CourseModuleCSATheory-2ndSEM (4)
CourseModuleCSATheory-2ndSEM (4)
CourseModuleCSATheory-2ndSEM (4)
Course: BCA
Subject Name: Computer System Architecture
Subject Code: UGCA1908
Semester: Second, Credit: 4
Course Instructor: Ms. Simranjeet Kaur, Ms. Kamalpreet Kaur, Ms. Amanpreet Kaur, Mr.
⮚ Students need to understand computer architecture in order to structure a program so that it runs more efficiently on a real machine
⮚ Knowledge of Architecture allows programmers to appreciate relative cost of operations and the effect of programming choices
⮚ Understanding of Architecture makes it possible to write computer programs that are Faster, Smaller and less prone to errors
⮚ Now a day’s, multiple core processors have resulted in great efficiency of modern day computers. There is a need to learn the design of
architectures of processors for analyzing the performance.
⮚ The application of Flip Flops, Registers, transistors, digital multimeter etc must be known by the students for the design of architecture of
processors in modern world.
⮚ The understanding of design of architecture will enable a user to develop circuits requiring decoding & multiplexing applications.
To make students aware about the basic building blocks of Computer System and how the different components are interfaced together.
The hardware components of Computer like CPU, RAM, Hard Disk etc will be displayed to the students so that the students can understand the
concept of head in Hard Disk & how the data is read/ written from/ to hard disk. Besides the exposure to the hardware components, the students
will be exposed to the Digital Electronics Simulator LOGISIM through which the implementation of design of various Combinational and
Sequential Circuits will be carried out. Besides this, the students will be able to simulate the Instruction Cycle, Pipelining concept, Assembly
Language Programming & all the basic concepts used in Architecture through CPU Simulator.
Also, the students will be asked to compare the various multi-core processors with single core processors to understand the role of various
factors like Data bus speed, Processor speed, Data transfer rate of RAM, responsible for affecting the efficiency of processor. An E-assignment
will be given to the students to explain the evolution of architectures of various processors like Single core, Dual Core, Quad core etc. listing the
key features of all.
Course outcomes
CO1 Know about the basic functioning of various parts of computer system from hardware
point of view and interfacing of various peripheral devices used with the system.
CO2 Learn number system and various types of micro-operations of processor.
Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR, NAND & NOR as Universal Gates, Logic Gates
Boolean Algebra: Introduction, Theorems, Simplification of Boolean Expression using Boolean Algebra, SOP &
POS Forms, Realization of Boolean Expression using Gates, K-Maps, Simplification of Boolean Expression using K-
Unit-II 12
Combinational Logic Circuits: Half Adder & Half Subtractor, Full Adder & Full Subtractor, Parallel Binary Adder,
Binary Adder/Subtractor.
Combinational Logic Circuits: Multiplexers & Demultiplexers, Implementation of Boolean equations using
Multiplexer and Demultiplexer, Encoders & Decoders.
Unit-III 8
Sequential Logic Circuits: Latch, Flip Flops- R-S Flip-Flop, J-K Flip-Flop, Race
Around Condition, Removing Race Around Condition, Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flop,
D Flip-Flop, T Flip-Flop, Applications of Flip-Flops.
Introduction to Computer Organization: Introduction to Computer and CPU (Computer Organization, Computer
Design and Computer Architecture), Stored Program Concept- Von Neumann Architecture, Harvard Architecture,
RISC and CISC Architecture.
Register Transfer and Micro operations- Introduction to Registers, Instruction Format, Types of Instructions-
Memory Reference Instructions, Register Reference Instructions and Input-Output Instructions.
Common Bus System: Introduction to Common Bus System, Types of Buses (Data Bus, Control Bus, Address Bus),
16-bit Common Bus System--Data Movement among registers using Bus.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
5. Digital Integrated Electronics, Taub & Schilling, Eighth Edition, Mc-Graw Hill.
Attendance Policy:
*Attendance (%) marks
● >95 = 6 marks
● 91-95=5marks
● 86-90= 4 marks
● 81-85=3 marks
● 76-80=2 mark
● <76 =0
You should read the college Rule Book thoroughly to avoid any confusion. Feel free to ask queries if any.
