Siting and Sizing of Energy Storage Systems: Towards A Unified Approach For Transmission and Distribution System Operators For Reserve Provision and Grid Support

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Siting and Sizing of Energy Storage Systems:

Towards a Unified Approach for Transmission and

Distribution System Operators for Reserve
Provision and Grid Support
Stefano Massucco∗ , Paola Pongiglione∗ , Federico Silvestro∗ , Mario Paolone† , Fabrizio Sossan‡
∗ Universitá di Genova - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Navale, Elettrica, Elettronica e delle Telecomunicazioni (DITEN)
† Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL) - Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory (DESL)
‡ Mines ParisTech - Centre Procédés, Energies Renouvelables et Systèmes Energétiques

Abstract—This paper presents a method to determine the how to determine their size (i.e., energy capacity and apparent
optimal location, energy capacity, and power rating of distributed power rating) and location. This problem has been extensively
battery energy storage systems at multiple voltage levels to investigated in the existing technical literature (see, e.g., [11]),
accomplish grid control and reserve provision. We model op-
erational scenarios at a one-hour resolution, where deviations with methods ranging from optimal power flows (OPFs) [12]
of stochastic loads and renewable generation (modeled through to heuristics [13], [14]. More tractable linearized grid models
scenarios) from a day-ahead unit commitment and violations of are also widely, as in [15] for the siting and sizing problem
grid constraints are compensated by either dispatchable power and in [16], [17] for volt/var control.
plants (conventional reserves) or injections from battery energy Most of the existing literature focuses on a single voltage
storage systems. By plugging-in costs of conventional reserves
and capital costs of converter power ratings and energy storage level (i.e., transmission grid or distribution grid) and a single
capacity, the model is able to derive requirements for storage set of services at a time, which are specific to TSOs or DSOs
deployment that achieve the technical-economical optimum of the only. In this paper, we propose a modeling framework to
problem. The method leverages an efficient linearized formula- determine the optimal location, energy capacity and power
tion of the grid constraints of both the HV (High Voltage) and rating of distributed battery energy storage systems accounting
MV (Medium Voltage) grids while still retaining fundamental
modeling aspects of the power system (such as transmission for multiple voltage levels simultaneously and modeling the
losses, effect of reactive power, OLTC at the MV/HV interface, provision of ancillary services to both a DSO and TSO. We
unideal efficiency of battery energy storage systems) and models refer to this formulation as vertical and horizontal planning of
of conventional generator. A proof-of-concept by simulations is ESSs, as opposed to the works discussed above that consider
provided with the IEEE 9-bus system coupled with the CIGRE’ a single voltage level and a single class of services at a
benchmark system for MV grids, realistic costs of power reserves,
active power rating and energy capacity of batteries, and load time (horizontal planning). Especially, we consider the case
and renewable generation profile from real measurements. of voltage control and congestion management in distribution
grids, and the provision of regulating power to the TSO. The
Index Terms—Energy storage, siting, sizing, TSO, DSOs
work in [18] tackles a problem similar to ours. It considers
the joint ESSs siting and sizing problem in distribution and
transmission grids (modeled with a SOCP-based OPF and DC
The use of energy storage systems (ESSs) has been advo- load flow, respectively). Its objectives are, for DSOs, maxi-
cated to cope with the intermittency of distributed stochastic mizing the revenue from energy trading and achieving local
renewable generation and mitigate its impact on operational grid control and, for the TSO, maximizing the social welfare
practices of transmission system operators (TSOs) and dis- by minimizing the electricity price in a wholesale market.
tribution system operators (DSOs). Proposed applications of This paper approaches the same problem with a different
ESSs range from energy arbitrage, support to primary fre- perspective: we consider intra-day reserve procurement and
quency control and reserve provision for services at the system perform an economic evaluation between when it is provided
level, up to grid control, congestion management, dispatch of by battery-based ESSs versus conventional generation. The
local systems and self-consumption for services at the level proposed decision problem relies on a linear optimal power
of distribution systems [1]–[5]. It is also well understood that flow model, that computes the nodal injections (from ESSs
ESSs can be used to provide multiple grid services, leading or conventional power plants) to compensate for variations
to increased exploitation of their energy capacity and power with respect to a day-ahead unit commitment by minimising
rating, and a shorter return on investment, thus making relevant an economical cost and while subject to grid constraints. The
to plan ESSs accounting for multiple services [6]–[10]. A economic cost is the sum of the operational costs of activating
fundamental question for grid operators considering ESSs is reserves from conventional power plants and the capital costs

