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An Energy Management Strategy for an Electrified Railway
Smart Microgrid System Based on Integrated Empirical
Mode Decomposition
Jingjing Ye, Minghao Sun and Kejian Song *

School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; jjye@bjtu.edu.cn (J.Y.);
22121503@bjtu.edu.cn (M.S.)
* Correspondence: songkj@bjtu.edu.cn

Abstract: The integration of a renewable energy and hybrid energy storage system (HESS) into
electrified railways to build an electric railway smart microgrid system (ERSMS) is beneficial for
reducing fossil fuel consumption and minimizing energy waste. However, the fluctuations of
renewable energy generation and traction load challenge the effectiveness of the energy management
for such a complex system. In this work, an energy management strategy is proposed which
firstly decomposes the renewable energy into low-frequency and high-frequency components by an
integrated empirical mode decomposition (IEMD). Then, a two-stage energy distribution approach
is utilized to appropriately distribute the energy flow in the ERSMS. Finally, the feasibility and
effectiveness of the proposed solution are validated through case study.

Keywords: hybrid energy storage system; electric railway smart microgrid system; integrated
empirical mode decomposition; two-stage energy distribution

1. Introduction

Citation: Ye, J.; Sun, M.; Song, K. An

Nowadays, it has become a global consensus that we should fully utilize renewable
Energy Management Strategy for an
energy sources due to concerns regarding energy security and environmental degradation.
Electrified Railway Smart Microgrid As a typical major energy consumer, the electrified railway system comes with a strong
System Based on Integrated Empirical demand for energy conservation [1]. Renewable energy sources, photovoltaic (PV), wind
Mode Decomposition. Energies 2024, power (WP), etc., can be integrated with a conventional traction power supply system
17, 268. https://doi.org/10.3390/ (TPSS), which solely obtains electricity from the public grid powering the electrified railway
en17010268 to reduce the energy consumption, forming an electrified railway smart microgrid system
(ERSMS) [2,3]. Therefore, the ERSMS is an energy-saving and environmental-friendly
Academic Editor: Giovanni
option [4,5]. However, both traction load and renewable energy sources are highly stochas-
tic and fluctuating sources. Potentially, this produces some power quality and transient
Received: 4 December 2023 disturbance issues to ERSMS operation. In addition, the regenerative braking energy (RBE)
Revised: 29 December 2023 generated by locomotives will be injected to the overhead line, impacting the power flow
Accepted: 1 January 2024 of the ERSMS as well [6,7]. Incorporating an energy storage system (ESS) into the ERSMS
Published: 4 January 2024 has become a common choice for power conditioning and RBE storage [8,9]. However,
there are two main challenges for building a complex ERSMS containing an ESS: the first is
to appropriately select energy storage media for matching the energy requirement of the
specific usage scenario; the second is to develop a high-performance energy management
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
strategy (EMS) for distributing energy within the ERSMS, mitigating the fluctuations and
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
enhancing the energy utilization efficiency.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
There are a number of energy storage media, which are classified into two categories:
conditions of the Creative Commons
high energy density and longer response time ones, represented by various batteries;
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// high power density and short response time ones, represented by supercapacitors and
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ flywheels [10]. The results of [11,12] demonstrate that combining a supercapacitor with
4.0/). a battery is effective in reducing power consumption during load start-up. Considering

Energies 2024, 17, 268. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17010268 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2024, 17, 268 2 of 15

the substantial energy and power requirements of the traction load and the fluctuation
of renewable energy generation power, a hybrid ESS (HESS) composed of batteries and
supercapacitors is a reasonable solution for the ERSMS.
For EMS, the common method involves initially decomposing the power generated by
renewable energy sources. This allows the HESS to store high-frequency components, while
providing low-frequency or constant components to meet the load demand. The early used
single-step methods, such as the ones based on first-order low-pass filters [13], Kalman
filters [14], and H∞ filters [15], gradually become unsuitable for decomposing the fluctu-
ating power due to the suboptimal performance and the computational complexity [16].
Currently, the time-frequency analysis-based methods can be divided into non-adaptive
power smoothing methods such as the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) [17], Discrete
Wavelet Transform (DWT) [18], and adaptive power smoothing methods such as the Em-
pirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and improved EMD-based method [19,20]. However,
the non-adaptive power smoothing methods are generally inappropriate for analyzing
nonlinear and non-stationary signals. The DFT assumes smooth datasets, facing challenges
with the non-stationary nature of renewable energy sources. Selecting the appropriate
mother wavelet is also a challenge when using the DWT [21]. Although the EMD is a better
choice, it comes with mode mixing and disparate amplitude issues in the intrinsic mode
functions (IMFs) [19,20]. To tackle such issues, the complementary ensemble empirical
mode decomposition with adaptive noise (CEEMDAN) was employed in [21,22], providing
a resolution to the challenges encountered in EMD. Although this method enhances the
classification of IMFs using an improved empirical approach, there is room for further
improve. Jia et. al. applied the gray relational analysis (GRA) for denoising analysis of the
decomposed IMFs. The superior results demonstrate that the GRA can be used for IMF
classification [23]. After energy decomposition, it is important to determine the energy
distribution within the entire energy system. Recently, Liu et. al. developed a bi-level
model of a railway traction substation energy management system for attaining the optimal
power reference and HESS size [24]. Zhao et al. proposed a control strategy clarifying
the energy distribution relationship between the HESS and traction power supply system
under different operation modes [25]. An EMS for ERSMS including PV and ESS has been
proposed in [6,26], which enhances the overall economic efficiency of system operations.
However, these approaches are restricted to a single renewable energy source or a single
ESS or both, so that further research on EMS for ERSMS incorporating multiple renewable
energy sources and HESS is required.
In view of the above, the present investigation aims to address the shortcomings of the
EMD, as well as the research gaps in the complex energy distribution strategy for ERSMS.
The main contribution and innovation of this work are as follows.
(i) Combining the CEEMDAN and the gray relation analysis (GRA), an integrated empir-
ical mode decomposition (IEMD) is proposed. The IEMD first divides the renewable
energy into a series of IMFs, and then classifies the IMFs to low-frequency and high-
frequency components for distribution.
(ii) On the basis of the supercapacitor absorbing high-frequency components and the
HESS regulating low-frequency components of the renewable energy power, a two-
stage distribution strategy is proposed for minimizing the fluctuations of the renew-
able energy power in the ERSMS.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the ERSMS
configuration, including the structure and operation modes. Section 3 introduces the
proposed method including an integrated empirical mode decomposition method to de-
compose the renewable energy power and a two-stage energy distribution to distribute
the power within the ERSMS. Section 4 presents results based on the designed case study.
Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section 5.
the power within the ERSMS. Section 4 presents results based on the designed cas
Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section 5.

