital status:
Married 152 (51.0%) 133 (43.18%) 46 (42.59%)
Civil partnership 4 (1.34%) 2 (0.65%) 0
Divorced 4 (1.34%) 9 (2.92%) 1 (0.93%)
Single 32 (10.74%) 47 (15.26%) 16 (14.81%)
Living with partner 68 (22.82%) 67 (21.75%) 30 (27.78%)
Long-term relationship 45 (15.1%) 41 (13.31%) 11 (10.19%)
Engaged 3 (1.0%) 25 (8.12%) 9 (8.33%)
Separated 3 (1.0%) 4 (1.3%) 2 (1.85%)
Other 1 (0.34%) 3 (0.97%) 0
Had children 107 (35.91%) 86 (27.92%) 48 (44.44%)
Were pregnant 12 (4.03%) 17 (5.52%) 4 (3.7%)
Trying to conceive 144 (48.32%) 125 (40.58%) 38 (35.19%)
Received a clinical diagnosis of:
PCOS 286 (95.97%) 295 (95.78%) 107 (99.07%)
Depression 146 (48.99%) 134 (43.51%) 39 (36.11%)
Anxiety 91 (30.54%) 104 (33.77%) 30 (27.78%)
Symptoms reported:
Infertility 196 (65.77%) 177 (57.47%) 58 (53.70%)
Irregular periods 251 (84.23%) 260 (84.42%) 85 (78.70%)
Excess weight 259 (86.91%) 268 (87.01%) 88 (72.22%)
Skin discolouration 81 (27.18%) 87 (28.25%) 20 (18.51%)
Excess hair 228 (76.51%) 228 (74.03%) 88 (81.48%)
Acne 139 (46.64%) 139 (45.13%) 47 (43.52%)
Alopecia 87 (29.19%) 75 (24.35%) 33 (30.56%)
Skin tags 139 (46.64%) 139 (45.13%) 42 (38.89%)
Mood swings 231 (77.52%) 236 (76.62%) 86 (79.63%)

subscale (Mykletun et al., 2001). Within this sample (Phase feelings of depression. The PCOSQ has five domains:
III), the subscales for HADS demonstrated similar internal Emotions (eight items), Body Hair (five items), Weight
consistency with Cronbach’s alphas of 0.72 for the Anxiety (five items), Infertility problems (four items) and Men-
subscale and 0.78 for the Depression subscale. strual problems (four items). Cronbach’s alpha were above
0.7 when the PCOSQ was validated (Jones et al., 2004).
1998) has 22 items and uses a 5-point Likert-type scale. It
contains four subscales, including Physical Health, Psycho-
Ethical approval
logical, Environment and Social Relationships. Questions Ethical approval was obtained from the Psychology
include issues regarding negative feelings, ability to per- Research Ethics Committee at the University of Derby
form daily activities, capacity to work and personal relation- (06012-SW) and all participants gave written informed
ships. Cronbach’s alphas for the scale have been found to be consent before participating. All data were anonymous,
good for three domains: Physical (α = 0.82), Psychological however, participants in phase III were asked to provide
(α = 0.81) and Environment (α = 0.80) but marginal their email address if they were happy to complete the test–
(α = 0.68) for Social Relationships [49]. Cronbach’s alphas retest 3 weeks later in order to check the consistency of the
for this sample (Phase IV) on the WHOQOL-BREF domains PCOSQOL over time.
were similar: Physical (α = 0.86), Psychological (α = 0.85),
Environment (α = 0.78) and Social Relationships (α = .70).
Statistical analysis
PCOSQ. PCOSQ (Cronin et al., 1998) is a disease-specific Data analyses were conducted using SPSS v22 (IBM Corp.,
QoL measure for women with PCOS. It has 26 items and 2013). The factor structure was tested using exploratory fac-
uses a 7-point Likert-type scale. Questions focus on issues tor analysis (EFA). Principal axis factoring was employed
concerning growth of visible hair, infertility problems and using a direct oblimin rotation. The internal consistency of
4 Health Psychology Open 