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
to install ESSs (i.e., apparent power rating and energy storage
capacity). As energy storage devices, we consider lithium-ion
batteries, that are modeled as lossy bulk energy reservoirs (i.e.,
charge/discharge efficiency is taken into account), and limits
due to energy storage capacity and apparent power rating of the
converters. Grid constraints on nodal voltages, cables ampac-
ities, and apparent power flows at the grid connection point
are modeled with linearized grid models that, while trading
some accuracy, allow for an efficient (convex) formulation of
the problem and retain the possibility of modeling important
operational aspects, like the effects of reactive power and
losses, and on-load tap changer (OLTC) transformers. A proof-
of-concept of the proposed planning algorithm is delivered by
simulations considering a case study with both HV and MV
grids (modeled according to the specifications of the IEEE
9-bus test system and CIGRE’ benchmark system for MV
Fig. 1. The case study with an HV and MV grids, conventional generators,
networks) equipped with conventional power plants, demand, loads, and distributed PV generation (not shown). The green icon denotes
and distributed photovoltaic (PV) generation. These lasts are the location of the batteries (step-up transformers are omitted for simplicity),
modeled using measurements from real systems. that is an output of the problem together with their power rating and energy
capacity requirements. Load A and Load B refer to aggregated injections of
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II other MV networks.
describes the problem to be solved, Section III introduces
the adopted formulation and modeling solutions, Section IV
presents the study case and simulation scenarios used to test possibly, new violations of network constraints. The power
the proposed algorithm. Section V introduces and discusses balance mismatch and network violations are compensated for
the results and, finally, Section VI draws the conclusions and and solved by activating power reserves from conventional
future developments. generation unit or injection from ESSs by solving an optimal
inter-temporal power flow problem. This mechanism is the
II. P ROBLEM S TATEMENT base of the siting and sizing problem proposed in this paper
We refer to the case study shown in Fig. 1, that illustrates and is thoroughly described in the next section. Thanks to
a power system with a meshed HV transmission grid and a assigning operational costs to the activated reserve from con-
MV distribution grid. The HV system interfaces conventional ventional power plants and capital costs for the installation
power plants G1-G3 through step-up transformers. At HV of ESSs (i.e., connection costs, energy capacity costs, and
bus 9, two OLTC transformers feed two MV networks with converter power rating costs), the algorithm determines an
demand and distributed renewable generation. HV nodes 5 and optimal economic trade-off between the reserve to deploy
7 feature aggregated demand and renewable generation from from conventional units and installed energy storage capacity
downstream networks, modeled in a lumped way as nodal and power rating. We leverage different scenarios of the
apparent power injections. HV node 1 is the slack bus of the stochastic demand and distributed generation to derive siting
system. The system topology is fixed, so we do not model and sizing guidelines that account for multiple realizations of
possible operational topological changes (see, e.g., [12]). The the uncertain elements.
problem is determining the optimal location in the system At this stage, we consider power reserves for secondary
(both at the HV and MV levels) and specifications (energy regulation, and we do not model the grid frequency.
capacity and power rating of the converter) of battery energy
storage systems. III. M ETHODS
The operational paradigm that we model and exploit to We now describe the foundational models used in the
determine ESSs locations and specifications is the power formulation and, as the last element, the siting and sizing
balance with an one-hour sampling. We first assume that a problem.
unit commitment process performed in the day-ahead stage
determines the schedule of the conventional generation units A. Grid model
and tap position of OLTC transformers. This achieves the We implement a grid model to determine the nodal in-
(active) power balance in the system according to day-ahead jections and position of the OLTCs’ tap such that the grid
forecasts of the aggregated nodal injections at the HV level as constraints on voltage magnitudes and line ampacities are
a function of the generation costs and subject to the constraints respected, while accounting for losses in the power lines.
of the transmission capacity. Then, in real-time, the realization Load flows are notoriously non-linear, and their inclusion in
of the stochastic demand and renewable generation might vary optimization problems leads to non-convex formulations. For
from day-ahead forecasts. This determines a power imbalance tractability, we model grid constraints with linear functions
in the system and deviations from the day-ahead plan with, using the notion of sensitivity coefficients (SCs). When solving