The Topics will be based on Applications of Microprocessors/Microcontrollers in various domains along with the
exploration of features in the latest and upcoming processors/controllers.
● Vector Processors
● Virtual Box
● Working of 3D Printer
● How Transistor works
● How Rectifier Works
● Working of Digital Multimeter
● How Diode works
● Working of Capacitor
● Working of Transformer
● Compare Conductors, Insulators & Semiconductors
Presentation will be held during the semester about which you will be informed well in advance. The rules for presentation are:
● Present will be marked only for those students who will be present at all the times during which the attendance will be taken.
● It is COMPULSORY for all the students to deliver the Presentation in order to clear the Internals of that subject.
● The students will get attendance according to the number of sessions attended by that student.
No. of Lect. : 44
Name of Instructor: Ms. Simranjeet Kaur, Ms. Kamalpreet Kaur, Ms. Amanpreet Kaur, Mr. Gourav
Lecture Content
1. Introduction to Course
2. Revision of Number System studied in Fundamentals of IT
3. Logic Gates:
Applications of Logic Gates, Functions and Truth Tables of digital Logic gates i.e. AND,
OR, NOT, EX-OR, EX-NOR, NAND, NOR, Realization of Basic Gates using Universal Gates
5. Boolean Algebra:
Boolean Laws, Theorems
6. Simplification of Boolean Expression using Boolean Algebra, Realization of Boolean Expressions using Logic Gates
Full Adder
Implementation of Boolean expression using Decoder
Sequential Circuits:
Introduction and difference from Combinational Circuits, R-S Latch
24. Design of S-R Flip Flop and applications of flip flops
● Troubleshooting laptops of faculty and students
● Tips related to performance enhancement
● Up-gradation of computer systems
● What to look for if you are purchasing a computer?
● Workshop by class students to other(Non-IT) stream students
● Quotations to assemble a computer: Market Study
● Tinkercad Circuit designing(
● Students will organize offline workshops for first year BCA, B.Tech first year students on ASSEMBLING OF
Faculty of Computer Applications Page 15
PCTE Group Of Institutes
Following are the classroom policies and they are meant to be strictly followed:
● I hate phones!!!! Particularly cell phones. I am being forced by my family to bring one with me. When you turn off your cell
phone so that it does NOT ring in class, please remind me to turn off my cell phone as well!! I certainly don’t want it to ring or
vibrate, and make me look like an idiot when we are discussing some earth-shaking theory or concept.
● Classes- I believe in starting classes sharp on time. Hence, you are expected to be in class. Also, find a friend and exchange an e-
mail and/or phone numbers so on the very rare occasion that you miss class, you won’t miss anything but perhaps an in-class
● Attendance will be taken within the first 5 minutes of the start of the lecture, after that student will be allowed to sit in the class
but attendance will not be given to the late comers.
● Be punctual in the class, try to maintain decorum if you are late.
● During lecture delivery, if you have any kind of query, just raise your hand. Queries are important for the understanding of the
concepts. So, do ask queries but make sure they are relevant to the subject.
IMPORTANT: You will be expected to perform as a key employee in a responsible IT Industry or MNC. There are no
good reasons for work not completed, to high professional standards, and on time. All reasons given of un-professionalism
would be bad reasons – no doubt!!
● A valuable consideration in adult education is that we all learn from one another. Sharing examples from your personal
experience is encouraged, and expected. Active participation in classroom discussion is mandatory. You will not clear
the course, without clearing all the parameters.
Work submitted by the student to meet the requirements of this course must be original work. If a student
submits work that has been created wholly or in large part by others, the student will receive a failing grade
for the assignment. If this was to be repeated, it will result in a Fail grade for the course.