Energies 2024, 17, 268 2. ERSMS Configuration 3 of 15

2.1. Structure
The Configuration
2. ERSMS structure of a typical ERSMS is presented in Figure 1, which composes fou
a public grid,
2.1. Structure a TPSS, a renewable energy generation system, and an HESS. In the
structure oftraction
a typical transformer is installed
ERSMS is presented in Figurefor obtaining
1, which composes thefour
parts:from th
publicpublic grid supplying
grid, a TPSS, the traction
a renewable energy loadsystem,
generation of theandtwoansingle-phase
HESS. In the TPSS catenary
a sec
V/v connection traction transformer is installed for obtaining the power
railway power conditioner (RPC) with typical back-to-back topology [26,27], i.e. from the three-
phase public grid supplying the traction load of the two single-phase catenary sections. A
phase ac-dc-ac converter, is employed not only to balance the power between s
railway power conditioner (RPC) with typical back-to-back topology [26,27], i.e., single-
and section
phase b but also
ac-dc-ac converter, to provide
is employed a to
not only dc-link
balancetothewhich a number
power between sectionofa and
section andtoenergy
b but also provide storage
a dc-link units
to whichcan be connected.
a number Theenergy
of renewable renewable energy gen
and energy
system is storage units with
associated can betheconnected.
naturalThe renewable
resources energy generation
endowment alongsystem is
the railway li
associated with the natural resources endowment along the railway line,
photovoltaic, wind, hydropower, geothermal, tidal, etc. This study focuses on th e.g., photovoltaic,
wind, hydropower, geothermal, tidal, etc. This study focuses on the wind power (WP)
power (WP) and photovoltaic (PV)since they are commonly available. The el
and photovoltaic (PV)since they are commonly available. The electricity generation and its
efficiency will and its efficiency
be influenced willfactors
by climate be influenced byinclimate
[28,29]. So far, factors
this ERSMS [28,29].
the power is So far
exchanged power
among is exchanged
the four parts. among the four parts.

Public Grid A

Traction Power V/v Connection

Supply System Traction Transformer
Traction Network
Section a Section b

Traction Load Traction Load


DC Bus

PV WP Batteries Supercapacitors

Renewable Energy Generation System Hybrid Energy Storage System

Figure1. 1.
Figure Structure
Structure of a typical
of a typical ERSMS.

2.2. Operation Modes

2.2. Operation Modes
The operation modes of the ERSMS are classified according to the operating experience
The operation
and relevant modes
published review of As
[3,25]. the ERSMS
shown are2, classified
in Figure according
different operation modestoof the op
the ERSMS can be classified based on the state of the
experience and relevant published review [3,25]. As shown traction load P , which is defined as
L in Figure 2, different op
the total power of the trains and the traction network loss of both section a and section
modes of the ERSMS can be classified based on the state of the traction load PL, w
b. By comparing PL with its traction state threshold, the value Ptra, and regenerative state
defined value
threshold as thePreg
, thepower of three
following the trains
ERSMSand the traction
operation network
modes are defined.loss of both sectio
section b. By comparing PL with its traction state threshold, the value Ptra, and rege
Mode 1: PL > Ptra > 0
state threshold value Preg, the following three ERSMS operation modes are define
This is the traction mode in which the traction power of the trains is more than
regenerative braking power of the other trains. According to the absolute difference
between the PL and the total renewable energy generation power Pren , as well as the
relative capacities of the available charging and discharging power of the HESS, PHESS_Avail
and PHESS_Surp , this mode is further divided into four scenarios.
Energies 2024, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Energies 2024, 17, 268 4 of 15