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
the load flow with the Newton-Raphson method, the SCs of therefore their losses do not appear here. The continuity on
the voltage magnitudes can be derived easily by extracting the the apparent power flow reads as:
proper submatrix from the inverse Jacobian at the last iteration (HV) (MV)
of the algorithm. In this paper, we compute SCs with the Pbt = P0t (2a)
(HV) (MV)
method described in [19] that derives the SCs of the voltage Qbt = Q0t . (2b)
magnitudes not only against the active and reactive power
injections but also the slack voltage. As illustrated in [19], for each t. For the voltage magnitude, we model the approx-
SCs are determined by solving a system of linear equations as imated operations of an OLTC by allowing the voltage at its
a function of the grid’s admittance matrix and voltage and secondary to vary within a certain range:
currents phasors at a working point.1 Voltage and current (HV)
1/c · vbt
≤ v0t ≤ c · vbt
phasors at the working point are determined offline with a
load flow as a function of the nominal nodal injections, which where c > 1 is a design parameter. The expression above is
correspond to the same demand and distributed generation linear, and it does not impact on convexity. We assume that
day-ahead point predictions used to determine the day-ahead the impact of tap changes on the equivalent circuit model of
schedule of the power plants (similarly to [21]). Let t denote the transformer (thus on the sensitivity coefficients of the grid)
the time index, vt and it be vectors collecting all nodal voltage is negligible. The optimal voltage magnitude at the MV slack
magnitudes and line currents of a given network at time t, and is a decision variable of the problem. In this case, we do not
Pt and Qt nodal active and reactive power injections, and v0t impose any continuity constraint on the voltage phase angle
the voltage magnitude of the grid’s slack bus. Nodal voltages between because the downstream network is single port and
and line currents are: all its nodes consist of PQ injections that are invariant to phase
v t = Kvt Pt Qt + v0t bt + ct (1a)
 T C. Conventional power plants
it = Kit Pt Qt + v0t dt + et (1b) Conventional power plants are modeled with constrained
voltage-independent nodal active and reactive power injec-
where matrices Kvt , Kit and vectors bt , ct , dt , et are de- (G) (G)
tions, denoted by Pb and Qb , where b is the node index.
rived from the so-called sensitivity coefficients [19]. The active They should respect the apparent power capacity S̄b of the
and reactive power flow at the slack bus of the grid P0t , Q0t synchronous machine, the capability curve of the generator,
at time t is modeled as and the minimum/maximum generating power capacity P b
 T  T and P̄b of the unit. As we focus on time constants related to
P0t Q0t = KSt Pt Qt + v0t ft + gt (1c) secondary frequency regulation and we use input time series
at 1 hour resolution, we do not model ramping rates, which
where KSt is a vector, and ft and gt are scalar. They are also normally refer to faster dynamics.
derived from the sensitivity coefficients. For all the nodes where generators are installed and for all
All the (time varying) parameters of linear models (1a)-(1c) time intervals t = 1, 2, . . . , constraints read as follows:
depend on respective linearization points, that, in this work,
(G) 2 (G) 2
correspond to the day-ahead forecasts of the nodal injections. Pbt + Qbt ≤ S̄b2 (3a)
Though depending on the state, Kvt and Kit are supposed to (G)
|Qbt | ≤ 0.8 ·
Pbt (3b)
change smoothly with respect to state variations. (G)
Pb ≤ Pbt ≤ P̄b , (3c)

