4 1 (A) Define Gravitational Potential at A Point
4 1 (A) Define Gravitational Potential at A Point
4 1 (A) Define Gravitational Potential at A Point
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(b) Artemis is a spherical planet that may be assumed to be isolated in space. The variation with
distance x from the centre of Artemis of the gravitational potential φ is shown in Fig. 1.1.
x /107 m
0 1 2 3
φ /107 J kg–1
Fig. 1.1
(iv) A satellite is in an orbit at a fixed position above a point on the surface of Artemis. The
satellite is located above the equator of Artemis at a height above the surface where the
gravitational potential is – 0.65 × 107 J kg–1.
(c) State one similarity and one difference between gravitational potential due to a point mass
and electric potential due to a point charge.
similarity ....................................................................................................................................
difference ..................................................................................................................................
[Total: 12]