Public Renewable Public Renewable

Grid Energy Grid Energy

Traction Load Traction Load

(a) (b)
Public Renewable Public Renewable
Grid Energy Grid Energy

Traction Load Traction Load

(c) (d)
Public Renewable Public Renewable
Grid Energy Grid Energy

Traction Load Traction Load

(e) (f)
Public Renewable Public Renewable
Grid Energy Grid Energy

(Network loss) (Network loss)

Traction Load Traction Load

(g) (h)
Figure Operation modes
modes of theofERSMS.
the ERSMS. (a)1-1;
(a) mode mode 1-1; (b)
(b) mode 1-2;mode
(c) mode1-2; (c)(d)
1-3; mode
1-4; (d) mod
(e) mode2-1;
mode 2-1; (f)
(f) mode
mode2-2; (g)(g)
2-2; mode
mode3-1; (h) mode
3-1; (h) 3-2.
mode Arrows
3-2. represent
Arrows the directionthe
represent of energy flow. of ener
1. When 0 < Pren − PL ≤ PHESS_Avail , the HESS is in the charging state. In this situa-
Mode 1: part
tion, PL >ofPthe
tra >P0 is used to meet the P , and all the rest are stored in the HESS,
ren L
denoted PHESS
This isbythe . The power
traction modeflowinrelationship
which the among the four
traction parts ofof
power thethe
is moERSMS is
demonstrated by Figure 2a and Equation (1).
regenerative braking power of the other trains. According to the absolute di
between the PL and the total renewable
PHESS = Prenenergy generation power Pren, as wel

− PL
relative capacities of the available charging
Pabd =0 and discharging power of the HESS, P
and PHESS_Surp, this mode is further divided into four scenarios.
2. When PHESS_Avail < Pren − PL , the HESS is in the charging state. After meeting the PL
1. When
and < Pren −the
fully 0charging ≤ PH E Sthere
PL HESS, , the HESS is in the charging state. In this situati
S _ A vailis some excess power that cannot be utilized by
the ERSMS. This part of the power is named as abandoned power Pabd , which will be
of the Pren is used to meet the PL, and all the rest are stored in the HESS, den
injected into the public grid or discarded. The power flow relationship of the ERSMS
HESS. The power flow relationship among the four parts of the ER
by Figure 2 and Equation (2).
demonstrated by Figure
 2a and Equation (1).
Pabd = Pren−
HESS P −P ren L

3. When 0 < PL − Pren ≤ PHESS_Surp , the HESS Pabdis =in0the discharging state. Under this
condition, both Pren and PHESS support the PL together. The power flow relationship
of the ERSMS is demonstrated ,by Figure 2c and Equation (3).
2. When PHESS_Avail < Pren − PL the HESS is in the charging state. After meeting th

fully charging the HESS, there PHESSis=some
PL − Pexcess
ren power that cannot be (3)
ERSMS. This part of the power P = 0
abd is named as abandoned power Pabd, which

injected into the public grid or discarded. The power flow relationship of the
When PHESS_Surp < PL − Pren , the HESS is in the discharging state. Compared to
is demonstrated
the by Pren
previous condition, Figure
and Equation (2). for filling the PL. We have
is insufficient


Pabd = Pren − PL − PHESS

3. When 0 < PL − Pren ≤ PHESS_Surp , the HESS is in the discharging state. Und
Energies 2024, 17, 268 5 of 15

no choice but to purchase the lacking power from the public grid. The power flow
relationship of the ERSMS is demonstrated in Figure 2d and Equation (4).

Pabd = 0

Mode 2: PL < Preg < 0

This is the regenerative mode in which the traction power of the trains is less than the
regenerative braking power of the other trains. Apparently, the HESS needs to be in the
charging state under this mode. By comparing the sum of Pren and |PL | with PHESS_Avail ,
this mode can be further divided into two scenarios.
1. When Pren + | PL | > PHESS_Avail , the HESS is in the charging state. Although the HESS
is working at its maximum capacity, the PHESS cannot completely store the |PL | (i.e.,
RBE) and Pren . As a result, there is still some Pabd . The power flow relationship of the
ERSMS is illustrated by Figure 2e and Equation (5).

Pabd = Pren + | PL | − PHESS

2. When Pren + | PL | ≤ PHESS_Avail , the HESS is in the charging state. In this case, all the
energy from the renewable energy generation and locomotive braking are stored in
the HESS. The power flow of the ERSMS is illustrated by Figure 2f and Equation (6).

PHESS = Pren + | PL |
Pabd = 0

Mode 3: Preg < PL < Ptra

This is no-load mode regarding that there is no train load on the traction network. The
PL is only the open circuit loss of the traction network. Based on the comparison between
Pren and PHESS_Avail , this mode is further divided into two scenarios.
1. When Pren > PHESS_Avail , the HESS is in the charging state. Part of Pren is absorbed by
the maximum capacity of the HESS. The remaining Pren becomes Pabd , excepting the
small part related to the network loss. The power flow relationship of the ERSMS is
presented by Figure 2g and Equation (7).

Pabd = Pren − PHESS − PL

2. When 0 ≤ Pren ≤ PHESS_Avail , the HESS is in the charging state. Excepting the little
power for the network loss, renewable energy is fully stored in the HESS. The power
flow relationship of the ERSMS is presented by Figure 2h and Equation (8).