B. Grid continuity constraints where 0.8 is the limit imposed by technical regulations [22].

The linear grid models (1) of the HV and MV network are D. Demand and distributed generation
derived separately for each grid, i.e., without integrating all The power demand of the loads and the production of
the grid information into a single admittance matrix. For a distributed PV generation at the various nodes of the grids are
coherent representation of the whole system and obeying to modeled with voltage-independent active and reactive power
conservation principles, we need continuity constraints on the injections time series. For the case of the MV grids, time series
apparent power flow and voltage at the MV-to-HV interface. are from measurements of real loads at the EPFL campus
Let b the bus of the HV grid that interfaces the MV network, [23] of similar size as those considered. PV generation is
(HV) (HV)
Pbt and Qbt the active and reactive power flow at the simulated from measurements of the irradiance with the same
(MV) (MV)
substation transformer, and P0t and Q0t the active and modeling toolchain as in [24], that consists in transposing the
reactive power at the slack bus of the MV grid. Substation irradiance, correcting it for the estimated cell temperature and
transformers are included in the topology of the MV grids, air temperature, and scaling it for the average panel efficiency
at Standard Test Conditions (STC).
1 The linear system has a unique solution when the load-flow Jacobian is We assume that PV power plants are operated at unitary
locally invertible [20]. power factor, as in most current commercial configurations.

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
Day-ahead forecasts (used to linearize grid models and de-
termine the unit commitment of the generators) are developed,
for the demand, with a forecaster based on the k-nearest
neighbor method as in [3], and, for a PV generation, starting
from real forecast of the irradiance (provided by MeteoTest,
Bern, CH) and processed with the same models described
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit model of the battery energy storage system.
above. 0 , Q0
Pt,b 0
t,b are the active and reactive power injections of the battery. Pt,b
For the injections of the lumped MV systems , we aggregate is the ’lossy’ active power injection that is used to drive the model of state-
MV nodal injections until reaching the nominal demand of the of-energy of the battery.
respective primary substation.
E. Energy storage systems to compensate recurrent daily over-voltages would have a
monotonic SOE pattern (eventually unbounded). To avoid
a) Modeling principle: The injections of the ESSs are
patterns of this kind, we enforce that the SOE at the end of
modeled as additive apparent power injections at each network
each day is the same as the starting value. In this context,
node. In other words, each nodal injection at each time interval
the required energy capacity for each day can be estimated
is the algebraic sum of the original apparent power injection
by evaluating expression (5) in blocks of 1-day duration, and
(given by the demand or distributed generation time series) and
for each taking the difference between the maximum and
two free variables (one for active power, another for reactive)
the minimum values. For the formal definition, we proceed
which model the potential contribution of the battery. In this
with assuming a scheduling horizon of 1 day for the sake of
way, at each time interval, the free variables are "modulated"
clarify. Any other time interval can be equally accommodated
to allow the optimal power flow for solving grid congestions
by adapting the following definitions. We first introduce the
or for providing reserve according to the cost function. The
sets Γday0 , Γday 1 , . . . ; each contains all the time indexes
activation of a free variable (thus, battery injection) at a certain
that belong to the respective day. The battery energy capacity
node denotes that a ESS should be installed at that location.
required for one day of operation
This intuition explains how the siting principle works. The
battery energy storage capacity and the rating of the associated Eb (day0) =max {SOEt , ∀t ∈ Γday0 } −
power converter are derived from the evolution over time of (6)
+min {SOEt ∀t ∈ Γday0 } ,
the battery injection as now explained. t
b) Apparent power rating of the power converter: Let and similarly for the other days. The final energy storage
(B) (B)
Ptb , Qtb denote the battery injection at node b. Then capacity required at node b is modeled as the maximum value
the apparent power rating Snom,b of the power converter at over all days:
node b is the maximum apparent power observed over time
Enom,b = max {Eb (day 0), Eb (day 1), . . . } . (7)
(maximum of norms, convex): days
(B) 2 (B) 2 By forcing the SOE at the end of each day to return to its initial
Snom,b = max Ptb + Qtb , t = 1, 2, . . . , (4)
t value, we ensure that the problem does not take advantage of
the starting energy stock.
We assume that the power capability of the power converter
d) Model properties and approximation: Expression (5)
does not depend on the grid voltage.
did not account for energy conversion losses. To model them,
c) Energy capacity: For evaluating the required energy
we use the approach proposed in [25] that relies on an approx-
capacity, we first introduce the notion of battery state-of-
imated Thevenin equivalent circuit of whole battery’s power
energy (SOE). For the moment, we assume a lossless battery
conversion toolchain that is added in series to node of the grid
(the extension to a non-ideal battery is straightforward and
that hosts the battery, thus achieving a seamless integration
implemented as described in the next paragraph), so that the
of the notion of charging/discharging efficiency in the load
SOE at time t is the discrete integral over time of the battery
flow problem. Fig. 2 shows the equivalent circuit model:
injection (assuming zero initial state-of-charge): 0
Pt,b and Q0t,b are the active and reactive power injections of
t ∗0
X (B) the battery as seen from the grid, whereas Pt,b is the lossy
SOEtb = Ts Pτ b , (5)
battery power output that feeds the battery state-of-energy
τ =1
model in (5). The new controllable variables of the model are
where Ts is the sampling time. The value of the series ∗0 0
Pt,b and Qt,b , whereas the injection Pt,b is calculated by the
SOEtb can be regarded to as the energy capacity required grid model. The additional node is a modelling abstraction
to accomplish the active power trajectory P1b , P2b , . . . , Ptb . to represent conversion losses, and no grid voltage and line
One could simply estimate the required energy capacity by current constraints are added to that.
evaluating the final value of the time series. However, in this
way, the energy capacity would depend on the length of the F. Decision problem
optimization horizon, thus invalidating this sizing principle. 1) Model of the power balance in the system: During real-
For instance, batteries persistently charging or discharging time operations, stochastic realizations of the demand and

