EE 18 20 Distribution System and Substation Design 1 3
EE 18 20 Distribution System and Substation Design 1 3
EE 18 20 Distribution System and Substation Design 1 3
Cebu: JRT Bldg. Imus Ave, Cebu City | Davao: 2nd Fl. MERCO Bldg. Rizal St. cor. Bolton St. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AND
Manila: CMFFI Bldg. R. Papa St. Sampaloc | Baguio: 4th Fl. De Guzman Bldg., Legarda Road SUBSTATION DESIGN
7. The effective resistance of 14. In the cables, sheaths are used to
Multiple Choice: conductor is increased by A. prevent moisture from entering
A. Skin effect the cable.
DSSD Part 1 B. Proximity effect B. provide enough strength.
• Basic concept of Power System C. Corona effect C. provide proper insulation.
• Basic concept of Transmission D. Both (a) and (b) D. None of the above
• Elements of Transmission System 8. By increasing the transmission Related Question: Which of the
• Overhead and Underground voltage double of its original value, following protects a cable against
Distribution the same power can be dispatched mechanical injury during handling
keeping the line loss. and laying?
• Objective Questions
A. Equal to its original value A. XLPE Insulator
• Geometric Mean Radius
B. Double of its original value B. Sheath
C. Half of its original value C. Armouring
1. Overhead transmission lines
D. One fourth of its original value D. LLDPE
generally use
A. Copper Conductors
9. What is/are the main reason/s for 15. In distribution system, which of the
B. ACSR Conductors
using high voltage in the following items shares the major
C. Aluminum Conductors
transmission of power in the grid cost?
D. Steel Conductors
system? A. Conductors
I. To transmit bulk power with B. Earthing systems
2. Guy wire is used in the construction
minimum line losses C. Distribution transformer
of distribution lines for what
II. Increase system reliability D. Insulator
A. II only
A. Providing emergency grounding
B. Both I and II 16. The insulators fail due to?
B. Supports the pole
C. Either I or II A. Flash over
C. Supports the conductor
D. I only B. Short circuits
D. Protects against surges
C. Deposition of dust
Related Question: The power loss is an D. All of these
3. Which distribution system is
important factor for the design of
energized by two or more
A. Transmission line 17. A single solid round copper wire has
generating stations or substations?
B. Motor a diameter of 0.50 inch. Determine
A. Radial System
C. Generator its GMR.
B. Interconnected System
D. Feeder A. 0.3894 in
C. Ring main system
B. 0.1947 in
D. All of these
10. What is the shape that is attained by C. 0.1825 in
the conductors if suspended from D. 0.25 in
4. The strain type insulators used when
the same height?
A. The transmission is dead end
A. Parabola 18. An unconventional conductor
B. The direction of transmission
B. Catenary consists of three strands arranged
line changes
C. Semi-circle vertically. Find the GMR in terms of
C. The transmission line is short
D. None of these the radius r of an individual strand.
D. Both a and b
A. 1.564r
11. An ACSR conductor has (n-1) layers B. 1.692r
5. Which of the following insulators
around its single center strand, the C. 1.704r
will be selected for high voltage
total number of strands will be ___. D. 1.864r
A. 3n2+ 3n+ 1
A. Spool type
B. 3n2 - 3n – 1 19. A conductor consists of four strands
B. Post type
C. 3n2 + 3n – 1 arranged in diamond form. Find the
C. Suspension type
D. 3n2 – 3n + 1 GMR in terms of the radius r of an
D. Pin type
individual strand.
12. How many strands are there for a A. 1.564r
Related Question: Which of the
three-layer stranded conductor? B. 1.692r
following standard transmission system
A. 19 C. 1.704r
is not classified as Extra High Voltage?
B. 37 D. 1.864r
A. a. 345 kV c. 500 kV
C. 54
B. b. 230 kV d. 765 kV
D. 27 Related Question: What is the GMR of
seven strands conductor in terms of
6. Name the effect which is resulted
13. An ACSR conductor has seven steel radius r of an individual strand if the
because of the size of the conductor,
strands, it is surrounded by twenty- center core has zero conductivity?