PHESS = Pren − PL
Pabd = 0

As presented above, modes 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 3-1, and 3-2 are fully energy self-sufficient;
renewable energy may be abandoned in modes 1-2, 2-1, and 3-1; and purchasing power
from the external grid is required in mode 1-4.

2.3. HESS Protection Strategy

Typically, the state of charge (SOC) is the most critical factor for an energy storage
system affecting the operating status and stability. For an HESS, five operation zones of the
batteries and supercapacitors are defined according to their SOCs as shown in Figure 3: no
charging/discharging zone, charge/discharge warning zone, and optimum working zone.
Typically, the state of charge (SOC) is the most critical factor for an energy s
system affecting the operating status and stability. For an HESS, five operation zo
the batteries and supercapacitors are defined according to their SOCs as shown in
3: no charging/discharging zone, charge/discharge warning zone, and optimum w
Energies 2024, 17, 268 6 of 15

Battery Supercapacitor
No Charging Zone No Charging Zone
0.9(max) 0.95(max)
Charge Warning Zone
Charge Warning Zone
Optimum Working Zone Optimum Working Zone
Discharge Warning Zone
Discharge Warning Zone
0.1(min) 0.05(min)
No Discharging Zone No Discharging Zone
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Operation zones corresponding to SOC: (a) battery; (b) supercapacitor.
Figure 3. Operation zones corresponding to SOC: (a) battery; (b) supercapacitor.
When the SOC of a battery or supercapacitor is outside the optimum working zone,
the HESS the SOC of a battery
be charged or supercapacitor
or discharged at its maximum is power
outside the optimum
capacity. Therefore,working
it isHESS
the necessary to restrict
cannot the charging
be charged or discharging
or discharged at power accordingpower
its maximum to the battery’s
capacity.or There
supercapacitor’s remaining capacity. Based on the operation zone definition of Figure 3, a
is necessary to restrict the charging or discharging power according to the batte
protection strategy is given as
supercapacitor’s remaining capacity. Based on the operation zone definition of Figu
 n o
protection strategy is given asPc · max 0, SOC
 Pc′ = SOCmax − SOC
max high o
n (9)
 P′ = Pd · max 0, SOC − SOCmin
 SOClow  
− SOCSOC max − SOC 
d min
 Pc' = Pc ⋅ max  0, 
where the subscripts c and d representthe charging and SOC max − SOC
 discharging states, 
high Pc′
′ 
and Pd stand for the target charging and discharging power of the batteries or
 '  SOC − SOC min  supercapaci-

tors, respectively; and Pc and Pd are thePd = P
d ⋅ max 
charging0, and discharging 
values without

regard to restrict the charging or discharging power,  SOC low − SOC min 

where the subscripts

3. Proposed Method c and d represent the charging and discharging states, respec
' OverallPMethodology
and d
stand for the target charging and discharging power of the batter
In this work, an energy management
and Pstrategy
and for
supercapacitors, respectively; c Pd the
areERSMS is proposed
the target consisting
charging and disch
of an IEMD and a two-stage energy distribution processes, as shown in Figure 4. Ini-
values without
tially, the IEMD regard to restrict
decomposes the charging
the fluctuating or discharging
renewable power,
energy generation respectively.
power into
high-frequency and low-frequency components through the CEEMDAN and GRA steps.
Then, the two-stage
3. Proposed energy distribution deals with these power components yielding charg-
ing/discharging powers of the HESS by taking into account the traction load requirement
3.1. Overall
as well as theMethodology
SOC constraints. The basis of this process is that firstly, high-frequency com-
ponents are absorbed
In this work, anthrough the management
energy supercapacitor; secondly,
for the ERSMS components are
is proposed con
further distributed according to the ERSMS operation modes. Details of the algorithms of
of an IEMD and a two-stage energy distribution processes, as shown in Figure 4. In
the proposed method are described in the following parts of this section.
the IEMD decomposes the fluctuating renewable energy generation power into
frequency and low-frequency components through the CEEMDAN and GRA steps.
the two-stage energy distribution deals with these power components yi
charging/discharging powers of the HESS by taking into account the traction
requirement as well as the SOC constraints. The basis of this process is that firstly
frequency components are absorbed through the supercapacitor; secondly, low-freq
components are further distributed according to the ERSMS operation modes. Det
the algorithms of the proposed method are described in the following parts of this s
Energies 2024,17,
x FOR PEER REVIEW 77 of 15
of 15

Proposed method
IEMD Two-stage energy distribution

IMFs & HF First-stage

(HF: supercapacitor)

LF Second-stage
(LF: supercapacitor & battery)



Figure 4.
Figure 4. The
The overall
overall methodology.

