Pharmacy Application Essay
Pharmacy Application Essay
Pharmacy Application Essay
Crafting a Pharmacy Application Essay is a challenging endeavor that requires a delicate balance
between showcasing your personal experiences, academic achievements, and passion for the field.
The difficulty lies in articulating your unique qualities and aspirations while adhering to the specific
guidelines provided by the application. You need to effectively communicate your motivation for
pursuing a career in pharmacy, detailing your relevant experiences, skills, and future goals.
Moreover, you must navigate the fine line between self-promotion and humility, demonstrating your
strengths without sounding overly boastful. Conveying your enthusiasm for the pharmaceutical field
in a way that resonates with the admissions committee is no small feat. Additionally, addressing any
potential weaknesses or gaps in your academic or professional history requires careful consideration
and strategic communication.
The process involves significant self-reflection to identify the key moments and experiences that have
shaped your desire to pursue pharmacy as a career. It necessitates the ability to articulate these
insights in a compelling and coherent narrative that captivates the reader's attention. Furthermore,
you must tailor your essay to align with the values and expectations of the specific pharmacy
program you are applying to, making the task even more intricate.
In conclusion, writing a Pharmacy Application Essay demands a high level of self-awareness, writing
proficiency, and an understanding of the program's requirements. It requires meticulous planning,
thoughtful reflection, and the ability to effectively communicate your unique qualities. While
challenging, successfully navigating this process can significantly enhance your chances of securing
a spot in the pharmacy program of your choice.
If you find yourself needing assistance in crafting a compelling essay or similar writing tasks, various
resources are available to provide support. Platforms like offer services to help you
with your writing needs, ensuring that your essays meet the standards expected by academic
Pharmacy Application EssayPharmacy Application Essay
Utilitarianism And Attractive Abortion
Utilitarianism is defined by J.S. Mill in his book, Utilitarianism (1861) as the creed
which accepts as the foundation of morals...holds that actions are right in proportion as
they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness
(p. 10) In essence, Utilitarianism is the ethical prerogative that Batman is morally
required to kill the Joker, because the Joker will continue is death spree until he dies.
Consequently, more people benefit have more pleasure if the Joker were to die. This
ethical philosophy can be translated into the current and controversial topic: elective
abortion. An elective abortion, for this essay will be defined as the termination of
pregnancyfor reasons other than maternal health (mental... Show more content on ...
Should society involve themselves? As previously stated, individuals in society
should be able to participate in discourse as long as they consider the alternative point
of view. When it comes to actions that are inconvenient Mill states that these actions
should be separate from society s judgement (Mill, 1859, p. 76). Furthermore, Mill
makes the point that while the majority of society may hold the same opinion of truth,
may be altogether wrong, and, even if right, are as likely as not to be misapplied to
individual cases, but person no better acquainted with the circumstances of such cases
(Mill, 1859, p. 74). In China, despite the strides of female empowerment, males are
still born with a higher social status than females. Prior to 2015, when the one child
policy ended in China, women used their newly found autonomy to have sex selective
abortions in which they favored males (Douthat, 2011). In Mill s eyes individuals from
other countries with different socials structures were not allowed to pass judgements
on these women s decision, because they knew little of the cultural expectations.
Moreover, Mill believes that the individual is not accountable to society for action that
does not have consequences for society as a whole (Mill, 1859, p. 93). Therefore, since
elective abortions, according to Mill s utilitarianism, only affect the individual she is
not required to explain her actions to society. There is evidence that clearly indicates
Mill would not approve of society judging, or taking action, an individual who had
received an elective
Essay On Gene Expression In Bacteria
In this experiment, I looked at what affect varying environmental variables have on
gene expression in bacteria. More specifically, I observed the effect of temperature on
the common soil bacteria Serratia marcescens. S. marcescens can appear either red,
pink, white, or colorless due to the presence, or the lack, of several specific enzymes
within the bacteria that cause the production of the red pigment known as prodigiosin.
All organisms contain DNA, which houses genes that contain information needed for the
cell to produce a specific protein or enzyme required to carry out a particular
biochemical function or to fulfill a particular cellular process. Certain factors, such as
temperature, light, or pH, can cause certain genes to be... Show more content on ...
After mixing the two, I placed the mixture in a small test tube and placed that in the
microwave to bring it to a boil. After about 30 seconds in the microwave, I noticed that
the test tube s rubber stop, which was placed there to prevent the water from evaporating
in the microwave, had completely popped off. I cleaned up the mess in the microwave
and made the nutrient agar mixture again; however, this time I placed the mixture in a
larger beaker and covered it with the top of a sterile petri dish similarly to how I had
previously boiled Mr. Goble s Erlenmeyer flask of agar. Again, after 30 seconds in the
microwave, the petri dish lid had come off of the beaker and the mixture had boiled
over and onto the microwave. I cleaned the microwave for the second time that day and
decided that I needed an even larger container to boil the mixture in, as it seemed the
boiling water had nowhere to go in my previous efforts and forced the ejection of each
lid. After realizing that the largest flask I was in possession of was the large
Erlenmeyer from Mr. Goble, I decided to clean it out quickly (as there was still some
remaining nutrient agar in the bottom of it) and make my own nutrient agar for the
third time and use the large flask to boil it in. After the third time, my efforts to boil my
own nutrient agar proved successful and I poured about 15 mL of the liquid agar into
two petri dishes; one
Cover Of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue By Ashley Graham
person s body type. For example, plus size models have always dealt with constant
judgement from the fashion industry and society as well. Ashley Graham, a famous
plus size model being the first to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
Issue. Graham deals with criticism from the public everyday. During an interview
with Motto, Graham spoke out about the real image she places on society. When
asked the question about her plus size modeling career I notice you said you could be
considered plus size and in your ted talk you say, I don t see it as plus size, I see it as
my size. Could you explain why you think that distinction is so important?I really believe
that the word plus size is something some women hold onto and
Plessy Vs Ferguson Essay
The Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson is known for having established the
precedent of separate but equal. The case originated in Louisiana and was specifically
made to the separate passenger cars that were for the black and white races. The
Supreme Court, in this case, upheld the right of Louisiana to separate the races and
this decision provided the legal foundation to justify many other actions by state and
local governments to socially separate blacks and whites (Zimmerman, 1997). It was
not until the famous Brown v. Board of Education case in 1954 that the highest court
in the land outlawed the principal of segregation and the concept of separate but equal.
Homer Plessy was only one eighth African descent and appeared to be white. Despite
his white features, he was arrested for sitting in a white car and refusing to leave the
white railroad car. The case went first to the Criminal District Court of the Parish of
Orleans in State of Louisiana v. Plessy in... Show more content on ...
It even says it in the US constitution, No state shall make of enforce any law which
shall abridge the privileges of immunities of citizens of the US. And the arrest of
Homer Plessy was enforcing a law which abridges the privileges of US citizens. All
citizens constitutionally are completely equal before the law. The constitution does not
tolerate classes among citizens; it does not tolerate the splitting of the people it s
meant to protect. The constitution was written to bring those separate classes together.
The case Plessy v. Ferguson was a test of a Louisiana law s constitutionality. It took 50
years to realize it, but the constitutionally and morally right way was to end
segregation. This case was never about Plessy not being able to ride on a white only car
on a train headed to Covington, Louisiana. It was about a group of black citizens trying
to stop segregation from ever