frequency and the specific
four aluminum conductors, it is A. 2.123r
resistance of the conducting
specified as B. 1.692r
A. 31 ACSR C. 2.304r
A. Corona effect
B. 31/7 ACSR D. 2.177r
B. Skin effect
C. 7/31 ACSR
C. Proximity effect
D. 24/7 ACSR
D. Thomson effect
Website: Facebook: Excel Review Center Cellphones: Smart: 0919 822 5048 Globe: 09173284664
Cebu: JRT Bldg. Imus Ave, Cebu City | Davao: 2nd Fl. MERCO Bldg. Rizal St. cor. Bolton St. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AND
Manila: CMFFI Bldg. R. Papa St. Sampaloc | Baguio: 4th Fl. De Guzman Bldg., Legarda Road SUBSTATION DESIGN
25. A single phase, 20 km line has a total
DSSD Part 2 inductance of 35 mH. The distance 31. A 115 kV three-phase transposed
between the two conductor is 59 transmission is composed of 2-ACSR
• Geometric Mean Distance
inches. Find the GMR of the 336,400 cmil, 30/7 Oriole
• Series Inductance of Transmission
conductor. conductors per phase with
A. 1.75 cm horizontal configuration: D12 = 7 ft,
• Capacitance of Transmission Lines
B. 1.89 cm D23 = 7 ft, D31 = 14 ft. The line
• Short Transmission Lines
C. 1.65 cm spacing is measured from the center
D. 1.99 cm of the bundled conductors. The
20. A 69 kV line has a horizontal
distance between the conductors of
configuration. The distance between
26. A 69 kV three-phase transposed line the bundle is 6 inches. The
adjacent conductor is 6ft. What is
is composed of one ACSR 336,400 conductors have a diameter of 0.741
the geometric mean distance of the
mil, 26/7 Linnet conductor per phase inch and a GMR of 0.02255 ft. Find
with a horizontal configuration of the capacitance per phase for 20 km
A. 6 ft
D12 = 5 ft, D23 = 5ft and D13 = 10 ft. of the line in microfarads.
B. 8.5 ft
The conductors have a diameter of A. 0.1300
C. 10 ft
0.721 inch and a GMR of 0.0243 ft. B. 0.2719
D. 7.6 ft
Find the inductance per phase per C. 0.2889
kilometer of the line. D. 0.2609
21. Determine the mutual GMD of a
A. 1.0963 mH/km
three-phase single-circuit
B. 1.1116 mH/km 32. In the modelling of short length
transmission line whose conductors
C. 1.1505 mH/km overhead transmission line, why is
arranged in a triangular formation so
D. 1.1233 mH/km the line capacitance to ground not
that the two distances between
conductors are 20 ft and the third is
27. Why are high voltage transmission A. Equal to zero
38 ft respectively.
lines transposed? B. Finite but very small
A. 24.77 ft
A. Corona losses can be C. Finite but very large
B. 25.35 ft
minimized. D. Infinite
C. 53.67 ft
B. Computation of inductance
D. 26.43 ft
becomes easier. 33. A 30-mile, 3Ø transmission line is to
C. Voltage drops in the lines can be deliver 20,000 kW at 69 kV @ 85%
22. The value of inductance per
minimized. power factor. The line resistance is
conductor in three phase line is ____
D. Phase voltage imbalances can 0.324 Ω/mile and inductive reactance
times the loop inductance for single
be minimized. is 0.737 Ω/mile. What is the line loss?
phase lines
A. 1.05 kW
A. 1/3
28. A transmission line has two B. 376.7 kW
B. 1/2
aluminum conductors in bundle. The C. 997 kW
C. 1
self GMD of each conductor is 8.90 D. 1,130.3 kW
D. 2
mm and the distance between the
conductors and phases is 40 cm and 34. A three phase, wye connected, 20
23. The conductor of a 1 – phase, 60 Hz
9 m, respectively. What is the MW load of power factor 0.866
line is a solid round aluminum wire
inductance of the line per phase? lagging is to be supplied by a
having a diameter of 0.412 cm and
A. 4 𝜇𝐻/𝑚 transmission line at 138 kV. It is
the conductor spacing is 3m.
B. 3 𝜇𝐻/𝑚 desired that the line losses do not
Determine the inductance of the line
C. 2 𝜇𝐻/𝑚 exceed 5 percent of the load. If the
in 𝑚𝐻/𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒.
D. 1 𝜇𝐻/𝑚 per phase resistance of the line is 0.7
A. 2.424
Ω/km, what is the maximum length
B. 2.555
29. The capacitive reactance of a 40 km of the line?
C. 2.852
34.5 kV line is 90,000 Ω/km. What is A. 51 km
D. 2.168
the total capacitive reactance? B. 42 km
A. 2,250 Ω C. 63 km
24. A single-phase transmission line is
B. 1.08 x 107 Ω D. 56 km
35 km long, consist of two solid
C. 6,750 Ω
round conductor each of 0.9 cm in
D. 3.6 x 108 Ω 35. A 60-Hz short transmission line,
diameter. The conductor spacing is
having R = 0.62 ohms per phase and
2.5 m. Calculate the inductance per
30. A three-phase 60 Hz line has flat L = 93.24 mH per phase, supplies a
horizontal spacing. The conductors three-phase, wye-connected 100
A. 46 mH
have an outside diameter of 3.28 cm MW load of 0.90 lagging power
B. 67 mH
with 12 m between conductors. factor at 230 kV line-to- line voltage.
