Persuasive Essay For School Uniforms

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Persuasive Essay For School Uniforms

Writing a persuasive essay on the topic of school uniforms can be a challenging task, as it requires
careful consideration of various perspectives and the ability to present a compelling argument. The
difficulty lies in the need to navigate through the diverse opinions surrounding the issue, ranging
from concerns about individuality and self-expression to arguments in favor of fostering a sense of
unity and equality among students.

To create a well-rounded essay, one must conduct thorough research to understand the historical
context, educational benefits, and social implications of school uniforms. This involves delving into
both sides of the debate, analyzing studies, and gathering relevant statistics to support or counter the
proposed ideas. Crafting a persuasive essay also demands the skill of anticipating and addressing
potential counterarguments, ensuring that the essay is robust and able to withstand scrutiny.

Moreover, the writer must employ effective rhetorical strategies to appeal to the emotions and
reasoning of the audience. Balancing logic and emotion is crucial in persuading readers to see the
merit in the argument presented. The challenge lies in maintaining a persuasive tone without
appearing overly biased, acknowledging opposing views while skillfully dismantling their

In conclusion, writing a persuasive essay on the topic of school uniforms requires a careful and
nuanced approach. It involves meticulous research, critical thinking, and effective communication
skills. Successfully navigating through the complexities of this subject demands a writer's ability to
present a compelling case while acknowledging the diversity of opinions surrounding the issue.

If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or need assistance with various types of
essays, a resource like can offer support. They provide services that cater to
academic writing needs, helping individuals with essays, research papers, and more.
Persuasive Essay For School UniformsPersuasive Essay For School Uniforms
The Way Of Wealth By Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin is considered one of the most realistic and wisest men in the
history of America. He is known for his stand on the necessity for the individual to
work hard and to be frugal in order to reach success. In the presented essay, The Way to
Wealth , he makes mention of various aphorisms and pieces of advice which express
his views and opinions about morals, ethics, life, taxes, debts, etc. Among those pieces
of advice that he offers his audience, we find the phrase employ thy time well if thou
meanest to gain leisure; and, since thou art not sure of a minute, throw not away an
hour. Although much of his work is devoted to the importance of industry and of
frugality, here Franklin discusses the difference between being lazy and having
leisure. He places emphasis on how without working hard and in a conscious way, the
individual will never be able to have time for pastimes or leisure. Instead of viewing
laziness and fun as the ultimate goal an individual must aim for, Franklin advices about
using the time in a profitable way. To him, labor brings more comfort than idleness or
laziness, as when the individual is idle or bored, he manages to commit mischief.
Moreover, it is his belief that one cannot just be in a useless position the whole time, lest
poverty and necessity strike. Therefore, Franklin argues, it is important to find useful
things to do with one s time, but things that bring enjoyment, in order for one to work
hard at them. Once the
An Effective Example Of Technical Communication
For the source, which is, a website for audience to learn new language. I
think it is an effective example of technical communication. The target audience of this
source is the people who wants to try to learn new language they never tried before.
And this source is a user friendly website. The content of this source is very academic,
in this source, it uses proper pictures for audience to remember new words in the
beginning, when the audience going to higher level, it shows some profession articles for
audience to improve their abilities of reading. During the learningsection, it has two
options for audience, one is basic 1 , which means start from the easiest level. The other
one is placement test , which means you can take a placement test and the source will
decide which level you are depends on your test scores. For this source which my partner
choose, I have some same perspectives about the source s features with my partners.