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
distributed PV deviate from forecasted profiles. To maintain 3) Complete formulation: The decision problem consists of
the balance, injections of the power plants and of ESSs will minimizing costs (11) subject to the power balance constraint
be activated according to the cost function described next. Let in (8), conventional power plants constraints (3), ESSs’ power
P̃0t the real power flow at the slack bus of the HV network rating (4) and energy storage requirements (7), grid models
at time t determined by the day-ahead unit commitment2 . The (1) for both the HV and MV grids, continuity constraints (2) ,
active power balance of the system is modeled by enforcing grid constraints on statutory voltage limits and line ampacities.
that the realization of the active power flow at the slack bus We model multiple daily scenarios of the realizations (by
(HV) (HV)
P0t matches with the respective day-ahead flow P̃0t : stacking them along the time dimensions) so to compute
storage deployment guidelines that are valid for multiple
(HV) (HV)
P0t (·) = P̃0t , (8) stochastic outcome. The formal formulation is omitted due
to lack of space.
where P0t (·) is a function of all controllable injections
(ESSs and conventional generators) and stochastic realizations IV. C ASE STUDY
and it is computed with (1c). By imposing the slack power to We provide a proof-of-concept of the proposed formulation
equal the day-ahead commitment with (8), we force all the by numerical simulations considering the system shown in
other units, including ESSs in distribution grids, to provide Fig. 1. Grid topologies for the HV and MV systems are ac-
balancing power. cording to the specifications of the 9-bus IEEE test system and
2) Cost of operations: Let cbt be the (symmetric) cost of CIGRE’ benchmark system for MV grids, respectively. The
activating a unit of power reserve for the time interval t and nominal demand and PV capacity at each node are reported
for the power plant at bus b. G is the set of bus indexes that in I. We model power demand as described in Section III and
interface conventional power plants. We assume that reserve with nominal nodal values according to the specifications of
is provided at the day-ahead spot price3 . The total cost of the benchmark systems. Instead, the PV installed capacity is
providing regulation from conventional power plants is the chosen to create mild reverse power flow conditions during
sum over time and over all the plants: peak production hours to reflect conditions of future distri-
  bution grids with pervasive distributed generation. Equivalent
J (G) ∆P (G) = cbt ∆Pbt , (9) loads A and B in Fig. 1 are modelled also starting from real
t∈T ,b∈G measurements: the former refers to MV a grid with large
presence of PV generation, the second to a grid with loads
where P (G) collects all the power injections of conventional only.
generators. The costs related to batteries are the capital invest-
ments required to manufacture them. In doing so, we assume
that batteries can be essentially recharged (and discharged) N OMINAL DEMAND , POWER FACTOR (pf ) AND INSTALLED PV CAPACITY
for free, for instance, by taking advantage of low prices in the OF TRADITIONAL GENERATION PER NODE