the scale was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha. Due to Reliability. Cronbach’s alpha for the PCOSQOL overall
aspects of the data violating assumptions for parametric scale was excellent (α = .95) as were the alphas for the four
tests, Spearman’s correlations were conducted between subscales: Impact of PCOS, Infertility, Hirsutism and
scale scores to assess construct validity. Independent t-tests, Mood; α = .95, α = .93, α = .96 and α = .85, respectively
however, were performed to assess the discriminative valid- (George and Mallery, 2003; Nunnally, 1978).
ity of the PCOSQOL by comparing demographic data and
condition characteristics.
Phase III: scale validity and re-test reliability
After initial item reduction (detailed above) the 35-item
Results PCOSQOL was re-administered to a new sample of women
Phase I: item generation with PCOS (n = 308) in order to test cross-sectional validity
of the revised scale.
Scale items were developed from qualitative research
exploring QoL in women with PCOS (see XXXX) and a Cross-sectional validity and correlations
comprehensive review of the literature. Items were HADS. Spearman’s correlation was run to determine the
reviewed by an expert panel (n = 5) of PCOS healthcare relationship between the PCOSQOL, its subscales and the
professionals and psychologists specialising in disease- HADS subscales. The results indicated that women with
specific scale development (DeVellis, 2012). This resulted PCOS with greater levels of anxiety and depression had
in the prototype PCOS QoL (PCOSQOL) scale which con- poorer QoL (Table 3).
sisted of 62-items using a 7-point Likert-type scale ranging
from ‘Does Not Apply’ (p. 7) to ‘Usually’ (p. 1). As such, EFA. DeVellis (2012) states that if data from differ-
lower scores represent a decreased QoL. Example items ent samples of individuals on different occasions produce
included: ‘Felt under pressure to have a child’ and ‘Felt essentially identical factor solutions using exploratory
depressed about how PCOS has impacted your life’. approaches, then the likelihood of those results being
a ‘quirk’ is small. Accordingly, as a part of initial vali-
dation, a second EFA was run on the revised 35-item
Phase II: scale reduction and reliability
PCOSQOL (n = 308; KMO = .93). Principal axis factoring
Item analysis and reduction. Items in the prototype scale was employed using a direct oblimin rotation and missing
were analysed for frequency, means and correlations. Anal- values were excluded pairwise. The scree plot supported
ysis of items’ means (DeVellis, 2012) resulted in the a four-factor structure. Coefficients below 0.45 were sup-
removal of five items with item means below 2 (1.78 to pressed (Comrey and Lee, 1992). The factor analysis
1.92). Two of these removed items related to weight, ‘Felt showed that all 35 items loaded onto the same factors as the
under pressure to lose weight’ and ‘Had negative thoughts EFA conducted during initial scale reduction and reliabil-
about your weight’. One item related to the symptom of ity testing. Cronbach’s alphas for this sample were found
acne, ‘Felt depressed because of the spots on your face’ to be excellent for the overall scale (α = .95) (George and
was also removed. All items significantly correlated with at Mallery, 2003) and the four subscales; Impact of PCOS,
least one other item; significant correlations ranged from Infertility, Hirsutism and Mood (α = .95, α = .95, α = .97 and
0.14 to 0.79. This resulted in 57 items being retained. α = .89, respectively).

EFA. An EFA was then run on the data collected (n = 298). Test–re-test reliability. A total of 90 of 308 (29%) par-
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin measure (KMO = .906) indicated that ticipants completed a test re-test of the PCOSQOL after
sampling adequacy was met. Initially, using eigenvalues 3 weeks. Correlational analyses were used to examine the
above 1 as criteria for factor extraction, 12 factors were relationship between the 35-item PCOSQOL and the test
extracted. However, the scree plot was ambiguous and re-test data. Results indicated a strong, positive relationship
showed inflexions that would justify retaining either two or between the total scores of the reduced item PCOSQOL and
four factors. Four factors had eigenvalues over 2; therefore, the test–retest data (missing data excluded pairwise), which
the analysis was rerun specifying the extraction of four fac- was statistically significant (rs (57) = .90, p < .001 BCa con-
tors and coefficients below 0.45 were suppressed (Comrey fidence interval (CI) [.817, .948]). Mean scores were 105.67
and Lee, 1992). Of the remaining 57 items, 35 had factor (SD = 37.32) for the PCOSQOL and 112.44 (SD = 38.41) for
loadings of at least 0.45 and each item loaded onto one fac- the re-test. This difference suggests that QoL was improved
tor only. As a result 35 items were retained. After inspection for the participants at the re-test point. This was confirmed by
of items loading onto each factor, subscales were labelled: a paired samples t-test which revealed a significant difference
Impact of PCOS, Infertility, Hirsutism and Mood. None of between initial scores of QoL and the re-test, t(57) =−2.10,
the items relating to bodyweight loaded onto a factor. The p < 0.05. At re-test, Cronbach’s alpha for the overall scale
results for the factor analysis can be seen in Table 2. was excellent (α = .95) (George and Mallery, 2003) as well as
Williams et al. 5

Table 2. Factor analysis and Cronbach’s alphas for PCOS-QOL and its subscales.