Expectations of the source

First of all, my partner and I are both consider this source provides accurate information
to audience. As a learning website, it has a responsibilities to give audience correct
knowledge which should not confuse audience while they are learning. According to it
provides 27 languages around the world, it must have a very professional group to work
on each language to make sure less mistake.
Secondly, the audience can play games to improve their memories of the new language.
When the audience give a
Sigmund Freud Essay
Sigmund Freud is known to be one of the most prominent scholars on research and
thoughts regarding human nature. Freud is acknowledged for establishing out of the box
theories with dominant concepts that are backed up by good evidence. Freud s
arguments are quite convincing, but very controversial. When thoughts get controversial,
a loss of strength for an argument occurs. Freud feels that religion is a psychological
anguish and suffering. (Webster, 2003) For Freud, religion attempts to influence
individuals psychologically in order to enhance wish fulfillment, infantile sexuality,
Oedipal Complex, and dominating humanity all over the world. (Webster, 2003) Sigmund
Freudreferred himself as a scientist, his main work surrounded psychology.... Show more
content on ...
(Freud, 1917) I completely disagree with what Freud is saying, just because our
ancestors believed in religion and it was passed down, we are in a day and age where
we are all very open. More and more atheist is present and religion is not imposed on
individuals. Freud claims that theories need to be supported with proof to be valid and
religion cannot do that. I disagree even though prophets and God has not written
themselves; the scriptures are in fact overlapping in material about incidences and
events that had occurred. For instance, in Christianity the Gospels within the bible
there are three synoptic Gospels that every much touch upon the same incidences, they
were all written at different times. If these scriptures were not accurate then why are
there so many overlaps amongst them. Freud states that religion pressures and
suppresses people. (Freud, 1917) I think that religion is a personal choice if you
believe in a religion that s good and if you do not that s good to. It is an individual s
choice to make and no one can affect that decision. Religious ideas have the strongest
influence and impact on humanity till today, stated Freud. (Freud, 1917) Humans are
very intelligent creatures, if religion has such a strong hold on us, there has to be some
truth behind it. Freud believes that religious ideas, teaching, and experiences are all
Change In Government And Politics In Japan, 1931-1941
Throughout the years of 1931 1941, Japan was politically unstable due to divisions
among politicians and those in the military. Due to those divisions, the government
had changed multiple times as a result of power struggles within the different
government factions, and actions of the military. Change in government were a way
for Japan to survive through these times with different leaders, albeit the military had
most control over the political situation in Japan. Just as a bicycle would be used for
survival, Japan was trying to survive through different government factions to lead the
country. There were two leading factions within Japan between 1931 and 1941; the
Koda ha and the Tosei ha, both being imperialist and expansionist, with Koda ha the
more radical group. The Koda ha believed the best way for Japan to survive and thrive
was through dictatorship, ...Koda ha was generally the more radical of the two...
believed in a military dictatorship that would deliver state socialism. They believed that
the USSR was the main enemy of Japan, and a war would be inevitable. Tosei ha,
however, believed in more... Show more content on ...
The assassination had led to the execution of Aizawa, causing an attempted coup by
Koda ha soldiers. The coup was an attempt to install a government that those officers
saw fit to lead the country, and would be best for the survival of the country. After the
attempted coup, those accused of being key conspirators were killed, and the Koda ha
faction was discredited. Through these power struggles of the two factions, they were
both trying to install themselves as the main political influence in Japan, as to align the
country to their ideologies; they had both fought for power because they believed that
their methods would allow the country to succeed and survive at that
The Plane-Personal Narrative
The Smiths got into the airplane, and found their seats. This was Amy s first airplane
ride, she was only 1. Nash was jealous, he was 5 and this was only his second ride on a
airplane, his first was when he was 3 years old. Even though it was only a two year
difference, he was very jealous. James, who was 12 looked nervous, he got motion
sickness a lot and had asthma so it s understandable that he looked nervous. Josie and
Robert, the parents, traded Amy for the carry on bag then Josie sat down with Amy on
her lap. The other kids sat down next to Josie then Robert sat on the other side of the
aisle, after putting the carryon bag in the slot. Then the planetook off.
As they were inclining, James started get really sweaty and he began to breathe really
heavy. Josie go out his inhaler and and tried to cool him down. She told him, It s ok,
once the plane is done inclining we can get you some water. Josie new it would take a
while to finish inclining.
Amy who looked worried for her big brother started crying. Josie gave her, her pacifier
which seemed to calm her down.
Finally they were done inclining and the cart started coming ... Show more content on ...
Josie kept repeating to herself, She can t swim! She can t swim! She looked around
her and sighed with relief, when she saw Amy holding onto a piece of debris, crying.
Josie swam over to Amy, Amy stopped crying. Then Amy screamed, Jame! Jame!
Josie looked around quickly trying to find where Amy was looking. She saw James
lying on a huge chunk of metal. She told Amy to stay there then started swimming over
to James. When she got there she realized James had a huge piece of glass sticking out
his leg. She got him over to Amy by pushing the medal and swimming, she told Amy to
get on the piece of metal too, then Josie swam to the little land there was. A few other
people had climbed onto the land as
The Importance Of Choices In The Film
The film is explains the context choice and consequences. Moss makes a choice to
take money, to keep the money and furthermore a choice to not surrender even when
his wife might die because of that decision. Such moral choices we do make and we as
a result must suffer and accept consequences of these decisions. Chigurh allows people
to make a choice using a coin: heads or tails. These choices surround more on the fate
or luck of person. These choices, unluckily, have consequences. However, even
Chigurh has the choices too: let an individual live or die. It is about our moral
responsibility, making rightful choices in a world where previous answers are no
director and evil done is overwhelming. Do we surrender to those evil or do our best to
uphold integrity even if we lose everything? This kind of moral direction is the heart of
the... Show more content on ...
He uses a coin to show his viewpoint of life, specifically ways that fate, free will, and
chance function in defining the result of one s life. The fact that he forces his victims
to pick in the coin toss shows the way we can make choices but only within our limits
of mortality. We mostly do not have any control over our death. The coin explains the
chance and choice function towards death. Choosing either heads or tails is an
example of the outcomes of our choices and decisions, which result to our end.
Chigurh uses coin to show that the smallest of all actions toss of coin can have
massive consequences. In requesting Carla and Carson choose between life and death
on a toss of coin... (Theme and analysis, 1). Chigurh uses the coin to as a tool. The
coin decides whether Carla and Carson live or die. This ends up with Carla dead
because of the toss of a coin. It is by random chance, in my opinion, a coin found its
way to Chigurh possession and his victims purely by random paths, reducing their deaths
to a coin flip, randomly like being hit by a bus or murdered in

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