3.2. Integrated
Integrated Empirical
Empirical Mode Mode Decomposition
The Empirical Mode
The Empirical Mode Decomposition Decomposition is one of
is the
one most ofcommonly
the mostused decomposition
commonly used
decomposition whichmethods,
is applicable which on is
applicable andonnon-stationary
nonlinear andcomplex time series
non-stationary [19].
timeEMD seriesmethod
[19]. The decomposes
EMD method such decomposes
time series into sucha finite
time andseries small
a finiteofand
numberalong with a residual.
of intrinsic modes along The functions representing
with a residual. the intrinsic
The functions modes are
representing theknown as
IMFs. Recognizing the shortcomings of unclear classification
modes are known as IMFs. Recognizing the shortcomings of unclear classification of the of the IMFs of conventional
IMFs methods,of conventionalan IEMD EMDis proposed
methods, combining
is proposed decompositioncombining a CEEMDANand a GRA
decomposition and a GRA classification. First, apply the CEEMDAN to an originalenergy
First, apply the CEEMDAN to an original signal, i.e., the renewable signal,
i.e., theby the following
renewable energy steps.
power, by the following steps. j
Step 1: 1: Add
Add thethe Gaussian
Gaussian white white noise signal γγ (j (tt)) totoPPren
noise signal (t), which is the renewable
ren(t), which is the renewable
energy generation
generationpower power in the
in thetimetimedomain. The jth
domain. The signal
jth issignal
represented as Pren (t) =
is represented as
j j
PPrenj ( t ) + εγ ( t ), j = 1, 2, · · · , i. The experimental signal P j ( t ) is decomposed by the
ren ( t ) = Pren ( t ) + εγ ( t ) , j = 1, 2,  , i
. The experimental signal Pren ( t ) is decomposed by the
EMD to obtain I IM
to obtain MFF1 (j (tt)). .The
The first
first IMF
IMFandand the
the residual
residual of of the
the decomposition,
decomposition, denoted denoted by by
PIMF−1 (t) and Pr1 (t), are given as
PIM F -1 ( t ) and Pr1 (t ) , are given as
1 1 I j j
t) =(t ) =∑ I
(t) (t ) (10)
I j=I1 j =1 1 1

Pr1 (t) = )ren−( tP)IMF
t ) =(tP − P−IMF-1
1 ( t()t ) (11)
j (t) to the j
Step2: Add 2: γ Add γ j (tfirst
) to thePr1 (first
residual t), represented (t) + ε 1 E1 (γj (t))
residual as PPr1r1 ((tt)) =, Pr1represented as,
jP=j (t1,) =2,P· · (·t ), +i. εThe Pj (t())t), jare
= 1,decomposed through arethe EMD and also obtain
thetheir first-order
1 E1 (γ r1
r1 r1 2,  , i . The P r1 (t )
decomposed through EMD and also
obtain their first-order I MF2 (t). Similarly,
components the second
IM F2 ( tIMF
j and residual
) . Similarly, are acquired:
the second IMF and residual are
1 I
PIMF−2 (t) = ∑
1 IIMF2 (tj) (12)
PIMF-2 (t ) =j=1  IMF2 (t )
I j =1
Pr2 (t) = Pr1 (t) − PIMF−2 (t) (13)
Pr2 (t ) = Pr1 (t ) − PIMF-2 (t ) (13)
Step 3: Repeat the above process until the residual is a monotonic function and cannot
be decomposed.
Step 3: RepeatFinally, the original
the above signal
process until thecan be represented
residual as thefunction
is a monotonic sum of and
a series of
IMFs as well as the residual.
be decomposed. Finally, the original signal can be represented as the sum of a series of
IMFs as well as the residual. K
Pren (t) = ∑ PIMF K −k ( t ) + Pr ( t ) (14)
Prenk(=t 1) =  PIMF-k (t ) + Pr (t ) (14)
k =1
Energies 2024, 17, 268 8 of 15

After the decomposition above, some IMFs featuring a fast fluctuation with lower
magnitudes are defined as high-frequency IMFs (HF-IMFs); the others exhibiting a slow
fluctuation with higher magnitudes are defined as low-frequency IMFs (LF-IMFs). Al-
though the IMFs can be simply classified by watching their shapes, in this work a GRA
method is utilized to quantitatively classify them. Using the GRA, all the IMFs are classified
by the following steps.
Step 1: The IMF and residual sequences are normalized by dividing their mean values.

′ PIMF−i (t)
PIMF −i ( t ) = , i = 1, 2, . . . , K (15)

Pr (t)
Pr′ (t) = (16)
where PIMF and Pr represent the mean values of the IMFs and the residual, respectively.

Step 2: The first IMF PIMF −1 ( t ) is selected as the reference sequence in a discrete time
domain Ptar (t), while the remaining IMFs and residual are designated as the comparison
sequence Pcomp−i (t).

Ptar (t) = PIMF −1 ( t ) (17)
PIMF−i (t) , i = 2, 3, . . . , K
Pcomp−i (t) = (18)
Pr′ (t)
Step 3: Calculate the gray correlation coefficient ξ i and determine the gray correlation
degree ri .

minmin Ptar (t) − Pcomp−i (t) ρmaxmax Ptar (t) − Pcomp−i (t)
i t i t
ξ i (t) = + (19)
Ptar (t) − Pcomp−i (t) + ρmaxmax Ptar (t) − Pcomp−i (t) Ptar (t) − Pcomp−i (t) + ρmaxmax Ptar (t) − Pcomp−i (t)
i t i t

1 n
n ∑ t =1 i
ri = ξ (t), t = 1, 2, . . . , n (20)

where ρ is the resolution coefficient (within the [0, 1] interval; the value is usually 0.5).