Overall scale α = .95 Factor loadings

Impact of PCOS (α = .95), eigenvalue = 17.21, % of variance = 30.20 1 2 3 4

Felt like you weren’t a real woman because of your PCOS .818
Felt abnormal because of your PCOS .800
Felt that it is unfair that you have PCOS .727
Felt angry that you have PCOS .716
Felt like you don’t know what to do to control your PCOS .705
Been envious of women without PCOS .678
Felt embarrassed about the way you look .666
Felt like you don’t know what to do to help yourself .662
Felt embarrassed about having PCOS .653
Felt like less of a woman because of having PCOS .638
Felt like your PCOS is in control of your life .638
Struggled to cope with your PCOS and your other condition(s) .634
Felt like you hated yourself .613
Felt depressed about how PCOS has impacted your life .539
Wanted to do something but haven’t because of your PCOS .503
Wanted to take part in a social activity but haven’t because of your PCOS .499

Infertility (α = .95), eigenvalue = 4.99, % of variance = 8.76

Felt depressed over your struggle to have children .940
Felt depressed over difficulties conceiving a child .917
Felt depressed because of your infertility .893
Felt like a failure because of your trouble conceiving .866
Felt anxious about conceiving a child .842
Felt under pressure to have a child .734
Been scared that you may not have children .723

Hirsutism (α = .97), eigenvalue = 4.11, % of variance = 7.22

Felt embarrassed by your facial hair .937
Felt depressed because of your facial hair .926
Been worried about other people seeing your facial hair .919
Spent a lot of time and energy removing excess hair .883
Felt moody because of your excess hair .876
Felt depressed because of your hirsutism .797

Mood (α.89), eigenvalue = 2.24, % of variance = 3.92

Felt guilty for being overly aggressive towards a friend of family member .715
Over reacted to a day-to-day occurrence because of your PCOS .711
Had a short temper with your close friends and/or family .664
Felt overwhelmed by your PCOS and depression .595
Felt depressed .482
Felt like crying for no reason .459

for the four subscales: Impact of PCOS (α = .96), Infertility p < .001), excess weight (t(213) = 3.66, p < .001), alopecia
(α = .96), Hirsutism (α = .97) and Mood (α = .89), indicating (t(213) = 2.60, p < .05), skin tags (t(213) = 3.45, p < .001),
good internal consistency for each of the subscales. mood swings (t(213) = 5.53, p < .001) or had received a
clinical diagnosis of depression (t(205) = −2.14, p < .05)
Discriminative validity. Independent t-tests revealed a compared to women who had not. There was also a signifi-
significant difference in scores of QoL on the PCOSQOL cant lower QoL score for those women who were trying to
between those participants who experience symptoms of conceive compared to those who were not (t(193) = −6.48,
infertility (t(213) = 1.22, p < 0.001), excess hair (t(213) = 5.10, p < .001).
6 Health Psychology Open 

Table 3. Spearman’s correlations exploring the relationship between the PCOSQOL, its subscales and HADS, The PCOSQ and


Impact of PCOS Infertility Hirsutism Mood Total score

HADS Depression −.615** −.187** −.357** −.563** −.532**
Anxiety −.521** −.240** −.285** −.588** −.493**
The PCOSQ Emotions .833** .443** .397** .619** .760**
Body Hair .376** −.124 .716** .121 .366**
Weight .568** .460** .306** .389** .585**
Infertility Problems .679** .818** .148 .492** .732**
Menstrual Problems .237 .157 .100 .248 .251
Total score .787** .557** .519** .554** .817**
The WHOQOL BREF Physical health .422** .031 .144 .451** .282**
Psychological .646** .255* .272** .599** .518**
Social Relationships .342** .028 .303** .305** .251*
Environment .514** .225* .209* .301** .449**

PCOSQOL: polycystic ovary syndrome quality of life; HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; PCOSQ: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Ques-
tionnaire, WHOQOL-BREF: World Health Organization Quality of Life
*p < .05.
**p < .01.

