Educ 103 - Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching - Final

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College of Teacher Education

EDUC 103 – Course Outline

1. Course Number : EDUC 103
2. Course Name : Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
3. Course Description : This course explores the fundamental principles, processes, and practices
anchored on learner-centeredness and other educational psychologies as these
apply to facilitate various teaching-learning delivery modes to enhance
4. Pre-requisite : EDUC 101
5. Co-requisite : None
6. Credit : 3.0 units
7. Class schedule : 6 hours per week
8. Program Educational Objectives (PEO) of BEED/BSED:
Three to five years after graduation, the BEED/BSED graduates are expected to:
A. Demonstrate updated and deep knowledge of the subject matter they teach;
B. Apply a wide range of teaching process skills particularly on lesson planning, materials development,
teaching approaches, ICT integration, and ethical considerations;
C. Demonstrate effective communication skills and ethical responsibility in teaching profession; and
D. Engage in continuing professional education and trainings.

9. Student Outcomes (SO) of BEED/BSED and their links to PEO

Upon graduation, the BEED/BSED students are expected to:
 SO a Articulate the relation of education to larger historical, social, cultural and political

 SO b* Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies in various types of

 SO c* Develop alternative teaching approaches for diverse learners. 
 SO d* Apply skills in curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development,

instructional delivery and educational assessment.
 SO e* Demonstrate basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning, assessing and reporting.  
 SO f Practice professional and ethical teaching standards to respond to the demands of the
 
 SO g Pursue life-long learning for personal and professional growth. 
Note: * SO being addressed in this course

Course Outcomes (CO) of EDUC 103 and their links to SO

Upon completion of the course, the BEED/BSED students are expected to:
a b c d e f g
 CO 1 Explain the Metacognitive and learner-centered psychological E I I E
 CO 2 Utilize the different learners’ development theories in I I E E
understanding the nature of learners.
 CO 3 Utilize various learning development and motivational theories I I I E
in facilitating quality teaching and learning, and classroom

Legend: I = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have been introduced to the SO.
E = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have enabled themselves to attain the SO.
D = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have demonstrated partly or fully the SO.

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College of Teacher Education
EDUC 103 – Course Outline

PPST’s domains, strands, and indicators targeted in this course

Course Outcomes Domain Strand Indicators for Beginning

CO1 Explain the Domain 3. Strand 3.1 Learners’ 3.1.1 Demonstrate
Metacognitive and learner- Diversity of gender, needs, strengths, knowledge and
centered psychological Learners interests and experiences understanding of
principles. differentiated teaching to
suit the learners’ gender,
CO2 Utilize the different
learners’ development needs, strengths, interests
theories in understanding the and experiences.
nature of learners.
Strand 3.2 Learners’ 3.2.1 Implement teaching
CO3 Utilize various learning linguistic, cultural, socio- strategies that are
development and economic and religious responsive to the learners’
motivational theories in backgrounds linguistic, cultural, socio-
facilitating quality teaching economic and religious
and learning, and classroom

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College of Teacher Education
EDUC 103 – Course Outline

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

Vision: By 2022, a globally recognized 1. Demonstrate updated and deep

institution providing quality, affordable knowledge of the subject matter
and open education. they teach.
2. Apply a wide range of teaching
process skills particularly on lesson
Mission: Provide a dynamic and
planning, materials development,
supportive academic environment through
approaches and ethical
the highest standards of instruction,
research and extension in a non-sectarian
3. Demonstrate ethical
institution committed to democratizing
responsibility in the teaching
access to education.
4. Engage in continuing professional
Values: Excellence, Integrity, Honesty,
education and trainings.
Innovation, Teamwork.

Core Competency: “ Quality ,

Affordable, Open Education

Student Outcomes (SO)

a. Articulate the relation of education to larger historical, socio-cultural, 1. Explain the Metacognitive and learner-
philosophical, psychological and political processes. centered psychological principles.
b. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies in
various types of environment.
c. Develop innovative teaching approaches for diverse learners. 2. Utilize the different learners’ development
d. Apply skills in curriculum development, lesson planning, materials theories in understanding the nature of
development, instructional delivery and educational assessment with learners.
the integration of ICT.
e. Demonstrate basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning,
3. Utilize various learning development and
assessing and reporting.
f. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards to respond to the motivational theories in facilitating quality
demands of the community. teaching and learning, and classroom
g. Pursue life-long learning for personal and professional growth. processes.

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College of Teacher Education
EDUC 103 – Course Outline

CO and Assessment task alignment

Assessment Task
CO Theory-based Practice-based Assessment Coverage
1. Explain the Metacognitive and learner- Multiple Choice Short essay First Exam Part 1: Module 1-2
centered psychological principles. Questions

2. Utilize the different learners’ Multiple Choice Brief lesson plan Second Exam Part 2: Module 3-6
development theories in understanding the Questions making
nature of learners.