Step 4: According to the values of ri , the PIMF −i ( t ) are sorted in ascending order. The
ones with their r values close to r1 are classified as HF-IMFs, the others with their r values
far from r1 are the LF-IMFs.
PHF (t) = ∑ PIMF−i (t) (21)
i =1
PLF (t) = ∑ PIMF−i (t) + Pr (t) (22)
i =1

where u and v are the numbers of the HF-IMFs and the LF-IMFs, respectively.

3.3. Two-Stage Energy Distribution

So far, the decomposed renewable energy generation power should be distributed for
utilization. The first distribution stage is based on the fact that the supercapacitors absorb
high-frequency renewable energy power PHF (t) avoiding potential power quality and
stability issues. The remaining low-frequency renewable energy power PLF (t) is distributed
by the second stage according to the operation modes as presented in Section 2.2. The
two-stage distribution process is given in Algorithm 1.
Energies 2024, 17, 268 9 of 15

Algorithm 1: The Two-Stage Energy Distribution

After the initializing the steps, the first stage starts from checking the SOCSC . If it is
within the normal range, the supercapacitors will be charged or discharged according to
the PHF (k) under the given strategy. On the contrary, when the SOCSC is out of the normal
range, the PHF (k) will be discarded. Finally, refresh SOCHESS by SOCSC .
The second stage starts from the judgement of the operation modes provided in
Section 2.2. Then, if the SOCHESS is within the normal range, the HESS will balance the

Energies 2024, 17, x. https://doi.org/10.3390/xxxxx www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

After the initializing the steps, the first stage starts from checking the SOCSC. If it is
within the normal range, the supercapacitors will be charged or discharged according to
the PHF(k) under the given strategy. On the contrary, when the SOCSC is out of the normal
Energies 2024, 17, 268
range, the PHF(k) will be discarded. Finally, refresh SOCHESS by SOCSC.
10 of 15
The second stage starts from the judgement of the operation modes provided in
Section 2.2. Then, if the SOCHESS is within the normal range, the HESS will balance the
power flow among the ERSMS through charging or discharging under the given strategy.
power flow among the ERSMS through charging or discharging under the given strategy.
On the contrary, when the SOCHESS is outside the normal range, the HESS takes no action
On the contrary, when the SOCHESS is outside the normal range, the HESS takes no action
so that the traction load can just be supplied by an external grid.
so that the traction load can just be supplied by an external grid.
4. Results
4.1. Parameters
The active power of the traction load of a traction substation during a given period is
obtained from
from traction
traction calculation
5. easily
For discerning
easily thethe
discerning results, a short
results, part
a short of this
part load
of this is zoomed
load in for
is zoomed in illustrating the
for illustrating
the management
energy managementperformance.



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
t / min



0 60 120 180 240


Figure 5. (a)
(a) Traction
Traction load power curve of a traction substation by traction calculation
calculation based
based on a
train operation schedule; (b) zoom in a short part of the traction load power curve.

The renewable energy generation power under consideration is based on the weather weather
data of a Chinese city.
city. Figure
thewind powerPPWind
windpower Wind, PV power PPV, as well
PV, as well as
as their
sum, i.e., therenewable
power Pren
Pren = P= PWind
Wind + PPV+ PPV , corresponding
, corresponding to the
to the time oftime
4. The 4. The average
average value value and peak
and peak valuevalue
of theof the
wind wind power
power areare 8.02
8.02 MWMWand and13.7
respectively. The
The PV power
power fluctuates
fluctuates more
more severely
severely with
with its average
average value
value ofof 6.92
6.92 MW
and peak value of 25.38 MW. The total renewable energy power is
and peak value of 25.38 MW. The total renewable energy power is with an averagewith an average value of
14.94 MW and a peak value of 37.06
of 14.94 MW and a peak value of 37.06 MW. MW.
In addition, the parameters of the relevant HESS are given in Table 1. These parameters
are determined by taking into account the power requirement of the traction load and the
specific climatic conditions in the local area.

Table 1. HESS parameters.

Parameter Name Battery Supercapacitor

Rated capacity (kW) 20,000 10,000
Maximum charging power (kW) 11,000 8500
Maximum discharging power (kW) 10,500 8500
Charging efficiency (%) 90 95
Discharging efficiency (%) 90 95
Maximum SOC (%) 90 95
Minimum SOC (%) 10 5
Current SOC (%) 50 80
Energies 2024,17,
Energies2024, 17,268
11 of 15

15 PWind PPV Pren

Power / MW

Power / MW


Power / MW


0 60 120 180 240


Figure Typicalrenewable

4.2. Case Study

In addition, the parameters of the relevant HESS are given in Table 1. These
parameters are that
It is noted determined by taking into
all the algorithms account
of the the power
proposed methodrequirement of the
including the IEMDtraction
the and the specific
two-stage climatic conditions
energy distribution in the local
are implemented byarea.
C# programming through Microsoft
Visual Studio. The highly fluctuating renewable energy power shown in Figure 6 is decom-
Table 1.
posed HESS
and parameters.
classified by the IEMD. Initially, the renewable energy power decomposition is
conducted through the CEEMDAN procedure. As presented in Figure 7, seven IMFs and
Parameter Name Battery Supercapacitor
one residual (Res) of the renewable energy power are obtained. The IMFs and Res12exhibit
Energies 2024, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW of 15
Rated capacity (kW) 20,000 10,000
different shapes in terms of oscillation speed and magnitude.
Maximum charging power (kW) 11,000 8500
Maximum discharging power (kW) 10,500 8500
Charging efficiency (%)IMF3 IMF4 IMF5
90 IMF6 IMF7
95 Res
15 Discharging efficiency (%)
IMF & Res of Pren / MW