day-ahead spot market (viceversa). Fixed installation costs are MV network HV network
disregarded. Let B be the set of bus indexes of both HV and Node Residential demand PV Nominal demand Generation
MVA pf MWp MW Mvar MVA-MWp
MV grids candidate for hosting a ESS4 , and cP and cE be the 1 15.3 0.9 5.7 0 – 250
unitary cost of apparent power rating (e/MVA) and energy 2 0 – 5.0 0 – 300
storage capacity (e/MWh). With reference to models (4) and 3 0.28 0.9 4.4 0 – 270
4 0.44 0.9 2.2 0 – 0
(7), the cost of installing ESSs is: 5 0.75 0.9 1.3 35 30 40
  6 0.56 0.9 0.1 0 – 0
J (B) P (B) , Q(B) = 7 0 – – 100 50 0
 (10) 8 0.6 0.9 – 0 – 0
(B) (B)
(B) 9 0 – 1.1 (34.3) (31) (37.8)
cP Snom,b Pb , Qb + cE Enom,b Pb , 10 0.49 0.9 1.6
b∈B 11 0.34 0.9 5.7
12 15.3 0.9 5.7
where variables P (B) , Q(B) collect all ESSs’ active and 13 0 – –
14 0.22 0.9 5.0
reactive power injections. The total system cost is the sum Total 34.28 37.8 169.3 111 820-77.8
of the last two:
To model PV generation and demand, we consider four
J(·) = J (G) ∆P (G) + J (B) P (B) , Q(B) (11)
typical days of PV generation time series, one per season. For
where the arguments of J are omitted for brevity. the demand, we consider the same daily profile for all four
days because the considered measurement data set does not
2 Computed by an optimal power flow fed with with day-ahead point include thermal loads and, thus, does not exhibit significant
predictions of the stocastic realizations. seasonal patterns, that are, instead, dominated by PV gener-
3 For up regulation this can be a very conservative estimation, see for
ation. For each day, we consider 5 possible scenarios of the
instance [26].
4 Not all the nodes might be available to host an ESS due to, for instance, stochastic PV generation and demand realization, for a total of
land use constraints. 20 scenarios. At the current stage, the number of scenarios is

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
chosen so as to have tractable computational times. An higher 0.15

Energy capacity (MWh)

number of scenarios with guaranteed robust performance, as

Power rating (MVA)

in [27], will be considered in future works. Scenarios are 0.1 0.1

derived as follows considering real measurements and forecast

for Lausanne (CH) from 2018. For each season, we first group 0.05 0.05

similar PV generation forecasts with the k-means algorithm,

where k is estimated with the silhouette analysis. The cluster 0 0
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
with the largest number of elements is chosen as the most Node number
representative for the current season and retained for the
Fig. 3. Sizing requirements as a function of the nodal locations in HV grid.
next analysis. For each forecast series in the retained cluster,
we select the associated realization of PV production (from 10 5
measurements) and consider them as a possible scenario.