C. 32 mH
Determine the capacitive reactance Determine the voltage regulation of
D. 15 mH
to neutral of the line in ohms if its the transmission Line?
length is 125 miles. A. 3.75%
A. 2,023 Ω B. 3.20%
B. 1,619 Ω C. 3.55%
C. 3,238 Ω D. 3.42%
D. 2,605 Ω
Website: Facebook: Excel Review Center Cellphones: Smart: 0919 822 5048 Globe: 09173284664
Cebu: JRT Bldg. Imus Ave, Cebu City | Davao: 2nd Fl. MERCO Bldg. Rizal St. cor. Bolton St. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AND
Manila: CMFFI Bldg. R. Papa St. Sampaloc | Baguio: 4th Fl. De Guzman Bldg., Legarda Road SUBSTATION DESIGN
DSSD Part 3 41. A three-phase, 115kV, 60 Hz, 47. What is the IEEE device function
• Medium Transmission Lines transmission line has a per phase number 21?
o Nominal “Pi” Method series impedance of Z = 0.05 + j0.45 A. Overvoltage relay
o Nominal “T” Method ohm/km and a per phase shunt B. Distance relay
• Generalized Circuit Constants admittance of Y = j3.4 x 10 raised to C. Undervoltage relay
• Typical Protection Scheme of Radial negative 6 siemens/km. The line is D. Differential relay
/ Loop System 120 km long. Using the nominal Pi
• Corona Loss line model, determine the 48. What is the type of relay that is
• Arrester Rating transmission line D constant. intended to respond to the
• Introduction to Substation A. 0.001214 difference between incoming and
B. 0.979+j0.001299 outgoing quantities?
36. On what concept is electrically short, C. 0.989+j0.001224 A. Directional
medium and long lines based? D. 0.999+j0.001248 B. Subtractive
A. Nominal voltage of the line C. Differential
B. Physical length of the line 42. A 132 kV, 60 Hz, three-phase D. Distance
C. Wavelength of the line transmission line delivers a load of
D. Power transmitted over the line 50 MW at 0.8 power factor lagging 49. What arrester rating shall be used to
at the receiving end. Find the protect an 11 kV ungrounded
37. A 60 Hz, three phase transmission sending end line voltage. The system?
line delivers 20 MVA to a load at generalized constants of the A. 18 kV
66kV and 80% power factor lagging. transmission line are: B. 16 kV
The total series impedance of each A = D = 0.95 < 1.4° C. 12 kV
line is 15 + j75 ohms. If nominal “pi” B = 96 < 78° D. 9 kV
circuit is used, what would be the C = 0.0015 < 90°
transmission efficiency if the 50. The distribution system is 34.5 kV,
admittance is j6 x 10^-4 mhos? A. 162.9 kV grounded. Which arrester shall be
A. 92.9% B. 161.9 kV installed to protect a distribution
B. 91.7% C. 160.8 kV transformer on the system?
C. 91.5% D. 162.7 kV A. 27 kV
D. 92.6% B. 30 kV
43. What is corona? C. 34.5 kV
38. A 3φ, 230 kV transmission line is A. Partial breakdown of air D. 38 kV
sending 100 MW power at 230 kV B. Complete breakdown of air
and 90% power factor. The C. Sparking between lines 51. A substation which perform the
impedance is 5+j20 and its D. None of these switching operations of power
capacitive reactance is 2500 ohms. transmission lines are called ___.
Determine the receiving end 44. Which gas is formed near to the A. Transformer substation
voltage. conductors by producing a hissing B. Switching substation
A. 221.72 kV noise? C. Industrial substation
B. 222.83 kV A. oxygen D. Intermediate substation
C. 226.15 kV B. ozone
D. 224.28 kV C. hydrogen 52. Gas Insulated Substation is
D. nitrogen employed where
39. When the load at the receiving end A. Where there is less space
of a long transmission line is 45. A 500 kV line has a total corona loss available
removed or the line is lightly loaded, of 280 kW. When energized at 230 B. For high altitude substation
the sending end voltage is less than kV, the corona loss is 42 kW. What C. In terrain region
the receiving end voltage. This will be the corona loss if used to D. All of the above
phenomenon is called. transmit power at voltage of 385 kV?
A. Kelvin’s Law A. 117 kW 53. The size of Gas Insulated Substation
B. Corona Effect B. 153 kW is significantly small compared to
C. Ferranti Effect C. 207 kW conventional substation because
D. Hall Effect D. 183 kW A. High electronegative property
of SF6 gas
40. For a transmission line which among 46. 87 is the device function number B. High dielectric property of SF6
the following relation is true? assigned by ANSI to this relay gas
A. –AB+CD = 1 A. Lockout relay C. High insulation property of SF6
B. AD+BC = 1 B. Undervoltage relay gas
C. AB – CD= - 1 C. Directional relay D. All of the above
D. AD – BC = 1 D. Differential relay
Website: Facebook: Excel Review Center Cellphones: Smart: 0919 822 5048 Globe: 09173284664
Cebu: JRT Bldg. Imus Ave, Cebu City | Davao: 2nd Fl. MERCO Bldg. Rizal St. cor. Bolton St. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AND
Manila: CMFFI Bldg. R. Papa St. Sampaloc | Baguio: 4th Fl. De Guzman Bldg., Legarda Road SUBSTATION DESIGN
Website: Facebook: Excel Review Center Cellphones: Smart: 0919 822 5048 Globe: 09173284664