90 95
10 Maximum SOC (%) 90 95
5 Minimum SOC (%) 10 5
Current SOC (%)
50 80

4.2. Case Study
It is noted that all the algorithms of the proposed method including the IEMD and
the−15two-stage energy distribution are implemented by C# programming through
0 60 120 180 240
Microsoft Visual Studio. The highly fluctuating
t/s renewable energy power shown in Figure
6 is decomposed and classified by the IEMD. Initially, the renewable energy power
Figure Decomposed
decomposition IMFsand
is conducted
IMFs Resby
through CEEMDAN.
the CEEMDAN procedure. As presented in Figure
7, seven IMFs and one residual (Res) of the renewable energy power are obtained. The
To divide these components more clearly, the IMFs are classified through the GRA
IMFsTo divide
and Res these
exhibitcomponents more in
different shapes clearly,
terms the IMFs are classified
of oscillation speed andthrough the GRA
procedure. According to Figure 6, the IMF1 (yellow line) is the most fluctuating component
procedure. According to Figure 6, the IMF1 (yellow line) is the most fluctuating
in both speed and magnitude angles. This means that the components correlated to this
component in both speed and magnitude angles. This means that the components
IMF1 are high-frequency ones, and vice versa, they are low-frequency ones. Using IMF1 as
correlated to this IMF1 are high-frequency ones, and vice versa, they are low-frequency
the target sequence and the other six IMFs as a comparison sequence, the gray correlation
ones. Using IMF1 as the target sequence and the other six IMFs as a comparison sequence,
degree (r-value) can be obtained. Based on these r values, a correlation heatmap of the
the gray correlation degree (r-value) can be obtained. Based on these r values, a correlation
IMFs is depicted as shown in Figure 8. The IMF2, IMF3, IMF4, IMF5, and IMF6 have a
heatmap of the IMFs is depicted as shown in Figure 8. The IMF2, IMF3, IMF4, IMF5, and
value of approximately 0.7 r compared to IMF1, i.e., high correlation. However, the r value
IMF6 have a value of approximately 0.7 r compared to IMF1, i.e., high correlation.
of the IMF7 is less than 0.4, i.e., not highly correlated with IMF1. This conclusion can be
However, the r value of the IMF7 is less than 0.4, i.e., not highly correlated with IMF1.
obtained by observing the color of the first column of the heatmap as well. Furthermore,
This conclusion can be obtained by observing the color of the first column of the heatmap
as well. Furthermore, the residual magnitude is extremely small, and it is treated as one
of the LF-IMFs. As a result, the Pren is divided into two sets, i.e., PHF (t ) and PLF (t ) .
PHF (t ) =  PIMF-i (t ) (23)
i =1
correlated to this IMF1 are high-frequency ones, and vice versa, they are low-frequency
ones. Using IMF1 as the target sequence and the other six IMFs as a comparison sequence,
the gray correlation degree (r-value) can be obtained. Based on these r values, a correlation
heatmap of the IMFs is depicted as shown in Figure 8. The IMF2, IMF3, IMF4, IMF5, and
Energies 2024, 17, 268 IMF6 have a value of approximately 0.7 r compared to IMF1, i.e., high correlation. 12 of 15
However, the r value of the IMF7 is less than 0.4, i.e., not highly correlated with IMF1.
This conclusion can be obtained by observing the color of the first column of the heatmap
as well.
the Furthermore,
residual magnitudethe residual magnitude
is extremely small, andisitextremely
is treated small,
as oneand it isLF-IMFs.
of the treated asAsonea
of the LF-IMFs. As a result, the Pren is divided into two sets, i.e., PHF (t ) and PLF (t ) .
result, the P is divided into two sets, i.e., P (t) and P (t).
ren HF LF
P (6t ) =  PIMF-i (t ) (23)
PHF (t) =HF ∑ PIMFi =1 −i ( t ) (23)
i =1
P (t ) = P (t ) + P (t ) (24)
PLF (t) = LFPIMF−7 IMF-7
(t) + Pr (tr) (24)


IMF7 0.393 0.380 0.378 0.380 0.377 0.760 1.000

IMF6 0.705 0.839 0.879 0.900 0.920 1.000 0.760

IMF5 0.705 0.830 0.869 0.879 1.000 0.920 0.377


IMF4 0.699 0.825 0.853 1.000 0.879 0.900 0.380

IMF3 0.702 0.826 1.000 0.853 0.869 0.879 0.378

IMF2 0.703 1.000 0.826 0.825 0.830 0.839 0.380 0.4992

IMF1 1.000 0.703 0.702 0.699 0.705 0.705 0.393

Energies 2024, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 15
Figure Thecorrelation

LF of are
power areshown
the shownininFigure
proposed Figure
IEMD 9.9.Compared
shows with
a much the
with result
the of
slower conventional EMD
of conventional
fluctuation with method,
aEMD the Pthe
much smallerLF
of the proposed IEMD shows a much slower fluctuation with a much smaller magnitude.