Energy capacity (MWh)

8 4

Power rating (MVA)

These scenarios are reduced to the final number by re-applying
the k-means algorithm with k = 5. 6 3

We consider a constant cost of the power reserve from 4 2

conventional generation of 50 e/MWh. This value is chosen
2 1
because it is near the average spot price in Europe (see, e.g.,
[28]) and a good proxy for the regulation price [26]. Reactive 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

compensation is "for free" and subject to the capability curves Node number

of the generators. The operational constraints enforced in the Fig. 4. Sizing requirements as a function of the nodal locations in MV grid.
decision problem refer to voltage limits for all HV and MV
nodes in the range 0.95-1.05 pu, power factor at the primary TABLE II
substation equal to or larger than 0.8, tap changer position at O PTIMAL ESS SIZES AND COST COMPARISON AGAINST GENERATORS ’
the middle plus/minus 10%.
The costs of batteries costs are 280 e/kWh for energy Complete optimization results ESS size Cost
Energy capacity 0.41 MWh-0.30MW 0.12 Me
capacity [29], and 80 e/kVA for power converter rating. HV
Power rating 0.46 MVA 0.04 Me
Energy capacity 13.16 MWh-8.25MW 3.68 Me
V. R ESULTS Power rating 19.30 MVA 1.54 Me
Generators active reserve 157.05 GWh 7.85 Me
We first show the output of the proposed method, that Total cost - 13.23 Me

refers to the locations, and apparent power rating and energy Comparison with traditional reserve Total energy Cost
Generators active reserve 303.67 GWh 15.18 Me
capacity requirements of the battery systems to deploy. In a
Reactive injections required Mean Max
second illustrative analysis, we show that by forcing batteries’ HV ESS reactive injections 0.05 MVAR 0.18 MVAR
injections to zero (so as to activate reserve from conventional MV ESS reactive injections 1.50 MVAR 6.94 MVAR
power plants only), the problem is feasible and converges HV gen. reactive injections 5.25 MVAR 40.08 MVAR
Only with traditional reserve 7.78 MVAR 45.09 MVAR
at a similar cost only when constraints are relaxed, thus
demonstrating that the use of battery energy storage systems
improves grid control performance while subject to similar Table II reports the total ESSs requirements and costs. In
implementation costs. order to compare the capital cost for the ESSs installation and
the operational cost for reserve provision from conventional
A. Vertical and horizontal siting and sizing generation, we project the costs of reserve over the life-span
The siting and sizing results for the HV and MV grids of the energy storage facilities, that we assume of 20 years. At
are shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. In the HV grid, this stage we consider calendar ageing only, that for certain
three ESSs are installed: at nodes 5 (together with aggregated battery technologies, such as lithium-titanate, is dominant over
load A), 6 (where a generator is also connected, as visible the power cycling aging.
in Fig. 1), and 9. The C-rate (i.e., active power rating over Fig. 5 shows how the different reserve providers contribute
energy capacity) of the installed ESSs is between 1/2 and to achieving the power balance and the day-ahead schedule in
1, which is well within the technical capability range of a certain time period: the contribution of the ESSs in MV grids
commercially available Lithium-ion ESSs. The relatively low (cyan area) complements the injections of the generators at the
C-rate of the proposed application denote an energy-intensive slack bus (blue) and at the other nodes (yellow) so to ensure
use of ESSs and can be therefore couple well with power- that the total generation (dashed green) follows the schedule
intensive services, such as primary frequency control. In the (red). As visible in Fig. 5, also variations of the HV slack
MV grid, the largest ESS is installed at the end of the first voltage (orange) for voltage regulation determines variations
feeder, at node 11 (almost 1/2C). Smaller devices are installed of the power balance due to different levels of power losses
at nodes 6, 4, 14, 1, and 12, all with C-rates slightly smaller in the lines.
than 1. Figures 6 and 7 shows the voltage magnitudes and line

