IBS Hyderabad - Course Handout (AY 2023-24) : Subject-Specific

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IBS Hyderabad - Course Handout (AY 2023-24)

Course : Computer Applications to Business process Semester: I Total Credits: 3

Faculty Name: Mobile No: Email:
Learning Goals: Theoretical and practical (Basic and Applied) Knowledge

Course Objectives:
● to provide an understanding of the fundamentals of IT

● to identify the potential applications of the office tools and analyze their impact on managerial and organizational
decision-making processes
● to provide a conceptual and practical understanding and applications of word processing, spreadsheet and
presentation software
● Explain the needs of hardware and software required for a computation task

● to provide hands-on experience with the day-to-day business activities

● to explore and examine the applicability of the above tools in business applications

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, students should be able to:
● explore the potential applications of office automation tools in business

● identify the areas where these tools are widely used

● apply appropriate methods in divergent business scenarios

● analyze alternative approaches for the management of diverse business scenarios

● demonstrate critical and analytical thinking, analysis and synthesis of given data
● enhance problem-solving and decision-making capabilities

● demonstrate effective and appropriate use of office automation tools participate as a team-member in assigned group

Text Book:
● Introduction to Information Technology - Shelly/cashman/ Veermat, 1st edition, Cengage Learning, 2019.
Suggested books:
● Information Technology - Sushila Madan, 4th edition, Taxmann, 2007.

● Paul McFedries, Tricks of the Microsoft Office 2007 Gurus, Low Price Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.

● Computers Today , by S.K. Basndra , Galgotia publications

● Fundamental of computers by P.K Sinha, BPB Publications.

Course Outline
Total No. Need Digital or
Topic & Chapter SWAYAM /NPTEL video
S.No. Session objectives Expected Learning Outcomes of lectures Fulfill software tools
Case Reading links
Type used
1 Introduction Students will be able to appreciate 6 Global, - https://nptel.ac.in/
● To provide an
to the following aspects of National courses/106103068/1
Computers understanding Introduction to Computers.
of computers
and the ● Computer Systems
● Types of Computers
● Characteristics and
● Generations

● Organization of
● Storage Devices

● Operating Systems
Students will be able to appreciate
● To provide an
the following aspects of
understanding Introduction to computer networks
of Internet and and Internet.
components. ● History and
characteristics of
Networks https://
Global, onlinecourses.nptel.ac.
to Computer ● Types of networks 3 -
2 National in/noc18_cs38/
Networks &
Internet ● Various Communication
● WWW, IP Address,
Search engine
● Universal Resource
Locator etc.
3 The basic Students will be able to appreciate 6 Global,
● To provide an
concept of the following aspects of National
Technology understanding Technology and Law
and Law of Technology
● Understanding the
Technology of the
● Scope of Cyber Law

● Encryption
● Science of Cryptography

● Symmetric and
● Electronic Banking

● Digital Signature.

● The cybercrime.

● Hacking with Scope of

Cyber Law
● computer system

Students will be able to appreciate

● To identify
and become familiar to
the potential
applications of ● working with Microsoft
the office word- editing documents-
tools and paragraph formatting-
analyze their adding footnotes,
impact on comments- tracking
managerial changes
Use of Office and https://nptel.ac.in/
● working with tables-
software in organizational 6 Microsoft courses/
4 decision- adding graphics to a Local
Business: Office 2007 121106007/12
making document -drawing
processes to graphs and diagrams-
provide a embedding objects and
conceptual hyperlinks
and practical ● creating and executing
macros-working with
applications of
word ● Mail Merge
NCP Test 1
Students will be able to appreciate
● To identify
and also able to work on
the potential
applications of ● Spreadsheet concepts-
the office calculations on data-data
tools and validation
analyze their
● Functions- operations
impact on
managerial using function wizard-
and designing charts using the
organizational data working with
decision- different types of charts
making ● sorting and filtering the
processes to
provide a
Use of Office
conceptual ● creating pivot tables and Microsoft https://nptel.ac.in/
software in 10 Local
5 and practical generating pivot charts Office 2007 courses/103106074/
Ms-Excel ● data analysis tools, what-
application of if analysis, scenarios, goal
spread sheets seek
(MS Excel).
● Macros database power of
excel-changing and
sorting the database-
getting data from other
sources-protecting the
● , functions, Financial,
Mathematical, Logical,
Statistical, Date, Lookup
6 Data Students will be able to appreciate 6 Global,
● To provide an
processing the following aspects of Data National
understanding processing
of Data Introduction
processing in
business ● Mode of Data processing
● Basic of Data processing

● Data Hierarchy

● Management of Data
processing systems in
Business organizations.
● Computerized Inventory
control system
● Computerized Payroll
Students will be able to appreciate
● To provide an
the following aspects of program
understanding development
of program
● Introduction

● Program Development

● Steps in Program

Program and ● Characters of Good

7 Development program 6
. ● Data Handling and
● Introduction to flow
● Input process output

NCP-2 Test
8 Use of Office Students will be able to appreciate 5 Local Microsoft
● To identify
software in and perform operations of Office 2007
the potential
● Creating new
applications of
the office presentations-Adding new
tools and slides-rehearsing a
analyze their presentation-adding and
impact on manipulating text and
managerial words Art-creating Master
and slides
organizational ● applying slide transition-
applying custom
animation-using slide
processes to
sorter-working with
Business: provide a
images and inserting clip
Making conceptual
Art- using Charts
Presentations and practical
understanding ● Linking files-sound, video
and clips and images-moving,
applications of grouping and ungrouping
Power point of objects-giving on-
presentations. screen presentation
● navigation during the
notes-pausing the

Expectations from Students

a. Students must report to the respective sessions well before the announced time. Latecomers will not be permitted to join the class after the
scheduled time. If late, the attendance for that session will be marked as absent.
b. Students are expected to maintain the class cum assignment notebook.
c. In the class, discussion student is expected to participate actively and contribute to individual and group learning. Evaluation is based on active
d. Evaluation is a continuous process at IBS. Every student needs to be aware of the timelines given in the section below. Absence from these
evaluations will mean non-awarding of marks in that particular component
e. Formal dressing is suggested for all students. Do not roam in the academic area/ attend classes in chapels/shorts / informal t-shirts
f. Students are expected to show high regard and appreciation for in-class discipline and desist from using mobile phones. This disturbs the class
ambiance and unnecessarily diverts the attention of other students as well as the faculty member.
g. Each faculty has been given a scheduled consultation hour. Utilize this time to meet the faculty and clarify doubts if any, seek explanations, and
get mentored if needed.
h. Attendance is compulsory in all sessions.

Evaluation Timelines
Keeping in line with continuous evaluation at IBS, the following schedules have been drawn. Students must go through the dates/sessions
mentioned and prepare accordingly.
Component Component Number Expected slot / due date Marks declaration by Weightage
Class Participation 1 Session 08 Session 10 05
Class Participation 2 Session 24 Session 26 05
Test 1 Session 08 Session 10 15
Test (Mid-semester) 2 Session 16 Session 20 20
Test 3 Session 24 Session 26 10
End exam At the end of the semester 40
Total 100

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