40 Pren PLF (IEMD) PLF (EMD)

Power / MW



0 60 120 180 240

Figure 9.
9. Decomposition
results of

Finally, the
Finally, the decomposed
decomposed renewable
renewable energy
energy power
power is is distributed
distributed by by the
the two-stage
method for utilization. The power decomposition results of both the proposed
method for utilization. The power decomposition results of both the proposed IEMD and IEMD and
conventional EMD are treated by the two-stage energy distribution, yielding
conventional EMD are treated by the two-stage energy distribution, yielding the ERSMS the ERSMS
supply result
supply result given
given by
by Figure
Figure 10.
10. On
ERSMS,the thetraction
by the
by the renewable
renewable energy
energy and
and the
the HESS
HESS as as much
much asas possible.
possible. After
After the
the two-stage
two-stage energy
distribution, the power flow of P + P by IEMD (blue line) becomes
distribution, the power flow of Pren + PHESS by IEMD (blue line) becomes a significantly
ren HESS a significantly
slower fluctuation
slower fluctuation compared
compared toto that
that ofof conventional
conventional EMD
EMD (pink
(pink line).
line). This
This will
benefit the
lifespan of the HESS.
lifespan of the HESS.
From the perspective of electricity consumption, owing to the two-stage energy
distribution, most of the traction load is supplied by the Pren + PHESS leading to a high
energy self-sufficient rate. Furthermore, for the heavy load over 10 MW in Figure 10 (the
parts upper than the dashed line), the Pren and PHESS cover nearly 89% of PL for the
proposed IEMD after the distribution (overlapped area of blue line and black line
energy self-sufficient rate. Furthermore, for the heavy load over 10 MW in Figure 10 (the
parts upper than the dashed line), the Pren and PHESS cover nearly 89% of PL for the
proposed IEMD after the distribution (overlapped area of blue line and black line
compared to the area of black line), while the counterpart of the conventional EMD after
Energies 2024, 17, 268 13 ofto15
the distribution is less than 83% (overlapped area of pink line and black line compared
the area of black line).

20 Pren+ PHESS (IEMD) Pren+ PHESS (EMD) PL

Power / MW


0 60 120 180 240
Figure ERSMSsupply
10.ERSMS supplyresults
and conventional EMD.
and conventional EMD.

ItFrom thebe
should perspective
noted thatofthe
proposed consumption,
method does owing
not to the work
only two-stage
under energy distri-
the given
bution, most of the traction load is supplied by
situation that both the PV and WP supply a traction load. the P +
ren OnP HESS leading to a high
the one hand, the IEMD isenergy
an rate. Furthermore,
approach utilized to decomposefor thethe heavy load
fluctuation of over 10 MW
the total in Figure
renewable 10 (the
energy parts
upper than the dashed line), the P ren
regardless of the specific types of renewable and P HESS
energy cover nearly 89% of
sources. On the other P for the proposed
L hand, under an
IEMD after the distribution (overlapped area of blue line and black
extreme climatic condition, i.e., there is no renewable energy power available, line compared
the to the
area of black line), while the counterpart of the conventional EMD after the distribution
is less than 83% (overlapped area of pink line and black line compared to the area of
black line).
It should be noted that the proposed method does not only work under the given
situation that both the PV and WP supply a traction load. On the one hand, the IEMD is
an approach utilized to decompose the fluctuation of the total renewable energy power
regardless of the specific types of renewable energy sources. On the other hand, under an
extreme climatic condition, i.e., there is no renewable energy power available, the two-stage
energy distribution still adjusts the HESS, regulating the energy flow between the public
grid and traction load.

5. Conclusions
This work proposed an energy management strategy for the integration of renewable
energy and HESS in electrified railways. This strategy incorporates an IEMD process for the
renewable energy generation power and a two-stage energy distribution for the energy flow
among the ERSMS. By the IEMD, the severely fluctuating renewable energy generation
power is divided into high-frequency and low-frequency parts. Through the two-stage
energy distribution, the former is absorbed by the supercapacitors to the best of the SOCSC ’s
ability, and the latter is used by the traction load as much as possible based on the HESS
operation. The case study validates that the proposed method provides superior energy
utilization performance than the conventional method by means of power fluctuation and
electricity consumption.
For further research it is proposed to integrate advanced machine learning algorithms
to adaptively adjust the energy distribution based on real-time conditions. Furthermore, it
is possible to develop mathematical models by combining train schedule with climate data,
enabling renewable energy power prediction based on regression analysis so as to satisfy
traction load demand.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.Y. and M.S.; methodology, J.Y. and M.S.; validation, M.S.
and K.S.; formal analysis, M.S. and K.S.; data curation, M.S.; writing—original draft preparation,
M.S.; writing— review and editing, M.S., J.Y. and K.S.; supervision, J.Y. and K.S.; funding acquisition,
J.Y. and K.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
under Grant 2021CZ103.
Energies 2024, 17, 268 14 of 15

Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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