Phase IV: further validation be a more sensitive measure of QoL as defined by women
with the condition in the United Kingdom. Development
To further initial assessments of cross-sectional validity of resulted in a 35-item scale with four subscales: Impact of
the PCOSQOL, an additional sample of 108 women with PCOS, Infertility, Hirsutism and Mood. Cronbach’s alpha
PCOS were recruited. for the overall scale and for each sub-scale was excellent.
Preliminary validation testing was positive, the scale dem-
WHOQOL-BREF. Spearman’s correlation analyses were onstrated good test re-test reliability, demonstrating a
used to examine the relationship between the subscales of robust factor structure and high internal consistency of fac-
the WHOQOL-BREF (Physical Health, Psychological tor structures.
Health, Social Relationships and Environment) and the Items for the PCOSQOL were developed from qualita-
PCOSQOL (Impact of PCOS, Infertility, Hirsutism and tive findings of previous qualitative research (Williams
Mood). Correlation analyses revealed positive significant et al., 2014, 2015), expert opinion, and from a comprehen-
relationships between the PCOSQOL subscales of Impact sive literature review as recommended by Malik-Aslam
of PCOS and Mood and all the WHOQOL subscales. The et al. (2010). As a result, the PCOSQOL includes items
PCOSQOL Hirsutism subscale had positive weak to mod- which are reflective of the psychological, social and envi-
erate correlations with three of the WHOQOL subscales: ronment domains which are important for a QoL measure
Psychological, Social Relationships and Environment (The WHOQOL Group, 1994). As such, the PCOSQOL
domains. The PCOSQOL subscale demonstrated a signifi- may go some way to answering the call for a more sensitive
cant weak, positive relationship with the WHOQOL sub- PCOS QoL measure (Barry et al., 2017) that addresses
scales, Psychological and Environmental QoL (Table 3). those aspects of QoL important to women with PCOS
(Malik-Aslam et al., 2010).
PCOSQ. Spearman’s correlation analyses were used to The PCOSQOL includes items reflective of concerns of
examine the relationship between the PCOSQOL total women with PCOS including the impact of PCOS on femi-
score and the PCOSQ total score and the subscales of each nine identity; the negative impact of PCOS on family and
scale (Table 3). All subscales of the PCOSQ correlated with friends; and the feeling of being under pressure to have
at least one subscale of the PCOSQOL except, the PCOSQ children. Interestingly, items pertaining to the spirituality/
subscale of Menstrual Problems that did not correlate with religion/personal belief domain (The WHOQOL Group,
the total score of the PCOSQOL or its subscales. 1994) were not endorsed by participants in the item reduc-
tion phase of the PCOSQOL, nor were any items pertaining
to the symptom of the weight. These items therefore were
Discussion not included in the final 35-item scale. Arguably then, the
This article detailed the development and preliminary vali- PCOSQOL does not capture every aspect of QoL as defined
dation of a PCOS disease-specific QoL scale which would by The WHOQOL Group (1994) but includes those items
Williams et al. 7

that are reflective of aspects of QoL that are deemed most Declaration of conflicting interests
important to women with PCOS in the United Kingdom The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
(Fayers and Machin, 2007; Osborne et al., 2014). This to the research, authorship and/or publication of this article.
begins to address the differences in QoL noted in global
populations of women with PCOS (Açmaz et al., 2013; Funding
Bazarganipour et al., 2013; Benetti-Pinto et al., 2015);
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for
however, further validation of the PCOSQOL in a UK sam-
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The paper
ple is necessary to assess the utility of the measure. received funding from the University of Derby for publication.
Recruitment for this study via online Facebook support
groups allowed for a large sample suitable for scale devel-
opment. However, recruitment this way limited the control References
over the characteristics of the participant population Açmaz G, Evrim A, Acmaz B, et al. (2013) Level of anxiety,
(Coulson, 2015). For example, although women self- depression, self-esteem, social anxiety, and quality of life
reported that they had received a clinical diagnosis of among the women with polycystic ovary syndrome. The
PCOS, it was not possible to verify this. It is also unclear Scientific World Journal 2013: 851815.
Asuncion M, Calvo R, San Millan J, et al. (2000) A prospective
what diagnostic criteria were applied to participants at the
study of the prevalence of the polycystic ovary syndrome in
time of diagnosis, for example the Rotterdam Criteria (The unselected Caucasian women from Spain. Journal of Clinical
Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored PCOS Consensus Endocrinology and Metabolism 85: 2434–2438.
Workshop Group, 2004) or the NIH 1991 criteria (Zawadski Azziz R, Woods KS, Reyna R, et al. (2004) The prevalence
and Dunaif, 1992). To mediate this, participants reported and features of the polycystic ovary syndrome in an unse-
the symptoms they experienced, these included polycystic lected population. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and
ovaries, weight gain and hirsutism, among others, and sug- Metabolism 89: 2745–2749.
gests that the large sample of participants represented all Barry J, Leite N, Sivarajah N, et al. (2017) Relaxation and guided
phenotypes of PCOS as detailed in the Rotterdam Criteria imagery significantly reduces androgen levels and distress
(The Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored PCOS in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Pilot study. Contemporary
Consensus Workshop Group, 2004). Nevertheless, further Hypnosis and Integrative Therapy 32(1): 21–29.
Bazarganipour F, Ziaei S, Montazeri A, et al. (2013) Psychological
validation of the PCOSQOL within a clinical population is
investigation in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome.
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