3. Utilize various learning development and Multiple Choice Classroom Third Exam Part 3: Module 7-18
motivational theories in facilitating quality Questions Situation Part 4: Module 19-25
teaching and learning, and classroom Analysis

*Final assessment will be a comprehensive examination (from first topic to the last) in a Multiple Choice Questions

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College of Teacher Education
EDUC 103 – Course Outline

Assessment Task Details (Theory-based)

Assessment Coverage Assessment Task Details

First Exam Part 1: Module 1-2 Multiple Choice You are expected to demonstrate deep knowledge on the nature and definition of
Questions metacognition in the learning and teaching processes. This includes the research
(70% of the exam) articles required for you to read and theories related to metacognition
(Constructivism, Socio-cultural, Socio-linguistic and cognitive development) found
in part 3 of the book and the principles of teaching that you have learned in GED
213 and 223. You are also expected to critically analyze the contribution of various
learner-centered psychological principles in the realization of quality learning and
Second Part 2: Module 3-6 Multiple Choice You are expected to demonstrate deep knowledge on the theories of learner’s
Exam Questions development. This includes topics in part 1 (individual differences) and part 4 of
(70% of the exam) the book (student’s diversity) and the research articles required for you to read
and the principles of teaching that you have learned in GED 212. This task is also
designed for you to critically analyze the need to consider students’ individual
differences, learning styles, exceptionalities and intelligences in better
understanding students’ needs and interests.
Third Exam Part 3: Module 7- Multiple Choice You are expected to demonstrate deep knowledge of the learning and motivation
18 Questions theories. This includes topics in part 1 (cognitive, Metacognitive, motivational and
Part 4: Module 19- (70% of the exam) social factors), and the principles of teaching that you have learned in GED 213,
25 223 and key concepts in GED 212. This task is also designed for you to critically
think of the crucial role of these theories in the pedagogical decisions of the
teacher leading to the achievement of quality learning and learning environment.
Final Exam Part 1-4 Multiple Choice This assessment task is designed for you to demonstrate a comprehensive
Questions understanding of the principles, theories and key concepts on how teachers
facilitate learning.

Assessment Task Details (Practice/Performance-based)

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College of Teacher Education
EDUC 103 – Course Outline

Assessment Coverage Assessment Task Details

First Exam Part 1: Module 1-2 Short essay  In this task, you are required to write a short essay explaining how metacognition and
(30% of the exam) learner-centered psychological principles help both the teacher and students achieve
quality teaching and learning.
 You will presume the role of a teacher trying to convince the school’s principal to take into
consideration the aforesaid principles in the regular training of teachers.
 You are expected to integrate arguments in the required reading research articles in your
 The short essay will be on-the-spot and should only be written in the front page of the
examination booklet or bond paper.
 You will be graded according to the following criteria (see rubric attached):
1. Depth of analysis (30 points)
2. Coherence of arguments (30 points)
3. Link to research articles (30 points)
4. Academic literacy (10 points)
Second Exam Part 2: Module 3-6 Brief lesson plan  The purpose of this task is for you to apply your knowledge of learners’ development
making theories and diversity.
(30% of the exam)  You are required to make a brief lesson plan in a group of 8 integrating your knowledge on 3
development theories of your choice and students’ individual differences. The lesson plan
will be designed to cater to the heterogeneous class you are handling.
 You can present your brief lesson plan through the use of LCD or Manila paper or cartolina.
 You will be given 2 days to complete the task and present your work in front of the class.
 You are required to provide a copy of your brief lesson plan to the teacher during the
 Each group will only be given 10 minutes to present and answer questions from the teacher
and the class.
 You will be graded according to the following criteria (see rubric attached):
1. Understanding of development theories and individual differences (40 points)
2. Organization of the brief lesson plan (40 points)
3. Academic literacy (20 points)

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College of Teacher Education
EDUC 103 – Course Outline

Assessment Task Details (Practice/Performance-based)

Assessment Coverage Assessment Task Details

Third Exam Part 3: Module 7- Classroom  The purpose of this task is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the
18 Situation Analysis different learning and motivation theories, and concepts.
Part 4: Module 19- (30% of the exam)  You are going to portray the role of a resource speaker in the training of teachers.
25  In a group of 8, your task is to explain situations in the classroom where learning
and motivational theories (8 theories) and concepts can be observed and applied to
facilitate quality teaching and learning.
 All members of the group are required to present their outputs and answer
 You will be given 2 days to complete this task and present in front of the class.
 Each group will only be given 10 minutes to present and answer the questions from
the teacher and the class.
 You will be graded according to the following criteria (see rubric attached):
1. Understanding of learning theories (40 points)
2. Organization of presentation (40 points)
3. Academic literacy (20 points)

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College of Teacher Education
EDUC 103 – Course Outline


Week 1  Classroom orientation (University  Lecture 1. Efklides, A. (2014). How does
metacognition contribute to the
to Policies; PEOs, SOs, Cos; Core values;  Oral presentation regulation of learning? an
Week 3 and G-Factor)  Writeshop on essay integrative
 Module 1: Metacognition writing approach. Psychological
 Module 2: Learner-centered  Research article
Topics, 23(1), 1-30.
2. Lucas, MR, Corpuz, B.,
psychological principles reading/discourse (2015)Facilitatinglearning:A
1. Cognitive and Metacognitive  Oral questioning metacognitive process: Quezon
factors City, Manila. Lorimar Publishing,
2. Motivational and Affective Inc.Quezon City, Manila: Rex
factors 3. Acero V., Javier, E. and Castro, H.
3. Developmental and Social (2015). Principles of teaching 1.
factors Quezon City, Manila: Rex Book
4. Individual Differences Factors Store