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
Current (pu of the ampacity)
0.4 Slack bus generator MV ESSs
HV ESSs Generators 1
Voltage slack bus Schedule Max(current) ESSs
0.8 Max(current) wo ESSs
Active power (pu)

Ampacity limit
0.2 0.6

200 202 204 206 208 210 212 214 216
Time (hours)
Fig. 7. Evolution in time of the maximum and minimum line currents over
all the lines before and after ESSs actions for a given period where a mild
violation occurs. Values are reported in per unit of the line’s ampacity limit.
340 360 380 400 420
Time (hours)

Fig. 5. Compensation of the imbalances by the various reserve providers. projected on 20 years is e 15.18 million, thus higher than the
former case (i.e., e 13.23 million, Table II). It is important to
acknowledge that ESSs achieved to implement voltage control
currents (the seconds expressed in per unit of the respective in the MV network compared to the case with conventional
ampacity limit) before and after the control action of the generation only; if this service is remunerated in the future, it
batteries for a period of interest where violations occur. The will contribute to shortening the payback time of ESSs. The
considered case study is dominated by voltage violations, average reactive injections supplied by conventional generators
whereas Line ampacity violations are less frequent and mild. when ESSs are not available is 7.78 MVAR, with a maximum
As visible in Fig. 6, voltage levels are often considerably of 45.09 MVAR.
above the 1.05 pu limit due to PV generation. The action
of distributed storage is able to restore voltage levels within VI. C ONCLUSIONS
the prescribed limits. Current violations are small (up to We proposed a modeling framework to determine the opti-
1% recorded during the 5 PV-peak-production hours of the mal location, energy capacity and power rating of distributed
summer period in the MV grid) and are also corrected by battery energy storage systems at multiple voltage levels for
distributed ESSs. local grid control (voltage regulation and congestion man-
agement) and reserve provision to the transmission system
1.2 operator. The decision model relies on an optimal power flow
max(voltage) wo ESSs max(voltage) ESSs
problem with a representation of the grid constraints of MV
min(voltage) wo ESSs min(voltage) ESSs
Limits and HV grids and the regulation capacity of conventional
Voltage magnitude (pu)

generation units connected at the HV level. We model grid

1.1 operations at a one-hour resolution, where stochastic real-
izations of the demand and distributed generation determine
power imbalances from a day-ahead schedule. The imbalances
are compensated by changing the set-point of conventional
1 power plants (i.e., conventional reserves) and, possibly, by
injections of the batteries. By assigning an operational cost to
conventional reserves and a capital cost to batteries’ power rat-
ing and energy capacities, we derive the technical-economical
144 192 240 288 336 optimum for storage systems deployment. Batteries injections
Time (hours) are also activated to enforce grid constraints (in case, for exam-
Fig. 6. Evolution in time of the maximum and minimum voltage magnitudes ple, of excess distributed PV generation in distribution grids)
over all the grid nodes before and after ESSs actions for a selected period. and, thus, provide both regulating power and perform grid
Voltage limits are 1 pu±5%. control. Because we consider the needs of both distribution and
transmission system operators, we refer to this formulation as
vertical and horizontal planning of energy storage systems, as
B. Comparison with conventional generation only opposed to horizontal planning that includes a single voltage
Due to excess PV generation in the MV networks, the prob- level only. We use linearized models of the HV and MV
lem without ESSs is not feasible under the tight constraints of grids and retain fundamental modeling aspects of the power
the previous case study. Thus, we allow larger constraints on system (transmission losses, effects of reactive power, OLTC
the voltage magnitude (from ±5% to ±7%). Power plants are at the MV/HV interface, non-unitary efficiency of battery
assumed to have enough capacity to provide all the reserve energy storage systems) with a tractable convex formulation of
required by the system. The costs for reserve procurement the decision problem. Demand and distributed generation are

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
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21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020

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