Week 4 Focus on the learner  Group dynamics 3. Botty, H. M. R. H., & Shahrill, M.
(2014). The impact of gagné,
to  Module 3: Review of theories related to  Concept mapping vygotsky and skinner theories in
Week 5 the learners’ development  Oral presentation pedagogical practices of mathematics
 Module 4: Individual Differences teachers in brunei arussalam. Review
 Writeshop on of European Studies, 6(4), 100-109.
 Module 5: Learning/thinking styles and
lesson plan making
multiple intelligences
 Research article
 Module 6: Learners with exceptionalities
 Oral questioning
 Informal debate
Week 6 Focus on learning  Group dynamics 1. Bates, Bob. (2016). Learning
theories simplified. Los Angeles:
 Module 7: Behaviorism  Concept mapping SAGE Aquino Avelina M. (2015).
To  Module 8: Neo-behaviorism  Oral presentation Facilitating human learning. 2nd
 Module 9: Gestalt psychology edition. Rex Book Store
 Classroom
Week 7  Module 10: Information processing 2. Bunga, J., Pilariza, C.and
simulation analysis Serrano, E.,(2016).Principles of
 Module 11: Gagne’s conditions of
 Research article teaching 2:Quezon City,
learning Manila:Adranaprinting Co., Inc.
 Module 12: Ausubel’s subsumption
 Oral questioning 3. Aquino Avelina M. (2015).
 Grand conversation Facilitating human learning. 2nd
 Module 13: Bruner’s constructivist edition. Quezon City, Manila:
theory Rex Book Store
 Module 14: Constructivism
 Module 15: Transfer of learning
 Module 16: Bloom’s taxonomy
 Module 17: Sternberg’s successful
 Module 18: Problem solving and
Week 8  Module 19: Meaning and types of  Group dynamics 1. Ahmad, A. R., Seman, A. A.,
motivation Awang, M. M., & Sulaiman, F.
 Oral presentation
to  Module 20: Theories and factors (2015). Application of multiple
 Research article intelligence theory to increase

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College of Teacher Education
EDUC 103 – Course Outline

Week 9 affecting motivation reading/discourse student motivation in learning

 Module 21: Students’ diversity in  Oral questioning history. Asian Culture and
motivation  Grand conversation History, 7(1), 210-219.
 Module 22: Human environmental
factors affecting motivation
 Module 23: The classroom climate
 Module 24: The physical learning
 Module 25: Assessment strategies that
can increase motivation
 Module 26: Integration (coherence of all

11. TEXTBOOK: Lucas, M. R. & Corpuz, B. (2014). Facilitating Learning: A Metacognitive process


1. Efklides, A. (2014). How does metacognition contribute to the regulation of learning? an integrative
approach. Psychological Topics, 23(1), 1-30.
2. Botty, H. M. R. H., & Shahrill, M. (2014). The impact of Gagné, Vygotsky and skinner theories in pedagogical
practices of mathematics teachers in Brunei Darussalam. Review of European Studies, 6(4), 100-109.
3. Ahmad, A. R., Seman, A. A., Awang, M. M., & Sulaiman, F. (2015). Application of multiple intelligence theory
to increase student motivation in learning history. Asian Culture and History, 7(1), 210-219.
4. Acero V., Javier, E. and Castro, H. (2015). Principles of teaching 1. Quezon City, Manila: Rex Book Store
5. Heilbronn, R. and Foreman, L. (2015), Philosophical perspectives on teacher education: Hoboken: John Wiley
and Sons.

Assessment Methods
A. Exam 1 – 3 30%

B. Final Exam
- MCQ and Performance-based 30%


C. Quizzes 10%

D. Research 15%

E. Oral recitation 10%

F. Assignments 5%

Total 100%

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College of Teacher Education
EDUC 103 – Course Outline

13. Policies and guidelines

a. Attendance is counted from the first regular class meeting.
b. A validated student identification card must always by worn be all students while attending classes.
c. Cheating is strictly prohibited. Any form of dishonesty shall be dealt with accordingly. Honesty is called for at
all times.
d. Valid examination permits are necessary in taking the examinations as scheduled. CELLULAR PHONES or any
e. Base-20 grading policy should be observed. Students who obtained failing scores in major exams are
recommended to attend the tutorial class.

Prepared by: References Reviewed by:

Pedrito M. Castillo
Reita Palma
BEED, Program Head

Danilo G. Engay, Jr.

Faculty Member

Reviewed by: Recommending Approval:

EDUC 103 – Facilitating Learner-Ceneterd Teaching Revision no.: 4 Effectivity: June 30, 2018, Page 10 of 11
College of Teacher Education
EDUC 103 – Course Outline


Program Head Dean, College of Teacher Education

Approved by:


AVP, Learning Innovation and Design

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